Extra Sum: Find Out Cost Per Kilometre of One Vehicle: Transport Service Cost Sheet
Extra Sum: Find Out Cost Per Kilometre of One Vehicle: Transport Service Cost Sheet
Extra Sum: Find Out Cost Per Kilometre of One Vehicle: Transport Service Cost Sheet
Working Notes:
Vehicle 007
Period 2019-20
Total (₹) Per km.(₹)
A. Fixed Costs (or Standing Charges):
1. License fees 32000
2. Insurance 28000
3. Driver’s wages 15000
4. Conductor’s wages -
5. Cleaner’s wages -
6. Supervisor Salary 48000
7. Interest on Capital / Investment -
8. Garage Rent 24000
9. Office and Administration overheads 147000 4.9
Total (A)
B. Variable (Running) Costs: per litre = 20 km
Petrol or Diesel 45000 1.5 per litre = 30
Depreciation 75000 2.5 500000/200000
Lubricating Oil - -
Repairs and Maintenance 120000 4
Tyres and tubes 90000 3
Total (B) 330000 11
C. Operating Cost (A+ B) 477000 15.9
annual km 30000
per litre = 20 km
per litre = 30
Effective km.:
◦ 1. km
◦ 2. Trips (3 round trips)
◦ 3. No. of days
◦ 4. Yearly / Monthly
Total effective km
Period…. 2019-2020
Particulars Total (per year) Per km
The Union Transport Co
FIXED COST(or standing charges)
to ply a bus. The bus co
Road Tax 3000
insurance 4500
3% per annum. The ann
driver's wages 10800
600 per month. Annual
conductor's wages 3600 likely to last for five yea
cleaner's wages The salary of the driver
Manager Salary 25200 per month respectively
Stationery 1800 stationery will cost ₹ 15
garage rent 7200 kilometres. The bus wil
office and administration overheads average 40 passengers
TOTAL (A) 56100 Assuming 15% profit on
VARIABLE (running) COST days in a month, prepa
petrol 27000 0.75 and also calculate the b
Depreciation 30000 kilometre.
lubricating oil
repairs and maintenance 3600
tyre and tubes
TOTAL (B) 60600
Add Profit (15%) 17505
Total Taking 134205
= 36,000 × 40
,40,000 Passenger km.
he Union Transport Company has been given a 20-kilometre-long route
o ply a bus. The bus costs the company ₹ 1,50,000. It has been insured at
% per annum. The annual Road Tax amounts to ₹ 3,000. Garage Rent is ₹
00 per month. Annual repair is estimated to cost ₹ 3,600 and the bus is
kely to last for five years.
he salary of the driver and the conductor is ₹ 900 per month and ₹ 300
er month respectively. The manager’s salary is ₹ 2,100 per month and
ationery will cost ₹ 150 per month. Petrol and oil will cost ₹ 75 per 100
lometres. The bus will make three round trips per day carrying on an
verage 40 passengers in each trip.
ssuming 15% profit on cost and that the bus will run on an average 25
ays in a month, prepare operating cost statement on a full year basis
nd also calculate the bus fare to be charged from each passenger per
Effective km.:
Transport Service Cost Sheet ◦
Particulars Total (per year) Per km ◦
A FIXED COST(or standing charges)
1 Road Tax 3000
2 insurance 4500
3 driver's wages (900 *12) 10800
4 conductor's wages (300 *12) 3600 . Effective passe
5 Manager Salary (2100 *12) 25200 Effective
6 Stationery (150 *12) 1800
7 garage rent (600 *12) 7200
Effective km.:
◦ 1. km ###
◦ 2. Trips (3 round trips) = 6 (3 ×2)
◦ 3. No. of days ###
◦ 4. Yearly / Monthly = 12 months
Total effective km = (20 x 6 x 25x 12 )36,000 km
You have been given a permit to run a bus on a route 20 km long. The bus costs
and the annual tax will be ₹ 450. Garage rent is ₹ 50 p.m. Annual repairs will be
The driver’s salary will be ₹ 55 p.m. and the conductor’s ₹ 50 per month. Station
Diesel and oil be ₹ 12.5 per hundred kilometres. The bus will make 3 round trips
Assuming 20% profit on takings, calculate the bus fare to be charged from 100 p
Effective km.:
◦ 1. km ###
◦ 2. Trips (3 round trips) = 6 (3 3000 km/month
◦ 3. No. of days ###
◦ 4. Yearly / Monthly = 12 months
Total effective km = (20 x 6 x 25x 12 )36,000 km
x 25x 12 )36,000 km
ys in a month.
total km Effective Passenge
Journery Kms per day No of Days Kms Passenger No. r kms
taking 147657
passenger kms 252000
ahd to baroda 59
return trip 118
Effective K Passenger No. Passenger kms
5500 252000
Particulars Alternative Proposals
Purchase and maintain its Use of Use of
own fleet of cars Own Car Hire Car
Rate per tonne per trip that the company should charge if a profit of 50% on freight is to be earned.
50} Total 250 + 50 = 300 tonne km * 25 days = 7500 tonne km
Bus Capacity 50
Half Fare 25
Full Fare 25
Full fare students equivalent to Half fare students 50
Total number of half fare students 75
Total number of half fare students in a day 150
Full fare = X
Half fare = 0.5 X
X + 0.5X = 9600
1.5 X = 9600
X = 6400
Operating Cost Statement
Particulars Per Month per bus Per bus pa Total for 5 buses
diesel 9*25*8*4*4
Students picked up and dropped within a range up to 4 kms of distance from the school are charged half fare and fi
(i) Prepare a statement showi
(ii) Work out the average cost
(A) Students coming from a di
(B) Students coming from a di
ool are charged half fare and fifty percent of the students travelling in each trip are in this category.
(i) Prepare a statement showing the expenses of operating a single bus and the fleet of five buses for a year.
(ii) Work out the average cost per student per month in respect of –
(A) Students coming from a distance of up to 4 kms form the school and
(B) Students coming from a distance beyond 4 kms from the school.