Energy Conversion and Management: S.K. Chaturvedi, V.D. Gagrani, T.M. Abdel-Salam
Energy Conversion and Management: S.K. Chaturvedi, V.D. Gagrani, T.M. Abdel-Salam
Energy Conversion and Management: S.K. Chaturvedi, V.D. Gagrani, T.M. Abdel-Salam
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Direct expansion solar assisted heat pump systems (DX-SAHP) have been widely used in many applica-
Received 13 June 2013 tions including water heating. In the DX-SAHP systems the solar collector and the heat pump evaporator
Accepted 29 September 2013 are integrated into a single unit in order to transfer the solar energy to the refrigerant. The present work is
aimed at studying the use of the DX-SAHP for low temperature water heating applications. The novel
aspect of this paper involves a detailed long-term thermo-economic analysis of the energy conservation
Keywords: potential and economic viability of these systems. The thermal performance is simulated using a com-
puter program that incorporates location dependent radiation, collector, economic, heat pump and load
Heat pump
Water heating
data. The economic analysis is performed using the life cycle cost (LCC) method. Results indicate that the
Life cycle cost DX-SAHP water heaters systems when compared to the conventional electrical water heaters are both
Low temperature applications economical as well as energy conserving. The analysis also reveals that the minimum value of the system
life cycle cost is achieved at optimal values of the solar collector area as well as the compressor displace-
ment capacity. Since the cost of SAHP system presents a barrier to mass scale commercialization, the
results of the present study indicating that the SAHP life cycle cost can be minimized by optimizing
the collector area would certainly be helpful in lowering, if not eliminating, the economic barrier to these
systems. Also, at load temperatures higher than 70 °C, the performance of the single stage heat pump
degrades to the extent that its cost and efficiency advantages over the electric only system are lost.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction this total energy is used in the residential sector [3]. Water heating
alone accounts for about 20% of the energy consumed in a typical
In recent decades, global energy consumption has increased American household and about 2.6% of the total energy consumed
substantially. A major part of the global energy consumption comes in commercial building in the United States [4]. It is estimated that
from conventional energy sources such as fossil fuels. In 2004, the nearly 7% of the total US energy consumption is in the form of low
total worldwide energy consumption was 15 TW (=1.5 1013 W) temperature (<80 °C) water heating applications in which energy
with 86.5% from fossil fuels [1]. However, combustion of fossil fuels demand is met primarily through either natural gas or electrical
involves production of carbon dioxide and other gases that cause resistance heaters. For instance, in the residential sector nearly
the greenhouse effect, leading to global warming. The atmospheric 70% of water heating needs are met through natural gas heaters
concentration of CO2 has increased by 31% above pre-industrial lev- and about 20% through electrical resistance heaters [5]. However,
els since 1750 [2]. Growing demand for petroleum-based fossil the use of these conventional systems involves carbon emission,
fuels has led to concerns that they may be depleted in the next either directly or indirectly, into the earth’s atmosphere. For in-
two decades to a level that would cause a major disruption in the stance, a natural gas water heater typically contributes about
energy supply chain. As a result, finding alternative energy sources 2 tons of CO2 annually to the atmosphere. Electric hot water sys-
that are cleaner as well as economical has become a critical societal tems are particularly deleterious to the environment since they
need which led to the development of renewable energy sources, are indirectly responsible for about three times the emission of
such as solar and wind, in recent years. CO2 for each kW h of electrical energy, compared to natural gas.
The United States is the world’s largest energy user, consuming So why are electric hot water heaters still in use? According to
100 quadrillion BTU (29,000 TW h). About twenty-one percent of the US Energy Information Agency there are nearly 40 million
households with electric hot water heaters [1]. In the United States
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 252 328 9649; fax: +1 252 737 1041. the reason for their presence in the market place has to do with
E-mail address: [email protected] (T.M. Abdel-Salam). their very low capital cost compared to other alternatives. Even
0196-8904/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S.K. Chaturvedi et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 77 (2014) 550–557 551
though their operating cost is higher compared to alternatives such well as lowered heat pump operating costs due to enhanced heat
as natural gas water heaters, some consumers still prefer them due pump coefficient of performance (COPH) compared to the conven-
to their low initial cost. However, due to implicit environmental tional air source heat pump.
