Joshua PDF
Joshua PDF
Joshua PDF
2 0 0 9 E d i t i o n
Dr. Thomas L. Constable
The name of this book in Hebrew, Greek, and English comes from the principal character
in it rather than from the writer. Joshua may or may not have been the writer of this book.
The title is appropriate because "Joshua" means, "Yahweh saves." Joshua is the Hebrew
name that translates into Aramaic as Jesus. What Jesus is to God's people in a larger
sense Joshua was to the Israelites in a smaller sense. Joshua brought God's people into the
realization of many of God's plans and purposes for them. This book is a record of God's
deliverance of the Israelites into what He had promised them.
In the English Bible, Joshua is one of the historical books (Genesis through Esther). In
the Hebrew Bible, it is in the second of the three main divisions of the Old Testament,
namely, the Prophets. The Law and the Writings are the first and third divisions. Joshua
is the first book in the first half of the Prophets, the Former Prophets. The Former
Prophets section contains four books (Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings) as does the
second division, the Latter Prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the Twelve [minor
prophets]). The fact that the Hebrews included mainly historical books such as Joshua in
the Prophets section reveals a basic attitude of God's people. They viewed what God
revealed here not primarily as a historical record as much as an authoritative record of
selected historical events designed to teach important spiritual lessons. We should
recognize Joshua, therefore, not simply as a record of history but as a selective history
intended to reveal God's will. In the Prophets section of the Old Testament, God revealed
Himself through historical events as well as through the oracles of individual prophets.
"The Book of Joshua, like all other books of the Bible, is primarily a book
of theology. Through it God has revealed himself and continues to do so."1
1Donald H. Madvig, "Joshua," in Deuteronomy-2 Samuel, vol. 3 of The Expositor's Bible Commentary, p.
considerably after the events referred to happened. How much later is hard to say. These
references point to a time of composition many years later than the actual occurrence of
the events recorded.2
However the writer claims to have crossed the Jordan River when Israel entered the land
(5:1 [marginal reading], 6). Therefore he must have written the book not too long after
the conquest. This conclusion finds support in the general impression the reader receives
that an eyewitness of the events recorded wrote the book. An editor may or may not have
added the account of Joshua's death (24:29-33) to the book later (cf. Deut. 34:10-12).
This depends on whether the writer wrote it before or after Joshua died.
According to Jewish tradition Joshua himself wrote the book.3 Many modern
conservative Old Testament scholars believe that he did.4 However other good,
conservative scholars believe the writer was not Joshua but a contemporary of his,
possibly one of the elders of Israel.5 Many more scholars are unsure.6 I prefer the
traditional view that Joshua wrote the book because I find the arguments of those who
believe the writer could not have been Joshua unconvincing.
As I have explained previously, the date of the Exodus was about 1446 B.C. (cf. 1 Kings
6:1).7 Israel spent 40 years in the wilderness (Exod. 16:35; Num. 14:33-34). Thus Israel
crossed the Jordan River and entered the land about 1406 B.C. The Book of Joshua
therefore begins with events in or very close to the year 1406 B.C.
Josephus said the conquest of the land took five years.8 However when Caleb received
his town of Hebron he said God had promised that he would enter Canaan 45 years
earlier (14:10; cf. Num. 14:24). Since God gave that promise 38 years before Israel
crossed the Jordan the conquest seems to have taken closer to seven years (ca. 1406-1399
B.C.). The record of this conquest occupies the first half of the Book of Joshua.
When Caleb said these words he was 85 years old (14:10). Joshua appears to have been
about the same age as Caleb, perhaps a little younger. Joshua died when he was 110
(24:29). Assuming Joshua was 75 when the Israelites crossed the Jordan River, the
amount of time the Book of Joshua spans may be about 35 years.9
The first half of the book (chs. 1—12) covers about seven years. Most of this material,
specifically chapters 1—9, deals with events that probably happened in less than one full
I. The conquest of the land chs. 1—12
A. Preparations for entering Canaan chs. 1—2
1. God's charge to Joshua 1:1-9
2. Joshua's charge to Israel 1:10-18
3. The spying out of Jericho ch. 2
B. Entrance into the land 3:1—5:12
1. Passage through the Jordan chs. 3—4
2. Circumcision and celebration of the Passover 5:1-12
C. Possession of the land 5:13—12:24
1. The conquest of Jericho 5:13—6:27
2. Defeat at Ai ch. 7
3. Victory at Ai 8:1-29
4. Renewal of the covenant 8:30-35
5. The treaty with the Gibeonites ch. 9
6. Victory over the Amorite alliance at Gibeon 10:1-27
7. Other conquests in southern Canaan 10:28-43
8. Conquests in northern Canaan 11:1-15
9. Summary of Joshua's conquests 11:16—12:24
II. The division of the land chs. 13-21
A. The land yet to be possessed 13:1-7
B. The land east of the Jordan 13:8-33
C. The land west of the Jordan chs. 14—19
1. The rationale for the allotments 14:1-5
2. Caleb's inheritance 14:6-15
3. Judah's inheritance ch. 15
4. Joseph's inheritance chs. 16—17
5. Survey of the remaining land 18:1-10
6. The inheritance of the remaining tribes 18:11—19:51
D. The special cities 20:1—21:42
1. The cities of refuge ch. 20
2. The cities of the Levites 21:1-42
E. The faithfulness of God 21:43-45
4 Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 2009 Edition
In one sense verses 1-9 are a preamble to the whole book. They contain the basic
principles that were to guide Joshua and Israel so they could obtain all that God had
promised their forefathers.
1:1 The first word of the book is a conjunction translated "now" or "and." It
shows that this book picks up where Deuteronomy stopped.
1:2 The nation had mourned Moses' death for 30 days (Deut. 34:8). Now God
instructed Joshua to prepare to enter the land. The death of any of His
servants never frustrates or limits God, though this causes Him sorrow (Ps.
1:3 God had promised all the land that the Israelites would tread under foot to
the patriarchs and Moses (Gen. 13:17; Exod. 23:30-31; Deut. 11:24). The
Israelites were now to claim it as their own by taking possession of it.
1:4 The area described here includes all that God promised to Abraham and
the other patriarchs (Gen. 15:18; et al.). The writer apparently referred to
the Hittites in a representative sense to describe all the Canaanite tribes (as
in 1 Kings 10:29; 2 Kings 7:6; Ezek. 16:3).11
1:5 Many students of the book have called this the key verse. Here God
promised Joshua His unfailing power and presence so that he might be
completely successful in subduing the enemy. Joshua's failure to be
entirely successful was not God's fault but the Israelites'.
10Madvig, p. 255.
11This is a figure of speech called synecdoche in which a part represents the whole or the whole stands for
a part (e.g. "bread" means food, or "all the world" equals all the Roman world).
6 Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 2009 Edition
1:6 God exhorted Joshua on the basis of this promise (v. 5) to be "strong" and
"courageous" (cf. Deut. 31:6). The first of these words in Hebrew implies
strength in the hands for grasping and holding firmly. The second implies
strength in the knees for standing solidly. Ownership of the land depended
on God's faithfulness, but occupation of the land depended on Israel's
faithfulness (cf. Deut. 30:20).
The writer stressed two major theological points in this book: Yahweh's
faithfulness in giving Israel the Promised Land, and Yahweh's hatred of
12Hess, p. 68.
13Constable, p. 103.
14Martin H. Woudstra, The Book of Joshua, p. 61. The same Hebrew word (nahal [verb] or nahala [noun])
also appears in Deut. 1:38; 12:10; Josh. 11:23; 14:13; 16:4; and 17:6. See Joseph C. Dillow, The Reign of
the Servant Kings, pp. 43-91, for an excellent explanation of the Old and New Testament revelation
concerning believers' inheritance.
15Bush, p. 20.
2009 Edition Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 7
1:8 Moses had left Israel a written document that the Israelites regarded as
authoritative law, namely, the Mosaic Law. The Lord commanded Joshua
to keep this Word in mind constantly so he would remember his
responsibilities under God and find encouragement to keep them (cf. Ps.
1:2; Isa. 59:21).
"The higher any man is raised in office, the more need has
he of an acquaintance with the sacred oracles, and the
better will he be qualified by the study of them for the
discharge of his arduous duties."18
1:9 This was not just good advice. Joshua was receiving orders from his
Commander. Trembling or fearing would betray lack of confidence in
16Madvig, p. 257.
17Keiland Delitzsch, p. 30.
18Bush, pp. 21-22.
8 Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 2009 Edition
This structure emphasizes the centrality of the book of the law of God as the key to
Israel's success, Joshua's effective leadership, and God's presence with His people.
This passage contains the principles necessary for spiritual success in every age. We must
know what God requires, maintain perpetual awareness of that, and be consistently and
completely obedient to it in our daily experience to gain victory over our spiritual
Having received his marching orders from Yahweh, Joshua prepared to mobilize the
1:10-11 Joshua expected to be able to cross the Jordan within three days.
1:12-18 The concept of "rest" (vv. 13, 15) is an important one to grasp to
understand what the conquest of the land gave the Israelites. It also
clarifies what the writer of the Epistle to the Hebrews had in mind when
he referred to the rest that we enjoy as Christians (Heb. 3—4).21 It was not
rest in the sense of freedom from conflict but in contrast to journeying.
Even after the seven-year conquest of the land there was still much land
that the Israelites still had to take from the Canaanites and possess (13:1;
23:1-13; cf. 24:1-28; Judg. 1:1). Rather this rest was the entrance into and
initial participation in the inheritance the Lord had promised His people
(cf. Deut. 12:10; 25:19; Josh. 21:44; 23:1; 2 Sam. 7:1, 11; 1 Kings 8:56;
Ps. 95).22
In Christian experience the crossing of the Jordan does not just correspond
to the believer's death and entrance into heaven, which some popular
19See Harry Foster, "Joshua, Walking into Battle," Toward the Mark 11:6 (November-December
20Trent C. Butler, Joshua, p. 17.
21See Dillow, pp. 93-110, for a good exposition of the promises of rest that appear in Scripture.
22See Hess, p. 78, and especially Butler, pp. 21-22, for a fuller discussion of "rest."
23Woudstra, p. 65.
2009 Edition Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 9
Christian songs suggest. It also parallels the believer's entrance into the
enjoyment of his or her eternal life now through dedication to Jesus Christ
(Rom. 6:13; 12:1-2) and through walking by means of the Spirit (Gal.
5:16). The wilderness wanderings resemble the experience of the
redeemed believer who has not yet fully committed himself or herself to
God and is walking in the flesh. When the Israelites crossed the Jordan
they encountered enemies and had to contend with their spiritual
adversaries just as a believer does when he dedicates himself to God and
walks by the Spirit. The Christian's rest is not the absence of hostility. It is
the beginning of the enjoyment of some blessings God has promised us
(i.e., eternal life, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, victory over our
spiritual enemies, etc.).
Not all the warriors from the two and one-half tribes went with (not
"before," v. 14) their brethren across the Jordan. Only 40,000 of the
110,000 did (cf. 4:13 and Num. 26:7, 18, 34). The rest evidently remained
in Transjordan. We should understand "all" (v. 14) in this limited sense.
The attitude of the two and one-half tribes was commendable. They
followed through with their commitment (Num. 32:25-27). There were no
significant instances of complaining or rebellion among the tribes during
Joshua's lifetime according to what the writer recorded. In this respect the
nation enjoyed greater unity than it did in its former or later history.
To be successful in our corporate task of overcoming our spiritual enemies God's people
must unite behind the leaders God has raised up to lead us. We should not complain or
rebel against them (Heb. 13:17). Furthermore God's people must commit ourselves to
entering into conflict with our spiritual enemies, rather than avoiding such conflict, to
possess the fullness of God's inheritance for us. The Christian's spiritual enemies are the
world, the flesh, and the devil (1 John 2:15-17; Rom. 7:18-24; 1 Pet. 5:8).
24Dillow, p. 79, n. 57. See also Donald K. Campbell, "Joshua," in The Bible Knowledge Commentery: Old
Testament, p, 335.
25Dillow, p. 57.
10 Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 2009 Edition
"Although Joshua had received a promise from the Lord of His almighty
help in the conquest of Canaan, he still thought it necessary to do what
was requisite on his part to secure the success of the work committed to
him, as the help of God does not preclude human action, but rather
presupposes it."26
2:1 The two men sent out as spies were young (cf. 6:23). Joshua sent them out
secretly (cf. 7:2). He did not want a recurrence of the Kadesh Barnea
Their mission was to explore the area Israel would enter, especially
Jericho.28 Their object was to determine when and how to attack, not
whether to attack.
Jericho was not a large city, but it had strong fortifications and a strategic
location on the frontier of Canaan. It lay just a few miles west of the
Jordan River in the Jordan Valley. If the Israelites were to gain a foothold
in Canaan, they would have to defeat Jericho.
The spies probably stayed at Rahab's house because they hoped to be less
conspicuous there than they would have been if they had lodged
elsewhere.30 Josephus called Rahab an innkeeper, which she may have
been.31 The writer recorded Rahab's name because she became an
important person in Israel's history. She was an ancestor of David as well
as Israel's helper on this occasion (cf. Matt. 1:5).
