(De Gruyter Textbook) Karl Kraus, Ian A. Harley, Stephen Kyle - Photogrammetry - Geometry From Images and Lase PDF
(De Gruyter Textbook) Karl Kraus, Ian A. Harley, Stephen Kyle - Photogrammetry - Geometry From Images and Lase PDF
(De Gruyter Textbook) Karl Kraus, Ian A. Harley, Stephen Kyle - Photogrammetry - Geometry From Images and Lase PDF
Karl Kraus
Karl Kraus
Geometry from Images
and Laser Scans
Second Edition
Translated by
Ian Harley
Stephen Kyle
w Walter de Gruyter
Prof. Ian Harley
Dr. Stephen Kyle
University College London
London, Great Britain
This second English edition is a translation and revision of the seventh German
Kraus, Karl: Photogrammetrie, Band 1, Geometrische Informationen aus Photogra-
phien und Laserscanneraufnahmen. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin · New York, 2004
ISBN 978-3-11-019007-6
© Copyright 2007 by Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, 10785 Berlin, Germany.
All rights reserved, including those of translation into foreign languages. No part of this book
may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy,
recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from
the publisher.
Printed in Germany.
Coverdesign: +malsy, kommunikation und gestaltung, Willich.
Printing and binding: Hubert & Co. GmbH & Co. KG, Göttingen.
Foreword to the second English edition
The first edition of Volume 1 of the series of textbooks "Photogrammetry" was pub-
lished in German in 1982. It filled a large void and the second and third editions were
printed soon afterwards, in 1985 and 1990. The fourth edition was published in English
in 1992, translated by Peter Stewardson. The following three editions were published
in German in the years 1995, 1997, and 2003, making seven editions in all. The English
edition was re-printed in 2000.
This second English edition is a translation of the seventh, German, edition by Dr. Ian
Harley, Professor Emeritus, and Dr. Stephen Kyle, both of University College London.
They not only translated the text, but they also made valuable contributions to it; their
comments and suggestions led to a clearly improved edition. Compared to the first
English edition there are major changes. Analogue and analytical photogrammetry are
reduced significantly, most importance is given to digital photogrammetry, and, finally,
laser scanning is included. Terrestrial as well as airborne laser scanning have gained
great importance in photogrammetry. Photogrammetric methods are, with small adap-
tations, applicable to data acquired by laser scanning. Therefore, only minor additions
to photogrammetry were necessary to cover the chapter on laser scanning. Compared
to the previous German edition there are, especially, updates on digital cameras and
laser scanners.
The original German version arose out of practical research and teaching at the Vi-
enna University of Technology. Volume 1 first introduces the necessary basics from
mathematics and digital image processing. It continues with photogrammetric acquisi-
tion technology with special consideration of photo-electrical imaging (CCD cameras).
Particular attention is paid to the use of the Global Positioning System (GPS) and Iner-
tial Measurement Units (IMU) for flight missions. The discussion on photogrammetric
processing begins with orientation methods including those based on projective geom-
etry. The orientation methods which are discussed for two images are extended to
image blocks in the form of photogrammetric triangulation.
vi Foreword
For the benefit of its readers, the textbook follows certain principles: didactics are put
before scientific detail; lengthy derivations of formulae are put aside; theory is split into
small sections alternating with practically-oriented passages; the theoretical basics are
made clear by means of examples; and exercises are provided with solutions in order
to allow self-checking.
This series of textbooks is a major contribution to photogrammetry. It is very sad that
Prof. Kraus, who died unexpectedly in April 2006, cannot see it published. At that time
the translation was already in progress. Final editing was performed by Dr. Josef Jansa
and Mr. Andreas Roncat from the Vienna Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote
Sensing. Thanks are also due to the many people at the Institute of Photogrammetry
and Remote Sensing who did major and minor work behind the scenes, such as drawing
and editing figures, calculating examples and exercises, making smaller contributions,
proofreading, composing the I4TgX text, etc. This book, however, is truly a book by
Prof. Kraus.
Karl Kraus was born in 1939 in Germany and became Professor of Photogrammetry
in Vienna in 1974. Within these 32 years of teaching, counting all translations and
editions, more than twenty textbooks on photogrammetry and remote sensing bearing
the name Karl Kraus were published. Many examples and drawings in this textbook
were supplied by the students and collaborators of Prof. Kraus in Vienna. With deep
gratitude the entire Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing looks back at the
time spent with Karl Kraus and forward to continuing the success story of this textbook.
Foreword ν
Notes for readers vii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Definitions 1
1.2 Applications 2
1.3 Some remarks on historical development 3
Appendices 432
2.1-1 Three-dimensional rotation matrix 432
2.1-2 Mathematical relationship between image and object
coordinates (collinearity condition) 436
2.1-3 Differential coefficients of the collinearity equations 438
2.2-1 Derivation of Formula (2.2-5) using homogeneous coordinates . 440
4.1-1 Estimation by the method of least squares 441
4.2-1 Direct Linear Transformation (DLT) with homogeneous
coordinates 444
4.3-1 Differential coefficients for the coplanarity equations 445
4.6-1 The empirical determination of standard deviations and
tolerances 447
Index 451
Chapter 1
1.1 Definitions
Photogrammetry allows one to reconstruct the position, orientation, shape and size of
objects from pictures; these pictures may originate as photochemical images (conven-
tional photography) or as photoelectric images (digital photography). Laser scanner
images, a third group, have arrived in recent years; laser scanner images have distance
information associated with every picture element. The results of a photogrammetric
analysis may be:
In many cases interpretation of the content of the image goes hand in hand with the
geometrical reconstruction of the photographed object. The outcome of such pho-
tointerpretation is the classification of objects within the images according to various
different characteristics.
Photogrammetry allows the reconstruction of an object and the analysis of its character-
istics without physical contact with it. Acquisition of information about the surface of
the Earth in this way is known nowadays as remote sensing. Remote sensing embraces
all methods of acquiring information about the Earth's surface by means of measure-
ment and interpretation of electromagnetic radiation 2 either reflected from or emitted
by it. While remote sensing includes that part of photogrammetry which concerns itself
with the surface of the Earth, if the predominant interest is in geometric characteristics,
one speaks of photogrammetry and not of remote sensing.
1.2 Applications
The principal application of photogrammetry lies in the production of topographic
maps in the form of both line maps and orthophoto maps. Photogrammetric instru-
ments function as 3D-digitizers; in a photogrammetric analysis a digital topographic
model is formed, which can be visualized with the aid of computer graphics. Both the
form and the usage of the surface of the Earth are stored in such a digital topographic
model. The digital topographic models are input in a topographical information sys-
tem as the central body of data which, speaking veiy generally, provides information
about both the natural landscape and the cultural landscape (as fashioned by man). A
topographic information system is a fundamental subsystem in a comprehensive geoin-
formation system (GIS). Photogrammetry delivers geodata to a GIS. Nowadays a very
large proportion of geodata is recorded by means of photogrammetry and laser scan-
Close range photogrammetry is used for the following tasks: architectural recording;
precision measurement of building sites and other engineering subjects; surveillance
of buildings and documentation of damage to buildings; measuring up of artistic and
engineering models; deformation measurement; survey of moving processes (for ex-
ample, robotics); biometric applications (for example, computer controlled surgical
operations); reconstruction of traffic accidents and very many others.
See DIN 18716/3.
Section 1.3 Some remarks on historical development 3
The effective production of maps using photogrammetry, which was to become a tech-
nological triumph of the 20 th century, was not possible at that time, nor for decades
afterwards; that triumph had to wait for several critical developments: the invention
of stereoscopic measurement, the introduction of the aeroplane and progress in the de-
velopment of specialized analogue computers. For reasons which will become clear to
readers of this book, buildings provided ideal subjects for the photogrammetric tech-
niques of the time; topographic features most certainly did not. Without stereoscopy,
measurement could be made only of very clearly defined points such as are to be found
on buildings. Using cameras with known orientations and known positions, the three-
dimensional coordinates of points defining a building being measured photogrammet-
Permission from the publishers to use some of the historical material from "Luhmann, T., Robson,
S., Kyle, S., Harley, I.: Close Range Photogrammetry. Whittles Publishing, 2006" is gratefully acknowl-
edged. That material and this present section were both contributed by one of the translators, Ian Harley.
A limited bibliography, with particular reference to historical development, is given at the end of this
4 Chapter 1 Introduction
rically were deduced using numerical computation. The basic computational methods
of photogrammetry were established long ago.
By virtue of their regular and distinct features, architectural subjects lend themselves
to this technique which, despite the fact that numerical computation was employed,
is often referred to as "plane table photogrammetry". When using terrestrial pictures
in mapping, by contrast, there was a major difficulty in identifying the same point on
different photographs, especially when they were taken from widely separated camera
stations; and a wide separation is desirable for accuracy. It is for these reasons that so
much more architectural than topographic photogrammetry was performed during the
19th century. Nonetheless, a certain amount of topographic mapping by photogramme-
try took place during the last three decades of that century; for example mapping in the
Alps by Paganini in 1884 and the mapping of vast areas of the Rockies in Canada by
Deville, especially between 1888 and 1896. Jordan mapped the Dachel Oasis in 1873.
The development of stereoscopic measurement around the turn of the century was a
momentous breakthrough in the history of photogrammetry. The stereoscope had al-
ready been invented between 1830 and 1832 and Stolze had discovered the principle
of the floating measuring mark in Germany in 1893. Two other scientists, Pulfrich in
Germany and Fourcade in South Africa, working independently and almost simultane-
ously 5 , developed instruments for the practical application of Stolze's discovery. Their
stereocomparators permitted stereoscopic identification of, and the setting of measur-
ing marks on, identical points in two pictures. The survey work proceeded point by
point using numerical intersection in three dimensions. Although the landscape could
be seen stereoscopically in three dimensions, contours still had to be plotted by inter-
polation between spot heights.
Pulfrich's lecture in Hamburg announcing his invention was given on 23 rd September 1901, while
Fourcade delivered his paper in Cape Town nine days later on 2 nd October 1901.
Section 1.3 Some remarks on historical development 5
The advantages of photography from an aerial platform, rather than from a ground
point, are obvious, both for reconnaissance and for survey; in 1858 Nadar, a Paris
photographer, took the first such picture, from a hot-air balloon 1200 feet above that
city, and in the following year he was ordered by Napoleon to obtain reconnaissance
photographs in preparation for the Battle of Solferino. It is reputed that balloon pho-
tography was used during the following decade in the American Civil War. The rapid
development of aviation which began shortly before the first World War had a decisive
influence on the course of photogrammetry. Not only is the Earth, photographed ver-
tically from above, an almost ideal subject for the photogrammetric method, but also
aircraft made almost all parts of the Earth accessible at high speed. In the first half, and
more, of the 20th century these favourable circumstances allowed impressive develop-
ment in photogrammetry, although the tremendous economic benefit in air survey was
not fully felt until the middle of that century. On the other hand, while stereoscopy
opened the way for the application of photogrammetry to the most complex surfaces
such as might be found in close range work, not only is the geometry in such cases of-
ten far from ideal photogrammetrically but also there was no corresponding economic
advantage to promote its application.
In the period before the first World War all the major powers followed similar paths in
the development of photogrammetry. After the war, although there was considerable
opposition from surveyors to the use of photographs and analogue instruments for map-
ping, the development of stereoscopic measuring instruments forged ahead remarkably
in very many countries; while the continental European countries broadly speaking
put most of their effort into instrumental methods, Germany and the Austro-Hungarian
Empire having a clear lead in this field, the English-speaking countries focused on
graphical techniques. It is probably true that until about the 1930s the instrumen-
tal techniques could not compete in cost or efficiency with the British and American
6 Chapter 1 Introduction
Zeiss, in the period following WWI, was well ahead in the design and manufacture
of photogrammetric instruments, benefiting from the work of leading figures such as
Pulfrich, von Orel, Bauersfeld, Sander and von Gruber. In Italy, around 1920, Santoni
produced a prototype, the first of many mechanical projection instruments designed
throughout his lifetime, while the Nistri brothers developed an optical projection plot-
ter, shortly afterwards founding the instrument firm OMI. Poivilliers in France began
the design and construction of analogue photogrammetric plotters in the early 1920s.
In Switzerland the scene was dominated by Wild whose company began to produce in-
strumentation for terrestrial photogrammetry at about the same time; Wild Heerbrugg
very rapidly developed into a major player, not only in photogrammetric instrumenta-
tion, including aerial cameras, but also in the wider survey world. As early as 1933
Wild stereometric cameras were being manufactured and were in use by Swiss po-
lice for the mapping of accident sites, using the Wild A4 Stereoautograph, a plotter
especially designed for this purpose. Despite the ultra-conservative establishment in
the British survey world at that time, Ε. H. Thompson was able to design and build a
stereoplotter in the late 1930s influenced by the ideas of Fourcade. While the one such
instrument in existence was destroyed by aerial bombing, the Thompson-Watts plotter
was later based on this prototype in the 1950s.
Meanwhile, non-topographic use was sporadic for the reasons that there were few suit-
able cameras and that analogue plotters imposed severe restrictions on principal dis-
tance, on image format and on disposition and tilts of cameras.
The 1950s saw the beginnings of the period of analytical photogrammetry. The expand-
ing use of digital, electronic computers in that decade engendered widespread interest
in the purely analytical or numerical approach to photogrammetry as against the pre-
vailing analogue methods. While analogue computation is inflexible, in regard to both
input parameters and output results, and its accuracy is limited by physical properties,
a numerical method allows virtually unlimited accuracy of computation and its flex-
ibility is bounded only by the mathematical model on which it is based. Above all,
it permits over-determination which may improve precision, lead to the detection of
gross errors and provide valuable statistical information about the measurements and
the results. The first analytical applications were to photogrammetric triangulation, a
technique which permits a significant reduction in the amount of ground control re-
quired when mapping from a strip or a block of aerial photographs; because of the very
high cost of field survey for control, such techniques had long been investigated. In
the 1930s, the slotted template method of triangulation in plan was developed in the
USA, based on theoretical work by Adams, Finsterwalder and Hotine. Up until the
1960s vast areas were mapped in the USA and Australia using this technique in plan
and one of the many versions of the simple optical-projection Multiplex plotters both
for triangulation in height and for plotting of detail. At the same time, precise analogue
instruments such as the Zeiss C8 and the Wild A7 were being widely used for analogue
triangulation in three dimensions.
had appeared before WWII, long before the development of electronic computers. An-
alytical triangulation demanded instruments to measure photo coordinates. The first
stereocomparator designed specifically for use with aerial photographs was the Cam-
bridge Stereocomparator designed in 1937 by Ε. H. Thompson. Electronic recording
of data for input to computers became possible and by the mid-1950s there were five
automatic recording stereocomparators on the market and monocomparators designed
for use with aerial photographs also appeared.
Seminal papers by Schmid and Brown in the late 1950s laid the foundations for theo-
retically rigorous photogrammetric triangulation. A number of block adjustment pro-
grams for air survey were developed and became commercially available, such as those
by Ackermann.
Interactive digital stereo systems (e.g. Leica/Helava DSP, Zeiss PHODIS) have existed
since around 1988 (Kern DSP 1) and have increasingly replaced analytical plotters.
To some extent, photogrammetry has been de-skilled and made available directly to a
wide range of users. Space imagery is commonplace, as exemplified by Google Earth.
Photogrammetric measurement may be made by miscellaneous users with little or no
knowledge of the subject—police, architects, model builders for example.
Gruber, O., (ed.), McCaw, G.T., Cazalet, F.A., (trans.): Photogrammetry, Collected
Lectures and Essays. Chapman & Hall, London, pp. 148-246, 1932 · Santoni, E.:
Instruments and photogrammetric devices for survey of close-up subject with particu-
lar stress to that of car bodies and their components photographed at various distances.
Inedito. 1966. Reprinted in Selected Works, Ermenegildo Santoni, Scritti Scelti 1925—
1968. Societä Italiana di Fotogrammetria e Topographia, Firenze, 1971 · Schmid,
H.: An analytical treatment of the problem of triangulation by stereophotogrammetry.
Phia XIII(2/3), 1956-57 · Schmid, H.: Eine allgemeine analytische Lösung für die
Aufgabe der Photogrammetrie. BuL. 1958(4), pp. 103-113, and 1959(1), pp. 1-12 ·
Thompson, E.H.: Photogrammetry. The Royal Engineers Journal 76(4), pp. 432^44,
1962. Reprinted as Photogrammetry, in: Photogrammetry and surveying, a selection
of papers by E.H. Thompson, 1910-1976. Photogrammetric Society, London, 1977
• Thompson, E.H.: The Deville Memorial Lecture. Can.Surv. 19(3), pp. 262-272,
1965. Reprinted in: Photogrammetry and surveying, a selection of papers by E.H.
Thompson, 1910-1976. Photogrammetric Society, London, 1977 · Thompson, E.H.:
The Vivian Thompson Stereo-Planigraph. Ph.Rec. 8(43), pp. 81-86, 1974 · Thomp-
son, V.F.: Stereo-photo-surveying. The Geographical Journal 31, pp. 534-561, 1908
• Wheatstone, C.: Contribution to the physiology of vision—Part the first. On some
remarkable, and hitherto unobserved, phenomena of binocular vision. Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society of London for the year MDCCCXXXVIII, Part II,
pp. 371-394, 1838
Chapter 2
Section 2.1 concerns itself entirely with introductory mathematics. Section 2.2 includes
notes on digital image processing in preparation for procedures of digital photogram-
metric processing.
cos(ZxX) cos(ZyX)
cos(ZxY) cos(ZyY)
X = Rx, (2.1-3)
R is called a rotation matrix. It is square but not symmetric. The elements of R are the
cosines of the angles between the coordinate axes.
Section 2.1 Preparatory mathematical remarks 11
The question arises whether the four elements r ^ may be freely chosen or whether they
must satisfy certain conditions. To answer this question we introduce the unit vectors
i and j (Figure 2.1-2) along the coordinate axes χ and y. We express their components
in the XY system as:
i= /cosoA (2.1-4)
J v
y sin a J \ cos a J '
A comparison between Equations (2.1-1) and (2.1-4) shows that the elements r,k of the
rotation matrix are none other than the components of the unit vectors i and j.
R = ( i , j) (2.1-5)
The two mutually orthogonal unit vectors must, however, satisfy the orthogonality con-
ditions in Equation (2.1-6)'. These conditions are formulated in Equation (2.1-6) as
inner, or scalar, products of the two vectors in which transposition is signified by the
superscript T .
conditions, only one parameter may be freely chosen; in general this parameter is the
rotation angle a.
Numerical Example.
x 0 3 6 0 6 9 x
f \ - f ^ f \
[ Υ J ~ \ 0.19 0.27 J [yj
In the above case, the orthogonality conditions are not fulfilled; the transformation does
not represent a rotation. We deal with this transformation at the end of this section.
( X \ _ ( 0.6234 -0.7819 \ f x \
\Y ) ~ V 0.7819 0.6234 ) \y )
Here the orthogonality conditions are fulfilled; this means that under this transforma-
tion a field of points will be rotated.
Exercise 2.1-3. Consider a matrix which brings about both a rotation and a mirror
reflection. (Answer: r n = cos a ; r n = sin a ; r2\ = sin α; Γ22 = — cos a).
By definition, multiplication of the inverted matrix R _ 1 by the matrix R gives the unit
matrix I:
R_1R — I
On the other hand multiplication of the transposed matrix R T with the matrix R also
gives the unit matrix (Equations (2.1-5) and (2.1-6)):
As a consequence, we see that the following important result holds for the rotation
R_1 = RT (2.1-7)
Reverse transformation
If one wishes to transform points from the fixed XY system into the xy system, one
obtains the desired rotation matrix as follows:
From Equation (2.1-3):
X = Rx
Section 2.1 Preparatory mathematical remarks 13
Premultiplication by R T gives:
R T X = R T R x = Ix = χ
Exercise 2.1-4. How would Equations (2.1-1), (2.1-2), (2.1-4) and (2.1-5) appear if
the rotation of the xy system had been made in a clockwise sense with respect to the
X Y system?
• orthogonal straight lines defined, for example, by three points in the xy system
are no longer orthogonal after the transformation.
• parallel straight lines defined, for example, by four points in the xy system, re-
main parallel after the transformation.
• line-segments between two points in the xy system exhibit a different length after
the transformation.
• on the other hand, the ratio of the lengths of two parallel line segments is invariant
under the transformation.
in which
• αιο and a2o are two translations (or, more exactly, the X Y coordinates of the
origin of the xy system) and
• oil, a n , a 2i and a 2 2 are four elements which do not satisfy the orthogonality
conditions of Equation (2.1-6) and which consequently allow not only different
scales in the two coordinate directions but also independent rotations of the two
coordinate axes.
In order to determine the six parameters α ^ one requires at least three common points
in both coordinate systems.
Numerical Example. Given three points with their coordinates in both systems, we
wish to find the six parameters a ^ of the affine transformation.
14 Chapter 2 Preparatory remarks on mathematics and digital image processing
Pt.No. X y X Y
23 0.3035 0.5951 3322 1168
24 0.1926 0.6028 3403 2061
50 0.3038 0.4035 1777 1197
Using the linear Equations (2.1-8) we obtain the following system of equations
0.3035 0.5951
0.3035 0.5951
\ ( «10 \ / 3322 \
1 0.1926 0.6028 an 3403
1 0.1926 0.6028 an 2061
1 0.3038 0.4035 a21 1777
V 1 0.3038 0.4035 y \ «22 / 1,1197 )
fX \ _ f-1425 \ / - 1 7 1 . 5 8063.4 λ f x\
3713 / \ —8063.7 164.0 J J
In order to determine the four parameters of the plane similarity transformation (two
translations αιο and 020, a scale factor m and, for example, a rotation angle a of the
rotation matrix R ) one requires at least two common points in each coordinate system.
The solution of this problem is discussed in Section 5.2.1.
Note: a square in the xy system remains a square after the transformation; it is simply
shifted, rotated and changed in scale. Against that, after an affine transformation it
becomes a parallelogram.
m Π2 n 3
X = Rx; R . = I Γ21 T-22 r23 (2.1-11)
r-ii r 3 2 r 3 3
In a similar manner to that of Equation (2.1-5), the matrix R can be formed from the
three unit vectors shown in Figure 2.1-3; R = (i, j, k). 3 It is simple to write out the
following six orthogonality 4 relationships among the nine elements rik for the three-
dimensional case.
iTi - jTj = k ' k = 1
T (2.1-12)
i j = jTk = k i = 0
The three unit vectors with their components n t are related, through their vector products, as fol-
Γ22 Γ23
T32 f"33
Γ22Γ33 — Γ32Γ23 j = k χ i
r 12 ΤΊ3
=j x k = r32r-l3 — Γ12Γ33
?"32 ^33 k = ix j
rnrn — Γ22Π3
r\2 ri3
Γ22 V23
More accurately, three orthogonality conditions and three normalizing conditions (see also the foot-
note to Equation (2.1-6) on page 11).
16 Chapter 2 Preparatory remarks on mathematics and digital image processing
X =X(o
Figure 2.1-5: Hierarchy of the three rotations about the coordinate axes
If one performs an ω rotation, the attitudes in space of the other two axes are changed
accordingly. If, however, one rotates in φ, only the κ axis, and not the ω axis, is
affected. Rotation about the κ axis changes the attitude of neither of the other two axes.
An arbitrary rotation of the xyz system as illustrated in Figure 2.1-3 can therefore be
effected by means of three rotations ω, φ and κ. In each case the rotation is to be seen
as counterclockwise when viewed along the axis towards the origin.
The transformation into the X Y Z system of a point P , given in the xyz coordinate
system, may therefore be defined in terms of the three rotation angles ω, φ and κ. In
this case the matrix R of Equation (2.1-11) has the form5 (see Appendix 2.1-1):
In the following equation, the functions cos and sin are abbreviated by c and s, respectively.
Section 2.1 Preparatory mathematical remarks 17
'ωφκ — (2.1-13)
Exercise 2.1-5. Show, using trigonometrical relationships, that the nine elements of
the rotation matrix (2.1-13) fulfill the orthogonality conditions (2.1-12).
If the sequence of the rotations is defined in a different order, the elements of the matrix
(2.1-13) are also changed (see Appendix 2.1-1 and especially Section Β 3.4, Volume 2).
As in Equation (2.1-7) the inverse of the rotation matrix, R _ 1 , is the transposed matrix
R T , by virtue of the orthogonality conditions (2.1-12). To summarize, three differ-
ent interpretations have been given for the elements of the three-dimensional rotation
matrix R:
• cosines of the angles between the axes of the two coordinate systems
• components of the unit vectors of the rotated coordinate axes with respect to the
fixed system
• trigonometric functions of rotation angles about the three axes of a gimbal system
The nine elements r ^ must satisfy the orthogonality conditions 6 ; one checks that
R T R = I:
Example (of Equation (2.1-14)). We are given a point Ρ in an xyz system which is
rotated by ωι, φ\, κ\ relative to an X\Y\Z\ coordinate system. The X\Y\Z\ system is
then rotated by ωι, ψ2, «2 relative to an X2Y2Z2 system.
We wish to find the final coordinates Χι, Y2, Z2 of the point Ρ and the angles ω, ψ, κ
by which the xyz system is rotated relative to an X2Y2Z2 system.
Given coordinates of P:
χ = -83.699
First rotation:
ωι - 1 . 3 9 4 8 gon = -1°15'19"
Ψ\ +0.1041 gon = 5'37"
Κ\ - 0 . 8 4 7 9 gon = -45'47"
Second rotation:
U>2 - 0 . 1 7 2 6 gon = -9'19"
Ψ2 - 1 . 0 8 5 3 gon = -58'36"
K2 -101.3223 gon = -91°11'24"
For didactical reasons, the notation of a matrix multiplication A B = C is often written in "Falk's
Section 2.1 Preparatory mathematical remarks 19
-0.020770 0.999639 -0.017047 \ '-81.432'
-0.999782 -0.020727 0.002710 46.384 X2 — R2X1
0.002355 0.017100 0.999851 / 153.036
-0.034091 0.999407 0.004822 -81.432'
-0.999419 -0.034096 0.000621 46.384 = X2 = Rx
0.000784 -0.004798 0.999988 153.036
From the definition of the elements of the rotation matrix R (see Equation (2.1-13))
calculate the angles ω, ψ and κ through which the point Ρ has been rotated with respect
to the X2Y2Z2 system.
Exercise 2.1-6. Transform the rotated point Ρ (X2, Yi, Ζ2) back into the xyz system,
in two stages and in one stage.
X\ /αιο\ ί an ai2 a i 3 \ /
γ = Ö20 + I a-21 0,22 0,23 I 2/ I ; X = ao + A x (2.1-17)
Ζ) \ α30 / \ α31 <232 a33 / \z )
in which:
• aio. a20 and a^o are three translations (alternatively, the X Y Z coordinates of the
origin of the xyz system).
• αϊ ι, a i 2 , . . . , 033 are the nine elements of R; they do not satisfy the orthogonality
conditions (2.1-12) and consequently they admit not only different scales in the
three coordinate directions but also six independent angles of rotation of the three
coordinate axes (Note: a coordinate axis is defined by two angles).
X\ ( flio \ / Πι Π2 rl3\ / x\
Y = fl20 + rn r 2 i r22 r23 y ; X = ao + m R x (2.1-18)
z J \ <230 / \ r 31 7-32 r-33 / \z )
c = 99.16
J <
A k
The relationship between the coordinates ξ and η of an image point P' and the coordi-
nates Χ,Υ,Ζ of an object point Ρ is illustrated in Figure 2.1-8 and is mathematically
formulated in Equation (2.1-19)7 (for the derivation of these collinearity equations, as
they are usually called, see Appendix 2.1-2).
Notation used in this book:
ξ,η ... two-dimensional image coordinates
x,y,z ... coordinates in a local three-dimensional coordinate system (frequently model
Χ,Υ,Ζ ... coordinates in a control coordinate system (sometimes called a global system;
frequently the national coordinate system)
22 Chapter 2 Preparatory remarks on mathematics and digital image processing
The parameters r,^. appearing in Equations (2.1-19) are the elements of the rotation
matrix R which in this case describes the three-dimensional attitude, or orientation,
of the image with respect to the X Y Z object coordinate system. If so desired, the
elements rik can be expressed in accordance with Equation (2.1-13) in terms of the
three angles ω, φ and κ, which are, respectively, rotations about the X axis, the Υω axis
and the Ζωφ axis, as defined in Figure 2.1-5.
Solving the Equations (2.1-19) for the object coordinates X and Y gives:
Equations (2.1-19) mean that to each object point there is one image point. Equa-
tions (2.1-20) draw our attention to the fact that, because the Ζ coordinates are on the
right hand side, to each image point there are infinitely many possible object points.
From a single metric image alone it is not possible to reconstruct a three-dimensional
object. To do so one also needs either a second metric image of the same object taken
from a different place or additional information about the Ζ coordinate (for example
the information that all object points lie on a horizontal plane of known height).
The above three parameters are known as the elements of interior orientation 8 . They
fix the centre of projection of the three-dimensional bundle of rays with respect to the
image plane.
The following six parameters are the elements of exterior orientation. They define the
position and attitude of the three-dimensional bundle of rays with respect to the object
coordinate system.
In normal English, the orientation of an object implies direction or angular attitude. Photogrammet-
ric usage, deriving from German, applies the word to groups of camera parameters. Exterior orientation
parameters incorporate this angular meaning but extend it to include position. Interior orientation para-
meters, which include a distance, two coordinates and a number of polynomial coefficients, involve no
angular values; the use of the terminology here underlies the connection between two very important,
basic groups of parameters.
24 Chapter 2 Preparatory remarks on mathematics and digital image processing
/ 362530.603 \
X 0 [m] = 61215.834
\ 2005.742 J
Rotation matrix:
/ -0.034091 0.999407 0.004822 \
R = -0.999419 -0.034096 0.000621
V 0.000784 -0.004798 0.999988 J
/ 363552.124 \ / 362571.087'
Pi [m] : 61488.048 P2 [m] : 61198.320
\ 588.079/ \ 596.670
Without restricting the generality of the statements, one can consider all the object
points to lie in a plane (Z = 0 in Figure 2.1-8)9. Equations (2.1-20) then read as
= αιξ + α2η + ä 3
ci£ + ο2η + c3
Υ _ + b2T? + h
διξ + δ2η + c3
One finds the derivation for a sloping plane, which leads to the same result, in Mikhail, E., Bethel,
J., McGlone, C.: Modern Photogrammetry. John Wiley & Sons, 2001.
Section 2.1 Preparatory mathematical remarks 25
The coefficients ait bi and c.t are related to the parameters of Equations (2.1-20) as
ä\ — Xorn - Z0rn
02 = Χθ?32 ~ ZqT\2
Dividing the numerators and denominators of Equations (2.1-23) by C3, we obtain the
following expressions for the relationship between image ξ,η and object coordinates
_ α\ξ + α2η + a^
+ 02η+ I
ci£ + 02η + 1
From these equations it follows that:
The reduction in the number of independent parameters from nine to eight may, at
first sight, seem surprising. It arises from the fact that, in the case of a plane object,
relationships exist among the original nine elements. In the special case when the
photograph and the plane object are parallel, it is easy to see (Figure 2.1-9) that Z0 and
c are no longer independent of each other; we need only to know the ratio ZQ JC.
Figure 2.1-9: Two geometrically identical metric images with different values of Zq
and c, but with the same value of the ratio Z 0 / c
We now turn to the question of how the eight parameters can be found in the general
case and how other details may be determined from the photographs. Supposing that
26 Chapter 2 Preparatory remarks on mathematics and digital image processing
we have four control points10 (image and object coordinates known), then the eight co-
efficients can first be determined from Equations (2.1-24). Then the object coordinates
Xi and Yi of each new point Pi can be determined from its image coordinates and
Numerical Example. We are given both the image coordinates and the object coordi-
nates of four control points A, B, C, D and the image coordinates of P, one of many
new points for which the object coordinates are to be found.
After multiplication by the denominator from Equations (2.1-24) we obtain eight si-
multaneous linear equations of the form:
In the special case where the image and object planes are parallel (that is to say, ω
ψ = 0), the three-dimensional rotation matrix takes the form:
Taking Section 2.1.1 into account, one reaches the conclusion that in this special case,
the photographic image is geometrically equivalent to a map; it is only an object plane
reduced in scale (as well as rotated and translated). Equation (2.1-25) is a plane simi-
larity transformation (2.1-9). The image scale, or the map scale 11 , is 1 : where:
mB = (2.1-26)
K = X0 = Y0= ξ0 = ηq = 0
s c 1
— = — — const. = Figure 2.1-10: Image as map
S Z0 rnB
Example. Camera axis perpendicular to the fa£ade (c = 157.65 mm, Zo = 50.4 m).
See Figure 2.1-11.
A scale is defined by the ratio 1 : m e - We call m e the scale number.
28 Chapter 2 Preparatory remarks on mathematics and digital image processing
Exercise 2.1-7. What would be the maximum error to be found in this "photographic
map" (an orthophoto) if an element of the fagade projected 50 cm from the plane de-
fined as ZQ — 50.4 m? (For the solution see Equation (7.2-1) or Exercise 7.2-1.)
Comment: With the expression (2.1-24), which portrays the relationship between XY
coordinates in the object plane and ξη coordinates in the image plane, we depart from
the idea of a central perspective bundle of rays. In place of the central perspective
bundle of rays with its nine elements of interior and exterior orientation, projective
geometry provides the mathematical relationship between a plane object and its image.
(Employing projective geometry one can write the mathematical relationship between
an object (a plane or a straight line) and its image as created by central perspective
without making use of the position and orientation of the image in relation to the ob-
Projective geometry is an alternative to central perspective with the following charac-
• as a result, no initial values are necessary when, for example, the transformation
parameters have to be computed by means of control points.
• the elements of interior orientation are not necessary; this means that projective
geometry is very suitable for non-metric images, such as amateur pictures.
• even if the elements of interior orientation are known, as with metric images, one
cannot make use of them, except indirectly.
Section 2.1 Preparatory mathematical remarks 29
χ = 0^+03
+ 1
The three coefficients 01, <23 and ci describe the central projection of a straight line.
They can be determined from three control points; every other point on the line in the
image can subsequently be transformed into the object line.
Equation (2.1-27) evolves from the projective transformation (2.1-24) in which the
elements of interior and exterior orientation are unknown. In projective geometry one
may prefer to use the cross-ratio, rather than Equation (2.1-27); the cross-ratio for four
collinear points is invariant under projective transformation and, it goes without saying,
under central projection (see the second solution of the exercise below for a definition
of the cross-ratio).
Example (of the reconstruction of a straight line in the object space). We are given a
photograph of a street with lane markings in a straight line APBQC (Figure 2.1-12).
The lane marking AB is 4.50m in length and the separation BC is 5.00m. Points Ρ
and Q on the skid marks are to be reconstructed.
1 st solution (using Equation (2.1-27))
Image and object coordinates of the three control points A, Β and C:
ξ [mm] X[m]
A 0.00 0.00
Β 38.40 4.50
C 68.30 9.50
30 Chapter 2 Preparatory remarks on mathematics and digital image processing
ojO + a3
( 2 . 1 - 2 7 ) for A: 0 =
ci0+ 1 a3 = 0
α ι 3 8 . 4 0 + α3
( 2 . 1 - 2 7 ) for B: 4.50 = ai = 0.09747
ci 3 8 . 4 0 + 1
ci = - 0 . 0 0 4 3 8
α ι 6 8 . 3 0 + ο3
( 2 . 1 - 2 7 ) for C: 9.50 =
ci68.30 + 1
ξ [mm] X [ m ]
Ρ 33.50 3.83
Q 44.90 5.45
Exercise 2.1-9. Consider the solution if, instead of point C, the vanishing point F ,
with coordinate ξρ — 2 2 1 . 0 mm is given; that is, Xf = 00. (Hint: X F must be infinite
in Equation (2.1-27), as is achieved when 2 2 1 . 0 c i + 1 = 0 . ) (Solution: Xp = 3 . 8 2 m,
X Q = 5 . 4 6 m.)
Section 2.1 Preparatory mathematical remarks 31
Exercise 2.1-10. Show that for four points the four expressions (2.1 -27) can be inserted
in the cross-ratio formulation. (Hint: Choose the origin of coordinates for both X and
ξ in the point A: aj = 0.)
In the "normal case" the three-dimensional rotation matrix R (2.1-13) becomes the unit
matrix for both pictures:
1 oo1
R= I 0 10
0 0 1
In the "normal case" the relationship between image and object coordinates as formu-
lated in Equations (2.1-20) simplifies as follows:
32 Chapter 2 Preparatory remarks on mathematics and digital image processing
Image 1
X = Z— (2.1-28)
Y = Z— (2.1-29)
Image 2
X = B + Z^- (2.1-30)
Y = Z— (2.1-31)
Γ i*
The final formulae for the calculation of the object coordinates Χ, Υ, Ζ from the
image coordinates ξ and η follow from Equations (2.1-28) to (2.1-31). We begin with
£1 £2
the Equations (2.1-28) and (2.1-30); that i s , - Z — = Β - Z - :
c c
Ζ - - —
6 - 6 Ρς
X= -Z^
The difference £1 — £2 — Ρς (£-parallax) can be measured directly in some photogram-
metric instruments (Section 6.4.1); in others the original image coordinates £t and £2
are measured and the difference ρζ computed. Not only can the Formulae (2.1-32) be
derived from Equations (2.1-20) but also, more simply, using ratios directly obvious
from Figure 2.1-15.
Section 2.1 Preparatory mathematical remarks 33
The ratio Β / Ζ is known as the base/distance ratio (or in the case of aerial photographs
the base/height ratio). The ratio Z/c is called, from Equation (2.1-26), the photo-scale
34 Chapter 2 Preparatory remarks on mathematics and digital image processing
number TUB although only in the special case of parallelism between object and im-
age planes can one speak with justification of a scale number for the whole picture
(Section 2.1.4). The mean-square errors σχ and ay of the X and Y coordinates are
then derived using the rules of error propagation applied to the corresponding Equa-
tions (2.1-32).
Ζ Ζ2
σζ = ™ΒβσΡξ =
σ γ
= ]J + (§'ση) = +(τηΒση) 2
σχ = \l{^mBBap() +
Numerical Example.
Given 12 : Image coordinates ξ\ = ηι = 50 mm ± 7 μπι
Accuracy of measured parallaxes σΡί = ± 5 μπι
Principal distance c = 150 mm
To be found: the root mean square errors of the object coordinates as functions of
the photo scale number and the base/distance ratio Β / Ζ . (Take note of the units of
measurement shown in the last column.)
Using this table and the Formulae (2.1-34) we can make the following generalized
statements concerning photogrammetric accuracy:
• assuming a constant base/distance ratio, the root mean square errors in all three
coordinates are directly proportional to the photo scale number. Any desired
accuracy can, therefore, be achieved by means of an appropriate choice of photo
Measurement accuracy will be more closely considered in Sections 4.6 and 6.1.1.
Section 2.2 Preliminary remarks on the digital processing of images 35
• for a constant photo scale, the root mean square error in the Ζ coordinate is in-
versely proportional to the base/distance ratio. The root mean square error in the
XY coordinates, however, increases only slowly as the base/distance ratio de-
creases. If the base ratio is somewhat less than 1 : 1, all three object coordinates
will be equally accurate.
• with a constant base, the root mean square error in the Ζ coordinate increases as
the square of the distance, Z, from the camera.
• for the moment, ignore the first term in the expressions for σχ and σγ from
(2.1-34) and
• replace the accuracies σξ, ση and σΡ( with a generalized accuracy figure for im-
age measurement σ Β ·
σζ — τηΒ~σΒ
σχ = σγ = τηΒσΒ
Exercise 2.1-12. Using a metric camera and the "normal" disposition of photographs a
land-slide is to be monitored from a slope on the opposite side of a valley. An accuracy
of σχ = σγ = σζ = ±10 cm is required. What is the greatest distance from which
this land-slide can be monitored (measurement accuracy σΒ = ±6μιυ)? What base
length should be chosen? Hint: One should use the Formulae (2.1-35). (Answer:
Ζ — Β — 1666 m.) Supplementary exercise: How much can the base be reduced for
areas at half the distance? (Answer: Β = 416 m, Β/Ζ = 1 : 2; in this case the root
mean square error in the X and Y coordinates will be smaller than that demanded:
σχ = σγ = ±5 cm.)
Exercise 2.1-13. What is the root mean square error in the length of the line-segment
PQ of Exercise 2.1-11? The values in the above table should be used for σξ, ση and
σρ . (Answer: 2.655 m ± 1.0 mm.)
' . F
A· B·
A few special features of pixel geometry should be touched on with the help of Fig-
ure 2.2-1:
a) the two separate points D and Ε merge together in the digital image.
For that reason digital photogrammetry is also known in English as "soft copy photogrammetry"
as opposed to "hard copy photogrammetry" which uses photography recorded on film (PE&RS 58(1),
pp. 49-115, 1992).
Limits to the numerical representation of numbers in a computer, e.g. the image coordinates ξ and
η, lead to similar (negative) effects in analytical photogrammetry as does the finite pixel size in digital
Section 2.2 Preliminary remarks on the digital processing of images 37
b) it is strictly necessary that the pixels belonging to one geometrical shape be spe-
cially labeled, for example with what is called a chain code; starting from the
position of the initial pixel this defines the next pixel by means of a pointer (right,
left, above, below, . . . ) . The criterion "all neighbouring pixels" is in fact inad-
equate. In pixel geometry, for example, two neighbouring points of the straight
line G are joined together just as much as the two separate points A and Β (Fig-
ure 2.2-1).
c) the formation of geometrical objects with the help only of neighbour relation-
ships, in this context better described as connectivity relationships, leads to dif-
ferent results, depending on the criterion used. 4-neighbourhoods (4N) and 8-
neighbourhoods (8N) are common in digital image processing (Figure 2.2-2).
1- s
Figure 2.2-2: 4N and 8N relationships
Using a 4N the points Β and C remain as separate points; using an 8N all the
points A — F are combined. Incidentally, if the pixels representing the points A -
F were to be shifted one pixel to the right, then using an 8N connectivity all the
relevant pixels of Figure 2.2-1 would be assigned to a single geometrical object.
The picture elements arranged in a raster or a matrix carry information. Their value
range depends on the recording equipment and on the computer used. Very commonly
the values range between 0 and 255 which clearly exceeds the ability of the human
eye which can discriminate between about 50 different shades. Information with 256
different states can be represented by 8 bits (2 8 combinations of bits). A group of eight
bits is combined as a byte in most computers. In very sensitive recording equipment the
In this connection one also speaks of a Euclidean metric and of raster data metrics (see, for example,
Bill, R.: Grundlagen der Geo-Informationssysteme. Band 2, Wichmann, 1999, and the literature cited
therein for further reading).
38 Chapter 2 Preparatory remarks on mathematics and digital image processing
image data may even be registered with 16 bits, that is with 2 bytes (216 = 65536 com-
In information technology, besides binary representation, one also comes across octal
and hexadecimal forms. The table below sets out pixel values in the different notations
opposite each other:
In normal black and white images the pixel values are known as grey values (usually
black is coded as 0 and white as 255). In binary images there are only two grey values;
the value zero can represent the extraneous background and the value one the signif-
icant image information. The right hand side of Figure 2.2-1 shows a binary image.
Colour images have three spectral layers which are registered on three image matri-
ces of equal size. These images are usually represented by 24 bits (eight bits for each
colour layer with Red, Green and Blue as the primary colours for a so-called RGB
Exercise 2.2-1. In Figure 2.2-1 place a line below and parallel to the existing line
such that in the corresponding digital picture it does not touch the string of pixels
representing the straight line G. Avoidance of contact should be established once in a
4N pattern and once in an 8N pattern.
gij (Figure 2.2-3). The row index i runs from 1 in steps of 1 to I, the corresponding
column index j from 1 to J. The picture element dimensions are Δξ χ Αη.
112 η
1 ^ j J
In a metric digital image a relationship is required between pixel position and ξη im-
age coordinate values. In Figure 2.2-3 we have introduced an image coordinate system
lying half a pixel width outside the image matrix and rotated 100 gon ( = 90°) clock-
wise from our accustomed image coordinate system. In a digital metric camera no
special fiducial marks are necessary to define the image coordinate system as are re-
quired in a metric film camera.
Multiplication of the index i of the matrix by Αξ gives the image coordinate ξ of the
mid-point of the pixel gij; correspondingly the index j multiplied by Αη gives the im-
age coordinate η. The conventional measurement of image coordinates in analogue
photographs is replaced in digital photographs by location of the respective pixel. Lo-
cation of the pixel by a human operator is completed with a mouse click. If possible,
however, pixel identification and measurement should be automatic—even into the sub-
pixel range; that is to say, with accuracy better than the pixel dimensions.
For photogrammetric processing of digital photographs one requires the interior ori-
entation exactly as with analogue photographs. In Figure 2.2-3 the position of the
principal point PP is given in the ξη image coordinate system. In the case of appropri-
ately small pixels it is adequate just to know the pixel in which the principal point lies.
One can continue with this idea by regarding the indices i and j directly as the image
coordinates ξ and η. In this case, assuming square pixels, the principal distance c is in-
troduced in units of Δξ(= Αη). It is easy to see that the collinearity equations (2.1-20)
and the Equations (2.1-32) relating to the "normal case" retain their validity despite
these unfamiliar units of measurement in both image and camera space.
40 Chapter 2 Preparatory remarks on mathematics and digital image processing
With the support of the same mathematics we can also, as we shall shortly see, transfer
the whole digital photograph into the object plane. Since projective geometry comes
into use (see the comment at the end of Section 2.1.4), in this case we speak of projec-
tive rectification. The result is a digital orthophoto, therefore a geometrically correct
(undistorted) digital photograph. The conversion of the distorted digital image (the
original picture) into the digital orthophotograph, which is in the (two-dimensional)
object coordinate system, is done with the help of Equations (2.1-24). This conversion,
typical of operations with digital images, will be clarified in what follows.
Because of their arrangement within the image matrix, we know the ξη coordinates
of the mid-points of all the pixels of the original distorted image. In Figure 2.2-4
these mid-points are labeled with small black-filled circles. We find the corresponding
positions in the object coordinate system using Equations (2.1-24); in Figure 2.2-4 this
is signified by the abbreviated notation (Χ, Υ) = / ( ξ , η). Naturally, on account of the
distortion of the original image, the X Y positions found for all the original pixels do
not fall in an orthogonal raster. The required mid-points of the pixels in the resultant
image, the digital orthophoto, with their indices i and j, are shown in Figure 2.2-4 with
small open circles. We have a set (a sample) of arbitrarily arranged points which are to
be brought into a new pattern, an orthogonal raster; in digital image processing this is
known as resampling.
One of the possible techniques for assigning the grey value within such a resampling
is the nearest neighbour method. In this technique the grey value of the original pixel
Section 2.2 Preliminary remarks on the digital processing of images 41
is given to that position in the new image matrix which lies nearest, as measured by
coordinate differences, to the transformed mid-point of the pixel. In the example of
Figure 2.2-4 the grey value <72,4 of the original image will be brought to position (i,j) =
(2,3), that of <?3i4 to position (i,j) — (3,2), and so on.
η • J
(Χ,Υ) = ί(ξ,η)
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 > 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
The rectification outlined in Figure 2.2-4 is called a direct rectification or, in a general
form, as a direct rearrangement. It has the disadvantage among other things that it can
lead to gaps in the resulting digital image. The much more widely used technique is
that of indirect rectification or rearrangement. It is summarized in Figure 2.2-5.
(ξ,η) = ηχ,Υ)
• • • • 1- Ο 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
• • • cr •
O*• 0 0 0
• • •
Υ* 0 0 ND 0 0
• • • • 0 0 0 0 0
It starts with an originally empty image matrix with indices i and j in the object coor-
dinate system. In general the number of pixels in this image matrix will be somewhat
larger than that in the original image. Subsequently the mid-points of these pixels are
transformed into the original image using the inverse transformation, which we go into
42 Chapter 2 Preparatory remarks on mathematics and digital image processing
more closely at the end of this section. The grey value at that position in the origi-
nal image can be found using, for example, the nearest neighbour method and can be
copied into the new image, the digital orthophotograph. For example, in position i = 3,
j = 3 of the resulting image of Figure 2.2-5, the grey value computed at the inverse
point shown within the cell ξ = 2, η = 3 will be inserted; likewise in position i = 4,
j = 3, the grey value computed in ξ = 3, η = 4 will be inserted, and so on.
A disadvantage of the nearest neighbour method is that in the most unfavourable case
the grey values assigned may be displaced from their correct positions by as much as
half a pixel. These displacements may lead to a shift, in the worst case, of up to one
pixel of the transformed image; in general it leads to a sawtooth effect and to variable
widths of bands of pixels representing lines.
An interesting alternative to nearest neighbour is bilinear interpolation, in which case
the desired grey value is found, as a function of ξη coordinates, from the four neigh-
bouring values g\, <72, <73 and 94 using bilinear interpolation (Figure 2.2-6).
1 Λ
The simple structure of the coefficient matrix makes it easy to write a general solution:
f °o\ ( 1 0 0 0 \ fgi\
αϊ - 1 / Δ 1/Δ 0 0 92 (2.2-3)
a2 -1/Δ 0 1/Δ 0 93
\ «3 / ^ 1/Δ 2 - 1 / Δ 2 — 1/Δ 2
iMV w
Exercise 2.2-2. Check that the general solution given in (2.2-3) is correct. (The prod-
uct of the matrices of (2.2-2) and (2.2-3) should be the unit matrix.)
Substituting expressions for ao, a\, ai and aj from Equation (2.2-3) in Equation (2.2-1)
leads to the desired interpolation formula:
+ 1 9 3 +
Δ " W ) Δ^54
Exercise 2.2-3. Check the result found in this numerical example by means of linear
interpolation along lines parallel to the sides of the square and passing through the
interpolated point.
Bilinear interpolation involves more computation than nearest neighbour but has the
advantage that no shifts appear. The contrast in the original image is, however, some-
what reduced. If this attenuation in contrast is to be avoided one should move to higher
order interpolation including, for example, 16 pixels 16 .
The inverse transformation equations (ξ, η) — / " ' (Χ, Y), which are necessary for in-
direct transformation (Figure 2.2-5), are still to be formulated. In the projective trans-
formation, from a mathematical view point, neither image plane nor object plane takes
precedence over the other. That is to say, in the Equations (2.1-24) ξ and X as well as
η and Y can be interchanged. The eight parameters for the inverse transformation can
See, for example: Luhmann, T., Robson, S., Kyle, S., Harley, I.: Close Range Photogrammetry.
Whittles Publishing, 2006.
44 Chapter 2 Preparatory remarks on mathematics and digital image processing
therefore be found in the same way from eight linear equations, assuming four control
It is also possible, however, to formulate the inverse transformation equations for in-
direct rectification in terms of the eight parameters of the direct projective transfor-
mation, (Χ,Υ) — / ( ξ , η), Equations (2.1-24). After much re-arrangement of Equa-
tions (2.1-24) one obtains:
Exercise 2.2-4. Starting with Equations (2.1-24) derive Equations (2.2-5). (A very
elegant solution is possible using homogeneous coordinates. (Appendix 2.2-1).
Numerical Example. Let us take up once more the numerical example of Section
2.1.4. Equations (2.2-5) give the following inverse transformation equations, in which
both denominator and numerator have been divided by (a\b 2 — a2b])\
Figure 2.2-7 is an oblique picture of a fagade, which can be regarded as a plane. The
photograph was taken with a Kodak DCS 460c digital camera (Section Ε 3.5, Vol-
ume 2). Coordinates were known for four control points in the object plane; their image
coordinates were found after identification of the corresponding points in the original
image matrix. The transformation parameters for a projective rectification were subse-
quently evaluated and the whole of the picture was digitally rectified, the result being
shown in Figure 2.2-8. The size of the pixels at object scale is 2 cm χ 2 cm.
Instead of the projective transformation of an arbitrary quadrangle, it seems at first
glance that affine transformation of two triangles might offer an alternative. The two
triangles to be transformed in this way are reproduced in Figure 2.2-7. Figure 2.2-9
illustrates the error occurring in the case of the affine transformation. This error can be
estimated with the help of Equation (2.1-27) or of the cross-ratio. It is that much larger,
the larger the triangle chosen and the larger the tilt of the picture (see Section 7.3.2d).
Section 2.2 Preliminary remarks on the digital processing of images 45
Exercise 2.2-5. In the above example estimate the error of the affine transformation
along the diagonal running from top left to bottom right. Hint: Choose a point in
Figures 2.2-7 and 2.2-8 somewhere in the middle of the diagonal. One then has three
points on a straight line with known image and object coordinate ξ and X, respectively;
using the method of Section 2.1.5 one can state the projective transformation relation-
ship for points on this diagonal. One then transforms the midpoint of this diagonal into
the object plane and compares its X coordinate with that of the midpoint in the object
plane. The difference can be verified as the error arising as a result of moving from a
projective to an affine transformation (Figure 2.2-8 to Figure 2.2-9).
Chapter 3
Metric images are produced by a metric camera which lies at the centre of Section 3.1.
If the photons arriving at the image plane of a metric camera are recorded by a chemical
sensor, then an analogue metric image is produced. This analogue technology is dis-
cussed in Section 3.2. If the photons in the image plane are recorded by an electronic
sensor, then a digital metric image is obtained. Digital image recording is handled in
Section 3.3. Section 3.4 describes a hybrid technique. It starts with an analogue film in
the camera; a subsequent digitization of the film negative or corresponding photograph
also results in a digital metric image.
principal planes Image plane
Η Η'
Object space Image space P'
Image point
Object point
p Object distance V Image distance
s e — s'=c
In this idealized case, Ν is the object-space perspective centre Ο, N ' is the correspond-
ing image-space perspective centre O' and the principal distance c is equal to the image
distance s'. The image distance s' and the object distance s are always measured from
the principal planes. In practical amateur photography, however, the distance to be set
on the focusing mechanism of the camera is D = (s + e + s'), i.e the distance of the
object from the image plane.
The optics of photogrammetric cameras are thick, usually asymmetric objectives. The
individual lenses are made from different types of glass so as to ensure that imaging
errors are corrected to the greatest possible extent. The aperture stop AS is usually
not in the centre of the objective (Figure 3.1-2). We must therefore pose the question:
where is the physical perspective centre?
All the rays from an object point that pass through the objective must pass through the
aperture. The apparent image of the aperture stop, as seen from the object, therefore
Optical axis
Aperture stop
limits the effective bundle of rays forming the image point; this apparent image is
called the entrance pupil (EP). Its centre is the object-space perspective centre O. The
analogous exit pupil ( E P ' ) lies in the image space of the objective.
Exercise 3.1-1. How can the distance VO of the entrance pupil from the vertex V of
the objective be determined by theodolite?
Figure 3.1-3: The definition of the centre of the entrance pupil Ε Ρ as the object-space
perspective centre O. Dot/dashed lines show central rays. V = vertex
The real photogrammetric objective and the idealized model of it described above (Fig-
ure 3.1-1) differ significantly:
a) the optical axis should contain the centres of all spherical lens surfaces. After the
cementing and assembly of all individual lenses and the mounting of the objec-
tive in the camera relative to the mechanical focal-plane frame, small errors will
inevitably have accumulated. The reference axis of photogrammetry is therefore
not the optical axis OA, but a calibrated, (i.e. standardized) principal ray PRA
which in object space is perpendicular to the image plane and passes through the
centre of the entrance pupil (Figure 3.1-4). Its physical extension intersects the
image plane in the principal point of autocollimation PPA (see explanation and
definition below).
b) the angles τ are defined at the centre of the entrance pupil and not at the nodal
points. Since the entrance pupil usually does not lie in the principal plane H, it
follows that τ ' is not equal to r.
c) the mechanically realized principal distance s'm defined by the focal-plane frame
of the camera differs slightly from the optical principal distance s' which pro-
vides the sharpest image.
d) the image plane is not rigorously perpendicular to the optical axis.
In essence, the result of these small errors is that the angles r ' in image space are not
equal to the angles r in object space. We therefore define a mathematical perspective
50 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
Figure 3.1-4: The definition of the image-space perspective centre 0'M. PRA = (auto-
collimation) principal ray, PPa = principal point of autocollimation in the image plane
IP, EP = entrance pupil, EP' = exit pupil, 0'P = physical perspective centre, c =
principal distance, ρ = image height = 1, Ap = (radial) optical distortion
centre 0'M which lies at a perpendicular distance c, the principal distance, from the
principal point of autocollimation PPa and which reproduces the angles τ as closely
as possible. Residual errors lead to optical distortions Ap.
The elements of interior orientation, so far defined as ξο, r?o and c, must therefore be
extended to include the radial optical distortion Ap:
Equation of interior orientation
ρ = c tan τ + Ap (3.1-1)
Photogrammetric cameras are mostly calibrated in a laboratory with the help of an op-
tical goniometer (Figure 3.1-5). Firstly, before mounting the camera in the instrument,
the observing telescope T\ is set in its zero position as defined by autocollimation with
the telescope T2. The camera is then mounted with the centre of the entrance pupil
E P , i.e. its object-space perspective centre O, in the axis of rotation and rotated about
E P until the mirror image of the cross-hairs of the telescope T2 is superimposed on
the cross-hairs (autocollimation). A flat glass plate with a small reflecting surface is
placed on the image plane (focal-plane frame) of the camera for this purpose. On the
side facing object space this plate also carries precise graduations. In the previously
defined zero position of telescope T\, the operator now observes the principal point of
autocollimation PPA which will be considered as the origin of the p-scale. The oper-
ator then points T\ to various graduations on the p-scale along each semi-diagonal of
the square image frame and observes the corresponding angles r . The radial optical
distortions can then be computed from the differences Ap — ρ - co tan r , where co is
the best known value of the principal distance (Figure 3.1-6).
Section 3.1 The basics of metric cameras 51
Collimating telescope (fixed)
Reflecting flat glass plate
. with graduated surface
f" in image plane (p-scale)
EP = rotation axis
of telescope Ti
Measuring telescope T,
The results are usually asymmetric, the curves do not coincide. Amongst other reasons,
this asymmetry is caused by errors of centering of the individual lens elements. The
asymmetry can be greatly reduced by choosing another reference point, slightly dif-
ferent from the principal point of autocollimation PPA- The reference point resulting
from best symmetry is known as the principal point of best symmetry PPS.
The juxtaposition of two reference points, the principal point of autocollimation PPA
and principal point of best symmetry PPS, has the following practical consequences:
a) the distortions must be recalculated and given with respect to the PPs (Fig-
ure 3.1-7).
b) when correcting for distortion (Section 3.1.3), the PPs is used as reference point.
c) the mathematical perspective centre lies a distance c in front of the PPA', ξο and
ηο in the central projection equations (2.1-19) and (2.1-20) are the coordinates of
the PPA·
Figure 3.1-7: Radial distortion of the four semi-diagonals of Figure 3.1-6, referred to
PPs, and the resulting mean curve
The change of principal distance Ac is finally computed in such a way as to bring the
mean curve as close as possible to the p-axis (balanced radial distortion, Figure 3.1-8).
Exercise 3.1-2. How does a change of principal distance affect distortion? (Solution:
linearly dependent on p.)
The camera manufacturers are obliged to deal with radially symmetric distortion (e.g.
Figure 3.1-8). For the most demanding accuracies the radial distortion is separately
given for the 4 semi-diagonals, which effectively means details are given about radially
Section 3.1 The basics of metric cameras 53
Δρ [μπι]
30 60 90 -rar 150
asymmetric distortion. In addition to radial distortion there also exists tangential dis-
tortion. This originates principally from the centering errors of individual lenses in the
objective. It is always an asymmetric distortion and is generally an order of magnitude
less than radial distortion.
Modern photogrammetric objective lenses have a radial distortion within ± 5 μηι, and
in film-based aerial metric cameras, radial distortion is, in fact, smaller than ± 3 μηι 1 .
Photogrammetric images taken with old objective lenses have radial distortion up to
30 μιη. Objectives which have not been specially developed for metric cameras can
display radial distortions of up to 100 μιη (Figure 3.1-9).
Figure 3.1-9: Distortion curve for Sonnar 4/150 objective from Rollei (focal length^
150 mm, smallest aperture (Section 3.1.4)= 4)
From the point of view of analytical and digital photogrammetry, larger optical dis-
tortions, if accurately known, are not a significant disadvantage. However, changes
in distortion values are certainly a problem since, in general, such changes cannot be
determined. These changes occur mainly in unstable cameras due to changes of focus,
vibrations and impacts, etc.
In a metric camera there must exist a coordinate system in which, amongst other para-
meters, the principal point is given. This photo or image coordinate system is realized
differently in analogue and digital cameras.
A -»η
£ •»ξ
Figure 3.1-10: Image coordinate system in an analogue metric camera (film camera,
left) and a digital metric camera (digital camera, right)
In analogue metric cameras which work with film, fiducial marks are located in the
image plane and are imaged on every photograph (Figure 3.1-10, left). With the help
of these fiducial marks, measurements taken in the image, and normally located in
an arbitrary comparator coordinate system, can be related to the camera used to take
them (Section 3.2.1). In digital metric cameras, the mathematical relationship between
image matrix and camera is never lost: the image points are measured within the image
matrix whose coordinate system is defined in the camera (Figures 2.2-3 and 3.1-10,
The interior orientation of a metric camera is specified in a calibration certificate by
the following data. Note that there are differences between film cameras (F) and digital
cameras (D).
Δ ρ [μΓΠ]
• D: for a 3-line camera (see Section 3.3.1) at least the ξ coordinates of the three
linear arrays
• F/D: type of light used in the laboratory calibration, since the wavelength influ-
ences the imaging properties of the optics and therefore also the distortion. (From
Figure 3.1-3 it can be seen that the aperture defines the perspective centre O; the
physical perspective centre plays a decisive role in the calibration, Figure 3.1-4.)
• F/D: the range used in the calibration, since focusing influences the imaging
geometry of the optics and therefore also the distortion
The last three mentioned items of information are of some importance to close-range
photogrammetry. Standard photogrammetric analysis methods do not require this in-
formation. A short selection of further reading related to the specialized methods in
close-range photogrammetry: Fräser, C., Shortis, M.: PE&RS 58, pp. 851-855, 1992.
Fryer, J., Brown, D.: PE&RS 52, pp. 51-58, 1986. Luhmann, T., Robson, S„ Kyle, S.,
Harley, I.: Close Range Photogrammetry. Whittles Publishing, 2006.
making the test field exposures and recording the region of interest or object to be
measured, the elements of interior orientation remain unchanged.
In many photogrammetric tasks, a calibration of the camera during the execution of the
project is expected. The procedure in this case may be called self-calibration or on-the-
job calibration. Mathematically, self-calibration proceeds in the same way as a test field
calibration. Self-calibration merges together the elements of calibration and objection
reconstruction. The self-calibration method makes use not only of control points with
known X Y Z coordinates but also of the unknown target points of interest which appear
in multiple images. Self-calibration at close-range additionally makes use of conditions
of orthogonality and planarity imposed by artifacts and also, or alternatively, an array
of plumb lines.
Volume 2 in this series of textbooks has a full Chapter Ε devoted to calibration. Con-
cepts and practical guidelines for close-range calibration can be found in: Luhmann, T.,
Robson, S., Kyle, S., Harley, I.: Close Range Photogrammetry. Whittles Publishing,
Exercise 3.1-3. Without determining distortion, how many control points are required
for a test field calibration using a single image? (Solution: 5.) What happens if all
control points lie in a plane perpendicular to the camera axis? (Solution: singularity.)
When correcting distortion in a digital metric image, the finite size of the pixels must
be taken into account. The correction values Αξ and Αη (3.1-2) do not, in general, cause
Section 3.1 The basics of metric cameras 57
an "integer shift" of the original pixel; a resampling of the original image matrix on
the orthogonal grid of a new matrix would be required, as explained in Section 2.2.3.
Since some potentially significant loss of information is associated wtih every resam-
pling, this should not be done solely for distortion correction. Instead, all image-related
corrections (e.g. also refraction, Section 4.5.1) should be accumulated and only at the
end of the process should the unavoidable resampling take place (Section 4.5.4).
Correction of radial distortion defined by a polynomial curve is done in the same way as
distortion defined by a piecewise linear function. In the former case, Ap is determined
from Equation (3.1-3) at position p, in the latter case from the piecewise linear function
in Figure 3.1-11. The process then continues with Equation (3.1-2).
E.g. Fryer, J.: In Atkinson (ed.): Close Range Photogrammetry and Machine Vision. Whittles
Publishing, pp. 156-179, 1996.
58 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
In the alternative Newtonian form, with s = (x+f) and s' = (a;'+/), the lens equation
xx' = f2 (3.1-5)
Thus, for every object distance s there is a defined optical image distance s', at which,
apart from the effects of lens errors and diffraction effects, all rays emanating from an
object point at distance s and passing through the aperture of diameter d meet to form a
theoretical image point (Figure 3.1-13). This focused optical image plane I P therefore
contains the sharpest possible image of the corresponding focused object plane OP.
Objects in front of and behind the preset object distance will therefore be imaged with
some degree of unsharpness, since the rays meet in a point behind or in front of IP.
In IP there exists therefore a "circle of confusion" of diameter u. We seek now those
object distances sn (near limit of depth of field) and s/ (far limit) which produce the
same diameter u of a circle of confusion, so that we can say that all objects between
Sf and sn, the depth of field, will be imaged in IP with a circle of confusion less than
or equal to u. The dimension u is the measure of the sharpness of the image (circle of
confusion), and will not be exceeded in the range of the depth of field. We try to achieve
a diameter of the circle of confusion of less than 20 μπι in a film camera. The pixel size
of CCD sensors may vary between 10 and 2 μπι. Therefore, the diameter of the circle
An example of distortion correction using piecewise linear functions along the 4 semi-diagonals can
be found in: Kraus, K„ Stark, E.: BuL 41, pp. 50-56, 1973.
