Genie Z40 Manual de Servicio Abril 2016 PDF
Genie Z40 Manual de Servicio Abril 2016 PDF
Genie Z40 Manual de Servicio Abril 2016 PDF
Z-40/23N RJ
Intr oducti on Intr oducti on
Important Inform ati on
Revision History
Revision Date Section Procedure / Page / Description
A4 12/2014 Repair Procedures Added 2-4, Platform Overload Recovery
B 9/2015 Added ending serial break to front cover.
B1 3/2016 Repair Procedures Updated 1-1, How to Calibrate a Joystick
B1 3/2016 Repair Procedures Updated 9-1, How to Calibrate the Steer Angle Sensor
B1 3/2016 Fault Codes Updated Control System Fault Codes Chart
B1 3/2016 Schematics Updated Chassis Schematic - Beacon option, charger
B1 3/2016 Schematics Updated Hydraulic Schematic - Orifice size, Secondary
Boom circuit.
B1 3/2016 Specifications Updated Performance Specifications - Boom function
Reference Examples:
Section – Maintenance, B-3
Section – Repair Procedure, 4-2 Electronic Version
Click on any content or procedure in the Table of Contents to view
Section – Fault Codes, All charts the update.
Section – Schematics, Legends and schematics
Revision History
Revision Date Section Procedure / Page / Description
Reference Examples:
Section – Maintenance, B-3
Section – Repair Procedure, 4-2 Electronic Version
Click on any content or procedure in the Table of Contents to view
Section – Fault Codes, All charts the update.
Section – Schematics, Legends and schematics
1 Model
2 Model year
3 Sequence number
4 Serial number (stamped on chassis)
5 Serial label (located under cover)
Safety Rules
Gener al Safety R ules
Section 1 Safety R ules
Failure to obey the instructions and safety rules in
this manual and the appropriate Operator's Manual
on your machine will result in death or serious
Many of the hazards identified in the operator's
manual are also safety hazards when maintenance
and repair procedures are performed.
Safety Rules
Read each procedure thoroughly. This Be sure to keep sparks, flames and
manual and the decals on the machine, lighted tobacco away from flammable and
use signal words to identify the following: combustible materials like battery gases
and engine fuels. Always have an
Safety alert symbol—used to alert approved fire extinguisher within easy
personnel to potential personal reach.
injury hazards. Obey all safety
messages that follow this symbol Be sure that all tools and working areas
to avoid possible injury or death. are properly maintained and ready for
use. Keep work surfaces clean and free of
Indicates a imminently hazardous debris that could get into machine
situation which, if not avoided, will components and cause damage.
result in death or serious injury.
Be sure any forklift, overhead crane or
Indicates a potentially hazardous other lifting or supporting device is fully
situation which, if not avoided, capable of supporting and stabilizing the
could result in death or serious weight to be lifted. Use only chains or
injury. straps that are in good condition and of
ample capacity.
Indicates a potentially hazardous
situation which, if not avoided, Be sure that fasteners intended for one
may cause minor or moderate time use (i.e., cotter pins and self-locking
injury. nuts) are not reused. These components
may fail if they are used a second time.
Indicates a potentially hazardous
situation which, if not avoided, Be sure to properly dispose of old oil or
may result in property damage. other fluids. Use an approved container.
Please be environmentally safe.
Be sure to wear protective eye wear and
other protective clothing if the situation Be sure that your workshop or work area
warrants it. is properly ventilated and well lit.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Manifolds ............................................................................................................ 88
7-1 Function Manifold Components ..................................................................... 88
7-2 Valve Adjustments - Function Manifold ......................................................... 90
7-3 Jib Boom and Platform / Jib Boom Rotate Manifold Components ................ 94
7-4 Jib Boom and Platform / Jib Rotate Manifold Components ........................... 95
7-5 Valve Coils ..................................................................................................... 96
Table of Contents
Section 2 Specific ati ons
Machi ne Specific ations
Performanc e Specific ati ons
Hydraulic Specific ati on
Hydraulic C omponent Speci fications Manifold Com ponent Specific ati ons
Machi ne T orque Specifications
Hydraulic H ose and Fitting T orque Specific ations
Torque Pr ocedure
Illustration 2
1 body hex fitting
2 reference mark
3 second mark
SAE and M etric F asteners Tor que C harts
Machine Configuration:
Unless otherwise specified, perform each
procedure with the machine in the following
• Machine parked on a firm, level surface
• Key switch in the off position with the key
Observe and Obey: removed
Maintenance inspections shall be completed • The red Emergency Stop button in the off
by a person trained and qualified on the position at both the ground and platform
maintenance of this machine. controls
Scheduled maintenance inspections shall be • Wheels chocked
completed daily, quarterly, semi-annually,
• All external AC power supply disconnected
annually and every 2 years as specified of the
from the machine
Maintenance inspection Report. The frequency
and extent of periodic examinations and tests • Boom in the stowed position
may also depend on national regulations.
• Turntable secured with the turntable rotation
Failure to perform each lock
procedure as presented and
scheduled may cause death,
serious injury or substantial
Maintenance Schedule
The Scheduled Maintenance Procedures section
and the Maintenance Inspection Report have been
divided into subsections. Use the following chart to
determine which group(s) of procedures are
required to perform a scheduled inspection.
Inspection Checklist
Daily or every 8 hours A
Quarterly or every 250 hours A+B
Semi-annually or every 500 hours A+B+C
Annually or every 1000 hours A+B+C+D
Two-year or every 2000 hours A+B+C+D+E
Fundamentals Instructions
It is the responsibility of the owner or dealer to Use the operator’s manual on your machine.
perform the Pre-delivery Preparation.
The Pre-delivery Preparation consists of
The Pre-delivery Preparation is performed prior to completing the Pre-operation Inspection, the
each delivery. The inspection is designed to Maintenance items and the Function Tests.
discover if anything is apparently wrong with a
machine before it is put into service. Use this form to record the results. Place a check in
the appropriate box after each part is completed.
A damaged or modified machine must never be Follow the instructions in the operator’s manual.
used. If damage or any variation from factory
delivered condition is discovered, the machine If any inspection receives an N, remove the
must be tagged and removed from service. machine from service, repair and re-inspect it. After
repair, place a check in the R box.
Repairs to the machine may only be made by a
qualified service technician, according to the Legend
manufacturer's specifications. Y = yes, acceptable
N = no, remove from service
Scheduled maintenance inspections shall be R = repaired
performed by qualified service technicians, Comments
according to the manufacturer's specifications and
the requirements listed in the responsibilities
Pre-delivery Preparation Y N R
Pre-operation inspection completed
Maintenance items completed
Function tests completed
Serial number
Machine owner
Inspected by (print)
Inspector signature
Inspector title
Inspector company
April 2016 Service Manual
Y = yes, acceptable
N = no, remove from service
R = repaired
Checklist A Procedures
Checklist A Pr ocedur es
A-1 Ins pect the M anuals and D ec als
Checklist A Procedures
A-2 Per form Pre- operation Ins pection A-3 Per form F uncti on Tes ts
A-2 A-3
Perform Pre-operation Inspection Perform Function Tests
Genie specifications require that this procedure be Genie specifications require that this procedure be
performed every 8 hours or daily, whichever comes performed every 8 hours or daily, whichever comes
first. first.
Completing a Pre-operation Inspection is essential Completing the function tests is essential to safe
to safe machine operation. The Pre-operation machine operation. Function tests are designed to
Inspection is a visual inspection performed by the discover any malfunctions before the machine is
operator prior to each work shift. The inspection is put into service. A malfunctioning machine must
designed to discover if anything is apparently never be used. If malfunctions are discovered, the
wrong with a machine before the operator performs machine must be tagged and removed from
the function tests. The Pre-operation Inspection service.
also serves to determine if routine maintenance
procedures are required. Complete information to perform this procedure is
available in the appropriate operator's manual.
Complete information to perform this procedure is Refer to the Operator's Manual on your machine.
available in the appropriate operator's manual.
Refer to the Operator's Manual on your machine.
Checklist A Procedures
A-4 Per form 30 Day Servic e A-5 Greas e the T urntable R otati on Beari ng and Worm Driv e Gear
A-4 A-5
Perform 30-Day Service Grease the Turntable Rotation
Bearing and Worm Drive Gear
• B-4 Check the Drive Hub Mounting 2 Locate the grease fitting for the turntable
Bolts rotate bearing.
• D-2 Check the Turntable Rotation 3 Pump grease into the turntable rotation
Bearing Bolts bearing. Rotate the turntable in increments of
4 to 5 inches / 10 to 13 cm at a time and
• D-3 Check the Axle Mounting Bolts repeat this step until the entire bearing has
been greased.
• D-4 Check the Platform Rotation
Mounting Bolts 4 Apply grease to each tooth of the drive gear,
located under the turntable.
• D-7 Replace the Hydraulic Filters
Grease Specification
Chevron Ultra-duty grease, EP NLGI 1 (lithium based)
or equivalent
Checklist B Procedures
Checklist B Pr ocedur es
B-1 Ins pect the Battery
Checklist B Procedures
B-2 Ins pect the Electrical Wiring
Checklist B Procedures
4 Remove the drive chassis cover from the 14 Install the center turntable cover.
nonsteer end of the machine.
15 Lower the boom to the stowed position and
5 Inspect the following areas for burnt, chafed, turn the machine off.
corroded, pinched and loose wires:
16 Inspect the following areas for burnt, chafed,
• Drive motors corroded, pinched and loose wires:
• Motor controllers • Cable track on the primary, jib and
secondary booms
• Electrical contactor
• Jib boom to platform cable harness
6 Inspect for a lite, even coating of dielectric
grease in the following locations: • Inside of the platform control box
• Motor controller wire harness connectors 17 Inspect for a lite, even coating of dielectric
grease in the following locations:
Note: Do not apply excessive amounts of dielectric
grease to harness connectors, pins or sockets. • All wire harness connectors to the platform
control box
7 Remove the drive chassis cover from the steer
end of the machine. • All wire harness connectors to the platform
control module (PCON) (located inside of
8 Remove the cover from the fuse box located the platform control box)
above the steer axle.
