Acoustic Analysis of Four Common Voice Diagnoses Moving Toward Disorder Specific Assessment - 2014 - Journal of Voice
Acoustic Analysis of Four Common Voice Diagnoses Moving Toward Disorder Specific Assessment - 2014 - Journal of Voice
Acoustic Analysis of Four Common Voice Diagnoses Moving Toward Disorder Specific Assessment - 2014 - Journal of Voice
Summary: Objectives. To assess treatment outcomes via acoustic voice laboratory measurements before and after
intervention in patients with common voice problems and Determine if outcome sensitivity of certain voice laboratory
measures varies with disorder type.
Study Design. Retrospective and single-blinded.
Methods. In this study, 40 patients with a single voice disorder diagnosis of either benign vocal fold lesions (lesions),
primary muscle tension dysphonia (MTD-1), vocal fold atrophy (atrophy) or unilateral vocal fold paralysis (UVFP) un-
derwent baseline testing, a single intervention-type (phonosurgery/voice therapy), and follow-up testing at uniform time
points. Ten patients per diagnosis group were analyzed before and after treatment. Time- and frequency-based acoustic
measures taken from vowels and sentences as well as patient-perceptual analysis (Voice Handicap Index-10) were
Results. Statistically significant improvements were observed for three of four groups. Patients with muscle tension
dysphonia displayed an improvement in Cepstral Spectral Index of Dysphonia speech (CSID) (P < 0.05). Patients with
lesions had improved Voice Handicap Index-10 (P < 0.05), cepstral peak prominence (CPP) vowel standard deviation
(P < 0.05), and CPP speech (P < 0.05). Patients with atrophy did not demonstrate significant improvement in any mea-
sure. Patients with unilateral vocal fold paralysis showed an improvement in CSID speech (P < 0.05) and CPP speech
(P < 0.05). In addition, strong effect sizes were observed for many of the acoustic parameters studied.
Conclusions. For all groups except atrophy, treatment was successful in improving patient perception of voice hand-
icap and/or some acoustic voice parameters. A disorder-specific response to frequency-based acoustic measures was
Key Words: Cepstral–Voice–Voice laboratory.
The extant treatment literature has documented treatment five sessions of physiologically based voice therapy, which con-
change using algorithms of time and frequency-based measures sisted of combinations of resonant voice, flow phonation, artic-
for more than one frequency measure, such as the dysphonia ulatory precision, and intonation training, as determined by the
severity index and Cepstral Spectral Index of Dysphonia treating SLP. Patients with atrophy underwent injection
(CSID).5,18 These algorithms successfully demonstrated augmentation with calcium hydroxyapatite (n ¼ 5) or lipoinjec-
treatment success; however, therapeutic changes were not tion (n ¼ 5). Finally, patients with UVFP were treated with thy-
measured in the individual frequency-based components of roplasty medialization with Gore-Tex (Gore, Newark, DE).
the algorithms, such as CPP, low-high spectral ratio (L/H ratio), Patients with missing data during initial or follow-up visits
and their respective standard deviations (SDs).18,19 Considering were not included in the study. All patients included underwent
that all voice disorders are not acoustically similar, individual only one type of intervention (either surgery or behavioral voice
cepstral outcomes data would be valuable to determine if any therapy). After exclusion based on all the aforementioned
single cepstral-based measure can capture therapeutic change criteria, a total of 40 patients were included in the study, 10 pa-
and if some cepstral-based measures are disorder specific tients per diagnosis group.
with regard to sensitivity to change.
Given a pervasive lack of outcomes detection after treatment Procedures
by time-based measurements alone, and a growing need for The following information was gathered as part of routine clin-
voice disorder-specific outcomes, the present study aimed to ical examinations. Patients were asked to produce a sustained
build on our author group’s past work redefining the voice lab- /a/ and read the sentence ‘‘we were away a year ago’’ from
oratory assessment. Specifically, the goals of the present study the Consensus Auditory-Perceptual Evaluation of Voice
were to assess treatment success via acoustic voice laboratory (CAPE-V) protocol at their most comfortable pitch and loud-
measurements before and after a single well-defined interven- ness. Recordings of these tasks were completed using the Anal-
tion in patients with four common voice problems and to deter- ysis of Dysphonia in Speech and Voice (ADSV; KayPENTAX,
mine if outcome sensitivity of certain acoustic voice laboratory Montvale, NJ) and Multi-Dimensional Voice Profile (MDVP)
measures varies with disorder type. software from the Computerized Speech Lab (KayPENTAX,
Montvale, NJ). A Shure Beta-54 WBH54 head-mounted micro-
phone (SHURE, Chicago, IL), positioned at approximately 45
degrees from the participant’s mouth, was used for all
All study procedures were approved by the University of Pitts-
burgh Institutional Review Board (IRB #PRO13030372).