cost for remediation or sequestering of CO2 emission from fossil A refrigerant with low boiling point, R-134a, is employed as the
fuel burners it is worthwhile to look at alternatives such as renew- working fluid in the cycle shown schematically in Fig. 1 and on a
able energy sources that operate with reduced or very little CO2 T–s diagram in Fig. 2. The system consists of four main components
emission. Ideally a sustainability consideration of these renewable employed in a typical vapor compression refrigeration cycle
energy systems should entail two broad elements: (a) reduction or namely; an evaporator, compressor, condenser, and an expansion
elimination of primary energy (coal, natural gas, etc.) consumption valve. In the present system the heat pump evaporator also dou-
through substitution of renewable energy sources to achieve re- bles up as the solar collector. The fin-tube evaporator is exposed
duced CO2 emission and (b) economic competitiveness demon- directly to the sun. The incident solar energy, ends-up being ab-
strated through a life cycle cost analysis. These aspects will be sorbed by the liquid refrigerant after making it’s way through the
discussed in more detail in later sections of this paper. fin section between the tubes that carry the refrigerant. So process
4–1 involves constant pressure evaporation of sub-cooled liquid
2. The proposed system and scope of study into saturated vapor at section 1. In the process 2–3, the refrigerant
is compressed from evaporator pressure to condensing pressure.
In the present study, a direct expansion solar-assisted SAHP sys- This is followed by the constant pressure process 3–4 in which
tem is used for water heating applications as an alternative to elec- the refrigerant is desuperheated and condensed to the saturation
tric or natural gas water heater. The theory and operational aspects liquid state. During this process, the latent heat of condensation
of this system have been described in the literature and the readers is transferred to water circulating through the condenser. After
can find details in Refs. [6–42]. The present study is focused on the the condenser, the refrigerant passes through a throttle valve that
long-term thermo-economic analysis of the SAHP system to evalu- leads to flashing of the refrigerant, creating a mixture of liquid and
ate both the energy conservation potential as well as the economic vapor states. The thermal analysis of the DX-SAHP system can be
viability of these systems. Aspects pertaining to the system life cy- performed using different configurations of solar collectors. The
cle costs (LCC) and effective resource utilization as characterized bare solar collectors have relatively lower initial cost, but their per-
by the primary energy ratio are analyzed. formance is adversely impacted by higher energy losses [9]. Single-
The direct expansion SAHP water heating system (DX-SAHP) is cover solar collectors have relatively higher initial cost, but the
a combination of a solar collector and a heat pump in which the associated heat losses are relatively small compared to that from
collector also acts as the heat pump evaporator. Such integration bare collectors. This translates into higher solar collector efficiency
is not only cost effective due to elimination of a heat exchanger re- and higher overall system efficiency. In this study we have used a
quired in convention SAHP systems that use water-based collec- single cover flat plate solar collector.
tors. It is noteworthy that the use of a refrigerant as both the
working fluid of the heat pump and as the collector results in 3. Long-term thermal analysis
quenching of the collector. This causes the collector to operate at
a temperature low enough to boost the solar energy collection effi- Thermal performance of the SAHP system is primarily indicated
ciency, yet it is high enough to enhance the heat pump perfor- by parameters such as heat pump coefficient of performance
mance compared to an air source heat pump [9]. This has (COPH), the system effective coefficient of performance of
implications for both reduced capital cost of the solar collector as (COPeffective), and primary energy ratio (PER). All these parameters
552 S.K. Chaturvedi et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 77 (2014) 550–557
where k is the ratio of specific heats, and for R-134a it has a value of
1.106. The assumption of ideal gas behavior during the compression
process turns out to be fairly reasonable since the compressor work
4 1 calculated in this manner is somewhat overestimated compared to
the compressor work calculated directly from the refrigerant prop-
erty tables. The extent of overestimation is roughly 5–7% for the
range of pressure ratios considered in this study. Since the coeffi-
s cient of performance of the heat pump (COPH) is inversely related
Fig. 2. T–s diagram for the solar assisted heat pump system. to the compressor work, this leads to conservative or underesti-
mated values of COPH. The thermodynamic properties at state
points 1 and 3 are calculated from curve fitting the thermodynamic
are evaluated for specified geographical location based on chosen
table data, using polynomial functions.
