Health Posts: Conditions
Health Posts: Conditions
Health Posts: Conditions
With the increasing promotions for ideal body weights and appearance, people in society are pressured
to achieve the perfect body size. Slimming pills and cosmetics are starting to have high demands in the
market. Yet an untold truth remains unrevealed: the increasing cases of an eating disorder.
Struggling with an eating disorder is a difficult experience. hard because it is a sickness that is not often
recognized until it is fairly serious. It is a sickness that cannot be easily detected until it becomes
Researches had been conducted to explain and grasp understanding regarding some illnesses. However,
eating disorder remains misunderstood due to the lack of medical attention it deserves.
Many sicknesses and diseases are well known and understood by people while others remain mostly
Having an eating disorder is one of the conditions that is rarely understood by most people.
Some factors cause eating disorders such as discontentment with body weight and appearance; negative
and hurtful remarks from spouses and friends; and a means of control when life becomes
uncontrollable. People begin showing signs of having an eating disorder for many reasons. Some people
are unhappy with their current weight or with the way their body looks. Others suffer the verbal abuse
of a spouse or friend that makes hurtful remarks about weight or beauty. Whatever the reason behind
the eating disorder, it is an extremely tough illness to conquer and be freed from.
Still others who start having an eating disorder do so as a means of controlling a part of their lives when
the rest of their life seems out of control. Whatever the reason that an eating disorder begins, it is an
extremely tough sickness for people to conquer and be free of.
The isolation many people experience with an eating disorder becomes a trap that keeps them
struggling longer and harder. Isolation becomes a trap that keeps a person struggling for a very long
time. People who are suffering from an eating disorder are hesitant to seek help because of fear of being
judged and misunderstood. They are unable to handle the pressures on their own and they think that
freedom from the illness is impossible.
They feel unable to seek help and yet unable to handle the pressures of the eating disorder on their own
so that even those who have deep desire to be free from their eating disorder live for weeks, months or
even years without the ability to see freedom as a real possibility for them.
If you think you may be struggling with an eating disorder, the best thing you can do is get help. Fight
through the hardness and awkwardness of sharing your secret struggle Have the courage to share your
struggle and believe that there is a person who will be willing to listen and understand. . Make sure that
you take the problem to someone that can really help you or at least find you the help you need. Trust
that opening up to someone you love and trust about your eating disorder will help save you in the long
run even if it feels easier to keep your problem a secret now. Make sure that you tell the problem to
someone who can help you. Believe that sharing with someone you love about what you are going
through will save you in the long run even if it means confronting the reality of your situation.
An eating disorder, even while it is extremely tough to deal with, does not have to mark the end of your
dreams. or your livelihood. Getting help is a the necessary first step to finding healing and hope.
Back pains are common experiences especially when a person sit most of the time due to his or her job
or lifestyle. But it should not remain ignored because it may affect one’s productivity and efficiency. The
markets are offering different treatments that would relieve and cure the frequent back pains.
ExcerptsTry these natural remedies without expensive, invasive, and possibly harmful methods to
relieve your back.…
You spend hours to commute to work and sitting long hours at a desk. Glued in front of a computer at
work or home and then finish it all off with sitting in front of the TV. You go to bed and wake up in the
morning, not refreshed or renewed, our backs still aching. Sitting down for long hours can cause back
Conventional Back Pain Treatments
Some treatments involve surgery or harsh chemicals/medicines. Instead of relieving the pain, it may
cause harmful results. When considering chemicals and medicines, it is advisable to do some research
first.These may cause more harm than good. Prescriptions may have harmful side effects. They can also
become addictive causing a whole other realm of problems. There are easier and more practical ways to
rRelieve your back pain without the help of chiropractors or physical therapy. These natural remedies
will surely relieve your back pain.
You may consider creams with Capsaicin as an ingredient. It is naturally found in chili peppers which
makes them spicy. The natural effect after you apply it to you aching back will surely help in relieving the
pain. It may sting for a while but it is an indication that the cream is working. It can be typically bought
on most drug stores. Look for a cream that has 0.025 concentration of Capsaicin. Consider creams with
the naturally occurring ingredient Capsaicin. Chili peppers contain Capsaicin which is what makes them
hot to eat. This same heat is what will also bring you comfort. It will sting a bit but this is natural and is a
sign that it is working. most drug stores carry this type of cream. Look for 0.025% concentration.
Ice Packs
Using ice packs and heating packs are also a great ways to relieve back pain. Most people will resort to
the heating pack but will forget about the benefits of using an ice pack. Heating pad is more comfortable
than the ice pack. Yet, using heat pad too early could make the swelling and inflammation worse. Ice
packs can do a great job inof reducing swelling and inflammation. If it’s a new back pain (due to injury or
intense activity overuse), these are ways to apply an ice pack to relieve back ::
• Apply Follow up with 3 times per day for the next two days.
• SAfter that switch to heat pad to relax the tense muscles. that might be tense.
A great thing that you can buy to help relieve back pain is an exerciseAn exercise ball could also help you
relieve your back pain. You could actually use it as a chair and it will help you with to achieve good
posture. It is also Convenienta convenient for doing intermittent exercises and stretches. One of the
most beneficial stretches is using an exercise ball. Here are some exercises that you could follow:
• Face the ball and drape yourself over it. Drape yourself over the ball, facing it.
• Wrap yourself around the ballit with your knees and feet on the floor.
• Sshrug your shoulders shoulders as you pushing them the ball forward As you drape over the bal
and draping over itl.
Try to relieve back pain naturally, without expensive, invasive, and possibly harmful methods
Alternative Endometriosis Treatments
Excerpts: Discover how to manage the pain of endometriosis with supplements and vitamins.
Learn which foods make endometriosis worse, and what doctors versed in natural approaches
What is Endometriosis?
Endometriosis occurs when the endometrial tissue that lines the uterus grows outside the uterus,
usually in the pelvic area. But it can grown anywhere, even in the brain and lungs.
Symptoms of endometriosis
Symptoms of endometriosis include pelvic pain, abnormal menstruation cycles, and infertility. If you
have endometrial tissue growing between the uterus and the rectum, symptoms can include pain during
sex, pain with bowel movements (especially before a period) and pressure in the rectal area. Some
women don’t have any symptoms, but their doctors discover endometrial tissue growing where it
shouldn’t during a routine check, or a check for other conditions.