2:2-6 Rahab was a woman of faith in Yahweh (cf. Heb. 11:31; James 2:25).
Apparently what she had heard about the God of Israel led her to place her
trust in Him (vv. 9-12). The protection of one's houseguests was very
important in the ancient Orient (cf. Judg. 19:20-24). This cultural pressure
fortified her faith and doubtless encouraged her to hide the spies.
Though she had come to faith in Yahweh her moral life had not yet
undergone radical change.
30See Butler, pp. 31-32, for a discussion of the many instances of irony in this chapter.
31Josephus, 5:1:2, 7. See also Hess, pp. 83-84. See M. A. Beek, "Rahab in the Light of Jewish Exegesis," in
Von Kanaan bis Kerala, pp. 37-44. Bush, pp. 31-32, strongly rejected this possibility.
32Donald K. Campbell, No Time for Neutrality, p. 19. See also R. Kent Hughes, Living on the Cutting
Edge, p. 37; Irving L. Jensen, Joshua: Rest-Land Won, p. 38.
33Bush, p. 34.
34Keil and Delitzsch, p. 35.
12 Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 2009 Edition
"It has often happened, that even when good men have
endeavored to keep a straight course, they have turned
aside into circuitous paths. Rahab acted wrongly when she
told a lie and said that the spies had gone; and the action
was acceptable to God only because the evil that was mixed
with the good was not imputed to her. Yet, although God
wished the spies to be delivered, He did not sanction their
being protected by a lie."35
2:7-14 Assuming the spies had fled back to the Israelite camp, the men of Jericho
searched all along the road from their city to the place where travelers
forded the Jordan (v. 7), about five miles.
Rahab's reference to the fear of the Israelites that God had put in the
Canaanites' hearts (vv. 9-11) shows that the Lord had fulfilled His promise
to make the Israelites' enemies fear them (Exod. 23:27; Deut. 2:25;
"Utterly destroyed" translates the Hebrew herem, a technical term for the
practice of completely destroying the spoils of war as a way of
consecrating them to a deity (cf. 6:17).39
The melting of the heart (v. 11) pictures utter despair. We must be careful
not to overestimate Rahab's confession of faith in this verse. She had come
to place her faith in Yahweh (cf. Heb. 11:31; James 2:25), but she did not
become a mature believer immediately. No one does.
2:15-21 The spies gave their solemn promise to spare Rahab and her household but
specified three conditions that Rahab had to meet.
1. She had to make her home known to the Israelites when they
attacked (v. 18).
2. She had to assemble her family into her home before the battle (v.
3. She had to keep the mission of the spies a secret (vv. 20, 14).
The cord Rahab was to hang out of her window and over the town wall—
her house stood on the wall (v. 15)—was scarlet in color (vv. 15, 18).41 Its
unusual color would have marked Rahab's house for the Israelites. The
color had symbolic significance, too, since red recalls blood and vigorous
"In the preaching of the Christian church, all the way back
to Clement of Rome . . ., this has been taken as a sign of the
blood of Christ, the Lamb."42
God spared the lives of Rahab and her household because of her faith. Any
of Rahab's relatives that would have gathered with her before the Israelite
siege would have done so because of their faith in God's promise through
the spies. If they had no faith they would have stayed in their own homes.
Thus the deliverance of Rahab and her family depended on believing a
promise from God. Salvation always depends on believing a promise from
God (cf. Gen. 15:6; John 3:16; et al.).
2:22-24 The "hill country" referred to (vv. 22-23) was probably the mountainous
area west of Jericho. This area contains many caves in the "deeply eroded
and lonely chalk hills" and many "isolated canyons cut through the [1,500
feet high] limestone cliffs."44 The spies evidently were absent from the
Israelite camp a total of three days (v. 22; cf. 1:11; 3:2).
One of the major emphases in this chapter is God's faithfulness. When the spies returned
to Shittim with news that some of the Canaanites believed Yahweh would give the
Israelites the land, God's people would have felt greatly encouraged (vv. 9-11, 24; cf. 1:2-
3, 6, 11, 15).
This chapter also shows that God will deliver those who seek salvation from coming
judgment regardless of their past or present sins if they have faith in Him. Rahab believed
Yahweh was the true God (v. 11; cf. Ruth 1:16; 1 John 5:1). Her protection of the spies
demonstrated the sincerity of her faith (v. 6; cf. James 2:25). Her confidence about her
preservation from the coming judgment rested on the promise given to her by God's
spokesmen (v. 21; cf. John 6:47).
"If Joshua represents the Israelite male who finds guidance and success
through faith in the LORD God, does Rahab represent his counterpart, the
Canaanite female who also finds guidance and success through faith in the
LORD God? In one of the most nationalistic books in the Hebrew Bible,
does it not serve the purposes of the promise to Abraham that 'all peoples
on earth will be blessed through you' (Gn. 12:3) to place side by side with
the choice of a military leader and his initial preparations for battle, the
story of a foreign woman who believed and was saved without arms or
"The spies violated God's explicit command that none of the people living
in the land were to be spared (Deut 7:1-6; 20:16-18). Rahab, however,
turned to God and sought deliverance. Her experience is proof of the
gracious saving purpose of God. His overarching decree is that 'everyone
who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved' (Joel 2:32). This is one
of the most dramatic examples of grace in the OT and is set in bold relief
by the questionable aspects of Rahab's profession and conversion.
"The salvation of Rahab is an example of what God would have done for
others also. The king and the other citizens of Jericho knew all that [what]
she knew, but they did not turn to Israel's God for mercy. The fear that
drove her to beg for mercy drove them in their stubborn rebellion.
Accordingly, the others are called 'the disobedient' in Hebrews 11:31
. . ."46
47The best solution to the chronological difficulty that 1:11 and 3:2 pose that I have found, and a fine
discussion of the problem, is that of David M. Howard Jr., "'Three Days' in Joshua 1—3: Resolving a
Chronological Conundrum," Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 41:4 (December 1998):539-50.
He argued that 1:11 describes one three-day period during which the spies were in Jericho and the hills. A
second overlapping three-day period began on the next day (day four) with the people's arrival at Shittim
(3:1) and concluded two days later (on the sixth day) with the officers giving the people last-minute
instructions about the crossing (3:2-4). The people then crossed the Jordan on the next day (day seven).
48Bush, p. 41.
49Keil and Delitzsch, p. 41.
16 Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 2009 Edition
3:7-13 The miraculous parting of the Jordan was only the beginning of a series of
miracles that demonstrated to the Israelites that their God was indeed
among them. He was active for them and working through Joshua to give
them victory (v. 7).
This event bore many similarities to the crossing of the Red Sea (3:13; cf.
Exod. 14). In contrast, Moses had divided the waters of the Red Sea with
his rod. Joshua divided the waters of the Jordan with the ark that had
become the divinely appointed symbol of God's presence since God gave
the Mosaic Covenant (v. 8).
Evidently the pushing back of the waters of the Jordan was to be a sign to
the Israelites that God would push back the Canaanites (v. 10). The title
"the Lord of all the earth" occurs here (v. 11) first in Scripture indicating
Yahweh's absolute sovereignty over this planet. Because He was "the Lord
of all the earth" He could give Canaan to the Israelites.
3:14-17 The Israelites crossed the Jordan when the river was at its widest, deepest,
and swiftest, in late April or early May. As the snow on Mt. Hermon melts
and the rainy season ends, the Jordan rises to a depth of 10-12 feet and
floods to a width of 300-360 feet at this point today. Normally it is only
150-180 feet wide here. However, in Joshua's day the river may only have
been full up to its banks, as the Hebrew suggests. The people considered
crossing the river at this time of year by swimming a heroic feat in ancient
times (cf. 1 Chron. 12:15). This is probably how the spies crossed.
The town of Adam (v. 16) stood about 18 miles north of Jericho near
where the Jabbok River empties into the Jordan Valley. Interestingly,
several earthquakes have sent much soil into the Jordan River in modern
times at this very location damming up the river for many hours (in A.D.
1267, 1837, and 1927).50 Perhaps an earthquake is what God used in
Joshua's day too.
Two million Israelites could have crossed the river in half a day if the
procession was a mile or more wide. The dry ground (v. 17) was a miracle
too (cf. Exod. 14:21).
The major emphasis in chapter 3 is on the great miracle that God performed to lead the
Israelites into the land. The conquest of the land would continue God's works for His
people all of which they were to remember and appreciate.
"The people of God [i.e., Israel] must realize that God does not help them
automatically. God helps them when they obey his commands given
through his leader."51
The main point in the story of the crossing recorded in this chapter is the removal of the
stones from the river bed. They served as a memorial of this event for generations to
come (vv. 6-7).52
4:1-14 The piling up of stones was a covenant ritual in the ancient Near East.53 It
was a common method of preserving the memory of important events (cf.
Gen. 8:20; 12:7; 35:7; et al.).
There were two piles of 12 stones each, one at Gilgal (vv. 3-8, 20) and one
in the Jordan River bed (v. 9).54 The Israelites probably constructed two
memorials because the crossing was so miraculous that God wanted to be
sure their children and the Canaanites believed it really happened. The
monument at Gilgal probably consisted of large stones that people could
not normally remove from the river bed. Building a monument in the river
was impossible under normal circumstances due to the volume and current
of the water there. Thus the Israelite children and the Canaanites had a
double proof, two witnesses, of God's faithfulness and power. God
specified 12 stones for each monument to represent the 12 tribes.
51Butler, p. 52.
52For a discussion of the supposed contradictions in chapters 3 and 4 and a solution based on literary
analysis, see Brian Peckham, "The Composition of Joshua 3—4," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 46:3 (July
53G. Herbert Livingston, The Pentateuch in its Cultural Environment, p. 157.
54Some scholars (e.g., Hess, p. 109) believe there was only one pile of stones, which the NIV translation
also suggests.
55Ibid., p. 115.
18 Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 2009 Edition
4:15-24 The text carefully clarifies that it was the presence of God, which the ark
symbolized, that held back the waters of the Jordan. When the priests
removed the ark from the river bed, the waters resumed their flow (v. 18).
There are many references to the fact that all Israel crossed over the
Jordan in this chapter (vv. 1-5, 8-9, 12, 14, 20, 24). This, too, highlights
the faithfulness of God to His promises to bring the whole nation into the
Promised Land.
The notation that the crossing took place on the tenth day of the first
month (v. 19) is significant. It was exactly 40 years earlier to the day that
God instructed Israel to prepare to depart from Egypt by setting apart the
paschal lambs (Exod. 12:3).
"God had said in his wrath that they should wander forty
years in the wilderness, and at last he brought them into
Canaan five days before the forty years were ended, to
show how little pleasure God takes in punishing, how swift
he is to show mercy. God ordered it so that they should
enter Canaan four days before the annual solemnity of the
passover, and on the very day when the preparation for it
was to begin (Exod. xii. 3), because he would have them
then to be reminded of their deliverance out of Egypt."58
The purposes of the memorial stones were the same as the purpose of the
miracle at the Red Sea. They manifested the power of Yahweh to all
people (v. 24; cf. Exod. 14:4, 18), and they caused God's people to fear
Him (v. 24; cf. Exod. 14:31). "Fear the Lord" is the most common
expression calling for faith in God in the Old Testament.59
56Bush, p. 52.
57Woudstra, p. 91.
58Matthew Henry, Commentary on the Whole Bible, p. 216.
59Madvig, p. 272, suggested that God may have supernaturally used a natural phenomenon, a landslide,
near Adam to cut the waters of the Jordan off as they flowed south. Such landslides in this geological fault
have blocked the flow of water at other times. One in 1267 dammed the river for about 10 hours, and
another in 1927 interrupted its flow for 21 hours. See also Campbell, "Joshua," p. 335, who thought the
phenomenon was supernatural.
2009 Edition Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 19
It is a good custom to memorialize God's great acts for us so that we will remember them
and so that our children will learn that God is powerful and faithful. Baptism is one such
memorial for the Christian, and the Lord's Supper is another.
"In the history of Dallas Seminary, there are just such 'memorial stones.'
More than 40 years ago, Mrs. Howard Taylor told one such story in a
pamphlet entitled, 'Empty Racks and How to Fill Them.'
"In the spring of 1924, plans were being laid for a new seminary to be
organized in Dallas, to emphasize above all else the teaching of the Bible
itself. Lewis Sperry Chafer, president-elect, had gone to Dundee, Scotland
to hold evangelistic meetings at the invitation of a leading manufacturer of
that city, in whose home he was a guest. Related Dr. Chafer:
"In great agony of spirit, I cried to God, saying I could not go through the
day without some very definite indication of His will in the matter. If such
indication were not given, I should have to cable to Dallas requesting them
to discontinue the whole project.
"Following that prayer I fell asleep, and later, seated by my host at the
breakfast table, was surprised by his asking whether we had any provision
in view for the library which would be needed for the new seminary. I told
him that we had not, but that since Dr. Griffith Thomas had just died—
whose loss we were mourning on both sides of the Atlantic—I had written
to our constituency in Dallas asking them to pray definitely that his
valuable reference library might be secured for the college.