Section 3.1 The basics of metric cameras 59
of confusion should vary between 2 and 10 pixel, respectively. From Equation (3.1-4)
we have:
*' = — t s'n = — f 1
= (3.1-6)
8 - J S n - f Sf - f
d u
S'n ~ S Sf S' - S'f
d S
f ο
Sf = Tt
d S
7f J\ CX 1 Q\
df + u ( s - f ) d f - u { s - f )
sf2 sf2
Sn = f Sf = f (3.1-9)
2 J 2 J
/ + -u{s - f ) f - -u(s - f )
If sn and sj are given for a particular standpoint, we can find s from Equation (3.1-9),
as follows:
s = 2 S ^ L · (3.1-10)
S n + Sf
To derive the (finite) distance s for which s/ = oo, so that the depth of field extends
from sn to infinity, we must set the denominator of Equation (3.1-9 b) to zero:
soo = / ( - + Λ « / - = (3.1-11)
W ) u
An important practical question is the diameter of the circle of confusion Ui when the
object distance is s* and the preset focusing distance is s. We define ut <0 for Si > s
and solve Equation (3.1-9) for w^:
tn = - ^ '-γ- (3.1-12)
Numerical Example.
Required: u\, «2 and for the aperture stops / / 8 , 11, 16, 22.
With the assumption that c « s' « / , which can be used for larger object distances as
indicated by Equation (3.1-4), Equation (3.1-12) leads to the results in Table 3.1-1.
f / d s 1 = 8 m S2 — 12.5 m S3 = 00
8 44 21 -21
11 32 15 -15
16 22 11 -11
22 16 8 -8
Table 3.1-1: Diameters of circle of confusion for the Wild P32 camera for s = 8, 12.5
and 00 (see Section 3.8.3). Tabulated values of u in μπι
Exercise 3.1-5. What is the significance of the negative sign in the last column of
Table 3.1-1? (Solution: The object distance, in this case S3 = 00, is larger than the
object distance covered by the focusing mechanism, in this case s = 25 m.)
Finally, we need a relation which will yield the setting for that object distance, known
as the hyperfocal distance, which will give a depth of field from sn to 00. In Equa-
tion (3.1-10) divide denominator and numerator by s / ; then, as s j tends to infinity:
sao=2sn Sn = ^ - (3.1-13)
Section 3.1 The basics of metric cameras 61
/2 (3.1-14)
Exercise 3.1-6. A metric camera has a focal length of 64 mm and a fixed focus of 10 m.
Compute the depth of field (s„, Sf) for a maximum permissible circle of confusion of
0.05 mm diameter for the aperture stops f/4,5.6, 8,11,16,22. (Solution: For example,
for k = 8, sn — 5.1 m, Sf — 336 m.)
Exercise 3.1-7. An aerial camera with c = 305 mm is required to give equally sharp
photographs for the photo scales of 1 : 1500 and 1 : 50000. Compute the best focusing
distance s and the maximum circle of confusion to be expected for this range for the
aperture stops f / 4 , 5.6, 8, 11. (Solution: s = 900m, u = 12μπι, e.g. for / / 8 . )
The necessity to consider depth of field very closely is an important constraint in close-
range photogrammetry which does not occur in "long range photogrammetry" where
fixed focus cameras are used (Section 3.7.1 ff.). The following possibilities exist in
close-range photogrammetry to accommodate the optical requirement for sharp imag-
ing with the photogrammetric requirement for interior orientation which, to achieve
optimal accuracy, does not, in principle, change:
a) fixed-focus cameras: s and c are fixed, the camera is used only for objects within
its depth of field (Example: Wild and Zeiss stereocameras, Section 3.8.2).
c) cameras with variable principal distance: Certain principal distances are cali-
brated and the corresponding settings indicated by index marks on the focusing
knob of the camera (Example: Zeiss UMK, Figure 3.1-15, Section 3.8.3 and the
widely used semi-metric cameras, Section 3.8.4).
Exercise 3.1-8. The Wild P31 precision terrestrial camera (see Table 3.8-2) has, with
the focusing ring for s = 25 m, a principal distance of 99.13 mm. What is the focal
length of the lens? (Solution: 98.74 mm.) There is another focusing ring which is
3.05 mm thicker. At what object distance will this ring give the sharpest images? (So-
lution: 2.93 m.) What is then the depth of field (sf - sn) at f / 8 and with u = 0.05 mm?
(Solution: 0.69 mm.) What is the constant to be added to 99.13 mm to give the princi-
pal distance for sharp images of objects at a distance of 10 m? (Solution: +0.59 mm.)
62 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
«It I t t
Figure 3.1-14: Circle of confusion of the Wild P31 precision metric camera (c =
100 mm) for the various focusing rings at s = | and for an aperture stop f/22. (The
line u = k is explained in Section on diffraction blurring.)
tttt t t t
Figure 3.1-15: Circle of confusion of the focusable Zeiss UMK 10/1318 universal
metric camera (c = 100 mm) for the calibrated distances s = | and for an aperture stop
/ / 3 2 . (The line u = k is explained in Section on diffraction blurring.)
Section 3.1 The basics of metric cameras 63
A very practical rule of thumb can be derived for the diffraction blurring u: if we
set Equation (3.1-15) in (3.1-16), we have for the average wavelength of visible light
λ = 0.55 μηι
= ^ (3.1-17)
The minimum distance Ämm between two diffraction discs which can just be distin-
guished as two points depends on the diffraction blurring u and the minimum energy
difference which can be distinguished in the image from the corresponding sensor (Fig-
ure 3.1-16).
<5min « I (3.1-18)
Figure 3.1-16: Distribution of light energy for two object points caused by diffraction
at the aperture
The imaging quality of an optical system such as a metric camera is generally defined
by its resolving power. The optical resolving power, or optical resolution, states how
many dark lines per millimetre can just be distinguished in the image from the equally
wide gaps between them. Figure 3.1-17 shows a test card used to determine resolving
power which is expressed in lines per millimetre ([L/mm]) or line pairs per millimetre
Section 3.1 The basics of metric cameras 65
Diffraction is only one factor which influences the resolution of an optical system. The
blurring resulting from spherical and chromatic aberration also impairs the resolution.
Particularly in the printing industry the resolution (R) is expressed not in [L/mm] or [Lp/mm] but
in [dpi] (dots per inch). Since 1 inch is equivalent to 25.4 mm, the following relationship is obtained:
1 : 25.4 = R [L/mm] : Η [dpi].
66 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
Aberration and other lens errors can be reduced by using a small aperture, i.e. by elim-
inating the edge rays, though this procedure increases diffraction blurring.
The optimum resolution is achieved with that aperture at which the sum of the opti-
cal and diffraction blurring is a minimum (Figure 3.1-18). We call this the "critical
aperture", since any smaller aperture will increase the diffraction blurring.
Figure 3.1-18: The definition of critical aperture for two different, good objectives
The optical resolving power depends on the contrast of the line pattern in object space,
i.e. from the difference in brightness between the lines and the gaps between them.
When object contrast is high, the resolving power can be twice as good as when contrast
is low. (Figure 3.1-21 goes into this in more detail.)
The optical resolving power decreases from the centre of the image towards the edge.
Reasons for this are the light fall-off (Section 3.1.6) which reduces contrast towards
the edge of the image field and the increasing blur from centre to edge as a result of
spherical and chromatic aberration.
A practical example will help to illustrate the variation in optical resolving power
within the image plane. This example will also demonstrate the derivation of a rep-
resentative optical resolution using a weighted averaging technique which gives the
area weighted average resolution, AWAR. A Wild P31 terrestrial metric camera (Sec-
tion 3.8.3) was tested with the chart shown in Figure 3.1-17, the optical resolving
power determined in a number of annular zones (Figure 3.1-19, left) and the results
finally averaged (Figure 3.1-19, right).
Film-based aerial metric cameras currently have an optical resolution of 90Lp/mm 6 .
The resolution is, in fact, determined by exposure of a glass plate supporting a photo-
graphic emulsion with a much higher resolution (e.g. 400Lp/mm).
For users of photogrammetry in particular, the quality in the image plane is not of
primary importance. They are instead more interested in the transfer from the image
E.g. Light, D.: PE&RS 58, pp. 185-188, 1992.
Section 3.1 The basics of metric cameras 67
plane to the object. The question to be answered is, which details can still be recognized
with a metric camera? This question will be answered for the P31 terrestrial camera
(Figure 3.1-19, Section 3.8.3) and for aerial metric cameras.
Wild P31:
Terrestrial cameras can therefore identify objects in the millimetre range, aerial cam-
eras correspondingly in the centimetre range.
68 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
Exercise 3.1-9. Recalculate the estimates for aerial cameras with the following para-
a) same flying height but a principal distance of 15 cm, (solution: 7.2 cm),
b) same principal distance but with flying heights of 1 km and 5 km (Solution:
1.8 cm and 9 cm).
tf = W / m i n (3-1-20)
The contrast as relative difference is designated C. The difference between the largest
and smallest intensity is usually given with respect to the intensity sum as follows (see
also Equations (3.1-24) and (3.1-25):
^max -^min /"II
O - -
— — (3.1-21)
max ι ^min
Contrast in digital images is defined by the differences in grey values g. The grey level
range, generally 255 (Section 2.2.1), is used to normalize the contrast:
C = (3 1 22)
' "
In an analogue photograph (Section, the contrast is expressed using the den-
sity differences in the exposed and developed film. The density difference ΔD is the
logarithm of contrast Κ above:
AD = \ogK = log(7max/-imin) (3.1-23)
For example, if / max = 100 / m m , then AD = 2.
-Object Image
' plane
In the imaging process the optical system reduces this object contrast. In the image
plane a reduced image contrast C' is observed (Figure 3.1-20, right):
c = (0 <C'< 1) (3.1-25)
ι + li
The reduction in contrast becomes even larger as the line pattern becomes narrower.
The object and image contrast must therefore be defined in terms of the width (wave-
length) Δ or ί of the pattern (Figures 3.1-17 and 3.1 -20). In the transfer function theory,
the reciprocals of these values are used, i.e. the frequencies 7 F and / , instead of the
values themselves (Figure 3.1-20). The frequency indicates the number of line pairs
(Lp) per unit of length.
The relationship between image contrast C and object contrast C is, by definition, the
contrast transfer function CTF(f) or CTF(F). A dependency on image frequency /
is preferred, which in general is stated in line pairs per millimetre ([Lp/mm]):
CTF(f) = ^ (3.1-26)
a) High contrast
Κ = 1000 : 1
AD = 3
C = 0.998
b) Medium contrast
Κ = 6.3 : 1
AD = 0.8
C = 0.73
c) Low contrast
Κ = 1.6 : 1
AD = 0.2
R R C = 0.23
Figure 3.1-21: Contrast transfer function CTF(f) and resolution (R) for three differ-
ent object contrasts
Figure 3.1-22: Contrast transfer functions for two optical systems with the same re-
solving power R
There is a large amount of literature available on the contrast transfer function and the
related modulation transfer function. For a very small selection see: Inglis, Α., Luther,
Α.: Video Engineering. 2nd ed., Mc Graw-Hill, New York, 1996. Graham, R.: Digital
Imaging. Whittles Publishing, 1998.
cropped field), and under the same conditions of illumination, at an off-axis angle of
50gon (45°), would have only 25% of the image brightness at the edge of the image
compared with the centre.
With multiple element lenses (compound lenses), the angle of view can be reduced near
the aperture and the light fall-off reduced. Objective lenses in modern metric cameras
have a light fall-off which can be described by a cos™ τ law where the exponent η lies
between 1.5 and 2.5.
Light fall-off can be compensated by the use of a circular graduated filter; this is a grey
filter whose density decreases towards the edge. Light fall-off can also be compen-
sated by post-processing, for example using digital image processing (Section
or Section C, Volume 2).
Numerical Example. A newly cropped field has a grey value of g = 170 when imaged
at the centre of the field of view by a metric camera with a digital sensor. According to
the cos 2 5 τ rule, a newly cropped field at an off-axis angle of 50gon (45°) has a grey
value of 170 χ 0.707 2 5 = 170 χ 0.42 = 71. Before cropping, the corresponding values
are: image centre: g — 60; at an off-axis angle of 50gon (45°): g = 60 χ 0.42 = 25.
The contrast reduction, from image centre to image edge, of a field before and after
cropping is therefore (Equation (3.1-22)):
J-jq gQ 7j
Image centre: C = — — — = 0.43 Image edge: C = ——-— = 0.18
An image recorded using a film-based metric camera is, after exposure, taken to a
darkroom, developed, fixed, washed, dried and then stored under various conditions of
temperature and humidity. Also, the diapositives and paper prints of the photographs
must be developed and dried. For further photogrammetric analysis it is necessary to
take into account the changes of scale and shape of the photographs resulting from
these processes.
72 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
The deformations of photographic materials are, above all, dependent on the emulsion
carrier (Figure 3.2-1) which must be chemically inert and highly transparent.
As such, glass plates and films are used in photogrammetry (see Table 3.2-1). Glass
plates are no longer used in aerial photogrammetry. Glass is heavy, easily breakable,
relatively unflat, but stable. The adhesion of the light-sensitive emulsion is less efficient
than with film and therefore deformations of the emulsion tend to be larger8.
Table 3.2-1: Thickness and flatness of films and plates (aerial photogrammetry)
Glass plates, usually with a smaller format than used in aerial photogrammetry, are
sometimes used in terrestrial photogrammetry since only a few photographs at a time
are required. However, a range of terrestrial cameras make use of film cassettes or
magazines and a pressure plate for film flattening (see Section 3.8.3).
Film in aerial metric cameras (Section is flattened by means of a vacuum de-
vice. Film is less stable than glass. Its deformations are dependent on: temperature,
relative humidity, tension in handling, storage and ageing (Table 3.2-2). There is a
Calhoun, J.M. et al.: Photogr. Eng. 29, pp. 661-672, 1960.
Kodak Data for Aerial Photography. Kodak Puhl. M-29, Rochester USA, 1982.
Section 3.2 Photochemical image recording 73
This section considers the task of re-creating the imaging bundle of rays from the ana-
logue metric image. For this purpose, fiducial marks are required whose reference co-
ordinates are available in a calibration certificate (Section 3.1.1). These fiducial marks,
which are also imaged on the photograph, are measured with a comparator, essentially
in an arbitrary coordinate system. This results in measured coordinates for the fiducial
marks. Transformation parameters are then calculated which enable the conversion of
all measured image points from the current comparator coordinate system of the pho-
tograph into the reference coordinate system of the metric camera. Within the scope of
this transformation, systematic film deformations are corrected.
Various transformations are available for the correction of systematic film deformation.
In order to achieve a reliable result, due regard must be taken with respect to the number
and arrangement of fiducial marks (Section Β, Volume 2). Table 3.2-3 gives the
recommended transformation for typical arrangements of fiducial marks:
ASP-Manual of Photogrammetry. 4lh ed., p. 335, Falls Church, 1980.
"Rüger, W. et al.: Photogrammetrie. 4th ed., VEB Verlag für Bauwesen, Berlin, 1978.
74 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
Find the coordinates ξ and η of the photo point in the coordinate system of the metric
camera. Hint: A similarity transformation is appropriate. Its four unknown transforma-
tion parameters can be calculated from the 8 measurement equations using the method
of least-squares adjustment of indirect observations (Appendix 4.1-1). The non-linear
Equations (2.1-9) should be linearized. A more elegant solution is achieved using a
Helmert transformation (Section Β, Volume 2):
ξ\ _ (-1.6529λ
η) \ -0.5320 J
1 0000000 0.0000221 λ / 1024.334 λ _ / 1022.198 λ
-+- 0v .9995493
y y y j w o ιΓ0 _' 0 0 0 0221 1.0000000) V 964.847 ) ~ \ 963.903 J
Find the coordinates ξ and η of the photo point in the coordinate system of the metric
camera. Hint: An affine transformation is appropriate. It should only be used for data
control in the analysis. The final transformation is made, in this case, by a bilinear
transformation. Eight linear equations provide the solution for the eight unknowns.
(More exactly, the corresponding four unknowns for each coordinate axis are deter-
mined from the four corresponding linear equations.)
ξ = - 1 7 . 4 9 8 + 0.999804ξ' +0.017688?/ -1.8565 χ 10" 7 ξ'τ/
η = 21.389 - 0.017239ξ' +0.999642?/ -2.1678 χ ΙΟ'1 ξ'η'
Coordinates for point Ρ: ξ = 916.246 mm, η = 1014.453 mm
In addition, the corrections to the ξ' and ^'-coordinates should be represented graph-
ically. Both translations need not be taken into account in the graphical presentation
which, for convenience, can be done separately for each coordinate in the form of
lines of equal correction value. The bilinear property should be visible in the graphical
Exercise 3.2-3. Re-arrange the affine and similarity transformations such that there
are only two translations, a rotation and individual scale factors πΐξ and m , in both
coordinate directions.
76 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
(ξ\ = (aoi + cos a — sin a πιξξ'
sin a cos a
\V J V ° J V sin a cos a J y τηηη'
a 2
In addition to film deformation, it may also be possible to account for departures from
planarity (Table 3.2-1). Its distorting effect on the bundle of rays is greater with wider
angle lenses. With an off-axis ray of 50gon (45°), a flatness error causes an error in
the ξη-image plane in the ratio 1 : 1 .
In cameras which do not have a vacuum back or pressure plate, lack of film flatness can
be corrected using a reseau. Semi-metric cameras which use such reseaus are discussed
in more detail in Section 3.8.4.
Exercise 3.2-5. How large is the correction Ap resulting from the spherical deforma-
tion of a glass plate emulsion carrier given by d = 30 μπι (principal distance c =
152 mm, format = 23 cm χ 23 cm)? (Solution: for ρ = 0,40,80,120 and 160 mm,
Ap — 0,7,8, —2, —30 μηι.)
Exercise 3.2-6. Consider a square in object space, placed symmetrically and perpen-
dicularly to the camera axis. Evaluate the deformations resulting from the following
distortion of the glass plate: a) spherical towards the object, b) spherical away from the
object, c) cylindrical towards the object.
Section 3.2 Photochemical image recording 77
The visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum, i.e. the part to which the human
eye responds, extends approximately from a wavelength of 400 nm to 700 nm (Fig-
ure 3.2-2). The photographic process covers a range from 300 nm to 1000 nm, i.e.
includes part of the ultraviolet (UV) and near infra-red (IR) spectra. It does not cover
either the medium or the thermal infra-red. If all wavelengths of visible light are uni-
form in intensity, the eye sees white light. This white light can be split into a large
number of monochromatic spectral lines which are seen as saturated "spectral colours".
tu -
U ν£
Blue Green Red of objects
< -
of filters
Υ//////Λ//////Δ Blue
V/////A Υ//////Δ Green
primary colours
Κ///////////////! Red
Υ/Ζ//77π Yellow
Magenta Subtractive
V/////A primary colours
V//////A Cyan
Y//////A Opaque
Figure 3.2-2: The spectral range of photography, together with the transmission and
absorption characteristics of filters for the additive and subtractive primary colours
78 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
If we group these in bandwidths of 100 nm, we obtain the three "mixed" colours blue,
green and red, the three additive primary colours. Other colours can be created by
adding various proportions of these three primary colours, for example by superim-
posing them in projection. A uniform mixture of the three primary colours produces
white. The addition of pairs of additive primary colours produces the subtractive pri-
mary colours cyan, yellow and magenta. These colours are called subtractive since
they are created by subtracting one primary colour from white light:
Such subtractions are achieved by absorption filters which absorb part of the light
reaching them and transmit the remainder. If white light falls on the filter, the trans-
mitted part gives the filter colour, the absorbed part, which if added to the filter colour
would give white, is called the complementary colour.
Subtractive and additive primary colours are complementary in pairs. Two colours
complementary to each other and superimposed in projection, i.e. added together, pro-
duce white.
Blue + Yellow = White
Green + Magenta = White
Red + Cyan = White (3.2-2)
Blue + Green + Red = White
Yellow + Magenta + Cyan = White
Figure 3.2-2 shows the relations of the six primary colours. Each colour filter in a
subtractive primary colour absorbs the complementary additive primary colour and
transmits the other two additive primary colours. A yellow filter, for example, transmits
green and red. A combination of filters of two subtractive primary colours (e.g. cyan
and magenta) transmits only the part of white light which is the additive primary colour
to both filter colours (blue in this example)14.
blocked. About 20% blue and 35% red will be transmitted (Figure 3.2-3). The filter
quality must be determined by measuring the intensities of the different transmitted
wavelengths. Figure 3.2-4 shows the opacity and transmission of typical filters used in
aerial photogrammetric cameras. These highly precise filters have a very steep "cut-
off" or edge and therefore block very exactly from a certain wavelength. They absorb
as much as possible of the unwanted light and as little as possible of the desired light.
The exposure (see Section produces a latent image in the layer of light-sensi-
tive silver halide crystals (AgBr, AgCl, Agl etc., size 0.2 μηι) embedded in the gelatine
of the emulsion, which can be made visible by the negative development process (for
example with hydroquinone, alkalis and potassium bromide). Here the silver is sep-
arated from the bromine. The unexposed silver bromide is converted in a fixing bath
(sodium thiosulphate = hypo) into a silver salt easily soluble in water and released.
The remainder of about 5% is then removed by washing. Only metallic silver remains
finally in the exposed photograph, with the areas of high exposure blacker than those
of lower exposure. In the reversal process the exposed silver bromide is released in the
predevelopment (bleaching), while the unexposed silver bromide remains. It is then
uniformly exposed and finally developed as a positive, fixed and washed. The uniform,
intermediate exposure can be replaced by chemical processing with sodium sulphide
(instant-photo process!).
80 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
ZEISS filters
log (T[%])
0[%] W
Dl Ε F 100
LEICA WILD filters
f/ r ( Γ
φ I
Μ 1 1
0 100
300 400 500 600 700 800 900
λ [nm]
a) Exposure
c) Development to
Unexposed AgBr a negative
washed out
Exposed AgBr
removed d) Predevelopment
Unexposed AgBr
e) Development, after
uniform exposure,
to a positive
Figure 3.2-5: Black-and-white negative process (a,b,c) and reversal process (a,b,d,e)
Section 3.2 Photochemical image recording 81 Gradation
The relation (Figure 3.2-6) between exposure Η and density D of a negative or positive
is of great practical importance for the j u d g i n g of photographic materials, processes
and results. T h e density D is measured in a densitometer. A densitometer generates a
constant luminous flux Φο (measured in lumen ([lm])) and measures the proportion Φ
transmitted through the film. The ratio Φ/Φο is called the transparency τ , the reciprocal
Φ ο / Φ = 1 / r is called the opacity O. The logarithm of the opacity is the density D.
The logarithmic definition of density accords with the W e b e r - F e c h n e r law which states
that the sensitivity of h u m a n sense organs, at least in the middle range of the usual
exciting intensities, is proportional to the logarithm to the base 10 of the exciting in-
tensity. A logarithmic grey wedge, i.e. a series of densities increasing logarithmically,
therefore appears as a linear scale to the eye.
The exposure Η is defined as the product of the illuminance Ε falling on the emulsion,
measured in [lux] = [lumen/metre 2 ] (1 lx = 1 l m / m 2 ) , and the exposure time t, and is
expressed in lux seconds (lx χ s). The gradation 7 is defined as 7 = tan a , w h e r e a is
the slope angle of the straight portion of the density curve (also called the characteris-
tic curve) in the range of normal exposure (see Figure 3.2-6). The gradation depends
upon the photographic material and its age, the development chemicals as well as the
developing temperature and time. If 7 > 1, w e have a "hard" photographic material or
process which increases contrast: small differences of exposure produce larger differ-
ences of density. If 7 < 1, i.e. for "soft" materials or processes, the relation is reversed.
If 7 = 1, i.e. "normal", the differences of density reproduce 1 : 1 the differences of
exposure. T h e correct exposure for hard films, which is preferred for use in aerial pho-
tography, is m u c h more difficult to j u d g e than for soft films. The solarization point
takes its n a m e f r o m the photographic effect in which the image of the sun is lighter in
a negative than that of the surrounding sky. Apparently an excessive exposure leads to
desensitization of the silver halide.
The normal exposure range between points P2 and P4 of the density curve (Figure
3.2-6) is known as the dynamic region of the density. In black-and-white films it is
around 0 . 2 - 2 . 5 Ζ λ
Since the m a x i m u m resolution in the photograph occurs in the lower third of the normal
range of exposure, photogrammetric photographs should be just barely exposed and not
too long developed. The practical consequences are that exposures must be carefully
measured and, usually, that test photographs must b e made.
82 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
Zeth, U.: VT 32, pp. 147-151, 1984.
Section 3.2 Photochemical image recording 83
SPIN = 10 log ° (3.2-5)
Table 3.2-4: Comparison of DIN and ANSI film speeds. HAD=o.i in lux seconds is that
smallest exposure (= illuminance χ time) which just produces a density of AD = 0.1
above fog level.
There exists in the USA a further standard18 for black-and-white aerial films, not the
same as the DIN and ANSI standards. It is derived according to Equation (3.2-7) from
Alog Η = log HB ~ logHE\ = 1.30 must yield a AD = DB - DE ι = 0.80 ± 0.05. Β is the
corresponding point on the characteristic curve between points P2 and P4 (Figure 3.2-6).
"Formerly the American Standards Association (ASA).
See ANSI Standard PH 2.34-1969.
84 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
a unit of 3/2 times that exposure which produces, for a precisely specified "average"
development, a AD — 0.3 above fog level (point Ej in Figure 3.2-6, AFS = Aerial Film
S AF s = I J ^ - (3.2-7)
i nAD=0.3
For development conditions different from those of the standard and for colour films,
the speed is quoted in EAFS (= Effective AFS). The advantage is that one can develop
in any way thought suitable, but must also supply the corresponding information19.
Exercise 3.2-9. Calculate the film speeds according to the various standards for the
density curve in Figure 3.2-6.
Black-and-white films record only grey tones, but colour films contain further, impor-
tant information. Colour films are composed of three light-sensitive layers which are
so treated in development that each layer becomes a colour filter.
Graham, R., Read, R.E.: Manual of Aerial Photography. Focal Press, London, 1986.
Section 3.2 Photochemical image recording 85
• * • * • •
1 yellow yellow yellow yellow
d) II magenta magenta magenta
III cyan cyan cyan
• t * • t t
e) blue green yellow red white black
a) object radiation
b) exposure and development without colour-coupling
c) exposure to diffuse white light and development in a colour developer with
d) bleach bath and fixing bath remove reduced silver and silver bromide, the dyes
e) observed colours in transmitted white light (subtractive colour mixing
Figure 3.2-7: Positive colour film (colour reversal process). Red, green and blue are
the three additive primary colours, yellow is introduced as an example of a mixed
colour. Grey areas: reduced silver. Y = Yellow filter layer.
86 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
t * * t * *
1 yellow yellow
b) II magenta magenta magenta
III cyan cyan cyan
t • • * * *
c) yellow magenta blue cyan black white
a) object radiation
b) exposure and development with colour-coupling developer, followed by bleach
bath and fixing bath, produce complementary colours
c) observed colours in transmitted white light
b) II
* t Τ t * t
blue cyan green red white black
The layers of black-and-white and colour films are sensitized by various chemicals
(mostly catalysers) for light of particular ranges of wavelength (Figure 3.2-10). The
layers are not, however, equally sensitive to each wavelength. The spectral sensitivity
S\ defines the sensitivity as a function of the wavelength Λ. It is, by analogy with the
overall sensitivity, expressed as the reciprocal of that exposure (in lx s) which produces
under standardized conditions a particular difference of density (usually AD = 1.0)
above fog level.
log 5«, (A) = log (3.2-8)
ttAD= 1.0{λ)
Ho is here not the unit exposure (Section, but a defined constant reference
exposure to which the exposures at all wavelengths are referred.
Orthochromatic emulsions are sensitive to blue-green light and therefore unsuitable
for red object details. Since the sensitive layer integrates light of all wavelengths,
the loss of the red influence leads to better differentiation in the blue-green range.
Orthochromatic emulsions are therefore frequently used in terrestrial photogrammetry.
They also have a practical advantage in that they can be developed under a red safety
light in often improvised darkrooms in the field.
Panchromatic emulsions reproduce the full visible spectral range in the naturally cor-
responding grey tones. They must be developed in complete darkness.
Infra-red sensitive black-and-white emulsions are also sensitive to wavelengths from
blue to red and must therefore be exposed through infra-red filters if one requires only
the infra-red details in the photograph (see also Figure 3.2-4 and Section 3.2.3). The
film must also be developed in complete darkness.
(Normal) colour and false-colour films are primarily used for photo-interpretation,
though they are all suitable for aerial photogrammetry since they have a sufficiently
fine grain and thin layers. Where film is still required, precision photogrammetry nev-
ertheless continues to use the fine-grained, medium-speed black-and-white films.
The human eye can resolve many more tones and hues of colour than it can of grey
tones. Colour photographs therefore contain significantly more information than do
black-and-white photographs and thus also help to simplify interpretation during ste-
reoscopic observation. The relatively small extra costs of colour photography are well
justified for interpretation tasks.
In (normal) colour film, the red sensitive layer receives not only the red object illu-
mination between 600 and 700 nm, as indicated in the idealized Figure 3.2-7, but also
part of the green object illumination (500 to 600 nm) and even part of the blue object
illumination (Figure 3.2-10). (Normal) colour is also, to some extent, a false colour
In false colour film, the colour separation is worse than in colour film (Figure 3.2-10):
the infra-red sensitive layer, which appears as red, not only receives the infra-red object
illumination but also very large parts of the green and red object illumination.
88 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
log S . (λ)
1 -
Y = Yellow filter recommended
(see Sections and 3.7.5)
at least a
-UV = UV-blocking filter
log s . (λ)
Infra-red black-and-white film
Y = Yellow filter
R = Red filter
IR = Infra-red filter
-1 -
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 [nm]
log s t l (λ)
green Colour film
1 -
Λ/Λ UV- blocking filter recommended
(see Section
/ X red
Practical guidelines concerning the various types of film are given in Section 3.2.3.
The decisive factor in the resolution of a photograph itself is the grain. The "grains" in
undeveloped emulsions are the small silver halide crystals embedded in the gelatine.
They range in size from a few nm (in emulsions of very low speed, but high resolution)
to a few /xm (in high speed emulsions). After development, the "grains" are clumps of
metallic silver molecules with diameters from 0.5 to 2.0 μπι.
Kodak specifies a procedure for measuring granularity indirectly 20 . A microdensito-
meter with a circular aperture of 48 μπι diameter is used to scan part of the film with a
relatively even density D = 1.0 and to derive the mean density distribution ση- This
value, multiplied by 1000, is called the Root Mean Square Granularity ( R M S G ) .
A value of RMSG of 13 means that D — 1.0 ± 0.013 under these conditions. The
smaller the value of RMSG, the higher the resolution of the film can be (see Ta-
ble 3.2-5). If a section of film with another density D had been used, instead of
D — 1.0, experience shows that another RMSG would result. According to Diehl 21 :
For the best aerial films (Table 3.2-5) the RMSG = 6, i.e. D — 1.0 ± 0.006. Ac-
cording to Equation (3.2-10), for a section of film with D = 2.0 then RMSG(2.0) =
6(2.0 + 1.5)/2.5 = 8, i.e. D = 2.0 ± 0.008; for a section of film with D = 0.3 the cor-
responding values are RMSG (0.3) = 6(0.3 + 1.5)/2.5 = 4.3, d.h. D = 0.3 ± 0.0043.
The resolution of photographic emulsions is determined by test charts (Figure 3.1-17),
imaged by a camera onto the emulsion layer under test. This provides the total resolv-
ing power RT of the sensor combination "metric camera with photochemical record-
ing" which depends on the resolving power of the optics R o and the resolving power
of the photographic emulsion RP as follows 22 :
+ (3
±hrp = JW
IQ WIbp -2-n)
From the observed total resolving power RT and the known resolving power R0 of
the optics, determined for example with a very high resolution emulsion in a separate
calibration (Section, the resolving power of the photographic emulsion, Rp
can be calculated from Equation (3.2-11).
Numerical Example. Observed: RT = 72Lp/mm; known: R0 = 90Lp/mm (Sec-
tion; calculated from Equation (3.2-11): RP — 120Lp/mm.
Kodak Publication M-29. Rochester, USA, 1982.
Diehl, H.: IAPRS XXIX(Bl), pp. 1-6, Washington, 1992.
Meier, H.-K.: BuL 52, pp. 143-152, 1984.
90 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
With low object contrast, modern films have a resolving power between 40 and
250Lp/mm; when object contrast is higher, the resolving power is two to three times
Numerical Example. The width of a line pair for an aerial metric camera with R0 =
9 0 L p / m m was determined in Section The question now arises, to what extent
do these figures degrade when film with a resolving power Rp = 100Lp/mm is taken
into account?
Equation (3.2-11): \/R2T = 1/90 2 + 1/100 2 =» RT = 6 7 L p / m m
Line pair width in image = 1/67 = 0.015 mm = 15 μπι
Width of dark line (or of gap) in the image = 15/2 = 7.5 /im
Width of dark line (or of gap) at the object (image scale 1 : 6666) = 7.5 χ 6666 =
50000 μιη = 5.0cm (ignoring blooming, Section Β 2.2)
The contrast transfer function, introduced in Section, provides more detailed
information about imaging quality than the resolving power. Also in this section, the
contrast transfer function CTF(f)o for the optics of a metric camera was introduced.
The photographic emulsion has its own contrast transfer function CTF(f)p. Both
are combined to give the contrast transfer function CTF(f)T of the complete system
(optics plus photographic emulsion) as follows:
An example is shown in Figure 3.2-11. It shows the contrast transfer function for film,
in addition to two contrast transfer functions for the optics, one for the centre of the
0 « - f[Lp/mm]
25 50 75 100
Figure 3.2-11: Contrast transfer function of an objective lens for r = 0° and τ = 45°,
as well as for film. The thick lines show the resultant contrast transfer functions for a
film-based camera.
Section 3.2 Photochemical image recording 91
image (off-axis angle τ = 0°) and one for the edge of the image (r = 45°). The thick
solid line is the total contrast transfer function resulting from the combination of film
and optics (r = 0°) transfer functions according to Equation (3.2-12); the thick dashed
line is the corresponding combination at (r = 45°).
Table 3.2-5 shows details of nine typical aerial films. The resolving power of each film
is given for two different object contrasts (Section High contrast is represented
by Κ = / m a x : /min = 1000 : 1 (log Κ = density difference AD — 3). Similarly, low
red light.
Manu- Product name Type Spectral sensitivity Thickness General sensitivity Recommended Photogr; aphic resolving Gradation Granu-
facturer and film base of base DIN AFS Developer power [Lp/mm] for larity
[mm] EAFS χ objecit contrast Κ (RMSG)
λ= 400 600 800 nm
i 1000:1 | 1:6.1
+ '
Aviphot Pan 80 PE
Pan + 0.10 18-22 50-150 χ G 74 c
·— «—
Aviphot Pan 200 PE
Agfa 0.10 G 74 c 0.9-1.9
Chapter 3
Plus-X-Ae rographic 200 Versamat 1.3
Ρ anatomic-X
40 Versamat
Aerographic II 0.10
8TJ- ; 1.2-2.1
32 - 64 χ 885
2412 Estar
High Definition
Kodak Aerial 3414 Estar 0.06
oo ~
1 88
Thin Base
Infra-red D-19
400 2.3
200-800 χ ; 1.0-2.1
Estar 885
Aviphot Color Color
Aerochrome II MS Color
V --
Aerochrome III
Kodak Infra-red AR-5
1443 Estar
are treated in Section 3.3.3. Pan + emulsions have an extended spectral sensitivity for
Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
Table 3.2-5: Films for aerial photography. The terms "resolution" and "granularity"
Section 3.3 Photoelectronic image recording 93
Aerial films have a length from 26 to 140 m and are developed either in film developing
machines 24 in a continuous process or in tanks with automatic forward and reverse
winding. They are dried after processing in special drying machines in which the film
is drawn slowly over a drum while clean air is blown onto it. The handling of the film
must impose no mechanical stress and a leader and trailer, each of about 1.5 to 2 m
length, must be provided.
^Literature: Arnold, R.H.: Interpretation of Airphotos and Remotely Sensed Imagery. Waveland PR
Inc., 2004.
For example, the Kodak Versamat Ektachrome and Aerochrome RT Processor 1811 (1984).
94 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
• · · • · • Semi-conductor
• · .
b) Active detectors
4 1 \ 1 + Transfer and readout registers
The varying charges in the individual semi-conducting elements must be read out. For
this purpose the charges are passed in parallel to a transfer register and from there read
out in series (Figure 3.3-lb). Figure 3.3-lc shows the charges after they have been
passed to the transfer register. The quantities of charge here are the ones produced by
the photons in the active detectors.
With acknowledgement to Schenk, Τ.: Digital Photogrammetry. TerraScience, 1999. Figure 3.3-2 is
also taken from this source.
Section 3.3 Photoelectronic image recording 95
The transfer register also consists of semi-conducting elements which are sensitive
to light; they must therefore be covered. To determine the amount of each charge,
the transfer register has an additional element with its own electrode. At time to this
holds no charge. At time t\ all the charge packets are shifted by one element to the
right (Figure 3.3-lc). With the electrode at this additional element, the amount of
charge currently resident can be converted into an analogue electrical signal which can
subsequently be digitized. At time t\ this charge is the one generated by the last active
detector in the array, at time ^ it is the charge from the last but one detector, and so on.
This technology based on charges coupled with semi-conducting elements is today
dominant. This gives rise to the abbreviation CCD for charge coupled device, with the
abbreviation itself in common use, for example in reference to CCD cameras.
Figure 3.3-1 shows a CCD linear array sensor. For photogrammetric requirements,
CCD area arrays are more appropriate. Figure 3.3-2 shows such a CCD area array
sensor. It consists of:
In this case only half the image plane is covered by active detectors; the other half is
taken up by the transfer registers. This configuration is known as an interline transfer
sensor. Since this development there have been other technical solutions in which the
entire image plane is covered with active detectors (full frame sensor).
Some current technical details for CCD sensors prove the high development level of
this technology but also show its limits. At present, the largest CCD area arrays have
4096 χ 4096 = 4K χ 4K = 16M detectors and CCD linear arrays have up to 20K
To achieve a high resolution, which is crucially dependent on the number of detectors,
mapping flights dispense with CCD area arrays and instead use linear arrays, for exam-
ple with 20k detectors, in a push broom configuration. This ensures that 20K detectors
determine the resolution rather than 4K detectors; resolution is therefore increased by
a factor of 5.
A digital line camera with a CCD linear array is shown in Figure 3.3-3, left. For each
image line there are individual elements of exterior orientation. In a digital line camera,
the six elements of exterior orientation therefore change from imaged line to imaged
line. In metric cameras which use CCD area arrays or film, the six elements of exterior
orientation only change between each full two-dimensional image (from image plane
to image plane).
For the spatial recording of an object it is a condition that each object element is imaged
by two rays from different directions. The digital line camera (Figure 3.3-3, left) does
not meet this requirement within a flying strip. If instead a 3-line camera is employed
96 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
(Figure 3.3-3, right) then every object element within a flying strip is recorded from not
just two but three directions; objects recorded in this way can be spatially reconstructed.
If the time required to read out the charges is significantly longer than the reaction
time to build up the charges in the detectors, and if the CCD camera, for example in
an aircraft, moves during this time, then a mechanical shutter of the type used in film
Section 3.3 Photoelectronic image recording 97
cameras must be employed to limit the exposure time. A mechanical shutter is not
necessary in CCD cameras where the read-out frequency is very high, particularly in
line cameras.
Boyle, W.S., Smith, G.E.: Bell Systems Technical Journal, Volume 49, pp. 587-593,
1970 (a key publication relating to CCD technology). Graham, R.: Digital Imaging.
Whittles Publishing, 1998. Toth, C.: In Fritsch, D„ Spiller, R.: Photogrammetric Week
'99, Wichmann Verlag, pp. 95-107, 1999.
The illumination intensity function I ( y ) along a profile can be given as a Fourier series:
I ( y ) = I0 + ^ Ck c o s ( 2 n F k y - ipk) (3.3-2)
fc= ι
98 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
A representative mean value I within a pixel is given by the following integral taken
over the range [y — A y / 2 , y + A y / 2 ] :
=h1 v - t y
1{z)dz (3 3
' ~3)
m = Ό + ΣΓ=ι cos(2,Fky - V k ) ^
= +
Comparison with the original intensity function I(y) indicates that the amplitudes Ck
are attenuated to the values C'k as a result of imaging with the detectors. In Sec-
tion, the contrast transfer function C T F ( F ) was defined using the ratio of the
amplitudes of a square wave function. Since signal analysis is based on the theory of
Fourier series, the usage of square waves is replaced by sine waves, and consequently,
the term "contrast transfer function" by "modulation transfer function" M T F ( F k ) .
The MTF can be stated mathematically as 26
Here the pixel size in the ground is no longer designated by Ay but by Ayr, which is
the footprint of the detector element D.
In Figure 3.3-5 the modulation transfer function is plotted against F A y and L / A y o ·
k D k
The abscissa gives the intensity as a function of frequency Fk and the lower scale as a
function of wavelength Lk.
The modulation transfer function (3.3-5) becomes unity 27 , i.e. there is no attenuation
of the intensity profile I(y), when either the detector size AyD or the frequency Fk be-
comes zero. The first case implies an infinite number of infinitesimally small detectors,
the second case that the intensity profile I(y) has a constant value within the footprint,
i.e. an infinitely long wavelength.
The function sin x / x is known as sinc(.x) function, which resembles a damped sinusoidal oscillation.
Figure 3.3-5 shows the first positive lobe of the function.
The limit of sin(a;)/x is unity when χ —> 0.
Section 3.3 Photoelectronic image recording 99
MTF(F k Ay D ) a
theoretical R
1 1 . A>t
0 >• F k Ay D = L
0,25 0,5 k
actual R
00 2
The modulation transfer function (3.3-5) becomes zero, i.e. the variations in the inten-
sity profile are eliminated in the imaging process, when FkAyD = 1. This occurs when
the wavelength of the intensity variations has the same size Ay η as the footprint, i.e.
L = Ayo- Any shorter wavelength, where L < Ayu, cannot be recorded correctly,
even though non-zero values may be obtained. The limiting case, where MTF be-
comes zero, corresponds to the point where the resolution can no longer be digitized
with that detector. (A related definition of resolution for an analogue photograph is
shown by Figure 3.1-21.) This is a theoretical resolution. Due to the limited sensitivity
of the detector, the actual resolution lies around the value FmaxAyD « 0.7 (where the
amplitude of function (3.3-5) reaches some 40% of its maximum) and is dependent on
the opto-electronic sensor used (Figure 3.3-5). In practice, the width of a line pair L ^ n
which can just be resolved by a detector with a projected extent on the object surface
of AyD is therefore:
Between the limits 0 < Fk < F m a x the intensity amplitudes are attenuated. The higher
the frequency (or smaller the wavelength), the larger the attenuation. This attenuation
can be corrected by use of an inverse filter (Section The above considerations
are not sufficient for deciding if a certain wave pattern, with frequencies higher than the
limiting case, can potentially be reconstructed from a digital image, since another para-
meter, the sampling interval, also plays an important role. One should bear in mind that
the considerations in this section presume an infinitesimally narrow sampling interval,
i.e. continuous sampling. For a proper assessment of the frequency-related digitization
quality, detector size and detector spacing must not be treated independently.
100 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
In the previous section an infinitesimally narrow spacing Αη3 of the detector has been
presumed. In practice, this spacing is finite. The question now arises as to the spacing
required between detectors in order to record the shortest component wavelength in an
image. The sampling theorem states that the sampling interval Ar/S must be smaller than
half the wavelength of the sampled wave28. Figure 3.3-6 shows an adequate sampling
interval Αη8, which, in the case of a CCD camera, corresponds to the detector spacing.
It can be seen that the detector spacing must be significantly smaller than the detector
dimension Αη029.
The sampling interval or detector separation Αη3 can also be related to the resolution
R, expressed, for instance, in line pairs per millimetre (Lp/mm). Here the width of
a line pair corresponds to the wavelength Zmm in Figure 3.3-6, yielding the maximum
The sampling theorem is also known as the Shannon-Nyquist Theorem and the limiting frequency
as the Nyquist frequency. (Jerri, A.J.: The Shannon Sampling Theorem—Its Various Extensions and
Applications: A Tutorial Review. Proc. of the IEEE 65(11), 1977.)
In commercially manufactured CCD sensors, the reverse is the case (Figures 3.3-1 and 3.3-2). By
using an array of microlenses in front of the detectors, the effective (and larger) detector area is imaged
onto the actual and physically smaller detector surface.
Section 3.3 Photoelectronic image recording 101
If the intensity profile is sampled at an interval larger than the values derived from
Equation (3.3-8), the result is an undersampling. Artificial (low-frequency) patterns are
then generated in digital images, caused by the interference of the higher frequencies
in the image with the frequency of the sampling interval. This effect is known as
aliasing 31 . A demonstrative example can be seen in Figures 2.2-7 to 2.2-9, where
artifacts appear in the window blinds. The sampling interval has a value which clearly
cannot fully record the original texture in the slats of the blinds.
Equation (3.3-6) permits a comparison between the resolution of a CCD sensor and
photographic film. From Table 3.2-5, a film with a resolution of 100 Lp/mm can
be found 32 . This corresponds to a line pair width of 10 μτη in the image. In order
to achieve the same resolution with an electronic sensor, the pixels must have the
following size (derived from Equation (3.3-6): Ar)s = 0.7/(2 χ 100) = 3.5 μπι).
The analogue photograph provides the given resolution across an image format of
23 cm χ 23 cm. In order for CCD technology to deliver the same quality just by
replacing the film plane by a CCD chip, it would require 66000 detector elements
( = 230000/3.5) along one side of the image. It is difficult to imagine such a number
of pixels in area CCD arrays, even in the long term.
In area CCD arrays, sampling interval and detector size are more or less identical and
given by the detector arrangement on the sensor plane. In the case of linear array sen-
sors, as they are used in line cameras, the same is valid within the line, while perpendic-
ular to the sensor line, i.e. in the direction of flight, the sampling interval is variable and
depends on the relation between flying speed above ground (projected into the image
plane) and readout rate. Flight planning has to take this into consideration, particularly
in order to avoid undersampling.
camera, how must the principal distance c be changed for the CCD camera in order to
achieve the same resolution on ground as film would deliver? What ground area would
be covered compared to the film camera? (Solution: c must be 2.57 times longer.
Area covered by the digital camera would be just 2.3% of the area covered by the film
camera of the same resolution.)
Exercise 3.3-2. Reconsider the situation in the case where the camera optics have
a resolving power of 90Lp/mm (Hint: Make use of Equation (3.2-11)). (Solution:
67 Lp/ mm.)
Further reading for Sections 3.3.2 and 3.3.3: Schenk, Τ.: Photogrammetry. Terra Sci-
ence, 1999. Holst, G.C.: CCD Arrays, Cameras and Displays. SPIE Press, JCD Pub-
lishing, 1996. Inglis, A.F., Luther, A.C.: Video Engineering. 2 nd ed„ McGraw-Hill,
In addition, CCD cameras must also provide information on the positions of the active
detector elements and the planarity of the recording surface defined by the surfaces
of the detectors. Nowadays, detectors can be arranged in an orthogonal grid with a
positional accuracy of around 0.2 μηι, a deviation which can normally be ignored in
photogrammetric processing. In contrast, lack of flatness can be in the order of 10 /um.
This should be taken into account in precise analyses, particularly where a wide field
of view is employed.
In digital photogrammetry, the correction of lens distortion is similar to that in analyt-
ical photogrammetry (Section 3.1.3). The pixels must be "shifted" by the correction
values Δξ and Αη (Equation (3.1-2)). This would disturb the pixels from their arrange-
ment in a strictly orthogonal grid. In order to preserve a strictly orthogonal structure
which is convenient for image processing, a resampling is required, as described in
Section 2.2.3. However, it is expedient to adopt a virtual image in the solution, as
explained in Section 4.5.4.
Correction for lack of flatness is done in a similar way and in the following steps:
Section 3.3 Photoelectronic image recording 103
In cameras which work with video analogue signals and frame grabbers (Section 3.8.7),
pixel positioning is done through line synchronization. Irregularities which may oc-
cur in this process can lead to displacements between image lines (line jitter) and
also within individual lines (pixel jitter). A typical line shift is illustrated in Fig-
ure 3.3-7. The correct image is indicated on the left. The centre diagram shows the
image recorded with displaced lines and pixels; the output using pixels in an orthogo-
nal grid (right) results in a distorted image.
Finally it should be noted that the electronic signals in analogue videocameras drift
by relatively large amounts during the warm-up phase. In practice, therefore, a corre-
sponding time delay should be observed before use.
Further reading: Luhmann, T., Robson, S., Kyle, S., Harley, I.: Close Range Pho-
togrammetry. Whittles Publishing, 2006. Shortis, M., Beyer, H.: In Atkinson (ed.):
Close Range Photogrammetry and Machine Vision. Whittles Publishing, Caithness,
UK, pp. 106-155, 1996.
The electrical signals delivered by CCD sensors are largely proportional to the number
of photons incident on the detectors. Departures from linearity can be held to within
Taken from Dähler, J.: Proceedings of the ISPRS Intercommission Conference on "Fast Processing
of Photogrammetric Data", pp. 48-59, Interlaken, 1987.
104 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
1 % of the true value 34 but there are very large departures from linearity when the semi-
conductor elements are close to saturation. In fact, very large amounts of radiation
cause an "overflow" into the neighbouring detector elements. The result is blooming,
similar to the effect which also occurs with very bright objects imaged onto film.
The spectral sensitivity (Section of the silicon sensors normally used ranges
from 400 to around 1100 nm, i.e. from visible light into near infra-red, thus consider-
ably wider than that with analogue photography.
Imaging in multiple spectral regions, i.e. colour imaging, is possible in several ways
with CCD cameras. One variant, which is preferred when employing CCD area arrays,
involves the use of a cluster of several cameras. The individual cameras in the cluster
are provided with identical sensors, each sensitive in the range 400 to 1100 nm. How-
ever, different filters which select different parts of the spectral region are attached to
the front of the objective lenses. For example, if normal colour images are required
then there are three cameras in the cluster. The first camera has a blue filter, the second
a green filter and the third a red filter (Figure 3.2-2). If a colour infra-red image is
required then the first camera has a green filter, the second a red filter and the third
an infra-red filter (Figures 3.2-2 and 3.2-10). To display a colour infra-red image, for
example on a colour monitor, the image matrix from the first camera is represented in
blue, the second in green and the third in red (see Figure 3.2-9).
A cluster solution is only realistic for satellite and aerial photography. In these cases
the imaging distances are so large that, despite the small relative displacements of
the cameras, identical images are obtained. At close ranges an alternative solution is
required. One solution makes use of a single camera with a single detector field. The
imaging for the three separate colours takes place sequentially. For each exposure a
different filter from one of the sets mentioned above is positioned in front of the lens.
Between each exposure, the object and the camera's interior and exterior orientation
must remain fixed.
Another solution also employs a single camera with a single detector field. This so-
lution achieves colour separation with a filter mask placed in front of the detectors.
There are various arrangements of filters. Figures 3.3-8 shows two arrangements of
(R)ed, (G)reen and (B)lue filters. For natural objects, the distribution of the green in-
tensities comes close to the brightness distribution. For capturing images with a wide
range of brightness levels, the right-hand arrangement has a certain advantage. Full
image arrays for each colour are then created by interpolation between the pixels of the
individual colours.
There is a very elegant solution for colour images from digital line cameras. The
rays from every object point are divided into three separate and displaced components
by means of a beam splitter. Before each component ray then reaches one of three
Dierickx, B.: OEEPE-Publication 37, p. 66,1999. This publication also discusses CMOS technology
which may one day replace CCD technology.
Section 3.3 Photoelectronic image recording 105
EEÜJEE 3E E i i m i ®
E E E E 1 I HE i E I E
E i E i E 3E e i
E i E E E 3E I E I E
0 Ü 1 0 0 E [IE Ε [Gj 0® [G) ® Hm
Figure 3.3-8: Filter masks for CCD colour imaging
parallel linear CCD arrays, it passes through a colour filter. The type of filter used
is an interference filter which provides a better colour separation than the individual
layers of colour film whose spectral sensitivities have a relatively significant overlap
(see Figure 3.2-10).
All the techniques of colour separation presented here can be applied beyond the three
basic colours. Particular importance is attached to imaging in the four spectral regions
blue, green, red and near infra-red. In contrast, analogue photography can only simul-
taneously record three colour regions.
The radiometric sensitivity across the whole spectrum, comparable to the general sensi-
tivity of film (Section, is defined for CCD sensors by the signal-to-noise ratio,
SNR = — (3.3-9)
S ... electric signal intensity, as . . . standard deviation of system noise
An SNR value of unity means that the signal S, which contains the relevant informa-
tion, has the same magnitude as the noise a s : in this case the signal disappears amongst
the noise and no relevant information can be extracted from it.
CCD sensors can reach a maximum SNR of approximately 1000 : 1 and sometimes
more. The maximum SNR is the dynamic range DRs of the sensor. In order to quantize
the recorded illumination intensity, a step size interval of 2a s should be chosen 35 , i.e. in
this example the dynamic range of the digital image DRj = DRs/2 = 1000/2 = 500;
a pixel must therefore be represented by 9 Bits (29 = 512).
Noise a s has various sources. Amongst these are dark current noise in which photons
are generated by thermal effects rather than incident light from the object, charge trans-
fer noise due to inefficiencies in transferring charges between neighbouring detectors
during the read-out process, transmission noise in which signals are deformed during
Baltsavias, E. in Fritsch/Spiller: Photogrammetric Week '99, Wichmann Verlag, pp. 155-173, 1999.
106 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
A test card with homogeneous surface properties and illumination is used for the de-
termination of detector noise, a method comparable with the determination of film
granularity (Section The noise a s can be determined from the variation in
grey level. Variations in illumination and surface properties can falsify results. It is
possible to allow for these effects by making a series of exposures with the same ex-
terior orientation and, from the spread of results for individual pixels then deduce the
standard deviation a s .
The signal-to-noise ratio SNR depends on various parameters. In the following dis-
cussion, only the principal parameters for the SNR as a general function / ( ) will be
The parameters of function (3.3-10) interact with one another. The SNR, which can
also be called radiometric resolution, improves under the following conditions:
Both types of resolution (radiometric and geometric) must be carefully balanced ac-
cording to priorities in the construction of imaging sensors. In photogrammetry, geo-
metric resolution has the higher priority. When resolution is discussed in photogram-
metry, then geometric resolution is implied.
The resolution types mentioned are also relevant to analogue photography. Radiometric
resolution is expressed by the general sensitivity (Section or the granularity
(Section Geometric resolution is given in the form of line pairs/millimetre
Numerical Example. Adequate sampling intervals for the analogue images mentioned
above are between 3.5 and 7μπι (e.g.: Αξβ = Αη3 = 0.7/(2 χ 50) = 0.007 mm =
7 μπι).
The sampling interval should not be confused with the size of the detector elements.
In an ideal situation there is no difference between the detector dimensions and the
sampling interval. This concept lies at the basis of Figure 2.2-3 and many related
diagrams. However, in Section 3.3.3 it was shown that size of the detectors could
certainly be larger than the sampling interval. A larger detecting surface also improves
the radiometric resolution (Section
The sampling interval required on the basis of the geometric resolution of an analogue
image, generates a very large amount of data. To store a pixel generally requires 8 bits
corresponding to 1 byte. At a sampling interval of 7 /im, a 23 cm χ 23 cm metric image
requires a storage capacity of approximately 1 gigabyte, where 1 GB « (230000/7) 2 .
For a colour image it would be 3 GB. This quantity of data only applies to a single
image. In digital photogrammetry, data is required from many images, although only a
few must be simultaneously resident in computer memory. From these considerations
and many others (e.g. Section C, Volume 2), when scanning images a sampling
interval between 7 and 30 μπι is chosen in practice.
CCD detector
The CCD detectors measure the light which is not absorbed and there exists a lin-
ear relationship between this quantity of light and the charges developed in the semi-
conductors (Section 3.3.1). The charges are quantized and converted by the scanner
into grey values g. The logarithms of the grey values g must have a linear relationship
with the densities of the corresponding elements of the film (Section
Figure 3.4-2 shows the relationship between the density D of the exposed and devel-
oped film and the logarithm of the quantized grey values g for a specific scanner. There
is good linearity up to a density of 2.0 but not in darker regions. The steep curve in
very dark regions indicates that here the scanner does not satisfactorily reproduce the
density gradations.
density D
Figure 3.4-2: Density of a reference pattern with respect to grey value g (Scanner:
DSW 300 from LH Systems, pixel size 12.5 /mi) 38
Practical tip: Film negatives often generate high densities. To create the conditions
for optimal digitizing, a contact copy onto transparency film (Section is rec-
ommended. The layers in positive colour film are generally highly saturated. When
digitizing colour films, the radiometric demands on the scanner are therefore greater
Taken from Baltsavias, E„ Kaeser, Ch.: OEEPE-Publication 37, pp. 111-134, 1999.
Section 3.4 Digitizing analogue images 109
than when digitizing black-and-white films. Figure 3.4-2, in fact, results from calibra-
tion with a colour film.
Black-and-white images have a density range of 0.1 - 2.0D, positive colour films a
range of 0.3-3.5Z) (source: see footnote ). The density dispersion σο of developed
film lies around ±0.006 in areas with a density of ID (Table 3.2-5 shows the RMSG
which is 1000 times greater than σρ; see also Table Ε 4.2-1, Volume 2). For less dense
regions, say 0.3.D, σο lies around ±0.0043. If a quantization step corresponding to
twice the standard deviation of the density dispersion is chosen for the detector charges
(Section, then the following dynamic ranges DRi for grey and colour levels
are obtained:
8 bits (28 = 256) are therefore just sufficient to represent grey values in black-and-
white films. For colour films the 8 bits normally used for image data are clearly too
The interaction between geometric and radiometric resolution, mentioned in Section, also applies to scanning. For example, sampling with large pixels delivers a
better radiometric quality, i.e. a better signal-to-noise ratio, than sampling with small
pixels (Table Ε 4.2-1, Volume 2, provides empirical values).
• single detector, which is driven line by line across the film, usually by means of
• linear array, which is moved in strips across the film. Several thousand detectors
are arranged in a single array
• area array, which records partial images. These partial images are combined
into a complete image by means of a reseau whose crosses have known coordi-
nates. The reseau can be marked on a glass plate which is placed on the film
(Figure 3.4-3). The reseau can also be introduced into the image during expo-
sure. This requires a reseau to be incorporated into the recording film camera
(Section 3.8.4).
110 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
Radiometric calibration of a scanner is particularly difficult with linear and area array
scanners. Each detector in the array must have the same sensitivity, otherwise patterns
of stripes (linear arrays) or blocks (area arrays) are produced. However, to a large
extent these patterns can be removed in digital post-processing.
In photogrammetry, the positional accuracy of the pixels resulting from the digitizing
process is of considerable importance. For currently available photogrammetric scan-
ners, the average accuracy of an image coordinate lies around ±1.3 - 2.3 μηι 39 . A
precondition here is that the scanner's calibration certificate provides reference coordi-
nates for the detectors, or at least for a few evenly spaced detectors (further details in
Section Ε 4.2.1, Volume 2). In contrast, repro scanners have significantly larger posi-
tional errors but, in general, provide a better radiometric quality than photogrammetric
Among others, photogrammetric scanners are currently offered by the following com-
panies (product names in brackets): Leica Geosystems (DSW), Microsoft-Vexcel (Ul-
traScan), Wehrli (RM) and Intergraph (PhotoScan).
9ij-=cgij+d (3.5-1)
Contrast enhancement can also be applied differentially (Figure 3.5-2). Other functions
can also be chosen in place of the linear transform function. Figure 3.5-3 suggests two
general functions.
By making contrast enhancement a function of grey level, the sensitivity of the human
eye can also be taken into account. CCD sensors generate grey levels which are propor-
tional to the number of photons falling on the individual detectors. To the human eye,
grey value sequences appear linear when they follow a logarithmic curve to base 10
(see Section and also Sections 3.3.5 and 3.4.2). Conversion using a logarithmic
transform function is therefore a standard procedure in digital image processing and
extremely efficiently implemented in many systems.
In order to save computing time, transformations such as the one in (3.5-1) are solved
by the use of look-up tables, abbreviated to LUT. To this end, transformation values
gtj are computed for all grey levels gtJ, usually in the range 0 - 2 5 5 , and stored in a
table. When an image is processed it is then only necessary to "look up" the position
gij in the L U T and extract the corresponding grey value g r j ; in this way the modified
grey levels are obtained without computation.
When grey values are manipulated as described, care must be taken to ensure that
the new grey values g ^ continue to lie within the available value and dynamic ranges
(for example from g m \ n = 0 to g max = 255). For values lying outside the ranges the
following conditions are applied:
Contrast reduction
Contrast increase
Contrast fixed,
brightness increased
Figure 3.5-1: Contrast and brightness enhancement with a linear transform function
Section 3.5 Digital image enhancement 113
Figure 3.5-2: Contrast enhancement with different linear transform functions applied
to different grey level regions
Figure 3.5-3: Contrast enhancement dependent on grey level
shows the frequency h(g) with respect to grey value g. This representation is called a
An interesting possibility for altering the grey level distribution in an image lies in
modifying its grey level histogram. Although many changes can be implemented in
this way, two types of histogram modification have achieved particular importance.
Both offer the observer a balanced distribution of grey levels. One of the modifications
is histogram equalization and the other is histogram normalization (Figure 3.5-4).
The discussion will first look at histogram equalization and then at histogram normal-
114 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
Figure 3.5-4: Frequency distribution (histogram) of a real image (REAL) and ideal
image (IDEAL-uniformly distributed, IDEAL-normally distributed)
An image with equally distributed grey levels (derived from histogram equalization,
Section is not (yet) visually balanced. The human eye can differentiate medium
grey levels better than bright or dark regions. It is possible to take account of this char-
acteristic by introducing a normal distribution of frequencies as the ideal target func-
tion. In this case the required transformation function is given by a look-up table based
Section 3.5 Digital image enhancement 115
Figure 3.5-5: Cumulative frequency distributions of a real (REAL) and ideal im-
age (IDEAL-uniformly distributed = Histogram equalization), whose frequencies are
given in Figure 3.5-4
Figure 3.5-6: Cumulative frequency distributions of a real (REAL) and ideal im-
age (IDEAL-normally distributed = Histogram normalization), whose frequencies are
given in Figure 3.5-4
on the cumulative frequency distribution Sh {g) of the required normal distribution and
the cumulative frequency S}L(g) of the real image. Figure 3.5-6 shows both these cu-
mulative distributions which relate to the frequency distributions of Figure 3.5-4.
The corresponding values g and g in this look-up table are found by the same proce-
dure as used for histogram equalization. The necessary cumulative frequency distri-
bution Sh(g) for the normal distribution can be found in textbooks on statistics and
least squares adjustment. The user can determine the form of the normal distribution
by defining the standard deviation and average value. For digital images with a grey
level spread of 0 - 2 5 5 , values of ± 6 0 for standard deviation and 127 for the average
have proven themselves in practice. When these values are used internally in software,
histogram normalization can take place fully automatically.
116 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
Numerical Example (of histogram normalization). Until now the methods have been
explained on the basis of continuous frequency and cumulative frequency distributions.
Using the discrete distributions generated by real images, the target objective can only
be achieved approximately. The limitations are even more significant when the grey
level range is very small. For reasons of clarity this numerical example will be limited
to an image with only 16 grey levels.
The frequency distribution will be stated in percentages. Columns (1) and (2) in Ta-
ble 3.5-1 provide the starting information. The cumulative distribution S^ig) is cal-
culated from the frequencies h(g) by successive addition. Relative frequencies are
shown in Figure 3.5-7 and cumulative frequencies in Figure 3.5-8. After histogram
normalization a relative frequency h(g)tMg is expected which corresponds to a normal
distribution. Such a normal distribution, in this case with standard deviation of ±3,
is shown in column (4) of Table 3.5-1 and has been drawn in Figure 3.5-7. The cu-
mulative distribution corresponding to this normal distribution is given in column (5)
of Table 3.5-1. Figure 3.5-8 is the corresponding diagram. Following the procedure
sketched in Figure 3.5-6, Figure 3.5-8 shows how, for a grey level g — 9, the corre-
sponding target grey level is found (and in this example g = 7). The entire look-up
table is given in columns (1) and (6) of Table 3.5-1. Using this look-up table the new
image can be created. The result of the histogram normalization, expressed as rela-
tive frequencies h(g) and cumulative frequencies Sh(g)is presented in Table 3.5-2 and
Figures 3.5-9 and 3.5-10.
sh(g) target
h(g) h
(9)targe, i n %
20 ••
01 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415 01
I I2 I3 I4 I5 6I 7I Ί8 9 I 101112131415
I I I I ! I I—- g
Figure 3.5-7: Given relative frequen- Figure 3.5-8: Given cumulative fre-
cies and target relative frequencies quencies and required cumulative fre-
(dotted line) for a histogram normal- quencies (shaded) of a histogram nor-
ization malization, together with the construc-
tion of the look-up table
01 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415
01 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415
C o m m e n t on the result:
• there are normally gaps in the grey level sequence after histogram normalization
of digital images. There are no pixels with grey levels g = 1 2 , 1 3 , 1 4
• grey level range m to + 2 σ (given image) corresponds to 127 to 255 (new image).