Note: Do not apply excessive amounts of dielectric
9 Inspect the following areas for burnt, chafed, grease to harness connectors, pins or sockets.
corroded, pinched and loose wires:
• Fuses
• Steer sensor and harness
10 Install the fuse box cover and both drive
chassis covers.
11 Raise the secondary boom until the mid-pivot
is approximately 10 feet / 3 m off the ground.
12 Remove the center turntable cover.
13 Inspect the following areas for burnt, chafed
and pinched cables:
• Turntable area
• Auxiliary power unit
Checklist B Procedures
B-3 Ins pect the Tir es, Wheels and Lug N ut T orque B-4 C onfirm the Pr oper Brak e C onfigurati on
B-3 B-4
Inspect the Tires, Wheels and Check the Drive Hub Mounting
Lug Nut Torque Bolts
Genie specifications require that this procedure be Genie specifications require that this procedure be
performed every 250 hours or quarterly, whichever performed every 250 hours or quarterly, whichever
comes first. comes first.
Maintaining the tires and wheels, including proper Maintaining proper torque of the drive hub
wheel fastener torque, is essential to safe mounting bolts is essential to safe machine
operation and good performance. Tire and/or operation. Improper bolt torque could result in an
wheel failure could result in a machine tip-over. unsafe operating condition and component
Component damage may also result if problems damage.
are not discovered and repaired in a timely fashion.
1 Remove the axle covers from the non-steer
Bodily injury hazard. An axle.
over-inflated tire can explode 2 Check the torque of the drive hub bolts. Refer
and could cause death or serious to Specifications, Machine Specifications.
Checklist B Procedures
3 If necessary, remove the top plug and add oil
B-5 C heck the Oil Lev el in the Drive H ubs
B-5 until the oil level is even with the bottom of the
Check the Drive Hub Oil Level side plug hole.
and Fastener Torque 4 Install the plug(s) into the drive hub.
5 Check the torque of the drive hub mounting
bolts. Refer to Specifications, Machine
Genie specifications require that this procedure be
performed every 250 hours or quarterly, whichever 6 Repeat this procedure for each drive hub.
comes first.
Failure to maintain proper drive hub oil levels may
cause the machine to perform poorly and continued
use may cause component damage.
1 Drive the machine to rotate the hub until the
plugs are located one on top and the other at
90 degrees.
Checklist B Procedures
B-6 T est the Gr ound Contr ol Override B-7 T est the Pl atform Self-l eveli ng
B-6 B-7
Test the Ground Control Override Test the Platform Self-leveling
Genie specifications require that this procedure be
performed every 250 hours or quarterly, whichever
comes first.
Note: Genie specifications require that this
A properly functioning ground control override is procedure be performed every 250 hours or
essential to safe machine operation. The ground quarterly, whichever comes first.
control override function is intended to allow
Automatic platform self-leveling throughout the full
ground personnel to operate the machine from the
cycle of boom raising and lowering is essential for
ground controls whether or not the Emergency
safe machine operation. The platform is maintained
Stop button on the platform controls is in the on or
level by the platform leveling slave cylinder which is
off position. This function is particularly useful if the
controlled by the platform leveling master cylinder
operator at the platform controls cannot return the
located at the base of the primary boom. A platform
boom to the stowed position.
self-leveling failure creates an unsafe working
1 Push in the red Emergency Stop button at the condition for platform and ground personnel.
platform controls to the off position.
1 Turn the key switch to ground controls and pull
2 Turn the key switch to ground controls and pull out the red Emergency Stop button to the 'ON'
out the red Emergency Stop button to the 'ON' position at both the ground and platform
position. controls.
3 Operate each boom function through a partial 2 Lower the boom to the stowed position.
cycle at the ground controls.
3 Hold the function enable toggle switch to
Result: All boom functions should operate. either side and adjust the platform to a level
position using the platform level toggle switch.
4 Raise and lower the primary boom through a
full cycle.
Result: The platform should remain level at all
times to within ±5 degrees.
Checklist B Procedures
B-8 T est the Drive Brakes B-9 T est the Drive Speed - Stow ed Posi tion
B-8 B-9
Test the Drive Brakes Test the Drive Speed – Stowed
Checklist B Procedures
B-10 T est the Driv e Speed - Rais ed or Ex tended Posi tion
Proper drive function is essential to safe machine 8 Continue at full speed and note the time when
operation. The drive function should respond the machine reference point crosses the finish
quickly and smoothly to operator control. Drive line. Refer to Specifications, Performance
performance should also be free of hesitation, Specifications.
jerking and unusual noise over the entire
proportionally controlled speed range.
Note: Select a test area that is firm, level and free
of obstructions.
1 Create start and finish lines by marking two
lines on the ground 40 feet / 12.2 m apart.
2 Choose a point on the machine (i.e., contact
patch of a tire) as a visual reference for use
when crossing the start and finish lines.
3 Bring the machine to top drive speed before
reaching the start line. Begin timing when your
reference point on the machine crosses the
start line.
4 Continue at full speed and note the time when
the machine reference point crosses the finish
line. Refer to Specifications, Performance
Checklist B Procedures
B-11 T est the Alarm Pack age (if equi pped) B-12 Ins pec t the Elec trical C ontac tor
B-11 B-12
Test the Alarm Package (if Inspect the Electrical Contactor
Genie specifications require that this procedure be
performed every 250 hours or quarterly, whichever Genie requires that this procedure be performed
comes first. every 250 hours or quarterly, whichever comes
The alarm package includes:
Maintaining the electrical contactor in good
• Travel alarm condition is essential to safe machine performance.
• Descent alarm Failure to locate a worn or damaged contactor
could result in unsafe operating conditions and may
• Flashing beacon cause component damage.
Alarms and a beacon are installed to alert 1 Remove the drive chassis cover from the
operators and ground personnel of machine non-steer end of the machine and locate the
proximity and motion. The alarm package is electrical contactor mounted to the inside of
installed on the turntable covers. the non-steer axle.
1 Turn the key switch to ground control and pull 2 Locate the electrical contactor mounted on the
out the red Emergency Stop button to the 'ON' fuse bracket.
position at both the ground and platform
controls. 3 Visually inspect the contact points of the
contactor for the following items:
Result: The flashing beacon should be on and
flashing. • Excessive burns
2 Turn the key switch to platform control. • Excessive arcs
Result: The flashing beacon should be on and • Excessive pitting
Electrocution/burn hazard.
3 Press down the foot switch. Move the drive Contact with electrically charged
control handle off center, hold for a moment circuits could result in death or
and then release it. Move the drive control serious injury. Remove all rings,
handle off center in the opposite direction, watches and other jewelry.
hold for a moment and then release it.
Note: Replace the contactor if any damage is
Result: The travel alarm should sound when found.
the drive control handle is moved off center in
either direction.
Checklist B Procedures
B-13 Perform Hy draulic Oil Analysis B-14 T est the Emer gency Pow er Sy stem
Checklist B Procedures
Checklist C Procedures
Checklist C Pr ocedur es C-2 Test the Platform Ov erload Sy stem (if equipped)
C-1 Gr eas e the Platform Ov erload Mec hanism (if equipped)
C-1 C-2
Grease the Platform Overload Test the Platform Overload
Mechanism (if equipped) System (if equipped)
Genie specifications require that this procedure be Genie specifications require that this procedure be
performed every 500 hours or six months, performed every 500 hours or six months,
whichever comes first. whichever comes first OR when the machine fails
to lift the maximum rated load.
Perform this procedure more often if dusty
conditions exist. Testing the platform overload system regularly is
essential to safe machine operation. Continued use
Application of lubrication to the platform overload of an improperly operating platform overload
mechanism is essential to safe machine operation. system could result in the system not sensing an
Continued use of an improperly greased platform overloaded platform condition. Machine stability
overload mechanism could result in the system not could be compromised resulting in the machine
sensing an overloaded platform condition and will tipping over.
result in component damage.
The platform overload system is designed to detect
1 Locate the grease fittings on each pivot pin of an overloaded platform and prevent machine
the platform overload assembly. operation anytime the machine is turned on. When
2 Thoroughly pump grease into each grease activated, the system halts all normal boom
fitting. operation, giving visual and audible warning to the
Grease Specification
Models equipped with the platform overload option
Chevron Ultra-duty grease, EP NLGI 1 (lithium based) are provided with additional machine components:
or equivalent
an adjustable spring-loaded platform support
subassembly, a limit switch, an electronic module
which receives the overload signal and interrupts
power, and an audio/visual warning indication to
alert the operator of the overload.
Checklist C Procedures
The platform support subassembly utilizes two load 5 Carefully move the test weights to each
support arms that are opposed in a full remaining location on the platform. Refer to
parallelogram link. This isolates platform loads into Illustration 1.
a shear or vertical state, which translates into a
compressive load. A spring in the parallelogram Result: The platform overload indicator lights
link supports this purely compressive load should be off at both the ground and platform
regardless of where the load is placed in the controls and the alarm should not sound.
platform. Result: The platform overload indicator lights
are on and the alarm is sounding. Calibrate
As weight is added to the platform, the spring will
the platform overload system. Refer to Repair
compress until, when the platform is overloaded,
Procedure, How to Calibrate the Platform
the lower arm contacts a limit switch and thereby
Overload System (if equipped).
activating the overload signal. When adjusted
correctly, the platform overload system will
deactivate normal boom operation at platform
Note: Perform this procedure with the machine on
a firm, level surface.
1 Turn the key switch to platform control. Start
the engine and level the platform.
2 Determine the maximum platform capacity.
Refer to the machine serial plate. Illustration 1
3 Remove all weight, tools, accessories and 6 Using a suitable lifting device, place an
equipment from the platform. additional 10 lbs / 23 kg of weight onto the
Note: Failure to remove all weight, tools and
accessories from the platform will result in an Result: The alarm should sound. The platform
inaccurate test. overload indicator lights should be flashing at
both the ground and platform controls.
4 Using a suitable lifting device, place a test
weight equal to that of the available capacity in Result: The alarm does not sound and the
one of the locations shown. Refer to platform overload indicator lights are not
Illustration 1. flashing. Calibrate the platform overload
system. Refer to Repair Procedure, How to
Result: The platform overload indicator lights Calibrate the Platform Overload System (if
should be off at both the ground and platform equipped).
controls and the alarm should not sound.