"'I am interested in what you have told me,' he replied, 'and would like you
to purchase these books and send the bill to me. And do not drive too close
a bargain; I wish to pay whatever the library is worth.'
"A little later that same morning, I had retired to the study when my host
came in and said, 'Speaking of the College, what about your salary as
President?' I at once told him that I had not expected to draw any salary;
that nothing was further from my thoughts.
"'You will need some financial help,' he replied, 'and though I cannot give
all that would be expected for one in such a position in the United States, I
wish to send you personally two thousand dollars a year.'
20 Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 2009 Edition
"Truly my cup ran over! The gift of a library valued at four thousand
dollars, and such unexpected provision for my salary—all in one day!
Could I doubt that God desired the Evangelical Theological College to go
God guaranteed Joshua's success only as he kept the Mosaic Law (1:7). It was necessary
therefore that all the males who had been born in the wilderness and had not undergone
circumcision should do so. Circumcision included the individual male in the blessings of
the Abrahamic Covenant (Gen. 17). It was a prerequisite for partaking in the Passover
that God required of all Israelites yearly (Exod. 12). As the stones just set up,
circumcision was also a memorial.
5:1 This verse at first might seem more appropriate as a conclusion to the
previous chapter. However it explains how the Israelites were able to take
several days to perform an operation that rendered them very vulnerable to
their enemies militarily. Israel's foes feared them greatly as a result of the
miracle of the Jordan crossing, and they did not attack.
This reference to the Amorites and Canaanites groups all the native tribes
together. The people who possessed the South and the mountains of the
land were mainly Amorites. Many of them had lived in Transjordan and
were the mightiest of the warriors among the tribes. Those who lived in
the North, in the lowlands by the Mediterranean Sea, and in the Valley of
Jezreel, were mainly Canaanites. The Canaanites were traders rather than
warriors. The writer sometimes put all the native people in one or the other
of these two groups. This depended on the area in which they lived (South
or North, highlands or lowlands) or the general characteristic of the people
that occupied most of that area (warlike or peaceful).62
Flint knives (v. 2) were sharp flint rocks (obsidian). The first mass
circumcision of the Israelites evidently took place in Egypt before the first
Passover and the Exodus.
"The sentence upon the fathers, that their bodies should fall
in the desert, was unquestionably a rejection of them on the
part of God, an abrogation of the covenant with them. This
punishment was also to be borne by their sons; and hence
the reason why those who were born in the desert by the
way were not circumcised."65
Why did God wait to command the circumcision of the new generation
until now rather than on the plains of Moab? Perhaps He did so because
He wanted to bring the people into the land before enforcing this aspect of
the law. This is consistent with God's dealings with humankind. He first
gives and then asks (cf. Rom. 12:1).
The reproach of Egypt (v. 9) was the charge that originated with the
Egyptians that Yahweh had led the Israelites out of Egypt only to destroy
64Butler,p. 58.
65Keiland Delitzsch, p. 55.
66Bush, p. 56.
22 Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 2009 Edition
them in the wilderness (cf. Exod. 32:12; Num. 14:13-16; Deut. 9:28). Now
that He had brought them into the land He had promised them, He had
negated or "rolled away" this criticism. Gilgal sounds like the Hebrew
word translated "rolling" (galal) and means "circle." Another view is that
the reproach of Egypt refers to the disgrace the Israelites experienced in
Egyptian slavery. When the Israelites obeyed God by circumcising their
young men, the Lord's deliverance of them reached its climax.67
The Israelites seem to have regarded the rolling away of the foreskins in
the circumcision operation as having a double symbolic meaning. It
represented God's removal of their reproach as well as their renunciation
of the flesh (cf. Gen. 17).
God specified knives of flint even though this was the Late Bronze Age
(1550-1200 B.C.), and bronze implements were common.
5:10-12 The Law prescribed that only members of the covenant community could
eat the Passover. It was a memorial to God's redemption of Israel out of
Egyptian slavery in the Exodus. It symbolized God's deliverance of His
people from the tyranny of sin (cf. Exod. 12:43-51).
In the Feast of Unleavened Bread that followed the Passover the people
were able to use the grain of the land to make bread (v. 11). God now
provided for His people's need for daily bread by giving them the produce
of the land rather than manna, which now ceased (cf. Exod. 16:35).
Sometimes obeying God makes us vulnerable to the attacks of our spiritual enemies.
Notwithstanding God will protect those who trust and obey Him in these situations.
67Butler,p. 59.
68Jay D. Fawver and R. Larry Overstreet, "Moses and Preventive Medicine," Bibliotheca Sacra 147:587
69Bush, p. 60.
2009 Edition Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 23
Before Israel entered the land of Canaan, God had been preparing for His people to take
possession of it by sovereignly directing the political affairs of Egypt. Egypt had
maintained control over Canaan for many years. However shortly before and during the
ascension of Pharaoh Amenhotep II (1417—1379 B.C.) to the throne, Egyptian interest in
Canaanite affairs began to decline. Consequently some of the Canaanite kings asserted
their independence from Egyptian control and began to increase their influence and to
dominate their neighbors. In addition, foreigners besides the Israelites invaded portions of
Canaan. Some of the victims of oppression wrote letters to Pharaoh asking for Egyptian
assistance. They sent these letters to Amarna, the capital of Egypt at this time, and they
are known today as the Amarna Letters. They wrote these documents in cuneiform script.
Archaeologists discovered them at Amarna in A.D. 1887. They provide much valuable
information on the political and military climate in Canaan during the period of Israel's
"While Akhenaten [Amenhotep III, 1379-1361 B.C., the son and successor
of Amenhotep II] spent his life preoccupied with religious reform,
Egyptian prestige in Asia sank to a low ebb. As the Amarna Letters
abundantly show, no effort was made by the court to answer the frantic
appeals for help made by some princes who still professed loyalty to
Egypt. The most common complaint in these letters is that unless Egypt
would send troops urgently the land would fall into the hands of the
Khapiru. Some historians are inclined to see in these Khapiru the Hebrews
of the Bible who at this time were overrunning Palestine."71
When the Israelites began their conquest, the Canaanite city-states did not have the
protection of Egypt or any other strong world power that they had enjoyed in the past.
70See Charles Pfeiffer, Tell El Amarna and the Bible; and Davis and Whitcomb, pp. 18-21.
71Siegfried Schwantes, A Short History of the Ancient Near East, p. 90. See also Nadav Na'aman, "Habiru
and Hebrews: The Transfer of a Social Term to the Literary Sphere," Journal of Near Eastern Studies 45:4
(October 1986):271-88; and Douglas Waterhouse, "Who Are the Habiru of the Amarna Letters?" Journal
of the Adventist Theological Society 12:1 (Spring 2001):31-42.
72Campbell, "Joshua," p. 339.
24 Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 2009 Edition
Evidently Joshua was reconnoitering near Jericho only about two miles
from Gilgal. He was planning his strategy when he met the Man who
identified Himself as the Captain (Prince) of the Lord's host (angelic army;
cf. 1 Kings 22:19; 2 Kings 6:8-17; Ps. 148:2; Matt. 26:53; Heb. 1:14). It is
obvious that Joshua perceived this Man as a mighty warrior standing
before him with sword drawn ready for battle (cf. Num. 22:23; 1 Chron.
21:16). As soon as the Stranger identified Himself, Joshua bowed before
Him acknowledging His superiority.
The command to remove his sandals (v. 15) would have convinced Joshua
that this was the same God who appeared to Moses at the burning bush
(Exod. 3:5).
73Maps 54 (p. 43), 56 (p. 44), 58 (p. 45), and 62 (p. 47) in The Macmillan Bible Atlas are very good. They
illustrate the battles of Jericho and Ai, Gibeon, Southern Canaan, and Northern Canaan respectively.
74Constable, p. 105.
75Madvig, p. 276.
76Butler, p. 57.
77Hess, p. 126. One could also cite God's visit to Abraham at the oaks of Mamre (Gen. 18) and Jesus' self-
revelation to the two disciples on the way to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35), though these were not life
2009 Edition Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 25
Joshua would hardly have submitted as he did if he had not believed that
this Man was the Angel of the Lord (cf. Exod. 3:5; Num. 22:31).
God not only instructed Joshua concerning what he should do in the battle
ahead, but this theophany assured Joshua that Yahweh would also
personally lead His people in battle. We need not conclude, however, that
this divine Leader continued to be visible after this. There is no reference
to Him in the record of the battle that follows. His appearance on this
occasion simply impressed Joshua with the fact that God would be leading
6:1-5 The parenthetic comment about Jericho that opens this chapter (v. 1)
emphasizes the fact that the city had strong fortifications.
As in the previous section, the writer recorded the command of God first
(vv. 2-5; cf. Ps. 108:12-13) and then Joshua's execution of the command
(vv. 6-21; cf. 3:7-8; 4:1-3, 15-16). Unlike Moses, who at the burning bush
argued at length with the Lord about His plan (Exod. 3:11—4:17), Joshua
obeyed without question.
6:6-14 The terms "Lord" and "ark" occur interchangeably here (v. 8). The Lord
was over the ark, and the ark represented the Lord's presence.
Evidently the whole Israelite nation did not march around the walls of
Jericho. Only warriors and priests circled the city (vv. 3, 4, 6, 9, et al.).
The "people" referred to in the context (v. 7, 16, et al.) were these people,
not all the Israelites. Probably representatives of the tribes participated in
this march rather than all the soldiers of Israel. The line of march was as
follows: soldiers, priests, the ark, and more soldiers (vv. 6-9, 13).
78Butler, p. 61.
79Eugene H. Merrill, Kingdom of Priests, p. 109.
26 Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 2009 Edition
The trumpets the priests blew (vv. 4, 9, et al.) were not the long silver
trumpets but rams horns (shophars). The blowing of trumpets in Israel
reminded the people of God's activity for them. The priests used them to
call the people to follow God who was going before them in the
wilderness. Both functions were applicable on this occasion. The trumpet
blasts signaled judgment to the Canaanites but victory to the Israelites (cf.
1 Cor. 15:51-52; 1 Thess. 4:13-17).
"The first time that we read of a trumpet-blast is at Sinai,
where the Lord announced His descent upon the mount to
the people assembled at the foot to receive Him, not only
by other fearful phenomena, but also by a loud and long-
continued trumpet-blast (Ex. xix. 16, 19, xx. 14 (18). After
this we find the blowing of trumpets prescribed as part of
the Israelitish worship in connection with the observance of
the seventh new moon's day (Lev. xxiii. 24), and at the
proclamation of the great year of jubilee (Lev. xxv. 9). Just
as the trumpet-blast heard by the people when the covenant
was made at Sinai was as it were a herald's call,
announcing to the tribes of Israel the arrival of the Lord
their God to complete His covenant and establish His
kingdom upon earth; so the blowing of trumpets in
connection with the round of feasts was intended partly to
bring the people into remembrance before the Lord year by
year at the commencement of the sabbatical month, that He
might come to them and grant them the Sabbath rest of His
kingdom, and partly at the end of every seven times seven
years to announce on the great day of atonement the
coming of the great year of grace and freedom, which was
to bring to the people of God deliverance from bondage,
return to their own possessions, and deliverance from the
bitter labours of this earth, and to give them a foretaste of
the blessed and glorious liberty to which the children of
God would attain at the return of the Lord to perfect His
kingdom (vid. Pentateuch, vol. ii, p. 466-7). But when the
Lord comes to found, to build up, and to perfect His
kingdom upon earth, He also comes to overthrow and
destroy the worldly power which opposes His kingdom.
The revelation of the grace and mercy of God to His
children, goes ever side by side with the revelation of
justice and judgment towards the ungodly who are His foes.
If therefore the blast of trumpets was the signal to the
congregation of Israel of the gracious arrival of the Lord its
God to enter into fellowship with it, no less did it proclaim
the advent of judgment to an ungodly world."80
6:15-21 The warriors and priests were to remain silent as they circled the city each
time except the last. God evidently used this strategy to impress on the
people of Jericho, as well as the Israelites, that the deliverance was not by
human might or power. It was by the Spirit of the Lord (cf. Zech. 4:6). He
commanded the final shout on the seventh day to announce His
destruction of the wall. It was a shout of joy for the Israelites.
The writer did not explain the reasons for Israel circling Jericho once a
day for six days and then seven times the seventh day. This strategy did
give the king of Jericho an opportunity to surrender. The uniqueness of
this approach undoubtedly impressed everyone with the supernatural
character of the victory. It involved almost incredible faith for the
Israelites (Heb. 11:30). There was probably also some significance to the
number seven. This may have impressed the Israelites further that the
victory was a complete work of God following the pattern of the seven
days of creation.
81Madvig, p. 281.
82Ibid.,p. 278.
83Keil and Delitzsch, p. 69.
28 Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 2009 Edition
There are some things about Jericho that archaeology has not revealed.
84See Kathleen Kenyon, The Bible and Recent Archaeology, pp. 10, 36-38.