Grey levels outside the range m ± 2σ are ignored. If there are too many in this class,
the factor 2 can be replaced by a larger one.
The following section explains two further contrast and brightness enhancements typi-
cally employed in photogrammetry.
Section 3.5 Digital image enhancement 119
Light fall-off follows a cos™ τ law (n lies between 1.5 and 2.5; τ is the off-axis angle,
see Section 3.1.6). If there is no graduated filter in front of the objective lens at the
time of exposure, light fall-off from image centre to edge is significant (see numerical
example in Section 3.1.6).
A relative contrast and brightness adjustment is discussed next, which derives its trans-
formation parameters directly from the image content. For this purpose a reasonably
large circular patch surrounded by concentric annular rings is defined at the centre of
the image. Within the central area and one of the surrounding rings, several image
regions are located which should have equal grey levels (for example, similar ground
types). Grey levels gR\ng and ^centre for the corresponding regions are then related by
means of a regression line; the result provides the transformation function (3.5-1) for
the annular ring under evaluation.
Figure 3.5-11: Transformation function to compensate for light fall-off from image
centre to image edge
Figure 3.5-11 shows grey levels for 3 corresponding image regions, used to define the
regression line. With the aid of the transformation function, every grey level f/Rmg
within a ring can be converted to a grey level ^centre which is free of the effects of light
This procedure is executed for each annular ring. Parameters c and d of the corre-
sponding transformation function (3.5-1) can be further modified by the physically
based cos™ τ law.
Exercise 3.5-2. The following grey levels for two corresponding image regions at the
image centre and outer ring are found in the original image:
5Ring ^Centre
Open fields on flat ground 25 50
Highway 120 200
Derive the transformation function and the corrected grey level for a pixel at the image
edge with a value of g = 100. (Solution: gcentre = 168.)
120 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
The second example is related to electronic film copying with contrast control, pre-
sented in Section In particular, the copying devices increase contrast in local
areas. During digital image enhancement it is also the case that such a local improve-
ment in contrast should take place together with a global improvement.
In digital photogrammetry, histogram normalization with additional contrast enhance-
ment is used in place of a copying device providing contrast improvement. Figure
3.5-12a shows a digitized aerial film positive with a very limited contrast range. A his-
togram normalization is first performed. Figure 3.5-12b shows the result which makes
use of a normal distribution with a standard deviation of ± 6 0 and average value of 127.
Figure 3.5-13a shows the frequency distribution h(g) before histogram normalization
and the corresponding distribution h(g) after normalization. The transformation func-
tion Fi for this global contrast adjustment is shown in Figure 3.5-13b.
For additional local contrast enhancement, Kalliany 40 has developed a filter whose
effectiveness has been proven in use at the Vienna University of Technology's Insti-
tute for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Institut für Photogrammetrie und Fern-
erkundung) 41 . Here grey levels i n a 3 x 3 o r 5 x 5 neighbourhood are averaged and the
average value m compared with the grey value g of the central pixel. The difference
is transformed by function F2 (Figure 3.5-13b). The steep rise at the beginning of the
curve has the effect of a contrast enhancement. The remaining part of curve F 2 is not
of significance; it would effect an attenuation in contrast if there were very large differ-
ences between the average value and the grey level of the central pixel. The enhanced
difference, with appropriate sign, is added to the average value and assigned to the
central pixel. Figure 3.5-12c shows part of Figure 3.5-12b which has been enhanced in
this way (result in Figure 3.5-12d).
Both modifications to contrast, global and local, do not need to be executed sequen-
tially; they can be carried out in a single processing step by the following operator:
g ... grey level of the central pixel in the original image matrix
m ... average value of the grey levels i n a 3 x 3 o r 5 x 5 neighbourhood
Fi ... global transform function from histogram normalization
F2 ... local transform function which can be selected externally
g ... grey level of the result for the central pixel
It is appropriate to indicate the size of the region within which the grey levels are
averaged: in small scale aerial photos with short-range changes in texture, a 3 χ 3
region should be chosen; at medium to large scales a 5 χ 5 region has proven to work.
Figure 3.5-12d was generated using a 5 χ 5 region.
Ecker, R„ Kalliany, R., Otepka, G.: In Fritsch/Hobby (Eds.): Photogrammetric Week '93. Wich-
mann Verlag, pp. 143-155, 1993. The examples in this section are taken from this publication.
A filter with a similar effect has been developed by Wallis and, amongst other places, published in:
Pratt, W.: Digital Image Processing. A Wiley-Interscience publication, New York, 1991.
Section 3.5 Digital image enhancement 121
Figure 3.5-12
122 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
255 0
(a) Histogram h(g) of Figure 3.5-12a (b) Transform function F\ for global contrast
and histogram h(g) after histogram enhancement and function Fi for local con-
normalization (result shown in Fig- trast enhancement
ure 3.5-12b)
Figure 3.5-13
3.5.2 Filtering
The purpose of filtering is to separate the wanted from the unwanted. Undesirable
image content, for example, is the noise from the electronic recording sensors (Sec-
tion However, filtering is also employed in order to enhance indistinct image
information. Human observers, for example appreciate strongly pronounced edges in
an image.
Filtering can take place in the spatial domain (Section or in the frequency
domain (Section
A very simple filter is the moving average. In this case the grey levels gij of the new
image G are derived from an averaging of the grey levels g^ in the original image
matrix G. It is formulated as follows:
j η η
~9ii =
(2n + l) 2
Σ Σ 9i+k,j+i η >1 (3.5-5)
Section 3.5 Digital image enhancement 123
Numerical Example (for η = 1). Given matrix G (Figure 3.5-14, left). By application
of Equation (3.5-5) it is possible to obtain, for example, image element g22'
922 = ^ ( 1 0 + 1 4 + 2 + 1 1 + 13 + 10 + 9 + 25 + 8) = 11
10 14 2 11 12 I
11 13 10 9 9 ; 11 11 9
9 25 8 7 10 1 13 13 11
11 13 14 15 13 1 14 15 14
12 18 17 19 20
Equation (3.5-6) describes an operation known as convolution and the filter matrix W
is therefore known as a convolution operator. Equation (3.5-6) can be expressed more
simply as:
G = G *W (3.5-7)
For the moving average, the convolution operator or filter matrix W is:
1 1 1
W31 u>32 W33 / V /
The central pixels can be assigned a higher weight in the filter matrix W which creates
a general arithmetic mean from the neighbouring grey levels. For example, such a
matrix known as a binomial filter can be formed with the aid of binomial coefficients:
W - 1 ( 2 4 2 )
When the binomial filter is enlarged, it approximates to the Gaussian filter. This name
expresses the fact that the elements of filter matrix W correspond to a two-dimensional
Gaussian bell curve. It should also be noted that the sum of all elements Wy always
equals unity.
124 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
Exercise 3.5-3. Filter Figure 3.5-14, left, using operator (3.5-9). Comment on the grey
levels in the new image compared with the grey levels after convolution by means of a
moving average (Figure 3.5-14, right). (Solution: e.g. 322 = 13.)
Comment: The negative signs in front of k and I in Equation (3.5-6) have the effect of
opposing directions for the indices in filter matrix W and image matrix G. However,
with symmetrical filter matrices such as the moving average, this is of no importance.
Filtering with a moving average results in an attenuation of (high frequency) noise. Ad-
mittedly, (high frequency) image information, i.e. edges, is also attenuated. The mov-
ing average with operator (3.5-8) has reduced the grey level difference in Figure 3.5-14
from 18 ( = 25 - 7) to 6 ( = 15 - 9).
The opposite effect, i.e. an increase in grey level differences, can be achieved with a
Laplacian operator. It is obtained through a double differencing of neighbouring grey
9i+\,j — 9i,j (3.5-10a)
= gi j+l
8η) ' ~ 9i'j (3.5-10b)
v2 =
9i,j (ßj^J + ( f ^ ) 9i+i,j + 9i-i,j + 9i,j+i +9i,j-1 ~49i,j (3.5-13)
However, the algorithm (3.5-13) can also be interpreted as a convolution with the fol-
lowing operator:
/0 1 0
W = ( 1 -4 1 I (3.5-14)
VO 1 0
Section 3.5 Digital image enhancement 125
This operator (V 2 ) is called the Laplacian operator. A related operator which also
includes the diagonals of the convolution matrix is:
The convolution of the photo in Figure 3.5-15 with this operator produces Figure 3.5-16
as a result. Both the operator (3.5-15) and the Laplacian operator (3.5-14) generate
positive and negative pixel values; prior to visualization they must therefore be shifted
into "positive".
The Laplacian operator, and all others of similar construction, extract the edges in an
image. This property is of great importance for automated image processing and will
be discussed in further detail in Sections and Subtracting the image
of extracted edges from the original image produces an image with enhanced edges
(details can be found in Section C 1.3.3, Volume 2). Figure 3.5-17 shows the result of
this subtraction, i.e. Figure 3.5-15 minus Figure 3.5-16.
In practice the intermediate result of an image of extracted edges can be avoided and
the original image directly convolved with the following operator:
If operator (3.5-15) is used in place of the Laplacian operator (3.5-14) in the combina-
tion operator (3.5-16), the following operator for an edge enhanced image is obtained:
Note: the elements of operators which enhance edges have a sum equal to unity; ele-
ments of operators which extract edges have a sum equal to zero.
Exercise 3.5-4. Create the convolution of Figure 3.5-14, left, with operator (3.5-16).
Comment on the grey level differences in the new image compared with the grey level
differences after convolution with a moving average (Figure 3.5-14, right).
Filtering in the frequency domain starts with a spectral analysis. Here the grey level
image is reduced to its component waves, characterized by amplitude and wavelength
or frequency. The grey levels gij in the original image represent a function in the spatial
domain, dependent on indices i and j or image coordinates ξ and η. By means of a
spectral analysis, achieved through a Fourier transformation, the amplitude spectrum,
dependent on frequency / , is obtained.
126 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
The relationship between spatial and frequency domains will be demonstrated with a
simple example. Imagine a (continuous) grey level profile g(ry), consisting of three
wave components g\(η) = 50sin(27r0.0177), <72(»7) = 16.7 sin(27r 0.03 77) and 53(77) =
10 sin(2?r 0.05 η). The three waves are shown in Figure 3.5-18, left. The sum of these
component waves is the grey level profile g(η), represented in the spatial domain of the
cube (Figure 3.5-18, right). The related frequency domain shows the three component
waves with their amplitudes C as a function of frequency / .
Figure 3.5-19 illustrates the filtering in the frequency domain. By means of a Fourier
transform, the original image is converted into its amplitude spectrum C ( f ) . Using
a freely chosen modulation transfer function MTF(f), the amplitudes can be trans-
formed into new amplitudes C (see also Equation (3.1-26)). The result is a filtered
Section 3.5 Digital image enhancement 127
amplitude spectrum C(f) from which the filtered image can be generated by means of
an inverse Fourier transform. The equation for the inverse Fourier transformation has
already been given (Equation (3.3-2)).
In the filtered image of Figure 3.5-19, the amplitude with the smallest frequency ( / =
0.01) was somewhat attenuated, the amplitude with the mid frequency ( / = 0.03) more
strongly attenuated and the component wave with the highest frequency was elimi-
nated. Since the high frequency parts of an image generally contain the noise, this can
therefore be reduced by using the modulation transfer function in Figure 3.5-19. In this
regard it is usual to refer to a low-pass filter which suppresses the high frequencies and
allows the low frequencies to pass through.
The opposite is a high-pass filter. This can be employed to reverse the effects of a re-
duction in contrast caused by a detector (Section 3.3.2). For this purpose the reciprocal
of the function (3.3-5), i.e. 1 /MTF, must be used for filtering in the frequency domain.
Exercise 3.5-5. For filtering in the frequency domain, sketch the modulation transfer
function which removes the contrast reduction caused by image recording with a detec-
tor. The transfer function causing contrast reduction during image recording is shown
in Figure 3.3-5.
Filtering in the frequency domain can be converted into filtering in the spatial domain
and vice versa. A simple comparison indicates:
Further reading: Albertz, J., Zelianeos, K.: Phia, pp. 161-174, 1990. Gonzalez, R.C.:
Digital Image Processing. Prentice Hall, 2002. Schenk, Τ.: Digital Photogrammetry,
Volume 1. TerraScience, 1999.
Figure 3.6-1: Image pyramid with 512 χ 512, 256 χ 256, 128 χ 128 and 64 χ 64 pixels
Exercise 3.6-1. Create two reduced images from Figure 3.5-14, left, one by eliminat-
ing every second row and column and the other by application of the binomial filter
Compared with the original image, the storage space required, for all pyramid levels,
increases by a third.
Exercise 3.6-2. Prove this statement with an image pyramid based on an original image
with 512 χ 512 pixels.
This additional storage requirement offers, however, many advantages which will be
evaluated later in further discussions of metric image analysis.
Further reading: Ackermann, F., Hahn, Μ.: in Ebner, Η., Fritsch, D., Heipke, C.: Dig-
ital Photogrammetric Systems, pp. 43-58, Wichmann Verlag, 1991. Li, M.: PE&RS
57, pp. 1039-1047, 1991. Pan, J.-J., Li, S.-T.: IAPR XXIX(B2), pp. 474-478, Wash-
ington, 1992. Kropatsch, W., Bischof, H„ Englert, R.: in Kropatsch, W„ Bischof, H.:
Digital image analysis. Selected techniques and applications, pp. 211-230, Springer,
computers. Data transfer between hard disk and memory, and over a computer network,
would also be too time-consuming.
It is for this reason that compression methods are in demand. Here it is necessary to
distinguish between lossless and lossy compression methods. With a lossless method
the original image can be reconstructed from the compressed image without loss of
information; with lossy methods a certain loss of information occurs during recon-
struction, which may also be called decompression. As would be expected, with lossy
compression methods a significantly higher compression factor can be achieved. The
compression factor is the ratio of the number of bits in the original to the number of
bits in the compressed image.
The method of run-length encoding is a lossless compression. It utilizes the redundancy
between neighbouring pixels. Here, for example row by row, successive pixels with
identical grey levels are grouped together and only the one representative grey level,
together with the repetition number, is stored. Run-length encoding achieves only a
small compression factor with photographs. In small-scale photographs there is almost
no reduction in storage, in large-scale photographs, particularly for close range work,
a compression factor of 3 : 1 can be achieved in the best case.
Lossy compression methods are considerably more interesting. Here a small loss of
information can be accepted in return for high compression. The JPEG compression
method 42 is very well known and can reduce photographic storage to a third without
appreciable information loss. In JPEG compression the digital image is broken down
into tiles of 8 χ 8 pixels. By means of a Discrete Cosine transform (DCT, closely re-
lated to the Fourier transform) there is a transition from the spatial to the frequency
domain within each tile (Section The amplitude spectra are then low-pass
filtered, and saved in compressed form. The degree to which the amplitude spectra are
filtered is controlled by the "quality factor" which also influences the loss which oc-
curs on reverse transformation into the spatial domain. Loss of grey level information
occurs with JPEG compression, as well as losses and shifts of grey level edges, which
is very important from a photogrammetric perspective. Figure 3.6-2 illustrates such
losses and shifts. On the left are edges extracted from the original image (perhaps with
operator (3.5-15)). In the middle are edges from a decompressed JPEG image which
was made from an original image compressed by a factor 10. As a result of image
shifts caused by this procedure, smoothed features appear, as well as artifacts which
develop in particular at the edges of the independently filtered 8 x 8 tiles.
from the original image from a decompressed im- from a decompressed im-
age which had previously age which had previously
been compressed by a fac- been compressed by a fac-
tor of 10 using the JPEG tor of 10 by a wavelet-
algorithm based method
wavelet-based compression methods in use and the JPE group has also announced the
use of such a method.
A totally different approach to compression lies in extracting relevant image informa-
tion rather than storing the grey values. Where images contain small, elliptical object
features as a result, for example, of applying circular or concentric ring targets to object
surfaces, then the relevant information, in this case the image coordinates of the target
centre points, should be extracted as soon as possible, for example using algorithm
(6.8-21). In this way, the image matrix is reduced to the image coordinates of the criti-
cal features. This high reduction method is currently offered by cameras equipped with
the corresponding "intelligence" (microcomputer and software, also known as "smart
Our attentions will now be turned to the stereophotogrammetry for which metric cam-
eras with a square image format are employed45. The area to be mapped is imaged
in a sequence of photographs forming parallel strips which together create a block of
photographs. The geometrical relationships (Formulae (3.7-1)) involved in the flight
planning are illustrated in Figure 3.7-1 for flat ground.
In Figure 3.7-1 and in Formulae (3.7-1), symbols have the following meaning:
Although current aerial cameras such as the UltraCam or DMC provide rectangular images, in the
following text only square images are considered for reasons of simplicity.
Taken from Albertz/Kreiling: Photogrammetric Guide, Wichmann, 1980.
Section 3.7 Aerial cameras and their use in practice 133
[ J = Largest integer number
134 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
• rotation about the longitudinal (fore and aft) axis of the aircraft (roll angle)
±5gon (4.5°),
• rotation about the transverse (wing tip to wing tip) axis (pitch angle) ± 3 gon
• deviation from nominal heading (yaw angle): ±15 gon (13.5°),
• variation in flying height ±2%,
• deviation from flight path around ±200 m.
b) even for an ideal flight plan, a forward overlap I — 50% and a side overlap
q = 0% would not be sufficient. To process the entire block of photographs
(see references to aerotriangulation in Chapter 5), neighbouring strips, as well
as stereomodels within a strip, must overlap to some extent. For this reason,
and also because of the departures from an ideal imaging configuration listed in
paragraph (a), a forward overlap I = 60% and a side overlap q = 25 - 30% are
For single image photogrammetry, equal forward and side overlaps are chosen
with I = q = 25- 30% (Section 2.1.4 and, in particular, Chapter 7).
c) Figure 3.7-1 and Formulae (3.7-1) assume flat ground. Where there are large
height differences, the recommended forward and side overlaps should be de-
signed for the highest ground. At lower heights the overlaps are then larger. For
flight planning over mountainous terrain, good knowledge of height variations is
Exercise 3.7-1. Take a topographic map, 1 : 50000, of a mountainous region and draw
in the edges of a strip flown in a direction that crosses the ridges and valleys roughly
at right angles. Smallest photo scale 1 : 30000, c = 150 mm. Then draw the axis of a
second strip, parallel to the first, which has a minimum side overlap of 30%. Draw, in
a different colour, the edges of this second strip and finally measure the maximum side
overlap of the two strips.
Exercise 3.7-2. What overlap results when photographs are flown along a course down
the centre of a U-shaped valley when the forward overlap at the edge of the strip is
to be 60%? Flying height above the valley floor is 1200 m, the highest points to be
photographed lie 400 m above the valley floor, and the principal distance is 152 mm.
(Solution: 73.3%.)
d) the required flying height and photo scale depend on the required resolution on
the ground (Sections 3.1.5,, 3.3.2) and the required accuracy of the pho-
togrammetric end product (Sections 4.6 and 6.7).
Normal Intermediate Wide Super wide
Field of view: Diagonal 62gon 85gon lOOgon 140gon
(56°) (77°) (90°) (126°)
Field of view: Image side 47gon 64gon 83gon 117gon
(42°) (58°) (75°) (105°)
Principal Distance c [cm] 30 21 15
Table 3.7-1: Most common objective lenses used in aerial surveying (standard image
format 23 cm χ 23 cm, h = flying height above ground)
above ground shown in the table have been derived with the aid of this format,
the various principal distances and the relationships in (3.7-1). The lower part
of the table indicates the applications in which cameras with longer principal
distances and those with shorter principal distances tend to be used.
Exercise 3.7-3. Check the fields of view given in Table 3.7-1 using the image format
and the corresponding principal distances.
f) the depth-of-field problem (Section 3.1.4) does not exist with aerial photographs
due to the relatively large flying height. Aerial metric cameras are generally fo-
cused at 1000 m, i.e. according to Equation (3.1-4) flying heights between 500 m
and infinity lie within the acceptable depth of field.
136 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
Exercise 3.7-4. An aircraft flies with a metric camera at an absolute flying height of
3000 m. The ground height varies between 500 m and 1200 m. State the greatest image
blur (diameter of cricle of confusion) for exposures with a principal distance of 15 cm
and an aperture of 11. (Solution: 1.2 μπι.)
g) if defined map sheet edges must be taken into account within a strip, there are
two possible solutions: use of aimed single images or dense image sequences.
For flights requiring aimed single images (also called a point flight) very good
navigational aids are required in order to fly to, and "hit", the selected target
area. GPS (Global Positioning System) significantly eases the problem of a point
flight. Flights which adopt a dense image sequence, from which the best placed
images can be selected, require a forward overlap of around 90%.
Numerical Example. A digital line camera with a scan frequency of 750 Hz (750 lines
are read out per second), a pixel size of 6 /im and a focal length principal distance)
of 80 mm, should be flown at the following speed when at a flying height of 2 km:
V = 7 5 0 = 112
^ Μ Γ - 5 m / s - 400km/h
In practice a speed of around 300 km/h would be set in order to deal with any pitch an-
gle changes (paragraph a) above) and to achieve some overlap of pixels in the direction
of flight (see Section 3.4.1). A digital line camera (Figure 3.3-3) provides records for
single image photogrammetry. In contrast, the 3-line camera provides images suitable
for stereophotogrammetry. The elements of a 3-line camera can be chosen so that, for
example, the combination of the a and b line correspond to a wide angle view and the
combination of the a and c lines, or c and b lines, correspond to a normal angle of view
(Figure 3.3-3, right).
As part of flight planning, a navigation plan is produced. This can either be an enlarged
aerial photograph or, better, a good topographic map. It contains:
• the area of interest without any rounding off, i.e. the region which absolutely
must be recorded, normally stereoscopically
The region marked on the navigation plan must be sufficiently large to accomodate a 5
to 10 km extension at both ends of the strips which allows for navigation manoeuvres.
At the end of the strip an incremented numbering, absolute flying height and heading
(in sexagesimal degrees) is added. An additional sheet contains the following infor-
mation, for each strip if required: project identification, purpose, date; rrib, c, Z0,1, q;
minimum film requirement, film type; organizational details such as agreed targeting
of points (control points, new points, etc.), proximity of international borders, flights
only in overcast weather, etc.
Standards exist for quality control of survey flights, e.g. DIN standards: Schwebel, R.:
PFG 2001(1), pp. 3 9 ^ 4 .
Film magazine Film-transport indicator
Overlap control
Pressure platen
Viewfinder Unperforated rollfilm,
24cm wide
Coupling for
drive ana vacuum Lens cone and
camera frame
Control instrument
and switches
p^iE Drive unit with control
c 28 Volt DC
J Camera mount
' —
\ d Earthing cable
Vibration dampers
Aircraft floor
Shutter Filter Aperture Port cover
metric images is recorded. (German information sources may refer to these as "Reihen-
messkameras" (RMK), i.e. serial metric cameras.) A film cassette contains around 400
exposures. Above the port is the camera mount which, in the simplest versions, can
be levelled manually by footscrews and has rubber or steel spring fixings for vibration
damping. The mount carries the drive unit which can be rotated about a vertical axis
and which contains all the elements required for operating the imaging cycle. The lens
cone, containing the required lens type, is inserted in the drive unit. The film magazine
is placed on the focal-plane frame of the lens cone and contains the pressure platen and
the mechanisms for creating the vacuum and pressing the platen against the focal-plane
After every exposure command, the imaging cycle runs automatically as follows:
• expose.
• in modern cameras, shift the image plane during exposure (image motion com-
pensation, to be discussed in more detail in Section 3.7.4).
The camera is now ready for another exposure and awaits the next exposure command.
The operator can generate this manually by pressing a button for "aimed single pho-
tographs" or it can be generated automatically for serial photographs. The imaging
cycle requires about 1.6 to 2.0 s, a time which defines the shortest possible interval
between photographs.
In the viewfinder the camera operator sees the ground moving past. Combined with
the viewfinder telescope is the overlap control which sets the required forward overlap
when the set of moving curved lines appear to move at the same speed as the ground. If
the lines move faster than the image of the ground, the operator must slow them down
manually, or accelerate them if they are moving too slowly. When the lines move at the
same speed as the image of the ground, the photographs will be released at the proper
intervals to generate the required forward overlap.
The drift angle is also adjusted via the viewfinder. A ground point imaged on the central
line must appear to move along this line if the camera is correctly oriented. If it moves
off at an angle a to this line, the camera must be rotated by this angle a and the aircraft
heading correspondingly adjusted (Figure 3.7-4) to ensure the correct ground track.
Section 3.7 Aerial cameras and their use in practice 139
The following information can also be seen in the viewfinder (Figure 3.7-3):
• the base end points, for example for 60% forward overlap
κ=0 κ= -a 0
a) If the aircraft flies along its nom- b) The course is corrected by the an-
inal course, a side wind will drive it gle κ = - a . The camera is rotated
along a different course or track over the by κ = + a . The true ground track of
ground. The drift angle is determined the aircraft now lies in the required di-
by checking the apparent motion of a rection and a selected ground point will
selected point on the ground. appear to move along the central line.
aircraft (Section 3.7.3), then the moment of exposure tm must be synchronized with
these. In a metric camera, the flash exposure of the fiducial marks must be made at the
moment of exposure tm.
An analogue metric image not only contains the image itself in the 23 cm χ 23 cm
format but an auxiliary image displaying extensive additional data (Figure 3.7-7) which
can be supplied in analogue or digital form. The auxiliary image or, more accurately,
the data it contains, can be divided into two groups. One contains strictly necessary
information, the other contains optional data.
Strictly necessary auxiliary information:
Figure 3.7-5: Example of a rotary shutter (Zeiss Oberkochen), left closed, right open.
A is the drive. The lamellae 1 rotate faster than lamella 2. The sword lamella 3,
controlled by the overlap regulator, is swung aside relatively slowly by the eccentric
4 while lamella 2 is not yet in the open position. Lamella 2 opens while lamellae 1
are still closed, before opening very rapidly. The speed of rotation of the lamellae
determines the exposure time. The closing procedure is the same in reverse.
Aperture opening
t] Exposure time
Figure 3.7-6: The shutter efficiency is an optimum when the cross-hatched area is as
small as possible, i.e. the shutter is fully open as long as possible. The shutter must
therefore be opened and closed as fast as possible.
142 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
Figure 3.7-7: Auxiliary data imaged with a photograph; left: digital, right: analogue
miniplots of instruments
• if the fiducial marks do not have identifiers then a ninth, asymmetrically placed
fiducial mark, is required in order to identify automatically the fiducial marks in
a digitized image, as well as to determine automatically the orientation of the
image 48 (laterally correct, mirror reversed, rotated). If the additional mark is
missing then the level bubble or centre of the clock (Figure 3.7-7) can be used
• the principal distance for re-creating the interior orientation and a possible deter-
mination of scale
• the date, camera number and film cassette or pressure platen number in order to
have a link to both the flight plan and the calibration certificate
• project name and incrementing image number for managing larger image blocks
Ellenbeck, K.H., Waldhäusl, P.: BuL 52, pp. 70-71, 1984.
Section 3.7 Aerial cameras and their use in practice 143
• grey wedge or colour chart for contrast control and colour adjustment during
photographic post-processing and for brightness and contrast enhancement, as
well as colour adjustment of digitized metric images
• current exposure data: aperture, exposure time and image motion compensation
(Section 3.7.4)
• clock to record moment of exposure so that the agreed (midday) period for flying
can be checked and, for example, the direction of north in the image can be
determined from time of day and direction of shadows
- level bubble to detect a poorly levelled aircraft. Centrifugal forces will also,
of course, affect the bubble.
Leica Geosystems (formerly Wild, LH Systems) currently offers the RC30 camera
system (Figure 3.7-8). Technical details include: Interchangeable lens cones with
principal distances of 8.8, 15 and 30cm, largest aperture of / / 4 , 100Lp/mm reso-
lution, exposure times between 1/1000 and 1/100s. For further details: h t t p : / /
w w w . l e i c a - g e o s y s t e m s . c o m / c o r p o r a t e / e n / n d e f / l g s _ 5 7 6 3 2 . htm
(November 2006).
Intergraph (formerly: Z/I Imaging, Carl Zeiss Jena, Carl Zeiss Oberkochen) currently
offers the RMK TOP camera system (Figure 3.7-9). RMK TOP15 (15 cm princi-
pal distance, aperture between / / 4 and / / 2 2 ) , RMK30 (30 cm principal distance,
aperture between f/5.6 and / / 2 2 ) , Objective lens distortion < 3 /xrn, rotary shut-
ter (Figure 3.7-5), exposure times between 1/500 and l / 5 0 s , two different circu-
lar graduated filters (Section 3.1.6) with a transmission in the centre of 35% and
60%, 8 numbered fiducial marks, shortest interval between photographs 1.5 s. Further
details: h t t p : / / w w w . i n t e r g r a p h . c o m / r m k t o p a s c s / d e f a u l t . a s p (No-
vember 2006).
Both camera systems can be combined with GPS and IMU (Section 3.7.3). In addition
there are components for image motion compensation (Section 3.7.4).
144 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
There are now aerial cameras with CCD area sensors which significantly fulfil the
quality requirements demanded by photogrammetry. One problem is the number of
pixels which are currently available in arrays up to 7K χ 4K; aerial photogrammetry
requires a multiple of this (Section 3.3.1). A second problem is the read-out time: this
must lie within the shortest interval between photographs, between 1 and 2 s.
With its DMC (Digital Mapping Camera), Intergraph has solved these problems by
mounting four CCD cameras in the camera housing in place of a single CCD camera,
each with 7K χ 4K pixels and synchronous exposure. The four images overlap only
to a limited extent (Figure 3.7-10, top). During post-processing a single metric image
is created with around 13500 (normal to flight path) χ 8000 (along flight path) pixels.
The pixel size is 12 μτη and field of view is 82gon (74°) (normal to flight path) and
49gon (45°) (along flight path). In other words, the DMC corresponds to a wide angle
camera normal to the flight path and to a normal angle camera along the flight path
(Table 3.7-1). Image recording uses 12 bits per pixel.
Exercise 3.7-5. The following data are redundant: principal distance, field of view,
pixel size and number of pixels. Consider to what extent the DMC data are free of
In addition to the four panchromatic camera heads, the DMC has three cameras for
the spectral regions blue, green and red, and a fourth camera for near infra-red (Sec-
tion These last four cameras have a resolution which is worse by a factor of
around 4 compared with the panchromatic camera, i.e. approximately the same area is
recorded by a multi-spectral image (3000 χ 2000 pixel) as is covered by 4 images in
Section 3.7 Aerial cameras and their use in practice 145
*· flight path
Figure 3.7-10: The DMC from Intergraph (top) and UltraCam-D from Microsoft-
Vexcel (bottom)
• pixel size on the ground at a flying height of 300 m: 3 cm (at this extremely
low altitude the system requires 50 pixel for image motion compensation, Sec-
A prominent difference between the UltraCam-D and D M C is that the four panchro-
matic CCD cameras are arranged in a row along the direction of flight and are not
synchronously exposed. Exposures are delayed such that the perspective centres of
the four images are approximately at the same location in the ground coordinate sys-
tem ("syntopic exposure"). Each camera has one, two or four CCD area arrays in the
image plane, arranged such that the final composite image is built up of 3 χ 3 tiles
(Figure 3.7-10, bottom). A further difference between the cameras is that the objec-
tive lenses of the four panchromatic cameras in the UltraCam-D each cover the entire
146 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
image format of 11500 (normal to flight path) χ 7500 (along flight path) pixels. In
contrast, each lens in the DMC covers only the format of its corresponding image tile
of 7K χ 4K pixels (Figure 3.7-10, top). The second camera in the UltraCam-D cluster,
with 4 CCD area arrays (one in each corner), defines the geometric extent of the final
composite image, created by post-processing from the nine image tiles each with 4K
χ 2.7K pixels (Figure 3.7-10, bottom).
Further reading and information: Leberl, F., Gruber, Μ., Ponticelli, Μ., Bernoegger,
S., Perko, R.: ASPRS Meeting, Anchorage, Alaska, 2003. www. v e x c e l . com (No-
vember 2006).
The concept of the digital 3-line camera (Figure 3.3-3, right) is due to Hofmann 49 .
Digital 3-line cameras were initially designed for space missions 50 and were then
adapted for aerial use, in some cases requiring significant additional development work.
The HRSC-A (High Resolution Stereo Camera-Airborne) from the German Aerospace
Centre (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)) is an adopted model for
airborne sensing and has been successfully used for photogrammetric sensing 51 .
The following text will deal in more detail with the ADS (Airborne Digital Sensor)
from Leica Geosystems. In contrast to other multispectral line cameras, the ADS40
uses a sensor arrangement called tetrachroid which splits up the incoming light beam
into the four spectral regions of blue, green, red and near infra-red. By this principle,
the exact co-registration of all colour ranges from one object detail can be guaranteed.
There is no need for any colour fusion or resolution merging for generating true colour
and colour infra-red images. In addition to the tetrachroid, three panchromatic line
sensors (covering the range from blue to red) are responsible for the forward (40°),
backward (16°) and nadir looking data acquisition. Two models are available: the first
model has one nadir looking tetrachroid sensor, which is mainly intended for colour
orthophoto production. The second model has one nadir looking and one backwards
looking tetrachroid for more universal applications including colour stereo compila-
tion. The nadir looking panchromatic line is complemented by a second line staggered
by half a pixel. This reduces the sampling interval which leads to a more reliable re-
construction of object frequencies. All sensor lines consist of 12000 individual sensor
The combination with GPS and IMU is a valuable addition to digital cameras with
CCD area arrays, but is not strictly necessary. However, with digital line cameras such
as the ADS, such a combination is extremely important (Section 3.7.3). ADS with
image motion compensation will be considered in Section
Hofmann, O.: BuL54(3),pp. 105-121, 1986.
Wewel, F., Schölten, F., Neukum, G., Albertz, J.: PFG 1998(6), pp. 337-348. Reulke, R„ Scheele,
Μ.: PFG 1998(3), pp. 157-163. Sandau, R„ Eckhardt, Α.: IAPRS XXXI(Bl), pp. 170-175, 1996.
'Neukum, G.: in Fritsch/Spiller: Photogrammetric Week '99, Wichmann Verlag, pp. 83-88, 1999.
Section 3.7 Aerial cameras and their use in practice 147
Further reading and information: Flicker, P., Sandau, R., Walker, S.: OEEPE-Pub-
lication No. 37, pp. 81-90, 1999. Sandau, R. et al.: IAPR 33(B1), pp. 258-265,
2000. http://www.leica-geosystems.com/corporate/en/ndef/
l g s . 5 7 627 . h t m (November 2006). Use of GPS during photogrammetric flying missions and image exposure
With regard to its original concept, GPS can be advantageously used for navigating
photogrammetric flying missions. An additional application for either aerial film cam-
eras or CCD area array cameras makes use of the GPS to release the shutter for individ-
ual exposures. For this purpose the aircraft's position must be continuously monitored
in real time by the GPS and compared with the planned positions of the perspective
centres given in the coordinate system of the GPS system currently in use. On the ba-
sis of this comparison, individual exposures can be made under computer control. Such
an application of GPS can provide aimed single images (Section 3.7.1). The overlap
regulator (Section 3.7.2) is then largely redundant.
For this application, GPS is used in kinematic mode with the C/A (Coarse/Acquisition)
Code (wavelength = 293.1 m). In this mode, the distance of the GPS receiver from the
satellite is determined by electronic distance measurement using the transmission time
t of the signal and its known speed of propagation c = 299762 km/s. The C/A code
is repeated after one millisecond (ms) and unambiguous range measurement with this
code is possible up to 300 km.
The method of trilateration applied to the ranges measured simultaneously from the
aircraft receiver to three GPS satellites, enables the calculation of receiver coordinates
in WGS84 (World Geodetic System 1984), in which GPS satellite parameters are cur-
rently provided. Since the receiver clock cannot be exactly synchronized with the
satellite clocks, an unknown time difference At must be taken into account. It is there-
fore necessary to measure range to at least four GPS satellites simultaneously. (Ranges
which incorporate the unknown time difference are known as pseudo ranges.)
The position of individual imaging locations, initially provided in the geocentric, Carte-
sian coordinate system of WGS84, can be converted into geographical coordinates φ
and Λ and ellipsoid height h, for example using the formulae given in Section Β 5.3.1,
Volume 2. In modern aerial survey systems, the geographical coordinates φ and λ and
In addition to the American GPS there is also the comparable Russian GLONASS. GALILEO is a
third satellite positioning system currently being deployed by the European Union. A general term for
such systems is GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems). In this textbook "GPS" is also used as a
synonym for these other systems.
148 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
ellipsoid height h are recorded during the flight onto the individual metric images (see
Figure 3.7-7). Accuracy is at the C/A level, i.e. some tens of metres. The accuracy of
GPS-supported navigation of the flying mission lies around ±50 m 53 . If it is assumed
that, on average, an acceptable deviation between planned and actual imaging location
is ± 5 mm in the image, then this accuracy is sufficient for flying missions which deliver
an image scale smaller than 1 : 10000 (— 5/50000). More accurate navigation is only
required for flights delivering very large image scales.
The navigational accuracy of GPS in kinematic mode can be raised to a few metres
when differential GPS (DGPS) is employed. In this case two receivers are required:
one receiver remains at a (fixed) reference station whose coordiantes are known; the
other receiver is located in the aircraft. Both receivers are positioned absolutely us-
ing the C/A code. At the (fixed) reference station corrections can be calculated and
transmitted by telemetry in real time to the receiver in the aircraft. The function of a
fixed reference station is being increasingly taken over by a network of permanently
installed GPS stations.
The coordinates of the imaging locations can be determined by GPS and the angles
which define the attitude of a given image can be determined by IMU (inertial mea-
surement unit). Nowadays with DGPS a positional accuracy of around a decimetre can
be achieved "on the fly". Instead of time-of-flight measurement with the C/A code, a
phase comparison technique using the relatively short wavelengths of both GPS carrier
waves is used (LI = 0.1905 m, L2 = 0.2445 m). With phase measurement only the
residual part of a single wavelength is determined and some multiple of the full wave-
length (0.1905 m or 0.2445 m) must be added to this in order to calculate the actual
The GPS literature list at the end of this section provides several methods to eliminate
the ambiguity. After solving for the ambiguity, the GPS receiver counts the increase or
decrease of integer multiples of the wavelength compared with a starting value. The
measured distances between a GPS receiver and a GPS transmitter are strongly dis-
torted by atmospheric influences. These error sources have a similar effect on neigh-
bouring receivers such that the differences between the receivers are largely free of
the influences of the (systematic) errors. The differences between the original distance
equations provide the components of a vector between both receivers. Provided one
receiver is located at a point with known coordinates (the reference station) then the
vector, applied to this station, provides the coordinates of the second receiver which is
located in the aircraft.
Cycle Slips and the Multipath effect can, however, interrupt the almost continuous
determination of the vector from the (stationary) reference station to the GPS antenna
in the aircraft. Bridging techniques are required which will be discussed below.
"Becker, R„ Barriere, J.: PE&RS 59, pp. 1659-1665, 1993. Arnold, H., Schroth, R.: in
Fritsch/Hobbie (Eds.): Photogrammetric Week '93, pp. 53-62, Wichmann Verlag, Karlsruhe, 1993.
Section 3.7 Aerial cameras and their use in practice 149
Exact positioning of the GPS antennae in the aircraft takes place approximately every
second. Depending on aircraft speed, this corresponds to separations in position of
around 50 to 100 m. These nodal points can be connected by a spatial curve 54 . A
spatial flight path supported by GPS points is illustrated in Figure 3.7-11. Time acts as a
parameter along this curve. If the individual exposures follow this time scale, normally
GPS time (t m in Section 3.7.2), then by interpolation it is possible to determine the
coordinates of the antenna tips Ai at the times when the images are exposed. This
synchronization is possible within about 1 ms, i.e. at an aircraft speed of 250 km/h the
error is some 7 cm.
Figure 3.7-11: Photo strips with GPS positioning (Af. interpolated positions of an-
tenna tips, Poi: perspective centres)
For the transfer to the coordinates of the perspective centres Poi the angular attitude
of the sensor, e.g. the aerial film camera, is required at the moment of exposure (Fig-
ure 3.7-11). These three orientation parameters are also of considerable interest in
completing all six elements of exterior orientation for every image.
However, GPS only provides the positions of the imaging locations Ai and, from the
known time intervals between exposures, the speed along the flight path of the GPS
antenna mounted in the aircraft. Other measurement systems, which provide the posi-
tion as well as angular orientation of the sensors are (I)nertial (N)avigation (S)ystems
(INS) 55 . These make use of the inertia of a mass in relation to its acceleration ä. Ac-
cording to Newton's second law of motion, force / is the product of mass m and
acceleration ä, i.e. / = mä. (For clarification: a = distance, da/dt = ά = ν = speed,
dv/dt = ä = acceleration.)
Figure 3.7-12 shows one of the measurement principles. A force, acting along the axis
of a cylinder to which a known mass is connected through an elastic spring, causes a
Lancaster, P., Salkauskas, K.: Curve and Surface Fitting. Academic Press Ltd., 1986.
We distinguish between INS and IMU. While the INS is a complete navigation system, the IMU is
just one of its components which measures acceleration and attitude changes.
150 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
f Spring A
Mass /
change in position of the mass and a resultant deflection on a scale also attached to the
cylinder. This deflection is a measure of the corresponding acceleration ä of the mass.
From the acceleration determined in this way, speed is obtained by integration over
time; a further integration over time provides the distance or, effectively, position.
Two contra-rotating monochromatic beams of light are introduced into a circular op-
tical waveguide. If the device has not rotated then, after the beams have traversed the
waveguide, they arrive simultaneously at their starting point, i.e. without any phase
difference. However, if the circular waveguide rotates with angular velocity ά, then
the beam travelling in the direction of rotation has a greater distance to cover to reach
the starting point which has now moved ahead (Figure 3.7-14, left); for the beam trav-
elling in the opposite direction the path is shortened (Figure 3.7-14, right). When the
beams are brought together after completing the circular path, a relative phase shift Αφ
is detected from which the angular velocity can be determined as follows: 56
Taken from: Schwarz, W.: Schriftenreihe des Deutschen Vereins für Vermessungswesen, Volume 22,
pp. 54-97, 1996. This publication provides a comprehensive presentation of kinematic sensors.
Section 3.7 Aerial cameras and their use in practice 151
Figure 3.7-13: Body coordinate axes for a strapdown inertial navigation system
Rotation in Rotation in
same direction opposite direction
By integration of the angular velocity ά, for example over the time difference (£, — tg),
the angle of rotation a can be determined (Figure 3.7-14).
Table 3.7-2 shows the three currently available accuracy classifications for inertial nav-
igation systems57. The mid accuracy class is appropriate for determining the exterior
Schwarz. K.-P.: in Fritsch, D„ Hobbie, D.: Photogrammetric Week'95, pp. 139-153, 1995. The
stated tilt accuracies relate to roll and pitch; yaw angle (heading) is a factor 3 to 5 less accurate. At the
Photogrammetric Week 2001 the following accuracies, achieved during practical tests, were reported:
GPS positioning between ± 5 and ± 3 0 cm, IMU orientation for roll and pitch angle between ± 3 and
± 5 mgon (10" and 16", resp.) and for the heading angle ± 8 mgon (26").
152 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
orientation of aerial photographs and is reasonably priced. Over short time periods it
provides positional accuracy at the decimeter level. An aircraft's tilt can only be deter-
mined by an IMU. Over a period of one minute, an accuracy of 5 mgon (15") can be
achieved which is sufficient for standard requirements. At a flying height of 2000 m,
this corresponds to a planimetric error of 15 cm on the ground.
As can be seen from Table 3.7-2, an IMU's positional accuracy is only acceptable
over short time periods. A Position and Orientation System (POS) therefore combines
GPS with IMU. GPS supplies position and speed and supports the IMU. The IMU
provides direction and tilt and densities the relatively large separations between GPS
measurements which, as already mentioned, are between 50 m and 100 m at a recording
interval of 1 s. In contrast, the IMU's recording interval is around 0.01 s (100 Hz). Short
interruptions in GPS recording (cycle slips, etc.) can also be bridged with the IMU.
Figure 3.7-15 shows the arrangement of the most important sensors in a POS, together
with an imaging sensor. Great care must be taken to determine the relative positions
of the three illustrated sensor modules. Details of a corresponding calibration can be
found in specialist literature58. The relationships are relatively simple if all the sensors
are fixed to the aircraft:59
• from the GPS coordinates of the antenna tips Ai, the perspective centres Pot can
be calculated along the spatial directions delivered by the IMU (Figure 3.7-11).
• if the coordinate axes of the imaging sensor and IMU are strictly parallel then
the rotation angles of the IMU directly correspond to the rotation angles of the
image sensor60.
E.g. Shin, E„ El-Sheimy, N.: ZfV 127(1), pp. 4 1 ^ 9 , 2002. Heipke, Ch. et al.: OEEPE Publication
No 43, 2002.
If the inertial system is fixed to the aircraft or vehicle, it is known as a strapdown system, as shown
in Figure 3.7-13.
This type of configuration cannot generally be made to a sufficient accuracy. Deviations from the
Section 3.7 Aerial cameras and their use in practice 153
Figure 3.7-15: Imaging sensor together with GPS and IMU in a Position and Orienta-
tion System (POS)
The relationships are considerably more complicated when there is continuous banking
to compensate for the drift angle and, on the basis of the IMU gyroscope, the imaging
sensor platform is continually tilted, in other words stabilized. In this case the rota-
tions must be recorded with timing information in order to establish the relationships
between all three sensor groups during post-processing. This procedure is greatly sim-
plified if at least the imaging sensor and IMU are fixed to the same tilting platform so
that their relative positions remain unchanged throughout the entire flying mission.
The POS data are valuable for processing aerial images taken with either film or CCD
area array cameras but their importance is not so great as when processing images
taken with digital line cameras. POS data are also essential for airborne laser scanners,
discussed in Section 8.1. This will be discussed in more detail in Section
A position and orientation system is marketed by Applanix under the name POS/AV.
Further reading and information: Lithopoulos, E.: in Fritsch/Spiller: Photogrammetric
Week '99, Wichmann Verlag, pp. 53-57, 1999. www. a p p l a n i x . com. The German
company IGI offers a comparable system (e-mail: i n f o @ i g i - c c n s . com).
On flying missions with a digital line camera (Section 3.3.1) and/or a laser scanner
(Section 8.1), aircraft navigation along the planned route will also, of course, employ
GPS in a similar way to a flying mission with film or CCD area array cameras. This
usage was discussed in Section
ideal are known as misalignments. The transformation of IMU rotations into rotations of the imaging
sensor or into the coordinate system of the image processing software generally involves the successive
multiplication of several rotation matrices.
154 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
The situation is different with dynamic image recording, as is the case when using a
single or 3-line camera or a laser scanner. Images taken without the use of a gyro-
stabilized platform show large distortions as a result of the flight dynamics, and these
are much worse with line cameras than with laser scanners. Certainly such images can
be processed with the aid of POS information. However, conditions for processing are
significantly improved if line cameras, and possibly also laser scanners, are mounted
on gyro-stabilized platforms. The IMU should also be mounted on this platform. An
accurate IMU need then only record small "residual" tilts, which is a considerable
advantage in the design and construction of such a device.
However, the constant rotations of the gyro-stabilized platform continually alter the
relationship between the GPS measurements and the imaging sensor or laser scanner,
as can be appreciated in Figure 3.7-15. In order to provide a continuous "eccentricity
vector" between GPS antenna and the reference point of the imaging sensor, continuous
recording of the gyro-stabilized platform rotations is necessary. A separate gyroscope
system is required to stabilize the mounting platform and this must be:
• less accurate than the gyroscopes in the IMU which is fixed to the imaging sensor
In summary it can be said that the exterior orientation of a line camera alters from im-
aged line to imaged line and that therefore the direct recording of the six orientation el-
ements by GPS and IMU is obligatory. For laser scanners, the exterior orientation even
alters for each range measurement. With film and CCD area array cameras the POS
information is, in contrast, only an interesting option, as will be seen in Section 4.1. A
gyro-stabilized platform is here not strictly necessary; however, it improves the qual-
ity of the image and makes processing easier, particularly for dynamically recorded
More exactly: during exposure there should be no large shifts or rotations of the camera. To some
very reasonable extent, a gyro-stabilized platform improves image quality, particularly for longer expo-
sure times (Section
Section 3.7 Aerial cameras and their use in practice 155
Further reading for Section 3.7.3 (selected examples only): Hofmann-Wellenhof, Β.,
Lichtenegger, Η., Collins, J.: GPS—Theory and Practice. Springer, 1997. Hutton, J.,
Lithopoulos, E.: PFG 1998(6), pp. 363-370.
• from the wave nature of light, which results in diffraction at the aperture stop
• from the size of the opto-electronic sensor elements and their geometric arrange-
ment in digital cameras (Section 3.3.2) and film scanners (Section 3.4.1)
Further blurring of the image occurs as a result of image motion of the object or camera
during the time the shutter is open. The following discussion concentrates on aerial
The theoretical image motion u t h of an object in the image plane is (Figure 3.7-16):
c vt _ , „
uth = vt- = — (3.7-4a)
η rrib
10 3 υί
= — (3.7-4b)
During the exposure time t the image moves over the image plane and the energy in
the illumination is distributed. Only in places where sufficient light energy falls on
the chemical or electronic sensor will the image become visible. A single object point
becomes a "line" in the image. If the chemical or electronic sensors could react to the
smallest possible level of illumination energy, then the length of the "lines" would be
given by Equation (3.7-4a). In fact, the sensors react only to a certain minimum energy,
so that the "lines" in the image are shortened. (When a camera is subject to vibration,
particularly in a helicopter, double images can appear.) On the basis of current film
156 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
Image plane
Object Vt
140vt ν
u « 0.5uth = = 140ci- (3.7-5)
mb h
The blurring of the image caused by image motion significantly reduces the resolu-
tion. Meier 62 shows that a theoretical image motion of 1.5 times the reciprocal of the
resolution is just tolerable in practice.
u -1 (3.7-6)
th,ma\ < 1-5R
Meier, H.K.: BuL, pp. 65-77, 1960.
Section 3.7 Aerial cameras and their use in practice 157
Numerical Example (of the maximum permissible exposure time for which the image
motion remains tolerably small).
Given: R = 80Lp/mm
Equation (3.7-6): Uth = 19/im
Equation (3.7-5): u « 10 μτη
Given: V = 300 km/h, c = 150 mm, h
=> mb = 10000
Equation (3.7-5): tmax = 1/440 s « 1/500 s
Whether an exposure time of 1 /500 s is acceptable depends upon the overall sensitivity
of the film to be used and the object brightness (season, time of day, weather, light
Exercise 3.7-6. What is the largest acceptable image scale for a flying speed of
300 km/h and an exposure time of 1/300 s (R = 40Lp/mm)? (Solution: 1 : rri,m-m —
1 : 7400.)
Compensation for image motion is particularly required at low flying heights and large
image scales. There are a number of solutions.
In modern aerial cameras, the image motion due to the aircraft's forward movement can
be compensated during exposure by a computer controlled displacement of the film's
pressure plate with a velocity of v' = uth/t = vc/h (see Equation (3.7-4a)). This is
known as Forward Motion Compensation (FMC).
This type of motion compensation eliminates the most significant part of the image
blurring, but it does not eliminate the effects of:
• the three rotations of the aircraft; gyro-stabilized camera mounts are necessary
to compensate for this effect (see also the ends of Sections and
• the variations of flying speed, unless the actual flying speed ν for image motion
compensation is taken on line from the overlap control (Figure 3.7-3), or the
navigation system.
• differences of ground heights. To compensate for these, the image motion com-
pensation must be at least partially separated from the overlap control system.
The overlap must be controlled so as to ensure overlap in the highest parts of the
ground (see Section 3.7.1c); the image motion compensation, on the other hand,
must be set to achieve sharp imaging for the most important parts of the ground
(the valleys, up to the average ground height).
Exercise 3.7-7. With the data of the numerical example above, compute the remaining
image motions: for the three rotations of the aircraft of about 2gon/s, for height dif-
ferences of ±500 m and for variations of flying speed of ± 2 0 km/h. (Solution in [μπι]:
uu=uv = 13, uK — 9, uAh = 7, uAv = 1.)
158 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
Exercise 3.7-8. What is the loss in resolution of the film camera introduced in the
numerical example of Section (RT = 67Lp/mm, which according to Equa-
tion (3.2-11) derives from R0 — 9 0 L p / m m and RP = 100Lp/mm), if a theoretical
image motion of u t h = 28 μπι (see first numerical example of this section) is taken
into account? (Solution: From Equation (3.7-6), which only has an empirical basis:
-RimageMotion = 5 4 L p / m m ; applying this to an expanded version of Equation (3.2-11):
RT — 4 2 L p / m m ; there is therefore a reduction in resolution from 6 7 L p / m m to
Exercise 3.7-9. What is the deterioration in the modulation transfer function MTF(f)
of the full system introduced in Figure 3.2-11 when the above image motion u t h =
28 μπι is taken into account?
Tip: As modulation transfer function for MTF(f)imageMotion use the sine function
(3.3-5) with values MTF(0)imageMotion = 1 and MTF(54 L p / m m ) I m a g e M o t i o n = 0. To
evaluate Equation (3.2-12) use MTF(f)0 and MTF(f) P from Figure 3.2-11.
Another solution for image motion compensation is to "nod" the camera by a small
angle very quickly during exposure.
Exercise 3.7-10. Calculate the angular velocity of nodding (pitch angle velocity) in
order to compensate for the image motion of 28 μπι in the above numerical example.
(Solution: 3.5gon/s = 3.15°/s). Image motion compensation for digital cameras with CCD area arrays
For as long as the camera shutter is open, an image of the ground moves continuously
across the focal plane in the direction of flight at a speed of w = vc/h. At the moment
the shutter opens to take a photograph (t = 0, say) an image of a particular narrow
strip of ground at right angles to the direction of flight will start to be imaged on the
sensor elements of row η; in general the exposure will be insufficient. At time (t + Δί),
where Δί can be calculated from w and the pixel dimensions, an image of the same
strip of ground will fall on, and start to be recorded on, row (n + 1); again the exposure
will be insufficient. Immediately before this, however, the charge packets from row η
were moved to row (n + 1). This process can be repeated several times, row by row, at
intervals of Δί; the image of that particular strip of ground is therefore integrated over
a number of rows of sensor elements, resulting in an image with an adequate signal-to-
noise ratio. Finally, readout of all rows is initiated; that is to say, readout of the whole
array. In this way, during the period when the shutter is open, the whole image has
been shifted electronically to keep pace with the moving image of the ground, rather
than being shifted mechanically as in analogue cameras.
This method of FMC is called Time Delay Integration. Very high demands are made of
the readout process when the CCD arrays are large since, within exposure times which
are a fraction of a second, all the pixels in the array must be read several times (see
also Section 3.3.1). The limitations on FMC for film cameras mentioned at the end of
Section above also apply to motion compensation with TDI.
Section 3.7 Aerial cameras and their use in practice 159
The DMC from Intergraph and the UltraCam-D from Microsoft-Vexcel (Section
incorporate TDI for motion compensation.
A compensation for image motion, caused by forward movement of the aircraft, would
only be possible with TDI in digital line cameras if every linear array was composed of
several parallel lines of detectors. The ADS from Leica Geosystems has not made use
of this possibility. In consideration of the very high read-out rate of 800 Hz, achieved
with very sensitive detectors, motion compensation at mid to high altitudes is not re-
In Section the exposure Η was defined 63 as the illuminance Ε falling on the
emulsion, or opto-electronic detector, times the exposure time t. But what is Ε for an
aerial photograph? Of the total radiation from the sun reaching the atmosphere about
one-third is immediately reflected back into space by the atmosphere. The remainder
is subject to extinction (absorption plus scattering) in the atmosphere, caused by air
molecules and aerosols (suspended particles from 0.01 to 100 μνα in diameter such as
dust, water droplets in haze, fog and clouds, and ice crystals). Short wavelengths are
scattered much more strongly than long wavelengths, hence the blue sky we see. The
remainder of the sun's direct radiation, Sd, (emitted at zenith angle Zi, Figure 3.7-17),
together with the skylight, Ss, form the global radiation which finally illuminates the
ground. The two components of this total incident light on an object vary in proportion
from Sd : Ss — 3 : 1 at a solar altitude of 50° and with a cloudless sky, to 1 : 30 in
light haze.
Photographs can be taken without difficulty under a sky completely covered by a high
layer of cloud. The greater degree of scattering lightens the shadows of objects but also
reduces the contrast (see Section 3.1.5), thus reducing measuring accuracy. In order to
increase the contrast various yellow filters are used according to the haze conditions.
An object on the ground absorbs a part of the total incident light; the remainder is
diffusely reflected from the natural and artificial rough surfaces forming the ground,
some at a zenith angle ZR towards the camera. This reflected component mixes with the
scattered light which does not reach the surface (haze light), and is further scattered by
the atmosphere and aerosols. The strong contrast reduction caused by the total amount
of blue scattered light is minimized by placing a yellow filter in front of the objective.
The 1 2 - 1 5 individual lens elements are also coated with an anti-reflex coating.
In this textbook on photogrammetry we use photometric units. In remote sensing, radiometric units
are common. In place of illuminance Ε the irradiadiance is used; in place of luminous intensity I the
radiant intensity is used, etc.
160 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
The result of the superimposition of haze light on the light reflected from the object is
that contrast decreases with increasing height. Films with greater gradation (7 = 1.4-
1.8) are therefore used for small-scale photographs from greater flying heights.
The non-absorbed, reflected part of the white (sun) light is an important information
carrier. Studies of the spectral reflectance of various types of ground objects show:
a) that the reflected light covers strongly differentiated parts of the spectrum, so
permitting object colours to be differentiated (Figure 3.7-18, upper left);
b) that even at a uniform spectral distribution, the reflected light can vary greatly in
c) that the reflectance of vegetation is almost constant in visible light (in the green
part of the spectrum somewhat more than in the blue and red), but that significant
differences in intensity occur in the near infra-red (Figure 3.7-18, lower part) and
for this reason colour infra-red films (Section or black-and-white infra-
red films (Section 3.2.3) are used for classifying vegetation types.
The object brightness, now defined as the integrated intensity over all wavelengths of
the reflected visible light, can lead to extreme differences of density in the photograph
(Table 3.7-3). The scattered light (Figure 3.7-17) causes, however, a significant reduc-
tion of the overall contrast.
Section 3.7 Aerial cameras and their use in practice 161
Concrete Limestone
Clay soil Pine trees
_ Sand
— . rrr Snow
Brown soil 2 o η ~ Gneiss
λ [nm] λ [nm]
400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Numerical Example. The ratio of object brightnesses of a tarred road and new snow,
from Table 3.7-3, is 8 : 80 = 1 : 10. If we add a haze brightness of 20, the ratio
above is reduced to 28 : 100 = 1 : 3.6. For the same haze brightness, the contrast of
a coniferous forest to new snow is reduced from 3 : 80 = 1 : 27 to 23 : 100 = 1 : 4.3
and the contrast of a coniferous forest to a tarred road from 3 : 8 = 1 : 2.7 to 23 : 28 =
1 : 1.2! (Contrast is defined here as a ratio, see Section
Coniferous forest 1. . . 3
Water 3
Tarred road 8
Dry meadow 7.. . 14
Wet sand, deciduous forest 18
Yellow, dry sand 31
Light, dry concrete 35
Old snow 42.. .70
New snow 80.. .85
are preferred for large-scale photographs (currently permitted minimum flying height
is around 300 m above open ground and around 1 km over densely populated areas).
However, for rapid flight to and from the area of interest and to the required flying
height a fast speed64 and rate of climb are desirable. Since the flights to and from
the area of interest are expensive, it is desirable to complete the whole job in one
flight and therefore the maximum possible flight endurance is demanded. Projects in
developing countries often require the use of short landing strips, i.e the use of STOL
aircrafts (short take-off and landing). Oxygen masks are needed above a height of
4000 m. A pressurized cabin is much more comfortable, if only from the point of
view of temperature. The camera port must then be sealed by an expensive plate of
optical glass which must cause no additional distortion, but which must be capable
of withstanding the stresses caused by pressure and temperature differences (AT can
easily reach 50 Kelvin). An alternative solution here is a remotely operated camera.
The navigation instrument with overlap regulator is then placed inside the cabin over
a smaller sealed port while the camera is outside the pressurized part of the fuselage
above an open port.
Camera ports in the centre of the width of the floor have under them an axially symmet-
ric air cushion which, seen as an optical component, cause less asymmetric distortion
by refraction than do ports at the side of the floor. It must be possible to close the port
at take-off and landing in order to prevent mechanical damage to the port glass or the
High-wing aircraft give the camera operator a good view downwards, an important aid
in navigation during the approach flight, particularly for large-scale photographs. An
intercom system is essential for communication between crew members. Navigation,
including exposure release, is increasingly done with GPS and for large scale work
with DGPS (Section
Aerial-photography flights in central Europe must take full advantage of every day of
good weather. IFR65 (blind flying) equipment is therefore essential for take-off and
landing through ground mist. The time available for photography is limited not only
by the weather, however, but also by such factors as shadow lengths, which should
usually not exceed 3.5 times the object heights. Flights under full, high cloud cover
are possible in summer; they may even be desirable, for example for photographs of
cities, so as to reduce the loss of detail in shadows. The resulting photographs have
relatively weak contrast, however, and the height accuracy may suffer as a result of
loss of detail contrast66. Sometimes a flight may be expressly required before trees are
in leaf, although stereoscopic acuity in the maze of shadows may be so poor that the
forest floor cannot be measured. These factors, taken together, produce a maximum
flying time, in central Europe, of about 300 flying hours with about 120 flights, per
Airspeed is still given in knots (nautical miles per hour). The conversion formula is: lknot =
0.515 m / s = 1.852 km/h.
IFR = Instrument Flight Rules
Waldhausl, P.: Results of the Vienna Test of OEEPE Commission C. Institute for Applied Geodesy,
Frankfurt, pp. 13-41, 1986.
Section 3.8 Terrestrial metric cameras and their application 163
year and machine. The result is that each hour of photographic flight is relatively
expensive 67 .
• architecture and civil engineering (surveys of old and new buildings, documen-
tation of buildings and damage to buildings, etc.)
The "normal case" of terrestrial photogrammetry will be outlined in the following Sec-
tion 3.8.1, after which terrestrial cameras will be presented. This presentation starts
with cameras based on chemical sensors. These fulfill the rigorous conditions of met-
ric cameras but in the concluding discussion the strict demands of photogrammetry
are relaxed and the discussion moves to off-the-shelf (amateur) cameras. Electronic
sensors then take the place of chemical sensors.
A review of the more common survey aircraft can be found in Albertz/Kreiling: Photogrammetric
Guide, 4 th ed., Wichmann, Karlsruhe, pp. 112-117, 1989.
164 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
The horizontal "normal case" is derived from the "normal case" of aerial photogram-
metry (Figure 2.1-13) by substituting 69 ωι = ω2 = lOOgon = 90°. Equations (2.1-32)
and (2.1-34) become, for the "normal case" of terrestrial photogrammetry:
X = y— — B-
c Ρξ
y = B— (3.8-1)
m Dvi m
ζ = y— = Β — = y—
C Ρξ c
The XYZ coordinates have been replaced by xyz coordinates. This expresses the fact that the
object coordinate system in the normal configuration is a local xyz system which can be arbitrarily
oriented in 3D space, for example with vertical base Β or with tilted camera axes.
In order to avoid singularities in the conversion of rotation matrix elements into rotation angles,
the angles a, ν and κ are often used in terrestrial photogrammetry instead of the angles ω, ψ, κ (Sec-
tion Β 3.4.2, Volume 2). Here α (primary) is the azimuth of the camera axis, and ν (secondary) is the
angle between the camera axis and the vertical (nadir distance). In terrestrial photogrammetry the rotation
matrix Β (3.4-6) from Volume 2 is therefore used instead of the rotation matrix of Equation (2.1-13).
Section 3.8 Terrestrial metric cameras and their application 165
= γ (~TTlbß(TPii)) + ( m t
) 2
y2 (3.8-2)
= mb—aPi = — σΡί
/ Tf\ y \^
ζ = y \~^mb~ßaP() +
points are necessary if the photogrammetric results must be supplied in a global XYZ
system rather than a local xyz system.
Despite the great advantages of stereometric cameras, they play a secondary role in
practice. The fixed base has the effect that the average error in the direction of the
camera axes, i.e. in the y direction, increases with the square of the distance (Equa-
tion (3.8-2b)). Stereometric cameras should therefore be available with different base
lengths; the most flexible solution is a rail along which a variable base can be individ-
ually set.
Table 3.8-1: Depth accuracy of stereometric cameras with a base of 120 cm and 40 cm
(c = 60 mm, σρ ( = ±7 μπι)
Exercise 3.8-1. The Zeiss and Wild stereometric cameras are fixed focus cameras. The
Zeiss camera with a base of 120 cm is focused at 9 m and the 40 cm base is focused at
4 m. For these cameras calculate the circles of confusion for the distances given in
Table 3.8-1 (aperture setting / / l l ) . For both camera systems also calculate the depth
of field for a maximum circle of confusion of 40 μπι diameter and give recommenda-
tions for the use of the Zeiss stereometric camera with respect to expected accuracies
(Table 3.8-1).
Exercise 3.8-2. Give the 12 elements of exterior orientation for a stereometric cam-
era with respect to the local xyz system. (Solution: Corresponds to details given on
Figure 2.1-13.)