Note: There may be a 2 second delay before the
Result: The platform overload indicator lights overload indicator lights flash and the alarm
are on and the alarm is sounding. Calibrate sounds.
the platform overload system. Refer to Repair
Procedure, How to Calibrate the Platform
Overload System (if equipped).
Checklist C Procedures
7 Carefully move the test weights to each 12 Using a suitable lifting device, remove all test
remaining location on the platform. Refer to weights from the platform.
Illustration 1.
Result: The alarm does not sound and the
Result: The platform overload indicator lights platform overload indicator lights are not
should be flashing at both the ground and flashing.
platform controls and the alarm should sound.
13 Test all machine functions from the ground
Result: The alarm does not sound and the controls.
platform overload indicator lights are not
Result: All ground control functions should
flashing. Calibrate the platform overload
operate normally.
system. Refer to Repair Procedure, How to
Calibrate the Platform Overload System (if 14 Turn the key switch to platform control.
15 Test all machine functions from the platform
Note: There may be a 2 second delay before the controls.
overload indicator lights flash and the alarm
sounds. Result: All platform control functions should
8 Test all machine functions from the platform Note: If the platform overload system is not
controls. operating properly, Refer to Repair Procedure 2-3,
Result: All platform control functions should How to Calibrate the Platform Overload System (if
not operate. equipped).
9 Turn the key switch to ground control. 16 Using a suitable lifting device, remove the
remaining test weights from the platform.
10 Test all machine functions from the ground
Result: All ground control functions should not
11 Using auxiliary power, test all machine
functions from the ground controls.
Result: All ground control functions should
operate normally.
Note: OVERLOAD RECOVERY will be displayed
at the platform control box LCD display.
Checklist D Procedures
Checklist D Pr ocedur es D-2 Check the Tur ntabl e R otation Beari ng Bolts
D-1 Check the Boom Wear Pads
D-1 D-2
Check the Boom Wear Pads Check the Turntable Rotation
Bearing Bolts
Checklist D Procedures
3 Confirm that each turntable mounting bolt is 7 Check to be sure that each bearing mounting
torqued in sequence to specification. Refer to bolt under the drive chassis is torqued in
Specifications, Machine Torque sequence to specification. Refer to
Specifications. Specifications, Machine Torque
Checklist D Procedures
D-3 Check the Axl e M ounti ng Bolts D-4 Check the Pl atform R otation M ounti ng Bolts
D-3 D-4
Check the Axle Mounting Bolts Check the Platform Rotation
Mounting Bolts
2 Locate the eight axle mounting bolts on each 1 Check the torque of the fasteners at the
axle. Torque the bolts to specification. Refer to platform rotator. Refer to Specifications,
Specifications, Machine Torque Machine Torque Specifications.
2 Z-40/23N RJ: Check the torque of the
fasteners at the jib boom rotator. Refer to
Specifications, Machine Torque
Checklist D Procedures
D-5 Check the Free-wheel Confi gur ation
Checklist D Procedures
D-6 Repl ace the Drive H ub Oil D-7 Repl ace the High Press ure Hydr aulic Filter El ement
D-6 D-7
Replace the Drive Hub Oil Replace the High Pressure
Hydraulic Filter Element
2 Remove both plugs and drain the oil. The high pressure hydraulic filter is equipped with a
sensor that will detect a clogged filter. If the filter
3 Drive the machine to rotate the hub until one becomes clogged, a warning or fault message will
of the plugs is located on top and the other be shown on the LCD display screen at the
one is at 90 degrees. platform controls. The sensor and its
accompanying fault should not be used as an
indication of when to perform machine
Checklist D Procedures
D-8 Inspec t for T urntable Beari ng W ear
Checklist D Procedures
4 Place a dial indicator between the drive 7 Note the reading on the dial indicator.
chassis and the turntable at a point that is
Result: The measurement is less than
directly under, or inline with, the boom and no
0.055 inch / 1.4 mm. The bearing is good.
more than 1 inch / 2.5 cm from the bearing.
Result: The measurement is more than
Note: To obtain an accurate measurement, place
0.055 inch / 1.4 mm. The bearing is worn and
the dial indicator no more than 1 inch / 2.5 cm from
needs to be replaced.
the turntable rotation bearing.
8 Fully retract the primary boom. Raise the
primary and secondary booms to full height.
Visually inspect the dial indicator to be sure
the needle returns to the "zero" position.
Checklist E Procedures
Checklist E Pro ced ures
E-1 T est or Replac e the Hy dr aulic Oil
Checklist E Procedures
7 Remove the turntable cover using a suitable 12 Attach an overhead crane or similar lifting
lifting device. device to the battery box for the auxiliary
power unit batteries.
Crushing hazard. The turntable
cover may become unbalanced 13 Remove the battery box retaining fasteners
and fall if not properly supported and carefully remove the battery box from the
and secured to a suitable lifting machine.
Crushing hazard. The battery
8 Remove the ground control box mounting box could become unbalanced
and fall when removed from the
fasteners. Move the ground control box out of
the way. machine if not properly
9 Remove the cover from the auxiliary power
unit batteries. Bodily injury hazard. Batteries
10 Tag and disconnect the cables from the contain acid. Avoid spilling or
auxiliary power unit batteries. contacting battery acid.
Neutralize battery acid spills with
Electrocution/burn hazard. baking soda and water.
Contact with electrically charged
circuits could result in death or 14 Remove the hydraulic tank retaining fasteners.
serious injury. Remove all rings,
15 Support the hydraulic tank with 2 lifting straps.
watches and other jewelry.
Place one lifting strap at each end of the tank
and attach the lifting straps to an appropriate
11 Tag and disconnect the cables from the
lifting device.
engine starting battery located on the engine
side of the machine. 16 Remove the hydraulic tank from the machine.
Electrocution/burn hazard. Crushing hazard. The hydraulic
Contact with electrically charged tank could become unbalanced
circuits could result in death or and fall if not properly supported
serious injury. Remove all rings, when removed from the
watches and other jewelry. machine.
Checklist E Procedures
E-2 Greas e the Steer Axle Wheel Beari ngs
Checklist E Procedures
6 Remove the dust cap from the hub. Remove 14 Pack both bearings with clean, fresh grease.
the cotter pin from the castle nut.
15 Place the large inner bearing into the rear of
7 Tighten the castle nut to 158 ft-lbs / 214 Nm to the hub.
seat the bearings.
16 Install a new bearing grease seal into the hub
Note: Rotate the hub by hand while torquing the by pressing it evenly into the hub until it is
castle nut to make sure the bearings seat properly. flush.
8 Loosen the castle nut one full turn and then 17 Slide the hub onto the yoke spindle.
re-tighten to 35 ft-lbs / 47 Nm.
Component damage hazard. Do
9 Check for wheel bearing wear by attempting to not apply excessive force or
move the wheel hub side to side, then up and damage to the lip of the seal may
down. occur.
Result: If there is no side to side or up and
18 Fill the hub cavity with clean, fresh grease.
down movement, continue with step 11 and
grease the wheel bearings. 19 Place the outer bearing into the hub.
Result: If there is side to side or up and down 20 Install the washer and castle nut.
movement, continue to step 11 and replace
21 Tighten the slotted nut to 158 ft-lbs / 214 Nm
the wheel bearings with new ones.
to seat the bearings.
Note: When replacing a wheel bearing, both the
22 Loosen the castle nut and re-tighten to
inner and outer bearings, including the pressed-in
35 ft-lbs / 47 Nm.
races, must be replaced.
23 Install a new cotter pin. Bend the cotter pin to
10 Remove the dust cap from the hub. Remove lock it in.
the cotter pin from the castle nut.
Note: Always use a new cotter pin when installing a
11 Remove the castle nut. castle nut.
12 Pull the hub off of the spindle. The washer and
24 Install the dust cap, then the tire and wheel
outer bearing should fall loose from the hub.
assembly. Torque the wheel lug nuts to
13 Place the hub on a flat surface and gently pry specification. Refer to Specifications, Machine
the bearing seal out of the hub. Remove the Specifications.
rear bearing.
Repair Procedures
Section 4 Repair Pr oc edures
Intr oducti on
Machine Configuration:
Unless otherwise specified, perform each
repair procedure with the machine in the
following configuration:
• Machine parked on a firm, level surface
• Key switch in the off position with the key
Observe and Obey: removed
Repair procedures shall be completed by a • The red Emergency Stop button in the off
person trained and qualified on the repair of position at both the ground and platform
this machine. controls
Immediately tag and remove from service a • Wheels chocked
damaged or malfunctioning machine.
• All external AC power supply disconnected
Repair any machine damage or malfunction from the machine
before operating the machine.
• Boom in the stowed position
• Turntable secured with the turntable rotation
Before Repairs Start: lock
Read, understand and obey the safety rules
and operating instructions in the appropriate
operator's manual on your machine.
Be sure that all necessary tools and parts are
available and ready for use.
Use only Genie approved replacement parts.
Read each procedure completely and adhere
to the instructions. Attempting shortcuts may
produce hazardous conditions.
Repair Procedures
Symbols Legend
Safety alert symbol—used to alert
personnel to potential personal
injury hazards. Obey all safety
messages that follow this symbol
to avoid possible injury or death.
Platform Controls
Platform Contro ls
1-1 Joys ticks
Platform Controls
How to Adj ust the Joystick Thr eshol d Setting
6 Momentarily activate the steer rocker switch in Result: The alarm should sound indicating the
the right direction until SETTINGS is shown on setting has been saved. To exit programming
the display. mode:
7 Momentarily activate the drive enable toggle 12 Move and hold the drive enable toggle switch
switch in the right direction until VALVE AND in the left direction until the display screen
PUMP SETTINGS is shown on the display. returns to SYSTEM READY.
Platform Controls
How to Adj ust the Maxim um Speed Setti ng
How to Adjust the Maximum 5 When the display leaves SYSTEM READY
mode, release the drive enable toggle switch
Speed Setting and the steer rocker switch.