85Bruce K. Waltke, "Palestinian Artifactual Evidence Supporting the Early Date of the Exodus,"
Bibliotheca Sacra 129:513 (January-March 1972):42.
86Gleason L. Archer, "Old Testament History and Recent Archaeology From Moses to David," Bibliotheca
Sacra 127:506 (April-June 1970):108. See also Leon Wood, A Survey of Israel's History, pp. 94-99, for a
good discussion of the archaeology of Old Testament Jericho.
87Kenneth Kitchen, The Bible In Its World, p. 89.
2009 Edition Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 29
6:22-25 God commanded the Israelites to consecrate all the spoils of this battle to
Him since He had given Jericho into their hands as the firstfruits of the
land. Rahab and her possessions were exceptions because she had aided
the spies. The Israelites were to burn cities under the "ban" (Heb. herem,
v. 17; cf. Deut. 20:16-18) and to kill their inhabitants including the cattle
(Lev. 27:29). The only objects they were to spare were metal, gold, silver,
and vessels of brass and iron. These they were to place in the treasury of
the tabernacle (v. 19; Num. 31:54). The Israelites completely destroyed
only three Canaanite cities west of the Jordan along with their populations,
namely, Jericho, Ai, and Hazor (lit. enclosure). They captured many others
and slew some of their inhabitants.89 Earlier they had devoted Hormah
88Butler, p. xxxviii. Cf. ibid., pp. 32-33. On the importance of regarding archaeological conclusions as
tentative, see Eugene H. Merrill, "Palestinian Archaeology and the Date of the Conquest: Do Tells Tell
Tales?" Grace Theological Journal 3:1 (Summer 1982):107-121; Larry G. Herr, "What Archaeology Can
and Cannot Do," Ministry 56:2 (February 1983):28-29; and Edwin M. Yamauchi, "The Proofs, Problems
and Promises of Biblical Archaeology," Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation 36:3 (September
89Merrill, Kingdom of . . ., p. 110. A major book on the subject of Israel's complete annihilation of the
Canaanites is Peter Craigie, The Problem of War in the Old Testament. See also J. Andrew Dearman, "The
Problem of War in the Old Testament: War, Peace, and Justice," Austin Seminary Bulletin (October
1983):5-14; and Ronald Goetz, "Joshua, Calvin, and Genocide," Theology Today 32 (October 1975):263-
74. For insight into the depraved lifestyle of the Canaanites, see Charles Pfeiffer, Ras Shamra and the
Bible; Peter Craigie, Ugarit and the Old Testament; and idem, "The Tablets From Ugarit and Their
Importance for Biblical Studies," Biblical Archaeology Review (September-October 1983):62-72.
30 Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 2009 Edition
(Num. 21:3), Heshbon (Deut. 3:1-2), and Og's towns (Deut. 3:3) to
complete destruction.
6:26-27 The curse on the person tempted to rebuild Jericho (v. 26) would have
discouraged anyone from fortifying again this city that was a symbol of
military power. God wanted His people to trust in Him for their security
and not to rely on physical defenses primarily (cf. 11:6). We could
interpret building the city as building the fortifications of the city rather
than as building houses on the site. The Israelites may have rebuilt and
inhabited Jericho again during the period of the judges (18:21; Judg. 1:16;
3:13; 2 Sam. 10:5), but they may not have fortified it until much later. God
executed Joshua's curse on Hiel when he rebuilt Jericho's fortifications
during the reign of King Ahab of Israel (1 Kings 16:34). A better
explanation may be that Canaanites rebuilt Jericho, but Hiel was the first
Israelite to do so.
Keil and Delitzsch explained the reason for the miraculous defeat of Jericho as follows.
". . . Jericho was not only the first, but the strongest town of Canaan, and
as such was the key to the conquest of the whole land, the possession of
which would open the way to the whole, and give the whole, as it were,
into their hands. The Lord would give His people the first and strongest
town of Canaan, as the first-fruits of the land, without any effort on their
part, as a sign that He was about to give them the whole land for a
possession, according to His promise; in order that they might not regard
the conquest of it as their own work, or the fruit of their own exertions,
and look upon the land as a well-merited possession which they could do
as they pleased with, but that they might ever use it as a gracious gift from
the Lord, which he had merely conferred upon them as a trust, and which
He could take away again, whenever they might fall from Him, and render
themselves unworthy of His grace. This design on the part of God would
of necessity become very obvious in the case of so strongly fortified a
town as Jericho, whose walls would appear impregnable to a people that
had grown up in the desert and was so utterly without experience in the art
of besieging or storming fortified places, and in fact would necessarily
remain impregnable, at all events for a long time, without the interposition
of God."92
All the aspects of the battle at Jericho strengthened Israel's faith in Yahweh. God's people
learned His strength and ability to overcome all their obstacles by personal experience
here. They acted in faith obeying His Word and trusting in the outcome He had promised.
This day Israel reached a high water mark in her spiritual history. We should learn the
same things from this record as well as from the supernatural victories God has given
each of us. Israel also became a nation among nations in the ancient Near East with this
2. Defeat at Ai ch. 7
At Jericho, Israel learned God's strength. At Ai, she learned her own weakness. She could
only conquer her enemies as she remained faithful to God's covenant.
"We are never in greater danger than right after we have won a great
"In the Bible the site of Ai (HaAi in Hebrew means the ruin or the heap of
stones) is linked with Bethel. The most prominent ruin in the entire area
east of the Bethel Plateau is called in Arabic et-Tell . . . at the junction of
the two main natural routes from Jericho to the Hill Country. . . . The site
of et-Tell has no equal in the region both in terms of strategic importance
and in terms of surface debris indicating an ancient city.
"Excavations at et-Tell have revealed a large city from the Early Bronze
Age [3150-2200 B.C.] in the millennium prior to Joshua's conquest. A
small village later than Joshua's conquest (later than both the early and the
late dates for the conquest) does not provide the answer to the question of
the lack of remains at et-Tell. Therefore, although the setting of et-Tell fits
perfectly the detailed geographical information in Joshua 8 and 9, an
archaeological problem exists due to the lack of remains from the period
of Joshua at the site."95
Even though Achan was the individual who sinned, and even though his
sin was private, God regarded what he did as the action of the whole
nation. This was so because he was a member of the community of Israel.
The Hebrew word translated "unfaithfully" (maal) means "treacherously"
or "secretly."
Achan had not just taken some things that did not belong to him. This
would have been bad in itself. He stole what was God's, and he robbed the
whole nation of its purity before God. The Lord's blazing anger against
Israel fell on Achan and literally consumed him (v. 25; cf. Heb. 12:29).
7:2-5 The spies who reconnoitered Ai based their advice on the numbers of
these Canaanites and the Israelites.
95Monson, pp. 168-69. For a review of excavations in search of Ai and the problem of the lack of
archaeological evidence for Ai's existence at et-Tell in Joshua's day, see Ziony Zevit, "The Problem of Ai,"
Biblical Archaeology Review 11:2 (March-April 1985):58-69. See also Archer, "Old Testament . . .," p.
111. Peter Briggs, "Testing the Factuality of the Conquest of Ai Narrative in the Book of Joshua," paper
presented at the annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, Colorado Springs, Colo., Nov. 15,
2001, argued for et-Tell being the Ai of Abraham's time, el-Maqatir being the Ai of Joshua's time, and still
another close site being the Ai of Nehemiah's time (Ezra 2:28; Neh. 7:32). El-Maqatir is less than a mile
west of et-Tell.
2009 Edition Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 33
The spies in Numbers 13—14 lacked faith in God because they did not
believe that the Israelites were strong enough to defeat their enemies. They
failed to reckon on God's help. The spies in Joshua 7 lacked faith in God
because they believed the Israelites were strong enough to defeat their
enemies. They disregarded the need for God's help. The fact that the
people's hearts melted (v. 5; cf. 2:11) hints that Israel may have been
trusting in her own strength rather than in the Lord.
7:6-9 Even Joshua had lost the divine perspective temporarily. His complaining
lament sounds like Israel's murmuring in the wilderness (cf. Exod. 16:3;
Num. 14:2-3; et al.). However, he also had a concern for the continuing
honor of Yahweh (v. 9; cf. Exod. 32:11-12; Num. 14:13; Deut. 9:28). As
Moses, Joshua desired above everything that God would receive glory.
Unfortunately he did not yet possess the stability and objectivity that
characterized Moses' later years because he had not yet walked with God
as closely or as long as Moses had.
7:10-15 God reminded Joshua that he should not look for the reason for Israel's
defeat in God but in Israel.
"The first three clauses [in v. 11] describe the sin in its
relation to God, as a grievous offense; the three following
according to its true character, as a great, obstinate, and
reckless crime."99
96Monson, p. 168.
97Davis and Whitcomb, p. 54.
98Butler, p. 84.
99Keil and Delitzsch, p. 79.
34 Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 2009 Edition
The burning of a criminal after his stoning was one way of emphasizing
the wickedness of his crime (Lev. 20:14; cf. Deut. 13:15-16). It was a
"disgraceful thing" (v. 15) to steal something under the ban from God.
7:16-26 Even though Achan's sin carried a punishment that he could not decrease
or postpone, Achan could at least reduce his guilt by confessing his sin.
This he did in response to Joshua's paternal entreaty (v. 19). Confessing
one's sin is one way to glorify God.
Achan's confession clearly
revealed the process involved in
yielding to temptation (v. 21).100
He allowed the sight of
something attractive to grow into
covetousness. Then he took the
step from covert mental sin to
overt physical sin.101 Finally he CAMPAIGN
sought to cover his action rather
than confessing it. The same three
verbs "I saw," "I coveted," and "I Mt. Ebal ^
took" appear in the story of the * Shechem
Mt. Gerizim ^
Fall (Gen. 3:6-7, 10; cf. 2 Sam.
11:2-4, 8).
The Israelites punished Achan's
children with him (v. 24)
evidently because they had Bethel *
* Ai (?)
participated in his sin (cf. Prov. *Gilgal
15:27).102 It would have been Gibeon * Jericho*
difficult for Achan to hide the
amount of spoil he took under his
tent without raising the suspicions of his family. The people also destroyed
all of his possessions (cf. Deut. 13:16-17). Achan's sin was high-handed
defiance against God (cf. Num. 15:30, 35).
The heap of stones the people raised over Achan, his family, and his
possessions (v. 26) memorialized this act of rebellion for the Israelites and
their children (cf. 8:29; 2 Sam. 18:17). They named the valley in which the
execution took place Achor (lit. troubling or disaster) as a further reminder
(cf. Hos. 2:15; Isa. 65:10). Note the word play with Achan's name.
"Whilst they [the Israelites] learned from his mercies how
greatly he was to be loved, they needed also to learn from
his judgments how greatly he was to be feared."103
Israel's defeat at Ai graphically illustrates the far-reaching influence of sin. The private
sin of one or a few individuals can affect the welfare of many other people who do not
personally commit that sin.
Achan and his family were to Israel at this time what Ananias and Sapphira were to the
early church (Acts 5). They were a strong warning of the consequences of sin among
God's people. Korah and his cohorts as well as Nadab and Abihu were similar examples.
The fact that God does not judge sin today as He did on these occasions does not mean
He feels any less strongly about it. He mercifully withholds judgment in most instances.
Nevertheless sin still produces the same destruction and death.
"God's first revenges are so much more fearful, because they must be
God's punishment on Achan was not unfair. It is only by God's mercy that any sinner
lives to old age. God can judge any sinner at any time in his or her life and be perfectly
just. No sinner has any claim on God's grace. God is no man's debtor.
"As we read in ch. vii the story of Israel's first fight and first failure, we
shall see that there were in the main, two causes of defeat: self-confidence,
and covetousness; and these are still prime causes of failure in a Christian
3. Victory at Ai 8:1-29
When the people had dealt with the sin of Achan as God had commanded, Israel was
ready to engage the enemy again.
8:1-2 In view of Israel's defeat God's encouraging words were necessary to
strengthen Joshua's resolve (cf. 1:9). God promised to give victory, but He
specified the strategy. This time the Israelites could keep the spoil
themselves. "You shall take only" (v. 2) means, "Only you shall take."
8:3-13 Out of the 40,000 Israelite soldiers, Joshua chose 30,000 for this battle. Of
these he sent 5,000 to hide in ambush west of the town. The remaining
25,000 (double the population of Ai, v. 25) approached Ai from the north.
"Took" (v. 12) makes better sense if read "had taken."
8:14-23 Evidently men from Bethel, Ai's neighbor, joined with the men of Ai to
repulse Israel's attack (v. 17). These two cities had apparently made a
treaty for mutual defense.
Stretching out his javelin (v. 18) was Joshua's prearranged signal to his
men in ambush to attack. It symbolized that victory came from the Lord
(cf. Exod. 14:16; 17:8-12).
8:24-29 Joshua carefully obeyed the Lord's directions given here and previously in
the law. He killed all the inhabitants of the town, utterly destroyed Ai, and
killed the king whom he also hanged on a tree until sunset (Num. 25:4;
Deut. 21:22-23). Too, he erected a memorial pile of stones at the former
gate of the city (cf. 7:26).