4 &
The camera illustrated in Figure 3.8-3 has a rectangular format which can be set in
either landscape or portrait orientation. To further accommodate a particular imag-
ing situation, for example photographing tall buildings, Wild cameras incorporated an
offset principal point. Three typical configurations of the image field are shown in
Figure 3.8-4.
The technical data for the Wild P31 Universal Terrestrial Camera, a system comprising
three interchangeable precision metric cameras, are summarized in Table 3.8-2. Optical
distortion is smaller than 4 //m. Glass plates or cut-film in special holders can be used
(see also Table 3.2-1). Calibrated intermediate focusing rings control the depth of field
(Section 3.1.4 and in particular Figure 3.1-14). The optical resolving power of the P31
has already been given in Section 3.1.5, in particular with Figure 3.1-19.
The smaller version of the P31 is the Wild P32. It is designed to be mounted on a
theodolite telescope. Principal distance c = 64 mm. The P32 can also use glass plates
(64 mm χ 89 mm) or roll film. The principal point is offset by 10 mm. It has a fixed
focus distance of 25 m (see numerical example b in Section 3.1.4).
Jenoptik Jena has manufactured the universal terrestrial camera UMK with a format of
13 cm χ 18 cm. There are five different objective lenses from narrow angle to super
wide angle. The UMK's construction corresponds largely to Figure 3.8-3. Calibrated
focusing controls the depth of field (Section 3.1.4, and in particular Figure 3.1-15).
168 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
Portrait- (
format, main
view inward Η
Figure 3.8-4: The various image-field arrangements for Wild cameras with offset prin-
cipal point
The object extent which can be measured can be seen in Figure 3.8-9.
Section 3.8 Terrestrial metric cameras and their application 169
Roseau points
Fiducial m a r k s — « ι
Shutter Shutter
Image f r a m e — ι
Image plane
The following comments can be made with regard to calibration and the elements of
interior orientation:
• semi-metric cameras are often calibrated using test fields. In applications de-
manding high accuracy there would also be an on-the-job calibration (Sections
3.1.2 and Ε 3.4, Volume 2).
The image format of semi-metric cameras varies from small format up to full metric
camera format. Medium format cameras (6 cm χ 6 cm) are most widely represented.
Commercially available lenses vary from super wide angle to telephoto.
Semi-metric cameras using the reseau principle are available from Geodesign, Hassel-
blad, Leica, Linhof, Pentax and Rollei. A list is available in Luhmann, T., Robson, S.,
Kyle, S., Harley, I.: Close Range Photogrammetry. Whittles Publishing, 2006 (see Ta-
ble 3.8, p. 143). Wester-Ebbinghaus (Ph.Rec. 76, pp. 603-608, 1990) has made major
contributions to the development of semi-metric cameras.
Cameras can also be classified according to the internal features used to define interior
Section 3.8 Terrestrial metric cameras and their application 171
• reseau cameras, which have a glass plate supporting a regular grid of crosses
placed in front of the image plane. This grid can be used to detect, in particular,
film deformation and lack of flatness.
• frame cameras, which have no fiducial marks, but sharply imaged edges. The
"indirect" fiducial marks, formed by the corners of the frame, replace the fiducial
marks and are located by intersecting lines derived from measurements of points
on the frame edges (see Figure 3.8-6).
Figure 3.8-6: Typical 35 mm film. The frame sides are measured at the points shown
and the corners determined exactly by intersection of the lines.
• false-frame cameras, e.g. Polaroid Land Camera, in which the image is bounded
not by a fixed frame in the camera, but by a paper frame which is then removed.
The interior orientation cannot be reconstructed and such photographs can hardly
be used for photogrammetry. A similar situation occurs when only an enlarged
part of an image is available.
Exercise 3.8-3. An object is to be reconstructed using two images. Consider the num-
ber of unknown elements of interior orientation when using the following cameras:
• partially stable amateur camera or frame camera with the same focus setting for
both images (Solution: 3 unknowns and additional polynomial coefficients, both
for the optical distortion and for the film deformation.)
CCD cameras used in close range application normally have a single CCD area array
sensor (Section 3.3.1) covering the entire image format. In order to increase the geo-
metric resolution there are digital cameras which sequentially sample the image in the
image plane, using the same principle already discussed when digitizing photographs
(Section 3.4, in particular Figure 3.4-3). When using a digital scanning camera there
must be no appreciable movement between camera and object during the scan. In
addition, the real-time property mentioned above is compromised.
Only a few manufacturers have been able to provide small numbers of CCD cameras
which, based on their geometric stability, can be classed as digital metric cameras,
(e.g. Figure 3.8-7 73 ). Integral arrays of 4K χ 4K detectors (and higher) are already
commercially available.
In addition to their medium format film cameras, many manufacturers offer as an al-
ternative digital semi-metric cameras. A CCD area array sensor is used in place of the
film magazine (e.g. Figure 3.8-8).
WWW addresses for digital metric cameras: www. r o l l e i . d e , www. i m e t r i c .
com, www . g e o d e t i c . com.
For moderate accuracy demands there are inexpensive standard CCD video cameras on
offer which follow television standards.
Video cameras were used in the past as electronic imaging devices in real time pho-
togrammetry. They operate according to diverse standards (for instance, CCIR/PAL
in Europe and EIA/NTSC in the US), which are quite similar with differences mainly
in the frame frequency (25 vs. 30 image frames per second) and the number of lines
per image (625 vs. 525 lines). It is important to mention that they use an analogue
technique. If digital images are required, additional frame grabbers with analogue-
to-digital converters have to be employed. Due to the analogue nature of the signal,
various perturbing influences can be observed and high quality imaging with an ac-
ceptable geometric stability for photogrammetric purposes needs very careful set-ups.
Motion pictures have never had significant importance in photogrammetry and, where
The photogrammetric close range systems, to which these cameras belong, reduce the images to the
coordinates of targeted points at a very early stage (Section 3.6.2).
Section 3.8 Terrestrial metric cameras and their application 173
Figure 3.8-7: INCA 3 digital metric Figure 3.8-8: AIC integral from Rollei
camera from Geodetic Systems, Inc.
they have been employed, video movie cameras have been "misused" as still image
The predecessors of today's digital cameras were often called "still video cameras".
The new generation of digital consumer cameras excels the former still video technol-
ogy concerning stability, resolution, convenience and price. Cameras with a sensor
array of up to 10 Megapixels are becoming standard, some professional models have
more impressive specifications. Still, most of these cameras have all the shortcomings
of a typical amateur camera: unstable zoom lenses, careless mounting of the sensor
plate, automatic settings which can rarely be adjusted manually and often cannot be
reset to certain predefined values or cannot even be fixed. Conventional digital cam-
eras are also not suited to certain industrial applications. Some manufactures offer
special cameras for very specific applications (e.g. DALSA (www. d a l s a . com), JAI
(www. j a i . com), TVI (www. t v i v i s i o n . com)). From the photogrammetric point
of view they also belong to the category "amateur cameras".
Further reading for Section 3.8.7: Luhmann, T., Robson, S., Kyle, S., Harley, I.: Close
Range Photogrammetry. Whittles Publishing, 2006. Shortis and Beyer: In Atkinson
(ed.): Close Range Photogrammetry and Machine Vision, Whittles Publishing, UK,
pp. 106-155, 1996.
decided if a stereometric camera with a fixed base can be used or if images must be
taken with an independent camera.
After clarifying the issue of accuracy it is then necessary to decide from where the
object can be imaged most advantageously for photogrammetric purposes, i.e. the area
within which camera stations can be located and where line-of-sight restrictions must
be avoided. In this procedure the field of view, or more accurately the focal length and
image format, can be decided. Large object distances demand long focal lengths, short
ranges not infrequently require super wide angles. The depth of field is also important
for planning the optimal object distances and it is necessary to stay within the depth-of-
field limits of sn and 57 (see Section 3.1.4). A variety of cameras and objective lenses
is valuable in making these decisions.
Finally, the object extent acquired by the images must be taken into account when
planning terrestrial photogrammetry. The width of an object acquired by a stereopair
of images can be seen in Figure 3.8-9. The relationship between base B, object range
y, object width ΟIV, principal distance c and usable image width s (from edge to edge)
is illustrated in Figure 3.8-9 and expressed in Equation (3.8-3) which allows for a 5 mm
safety margin at the image edges. (For CCD cameras 100 pixels should be chosen as a
safety margin.)
1 0 m m
*- = (3.8-3)
c y
• the need to view into object recesses, taking into account that spatial location of
an object point requires it to be visible from at least two camera stations,
The greater the required accuracy of the result, then the greater the base/distance ratio
B/y must be; i.e. for a given y the base must be larger. When using independent
metric cameras the base/distance ratio B/y can be held constant by scaling the base
in proportion to the distance. The range error συ then is directly proportional to y,
according to Equation (3.8-2b). However, with fixed base stereometric cameras the
base cannot be changed; συ therefore varies in proportion to y2. If a photogrammetric
error analysis shows that a fixed base stereometric camera will not give the required
accuracy in a particular case, an independent camera with freely selectable baselength
must be used instead.
but aligned approximately according to the "normal case". The elements of exterior
orientation are therefore derived from control points and tie points74.
This has a number of advantages:
• photography is accelerated.
• photography can be made from unstable platforms such as ladders or lifting plat-
forms, for zenith views the camera can be laid on the ground pointing upwards,
or it can simply be used hand-held. The most important issue is often to ensure
good and accurate ray intersections at the object.
When determining control points inside buildings, in narrow streets, on balconies which overhang
one another etc., a software package is required which does not separate out plan and height determination
but works directly in 3D space (Waldhäusl, P.: Vermessungswesen und Raumordnung, pp. 128-139,
176 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
1) horizontal and/or tilted images from the ground, (approximately) horizontal base
2) approximately orthogonal images with an approximately horizontal base, taken
from a lifting platform
3) stereoimagery with an approximately vertical base, orthogonal to the object
• every object point is recorded in at least three images; this produces results of
high accuracy and reliability.
• the perpendicular images are little distorted; they are very suitable for producing
The imaging configuration shown in Figure 3.8-11 has one disadvantage: there are no
image pairs which correspond approximately to the "normal case". The photogrammet-
ric operators, with their stereoscopic vision, would use an approximately "normal case"
(Section 6.1.2) for stereoscopic processing, for example of a facade with many three-
dimensional details. With due regard for the various processing options, the imaging
configuration of Figure 3.8-11 should be modified or extended such that, in place of
just one perpendicular image there are two, with an appropriate base. Simple tools exist
to aid the approximate alignment of the camera axes perpendicular to the object plane
(e.g. a regular grid in the viewfinder, aiming at the camera's reflection in a window or
polished surface of the fagade).
Section 3.8 Terrestrial metric cameras and their application 177
This section on planning, which has a continuation in Section 5.7, will be concluded
with comments on the application area known as Mobile Mapping. This type of data
acquisition makes use of a road vehicle equipped with the following sensors (Fig-
ure 3.8-12):
• GPS receiver which determines position with reference to a specific GPS refer-
ence station
• inertial measurement unit (IMU) which determines the angular attitude of the
camera, as in aerial survey use (Section, and which also supports GPS
• laser scanner which provides polar (spherical) coordinates to points on the road
surface (Chapter 8)
Other object forms and imaging configurations have been analysed with respect to accuracy and
reliability and are discussed in Section Β 4.5, Volume 2.
178 Chapter 3 Photogrammetric recording systems and their application
GPS •·'•
· •·*
reference station
Where a single metric camera is used, the base is defined between successive images
and is roughly oriented in the direction of travel when the road is straight. Analysis
of the images is very difficult because corresponding object elements are imaged in
successive images at very different scales.
For sampled object points, such mobile mapping systems achieve an accuracy of around
±30 cm at a speed of 60km/h 7 7 .
Further reading on mobile mapping: Novak, K.: ZPF 59, pp. 112-120, 1991. Benning,
W„ Aussems, T.: ZfV 123, pp. 202-209, 1998. Gajdamowicz, K., Öhman, D„ Rise,
K.: Journal of the Swedish Society for Photogr. and RS, Nr 2002(1), pp. 103-112,
2002. He, G., Novak, K., Feng, W.: IAPRS 30, Commission II, pp. 480-486, 1992,
and Commission V, pp. 139-145, 1992.
Exercise 3.8-5. Repeat the exercise above for a CCIR video camera. (Solution: maxi-
mum width of line pair = 6.7 mm.)
Exercise 3.8-6. Repeat the exercise above for a Wild P32 (Section 3.8.3) with a total
resolving power (film and optics) of 75 Lp/mm. (Solution: maximum width of line
pair = 0.45 mm.)
This chapter deals with the reconstruction of shape and position of an object point by
point from two images. In much of Chapter 4, the alignment of the two photographs
approximates to the "normal case". In the case of aerial survey one speaks of near
vertical photographs. The base is generally chosen so that the two pictures overlap each
other by about 60% (Figure 4.0-1). Such pictures can be observed stereoscopically, or
"in three dimensions" (Section 6.1.2), when one sees a stereoscopic model, sometimes
also called an optical model, of the photographed object. In several passages of this
chapter we also deal with the general case where the photographs depart from the
"normal case".
Photograph 1 Photograph 2
Figure 4.0-1: The "model area" (overlap) in two nearly vertical photographs
Stereoprocessing in the narrow sense, that is, the creation of three-dimensional digital
models of the photographed objects, is preceded by a quite extensive preparation phase,
which is generally called orientation. This preparatory phase is crucially dependent on
whether or not the elements of exterior orientation of the two photographs are known.
In principle, photogrammetric processing leads to the computational re-establishment
of the geometric relationship of the cameras to the global coordinate system at the time
of exposure and, then, to the digital reconstruction of the object from corresponding
image points or image elements.
• with terrestrial stereometric cameras (though only with respect to a local object
coordinate system, Section 3.8.2), or
• with a terrestrial metric camera when the position and attitude of the camera have
been accurately determined (Section 3.8.8), or
• with aerial survey cameras of which the position and attitude have been accu-
rately established in post-processing of the corresponding GPS/IMU recordings
from the photo flight (Section
When using GPS and IMU, one speaks of direct georeferencing. GPS and IMU allow
direct transformation into a terrestrial coordinate system, normally the national coor-
dinate system. One speaks of indirect georeferencing when the elements of exterior
orientation are determined in a roundabout way using control points.
The photogrammetric processing of a stereopair with known exterior orientation starts
with the measured image coordinates ξι, η\ and ξ2, η2 of the corresponding points
Pi and P2 (Figure 4.0-1). The following relationships (4.1-1), derived from Equa-
tions (2.1-20), define intersection of rays in three dimensions; they may be used to find
the object coordinates Χ, Υ, Ζ of the point Ρ :
X = Xoi + { Z - Z 0 i)k x i
Image 1
Y = Ybi + ( Z - Z 0 l ) k y l
X = X02 + (Z - Z(yi)kX2
Image 2
Y = Y02 + (Z - Z02)ky2
The quantities k are derived from the elements of the interior and exterior orientation
together with the four measured image coordinates. Since the coordinates X(H, YQ% and
Zoi of the perspective centres are known, there are four linear equations in the three
unknown object coordinates Χ , Y and Z.
Provided the Z-coordinate axis is roughly parallel to the direction of photography (as in
the case of aerial images), then from the first and the third of the four Equations (4.1-1)
we have:
X02 — Zo2kx2 + Zo\kx\ — X01
182 Chapter 4 Orientation procedures and some methods of stereoprocessing
The X coordinate may be found from the first or the third equation, while Y can be
found from both the second and the fourth equations (providing a check). The two
slightly different Y values are then averaged.
For the "normal case" of photogrammetry (which, as we know, is arrived at directly
when using stereometric cameras) the relationships (4.1-1) become especially simple,
as one can see with the help of Equations (2.1-32) or (3.8-1).
The equation systems (4.1-1) and (4.1-2) can also be used during the processing of
images which depart greatly from the "normal case". The solution for intersection out-
lined above is, however, not rigorous in the case of such a general camera arrangement.
The redundancy cannot really be used by an averaging of the different Y values, but
must be dealt with using least squares estimation from the original measurements, that
is the image coordinates ξι, ή\ and £2, % (Appendix 4.1-1). In this estimation prob-
lem we have four (non-linear) observation equations in three unknowns. Using the
collinearity equations (2.1-19) we derive four linearized observation equations:
äx) dx +
{sr <"-+(§§) dZ - ((,-(«)
"Vi (νι-νϊ)
0 (4.1-3)
Ü2 = dY
"Vi dY-
The partial derivatives ()° are evaluated from the relationships in Appendix 2.1-3 us-
ing approximate values for the unknown coordinates. ξ® 2 and rfj 2 are computed image
coordinates derived from Equations (2.1-19) using the approximate values for the un-
known object coordinates and the known elements of interior and exterior orientation.
Approximate values for the unknown object coordinates can be determined by means
of relationships (4.1-1) and (4.1-2).
Numerical Example. In the exact "normal case" the approximate solution and the
rigorous solution result in identical answers (why?); nevertheless we wish to compute
such a case by means of least squares estimation because the computational effort of
the least squares solution will can be kept small for the "normal case". Β = 1.20 m,
c = 64.20 mm.
Image coordinates:
ζ [mm] η [mm]
Image 1 3.624 34.202
Image 2 -14.697 34.196
to be calculated for the vector 1 of observations (Appendix 4.1-1) come from the (sim-
ple) central perspective equations (2.1-28) to (2.1-31) of the exact "normal case":
After setting up and solution of the normal equations and calculating the accuracy one
finally obtains (Appendix 2.1-3):
The solution of a three-dimensional intersection using least squares has the great ad-
vantage that, as a by-product of the adjustment computation, the accuracy of the new
points is also found. The accuracies calculated in the above numerical example are too
optimistic because the elements of exterior orientation were taken to be error-free. In
Volume 2 (Sections Β 3.5.7 and Β 3.5.8), extended adjustment formulae are dealt with
for the case of imperfect elements of interior and exterior orientation.
Publication No. 43 of the EuroSDR (European Spatial Data Research, former
OEEPE—Organisation Europeenne d'Etudes Photogrammetriques Experimentales)
concerned an international test of direct georeferencing. The results achieved were
roughly in accord with those given in Section See also Cramer, M.: GIS
6/2002, pp. 3Ί-Α2.
In principle, with known exterior orientation one requires no control points. In many
cases, nevertheless, control points are incorporated in the processing; on the one hand,
this provides checks and, on the other hand, improves the known elements of exterior
The η coordinates of the three image points Pi, P2 and P3 differ only slightly from
each other.
Figure 4.1-1: Object point Ρ in the three images of a three-line sensor camera
In processing the three scan lines, if the elements of exterior orientation obtained from
the GPS and IMU are available only with limited accuracy and are to be improved,
control points are introduced in the procedure. This matter is discussed in Section 5.5.
After linearizing them using approximate values the six equations can be solved (iter-
atively, Newton's method) for the six unknowns. The procedure is known resection in
three dimensions.
186 Chapter 4 Orientation procedures and some methods of stereoprocessing
ξ® and η® are the image coordinates computed from Equations (2.1-19) using the known
elements of interior orientation, the known control point coordinates Xj,Yj,Zj and the
approximate values for the unknown elements of exterior orientation. For the first
iteration, in the case of near-vertical photographs taken in a West-East flying direction,
one can use the following approximations: = φ° = κ° = 0. Values introduced
from a GPS-supported navigation system in the aircraft normally provide sufficiently
accurate first approximations for yo°, ZQ (Section
Numerical Example. We are given image coordinates and ground coordinates of the
following points:
7° —-
Z { c { X j - X i ) + ( - j Z j - ( i i Z i ) H t i j - &
— X i - t ^ Z f t - Z f b / c
yO _
Y i - m ( Z l - Z \ ) l c
The two control points Pi and P j should lie at approximately equal ground heights
Zi and furthermore their ξ-coordinates should not be too close together. One would
therefore use either points Pi and Pj or points P2 and P4.
On many flying missions nowadays the position of the camera station is already very
accurately determined by GPS (Section The attitude of the photograph, how-
ever, is not always recorded with IMU. In such a case the missing orientation angles
can be found using the equation system (4.2-2), without the terms for dXo, dYo and
An alternative for finding the elements of orientation is the Direct Linear Transfor-
mation (DLT). The DLT establishes the relationship between the two-dimensional im-
age coordinates and the three-dimensional object coordinates by means of a projective
transformation, with which we are already acquainted for the case of plane objects
(Sections 2.1.4 and 2.2.3b) and which for three-dimensional objects may be extended
in the following form (an elegant derivation using homogeneous coordinates is to be
found in Appendix 4.1-1):
The parameters of the DLT cannot be interpreted physically. While the eleven para-
meters aj, bi, Ci can indeed be successfully expressed in terms of the parameters of
interior and exterior orientation, accounting for a known interior orientation within a
computation is difficult. Hence, the DLT is most suitable for the processing of non-
metric images, such as amateur photographs, video images and so on (Section 3.8.6).
Nonetheless, DLT is also used for the evaluation of metric images. The results of the
188 Chapter 4 Orientation procedures and some methods of stereoprocessing
DLT, which are easy to obtain on account of the linearity of the DLT equations, are used
as approximations for a subsequent adjustment based on central perspective relations.
Valuable information concerning the interior orientation can be extracted from this rig-
orous adjustment, its accuracy considerably enhanced. In Volume 2, Section Β 4.7.1,
the DLT is dealt with in detail.
Separate orientation of the two images, for example by means of resection, making use
of the relationships (4.2-2), has disadvantages which can be formulated as follows with
reference to Figure 4.2-1:
• no use is made of the information that the homologous rays intersect each other
(as, for example, in the new object point Pa,).
• one needs at least three full control points (with known Χ , Υ, Ζ) in the stere-
opair as opposed to the procedures described below; for these later methods the
minimum requirement is just two plane control points (with known X, Y) and
three height control points (with known Z).
For each new point there are in fact three further unknowns (with double underlining
below), but also four additional equations as follows (2.1-19):
First, it is necessary to linearize the Equations (4.2-4) and (4.2-5) using suitable first
approximations (Appendix 2.1-3); these systems of equations are usually highly over-
determined. Subsequently the linearized equations are to be solved by means of least
Section 4.2 With unknown exterior orientation 189
squares estimation (Appendix 4.1-1). The results of the computation are the twelve
elements of exterior orientation and the object coordinates Χ , Υ, Ζ of the new points.
For this combined, two-image resection1 in the following example, a tally of the obser-
vations and unknowns involved may be given:
Given: 2 metric images with
3 control points and
3 new points
Observations: 12 coordinates, 1st image ·
nd • ^
12 coordinates, 2 image
=> 24 observations in all Δ ·
Unknowns: 6 rotations of the two images
6 coordinates Xo, Yo, Zq of the two perspective centres
9 coordinates Χ , Υ, Ζ of the three new points
=>· 21 unknowns in all
Redundancy: 24 - 21 = 3
Exercise 4.2-1. Revise the above summations assuming that both images have the
same interior orientation, but that it is unknown. Give your critical opinion of this
exercise especially from the viewpoint of comprehensive checking of the computation.
(Answer: In this case, there are 24 observations and an equal number of unknowns.
That is to say, the system of equations is soluble but gross errors cannot be discovered.
Note that for this special, degenerate, case of least squares one still needs the partial
derivatives αϊ and b\ of Appendix 2.1-3.)
Since arbitrarily many control points and new points may be introduced in this method
and since the adjustment is based on the indirect observation equations (4.2-4) and
(4.2-5) (which equations establish the direct connection between the unknowns and the
original observations, the image coordinates), this method of orientation is the most
accurate. It is a one-step solution, in contrast to the following procedure which splits
the orientation into two steps and ignores the correlations between the results of the
first step in solving the second. A disadvantage of the one step solution is that addi-
tional operations are unavoidable in order to find approximate values, as described in
Section 4.2.1.
Second step: The relation between the model coordinates x, y, ζ and the object coor-
dinates Χ, Υ, Ζ can be expressed by the equations (see also Figure 4.2-2):
in which:
Xu, Yu, Zu ... are the object coordinates of the origin of the xyz system
m . . . is the scale number of the xyz system
R . . . is the matrix of the three-dimensional rotation of the xyz system into
the XYZ system defined in terms of the three rotations Ω, Φ, Κ
See Equations (2.1-11) and (2.1 -13) or Appendix 2.1-1.
The seven parameters, Xu, Yu, Zu, Ω, Φ, K, m, are called the elements of absolute
orientation. Equation (4.2-6) represents a three-dimensional similarity transformation
At least seven equations are required for the computation of the seven elements. Equa-
tion (4.2-6) gives us:
• two equations for a horizontal, or plan, control point (Χ, Y both known)
The absolute orientation requires at least two plan control points and three (non-col-
linear, in plan) height control points; alternatively, it requires two full control points
and a height control point not collinear in plan with the full control points. Further
details of absolute orientation, especially in the over-determined case, are dealt with in
Section 4.4.
Exercise 4.2-2. On the basis of the matrix (2.1-13) write out the individual equations
for a full control point, for a plan control point and for a height control point.
First step: When the photographs were taken, each individual point on the object
could be thought of as having given rise to two rays, one towards each camera, and
hence to two image points. If the positions and orientations of the images with respect
to each other are correctly restored, all such pairs of homologous rays will once again
intersect, in points which define the surface of the model in the xyz system.
Since seven of the twelve unknown elements of exterior orientation can be determined
by the absolute orientation, five unknowns remain for the first step. Therefore it is
reasonable to assume that a necessary condition for relative orientation is that the ho-
mologous rays from at least five well distributed points intersect and that if this is
192 Chapter 4 Orientation procedures and some methods of stereoprocessing
achieved, all other pairs of homologous rays will intersect, thus forming a complete
photogrammetric model2, see Section 4.3.
The procedure required to achieve the above state is called relative orientation, since
only the relative positions and orientations of the two bundles of rays are determined.
There is no reference to the X Y Z coordinate system and no control points are required
for relative orientation.
The condition for correct relative orientation, the intersection of each of five pairs of
homologous rays in a model point, may be formulated using the scalar triple product
of the three vectors b, p ) t , ρ2% (Figure 4.2-3 and Equation (4.2-7a)). The scalar triple
product, which is composed of the scalar product of one of three vectors with the vector
product of the other two vectors, gives the volume of the parallelepiped of which three
concurrent edges have the lengths and directions of the three vectors concerned. If the
three vectors are coplanar their scalar triple product is zero, because the vector product
of two of them is then perpendicular to the third and thus their scalar product vanishes.
Equation (4.2-7b), which is frequently called the coplanarity condition and which is
the condition that homologous rays intersect at each of five points, expresses the basic
condition for relative orientation.
bx Pli,x P2i,x
D = by P\i,y P2i,y — 0 i= 1,. (4.2-7b)
bz P\i,z P2i,z
This two stage process brings to mind the definition of photogrammetry given at the very start of
Section 1.1. In relative orientation a model is created which reproduces the form of the object; absolute
orientation determines the scale, position and orientation of the object with respect to the ground coordi-
nate system. Instead of absolute orientation one could use the term georeferencing.
Section 4.3 Relative orientation 193
Sections 4.3 and 4.4 are devoted, respectively, to relative orientation and to absolute
ω — άω,
φ = dtp,
κ = du,
ξο — Vo — χ ο\ = 2/oi = 0, (4.3-1)
p.(*,y,z) x&2 = bx,
2/02 = dby
Z02 = zoi + dbz
h = zqi — z.
ξι — η\άκ\ — οάψ\
χ —
= (-h)
ξ\άψι + ηιάω\ - c
— — + —άκι + άψ\
* = — - —
11 Η, ^Α
άψ\ αωι
c c
194 Chapter 4 Orientation procedures and some methods of stereoprocessing
Expanding the expression on the right-hand side in terms of the series 1/(1 + x) =
1 - χ + x 2 — . . . and ignoring second and higher order products of small quantities
, , χ 6 - ηιάκι - cdipi
X = (—h) — ;
-ξιάφι + η\άω\ - c
y= , , χ ξιάκι— +ηι
; — Λ +cduι
-ξ\αψ\ + η\άω\ - c
cz to O2, a\ similar
Taking into account a shift cof origin c z process
/ gives
c corresponding rela-
tionships for picture 2:
X2 = bx + (h + dbz) ( -- -- ( (l 1 + Az , άψ
. 2. + —dw2 -
\ rc
V \V rc / r-i
c? rc
( 4 3 4 )
- - "
Setting y\ equal to j/2 gives the condition for intersection of two rays, (4.2-7), in the
case of near-vertical photographs:
_ _ ϊψ ά ψ 2 + Λ + ή ) ^ + kdK2
Clearly, not all three of dn\, dni and dby may be computed simultaneously from mea-
sured //-parallaxes; it is possible to compute the following pairs of elements from mea-
sured ^-parallaxes: dn\, άκ2\ άκ\, dby\ dK2, dby. Likewise, either but not both of άψ\
and db 2 can be found since they have the same relative effect; and either but not both
of άω\ and (Ιω2 can be found. Three of the elements of orientation included in Equa-
tion (4.3-5) must be excluded from the computation; if, for instance, both άω\ and άω2
were to have been included, the matrix of observation equations, corresponding to that
found in the following numerical example, would have been singular or almost singu-
lar. The implication in Section 4.2.3 that only five elements of orientation were to be
found in relative orientation is confirmed.
Of the possible choices of five orientation elements for the computation of numerical
relative orientation of two near-vertical photographs, the following two variants are
Relative orientation using rotations only. The photographs are rotated only, their
positions meanwhile remaining unchanged; this is known as independent relative ori-
entation and in the US as the "swing-swing method".
Relative orientation using only elements of the second photograph. One photo-
graph remains fixed while the other is translated and rotated; this is frequently known
as dependent relative orientation and often as the "one-projector method".
It can be seen that, of the six elements of orientation of the right-hand photograph,
only five occur in Equation (4.3-5). For near vertical photographs, within the limits
of approximation applied in this section, translation b^ of the right-hand photograph
does not influence the 77-parallaxes. This may be seen as further confirmation that the
196 Chapter 4 Orientation procedures and some methods of stereoprocessing
Numerical Example (of relative orientation of independent images). We are given the
image coordinates (in [mm]) of eight points and the principal distance c = 152.67 mm.
We wish to compute the elements of relative orientation and their accuracies. From
Equation (4.3-6) the observation equations are of the form:
"pv = ξινι
+ iidki + ^^-άφι - + ( c + ^ ) di02 - ρη
c c
The observation equations in matrix form are (Appendix 4.1-1):
A T A x = Α τ 1; χ = (ATA)"1AT1
/ 70 63 05 00 29 Ν
63 62 06 00 28
05 06 13 03 02
00 00 03 13 00
^29 28 02 00 13 j
Standard deviation of an observation ρη:
While the procedure put forward in this Section 4.3.1 is exceedingly instructive, it is
inadequate, especially for error analysis, when the photographs have large tilts. For
photographs with arbitrarily large tilts, relative orientation and error analysis are dealt
with in Sections 4.3.2 and 4.3.6.
Exercise 4.3-1. The rotation matrix (4.3-2) is orthogonal only to a first order of accu-
racy. If the matrix is to meet the conditions for orthogonality with errors no larger than
10~6, how large can the angles ω, φ and κ be? (Answer: 0.6 gon (32')).
Exercise 4.3-2. There is an obvious and very strong correlation between some of the
unknowns of relative orientation as can be seen from the matrix of weight coefficients,
Q, given above. Among other things this leads to the fact that accuracies of functions
of the orientation elements should be found by applying the general rules of error
propagation. How large is the standard error of the difference Ακ — κ\ — «2? (Answer:
±4.4 mgon = ±14")
b, pi and P2 must be coplanar for a minimum of five points. We wish first to consider
relative orientation using rotations only and we set ω\ = 0. The Ci axis is thus at right
angles to the y axis of the model coordinate system (Figure 4.3-2).
With respect to their separate image coordinate systems the two vectors pi and p2 have
the following components:
Pi P2 = I V2 (4.3-8)
We transform these vectors into a common coordinate system, the xyz model coordi-
nate system, using the two rotation matrices R i and R2.
Each of the two rotation matrices R i and R2 can be written as the product of one
matrix R ° rigorously computed but based on approximate rotation angles and a matrix
riR representing incremental rotations (corresponding to that of Equation (4.3-2)):
PI - d R i R ? [ 771 P2 = riR 2 R^ I 772 (4.3-10)
The third vector shown in Equation (4.3-10) is the base vector b; it lies in the direc-
tion of the χ axis of the model with an arbitrarily chosen unit length. From Equa-
tion (4.2-7b) coplanarity of the three vectors p i , p 2 and b, corresponding to point PL,
Section 4.3 Relative orientation 199
1 Pi,χ P2,x
D = 0 Pl,y P2,y = P\,yP2,z ~P\,zP2,v — 0 (4.3-11)
0 Pi,ζ P2,z
From the coplanarity equation (4.3-11) we may derive the following equation in the
increments to the five unknowns for relative orientation using rotations only:
/ 3 D λ0 / d D \ ° ( d D \ ° J
The partial derivatives ()° are evaluated as in Appendix 4.3-1 using the approximate
values for the unknown angles. The determinant D° is evaluated as follows:
a) working out the rotation matrices R , and using Equation (2.1-13) and the
approximate values for the unknown rotation angles ψ\, κ°ν ψ\ and κ\
b) computing the components of the vectors p^ and p® from Equation (4.3-9) us-
ing the measured image coordinates ξι,ηι and ξ2,η2 of homologous points, the
principal distance c and the rotation matrices R® and R!
c) from Equation (4.3-11) evaluating the determinant D° — yp\ z — p2 yP°\ z
Following the first iteration which results in increments, άφ®, άκ®, άω®, άφ\ and άκ^, re-
spectively, to the approximate values, the steps a), b) and c) above are repeated and the
partial derivatives ()° of Equation (4.3-12) are computed anew as in Appendix 4.3-1.
After stopping the iterations we have the elements of relative orientation, so that for-
mation of the model can proceed, using intersection (Section 4.1) with the values:
Zoi = 2/01 = Zo\ = ω \ = 2/02 = Z02 = 0, x02 = 1.
Numerical Example (Continuation of the Numerical Example of Section 4.3.1). The
results obtained in that example were ω\ — 0, ψ\ — - 0 . 3 4 gon = - 1 8 ' , κ,\ —
1.73 gon = 1°33', ω2 = 1.40 gon = 1°16', ψ2 = 0.05 gon = 3', κ2 = - 0 . 8 2 gon =
- 4 4 ' . These are used as approximate values for the second iteration, applying Equa-
tion (4.3-12). After some iterations we arrive at the following results which do indeed
depart considerably from the simplified solution of Section 4.3.1:
ωι = 0 ω2 = 1.387 gon = P14'54"
ψ\ = - 0 . 4 5 5 gon = - 2 4 ' 3 4 " φ 2 = - 0 . 0 9 6 gon = -5Ί1"
κι = 1.708gon = 1°32Ί4" κ 2 = - 0 . 8 3 8 g o n = - 4 5 Ί 5 "
Model formation is performed using these final values.
Exercise 4.3-3. Compute the xyz model coordinates of points 1 to 8 of the numerical
example in Section 4.3.1 and of both perspective centres, using the elements of relative
orientation from the above numerical example and adopting the value for the base
bx = 100 mm. Solution (from Equations (4.1-3)):
200 Chapter 4 Orientation procedures and some methods of stereoprocessing
For the dependent relative orientation (using elements of the right-hand photograph
only) the three vectors required for the coplanarity equation are as follows (Ri = I):
The coplanarity equations (4.2-7b) are set up using these three vectors; subsequently
the observation equations (corresponding to Equation (4.3-12)) and the partial deriva-
tives (as in Appendix 4.3-1) have to be evaluated, and so on.
This section should be concluded with a note of criticism. In the strict sense of ad-
justment by the method of least squares, the corrections (often called residuals) should
apply to the original observations, in this case to the image coordinates ξι, η\ and ξι, r/2,
and should not, as in the Equation system (4.3-12), relate to the "pseudo-observation"
the function 3 D. This imprecision can be remedied in one of two ways: one is by
changing to the Gauss-Helmert model of adjustment by least squares and the other is
by adapting the combined, single-stage orientation of Section 4.2.2 to relative orienta-
The vectors pi and are functions of the observations ξι, η\ and £2, V2 in (4.3-9).
In the coplanarity equation the residuals υ and the unknown elements of orientation
appear. A strict relative orientation leads to the Gauss-Helmert solution, also known
as the general case of least squares estimation.
( f + ( f O ° * v + ( f ) \ 2 + ( ι + ( « ) V . ( 4 3 1 4 )
"Residuals" when applied to a quantity other than the original measurements are also called "alge-
braic residuals".
Section 4.3 Relative orientation 201
The partial derivatives for the unknowns and for the determinant D° have been fully
discussed in connection with Equation (4.3-12). These derivatives can be derived from
the relationships (4.3-9) and (4.3-11):
3D dD
•qT — 7*1,21 P2,ζ - 7*1,31 P2j3/ 7j— = 7*l,22P2,z ~ n,32P2,i/
„ ™ (4.3-15)
dD dD
9ξT2 = 7*2,31 Pi,y - 7*2,21 Pi,ζ δη2 = ^"2,32 Pi ~ 7*2,22 Pi,2
The indices in r 1,32, for example, refer to the element in the third row and the sec-
ond column of rotation matrix R4. Details of the solution of the estimation prob-
lem (4.3-14) are to be found in the adjustment literature4. The partial derivatives
of (4.3-15) have to be re-calculated from iteration to iteration, especially when one
has begun from very poor approximations for the rotation matrices and Ri>.
The single-stage solution for the 12 elements of external orientation of two pictures was
described in Section 4.2.2; for relative orientation this takes on a special form. Since
there are no control points but just new points, Equations (4.2-5), only, are applicable,
i.e. two homologous points leading to four observation equations. The unknowns are
the model coordinates, Xi, yt, ziy for each pair of homologous points together with the
five unknowns of dependent relative orientation, άφ\, dn\, du>2, άψ2 and άκ2- Of the
original 12 unknowns in Equations (4.2-5), the following are known: xoi = yoi =
zoi = 2/02 = -202 = ωι = 0, £02 = 1 (compare Figures 4.2-1 and 4.3-1).
Literature relevant to Sections 4.3.1 and 4.3.2: Rinner, K.: Phia, pp. 41-54, 1942.
Schut, G.: Phia XIV, pp. 16-32, 1957/58. Thompson, E.H.: Phia 23, pp. 67-75, 1968.
Blais, J.A.R.: Can. Surv. 26, pp. 71-76, 1972. Stefanovic, P.: ITC-J (1973), pp. 417-
448. Molnar, L.: Geow. Mitt, der TU Wien, vol. 14, 1978. Mikhail, Ε., Bethel, J.,
McClone, C.: Introduction to Modern Photogrammetry. John Wiley, 2001.
We start with the basic equation (4.2-7a) of relative orientation with three coplanar
vectors b, pi and p 2 . The value of a scalar triple product is independent of the ordering
of its terms. We choose the following form for the coplanarity condition:
p|(bxp2)=0 (4.3-16)
It can be shown that the cross product b χ p2 can be written as in Equation (4.3-17) in
which the elements of the skew-symmetric matrix Β come from the vector b:
b χ pa = B p 2 = (4.3-17)
Exercise 4.3-4. Expand the cross product b χ and show that the result is the same
as that found from the matrix multiplication of (4.3-17).
Here we limit ourselves to the case of independent relative orientation (Figure 4.3-2).
Taking the base vector as b T = (1,0,0) the coplanarity equation (4.3-16), as expressed
in the form of (4.3-17) becomes:
p T b P 2 = pT I Ρ2 — 0 (4.3-18)
The two vectors pi and p2 (see Equations (4.3-9)) are derived from the image coordi-
nates ξι, ηι and ξ 2 , η2, the principal distance c and the rotation matrices Ri and R2,
which describe the attitudes of the two pictures with respect to the model coordinate
system. The matrices C\ and C2, describing the interior orientation of the two images,
may be introduced into Equations (4.3-9), generalized by the inclusion of the coordi-
nates of the principal point, ξο and ηο, and usually identical for metric photographs:
ξι ~ξο,\ \ / 1 0 —£0,1
PI = R] I 771 - 770,1 = R] 0 1 -770,1
0 - ci / V 0 0 -C!
= R i Q (6,771,1)T
/ 6 - £0,2 \ / 1 0 £0,2
P2 = R2 \ m - m,2 J = R2 0 1 -770,2
\ 0-C2 / \ 0 0 -c2
= R2C 2 (6,r?2,l)
With this representation, the coplanarity equation (4.3-18) reads as follows:
The matrix F is known as the fundamental matrix of relative orientation or the cor-
relation matrix. Provided that we are dealing with metric images, the fundamental
matrix F can be computed using the parameters of relative orientation, that is to say,
the two rotation matrices R i and R2 (Section 4.3.2), the known matrix Β (4.3-18) and
the known matrix C of the interior orientation. Although the relationship (4.3-20) de-
scribes a relationship between the image coordinates ξι, η\ and ξι, Vi of corresponding
points in two images, it is not possible, given image coordinates in one image, to find
the corresponding image coordinates in the other image. This becomes clear from the
following expansion of the coplanarity equation (4.3-20):
With known matrix elements fik and, for example, both image coordinates ξι and 771,
one has a single linear equation in the two unknowns £2 and ηι· Adopting arbitrary
coordinates 772 one can, therefore, compute matching coordinates £2·
ν = ξ \ ξ 2 f u + ξ l η 2 f n + ξlf\3+ξ2ηlf2\+mη2f22+ηlf23+ξ2f3\+η2h2 = - 1 (4.3-22)
Since Equation (4.3-22) has eight unknowns fik and since each pair of points provides
only one such equation, it would seem that this kind of relative orientation requires
eight homologous points. The solution using Equations (4.3-22) does not involve the
elements of interior orientation, even when they are known, but has more than five un-
knowns. It was shown in the postscript to Exercise 4.3-4 that the matrix Β is singular;
therefore the F matrix, which contains Β as a factor, is also singular and, thus, not
all eight of the fik are independent; in fact the number of independent unknowns is
seven. The two additional unknowns, beyond the five of conventional relative orienta-
tion, represent general (unknown) parameters of interior orientation. The question of
the conversion of the elements fik resulting from a relative orientation using the above
Equations (4.3-22) into the parameters of conventional relative orientation will not be
considered here. It should certainly be mentioned here that, if the interior orientation
is known but not is employed for relative orientation using Equations (4.3-22), it is
possible to derive the five standard elements of relative orientation from the values fik•
204 Chapter 4 Orientation procedures and some methods of stereoprocessing
In conclusion, it remains for the link with projective geometry to be presented. The
coplanarity equation (4.3-20) contains eight matrix elements fik:
Exercise 4.3-5. In Section 4.3.1 the image coordinates £ι, η\ and ηι of eight cor-
responding points in two metric images are given. Determine the relative orientation
using Equations (4.3-22).
The additional constraint equation markedly influences the result in this example.
Exercise 4.3-7. Write the F matrix for the "normal case" of photogrammetry (Sec-
tion 2.1.6) and derive the coplanarity equation from it.
/0 0 0\
If unit baselength is chosen (||b|| = 1),B = 0 0 - 1
Voi Oj
The solution may be found, for example, in Mikhail, E., Observations And Least Squares. IEP-A
Dun-Donnelley, New York, 1962.
Section 4.3 Relative orientation 205
/0 00\ /ξ2\
(4.3-20): (ξι,ηι, 1) 0 0 c ) l η2 = -βη2 + οηι=ηί-η2=0
\ 0 - c 0 j \ l )
The coplanarity equation for the "normal case" of a stereopair leads to the statement
that there are no //-parallaxes, as has already been stated in Section 2.1.6. Further
note: Because fe = 0 in the exact "normal case", relative orientation by means of
Equation (4.3-22) will fail.
Literature: Brandstätter, G.: Mitt, der TU Graz, Folge 87, 2000. Haggren, Η., Niini,
I.: The Photogr. Journal of Finland 12, pp. 22-33, 1990. Hartley, R„ Zisserman,
Α.: Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision, Cambridge University Press, 2000.
Mayer, H.: Journal of the Swedish Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
2002(1), pp. 129-141, 2002. Förstner, W.: IAPR 33(B3/1), pp. 297-304, Amsterdam,
2000, and PFG (2000), pp. 163-176. Ressl, C.: IAPR 34(3A), pp. 277-282, Graz,
h h h χ h, h, ,, „ „^
py « -Ρη, -m, « -6 ~ -6 + b (4.3-24)
c c c c c
Substituting these results in Equation (4.3-6) gives:
J r
\ /
Figure 4.3-3: .r-parallax after the re- Figure 4.3-4: «/-parallax after removal
moval of y-parallax in a relatively ori- of the z-parallax in a model before rel-
ented model ative orientation
The elements of relative orientation can be estimated by least squares using observed
y-parallaxes and the associated model coordinates x, y and h (instead of z) in Equa-
tion (4.3-25). If the ^/-parallaxes are measured in specially chosen positions, explicit
expressions can be derived for the required five unknowns. With mountainous or rela-
tively flat ground, however, different procedures are necessary.
In this procedure one chooses six corresponding points, at which to measure the y-
parallax, and which are constrained to lie (Figure 4.3-5)
• on three parallel lines, separated in the η direction in the image planes by dis-
tances δ (y direction in the model)
Under these conditions the following ratio remains constant for point i where
i = 3 , . . . , 6.
ψ = *= r (4.3-26)
hi c
R = 1 + r2 (4.3-27)
Section 4.3 Relative orientation 207
Defining the constant R as in (4.3-27) and introducing it in (4.3-25) we get the follow-
ing observation equations for independent relative orientation:
1 R +
<P2 = ^(Pyi ~Pys) +
1 R (4.3-29)
Ψ\ = 2fr(Py< ~Pye) + +
Explicit expressions for the orientation elements of dependent relative orientation can
be derived in a similar manner 6 .
Numerical Example (of Equation (4.3-29)).
Given: Principal distance c = 152.64 mm
Model base 6 — 170.00 mm
Point separation in image δ — 80.00 mm
Observed: Parallaxes in the model py and vertical distances h from the six orientation
points in the model to the perspective centres:
Ρ h [mm] py [mm]
1 245 0.2
2 232 -0.70
3 225 0.14
4 225 -0.99
5 240 0.82
6 250 0.70
Jerie, H.G.: Phia (1953/54), pp. 22-30.
Section 4.3 Relative orientation 209
Substitution in expressions (4.3-29) gives the following values for the elements of ori-
entation result:
dm = 0.82 gon = 44' dn2 = 0.55 gon = 30'
άψχ = -0.53 gon = - 2 9 ' άφ2 = -0.20 gon = - 1 1 '
άω 2 0.43 gon = 23'
For approximately flat ground one can assume that h = const. The six orientation
points (also known as Gruber points) then lie on a rectangular grid both in the model
and in the images (Figure 4.3-6 shows the image space).
In a similar manner to that for Equations (4.3-28) and (4.3-29) one can form the obser-
vation equations corresponding to the six orientation points, the normal equations and
their solutions in explicit form:
άκι =
(pm (6c2+4<j2)+Pm (6c2+852)
dKi =
" JL· (pri] ( 6 2° 2 ( 26 c 2 + 4 s 2 } 2
~(Pm + Pvs)(3c - 2<5 ) - (pVi + +p7?6)(3c + 2δ2)) ( 4 .3. 3 o)
άψι = Ρ η
~ ^
P2 = 2^2 (Pm ~Ρη5)
^ 4J2 (~2Pm - 2
Pm + Pn3 + Pv* + Pvs +
Hallert, B.: Über die Herstellung photogrammetrischer Pläne. Diss. Stockholm 1944, 118 p.
210 Chapter 4 Orientation procedures and some methods of stereoprocessing
Exercise 4.3-10. In (4.3-29) substitute a constant value for h(= c), the value b in place
of δ (Figure 4.3-6) and ρη in place of py. Then check the agreement between (4.3-30)
and (4.3-29).
h2 = h\R (4.3-31)
Equation (4.3-27): h2 = h4( 1 + r )
Equation (4.3-33) shows that the triangle whose vertices are the points 2, 4 and O2 has
a right-angle at 4 (Figure 4.3-7); regarding 021 as the base of the triangle, j/4 is the
height while Λ,4 and (h2 - h4) are corresponding segments of the base. Thus 02 lies
Section 4.3 Relative orientation 211
on a circle passing through points 2 and 4 (and also 6). Since profiles 3, 1, 5 and 4,
2, 6 have the same shape, the ground surface for which relative orientation cannot be
performed is a right circular cylinder containing both camera stations, Ο ι and
If, instead of Equation (4.3-31), we examine the relationships 2h\ = h^R + hsR and
2h 2 = h4R + h^R, we can derive more general conditions for critical surfaces in
relative orientation. For example, a circular cylinder whose axis does not lie in the
vertical plane containing the base (the line joining the two perspective centres), but
which is parallel to that plane, is also a critical surface. Furthermore, the two circular
profiles 3, 1, 5 and 4, 2, 6 can have different radii; that is, a conical surface containing
Ο ι and O2 is a critical surface. Nor is it necessary for the base, 0 \ 0 2 , to be a generator
of the cone; it is necessary only that the points Οχ and 02 should lie on a conical surface
which also contains the relative orientation points on the object surface. Further details
may be found in the technical literature.8
Hofmann, W.: DGK, Reihe C, Heft 3, 1953. Rinner, K.: JEK Band IIIa/1. Brandstätter, G.: IAPR
212 Chapter 4 Orientation procedures and some methods of stereoprocessing
Exercise 4.3-11. Show that the denominator in the άω2 of Equation (4.3-29) is zero
for the case shown below in which the axis of the circular cylinder is not in the vertical
plane containing the base, and thus that the ground surface is a critical surface relative
to O.
Hint: Use the cosine rule to express the length s in the two triangles and hence show
that 2/i2 = (1 + ( S / c ) 2 ) ( h 4 + h6).
In what way do the critical surfaces manifest themselves in relative orientation? Dif-
ficulties arise in the solution of the normal equation system because the equations are
singular or ill-conditioned. Even when the normal equations can be solved, this leads
to very large standard deviations in the ω-ι unknown (see also Section 4.3.6).
31(B3), Vienna, 1996. Brandstätter concerned himself with critical surfaces in relation to alternative
methods of relative orientation. The relationship to two-dimensional resection in ground surveying
should also be mentioned. As is well known, the position of a new point, A, from which three con-
trol points are observed with a theodolite, cannot be determined if the control points and A lie on a
circle. The two circles in Figure 4.3-7 and the circle in the figure of Exercise 4.3-11 correspond exactly
to this situation.
Section 4.3 Relative orientation 213
c) in the relative orientation include only points which do not lie on or near the
critical surface.
d) after absolute orientation of a model which is free of parallax, but which is de-
formed as a result of errors in relative orientation, corrections to the elements of
relative orientation may be derived from residual height errors at check points.
(See Section or special literature.)9
At the end of all orientation procedures using least squares an estimate of the standard
deviation of the computed elements is obtained (Appendix 4.1-1). An error compu-
tation of this kind is given in the numerical example of Section 4.3.1. In order for
such accuracy measures to be evaluated, it is necessary to establish accuracy values
Regensburger, K.: Photogrammetrie. VEB Verlag für Bauwesen, Berlin, 1990.
Literature: Gotthardt, Ε.: BuL 15, pp. 2-34, 1940.
214 Chapter 4 Orientation procedures and some methods of stereoprocessing
for the "standard case" of relative orientation, which we define as involving approxi-
mately flat, level ground and six orientation points as in Figure 4.3-6. Application of
the rules of error propagation to Equations (4.3-30) results in the following expressions
for standard deviations of the orientation elements in this standard case:
ψι — σφι
V3 c
σ (4.3-34)
ω2 2 δ2 Ρη
J2 3 c4
++ Tö2 + Τ TJCT.
δΜΐ δ 4 δ4 Pn
It is assumed in the above formulations that the ^-parallaxes are measured with equal
accuracy σΡν at all six orientation points and that no correlation exists among the 77-
For individual types of cameras and using an assumed value of σΡτ], for example
σρ = ± 5 /im, one can apply Equation (4.3-34) to compute accuracy estimates, as
in the following Table 4.3-1. For example, for a normal angle camera:
σω = 0 5 ρ = ±10m
Ϊ 9 ^ 2 ° · ° g°n(32")
The other values can be calculated in a similar manner:
Camera type σω σφ
Format and p.d. [cm] [mgon (")] [mgon (")] [mgon (")]
Normal angle
±10(32) ± 8 (26) ±34(110)
(23 χ 23, c = 30)
Wide angle
±5(16) ±4(13) ±10(32)
(23 χ 23, c = 15)
Super-wide angle
±3(10) ±2(6) ±5(16)
(23 χ 23, c = 8.5)
Table 4.3-1: Accuracy of elements of relative orientation for different camera types
This table has great significance in practical photogrammetry. In any particular case
the operator, or the software, assesses the extent to which the accuracy from this table
is acceptable or not acceptable. We now carry out such an assessment for the specific
results given in the numerical example of Section 4.3.1, in which case a wide angle
camera was used. The calculated standard deviations (σ Μ = ±15mgon (49"), σΚ2 —
±14 mgon (45"), σψι = σψ2 = σωι = ± 7 mgon (23")) slightly exceed the target values
from Table 4.3-1. This excess stems from the accuracy of the parallax measurements:
a standard deviation of ± 9 μη\ was estimated, while Table 4.3-1 is based on ±5 μτη.
The excess can, however, just be tolerated. The values may clearly exceed the targets
(a factor of more than two should not be accepted), for the following reasons; in each
case a remedy is given:
Section 4.3 Relative orientation 215
The orientation elements constitute an important interim result on the way to the final
photogrammetric result, the reconstituted object points. Monitoring these interim re-
sults is of great importance in quality control. The accuracy of the object points, which
will be considered in Section 4.6, is of still greater interest for the user.
A relative orientation can be performed with only a specific, limited accuracy and the
resulting elements of orientation will therefore contain specific errors. The question
arises as to how such errors in orientation result in deformations of the stereomodel.
We limit the following discussion to distortion of the ζ coordinate. In general, model
deformations in height are more critical than those in plan (x, y).
Determination of heights in the stereomodel depends on a;-parallaxes. It is neces-
sary, therefore, to derive relationships between x-parallaxes, px = x\ — x2 (x\ and x2
are model coordinates related to the first and second pictures respectively) and small
changes to the orientation elements.
From the first of each of the sets of Equations (4.3-3) and (4.3-4):
Px = x2~ x\ =
-ςι ~ \h-\ y- άψ\ Η τ—αω\
Η ακ\
, -b , h
η ι η*- / η x
C \ & ) Cr C
With reference to the relationships (4.3-24) the image-related quantities can be replaced
and instead of the expression (/i£i/c — h^2/c — bx) the small quantity (—dbx) can be
„ (x — b) ( x2\ xy
px = -dbx —dbz -hll + j^j άψ\ + ~ ydnι
(x — b)\ {x — b)y
+h ( 1 -I 2— J άφ2 άω2 + ydn2
dz = J p x (4.3-36)
216 Chapter 4 Orientation procedures and some methods of stereoprocessing
O, b o2
Figure 4.3-9: Relation between the x-parallax and the height error dz in the stereo-
Substitution in Equation (4.3-35) finally gives us the desired relationship between er-
rors in the orientation elements and the resulting height error in the model, dz.
(x — 6) ί h2 χ2 \ xy yh
dz — -dbx -dbz — I ——I—— J άφι + —άω\ —dn\
b \ b b J b b
(x-b)2 (x — b)y yh
+ + άφ2 άω2 + —du 2
b b
The effects of the most important terms in Equation (4.3-37) are illustrated in Fig-
ure 4.3-10 11 ; in that figure instead of dbz (see Figure 4.3-1) we have used dbz2 and we
have added the element dbz 1, equivalent to a negative db 2 . We can see from the various
diagrams of Figure 4.3-10 that absolute orientation will remove the effects of (small)
errors in the relative orientation, except for that arising from error in duj and part of that
caused by άφ.
It should be clearly mentioned that these deformations are superimposed on the surface
of the model; it is as if the height reference plane, the xy plane, of a model free of errors
in relative orientation is distorted into an inclined plane, a cylinder, a paraboloid and
so on.
Exercise 4.3-12. In the mathematical literature one usually finds x2/a2 - y2/b2 = 2ζ
as the equation to a hyperbolic paraboloid. Under what conditions does this reduce to
the equation given above, that is, ζ = cxy in which c is a constant. (Answer: putting
a = b and rotation of the axes by π/4.)
Tilted plane
Parabolic cylinder
Hyperbolic paraboloid
Tilted plane
Numerical Example.
Given: Principal distance c = 85 mm, format 23 cm χ 23 cm
Photo scale number rrib — 10000
Forward overlap 60%
=> base (actual) = 920 m (Equation (3.7-1))
Side overlap 25%
a) (Ιωι deformation
Let the error du^ be 30mgon (or 1'37"), which is ten times the standard devi-
ation given in Table 4.3-1. We wish to find the maximum height error arising
from this error; the maximum height error will appear along the line χ = 0;
Equation (4.3-37) gives:
= = 8 6 2 ^ = 0.41m
218 Chapter 4 Orientation procedures and some methods of stereoprocessing
Using four height control points in the corners of the model, this will be reduced
during absolute orientation to about ± 2 0 cm.
b) άψ2 deformation
Let the error άψ2 be 20mgon (or 1'05"), which is again ten times the standard
deviation given in Table 4.3-1. We wish to find the maximum height error arising
from this φι error. From Equation (4.3-37):
(h2 {x-b)2\J
h? J 850 2 20
dzk = —άψ2 = -^r.r— = 0.25 m
b 920 ρ
This is in addition to a term varying as the square of the χ coordinate; this will
be a maximum when χ = 0:
y r
— h)2 20
dzQ = ' άψ2 = 920— = 0.29 m
b ρ
Although we have considered very large errors in orientation, du2 and άψ2, the result-
ing height errors in the model are of the same order of magnitude as the standard de-
viation of height measurement, σζ. According to Equation (4.6-1) σζ is about ± 1 0 cm
for well defined points using this camera, flying height and overlap. In practice, there-
fore, the model deformations are of little significance by comparison. Large orientation
errors and therefore large model deformations can arise only with an unfavourable dis-
tribution of homologous points (choice limited, for example, by water surfaces) or, in
some cases, in the presence of a critical surface (Sections and 4.3.5).
Model deformations are, however, caused not only by orientation errors but also by
sources of systematic error such as lens distortion and film shrinkage. The effects
of these systematic errors on the geometrical correctness of the stereomodel are very
Section 4.4 Absolute orientation 219
complicated. They can manifest themselves as y-parallaxes larger than the measuring
accuracy after relative orientation as well as in large residual errors at the control points
after absolute orientation. A part of the y-parallaxes caused by these systematic errors
is removed during relative orientation, although these parallaxes do not belong to the
relative orientation. As a consequence, the orientation elements are wrong and this,
therefore, results in model deformations. Such systematic errors produce correlations,
especially among the xyz coordinates of neighbouring object points. To a great extent
the inclusion of additional parameters in the mathematical model overcomes this prob-
lem (see Section Β 3.5.6 and Β 5.2.4 in Volume 2 as well as the relevant literature 12 ).
Exercise 4.3-14. Repeat the above exercise for the case where the zenith distance of
the right-hand camera axis is 100.2 gon (90° 11'); that is, the axis of the right hand
camera is tilted downwards by 0.2 gon (11')· (Answer: The error varies between 0 cm
and 14 cm depending on the χ and ζ coordinates.)
/ 1 -dK άΦ\
dR= dK 1 -άΩ (4.4-2)
^ -άΦ dü 1)
Expanding the product m R , where m = 1 +dm and ignoring second order terms gives:
/ 1 + dm -dK άΦ \
m R = (1 + dm)dR = dK 1 + dm -άΩ
\ -άΦ dQ 1 + dm J
( dm -dK άΦ\
dK dm —άΩ.
\ -άΦ άΩ dm)
in which I represents the unit matrix. Thus the linearized form of Equation (4.2-6) for
a three-dimensional similarity transformation becomes:
ν = Ax - 1 (4.4-7)
A full control point results in all three such equations, a plan control point in two and a
height control point only in the last of Equations (4.4-6). The computation proceeds in
the normal manner (Appendix 4.2-1), with the formation of normal equations and their
A T A x = A T l; x = ( A T A ) " ' A T l (4.4-8)
Since Equations (4.4-6) are only linear approximations, further iterations are normally
required, unless the initial approximations are very good.
Section 4.4 Absolute orientation 221
Μ 23 24 50 51 45
X 0.303532 0.192638 0.303848 0.204120 0.246931
0.595068 0.602834 0.403493 0.434574 0.594227
ζ 0.034298 0.034116 0.026903 0.036672 0.034676
The first three points are full control points; point 51 is a height control point. The
corresponding object points have known coordinates in the control system, frequently
the national coordinate system, as follows13:
[m] 23 24 50 51
X 3321.65 3402.84 1776.75
Y 1167.56 2061.10 1196.79
Ζ 579.48 579.80 493.19 574.62
In addition, the following approximate values are known, for example from the flight
plan (Section 3.7.1) or from one of the methods described in Section 4.4.3:
Using these initial values the original model coordinates χ are transformed into ap-
proximate ground coordinates X°, by means of the following equation:
/ -1400\ / 0 1 0\ (x\
Y° = 3600 + 8000 - 1 0 0 y
Z ° J \ 300 / \ 001 j \ z J
[m] 23 24 50 51 45
3360.54 3422.67 1827.94 2076.59 3353.82
χ ( ο )
The numerical stability of the computation will be compromised if the control coordinates are very
large by comparison with the model coordinates; that is, if the origin of the ground coordinate system lies
far outside the stereomodel (for relevant literature see, for example, Reinking, J.: ZfV 115, pp. 186-193,
1990). For this reason one should ignore as many of the leftmost digits of the ground coordinate system
as are identical for all control points.
222 Chapter 4 Orientation procedures and some methods of stereoprocessing
From Equation (4.4-4), using (2.1-13) to compute a rigorous form of the rotation ma-
trix, the following ground coordinates are found for the new point 45:
In a manner identical to that for point 45, the model (control) points 23, 24, 50 and 51
can be transformed into the ground system:
[m] 23 24 50 51 45
XW 3320.54 3401.85 1776.20 2042.31 3323.22
y(i) 1166.84 2060.90 1196.29 1995.83 1623.62
zw 580.37 578.18 493.96 575.50 582.39
Using the (approximate) ground coordinates X"^ found in this way for the control
points, an absolute orientation can be once again computed. For the second iteration
the 1-vector of the observation equation systems (4.4-6) or, as the case may be, (4.4-7)
is as follows:
Now the ground coordinates for the new point 45 and the control points 23, 24, 50 and
51 become:
Μ 23 24 50 51 45
X(2) 3321.61 3402.86 1776.78 2042.90 3324.25
γ( 2) 1167.51 2061.15 1196.78 1996.62 1624.44
z w 579.40 576.90 493.28 574.52 581.27
At this point we break off the iteration process since, as can be seen from the diminution
in the unknowns from the first to the second iteration, a third computation would make
no contribution worth mentioning. From a comparison of the coordinates with the
given ground coordinates X, one obtains the following improvements v.
[cm] 23 24 50 51
vx -4 2 3
Vy -5 5 -1
Vz - 8 10 9 - 1 0
Exercise 4.4-1. Calculate the rotation matrix with which the xyz model coordinates
may be transformed directly into the X Y Z ground coordinate system. Hint: As in
Equation (2.1-14), the rotation matrix describing the resultant of successive rotations
is obtained by multiplication of the matrices for the partial rotations. The result is:
Exercise 4.4-2. Repeat the numerical example assuming that point 50 is no longer a
control point. Result:
[m] 23 24 50 51 45
X 3321.65 3402.84 1776.95 2042.02 3324.26
Y 1167.56 2061.10 1196.74 1996.53 1624.44
Ζ 579.48 576.80 493.58 574.62 581.25
Exercise 4.4-3. Taking as a starting point the result of Exercise 4.4-1 and the result
of the relative orientation of Section 4.3.1, determine the rotation matrix defining the
orientation of each of the images with respect to the ground coordinate system.
0.006359 0.999836 -0.016932'
Rι = - 0.999947 0.006495 0.008057
0.008167 0.016880 0.999824
-0.033555 0.998674 -0.039037'
R2 -0.999437 -0.033488 0.002387
0.001077 0.039095 0.999235
Section 4.4 Absolute orientation 225
Exercise 4.4-4. Repeat the above numerical example assuming that the xy coordinates
are more accurate by a factor two than the ζ coordinates. (Solution: The ground coor-
dinates differ by about 1 cm at most. The explanation for this slight disparity is to be
found in the introduction of Section 5.3.3.)
Further remarks: Every now and then, especially in close range work, the problem
arises in which one has to carry out a photogrammetric evaluation without control
points, either in a single model or in a block of photographs. In such cases an ar-
bitrary object coordinate system may be adopted. For example, one can measure a
distance S and adopt XYZ coordinates (0,0,0) and (S, 0,0) for the end points. If one
adopts the value Ζ — 0 for an (arbitrary) third point the object coordinate system is
defined, although with no redundancy. With an object coordinate system chosen in this
very arbitrary manner, a least squares estimation, which is in reality no such thing (see
Equations (4.1-1-11) and (4.1-1-12) in Appendix 4.1-1), will deliver (exterior) accura-
cies for the new points, dependent on the arbitrary selection of the object coordinate
system. (On the other hand accuracies for distances—interior accuracy—which can be
calculated from coordinate accuracies, taking into account correlations, are indepen-
dent of the object coordinate system chosen.)
In order to reduce the uncertainty associated with an arbitrary selection of object coor-
dinate system, as hinted at above, the free net adjustment, as it is called, was developed.