Dr Christiane Northrup writes of a link between endometriosis and the autoimmune system. She cites
studies on women with symptoms of endometriosis that “show these women often have antibodies
against their own tissue, called auto-antibodies. This means that at some deep level, the mind of their
pelvis is rejecting aspects of itself.” This is an interesting approach, the psych-spiritual one, that can help
address the underlying energetic and emotional imbalances in our bodies when we are dealing with
She goes on to say “When a woman feels that her innermost emotional needs are in direct conflict with
what the world is demanding of her, endometriosis is one of the ways in which her body tries to draw
attention to the problem.” (p152, Northrup)
Dr Northrup suggests a treatment that supports the functioning of the immune system whilst allowing
sufferers of endometriosis to find out what they need to address in their lives.
Natural Progesterone
This works to decrease the effects of estrogen on endometrial tissue. Its advantages are that it doesn’t
have side effects. The cream is applied every day to soft areas of the skin like the face, neck and
abdomen. Dr Northrup recommends using a 2 oz jar per month, alternating he areas it is applied to. She
recommends applying it on days ten to twenty-eight of each monthly cycle. There are also natural
progesterone capsules that are inserted into the vagina or rectum. The recommended dosage of these is
200 to 400 mg twice a day.
Apply a castor oil pack to the lower area of your abdomen three times a week or more, for one hour
each session. Watch what feelings or thoughts come up for you during this time.
Other Options
• Consider getting a massage once a week on alternate weeks for two months. Some women have
reported this alleviates their symptoms
• Find ways to express your creativity, nurture yourself, meet your own needs. Discover what your
needs are.
Acupuncture is excellent for managing pain, and using the traditional Chinese system of diagnosis, can
address underlying energetic imbalances within your body. Best of all, the treatment is tailored to you
exactly. The chinese herbs prescribed usually work in conjunction with the acupuncture treatment,
although they can be taken on their own to great effect.
Changes In Diet
Dr Northrup has found that because symptoms of endometriosis are associated with too much estrogen,
minimizing foods that encourage estrogen
production can help alleviate symptoms. This means removing dairy products, even of the low fat
variety, increasing fiber intake, and minimizing fats. She also recommends:
• Magnesium – 400 – 800 mg which is bout 90 – 150 mg of elemental magnesium. This helps to
relax muscles.
The premise behind this is that “diseases which are the result of vitamin deficiency are associated with
unspecific pains.” (p62, Mills & Vernon). And Mills & Vernon also found research papers that showed
that some vitamins have pain relieving and anti-inflammatory effects.
• DLPA – D,L-Phenylalanine is an amino acid that has been found to relieve chronic pain. It needs
to be taken consistently over time. Some people notice an immediate effect, for others it takes several
weeks. If there is no effect after this time then it probably won’t work for you. Take 2 tablets three times
a day until pain symptoms are relieved. The maintenance dose is followed after this, which is 1-2 a day.
This is based on tablets being 375mg. You may need a prescription for these.
• Essential fatty acids – fish oils (omega 3), evening primrose (omega 6):
Take 2000mg per day. Make sure they are cold pressed. A combination oil, like Udo’s, is effective,
though a bit more expensive. To learn more about the optimal ratios of essential fatty acids, read this
article on evening primrose oil.
Research has demonstrated that zinc has anti-inflammatory effects on the knee joints. It reduces the
release of histamine and leukotriene from cells during the inflammatory process.
Vitamin E inhibits the production of prostaglandins, which are involved in the inflammatory process.
• Vitamins B1, B6 and B12 (non yeast form): These three B vitamins together have an anti-
inflammatory effect
• Quercitin
• Resveratrol
Nutritionally, many women with endometriosis find that when they stop eating wheat, they have either
less or no pain. Some people are sensitive to sugar and gluten also. If you remove these items one at a
time from your diet for a period of about a month, then watch how your body reacts when you eat them
again, you’ll know whether this applies to you.
Many women have found relief from endometriosis by trying the different methods above. Sometimes a
combination of approaches, both natural and conventional, works best. It depends on your individual
circumstances, the level of endometriosis, and the nature of the journey that you are able to take with
your body.
Yoga can reduce nausea – Many pregnant women experience weeks, if not months of morning sickness.
Yoga helps reduce your nausea and can drastically reduce the terrible stretch of morning sickness.
Yoga relieves stress – Yoga is most commonly known as a way to help a person stay centered and relieve
stress. This is especially important during pregnancy when both mom and baby should remain stress-
free at all times.
Yoga relieves fluid retention – Pregnancy causes many women’s hands, feet and face to swell. Practicing
yoga during your pregnancy can help to relieve some of that fluid build-up that you experience.
Yoga relieves tension –Some pregnant women experience a great amount of stress. This stress leads to
great amounts of tension in your body, particularly in your muscles such as your back and neck. Yoga can
help relieve this stress-induced tension and keep you calm.
Yoga stimulates your power of focus – Not only can yoga be a great stress and tension reliever, but it can
also help you to get your mind focused. When you are calm, you are better able to focus on the actual
birth process. Yoga can enable faster and much less taxing labor.
Yoga facilitates flexibility – Flexibility plays a large role in the birth process. Yoga enables you to remain
flexible during pregnancy, which will help your muscles to be prepared for the birthing process when
you go into labor and can help your body recover from the birth.
I've got just a quick tip today to help get you started on your summer beach body with fast workouts
that can be done anywhere. Now that it's nice outside, why not take some of your workouts outdoors,
instead of the stuffy old gym?
I've got just a quick tip today to help get you started on your summer beach body with fast workouts
that can be done anywhere. Now that it's nice outside, why not take some of your workouts outdoors,
instead of the stuffy old gym? One of the points I'd like to make with this article is that your workouts
don't have to be long-drawn-out 2-hour events in order to get great metabolism-boosting, muscle-
sculpting workouts.
Here's an idea for an outdoor workout that literally takes me 10-20 minutes, but has me drenched in
sweat and pumped up by the end...
There are a little playground and a softball field at the end of my road. So on a nice day, if I decide I just
want to get a real quick outdoor workout in, I run over to the field, spend a couple of minutes limbering
up, and then... depending on how I feel, do about 10-20 minutes of the following exercises with almost
no rest in between:
-pushup variations
Sometimes I'll rotate through all of these exercises and sometimes I'll just pick a couple of them and just
keep alternating. Whatever I choose, I keep the rest periods very short (10-30 seconds at most) so that
the intensity stays as high as possible. This really maximizes the fat burning hormonal response and
metabolism-boosting response you get from these workouts, given the brief duration of the workout.
Believe me, if you do this at a high-speed clip, you'll get a killer workout in as little as 10-20 minutes, and
then you can get back home and get on with your life.