This section, in contrast to the previous one, shows that God gives victory when His
people acknowledge their dependence on Him by trusting and obeying His Word.
"It is interesting to note again that this first victory in the Hill Country was
in the region of Ai and Bethel, exactly where some of the most significant
promises had been given to Abraham and Jacob hundreds of years earlier,
(. . . Genesis 13 and 28.10-22). In addition to the strategic nature of the
region, these earlier promises may have played a part in Joshua's decision
to begin his campaign precisely here. Joshua's bold move toward this part
of the Hill Country may have been just what was needed to unify the
Canaanites in the Bethel region. Up to this point they appear to have been
in disarray in the face of the Israelite threat (Joshua 5.1). What better place
to make their stand than here at the entrance to the strategic region of
Bethel and the Central Benjamin Plateau?"106
One writer observed similarities between Joshua 7:1—8:29 and Deuteronomy 1:19—
3:11; 9:7—10:11; Judges 10:6—11:33; and 20:1-48. He concluded that the biblical writer
used similar motifs and terminology in these passages to impress on his readers by
repetition three major lessons. First, Israel's occupation of the Promised Land was not a
sure thing but depended on her obedience to God. Second, defeat in the land need not be
final and irreversible. Third, to regain the land the people had to deal with the guilty in
Israel, and they had to return to obeying the Lord.107
Israel had now obtained a substantial enough foothold in the land to journey north to
Shechem to carry out God's instructions concerning the renewal of the covenant in the
land (Deut. 27). Shechem stood about 30 miles north of Ai. It was a significant place for
this ceremony because it was there that God first told Abraham that He would give him
the land of Canaan (Gen. 12:7). Moreover Shechem had always been a busy site because
of its geographical situation at a crossroads in northern Palestine.
"The story of the building of an altar on Mount Ebal and of the solemn
reading of the blessings and curses of the covenant at that site is
strategically important for understanding the message of the Book of
Joshua. . . . In unmistakably clear symbolism the reader is told that the
right of possessing the promised land is tied to the proclamation of, and
106Monson, p. 170.
107Christopher Begg, "The Function of Josh. 7, 1-8, 29 in the Deuteronomistic History," Biblica 67:3
2009 Edition Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 37
subjection to, God's covenant claims upon his people (and upon the
The order of events the writer recorded here varies slightly from the order Moses gave in
Deuteronomy. Probably the order here represents what took place.
This ceremony established Yahweh as "the God of Israel" (v. 30) in the sight of the
Canaanites as well as the Israelites. It amounted to Israel's declaration of dependence.
The people offered burnt and peace offerings on Mt. Sinai when God first gave the Law
to Israel. Their offering again here recalled the former incident and shows that this
ceremony constituted a covenant renewal.
"This made it palpable even to strangers entering the land what God was
worshipped in it, and all excuse for error was taken away."110
The extent of the passages from the Mosaic Law that the people copied on the stone
monuments is not clear from this passage. Deuteronomy 27 seems to imply the Ten
Commandments. "The blessing and the curse" (v. 34) may be a synonym for "all the
words of the law" (i.e., the Ten Commandments) rather than a reference to the specific
blessings and curses listed previously and recited here (Deut. 28).112 However, another
possibility is that "the blessing and the curse" may refer to Deuteronomy 28.113
108Woudstra, p. 144. Mt. Ebal is the northern of the two mountains with an elevation of about 3,085 feet,
and Mt. Gerizim is the southern at 2,890 feet.
109Hughes, p. 101. Some scholars believe the Israelites inscribed the whole Book of Deuteronomy on
stone. This is possible since the Behistun Inscription, also written on a stone monolith in Iran, is three times
the length of Deuteronomy.
110John Calvin, Commentaries on the Book of Joshua, p. 133.
111Madvig, p. 294.
112See Adam Zertal, "Has Joshua's Altar Been Found on Mt. Ebal?" Biblical Archaeology Review 11:1
(January-February 1985):26-42; Aharon Kempinski, "Joshua's Altar—An Iron Age I Watchtower," Biblical
Archaeology Review 12:1 (January-February 1986):42, 44-49; Adam Zertal, "How Can Kempinski Be So
Wrong!" Biblical Archaeology Review 12:1 (January-February 1986):43, 49-53; Hershel Shanks, "Two
Early Israelite Cult Sites Now Questioned," Biblical Archaeology Review 14:1 (January-February
1988):48-52; and Milt Machlin, "Joshua and the Archaeologist," Reader's Digest 137:821 (September
113Bush, p. 97; Meredith G. Kline, "Deuteronomy," in The Wycliffe Bible Commentary, p. 192.
38 Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 2009 Edition
This ceremony confronted all the Israelites—men, women, and children—with the
demands of their covenant God as they began this new phase of their national history.
Obedient response would guarantee future happiness in the land.
It is important for God's people to declare their allegiance to His revealed will publicly
among the unbelievers with whom we live (cf. Act 1:8). This helps them understand why
we live as we do, and it brings glory to God when His people then proceed to live upright
lives and demonstrate His supernatural power.
9:1-2 Israel is the probable antecedent of "it" in verse 1 rather than the renewal
of the covenant at Shechem. Israel's success led several Canaanite kings to
ally against God's people. While this alliance was taking shape the
Gibeonites initiated a different tactic.
Until now in Joshua Israel had chosen its military targets, but now others
defined their military objectives.
9:3-5 Gibeon stood seven miles south of Bethel. It was "one of the largest towns
in the central part of Canaan,"115 larger than Ai (10:2), and possibly the
Hivite capital.116 It later became a Levitical town (18:25; 21:17). The
Israelites eventually pitched the tabernacle there, and it remained at that
site until Solomon built his temple (1 Kings 3:4-5; 1 Chron. 16:39; 21:29).
Hivites inhabited Gibeon at the time of the conquest (v. 7). They were "a
brave people."117
When the leaders of Gibeon learned of the crafty methods the Israelites
had used at Jericho and Ai, they determined to use deception too.
114Hess, p. 176.
115Keil and Delitzsch, p. 95.
116Bush, p. 99.
117Keil and Delitzsch, p. 96.
2009 Edition Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 39
9:6-15 God had not forbidden the Israelites from making peace treaties with non-
Canaanite peoples (Deut. 20:11), but He had expressly commanded them
not to make treaties with the native Canaanite tribes (Exod. 23:32; 34:12;
Num. 33:55; Deut. 7:2).
The Gibeonites deceived the Israelites with their diffident spirit (v. 8) as
well as with their food and clothing (vv. 12-13). They pretended to fear
Yahweh, too, the highest motive for allying with Israel (vv. 9-10). Their
objective was to save their own lives.
On the surface the Gibeonites' request seemed within the Mosaic Law.
Consequently the Israelites took some of their food, possibly to inspect it
at least (v. 14). If they ate it with them, this eating may have been part of a
covenantal agreement. This custom was common in the ancient Near East
(v. 15; cf. Gen. 31:54).118 The Israelites sealed the treaty with a solemn
promise to preserve the Gibeonites (v. 15). The writer clearly identified
the reason the Gibeonites were successful in deceiving Israel. The
Israelites "did not ask for the counsel of the Lord" (v. 14; Num. 27:21; cf.
James 4:2). Though they had learned that obedience was necessary for
victory at Jericho and Ai, they had not yet learned that they needed divine
guidance at every step (cf. John 15:5).
9:16-27 The leaders of Gibeon controlled four towns (v. 17). These towns acted
together in many of their dealings, including making the treaty with Israel.
The possession of these cities by the Israelites gave God's people a more
secure foothold in central Canaan.
118Livingston, p. 157.
119Madvig, p. 297.
120Bush, p. 105.
121Butler, p. 104.
40 Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 2009 Edition
The reason God forbade His people from allowing the Canaanites to live
and become incorporated into Israel was that they might lead the Israelites
into idolatry. The leaders of Israel therefore punished the Gibeonites for
their deception in a way designed to minimize the possibility of their
doing this. They made them servants in the tabernacle. This plan
undoubtedly reinstated the leaders in the good favor of the Israelites.
Nevertheless this was not a wise move because the Lord wanted only
authorized Israelites to assist in tabernacle worship. By bringing these
foreigners into tabernacle service, the leaders of Israel violated the
holiness of God (cf. Num. 3:10; Ezek. 44:7).
122Madvig, p. 299.
123Davis and Whitcomb, p. 63.
124See F. Charles Fensham, "The Treaty Between Israel and the Gibeonites," Biblical Archaeologist 27:3
125Woudstra, p. 164.
126Butler, pp. 104-5.
2009 Edition Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 41
127Schaeffer,p. 151. See pp. 148-151 for his defense of this view. See also Hess, p. 179.
128For some parallels between this chapter and others in Deuteronomy and Kings, see Peter J. Kearney,
"The Role of the Gibeonites in the Deuteronomic History," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 35:1 (1973):1-19.
129Keil and Delitzsch, p. 95.
42 Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 2009 Edition
10:6-11 Here the writer used the name "Amorites" (v. 6) generally of the
Canaanites who were living in the nearby hills, including the Jebusites.
The Amorites who lived in the mountains were the strongest of all the
This was the first time Israel had gone into battle against an alliance of
city-states. God reassured Joshua that he would be victorious (v. 8).
God's strategy included an early morning surprise attack that caught the
Amorites off guard (cf. Exod. 23:27). Israel was able to gain the advantage
and pursued the fleeing Amorites for several miles. God also sent a
hailstorm (cf. Exod. 9:24) as the Amorites descended from Upper Beth-
horon to Lower Beth-horon along the ridge route that connects these
towns (the "descent," v. 11). This storm killed many of the enemy but
none of God's people. By this the Amorites and the Israelites realized that
this victory came as a result of the supernatural help of Yahweh and not
simply by Israel's own power. Yahweh as well as Israel had devoted the
Amorites to destruction.
"The crossing of the Jordan at high flood and the cyclonic
hail storm at Aijalon are of special theological significance,
for Baal was the great Canaanite storm god who was
supposed to control the rain, the hail, the snow and the
floods of Palestine. These episodes proved that Baal was as
powerless before Yahweh in Palestine as he had been in the
episode of the plagues in Egypt."132
Note in verses 9-15 how the writer alternated references to the activities of
the Israelites and God. He seems to have wanted to impress the reader
with the fact than God and men were laboring together to secure the
victory (cf. 1 Cor. 3:9).
10:12-15 Joshua based his petition (v. 12) on God's promise (v. 8). It was a public
prayer that he spoke in the hearing of the Israelites.
There are two basic explanations of this miracle among evangelical
1. God slowed or stopped the earth's rotation, or He tilted its axis
thereby lengthening the period of daylight. Most of those who hold
this view believe God counteracted the worldwide effects of this
miracle by His supernatural power.133 The main problem with this
view is its improbability. Would God (He could, of course)
perform such a worldwide miracle simply to give Israel more
daylight? Advocates reply that this is the normal meaning of the
words the writer used.
2. This may have been a local miracle whereby God provided
additional light for Israel. Some advocates of this view believe
God created unusual atmospheric conditions that resulted in the
refraction of sunlight after the sun had set. Others feel God
provided a light for Israel that may even have looked like the sun
but was a different source of light such as the shekinah.134 The
main problem with this view is the language used in the text that
seems to imply an actual alteration of the earth's rotation.
Advocates reply that this is the language of appearance and cite
similar miracles in Scripture (e.g., Exod. 10:21-23; 2 Kings 20:10-
11). Some also cite God's promise to provide day and night
regularly that seems to favor this view (Gen. 8:22; cf. Jer. 33:20-
L. Kelso, Archaeology and Our Old Testament Contemporaries, p. 53.
133Schaeffer, p. 142; Campbell, No Time . . ., pp. 81-83; idem, "Joshua," p. 351; et al.
134Bush, p. 119; Davis and Whitcomb, pp. 69-70; Keil and Delitzsch, pp. 109-112; et al.
44 Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 2009 Edition
Various writers have suggested many other views and variations of these
The Canaanites regarded the sun and moon as deities. Their control by
Yahweh must have deeply impressed Israel's enemies.137
An additional note that Yahweh fought for Israel (v. 14) reemphasized
God's initiative for His people in faithfulness to His promises.
Putting one's foot on the necks of one's enemies was a symbolic act that
represented complete subjugation in the ancient Near East (v. 24; cf. 1
Kings 5:3; Ps. 8:6; 110:1). The act also gave the Israelites greater
confidence. Joshua strengthened the impact of this act with an
encouraging exhortation (v. 25).
Israel's leaders placed large stones over the grave of the Canaanite kings
(v. 27) for the benefit of future observers (cf. 7:25). This constituted still
another memorial to God's faithfulness and power.
135Robert Dick Wilson, "Understanding 'The Sun Stood Still,'" in Classical Evangelical Essays in Old
Testament Interpretation, pp. 61-65.
136See Davis and Whitcomb, pp. 66-70, for several. John S. Holladay Jr., "The Day(s) the Moon Stood
Still," Journal of Biblical Literature 87 (1968):167-78, believed Joshua was voicing belief in astrology and
was calling for a favorable alignment of the heavenly bodies.
