Effect of Multi-Frequency Beam Alignment On Non-Line-of-Site Vehicle To Infrastructure Communication Using CI Model (CI-NLOS-V2I)
Effect of Multi-Frequency Beam Alignment On Non-Line-of-Site Vehicle To Infrastructure Communication Using CI Model (CI-NLOS-V2I)
Effect of Multi-Frequency Beam Alignment On Non-Line-of-Site Vehicle To Infrastructure Communication Using CI Model (CI-NLOS-V2I)
Abstract—Investigation of the effect of beam alignment for Autonomous and connected vehicles and their driving
milimeter wave (mmWave) transmission in the case of Vehicle- technologies are important research topics in the automotive
to-Infrastructure communication (V2I) is carried out. The world. The vehicle technologies available at present are only a
investigation covered varying transmission-reception (TX-RX) small sample of what to expect for the future. Technologies
distances. The effect of carrier frequency variation using based on driver assistance are under development and directed
different antenna angles and gains is also analyzed. The results towards autonomous vehicles (AS) and connected vehicles
showed convergence of path loss (PL) values regardless of angle (CV) [5-6].
or antenna gain (dBi). The investigation also proved that shadow
fading (SF), which is related to standard deviation (σ) and Connected vehicles are vehicles that employ various
exponent number (n) is a main contributor to the observed high communication techniques to interface with the driver, other
path loss values in the case of misalignment. It is also noted that vehicles, roadside, and the Cloud. Theses interfaces can be
the path loss values decreases as a function of frequency per used to improve vehicle safety, efficiency and commuting
same travelled distance, which is related to the exponent number. times. In general, vehicle communication comprises
This work highlights the importance of antenna alignment and exchanging of information from a vehicle to any entity that
that V2I communication can be very much optimized if and when may contribute to the functionality of the vehicle. They provide
auto-antenna alignment is used, and the importance of multi- critical information to a driver or a vehicle in order to assist
antenna arrays. taking better actions. Connected vehicles principles of
operation does not involve the vehicle making any decisions on
Keywords—Intelligent transportation systems; autonomous
behalf of the driver, contrary to Autonomous Vehicles.
vehicles; connected vehicles; mmWave; channel model; path loss;
CI Model; NLOS; V2I; V2V Many autonomous vehicles currently in development are
based on a sensory processing systems, communicating
I. INTRODUCTION through an On Board Units (OBUs). The provision of sensors
Connected and autonomous vehicles will play a pivotal role and wireless communication devices in an increasing number
intelligent transportation systems in smart cities and will to a of vehicles is aimed at exchanging data with the vehicles,
large extent depend on connectivity and communications providing information to the vehicles and drivers, and
between vehicles, hence high speed communicating nodes with collecting critical information about the vehicles activities.
low latency wireless links are critical for the success of
applying the concept of smart cities. Connectivity among II. BACKGROUND
vehicles is of prime importance, as it contributes greatly to The exponential increase of vehicles with OBUs could
enhance roads safety, reduce environmental effects and provide cause an overload on the cellular network, hence, a degradation
higher level of living. Such objectives can only be achieved of the quality of service (QoS). For vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V)
through provision of smart sensors with ability to transmit and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications, particular
signals directly or through the cloud at high bit rates. attention is given to the wireless access in vehicular
Mobile communications employing Millimeter wave environments [7-8].
(mmWave) is seen as a promising frequency band for the Thus, the need for higher capacity in mobile
mobile, vehicular wireless networking as it is expected to have communications is on the increase. The 5G wireless standard is
large spectrum. It is foreseen that it will have excellent trying to resolve bandwidth critical issues, such as bottleneck
potential in reaching extremely high data rates, which will by including extra features like ubiquitous connectivity,
exceed by far traditional cellular systems operating at sub-6 significantly lower latency, and ultra-high-speed data transfers.
GHz bands [1-4].
To achieve these objects, a more efficient use of the
Recently, a great interest in the design and development of spectrum is required over the employed wireless
vehicles capable of driving autonomously is realized and communication frequency, thus leading to the concept of
supported by research institutes and industrial organization. millimeter-wave (mmWave) [9-11].