Even if you're not in super shape right now, you can just take it at a little lower intensity to ease yourself
into it. It's worth it! Working out in the outdoors and breathing in the fresh air definitely has a
stimulating effect, and some studies I've seen have indicated that you possibly burn more calories
exercising outdoors compared to indoors. So give it a try... You have nothing to lose, except a little of
that extra belly fat!
Sticking to your fitness goals can be challenging, but it is also very rewarding. Learning to be healthy
takes time and dedication to your fitness goals. Sticking with those goals also takes time and patience to
Don’t be discouraged if you stumble every now and then, the most important part is that you get back
up and try again.
Here are some tips to help you stick with your fitness goals.
Make fitness more than a goal, make it a lifestyle. The more committed you are to your fitness goals the
more likely you will be to stick with them.
• Tell others about your decision to be healthy. When we make public our intention to be fit and healthy
we also make that commitment more real in our minds. Every so often it is good to reaffirm your
commitment to being healthy and fit.
• Teach others what you have learned about fitness. By teaching others you will gain a unique
perspective on how fitness works.
• Write it down. Write down your commitment to yourself and the specific goals that you want to reach.
Switch It Up
Your exercise routine should not become boring. Once your workout becomes boring it won’t be long
before you stop doing it. Try new things, and keep it fresh and exciting.
• Take A Class: Instead of doing your same old workout try taking a class. There are so many different
classes and teachers, each with their own unique approach to helping you meet your fitness goals.
Classes can be really fun, especially when there is an energetic and highly motivating teacher.
Also, classes are great places to meet other fitness conscious people, and when you have people with a
fitness mindset in your life you are more likely to stick with your fitness goals.
Class choices are plentiful and include aerobics, cycling, Kettlebell, CrossFit, ViPR, Bosu, ballet barre,
boot camp, Pilates, Tai Chi, QiGong, Zumba, Doonya, and kickboxing, just to name a few.
• Hire A Personal Trainer: They are experts at motivating people to work out. They will also give you
fresh ideas for your workout and can guide you to take your fitness to the next level and that can be
motivating in in of itself.
The other critical benefit of getting a trainer is that it gives you someone to answer to, it’s much harder
to skip a workout when you have an appointment with a trainer.
When choosing your fitness goals you should pick a goal that is easy to stick with. Start with small goals
and work your way up to the bigger and longer goals. Don’t set a goal that will be too hard to manage.
Anything we make hard we will stop doing, make your goals fun and easy.
Goals should be categorized as short and long term, and specific action steps should be included as to
how you will reach each of the goals.
Take each goal one step at a time. Break each goal up into steps that are easy to implement. Even a hard
goal can be made easier if you break it up.
Starting with smaller goals will help you to build momentum. Each goal that you complete will empower
you to start working on the more challenging ones.
Motivation is the key element in sticking with your fitness goals. It is the driving force that pushes you to
succeed and to keep with it. Here are some tips to keep motivated.
• Remember why you made a fitness goal in the first place! Keep connected with the reasons you
started in the first place, when you stumble, use those reasons to motivate yourself.
• Reward yourself!! When you do good and you push through a hard workout remember to reward
yourself. If you workout all the time without noticing and acknowledging the payoffs and rewards it will
be much harder to stick with your goals. A reward will help you to remember how gratifying all the hard
work can be.
Motivation is the driving force, but momentum is what makes the whole process easier. When we have
momentum on our side, nothing can stop us. It’s only when we lose that momentum that it becomes
hard to stick to our goals.
• Don’t take long breaks or too many breaks between your workouts, this will cause you to lose focus
and momentum. When you feel that momentum, keep it going.
• Don’t think about it, just do it. Many people tend to overthink and wonder if they should workout or
complete a step on their goals action list and this causes them to talk themselves out of doing those
Motivation and momentum are critical to sticking with your fitness goals. Use your commitment to
strengthen your resolve and take each goal one step at a time. Make your workouts fun, exciting and
different. Most of all, don’t forget to reward yourself!
Excerpts: Whiter teeth can make you feel confident. Discover the most effective ways to get a
Want that halo effect that comes with a big beautiful smile? Let’s face it, whiter teeth brings confidence.
Whiter teeth are a staple in the health and beauty industry. There are several ways to get a whiter and
brighter smile, here are the most popular.
1. Dentist Whitening
Most dentists use a Carbamide Peroxide in the form of a gel to whiten teeth. Dental trays are custom-
made for you. This makes it fit better and avoid the risk of whitening lines. Dentists charge up to $600
for this treatment, to cover time and office costs. This might be the most expensive method. It’s worth
looking to see if your health insurance covers this method. There are alternatives such as at home
whitening methods.
Identically, you are able to get whiter teeth in the comfort of our own home by using at-home-kits.
These are comparatively cheaper price. At-home kits contain the same strength formula as your dentist
Carbamide Peroxide formula. Or a more powerful formula. Another benefit of at home whitening is the
price. Some quality kits can go as low as $39! Conversely, the only real downside of an at-home kit is the
dental tray quality. It’s a boil and bite mouthpiece. You may find these a little less comfortable than their
dentistry counterpart.
3. Whitening Strips
The results from whitening strips are usually less than desired. Major brands and off-brands have a mild
effect over the course of a month. Pharmaceutical-backed companies sell a weaker whitening strip
product to keep recurring profits. It can take months or years to see the same results from whitening
4. Whitening Toothpaste
In the first place, whitening toothpaste seem to have little or no effectiveness. At most, one line of paste
has a mild active ingredient. On the other hand, you would have to brush your teeth for an hour for any
noticeable result over a period of a month.
With this in mind, dental and at-home whitening kits provides you the best results in the shortest time.
The health of your children’s teeth is a parent’s responsibility. Learn how to properly protect your
children’s teeth.
As a parent, you have many responsibilities. You are responsible for providing your children with an
education, food, shelter, clothing and making sure that they remain safe. The list of your duties goes on
and on. With all that you have to do, you may not be able to pay enough attention to protecting your
child’s teeth. It is, however, an extremely important duty. Protecting your child’s teeth now will help
them for the rest of their life and could save you thousands of dollars in future dental bills. Here are a
few tips to help you maintain your child’s dental healSet Up
Establish good dental habits early with your child. Teach them to brush their teeth at least twice a day.
Make sure that they also floss at least once per day. If you establish an oral hygiene routine early in life,
chances are that they will stick with it forever.
You can not prevent every injury, accidents do happen. You can, however, prevent some injuries. If your
children play sports, have them wear a mouth guard. Mouth Guards prevent thousands of oral injuries
every year but could prevent thousands more. They should be worn in all physical sports, not just
football or hockey. They can be injured just as easily in soccer, baseball, basketball and just about every
other sports involving physical contact.