137See Robert B. Chisholm Jr., "The Polemic against Baalism in Israel's Early History and Literature,"
Bibliotheca Sacra 151:603 (July-September 1994):276-77.
138Butler, p. 117.
2009 Edition Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 45
trust, obedience, using our resources, etc.; cf. Eph. 6:14-18). The Lord also provides
assistance naturally and supernaturally. He enables us to use the strength, wisdom, and
endurance He has given us. He also does things we cannot possibly do for ourselves. He
gave the Israelite army extra light and sent hail from the sky. He gives us material gifts,
He changes the hearts of people, and He opens up new opportunities for us, to name a
few of His acts.
To this point Israel's victories had taken place in central Canaan. God's strategy was to
give His people a base of operation in the middle part of the land first. From there they
could then advance to the South and then to the North. The writer summarized the
southern campaign in this section of verses.
139Ibid., p. 119.
140Davis and Whitcomb, p. 70.
46 Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 2009 Edition
10:40-43 These verses summarize the conquest of the whole southern portion of
Canaan. As we shall see later, Israel did not defeat every town or kill
every Canaanite without exception. However, Joshua effectively removed
the military threat to Israel that the cities in the south posed. "All" (v. 40)
has a limited meaning. In this context it means all parts of the land, all the
kings of the cities that Joshua destroyed, and all who lived in those cities
(cf. 13:1).
Goshen (v. 41) was a town on the southern frontier of Israel (15:51). The
reference is not to the section of Egypt that bore this name.
The writer emphasized God's fighting for Israel again (v. 42).
God's people do not have to engage every enemy that exists immediately any more than
the Israelites had to kill every individual Canaanite or attack every city immediately. At
this stage in their national life God's will was that they attack only certain selected
targets. Sometimes we can experience discouragement when we look at the host of
wicked people that surrounds us or the many sins that plague us. We may think, "What
can one individual do to stem such a tide of lawlessness?" We may even think it is
useless to do anything in view of the huge task we face (Matt. 28:19-20). In those
situations we need to do what God puts before us to do day by day rather than taking on
more responsibility than God wants us to assume immediately (cf. Matt. 6:25-34).
141Kitchen,p. 89.
142Carlvon Clausewitz, On War, p. 101, cited by Craigie, The Problem of War . . ., p. 46.
143See David Ussishkin, "Lachish—Key to the Israelite Conquest of Canaan?" Biblical Archaeology
Review 13:1 (January-February 1987):18-39.
2009 Edition Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 47
11:1-3 Hazor (lit. enclosure) was the leading city in northern Canaan with an area
of 175 acres and a population of 30,000 to 40,000 people.144
Archaeologists calculate the population of walled cities in Canaan as about
200 people per acre. Hazor was at one time the head of an alliance of all
the northern cities (v. 10).145 Jabin (v. 1) may have been a title rather than
a proper name (cf. Judg. 4:2).146
11:4-9 According to Josephus the combined armies of the Canaanite tribes totaled
300,000 armed footmen, 10,000 horsemen, and 20,000 chariots.147
The waters of Merom (v. 5) were evidently close to the village of Merom
that was west of Hazor. Some scholars equate the waters of Merom with
Lake Huleh. Lake Huleh lay to the north of the Sea of Chinnereth
(Galilee). Others equate Merom with Madon, about five miles west of
modern Tiberias.149 These locations seem less likely.
11:10-15 The meaning of the phrase "cities that stood on their mounds" (v. 13) is
Perhaps these were the older more influential towns that previous
generations had rebuilt on their former ruins.151 If this is the meaning,
probably Joshua did not burn them because he wanted to preserve these
towns with time-honored sites for Israel's occupation.
144Davis and Whitcomb, p. 74. See also The New Bible Dictionary, 1962 ed., s.v. "Hazor," by T. C.
Mitchell, pp. 507-8.
145See Mary Rattigan, "Hazor and Its Significance," The Bible Today 23:1 (January 1985):44-50; Waltke,
"Palestinian Artifactual . . .," pp. 42-46; and Merrill, Kingdom of . . ., p. 120.
146Hess, p. 208, who did considerable study of non-Israelite personal names in Joshua, called it a personal
147Josephus, 5:1:18.
148Madvig, p. 309.
149Hess, p. 209.
150Bush, p. 134.
151Keil and Delitzsch, p. 122.
48 Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 2009 Edition
The secret of Joshua's remarkable success from the human viewpoint was his consistent
obedience to the Lord (v. 15). We too will experience victory over our spiritual
enemies—the world, the flesh, and the devil—to the extent that we do God's will as He
has revealed that in His Word.
Joshua subdued the whole land (v. 23) in the sense that there were no more pitched
battles by the combined Israelite tribal forces following Joshua's conquests. God expected
individual tribes to subdue the remaining towns and pockets of resistance from then on
(cf. 13:1; Judg. 1:1).
152Armerding, p. 108. See also Robert B. Chisholm Jr., "Divine Hardening in the Old Testament,"
Bibliotheca Sacra 153:612 (October-December 1996):429-30.
153Butler, p. 130.
2009 Edition Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 49
"The taking of the whole land does not imply that all the towns and
villages to the very last had been conquered, or that all the Canaanites
were rooted out from every corner of the land, but simply that the
conquest was of such a character that the power of the Canaanites was
broken, their dominion overthrown, and their whole land so thoroughly
given into the hands of the Israelites, that those who still remained here
and there were crushed into powerless fugitives, who could neither offer
any further opposition to the Israelites, nor dispute the possession of the
land with them, if they would only strive to fulfil the commandments of
their God and persevere in the gradual extermination of the scattered
The words of God to Moses to which the writer alluded (v. 23) are probably those in
Exodus 23:27-33 (cf. Deut. 7:22). There God told Moses He would not drive all the
Canaanites out of the land in one year but little by little. This is how the conquest of the
land had advanced thus far and how it should have continued to its completion.
The major war with the Canaanites ended (v. 23), but minor battles and mopping up
operations were still necessary. Not only did the Israelites obtain the land, but they
defeated the Canaanite kings and broke their power.156
"There has never been a greater war for a greater cause. The battle of
Waterloo decided the fate of Europe, but this series of contests in far-off
Canaan decided the fate of the world."157
Sihon and Og were the first Canaanite kings the Israelites defeated.
The writer identified 31 kings in the order in which Joshua defeated them.
"Many of the same names appear in the Amarna letters, thus confirming
the historicity of our text."158
"The description was not complete. Shechem is not mentioned, and the
hills of Ephraim are sparsely represented, as is the territory north of Hazor.
Completeness is not the object. The writer seeks to compile a list that will
impress the readers with the greatness of the feat of God in working for
Israel and of the greatness of the leadership of Joshua in following the
example of Moses and completing the task first given to Moses. Still, the
writer is aware that much remains to be done."159
This summary concludes the record of the conquest of the land (chs. 1—12), Joshua's
first major responsibility. He was now able to divide the land among the Israelites (chs.
13—21), his second great work (1:6).
Chapters 13—24 describe how Joshua divided the land and the results of that division.
Many, if not all, of the Israelite tribes did not conquer or control all the land allotted to
them (15:63; 16:10; 17:12-13). The record of the actual division of the land is in chapters
13—21, and the arrangements for settlement in it follow in chapters 22—24.
At the end of the seven-year period of conquest Israel occupied very little of the
Promised Land. "Very much" of it remained for them to possess (v. 1).160 Consequently
dividing all the land among the tribes required faith that God would give His people all of
it. Joshua had removed the significant military threats to Israel's existence. From now on
each tribe was responsible to conquer and colonize its designated territory.
"Resisting the temptation to skip over this section of Joshua [chs. 13—21]
can result in an appreciation of important features of God's covenant with
Israel. Beyond the obvious detail of the content of these chapters and the
means by which God blessed those who remained faithful in the conquest
of the land, this passage also addresses the question why the land formed
so significant a part of God's promises to the patriarchs and remained a
key feature of the covenant."161
162Butler,p. 152.
163Hess,p. 231.
164See W. B. Riley, "The Challenge to Carry On," reprinted in Fundamentalist Journal 2:2 (February
52 Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 2009 Edition
Balaam (v. 22) had lost his life during Israel's battle with the Midianites
(Num. 31:8).
13:24-28 The allotment of Gad lay in the middle of Israel's territory east of the
Jordan roughly between the Jabbok River and the northern end of the
Dead Sea.
13:29-31 Half of the tribe of Manasseh settled in the northern portion of this area.
13:32-33 The description of this territory ends with a reminder of the Levites'
inheritance, who received a special relationship to God rather than a tract
of land.
165Madvig, p. 318.
2009 Edition Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 53
"The two and one-half tribes chose, as Lot did, on the basis
of appearance (cf. Gen. 13:10-11), and their inheritance
was ultimately lost to them [cf. 1 Chron. 5:26]. On the
other hand the Levites, requesting no portion, were given
an inheritance of abiding spiritual significance."166
"The people of God are not called to act on their own initiative and desire,
nor to set their own goals. God has set the goals and issues the commands
which lead to their achievement."168
"Caleb represents all of Israel as one who receives an allotment and takes
the land for himself."169
Caleb was a member of the clan in Judah called the Kenizzites (vv. 6, 14). He was not a
descendant of the Kenizzites who were early inhabitants of Canaan (Gen. 15:19).170
The references to Caleb's age enable us to determine the length of the conquest of
Canaan. Caleb had received the promise of a portion in the land at Kadesh Barnea 38
years before the Israelites crossed the Jordan and entered Canaan (Num. 14:24). Caleb
was 40 years old then (v. 7). He was now 85 (v. 10). Forty-five years had elapsed, and
Caleb had spent 38 of them in the wilderness. Therefore the conquest must have taken the
remaining seven years.
The portion Caleb requested was within the tribal allotment of Judah, his tribe. He asked
for part of the hill country that the giants who had discouraged his fellow spies still
inhabited. In making his request (v. 12), Caleb referred to the very things that the
unbelieving spies had pointed out to discourage the Israelites from entering the land: hill
country, Anakim, and large fortified cities (cf. Num. 13:28-29). Joshua gave him the
town of Hebron that was, and still is, an important city. The notation that the ancient
name of Hebron was Kiriath-arba, the city of Arba, the greatest man among the Anakim
(giants), is significant (v. 15). It recalls God's faithfulness in giving this giant's city to
Caleb who had believed God could do so 45 years earlier.
Caleb was still strong in faith as well as in body even though he was an old man. He
continued to trust in God to fulfill His promise concerning the land rather than in his
personal physical ability to take it from the enemy. His name means "according to the
"It would have been natural for Caleb to ask for a 'soft spot'—a portion of
land already conquered where he could settle down and spend the rest of
his life raising a few vegetables or flowers. Instead, at 85, he asked for the
very section that had struck terror into the hearts of the ten spies. . . .
"This courageous old warrior, who did not expect to receive his
inheritance without exerting himself, is a splendid example for an age
which increasingly looks for cradle-to-casket protection."171
"Joshua 14 thus sets forth two major points, which continue to have value
for the people of God. Life in all its dimensions is to be lived according to
the plans set forth by God, not by the greedy, selfish plans designed by
man. Blessing comes ultimately to the man who totally follows God."172
Ancient Near Easterners used natural landmarks (rivers, mountains, deserts, towns, etc.)
to construct borders as well as artificial boundaries that they made by drawing lines
between sites. Virtually all nations have used these methods, and they are still common
Judah was the southernmost tribe west of the Jordan. Caleb's family and the Simeonites
lived within Judah's territory. Simeon was the smallest tribe except Levi and lost its
territorial identity within Judah shortly after the conquest (cf. Gen. 49:5-7). For this
reason some maps of the tribal allotments do not include Simeon.
171Jacobsen, p. 100. See John Cawood, "The Godly Features of Caleb," Confident Living 44:10 (November
1986):53-55. The features he identified are uncompromising convictions, unreserved commitment,
unalterable courage, and unwavering confidence.
172Butler, p. 175.
2009 Edition Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 55
15:1-12 The writer recorded the boundaries of the whole tribal territory first. The
description proceeds counterclockwise from south (vv. 2-4) to east (v. 5)
to north (vv. 5-11) to west (v. 12).
15:13-19 The writer probably included the record of Caleb's success in driving out
the Canaanites in his area to highlight the effect of faith in the settling of
the land. Othniel (v. 17) was one of Israel's prominent judges (Judg. 3:9),
probably the first whom God raised up in Israel after Joshua's death. He
was Caleb's younger brother (Heb. 'ah, cf. Judg. 1:13; 3:9) and bore the
spiritual characteristics of his sibling.173
15:20 This verse concludes the description of the tribal boundaries of Judah
given in verses 1-19.
The writer grouped the towns in Judah according to that tribe's four districts. This part of
Canaan contained four distinct regions: the southern Negev, the lowland plain
(Shephelah), the mountains (hill country), and the desert.
15:21-32 The Negev (south land) formed a region between the more fertile parts of
Judah to the north and the desert to the south. The writer listed four groups
of towns: the first nine (vv. 21-23), the second five (vv. 24-25), the third
nine (vv. 26-28), and the fourth 13 (vv. 29-32).