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In order to work with mmWave, a detailed knowledge of For V2I communication, it is concluded from previous
the communication channel and propagation path studies that CI model is more fitted to describe such
characteristics is essential, in order to provide the required communication pattern due to its fewer variables that need to
reliable service. New challenges are faced working with very be controlled and the very good results it produces with high
high frequencies, such as range, shadowing, fading and more reliability. CI model (dB), is given by the expression in
importantly mobility and directional communication. equation (1).
Recently, a marked progress is achieved in employing the d
PL ( f , d ) = FSPL( f , d 0 ) + 10n log10
d + χσ .
mmWave in automotive applications, specifically in Vehicle- 0 (1)
to-Everything (V2X) channel propagation application and
transmission modeling comprising Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) Where;
and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communications. Such
communication technology is crucial for intelligent PL: Path loss, which is a function of Transmitter-Receiver
transportation of the future that includes autonomous vehicles separation distance (d)in meters between TX and RX over a
by transcending the current wireless communications frequency range in GHz and measured in (dB)
limitations, thus enabling big data exchange for a V2X
communication with internet of things (IoT) interface to the f: Carrier frequency (GHz)
FSPL: Free Space Path Loss (dB)
The notable rise in demands for increased mobile data rates
and distributed data access have led to a choice of alternative n: Path loss Exponent (PLE)
frequency bands with a fresh spectrum allocations using the d 0 : Close-in free space reference distance (m)
millimeter wave (mmWave) frequency bands, which is a factor
in supporting the 5th generation (5G) wireless communication. χ σ : Shadow fading which is zero-mean Gaussian random
Non-Line-of-Sight (NLOS) work covering the range from variable with a standard deviation σ measured in (dB)
above 6GHz and up to 100 GHz is carried out over the past few
years in relation to urban microcells (UMi) and urban FSPL (dB) in equation (1) is given by the free space path
macrocells (UMa) with directional and omnidirectional setups. loss in dB at a distance d 0 given by Friis' free space in equation
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) will be able to
4 π f d 0 x109
connect vehicles and infrastructure at Gbps rate. ITS will FSPL( f , d 0 ) = 20 log10
depend on vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications to c (2)
share information among vehicles. However, mmWave
communication suffers from beam alignment problems due to Where;
dynamic vehicle traffic, which causes regular beam c: Speed of light
misalignment which tends to degrade performance and
contributes to routing problems. To show the contribution of the carrier frequency, equation
(2) can be re-written as shown in equation (3).
In this paper, an investigation into the effect of beam
alignment for V2I communication at various GHz frequencies 4 π d 0 x10 9
FSPL ( f , d 0 ) = 20 log 10
. + 20 log 10 ( f
is carried out. The frequency range used in this work covers 4 c (3)
GHz to 100 GHz range. Such spectrum is used in order to
observe signal behavior change that covers all frequencies of Equation (3), can be further simplified to produce equation
interest in both V2I and V2V communication. A mathematical (4).
and parametric model is proposed to be used with the already
established CI model [12-16]. FSPL ( f , d 0 ) = 32.4 + 20 log10 ( f ) (4)
III. THE CI PATHLOSS MODEL Combining equations (1) and (4) yields equation (5):
Different models developed that account for path loss PL ( f , d ) = 32.4 + 10n log 10
d + 20 log 10 ( f ) + χ σ
namely; 0 (5)
1) Alpha-Beta-Gamma (ABG). The CI model provide a close-in free space reference for
2) Close-in free space reference distance with frequency the path loss model to have reliable functionality of transmitted
weighting (CIF). power in relation to covered distance. Also, consideration in
3) Close-in (CI). the CI model is made to cover the main usage of the
communication channels to be in the far field between 1 m and
All developed models are appropriate in certain
the Fraunhofer distance, due to the locations where the base
environments. Thus it is very important to understand that a
station (BS) antennas will be mounted. (CI) reference distance
selected model can be used in a new application whilst
model has better accuracy, stability as compared with other
continue to possess stability, reliability, efficiency, and
models [17-20].