The maximum speed setting of a joystick and Result: The display will show FAULTS.
toggle switch controls the maximum speed of a
machine function. Whenever a hydraulic cylinder, 6 Momentarily activate the steer rocker switch in
drive motor or hydraulic pump is replaced, the the right direction until SETTINGS is shown on
maximum speed setting should be adjusted to the display.
maintain optimum performance. The maximum 7 Momentarily activate the drive enable toggle
speed settings can be changed to compensate for
switch in the right direction until VALVE AND
hydraulic pump wear and to maintain peak
PUMP SETTINGS is shown on the display.
performance from the machine.
8 Momentarily activate the drive enable toggle
Note: There are two types of max speed settings. switch in the right direction until THRESHOLD
is shown on the display.
High flow functions: Primary up / down,
secondary up / down and extend / retract. 9 Momentarily activate the steer rocker switch in
the right direction until VALVE MAXIMUM
Low flow functions: Platform rotate, jib rotate, jib CURRENT is shown on the display.
up / down and turntable rotate.
10 Momentarily activate the drive enable toggle
Note: Begin this procedure with the rotary speed switch in the right direction to enter VALVE
control at the platform turned fully in the clockwise MAXIMUM CURRENT calibration mode.
High flow functions:
1 Turn the key switch to platform control.
11 Momentarily activate one of the high flow
2 Pull out the red Emergency Stop button to the functions full stroke.
'ON' position at both the ground and platform
controls. Result: The display will show the function,
direction and milliamps.
3 Do not press down the foot switch.
12 Press down on the foot switch and activate the
4 Move and hold the drive enable toggle switch same function in the same direction again.
in the right direction while holding the steer
rocker switch in the right direction. Result: Alarm sounds, continue to step 15.
Result: Alarm does not sound, continue to
step 13.
Platform Controls
14 Press down on the foot switch and activate the Result: The display will show the function,
same function in the same direction. Repeat direction and milliamps.
step 13 until the alarm sounds while function is 20 Start a timer, press down on the foot switch
in motion. Then release the foot switch and and activate the same function in the same
momentarily activate the steer rocker switch in direction again.. Record the time it takes for
the right direction 3 times. Continue to step 17. that function to complete a full cycle; i.e., jib
15 Release the footswitch. Momentarily activate up.
the steer rocker in the right direction to 21 Compare the machine function time with the
increase the value shown on the display in function times listed. Refer to Specifications,
small increments. Continue to step 16. Performance Specifications. Determine
16 Press down on the foot switch and activate the whether the function time needs to increase or
same function in the same direction. Repeat decrease.
step 15 until the alarm no longer sounds while 22 To adjust a function speed, release the foot
function is in motion. Then momentarily switch. Momentarily move the steer rocker
activate the steer rocker switch in the right switch in the right direction to increase or
direction 2 times. Continue to step 17. momentarily in the left direction to decrease.
17 Momentarily activate the drive enable toggle Note: Each time the steer rocker switch is
switch in the right direction to save the new momentarily pressed, the time will change in 5mA
setting. to 10mA increments.
Result: The alarm should sound indicating the 23 When function times have been achieved,
setting has been saved. activate the drive enable toggle switch to the
18 Repeat steps 11 through 17 as needed for right to save your changes.
high flow functions. Result: The alarm should sound indicating the
setting has been saved.
24 Repeat steps 19 through 23 as needed for low
flow functions.
To exit programming mode:
25 Move and hold the drive enable toggle switch
in the left direction until the display screen
returns to SYSTEM READY.
Platform Controls
How to Adj ust the Functi on R amp U p Tim e Setti ng
How to Adjust the Function Ramp 9 Momentarily activate the steer rocker switch in
the right direction until RAMP UP TIME is
Up Time Setting shown on the display.
The ramp up time setting of a function controls the 10 Momentarily activate the drive enable toggle
time at which it takes for the function to reach switch in the right direction to enter RAMP UP
maximum output, when moved out of the neutral TIME calibration mode.
position. The ramp up time of a function can be
changed to compensate for hydraulic pump wear to 11 Press down on the foot switch and
maintain peak performance from the machine. momentarily activate the function to be
Note: Begin this procedure with the rotary speed
control at the platform turned fully in the clockwise Result: The display will show the function,
direction. direction and milliamps.
12 Press down on the foot switch, start a timer
1 Turn the key switch to platform control.
and activate the same function in the same
2 Pull out the red Emergency Stop button to the direction.
'ON' position at both the ground and platform
Note how long it takes the function to reach
maximum speed. This is the ramp up time.
3 Do not press down on the foot switch.
13 Compare the function ramp up time with the
4 Move and hold the drive enable toggle switch table on the next page and determine whether
in the right direction while holding the steer the ramp up time needs to increase or
rocker switch in the right direction. decrease.
5 When the display leaves SYSTEM READY
mode, release the drive enable toggle switch
and the steer rocker switch.
Result: The display will show FAULTS.
6 Momentarily activate the steer rocker switch in
the right direction until SETTINGS is shown on
the display.
7 Momentarily activate the drive enable toggle
switch in the right direction until VALVE AND
PUMP SETTINGS is shown on the display.
8 Momentarily activate the drive enable toggle
switch in the right direction until THRESHOLD
is shown on the display.
Platform Controls
14 To adjust the ramp up time setting, release the To exit programming mode:
foot switch. Momentarily move the steer
rocker switch in the right direction to increase 17 Move and hold the drive enable toggle switch
or momentarily in the left direction to in the left direction until the display screen
decrease. returns to SYSTEM READY.
Note: Each time the steer rocker switch is Ramp rate (factory settings)
momentarily pressed, the time will change in Primary boom up/down 1 second
0.1 second increments.
Secondary boom up/down
Note: Changing the ramp up time setting in one accelerate 1 second
direction will also change the opposite direction. Turntable rotate
15 When ramp time has been achieved, activate accelerate 1 second
the drive enable toggle switch to the right to Extend/Retract
save your changes.
accelerate 0.5 second
Result: The alarm should sound indicating the Jib up/down
setting has been saved.
accelerate 2.5 seconds
16 Repeat steps 11 through 13 for each machine Platform Rotate
accelerate 2 seconds
Jib rotate (if equipped)
accelerate 2 seconds
Platform Controls
How to Adj ust the Functi on R amp D ow n Tim e Setting
How to Adjust the Function Ramp 9 Momentarily activate the steer rocker switch in
the right direction until RAMP DOWN TIME is
Down Time Setting shown on the display.
The ramp down time setting of a function controls 10 Momentarily activate the drive enable toggle
the time at which it takes for the function to come to switch in the right direction to enter RAMP
a complete stop, when returned to the neutral DOWN TIME calibration mode.
position. The ramp down time of a function can be
changed to compensate for hydraulic pump wear to 11 Press down on the foot switch and
maintain peak performance from the machine. momentarily activate the function to be
Note: Begin this procedure with the rotary speed
control at the platform turned fully in the clockwise Result: The display will show the function,
direction. direction and milliamps.
12 Press down on the foot switch, start a timer
1 Turn the key switch to platform control.
and activate the same function in the same
2 Pull out the red Emergency Stop button to the direction. Note how long it takes the function to
'ON' position at both the ground and platform reach maximum speed. This is the ramp down
controls. time.
3 Do not press down the foot switch. 13 Compare the function ramp down time with the
table on the next page and determine whether
4 Move and hold the drive enable toggle switch
the ramp down time needs to increase or
in the right direction while holding the steer
rocker switch in the right direction.
14 To adjust the ramp down time setting, release
5 When the display leaves SYSTEM READY
the foot switch. Momentarily move the steer
mode, release the drive enable toggle switch
rocker switch in the right direction to increase
and the steer rocker switch.
or momentarily in the left direction to
Result: The display will show FAULTS. decrease.
6 Momentarily activate the steer rocker switch in Note: Each time the steer rocker switch is
the right direction until SETTINGS is shown on momentarily pressed, the time will change in
the display. 0.1 second increments.
7 Momentarily activate the drive enable toggle Note: Changing the ramp down time setting in one
switch in the right direction until VALVE AND direction will also change the opposite direction.
PUMP SETTINGS is shown on the display.
8 Momentarily activate the drive enable toggle
switch in the right direction until THRESHOLD
is shown on the display.
Platform Controls
How to Adj ust the Max Speed Driv e Settings
15 When ramp time has been achieved, activate How to Adjust the Max Speed
the drive enable toggle switch to the right to
save your changes.
Drive Settings
Result: The alarm should sound indicating the Adjusting the max speed setting will only affect the
setting has been saved. stowed drive speed. Elevated drive speed is not
16 Repeat steps 11 through 13 for each machine
function. Note: Begin this procedure with the machine in the
stowed position.
To exit programming mode:
1 Turn the key switch to platform control.
17 Move and hold the drive enable toggle switch
in the left direction until the display screen 2 Pull out the red Emergency Stop button to the
returns to SYSTEM READY. 'ON' position at both the ground and platform
Ramp down time (factory settings)
3 Move and hold the drive enable toggle switch
Primary boom up/down in the right direction while holding the steer
decelerate 1.5 second rocker switch in the right direction.
Secondary boom up/down 4 When the display leaves SYSTEM READY
decelerate 0.65 second mode, release the drive enable toggle switch
Turntable rotate and the steer rocker switch.
decelerate 0.25 second Result: The display will show FAULTS.
Extend/Retract 5 Momentarily activate the steer rocker switch in
decelerate 0.5 seconds the right direction until SETTINGS is shown on
Jib up/down
the display.
decelerate 0.25 second 6 Momentarily activate the drive enable toggle
switch in the right direction until VALVE AND
Platform rotate
PUMP SETTINGS is shown on the display.
decelerate 0.15 second
7 Momentarily activate the steer rocker switch in
Jib rotate (if equipped)
the right direction until you see the
decelerate 0.25 seconds AUTHORIZATION screen.
8 Momentarily activate the drive enable toggle
switch in the right direction to enter the
authorization screen.
Platform Controls
9 Using the rocker switch on the drive joystick, 16 Bring the machine to maximum drive speed
momentarily activate steer left, left, right, and before reaching the start line. Begin timing
left. when your reference point on the machine
crosses the start line.
Result: The alarm will sound.
17 Continue at full speed and note the time when
10 Momentarily activate the steer rocker switch in
the machine reference point passes over the
the right direction until you see the DRIVE
finish line. Release the foot switch. Refer to
SETTINGS screen.
Specifications, Performance Specifications.