15:33-47 The Shephelah (lowland) was the area between the Coastal Plain to the
west and the hill country of Judah to the east. The Negev lay to its south.
The writer grouped the towns in this area also. He named 14 towns in the
northern part of the Shephelah (vv. 33-36), 16 in the northwest (vv. 37-
41), nine in the south (vv. 42-44), and three in the southwest (vv. 45-47).
15:48-60 Five groups of cities stood in the mountainous hill country of Judah north
of the Negev, east of the Shephelah, and west of the wilderness of Judah.
173Some translators and commentators believed Othniel was Caleb's nephew, but this seems unlikely.
174Hess, p. 245.
56 Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 2009 Edition
15:61-62 The wilderness of Judah was the northeastern part of the tribal inheritance.
It bordered the hill country to the west, the Dead Sea to the east, and the
Negev to the south. Six cities occupied this area.
15:63 Even though the Israelites defeated the king of Jerusalem (10:1-27) they
were not able to exterminate the Jebusites who lived there. This city
remained an island of Canaanite domination on the northern border of
16:5-10 The writer traced the borders of Ephraim's allotment here. Ephraim lay
north of the area later given to Dan and Benjamin, and south of western
Manasseh. The Ephraimites failed to drive out the inhabitants of Gezer (v.
17:1-13 These verses describe the territory of the half tribe of Manasseh west of
the Jordan and north of Ephraim. It extended north to the valley of Jezreel.
The Manassehites also failed to exterminate all the Canaanites in their area
(vv. 12-13).
17:14-18 The extent of the territory given these two tribes was not sufficient for
them, in their opinion, so they asked Joshua for more land. He dealt with
them very diplomatically by complimenting and encouraging them (v. 18).
Their complaint seems to have sprung from a spirit of carnality (cf. v.
16).175 They did not share Caleb's spirit (14:6-15). Evidently they counted
as their land only the parts that were then easily accessible to them. They
discounted the forested areas that needed clearing and the parts dominated
by the Perizzites and the Rephaim (v. 15). Joshua assured them that when
they subdued their inheritance it would prove adequate for them (v. 18).
175See John H. Paterson, "The Touchy Tribe," Toward the Mark 16:6 (November-December 1987):110-13.
2009 Edition Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 57
The writer of the Book of Joshua noted carefully the failures of the tribes to drive the
Canaanites out of their territories as well as their successes in doing so (e.g., Caleb). The
extent of their occupation of their land depended on the extent of their ability to
annihilate the Canaanites by God's power.
After the process of assigning land to the three tribes mentioned above, Israel's attention
turned to relocating the tabernacle in a more central location (v. 1). God undoubtedly
made the choice of Shiloh (lit. rest; cf. Deut. 12:11).177 The name of this town was
significant because of Jacob's prophecy of Shiloh (Gen. 49:10) and the association of
God's name with the Israelites' rest. God's people could find rest where He abode. The
tabernacle stood at Gilgal (5:10;.10:15, 43), Shiloh (18:1, 9-10), Bethel (Judg. 20:18-28;
21:1-4), Shiloh (1 Sam. 1:3), Mizpah (1 Sam. 7:5-6), Gilgal (1 Sam. 10:8; 13:8-10;
15:10-15), Nob (1 Sam. 21:1-9; 22:11, 19), and finally at Gibeon (1 Chron. 16:39-40;
21:29; 1 Kings 3:4; 2 Chron. 1:3). Solomon's temple in Jerusalem then replaced it.
Perhaps the break in the allotment proceedings plus continuing Canaanite intimidation
influenced the leaders of the remaining tribes to delay distributing the rest of the land.
Joshua had to scold them for procrastinating (v. 3). He then appointed a special group of
men, three from each of the seven remaining tribes, to act as a surveying crew. These
men studied the land and divided it into seven parts.178 This may have been the same
method they used to determine the earlier allotments, though the writer did not state this
in the text. The casting of lots proceeded when this work was complete (v. 10). This
evidently took place at the tabernacle (i.e., before the LORD, v. 6).
176Woudstra, p. 267.
177See Israel Finkelstein, "Shiloh Yields Some, But Not All, of Its Secrets," Biblical Archaeology Review
12:1 (January-February 1986):22-41.
178Bush, p. 174, wrote that this is the earliest instance of land surveying on record.
58 Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 2009 Edition
Zebulun received 12 towns, though the writer identified only five here (v. 15).
179Hess, p. 264.
2009 Edition Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 59
Asher's territory stretched along the Mediterranean coastline from where the Carmel
range of mountains meets the Plain of Sharon northward to the northern border of
Canaan. The Phoenicians lived north of Asher on this coast. Asher's neighbor on the
southeast was Zebulun, and on the east it was Naphtali.
The writer mentioned 22 towns but recorded the names of only a few (v. 30).
The Sea of Chinnereth (Galilee) and the Jordan River north of that sea formed Naphtali's
eastern border. It extended north to Phoenician territory. Naphtali shared borders on the
west with Asher, on the southwest with Zebulun, and on the south with Issachar.
Dan received territory primarily in the Shephelah and Coastal Plain west of Benjamin,
between Judah and Ephraim. Its land was extremely fruitful.
"The Amorites, who settled portions of the Philistine plain (Judg. 1:34),
drove the Danites out of the plains and into the hills. This led to a
migration of part of the tribe of Dan northward to Leshem near the
northern part of Naphtali (cf. Judg. 17-18)."180
Dan possessed 19 towns (vv. 41-47). The record of the conquest of Leshem (v. 47, also
called Laish and later Dan) is in Judges 18.181
"Caleb and Joshua were the two faithful spies who believed God was able
to give Israel the land (Num 14:6-9, 30). The receiving of their
inheritances frames the story of the dividing of the land among the nine
and a half tribes, with Caleb's at the beginning [14:6-15] and Joshua's at
the end. Caleb and Joshua are living examples of God's faithfulness in
fulfilling his promises made more than forty years earlier."182
183Butler, p. 208.
184See my notes on Numbers 35:9-34 for further explanation of the cities of refuge.
185Butler, p. 218.
2009 Edition Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 61
Cities of Refuge +
Probably the leaders identified the towns
Kadesh +
first and then assigned the various groups of
Abdon *
Levites to particular cities by lot (vv. 3-4).
The priests (Aaron's descendants) received Rehob *
Mishal * Karthan * Ashtaroth
13 cities within the tribal territories of Rimmon * ** Hammath
Judah, Simeon, and Benjamin (v. 4). The Daberoth * * + Golan
Jokneam * * Engannim
rest of the Kohathites—Aaron was a Kishion
descendant of Kohath—obtained 10 cities in Taanach * Ramoth-
+ gilead
Ephraim, Dan, and western Manasseh (v. *
5). The Gershonites lived in 13 cities in Shechem + Mahanaim
Issachar, Asher, Naphtali, and eastern
Manasseh (v. 6). The Merarites inherited 12 Gath-rimmon *
cities in Reuben, Gad, and Zebulun (v. 7).
Gezer Beth-horon * Jazer
The names of these Levitical towns appear Eltekeh * * *
in the following verses (vv. 9-40). Gibbethon * Gibeon * * Geba
* Almon
Beth-shemesh * *Anathoth Heshbon
* * Mephaath
Libnah * + Bezer
The priests' towns 21:9-19
* Jahaz
+ Hebron * Kademoth
Debir *
The Lord spread out the priests' 13 towns as * Juttah
follows. Nine were in Judah and Simeon * Eshtemoh
(vv. 9-16), and four were in Benjamin (vv.
The Gershonites occupied 13 towns: two in eastern Manasseh (v. 27), four in Issachar
(vv. 28-29), four in Asher (vv. 30-31), and three in Naphtali (v. 32).
There were 12 towns in which the Merarites resided: four in Zebulun (vv. 34-35), four in
Reuben (vv. 36-37), and four in Gad (vv. 38-39).
In all, the Levites received 48 cities with their surrounding pasturelands including the six
cities of refuge (vv. 41-42). God provided so that the Levites, whose responsibilities
included the teaching and counseling of the other Israelites in the law, were not far from
anyone in Israel. They were to provide a positive spiritual influence on the whole
"For Christians, the allotment of Levitical towns from each tribe illustrates
the principle of returning to God a portion of what has been given to them.
These gifts are then used to support others in need and to encourage the
proclamation of the faith (cf. Acts 2:44-47; Rom. 15:26-27; Phil. 4:10-
"Take special care of the poor clergy! This is the theme of the complex
formed by Num 35 and Josh 21, along with the relevant Deuteronomic
These verses conclude the account of the division of the land proper (chs. 13—21; cf.
1:2-6; 11:23). They bind the two parts of the second half of the book together. They form
a theological conclusion to the entire book up to this point.
These statements may seem at first to mean that at this time the Israelites had obtained
everything God had promised the patriarchs. Such was not the case.
"Notwithstanding the fact that many a tract of country still remained in the
hands of the Canaanites, the promise that the land of Canaan should be
given to the house of Israel for a possession had been fulfilled; for God
had not promised the immediate and total destruction of the Canaanites,
but only their gradual extermination (Ex. xxiii. 29, 30; Deut. vii. 22). And
even though the Israelites never came into undisputed possession of the
whole of the promised land, to the full extent of the boundaries laid down
in Num. xxxiv. 1-2, never conquering Tyre and Sidon for example, the
promises of God were no more broken on that account than they were
through the circumstance, that after the death of Joshua and the elders his
contemporaries, Israel was sometimes hard pressed by the Canaanites;
187See Jacob Milgrom, "The Levitical Town: An Exercise in Realistic Planning," Journal of Jewish Studies
33:1-2 (Spring-Autumn 1982):185-88; and B. S. J. Isserlin, "Israelite Architectural Planning and the
Question of the Level of Secular Learning in Ancient Israel," Vetus Testamentum 34:2 (April 1984):169-78.
188Hess, p. 281.
189Butler, p. 232.
2009 Edition Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 63
The main part of the second half of the Book of Joshua dealing with the division of the
land ends with the appointment of the Levitical cities (chs. 13—21). The rest of the book
deals with settlement in the land (chs. 22—24). There is much emphasis in these chapters
on the importance of remaining faithful to God (22:5, 16, 18-19, 25, 29, 31; 23:6, 8, 11;
24:14-16, 18, 21, 23-24). This emphasis grows out of the record of God's faithfulness that
21:43-45 affirms.
Joshua's preparations for the conquest of Canaan began with his summoning the two and
one-half tribes to join their brethren to help them in the battles ahead (1:12-18). Now
Joshua dismissed the two and a half tribes and allowed them to return to their tribal
inheritances east of the Jordan River. This ended the task of conquering and dividing the
22:1-8 Joshua commended these Israelites for their faithfulness to their promise
to go to war with their brothers (vv. 2-3; cf. 1:16-18). He also charged
them to remain faithful to the Mosaic Law (v. 5). Obedience included
complete devotion to Yahweh.
"This is the key verse in this chapter. It is another statement
of the theme of the book that the people must be faithful to
the Lord and obey his laws if they wish to be blessed and
live in the land."196
Joshua then dismissed these Israelites with his blessing (vv. 6-8).
22:9-12 The writer used the terms "the land of Canaan" and "the land of Gilead" to
refer to the land west and east of the Jordan River respectively in this
section. The altar then stood on the west side of the Jordan.
p. 236.
p. 287.
196Madvig, p. 355.
2009 Edition Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 65
These tribes evidently intended the altar they built to be a replica of the
brazen altar in the tabernacle courtyard at Shiloh (cf. v. 28). If they did, it
is easy to understand why the other tribes reacted to its construction so
violently. God had prohibited the building of altars in the land apart from
the ones He ordained (Deut. 12:1-14).197 The Canaanites built many altars,
but this was not to be Israel's practice.
When the other Israelites learned what the two and one-half tribes had
done, they prepared to go to war against them (v. 12). This is what God
had commanded the Israelites to do if any of their brethren sought to lead
others in Israel away from God and His law (Deut. 13:12-18).
22:13-20 To its credit the main body of Israelites did not attack and then ask
questions later. Instead these Israelites sent a delegation of their leading
men to persuade their brethren to take a different course of action.
Phinehas accompanied this group (v. 13). His presence would have
impressed the two and one-half tribes with the importance of the
delegation. It also would have reminded them of the war with the
Midianites in which Phinehas figured as a prominent person (Num. 25;
31). The Israelites referred to that war here (v. 17). They also mentioned
Achan's transgression (v. 20) to warn the Gileadite (transjordanian) tribes
that God would punish disobedience to the law. The western Israelites
believed that the whole nation would experience God's discipline if this
act of rebellion went unpunished.
22:21-29 The leaders of the Gileadites explained that their motive was not to use the
altar to promote departure from Yahweh or the tabernacle. It was to
memorialize the unity of the 12 tribes for future generations. The Israelites
had, of course, erected other memorials for this purpose in the Jordan, at
Gilgal (ch. 4), and on Mt. Ebal (8:30-35). However, God had not ordered
the building of this altar as He had the other monuments. He had made
197Woudstra, p. 320.
