Engineering Hydrology BEG263CI Year-Ii Semester-Ii

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Engineering Hydrology


Teaching Examination Scheme

Final Internal
Hours/ Assessments
Week Theory Practical Theory Practical Marks
Marks Marks
L P T Duration Marks Duration Marks

3 2/2 2 3 80 - - 20 25 125

Course Objective:

Course Contents:

1. Introduction(4hrs)
1.1 Hydrology as a Science of Water
1.2 Scope and Application of Hydrology in Civil Engineering
1.3 Hydrological Cycle and Water Balance Equation
1.4 Development of hydro-meteorological study in Nepal
2. Hydrological Processes (12 hrs)
2.1 Precipitation, its Causes, Classification andMeasurement by Rain Gauges
2.2 Types of Rain gauges, Locations, Site Selection, Errors in Measurement
2.3 Double Mass Curve Method of Adjustment and hyetograph
2.4 Analysis of Point Rainfall by various Methods
2.5 Intensity Duration Frequency Curve, Depth -Area-Duration Curve
2.6 Snowfall and Introduction to Snowfall Measurement
2.7 Evaporation, types of Evaporimeter, Evapo-transpiration and factors
2.8 Penman's Equation and its uses
2.9 Infiltration, factors affecting infiltration, Horton's Equation, Infiltration Indices
(∅and W) and lnfiltrometers

3. Surface Runoff (8 hrs)

3.1 Stream Gauging, Selection of Site, Types of Gauges and their Selection
3.2 Measurement of Velocity by Current Meter, by floats, by surface and sub
Surface velocity Rods
3.3 FlowMeasurement in River Cross-Section byvelocity area
Method and slope Area method
3.4 Rainfall Runoff Correlation and Rating Curves
3.5 Factors Affecting Runoff from a Catchment

4. Hydrographs(7hrs)
4.1 Hydrographs and their Analysis
4.2 Unit Hydrograph and its Limitation
4.3 Derivation of Unit Hydrographs from different Storms
4.4 Peak Flow Estimation using Empirical Methods
4.5 The Rational Method and its Limitation

5. Hydrology of Floods (3 hrs)

5.1 Definition. Causes and Effects of Floods
5.2 Hydro Geomorphologic Characteristics of Rivers
5.3 Flood Prediction and Design Flood
5.4 Methods of Mitigating Floods

6. Statistical Hydrology (6hrs)

6.1 Introduction to Frequency and Probability Concept
6.2 Frequency Analysis and Recurrence Interval
6.3 Gamma and Student's Distribution and their application in Hydrology
6.4 Gumbel's Method in Hydrology

7. Ground Water (5 hrs)

7.1 Occurrences and Distribution of Ground water, Aquifers, Aquicludes,
AquitardsandArtesian Wells
7.2 Water Wells and Their Types
7.3 Wells and Their Classifications
7.4 Devices for Testing of Wells
7.5 Role of Ground Water for Irrigation Development
7.6 Well Hydraulics
7.7 Recharge of Ground Water
7.8 Introduction to the Pumps for the Water Well

(a) Use of Current meter in determining flow velocity in the field.
(b) Discharge measurement in the field by float method.
(c) Discharge measurement byvelocity area method in the field.

 K. Subramanya , Engineering Hydrology, Tata McGraw Hill Publication
 Venn Te Chow, Applied Hydrology
 FAO Irrigation & Drainage Engineering, Paper-24, (1972)
 R. S. Varshney, Engineering Hydrology, Nem Chand & Bros., Roorkee
 LinsleyKobler&Paulhus, Hydrology for Engineers, McGraw Hill Publishing

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