condensing temperature (T3). The thermal performance of the
proposed system is analyzed for the city of Norfolk VA, USA. In
order to predict the long-term averaged thermal performance of 5. The collector model
the system, monthly averaged instantaneous values of radiation
in the collector plane ðIcoll Þ are calculated for each hour from the The collector model is used to determine the collector temper-
long-term averaged daily solar data for the Norfolk location. From ature T1 for given values of ambient temperature Ta and Icoll , collec-
the radiation values ðIcoll Þ, the hourly performance of the system is tor parameters (sa, F0 , Ac and UL), refrigerant properties h1 and h2
calculated for an entire day in the middle of the chosen month. The and the heat pump parameters (the displacement volume rate
hourly performance parameters are integrated to yield daily, VD). The steady state energy balance on the collector, expressed
monthly and yearly performance data. The system analysis makes by Eq. (2), states that the net energy absorbed by the refrigerant
use of the typical meteorological year (TMY) data which includes circulating through the collector equals incident solar radiation
for many locations, the long-term climatic mean conditions such minus the heat loss from the collector.
as the monthly average daily solar radiation on a horizontal surface VD
ðHÞ, the monthly average clearness index ðK T Þ, and the monthly ðh1 h3 Þ ¼ F 0 Ac ½Icoll ðsaÞ U L ðT 1 T a Þ ð2Þ
average maximum and minimum air temperature ðT max and T min Þ
and the latitude of the location (a) [43]. The air temperature
variation during the day is calculated by assuming a sinusoidal From the above equation one can solve for T1 as
function to represent the air temperature variation during the Icoll ðsaÞ VD ðh1 h4 Þ
collector operating hours. The solar radiation model for calculation T1 ¼ Ta þ ð3Þ
UL v 1 UL F 0 Ac
radiation in the collector plane ðIcoll Þ is described in some details in
Ref. [43]. The radiation module takes into account the available Since h1 and v1 are functions of collector temperature T1, the proce-
solar energy that can be captured by the collector based on mete- dure for solving for T1 is iterative.
orological data obtained for the specified geographical location. A computer program, incorporating location dependent radia-
Output of radiation model is in the form of available solar energy tion data, collector data, economic data, heat pump and load data,
(Icoll) at a specified slope angle of the collector. The system data was developed and implemented. A flow chart for the program is
used in the analysis are given in Table 1. given in Fig. 3.
S.K. Chaturvedi et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 77 (2014) 550–557 553
Table 1
Standard system parameters for thermal analysis.
Parameter Value
1 Condensing temperature 60 °C (variable)
2 Collector area 3 m2 (variable)
3 Collector slope 36.9°
4 Collector efficiency factor 0.85
5 Transmittance-absorptance product 0.9
6 Collector heat loss coefficient 6 W/°C m2
7 Compressor efficiency 0.8
8 Compressor displacement 0.0003518 m3/s (variable)
9 Number of persons in house 4
10 Ground reflectance 0.2
11 Average hot water consumption per 0.07571 m3/day (20 Gal/
person day)
For a given location, all the data described above are provided as
inputs. First the value of the collector temperature at a given time
of the day is assumed and values of enthalpies at state points 1 and
4 are calculated from the polynomial fit for the refrigerant proper-
ties. From the collector model (Eq. (2)), a new value of T1 is calcu-
lated and compared with the previously assumed value of T1. This
iterative procedure is continued until a converged value of T1 is ob-
tained. Using the compressor, collector and thermal modules,
monthly averaged instantaneous values of compressor work, solar
energy absorbed and auxiliary energy are calculated. The values of
these parameters are integrated over a given month, and eventu-
ally over all months to yield the annual values. The thermal energy
delivered by the heat pump Q_ H , and the solar energy absorbed by
the refrigerant, Q_ solar are calculated from the following equations
Q_ H ¼ m
_ coll ðh2 h3 Þ ð4Þ
Q_ solar ¼ m
_ coll ðh1 h4 Þ ð5Þ
6. Economic analysis
_ coll ¼
m ð7Þ
v1 In the present study, economic analysis is performed using the
life cycle cost (LCC) method. The life cycle cost is the sum of all costs
Q_ solar associated with the SAHP system over its’ entire lifetime, in present
gcoll ¼ ð8Þ
Icoll Ac cost, that takes into account the time value of money. Several fac-
tors such as initial cost, operating cost, and maintenance cost need
Since the system requires auxiliary energy due to intermittency to be taken into account. The method for calculating LCC is well
of available solar energy, the effective coefficient of performance is established and readers are referred to Ref. [44]. Taking into ac-
determined as count the utility inflation rate, and the monetary inflation rate
and the present worth (PW) factors, the LCC can be expressed as
Q_ load
COPeffectiv e ¼ ð9Þ LCC ¼ PWSystem þ PWInstillation þ PWmaintenance þ PWEnergy usage
ðW comp þ W _ Aux Þ
PWtax ð11Þ
where W _ Aux is the auxiliary energy required to meet the load in the
absence of solar radiation.