198Bush, p. 194.
66 Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 2009 Edition
provision for preserving the unity of the nation by calling all the males in
Israel back to the tabernacle three times each year. He had also done so
through the stone memorials and altars that He had ordained.
22:30-34 The Gileadites' explanation relieved and satisfied Phinehas and his
companions. They were glad to discover that their brethren were not
apostatizing and that the nation would not therefore fall under God's
discipline. They allowed this altar to remain in place and apparently felt its
presence would do more good than harm.
Probably the Israelites should not have allowed this altar to stand. God had not ordained
it. In the future other people would misunderstand its existence as some had already done.
Though there is no record in Scripture that this particular altar became a snare to the
Israelites, the practice of building altars continued in Israel. It resulted in the weakening
of tribal ties and allegiance to Yahweh rather than strengthening these (e.g., Judg. 17:5).
This incident illustrates the fact that sometimes action taken with the best of motives and
for worthy purposes can result in worse rather than better conditions. This can be the
outcome if people do not clearly understand and carefully obey the whole revealed will of
God. This kind of mistake often results from enthusiasm over a previous blessing, as was
true here.
Nevertheless the major lessons of this chapter are positive. The zeal of the two and one-
half tribes for the unity of their nation and the purity of their faith was commendable. The
other Israelites' unwillingness to judge their brethren's motive on the basis of
circumstantial evidence is also admirable. Furthermore we learn that gentle confrontation
and candid discussion of problems can often result in the resolution of misunderstandings
(cf. Prov. 15:1).200 The Israelites dealt wisely with a situation that could have split the
people of God. Instead they were able to continue to follow God faithfully in unity.
Joshua's experiences duplicated those of Moses in several particulars. Both men led the
Israelites across a body of water. Both met God in a theophany. Both held out their staffs
at a crucial time in battle. Both built altars to the Lord. Both gave farewell addresses to
the Israelites that were similar in their contents.
"The content [of Joshua's address here] . . . relates to that of a covenant
renewal ceremony, but again in a distinctive manner. The liturgy of
covenant renewal has become the sermon of a dying leader."201
This address consists of two parts. The structure of the two parts is parallel, and the
contents are similar.
"Unlike other narrative texts, this one has no specific setting in time or
space. It simply connects to 13:1, when Joshua was old, and 21:44, when
God had given rest. The setting thus marks Israel at the moment she had
dreamed of from the Exodus onward (Exod 33:14). But it also marks the
crisis of leadership transition. The message which follows is at the same
time one for prosperity, and also for crisis."202
Joshua, as Moses, called the people to love Yahweh as well as obey Him (v. 11). He also
reminded his hearers of the dire consequences of failing to obey God out of love (vv. 12-
"If Israel does not do her part, then God will not do his. Here is the danger
of freedom. God seeks man's free response of love. God does his part to
deserve and receive such love. God does not force his attentions upon
man. But the man who ignores God's claims finds God's punishment."206
In this summary section Joshua concisely restated the main ideas previously expressed in
more detail. His warning to the people was strong. God would be just as faithful in
sending discipline on His people if they transgressed His covenant as He had been in
sending blessing because they had been obedient in the past.
The initial success of the conquest had been due to God's blessings on His obedient
people. The complete extermination of the Canaanites and the Israelites' full possession
and enjoyment of the land would require the same obedience and blessing.
The motive for obedience should be gratitude. Our present obedience, loyalty, and love
(vv. 6, 8, 11) should spring naturally from appreciation for God's faithfulness in the past
and confidence in His promises for the future.
"Joshua did not merely settle for a series of public admonitions in order to
guide Israel after his death. The twenty-fourth chapter describes a formal
covenant renewal enacted at the site of Shechem for the purpose of getting
a binding commitment on the part of the people of Israel to the written
Word of God."207
The structure of this covenant renewal speech is similar to the typical Hittite suzerainty
treaty. It includes a preamble (vv. 1-2a), historical prologue (vv. 2b-13), stipulations for
the vassals with the consequences of disobedience (vv. 14-24), and the writing of the
agreement (vv. 25-28).
206Ibid.,p. 256.
207Davis and Whitcomb, pp. 87-88.
208Butler, p. 278.
2009 Edition Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 69
1. Preamble 24:1
Shechem was a strategic location for this important ceremony. Joshua called on the
Israelites to renew formally their commitment to the Mosaic Covenant at the site that was
very motivating to them to do so.
"If you were to put Plymouth Rock and Yorktown and Lexington and
Independence Hall together, you would not have what Shechem is to
At Shechem God had first appeared to Abraham when he had entered the land and
promised to give him the land of Canaan. In response to that promise Abraham built his
first altar to Yahweh in the land there (Gen. 12:7). Jacob buried his idols at Shechem after
returning to the Promised Land from Paddan-aram. He made this his home and built an
altar to Yahweh there (Gen. 33:18-20) and later God moved him to Bethel (Gen. 35:1-4)
where he built another altar.
"As Jacob selected Shechem for the sanctification of his house, because
this place was already consecrated by Abraham as a sanctuary of God, so
Joshua chose the same place for the renewal of the covenant, because this
act involved a practical renunciation on the part of Israel of all idolatry."210
At Shechem the same generation of Israelites that Joshua now addressed had pledged
itself to the Mosaic Covenant shortly after it had entered the land (8:30-35). They had
also built an altar there.
Joshua introduced what follows as the words of Yahweh, Israel's God (v. 2).
Then he reviewed God's great acts on behalf of His people going back to the call of
Abraham in Mesopotamia.
The "River" (v. 2) is the Euphrates. Abraham's family members were idolaters in
Mesopotamia. We can safely assume that Abraham was too. God's call of Abraham was
pure grace. There was nothing in Abraham that resulted in God choosing him for special
blessing. Joshua probably mentioned Nahor because Rebekah, Leah, and Rachel
descended from him. Two of the nations that had come out of Abraham were Israel and
Edom (v. 4).
The Exodus was a second great proof of God's grace to Israel (vv. 5-7). The provision of
Moses and Aaron as well as the sending of the plagues were special gifts then. Israel's
deliverance from Egypt and her preservation in the wilderness were also highlights of
God's faithfulness during this period of Israel's history.
God's third great act for Israel was the Israelites' victory over the Amorites east of the
Jordan (vv. 8-10). God also frustrated Moab's hostility by turning Balaam's oracles into
The fourth divine provision was the crossing of the Jordan River and the consequent
victory over the Canaanites (vv. 11-13). God routed Israel's enemies for her by using
various hornet-like terrors (v. 12; cf. Exod. 23:28; Deut. 7:20).
In this section of verses (vv. 2-13) God said 17 times "I" did such and such for you. The
emphasis is clearly on God's great acts for Israel.
Joshua's offer to choose the God or gods they would serve (v. 15) was not, of course, an
encouragement to consider the idols as an equally acceptable option. It was simply an
oratorical device (i.e., polarization) to help the Israelites distinguish their choices and to
make the right alternative more obvious. As a true leader Joshua announced his
commitment and in so doing encouraged the people to follow his example.
The people responded by committing themselves to Yahweh (vv. 16-18). They would
join Joshua in serving the Lord. Joshua did not want the people to make a superficial
decision, however.
Therefore Joshua reminded them of the difficulties involved in following the Lord (vv.
19-20). They would "not be able to serve the Lord" (v. 19) in their own strength simply
by determining to do so (cf. Exod. 19:8). They had to remember that their God was holy
and jealous (i.e., allowing no rival god in His peoples' affections). He would "not forgive
your transgressions or your sins" (v. 19).
212Schaeffer, p. 213.
213Jacobsen, p. 114.
2009 Edition Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 71
"When does God not spare (forgive)? (1) When transgression and sin is
wilfully [sic] committed, and when (2) forgiveness would, as He foresees,
lead to no amendment."214
The people confirmed their earlier decision (v. 21), and Joshua reminded them that they
were witnesses against themselves in the renewal of this covenant (v. 22). They would
condemn themselves by their own testimony if they forsook the Lord.
Joshua then repeated his command to put away all idols, physical and mental, and to turn
their hearts to follow Yahweh exclusively (v. 23). Again the Israelites committed
themselves to follow the Lord faithfully (v. 24).
As Israel's history proceeded, the Israelites proved unfaithful to their promise to serve
and obey the Lord wholeheartedly, as the Book of Judges documents. The Israelites
should have learned from their past failure to follow the Lord faithfully. Their fathers had
made the same promises when God gave them the Mosaic Law (Exod. 24:3, 7), but they
had proved unfaithful at Mt. Sinai and in the wilderness.
The "book of the law of God" (v. 26) was the document in which Joshua wrote the record
of this renewal of the covenant. He evidently placed it with the record of the covenant
itself. The "large stone" (v. 26) he erected became a permanent memorial of the renewal
of the covenant undertaken this day (cf. Gen. 28:18; Deut. 27:2). Joshua set the stone up
under the oak that was the same tree as, or one that represented, the oak under which
Abraham had built his altar and worshipped Yahweh. Jacob had buried his idols under an
oak tree in Shechem, perhaps the same one (Gen. 12:6-7; 35:2-4). "The sanctuary" (v. 26)
was this holy place, not the tabernacle that was then at Shiloh.
The stone had not literally heard all that had taken place that day (v. 27), but it would
remain in the same place from then on as a silent witness to the proceedings. Joshua here
rhetorically ascribed human characteristics to the stone (i.e., personification) to reinforce
the seriousness of the commitment the Israelites had made to Yahweh. He then dismissed
the nation (v. 28).
This ceremony was very important to the Israelites because in it the whole nation
reaffirmed its commitment to Yahweh as her God and to His covenant as her law. Israel
prepared to begin another phase of her national existence without a God-appointed leader
such as Moses and Joshua had been. It was important that she remember the faithfulness
of her God and rededicate herself to exclusive allegiance to Him. Each tribe was to
proceed now to exterminate the Canaanites in its area trusting in Yahweh and obeying
His covenant. God would raise up local leaders (judges) as He saw the need for these to
provide special leadership in difficult situations. Committed as the Israelites were to their
God at this time there was no reason they should fail to possess and experience all God
had promised them in the years ahead.
These final verses record the end of Joshua's life and ministry that terminated an
important and successful era in Israel's history. Israel's success continued as long as the
elders who had served Israel contemporaneously with Joshua lived (v. 31).
Joshua died shortly after the renewal of the covenant just described (vv. 1-28). He was
110 years old (v. 29), the same age as Joseph when he died (Gen. 50:26). Joshua
evidently died about 1366 B.C.215 God greatly used Joshua as He had used Joseph in
delivering His people. God recorded no moral blemish on the lives of either of these two
remarkable men in Scripture.
Evidently the writer included the record of the burial of Joseph's bones here (v. 32)
because the Book of Joshua is a remarkable testimony to the faithfulness of God. Joseph
had counted on God's faithfulness in bringing the Israelites into the land and had asked
that when that took place his descendants would lay his bones to rest there. The event
may have taken place earlier when Joseph's descendants received Shechem as their
inheritance. This burial fulfilled the promise Joseph's heirs had made to him before he
died that they would bury him in Canaan (Gen. 50:25). God now rewarded his faith.
Eleazar's death and burial were also significant because, as Israel's high priest and co-
leader with Joshua during this period of history, Eleazar was a very important person. As
Israel's high priest he was more important than the brief references to his ministry might
"Three burials—it seems a strange way to end the Book of Joshua! But
these three peaceful graves testify to the faithfulness of God, for Joshua,
Joseph, and Eleazar once lived in a foreign nation where they were the
recipients of God's promise to take His people back to Canaan. Now all
three were at rest within the borders of the Promised Land. God kept His
word to Joshua, Joseph, Eleazar—and to all Israel. And by this we are
encouraged to count on the unfailing faithfulness of God."218
Thus the times of Joshua came to a close. This period of Israel's history was its greatest
so far. The people had followed the Lord more faithfully than their fathers, though not
completely faithfully. Consequently they experienced God's blessing more greatly than
the previous generation and many generations that followed theirs did.
"After Joshua, the history of Israel goes downhill [until David]. Joshua 24
thus marks the high point of Israel's history, the full realization of her
identity as people of God."219
The Book of Joshua demonstrates that God is perpetually at war with sin. He hates it and
will judge it not only because it is an offense to His character but because it destroys the
people He created for fellowship with Himself.
Joshua is a very positive book. It is a book of victory, success, and progress, and it
teaches the reasons for these blessings. God had chosen the Israelites by His grace to
receive blessing from His hand and to be a blessing to all other people. As they
anticipated entering into what God had for them, they possessed promises from God. God
had promised them His presence (1:5; cf. Matt. 28:20) and His power (1:5; cf. 2 Cor.
12:9). To the extent that they accepted His standard of holiness, abandoned themselves to
His will, and acknowledged His might they succeeded. To the extent that they committed
themselves to the person and covenant of Yahweh they prospered.
The principles of victory revealed and illustrated in Joshua still apply to all who are God's
2009 Edition Dr. Constable's Notes on Joshua 75
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