Thumb and pacifier sucking should be stopped as soon as possible. After the age of 2 pacifier sucking can
have a great negative impact on how their teeth come in.
Limit how much sugar your child eats. Sodas and candy will eat away at your child’s teeth. Get them in
the habit early of not overindulging in sugary snacks.
These are just a few simple things that you can do to assure that your child has good dental health. Your
children may not want to do all of them but one day they will thank you for making them.
More than 37 percent of the U.S. population is dieting at any given time. Unfortunately, the high-
protein, low-carb diet craze has brought with it a side effect--really bad breath, or as it is known in the
scientific community, low-carb oral malodor, or LCOM.
More than 37 percent of the U.S. population is dieting at any given time. Some of the most popular diet
programs in existence today rely on restricting or nearly eliminating a number of carbohydrates in your
diet. Unfortunately, the high-protein, low-carb diet craze has brought with it aside effect-really bad
breath, or as it is known in the scientific community, low-carb oral malodor, or LCOM.
"This potentially embarrassing condition may be experienced sporadically or chronically and at different
degrees depending on how strictly the diet is followed, previous disposition for the condition and oral
hygiene," explained Sushma Nachnani, Ph.D. of the University Health Resources Group, Inc. "High-
protein diets break down into this bouquet of volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, which are then
expelled through the breath, which produces an offensive odor."
The good news is that recent studies have shown that LCOM can be effectively treated through a good
oral health routine that includes the active antimicrobial components found in products such as
BreathRx®, which until recently was only available through your dentist. The BreathRx® fresh breath
system includes the elements of brushing your teeth, cleaning your tongue with a tongue scraper and
then rinsing with a nonalcoholic, sugar-free mouth rinse. In clinical studies conducted by Dr. Nachnani,
subjects who followed the treatment regimen of brushing, scraping and rinsing using the BreathRx
products realized improvements in a relatively short time, with the subjects reporting significantly
fresher breath.
Excerpts: Discover the secret to a younger appearance with these super-foods that can turn back the
Six super foods you didn’t know can turn back the hands of time on your appearance, vitality and
yourover all well-being. Look and feel younger with these top super foods as a part of a recipe for a
youthful life.
1) Goji Berries
Hollywood’s hottest new food goji berries are anti-aging marvels! One of the most nutritionally dense
foods on earth. It has a staggering concentration of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, phytochemicals and
essential fatty acids.
Originating from Tibet and favored in traditional medicine, their health benefits include:
• Boosting immunity
• Lowering cholesterol
• Enhancing vision
• Relieving depression
A study cited in Dr. Mindell’s book ‘Goji: The Himalayan Health Secret’, observed that 67% of elderly
people given a daily dose of the berries for three weeks experienced dramatic immune system
enhancement and a significant improvement in spirit and optimism.
2) Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is an incredible alternative Botox treatment! It increases collagen production by a 100%
naturally. Giving you youthful, wrinkle-free complexion and plump, beautiful skin.
The inner gel of aloe vera leaf contains around 200 active compounds with over 75 nutrients. These
include 20 minerals, 18 amino acids and 12 vitamins (one of the very few plant sources of this vitamin).
Aloe vera also has anti-microbial properties that fight fungi and bacteria. It also houses anti-
inflammatory plant steroids and enzymes. Aids digestion and elimination, boost the immune system.
Helps heal, moisturize and rejuvenate the skin by naturally producing collagen.
Best eaten fresh (large aloe vera leaves can last a few weeks refrigerated). Scrape out the inside gel,
avoid the outside of the leaf (which is a strong laxative). Blend with fruit for the ultimate beautifying
smoothie. Aloe vera has a mild flavour though a slight bitter edge, hence is best combined with fruit.
3) Avocados
Avocados are smoothing and softening for the skin. Compared to almond, corn, olive, and soybean oils,
avocado oil it has the highest skin penetration rate that absorbs easily.
Avocado contains vitamin E (excellent for the skin), antioxidant carotenoids and the master antioxidant
glutathione. Exceptionally powerful with anti-carcinogenic potential. It has high levels of glutathione
found in the liver where the elimination of toxic materials takes place.
4) Chlorella
Production of nucleic acids in the body declines progressively as we age. Chlorella is packed with
vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes and amino acids, making it an incredibly rejuvenating and
health-promoting superfood.
Nucleic acids RNA and DNA found in Chlorella enable our bodies to use nutrients more effectively. It
causes direct cellular growth and repair to eliminate toxins and avoid disease, premature aging as well
as weakened immunity.
5) Bee pollen
When it comes to young and beautiful skin, bee pollen has outstanding gifts. It offers effective
protection against dehydration and injects new life into dry cells. It smoothes away wrinkles and
stimulates a life-giving blood supply to all skin cells.’
Bee pollen has a host of other health-promoting benefits that include fighting infections, lowering
cholesterol, strengthening the blood, boosting the immune system, increasing physical strength and
stamina, aiding longevity and enhancing libido! It has been called a ‘prefect food’ because it is so
nutritionally complete.
6) Coconut oil
Coconut oil speeds up your metabolism and can actually help you loose weight. It is also incredibly
beautifying and moisturizing for the skin and has antioxidant properties which protect against free-
radical damage, keeping the skin youthful and healthy. Taken internally or externally coconut oil is a
great ally for any beauty skin care regime. It also contains lauric acid, an anti-microbial fatty acid that
kills bacteria, viruses and fungi.
Final Thoughts: Check out these six super foods you didn’t know could turn back the hands of time on
your appearance and over wellbeing. You’ll look and feel younger with these top super foods as part of
your recepie for a youthful life.
One of the problems many mothers have after they have started a family is keeping their weight down
where they'd like it to be. Part of your changing physical build is due to having children, something that
can't be taken back once they're born. But you can exercise and tone your muscles, to make the most of
the figure that you have. And part of that, is learning to eat healthy in the face of your various time
Lots of women feel guilty if they throw out leftovers, which can be an attitude inherited from their own
budget-conscious mother. But you're not saving anything except space in the compost pail, if you're
eating that last scoop of potatoes or the vegetables of a toddler's plate, simply so they don't go to
Don't sabotage your own diet, by cooking in too large a quantity for what your family will consume in a
meal. If by chance you're actually a bit short and someone is still hungry, make sure you keep extras on
hand that will fill the gap, like garlic bread to go with spaghetti, veggies, and dip, or a bowl of fruit.
Try to balance your preferences, with what is cooked for the family meals. That means if you eat as
individuals for breakfast and lunch, make sure you get a good variety of fruits, vegetables, and grains.