From the integrated monthly energy fluxes, one can calculate Using LCC one can compare the economic sustainability of the
auxiliary energy ðQ_ Aux Þ and solar energy ðQ_ solar Þ as a fraction of proposed SAHP system with other alternatives such as the solar
thermal load ðQ_ load Þ electric water heater. The system cost and other related economic
parameters are shown in Table 3.
Q_ solar Q_ Aux
fsolar ¼ and f Aux ¼ ð10Þ
Q_ load Q_ load
7. Primary energy resource utilization
Table 2 provides the monthly thermal performance data of the For analysis of primary energy utilization in competing systems
system for all months of the year for the City of Norfolk, Virginia. for domestic hot water (DHW) applications, one can use the
554 S.K. Chaturvedi et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 77 (2014) 550–557
Table 2
Monthly thermal performance of SAHP system for the City of Norfolk, Virginia.
Month QLoad (kJ) QH (kJ) Wc (kJ) QAux (kJ) COPH COPeffective PERoverall
January 1834249.00 980841.44 224066.16 853407.56 4.38 1.70 1.05
February 1656741.10 997399.10 207337.25 659342.00 4.81 1.91 1.14
March 1746604.40 1444560.50 284766.20 302043.88 5.07 2.98 1.41
April 1563606.90 1563606.90 278685.12 0.00 5.61 5.61 1.85
May 1462840.20 1462840.20 289305.78 0.00 5.06 5.06 1.67
June 1225478.40 1225478.40 280105.75 0.00 4.38 4.38 1.44
July 1201085.20 1201085.20 290158.25 0.00 4.14 4.14 1.37
August 1179075.90 1179075.90 289580.75 0.00 4.07 4.07 1.34
September 1119741.80 1119741.80 279336.97 0.00 4.01 4.01 1.32
October 1244711.10 1244711.10 233339.90 0.00 5.33 5.33 1.76
November 1542687.60 1123494.90 223628.38 419192.75 5.02 2.40 1.28
December 1702978.90 988435.75 224564.36 714543.10 4.40 1.81 1.08
25 system. The capital cost of the system for a fixed load temperature
and compressor displacement volume increases with increasing
20 collector area while the system operational cost decreases. In-
creased solar energy collection raises the collector/evaporator tem-
15 perature, leading to a lower temperature lift in the heat pumping
process. This translates into reduced compressor power input,
10 and consequently lower operational cost. The variation of the
LCC with the compressor displacement volume is shown in
Fig. 7. For a fixed 3 m2 solar collector area, it can be seen that a
minimum value of LCC is obtained at VD = 0.0003518 m3/s. The
reason for this occurrence has to do with two opposing trends
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 involving the variation of compressor power ðW _ comp Þ, and the aux-
iliary electrical powerðW_ Aux Þ, as the compressor volume is changed.
Since the capital cost is fixed for a given collector area, the varia-
Fig. 5. Variation of PERSAHP/PERelec as a function of fsolar. tion in LCC is solely due to changes in W _ Aux and W _ comp . As higher
values of compressor displacement are chosen the refrigerant mass
flow rate through the system also increases. This results in greater
the long-term system performance are discussed. Fig. 6 shows the heat pump capacity ðQ_ H Þ and higher W _ comp . Since W _ Aux is the differ-
variation of the system life cycle cost (LCC) with the collector area ence between the fixed load the heat pump capacity ðQ_ H Þ, the net
for a specified load temperature and compressor displacement _ Aux . These two effects transpire to yield an
result is a decrease in W
volume. The presented load temperature is 60 °C and the volume optimal value of VD as shown in Fig. 7.
556 S.K. Chaturvedi et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 77 (2014) 550–557
14000 14000
12000 12000
10000 10000
LCC ($)
8000 8000
LCC ($)
6000 6000 o
Tc=50 C
Tc=55 C
4000 4000 o
Tc=60 C
Tc=65 C
2000 2000 Tc=70
0 0
0 2 4 6 2 3 4 5 6
Fig. 6. Variation of life cycle cost with collector area (VD = 35.18 105 m3/s, load Fig. 8. Variation of life cycle cost (LCC) with collector area and load temperature.
temperature = 60 °C).
Electical heater
Annual PER
LCC ($)
0 0.0002 0.0004 0.0006 0.0008 0.001
VD (m 3/s) 0
40 50 60 70 80
Fig. 7. Variation of life cycle cost (LCC) with compressor displacement (VD) Load temerature (oC)
(Ac = 3.0 m2/s, load temperature = 60 °C).
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