11 Momentarily activate the drive enable toggle
Result: The drive speed meets specification.
switch in the right direction to enter the DRIVE
Continue to step 19.
Result: The drive speed does not meet
Result: The display will show ACCEL RAMP.
specification. Continue to step 18 to adjust the
12 Momentarily activate the steer rocker switch in drive speed.
the right direction until you see the MAX
18 Momentarily move the steer rocker switch in
SPEED screen.
the right direction to increase or momentarily
13 Momentarily activate the drive enable toggle in the left direction to decrease. Repeat steps
switch in the right direction to enter the MAX 16 and 17.
SPEED menu.
Note: Adjusting this setting will affect the stowed
14 Create start and finish lines by marking two drive speed in forward and reverse.
lines on the ground 40 feet / 12.2 m apart.
19 Momentarily activate the drive enable toggle
15 Choose a point on the machine; i.e., contact switch to the right direction to save your
patch of a tire, as a visual reference for use changes.
when crossing the start and finish lines.
Result: The alarm should sound indicating the
setting has been saved.
To exit programming mode:
20 Move and hold the drive enable toggle switch
in the left direction until the display screen
returns to SYSTEM READY.
Platform Components
Platform Co mpon ents
2-1 Platform Lev eling Slav e Cyli nder
Platform Components
2-2 Platform Rotator
Platform Components
2-3 Platform Ov erload System
Platform Components
Platform Components
2-4 Platform Recov ery Overl oad
How to Bleed the Jib Boom 4 Move and hold the function enable switch to
either side and move and hold the jib boom
Rotator rotate toggle switch to the left for
Note: This procedure will require two people. approximately 5 seconds, then release it.
Repeat three times.
1 Turn the key switch to ground controls and pull
out the red Emergency Stop buttons to the on 5 Fully rotate the jib boom to the left and
position at both the ground and platform continue holding the jib boom rotate toggle
controls. switch until air stops coming out of the bleed
2 Connect a clear hose to the top bleed valve.
Place the other end of the hose in a container Crushing hazard. Keep hands
to collect any drainage. Open the top bleed and head clear of the jib boom
valve, but do not remove it. during rotation.
Note: Do not rest the entire weight of the boom on 7 Attach a lifting strap from an overhead crane
the blocks. to the lug on the rod end of the jib boom lift
2 Tag, disconnect and plug the jib boom lift
cylinder hydraulic hoses. Cap the fittings on 8 Use a soft metal drift to remove the jib boom
the cylinder. lift cylinder rod-end pin. Remove the jib boom
lift cylinder from the machine.
Bodily injury hazard. Spraying
hydraulic oil can penetrate and Crushing hazard. The jib boom
burn skin. Loosen hydraulic lift cylinder may become
connections very slowly to allow unbalanced and fall when it is
the oil pressure to dissipate removed from the machine if it is
gradually. Do not allow oil to not properly supported by the
squirt or spray. overhead crane.
11 Tag, disconnect and plug the jib 15 Place blocks between the cable track tube and
boom/platform rotator hydraulic hoses at the the lower cable track. Secure the cable track
union located above the primary boom lift tube and lower cable track together.
cylinder. Cap the fittings on the unions.
Crushing hazard. If the upper
Bodily injury hazard. Spraying and lower cable tracks are not
hydraulic oil can penetrate and properly secured together, the
burn skin. Loosen hydraulic cable track could become
connections very slowly to allow unbalanced and fall when
the oil pressure to dissipate removed from the machine.
gradually. Do not allow oil to
squirt or spray. 16 Support and secure the cable track to an
overhead crane or other similar lifting device.
12 Pull the jib boom/platform rotator hydraulic
17 Remove the cable track tube retaining
hoses, disconnected at the union, through the
fasteners from the platform end of the
mounting ears of the rod end of the primary
extension tube.
boom lift cylinder, towards the platform.
18 Remove the cable track mounting fasteners
Component damage that attach the lower cable track tray to the
hazard.Cables and hoses can be primary boom.
damaged if they are kinked or
pinched. 19 Remove the cable track from the machine and
place it on a structure capable of supporting it.
13 Remove the cover from the bottom of the
cable track. Crushing hazard. If the upper
and lower cable tracks are not
14 Pull all of the cables through the mounting properly secured together, the
ears of the rod end of the primary boom lift cable track could become
cylinder, towards the counterweight end of the unbalanced and fall when
machine. removed from the machine.
How to Repair the Primary Boom How to Shim the Primary Boom
Cable Track 1 Extend the boom until the wear pads are
Component damage hazard.
The boom cable track can be 2 Loosen the wear pad mounting fasteners.
damaged if it is twisted.
3 Install the new shims under the wear pad to
Note: A 7 link repair section of cable track is obtain zero clearance and zero drag.
available through the Genie Service Parts 4 Tighten the mounting fasteners.
5 Extend and retract the boom through an entire
cycle. Check for tight spots that could cause
scraping or binding.
Note: Always maintain squareness between the
outer and inner boom tubes.
How to Remove the Primary 3 Remove the cable track. Refer to Repair
Procedure, How to Remove the Cable Track.
4 Remove the hose and cable guard from the
Bodily injury hazard. This upper pivot.
procedure requires specific repair
skills, lifting equipment and a Bodily injury hazard. Spraying
suitable workshop. Attempting hydraulic oil can penetrate and
this procedure without these skills burn skin. Loosen hydraulic
and tools could result in death or connections very slowly to allow
serious injury and significant the oil pressure to dissipate
component damage. Dealer gradually. Do not allow oil to
service is strongly recommended. squirt or spray.
Note: Perform this procedure with the boom in the 5 Raise the primary boom until the master
stowed position. cylinder barrel-end pivot pin is accessible.
Note: When removing a hose assembly or fitting, 6 Remove the pin retaining fastener from the
the O-ring (if equipped) on the fitting and/or hose master cylinder barrel-end pivot pin. Use a soft
end must be replaced. All connections must be metal drift to remove the pin. Lower the
torqued to specification during installation. Refer to cylinder and let it hang down.
Specifications, Hydraulic Hose and Fitting Torque
Component damage hazard.
When lowering the master
1 Remove the jib boom. Refer to Repair cylinder down, be sure not to
Procedure, How to Remove the Jib Boom. damage the master cylinder
hoses or fittings.
2 Models without rotating jib boom: Remove
the jib boom bellcrank. Refer to Repair 7 Locate the primary boom drive speed limit
Procedure, How to Remove the Jib Boom switch inside the upper pivot.
Models with rotating jib boom: Remove the
jib boom rotator. Refer to Repair Procedure,
How to Remove the Jib Boom Rotator.
8 Remove the primary boom drive speed limit 16 Place support blocks under the primary boom
switch mounting fasteners and move the limit lift cylinder.
switch out of the way. Do not disconnect the
17 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from the
primary boom lift cylinder rod-end pivot pin.
9 Locate the primary extension boom drive Use a soft metal drift to remove the pin.
speed limit switch inside the extension boom.
Crushing hazard. The boom lift
10 Remove the primary extension boom drive cylinder and primary boom will
speed limit switch mounting fasteners. Do not fall if not properly supported.
disconnect the wiring.
11 Pull the limit switch and the wiring out of the 18 Lower the rod end of the primary boom lift
extension tube and move it out of the way. cylinder onto support blocks. Protect the
cylinder rod from damage.
12 Tag, disconnect and plug the primary boom
extension cylinder hydraulic hoses. Cap the 19 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from the
fittings on the cylinder. primary boom pivot pin.
20 Remove the primary boom pivot pin with a soft
Bodily injury hazard. Spraying
metal drift. Carefully remove the primary boom
hydraulic oil can penetrate and
from the machine and place it on a structure
burn skin. Loosen hydraulic capable of supporting it.
connections very slowly to allow
the oil pressure to dissipate Bodily injury hazard. Spraying
gradually. Do not allow oil to hydraulic oil can penetrate and
squirt or spray. burn skin. Loosen hydraulic
connections very slowly to allow
13 Lower the primary boom to a horizontal the oil pressure to dissipate
14 Attach a 5 ton / 5,000 kg overhead crane to gradually. Do not allow oil to
the center point of the primary boom. squirt or spray.
15 Attach a similar lifting device to the primary 21 Attach a lifting strap from an overhead crane
boom lift cylinder. to the primary boom lift cylinder.
5 Support both ends of the primary boom lift 9 Lower the rod end of the lift cylinder onto the
cylinder with a second overhead crane or block. Protect the cylinder rod from damage.
similar lifting device. Crushing hazard. The primary
6 Tag, disconnect and plug the primary boom lift boom could become unbalanced
cylinder hydraulic hoses. Cap the fittings on and fall when removed from the
the cylinder. machine if not properly attached
to the overhead crane.
Bodily injury hazard. Spraying
hydraulic oil can penetrate and 10 Remove the primary boom lift cylinder
burn skin. Loosen hydraulic barrelend pivot pin retaining fasteners. Use a
connections very slowly to allow slide hammer to remove the barrel-end pivot
the oil pressure to dissipate pin. Carefully remove the primary boom lift
gradually. Do not allow oil to cylinder from the machine.
squirt or spray.
Crushing hazard. The lift cylinder
7 Place a support block across both turntable could become unbalanced and
covers under the primary boom lift cylinder. fall if not properly supported and
secured to the lifting device.
8 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from the
primary boom lift cylinder rod-end pivot pin. Crushing hazard. The primary
Use a soft metal drift to remove the pin. boom could become unbalanced
and fall when removed from the
Crushing hazard. The primary
machine if not properly attached
boom could become unbalanced
to the overhead crane.
and fall when removed from the
machine if not properly attached
to the overhead crane.
2 Tag, disconnect and plug the hydraulic hoses 7 Remove the secondary boom lift cylinder from
on the secondary boom lift cylinder. Cap the the machine.
fittings on the cylinder.
Crushing hazard. The secondary
Bodily injury hazard. Spraying boom lift cylinder could become
hydraulic oil can penetrate and unbalanced and fall when
burn skin. Loosen hydraulic removed from the machine if not
connections very slowly to allow properly attached to the
the oil pressure to dissipate overhead crane.
gradually. Do not allow oil to
squirt or spray. Component damage hazard.
