What Every Novice Translator Should Know
What Every Novice Translator Should Know
What Every Novice Translator Should Know
by Antar S.Abdellah
The nature and importance of translation
Translation is ultimately a human activity which enables
human beings to exchange ideas and thoughts regardless of the
different tongues used. Al Wassety (2001) views the
phenomenon of translation as a legitimate offspring of the
phenomenon of language, since originally, when humans spread
over the earth, their languages differed and they needed a
means through which people speaking a certain language
(tongue) would interact with others who spoke a different
Translation is, in Enani's (1997) view, a modern science at
the interface of philosophy, linguistics, psychology, and
sociology. Literary translation in particular is relevant to
all these sciences, audio-visual arts, as well as cultural
and intellectual studies.
There are eight types of translation: word-for-word
translation, literal translation, faithful translation,
semantic translation, adaptive translation, free translation,
idiomatic translation, and communicative translation.
Translation is, in Chabban's words (1984:5), "a finicky job,"
as it has not yet been reduced to strict scientific rules,
and it allows for the differences that are known to exist
between different personalities. Translation is a heavily
subjective art, especially when it deals with matters outside
the realm of science where precisely defined concepts are
more often expressed by certain generally accepted terms.
In the final analysis, translation is a science, an art, and
a skill. It is a science in the sense that it necessitates
complete knowledge of the structure and make-up of the two
languages concerned. It is an art since it requires artistic
talent to reconstruct the original text in the form of a
product that is presentable to the reader who is not supposed
to be familiar with the original. It is also a skill because
it entails the ability to smooth over any difficulty in the
translation, and the ability to provide the translation of
something that has no equal in the target language.
In translation, the richness of vocabulary, depth of culture,
and vision of the translator could certainly have very
conspicuous effects on his/her work. Another translator might
produce a reasonably acceptable version of the same text,
which, however, may very well reflect a completely different
background, culture, sensitivity, and temperament. Such
differences cannot, in Chabban's view (1984), detract from
the merit of either translator. This is simply because
translation is decidedly a more difficult job than creation.
Criteria for a good translation
A good translation is one that carries all the ideas of the
original as well as its structural and cultural features.
Massoud (1988) sets criteria for a good translation as
A good translation is easily understood.
A good translation is fluent and smooth.
A good translation is idiomatic.
A good translation conveys, to some extent, the literary
subtleties of the original.
A good translation distinguishes between the metaphorical and
the literal.
A good translation reconstructs the cultural/historical
context of the original.
A good translation makes explicit what is implicit in
abbreviations, and in allusions to sayings, songs, and
nursery rhymes.
A good translation will convey, as much as possible, the
meaning of the original text (pp. 19-24).
El Shafey (1985: 93) suggests other criteria for a good
translation; these include three main principles:
The knowledge of the grammar of the source language plus the
knowledge of vocabulary, as well as good understanding of the
text to be translated.
The ability of the translator to reconstitute the given text
(source-language text) into the target language.
The translation should capture the style or atmosphere of the
original text; it should have all the ease of an original
From a different perspective, El Touny (2001) focused on
differentiating between different types of translation. He
indicated that there are eight types of translation: word-
for-word translation, literal translation, faithful
translation, semantic translation, adaptive translation, free
translation, idiomatic translation, and communicative
translation. He advocated the last type as the one which
transmits the meaning from the context, respecting the form
and structure of the original and which is easily
comprehensible by the readers of the target language.
El Zeini (1994) did not seem satisfied with such criteria for
assessing the quality of translation. Hence, she suggested a
pragmatic and stylistic model for evaluating quality in
translation. She explains that the model " places equal
emphasis on the pragmatic component as well on the stylistic
component in translation. This model covers a set of
criteria, which are divided into two main categories:
content-related criteria and form-related criteria" and
expected that by following these criteria, "translators will
be able to minimize the chance of producing errors or losses,
as well as eliminate problems of unacceptability" (p. xvii).