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The close-in free space reference distance (CI) path loss V. RESULTS
model has a solid basis, and is simultaneously applicable for
frequencies both below and above 6 GHz which is of interest to Table I presents the two components forming path loss
many applications as a step into the core of the mmWave (PL) due to free space (FSPL) over a frequency range 4 GHz to
environment. In addition, the CI path loss model demonstrates 100 GHz, while Fig. 1 shows its characteristics.
optimum parameter stability and forecasting accuracy for Table II presents path loss values for two beam aligned
probable use over distances different to the original situations at two different angles. The table presents two
measurement range. It is favorable among other models to be selected cases with the rest follow similar pattern.
used in urban microcell (UMi), urban macrocell (Uma), indoor
hotspot (InH) among others compared to other path loss TABLE I. PATH LOSS DUE TO FREE SPACE
models with recent adoption in rural microcell (RMi) and
macrocell (RMa) environments. Frequency (f) GHz FSPL (dB) Frequency Contribution (dB)
4 44.48 12.08
8 50.50 18.10
The main objective of this work is to study the application
12 54.03 21.63
of the CI model on mmWaves over a frequency range 4 GHz-
100 GHz for V2I communication and the contribution of the 16 56.52 24.12
following parameters through the use of data obtained at 20 58.46 26.06
different angles: θ new = θ old + ∆θ :
24 60.05 27.65
1) Effect of beam alignment between TX-RX. 28 61.38 28.98
2) Effect of Distance. 32 62.54 30.14
3) Effect of Carrier Frequency. 36 63.57 31.17
The approach followed in this work is based on firstly 40 64.48 32.08
showing that when two different angled beams are aligned with
44 65.31 32.91
their perspective transmitters through auto tracking, then their
corresponding path loss values are the same or extremely close. 48 66.07 33.67
3. Effect of Frequency: β = 20 log10 ( f ) 40.00
This will be proved through the obtained results and during 20.00
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12 125.7 131.1 125.5 130.9 118.0
200 m 300 m
16 125.3 130.6 125.2 130.4 TX-RX Diatance (m)
By analyzing the contents of Table II and Fig. 2 and 3, the This indicates that when the beams are not aligned, the two
following is observed: factors that could contribute to higher and different path loss
values for equal frequency, distance, and FSPL, are (χ σ ) and
1) When the beams are aligned, path loss values are lower exponent (n).
than when they are not aligned. These findings point towards a change in the standard
2) Path loss values increase with distance and affected deviation of the shadow fading, which can be expressed by
mainly by equation (6.2). firstly rearranging equation (7) to obtain equation (8).
3) Path loss values decreases as the carrier frequency
increases. This is due mainly to the exponent (n) affecting the PL ( f , d ) − (β (θ i ) + 32.4 ) − nα (θ i ) = χ σ (8)
shadow fading (SF). Assume that:
4) Path Loss values for different beams with aligned TX-
RX converge to almost same values. This can be explained by `
PL ( f , d ) − (β (θ i ) + 32.4 ) = ζ (θ i )
referring to equation (6).
Then equation (8) becomes:
ζ − nα (θ i ) = χ σ (θ i ) (9)
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Now the standard deviation can be defined as: Thus it can be stated with certainty that, when different
beams are aligned, they will suffer almost equal path loss under
(ζ − nα (θ i ))
( χ σ )2 similar conditions, regardless of angle or antenna gain (dBi).
σ (θ i ) = = (10)
So from equation (9):
dχ σ (θ1 )
=0 (11)
M: Number of data points obtained during communication. dχ σ (θ 2 )
Table III shows an infinitesimal but constant difference
between the presented path loss values corresponding to two From equation (10):
differently aligned beams with distance dependence and dσ (θ1 )
frequency independence. =0 (12)
dσ (θ 2 )
From these values, the following is deduced:
1) The presented difference values can be approximated Where;
to zero as their dB values are within the approximation and θ1 , θ 2 : Angles of two different antennas having beam
margin errors. alignment.
2) Since such values have constant difference irrespective
of carrier frequency, it shows that both aligned beams actually
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