When removing a secondary
3 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from the boom lift cylinder from the
secondary boom lift cylinder rod-end pivot pin machine, be careful not to
and barrel-end pivot pin. Do not remove the damage the counterbalance
pins. valve at the barrel end of the
4 Attach a strap from an overhead crane to the
lug on the rod end of the secondary boom lift
cylinder for support. Do not apply any lifting
5 Use a soft metal drift to drive the barrel-end
pivot pin half way out. Lower the barrel end of
the secondary boom lift cylinder and let it hang
6 Use a soft metal drift to drive the rod-end pivot
pin half way out.
Hydraulic Pump
4 Remove the center turntable cover fasteners.
Hydr aulic Pump
6-1 Auxiliary and F uncti on Pump
Hydraulic Pump
3 Tag, disconnect and plug the hydraulic hoses
6-2 H ow to Rem ov e the F unc tion Pum p
Hydraulic Pump
How to Calibrate the Function 6 When the display leaves SYSTEM READY
mode, release the drive enable toggle switch
Pump and the steer rocker switch.
Calibration of the function pump is essential to Result: The display will show FAULTS.
good machine performance and service life.
Continued use of an uncalibrated or improperly 7 Momentarily activate the steer rocker switch in
calibrated function pump could result in reduced the right direction until SETTINGS is shown on
machine performance. The function pump must be the display.
calibrated before machine functions are calibrated 8 Momentarily activate the drive enable toggle
or before adjusting boom function speeds. switch in the right direction to enter the
Note: This procedure must be performed with the
rotary speed controller turned to the full clockwise Result: The display will show VALVE AND
position. PUMP SETTINGS.
1 Calibrate the proportional relief valve.Refer to 9 Momentarily activate the drive enable toggle
Repair Procedure, How to Calibrate the switch in the right direction to enter the VALVE
Proportional Relief Valve. AND PUMP SETTINGS menu.
2 Turn the key switch to platform control. Result: The display will show THRESHOLD
3 Pull out the red Emergency Stop buttons to
the on position at both the ground and 10 Momentarily activate the steer rocker switch in
platform controls. the right direction until START PUMP GPM is
shown on the display.
4 Do not press down the foot switch.
11 Momentarily activate the drive enable toggle
5 Move and hold the drive enable toggle switch switch in the right direction to begin pump
in the right direction while holding the steer calibration.
rocker switch in the right direction.
Hydraulic Pump
Manifold s
7-1 F uncti on Manifold C om ponents
Index Schematic
Description Function Torque
No. Item
— Coil nut 4-5 ft-lbs / 5-7 Nm
1 Proportional solenoid valve, BU Primary boom extend/retract 16-20 ft-lbs / 24-27 Nm
3 position 4 way
2 Orifice, 0.046 inch / 1.17 mm BM Secondary boom down
3 Proportional solenoid valve, BS Primary boom up/down 16-20 ft-lbs / 24-27 Nm
3 position 4 way
4 Proportional solenoid valve, BC Steer left/right 16-20 ft-lbs / 24-27 Nm
3 position 4 way
5 Proportional solenoid valve, BN Secondary boom up/down 18-20 ft-lbs / 25-27 Nm
3 position 4 way
6 Relief valve, 2100 psi / 145 bar BP Secondary boom down 18-20 ft-lbs / 25-27 Nm
7 Pressure compensator valve,80 psi / BL Turntable rotate circuit 25-25 ft-lbs / 34-36.7 Nm
5.5 bar
8 Proportional solenoid BK Turntable rotate left/right 18-20 ft-lbs / 25-27 Nm
valve,3 position 4 way
9 Shuttle valve BJ Turntable rotate circuit 4-5 ft-lbs / 5-7 Nm
10 Counterbalance valve,1000 psi / BT Primary boom down 44-52 ft-lbs / 60-70 Nm
70 bar
11 Proportional relief valve,50 to BW System relief 18-20 ft-lbs / 25-27 Nm
3000 psi / 3 to 207 bar
12 Needle valve BH Primary level up/down 18-20 ft-lbs / 25-27 Nm
13 Check valve, 4 psi / 0.3 bar BA Prevents oil from draining from 20 ft-lbs / 27 Nm
turntable rotate circuit back to tank
14 Check valve, 25 psi / 1.7 bar BX System relief valve circuit 18-20 ft-lbs / 25-27 Nm
15 Check valve, 4 psi / 0.3 bar BY Prevents oil from draining out of 18-20 ft-lbs / 25-27 Nm
jib/rotate manifold back to tank
16 Shuttle valve BF Platform level 18-20 ft-lbs / 25-27 Nm
17 Check valve, dual pilot BE Platform level 20 ft-lbs / 27 Nm
18 Check valve, 25 psi / 1.7 bar BB Prevents oil from draining out of 18-20 ft-lbs / 25-27 Nm
19 Relief valve, 2500 psi / 172 bar BD Platform level relief 18-20 ft-lbs / 25-27 Nm
20 Solenoid valve, 3 position 4 way BG Platform level up/down 16-20 ft-lbs / 24-27 Nm
7-2 Valve Adjus tments - Func tion M anifol d
7-2 Valve Adjustments - Function Note: The function enable toggle switch must be
activated within 2 seconds of the audible tone.
Result: The green LED on the TCON should
change from a slow blinking light to a rapid
How to Calibrate the Proprotional blinking light.
Relief Valve Result: The green LED on the TCON does not
Note: This procedure must be performed at the blink rapidly. Push in the red Emergency Stop
ground controls with the jib boom in the fully button to the off position and repeat this
elevated position. procedure beginning with step 3.
1 green LED
2 red LED
3 turntable control module (TCON)
4 Move and hold the secondary boom toggle 7 Move and hold the jib boom toggle switch in
switch in the down direction. the up direction. Momentarily activate the
platform level toggle switch in the up direction
Result: The pressure gauge shows 1100 psi
to increase the relief pressure or in the down
/76 bar. Continue to step 6.
direction to decrease the relief pressure.
Result: The pressure gauge does not show Repeat this procedure beginning with step 6.
1100 psi / 76 bar. Continue to step 5.
Note: Momentarily activating the platform level
Note: Do not activate the function enable toggle toggle switch will increase or decrease the relief
switch while making this adjustment. pressure in increments of approximately 50 psi /
3 bar.
5 Move and hold the secondary boom toggle
switch in the down direction. Momentarily 8 Move and hold the primary boom toggle switch
activate the platform level toggle switch in the in the retract direction.
up direction to increase the relief pressure or
Result: The pressure gauge shows 2500 psi
in the down direction to decrease the relief
/172 bar. Continue to step 10.
pressure. Repeat this procedure beginning
with step 4. Result: The pressure gauge does not show
2500 psi / 172 bar continue to step 9.
Note: Momentarily activating the platform level
toggle switch will increase or decrease the relief Note: Do not activate the function enable toggle
pressure in increments of approximately 50 psi / switch while making this adjustment.
3 bar.
9 Move and hold the primary boom toggle switch
6 Move and hold the jib boom toggle switch in in the retract direction. Momentarily activate
the up direction. the platform level toggle switch in the up
direction to increase the relief pressure or in
Result: The pressure gauge shows 2100 psi
the down direction to decrease the relief
/124 bar. Continue to step 8.
pressure. Repeat this procedure beginning
Result: The pressure does not show 2100 psi with step 6.
/124 bar. Continue to step 7.
Note: Momentarily activating the platform level
Note: Do not activate the function enable toggle toggle switch will increase or decrease the relief
switch while making this adjustment. pressure in increments of approximately 50 psi /
3 bar. To exit programming mode:
10 Move and hold the drive enable toggle switch
in the left direction until the display returns to
How to Adjust the Secondary 6 Adjust the internal hex socket. Turn it
clockwise to increase the pressure or
Boom Down Relief Valve counterclockwise to decrease the pressure.
1 Turn the machine off. Locate the proportional Install the relief valve cap.
relief valve (item BW) on the function manifold.
Result: The relief pressure meets specification.
Remove the coil nut and remove the coil from
Continue to step 7.
the valve cartridge and set aside. Do not
disconnect the coil electrical connector. Result: The relief pressure does not meet
specification. Repeat this procedure beginning
2 Connect a 0 to 5000 psi / 0 to 350 bar
with step 3.
pressure gauge to the test port TP1 on the
function manifold. Tip-over hazard. Do not adjust
3 Turn the key switch to ground controls. the relief valve higher than
4 With the secondary boom fully lowered, move
and hold the function enable toggle switch to 7 Turn the machine off. Remove the pressure
either side and hold the secondary boom gauge and install the proportional relief valve
up/down toggle switch in the down direction. coil.
Observe the pressure reading on the pressure
gauge. Refer to Specifications, Hydraulic
Component Specifications.
5 Turn the machine off. Hold the secondary
boom down relief valve with a wrench and
remove the cap (item BP).
How to Adjust the Platform Level 6 Adjust the internal hex socket. Turn it
clockwise to increase the pressure or
Relief Valve counterclockwise to decrease the pressure.
1 Turn the machine off. Locate the proportional Install the relief valve cap.
relief valve (item BW) on the function manifold.
Result: The relief pressure meets specification.
Remove the coil nut and remove the coil from
Continue to step 7.
the valve cartridge and set aside. Do not
disconnect the coil electrical connector. Result: The relief pressure does not meet
specification. Repeat this procedure beginning
2 Connect a 0 to 5000 psi / 0 to 350 bar
with step 3.
pressure gauge to the test port TP2 on the
function manifold. Tip-over hazard. Do not adjust
3 Turn the key switch to ground controls. the relief valve higher than
4 Move and hold the function enable toggle
switch to either side and hold the platform 7 Turn the machine off. Remove the pressure
level up/down toggle switch in the up gauge and install the proportional relief valve
direction. Observe the pressure reading on the coil.
pressure gauge. Refer to Specifications,
Hydraulic Component Specifications.
5 Turn the machine off. Hold the platform level
relief valve with a wrench and remove the cap
(item BD).
7-3 Jib Boom and Pl atform / Jib Boom Rotate M anifol d C om ponents
Jib Boom / Platform Rotate Manifold Components, Z-40/23N
The jib boom/platform rotate manifold is mounted to the jib boom.