It is described in detail in Section Β 4.6.3 of Volume 2. To set up the theory of free
net adjustment one requires the normal equations for an over-determined similarity
transformation in three dimensions which can be derived from Equations (4.4-6). Let
the model coordinates and the object coordinates referred to origins at their respec-
tive centroids be denoted by χ and X respectively; when this is done the translations
dXu, dYu and dZu of Equations (4.4-6) vanish. With the substitutions X - X<0> —
dX, Y - Y(0> = dY and Ζ - Z<0) = dZ, the normal equation system in the case of η
full control points then becomes:
The normal equation system (4.4-9) is also of service in the error theory of absolute
orientation which follows.
226 Chapter 4 Orientation procedures and some methods of stereoprocessing
Concerning the accuracy of the scale number m and the rotation K, a crucial matter
is the accuracy in plan of the photogrammetric coordinates of the control points; the
accuracy of the photogrammetric coordinates of the control points in height is decisive
for the angles Ω and Φ. For well-measured control points these two accuracies amount
to about ± 6 μιη in the image and ±0.06%o of the principal distance c (for normal-angle
and wide-angle pictures) or ±0.08%o of the principal distance c (for superwide-angle
pictures) (Section 4.6). Using these accuracies for plan and height coordinates and the
weight coefficients given above, one obtains root mean square errors in this standard
case as compiled in Table 4.4-1.
Camera type Cm
Format, p.d. [cm] [10- 5 ] [mgoin (")] [mgoin (")] [mgoin (")]
Normal angle
±2.9 ±6.2(20) ±12.4(40) ±1.9(6)
(23 χ 23, c = 30)
Wide angle
±2.9 ±3.1(10) ±6.2(20) ±1.9(6)
(23 χ 23, c = 15)
Super-wide angle
±2.9 ±2.4(8) ±4.7(15) ±1.9(6)
(23 χ 23, c = 8.5)
The accuracy of absolute orientation, like that of relative orientation (Table 4.3-1), is
independent of the image scale or of the object distance. As is Table 4.3-1, Table 4.4-1
is of considerable significance in practical photogrammetry. On the basis of this table
the operator, or the computer program, should judge in a particular case whether or not
and to what extent the given accuracy values are acceptable. Such an assessment is car-
ried out below for the numerical example of Section 4.4.1. The root mean square errors
arising in this particular case clearly lie above the values prescribed in Table 4.4-1. The
excesses require some elucidation:
Section 4.4 Absolute orientation 227
• for the heading angle Κ the ratio amounts to 2.7 ( = 0.0052/0.0019). The causes
of this large excess are the same as for the photo scale number just reviewed.
• it is conspicuous with respect to the inclination angles Ω and Φ that the rela-
tionship in the standard case between the higher accuracy in Ω and that in Φ
is reversed in this particular example. This apparent contradiction arises from
the Κ rotation of the stereomodel through approximately 300 gon (270°). Taking
account of this transposition, the ratios for the two angles are 1.7
(= 0.0053/0.0031) and 1.5 ( = 0.0092/0.0062). A factor of 1.3 arises because
the particular case under consideration is based on an estimated height accuracy
of ±12 /xm while the standard case an accuracy of ± 9 μιη (— 150000 χ 0.00006)
is assumed. A further cause of the relatively large excess lies in the fact that the
figure containing the control points in the image is somewhat smaller than the
92 mm χ 184 mm rectangle of the standard case.
b) c) e) f)
Full control point Height control point
a) standard situation
b) inclination Φ poor
c) inclination Ω poor
d) inclinations Ω and Φ indeterminate, if the control points lie exactly on a straight
e) heading angle Κ and model scale number m indeterminate
f) heading angle Κ and model scale number m poorly determined
• poor distribution of the control points. In Figure 4.4-1 a number of poor control
point patterns are presented; Figure 4.4-Id) illustrates a seriously bad arrange-
ment of control points. Remedy: Computation of a bundle triangulation (Sec-
tion 5.3) with inclusion of all the images in the block.
From the viewpoint of reliability, a topic to be dealt with in Section Β (Vol-
ume 2), the standard case of absolute orientation is improved by using pairs of control
points in the model corners. In this case the prescribed values of Table 4.4-1 reduce
by a factor 1 /y/2, as one may readily convince oneself with the help of the normal
equations (4.4-9).
The assessment above applies in the case of relatively flat models. In close-range
photogrammetry, and in aerial photogrammetry among very high mountains, the stere-
omodels should be surrounded by control points in all three coordinate directions. For
these cases specific reference values should be derived as outlined above.
Exercise 4.4-5. With the control point arrangement of Figure 4.4-Id) the angles Ω and
Φ cannot be determined. Show that this statement is true. (Solution: Consider the
system of normal equations (4.4-9).
For simplicity take = 0. Choose X '0> = aY1^. If the second equation is mul-
tiplied by the factor (-a) it becomes identical to the third equation. That is, the two
rows of the matrix are linearly dependent, meaning that the matrix is singular.)
Exercise 4.4-6 (Continuation of Exercise 4.4-5). Assess the result of this absolute
orientation with only three control points in the light of Table 4.4-1. (Answer: The
excess factors are 6.2 (m), 2.4 (Ω), 1.8 (Φ) and 6.1 (K). Since three of these factors
exceed 2, the absolute orientation must be rejected.
may be found. With more than four full control points a least squares estimation should
be carried out.
The question must still be resolved as to how one gets the seven parameters of absolute
orientation (4.2-6) from the twelve transformation parameters of the affine transforma-
tion. Comparison of the relationships (2.1-17) with (4.2-6) gives: αιο = Xu, a20 = Yu
and <130 = Zu. The other elements a,fc of the affine transformation (2.1-17) differ from
the elements r ^ of the three-dimensional similarity transformation (2.1-18) or (4.2-6)
mainly on account of the scale number m. The relationship
gives an approximate value for the scale number m. Finally, all the elements α ^ can
be divided by the scale number m so that by means of the relationships (2.1-1-8) of
Appendix 2.1-1 the angles Ω, Φ and Κ can also be found 14 .
Numerical Example. We take up the numerical example of Section 4.4.1, but replac-
ing the height control point with a full control point.
Model coordinates
Μ 23 24 50 51
χ 0.303532 0.192638 0.303848 0.204120
y 0.595068 0.602834 0.403493 0.434574
ζ 0.034298 0.034116 0.026903 0.036672
[m] 23 24 50 51
Χ 3321.65 3402.84 1776.75 2043.11
Υ 1167.56 2061.10 1196.79 1996.72
ζ 579.48 576.80 493.19 574.62
Equation (4.4-10) gives ra° = 8070. The elements of the approximate rotation ma-
trix R° are formed as follows: R° = ( l / m ° ) A . Using relationships (2.1-1-8) of
"Further literature: Schmid, H.H., Heggli, S.: Mitt, des Inst, für Geod. und Photogr. an der ΕΤΗ
Zürich, Nr. 23, 1978.
230 Chapter 4 Orientation procedures and some methods of stereoprocessing
Appendix 2.1-1 one obtains the following approximate values for the angles: Ω 0 =
- 0 . 3 gon = - 1 6 ' , Φ 0 = - 0 . 8 gon = - 4 3 ' and K° = 298.7 gon = 268°50'.
The solution using the three-dimensional affine transformation has two disadvantages:
on the one hand, the method breaks down when the four control points lie in a plane
and, on the other hand, in the presence of only three control points, which is the basic
requirement for an absolute orientation, it cannot be employed. A solution free of
these disadvantages can be found by creating orthogonal vectors in both coordinate
systems from three full control points. Details of this procedure are to be found in
Section Β in Volume 2. Another method, with a detailed example, is included
in Section Β, again in Volume 2, which solves for the absolute orientation of
near-vertical photographs without the need for initial approximate values.
• correction for film deformation in metric cameras (Section and in semi-
metric cameras (Section 3.8.4).
• correction for aplanarity (lack of flatness) of the CCD detector array (Section
To meet demands for high accuracy one must also eliminate the influence of atmo-
spheric refraction and take into account the curvature of the Earth.
In image space, the tangent to the curved light ray will appear to represent the direction
OP. In the case of a near-vertical photograph the angle Ar between the light ray and
Section 4.5 Image coordinate refinement 231
Ο (Χο,Υο,Ζο)
the straight line OP can be represented with sufficient accuracy by a function of the
angle τ and a coefficient Κ:
At = Κ tan τ = Κ- (4.5-1)
It goes without saying that the coefficient Κ will vary according to the meteorologic
data at the time of a particular photograph and, since the index of refraction varies
with the wavelength, also with the wavelength to which the sensor is responsive. For
a normal atmosphere stratified parallel to the surface of the Earth and for light in the
visible wavelengths, Κ can be estimated as follows: 15
Κ = 0.00241 ( ^ 2 _ + 2 5 0 ~ Zo(Z2 - 6Z + 2 5 0 ) ) ^
Harris, W.D., Tewinkel, S.C. and Whitten, C.A.: Analytic Aerotriangulation. Coast and Geodetic
Survey, Technical Bulletin No. 21, July 1962, corrected July 1963. Schut, G.H.: Ph.Eng. 35, pp. 7 9 - 8 6 ,
232 Chapter 4 Orientation procedures and some methods of stereoprocessing
It remains only to give the relationship using which the radial correction Ap can be
found from AT (Figure 4.5-1):
Ap C O S T SS Δ Τ Α / C 2 + p2
Ap « AT
Taking Equation (4.5-1) into account:
+ ^ (4.5-3)
Finally, using the relationship (3.1-2), the correction Ap can be resolved in the two
coordinate directions ξ and η.
In Table 4.5-1 the expressions (4.5-2) and (4.5-3) are evaluated for particular cameras,
photo scales and radial distances.
Correction Ap [μπι]
Photo scale c [mm] Zo [km] ρ = 90 mm ρ = 130 mm
1 : 10000 300 3.5 3 5
150 2.0 2 4
85 1.3 2 5
1 : 30000 300 9.5 8 12
150 5.0 6 11
85 3.0 6 13
1 : 100000 85 9.0 15 34
1 : 800000 300 240 1 2
Table 4.5-1: Correction of image coordinates for the effect of atmospheric refraction
(Ground height Ζ = 0.5 km)
One sees from this table that the corrections reach a sufficient number of micrometers
to be taken into account in processing only in small-scale photographs, above all in
the case of super-wide photography. In the case of very precise aerotriangulation for
larger-scale projects, however, refraction also needs to be considered. The last row
shows that satellite images are not adversely affected by refraction.
In conclusion it must be mentioned that the Formulae (4.5-2) and (4.5-3) are valid only
in the case of near-vertical photographs. With larger tilts it is necessary to move to
more general formulae16.
Exercise 4.5-1. An aerial photograph (c = 85 mm) was taken from a height of 9100m
above sea level. Calculate corrections for the effect of atmospheric refraction at 25
points of a 5 cm χ 5 cm rectangular raster. In the left-hand side of the image the ground
See, for example, Rinner, K.: JEK, Band IIIa/1, §§ 22-23.
Section 4.5 Image coordinate refinement 233
is flat and level with a height of 600 m. It rises from the mid-line of the photographs
with a slope of 30%. (Answer: In two corners of the picture Ap reaches 37 /im; in the
other two corners Ap = 42 pm.)
Fortunately, however, the differences between the ground survey coordinate system
and a three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system are small so that in practice the
problem can be simplified. In Volume 2, Section Β 5.4, however, a full discussion
appears. Here and in the following section the discussion is restricted to approximate
solutions for the coordinate most strongly affected, namely the ground height.
First, the effect of Earth curvature combined with atmospheric refraction for horizontal
photographs is dealt with. The Earth is regarded as a sphere of radius R — 6370 km.
The symbol Ζ is used for heights referred to the sphere as opposed to Ζ for heights
referred to the three-dimensional Cartesian system (Figure 4.5-2).
The effects of Earth curvature AE for the point Ρ are given by the well-known formula:
Figure 4.5-2: Atmospheric refraction and Earth curvature for a horizontal photograph
% Ι 2 A2
Ζ = ΖΫ + Αtana + Atana h(l-fc) — (4.5-5)
2R 2R
What is required, however, for use with the three-dimensional object coordinate system
is the significantly simpler relation:
A AZP + Z I N A2
+ (4.5-8)
Section 4.5 Image coordinate refinement 235
• first measure the point photogrammetrically without correction for Earth curva-
ture and refraction
• using the result so obtained, compute A, Ζ (with adequate accuracy) and Αη
• finally, repeat the photogrammetric computation using the corrected image coor-
Table 4.5-2 gives some typical values for the correction Αη.
Table 4.5-2: Corrections, Αη, to image coordinates for the influence of refraction and
Earth curvature (c = 100 mm, k = 0.13, R = 6370 km, η = 0)
It will be seen that, up to a few hundred metres object distance the correction is smaller
than the measuring accuracy of a few micrometres, but may not be ignored for distances
greater than about 1 km.
Exercise 4.5-2. Compute the correction Αη and the Ζ coordinate for an extreme case
with A = 5000m, Z0 = 1000m, η = 30mm, c = 100mm. (Result: Αη = 42.4/xm,
Ζ = 2502.12 m). Additional exercise: Compute the Ζ coordinate using a refraction
coefficient of 0.10. (Result: Αη = 43.6/zm, Ζ = 2502.18.)
Exercise 4.5-3. Using the data of Table 4.5-2 compute the standard errors of both
the correction Αη and the ground height Ζ under the assumption that the refraction
coefficient k — 0.13 has a standard error of ±0.03. (Solution: for example, if A —
5 km: σ&η = ±1.2 μπι, σ-χ = ±5.9 cm.)
So that an assessment may be made of the extent to which a correction for Earth cur-
vature is important, the maximum correction AZ?max in parts per thousand of the flying
height is given in Table 4.5-3 for various photo scales. The value Δ£ m a x (Figure 4.5-3)
comes from Equation (4.5-4) in which By/5/2, the semi-diagonal of the model, is
substituted for A:
T^)2 5 B2
^ = ^2ll· = Tr (4·5"9)
• for wide angle photographs from a photo scale of about 1 : 10000 and
Table 4.5-3: Maximum Earth curvature correction AEmax at the corners of a stereo-
model with 60% forward overlap
Lens distortion
Refraction Δρ
(ξ,,η') = ί·,(ξ,η)
Principal point
ξ ξ'
Figure 4.5-4: Digital metric image, in its position relative to the camera (left), with
corrections for refraction and lens distortion; and transformed into the photograph as
digitized (right)
(Figure 4.5-4, left). Corrections are then computed for the mid-point of every pixel; on
the left of Figure 4.5-4, for example, corrections have been introduced for refraction
(Equation (4.5-3)) and lens distortion (Section 3.1.3). These corrections are recorded
in a virtual correction image with a resolution in the subpixel range. The last step is the
transformation into the digital photograph, an inverse transformation which is based on
the fiducial marks and which eliminates film deformation; depending on the number
and arrangement of the fiducial marks, the parameters of this transformation may be
chosen accordingly (Section
The point whose position has been computed in the above three steps, is marked with
a small circle on the right of Figure 4.5-4; finally, a grey level interpolation is carried
out, as described in Section 2.2.3, and the interpolated grey value is transferred to the
digital metric image. This position is likewise marked with a small circle in the left of
Figure 4.5-4.
By choice, the raster spacing in the digital photograph is somewhat smaller than the
digitizing interval in the digitized photograph. The result is a digital metric image
which can be evaluated in subsequent calculations involving the collinearity equations
(Section 2.1.3) and the coplanarity equations (Section 4.2.3).
A stereopair from aerial survey approximates to the "normal case". Therefore, for
estimating the achievable accuracy of 3D point measurements in a model the theory
described in Section 2.1.7 can be applied for any photo flight, if the flight parameters
are known and information about the measurement accuracy of image coordinates is
Leaving aside extremely large-scale aerial photographs (perhaps subject to image
movement) the accuracy of object coordinates X and Y (plan accuracy) is directly pro-
portional to the image scale and is constant in relation to the image (Equation (2.1-35)).
The camera type (normal angle, wide angle and so on) has no influence on the accuracy
in plan.
As may be seen form Equation (2.1-33), the height accuracy σζ is directly dependent
on the measurement accuracy of the parallaxes, as well as being indirectly dependent
on the base-height-ratio (B/Z) and on the photo scale ( c / Z ) . σζ may also be regarded
as either linearly or quadratically dependent in the camera-object distance Z. In both
cases represented in Figure 4.6-1 the height accuracy σ ζ is linearly dependent on the
camera-object distance Z. In the diagram on the left of Figure 4.6-1, both the base-
height BIZ and the principal distance c are the same for both camera arrangements;
in the right-hand diagram the photo scale number mB = Z/c and the base B, and
consequently also the forward overlap, are the same for both. The proportionality
between the height accuracy σ ζ and the object distance for different camera types holds
true only for the range from normal-angle to wide-angle cameras; the relationship is
weaker for super-wide-angle photographs20.
\ 7
// s
Zj Β = const., c = const. Β = const., Zjc — const.
Meier, H.K.: BuL 38, pp. 50-62, 1970. Stark, E.: BuL 44, pp. 5 - 1 4 , 1976. Sievers, J., Schürer, Κ.:
Verfeinerter Ansatz vor allem für variables Basisverhältnis und unterschiedliches Auflösungsvermögen.
BuL 50, pp. 101-118, 1982.
240 Chapter 4 Orientation procedures and some methods of stereoprocessing
From Equation (2.1-33) rules of thumb can easily be derived for rough estimation of
accuracy. In this we limit ourselves to giving information on accuracy which is repre-
sentative of the whole stereomodel. Thus we ignore readily available information (see
Section Β, Volume 2) about accuracies which vary within a stereomodel. To a
large extent the information on accuracy is based on empirical investigations.
• forward overlap of 60% (possible cases deviating from this are specifically delat
with; for example in the Numerical Example 2 of Section 6.7.2d)
• at least four full control points in the corners of the model (indirect georefer-
encing); the control coordinates must exhibit markedly better accuracy than the
measured coordinates. Alternatively elements of exterior orientation from GPS
and IMU (direct georeferencing) with corresponding accuracy
• good image quality such that with analytical plotting instruments a coordinate
measurement accuracy of ± 6 μπι at image scale can be achieved
The following values are applicable as guides in the case of targeted points or equally
accurately defined points:
If, in determining the object coordinates, one eliminates the systematic part of the im-
age coordinate errors by means of additional parameters in the mathematical model, a
further increase in accuracy of up to 50% is possible (for details see Section 5.3.5). On
the other hand poor quality image material can cause distinct reduction in the numerical
values of the rules of thumb (4.6-1).
These rules of thumb also apply to digital images if they have been generated by scan-
ning aerial films with an appropriate pixel size. In practice, scanning films with 15 μπι
to 20 μπι has turned out as acceptable trade-off between sufficient radiometric quality
and good resolving power. Experience has also shown that for manual measurement if
well defined points in digital images an accuracy of 1/3 of a pixel can be achieved, i.e.
5 μπι to 7 μπι in the case of the above mentioned pixel sizes.
If the above-mentioned conditions do not apply, the rules of thumb will deliver un-
realistic results and Equation (2.1-33) should be used only for rough estimation; for
example, if:
(see Section can reach accuracies of 1 /5 to 1 /10 of a pixel and thus much
higher accuracy. On the other hand, measurements in images digitized with large
pixel sizes might be less accurate. In both cases the rules could still be applied,
if the results are multiplied by the ratio of the actual measurement accuracy to
6 μιη.
• other photo flight parameters were used, for instance, forward overlaps signifi-
cantly greater than 60%.
Numerical Example. Images taken with a Zeiss RMK 15/23, with a photo scale of 1 :
5000 and 60% forward overlap, were used for photogrammetric point determination.
What is the accuracy of photogrammetrically derived coordinates when targeted points
are involved?
Using the rules of thumb (4.6-1):
Camera arrangements can occur in practice, especially in high mountains, where the
height accuracy varies quadratically with the camera-object distance. In all the cases
sketched in Figure 4.6-2 the base Β and the principal distance c remain the same;
only the camera-object distance varies. The left-hand example represents a flight over
stepped landscape using a constant base and constant height above sea level; in the
right-hand diagram the bases are equal but the flying height varies.
Numerical Example. The second stereomodel on the left of Figure 4.6-2 represents
pictures from a flying height above ground which is double that of the first stereomodel;
the forward overlap in the second model is about 80%. As a result, the height accuracy
given above (that of the first model) worsens as follows:
σχγ = ± 3 x 2 = ± 6 cm
σζ = ±4.5 χ 4 = ±18cm(!)
In comparison with the model with the lower flying height on the right of Figure 4.6-2,
the same deterioration of accuracy also arises in the stereomodel with the greater flying
height. Incidentally, an even more severe reduction in accuracy arises in that area of
the model which lies outside, in the direction of the base, the area between the image
centres. There is certainly a great temptation in practice to use a stereomodel with 80%
forward overlap covering the entire common area—with a base which is too short.
242 Chapter 4 Orientation procedures and some methods of stereoprocessing
V V V V X7
Figure 4.6-2: Height accuracy proportional to the square of the camera-object distance
Exercise 4.6-1. A photoflight has been planned over extremely mountainous country
with a forward overlap of 60% and a base of 1000 m. Under these conditions the
Formulae (3.7-1) show that for a 30 cm camera the flying height over the summits
will be 3260 m and for a 21 cm camera it will be 2280 m. What accuracy is to be
expected in the region of the summits and what in the valleys which lie 1000 m beneath
the summits? (Answer: In the summit area, for the 30 cm camera, σζ = ±19.6 cm,
and for the 21 cm camera σ ζ = ±13.7cm. In the valleys, for the 30cm camera,
σζ = ±33.5 cm, and for the 21 cm camera σζ = ±28.4 cm.)
It is worth noting that the superiority, by a factor of 1.43 ( = 19.6/13.7), of the 21 cm
camera over the 30 cm camera in the region of the summits is reduced in the valleys to
1.18 (= 33.5/28.4). 21
In case of natural (non-targeted) points, the guide figures (4.6-1) for the accuracy must
be increased by the uncertainty of definition. This uncertainty of definition can be
related to the image as well as to the object.
In principle, the uncertainties of definition related to the image and their effects on the
standard deviation of the object points may be found by repeated measurements:
The suggestion for this example came from Prof. Dr. P. Waldhäusl.
Section 4.6 Accuracy of point determination in a stereopair 243
'UYi --Ϋ)
(°*) = \ — ^ T f τι —1
Έ(ζι- - Ζ ) 2
Ζ { nat)
η - 1
Values related to the image depend on the image quality, the film type (colour, black&
white, etc.), the pixel size, etc. In a practical project one will determine the accu-
racy values σ Χ Υ ( η 3 ή and σ Ζ ( ηΆΙ) for a number of types of points using the relation-
ships (4.6-2). In the most favourable case one obtains σ ΧΥ ( ηίΛ } and σ Ζ ( ηίΛ) , the accura-
cies (4.6-1) for targeted or very precisely defined points.
The uncertainty of definition related to the object may also be determined by repeated
measurements; these can be made either terrestrially or photogrammetrically using a
very large photo scale. Values of the related to the ground for some types of points
have been collected in Table 4.6-1.
Starting with the object related uncertainty of definition, one must summarize by con-
sidering both contributionsCT(targ)and def ):
Planimetry: a X Y ( n a t ) = 7 4 y ( t a r g ) + 4 υ ( ο , < μ )
/ (4.6-3)
Height: <7 z(nat) = ^/4(targ) + 4 ( 0 , d e f )
Numerical Example. With what accuracy can the corners of houses and fields be
measured from wide-angle photographs with about 60% forward overlap and a photo
scale of 1 : 15000? (Use relevant mean values from Table 4.6-1.)
House corners: σχγ - ^ ( 1 5 0 0 0 χ 0.0006) 2 + 9.5 2 = ± 1 3 cm
The standard deviation of a distance a s can be found directly from the coordinate error
= σχΥ\ίϊ (4.6-4)
The accuracy of distances derived from photogrammetrically measured coordinates is
essentially independent of the distance.
Exercise 4.6-2. Derive Formula (4.6-4) using the rules of error propagation.
In the field of close range photogrammetry one is often less interested in the absolute
accuracies σχγ and σζ and more interested in relative accuracy with respect to the
largest dimension of the object S. For an object which fills the whole of the format of
a standard aerial camera, therefore, the relative accuracy amounts to:
= ±00006 = = 1 0 - =0 (4.6-6)
6 cm 6 10000
In close range photogrammetry the photographs are frequently arranged in a less regu-
lar pattern than in aerial survey (Section 3.8.8). For this reason it is necessary to extend
the simple accuracy guide (4.6-1) appropriately to suit the diverse camera arrangements
of close range work. This topic is dealt with in detail in Volume 2 (Section Β 4.5.2).
The empirical accuracies given by the relationships (4.6-1), (4.6-5) and (4.6-6) are
chosen fairly conservatively. They can be considerably improved by means of further
mathematical modelling of the photogrammetric process. This is considered in more
detail in Section 5.3.5.
The rules of thumb for accuracies of photogrammetric processing given in this section
and in Section 6.7 are widely accepted in photogrammetric practice. In the calling
of tenders for photogrammetric work, however, tolerances enjoy a greater degree of
acceptance than the standard deviation or root mean square error. Tolerances and their
empirical determination are considered in more detail in Appendix 4.6-1.
Exercise 4.6-3. For purposes of road construction the heights of targeted points are
to be found by photogrammetry with an accuracy of ± 5 cm using a super-wide angle
camera. If the forward overlap is to be 60%, what are the photo scale and flying height?
(Answer: photo scale = 1 : 7350, flying height = 625 m.)
Supplementary Exercise. What reduction in accuracy arises if, over a valley region
200 m lower, the base is not increased? (Answer: The height accuracy in the valley
area is a ζ — ±8.7 cm.)
Section 4.6 Accuracy of point determination in a stereopair 245
Exercise 4.6-4. Is the alignment of the image rectangle of the 271 Imaging DMC (Fig-
ure 3.7-10) well chosen for a favourable height accuracy? (Answer: No.) How would
the heighting accuracy be changed if the format were to be rotated by lOOgon (90°)?
(Answer: By a factor 1.7 (= 13500/8000).) What advantage is there in the align-
ment of the rectangular format chosen by Z/I Imaging? (Answer: Fewer strips of
photographs for a given flying height.)
Chapter 5
Photogrammetric triangulation
A . · · . A
1 3
Strip 1 © 4 © © © © ©
O .6 . . . . 0
2 · 10 I
Strip 2 © © © © @ *©
° . · . . · · °
• ·
Strip 3 © © @ ©" © . ©
A · · · . A
We have already introduced two techniques which can be extended to deal with blocks
of photographs. The first is the numerical orientation of the two bundles of rays of a
stereopair of photographs (Section 4.2.2). In this technique, the 12 elements of exterior
orientation of the two photographs and the coordinates of new points in the stereomodel
are computed from the known coordinates of control points. The method can be readily
extended to a large number of photographs, e.g. 18 in the example of Figure 5.1-1. The
method is then known as a bundle block adjustment. It is discussed in Section 5.3.
The second technique is numerical absolute orientation (Section 4.4). It is based on the
assumption that a stereomodel has been formed by the numerical relative orientation
of two overlapping photographs (Section 4.3). This stereomodel is then transformed
into the ground coordinate system with the help of control points. The extension of
the technique from a single model to a block of models implies that all models in
the block—15 in the example of Figure 5.1-1—are absolutely oriented simultaneously.
The method is then known as a block adjustment by independent models. It is described
in the following section.
248 Chapter 5 Photogrammetric triangulation
The models can be levelled, for example, by means of control points taken from rela-
tively small-scale topographic maps. For this purpose, in addition to the actual aero-
triangulation points, points in the stereomodels are chosen whose heights, or all three
coordinates, can be measured approximately in a topographic map. The image coor-
dinates of these points are also measured and used, after the relative orientation, to
Section 5.2 Block adjustment by independent models 249
compute the corresponding model coordinates. The numerical absolute orientation can
then be performed to level the model with these (approximate) control points.
Exercise 5.2-1. Wide-angle photographs are taken at a scale of 1 : 8000 with a 15/23
camera. A topographic map at a scale of 1 : 5000 is available, from which coordinates
can be derived with an accuracy of ± 3 0 cm. How large may be the height differences
AZ in a model if we use this map for the levelling of the models before a planimetric
block adjustment? (Solution: σχγ = ±4.8 cm (Equation (4.6-1)), AZmm « 80m.)
The principle of a planimetric block adjustment is shown in Figure 5.2-2, while Ta-
ble 5.2-1 contains the initial data for the block adjustment. The model coordinates are
in separate, independent, local coordinate systems for each model. Each of these co-
ordinate systems is displaced and rotated relative to the ground coordinate system and
has an arbitrary scale.
As initial data for the amalgamation of the individual models into one block in the
ground coordinate system we have on the one hand the tie points which exist in more
than one model (points 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9) and, on the other hand, the model and ground
coordinates of the field-surveyed control points (points 1, 2, 3 and 4).
The adjustment can therefore be defined as follows. The models are:
so that:
The mathematical relation between a stereomodel (coordinates x, y) and the ground co-
ordinate system (coordinates X, Y) can be formulated from Equations (2.1-9), (2.1-5)
and (2.1-4) (plane similarity transformation):
TO cos κ = a
TO sin κ = b
X — Xu + xa — yb
Y = Yu + ya - xb
250 Chapter 5 Photogrammetric triangulation
vx = X_u + χ a — yb — X
Vy = Yu + ya + xb — Y
vx = X_u + xa - yb — 2L — 0 (5.2-5)
vy = Yu + ya + xb - Y - 0
The underlined terms are the unknowns. The observation equations (5.2-4) and (5.2-5)
have an unusual form: although the corrections vx and vy derive from the inaccuracies
in the model coordinates x, y, they are to be interpreted as corrections to the (known)
ground coordinates Χ , Y (in (5.2-4)) and to the fictitious observations "0" (in (5.2-5)).
The balance of unknowns and observations for the example of Figure 5.2-2/Table 5.2-1
Unknowns: 4 x 4 = 1 6 transformation elements Xu, Yu, a, b
5 x 2 = 1 0 tie-point coordinates X , Y
==> 26 total
'Kraus, Κ.: ZfV 91, pp. 123-130, 1966. Van den Hout, C.M.A.: Phia21, pp. 171-178, 1966.
Section 5.2 Block adjustment by independent models 251
Model 1 Model 2
Pt.No. X y Pt.No. X y
1 148.29 573.28 2 366.93 558.43
5 374.11 561.87 5 154.36 561.30
6 362.77 147.41 6 130.40 143.24
7 138.27 151.39 8 358.30 140.28
Model 3 Model 4
Pt.No. X y Pt.No. X y
3 148.59 139.40 4 359.38 135.30
6 362.10 542.71 6 140.31 578.42
7 159.40 556.85 8 359.34 549.19
9 345.67 128.76 9 141.97 149.87
Ground coordinates of
control points in m
Pt.No. X Y
1 4443.81 8338.54
2 7658.37 7993.67
3 4472.02 1071.18
4 8348.54 1316.60
Table 5.2-1: Initial data for the planimetric block adjustment of the block of Fig-
ure 5.2-2 (Model coordinates in [mm], ground coordinates of control points in [m])
252 Chapter 5 Photogrammetric triangulation
„ „ ~ _
T*i 3
Νa - - - -
: 3
S S S S P S S S i
Upper index = model number, lower index = point number
Table 5.2-2: Observation equations for Figure 5.2-2 and Table 5.2-1
Section 5.2 Block adjustment by independent models 253
r-* Ή
Χ * χ *
k ' f
ε λ ε^ϊ
£ 7 ι ι
Ή -e
ε^ r» Je
* 7 I
CO • ' <0 «3 co .' 03 03
-«O •«^•«i ·«->
. . . «Ä Ή . • · ε-„ε·-,
7 · 7 1 1 I I
ε·^ •f-i
7 •· 7 I IÄ •· « ?S? -C
(Ν '
ε +
3 ο
+ 'S
(Ν ω
"a O+l
i? e
Es ε
»* 3
ΟS oo >0 •o ο SO
00 >0 en σ\ cs
•tf Ο) co ρ οο
σ\ enoo
en 00 00 ci
cs 00 00 cn Ή «ΛΪ οό es -φ C
CO u-lD as
r~ t- Ul m 00 as < Ν VN
O £P
en V
00 Ρ» o en
oo en oo >
00 en C/->
OOs •3
CO cs cn
CS asο CS cω
£ 7 7 ö ο ο ο
as m Ο Οen
* 7 7 ο CS ο Ο cs CS ο
ο ö
I ο ö 3 'S)
SO ο
as cΉ
CS Ο οw
£ 7 7 ÖΟ σ\ ο cs δrt1 ο§
I I ο I ^ 'S
σ·\ 'S
ο ο Os •5 μ
*00 7 7 ο ο CS cs > <41
ο Ο üΟ
I I I •α
rt i-ü
οp- 00 </") >ο ε
ω g1
CS es os CS
£ 7 7 Öο ο ο
ο £ §
U") 1 "8
oo ο VI
Os es
CN e Ό
£7 7
ο Ö
CS ο ο
S a
ε Λ
(Λ Χ3
ο ο Ο Ο CS Ο
οΟes ο
7 7 7
7 © Ö Ο es es S ο
ο <Ν
¥cη *υU
1 1 Iο ο IÖο 3 Jä
or- (C ΝS oo 00 mS J3
sO Ο ο οes ο C CS oo e
3 υ
7 7 7 7 ο CS Ο cs ο ο Ö ο 2 ο
1 ο I I I 2<1 iE
cn 00 Ο 00 ^ uο υ
CS ο CS os CN Ρ
>s 7 7 ο
ο Iο ö Ξ -
00 en c £
ο 00 ο δ ο
(Ν os CS
<N λδ-Ji -c
$7 7 ÖÖο ö u £
1 Iο I
to as
Ό Τ)
ΙΛι cs
en CS CS
Τ) en es öCS ö οο
Ö ν> SO
(Ν ό
Ό so enCS ο
cc «1 r-τ> C Mcs Ο
en •α
u-i (Ν C Sο "M 3
cs C Sö ο ο
<N Ö •α
Ö Ο u
*3 t>.
/3 <υ
Table 5.2-4: Normal equations for the example in Figure 5.2-2, derived from the data
of Table 5.2-1
Section 5.2 Block adjustment by independent models 255
The system of normal equations (Table 5.2-3) of the planimetric adjustment of a block
has a very special structure which can be expressed in matrix form as:
( M (SM".1)
X] ...unknown transformation parameters
X2 ...unknown tie-point coordinates
Di,Ü2 ...diagonal matrices
Ντ, Ν ...sparse submatrices which give rise to correlation between the un-
knowns xi and X2
ni . . . vector of the absolute terms of the unknowns xi (the corresponding
vector for the unknowns X2 is the null vector)
( n t D - ! N - D 2 ) x2 = N T D f 1 n i (5.2-8)
This method of reducing the normal equations is particularly suitable for block
adjustments with a large number of models and a small number of tie points. This
situation is typical in analytical photogrammetry where the operator chooses a
small number of tie points.
D l X l + NX 2 = η , 1 x2 = - D " 1 (NTxi)
N t X I + D2X2 = 0 J D]X] — N D ^ ' 1 N T x i = ni
K }
( D l - N D j ' Ν τ ) X] = m (5.2-10)
This method of reducing the normal equations is particularly suitable for block
adjustments with a small number of models and a large number of tie points.
This situation is typical in digital photogrammetry where a large number of tie
points are selected.
If new points occur only in one model (single points), we can write two observation
equations (5.2-5) for each such point and compute the coordinates X , Y of the new
points from Equation (5.2-8) or (5.2-9). Since these single points contribute nothing
to the block adjustment by independent models however, it is better to eliminate them
256 Chapter 5 Photogrammetric triangulation
from the initial data and then transform them in a separate process by the transforma-
tion parameters xi (Equation (5.2-7) or (5.2-10)) into the ground coordinate system.
In order to keep the computing effort and storage requirements for larger blocks within
reasonable limits, computer programs2 take advantage of the large number of zeros in
the normal matrix when solving the normal equation (5.2-8) or (5.2-10). (This proce-
dure is treated in more detail in Volume 2, Section Β 5.2.2.)
Exercise 5.2-2.
Given: The model coordinates of three models
Δ 13> 11 Δ.
(in [mm]) and the ground coordinates (in [m]) of
five control points. Required: Set up the obser-
vation equations according to Table 5.2-2 and
perform the adjustment by indirect observations.
© © ©
A 11 1I λ. Model 2
Pt. X y
3 686.90 542.66
Model 1 4 687.32 447.69
Pt. X y 5 759.46 494.88
1 697.46 572.52 6 758.68 543.16
2 698.64 463.63 7 760.64 440.05
3 808.18 571.81 Ground coordinates
4 808.50 475.26 of control points
Model 3 Pt. X Y
Pt. X y 1 1131.50 2331.50
6 609.38 578.29 2 1138.62 1142.22
7 610.80 461.60 5 3143.78 1782.21
8 692.30 579.75 8 3951.05 2332.99
9 692.89 464.34 9 3957.72 1201.05
The perspective centres stabilize the heights along the strip. A similar stabilization
perpendicular to the strips is not possible, however, so that, as shown in Figure 5.2-4,
chains of height control points perpendicular to the strips are required. A very good
perpendicular stabilization of heights in the block could also be achieved by side over-
laps between strips of about 60%.
The principle of spatial block adjustment can be seen in Figures 5.2-3 and 5.2-4: the
points in each model are defined in an independent, spatial coordinate system which
can be transformed into the ground coordinate system by the seven elements of absolute
orientation (Section 4.4). For the simultaneous absolute orientation of all models in the
block, we have on the one hand the model coordinates of the tie points (including the
perspective centres) and on the other the model and ground coordinates of the control
The principle of spatial block adjustment can therefore be defined as follows. The
models are:
258 Chapter 5 Photogrammetric triangulation
so that:
• the tie points (including the perspective centres) fit together as well as possible
The mathematical relation between the model and the ground coordinate system was
defined in Equations (4.2-6) and is known as a spatial similarity transformation. The
mathematical formalism of the simultaneous computation of the elements of absolute
orientation of all models in the block is, by analogy with the 2D case, sometimes called
a chained spatial similarity transformation.
In the system of observation equations for the spatial block adjustment with indepen-
dent models, the unknowns are small additions to the approximate starting values. (In
contrast, no linearization and no starting values were necessary for the system of equa-
tions for planimetric block adjustment.) Automatic generation of approximate starting
values to initialize the linearization is presented in Volume 2, Section Β 5.1.
Section 5.2 Block adjustment by independent models 259
Since the X Y coordinates of the tie points are computed from a least squares adjust-
ment by indirect observations (Appendix 4.1-1), we can derive their accuracy—more
correctly, the weight coefficients (cofactors) qxx and ςγγ—by inverting the normal
equation matrix (Table 5.2-3). As a result of the symmetrical structure in X and Y,
the weight coefficients qxx and qyy are identical; they are named qpp below. We
then have the accuracy σβ,ρ of the coordinates X and Y of a tie point after the block
— \fqppoο = y/qppOM,p (5.2-11)
σο is the standard error of unit weight of the adjustment, i.e. the accuracy σχ or συ of
a model coordinate χ or y, expressed in the ground coordinate system (see the com-
ment following Equation (5.2-5)). The quantity can therefore be regarded as a
factor which, multiplied by the accuracy σΜ,ρ of the X Y coordinates in the individual
models, gives the planimetric accuracy σβ,ρ of the block.
Figure 5.2-5 3 shows these factors sßTpp for various sizes of blocks, each containing a
control point in the four corners of the block. The quantity a m a x denotes the maxi-
mum planimetric error in the block, while CTmean denotes the root mean square of the
planimetric error of all tie points in the block, i.e.:
al (1 χ 2) = 1.31 σ„
= 1.44 σ ο
ο » , = 3.02 σ
σ„„ = 4.08 σ „
Figure 5.2-5: Planimetrie accuracy with four points in the block corners, for square
blocks ns χ nm (ns... number of strips, nm... number of models in a strip)
• the accuracy falls significantly as the size of the block increases and
It is therefore obvious that if we wish to increase the overall accuracy we should pro-
Section 5.2 Block adjustment by independent models 261
Figure 5.2-6: Planimetrie accuracy with a dense pattern of control points along the
block edges, for square blocks ns χ nm
vide a dense pattern of control points along the edges of the block. The success of such
a strategy is shown in Figure 5.2-6.
The accuracy
Some generalization of these accuracy results for square blocks has been published
262 Chapter 5 Photogrammetric triangulation
Figure 5.2-7: Planimetrie accuracy with a dense pattern of control points along the
edges of the block and a control point in the centre of the block, for square blocks
n s Χ Τίγγι
by Ackermann 4 , Ebner 5 and Meissl6 for the patterns of control points shown in Fig-
ure 5.2-8 ( P I corresponds to Figure 5.2-6, i.e. the number i of bridged models corre-
sponds to two baselengths along the block edges; PA corresponds to Figure 5.2-5) and
summarized in Equations (5.2-12), for which six tie points per model, as opposed to
four in the model corners, were assumed.
Numerical Example (to verify Equations (5.2-12) for a square block with eight strips).
Case 1 (block edges with dense control = g3 in Figure 5.2-6):
Equation 1 of (5.2-12): as,p,mean ~ (0.70 + 0.291og8)aM,p ~ 0.96σ Μ ,ρ
Figure 5.2-6: σΒ,ρ^η = 1-03σ Μ ,ρ
Case 2 (four control points, in the corners of the block = gl in Figure 5.2-5):
Equation 4 of (5.2-12): σΒ,ρ<ΠΚ3η ~ (0.47 + 0.25 χ 8)σ Μ ,ρ « 2.47σ Μ ,ρ
Figure 5.2-5: σΒ,ρ^an = 3.02σ Μ ,ρ
B U L 36, pp. 3 - 1 5 , 1968.
BuL 40, pp. 214-221, 1972.
ÖZfV, pp. 61-65, 1972.
Section 5.2 Block adjustment by independent models 263
•••••••Dm Β—Β—Ξ—Β—g
Π [)
[1 P1
K l
[] Ρ2
11 ,h 11
16 PCP
[] l = 2b π
Π []
• Β α
Ο [1
η Β α
Figure 5.2-8: Pattern of planimetric control points for the Equations (5.2-12). Note
that the block size is variable; for PI the number of control points increases with the
size of the block, for P2-P4 the number is constant ( P C P = planimetric control
The difference between 0.96 and 1.03 and between 2.47 and 3.02 can be tolerated
for rough estimates of block accuracy such as concern us here. The difference arises
partly from the fact that Equations (5.2-12) are based upon the use of six tie points in
each model while Figures 5.2-5 to 5.2-7 are based upon the use of four tie points per
Numerical Example (for project planning). Model control points are to be established
by photogrammetry in an area of 10 km χ 10 km, with a coordinate accuracy of ± 10 cm.
These control points will be natural points for which we assume an uncertainty of
definition of ± 5 cm. Eight field-surveyed control points exist in the block, four in
the corners and four in the middle of the edges (P3 in Figure 5.2-8). What scale of
photography must be adopted?
Exercise 5.2-3. Repeat this example of project planning with the assumption that 16
field-surveyed points are available (P2 in Figure 5.2-8). (Solution: Four strips at a
photo scale of 1 : 15000 are sufficient.)
The rules for accuracy shown above are also valid, to a rough approximation, for rec-
tangular blocks, but not for the extreme case of a single strip. Accuracy in a strip is
therefore discussed separately in Section The near-equality between block ac-
curacy and single-model accuracy for blocks with dense control around the edges—the
most important case in practice—also holds good if the edges of the block are irregular.
Up to this point, the accuracies quoted have all referred to the tie points in the corners
of the models. Single points, i.e. points lying in one model only, will be less accurate.
In the case d3 of Figure 5.2-6, the accuracy of single points is 1.33σΜ,ρ 1 , a decrease
of about 33%, a value which can also be applied as a guide in blocks of other sizes and
with other patterns of control. In the same publication, Ebner also studied the effect on
accuracy of single points of using significantly more than four or six tie points in each
model. For the same case d3 of Figure 5.2-6, 60 (!) tie points per model brought an
improvement in accuracy of only about 25%. The number of tie points thus has little
effect on the accuracy of the coordinates of single points after a block adjustment.
In the interest of blunder detection and blunder location, however, the statements made
above need to be revised: one should use at least eight tie points in each model, two in
each corner, and groups of at least two control points rather than single control points.
(This aspect is treated in depth in Volume 2, Section Β
Ebner, Η.: Na. Ka. Verm. I, Heft 53, pp. 51-71, 1971.
Section 5.2 Block adjustment by independent models 265
The accuracy of heights after a block adjustment can be derived from an inversion of the
normal equation matrix, in the same way as for planimetric accuracy. The analogous
relation to Equation (5.2-11) is then:
The height accuracy is primarily dependent on the number i of models between two
chains of height control points (perpendicular to the strips). It is also good practice to
improve the height accuracy along the upper and lower edges of the block by introduc-
ing height control points on these edges at intervals of i/2 models. The ideal pattern of
height control is then as shown in Figure 5.2-9.
-— i/2 models —
ι models
Figure 5.2-10 8 shows the relation between the accuracy of heights of corner points in
the models and the number of models i bridged between control chains. It shows the
root mean-square value for the entire block (amc-dn) and the maximum value a m a x in the
most unfavourable position in the block. The corresponding equations assuming six tie
points are:
<?B,Z,mean (0.34 + 0.22ί)σ Μ ,ζ
Β,Ζ, max (0.27 + 0 . 3 Η ) σ Μ , ζ
Ebner, Η.: BuL 40, pp. 214-221, 1972 (Forster, B.C.: UNISURV G28, pp. 84-93, 1978, demon-
strates a further generalization).
266 Chapter 5 Photogrammetric triangulation
— (mean)
Figure 5.2-10: Height accuracy of a block adjustment (σ Β ) compared with the accu-
racy in a single model (ctm)
A- Δ Full control point
ο Height control point
Required: a max of the adjusted heights and a mean for the height accuracy of the com-
plete block.
Accuracy in a single model
&M,Z = ± 5 . 4 cm
(Equation (4.6-1)):
Block accuracy (maximum
error): σΒ,ζ,max = ± ( 0 . 2 7 + 0.31 χ 6 ) 5 . 4 = ± 1 1 . 5 c m
Block accuracy
σΒ,ζ,mean = ± ( 0 . 3 4 + 0 . 2 2 χ 6 ) 5 . 4 = ± 9 . 0 c m
(representative value):
Exercise 5.2-5. What is the change in accuracy if four chains of height control points
are used instead of three? (Solution: σβ,ζ,πηχ = ±8.2 cm, σΒ,ζ,mean = ±6.6 cm.)
We see that, when compared with planimetric accuracy, particularly with dense control
along the edges of a block, height accuracy is significantly less favourable. An interval
of about three models between chains of height control is the maximum if we wish to
Section 5.2 Block adjustment by independent models 267
In the interest of blunder detection and blunder location one should—as for planimet-
ric adjustment (see the end of Section—introduce at least eight tie points per
model, two in each corner, and provide control points in groups rather than as single
points (see Volume 2, Section Β In high mountain regions care should be
taken that height control points do not only lie in the valleys or on mountain peaks;
they should cover the full height range of the area.
Since we must here also differentiate between signalized, natural and artificial points,
it is convenient to relate the accuracy of strip triangulation, a s , to the error, gm, of
single models introduced in Section 4.6.
'Hein, G.W., van der Vegt, H.J.W., Andersen, O., Colomina, I.: Schriftenreihe des Inst, für Pho-
togrammetrie, Uni. Stuttgart, Heft 13, pp. 261-325, 1989. Lucas, J.R., Mader, G.L.: Journal of Surveying
Engineering 115/1, pp. 78-92, 1989. Friess, P.: BuL 58, pp. 136-143, 1990.
OEEPE Publ. No. 8, 1973.
"Ackermann, F.: DGK, C 87, 1965.
Stark, Ε.: OEEPE, No. 8, pp. 49-82, 1973; BuL 45, pp. 183-190, 1977.
268 Chapter 5 Photogrammetric triangulation
extreme simplification represented in this diagram has the practical advantage of simple
interpretation; note, however, that differences of up to 50% from the values shown in
Figure 5.2-11 can occur in individual cases.
Numerical Example (of project planning). Signalized points along a strip must be
measured with a planimetric accuracy, σρ, of ± 3 cm and a height accuracy, σζ, of
± 5 cm. Because of the high cost of control, as few field-surveyed control points as
possible are to be used. A 15/23 camera is to be used. The field-surveyed points are at
the ends of the strip and in the middle.
Trial 1. Photo scale 1 : 4500, with the following pattern of control points.
Trial 2. Photo scale 1 : 3000, with the following pattern of control points.
This numerical example shows that the reduction in accuracy caused by increasing
the number of bridged models is significantly less than the improvement in accuracy
resulting from the increase in photo scale.
The mathematical relationship between the image coordinates and the global ground
or object coordinate system can be found in Appendix 2.1-2. The differential quotients
for the corresponding collinearity equations can be found in Appendix 2.1-3.
- Φ
Section 5.3 Bundle block adjustment 271
while the expression for v v i j has a similar form. The unknowns are the six elements of
exterior orientation of the photograph with the index j and the three ground coordinates
of point Pi. If a ray passes through a fixed point, the terms dXiy dYi and dZt disappear.
The differential quotients ()° are calculated from approximate values of the unknowns
by the relations in Appendix 2.1-3. and 77? are image coordinates computed from
Equations (2.1-19) with the help of the approximations to the unknowns, ξ^ and ή13 are
the measured image coordinates. The necessary approximations to the unknowns can
be derived in various ways. For example, for near-vertical photographs ω ο = φ ° = 0;
κ° is known from the flight plan. A block adjustment by independent models (Sec-
tion 5.2) yields the coordinates X°Y°Z° of the perspective centres and the coordinates
X Y Z of the new points (this problem is taken up again in Volume 2, Section Β 5.2.1).
A schematic example with four photographs will help to clarify the procedure. The
balance of observations and unknowns is:
1A 2 A A1 A2
% 4. .3
Observed image coordinates (2 χ 6 χ 4) = 48
is. 6. .5 .6£
3 x 4 = 12 perspective-centre coordinates
3 x 4 = 12 rotations
3. 4. 3 x 4 = 12 new-point coordinates
(N) => 36
0 5. 6. Redundancy: 48 - 36 = 12
CL·7 A 8
Observation equations
In place of the differential quotients ()° in observation equations (5.3-1), the following
table uses variables a and b which are introduced in Appendix 2.1-3.
272 Chapter 5 Photogrammetric triangulation
n° n° n°
8 9 " l O (61-&)
60 6° 6j0 (»Öl - » & )
(^12 - r/?2)
(7° 8 u
9 u
1 0 (62-^2)
6° h°
9 ° 1 0
(V32 ~ V32)
In matrix notation:
ν = Ax — 1 (5.3-2)
Normal equations:
A Ax = A 1 (5.3-3)
Nx = η (5.3-4)
Section 5.3 Bundle block adjustment 273
In matrix notation:
N„ N12\ / X , \ = /m
NJ2 N22 Y V X 2/ VN2
The upper left matrix N n is a hyperdiagonal matrix with submatrices each of 6 χ 6
elements. The lower right matrix N 2 2 is similarly a hyperdiagonal matrix with subma-
trices of 3 χ 3 elements. The inversion of the two hyperdiagonal matrices is particularly
simple: each submatrix can be inverted independently.
The system of normal equations reduced by the new-point coordinates x 2 can thus be
formed with no great computing effort. By analogy with Equations (5.2-9) and (5.2-10)
we have from Equation (5.3-5):
( N n - N, 2 N 2 - 2 1 Ni 2 )xi = ni - N i 2 N ^ n 2 (5.3-6)
Further treatment of bundle block adjustment will be found in: Wong, K.W., Elph-
ingstone, G.M.: Ph.Eng. 39, pp. 267-274, 1973. ASPRS-Manual of Photogramme-
try, 5 th ed., Falls Church, 2004. Triggs, B„ McLauchlan, P., Hartley, R„ Fitzgibbon,
Α.: Bundle Adjustment—A Modern Synthesis. Vision Algorithms'99, LNCS 1883,
pp.298-372, 2000.
It is typical of photographs from amateur cameras that the theoretical central projec-
tion is significantly deformed by lens and film distortion. These influences can be taken
into account in a bundle block adjustment by introducing correction polynomials in the
observation equations, whose coefficients are determined in the adjustment. Such an
adjustment is called a bundle block adjustment with additional parameters or with self-
calibration. The technique is not only used for amateur-camera photographs, but more
and more for photographs taken with proper photogrammetric cameras. Additional
parameters provide an extremely powerful method of compensating for systematic er-
rors. It is of no importance whether these systematic errors occur as a result of lens
or film distortions or as a result of anomalies of refraction etc. This concept is further
discussed in Volume 2, Sections Β 3.5.6 and Β 5.2.4.
Further reading: Jacobsen, K.: Phia, pp. 219-235, 1982. Kilpelä, Ε, Helkilä, J, Inkelä,
Κ.: Phia, pp. 1-12, 1982.
The "single-model accuracy", which is required by the rules in Section 5.2.3, however,
can be based on the following accuracy guides. These apply to targeted and other corre-
spondingly accurate points in a regular block with 60% forward overlap and 20% side
overlap, processed by a bundle block adjustment with additional parameters which re-
duce systematic errors. The values are 50% better than the guide values in Section 4.6.
Section 5.3 Bundle block adjustment 275
Exercise 5.3-1. Repeat the numerical examples of Section 5.2.3 under the assump-
tion that the block triangulation has been performed by the bundle method with addi-
tional parameters rather than by independent models. (Solution: Numerical example
according to Figure 5.2-5: ομ,ρ = ± 1 . 8 cm, σΒ,ρ,πχ&η = ± 3 . 3 cm; numerical example
according to Figure 5.2-6: gm,z = ± 2 . 7 cm, crß,z,mean = ±4-5 cm.)
Extensive details concerning the accuracy of the highly developed bundle block ad-
justment can be found, amongst other, in the following literature: Schwidefsky/Acker-
mann: Photogrammetrie. Teubner-Verlag, Stuttgart, 1976. Brown, D.C.: Ph.Eng. 43,
p. 447, 1977.
At the end of this section we list the advantages and disadvantages of bundle block
adjustment relative to independent-model adjustment:
• computer-intensive methods
• GPS positioning "on the fly" is relatively demanding and cannot, at present,
reach the centimetre accuracy level which is the objective of precision aerial
• unavoidable cycle slips and/or multipath effects can disturb continuous GPS po-
• the combined calibration of the three units, GPS, IMU and imaging sensor, is a
very complex exercise in which there are often considerable shortcomings (Sec-
• GPS values, which are determined in a global coordinate system, must be cor-
rected for various influences, such as the geoid, in order to correspond to the
current ground (national) coordinate system in which the photogrammetric re-
sults are expected. In other words, GPS/IMU data often have datum problems
with respect to the ground coordinate system.
Instead of direct georeferencing by GPS and IMU, which is known as direct sensor
orientation, GPS and IMU information should be used only to support aerotriangula-
tion. The combination of GPS and IMU data with control points for orienting image
recording systems is known as integrated sensor orientation.
The following discussion concentrates on GPS-assisted aerotriangulation. The per-
spective centres of the metric images can, as suggested in Section (note in par-
ticular Figure 3.7-12), be determined in the global GPS coordinate system with the aid
of GPS and IMU recording. Due to the previously indicated datum problems, amongst
others, the GPS coordinates Xoj, Yoj and Zoj of the perspective centres cannot be intro-
duced as known parameters (i.e. constants) in the adjustment equations (5.3-1). (They
would be better treated as "observed unknowns", see Section Β 3.5.7, Volume 2.) In-
stead, all perspective centres fixed by GPS should be grouped into a single model in a
three-dimensional coordinate system, the GPS model, and processed in a hybrid block
adjustment. Here the bundles of rays from each metric image (bundle block adjust-
ment, Section 5.3) and the GPS model just mentioned (spatial block adjustment with
independent models, Section 5.2.2) are processed together. The ground coordinates of
the perspective centres are regarded as unknowns in this hybrid block adjustment; the
unknown perspective centres connect the ray bundles of the individual metric images
and the GPS model. Each perspective centre with its three GPS coordinates provides,
Section 5.5 Georeferencing of measurements made with a 3-line camera 277
in addition to the adjustment equations of the bundle block adjustment, three further
adjustment equations. Within the hybrid block adjustment the GPS model is subject
to three translations, three rotations and a scale change. These seven unknowns prin-
cipally eliminate the above mentioned datum problem between GPS data and ground
The other errors in the GPS data, mentioned above, are largely eliminated by a division
into several GPS models. In particular, a GPS model for every image strip is very
The GPS models support the perspective centres inside the photogrammetric blocks.
GPS-assisted aerotriangulation therefore avoids the need for height control point chains
(Section Further details about GPS-assisted aerotriangulation and its accuracy
can be found in Volume 2, Section Β 5.3.5.
Where IMU data are available the process is similar. Thus, the IMU orientation angles
Wj, ψ] and Kj should not be introduced as known parameters (constants) in the adjust-
ment equations (5.3-1). Instead, these orientation angles should be left as unknowns
in every metric image and an "orientation angle model", the IMU model, introduced
into a hybrid block adjustment. This IMU model should have some unknown parame-
ters, by analogy with the GPS model. A division into independent IMU models for
individual strips is, in many cases, to be recommended.
cubic spline interpolation can be found in Lancaster, P., Salkauskas, K.: Curve and
Surface Fitting. Academic Press Ltd., 1986.)
The obvious question now arises as to how a point Ρ with coordinates xt, = (xb,yb, zt,)T in the XbVbZb
body coordinate system can be transformed into the X Y Z object coordinate system. The following
rotational axes are available for this exercise:
• primary rotation ω (roll) about the Xb axis until the yb axis is parallel to the X Y plane.
• secondary rotation ψ (pitch) about the yb axis (already rotated by ω) until the χι, axis also lies
parallel to the X Y plane.
• tertiary rotation κ (yaw/heading) about the Zb axis (already rotated by ω and ψ) until the Xb and
yb axes are parallel to the X and Y coordinate axes.
Using the rotational and axial directions introduced in Figure 2.1-5, the following result is obtained by
analogy with the presentation of Appendix 2.1-1:
X = RL^kXÖ (5.5-1)
The rotation matrix Έ Ι ω φ κ introduced in Section 2.1.2 needs therefore only to be transposed. (This result
is not surprising given the knowledge from Section 2.1.1 about reversal of transformations involving
rotation matrices.) From the numerical form of a given rotation matrix, the roll, pitch and yaw angles
of an aircraft (Section 3.7.1) can be determined with the help of the transposed algebraic form of the
rotation matrix (2.1-13) in the usual way.
Exercise 5.5-1. The rotation angles of a body coordinate system are to be determined from the matrix
R.2 given in the numerical example of Section 2.1.2: Solution, making use of the formulations (2.1-1-8)
in Appendix 2.1-1: ω (roll angle) = - 1 . 0 8 8 6 gon ( - 5 8 ' 4 7 " ) , ψ (pitch angle) = 0.1499 gon (8'6"), κ
(yaw angle/heading) = 101.3224gon (9Γ11'25").
Further reading: Baumker, Μ., Heimes, F.: OEEPE-Publication No. 43, pp. 197-212, 2002.
Section 5.5 Georeferencing of measurements made with a 3-line camera 279
Before discussing the determination of the ordinates of the six orientation functions
at all nodes, a particular feature of the 3-line camera (Figure 3.3-3, right) should be
emphasized. If the three strips in the triplet are aligned along the same time index, then
the lines arranged in vertical rows in Figure 5.5-2 have the same orientation elements;
in other words: for all strips in a triplet a single set of six orientation functions Xo(U),
Yo(U), Z0(ti), co(ti), ip(U), k(U) is required.
_JJt - r 9
Nadir ? wY [Hy
Figure 5.5-2: Image triplet from a 3-line camera showing the common line index
The basic equations for georeferencing images from a 3-line camera are the observation
equations (5.3-1). However, the six exterior orientation elements Xqj, Yoj, Zq3, Uj, ψj,
Kj, which would be inserted here for each line triplet, are replaced by the six ordinates
Xo(ti), Yo(U), Z0(ti), oj(ti), <p(ti), n(ti) at all nodes Nt. Since the nodes Ni are
considerably more widely spaced than the original lines, the number of unknowns in
the adjustment is significantly reduced. (Details about this substitution can be found in
Forkert, G.: Geow. Mitt, der TU Wien, vol. 41, 1994.)
Aerotriangulation, i.e. indirect georeferencing, can also be implemented with these ad-
justment equations. This would require many control and tie elements. Control and
tie elements include control lines and tie lines in addition to control and tie points, as
indicated in Figure 5.5-1, left (the relevant mathematical analysis can be found in Sec-
tion Β 4.3, Volume 2). The high number of control and tie elements can, however, be
considerably reduced if the GPS/IMU information is included in the sensor orientation.
Such a solution is very similar to GPS/IMU-assisted aerotriangulation (Section 5.4).
For this purpose, the six orientation functions are determined for all strips from the
acquired GPS/IMU data. The abscissae of the nodes Ni are taken from the indirect
georeferencing explained above. The ordinates of the nodes Ni can be determined
by interpolation between the GPS/IMU observations at the nodes Ni. Restricting fur-
ther discussion to the three orientation functions Xo(t), Yo(t) and Zo(t), the result is
a single GPS model for the complete area of interest. This GPS model contains three-
dimensional Cartesian coordinates of all nodes Ν in a global GPS coordinate system.
This GPS model can be jointly processed with the adjustment equations of the indirect
georeferencing in a hybrid block adjustment, as explained in Section 5.4. In this hybrid
block adjustment the ground coordinates of the nodes are treated as unknowns. The un-
known nodes Ν connect the GPS model and the orientation functions Xq(1), Yo(t) and
Zo(t). Within the hybrid adjustment the GPS model is translated, rotated and re-scaled
in order to compensate for possible datum problems and other error effects arising be-
tween the GPS data and the ground coordinate system. A division into separate GPS
models for every strip can also be advantageous. In the same way as GPS models can
be formed for the orientation functions Xo (t), Yo(t) and Zo(t), so IMU models can be
setup for the orientation functions ω(ί), φ(ί) and κ(ί).
The method presented here is a combination of direct and indirect sensor orientation,
i.e. an integrated sensor orientation, which has proven itself in practice.
Further reading for Section 5.5: Ries, C., Kager, Η., Stadler, P.: Publikation der
Deutschen Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung, Band 11, pp. 59-
66, 2002. Gervaix, F.: PFG 2002(2), pp. 85-91. Hinsken, L. et al.: ASPRS, St. Louis,
USA, 2001.
(a) the first method, which can be applied where there are relatively minor height
differences and small image tilts, makes radial corrections to the image coordi-
nates in a similar way to refraction (see Equation (4.5-3)). This radial correction
is given by the following equation (for the derivation of the formula see Sec-
tion Β 5.4.3, Volume 2):
The ground coordinates of the control points, and the GPS locations of the per-
spective centres (where available) in ground coordinates, remain unchanged.
Any available IMU data relating to roll and pitch angles can also be adopted
without change. However, the heading angle (yaw angle), which is also provided
by the IMU, is referenced to the meridian and so a convergence of the merid-
ian must be applied. The convergence of the meridian 7 is the angle between
the meridian and the North/South gridline in the ground coordinate system, fre-
quently a Transverse Mercator coordinate system. It is given by:
λ (5.6-2)
7» = - ο) cos ψί
(b) a second method fundamentally solves the problem that the object coordinate
system in photogrammetry is a three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system
and the ground coordinate system is not. The control points and GPS positions
of the perspective centres are given in the ground coordinate system; the pho-
togrammetric results are expected in this coordinate system. The second method
has the following steps:
• the control points and the GPS positions of the perspective centres (if avail-
able) are transformed from the ground coordinate system into a tangential
coordinate system. This is tangential to the Earth ellipsoid at the centre of
the area of interest.
• photogrammetric processing is done in this tangential system.
• the photogrammetric results are subsequently transformed from the tangen-
tial system into the ground coordinate system.
The IMU information requires special treatment. The discussion is here restricted to
the roll and pitch angles which are referenced to the physical plumb line. The Ζ coordi-
nates in the tangential Cartesian coordinate system are perpendicular to the X Y plane.
282 Chapter 5 Photogrammetric triangulation
Depending on the rigour of the analysis, the plumb lines are perpendicular to the spher-
ical or ellipsoidal surface of the Earth; being specific, the tangents to the curved plum
lines at the IMU's point of measurement are the datum for the IMU information. The
IMU measurements must therefore be rotated by the angle between the physical plumb
line and the Ζ axis of the tangential coordinate system. This correction, which depends
on the IMU's measurement position as taken from the GPS data, can be calculated as a
rotation matrix using either a spherical or ellipsoidal model of the Earth's surface and
applied to the IMU data in the first calculation stage mentioned above.
Details of this rigorous method, which include accounting for the geoid, can be found
in Sections Β 5.3 and Β 5.4, Volume 2.
Exercise 5.6-1. Table 4.5-3 shows the maximum Earth curvature in stereomodels for
various image scales and camera types. Calculate the corresponding radial correction in
the image using Equation (5.6-1). (Solution: for the 1st value in the 1st row: c = 85 mm,
h = 850 m, ρ = 140 mm, Δρ = 25 μτη.)
Further reading: Wang, S.: DGK, Reihe C, Nr. 263, 1980. Ressl, C.: VGI 89, Heft 2,
pp. 72-82, 2001. Cramer, M.: DGK, Reihe C, Nr. 537, 2001. Heipke, C„ Jacobsen,
K., Wegmann, H. (Eds.): OEEPE Publication No. 43, 2002.