Try yogurt and fruit with granola for breakfast, or a tossed salad in a fajita wrap for lunch. Remember to
balance your intake of one food group with the others, and select good sources of protein.
Excerpts: eating specific foods that make your body more alkaline can protect against some conditions
as well as shed pounds.
Discover 7 easy tips you can use in your daily life to help your body balance itself back to alkaline
balance and experience better overall health.
The premise of an alkaline diet is that the nutrients found in supplements, alkalizing foods, and water
can bring the body back to balance. These vitamins, minerals, and herbs infuse the body with new
energy, vitality, and better health.
Alkaline foods and water must be consumed in order to provide nutrients the body needs to neutralize
acids and toxins in the blood, lymph, tissues, and cells.
When pH balance inside the body is ‘out of balance’ the body tries to correct that sensitive pH balance.
That process shows up as uncomfortable symptoms, including colds, flues, allergies, diseases, viruses,
and bacteria.
When the pH level in our body is unbalanced, almost any area of the body can be affected. For example,
when the nervous system is affected as the result of unbalanced pH balance it shows up in the form of
the depression. When the cardiovascular system is effected we could have heart disease or experience
other heart-related problems, including thickening and hardening of the arteries, coronary heart
disease, pain or discomfort in the chest, stroke, high blood pressure, and heart failure. When muscles
are effected we often feel fatigued and lack of energy. When skin is effected by improper pH balance we
age quicker than normal.
When the body’s pH level is in balance, the body reaches the ideal weight and corrects negative health
challenges naturally.
Transition to a more alkaline healthy diet requires a shift in attitude towards food. The important point
to remember is that small changes go a long way. Add more alkaline foods to your diet gradually.
1) Reduce the consumption of sugar and products made from sugar, including soda pop, pies, ice cream,
jello, jams & jellies, artificial juices, puddings, doughnuts, corn syrups, chewing gum, sweetened drinks,
cookies, breakfast cereals, liqueurs, mixed drinks.
2) Avoid processed foods and condiments including ketchup, salad dressings, pickles, luncheon meats,
canned fruits, bread, relish, cheese dips, peanut butter, prepared seafood, frozen vegetables, crackers,
canned soups, hot dogs, sausages, sweetened yogurt.
5) Increase your consumption of raw vegetables and raw fresh fruits (without sugar). You should include
raw vegetables in every meal. If your breakfast is so small that you only eat toast or cereal, stop eating
toast and take fresh fruits or vegetable juices instead. If your lunches usually consist of sandwiches try to
substitute it with a raw salad or vegetable juice. Have a large salad before you eat a heavy entree at
dinner. This way, you will be sure to eat all of the salad instead of finding yourself too full to finish it.
6) Grains form the base of a balanced diet and are important in maintaining the alkaline balance in the
body. Grains are a great source of vitamins, minerals, and essential nutrients, including folic acid, fiber,
carbohydrates antioxidants, and phytoestrogens. The Department of Food and Science and Nutrition at
the University of Minnesota determined that consumption of whole grains reduces the risk of chronic
diseases including cancer and cardiovascular disease. By eating grains you can eat less but feel full.
Grains should comprise about 20% of your diet.
7) Don't forget to hydrate. Drink at least half of your body weight in ounces of good quality of water
each day. Add liquid minerals to increase the quality of water.
If you follow these easy 7 steps it will allow you to create the proper alkaline balance within your body.
Creating the proper alkaline balance within your body will bring you an increased quality of life. You'll
start seeing immediate improvements in your health. Your energy will increase, your concentration will
be stronger. You'll build strength, stamina, and resistance to diseases. Your entire body will function
more efficiently just like it was meant to do.
Excerpts :Instead of searching all over town for those hard to find nutritional supplements, look no
Nutritional supplements can be anything from naturally building muscle and tone to ensuring your body
has the proper nutrients at all times. Instead of driving near and far to purchase these items, you can
save time and money on gas and hop on the internet for all your shopping needs.
While you probably assume that General Nutrition Stores are the best places to pinpoint nutritional
supplements, consider the Internet as well. Online there are literally hundreds of great vitamins, meal
replacement bars, protein shakes and healthy snacks to choose from.
The Internet has essentially shrunk the earth, allowing you to purchase anything and have it delivered
directly to your door. There are millions of businesses based both in the “real” and online that hock any
type of natural extract or supplement imaginable. They are just as reliable as traditional brick and
mortar stores, and are often controlled by the same company.
Quite often, these online sellers of nutritional supplements are a great deal less expensive than
traditional brick and mortar stores. This difference in price is usually because of the rock bottom
overhead it takes to run a virtual business. This savings is directly passed down to the buyer, who reaps
the rewards of convenient shopping at great prices. Furthermore, there are an assortment of deals and
specials to be taken full advantage of on the web. High-rated nutritional supplements can be purchased
in bulk for a lower cost.
Do Your Research
Whenever you purchase anything online, especially nutritional supplements, only work with legitimate
sellers. Remember the old adage, if it is too good to be true, then it probably is, and carefully look up the
background information of any store before you buy your nutritional supplements.
Ask your friends, family members, or coworkers for a reference. Most individuals have done some sort
of shopping online and can point you in a general direction. Also, speak with your primary healthcare
provider about an appropriate store in cyberspace to purchase your nutritional supplements. This is
critical since your doctor should know of anything you are taking, whether all natural over the counter
supplements or prescription medications.
When your products arrive, ensure they are still properly sealed and the containers are in perfect
condition when they arrive. This inspection is important so that you can be sure none of the products
were tampered with before they arrived on your doorstep. If you are happy with the product, you can
begin taking them and be on your way to proper health in no time.
Whether you’re pregnant or just considering having a baby, you probably have a dozen things on your
mind. While images of a blanket swaddled newborn might dance in your head, you’re probably
considering other issues like bottle versus breastfeeding, what type of maternity clothes to buy, and
what names you might choose for your little bundle of joy.
If you’ve visited your OBGYN for your prenatal appointment or simply to discuss getting pregnant, your
doctor has probably prescribed prenatal vitamins.
Prenatal vitamins are by no means necessary for the health of your newborn, but they can be a good
safety measure to ensure that your body is getting all the nutrients it needs during this especially
important time. If you’re very health conscious and eat the right foods, chances are that your body is
getting the nutrients it needs.
However, during pregnancy many women experience nausea and sickness or simply find they have
cravings for certain foods that may not be the healthiest choices. A prenatal vitamin can fill in the gaps,
making sure your baby gets all the vitamins he or she needs to grow and thrive.