Index Schematic
Description Function Torque
No. Item
— Coil nut 4-5 ft-lbs / 5-7 Nm
1 Proportional solenoid valve, AA Jib boom up / down 18-20 ft-lbs / 25-27 Nm
3 position 4 way
2 Proportional solenoid valve, AB Platform rotate 18-20 ft-lbs / 25-27 Nm
3 position 4 way
7-4 Jib Boom and Pl atform / Jib Rotate M anifol d C omponents
Jib Boom and Platform / Jib Rotate Manifold Components, Z-40/23N
The jib boom/platform rotate manifold is mounted to the jib boom.
Index Schematic
Description Function Torque
No. Item
— Coil nut 4-5 ft-lbs / 5-7 Nm
1 Proportional solenoid valve, AA Jib boom up/down 18-20 ft-lbs / 25-27 Nm
3 position 4 way
2 Proportional solenoid valve, AB Platform rotate left/right 18-20 ft-lbs / 25-27 Nm
3 position 4 way
3 Proportional solenoid valve, AC Jib boom rotate left/right 18-20 ft-lbs / 25-27 Nm
3 position 4 way
7-5 Valve Coils
Turntable Rotation Assembly
9-1 Steer Angle Sensor fasteners. Remove the steer sensor assembly
from the machine.
How to Replace the Steer Angle Note: Inspect the sensor activator pin to make sure
Sensor it is not broken or twisted.
The steer angle sensor, installed on the steer yoke Note: If the sensor activator pin needs to be
pivot pin, is monitored by the control system to replaced, note the mounting orientation to be sure
determine steer angle. The control system uses the the new one is installed correctly.
steer angle input, along with pre-programmed
8 Install the new steer sensor assembly to the
parameters, to vary the speed of each drive motor
yoke pivot pin. Loosely install the cover
while steering to minimize tire scrub and to help
retaining fasteners.
minimize turning radius. Drive speed is also
reduced proportionately depending on the steer Note: Be sure the sensor activator pin is engaged
angle to minimize lateral platform acceleration. into the sensor.
1 Adjust the steer tires so they are in a straight Note: The arrow on the steer sensor cover should
driving position. point towards the front of the machine.
2 Turn the key switch to the off position. 9 Connect the steer sensor harness to the main
3 Push in the red Emergency Stop buttons to harness.
the off position at both the ground and 10 Set a voltmeter to read DC voltage. Probe the
platform controls. back of the electrical connector at the orange
4 Remove the drive chassis cover at the steer wire using the positive lead of the voltmeter.
end of the machine. Probe the back of the electrical connector at
the black wire using the negative lead of the
5 Remove the cable clamp securing the steer voltmeter.
sensor cable to the chassis.
11 Turn the key switch to platform control.
6 Tag and disconnect the steer sensor harness
from the main harness. 12 Pull out the red Emergency Stop buttons to
the on position at both the ground and
platform controls.
17 Calibrate the steer sensor. See How to 10 Momentarily activate the steer rocker switch
Calibrate the Steer Angle Sensor. in the right direction to activate calibrate
How to C alibr ate the Steer Angle Sensor
steer center.
How to Calibrate the Steer Angle Result: ENABLE will appear at the bottom of
Sensor the screen.
1 Turn the key switch to platform control. 11 Momentarily activate the drive enable toggle
switch in the right direction.
2 Pull out the red Emergency Stop button to the
on position at both the ground and platform Result: The display will show YES. Proceed to
controls. step 12.
3 Using the thumb rocker switch on the drive Result: System does not allow YES to appear.
joystick, adjust the steer wheels so they are Press in the red Emergency stop button and
pointing straight ahead, in line with the return to step one. Check steer angle sensor
nonsteer wheels. Release the foot switch. wiring is correct and steer tires are pointing
straight ahead.
4 Move and hold the drive enable toggle switch
in the right direction while holding the steer 12 Momentarily activate the drive enable toggle
rocker switch in the right direction. switch in the right direction to save the setting.
5 When the display leaves SYSTEM READY Result: The alarm will sound indicating the
mode, release the drive enable toggle switch setting has been saved.
and the steer rocker switch on the drive steer Calibrate Steer Right
13 Momentarily activate the steer rocker switch in
Result: The display will show FAULTS. the right direction until you see the
6 Momentarily activate the steer rocker switch in CALIBRATE RIGHT screen and press the
the right direction until SETTINGS is shown on drive enable toggle switch once to the right.
the display. Result: The display will show NO and
7 Momentarily activate the steer rocker switch in ENABLE will appear at the bottom of the
the right direction until you see the DRIVE screen.
SETTINGS screen. 14 Adjust the steer wheels fully in the right
8 Momentarily activate the drive enable toggle direction.
switch in the right direction until you see the
Note: Authorization is not required for steer
Motor Controllers
Motor Controller s
11- 1 M otor Contr ollers
11-1 Motor Controllers The motor controllers also control the valve outputs
and machine options such as flashing beacon,
There are two drive motor controllers located inside travel alarm, etc. Refer to Fault Codes section, for
the non-steer axle, one for each drive motor. When a list of fault codes and additional information. For
viewed from the non-steer end of the machine, the further information or assistance, consult the Genie
right side motor controller is the "master" and the Product Support.
left side motor controller is the "slave." The master
motor controller controls the right drive motor and
the function pump. The slave motor controller
controls the left side drive motor and auxiliary
power unit. The motor controllers are also AC
voltage inverters which take the DC voltage from
the system batteries and convert the voltage to AC
power for the drive motors. The motor controllers
are in communication with the turntable controller
(TCON) and the platform controller (PCON) which
are able to communicate operating or fault
information to the LCD display at the platform
VCON Visual
Controller (LCD
Right (Master) Motor Left (Slave) Motor
Controller Controller
TCON System *NODE 2* Outputs/Lift *NODE 5*
Controller (Master) Pump (Net Master) Outputs/AUX Pump
PCON Drive/Steer *NODE 3* Right Drive *NODE 4* Left Drive
Inputs Motor Motor
Fault Codes
Section 5 Faul t Codes
Intr oducti on
Before Troubleshooting:
Read, understand and obey the safety rules
and operating instructions in the appropriate
operator's manual on your machine.
Be sure that all necessary tools and test
equipment are available and ready for use.
Observe and Obey: Read each appropriate fault code thoroughly.
Attempting short cuts may produce hazardous
Troubleshooting and repair procedures shall conditions.
be completed by a person trained and qualified
on the repair of this machine Be aware of the following hazards and follow
generally accepted safe workshop practices.
Immediately tag and remove from service a
damaged or malfunctioning machine. Electrocution/burn hazard.
Contact with electrically charged
Repair any machine damage or malfunction circuits could result in death or
before operating the machine.
serious injury. Remove all rings,
Unless otherwise specified, perform each watches and other jewelry.
procedure with the machine in the following
configuration: Note: Two persons will be required to safely
perform some troubleshooting procedures.
• Machine parked on a firm, level surface
• Key switch in the off position with the key
• The red Emergency Stop button in the off
position at both the ground and platform
• Wheels chocked
• All external AC power supply disconnected
from the machine
• Boom in the stowed position
• Turntable secured with the turntable rotation
• Welder disconnected from the machine (if
equipped with the weld cable to platform
How to Retrieve Control System 8 Use the fault code table on the following
pages to aid in troubleshooting the machine by
Fault Codes from the Ground pinpointing the area or component affected.
Controls Note: Only control system fault codes can be
1 Turn the key switch to platform control. retrieved from TCON. Motor controller fault codes
can only be retrieved by following the procedure
2 Pull out the red Emergency Stop button to the using the platform controls. Refer to Control
on position at both the ground and platform System Fault Codes, How to Retrieve Control
controls. System Fault Codes from the Platform Controls.
3 Open the ground controls side turntable cover.
4 Locate the turntable control module (TCON)
underneath the ground control box.
5 Visually inspect the flashing green and red
LEDs on the controller.
Note: The red LED indicates the source of the error
and the green LED indicates the error type.
6 Determine the error source: The flashing red
LED, when combined with short or long
pauses between the flash, tells the service
technician the specific source of the error.
Error source code 32, for example, would
appear as three quick red flashes followed by
a short pause of almost two seconds, then two
more quick red flashes. Error source code
33 would appear as three quick red flashes
followed by a short pause, then three more
quick red flashes followed by a long pause.
7 Determine the error type: The flashing green
LED, when combined with short or long 1 green LED
pauses between the flash, tells the service 2 red LED
technician the specific error type. Error type 3 turntable control module (TCON)
code 12, for example, would appear as one
quick green flash followed by a short pause of
almost two seconds, then two more quick
green flashes followed by a long pause. Error
type code 15 would appear as one quick
green flash followed by a short pause, then
five more quick green flashes followed by a
long pause.
Drive Motor Thermal Sensor 3 Remove the fasteners from the axle covers
from the non-steer axle. Remove the covers.
The thermal sensor is monitored by the motor
4 Tag and disconnect the six pin Deutsch
controllers to maintain optimum performance and
electrical connector for the speed and
as a thermal shutdown protection device.
temperature sensor at the drive motor.asure
Normal safe operating range is between -40°F / the drive motor case temperature using a
-40°C and 131°F / 55°C at an 85% duty cycle. thermometer.
Thermal faults will occur when the temperature 5 Measure the drive motor case temperature
exceeds its threshold of 302°F / 150°C. Then drive using a thermometer.
speeds will be reduced by 50%. 6 Measure the resistance between pins 5 and
6 on the Deutsch connector going into the
Thermal shut down occurs at 392°F / 200°C.
motor housing. Compare value to chart on
How to Test the Thermal Sensor
1 Disconnect the battery packs from the
Electrocution/burn hazard.
Contact with electrically charged
circuits could result in death or
serious injury. Remove all rings,
watches and other jewelry.
Section 6 Schem atics
Intr oducti on
Electrical Schematics
Electrocution/burn hazard.
Contact with electrically charged
Observe and Obey: circuits could result in death or
serious injury. Remove all rings,
Troubleshooting and repair procedures shall watches and other jewelry.
be completed by a person trained and qualified
on the repair of this machine
Hydraulic Schematics
Immediately tag and remove from service a
damaged or malfunctioning machine. Bodily injury hazard. Spraying
hydraulic oil can penetrate and
Repair any machine damage or malfunction burn skin. Loosen hydraulic
before operating the machine. connections very slowly to allow
the oil pressure to dissipate
Before Troubleshooting: gradually. Do not allow oil to
squirt or spray.