For the arbitrarily configured bundles found in close range photogrammetry, the accu-
racy of close range bundle adjustment can only be very approximately estimated with
the previous rules of thumb (4.6-1) and (5.3-7). Here it is a condition that the camera
rays intersect the object points at good angles and the entire block is surrounded by
control points. The critical parameter in deciding accuracy is, as always in photogram-
metry, the camera-object distance.
Exercise 5.7-1. How would the accuracy change if a P31 wide-angle camera (c =
10 cm) were used instead of the normal-angle camera? The camera-object distance
Extensive further reading on mobile mapping can be found in Section 3.8.8.
Section 5.7 Triangulation in close range photogrammetry 285
could then be halved without increasing the number of photographs. On the other hand,
the shorter distance (wider angle) may increase the number of dead (invisible) areas in
the object. (Solution: σ (perpendicular to camera axis) = ± 0 . 0 7 5 mm, σ (along camera
axis) = ± 0 . 0 7 5 mm.)
pp. 2 5 6 - 2 8 1 , Whittles Publishing, 1996. Mason, S.: Mitt. Nr. 53, Institut für Geodäsie und Photogram-
metrie, ΕΤΗ Zürich, 1994.
Chapter 6
P,= Q
Horizontal plane Vertical plane
of observation
is approximately horizontal; for this reason we speak, in the context of natural spatial
vision, of horizontal parallax and differences in horizontal parallax.
The fusion of the two retinal images, differing in horizontal parallaxes, resulting in a
perception of three-dimensional space, is known as stereoscopic vision or stereoscopy.
The smallest perceptible difference in angle d*y — 7 P — 7q determines the resolution
of stereoscopic perception or the stereoscopic acuity. This angle d-y lies in the range
of about 5" to 10". Monocular acuity, on the other hand, is of the order of about 30".
In relation to the standard "minimum distance of distinct vision" of about 25 cm, the
stereoscopic acuity lies in the interval 6 μιη to 12 /im and the monocular acuity is about
40 μπι 1 . Photogrammetric measuring accuracy is distinctly better (see Sections 2.1.7
and 4.6).
This improvement arises from optical or digital enlargement of the images, so that
the acuity of the human eye is not the limiting factor of the man-machine processing
On the other hand images exhibiting such differences in horizontal parallaxes ρ a can
be fused into a single three-dimensional image only when the angle d-y is smaller than
about 1.3 gon (about 1°12')· If this angle is exceeded either the foreground or the
'Albertz, J.: ZfV 102, pp. 490-498, 1977. In comparison with the accuracy of measuring individual
image coordinates, the different monocular and stereoscopic acuities result in a higher accuracy in the
measurement of ξ-parallaxcs, although not in the anticipated ratio of 1 : 6 to 1 : 3. Further reading, which
also contains advice on additional literature, may be found in: Schenk, Τ.: Digital Photogrammetry. Terra
Science, 1999.
288 Chapter 6 Plotting instruments and stereoprocessing procedures
background appears to dissolve into two separate images; one can easily verify this by
experimentation (but see Section 6.1.2(a)).
In contrast to the horizontal parallaxes ρ a (Figure 6.1-1), which lie in a plane con-
taining the eyebase B A , vertical parallaxes are defined as being perpendicular to the
eyebase. Homologous rays emanating from object points produce no vertical paral-
laxes since the rays are of necessity coplanar. In natural stereoscopic vision there are,
therefore, no vertical parallaxes.
Exercise 6.1-1. For an observer lying on his side, his eyebase is vertical. Think criti-
cally about the implications for the definitions of horizontal and vertical parallaxes.
Before dealing more closely with the observation of stereoscopic images, principles
should be set down as to how one arrives at stereoimages with horizontal parallaxes
but without vertical parallaxes:
• "normal case" photographs taken, for example, with a stereometric camera (Sec-
tion 3.8.2)
• conversion of arbitrarily oriented photographs into the "normal case" using the
elements of interior and exterior orientation (the favoured method in the process-
ing of digital metric images Section
Stereoscopic observation can, however, be made significantly easier if one places the
photographs under a lens stereoscope (Figure 6.1-2). The rays entering the eyes are
almost parallel and, if the photographs are a distance / below the lenses, their virtual
images are at infinity and may be viewed with ease and comfort.
Large format photographs require the use of a mirror stereoscope (Figure 6.1-3). In
most such instruments optical systems are placed above the lenses L\ and L2 so that
sections of the images can be seen magnified.
In most analogue and analytical stereoplotters (for example Figure 6.3-2b) stereoscopic
observation occurs by way of lenses or mirror stereoscopes in conjunction with com-
plicated optical systems.
Some analogue stereoplotters employ superimposed stereoscopic images (see, for ex-
ample, Figure 6.3-1). Figure 6.1-4 shows superimposed stereoscopic images of a pyra-
mid. The eyes converge and accommodate in the accustomed way at a comfortable
short distance but each eye sees both of the two-dimensional images. Suppose, how-
ever, that the left-hand image has been coloured cyan and the right-hand one red and
that a filter in the complementary colour has been placed in front of each eye (Sec-
tion Then each eye will see only one image in black, while the other image
will disappear; the two black images will be fused in the usual manner into a three-
dimensional, stereoscopic image. This anaglyph system, as it is known, is very suitable
for the printing of stereoscopic images. Coloured images, however, cannot be observed
in this manner.
Digital stereoscopic images offer other, very interesting, variations, one of which is
sketched in Figure 6.1-5. The two images alternate on the same screen and are ob-
served through spectacles incorporating LCD shutters. An infra-red system controls
the synchronization of the spectacles and the screen (Figure 6.1-5); if the frequency of
alternation of the images exceeds 50 Hz a continuous stereoscopic image is observed.
Image display
Polarized screen
ized screen. Stereoscopy results with the use of correspondingly polarized spectacles
(Figure 6.1-6). Polarization today also uses LCD systems.
Both these variants of stereo-observation can be used simultaneously by more than one
person. As a result, difficult problems of interpretation can be discussed by a group
while observing the stereomodel.
292 Chapter 6 Plotting instruments and stereoprocessing procedures
Stereoscopic perception can also be disturbed. Thus the limit of 1.3 gon (1°10') (Sec-
tion 6.1.1) should not be exceeded in the section of the image under observation.
Schwidefsky/Ackermann gives another measure for the limiting value for stereoscopic
vision: the difference in scale between the sections of the left and right images being
viewed should not be greater than 14%. Since in high mountains and in terrestrial im-
ages this limit is frequently exceeded, provision of individual zoom controls for each
image is of great assistance in stereoplotters.
As well, the density or the colour of the two images should not be greatly different.
The procedures for enhancement of digital images reviewed in Section 3.5 are also of
great significance for stereoscopy. All in all, however, the human eye is very tolerant:
even when one eye is presented with an RGB image (Red/Green/Blue) and the other
eye with a B&W (Black and White) image a spatial impression (in colour) is obtained.
The sole condition is that the intensities of the RGB image should, to a large extent,
match those of the B&W image; one makes use of this when observing images from a
three-line camera (Section
Provided that the geometrical parameters of the photographed scene are of no impor-
tance but that it is the significance of individual objects that is under investigation,
one frequently dispenses with a complete orientation of the images and with three-
dimensional geometrical processing. Instead, for such photointerpretation one makes
only a makeshift orientation as sketched in Figure 6.1-7 in which it is assumed that the
photographs have been taken with the camera axis near-vertical, typically the case in
air photo-interpretation. This consists simply of laying the two photographs on a plane
surface for observation and aligning the principal point bases (Figure 6.1-7) whereby
the vertical parallaxes are removed, admittedly only along this common straight line;
with increasing distance of the image region from this favoured line, however, the
vertical parallaxes increase, depending on such things as the tilts. Nonetheless, with
Section 6.1 Stereoscopic observation systems 293
stereometers or parallax bars, as they are called, horizontal parallaxes, and thus the
^-parallaxes between two particular points can be measured and from these the height
difference between both 3D points computed. Detailed discussion of these methods
and their limitations were to be found in older textbooks.
Photo 1 Photo 2
Ip2 pp
, 1 2 ,
62 : (6 1
= Δ ^ ΔΧ · "1)
The values ΑΧ and ΑΧ a can be expressed as the 71th part (for Figure 6.1-8 η = 4) of
the camera base Β and of the eyebase Β A 65 mm) respectively:
The values AZ and AZA follow from the first relationship of the equation system
(2.1-32), in which —Z is substituted for the flying height H :
ΑΖ = Ηυ-ΗΡ = ^ - - ^ - = (6.1-3)
Ρξ,υ Ρζ,Ρ Ρξ,υΡξ,ρ
The parallax ρξ// is also there in the observation of the virtual spatial image, so that
the "apparent principal distance" CA may be derived from the first relationship of the
equation system (2.1-32) as follows
Da = => cA = —
Ρξ,υ Β A
Section 6.2 The principles of stereoscopic matching and measurement 295
Result: The height exaggeration factor ez is the ratio of the base/height factor B/H
of the stereopair to the base/distance ratio ΒA/DA in the observation of the virtual
three-dimensional image.
Table 6.1-1 gives the height exaggeration factor ez in the case of normal angle, wide
angle and super-wide angle photographs with an image format of 23 cm χ 23 cm and a
60% forward overlap (base/height ratios are given in Table 3.7-1).
sets this three-dimensional measuring mark on points and traces it along lines, in this
manner abstracting information from the images, converting it to discrete values. The
stereoplotter becomes a 3D digitizer. In this process of analysis the photogrammetric
operator brings his knowledge and judgment to the choice of points and lines, interpret-
ing their significance and capturing their meaning in encoded form. In this way human
vision, recognition and recall are put to service in the processing of the stereomodel.
Machine vision, which is not considered in more detail until Section 6.8, attempts to
transfer this whole process to the computer.
This section concentrates on the design and operation of the three-dimensional mea-
suring mark mentioned above, beginning with those measuring marks used with lens
and mirror stereoscopes.
ξ and η, in both images; so both corresponding points are located and stereo-
scopically matched. Using the recorded image coordinates and the elements of
interior and relative orientation, or in other cases the exterior orientation, the xyz
coordinates are computed in real time, or in the latter case the X Y Z coordinates
(Sections 4.3.2 or 4.1).
Each projector may be rotated through angles ω, ψ and κ; this allows the rela-
tive orientation (independent model method) to be carried out. The rotations Ω
and Φ required for absolute orientation (levelling the model) may be set using
the footscrews (5). Since the model scale is determined by the ratio of the base
length in the model to the base from the photoflight, the desired model scale may
be set by shifts of both projectors. Note that the complete process of relative and
absolute orientation may be carried out without computational aids.
Stereoscopic observation is by the anaglyph method (Section 6.1.2(a)). A light
spot on the table (6) is used as the floating mark for stereoscopic setting on the
model surface. The links (10) ensure that the lamps (9) project corresponding
portions of the images.
(b) principle of mechanical projection
In mechanical projection each straight line joining image point, perspective cen-
tre and object point is represented by a link, known as a space rod, usually in
the form of a slender rod of cylindrical cross-section which rotates about one
of the perspective centres. The principle of mechanical projection is briefly ex-
plained with reference to the Wild Aviograph (Figure 6.3-2a). The object point
is driven in the x, y and 2 directions on a three-dimensional cross slide system.
The space-rod is mounted
The portions of the space rod connected to the ball-joints may be lengthened or
shortened along their axes, often referred to as being telescopic.
Each photo-carrier can be rotated through angles ω and φ, the axes of rotation
passing through the respective perspective centre. In addition each image can be
rotated in a plane about its principal point (κ rotation). The longitudinal tilt of
the model Φ can be set on an adjustment screw (Φ in Figure 6.3-2a). The other
inclination of the model for absolute orientation Ω is set directly with ω\ and ωι
on the two photo-carriers.
After absolute orientation which, as has already been mentioned, can be carried
out without numerical computation, the operator sees a virtual three-dimensional
image not only of a section of the images but also of the measuring mark. Now
he moves the x, y, ζ cross slides, and with them both images, until the two mea-
suring marks coincide with the image points Pi and P2; that is, the floating mark
has been set stereoscopically on point Ρ and its object coordinates have been
6.4.1 Stereocomparators
It is very simple to explain the mode of operation of a stereocomparator in terms of the
cross-slide system shown in Figure 6.4-1.
Section 6.4 Analytical stereoplotters 301
The two images may be moved in coordinate directions corresponding to the perpen-
dicular cross-slides. The two measuring marks M\ and Mi are fixed in the focal planes
of the eyepieces. Images of parts of the photographs are also focused in these planes,
so that the measuring marks may be set stereoscopically on object points (Section 6.2).
Disregarding the zero settings for the time being, such a stereoscopic setting yields the
image coordinates ξι and η\ on the lower cross-slides and the parallaxes ρς = ξ\ — ξι
and ρη = ηι — r/2 on the upper cross-slides from which the image coordinates £2 and 772
may be derived. So that these uncorrected image coordinates from the stereocompara-
tor scales may be transformed into the camera coordinate system, it is also necessary
to measure the coordinates of the fiducial marks (Section
When the image coordinates are recorded by a human operator, the X Y Z object coor-
dinates of the measured points are found by computation using analytical photogram-
metry. Since in its early days photogrammetry was concerned exclusively with ter-
restrial photographs, usually conforming to the "normal case", the labour involved in
calculation of object coordinates was kept within limits 4 .
Advances in analytical photogrammetry received a very decisive stimulus with the de-
velopment of electronic data-recording and electronic data processing. At this point
electronic data registration should be introduced.
In 1909 Eduard von Orel constructed the Stereoautograph, an instrument for "automatic" plot-
ting from stereoscopic photographs, circumventing this computational labour (Mitteilungen des k.u.k.
Militärgeographischen Institutes XXX, pp. 63-93, Wien, 1910). In England F. V. Thompson was slightly
before von Orel in the design and use of the Vivian Thompson Stereoplotter (Atkinson, K.B.: Ph.Rec.
10(55), pp. 5-38, 1980. Atkinson, K.B.: Ph.Rec. 17(99), pp. 555-556, 2002). Both Thompson and Orel
solved the simple equations of the "normal case" (3.8-1) by means of lineals; at one end these were
fixed to the slides of the stereocomparator; at the other end they controlled a drawing device. The in-
struments permitted the continuous drawing of plan detail and contours. Recent publications touching
on the historical development of the stereocomparator and the stereoplotter include Meier, H.-K.: ZfV
128(1), pp. 6 - 1 0 , 2 0 0 3 , and Luhmann, T., Robson, S., Kyle, S., Harley, I.: Close Range Photogrammetry.
Whittles Publishing, 2006.
302 Chapter 6 Plotting instruments and stereoprocessing procedures
Base plate
Schwebel, R.: ZfV 104, pp. 157-165, 1979.
Section 6.4 Analytical stereoplotters 303
40 μΓΠ Photo-carriage
Intensity of illumination/
magnitude of current
10 20 30 40 μιτι
Figure 6.4-3: Linear impulse generator (Since it has no influence on the measuring
principle, the parallel guidance system is not illustrated). The photograph, the photo-
carrier, the light source and the photodiode move together; the scale and the measuring
mark are fixed.
The linear pulse generator (Figur 6.4-3) warrants a closer examination. On the mea-
suring scale as well as on the photo-carriage, not only the width but also the separation
of the lines is 20 μηι. Rays coming from the light source and falling on a line are fully
absorbed; they are totally reflected from the regions between the lines on the photo-
carriage. When the lines on the photo-carriage are moved 10 μηι to the left from a
position in which they are aligned with the graduations on the scale (Figure 6.4-3),
only 25% of the emitted light falls on the photodiode D, which translates the incident
light into electrical current in proportion to the intensity of illumination. If the photo-
carriage is then moved to the left the current will increase. The maximum of 50% is
reached when the graduations on the photo-carriage are moved 20 μηι out of alignment
with the graduations on the scale. A further movement to the left reduces the current,
and so on.
The number of minima and maxima transmitted from the diode D to a counting system
defines the image coordinates as a multiple of 20 μτη intervals. Subdivision of the
20 μηι intervals occurs through digitization of the electrical signal; in the case of the
PK1 this is done in 20 steps which corresponds to an increment of 1 μηι. The image
coordinates ξ and η which are passed to the computer are obtained by measuring the
extreme value and digitizing the electrical signal.
The accuracy of a comparator is very much dependent on its design, especially on the
extent to which the Abbe comparator principle is fulfilled. This fundamental princi-
304 Chapter 6 Plotting instruments and stereoprocessing procedures
pie means that the distance to be measured and the measuring scale should, so far as
possible, lie in one straight line.
The greater the distance d between the scale and the segment I to be measured (Fig-
ure 6.4-4), the larger the measurement error Al attributable to out-of-squareness, such
as might be caused by a defective parallel guidance system of the photo-carriage. The
Abbe comparator principle is strictly adhered to in the monocomparator PK1 (Fig-
ure 6.4-2) as opposed to the stereocomparator sketched in Figure 6.4-1 in which it is
For this reason no great accuracy requirement is placed on the parallel guidance system
for the photo-carrier in the PK1. The accuracy of the PK1 is more or less determined
by the accuracy of the glass scales and the accuracy with which the measuring mark
Μ can be held fixed in relation to the two scales. All these causes of error together
result in a mean square coordinate error of only ±1 μτη, an error which is less than
that arising for other unavoidable reasons in photogrammetry, such as irregular film
distortion which can amount to about ± 3 μτη (Section
Figure 6.4-4: Measurement of segment I without regarding the Abbe comparator prin-
)M 2
Image 11 Image 2
ryi φ ΓχΊ
The control process by which the two photographs are moved under the stationary
measuring marks M\ and Mj (see Figure 6.4-5) is set in motion by the operator of
a universal analytical plotter using rotation of the two handwheels and the footwheel,
that is by the setting of the object coordinates Χ, Υ, Z. If the object coordinates Χ, Υ, Ζ
describe a continuous sequence of points on the surface of the object, the operator sees
the floating mark moving smoothly along this point sequence on the stereoscopically
observed model. The operator must aim to turn the handwheels and the footwheel
in such a way that the floating mark remains in coincidence with the surface of the
stereoscopically perceived object model.
The requirement for digital displacement of both images in real time according to this
principle of a digital stereoplotter is very demanding. For the observation of digital
stereoimages (Section 6.1.2(b)) liquid crystals provide an image repetition frequency
of at least 50 Hz for each of the two images. If two images in sequence are shifted by
just one pixel, for a typical pixel size of 15 μιη the speed of displacement of the image
50 Hz χ 15/im = 0.75 mm/s = 45mm/min
That is a relatively low speed for operator digitizing of 3D lines in the stereomodel.
Therefore, for higher digitizing speeds or in the case of images with a smaller pixel
size, the image repetition frequency must obviously be raised above 50 Hz.
A still greater problem than that of repetition frequency is the large image matrix of
digitized photographs which, as an example, for an aerial photograph with a pixel
dimension of 10 μπι amounts in total to 23000 χ 23000 pixels requiring approximately
0.5 GByte of space. The mentioned image data management can be handled as follows
Section 6.6 Computer-supported manual methods of analysis 307
(Figure 6.5-1). The screen has for example 1280 χ 1024 pixels. In what is called the
display memory of the graphic processor, which permits real-time access, a section
of the total image is held available, perhaps four times larger than the screen. If the
image excerpt on the screen approaches the edge of the segment in the display memory,
the display memory is appropriately updated from the main storage of the computer,
usually from a disk. For this purpose a precalculated direction of movement in the
stereomodel, on the basis of the line already digitized, is very helpful. In the case when
only coarse digitizing of a particular line is required (because, for example, the snake
algorithm will carry out automatic refinement of the measurements, Section a
coarser image from the image pyramid (Section 3.6.1) can be held ready. As a result
the region of the image from which the screen display can be updated in real-time is
expanded. In many digital stereoplotters the zoom adjustment, controlled from the "3D
mouse", occurs in conjunction with different levels of the image pyramid.
Expected direction
of roaming
Digital Display
image memory
Further details of the roaming, so important for digital stereoplotters, may be found in
Schenk, Τ.: Digital Photogrammetry, TerraScience, 1999, and elsewhere.
As a result, digital stereoplotters are distinguished by the fact that they do not only
permit manual operation but also reach a high level of automation. This is not con-
sidered in detail until Section 6.8. First various manual procedures, with considerable
computer support, are dealt with. Subsequently (Section 6.7) the accuracy of computer
supported processing is discussed.
measurement). If the Ζ coordinate is left unchanged and if the floating mark is kept in
contact with the surface of the stereoscopic model while changing only the X and Y
coordinates, a contour line is digitized (contour measurement). When measuring lines
a choice may be made between recording at constant intervals in time or at constant
intervals in distance. In areas of higher curvature a greater density of points results
when recording at constant time intervals, for here the operator moves more slowly.
The interplay of various methods of working will be examined more closely in the
following sections.
also includes the registration of administrative information; this means such matters as
differentiation between official and private buildings, classification of paths and roads,
names of streets and places, limits of political and administrative units and so on.
Within forested areas in large-scale stereomodels the contour lines cannot be directly
followed. One can frequently make do by measuring individual points in clearings
with subsequent interpolation of the contours. Laserscanning, which is dealt with more
closely in Section 8.1, offers an exceedingly interesting alternative in forested regions
and when the demand for accuracy is high. In small-scale stereomodels contours can
be followed directly even in forested parts. To do this one measures the tree height
photogrammetrically at the edge of the forest and then, after appropriate change in
Finsterwalder/Hofmann: Photogrammetrie. de Gruyter, 1968.
Taken from E. Aßmus: Geow. Mitt, der TU Wien, vol. 8, 1976.
Section 6.6 Computer-supported manual methods of analysis 311
the height reading, moves the floating mark over the crowns of trees representing the
forest canopy. Some operators on the other hand leave the height reading unchanged
and dive, as it were, into the forest with the floating mark. In either case, contours in
forest are considerably less accurate than on open land, a topic dealt with more closely
in Section 6.7. Not only in forested areas but also in flat land, direct following of the
contours is very risky; indeed on horizontal land contours are indeterminate.
Hence, alternative methods of photogrammetric height evaluation are to be considered
which have become so competitive that, with the exception of high mountains, they
have more or less displaced direct tracing of contours.
Figure 6.6-4 shows the result of a modern photogrammetric procedure whereby con-
tours are extracted indirectly from a digital terrain model (DTM).
Figure 6.6-4: Contours determined indirectly from a digital terrain model (DTM), for
comparison with those of Figure 6.6-3
The recording of the ground begins with the three-dimensional digitizing of the break-
lines (shown as broken lines in Figure 6.6-4) marking streams and often ridges. After-
wards a static raster measurement, as it is called, takes place (Figure 6.6-5) in which
the task of driving along a meandering path over the model is entrusted to the com-
puter, the operator meanwhile having only to control the Ζ movement. The recording
of the XYZ coordinates during this operation is usually arranged in such a way that
the points lie on a square grid in the XY plane. For increased accuracy the travel along
the profiles is not continuous; before the X Y Z coordinates are taken the movement in
XY comes to a complete stop. If satisfactory stereoscopic heighting is not possible at
the pre-set X Y position, because of vegetation or the presence of a house for example,
that raster point is skipped or a substitute point near the defined X Y point is used.
By interpolation from this data and the digitized breaklines, the next step is to produce
a Digital Terrain Model (DTM), sometimes known as a DEM or a DGM (elevation
and ground respectively), from which by-products, for example contour lines, can be
312 Chapter 6 Plotting instruments and stereoprocessing procedures
derived. Such indirectly derived contour lines give a very good 3D impression (Fig-
ure 6.6-4); the integrated breaklines emphasize important geomorphologic elements.
To assist such a computer supported plotting system, more accurately a topology as-
sisted system, a superposition system is required. This offers the possibility for those
Section 6.6 Computer-supported manual methods of analysis 313
I Building editoi
Identifier Γ"Τ;§
I - Buidng prirribve
- - - ~•
I I Saddleback Rod 3 Op»*« | Union 3 Newpm*iyc |
Remove pumftive
Accept pnmfove
NewbuMng Accept! lim I Removetxjlcing |
Ctee j
Figure 6.6-6: Graphical user interface for topology assisted recording (the standard
model is known as a "primitive")
Figure 6.6-7: Superposed building measurements in one image (Taken from: Rotten-
steiner. F.: Geow. Mitt., vol. 56, 2001.)
314 Chapter 6 Plotting instruments and stereoprocessing procedures
points and lines which have already been measured to be overlaid on one of the two dig-
ital photographs (Figure 6.6-7). For this purpose the X Y Z object coordinates are to be
transformed into the relevant photograph, using the parameters of interior and exterior
orientation and taking account of the image coordinate refinement (Section 4.5). Still
better is a three-dimensional superposition in the optical stereomodel; this means a su-
perposition of the already measured features in both of the digital images. Apart from
the check on accuracy which this provides, the operator is constantly kept informed of
what he has already measured and what he still must do.
Figure 6.6-8 shows a rendered 9 oblique view of an assembly of buildings which co-
incides to a large extent with Figure 6.6-7. As a result of the topological information
concerning the building surfaces it is no problem to declare, for example, that roof sur-
faces are dark. In Section C 1.1.3, Volume 2 there is a description of how it is possible
for the surface topology to be structured in a relational database.
Incidentally, the Level of Detail (LoD) can also be efficiently regulated using the stan-
dard building model. In the above example a standard model without chimneys was
used; larger extensions were, however, modelled. The final roof form in the case of a
ridge roof with a ridge-roofed extension is formed by the blending of two ridge roofs
as one can see for oneself in some of the blended buildings. Suites of CAD (Computer
aided design) programs provide such blending functions. (The subject of more highly
automated photogrammetric measurement of buildings is entered into in Section 6.8.8
in this volume.)
'Rendering: generation of a two-dimensional image from a three-dimensional model with the appli-
cation of various lighting effects (shadows, surface reflections, etc.).
Section 6.6 Computer-supported manual methods of analysis 315
The fa?ades of buildings cannot be acquired from aerial photographs. Facades must
be captured with terrestrial photogrammetry, and evaluated either in two or in three
dimensions. Figure 6.6-9 shows a typical example. The fa$ade was plotted with an
analytical stereoplotter. Computer support is especially efficient in such work. Three-
dimensional geometric models of windows, ornamental features and such-like can be
created, taking account not only of topology but also of proportions, and can be placed
in multiple positions in the CAD model. In this way, for example, one of the windows
can be accurately measured and then this window can be duplicated in positions chosen
by the operator. In this kind of work the superpositioning system mentioned above is
especially important for it allows the operator continually to check for any possible
departures from a "standard window".
Figure 6.6-9: Fagade of the Gloriette of Schloss Schönbrunn (Plotted by: J. Tschan-
nerl, I.P.F.)
316 Chapter 6 Plotting instruments and stereoprocessing procedures
If the digital object models are designed as the central database then the next step
emerges a spatially related information system.
These definitions can be still further refined in the case of topography: digital topo-
graphic models are a simplification of the natural and cultural landscape which arise
through idealization and discretization and which are accessible for systematic use in
electronic data processing. The digital topographic models are the central database of a
topographic information system which is a subset of superior geo-information systems.
Digital topographic models can be still further divided:
• the digital terrain model (DTM: see Figure 6.6-10) refers to the surface of the
terrain, without buildings or vegetation
• the digital surface model (DSM: see Figure 6.6-10) refers to the surface with the
inclusion of buildings and vegetation
• the digital building model refers to the buildings, including their roofs
• the digital street model refers to roads and street
• etc.
Section 6.7 Operator accuracy with a computer assisted system 317
With analytical and digital stereosystems, as explained in Section 6.6.1, objects are
recorded, above all, through individually measuring single points which are connected
by means of lines. The accuracy of point measurement was dealt with in Section 4.6
and the following numerical example should recall the statements made there.
the following assumptions: for the local path a X Y ( 0 i i e q = aZ(o,def) = ±1 cm and for
the fence CTxy(0 def) = a z ( f i M ) = ± 8 cm, while for the spot height az{0,def) = ± 2 cm-
Using these values the relationships (4.6-3) yield the following accuracies for the plan
318 Chapter 6 Plotting instruments and stereoprocessing procedures
Note: the point density along the lines must be chosen such that no significant er-
ror of interpolation will be introduced. The object-specific uncertainties of definition
χγ(o,def) and σΖ(o,def) should be evaluated in the photogrammetric instrument, prefer-
ably with large-scale images, by means of repeated measurements.
Exercise 6.7-1. The accuracy needs to be improved, above all in height. For a practical
project, for example with respect to the local path, one expects accuracy of σχγ —
± 2 cm and σ ζ = ±2.5 cm. How can this accuracy be achieved? (Answer: Use of a
15 cm camera (wide-angle) instead of a 21 cm camera. Making full use of the accuracy
potential of bundle block adjustment with additional parameters (Section 5.3.4) and
reducing the flying height.)
For a first trial:
Flying height 800 m, implying 1 : m s = 1 : 5300.
The requirement for plan accuracy is met. In height the value is slightly excessive; this
can be remedied by a slight reduction in flying height.
Continuous guiding of the floating mark along a line is afflicted with considerably
greater inaccuracies than in single point setting. By empirical investigation as early as
1954 Heißler 10 found an accuracy of about
is expressed in the following rule of thumb (6.7-2) or in Table 6.7-1 (the parameter k
varies between 200 and 300 depending on the quality of the aerial photographs and on
the demands on the end-product):
1 : mM mB
1 1000 6300 -9500
1 5000 14000 -21000
1 10000 20000 -30000
1 25000 32000 -47000
1 50000 45000 -67000
Table 6.7-1: Relationship between map scale TUM and photo scaleTOΒ
σζ — 0.2%o of the distance from camera to ground, which is the accuracy of con-
tinuously traced lines from photographs with 60% forward overlap. Com-
pared with the accuracy of Equation (4.6-1) this is considerably worse
since this is a dynamic event unlike the measurement of an individual
point. In areas of forest this value is too optimistic.
σο = 100 μτα (at photo scale) which is the plan accuracy of directly drawn con-
tours. This is distinctly worse than the plan accuracy of Formula (6.7-1)
since the contours in the stereomodel are not marked in the photographs
but have to be sought.
For a statement of the accuracy—with reference to the object—of directly drawn con-
tours, in the case of aerial photographs in open terrain, Equation (6.7-3) is modified as
Numerical Example. The contours of Figure 6.6-3 originated with a photoflight using
a 15 cm camera and a photo scale of 1 : 30000. Equation (6.6-3) gives the following
accuracy for the contours (flying height = 4500 m):
In flat land, therefore, the height accuracy comes to ±0.9 m; on a 10% slope to ± 1.2 m;
and on a 25% slope to ±1.7 m; and so on. In forested areas these figures are increased
by a further ±2.0 m.
"imhof favoured distinctly smaller contour intervals (Hake, G., Grünreich, P., Meng, L.: Kartogra-
phie. 8th ed., Walter de Gruyter, 2002).
Section 6.7 Operator accuracy with a computer assisted system 321
Exercise 6.7-2. Re-consider the numerical example of Sections and
under the assumption that, instead of a 15 cm camera, a 21 cm camera is used. For
reasons considered more closely in Section 7.3.2, the 15 cm camera is not popular for
orthophoto work. (Answer: The vertical accuracy of contours for a 25% slope is, in
open country, σπ = ±2.1 m and, in forested country, = ±2.9 m. This means that,
perhaps, instead of a 10 m vertical interval a 12.5 m interval should be selected.)
Contours obtained indirectly via a digital terrain model (DTM) have the accuracy of
the DTM. This amounts to:
a/i[m] = ± ( 0 . 7 + 4 . 5 tan α)
In flat, open country, therefore, the vertical accuracy of the contours comes to ±0.7 m,
in land with a 10% slope to ±1.1 m, and with a 25% slope it is ± 1.8 m.
322 Chapter 6 Plotting instruments and stereoprocessing procedures
The choice of spacing for the static raster measurements, the choice of vertical interval
in relation to the grid spacing of the DTM and also the geomorphologic quality of the
interpolated contours should be closely considered.
The recording of buildings, introduced in Section 6.6.3, proceeds through single point
measurement in stereoplotters, mainly digital stereoplotters. Hence, the accuracy cor-
responds to that of single point measurement as reviewed in Section 4.6.
Numerical Example. For the buildings of Figure 6.6-8 image material was available
at a scale of 1 : 4500, taken with a 15 cm camera. On the basis of experience in this and
similar projects, the following may be taken from Table 4.6-1 as the appropriate values
for uncertainty of definition: — ± 7 cm, = ± 8 cm. Assuming these
values, the following accuracies for stereoscopic recording of buildings are derived:
The accuracy of points on buildings measured from large-scale images will therefore
be dominated by uncertainties of definition.
Numerical Example. For the recording of the fagade of Figure 6.6-9 image mater-
ial was available at a scale of 1 : 290, taken with the 45 mm camera Wild P31 (Ta-
ble 3.8-2). The distance from camera to object was 13 m ( = 290 χ 0.045). Because of
visibility problems increasing with enlargement of the base, the full format of the P31
in the base direction was not exploited. Two stereopairs were chosen each with a base
of 7 m, giving a photo-base of 24 mm ( = 7000/290). As is general at close range, the
accuracy should be estimated not from Equation (4.6-1) for very well defined points,
but from the relationship (2.1-35) in which one normally takes ± 6 μτη as the measuring
accuracy at image scale.
Exercise 6.7-3. With the same positions of the camera, but using a 100 mm P31 camera
instead of the 45 mm camera, how would the accuracies of this numerical example
change? (Answer: Accuracy in the fa$ade = ±0.8 mm; accuracy perpendicular to the
facade = ±1.4 mm. This increased accuracy comes at the cost of losing the upper
portions of the facade—when using the "landscape" orientation of the camera they do
not fall within the image.)
Section 6.8 Automatic and semi-automatic processing methods 323
For this section and the preceding Section 6.7.2, Appendix 4.6-1, dealing with empiri-
cal determination of standard deviations and tolerances, can be of interest as well.
The position of the cross, that is of the reference image, is sought in the second image.
The terms search window or search matrix are used. In Figure 6.8-1 a 5 χ 5 template
324 Chapter 6 Plotting instruments and stereoprocessing procedures
is compared with a 12 χ 12 search window; for the sake of simplicity the grey levels
are assumed to lie only between 1 and 9.
The cross obviously lies in the search image in position i = 8 and j = 7. The automatic
search for this position is made more difficult because
• on the one hand the search image has faded out, that is the grey levels contain
accidental defects, and
• on the other hand, on account of the finite size of the detectors with which the
search window was created, the grey levels are smeared, that is mixed pixels
appear at the edges.
12 1 1 1 1
2 1111
119 11 9 1111
119 11 9 2 11 1
9 9 9 99 9 9 9 921
1 19 11 1111
119 11 1111
Template (cross) Search window
Figure 6.8-1: Reference matrix (template) and search matrix (search window)
For the sake of simplicity the solution of this correlation task is demonstrated, not in
two dimensions but with reference to a one-dimensional example (Figure 6.8-2).
The desired position of the template in the search window is found by calculating
correlations. A measure for the correlation or similarity is the correlation coefficient r.
This is computed as follows from the standard deviations σΓ and as of the grey levels
gr and gs in both images and also the covariance ars between the grey levels of the two
r ^ < ? r s = Σ(9ν - lh){gs - gl) (6 8-1)
>/E(Sr - E ( S s " 9s)
in which gγ and g J are the arithmetic means of the grey levels of the template and those
of the corresponding section of the search window respectively.
Section 6.8 Automatic and semi-automatic processing methods 325
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Search window
1 Τ - k
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
10 50 100
The correlation coefficient r is evaluated for all possible positions of the template in the
search window. The position with the largest correlation coefficient r is the position
Numerical Example (with reference to Figure 6.8-2). The correlation coefficient for
the 1 st position, computed with i = 1 , . . . , 7 (or k = 1 , . . . , 7), is:
E(gr-4.43)(g6-2.43) -26.3
η = = -0.40
y/U9r- 4.43)2 U9s- 2.43)2 10.5 χ 6.3
The correlation coefficients for all possible positions are collected in the following
Table 6.8-1 in which the matching ξ coordinates (the pixel size Αξ = ΙΟμπι) are also
Position 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4th 5 th 6 th
k 1-7 2-8 3-9 4-10 5-11 6-12
r - 0 . 4 0 - 0 . 5 1 0.00 0.73 0.92 0.24
40 50 60 70 80 90
Table 6.8-1: Correlation coefficients for the example outlined in Figure 6.8-2
The 5 th position is that sought; thus ξ = 80 μττι. The neighbouring correlation coeffi-
cients (r4 = 0.73 and = 0.24) mean that the optimal position must lie somewhat
before ξ = 80 μιη. Thus a fit in the subpixel region is sought in a second step.
326 Chapter 6 Plotting instruments and stereoprocessing procedures
ξ = 77.2 ^m
Further details of this method, in particular in the subpixel region with two-dimensional
images, are to be found in Section Β, Volume 2.
A very widely used method of correlation in the subpixel region employs a least squares
estimation method (Appendix 4.1-1) and is known as least squares matching (LSM). In
LSM one starts from an approximate fit which can be first found using the correlation
procedure described in Section If, after the approximate fit, the template and
the search window are referred to the same coordinate system, in our case that of ξ
coordinates, then the required translation of the template with respect to the search
window is only small, usually less than a pixel (Figure 6.8-3). Looking at the template
and the search image together in Figure 6.8-3 one can conclude that the template should
be moved somewhat to the left for an optimal fit, that is ξ < 80 μτη.
Let this small translation be b. The positions of the two grey level ensembles gr and gs
are therefore related as follows:
Let the grey level gs contain a random component v. The right-hand side of Equa-
tion (6.8-2) must be linearized; since b is small, this results in the following equation:
Section 6.8 Automatic and semi-automatic processing methods 327
8 - Template
6 -
2 -
ς [μη]
10 50 100
Search window
ξ Dm]
10 50 100
5r(£)>Ss(£) corresponding grey levels in the two images, the number of such
pairs of grey levels being determined by the size of the template
(d ( Jr(C)/9ξ) = the slope of the grey level profile of the template at the particular
position; that is, (θςΓ(ξ)/δξ) = Ag/Αξ. For the first pixel Ag
is taken as Ag = g2 - g\ and for the last pixel, the n t h pixel,
Ag = 9n — 9n—ι i for those pixels lying in between (1 < i < n)
Ag is expediently chosen as Ag — gi+\ — gt ι; for these interior
pixels Αξ is twice the pixel dimension.
The procedure follows the formal system of adjustment by the method of indirect ob-
servations (Appendix 4.1-1)
ν = A T v — 1, ν = (ATA)_1AT1 (6.8-4)
The accuracy of the position unknown b comes out of the computation (Appendix 4.1-
1) after the standard deviation of unit weight σο has first been estimated from the el-
ements of the vector v. The standard deviation at, of the unknown b comes from the
The possibility of such error computation is a great advantage of the LSM over other
correlation methods.
328 Chapter 6 Plotting instruments and stereoprocessing procedures
For our example the least squares equations are as follows (6.8-3):
f 0 \ /
0.4 2
0.4 -1
0 b - -1
-0.4 -4
-0.4 0
y o V 0)
From the normal equation system 0.646 = 2, the required translation is found to be
6 = 3.1; hence the final position of the template in the search window has the following
ξ coordinate: ξ = 80 - 3.1 = 76.9 μπι.
The standard deviation of unit weight σο may be obtained from the values
ν = (0, - 0 . 7 6 , 2 . 2 4 , 1 . 0 0 , 2 . 7 6 , - 1 . 2 4 , 0 ) T
The reference image and the search image frequently differ from each other not only
to a small extent in positioning but also in grey levels. Following the example of
Section 3.5.1, a parameter c (contrast adjustment) and a parameter d (brightness ad-
justment) may be introduced into the grey level gr. Equation (6.8-2) is extended by the
inclusion of these two parameters:
These equations can be linearized and re-arranged into correction equations for an ad-
justment by the method of indirect observations. The unknowns are the three parame-
ters b, c and d. The simultaneous determination of position in the subpixel region and of
the adjustments for contrast and brightness is not always to be recommended as it can
seriously impair the convergence, especially with a small correlation window and very
faded grey levels. In these cases the adjustments for contrast and brightness should
be performed before the LSM and a subsequent correlation in the subpixel region be
performed using Equation (6.8-3).
Exercise 6.8-1. Linearize Equation (6.8-6) and repeat the numerical example. Hint:
The unknown 6 should be replaced by the unknown 6 = 6 c. (Answer: c = 0.69,
d = 0.81, b = 3.1 μπι, 6 = 4.5 μπι.)
Section 6.8 Automatic and semi-automatic processing methods 329
The formulation for LSM correlation in the subpixel region can very simply be ex-
tended for the two-dimensional correlation case. In this case the process is limited to
the two translations 0ς and bn. Adjustments for contrast and brightness for the two
image regions to be correlated are, therefore, abandoned. Following the example of
Equation (6.8-3), the correction equations for the two unknowns bξ and bv become:
v b b
= ( % ) t + ( Ψ ) " " ^(ξ,ν) ~ 9ν{ξ,η)) (6.8-7)
v ' (ξ,ν) V αη ' (ξ,ν)
From this the following normal equation matrix for two-dimensional correlation is de-
N = / Udgrm E(dgrm(dgr/dv)
~ \ E ( d 9 r m ( d g r / d V ) j:(d9r/dV)2
In this matrix the summations are over all pixels in the particular correlation window.
Equation (6.8-8) is the basis for what is known as an interest operator (Section
and for feature-based matching which is dealt with in Section Before that,
some general observations should be made concerning correlation:
(a) the accuracy of the positioning depends decisively on step changes in grey lev-
els in the images. Large changes generate very large elements on the principal
diagonal of the matrix Ν of the normal equations (Equations (6.8-4), (6.8-5) and
(6.8-8)); large elements on the principal diagonal of the normal equation matrix
lead to small weight coefficients (Equation (6.8-5)) and therefore also to small
standard deviations of positioning.
(b) enlargement of the reference matrix raises the accuracy if it means that additional
step changes in grey level are thereby introduced. This increase in accuracy can
also be estimated from the inverse of the normal equation matrix.
(c) independent of its individual position in the digital image, a reference image
always results in the same inverse N _ 1 of the normal equation matrix (Equa-
tion (6.8-8)); therefore, in order to recognize the same pattern in different places
in the image, one has to evaluate N _ 1 only once. This characteristic is important
in the processing of reseau photographs.
(d) the correction equations (6.8-7) can be weighted differently; for example the
central picture element can be given a higher weight. This brings to mind the
higher sensitivity of the fovea in the human eye.
(e) in the basic equation (6.8-2) aside from a translation b, a scale factor in the ξ
coordinate of the reference image can also be introduced. Such an extension is
necessary, for example, when template and search window have different pixel
sizes. In the two-dimensional case the parameters of a similarity transformation
or an affine transformation (Section 2.1.1) can be introduced.
(f) in a more complex implementation the LSM usually requires a number of iter-
ations. Between individual iterations a resampling (Section 2.2.3) of the ξη raster
of one of the two images is carried out.
330 Chapter 6 Plotting instruments and stereoprocessing procedures
Exercise 6.8-3. Repeat the whole of the exercise of this section under the assumption
that the reference image comprises nine pixels which have the values g\ = gi = =
g9 = 1,03 = 37 = 4,34 = g5 = g6 = 9. (Result: ξ = 76.8 ± 2.4 fim). Why does a
reduction in accuracy now occur? (Answer: The sharpness of the grey level gradations
has become less pronounced.)
Exercise 6.8-4. Repeat the whole of the exercise of this section under the assumption
that the pixels are not 10 μπι but 5 μπι in size. This results in a considerable rise in
accuracy. (Result: σι, = ±1.06 μπι.)
Exercise 6.8-5. Reduction in pixel size usually results in an increase in the noise com-
ponent in the digitized image. As a result the increased noise component is carried
into the computation in which some of the grey levels in the search window are arbi-
trarily changed to g^ — 2, <77 = 9,g\ \ — 3 in the 10 μπι image. How accurate is the
positioning of the template now with the 5 μπι pixels in the search window? (Result:
&b = ±1.11 /im.)
Further reading: Ackermann, F.: Schriftenr. d. Inst. f. Photogr. d. Uni Stuttgart, Heft 9,
pp. 231-243, 1984. Rosenholm, D.: The Photogrammetric Record, 12(70), pp. 493-
512, 1987. Trinder, J.: IAPR 27(B3), pp. 784-792, Kyoto, 1988. Luhmann, T„ Rob-
son, S., Kyle, S., Harley, I.: Close Range Photogrammetry. Whittles Publishing, 2006.
Schenk, Τ.: Digital Photogrammetry, TerraScience, 1999. See also Sections Β 6.1.2
and C 2.2.1 in Volume 2.
Since the quality of the correlation depends strongly on the texture of both of the cor-
responding image patches it is to be recommended in many cases, before the actual
correlation, to choose image positions especially suitable for correlation. Interest oper-
ators, as they are called, are suitable for this purpose. In this and the following section
we assume two images overlapping each other. The reference matrix is thus a (smaller)
excerpt from one of the two images.
A very well known interest operator uses the accuracy measure for the two transla-
tions ϋξ and bri of the LSM from Equations (6.8-7) and (6.8-8). For this purpose one
forms the grey level differences ( d g / d ξ ) := g^, 77)1+1,j — g^, v)i-i,j and (dg/Οη) :=
v)i,j+1 ~~ v)i,j-i d establishes, in the neighbourhood of one of the pixels, for
example for a 7 χ 7 window, the matrix Ν of the normal equations (Equation (6.8-8)).
The inverse Q of the normal equation matrix is directly usable for the analysis of
Section 6.8 Automatic and semi-automatic processing methods 331
accuracy. The trace of the matrix Q, denoted by "tr Q", should be as small as possible.
The central pixels of such a window in which trQ is less than a specified threshold
value are marked in Figure 6.8-4.
Some markings lie on straight-line grey level edges, where an accurate correlation is
possible only in a direction perpendicular to the edge; in the direction along the edge no
accurate correlation is possible. On this ground the criterion for this interest operator is
extended insofar as not only a small value for tr Q is sought but also a good distribution
of edges in all directions. This second criterion can also be tested using the matrix Ν
of the normal equations. Details can be found in Section Β, Volume 2.
Interest operators can, for example, be applied in both images of a stereopair, indepen-
dently of each other. If the criteria for the interest operators are met in the correspond-
ing places in both images, it is guaranteed that an accurate correlation of the two image
patches will be possible. The inclusion of interest operators makes automated process-
ing markedly superior to operator processing. Nevertheless, the good operator would
still be inclined, even with poor texture in both images, to measure stereoscopically.
Förstner was the first to report the interest operator outlined above which analyses
the inverse of the normal equation matrix (6.8-8). In the literature it is known as the
Förstner operator. Another interest operator comes from Moravec. For this interest
operator the variance of the grey level differences of neighbouring pixels in a window
is computed, and compared with a threshold value, along both the rows and the columns
of the image as well as along both diagonals. Large variances offer good prospects for
An interest operator extracts features in a digital image; they are more or less the
intersection points of grey level edges. These points are positioned with single pixel
332 Chapter 6 Plotting instruments and stereoprocessing procedures
accuracy in the image matrix, in accordance with the Förstner operator introduced in
Section But, as a secondary product, the values for the chosen interest criterion
also come up for the neighbouring pixels. As a result the possibility arises of finding,
from all interest values, a continuous function over a surrounding area and of setting its
first derivative to zero. In this way the position of a feature point in the subpixel region
is found (an example of such a positioning in the subpixel region is to be found at the
beginning of Section
Some points to note: The accuracy of feature based matching, lying somewhere around
1 / 4 pixel, is distinctly worse than that of LSM. Feature based correlation is, as a rule,
more robust than LSM. A substantial disadvantage of LSM is that the approximate
positioning required before the LSM step must be relatively accurate. Feature based
correlation is rotation invariant, that is, the two images can be rotated relative to each
other. Two-dimensional correlation using correlation coefficients (Section can-
not be applied to images rotated with respect to one another.
Literature: Förstner, W., Gülch, Ε.: Proc. Intercommission Workshop on "Fast Process-
ing of Photogrammetric Data", pp. 281-305, Interlaken, 1987. Baltsavias, E.: Disser-
tation, ΕΤΗ Zürich, Institut für Geodäsie und Photogrammetrie, Nr. 49, 1991.
The human being can correlate only two images. More than two images can be simulta-
neously correlated using machine vision. For the simultaneous correlation of the three
images from a three line camera, or three line scanner (Figure 5.5-2), an extension of
correlation from two to at least three images is necessary. In Figure 6.8-5 three image
excerpts are sketched, as they relate to each other after a coarse fitting. It is very clear
that a fitting in the subpixel regions will bring about an improvement. Equation (6.8-7)
can be used for this kind of subpixel fitting. Thus any possible simultaneous contrast
and brightness fitting is abandoned; it suffices to use only translations 6ξ and bri while
transformation with additional parameters (as is given in Section is discarded.
It is possible to fit image 2 with image 1 and image 3 with image 1 more accurately
using Equations (6.8-7). If image 1 is shifted during these two fittings, two different
positions for image 1 will have been found. If, during both the first positioning and the
second, image 1 is held fixed, this shortcoming can be remedied: image 2 is shifted in
the first case and image 3 is shifted in the second case. Up to this point the remain-
ing possible pairing, image 3 with image 2, has been disregarded. Separate pairwise
Section 6.8 Automatic and semi-automatic processing methods 333
fittings thus have the disadvantage that not all possible pairings, in our case three, are
simultaneously looked at and that multiple positions are possible.
A possible variant is that one of the three images should be designated as master; we
choose image 1. A subpixel fit of image 2 to image 1 can be carried out using the
following equations, which result from relevant substitutions in Equations (6.8-7):
Similarly, for the subpixel fit of image 3 to the (master) image 1, the following equa-
tions are derived:
The formation of the normal equations from Equations (6.8-9) together with Equa-
tions (6.8-10) leads to a system of normal equations in the four unknowns, which de-
compose into two smaller systems of normal equations, in one case in the unknowns
6ξ,2ΐ and brh2\ and in the other case in the unknowns Ις^ι and 6^31. While these are
indeed joint equations involving the grey levels of the three images, the grey level
differences between image 3 and image 2 are not, thus far, minimized.
Additional equations are, therefore, sought of which the absolute term contains the
grey level difference (<&(£, η) i)) and in which no further positioning unknowns
appear. The four positioning unknowns in the Equations (6.8-9) and (6.8-10) actually
define the geometric problem clearly because 6^,32 appears in the difference (ί>ξ,2ΐ —
6ξ,3ΐ) and bO,32 appears in the difference (6η,21 — ^,3i)· The extra equation which is
334 Chapter 6 Plotting instruments and stereoprocessing procedures
being sought comes from the difference of the two Equations (6.8-9) and (6.8-10):
dgi, , dg2
d 3 ö53 '8"11}
The normal equations formed from Equations (6.8-9), (6.8-10) and (6.8-11) lead to a
simultaneous correlation of three images. In the case of four or more images corre-
sponding equations are added. The LSM algorithm outlined can be called multiple-
patch matching.
Exercise 6.8-6. Consider the correction equations for a four image correlation. (An-
swer: There are six unknown translations; the absolute terms read as follows:
(5i - 92), (9i ~ 93), (9i ~ 54), (53 - 92), (94 ~ 92) and (g4 - g3).)
A more general method, using a fictitious (master) image was given in Krupnik, A.
(PE&RS 62, pp. 1151-1155, 1996), in which references to further literature can be
• image pyramids are produced from the photographs (Section 3.6.1) and
• relatively small search regions are defined in the vicinity of the standard positions
of the fiducial marks (as, for example in Figure 3.7-7; it is required that when the
image is laid in the scanner it should be rotated and shifted as little as possible
from a standard position).
For the different levels of pyramid one requires different reference templates to match
different extracts from the image of the fiducial marks. Figure 6.8-6 shows these ex-
tracts for a typical fiducial mark. The pixel size is reduced in accordance with the
Section 6.8 Automatic and semi-automatic processing methods 335
Figure 6.8-6: Negative image of a fiducial mark with three different extract sizes
reduction in size of the extract. In the step using the coarsest pyramid the largest ex-
tract, with a wealth of detail, is required for recognition. At the level of this pyramid
the correlation is performed with only the correlation coefficient as a measure of sim-
ilarity (Section At the next pyramid level the result from the coarsest level is
invoked as an approximate position so that a relatively small search region can be cho-
sen. Advancing in this manner is continued until the finest pyramid level. A subpixel
correlation (Section is always carried out at the level of the finest pyramid. In
practice, at the finest level, the achievable accuracy lies between 1/10 and 1/5 pixel.
Accurate location of the fiducial mark in the digitized metric image is one task; the
other task is to establish which particular fiducial mark has been located. This is not a
trivial task since the image may have been placed in the scanner right way round, upside
down, rotated through 90 or whatever. It would be best if each individual fiducial had
its own unambiguous identification markings, for example in the form of a pattern of
lines. Another possibility which includes an additional, asymmetric fiducial mark may
be mentioned with reference to Figure 3.7-7.
Section Β 6.1, Volume 2 contains information on those forms of fiducial marks which
are favourable for automatic measurement, on efficient computation for correlation
coefficients, on the use of binary images instead of grey value images, etc. Examples
of further literature on these subjects: Heipke, C.: ISPRS-Journal 52, pp. 1-19, 1997.
Schenk, Τ.: Digital Photogrammetry. TerraScience, 1999.
the configuration of the camera stations and the orientations of the images as well as
on the form of the object. Near-vertical photographs with 60% forward overlap taken over land
with small height differences
Near-vertical photographs with 60% forward overlap are discussed first. Figure 6.8-7
shows such a stereopair. For correlation, reference matrices are chosen in the first
image and search regions are defined in the second image. In order to get a good dis-
tribution of orientation points the system chooses the reference and search matrices
in the standard positions, some times called the Gruber points (Section This
choice takes place at the coarsest pyramid level. In order to increase redundancy in
the correlation, relatively large reference matrices are chosen. In highly distorted pho-
tographs, however, problems can arise with reference matrices that are too large; this
can happen when there are large height differences in relation to the camera-object dis-
tance. The correlations in this first step can be carried out using correlation coefficients
(Section; an estimate with subpixel accuracy is not necessary.
Image 1 •
> • • <
• •
Figure 6.8-7: Reference matrices in the first image and search matrices in the second
image for the coarsest pyramid level; additional reference matrices, containing interest
points, and corresponding search matrices for a finer pyramid level in the neighbour-
hood of standard point number 5.
The corresponding correlation windows found in this way are very good approxima-
tions to be used for correlations at a finer pyramid level. As indicated in Figure 6.8-7
for standard position number 5 in the first image, a number of small reference matrices
can be selected inside such a window. Feature points, which may be found using an in-
terest operator (Section and around which the reference matrices are extended,
can be of great service in making this choice. (Incidentally, the choice of the reference
matrices in the first image at the coarsest pyramid stage can also be supported with
interest operators.) As illustrated in Figure 6.8-7, the search window in the second im-
age can likewise be chosen to be relatively small, but clearly larger than the reference
Section 6.8 Automatic and semi-automatic processing methods 337
It is sufficient for the relative orientation to run through three or four pyramid levels.
Only at the level of the finest pyramid should subpixel estimation be performed, for
example using LSM (Section, after matching using correlation coefficients.
The result is six homologous locations in each of which, in general, a number of ho-
mologous points lie. As a result of the high number of orientation points provided by
the automated procedure, the accuracy of the orientation elements is as a rule distinctly
better—on average by a factor between two and three—than the accuracies given in
Table 4.3-1 when using six orientation points. Near-vertical photographs with 60% forward overlap taken over land
with large height differences
With big height differences in relation to the camera-object distance the strategy out-
lined in Section can fail, especially when there are large areas which are not
visible in one or the other image. A first countermeasure consists of choosing search
regions in the second image which are perceptibly larger, above all in the direction of
the base. On account of the severe difference in scale which stems from the large height
difference, correlation coefficient and LSM methods can also fail. For this reason fea-
ture based correlation (Section, which is independent of scale and rotation, is
used; that is, in each image feature points are extracted with an interest operator and
corresponding image points are subsequently sought. At the level of the coarsest image
pyramid the properties of near-vertical photographs, which display only small differ-
ences in η coordinates between left and right images, are exploited in support of these
correspondence analyses. The results from the coarser pyramids are good approxima-
tions, in both coordinate directions, for the finer pyramid levels. Relatively many errors
are made in the process of finding matching points. The computation of the relative
orientation must, therefore, be combined with gross error analysis. Data snooping and
robust estimation, which are dealt with in detail in Section Β 7.2, Volume 2, are suitable
for this purpose.
Literature: Heipke, C.: ISPRS-J 52(1), pp. 1-19, 1997, which contains an extensive
literature list, is relevant to Sections and
In close range work, especially, many of the photographic configurations used (multi-
image photogrammetry) would exemplify the above heading. Automated relative ori-
entation in such a photogrammetric network is very difficult. First, using interest op-
erators, feature points are extracted, independently of each other, in both images. The
so-called epipolar geometry, which is not considered more closely until Section 6.8.5,
plays a central role in the subsequent process of allocating corresponding feature points
to each other. To be sure, epipolar geometry requires approximate values for the ori-
entation elements; it may be possible to recover these by directly observing and identi-
fying at least five homologous points and subsequently computing relative orientation
using the methods of Sections 4.3.2 or 4.3.3. In situations where the orientation must be
338 Chapter 6 Plotting instruments and stereoprocessing procedures
carried out without human intervention, the analysis of correspondence may be placed
on a good foundation by the introduction of object recognition. Here, for example,
feature points extracted using an interest operator are compared with each other and
topologically similar patterns are sought in the first and second images.
Literature: Haralick, R., Shapiro, L.: Computer and Robot Vision. Addison-Wesley,
Reading, USA, 1992. Van Gool, L., Tuytelaars, T., Ferrari, V., Strecha, C., Vanden
Wyngaerd, J., Vergauwen, M.: IAPRS 34(3A), pp. 3-14, Graz, 2002.
Prompted by the fact that human stereoscopic vision uses more lines and fewer points,
Schenk 12 proposed a method for automated relative orientation which uses extracted
edges for the correlation. To this end, edges are first extracted independently in both
images (Figure 6.8-21 shows an example in which relevant edges still have to be se-
lected and extracted). The form of the edges, for example the direction of the tangent as
a function of the edge length, is then analysed and similarities in the lines of both im-
ages are selected. When corresponding edges have been found either of two procedures
can be followed:
• either, distinctive points along corresponding edges, for example corners, can be
found and the relative orientation can be computed using these points following
the algorithm of Section 4.3
• or, a method based on associated lines can be used for the relative orientation.
Formulae for relative orientation based on straight lines can be found, for example, in
the work of Schwermann and Luhmann 13 .
For relative orientation using only straight lines, it is necessary to observe three images
together. An explanation: a straight line in the first image, together with the perspective
centre of that image, defines a plane; the corresponding straight line in the second
image, together with the perspective centre of the second image, defines a second plane,
which intersects the plane from the first image in object space. This is a necessary, but
not a sufficient constraint for relative orientation, since all such pairs will intersect in
space, independent of the relative orientation of the two images. Therefore, no solution
to relative orientation is possible, even with many pairs of corresponding straight lines
in two images. A third image with a straight line corresponding to the lines in the first
two images provides additional lines of intersection in object space; for correct relative
orientation all of these lines must coincide. This can be used for a combined relative
orientation of an image triple.
In the future line photogrammetry, merely touched upon in this section, will gain in
importance because, in the extraction of features, lines are more suitable than points.
Schenk, T.: Digital Photogrammetry. TerraScience, 1999.
Schwermann, R.: Veröffentlichung des Geod. Inst, der RWTH Aachen, Nr. 52, 1995. Luhmann, T.,
Robson, S., Kyle, S., Harley, I.: Close Range Photogrammetry. Whittles Publishing, 2006.
Section 6.8 Automatic and semi-automatic processing methods 339
• • • • • •
• • • • • • • •
V V —Τ-
• • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • Γ
Figure 6.8-8: Upper-left portion of a block of photographs with 60% forward and 20%
side overlaps showing reference matrices and search matrices
Using the strategies and algorithms given in Sections and one could
establish the tie points pairwise, including the tie points between the strips. Of course
in this way one would get only points that tied together the two images concerned. The
accuracy of a bundle block adjustment is, however, increased in a fundamental way
if it is possible to find unambiguous points lying in the overlap zones of all affected
images. As can be gathered from Figure 6.8-8, that point which lies in the lower row
of the second image of the first strip connects six images together. To determine a tie
point in this area, therefore, the six-image correlation is to be applied (Section
Literature: Fritsch, D., Tsingas, V., Schneider, W.: ZPF 62, pp. 214-223,1994. Schenk,
Τ.: ISPRS-J 52, pp. 110-121, 1997.
in the national coordinate system (see the introduction of Section 4.1.1 and that of
Section 5.4). Location of control points in digital photographs is required at different
stages of the photogrammetric process; in a sequence based on their importance in
practice these are:
• in both of the two metric photographs constituting a stereomodel for which ab-
solute orientation is required (Section 4.4)
Finding the control points in the images depends overwhelmingly on whether targeted
or natural control points are available. The location of targeted (signalized) points
is a pattern recognition task, comparable to the automated location of fiducial marks
(Section 6.8.2). Undeniably, the location of targeted control points is considerably
more difficult than the location of fiducial marks for the following reasons:
• as a rule, the background to the target is not uniform; there is disturbing infor-
mation present.
• getting approximate values for the search window is not easily possible.
For aerotriangulation, which is the standard procedure for the determination of the
orientation elements of metric photographs, only a small number of control points are
necessary (Sections 5.2.3 and 5.3.5); for this reason the approximate positioning and
identification are frequently undertaken by the operator and only the fine measurement
is entrusted to the computer.
Further details are to be found in Section Β 6.2, Volume 2 and in the literature: for
example Gülch, Ε.: IAPR 31(B3), pp. 279-284, 1996. Rottensteiner, F., Prinz, R.:
VGI 84(2), pp. 189-195, 1996.
Section 6.8 Automatic and semi-automatic processing methods 341
Targeted control points are to be found almost exclusively in close range photogram-
metry. In aerotriangulation the control points are usually natural points, such as corners
of buildings, corners of the boundaries of agricultural land, and so on, but also larger
ensembles of topographic elements. The recognition process for such control points is
exceedingly difficult, especially in obtaining suitable reference matrices (further details
and some sources of literature are to be found in Section Β 6.3, Volume 2). Höhle 14
extracted such a reference image from the topographic database of a geographic infor-
mation system (GIS) in conjunction with an obsolete, digital orthophoto. It goes with-
out saying that relatively many erroneous identifications resulted, but the high number
of "GIS control points" in general permitted very reliable error removal.
Figure 6.8-9: Stereopair with four points in the left image and corresponding epipolar
bands in the right image
Höhle, J., Potuckova, M.: PFG 6/2001, pp. 397-^04, see also Morgado, Α., Dowman, I.: ISPRS-J
52, pp. 169-182, 1997.
342 Chapter 6 Plotting instruments and stereoprocessing procedures
Epipolar geometry is illustrated in Figure 6.8-10. An epipolar line is the line of inter-
section of the plane of the photograph and an epipolar plane or basal plane. A basal
plane is a plane containing the two perspective centres 0\ and O2 and a relevant object
point P. All epipolar rays in a photograph intersect in the epipole K. The epipole is
the point of intersection of the base Ο1Ο2 and the plane of the photograph. An epipole
in one photograph is therefore the image of the other perspective centre. Thus a stere-
opair has two epipoles, the points K\ and K2 in Figure 6.8-10. Corresponding image
points lie on the two epipoles. In the "normal case" of photogrammetry, the epipoles
are imaginary points, coinciding in a single point at infinity in the direction of the base.
For this reason it is probably preferable to use the term basal plane.
Figure 6.8-10: Original images, normalized images and the epipolar rays for two cor-
responding image points, radiating from the epipoles K\ and K2
When the relevant epipolar rays have been found in both images, a one-dimensional
correlation can be carried out along these two epipolar rays. (The difficulties which
arise from the diagonal course of the epipolar rays in the matrices of the original images
should not be entered into here.) The obvious points from which to determine the
epipolar rays are the epipoles K\ and K2 (see Figure 6.8-10). The image coordinates
of Κ ι, for example, are obtained by substituting the model coordinates (6,0,0) of the
perspective centre O2 in the collinearity equations (2.1-19) for the first image (see
Equations (6.8-12)):
_ ri\b + Γ2ΐ0 + Γ3ΐ0 _ r\2b + r^O + r^O
~~ ~Crl3b + r 2 3 0 + Γ33Ο VK
' ~ ~Cn3b + r230 + r330
Section 6.8 Automatic and semi-automatic processing methods 343
Exercise 6.8-7. Derive the coordinates of the epipoles of both of the photographs of
Section 4.3.1 using the orientation angles from Section 4.3.2. Answer: The rotation
matrices R i and R2 must first be evaluated from the orientation angles:
The image coordinates of the epipoles, in [mm], are hence derived as: £«·, = 21351,
ηΚχ = - 5 7 3 , ξΚι = 101613, ηΚι = 1338.
direction of the perspective centre O2. The ζ axis becomes, as it were, the camera axis
of the first normalized image. The y axis is perpendicular to the xz plane.