Data reduction
Participants Data from each task (sustained vowel and connected speech)
Data were collected retrospectively from patients presenting to were analyzed independently after being identified for inclu-
the University of Pittsburgh Voice Center. Informed consent sion in the study by an individual blinded to the experimental
was obtained from all patients before data entry into a clinical hypotheses using the appropriate protocols within the ADSV
research database. The data were retrieved from the clinical and MDVP software (ie, sustained vowel and all-voiced sen-
research database by a research coordinator blinded to experi- tence protocols). ADSV was used to provide measures of the
mental hypotheses. Patient records from January 2009 to July CPP in the sentence (CPP speech) and vowel (CPP vowel)
2013 were included if records indicated the following inclusion and respective SDs, low-high spectral ratio in the sentence
criteria: age older than 18 years, primary diagnosis of benign (L/H ratio speech) and vowel (L/H ratio vowel) and respective
midmembranous vocal fold lesion(s) (lesions), primary muscle SDs. In addition, a multifactorial estimate of dysphonia
tension dysphonia (MTD-1), vocal fold atrophy (atrophy), or severity, referred to as CSID was calculated for the all-voiced
unilateral vocal fold paralysis (UVFP). Only patients with sentence. The CSID correlates with the labeled visual analog
single-category diagnoses were included (ie, atrophy alone, scale for severity used in CAPE-V. The predicted severity of
not atrophy and UVFP). Diagnoses were determined via a CAPE-V sentences, Ss is calculated using the following
team consisting of a fellowship-trained laryngologist and a formula:
voice-specialized SLP. Data were specifically chosen as pre-
and postintervention measures. To assess the measures’ ability SS ¼ 148:68 ð5:913CPPÞ ð11:173sCPP Þ
to capture change, and to make a statement about the interven- ð1:313SRÞ ð3:093sSR Þ
tion efficacy for common voice problems, the interventions and
follow-up time points for each member of each group were where CPP is the cepstral peak prominence, sCPP is the SD of
identical, and were as follows: Lesion group baseline and 12 the CPP, SR is the L/H spectral ratio, and sSR is the SD of the
months after phonomicrosurgery, all other groups (MTD-1, L/H spectral ratio.20 MDVP was used to analyze NHR of the
atrophy, UVFP), baseline and 6 months after treatment. sustained vowel.
Follow-up time points were chosen based on our standard clin- Connected speech samples were screened for extraneous
ical practice; patients with benign lesions do not typically re- background noise and consonant aspiration into the micro-
turn at a 6-month time point but do routinely follow-up at a phone; only samples with subjectively clean background noise
1-year time point. Patients with MTD-1 underwent, on average, were included. Cursors were placed at the onset of the sentence
584 Journal of Voice, Vol. 28, No. 5, 2014
‘‘we were away a year ago’’ and at the offset; this was aurally In the final group of patients, two of those with lesions were
confirmed with playback. Data were subsequently analyzed ac- considered professional voice users, that is, these individuals
cording to the ADSV program specifications. The middle one relied on their voices as part of their occupation. For patients
second portion of the vowel was selected for vowel anal- with MTD-1, two were amateur singers and two professional
ysis.21,22 Auditory-perceptual evaluations were made during voice users. In the atrophy group, two were amateur singers,
the clinical evaluation from the CAPE-V sentences using the two professional voice users, and one a semiprofessional singer.
zero to three Grade, Roughness, Breathiness, Asthenia and Finally, for the UVFP group, two patients were professional
Strain scale.23 voice users.