Translation problems
Translation problems can be divided into linguistic problems
and cultural problems: the linguistic problems include
grammatical differences, lexical ambiguity and meaning
ambiguity; the cultural problems refer to different
situational features. This classification coincides with that
of El Zeini when she identified six main problems in
translating from Arabic to English and vice versa; these are
lexicon, morphology, syntax, textual differences, rhetorical
differences, and pragmatic factors.
Another level of difficulty in translation work is what As-
sayyd (1995) found when she conducted a study to compare and
assess some problems in translating the fair names of Allah
in the Qu'ran. She pointed out that some of the major
problems of translation are over-translation, under-
translation, and untranslatability.
Culture constitutes another major problem that faces
translators. A bad model of translated pieces of literature
may give misconceptions about the original. That is why
Fionty (2001) thought that poorly translated texts distort
the original in its tone and cultural references, while Zidan
(1994) wondered about the possible role of the target culture
content as a motivating variable in enhancing or hindering
the attainment of linguistic, communicative and, more
importantly, cultural objectives of EFL (English as a Foreign
Language) education. Hassan (1997) emphasized this notion
when he pointed out the importance of paying attention to the
translation of irony in the source language context. He
clarified that this will not only transfer the features of
the language translated but also its cultural
The translator's work
These problems, and others, direct our attention to the work
and the character of translators, how they attack a text so
as to translate, and the processes they follow to arrive at
the final product of a well-translated text in the target
Enani (1994:5) defines the translator as "a writer who
formulates ideas in words addressed to readers. The only
difference between him and the original writer is that these
ideas are the latter's". Another difference is that the work
of the translator is even more difficult than that of the
artist. The artist is supposed to produce directly his/her
ideas and emotions in his/her own language however intricate
and complicated his/her thoughts are. The translator's
responsibility is much greater, for s/he has to relive the
experiences of a different person. Chabban (1984) believes
that, however accurately the translator may delve into the
inner depths of the writer's mind, some formidable linguistic
and other difficulties may still prevent the two texts from
being fully equivalent. Therefore, we do not only perceive
the differences between a certain text and its translation,
but also between different translations of the same text
On the procedural level, El Shafey (1985:95) states: "A
translator first analyzes the message, breaking it down into
its simplest and structurally clearest elements, transfers it
at this level into the target language in the form which is
most appropriate for the intended audience. A translator
instinctively concludes that it is best to transfer the
"kernel level" in one language to the corresponding "kernel
level" in the "receptor language."
Translation skills for novice translators
The present study suggests four main macro-skills for any
translator who begins his/her work in the field of
translation. These are: reading comprehension, researching,
analytical, and composing skills. These macro-skills include
many sub- or micro-skills that need to be mastered.
Reading comprehension
While we are translating, we do not think of our activity as
being broken down into phases. After doing our first
translations, many automatic mechanisms come into play that
allow us to translate more quickly; at the same time, we are
less and less conscious of our activity.
Osimo (2001) indicates that in order to think about the
translation process and to describe it, our essential task
consists of analyzing its phases, even if we are aware of the
fact that they do not always coincide with perceptibly
different or distinguishable moments. If we want to describe
a process that often is beyond the translator's own
consciousness, we are forced to divide the process into
different phases which, in the everyday practice of
translation, can reveal the inter-twining, almost entangling,
of these phases. The first phase of the translation process
consists of reading the text. The reading act, first, falls
under the competence of psychology because it concerns our
perceptive system. Reading, like translation, is, for the
most part, an unconscious process. If it were conscious, we
would be forced to consume much more time in the act. Most
mental processes involved in the reading act are automatic
and unconscious. Owing to such a nature-common and little-
known at the same time-in our opinion it is important to
analyze the reading process as precisely as possible. The
works of some perception psychologists will be helpful to
widen our knowledge of this first phase of the translation
When a person reads, his brain deals with many tasks in such
rapid sequences that everything seems to be happening
simultaneously. The eye examines (from left to right as far
as many Western languages are concerned, or from right to
left or from top to bottom in some other languages) a series
of graphic signs (graphemes) in succession, which give life
to syllables, words, sentences, paragraphs, sections,
chapters, and texts.