The mathematical relationship between the image coordinates ξ and η of one of the
original metric images and the image coordinates ξ' and η' of the equivalent normalized
image follows from the collinearity equations (2.1-19), in which
_ + τηη - r}3c
ς + fi2V — 7*33 C
' (6.8-14)
, ,Γ2ΐξ + T22V - r23C
V = - c — 7 —
ί·3ΐξ + T32V - r33C
The conditions for the transformation of the original digital metric images into normal-
ized digital images are set out in these equations. A new image matrix is defined in the
normalized image (Figure 6.8-11). In order that no pixels will be lost from the origi-
nal image, the principal distance c' is chosen to be somewhat larger than the original
principal distance c. Taking this into consideration we are starting from the assumption
that the pixel sizes in the original and in the normalized images are chosen to be the
same. For every one of the pixels in the normalized image, with coordinates ξ', η', c',
the required position in the original image can be found (Equations (6.8-13)). There a
grey level interpolation over the neighbouring pixels can be carried out, as explained
in Section 2.2.3. The result of this resampling are two normalized digital images, and
therefore a normalized digital stereopair.
With a normalized digital stereopair the complete stereomodel can be processed using
one-dimensional correlation. Corresponding image points in the two normalized im-
ages lie on two lines in the images with the same η coordinates (η\ — r^). Reference
matrices, or more accurately reference vectors, are best chosen in one image in the
Section 6.8 Automatic and semi-automatic processing methods 345
neighbourhood of intersection points of grey level edges with the η coordinate lines.
The larger search matrices, or more accurately search vectors, should be chosen in the
other image, shifted by the base length (at image scale) along the η coordinate. In
cases where the orientation elements still contain significant errors the search should
be made along bands of lesser or greater width lying along the epipolar lines instead of
along the epipolar lines. A small rectangle is used as the reference matrix; the search
matrix is also defined as rectangle, but one that is somewhat wider and longer.
The first important step, determining the epipolar points Κ ι and K 2 , has already been
explained in Section Then a point Pi is arbitrarily chosen in the first origi-
nal image. The points Pi and Κ ι define the epipolar ray in the original image (Fig-
ure 6.8-10). Subsequently the point -Ρι(ξι,τ?ι) is transformed into the first normalized
image using Equations (6.8-14). The resulting point is f / ^ J , η [ ) . This point can be car-
ried over directly into the second normalized image as P i : ξ ' 2 = ; ή 2 = η[ . A constant
could be added to the ξ coordinate correspondingly approximately to the base in the
photograph. Finally the point Ρ 2 ( ξ 2 , V 2 , c') is transformed into the second original im-
age using Equations (6.8-13). The points P 2 and K 2 in the second original photograph
fix the epipolar ray in that photograph; it corresponds to the epipolar ray through the
346 Chapter 6 Plotting instruments and stereoprocessing procedures
In Figure 6.8-10 it is assumed that the correlation has been preceded by a relative
orientation using rotations only. In many cases, for example with direct orientation of
the sensor using GPS and IMU (Section 4.1), this assumption does not apply. Either
the formulae used above are re-arranged in terms of the elements of exterior orientation
or, using a suitable transformation, the relationships of Figure 6.8-10 are established.
Here, the second route is taken.
Two metric images, after determination of the elements of exterior orientation, are
illustrated in Figure 6.8-12. The camera axes (rays from the principal points through
the perspective centres) of both normalized images should be normal to the base Β and
parallel to each other; the principal distances are c'; these requirements determine the
angles Ki and Φ2. The Ω direction of the camera axes (the parallel camera axes of the
Section 6.8 Automatic and semi-automatic processing methods 347
normalized images) can be set more or less arbitrarily. A good choice is the mean of
the angles ω\ and u>2 from the exterior orientation:
In the transition from the original images to the normalized images, the angles Κ and
Φ are to be taken into account too; they are derived from the base components (Fig-
ure 6.8-12):
Κ = arctan (6.8-16)
Φ = arctan — j = L = (6.8-17)
\jBl + Bl
A 3 χ 3 matrix representing a single rotation can be formed for each of the three an-
gles Ω, Φ and Κ (Appendix 2.1-1). The three rotation matrices R n , Κφ and R k must
be combined with the known rotation matrices from the exterior orientation; these
are, for the first photograph, the rotation matrix Ri(wi,v?i,ki) and, for the second,
R2(ωό, ψ2, κι)· In so doing, the correct order of the matrices must be observed. The
object coordinates X and the image coordinates ξ, from the original image 1 are re-
lated as follows through the rotation matrix R i of the exterior orientation (from Equa-
tion (2.1-2-5) of Appendix 2.1-2; in the present instance the translations and the scale
factor of Equation (2.1-2-5) have no significance): X = R i ^ . The image coordi-
nates in the normalized image 1 are found from the X coordinates after rotations
through angles Κ (primary), Φ (secondary) and Ω (tertiary); taking note of the correct
order of multiplication of the matrices (Appendix 2.1-1) the following result is ob-
tained: £1 = RkRxjjRaX After substitution of X = Ri£ 1 ? the following relationship
between the coordinates of original image 1 and those of the normalized image 1 is
obtained (the corresponding relationship for image 2 is added):
£'1 = RicR<i>RnRi£i = R i £ i £2 — RicR<i>RnR2£2 (6.8-18)
The relationship between the ξη system of the original image and the ξ'η' system of the
normalized image is given in detail in Equations (6.8-13) and (6.8-14). The elements
rik appearing in these equations are to be replaced by the elements π ^ from the rota-
tion matrix R i for image 1 and by the elements rj^k from the rotation matrix R2 for
image 2. As is evident from Equations (6.8-18) the rotation matrices R j and R2 arise
from multiplication of the relevant four rotation matrices.
Exercise 6.8-9. If the angles Φ and Κ of Figure 6.8-12 are chosen as Φ =
a r c t a n ( B z / B x ) and Κ = a r c t a n ( B y / ^ B l + BD), what is the relationship between
the original image and the normalized image? (Answer: For image 1, for example,
= R<j>RKRnRi£i·) Epipolar geometry in images which have been oriented relatively using
projective geometry
In Section 4.3.3 acquaintance was made with an alternative method of relative orienta-
tion with its origin in projective geometry. It is suitable, above all, for photographs of
348 Chapter 6 Plotting instruments and stereoprocessing procedures
which the interior orientation is unknown. With at least eight corresponding points
in both original images the eight unknowns fa of this relative orientation can be
found. For one-dimensional correlation in such non-metric images the corresponding
epipolar rays are necessary. They have already been found: in connection with Equa-
tion (4.3-21) it was realized that, for a point in one image, there is a line in the other
image on which its corresponding point must lie. Starting from Equation (4.3-22), the
equation of the epipolar ray in the first image corresponding to a point with image
coordinates V2 in the second image is found to be:
where 15
/ \ / 6 / n + mfn + f x A / 6 \
Μ = 6 / 2 1 + m f n + /23 from (4.3-23) hence = F % (6.8-19b)
w V & / 3 1 + mf32 + l J \ 1 J
In a similar way, using F T , the transpose of F, the epipolar ray in the second image
can be found corresponding to the point £ι, η\ in the first image.
An insight: the epipolar rays can be defined directly using the F matrix, without re-
course to the epipole. This insight can also be applied to the task of correlation in
metric images. In Equation (4.3-20) it is stated how the fundamental matrix may be
arrived at in terms of the elements of interior orientation (matrices Ci and C2, Equa-
tions (4.3-19)) and the elements of relative orientation (matrices R i and R2, Equa-
tions (4.3-9)). As a result the epipolar rays, which are important for correlation in met-
ric images, may be defined by means of the Equations (6.8-19). Although the epipoles
are not needed for this, relationships should be stated from which the coordinates of
the epipoles may be found: ξ κ ι , ηκι of K\ in the first image and ξκ2; νκ2 of K2 in the
second image:
Finding the coordinates of three-dimensional object models using the fundamental ma-
trix can be understood from the relevant literature already given at the end of Sec-
tion 4.3.3.
Exercise 6.8-10. In Exercise 4.3-6 the F matrix was derived from 8 corresponding
points in two photographs. Using that F matrix and the relationships (6.8-20) find
the epipoles. (Answer: ξΚί = 6406 mm, ηΚί = - 2 0 6 mm, ξΚι — 8456 mm, ηΚι =
62 mm.) Compare these results with those of Exercise 6.8-7. Comment: The large
difference between the two results stems, among other things, from the fact that the
This relationship fails if either or both of £2 and 772 are infinitely large, that is if the image point lies
at infinity. This insight has already been gained at the end of Section 4.3.3. It was established there that,
in the exact "normal case", relative orientation is not possible using Equation (4.3-22).
Section 6.8 Automatic and semi-automatic processing methods 349
elements of interior orientation were used in one case and not in the other. As well,
the tilts of the photographs are very small so that in each case the coordinates of the
epipole are very unreliable.
Epipolar geometry can also be used efficiently for identification of points. Assume that
on a surface, for example the body of an automobile, many small circular object points
are available (for example a grid of projected points, Section C, Volume 2).
Photographs of the surface should be taken in such a way that every object point is
captured on at least three images. These points can be successfully found in a partic-
ular photograph with a circular reference matrix, as explained in Sections and The weighted centroid method has proved itself for such a task: within a win-
dow inside which the circular disk lies, the coordinates and ηΜ of the centre of the
circle are calculated as the weighted arithmetic mean of the ξ and η pixel coordinates
using the grey levels gij as weights:
ξΜ = Τ^·>!Ι'ΐ ηΜ = (6.8-21)
L,9n L· 9ij
The summations in Equations (6.8-21) run over all pixels within the chosen window. In
this calculation those pixels are removed for which the grey value lies below a suitably
chosen limit (for example all pixels with a grey level smaller than 10, if the circles
are light coloured against a dark background). The problem of positioning the window
within the neighbourhood of a particular circular area still remains open. One solution
consists of moving the window one pixel at a time left or right and up or down until
the sum of the grey values g tJ reaches a maximum. This solution leads to success,
though, only when the size of the window is chosen to be less than the separation of
neighbouring circular areas. If the circular areas are not too small and are against a
dark background the standard deviation of this method lies around ±0.05 pixel, thus a
very high accuracy, comparable to that of LSM (Section
In the following paragraph it is assumed that the circular points in all three images
have been found. Epipolar geometry offers an interesting solution to the problem of
identifying corresponding points, illustrated in Figure 6.8-13.
A point Ρ is chosen in image 1; the corresponding point is sought in image 2. The
epipolar ray Κ\ —> 2, in image 2, cuts down the set of points to a one-dimensional
group; when there are many points, no unambiguous solution is reached, however;
three points which come into consideration are marked in Figure 6.8-13. Certainty can
be restored with the help of image 3. For this purpose epipolar rays Kt2 —> 3 are
established in image 3 corresponding to all candidate points in image 2; in the example
of Figure 6.8-13 there are three such candidate points. Finally the epipolar ray —> 3
is found in image 3, corresponding to the point Ρ chosen in image 1. The required point
Ρ in image 3 lies on an intersection of the epipolar rays Ki 2 —> 3 with the epipolar
ray Κ ι —• 3. From this the corresponding point is also found in image 2. Should the
points lie very close to each other or if the orientation elements are not very accurately
350 Chapter 6 Plotting instruments and stereoprocessing procedures
Figure 6.8-13: Epipolar geometry for the identification of the point Ρ in three images
known the inclusion of a fourth photograph in the epipolar geometry system can be
very valuable.
Exercise 6.8-11. How does the identification method explained in this section perform
if the three camera stations are arranged along a straight line? (Answer: Since the
epipoles are the images of the perspective centres of the other images, in this case two
epipoles coincide. Therefore identification of corresponding points is not possible with
this method.)
Literature: Dold, J., Maas, H.-G.: IAPR 30(5), pp. 65-70, Melbourne, 1994.
has been completed. The X Y coordinates are set in advance, preferably over a regular
grid (Figure 6.6-5). Beginning with one of the grid points a series of equally spaced
Ζ coordinates is defined along the vertical line through that point. The strategy begins
with points at particular Ζ levels being transformed into both photographs using the
collinearity equations (2.1-19). In this way candidates for homologous windows are
found in both photographs. Taking excerpts of equal size in both images, a measure of
similarity, for example the correlation coefficient (6.8-1), is computed for each window
pair. The required object point and its X Y Z coordinates have been found when the
maximum value of this similarity measure is reached.
This raster-driven correlation method gives only a point cloud and no break-lines on the
ground. These have to be obtained by an operator and, together with the ground points
obtained by correlation, brought together in a digital terrain model (DTM). Contour
lines derived in this way have the appearance portrayed in Figure 6.6-4.
The VLL procedure delivers satisfactory results only under the following conditions
(Section C 2.2.1, Volume 2):
• the slope of the terrain may not be great (the maximum rotation of the corre-
sponding area of the image is 30° and the maximum scale difference of the cor-
responding excerpts of the images is 25%).
• in place of the horizontal square element in the object (Figure 6.8-14) an inclined
object element can be used; the slope can be estimated either from additional
geometrical parameters in the LSM (Section or from the X Y Z coor-
dinates of neighbouring points already found through correlation.
• instead of isolated elements at each raster point the surface can also be approx-
imated by continuously connected facets and in a computational procedure the
correlations and all parameters of the facet structure be derived.
The object sends out not only geometric information but also additional radiometric
information. In the case of digital photography we must consider not only geomet-
ric rays emitted from an object point, but also their electromagnetic properties which
produced the grey, or colour, values in the photographs. In the reconstruction of the
object surface the homologous geometrical rays must intersect in the object point and
the homologous grey or colour values must produce identical radiation values in object
space. To this end radiation models which take the line of sight into account should,
above all, be introduced into the processing.
Literature: Grün, Α., Baltsavias, Ε.: PE&RS 54, pp. 633-641,1988. Heipke, C.: DGK,
Reihe C, Heft 366, München, 1990 and PE&RS 58, pp. 317-323, 1992. Helava, U.:
PE&RS 54, pp. 711-714, 1988. Wrobel, B.: IAPR 27(B3), pp. 806-821, Kyoto, 1988,
and BuL 55, pp. 93-101, 1987. Zheng, Y.-J.: PE&RS 59, pp. 489-498, 1993. Nevatia,
R.: IAPR 31(B3), pp. 567-574, 1996. See also Section C 2.2.4, Volume 2.
complex image analyses are performed for many problems. These processing methods
from computer vision can frequently be transferred to close range photogrammetry. For
complete processing in plan from aerial photographs, on the other hand, there are still
few reliable and accurate solutions. That is the reason why photogrammetric process-
ing in plan is solved semi-automatically, the recognition part of the task rendered by
man (Section 6.6.1) and the measurement and modelling part automated. This sec-
tion is limited to determination of the boundaries of different kinds of land use, to the
transport network and so on; the independent Section 6.8.8 is dedicated to the semi-
automated processing of buildings.
Semi-automated processing in plan can be put into practice using computed curves
known as snakes. They are explained with reference to Figure 6.8-15: in the stere-
omodel the operator selects the forest boundary and sets the floating mark on a few
points (Section 6.5). Then he initiates an automatic measuring process which, starting
out from a coarse polygonal line, lays a curve along the forest boundary. This adapta-
tion can take place in both photographs independently of each other. Intersection with
epipolar rays produces the ξη coordinates of corresponding points in both images so
that the XYZ coordinates of points along the three-dimensional curve in the object
model can be derived16. Other strategies are conceivable which, for example, carry out
adaptation to the image curves in both photographs simultaneously, while also taking
the 3D spatial curve into account. (Details are to be found in the literature given in this
Adaptation of the coarse polygonal line to a curved grey level edge in a photograph
still needs closer consideration. The curved edge may be modelled for example by a
spline function s(t); s is vector valued,i.e. there is a spline function for each of the two
image coordinates £(£) and η(ί). The parameter t can be taken as curve length from
the starting point.
The spline function s(f) should, in our example, be smoothed as much as possible. This
geometric constraint is arrived at by minimizing the first and second derivatives, that
is by minimizing s'(t) and s"(t). The appropriate corrections for the corresponding
observation equations in the sense of a least squares estimation17 are denoted by v S '
and v s ».
16Should the particular epipolar ray make only a very shallow intersection, or even meet the curve
tangentially, the determination of the XYZ object coordinates becomes very inaccurate or, in some
cases, indeterminate. Details of the problem are to be found in the third item in the comment list of
Section 6.8.8.
17 Instead of the least squares solution used in this section the optimization of snakes can be arrived at
by calculus of variations, by dynamic programming, by level-set formulation (see, for example, Osher,
St., Paragios, N.: Geometric Level-Set Methods in Imaging, Vision and Graphics. Springer, 2003) or by
simulated annealing (van Laarhoven, P.J.M.: Simulated annealing—Theory and Applications. Reidel,
354 Chapter 6 Plotting instruments and stereoprocessing procedures
Figure 6.8-15: Three operator-placed starting points (left); interim result (middle); and
final position (right) of the curve as forest boundary
The corrections v s / and v s » are internal geometric constraints on the desired outline.
An external constraint is that the boundary line should run as close as possible to the
digitized polygon points. The corrections connected with this in a least squares esti-
mation are denoted by v e x t . (Details of the mathematical formulation are to be found
in Sections Β 3.5.4, Volume 2.)
The third group of corrections v p h o relates the curve to the image content. The LSM
scheme (Section can be invoked. A reference matrix, in this case a reference
matrix for a forest boundary, is defined along the approximate curve. To the left of
the approximate curve a dark grey level is used and to the right of it a light grey level.
Both grey values will be taken from the mid-range of values in the given photograph.
A two-dimensional LSM formulation (6.8-7), which allows not only two translations
6ξ and bri but also permits a deformation of the reference image according to the spline
function chosen above, will improve the curve in a combined adjustment. (With longer
curves the reference image is broken into shorter pieces.)
Applying appropriately chosen weights P , the combined adjustment minimizes the
following function:
Additional Literature: Kass, M., Witkin, Α., Terzopoulos, D.: International Journal of
Computer Vision 1(4), pp. 321-331, 1988. Kerschner, Μ.: IAPR 32(3/1), pp. 244-249,
Ohio, 1998.
After the operator has chosen the particular kind of line to be used in plan and has
digitized the starting points, the snake solution runs through smoothly in one go, so
long as the operator does not intervene because he considers that the lines in the pho-
tographs look unsatisfactory. In the present section this closed solution described above
is compared with another method which consists of a number of sequential steps.
The key phases of this semi-automatic, three-dimensional processing method are as
• in each of the two photographs, independently of each other, the lines are ex-
• then corresponding lines are matched to each other; here epipolar geometry pro-
vides very valuable assistance.
• with the image coordinates of the homologous points and the known elements
of exterior orientation of both, or in some cases more, metric images the X Y Z
coordinates of a succession of points in the 3D object model follow.
356 Chapter 6 Plotting instruments and stereoprocessing procedures
• capturing and modelling of the object surface, that is for example a terrain model
from aerial photographs (Section 6.8.6)
• production of a digital orthophoto from one of the two metric images (Sec-
tion 7.3)
Line extraction requires still closer examination. In the section "Filtering in the spatial
domain" (Section readers have already become acquainted with the basic ideas
of edge extraction which, in the case of processing in plan, is indicated as better than
line extraction 18 . A typical line-extracting operator is the Laplace operator (3.5-14).
Figure 6.8-16 is the result of a convolution of the right-hand matrix of Figure 6.8-1
with the Laplace operator. The lines in the original image come out as zero-crossings in
the convoluted image. Through linear interpolation between the negative and positive
pixel values along the rows and along the columns, the lines are found with subpixel
accuracy. (The achievable high accuracy can be diminished, however, because of the
shift in position connected with compression of the photographs, Section 3.6.2). In
Figure 6.8-16 the outline of a cross is obtained.
But isolated zero lines also occur; they are caused, for example, by noise in the original
grey values. In the original Figure 6.8-1 the grey value differences at the isolated
points were around 1; in Figure 6.8-16, which is formed through convolution with the
Laplace operator, they are around 5. This statement can be generalized: the Laplace
operator and comparable operators, which are based on second differences, reinforce
the grey value differences between neighbouring pixels (in our example the maximum
grey value difference in the original image is 8 ( = 9 — 1) and in the convoluted image
it is 32 ( = 8 + 24).
In the image-processing literature there is frequently a differentiation between edges and lines. At
an edge an abrupt transition occurs from one grey level to another grey level. Along a grey level profile
perpendicular to the edge, the position of the edge is at a maximum of the first derivative or at a zero
of the second derivative of the profile function. At a line, coming from either side, there is a relatively
more abrupt transition from one grey level value (possibly, indeed, from two different grey value levels)
to one lying in the middle of a common grey value level. The band of pixels with the common grey value
level, the actual line, is very narrow. If one imagines a grey value profile perpendicular to the line, the
position of the line is at a zero of the first derivative of the profile function. An operator which extracts
edges gives the envelope of a line. The thinner the line the more merged together the envelope. The edge
extraction operator can thus be used in a similar manner for extraction of lines.
Section 6.8 Automatic and semi-automatic processing methods 357
ο;ο ο; ο , 1 C D 1 j ο ioii
0 11 00 00 00
0 1 00
1 ϊ Γ ϊ 1<(34
i 0 )
1C3>1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
0 1 0 0
1 4 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
8 9 0 0 0
0 0 0 7 1 6 1 2 9 1 0
0 0 7 C20 - 1 7 - 1 5 -23)4 1
0 0 1 7 1 6 1 6 8 1 0
0 1(7)1 8 8 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 8 0. 0 0 0
Figure 6.8-16: Convolution of the right-hand matrix of Figure 6.8-1 with the Laplace
operator (3.5-14) (the convoluted matrix is smaller than the input matrix by two
columns and two rows)
The troublesome consequences of noise in line extraction with the Laplace operator
can as a result be removed to a large extent if the original image is first subjected to
a low-pass filter (for example a Gauss filter (Sections and before the
Laplace operator.
Both of these processes are combined in the LoG operator, the Laplacian of Gaussian.
The LoG operator filters out the noise (a low-pass filter) and simultaneously provides
an image in which the zero crossings represent the lines. This operator is obtained
when, in imitation of the differentiation of the Laplace operator (Section,
the Gaussian bell curve, with which the elements of the Gauss filter are fixed, is
twice differentiated and the second derivatives in both coordinate directions—the total
differential—are combined in one function.
If one chooses the determining parameter σ of the Gaussian low-pass filtering to be the
same in both coordinate directions, that is σ — σζ = ση, and assumes independence
between the two coordinate directions, that is σξη — 0, the two-dimensional normal
distribution is obtained (Figure 6.8-17)19:
r2 = ξ2 + η2 (6.8-23)
For example: Mikhail, E.: Observation and Least Squares. IEP-A Dun-Donnelley Publisher, New
York, 1976.
358 Chapter 6 Plotting instruments and stereoprocessing procedures
As in the derivation (3.5-13) of the Laplace operator from the second differences
(3.5-12), here the second derivatives are added and are designated the LoG function:
e + ri2~2a2
LoG:= (V2H^,7?)) = ~—ζ6 e 2σ (6.8-25)
The LoG function has the shape of an inverted sombrero (Figure 6.8-18). The one and
only parameter that is free to be chosen is σ. A small σ results in many zero points. A
large σ suppresses the pseudo-lines, which are caused above all by the noise; it is more
or less the case that only the relevant lines in the original image are extracted. The LoG
convolution operator can be derived from the LoG function (6.8-25). For σ = y/2, for
example, the following convolution matrix is obtained; it is limited to a 9 χ 9 matrix;
the values lying outside this 9 x 9 matrix, which are small, are not shown:
/Ο 1 2 4 4 4 2 1 0\
1 3 7 10 10 10 7 3 1
27 11 6 0 6 11 7 2
4 10 6 - 2 4 - 4 6 - 2 4 6 10 4
LoG = 10~ 3 χ 4 10 0 - 4 6 - 8 0 - 4 6 0 10 4 (6.8-26)
4 10 6 - 2 4 - 4 6 - 2 4 6 10 4
27 11 6 0 6 11 7 2
1 3 7 10 10 10 7 3 1
yO 1 2 4 4 4 2 1 0 /
The advantage of the LoG operator over the Laplace operator for the extraction of lines
is demonstrated with the aid of a practical example. Figure 6.8-19 shows the original
Section 6.8 Automatic and semi-automatic processing methods 359
Figure 6.8-20: With lines ex- Figure 6.8-21: With lines ex-
tracted using the Laplace operator tracted using the LoG operator
image. Figure 6.8-20 reproduces the image after convolution with the Laplace operator
(3.5-14); Figure 6.8-21 is the result of a convolution with the LoG operator (6.8-26).
The advantage of the LoG operator is clearly recognized; the many pseudo-lines are
suppressed and the relevant lines are clearly emphasized.
Before leaving this section the problem of the shift in position of lines extracted with
the LoG operator should be touched on. Since the LoG operator is an edge-extracting
operator, the sum of its elements should be zero (Section Checking this for
the matrix (6.8-26) though gives a sum of —0.008. This defect leads to a shift of the
extracted lines that must be taken into account when high accuracy is demanded. The
shift is dependent both on the deficiency in the edge operator and on the contrast at the
particular edge (Section C 2.2.2,Volume 2).
Incidentally, similar shifts also appear on application of the Förstner operator to edge
extraction (Section C 2.2.2,Volume 2). The Förstner operator was introduced in Sec-
tion as the interest operator for finding well correlated image points. With this
360 Chapter 6 Plotting instruments and stereoprocessing procedures
operator points in the image are found at which a high contrast is present and a good
distribution of grey level edges in all directions.
For the extraction of lines the Förstner operator must be modified; patches with high
contrast are indeed sought but they should also have a very limited distribution of edges
in all directions, in the ideal case only a line. The Förstner operator modified in this
way delivers points and the directions of the lines at those points. From such a sequence
of points and associated tangents a complex curve may be produced.
Exercise 6.8-12. Develop the LoG operator for σ = 2. Result: The central element
is -0.0199; the element which is distant two pixels from the centre is -0.0037; the
element a distance of 2y/2 from the central point is zero; and so on.
Exercise 6.8-13. Establish the one-dimensional LoG operator. Take, as starting point,
the one-dimensional normal distribution, = 1/(σ y/ϊϋ) e x p ( - £ 2 / ( 2 σ 2 )). σ is the
abscissa of the inflection point in the Gaussian bell curve and also the abscissa of the
zero point in the LoG operator. Result: LoG = (ξ 2 - σ2)/(σ5\/2π) exp(—ξ 2 /(2σ 2 )).
Literature: Schenk, T„ Li, J.-C., Toth, C.: PE&RS 57, pp. 1057-1064, 1991. Schenk,
Τ.: Digital Photogrammetry. TerraScience, 1999. Couloigner, I., Ranchin, T.: PE&RS
66, pp. 867-874, 2000. Baumgartner, Α., Hinz, S., Wiedemann, C.: IAPR 34(3B),
pp. 28-31, 2002.
The starting situation for the automatic fine measurement is portrayed in Figure 6.8-22.
The buildings have already been reconstructed with moderate accuracy. Using the
known elements of interior and exterior orientation, these relatively inaccurate building
edges are transformed into the relevant metric images. Figure 6.8-22 is limited to the
roof ridge in two photographs.
Before this transformation as illustrated in Figure 6.8-22, line extraction was carried
out in the photographs involved (Section The points used in extracting the
lines are illustrated in Figure 6.8-23, as well as the transformed straight lines of the
roof ridge, accentuated in Figure 6.8-22. In both of the photographs an ε frame (i.e. a
tolerance band) has been laid around the transformed (approximate) roof ridge. Subse-
quently all points used in extracting the lines inside the particular ε frame are chosen
and an improvement of the straight-line roof ridge is brought about in the object model.
Two linearized observation equations can be set up for each point of the extracted line
in each of the two metric photographs (in image 1 they are the points 1, 2, 3, 4 and, in
image 2, the points 5, 6, 7, 8, 9). These equations correspond to Equations (4.1-3) for
Section 6.8 Automatic and semi-automatic processing methods 361
Figure 6.8-22: The approximate building model, transformed into and inserted in, two
photographs from which line extraction is planned. The area surrounding the roof ridge
has been highlighted (after Rottensteiner, F.: Geow. Mitt, der TU Wien, vol. 56, 2001).
Figure 6.8-23: The approximated roof ridge in both metric images and the image
points found during line extraction inside an ε frame
In order to make the adjustment equations soluble and to achieve straightness in the
roof ridge, additional condition equations must be introduced into the least squares
estimation. In order that three points with indices i,j,k should lie on one straight line,
362 Chapter 6 Plotting instruments and stereoprocessing procedures
This adjustment results in a set of points, 1 - 9 , with their X Y Z coordinates, all lying
along the straight line of the 3D roof ridge. The observed image coordinates ξ and
η in the photographs receive "corrections", the sum of the squares of which has been
This section on the refinement of the solution for the roof ridge should conclude with
some comments:
• the conditions corresponding to the Equations (6.8-27) and (6.8-28) should be es-
tablished for those pairs of coordinate planes in which the coordinate differences
are greatest.
• in order to avoid numerical problems in the least squares estimation, the separa-
tions of the points along the extracted lines should not be very small. In every
condition equation the first and last points of a line should be included; points to
be replaced should always be confined to interior points.
• if the roof ridge runs parallel to the camera base the bundles of rays from both
photographs lie in the same plane; therefore the intersection conditions for points
along the 3D line in the object will be unsatisfactory. If the roof ridge portrayed
in the photographs runs along the epipolar rays in both images, a similar critical
situation can also arise. The best remedy is the inclusion of a third image. The
use of more than two photographs also has an additional advantage; in cases
where part of a building is hidden in one photograph that problem, too, can be
• likewise, with robust estimation and data-snooping (Sections Β and
Β, Volume 2) wrongly matched image points can be reliably eliminated.
• analysis of the "corrections" can also lead to the realization that the roof ridge is
not a straight line but should be approximated by a 3D polygonal path or a 3D
E.g. Mikhail, E.: Observations and Least Squares. IEP-A Dun-Donnelley Publisher, New York,
Section 6.8 Automatic and semi-automatic processing methods 363
curve. In this case, the 3D straight line should be replaced with a 3D polygonal
path or curve.
• the use of image pyramids from the photographs (Section 3.6.1), which can be
generated with low-pass filtering, is recommended for the automatic refinement
process. The coarsest pyramid is used to start with; extraction at this level finds
only prominent lines, so there are no disturbing points from lines of minor im-
portance. When passing to finer levels the ε frame is progressively reduced; to a
large extent, errors in identifying corresponding points are excluded in this way.
• other a priori knowledge besides straightness of lines is brought into the refine-
ment, for example the horizontality of roof ridges in new buildings. In this case
the condition equation
Zj -Zi= 0 (6.8-29)
is additionally introduced in the least squares estimation. The second and further
points each give one such condition equation. Thus for our example from Fig-
ure 6.8-23, eight further condition equations (6.8-29) appear; this means that 40
equations are available for the determination of the 27 unknowns.
• instead of the X Y Z point sequence along the adjusted 3D straight line, the para-
meters of the straight line can be used directly in the automatic refinement. Such
an expression has few unknowns; its formulation is didactically more demand-
• automatic refinement should not be applied for each 3D line in isolation, but
simultaneously for all edges of a whole building (Figure 6.6-6 shows an example)
or at least for a part of a building which is indicated as a building primitive 21 . The
advantages of a simultaneous treatment are obvious; especially that extensive a
priori knowledge can be elegantly introduced in the form of numerous kinds of
conditions (building walls perpendicular to each other, roof planes with equal
inclination, and so on). The example shown in Figures 6.6-7 and 6.6-8 resulted
from this kind of complex automatic refinement.
For project planning, therefore, the rules of thumb given in Section 6.7 can be used,
independently of whether the work is done semi-automatically, automatically or by a
human operator. But it is necessary to see to it that the prerequisites for good semi-
automated and automated measurement procedures are present, for example relatively
high resolution in digitizing of the photographs, correlation algorithms which give sub-
pixel results and so on.
The reliability of results obtained automatically can be guaranteed only for simple
tasks. If the nature of the task is complex, as in capturing topographic information from
aerial photographs, a visual check should always be planned, such as by superimposing
the results on the photographs.
Good conditions for automatic localization occur because the images are first normal-
ized using information from the GPS/IMU, in order to remove large distortions arising
because of the dynamics of the flight. This step is comparable with the production of
normalized images from arbitrarily configured images from conventional frame cam-
eras (Section The mathematical relationships need not be repeated here. The
procedure corresponds to an indirect transformation of the images from the three-line
camera into an adopted horizontal plane.
Corresponding points in images from a normalized strip have almost identical η coor-
dinates. On the contrary the ξ coordinates of corresponding points differ very greatly.
On the one hand the differences come from the way in which the rows a and b in the
camera are staggered (Figure 3.3-3, right) and on the other hand from the height differ-
ences of the ground. Normalized strip images have characteristics comparable to those
of normalized images from stereophotogrammetry with conventional metric cameras
Section 6.8 Automatic and semi-automatic processing methods 365
(Section correlation can proceed along narrow bands which exhibit the same
η coordinates.
Correlation to establish corresponding points in the normalized strip image-triples for
automated and semi-automated procedures (Section 6.8) can be carried out with three-
image correlation (Section This three-image correlation is a significant advan-
tage of the three-line camera in comparison with the conventional aerial photographs
with 60% forward overlap where, over large areas, correlation can be performed only
with two-image correlation.
After the normalization of the image-triple using the GPS/IMU information, it is un-
usual for the processing for height, plan and buildings to begin immediately; normally
the GPS/IMU orientation will first be improved. For this purpose many tie points on
the upper and the lower edges and in the middle of the image-triple are automatically
located and an integrated sensor orientation (Section 5.5) carried out.
After this improvement of the orientation there are no longer any residual η parallaxes
between the images of the strip-triple. The images can be observed in digital work-
stations (Section 6.5) and the heighting, measurement in plan and recording of the
buildings can be carried out by an operator, with computer assistance (Section 6.6).
The operator has the possibility of choosing any particular pair of strips and observing
their image-triples stereoscopically.
This choice between normal angle, wide angle and intermediate angle (Section
depends on the desired accuracy and the visibility on the ground. Work-stations that are
set up for the processing of images from a three-line camera allow a rapid switchover
between particular pairs of images of a triple. Such workstations take advantage of the
fact that in flight direction there are no stereomodel boundaries.
Literature additional to that given at the end of Section 5.5: Grün, Α., Li, Ζ.: PFG
2003(2), pp. 85-98. Sandau, R. et al.: IAPRS 33(B1), pp. 258-265, Amsterdam, 2000.
Chapter 7
As is well known, a single image is not sufficient for reconstructing a spatial object.
However, methods have been developed which only use one image. Such single image
analyses are conditional on knowing the geometric shape of an object; for example that
the situation is dealing with an object plane or that a digital surface model is available.
Single image analysis frequently takes place in two stages. In the first stage an analogue
or digital photograph, which is normally distorted, is converted into a geometrically
correct photograph or orthophoto. In a second stage this orthophoto is evaluated by
analogue, analytical or digital means.
In many cases, by adding graphical elements, such orthophotos are converted to or-
thophoto maps, in particular those based on aerial photographs, and known simply as
photomaps. In undeveloped regions, such photomaps are significantly more advanta-
geous than line maps. Archaeologists, soil scientists, foresters, agriculturalists, geog-
raphers, geologists, planners and ecologists often do not find, in a line map, the details
import to them. Maps which provide the full content of analogue or digital photographs
are a better solution in this case. Even in developed areas, however, there is a demand
for the image content in the photos. Orthophoto maps are also attractive because they
are significantly faster and cheaper to produce than line maps.
Digital orthophotos play a large role in the visualization of both developed and unde-
veloped regions. For this purpose the orthophoto pixels are projected onto the digital
terrain model and viewed obliquely. These three-dimensional visualizations can also
be presented as animations (Section 7.6).
However, the orthophoto as texture source reaches its limits with large-scale visual-
izations, especially for urban landscapes. Here the orthophotos from aerial surveys
contain no photo texture for the vertical fagades, etc. For consistent three-dimensional
Section 7.1 Perspective distortion in a metric image 367
visualizations the orthophoto must be developed further into a photo model. This
is obtained by transferring the texture in a photograph onto the surface of a three-
dimensional object model, often a CAD vector model (Section 7.5).
Chapter 7 is mainly concerned with the production of digital orthophotos and their
accuracy. It will be seen that professionally created, digital orthophotos are a very
accurate source of data. Before describing the production process, the distortions in
the metric image (central projection) compared with a map (orthogonal projection) are
Figure 7.1-1 shows an object surface defined by the Z-coordinates of a square X Y grid.
In the sense of a map (orthogonal projection) the square X Y grid is the distortion-
free image of the ground surface. The distortions in the photograph are derived by
computing the points in the photograph corresponding to every corner of the grid on
the ground by means of the collinearity equations (2.1-19). The result is sketched in
Figure 7.1-2.
The deformation of the grid gives a very clear impression of the deformations in an
aerial photograph (Figure 7.1-3).
Numerical results for the deformation at individual points (e.g. point 1 of the square
1,2,3,4 in Figure 7.1-2) can be derived from the image coordinates ξ and η and the
ground coordinates X and Y of the point, as follows:
in which
Sik = (ξί - tk)2 + {Vi - Vk)2
'Snyder, J.P.: Flattening the Earth: Two Thousand Years of Map Projections. Chicago University
Press, 1993.
368 Chapter 7 Orthophotos and single image analysis
Figure 7.1-1: Relation between the square grid AX — AY in the XY plane and the
corresponding deformed grid in the image plane
A[ + A2 — A^ + Ay (7.1-3)
Αΐλ2 = \ x X y COS CJ90 (7.1-4)
Section 7.1 Perspective distortion in a metric image 369
3 4
1 2
ξ X
Figure 7.1-2: Grid in the photograph (central projection) and in the map (orthogonal
Figure 7.1-3: Deformed grid in the aerial photograph and the square grid in the or-
thophoto (courtesy of the Mapping Division of the Austrian Federal Office of Metro-
logy and Surveying (BEV))
to (7.1-6) can be computed four times. The four values will not be exactly the same
because, on the one hand, the ground surface is, in general, discontinuous at each
grid point and, on the other hand, the initial Equations (7.1-1) are derived from finite
differences and not from infinitely small differentials. The four values, which have
only minor differences, should be averaged at each grid point.
Exercise 7.1-1. Assume the elements of interior and exterior orientation of the exam-
ple at the end of Section 2.1.3 and compute from three neighbouring points Pi, P2 and
P3 the various deformations from Equations (7.1-1) to (7.1-6), referred to a photo map
at a scale of 1 : 10000. Solution:
X[m] y [ m ] Ζ Μ
1 363400 61500 575.12
2 363410 61500 576.87
3 363400 61510 578.04
Photo coordinates:
ξ [mm] η [mm]
1' -33.694 92.706
Τ - 3 3 . 7 7 3 93.893
3' - 3 4 . 8 3 5 92.859
If the object surface is a horizontal plane, the deformations of the grid in the photograph
can be seen very clearly in comparison with the X Y grid in the object (Figure 7.1-4).
In this diagram, the photograph is tilted about an axis running from its lower left to its
upper right corner. The line of maximum slope of the photograph runs from the upper
left to the lower right corner.
The relation between the square grid and the deformed grid is here defined by the
collinearity equations (2.1-19) in which Ζ is taken as the height of the object plane
(parallel to the X Y plane). Instead of the collinearity equations, the projective trans-
formation (2.1-24) can be used.
Numerical results for the deformations can also be derived by applying Equations
(7.1-1) to (7.1-6) to plane object surfaces. A mathematical formulation by the Tis-
sot indicatrix is also possible in this case. Rather than formulating such a relatively
complex solution, we give below a practical approximation from which the distor-
tions in photographs of plane objects with small angles of tilt can be derived. The
Section 7.1 Perspective distortion in a metric image 371
Figure 7.1-4: Grid in the photograph and in the object plane (map)
development begins with Equations (4.3-3). First, the model is transformed into the
photograph by means of Equations (4.3-24). We then set άκ — 0 (άκ produces no
deformation) and dw — άφ — v/V2, i.e. ν is a tilt about a diagonal of the photograph.
With ξ = η = ν I\f2 we obtain for the image displacement Ap — \J Αξ2 + Αη2 along
the deformed image diagonal:
Ap — —v (7.1-7)
Ap lies in the image diagonal perpendicular to the tilt axis, whereby Ap is a displace-
ment towards the tilt axis in the "higher" corner and away from it in the "lower" corner.
The magnitude of Ap shows the extent by which a semi-diagonal p, i.e. the distance
between a point Ν (image centre) and a point Ρ (image corner), is increased or re-
duced to ρ by the image tilt v. Figure 7.1-4 shows the upper half of a tilted photograph
in which ρ is reduced to p. Equation (7.1-7) can also be derived from the diagram of
Figure 7.1-5 by simple trigonometric relations and series expansion.
Table 7.1-1 shows the image displacements Ap as a function of tilt ν for three types of
1 gon 2gon 5gon lOgon
(54') (1°48') (4°30') (9°)
Normal angle (c = 30 cm) 1.4 2.7 6.9 13.8 mm
Wide angle (c = 15 cm) 2.8 5.5 13.8 27.5 mm
Super wide angle (c = 9 cm) 4.6 9.2 22.9 45.9 mm
Table 7.1-1: Image displacements Ap (in [mm]) in the corners (p = 115 χ V2) as a
function of tilt u and type of camera
372 Chapter 7 Orthophotos and single image analysis
Numerical Example. A line 10 mm in length along the diagonal in the "upper" corner
of a wide-angle photograph (c = 15 cm) tilted by 5 gon has been reduced by:
Exercise 7.1-7. Repeat the computation under the assumption that AX 12 = ΔΥ13 =
5 m and compare these results with those for AX 12 = ΔΥ13 = 50 m. Solution with
AXxl = AYn = 5m:
What is the source of the differences? (Answer: In the initial Equations (7.1-1) finite
differences are used instead of differentials.)
1002 0.5
= 0 5 m m
157^5 63^6
Error in a 5 mm wide window in the corner of the orthophoto (7.1-8):
This simple procedure for creating photographs free of deformation is used mainly in
architectural photogrammetry. Users must be aware, however, that the images of points
outside the plane of the object will be displaced in the direction of the principal point
H. The magnitude of this radial displacement Ap of such objects from their bases (e.g.
houses in aerial photographs) can be derived from Figure 7.2-1:
Table 7.2-la shows the maximum image displacements for typical scales in terrestrial
photogrammetry for the Wild P31 camera (Table 3.8-2), while Table 7.2-lb shows
those for typical scales and cameras in aerial photogrammetry.
Exercise 7.2-1. Repeat the computation of the Exercise 2.1-7 with the aid of Equa-
tion (7.2-1).
Figure 7.2-1: Radial image displacement Ap of points outside an assumed object plane
(exactly vertical photograph)
Section 7.2 Orthophotos of plane objects 375
mB 1cm 5 cm 10 cm 25 cm 100 cm
Normal angle (p — 83 mm, c= 202 mm)
25 0.16 0.8 1.6 4.1 16.5 mm
100 0.04 0.2 0.4 1.0 4.1 mm
250 0.02 0.1 0.2 0.4 1.6 mm
500 0.01 0.04 0.1 0.2 0.8mm
Wide angle (p = 82 mm, c = 100 mm)
25 0.3 1.6 3.3 8.2 32.5 mm
100 0.1 0.4 0.8 2.1 8.2 mm
250 0.03 0.2 0.3 0.8 3.3 mm
500 0.012 0.1 0.2 0.4 1.6 mm
Super-wide angle (ρ = 75 mm, c — 45 mm)
25 0.7 3.3 6.7 16.6 66.5 mm
100 0.2 0.9 1.7 4.1 16.6 mm
250 0.1 0.4 0.7 1.6 6.6 mm
500 0.03 0.2 0.3 0.8 3.3 mm
(a) Typical scales for terrestrial photogram-
metry (Wild P31)
mB 1 m 5m 10m 25m 100m 250m
Normal angle (23 cm χ 23 cm, c = 30 cm)
5000 0.1 0.5 1.1 2.7 10.8 27.1mm
10000 0.05 0.3 0.5 1.4 5.4 13.6 mm
25000 0.02 0.1 0.2 0.5 2.2 5.4 mm
50000 0.01 0.1 0.1 0.3 1.1 2.7mm
Wide angle (23 cm χ 23 cm, c = 15 cm)
5000 0.2 1.1 2.2 5.4 21.7 54.2 mm
10000 0.1 0.5 1.1 2.7 10.8 27.1mm
25000 0.04 0.2 0.4 1.1 4.4 10.8 mm
50000 0.02 0.1 0.2 0.5 2.2 5.4mm
Super-wide angle (23 cm χ 23 cm, c — 9 cm)
5000 0.4 1.8 3.6 9.0 36.1 90.4mm
10000 0.2 0.9 1.8 4.5 18.1 45.2mm
25000 0.1 0.4 0.7 1.8 7.2 18.1mm
50000 0.03 0.2 0.3 0.9 3.6 9.0 mm
(b) Typical scales for aerial photogrammetry
(p = 115>/2mm)
Table 7.2-1: Radial image displacements Ap [mm] in the corners as a function of the
image scale 1 : TUB, the distance AZ of the points from the assumed object plane and
the type of camera
376 Chapter 7 Orthophotos and single image analysis
The rectification of the distorted images is done either on the basis of a central perspec-
tive transformation (for metric images) or a projective transformation (for non-metric
images) (Section 2.1.4). The technique of digital projective rectification 3 has already
been presented in Section 2.2.3. Here the indirect rectification (transformation of ob-
ject plane to image plane) is preferred to direct rectification (transformation of image
plane to object plane). This section also explains grey level interpolation as part of the
required resampling. Figure 2.2-8 shows a practical example.
When rectifying tilted images of flat objects, the dominant source of error is the depar-
ture of the actual object surface from the assumed reference plane. Figure 7.2-2 shows
the radial displacements Ap in the tilted plane of the photograph and the corresponding
displacements Ar in the orthophoto resulting from the perspective rectification of the
tilted photograph. The displacements Ar in the orthophoto are radial from the imaged
nadir point 4 N°, which is the pole of the zenith or the vanishing point of all verticals,
in the case of aerial photographs.
Thus, if we assume a horizontal ground plane, the positions of buildings, trees etc. in
a rectified orthophoto will only be correct at ground level. Roofs, tree crowns, etc.
are displaced from their true positions. Similarly, in rectified photographs of building
facades details in front of or behind the plane of the fa9ade will be displaced radially
from the "nadir point".
AS a-priori knowledge, parallel and/or orthogonal straight lines, as well as much other information
about an object, can be used in place of control points to make the rectification. There are many solutions
on this topic. See Hartley, R.I., Zisserman, Α.: Multiple View Geometry. Cambridge University Press,
2001, and also Section Β 4.7.2, Volume 2.
Analogue rectification, which has been practised for many decades and which is based on re-
photographing the original images, no longer plays a significant role. It is therefore not discussed in
this edition; the methods and associated instrumentation are extensively presented in earlier editions.
In the general case, as opposed to that of aerial photographs, the term "nadir point" is used to mean
the foot of the perpendicular from the perspective centre to the reference plane.
Section 7.2 Orthophotos of plane objects 377
Figure 7.2-2: Radial image displacements Ar in the orthophoto of points outside the
reference plane of the perspective rectification
Ar = A Z ^ r (7.2-2)
r ... radial distance of the point from N°, which is fixed in the orthophoto by
the coordinates Xo and lo of the imaging station Ο
For near vertical photographs, the most common imaging configuration in single image
photogrammetry, both formulas can be used in the same way, i.e. Equations (7.2-1) and
(7.2-2). In the first formula, Ap and ρ refer to the photo plane, in the second formula
Ar and r refer to the orthophoto which is normally an enlargement. The numerical
values in Table 7.2-1 are therefore also valid for orthophotos derived from near vertical
images. It is necessary only to take account of the enlargement factor between image
and orthophoto. This factor varies in practice between 3 and 6.
378 Chapter 7 Orthophotos and single image analysis
This example and Table 7.2-1, in particular, show the limits of single-image pho-
togrammetry. The upper part of the table indicates the limits for architectural surveys
and similar applications of terrestrial photogrammetry. The lower part shows the lim-
its for exposure configurations typical in aerial surveying. The table also expresses
the fact that normal-angle photographs are better suited to orthophoto production than
wide-angle photographs.
Exercise 7.2-3. How large can the maximum offsets be if the image scale changes
from 1 : 7500 to 1 : 15000? (Solution: ΔΖ = 6.4 m, 9.0 m and 12.8 m respectively.)
Orthophoto production on the basis of a flat reference surface fails as soon as the
ground has small hills and depressions. For objects with curved surfaces it is appropri-
ate to apply differential rectification, as discussed in Section 7.3.
• affine rectification of the xy image into the XY plane. Result: required or-
Section 7.2 Orthophotos of plane objects 379
Both steps can, however, be combined into a single step since the ξη image plane
and the X Y orthophoto plane are also related by a projective transformation 5 . The
transformation parameters can be determined with the aid of at least 4 control points,
i.e. ξη and XY coordinates are known for at least 4 points.
The theory of projective transformation states that two consecutive projective transformations can
be replaced by a single (third) projective transformation. The affine transformation is also a projective
transformation in which the perspective centre lies at infinity (see Exercise 2.1-8 and its solution). The
proof of this statement is readily given: combine Equations (2.1-8) and (2.1-24), ensuring first that the
coordinate axes are identified as in Figure 7.2-3. The result is an 8-parameter projective transformation
between the ξη image plane and the X Y orthophoto plane. A more elegant derivation of this relationship
is possible using homogeneous coordinates (Appendix 2.2-1).
380 Chapter 7 Orthophotos and single image analysis
• first, an image matrix is defined in the X Y plane, the orthophoto plane. In or-
thophoto production from aerial photographs, the pixel spacing of the image ma-
trix is usually significantly finer than the grid spacing of the terrain model.
• in the second step, the Ζ coordinate for every pixel in the orthophoto matrix must
be determined by interpolating in the ground model. The surface of a grid square
is commonly assumed to be a hyperbolic paraboloid (also called an HP surface).
Section 2.1.3a explains in detail how the Ζ coordinate can be found at any X Y
position within a grid square. The result of this interpolation process gives the Ζ
coordinates for all X Y orthophoto pixels.
• in the final step the grey value from the reference image corresponding to the ξη
coordinate pair is assigned to the corresponding X Y position in the orthophoto
matrix. Since the ξη coordinate pair will not, in general, lie at the centre of a
pixel in the reference image, a grey value interpolation is required, as outlined in
Section 2.2.3a.
Figure 7.3-1: Bilinear transformation of a square mesh using four anchor points
The 8 coefficients b.^ are determined from the 4 anchor points. (For each coordinate
axis, the problem corresponds to interpolation on a hyperbolic paraboloid. This is
discussed in detail in Section 2.2.3a. Exercise 3.2-2 provides the solution for a bilin-
ear transformation of fiducial marks.) The matching of corresponding points in the
orthophoto and reference image by means of Equations (7.3-1) is appreciably faster
than matching by means of collinearity equations, as described above. The economic
advantage is even greater with larger grid spacings. However, this leads to a loss of
accuracy which will be discussed in Section 7.3.2d.
Digital orthophoto production of objects with curved surfaces 6 can also be extended to
ground definitions based on both grid points and break lines. This generates orthopho-
tos which are particularly accurate on the break lines. Cadastral and land use borders
etc. often run along break lines and so such orthophotos are often in demand. Or-
thophoto production which takes account of break lines and object edges is described
in detail in Section C 1.1.2, Volume 2. The problem of Earth curvature, which must
be taken into account when producing small-scale orthophotos, is also discussed in
Volume 2, Section C 1.2.
Discussion of digital orthophoto production which can also handle buildings and other
man-made constructions is included in Volume 2, Section C 1.1.3. Because of its
In the past various devices have been constructed for analogue orthophoto production of curved
surfaces. Due to their cumbersome operation, analogue orthophoto production achieved little importance.
Before digital orthophoto production has become standard, analytical orthophoto production was widely
applied since 1975. As in the anchor point method, the grid was transformed into the reference image
and the image content inside individual quadrilaterals transferred by means of optical elements (zoom
and dove prisms) onto the orthophoto plane which was a film surface wrapped on a drum. The entire
transfer process was under computer control. The most widely used instrument was the Avioplan OR1
from Wild. This instrument and its principle of operation are described in earlier editions.
382 Chapter 7 Orthophotos and single image analysis
practical importance, this topic will also be discussed here, with the aid of Figure 7.3-2.
Consider using the ground model (Figure 7.3-2, left) for orthophoto production. This
model, of course, only describes the ground and not the buildings. In the resulting
orthophoto, for example, a point Q on a building appears at position Q0 and not at
the required position Qo· In an accurate orthophoto ground point Ρ is expected at
position Q 0 . However, if a surface model is used which also contains the buildings
(Figure 7.3-2, right), then an orthophoto is obtained in which point Q on the building
appears at the required location QO using image point Q'. If there is no visibility
analysis then image point Q' appears a second time at position PQ = Q0: there is then
double imaging in the occluded areas.
Figure 7.3-2: Digital orthophoto production without (left) and with (right) modelling
of buildings
Figures 7.3-3 to 7.3-5 illustrate the various orthophoto products. Figure 7.3-3 shows
a conventional orthophoto produced with a ground model. In the tall buildings in the
upper half of the image it is particularly noticeable that their roofs are appreciably
displaced and the vertical fa5ades are also, incorrectly, imaged.
Figure 7.3-4 shows an orthophoto created using a surface model which also includes
the man-made features. However, a visibility analysis was not undertaken and double
imaging occurs. The double imaging can easily be seen in the buildings above the
river; one of the two doubly imaged areas is geometrically correct for an orthophoto,
the other is incorrect, as in Figure 7.3-3.
Figure 7.3-5 shows an orthophoto produced with the same surface model used to pro-
duce the orthophoto in 7.3-4. Here, however, a visibility analysis was undertaken which
eliminates the false image areas in the occlusions and replaces them with dark grey
values. The missing pixels can be transferred from a second photographs taken from a
different location. (The publication from which Figures 7.3-3 to 7.3-5 were taken (see
corresponding footnote) contains such an orthophoto).
Section 7.3 Orthophotos of curved objects 383
Figure 7.3-4: Orthophoto generated using a surface model which also contains build-
ings and man-made structures; double imaging occurs here due to the missing visibility
analysis 7
Taken from Arahar, F., Jansa, J., Ries, C.: IAPRS 1998.
384 Chapter 7 Orthophotos and single image analysis
When producing orthophotos from a block of original images there can be undesirable
step changes in grey level and colour at the joins between the content of different im-
ages. These jumps are mainly the result of different viewing directions due to different
imaging locations. These grey level and colour changes can be eliminated as part of
the mosaicking process.
(Further information: h t t p : / / g i . l e i c a - g e o s y s t e m s . c o m . Kerschner, Μ.:
ISPRS-J 56, pp. 53-64, 2001. Shiren, Y„ Li, L„ Peng, G.: PE&RS 55(1), pp. 49-53,
Exercise 7.3-1. Given four points with ξη and XY coordinates and the XY coordi-
nates of a fifth point:
Determine the eight coefficients of the bilinear transformation and the ξη coordinates
of point 5. (Solution: ξ5 = 27.528 mm, η5 = 27.175 mm.)
Exercise 7.3-2. Consider the reversal of the transformation and transform point 5 from
the ξη system back into the X Y system. (Because this involves a quadratic equation
there are two solutions; the correct solution lies inside the quadrilateral, the false solu-
tion outside.)
Additional further reading on digital orthophoto production: Baltsavias, E., Käser, Ch.:
IAPRS 32(4), pp. 42-51, 1998. Schickler, W„ Thorpe, Α.: IAPRS 32(4), pp. 527-532,
1998. Weidner, U.: OEEPE Publication 37, pp. 307-314, 1999.
(a) errors in the source material (residual errors of optical distortion, film deforma-
tion, positioning errors of the film scanner, etc.)
(b) errors in the elements of interior and exterior orientation (also control point errors
if the elements of exterior orientation are determined by spatial resection (Sec-
tion 4.2.1))
(c) image displacements of objects not included in the surface model (for example,
roof ridges, tree crowns above the digital terrain model (DTMs) or erosion chan-
nels, embankment edges, if a DTM is used which is based on a square grid)
Section 7.3 Orthophotos of curved objects 385
(d) interpolation errors in the anchor point method, due to linear interpolation be-
tween grid points rather than using the cross ratio
(e) height errors at the grid points used in the DTMs, which can arise during data
acquisition and/or DTM interpolation between arbitrarily distributed points
(f) errors in approximating curved object surfaces by a grid model in which the mesh
elements are defined by hyperbolic paraboloids or tilted triangles (Figure 7.1-1
shows a mesh with facets defined by hyperbolic paraboloids, Figure C 1.1-6,
Volume 2, a mesh with additional triangular elements)
The dominant sources of error cause positional errors in the orthophoto which are close
to zero at the principal point of the photograph (more exactly, the nadir point N°),
increase with distance from this point and are predominantly radial with respect to
the principal point. (Figure 7.3-6 is a practical example from an accuracy study8.) The
largest errors therefore lie at the edges of the orthophoto, a fact which enables the entire
process of production to be checked by comparing neighbouring orthophotos side by
side along their common boundary.
The following detailed comments can be made on some of the sources of error men-
tioned above.
With regard to c) Image displacements of objects not included in the surface
Details not contained in the surface model used to create the orthophoto will be incor-
rectly imaged. When using a DTM for orthophoto production, roof ridges, tree crowns,
etc. are displaced in the orthophoto. If the DTM also does not contain break lines, then
Otepka, G., Duschanek, E.: Geow. Mitt., vol. 13, pp. 125-150, 1978.
386 Chapter 7 Orthophotos and single image analysis
embankment edges, etc. are incorrectly reproduced. Therefore the only correctly po-
sitioned points and lines in the orthophoto are the ones which are also defined in the
corresponding surface model.
Figure 7.3-7 shows the situation for a tree which is not included in the DTM. The
displacement of the tip of the tree in the (tilted) metric image is indicated by Αρ. Fig-
ure 7.3-7 also shows the corresponding displacement Ap' in an imaginary vertical pho-
tograph. The intersection of line Ρ with the (sloping) ground defines a point PQ, given
by the displacement AR in the XY object coordinate system or the displacement Ar in
the orthophoto. The displacements are derived from the following ratios:
AR _ (J_
AZ - AR tan ä c
which can be re-arranged to give:
AR = (7.3-2)
— + tan a
If the ground slopes inwards (towards the nadir), as in Figure 7.3-7, angle ά is positive;
if the ground slopes outwards then ä is negative.
The angle ä appearing in Equation (7.3-2) is the slope angle of the ground at point
P° in the direction of line P°N° (Figure 7.3-7). Since it is more convenient to use
the maximum slope angle (denoted by a), the horizontal angle β between the line of
maximum slope and line P°N° must be taken into account in Equation (7.3-2) (lower
diagram, Figure 7.3-7) 9 :
AR = -g = —r (7.3-3)
— + tan a cos β +tanacos/3
Ρ rmo
It is easy to see that the cosine of angle β is required: for β = 0, i.e. the line of
maximum slope is in the direction of line P°N°, the original Equation (7.3-2) is
obtained, for β — 100 gon (90°), i.e. the contour line lies in the direction of ray P ° N ° ,
the tangent term in Equation (7.3-2) is removed by multiplication with cos β = 0. If
angle β is taken over a full circle, then the differentiation between positive and negative
slope angles is unnecessary.
In the second part of the Equation (7.3-3) the ratio cjp' has been replaced by the ratio
H / ( r m o ) . These quantities have the following meaning:
'Similar formulae have been given by Blachut, T. and van Wijk, M.: Ph.Eng. 36, pp. 365-374, 1970.
Section 7.3 Orthophotos of curved objects 387
(in orthophoto) No
Figure 7.3-7: Radial image displacement of details in an orthophoto which were ig-
nored in the data capture
388 Chapter 7 Orthophotos and single image analysis
Practical note: The numerical example shows that even under extreme conditions the
interpolation error arising in the anchor point method lies significantly within a pixel
and is therefore of little relevance.
Section 7.3 Orthophotos of curved objects 389
With regard to e) Height errors at the grid points used in the DTMs
These errors primarily have their source in accuracy losses during data acquisition
for the DTM. According to Equation (7.3-3), the AZ errors cause positional errors
in the X Y coordinate plane and orthophoto, which has been derived as indicated in
Figure 7.3-7. The point Ρ shown there can also be viewed as a grid point with height
error. Three times the average error given in Section can be used for AZ.
Exercise 7.3-5. Photographs for data acquisition and orthophoto production at a scale
of 1 : 30000, principal distance c = 150 mm. At the least favourable position in the
corner of the image, the ground has an inward slope of 10%; here the contour lines run
parallel to the edge of the photograph. Orthophoto scale 1 : m 0 — 1 : 10000. Data
acquisition takes place statically in a grid pattern.
Section AZ = 3 χ 0.00015 χ 4500m = 2.0m
Δ Λ = 1 75Π1
(7.3-3): =Ϊ507Ϊ40^ΤΤ07 · °Γ = 1.750/10000 = 0.18 mm
Exercise 7.3-6. The maximum error in the orthophoto must again be determined. The
difference in this case is that normal-angle photographs (c = 300 mm) are used in
place of the wide-angle photographs for the data acquisition and orthophoto produc-
tion. Photo scale is again 1 : 30000. Data acquisition by static raster measurement (see
Section 6.6.2) is now better by a factor of two:
Section AZ = 3 χ 0.00015 χ 9000m = 4.0 m
Orthophoto accuracy, however, changes little:
Result: If data acquisition and orthophoto production are done using the same image
source, then orthophoto accuracy is almost independent of the camera type. The lower
height accuracy provided by normal-angle images is compensated for by the fact that
in normal-angle images the height error has a smaller effect on planimetric error in the
orthophoto than in wide-angle images.
However, if the data acquisition is made with a wide-angle image and the orthophoto
produced from a normal-angle image, then there is an increase in accuracy almost
in proportion to the principal distances of the images used for data acquisition and
orthophoto production, as the following example shows:
Exercise 7.3-7. Data acquisition is defined by the situation described in Exercise 7.3-5;
orthophoto production, however, is done with normal-angle imagery at a scale of
390 Chapter 7 Orthophotos and single image analysis
This large improvement in accuracy suggests that orthophotos could even be produced
at a scale of 1 : 5000 from normal-angle photographs at 1 : 30000. It should, however,
be noted that the enlargement factor from the reference image to the orthophoto would
change from 1 : 3 to 1 : 6 and this would result in a loss of geometric resolution in the
orthophoto. This deterioration can be avoided if the normal-angle images are taken at
a very large scale (e.g. 1 : 15000 for orthophotos at 1 : 5000). The accuracy of these
1 : 5000 orthophotos is indicated in the following numerical example:
Exercise 7.3-8. Again data acquisition is done under the conditions described in Ex-
ercise 7.3-5: m B = 30000, c = 150mm, tana = 0.1, β = 50gon(45°), AZ = 2.0m.
This information is used to derive orthophotos at a scale of 1 : 5000 from imagery at a
scale of 1 : 15000 (c = 300 mm). Orthophoto accuracy is given by:
(7 3 3): Δ Λ
· " = 300/140+^0.1 χ 0.7 = ° - 9 ° m ° Γ Δγ
= 900
/500° = ° 1 8 π ™
It should not be ignored, however, that the accuracy in relation to the orthophoto pixel,
normally chosen to be 50 cm in Exercise 7.3-7 and 25 cm in Exercise 7.3-8, decreases
from 1.8 pixels (= 0.90/0.50) to 3.6 pixels (= 0.90/0.25).
With regard to f) Errors in approximating curved object surfaces by a grid model
The maximum errors will occur where the greatest curvature occurs in the ground. In
order to estimate this, we must know the detail of at least one short profile, along the
line of maximum slope, in the roughest area of the ground. Figure 7.3-8 shows such a
If this profile is digitized with a grid interval AT and intermediate points then interpo-
lated linearly, the maximum height error AZ can be estimated from Figure 7.3-9. The
the maximum separation, AP, between the curve and the chord is:
AP =
8-Rcos2 a
The following is then obtained for AZ:
AZ= = — 3- (7.3-5)
cos α 8it cos 3 a
Figure 7.3-9: Height error AZ as a function of the radius R and grid interval AT
Numerical Example. In Figure 7.3-8 the radius R = 15 m and the angle a = 35 gon
(31.5°). The maximum height error AZ after digitizing and linear interpolation in a
grid interval AT = 10 m in the orthophoto is then, from Equation (7.3-5):
AZ = -———ίτττΓττ3 = 1.34m
8 χ 15 χ 0.853
This error in height produces an error in position AR which can also be calculated
from Equation (7.3-3). If we assume that the image of the roughest part of the ground
is 10 cm from the centre of the wide-angle photograph and that the maximum slope is
directed outwards (β = 200 gon (180°)), then:
1 34
A i ? = =
300/100-0.613 °-56m
This error in position of 0.56 m can be expected at the given position if the orthophoto
is produced using the anchor point method and a grid model with 10 m grid spacing. In
a 1 : 5000 orthophoto this error amounts to 0.11 mm; expressed in orthophoto pixels,
which are normally set to a size of 25 cm in 1 : 5000 orthophotos, the error amounts to
2.2 Pixel ( = 0.56/0.25).
392 Chapter 7 Orthophotos and single image analysis
As can be seen from Equation (7.3-3), the error caused by approximating the ground
with a grid model, primarily decreases linearly with increasing principal distance. Fur-
ther, as can be seen from Equation (7.3-5), this error is strongly dependent on grid spac-
ing AT. One way to reduce the error is to interpolate a very dense grid of heights from
the acquired data. If a sophisticated interpolation method is employed, then the spacing
of this grid can be used as the value of AT in estimating the error; however, if surface
interpolation is done using a simple method such as triangular plane between individ-
ual measurement points, then the separation of the original measurements should be
taken as the value for AT. If data acquisition is by digitizing contour lines, then the
value of AT, which is here essentially independent of the interpolation method, should
be the contour line separation.