Iron is also recommended for pregnant women. The baby shares blood from the mother therefore the
pregnant woman may be prone to having anemia. Among the benefits of a prenatal vitamin is the fact
that it ensures your body gets an adequate amount of iron.
Studies have proven that most women don’t consume enough iron during their pregnancies. Iron
deficiency can result in anemia, a condition that can easily be avoided by taking a proper prenatal
vitamin. Iron is given at 30 mg/day because average source of iron for meat are insufficient to meet the
requirements of pregnancy.
Folic Acid
Another important component of prenatal vitamins is folic acid. Important in pregnancy, folic acid has
been found to reduce the risk of birth defects. Folic acid is important for the central nervous system
In fact, many doctors recommend that women who are trying to conceive begin taking a folic acid
supplement or boosting their folic acid consumption at least one month before trying to get pregnant.
Although prenatal vitamins are not a necessity, they certainly contain many benefits. With one dose a
day, you can rest assured that your baby-to-be is receiving all the nutrients he or she needs, keeping his
or her development and growth right on track so you increase your chances of having a healthy
newborn. It is recommended to drink 0.4 mg per day from the 4th to the 12th week of gestation
because this is the period where the brain starts to develop.
Vitamins are compounds found in food, which help us to be fit and healthy. These organic compounds
help in the functioning of the various metabolic systems of our body. Vitamins are found naturally in the
various foods, which we consume and we can also obtain vitamins in the form of vitamin supplements.
Vitamins also help to protect our body from diseases and infections.
Vitamins are also essential for the formation of various enzymes and hormones of the body which
control metabolic activities such as digestion, circulation excretion, etc. There are about eleven types of
vitamins, which are essential for the human body. Vitamin A is essential for the proper functioning of
our eye and it also acts as an antioxidant preventing certain oxidizing chemical reactions, which cause
harm to our body. Vitamin A can be obtained from green leafy vegetables, broccoli, carrot, sweet
potatoes, pumpkin, papaya, etc.
The B group vitamins include thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, cyanocobalamin, and biotin. These are
essential for the proper functioning of our nervous system and for the conversion of food into energy by
the body. It is also essential for the proper functioning of various metabolic activities of our body.
Vitamin B is available from whole grains, beans, fish, lean meat, fruits and vegetables, dry fruits, nuts,
milk, egg, soybeans, etc.
Vitamin B-12 can be obtained only from animal sources such as liver, egg, meat, cheeses, etc. B group
vitamins are essential for amino acid metabolism, nitrogen metabolism, and for healthy skin. Vitamin C
can be obtained from citrus fruits such as lemon, sweet lime, oranges, grapes, grapefruit, etc. Vitamin C
is essential for the prevention of diseases and infection. It also helps in the absorption of iron. Vitamin D
can be obtained from sunlight. It is essential for the bones and teeth. It is also needed for the growth of
our body. Vitamin E is an essential antioxidant. It can be obtained from whole grains, asparagus, wheat
germ, corn, green leafy vegetables, and seeds.
If you do not take a properly nutritious diet then you may suffer from vitamin deficiency health
problems. Lack of Vitamin A can cause problems related to eyesight such as night blindness. Insufficient
Vitamin B can cause diseases like Beriberi, Anemia, poor resistance to diseases, etc.
Lack of Vitamin C causes gum bleeding, weakness, loss of appetite, tiredness, etc. Insufficient vitamin D
causes the deformation of bones and teeth. The deficiency of vitamins in food leads to poor health. An
effective way of filling the nutritional gaps due to poor eating habits is the use of vitamin supplements.
These vitamin supplements can help us to boost our immune system and to build up stamina.
It is always better to take vitamins as a whole from food sources rather than synthetic vitamins. Taking
synthetic vitamins is more like taking half vitamin and our body treats natural and synthetic vitamins
It is very essential to provide our body with natural nutrients for protecting various organs and body
functions. Our body needs whole vitamins, which are found naturally in foods such as grains, vegetables,
and fruits rather than vitamin supplements. Our body utilizes natural vitamins more efficiently than
synthetic vitamins.
`New year new you? So not. It’s common to set high goals to trim fat, but experts say that setting
smaller goals could do more for our health. Small steps are achievable and are easier to fit into your
daily routine. They are less overwhelming than a big, sudden change.”
`New year new you? So not. It’s common to set high goals to trim fat, but experts say that setting
smaller goals could do more for our health. Small steps are achievable and are easier to fit into your
daily routine. They are less overwhelming than a big, sudden change.”
Fat accumulates over time. Even if you gain a pound or two every year, the extra weight adds up .
2) Step Up
Use a pedometer to count your daily steps; then add 2,000, the equal of one extra mile. Keep adding
steps, 1,000 to 2,000 each month or so, until you take 10,000 steps on most days.
3) Eat Breakfast
Breakfast eaters tend to weigh less and have better diets . For a filling and nutrition-packed breakfast,
top Whole Grain Total® with fresh fruit slices and low-fat or fat-free milk.
Switch three grain servings each day to whole grain. If you’re like the average American, you eat less
than one whole grain serving a day.
5) Eat Greens
Have at least one green salad every day. Eating a salad (with low-fat or fat-free dressing) is filling and
may help you eat less during the meal. It also counts toward your five daily cups of vegetables and fruits.
6) Cut Calories
Fat has a lot of calories, and calories count. Buy lean meats, eat poultry without the skin, switch to
lower-fat cheeses, use a nonstick pan with only a dab of oil or butter.
7) Get Calcium
Consider including calcium with two or three daily servings of low-fat or fat-free milk or yogurt. Dairy
calcium is good for bones and may also help you lose weight.
8) Downsize Portions
The smaller the bag, bottle or bowl, the less you will eat.
9) Lose Five To Ten
Lose 5 to 10 percent of your current weight. The health benefits are huge-lower blood pressure, blood
sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides.
Write down what you eat over the next couple of days and look for problem spots. Often, writing things
down can help you eat less.
Excerpts: Try these few simple things to get you started on your belly fat loss journey.
What happens when you put your favorite jeans on? Your belly fat pushes up, spills over the top of your
jeans. Enter the dreaded “muffin top”. How cute, right? Wrong!
Living a sedentary lifestyle has consequences associated with body fat. Until it happens, you stay
complacent and think that it will never happen to you. As the years go by, belly fat sneaks in. Here are a
few simple things to get you started on your belly fat loss journey.
1) Get committed
Losing weight takes commitment. Commit to get healthy by making small lifestyle changes. Don’t wait
until a few weeks before a wedding, or vacation. Good health is a decision to commit to becoming your
best self. The best way to do it is to take in fewer calories than you burn in one day. This is easier said
than done. Motivation helps in committing to change — this is necessary for getting rid of belly for life!