Simply reading a text is, in itself, an act of translation.
When we read, we do not store the words we have read in our
minds as happens with data entered using a keyboard or
scanner into a computer. After reading, we do not have the
photographic or auditory recording in our minds of the text
read. We have a set of impressions instead. We remember a few
words or sentences precisely, while all the remaining text is
translated from the verbal language into a language belonging
to another sign system, which is still mostly unknown: the
mental language.
The mental processing of the read verbal material is of a
syntactical nature when we try to reconstruct the possible
structure of the sentence, i.e. the relations among its
elements. In contrast, it is of a semantic nature when we
identify the relevant areas within the semantic field of any
single word or sentence; and it is of a pragmatic nature when
we deal with the logical match of the possible meanings with
the general context and the verbal co-text.
The difference between a reader and a critic is negligible:
the reader trying to understand has the same attitude as the
critic, who is a systematic, methodical, and self-aware
reader. While reading, the individual reads, and perceives
what he reads, drawing interpretations and inferences about
the possible intentions of the author of the message.
Holmes (1988) suggested that the translation process is
actually a multi-level process; while we are translating
sentences, we have a map of the original text in our minds
and, at the same time, a map of the kind of text we want to
produce in the target language. Even as we translate
serially, we have this structural concept so that each
sentence in our translation is determined not only by the
original sentence, but also by the two maps—of the original
text and of the translated text—which we carry along as we
The translation process should, therefore, be considered a
complex system in which understanding, processing, and
projection of the translated text are interdependent portions
of one structure. We can therefore put forward, as does Hönig
(1991), the existence of a sort of "central processing unit"
supervising the coordination of the different mental
processes (those connected to reading, interpretation, and
writing) and at the same time projecting a map of the text to
Novice translators as well as student translators are advised
to master the following basic reading comprehension skills.
Read for gist and main ideas.
Read for details.
Identify the meaning of new words and expressions using one
or more components of the structural analysis clause,
prefixes, suffixes, roots, word order, punctuation, sentence
pattern, etc.
Identify the meaning of new words and expressions using one
or more of the contextual analysis: synonyms, antonyms,
examples, etc.
Identify the writer's style: literary, scientific, technical,
informative, persuasive, argumentative, etc.
Identify the language level used in the text: standard,
slang, religious, etc.
Identify cultural references in the choice of words in the
Researching skills
Enani (2002b) notices that "the most commonly heard advice to
translators is 'if you don't know the meaning of a word, look
it up in the dictionary.' It is the commonest and the vaguest
insofar as the definite article suggest that the dictionary
is known to both speaker and listener." He indicates that
there are different kinds of dictionaries that a translator
should refer to; a bilingual dictionary, a dictionary on a
historical basis, dictionaries of current English,
dictionaries of idioms, specialized dictionaries
(dictionaries of common errors, dictionaries of idiomatic
usage, slang dictionaries, technical dictionaries)
encyclopedic dictionaries, dictionaries of neologisms, and
monolingual dictionaries.
Despite this long list of different kinds of dictionaries, it
is a single dictionary that the translator is supposed to
refer to each and every time s/he translates. The choice of
the best, or the most appropriate, dictionary depends on the
style of the protext (original text, text before translation)
and on the different types of users of the translation.
Calderaro (1998) indicates two major users of the meta text
(text after translation) who may use the translated version;
the specialist user and the lay user. Identifying the
prospective users of the metatext is very important in the
process of researching, as this will determine which kind of
dictionaries the translator will refer to, which level of
information should be presented and to "detect the exact
moments when it is necessary to establish a balance between
the scientific level of the author and the knowledge the user
supposedly has."