The problem of the accuracy of digital height models is studied further in Tempfli, K.:
ITC-Journal 1980(3), pp. 478-510, and Frederiksen, P.: IAPRS XXIII(4), pp. 284-
293, 1980. and treated by spectral analysis (already briefly discussed in the context
of filtering in the frequency domain, Section The height errors predicted by
this method serve then as data for Equation (7.3-3). Readers should also consult further
references 10 , in which typical standard deviations for complete orthophotos are derived
from empirical accuracy studies. These figures naturally include all error influences so
that individual influences cannot be isolated. Such information is particularly useful
in practice. The root mean square error of the complete orthophoto should not exceed
±0.2 mm for small-scale orthophotos or ±0.4 mm for large-scale orthophotos. With
respect to ground resolution, i.e. to the orthophoto pixel, the standard error should not
exceed 3 pixels. (Image displacements of objects not incorporated in the ground model
require separate consideration.)
Exercise 7.3-9. Draw a new test profile in which ground heights in comparison with
Figure 7.3-8 are raised by a factor of 2. (In the context of a spectral analysis, amplitudes
increase by a factor of 2.) Repeat the accuracy estimation in this case. (Solution:
Ä » 10m, α « 30gon (27°), AZ = 1.77m, AR = 0.74m.)
Exercise 7.3-10. Draw a new test profile in which ground heights in comparison with
Figure 7.3-8 are rougher by a factor of 2, i.e. the Τ axis is compressed by a factor of 2.
(In the context of a spectral analysis the wavelengths are reduced by a factor of 2.) Re-
peat the accuracy estimation in this case. (Solution: i? « 5 m, α « 31 gon (28°), AZ =
3.6 m , A R = 1.5 m.)
Further reading on orthophotography: Ecker, R., Kalliany, R., Otepka, G.: in Fritsch
and Hobbie (Eds.): Photogrammetric Week '93, pp. 143-156, Wichmann Verlag, 1993.
See the publication referenced by Figure 7.3-6 as well as Blachut, T., van Wijk, M.: IAPRS XIII
(Commission II/4), Helsinki, 1976. Ducher, G.: Test on orthophoto and stereo-orthophoto accuracy.
OEEPE-Publication No. 25, Frankfurt, 1991.
Section 7.4 Analogue, analytical and digital single image analysis 393
Four control points are required if the photo to be rectified does not have known interior
and exterior orientations. From the image and object coordinates, the eight parameters
of a projective transformation can be determined by means of linear equations. All new
points can then be transformed subsequently into the object coordinate system. This
method has already been presented in Section 2.1.4.
If, for a given interior orientation, the exterior orientation has been determined for
example by a bundle block adjustment (Section 5.3), an analytical rectification can then
be implemented using the collinearity equations (2.1-20). If the flat object is parallel
to the X Y plane, the height of the object plane should be used as the Ζ coordinate.
Generally, this height, and also the heights of the control points, are set to zero.
If a second metric image is available instead of either control points or exterior orien-
tation elements, then the orientation elements necessary for the analytical rectification
of an image can be determined (see Footnote 2 in Section 7.2.2).
The collection of identified points in the metric image defines a spatial bundle of rays
(Figure 7.4-1 shows one of these points identified as S'). The intersection points S of
this ray bundle with the digital surface model provides the Χ, Y and Ζ coordinates in
the object coordinate system.
Section 7.4 Analogue, analytical and digital single image analysis 395
The XYZ coordinates of such an intersection point S can be found in the following
(a) determination of the XYZ coordinates of the corresponding image point S' with
the help of a spatial similarity transformation (Equation (2.1-8)) where the scale
is set to unity:
Tip: It helps to visualize Equation (7.4-1) if the unit matrix is (initially) used for
The next steps are explained with the help of Figure 7.4-2:
(b) intersection of the line (0)(S') in the X Y plane with the X Y grid lines
(c) calculation of the Ζ coordinates of these intersection points using the DTM along
the (vertical) profile containing the ray OS'
XY plane
I I I I τ I I I II I
Y I Μ I : Μ * M l
(0) (S1)
Figure 7.4-2: Vertical plane through ray OS' and the corresponding plan view
396 Chapter 7 Orthophotos and single image analysis
(d) intersection of the ray OS' with the vertical profile; the result is the Ζ coordinate
of point S. Its XY coordinates are taken from the ground plan.
Exercise 7.4-1. In the numerical example of Section 2.1.3, image coordinates for both
points Ρ and Q were calculated from their object coordinates. With the aid of Equa-
tion (7.4-1), calculate the XYZ coordinates of both points in the object coordinate
system. (Solution: For Ρ : X = 362530.713 m, Y = 61215.863 m, Ζ = 2005.589 m.)
Exercise 7.4-2. From the opposite side of a valley, horizontal photographs are taken
with a Wild P32 (Section 3.8.3) for the purpose of monoplotting. The side to be
analysed has a slope of some 50%. How large are the X Y coordinate errors if the
digital ground model has an accuracy of around ±25 cm? (Solution: 1.5 m.)
Exercise 7.4-3. How large are the X Y Z coordinate errors if the measurement accuracy
of image coordinates is ± 10 μηι? The photographing range is 2 km. (Solution: Δ X Y =
1.7 m, ΔΖ = 0.8 m.)
Further reading for Section 7.4.3: Makarovic, B.: ITC-J, pp. 583-600, 1973.
Figure 7.5-1 shows the camera stations and directions of the axes. The images were
taken at different heights and zenith angles. The camera used was a calibrated Kodak
DCS 460c (Section Ε 3.5, Volume 2) with objective lenses / — 28 mm and / = 55 mm.
Pixel size is 9 μπι. 510 object points were determined using a bundle adjustment (Sec-
tion 5.3) to an accuracy of ±2 cm to ± 4 cm), with every object point, on average,
located in 5 metric images. Image point measurement was done manually in the OR-
PHEUS12 multi-image, digital monocomparator. This software tool displays multiple
images, organized in image pyramids, on a computer screen. In this system the polyg-
onal boundaries of the flat surfaces can be defined. Figure 7.5-2 shows the rendered
geometric model with artificial, oblique illumination.
To create the photo model, the polygonal borders of the flat surfaces are transformed
by means of the collinearity equations into those images which are candidates for the
transfer of photo texture. The texture is then taken from the image in which the as-
sociated flat surface is largest. The actual transfer of photo texture is done by indi-
rect transformation (Section 2.2.3), i.e. an image matrix is defined in the appropriate
(tilted) object plane and filled with the photo texture from the corresponding section
of the original image. A bilinear grey level interpolation (Section 2.2.3a) is used for
the required re-sampling. Pixel size on the object surface is chosen to be 5 cm; the
quantity of data for the entire 3D model is 485 kBytes. Figure 7.5-3 shows the 3D
photo model. It was exported in the VRML format (virtual reality modeling language)
to enable distribution over the WWW (world wide web).
398 Chapter 7 Orthophotos and single image analysis
The photo texture on the roofs of such 3D photo models is frequently taken from very
large-scale aerial photographs. In this example, an amateur camera was used to take
images from a helicopter. The images were calibrated using a bundle block adjustment
(Section 5.7). Details of the analysis can be found in the publications mentioned in the
Comparison of Figures 7.5-2 and 7.5-3 shows the advantages and disadvantages of a
3D photo model compared with a rendered object model using artificial surface texture:
• the main advantage of the 3D photo model is that a rich level of detail without
geometric modelling can be achieved with the aid of photo texture. Particularly
valued details are the windows and structure of the walls. (It should, however, be
Zischinsky, T„ Dorffner, L., Rottensteiner, F.: IAPRS XXXIII, pp. 959-965, Amsterdam, 2000.
Section 7.6 Static and dynamic visualizations 399
noted that this level of detail is only provided for visualization and is not present
in the geometric model.)
• because of the texture, which is an optical recording of the real object, 3D photo
models have a very high documentation value.
• the texture of a 3D photo model has all the deficiencies associated with a pho-
tograph; complex image processing operations are normally required to create
uniform effects.
Laser scanning
In the past ten years, laser scanning has revolutionized both topographic mapping and
close range three-dimensional object recording. Particularly in analysis, there is much
in common between laser scanning and photogrammetry. In this series of books based
on photogrammetric knowledge, it is therefore natural to deal also with laser scanning.
The sections which follow will show the parallels between photogrammetry and laser
scanning, as well as highlight the differences between both these technologies.
For purposes of terminology, and classification of laser scanning, it should be noted
that in the field of remote sensing laser scanning has, for some time, been identified
by the term Lidar (light detection and ranging). The term Laser Radar (radio detection
and ranging) has also been used in remote sensing for the location of objects with the
aid of a laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation). Laser light is
strongly collimated, monochromatic and coherent. Where geometric problems take
precedence in remote sensing, it is common to speak less of remote sensing and more
of photogrammetry (Section 1.1). From that perspective also, laser scanning can be
classified as part of photogrammetry.
In the following sections we will present airborne laser scanning (Section 8.1), terres-
trial laser scanning (Section 8.2) and short range laser scanning (Section 8.3).
of GPS and an IMU. The same technology which is based on GPS and IMUs to support
aerial photography is equally applicable to airborne laser scanning. This is discussed
in detail in Sections and GPS, IMU and scanner operation are synchro-
nized to microsecond accuracy. Of course, the relative positions, or eccentricities, of
the sensors must be determined before the flight. Gyro-stabilized platforms are rarely
used in laser scanning. (See Section
Reflections can occur at different locations along the measurement beam. The upper
diagram in Figure 8.1-2 shows the arrival of the first pulse at points on the object sur-
face. The lower diagram indicates the first echoes which return and the arrival of the
pulse at lower lying object points along the beam, if these exist. This occurs if the
surface scattering back the first echo is not fully extended in the beam diameter. The
lower lying objects are then the source of the last echo. If the distance is measured
with the first echo, the recorded laser points are on the crown of the tree (second beam
from left), on the eaves of the roof (third beam from left), on a power line (fifth beam
from left), etc. If the distance is measured with the last echo, then the recorded laser
points lie, using the same order as before, on the tree trunk or ground, on the road, at
the ground below, etc. Almost all laser scanners can measure the distance with both
the first and last echoes, and record both with a small time separation. There are laser
scanners which can additionally utilize any intermediate echoes for range measure-
ment and, in this way determine a whole spectrum of distances for each laser beam.
There are limits to this recording process. Depending on the performance capabilities
of the particular range measuring device, there must be a small minimum separation
between individual records. The separation capability depends on the pulse length and
402 Chapter 8 Laser scanning
Figure 8.1-2: First echo (upper diagram) and last echo (lower diagram) from different
objects, as well as reflection and high absorption
Section 8.1 Airborne laser scanning 403
300000 m χ 10 ns
1.5m = —
velocity of light χ shortest measurable time interval
half the measured path length
Generally, for vegetation shorter than 1.5 m high, only the top surface is recorded, even
if there is an occasional echo from the ground (first beam from left in Figure 8.1-2).
It is indicated in Figure 8.1-2 that a number of the transmitted laser pulses does not
return. For example there can be highly specular reflection from very smooth surfaces
such as a car roof. The deflected beam can later strike another surface point which
reflects diffusely and then return an echo to the laser scanner. Ranges measured in this
way via indirect routes (multi path) have gross errors; they are too long (long ranges).
At other surfaces, such as a clear stretch of water (right hand beam, Figure 8.1-2),
absorption can be so strong and reflection so little, that insufficient energy for range
measurement is returned. The absorption also depends on the angle of incidence of
the laser beam: it is especially strong at water surfaces, for example, when the laser
beam meets the surface perpendicularly. For this reason, laser scanner strips over water
surfaces often have fewer points in the middle than at the edges of the strip.
The technical data for the ALS50-II Airborne Laser Scanner from Leica Geosystems,
are summarized below.
Table 8.1-1: Technical data for the ALS50-II Airborne Laser Scanner
404 Chapter 8 Laser scanning
The accuracies of the laser ranging component and the GPS height determination are
primarily responsible for the height accuracy indicated in Table 8.1-1 for the ALS50-
II. Neither effect is strongly dependent on flying height. The dependence of height
accuracy on flying height, which is clearly present, derives from the relatively long
path through the atmosphere, a source of disturbance, the enlargement of the laser
footprint with increasing altitude and the reduction in received energy due to spreading
loss. As the footprint becomes larger, the recorded direction of the polar coordinates
and the object point, to which the distance refers, fit less well together. The planimetric
accuracy is influenced by the accuracy of the GPS location in plan, the accuracy of the
IMU orientation and the accuracy to which the deflection angle of the laser beam is
recorded. The last two mentioned error sources effect a relatively large reduction in
accuracy with increase in flying height.
Further reading on the laser beam and its interaction with surfaces: Wagner, W., Ull-
rich, Α., Ducic, V., Melzer, T., and Studnicka, N.: Gaussian decomposition and calibra-
tion of a novel small-footprint full-waveform digitising airborne laser scanner. ISPRS
Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 60(2), pp. 100-112, 2006.
The orientation functions Xo{t), Yo(t), Zo(t),u(t), <p(t), κ(ί) can be determined using
the GPS and IMU information and related to corresponding polar coordinates a(t) and
s(t) through the synchronization time t. The resulting XYZ coordinates of individual
laser points are then given in the object coordinate system to which the reference station
for the differential GPS was assigned.
The actual object coordinate system is either a global GPS coordinate system (e.g.
WGS84) or the ground coordinate system. In the following text we will take the ground
coordinate system as the object coordinate system. The conversion from global coor-
dinate system to ground coordinate system, which is normally used for presentation of
final results, can be achieved by using datum transformation formulae and the appro-
priate geoid.
In Equation (8.1-1) the zero point of the a scale has been taken as the middle of the
laser scanner's field of view. This zero direction must coincide with the n(t) rotation
axis of the rotation matrix R ^ t ^ t ) ^ ) · A corresponding calibration, which takes into
account the relative positions of GPS, IMU and laser scanner in the aircraft, will not be
discussed here. However, note that companies undertaking laser scanner flights require
reference heights of a number of test surfaces (often only horizontal surfaces) in order
Section 8.1 Airborne laser scanning 405
to effect a calibration for each project. These should be given in the ground coordinate
system we have chosen as the object coordinate system 1 .
To achieve rigorous control and improved accuracy, it is recommended to change from
this direct georeferencing to an integrated sensor orientation, i.e. using control and tie
points as is common when georeferencing images from line cameras (Section 5.5).
In place of the type of control point used in photogrammetry, with coordinates given
in the reference coordinate system, special control elements must be made available
which take account of the properties of laser scanner data. As already mentioned,
horizontal planes are suitable as height control elements. The equation of such a control
plane should be determined by a number of points measured on the ground. It has, for
example, the form:
Ziel = αο + d i X + a j Y (8.1-2)
Using the GPS/IMU information and the datum transformation formulae, the direct
georeferenced coordinates X m e a s , ^meas, Zmeas are obtained from Equation (8.1-1). Us-
ing coordinates Xmeas, ^meas in Equation (8.1-2), the height Ztef corresponding to height
Zmeas is obtained. The smaller the tilt of the control plane, the less is the effect of
^meas,^meas errors on the height difference (Z meas - Zref), required for the integrated
sensor orientation.
Due to the relatively large inaccuracy in plan position of the laser points (Table 8.1-1),
and their relatively large separation which, depending on quality requirements (Sec-
tion 8.1.3) can be selected between 0.5 m and 3 m, control points cannot be employed
for the determination of horizontal shifts. Instead, linear or planar control elements
must be used. Such extended control elements could be flat roof surfaces, as shown
in Figure 8.1-3. These should be steeply sloped roofs in different orientations so that
horizontal stability is guaranteed in any direction. As Figure 8.1-3 suggests, three such
roofs intersect in a well-defined point and can therefore be regarded as a "virtual" full
control point. The equations of these control planes should be determined using terres-
trial measurements.
For the integrated sensor orientation, the -X"meas, ^meas, Zmeas coordinates of the laser
points which define the respective control planes must be determined using Equa-
tion (8.1-1) and the datum transformation formulae. The perpendicular offsets of these
points from the (known) control point plane are critical items of information for the
integrated sensor orientation. (The determination of these offsets is explained in Sec-
tion Β in Volume 2.) In the context of a least-squares adjustment, which is still
to be discussed, these offsets have components in all 3 coordinate axes. The example
of a height adjustment plane, discussed above with reference to Equation (8.1-2), is a
special case within this 3D solution.
'Further reading on calibration: Kilian, J., Haala, N„ Englich, Μ.: IAPRS 31(B3), pp. 383-388,
Vienna, 1996. Morin, K., El-Sheimy, N.: Optical 3-D Measurement Techniques V (Eds.: Grün/Kahmen),
pp. 88-96, Wichmann-Verlag, 2001. Burman, H.: IAPRS 34 (Part 3A, Commission III), pp. 67-72, Graz,
406 Chapter 8 Laser scanning
Figure 8.1-3: Three tilted planes defined by roofs, corresponding to a "control point"
The question remains open as to how the laser points belonging to each control plane
can be automatically found. In general, the Xmeas, ^meas, Zmeas point cloud is
searched for planar regions which correspond to the control planes. Once the initial
process of direct georeferencing has been implemented, and is close to the final result,
it is possible to extract areas in the X mca s, Fmcas, -Zmeas point cloud which correspond
to the points measured by ground surveys. These can be examined for planarity, for
example using best-fitting planes, with removal of the outliers such as scanned points
on chimneys or dormers.
This concept of control planes can also be employed when connecting overlapping
laser scanner strips. The difference between a tie plane and a control plane is that the
tie plane parameters are unknown, for example the values αο, α\, az in Equation (8.1-2).
Using the method of least squares, these parameters are introduced as unknowns within
the solution for the integrated sensor orientation. A tie plane has its own set of parame-
ters, regardless of whether two, three or more laser scanner strips are involved. For each
scanner strip in the solution, the perpendicular offsets of the X mea s, imeas, •Zmeas coordi-
nates from the corresponding plane are minimized in the usual least-squares manner.
The derivation of detailed equations for integrated sensor orientation from laser scanner
data lies outside the scope of this book. Only a general outline is therefore given:
• the polar coordinate equations (8.1-1) are used in place of the collinearity equa-
tions, which are central to the integrated sensor orientation of line images (Sec-
tion 5.5). These are solved with respect to the polar coordinates and must, of
course, be linearized, etc. (Further details on the equations of polar coordinates
can be found in Section Β 3.5.3, Volume 2.)
• GPS and IMU models to handle the GPS and IMU information must be con-
structed according to Sections 5.4 and 5.5. Independent models for each scanner
strip are recommended.
• the entire concept of georeferencing using control and tie planes, presented above,
Section 8.1 Airborne laser scanning 407
was proposed by Kager. Details of the refinement for height adjustment can be
found in a published paper 2 .
Very good agreement at the edges of the laser scanner strips can be achieved with the
methods presented here. The inclusion of control planes checks the parameters of the
data transformation formulae in those particular interest areas. An improvement in the
parameters is possible as a result. In addition, it is not necessary to take account of the
geoid in the processing, unless the areas are very large. (This problem is handled in
detail in Sections Β 5.3 and Β 5.4, Volume 2.) The IMU information can be included
without modification (Section 5.6). Only the κ heading angle must be corrected by
the convergence of the meridian (5.6-2). In this approach with ground coordinates
defining the object coordinate system, Earth curvature should be taken into account
by modifying the polar coordinates (8.1-1). A simple solution is to apply an Earth
curvature correction to the Cartesian coordinates of the scanned points in a scanner
plane perpendicular to the flight direction, using Equation (4.5-4). Note that A must be
measured from the middle of the strip.
The construction of object models can take place after georeferencing. This section
deals with the derivation of digital terrain models (DTMs) from the digital surface
models (DSMs). Figure 6.6-10 explains the difference between these two models.
Although the scanned laser points from the last echo are used to derive the DTM, there
will still be many scanned points above the surface of the ground, depending on the
density of vegetation and buildings. Figure 8.1-7 (left) represents a DSM. It results
from a resampling (Section 2.2.3) of the irregularly distributed laser scan points on
an orthogonal 2 m grid, for example using a nearest neighbour technique. The shaded
relief of this surface grid model was based on oblique illumination from the top left
during rendering.
The starting point for deriving DTMs from scanned points is shown in Figure 8.1-4
for a single profile. In a first step an adjusting surface to the point cloud is calculated.
The example in Figure 8.1-4 shows a best-fitting curve. Two suitable methods for
achieving this could be linear prediction or bivariate polynomials. With respect to these
best-fitting surfaces, the residuals υ, from the least-squares adjustment are shown. In
Kager, H., Kraus, Κ.: Optical 3-D Measurement Techniques V (Eds.: Grün/Kahmen), pp. 103-110,
Wichmann Verlag, 2001.
408 Chapter 8 Laser scanning
a second least-squares adjustment, the Ζ coordinates of the scanned points are given
special weights pl which depend on the residuals of the first adjustment.
Such weights, calculated on the basis of a weighting function, are introduced to enable
robust parameter estimation 3 as well as the reliable detection of gross errors. As a
rule, a symmetrical bell curve, centred on the zero point of the residuals v, is used
as the weighting function. However, such a weighting function is not suited to the
robust estimation of a DTM from laser scanned points. It would, in fact, reduce in
equal measure the effect on the fitted surface of points with (large) positive and (large)
negative residuals. The result of such a robust adjustment would be similar to that
shown in Figure 8.1-4.
For the robust estimation of DTMs from laser scanned points, a weighting function
is applied in the second least-squares adjustment. This function takes account of the
following properties of errors in the scanned points:
• points with positive residuals, which are probably ground points, should be given
a higher weight than points with negative residuals, which are probably not
ground points. (In Figure 8.1-4, two points are shown with positive and nega-
tive residuals Vi.)
• the terrain probably lies below the curve or surface fitted during the first least-
squares adjustment (Figure 8.1-4), and a datum shift of the weighting function is
A weighting function, which takes account of these requirements, has the form (Fig-
ure 8.1-5):
for Vi < g Pi = . ΓΓΓ a,b> 0
1 + (a|ui -g\)b (8.1-3)
for Vi > g pi = 1
Figure 8.1-6 shows the result of the second least-squares adjustment using the weight-
ing function shown in Figure 8.1-5. It meets our expectations: the DTM is fitted
through the low lying laser scanned points. In this combined interpolation and filtering
process, points above the model have little influence. In practice, several iterations are
needed to reach a final solution.
By selecting an adequate threshold value for the residuals ν in the second least-squares
adjustment, the original scanned points can be classified into points either on the
For example, Section Β, Volume 2, and Koch, K.R.: Parameter Estimation and Hypothesis
Testing in Linear Models. 2 nd edition, Springer 1999.
Section 8.1 Airborne laser scanning 409
Figure 8.1-4: Best-fitting curve through the laser scanned points and residuals of the
first least-squares adjustment
1 ^tsffl
/j m m
! 1 1 "I I II I ! I I1 I! I1 1t !I 1I .1I I I I I I IΜ I II fI Γ
ι I tι \„v
-4.0 -2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 i
Figure 8.1-5: Weighting function for a robust least-squares adjustment which derives
a DTM from laser scanned points
Figure 8.1-6: Results of the second least-squares adjustment using the weighting
function of Figure 8.1-5 and the residuals v^ from the first least-squares adjustment
in Figure 8.1-4
410 Chapter 8 Laser scanning
ground or off the ground. Strictly speaking there should be a final least-squares ad-
justment using only ground points without application of variable weights.
For widespread areas of dense forest and extensive building, the process of interpola-
tion and filtering must be expanded into a hierarchical strategy, described in a number
of publications 4 .
Figure 8.1-7 shows the result from part of an international test 5 . Despite the relatively
low point density of 0.25 points/m 2 , i.e. with an average point separation of 2 m along
and across the direction of flight, vegetation and buildings have been successfully elim-
inated, as can be seen in Figure 8.1-7. A small building on the railway embankment
remains: its height is too low.
Figure 8.1-7: DSM (left) and fully automatically derived DTM (right) from a small
part of the OEEPE test at Vaihingen
Figure 8.1-8 shows the DSM from a scanning flight over Vienna. It has a grid spacing
of 0.5 m which is approximately the point separation in the original data. In so far as it
can be defined in urban areas, the DTM can be derived from this model (Figure 8.1-9).
The accuracy of this DTM, which depends on an individual area's land use, has been
determined by the City Council's survey department (Magistratsabteilung 41) with the
help of a large number of ground check points. Table 8.1-2 shows the results. Note that
there is a distinction between standard deviation σ (see also Appendix 4.6-1) and r.m.s.
(root mean square error). The r.m.s. is calculated from the actual errors ε, and these
also contain systematic effects. Laser scanned DTMs, depending on surface roughness
and ground cover, are generally too high.
The standard deviation of ± 1.0 cm on open streets is remarkable at first glance, partic-
ularly in respect of the fact that individual laser points have a height accuracy of only
around ± 6 cm. (This accuracy corresponds to the manufacturer's specifications for the
TopoSys laser scanner which was used for data acquisition.) This large improvement
in accuracy can be simply explained: on surfaces with very limited curvature, the least-
squares adjustment leads to an averaging of the scanned points within a limited area. It
E.g. Briese, C., Pfeifer, Ν.: in Optical 3-D Measurement Techniques V (Eds.: Griin/Kahmen),
pp. 80-87, Wichmann Verlag, 2001.
Torlegard, K„ Jonas, Ν.: OEEPE-Publication No. 40, 2001.
Section 8.1 Airborne laser scanning 411
Figure 8.1-8: Surface model (DSM) Figure 8.1-9: DTM derived using ro-
from laser scanner data (0.5 m grid bust, hierarchical estimation
r.m.s. σ
[cm] [cm]
Park, dense vegetation ±14.5 ±11.1
Park, sparse vegetation ±11.4 ±7.8
Park, open ground ±8.6 ±4.5
Streets with parked cars ±9.2 ±3.7
Streets without cars ±2.4 ±1.0
All points ±10.5 ±7.1
Table 8.1-2: Accuracies of the DTM in Figure 8.1-9 for various types of land use
The automatic generation of building models from laser scanner data is currently a sub-
ject of intensive research. Only the results of two different methods will be presented
412 Chapter 8 Laser scanning
The first method starts by forming the difference between a DSM and a DTM. The dif-
ference model contains not only the buildings but also the vegetation and many other
objects lying above the DTM. Building points are extracted from the difference model
using special filter techniques. Within these filtered point clouds, planar areas are sub-
sequently detected and individual planes joined together to form roofs. Figure 8.1-10
shows the results for a building block in Vienna. The data originate from the same
scanning flight which provided the data for the derivation of the DTM in Figure 8.1-9.
The difference model formed at the beginning of this procedure is therefore a subtrac-
tion of the data in Figure 8.1-9 from the data in Figure 8.1-8. In order not to lose the
eaves of the roofs, the extraction of building models uses range measurements based
on the first echo (the third ray from the left in Figure 8.1-2 illustrates this procedure).
The second method was developed under contract to engineering consultancy Schmid,
Vienna, by the "Advanced Computer Vision" technology centre. It has some similar-
ities with the previous method discussed above. However, it makes use of the ground
plans of buildings which are often available in two-dimensional GIS databases. Fig-
ure 8.1-11 shows the result and indicates the laser spots used. This result is a CAD
Further reading: Brenner, C.: DGK 530, 2000. Maas, H.-G.: IAPRS 32 (Commission
3-2 W5), pp. 193-199, Munich, 1999. Vosselman, G., Dijkman, S.: IAPRS 34 (Com-
mission 3/W4), pp. 37^-3, Annapolis, 2001. Peterneil, M., Steiner, Τ.: Computer-
Aided Design 36, pp. 333-342, 2004.
Section 8.1 Airborne laser scanning 413
Figure 8.1-11: Building model derived from laser scanner data and a two-dimensional
building ground plan
• the position and orientation of the images are determined from control and tie
points or elements, or from GPS and IMU measurements. (In Figure 8.1-12
"GPS/IMU" is placed in brackets to imply an option.)
414 Chapter 8 Laser scanning
The question now presents itself as to which paradigm lies at the heart of laser scanning.
As in (stereo-) photogrammetry, the geometrical reconstruction of objects in three-
dimensional space is foremost, although not from at least two measuring locations but
from only a single location (Figure 8.1-13). In place of a bundle of rays there is a
field of directions and distances, i.e. a vector field. In place of passive sensors there
are active sensors. GPS/IMU information is essential; the connection of two or more
scans in a spatial network can only be achieved using common surface elements and
not points.
Scan 1 Scan 2
passive sensor passive sensor
The remainder of this section will evaluate the contrasts between airborne laser scan-
ning and (stereo-) photogrammetry from an application perspective and then present
performance parameters for airborne laser scanning.
(a) in forested and built-up areas, laser scanning is superior to photogrammetry for
the derivation of terrain models. In photogrammetry, a relevant ground point
must be visible from at least two imaging positions but in laser scanning the
view from a single recording position is sufficient.
(b) active sensing makes laser scanning independent of (natural) sunlight. Laser
scanning flights can, in principle, take place at any time of day or night. Admit-
tedly, clouds are as much of a hindrance to the near infra-red emissions used for
laser scanning as they are to photogrammetric flight operations.
(c) laser scanning requires no texture on the object surface. In contrast to photogram-
metry, laser scanning can be employed for areas of sand devoid of vegetation
(dunes), smooth and dry cultivated fields, bright stretches of concrete, forested
ground in shadow, etc. However, on very flat surfaces which give specular re-
flection, and surfaces with a low reflectance (clear water), there is no laser beam
echo returned to the receiver.
Section 8.1 Airborne laser scanning 415
Roughly the same accuracy can be achieved with a wide-angle camera at a flying height
of 1 km ( m B = 6700):
(e) the geomorphological quality of DTMs derived from laser scanned data is, like
accuracy, crucially dependent on point density. Provided that undulating terrain
is being recorded, the sampling theorem (supported illustratively by Figure 3.3-6)
provides the following connection between the minimum wavelength L mm and
the point separation Δ. (Note that in laser scanning the object is directly "digi-
tized". In terrain scans the point separation Δ is therefore often called the Ground
Sampling Distance, GSD.)
Lmin » 3Δ (8.1-6)
Figure 8.1-14 shows a ground profile with minimum wavelength Lmm and two
different sets of point records with point separation Δ. It is obvious that the curve
can be reconstructed from either configuration of points.
Note: with Lmm = 2Δ, an unfavourable distribution of laser points can deliver 3
identical Ζ values. For this reason, and in particular because of the planimetric
error in the laser points, the factor 2 should be significantly increased. The factor
3 has been chosen here, 2.8 is often used.
Figure 8.1-14: Minimum wavelength of a ground profile and two different arrange-
ments of points to determine it (Δ = point separation)
Figure 8.1-15: Minimum width of a dam profile and two different arrangements of
points to determine it (Δ = point separation)
Exercise 8.1-1. An area of interest contains wavelike deformations in the ground with
a minimum wavelength of 4 m and dam walls with a minimum top width of 2 m. What
laser point separation should be chosen for data recording? (Solution: A W a v e = 1.3 m.
Aüam = Im, therefore use a point separation of 1 m.)
(f) compared with photogrammetry, laser scanning has two disadvantages. Firstly,
planimetric resolution is appreciably worse. Laser scanning currently has a reso-
lution in the half metre range. In contrast, photogrammetry can provide resolu-
tion in the decimetre range and occasionally better (Section Secondly,
laser scanning only provides a "range image", in contrast to photogrammetry
with its multispectral information in the visible and infra-red region of the elec-
tromagnetic spectrum which facilitates delineation of land usage and object iden-
tification. It should also be mentioned that currently photogrammetry provides
the better planimetric accuracy and airborne laser scanning the better height ac-
curacy. It is therefore not surprising that, from the separate paradigms of (stereo-)
photogrammetry (Figure 8.1-12) and laser scanning (Figure 8.1-13), a common
paradigm can be created. This common paradigm is illustrated in Figure 8.1-16.
The (straight-line) directions of the imaging rays (Figure 8.1-12) and the
(straight-line) vectors (Figure 8.1-13) have been replaced in the common par-
adigm (Figure 8.1-16) by symbolic (electromagnetic) waves. This serves to em-
phasize the physical line of sight in the common paradigm. The common para-
digm can be characterized as follows:
Scan 1 Scan 2
passive sensor passive sensor
Object point
Figure 8.1-16: Common paradigm based on (stereo-) photogrammetry and laser scan-
Further reading: Baltsavias, E.: ISPRS Journal 54, pp. 138-147, 1999. Jelalian, Α.:
Laser radar systems. Artech House, Boston, London, 1992. Rees, W.: Physical princi-
ples of remote sensing. Cambridge University Press, 2001. Wehr, Α., Lohr, U.: ISPRS
Journal 54, pp. 68-82, 1999.
However, mobile mapping (Figure 3.8-12), also uses laser scanners whose operation corresponds, in
principle, to the airborne laser scanning concept.
420 Chapter 8 Laser scanning
In terrestrial laser scanning, the object is scanned from several measurement stations
such that there is only a small overlap between the point clouds generated at each
station. GPS can well serve the purpose of locating these stations and this will be
discussed in Section 8.2.2. From one station one obtains the polar coordinates α, ζ and
s. The data recorded from one station is, in terrestrial laser scanning, normally called
a scan.
The technical data for the Riegl LMS-Z420i scanner are summarized in the following
Table 8.2-1: Technical data for the Riegl LMS-Z420i terrestrial laser scanner
8.2.2 Georeferencing
This section will first discuss direct georeferencing. This assumes that the laser scan-
ner's position (Xq, Vq, ZQ), for example with the help of GPS in static mode, and an-
gular orientation (ω, ψ, κ) have been determined. From these parameters, and the polar
coordinates a, C, s, the X Y Z coordinates in a global coordinate system can be derived:
Χ \ ί Χο \ ( s sin ζ cos a \
Y = r0 + I W ssinCsina (8.2-1)
Ζ J \Z0J \ s cos £ /
If the location coordinates and orientation angles are unknown (a technique known also
as free stationing), then these parameters must be determined indirectly from control
points (indirect sensor orientation). In this we initially assume that, in every station
scan, a number of control points can be located and identified. With the Riegl LMS
Z420i (Table 8.2-1) this is an automated measurement procedure provided that control
points have been marked by small retro-reflecting targets. Due to the high contrast be-
tween these targets and their environment, the signals can be automatically identified
in the intensity image (Table 8.2-1). After normal scanning and preliminary location
of the control points, areas around the individual signals are re-scanned at a very high
resolution. In the re-scanned intensity images, the Ca coordinates of the control points
can be determined to sub-pixel accuracy, for example using a weighted centroid calcu-
lation (Section 6.8.5 ff.). Using the 4 nearest scanned points, the s coordinate can be
determined by means of a bilinear transformation (Section 2.2.3a).
The transformation parameters Xo, Yq, Zo and ω, φ, κ for one measurement station can
be determined from at least 3 well distributed control points. A simple solution8,
which corresponds to the absolute orientation of the photogrammetric stereomodel
(Section 4.4), starts with the conversion of polar coordinates into a local Cartesian
coordinate system as follows:
The indirect sensor orientation for a complete set of scans, each with local Cartesian co-
ordinates derived from the original polar coordinates, corresponds to the spatial block
adjustment with independent models described in detail in Section 5.2. The scale fac-
tors m in the individual scans can again be assigned the value of unity. Accuracies and
8 A more rigorous solution, which minimizes the least-squares sum of the original observations α, ζ, s,
distributions of control points can also be found in Section 5.2.3. Since terrestrial laser
scanning is often used to record facades on both sides of a street, then the accuracies
and control point configurations of strip triangulation are appropriate for such linear
measurement tasks (Section
In a practical example9 with five scans, the following accuracies were achieved:
±3.5 mm for individual coordinates of a measurement station and ±7.5 mm for the
individual coordinates of a tie point.
The well-known ICP (iterative closest point) algorithm can connect point clouds with-
out using individual tie points. This assumes approximately positioned and oriented
point clouds. In the overlapping region between two point clouds, two subsets of points
are chosen. Subsequently, for every point in one subset a corresponding point, at the
shortest Euclidean distance in the other subset, is sought. In this way, many corre-
sponding point pairs are generated which can be used to transform one point cloud onto
the other, for example using a highly over-determined spatial similarity transform. The
point clouds then move "closer" to one another. In a second iteration, corresponding
point pairs with shortest separations are again determined and through them a second
transformation is carried out. Iterations are continued until the squared sum of point
pair separations is below a given threshold value. Due to the relatively large number
of incorrect matches which can occur, the transformations, which are normally highly
over-determined, should make use of robust parameter estimation. It is conceivable to
extend the method from two point clouds to the simultaneous connection of all point
clouds, comparable with block adjustment using independent models (Section 5.2).
Further reading on ICP: Besl, P., McKay, N.: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analy-
sis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI) 14(2), pp. 239-256, 1992. Chen, C., Hung, Y„
Cheng, J.: Transactions PAMI 21(11), 1999. Pottmann, H„ Leopoldseder, S., Hofer,
M.: IAPRS34(3A), pp. 265-270, Graz, 2002.
Before we investigate further the determination of line and point information from
laser scanner point clouds, we will briefly discuss the geometry implicitly contained in
Figure 8.2-3. The columns contain object points which result from the intersection of
a (vertical) plane with the object surface. The particular (vertical) plane contains the
recording location and is defined by horizontal angle a. The line of intersection is a
(vertical) profile. The distances from the measurement station to the profile points are
known; the separations between profile points are defined by the Αζ increments.
424 Chapter 8 Laser scanning
A row of the matrix in Figure 8.2-3 contains object points which result from the in-
tersection of a conical surface with the object's surface, where the cone has its apex
at the recording location and opening angle 2ζ (Figure 8.2-1). The distances from the
measurement station to these intersection points are known; the separations between
columns of the matrix in Figure 8.2-3 is defined by the Aa increments. If the object
surface is a plane then the intersection line between the current cone and the object
surface is a conic section, i.e. an ellipse, parabola or hyperbola. In the ζα coordi-
nate plane, these conic sections are drawn as straight lines along the corresponding a
coordinate line. Figure 8.2-4 illustrates the laser points after transformation into the
xyz coordinate system according to Equation (8.2-2). The constant interval between
points has disappeared. The simple neighbourhood connections (topology) between
laser points is, however, unchanged by this transformation. Transformation into the
xyz system has the major advantage that planar regions can be found, for example by
detecting common normal vectors to triangles created from neighbouring points. (In
contrast, planar regions cannot be found in the ( a s coordinate system of Figure 8.2-3;
object planes and lines are bent.) In the example here 4 planar regions can be found
and their laser points are marked with different symbols in Figure 8.2-4.
After segmentation, planes bordering on one another can be intersected. This results
in straight lines and points (Figure 8.2-5). The following strategy for object modelling
therefore lies at the heart of laser scanning: sets of points belonging to individual,
smooth surface elements (in our example these are planes) are extracted from the point
cloud. By intersecting the smooth surfaces, curved edges are obtained (in our example
these are straight lines) and the intersection of the edges provides the required indi-
vidual object points. Conventional methods have a reversed strategy: single points are
Section 8.2 Terrestrial laser scanning 425
Οο ο ο Ο Ο ο ο ο . iV.'.V.V;
Ο ο ο ο Ο ο ο ο ο ο ο> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο οο οοοοοοοοο
ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο οο οοοοοοοοο
ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο οΟ 9οοοοοοοο
ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο οο οοοοοοοοο ,,···ΜΗ(
ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο οο οοοοοοοοο
ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο οο οοοοοοοοο
ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο οο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο
·ο · ο· ο· 'ο ο β' - - - » · · ·
ο • ο*ο· ο ο ο 4ο ο ο ο ο
ο *ο
Figure 8.2-4: Laser points in Cartesian coordinate system and the result of segmenta-
tion in 4 planar regions.
Ο Ο ο
ο ο ο •••••«••o.o.ir·. ····:
ο ο ο οοοοοοοοοοοβοοοβ
ο ο ο οοοοοοοοοοβββοββ
ο ο ο Οοοοοοοοοοοβοοοβ •·····
ο ο ο ο οοοοοοοοοοβββοβ »•••··
ο ο ο ο οοοοοοοοοοοοοοο ······
ο ο ο οοοοοοοοοοοοβοοο
ο ο ο ο οοοοοοοοοοββοοβ
measured which create lines defining the object's topology and the lines, together with
individual points on smooth surfaces, define the surface elements.
The accuracy of lines and points indirectly derived from laser scans is very high be-
cause the highly redundant set of laser points leads to a significant increase in sur-
face measurement accuracy compared with a single laser point measurement (Sec-
tion In an analogous way to robust least-squares interpolation of surfaces
(Section, this reduction, or filtering, of random measurement error should be
undertaken on smooth object surface elements. For the assignment of laser points to
the smooth surface elements it would be advantageous if the random errors were al-
ready filtered out. In practice, therefore, segmentation and filtering are alternately used
in an object reconstruction procedure.
Chapter 8 Laser scanning
Figure 8.2-6 shows the result of a measurement with a Riegl LMS-Z360 laser scanner.
The statue of Marcus Antonius on a carriage being drawn by three lions, was scanned
from several locations. Using a small number of retro-reflecting targets fixed near and
around the statue, all scans were connected together and transformed into a common,
global coordinate system. The surface was modelled using the software package Geo-
magic Studio 10 . Data can be smoothed with this software, i.e. measurement noise is
filtered out, and NURBS elements formed (Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines). Details
are published in: Briese, C., Pfeifer, Ν., Haring, Α.: CIPA conference proceedings,
Antalya, Turkey, 2003.
Section 8.2 Terrestrial laser scanning 427
infra-red image (Figure 3.2-10). In this region of the spectrum there are certainly large
contrasts between different types of vegetation but only small contrasts between build-
ing walls (Figure 3.7-18). In addition, the laser scanner image has no three-dimensional
quality: instead of the oblique illumination by sunlight which gives the photographic
image a three-dimensional look, the laser scanner image is generated by an artificial,
near infra-red illumination with the same direction as the recording rays. Compared
with the photographic image, however, the laser scanner image has the significant ad-
vantage that, concealed behind each pixel, is the distance to that particular pixel.
To combine laser scanner and photographic data, the same solutions are possible for
terrestrial laser scanners as are given for airborne laser scanners in Section 8.1.3ff.
However, the connection of different image types into the same georeferenced network
should be briefly discussed. If the different images appear on the same display, as
in Figure 8.2-7, then corresponding points in each can be manually (monoscopically)
identified and, preferably using feature-based correlation (Section located to
sub-pixel resolution. Following this, a common, least-squares adjustment of the terres-
trial laser scanning stations and the photographic image stations can be executed.
Three-dimensional photo models (Section 7.5), arising from both data sources, are par-
ticularly attractive. The geometry of the object surfaces is mainly derived from the laser
data; texture is taken from the digital photographic data and transferred to the surfaces
of the geometric model. A very simple type of photo model can be obtained without
the need for the full effort normally required for photo models. This variant requires
that a digital camera be rigidly mounted on top of the terrestrial laser scanner and its
428 Chapter 8 Laser scanning
orientation, with respect to the scanner, known by calibration. The following procedure
is then possible. Directly after recording, the 3D points from a laser scanning station
are transformed (back projected) into the digital photographs where the correspond-
ing colour values are extracted. The colour values are subsequently applied to small
spheres and, in 3D space, placed at the positions of the scan points. This results in a
3D "sphere cloud" which gives an observer the familiar colours of a photograph. This
3D "sphere cloud" can be generated immediately after recording and then visualized
in a very pleasing way.
The principle can be very clearly explained on the basis of the horizontal "normal case"
of photogrammetry. Figure 8.3-1 illustrates light sectioning with a laser scanner. This
figure has close similarities with Figure 3.8-1 showing the "normal case" of terres-
At a particular time of recording, the digital image of the profile corresponding to the
light plane transmitted at rotation angle αϊ is shown in Figure 8.3-1. The image plane,
shown projecting from the negative position in Figure 2.1-6, has been rotated about the
ξ2 axis for display purposes. (Although these are digital images, the definition of image
coordinate system used in Figure 3.8-1 has been used instead of the normal definition
presented in Figure 2.2-3.)
The coordinates xp, yp, zp, in the model coordinate system, of a point Ρ on the imaged
profile, can be determined from its image coordinates £2, the principal distance c of
the camera, base length Β and angle αϊ of the laser light plane as follows:
— = tan αϊ (8.3-1)
^ ^ = (8.3-2)
yp c
The coordinate yp is then given by Equation (8.3-3a), obtained after elimination of the
XP coordinate in Equations (8.3-1) and (8.3-2). The coordinate xP can subsequently
be derived by substituting yp in Equation (8.3-2) to obtain Equation (8.3-3b). The third
object coordinate, zp, is calculated from the ratios in Equation (8.3-3c):
yp = ^—E- (8.3-3a)
tan αϊ
X p = y p b + B (8.3-3b)
Zp = yp— (8.3-3C)
The processing of the images can be fully automated. The point sequences in images
of individual profiles can be located using simple image processing algorithms. Equa-
tions (8.3-3) are then subsequently evaluated for each located point using its image
430 Chapter 8 Laser scanning
coordinates £2 and 7/2 - Although the processing strategy is not very susceptible to er-
ror it should, however, be noted that there is no check with respect to individual object
points. In Equations (8.3-3) there are 3 measurement values ξ2, % a r | d a\ for determin-
ing the 3 coordinates xP, yp, zp. In contrast, in the "normal case" of photogrammetry
there are 4 measurement values ξι, ηι, ξι, r/2 in Equations (3.8-1) for the determina-
tion of the 3 coordinates x, y, z. In photogrammetry there is therefore one redundant
measurement present.
The combination of geometric data with photographic data is readily possible with this
construction principle, illustrated in Figure 8.3-1. After the CCD camera has taken
the sequence of individually imaged profiles, a digital photograph, generally an RGB
image, can then be taken. Three coordinates xP, yP, zP can then be assigned to each
RGB pixel of the digital image. With little effort, it is equally possible to implement
the reverse process in which pixels from the digital image are assigned to the xP, yp,
zP coordinates to create coloured spheres (see end of Section 8.2). The best fusion
results when an object surface is modelled from the laser point cloud and the complete
RGB image draped over this.
A few technical details will be given below for the relatively widely used Minolta
VIVID 9i scanner ( w w w , m i n o l t a 3 d . com):
Table 8.3-1: Technical data for the Minolta VIVID 9i close-range laser scanner
Figure 8.3-2 shows the instrument. As indicated in Figure 8.3-1, the CCD camera is
mounted in the upper part of the housing. A laser light plane, which can be deflected
about a horizontal axis, is located behind the lower opening.
Figure 8.3-3 shows a three-dimensional object model, which has been recorded by a
Minolta VI-900. The CCD image has been transferred onto the object surface, derived
from the point cloud. Since the doll's head was recorded with only a single scan, the
unmeasured area in shadow at the back of the head can clearly be seen.
Section 8.3 Short range laser scanning 431
Figure 8.3-3: Doll's head measured by the Minolta VI-900 laser scanner
X = χω
Y = yω cos ω — ζω sin ω
Ζ = yLÜ sin ω + ζω cos ω
/ Ι Ο 0 \ ίχω\
Χ = Ι 0 cos ω - s i n w Ι Ι y u I = Η ω χ ω (2.1-1-1)
\ 0 sin ω cos ω J \ζω )
Vu) = yωφ
ζω = -χωψ sin φ + ζωψ cos ψ
cos φ 0 sin ψ
Xti) — 0 1 0 — R'φ^-ωφ (2.1-1-2)
- sin φ 0 cos φ
ΙΙωφ ωφκ sin κ + y ^ n cos κ
Ζ^ιρ ^ωφκ
cos κ - sin κ 0 ωφκ
= | sin κ cos κ 0 'ωφκ = R-rX (2.1-1-4)
0 0 1 ωφκ
434 Appendices
/ CK -S«
SK 0
\o 0 11
cv 0 Sψ
0 1 0 SK Ck 0 — RVk
Sψ 0 S^jS K C^
1 0 0
0 cw -So,
0 sw Co,
If the order of rotations is changed the sequence of multiplications of the matrices
must be changed accordingly. For example, if ψ is taken as the primary rotation,
ω as the secondary rotation and κ as the tertiary rotation, we derive the following
c<^cK -f- swsK
Numerical Example. From the following rotation matrix which relates to rotations
about the axes in the order specified in Figure 2.1-5
Exercise 2.1-15. Repeat the above numerical example under the assumption that ψ
is the primary, ω the secondary and κ the tertiary rotation. Hint: The corresponding
rotation matrix is shown above as Equation (2.1-1-7). (Solution: ψ = 0.3070 gon =
16'35" OR φ — 200.3070 gon (180°16'35"); ω = 399.9605 gon (359 0 57'52") ORu; =
200.0395 gon (180°57'52"); κ = 297.8290 gon (268°02'46") OR κ — 97.8290 gon
(88 o 02'46").)
Exercise 2.1-16. The following rotations take place in the order ωφκ: ω = 2 gon
(1°48'), ψ = lOgon (9°), κ = 50gon (45°). In order to achieve the same resul-
tant rotation by means of three sequential rotations in the order φωκ, what would the
individual rotations be? (Solution: ω = 1.9754gon (1°46'40") OR 198.0246gon
(178°13'20"), ψ = 10.0049gon (9°00'16") OR 210.0049gon (189°00Ί6"), κ =
50.3130gon (45°16'54") OR 250.3130gon (225°16'54")·)
The above examples show that numerical problems can occur in the derivation of the
rotation angles from the elements rik of the rotation matrix. These numerical problems
occur when cos φ = 0, that is when φ = 100 gon = 90° or when φ = 300 gon = 270°.
Fortunately such angles do not arise in aerial photogrammetry, although they are quite
possible in close range applications. Similarly, numerical problems arise in the case
of the Ηγ,ωκ rotation matrix (Equation (2.1-1-7)) when cos ω = 0, that is when ω —
100 gon = 90° or when ω = 300 gon = 270°.
The following are some sources of information concerning rotation matrices: ASPRS
Manual of Photogrammetry, 5 th ed., 2004. Shih, T.-Y.: PE&RS 56, pp. 1173-1179,
1990. Sections Β 3.4.1 and Β 3.4.2 in Volume 2.
436 Appendices
point Ρ
When the photograph is taken, the object point P , the image point P ' and the cam-
era station Ο lie on a straight line. The above illustrated collinearity condition, as it
is called in photogrammetry, can be expressed in the X'Y'Z' coordinate system in
Equations (2.1-2-1) 2 ; the X'Y'Z' coordinate system is parallel to the ξηζ image coor-
dinate system, both equally tilted with respect to the X Y Z object system. In the image
coordinate system ζ = 0 for all image points and ζ = c for the perspective centre.
ξ-ξο = X'-X'0
c Z'-Z'
η-ηο = V'-Y0'
c Z'0-Z'
2 Zavoti (Geodetic and Geophysical Research Institute of HAS (GGKI), Sopron, Hungary) provided
y — Υ'
<2 1 2 2)
ν - γ - ' -
If the rotation matrix for the image, and therefore also for the X'Y'Z' system, is R
with respect to the X Y Z object coordinate system, it follows from the collinearity of
Ο, P' and Ρ and from Equation (2.1-11) that:
Πι Π2 Π3
T-2ir 2 2 r 2 3 Y'-Y0' I (2.1-2-3)
. Γ31 Γ32 Γ33 Z'
c t rn(X-Xo)+r2i(Y-Yo)+MZ-Zo)
ξ = ςο - c-
rl3(X - Χο) + r23(Y ~ Υο) + r33(Z - Ζ0)
~Ν (2.1-2-4)
ry2{X - Χ0) + r22(Y - Υρ) + r32{Z - Ζ0)
η = ηο - c
rl3{X - Χ0) + r23(Y - Υ0) + r33(Z - Ζ0)
Since the X'Y'Z' system is parallel to the ξηζ image system, the elements rlk are
• the cosines of the angles between the axes of the image and the mapping coordi-
nate systems (see Equation (2.1-10))
• functions of the angles ω, φ and κ through which the camera was tilted with
respect to the object system at the moment of exposure (see Equation (2.1-13) or
Appendix 2.1-1)
For the sake of compact notation in the partial differential coefficients given in Appen-
dix 2.1-3, in Equations (2.1-2-4), above, we write Zx and Zy for the numerators and Ν
for the denominator.
The collinearity equations are sometimes required in another form, a similarity trans-
formation which can be taken directly from Figure 2.1-2-1 (for details see Section
Β 3.5.1 in Volume 2):
X - X o = | Y-Yo I = mR =mR(£-£0) (2.1-2-5)
m ... a scale factor, the ratio of the length OP in object space to the length
OP' in image space
438 Appendices
δξ ΖΧ δη
de de
Οξ δη z
= ~^{rl3Zx - r u N ) = a2 y - rl2N) = b2
dXo dXo
251 ^
= a3 --^{ri-IZY - r22N) = b3
= ~^{r33Zx -r3lN) = <14 - rnN) = 64
δξ c Λ „ • \ZX »τ ι
= — \ZX cos κ — Zy sin κ) — + Ν cos κ I = ae
οψ Ν y Ν
δη c ( Ζ
-— = — ( (Zx cos κ — Zv sin κ) —~ - Ν sin κ1 ] = be
αφ Ν \ Ν
δξ _ __c _ δη _ c_
δκ ~ Ν ~ δκ ~ Ν
θζ c θτι C
Οχ = - Jp(Nr" ~ =a« = -7^2(^12 - V13) = h
θ£ c ΘΤΊ C
1 NR21 ZXT2I) = 09 =
ÄR = ( - OY ~N2{NR22 ~ ZYR23) = 69
θ£ C θτι C
dz 'N2^Nr31 ~ ΖχΤ33
^ = ai
° dZ =
~Ν2^ΝΤ32 ~ ZyT33
^= 610
Exercise 2.1-17. Consider in what way the derivations of the differential coefficients
will change if the primary and secondary rotations are interchanged. The primary
rotation will therefore become φ and the secondary rotation ω. (Solution: They change
as follows: (Y — YQ) =>· —(X — Xo), r23 =>• —Γ13, r2\ =>· —rn, sin κ => — cos κ, cos κ
=>• sin«;.)
Appendices 439
Exercise 2.1-18. Give the differential coefficients for the case of an exactly verti-
cal, unrotated, image. (Solution (examples of the changes): θξ/dX = Βη/dY =
-c/(Z - Z0), θξ/dY = δη/ΘΧ = 0, Θξ/dZ = c(X - X0)/(Z - Z0)2, δη/θΖ =
c(Y - Y0)/(Z - Z0)2.)
440 Appendices
αϊ a2 a3 \ /ξ\ _
bi b2 63 U X = A£ (2.2-1-1)
Ci C 2 c3 / \ 1 /
One derives the original coordinates from the homogeneous coordinates as follows:
The solution for the image coordinates from equations (2.2-1-1) is:
ξ = ί η= 2 (2.2-1-4)
Note: since (X, Y) and (ξ, η) in (2.2-1-2) and (2.2-1-4), respectively, are derived by
fractions which cancel out the scale information in A, scale must be fixed in some way.
By setting C3 = 1 and taking Equations (2.2-1-3), (2.2-1-4) and (2.2-1-5) together one
arrives directly at the relationship (2.2-5).
Note, however, that fixing the scale by setting C3 = 1 is only appropriate as long as
C3 φ 0. This will happen in the case where the line at infinity of the object plane is
mapped to an image line passing through the origin of the image coordinate system.
Appendices 441
If there are exactly u observations, li, then we have a consistent system of linear equa-
tions which may be solved directly for the u unknowns Xk- If the set of equations is
expressed in matrix form as 1 = A x then the solution is χ = A _ 1 l . In order both
to provide a check on errors in the observations and to increase the accuracy of the
results, it is advisable that we take η observations where η > u. We then have a set
of inconsistent equations which implies an estimation problem; this can be solved, for
example, by introducing the condition that the sum of the squares of the residuals υ of
the observations should be a minimum. We may then write a system of observation
ν = Ax — 1 (4.1-1-2)
The u unknowns Xk are then found by applying the following minimum condition:
v T v = min. (4Λ
4'2) (Ax - l ) T ( A x - 1) = x T A T A x - 21 T Ax + 1T1
= 2 x T A T A - 21 T A = 0
dx (4.1-1-3)
χ = (ATA)-'AT1
The matrix ( A T A ) is known as the matrix of the normal equations; the matrix A is the
matrix of the observation equations or, in modern terminology, the design matrix.
The solution shown above is described in the literature as "adjustment by indirect ob-
servations". This algorithm is all that is needed for almost all of the estimation prob-
lems 4 dealt with in this book. Consequently, other approaches to adjustment are not
discussed. Just two extensions to the method of "adjustment by indirect observations"
are required, one to deal with the case when the initial equations (4.1-1-1) are non-
linear and the other when the observations are made with differing accuracies.
The observations 1 are stochastic variables (they therefore contain random errors) the calculated
unknowns are simply estimates. The customary notation for an estimated result, with the "hat", χ , is not
uniformly used in this book; it is frequently written just as x.
It is also common in surveying and photogrammetry to refer to "adjustment" when errors are itera-
tively "adjusted" to some minimum condition in order to achieve an optimal estimation of the unknowns.
442 Appendices
Z, = / ( * ? , + + (4.1-1-5)
Given these correspondences, it may be seen that Equation (4.1 -1 -5) is of the same form
as the linear Equation (4.1-1-1) and may be solved in the same manner by forming the
normal Equations (4.1-1-3).
In the second of the extensions to the method of "adjustment by indirect observations"
we consider the case in which we have differing accuracies in the observations li. The
accuracy is expressed in terms of the standard deviation σι of an observation or by
its variance σ\. In the surveying literature the term "root mean square error" is often
preferred to standard deviation. These different accuracies are taken into account in an
adjustment by indirect observations by means of weights, as they are called, pi, which
are summarized in a weight matrix P«.
/1/c \
P// = (4.1-1-6)
Appendices 443
The minimum condition then becomes: v T P » v = min., which leads to the solution:
χ = (ATP„A)-'ATP,;1 (4.1-1-7)
The (estimated) unknowns x, which can be derived from either of the Equations
(4.1-1-3) or (4.1-1-7), may be substituted in Equation (4.1-1-2) in order arrive at the
estimated residuals ν for all the observations 1.
From all the residuals ν we can derive an estimate for the standard deviation of unit
weight, also called root of the reference variance of an observation which has weight 1
in the weight matrix, (4.1-1-6):
= (4.1-1-8)
V η —u
With this standard deviation of unit weight σ 0 and the weight coefficients qkk the stan-
dard error a Xk of the individual unknowns Xk may be estimated:
The weight coefficients qkk are simply the corresponding elements from the main di-
agonal of the inverse of the normal-equation matrix:
The special case in which there is no redundancy, that is when η = u, is also of interest.
In this case the result is the solution of the following linear equation system:
Ax = 1 x = A"'l (4.1-1-11)
Comparison of this equation with Equation (4.1-1-10) means that one gets the accuracy
of the unknowns from a system of linear equations in a roundabout way from a least
squares adjustment. It is necessary to adopt a predetermined a priori accuracy for σο-
Literature: Mikhail, E.: Observations and Least Squares. IEP-A Dun-Donnelly Pub-
lisher, New York, 1976. Koch, K.R.: Parameter Estimation and Hypothesis Testing in
Linear Models. 2 nd ed., Springer 2006.
444 Appendices
= P2,yPl,y+P2,zPl,z
dD . . . ,
-Q^- = {ξΐη,22 - mri,2l)P2,z - (ξΐΠ,32 ~ 7*1,31 )P2,y
446 Appendices
Exercise 4.3-3. If both rotation matrices, R i and R2, are replaced by the unit matrix,
these derivatives are considerably simplified. Equation (4.3-12), which applies to the
relative orientation of highly tilted photographs, then becomes Equation (4.3-6), the
equation for near-vertical photographs. Verify this conversion.
Appendices 447
As one can deduce from the Gaussian error distribution (normal distribution), about
95% of the true errors lie within this 2σ range. A somewhat more conservative toler-
ance is:
t 99 = ±2.58σ « ±2.5σ (4.6-1-2)
But there are always real errors even outside this 2.5σ tolerance. We can tell from the
Gaussian error distribution that there are about 1 % more. Nevertheless, the tolerance
f 9 9 is used in such a way that all real errors are presumed to lie within these bounds.
Not infrequently, when photogrammetric services are called for, an accuracy is re-
quested without defining the measure of accuracy. Associated professions prefer toler-
ances. If tolerance is adopted as a measure of quality in calling for services it must be
stated whether it is a question of i95 (4.6-1-1) or i 9 9 (4.6-1-2) or some other tolerance.
Assessment of the extent to which the specified tolerance tref has been met is carried
out with the help of check measurements of superior accuracy. To start with, an r.m.s.
value (root mean square error) (4.6-1-3) can be calculated from the differences which
r.m.s. ^ (4.6-1-3)
Frequently the r.m.s. is referred to as the absolute accuracy since it reflects all error
influences. If, from the disparities ε, one removes a possible systematic contribution
by averaging, the differences are diminished; from the differences reduced in this way,
which we denote by v, one obtains the standard deviation as follows:
^ (4.6-1-4)
71 — 1
The standard deviation a.m is also frequently called the relative accuracy. Continuing
the analysis, the tolerance tm can be calculated with Equation (4.6-1-1) or (4.6-1-2)
and compared with the specified tolerance i re f. One can also check directly whether
95% of the differences v, found after removal of a possible systematic part from the
differences ε, lie within the specified tolerance i 9 5 jre f·
448 Appendices
Check measurements of a superior accuracy are very costly. In many cases one is satis-
fied with a second set of measurements of the same accuracy as the first measurements.
The agreed tolerance iref can be checked from the differences d which arise. In this case
one first computes the standard deviation ad, m of the differences (in the same way as
explained above, one can also separate out the systematic part);
The tolerance tm can then be found from Equation (4.6-1-1) or (4.6-1-2) and compared
with the stipulated tolerance i re f.
In conclusion, it should be emphasized that a great deal of attention should be paid to
systematic errors when evaluating standard errors and tolerances empirically.
(4.6-1-6): a m
m = 8 . 5 c m / \ / 2 = 6.0cm
(4.6-1-1): £95,m = ± 1 2 cm
The specified tolerance i95jref is therefore not met. The photogrammetric point deter-
mination has to be repeated, possibly with a larger photo scale.
Completion of the references
UNISURV: The school of surveying. The University of New South Wales, Sydney,
VPK: Vermessung, Photogrammetrie, Kulturtechnik; Schweizerischer Verein für Ver-
messungswesen und Kulturtechnik, Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Photogram-
metrie etc., Zürich, Switzerland.
Hyperbolic paraboloid, 42 Κ
Hyperfocal distance, 60 Knots (nautical miles per hour), 162
Laplace operator, 124, 356, 358
ICP (iterative closest point), 423
Laser data and photographic data, 426
Illuminance, 81
Laser Radar, 400
Illumination (aerial photogrammetry), 159 Laser scanner
Image compression, 129
on gyro-stabilized platforms, 153
based on wavelets, 130 Laser scanning, 400
Image contrast, 69 airborne, 400
Image coordinate refinement, 230 first pulse, 401
Image coordinate system, 21, 39, 53 last pulse, 401
Image data management, 306 short range, 428
Image distance, 48, 58 terrestrial, 419
Image edge (definition), 356 Least square matching (LSM), 326
Image line (definition), 356 Least squares estimation method, 326
Image motion, 155 Lens stereoscope, 289
Image motion compensation Level of Detail (recording of buildings), 314
aerial film cameras, 157 Lidar, 400
CCD area arrays, 158 Light fall-off from centre to edge of image,
line cameras, 159 70
Image pyramids, 128 correction, 119
Image repetition frequency, 306 Light sectioning, 429
Image scale, 27, 34, 134 Line camera, 95
influence on accuracy, 274 gyro-stabilized, 154
orthophoto, 375, 389 Line extraction, 356
relationship between map scale and photo Line jitter, 103
scale, 319 Line maps, 366
IMU (inertial measurement unit), 148 Line photogrammetry, 338
IMU information Location based services, 399
tangential coordinate system, 281 LoG operator (Laplacian of Gaussian), 357
Independent metric cameras, 166 extraction of lines, 358
Inertial navigation system shift in position, 359
Look-up table (LUT), 111
accuracy, 152
Low-pass filter, 128
Information on object form, 283
INS (inertial navigation system), 149
Intensity image Μ
Machine vision, 296
terrestrial laser scanner, 427
Map and image scale, 319
Interest operators, 330
Map sheet preparation, 309
Interference filter, 105
Medium format cameras, 170
Interior orientation, 23, 39, 47, 50
automated, 334
of raster data, 37
calibration certificate, 54
Metric aerial cameras, 137
CCD cameras, 102
resolution, 66
semi-metric camera, 169
Metric cameras, 47, 170
Intersection of rays in three dimensions, 181
digital, 38
Metric film cameras
J aerial, 137
JPEG compression, 130 terrestrial, 165, 169
456 Index
Uncertainties of definition
related to the image, 242
related to the object, 243
Undersampling, 101
Vertical parallaxes, 288
Videocameras, 103
Virtual correction image, 237
Virtual flyovers, 399
Virtual spatial image, 288, 293
Virtual walkthroughs, 399
Visibility analysis
orthophoto production, 382
Visible light, 77
digital orthophotos, 366
dynamic, 399
photo models, 396
static, 399
VLL (vertical line locus), 351
Weber-Fechner law, 81
Weighted centroid method, 349
Weighting function for filtering of airborne
laser scanner data, 408
WGS84 (World Geodetic System 1984), 147
Zero crossings, 357