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Chapter 2: Introductions and Greetings

In this chapter, you will learn how to:

● Describe yourself and other people

● Learn how to use follow-up questions and phrases in a conversation

Discussion Questions:

1. Look at the photo of Harmony Day, a holiday in Australia. What do you think the holiday
is about?

2. How do the people in the photo know each other? What are they doing?
Chapter 2 Vocabulary

interest (n.) country (n.) social (adj.) individual (adj./noun) community (n.)

describe (v.) relationship (n.) generation (n.) favorite (adj.) education (n.)
Part 1 Directions: Use your dictionary to find the meaning for the vocabulary words in the box
above. Then write the words from the box next to their definitions below.

Vocabulary word Definition

1. ____ individual (adj./noun) _________: Something that you enjoy doing or learning about.
2. education(n)___________________________: The process of teaching and learning.
3. ________________ describe (v.) __________ : To say what something looks or feels like.
4. ______________country(n)________ : An area of land controlled by a government.
5. _________relationship (n.) ________ : The way people are connected to one another,
such as a family.

6. ________ generation (n.) _______________ : A group of people who are about the same age.

7. _______________ interest (n.) ___________: Someone who enjoys being with other people.
8. ________ favorite (adj.) _______________: A person or thing that is liked more than others.
9. ________________community (n)_______:A group of people who live in the same area.
10. ___________ social (adj.)_______________: One person or part of a larger group.

Part 2 Directions: Read the questions below. Find and underline each vocabulary word in the
questions. Then ask your partner the questions.

1. Are you a social person? Do you prefer to spend time individually?

2. What is your favorite thing about your community in your country?

3. How is your generation different from your parents’ generation?

Part 3 Directions: Listen to the pronunciation of the vocabulary words. Write the vocabulary
word then listen again and write the number of syllables that you hear in each word. The first
word has been done for you. Mark the syllables on each of the words.

Chapter 2 Vocabulary
1. In-ter-est (3) 6.des-crib(e) la utima e de cada palabra noo suena_(2)_____
2. ____coun-try__(2)______ __ 7. Re-la-tion-ship (4)
3. ____soci-al_(2)__________ 8. _ ge-ne-ra-tion_(4)__

4. ____in-di-vi-dual__(4)____ 9. __Fa-vorite (2)_____

5. comm-uni-ty (4)___ 10. _____e du-ca-tion (4)_______

Listening for details and main ideas

Part A Directions: Listen to the person introduce herself and describe her interests. Then
answer the questions below.

Chapter 2_ Activity 1_ part A

1. Where does Samantha go to school? _____samantha go to in california__________

2. How many years has Samantha been in college? __one year________________________
3. What job would Samantha like in the future? __ Samantha like to word in advert
4. What are Samantha’s hobbies? She is interested in social media and she likes using the
internet in free time, she don`t really like watching tv that much but she likes taking
pictures with her camera around her neighborhood
5. What is the main idea of this listening? Circle one.

a) Samantha’s life in college b) Samantha’s life

c) Samantha’s hobbies d) Samantha’s family
Part B Directions : Now listen to Samantha talk about her grandmother. After you listen,
answer the questions below.

Chapter 2_Activity 1_ Part B

1. How old is Samantha’s grandmother? ________she is 89__

2. How many years was Samantha’s grandmother a teacher? she worded in an elementary
school for 39 years
3. What are Samantha’s grandmother’s hobbies? these days she spends her time doing
crossword puzzles and reading books, and she loves gardening and being outside these

4. Which of Samantha’s hobbies does her grandmother not like? she doesn`t really like
technology or using the internet

5. Which hobby do they do together? i like spending time with her outside


Part C Directions: Using the information you heard about Samantha and her grandmother,
complete the chart below.

Samantha Her grandmother

Age 19 years 89 years

Hobbies she likes taking pictures with these days she spends her
her camera around her time doing crossword puzzles
neighborhood and reading books, and she
loves gardening and being
outside these days

Dislikes she don`t really like watching she doesn`t really like
tv that much technology or using the
Part D Directions: Discuss the questions below with your partner or in a small group.

1. Do you think Samantha and her grandmother are more similar to each other or more
The differentes

2. Why do you think different generations have different hobbies?

a. What hobbies are popular for people in your generation?

Spending time on the internet.
b. What hobbies were popular in your grandparents’ generation?
They like to go ause with their friends
Listen to music

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