2) Stay motivated
Staying motivated is a challenge sometimes. Figure out what things will help you get and stay motivated.
The motivation to lose weight will often start with finding a work out you enjoy. Don’t want to do is be
under a lot of pressure by setting up an unrealistic time frame. Another great way to get and keep your
motivation is to find a like-minded friend to exercise with. Keep it simple, such as taking a class with a
friend. Joining a gym, or going for walks, having a buddy can make all the difference.
3) Start walking
Start off by taking a thirty minute walk everyday. If you cannot go for thirty minutes the first week then
work up to it. That is why starting with walking for thirty minutes a day. It is easy to stick with. You can
always add more into a work out, but it pays to start simple. Walking is the best thing you can do for
yourself. Walking will improve lung and muscle function. Your heart will love you for it. Carry a water
bottle to stay hydrated especially if it is warm outside. You can sweat out a considerable amount of
water and nutrients in thirty minutes. Replenish with electrolytes and water.
Imagine that your stomach is not bigger than the size of your fist. Now see how much food you can put
in a fist full on your plate. If you don’t fell full, fill up with water or vegetables or wait another 3 hours to
eat the rest. Spreading out your food intake throughout the day help burn calories faster.
Try these simple steps everyday for 3 months then see if your cloths feel loser around the belly. It’s
important to check-in from time to time so as to stay and keep track of your progress.
Final Thoughts: Living a sedentary lifestyle has consequences associated with body fat. Until it happens,
you stay complacent and think that it will never happen to you. As the years go by, belly fat sneaks in.
Here are a few simple things to get you started on your belly fat loss journey.
Excerpts: Do you find yourself feeling bloated through the day? Here are a few tips on
Discovering how to shed extra pounds and water weight will help you feel less bloated through your
day. Here are a few tips on how to feel lighter.
The first thing you need to do is get an idea if your body is retaining more water than it should. If your
skin feels taut in any part of your body, especially in your legs, arms, ankles and abdomen. That could be
a sign of swelling from water retention. Also, look to see if there is any noticeable swelling. Do your best
to make sure that water retention is what’s causing your weight gain.
Stay Hydrated
You can retain water because you aren’t staying hydrated. Don’t stop drinking water and try to limit
their fluid intake if they you believe you are retaining water. This only makes the problem worse
because the body will do its best to store every precious drop it gets. It is vital to your health that you
stay hydrated.
Reduce Sodium
Instead of decreasing how much water you drink, you should try to cut your sodium intake. This is one of
the “secrets” of how to avoid water weight gain. If you are healthy and your doctor says it is okay for
you to do so, then cut out as much sodium from your diet as you can. Your doctor can tell you what the
safe amount for you is.
Diuretics help the body to get rid of excess water, but only if approved by your doctor. There are over-
the-counter diuretics, and some beverages also have diuretic properties. Giving you another potential
method of how to avoid water weight gain.
Almost all women on the planet are pre-programmed to take care of everybody else before themselves.
It’s hard in this day and age when women seem to be doing it all. They’re daughters, sisters, wives,
mothers, professionals, and they feel the pressure every single day.
But we all know how we can be after a couple of nights (or months) of not getting adequate sleep, or
how frustrated we get when we don’t get even 15 minutes a day to ourselves.
Taking time off to do something you enjoy as a means of taking the edge off and releasing the pent-up
pressure of your daily responsibilities isn’t a luxury - it’s a must!
Studies show that when you don’t prioritize yourself and your needs for, at least, a few minutes each
day, you become resentful of those taking up your time and space. Then you start taking it out on them
by lashing out, being frustrated all the time as opposed to your usual calm and sweet self.
Taking a breather gives you the opportunity to relax and recharge so you come back with a better ability
to carry out your commitments with more clarity and a sense of enjoyment. Learning to be “in the
moment” is crucial to your own personal sense of happiness.
This is what those who practice meditation refer to as “practicing mindfulness.” It gives you the power
to control your emotions and lower your stress levels. When stress levels are low, your perspective on
things tends to be more balanced, and positive, you’re not angry as much, you’re more organized, in
control and energetic.
"We're a multitasking society. If we're having a conversation with a friend, we're thinking about the
other things we have to get done," says Allison Cohen, a marriage and family therapist in Los Angeles.
"Instead, you need to be present in the moment..."
Here are a few tips to remind you how important it is to carve out some time for yourself.
"You have to build in battery recharge time," says Margaret Moore, co-director of the Institute of
Coaching at McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School. "We're very good at project management in our
work lives, but not so well in our personal lives. Treat it like any project..."
Some women exercise, others read a book; some do yoga, while there are those who just want a cup of
coffee and some quiet. Whatever provides you with relaxation and a chance to free your thoughts and
release some of the pressure, then that’s what you should do.
Remember, though, that you should treat this time as you would any other appointment and don’t get
bullied by your sense of guilt into doing housework or running errands during your special time.
It takes practice, but you’ll quickly discover that you become a much calmer version of you when you
make time for yourself, and who doesn’t want that!
Whether it’s scanning emails, surfing the net or answering personal calls during your workday, then it’s
time to put a stop to anything that wastes time and leads to nothing. Learning to organize your
responsibilities should be your top priority, this will eliminate stress and free up time, which you can use
for something more enjoyable.
You can even sit down during the weekend to organize your time, and write down everything that
should be accomplished for that week. Sometimes, this means that there may be times when you have
to say “no” to some obligation or other that you don’t want to participate in that doesn’t bring
satisfaction or joy into your life.
On the plus side, if you’re facing a problem at work or at home, sometimes the best way to find an
answer is to stop thinking about it altogether.
Channel your energy into doing something creative. Being creative could be what you need to grease
those brainstorming wheels and regain your focus. It could also be the exact thing you need for better
Well, unfortunately, there are only so many hours in a day - you won’t ever be able to change that.
However, what you can do is free up some time here and there to your own personal gain. Juggling your
work or study schedule, traffic and everything in between can be freakishly difficult to handle.
However, all you need are some smart organizational skills, and you can be the one in control of your
time, and not the other way around.
• If you drive, use this time to listen to music or the radio. You can even enjoy the quiet and your own
• If you can ditch your car and use public transportation, then you can use that time to do something
you enjoy, like read a book or writing or even meditation.
• If you can walk, all the better. This way, you’re doing some exercising; you can listen to music or an
audio book.
• If you have an appointment, try to get there 15 minutes, or even more, early so you can have those
minutes to yourself.