Read, understand and obey the safety rules
and operating instructions in the appropriate
operator's manual on your machine.
Be sure that all necessary tools and test
equipment are available and ready for use.
Wire Circuit Legend
Circuit numbering
1 Circuit numbers consist of three parts: the Circuit prefix
circuit prefix, circuit number and circuit suffix.
C Control
The circuit prefix indicates the type of circuit.
The circuit number describes the function of D Data
the circuit. The circuit suffix provides an E Engine
abbreviation for the number or may be used to G Gauges
further define the function of this portion of the
N Neutral
circuit. It also may be used to indicate the final
end of the circuit, i.e., LS or limit sw. P Power
R Relay Output
2 The circuit number may be used more than
once in a circuit. S Safety
V Valve
For Example:
C 74 PL – This is the circuit for the lockout valve #1.
C stands for control, 74 is the number of the circuit
for the primary #1 lock out valve. PL stands for
Primary Lockout.
S 62 BST – This is the circuit that communicates to
the onboard computers of the machine that the
boom is fully stowed. S stands for safety, 62 is the
number of the circuit for boom stowed and BST
stands for Boom Stowed.
P 48 LP – P stands for power. 48 is the circuit
number for work lamps and LP stands for Lamp.
R 48 LP – R stands for relay. In this case it is the
wire that feeds the relay coil for the work lamp. All
other numbers remain the same.
V61AXR – V stands for valve power. Number
61 stands for axle retracted circuit; AXR stands for
Axle retracted.
R46HRN – R stands for Relay output, supplying
power to the horn (HRN). Number 46 is the circuit
number for the horn.
Suffix Definition
SBS Sec Boom Angle Sensor
SBL Sec Boom Elevated
SBD Sec Boom Down
SBE Sec Boom Extend
SER Sec Boom Extend/Retract Flow Control
SBR Sec Boom Retract
SBU Sec Boom Up
SUD Sec Boom Up/Down Flow Control
SB Secondary Boom
SLE Secondary Boom Lockout Valve
SLD Secondary Boom Lockout Valve (riser
SP Spare
SS Speed Sensor
SA Start Aid (Glow Plug or choke)
STR Starter
STC Steer Control Signal
SCW Steering Valve (CW)
SCC Steering Valve (CCW)
TSR Temp Sender
TS Temp Switches
TET Tether
TAX Tilt Alarm X axis
TAY Tilt Alarm Y axis
TCN Ground Control Panel
TRF Turntable Rotate Flow Control
TRR Turntable Rotate Right (CW)
TTA Turntable Tilt Alarm
TTS Turntable Tilt Sensor
TSW Test Switch
Wiring C oloring and Legend
Wire Coloring
1 All cylinder extension colors are solid and all Power Circuits
retract functions are striped black. When using
P10 Primary boom extend valve
black wire, the stripe shall be white.
P11 Primary boom up valve
2 All rotations that are LEFT or CW are solid,
P30 Secondary boom down and
RIGHT or CCW are striped and black. When extend valves
the wire is black, the stripe is white.
P38 Propel (drive) valves
3 All proportional valve wiring is striped. P39 Turntable rotate flow
control valve
Wire Color Legend
BL Blue
BL/BK Blue/Black
BL/RD Blue/Red
BL/WH Blue/White
BK Black
BK/RD Black/Red
BK/WH Black/White
BR Brown
GR Green
GR/BK Green/Black
GR/WH Green/White
RD Red
RD/BK Red/Black
RD/WH Red/White
OR Orange
OR/BL Orange/Blue
OR/BK Orange/Black
OR/RD Orange/Red
WH White
WH/BK White/Black
WH/RD White/Red
YL Yellow
RD/BK 115 Load Moment Underweight WH/RD 139 Turntable Rotate Flow Control
Safety (P_39)
OR 116 Hydraulic Oil Cooler
OR/RD 140 Boom Envelope Safety
RD 117 Flashing Beacon
RD 141 Primary Boom Angle Signal
OR 118 Lift Speed Reduction Safety
BL 119 Hydraulic Pressure Sensor OR 142 Secondary Boom Angle Signal
Output Safety
OR 120 Oil Cooler Fan BL/RD 143 Drive Enable Left
GR 121 Axle Oscillate Left BL/WH 144 Drive Enable Right
GR/BK 122 Axle Oscillate Right RD/WH 145 Calibrate
RD/BK 123 Primary Boom Angle Signal BL 146 Jib Bellcrank Up Flow Control
BL/BK 147 Jib Bellcrank Down Flow Control
RD/WH 124 Secondary Boom Angle Signal
Operational BL/WH 148 Jib Bellcrank Sensor
WH/RD 125 Secondary Boom Lockout GR/WH 149 Jib Up/Down Flow Control
(Extend Enable) GR/BK 150 Hydraulic Generator Bypass
WH/BK 126 Secondary Boom Lockout (Riser GR 151 Hydraulic EDC Output
Down Enable) BK 152 Injector Retard
GR 127 ECU Test Switch BK 153 Jib Extend
OR/RD 128 Low Engine Speed BK/WH 154 Jib Retract
RD/BK 129 Descent Alarm
WH/RD 130 Travel Alarm
BL/RD 158 Steer Signal Rocker BK 178 Control Module Status Light
WH/BK 161 Secondary Boom Joystick OR 181 48 volt Alternator Field (or
Signal battery)
Harness Legend
1 C4
2 C3
3 C2
4 C1
5 C5
C1 Ground Control C2 Ground Control C3 Ground Control Box C4 Ground Control C5 Ground Control
Box Harness Box Harness Harness Box Harness Box Harness
1 R195PWR - 1 C18PRR - GR/BK 1 C41RPM - OR 1 P23BAT - RD 1 C28TTS - RD/BK
2 C17PRL - GR 2 C134PWR - RD 2 P22BAT - RD/BK 2 V191PCEA -
2 R181PWR - OR WH/RD
3 C27AUX - RD 3 C47FE - WH/BK 3 GND - RD/WH
3 S132LDS - 3 V36SCWA - BL
BL/WH 4 C133PLA - GR/BK 4 C165TRS - WH/RD 4 C134PWR -
4 C22PWR - BK 5 C32RET - WH/RD 5 C163PLS - BL/WH
6 C156JUD - 6 R46HRN - WH 5 D82CAN(+) - YL
5 D82CAN(+) - 5 V14PLUA - OR
7 C16PLF - OR/RD 7 C27AUX - 6 V15PLDA -
6 D81CAN(-) - 8 P109PWR - OR/BK
8 C46HRN - BK 7 V15PLDB -
7 C192JR - 9 D82CAN(+) - YL 9 D82CAN(+) - YL OR/BK
WH/BK 9 S132LDS -
10 D81CAN(-) - GR 10 D81CAN(-) - GR 8 V14PLUB - OR
8 P109PWR - 11 R174PWR - WH 11 C164PES - RD/WH
10 R181PWR - BL
12 C130TA - WH/RD 12 C161SB - WH/BK BL/BK
9 C184PSE - OR 11 GND - BL/BK
10 V36SCWB - BL
10 P181BAT - OR 12 SPARE
11 V191PCEB -
11 P182BAT - RD WH/RD
12 C47FE - WH/BK 12 C134PWR - RD
Pin Numbering for 4 Pin Numbering for 12 Pin Connector (C27) Pin Numbering for 24 Pin
Pin Connector (C31) Connector (C25)
PCON Platform Controller PCON Platform Controller TCON Turntable Controller TCON Turntable Controller
(C28) (C29) (C13) (C14)
1 GND - BR 1 C156JUD - GR/WH 1 GROUND - BR 1 C41RPM - OR
2 C134PWR - RD 2 C160JPL - WH/RD 2 C134PWR - RD 2 C47FE - WH/BK
3 D82CAN(+) - YL 3 V17PRL - GR 3 D82CAN(+) - YL 3 V07PBE - BK
4 D81CAN(-) - GR 4 V18PRR - GR/BK 4 D81CAN(-) - GR 4 V08PBR - BK/WH
5 C163PLS - BL/WH 5 V43JU - GR 5 C163PLS - BL/WH 5 V01PBU - RD
6 C56FTS - RD 6 V44JD - GR/BK 6 C68PBD - RD 6 V02PBD - RD/BK
7 C175LDS - WH/BK 7 V193JRR - WH/RD 7 C40SBD - OR 7 V10SBU - BL
8 P162JPW - OR 8 V192JRL - WH/BK 8 P109PWR - GR/WH 8 V11SBD - BL/BK
9 GND - BR 9 C130TA - WH/RD 9 R110RET - BR 9 V04TRL - WH
10 C164PES - RD/WH 10 SPARE 10 C165TRS - WH/RD 10 V05TRR - WH/BK
11 C159STC - BL/WH 11 C134PWR - RD 11 C165PES - RD/WH 11 C134PWR - RD
12 C165TRS - WH/RD 12 C134PWR - RD 12 C161SB - WH/BK 12 C134PWR - RD
T-circuits connect Limit Switch Power relay Coil with suppression Fuel or RPM solenoid
Key switch Toggle switch DPDT Toggle switch SPDT Pump or Motor Tilt sensor
Oil temperature switch Coolant temperature Oil pressure switch Control relay contact Diode starting aid, glow
normally open switch - normally open normally closed normally open plug or flame ignitor
Filter with bypass relief Relief valve with pressure Solenoid operated
Priority flow regulator valve
valve setting proportional valve
Solenoid operated
Directional valve Pilot operated 3 position,
Flow divider/combiner valve 2 position, 3 way directional
(mechanically activated) 3 way shuttle valve
Solenoid operated
Solenoid operated
Counterbalance valve with 3 position, 4 way 2 position, 2 way solenoid
3 position, 4 way directional
pressure and pilot ratio proportional directional valve
Electrical Schematics
Service Manual April 2016
April 2016 Service Manual
Service Manual April 2016
April 2016 Service Manual
Service Manual April 2016
April 2016 Service Manual
Hydraulic Schematic
Service Manual April 2016
Hydraulic Schematic