Audio-perceptual analyses of the participants revealed the
Statistical methods following. For patients with lesions, the most prominent charac-
Means and SDs for all analyses were calculated. A paired- teristic preintervention was hoarseness, then roughness, fol-
samples t test was used to detect statistical differences between lowed by breathiness and strain, which were rated as equally
acoustic measurements and for the VHI-10, across disorders severe. After intervention, the hoarseness rating improved the
before and after intervention. SPSS, version 20.0 (SPSS, Inc., most, followed by equal decreases in roughness and strain.
Chicago, IL) for Windows was used for all analyses. For patients with MTD-1, pretreatment roughness was rated
as the most severe, followed by hoarseness, strain, and then
breathiness. Hoarseness decreased the most as a result of inter-
RESULTS vention, followed by other categories. For patients with atrophy,
Participants roughness was rated as most severe, followed by hoarseness,
About 8300 patients received treatment at the University of then breathiness, and finally, strain. All parameters except strain
Pittsburgh Voice Center from January 2009 to July 2013. Le- improved after intervention. Finally, for patients with UVFP,
sions, MTD-1, atrophy, or UVFP were diagnosed in 2348 pa- roughness was rated as most severe, followed by breathiness,
tients. Of these, 250 were identified as having only one hoarseness, and strain. Breathiness improved the most after
diagnosis and as having undergone the predetermined interven- treatment.
tion for study inclusion. These records were reviewed chrono-
logically until 10 patients with complete pre- and Statistically significant changes
postintervention data at the determined follow-up time points For the patients with lesions, a significant difference was found
were obtained. Figure 1 depicts a flowchart of participant inclu- in CPP speech (t ¼ 2.97, P < 0.05), CPP SD vowel (t ¼ 3.20,
sion in the study. Table 1 depicts age and sex information of par- P < 0.05), and VHI-10 (t ¼ 3.18, P < 0.05). For patients with
ticipants in each diagnostic group. MTD-1, a significant difference was found in CSID (t ¼ 2.84,
FIGURE 1. Flowchart of all potential participants from identification through final data analysis.
Amanda I. Gillespie, et al Acoustic Analysis of Four Common Voice Diagnoses 585
Mean, SD, and Significance of Each Measurement Before Mean, SD, and Significance of Each Measurement Before
and 12 Months After Excision of Benign Vocal Fold Lesion and 6 Months After Behavioral Voice Therapy for Patients
With MTD-1
Measure Mean SD t P
CPP speech pre 6.12 1.74 2.97 0.016* Measure Mean SD t P
CPP speech post 8.03 1.44 CPP speech pre 6.10 2.20 0.330 0.749
CPP SD speech pre 2.76 0.67 1.28 0.232 CPP speech post 6.35 1.09
CPP SD speech post 2.97 0.58 CPP SD speech pre 2.83 0.74 1.74 0.115
CPP vowel pre 9.58 3.89 1.94 0.084 CPP SD speech post 3.26 0.39
CPP vowel post 11.80 2.59 CPP vowel pre 8.58 2.11 1.53 0.161
CPP SD vowel pre 0.89 0.88 3.2 0.011 CPP vowel post 9.80 2.04
CPP SD vowel post 0.60 0.67 CPP SD vowel pre 1.38 0.93 0.119 0.908
L/H ratio speech pre 28.84 3.74 2.34 0.44 CPP SD vowel post 1.33 0.88
L/H ratio speech post 32.11 3.21 L/H ratio speech pre 31.32 3.62 0.178 0.863
L/H ratio SD speech pre 6.66 1.30 1.96 0.081 L/H ratio speech post 31.05 3.84
L/H ratio SD speech post 5.63 1.24 L/H ratio SD speech pre 6.33 1.79 2.23 0.053
CSID speech pre 22.48 21.51 1.96 0.081 L/H ratio SD speech post 7.33 1.53
CSID speech post 8.54 16.54 CSID speech pre 39.87 30.80 2.84 0.020
VHI-10 pre 23.00 7.24 3.18 0.011 CSID speech post 18.01 20.57
VHI-10 post 13.10 8.62 VHI-10 pre 20.20 8.81 1.72 0.119
NHR pre 0.25 0.19 2.161 0.059 VHI-10 post 14.5 10.42
NHR post 0.13 0.02 NHR pre 0.17 0.05 0.777 0.455
Notes: Statistically significant values are given in italics. NHR post 0.15 0.04
Notes: Statistically significant values are given in italics.
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