• If you can, have lunch by yourself at least once a week. Go to the park to get a break from all noise
pollution, or if you can’t, stay in your car or a quiet cafe or restaurant where you won’t find any
distractions. Many associate being alone with loneliness, which couldn’t be farther from the truth. Being
by yourself allows you to enjoy your own company. You get back in touch with your interests, likes and
dislikes so you know exactly what makes you happy, and a stronger version of yourself.
"Solitary time can help you have a better understanding of yourself, your thoughts, and your emotions,"
says Katherine L. Muller, PsyD, associate director at Center for Integrative Psychotherapy.
When we think about losing ourselves, we generally think of it in the sense of a romantic relationship.
However, you can lose yourself in your family, your friends, and even your job. Why is that, It is easy to
search for your value externally rather than looking to yourself for confidence and self-esteem. When
you chase it elsewhere, your worth becomes rooted in your job title, the salary that you earn, the
number of children you have, and other places aside from yourself.
You may not even be aware of all of the things you tell yourself you need to do before you can be
considered worthy. There are some tell-tale signs that you may have lost touch with yourself. Take a
look at the following and ask yourself if this is you.
“I’m not going to do x today because I did x yesterday. I just don’t feel like doing x today even though I
should”. If you have to justify not doing something then you’re probably straying from what you want to
be doing.
However, if you choose not to do something with no guilt or need to justify, then you’re staying true to
who you are. Of course, this is different if you are coming up with justifications to appease someone
Do You Ignore Your Instincts,
When you say or do something that isn’t true to you, you tend to feel a pang right in the gut. A lot of
people consider that a physical manifestation of guilt. You should think of that pang as a gift, and rather
than ignoring it you should listen to it.
Your emotions are an insight into your own intuition. Anger means you’re prepared for change. Guilt
means you’re not aligned with who you are. This is just a simple access point to your emotions. Ignoring
the bad ones stops you from learning. Listen to your bad feelings.
A titbit of gossip, critical self-talk, and judgement of others… these are just small ways that you abandon
the person you are. They don’t seem like a big deal at the time, but they add up and this creates a
snowball effect. It doesn’t take long before you’ve lost who you are. If you feel like this, choose to react
differently. Choose to react in a way that feels right for you.
It’s fine if you break a promise to yourself once in a blue moon but if it’s a habit you have a problem.
When you tell yourself you’re going to do something and then you don’t, it doesn’t feel good. You’re
creating distance between you and your true self.
Drama is exhausting and unnecessary. When you engage in drama, you become distanced from yourself.
Drama means that you don’t have the energy to be devoted to what matters you. It’s the perfect way to
avoid the fear you have about chasing your dreams. It pulls you from your focus and drains your energy.
When you stop feeding drama and keep your focus on you, the drama will cease to be a distraction.
Do You Procrastinate,
At the root of procrastination is fear and avoidance. You can’t be true to who you are if you’re avoiding
yourself. The two things are total opposites.
When you choose your true desires you feel more and more unburdened. Then you can easily identify
when something is a burden to your true self.
Spa days are known to cultivate self-pampering, relaxation and wellness. The treatments found at spas,
and even just the atmosphere helps to ease stress and induce the relaxation response in the body.
At a spa, you Indulge in some needed ‘me’ time. You take a step back from everything all the pressures
and just relax, you can detox, beautify, and enjoy uncountable health-promoting experiences.
Studies have proven that going to the spa on a regular basis has a direct relationship with how well you
sleep, how good your mental and physical health is and how happy you are overall.
Read on to learn about the 5 key benefits of going to the spa for some serious pampering.
Body treatments, massage, and heat hydrotherapy all work at improving the circulatory system. Blood
circulation improves, there is a reduction in blood pressure and an increase of a healthy flow throughout
the body.
When you take the time out to take care of your body, your mind soon follows and it becomes happier
and healthier as well. Being touched during a massage or a pedicure or facial, sends a signal to the brain
to release some of its feel “good” hormones, dopamine and serotonin. Their release into the
bloodstream signals the mind, body, and soul to be in perfect harmony.
Moreover, let’s not forget how improving your body image has such a positive effect on your self-
esteem and overall confidence.
We all know we tend to sleep better when we’re happy and relaxed. Now imagine what your sleep
quality will be like after a day at the spa. You’ll enjoy a deep, calm sleep, and wake up the next day
feeling refreshed and renewed from head to toe.
Another great reliever of joint pain is the heat from a steam shower, sauna, or hot tub, which can help
lessen the pain that comes with fibromyalgia, arthritis, or other joint pains.
A good, alleviative massage stimulates the lymphatic system, which plays a major role in keeping our
immune system healthy. When the lymphatic system is stimulated, there is proper lymph flow
throughout your body. This draws out metabolic waste, along with any toxins or excess water. This is
why detoxification is known for loss of water retention. So when all the toxins and excess fluids are
flushed out, your system becomes clean and thriving with new and clean blood. Any swelling or soreness
in the body decreases, and the ability to fight off diseases is maximized.
Detoxifying the skin is also an important factor that spas take very seriously because the skin is the
largest organ in the body and it’s also its main line of defense against bacteria, germs, and toxins. Facials
and mud baths are great detoxifiers because they draw out the impurities from the skin, and they also
contain vitamins and minerals.
Going to the spa gives you a sense of renewal. You renew your energy, you take a look at your lifestyle
and renew/discard certain habits, and you renew your outlook on life. A soothing massage can help
invigorate you, to ease tense muscles and decrease your levels of stress, ultimately altering your frame
of mind - just what the doctor ordered.
Just being at the receiving end of physical contact in a safe, professional environment is essential to our
happiness and comfort. The power of a touch affects us in ways we can’t even begin to understand.
Touch influences our mood, our health, our sense of security and our confidence in ourselves.
Experts are now trying to focus their attention on how to prevent health complications early on so that
people can enjoy a stress-free, healthier lifestyle. Relaxation isn’t simply a mental state where you hum
and chant, it’s so much more! Relaxation plays an integral role in deciding how healthy you are today,
and how healthy you’ll be 10, 20, 30 years from now. Going to the spa for a relaxing day, freeing your
mind from any hassles and worries definitely restores your energy levels before they are completely
depleted. It will also restore your positive outlook on life, and restore faith in your abilities to be
successful at whatever you do.
Being in good mental and physical shape requires you to take the right steps to get there; exercise,
eating right, sleeping well. However, make it a point to add a little pampering into your life to tie
everything together in just the perfect way.
Just walking through the spa doors makes you giddy with excitement. Add to that the peaceful, laid-back
ambience and beautiful surroundings, a day at the spa is certainly the perfect way to enjoy taking care
of you - because you are that important.