An Analysis of Speech Acts in The Croods Movie: Kumala /academic J Edu. Sci. 2018, 1 (1) : 1-7
An Analysis of Speech Acts in The Croods Movie: Kumala /academic J Edu. Sci. 2018, 1 (1) : 1-7
An Analysis of Speech Acts in The Croods Movie: Kumala /academic J Edu. Sci. 2018, 1 (1) : 1-7
This research is aimed to identify the locutionary, illocutionary and perlocutionary acts in The Croods movie and to analyze the meaning of
locutionary, illocutionary and perlocutionary acts in the The Croods movie. The method used in collecting the data is qualitative. This study was
conducted by collecting any relevant data and information about the topic or problem of the study from books and internet that are available for
the analysis. This research used some steps to be collected: watching the movie, making the transcription and identifying the dialogue, after that
classifying the actor’s utterances, and finally classifying the meaning of locutionary acts, illocutionary acts, and perlocutionary acts. The result
shows that all types of speech act occur in the The Croods movie. In this study, the locutionary act is the actor’s utterances. The illocutionary act
that mostly used in The Croods Movie are asking and commanding. The perlocutionary act is often used non-literally perlocutionary act.
Keywords: Speech act, locutionary act, illocutionary act, perlocutionary act, the croods movie
1. Introduction
Language is very important in our life, because without praising if the condition of the house is truly clean and it can
language we cannot communicate to each other. In be hooting if the condition of the house is not clean.
communication, language has an important role because with The perlocutionary act refers to the result or effects of
language we can express what is in our mind. When we utterance to the listener, both real and expected (Sumarsono,
communicate to each other, sometimes we do not understand 2017). For example, “Your house is clean”, this sentence
what the speaker meant or the speaker meant is different from brings an effect to the listener like happy if the listener get
what we understand. Because of that, there is a study that praising and shy or angry if the listener get hooting from the
enables us to analyze the speaker meant. speaker.
Pragmatics is one of linguistics studies that are quite Therefore it is interesting to study speech act because
attractive to learn more about. According to (Yule, 1996), we can know how actually the utterances reflected into actions.
pragmatics is the study of speaker meaning, the study of It is also an interesting research to analyze the speech act used
contextual meaning, the study of how more gets in movie. Movie is a media that reflects the social life of
communicated than is said, and the study of expression of human. Many people like watching movie, but not all of them
relative distance. There are many aspects of pragmatics; one of understand about the form or the function of language that
them is dealing with speech acts. used in the movie. Actually from a movie, we can learn
Speech act was originally by (Philosopher J. L Austin, another subject when we watch it like; educational value,
1955), on his book How to Do Things with Words and moral value, the acting of the actor or actress, and about the
developed by John R. Searle. Austin defined speech act as literary elements in the movie.
what actions we perform when we produce utterances like; There are many types of movie now days including
giving suggestion, promising, inviting, requesting, forbidding, horror movies, action movies, dramas, and animated movies.
and so on (Sumarsono, 2017). Speech act is utterances that can Animated movie is a movie which shows animated character
be classified into three aspects i.e. locutionary act, and funny stories. One of the most famous animated movies is
illocutionary act, and perlocutionary act. The Croods, which is as an animated movie that was
The locutionary act is the basic meaning of utterance nominated in Oscar (Academy Awards, USA) as “Best
(Sumarsono, 2017). For example, “Your house is clean”, this Animated Feature Film of the Year” in 2014. This movie told
utterance refers to the condition of the listener house which is about the adventure of the croods family (family of cavemen
clean. The illocutionary act is performed via the living and hunting in prehistoric times) and Guy (a clever and
communicative force of an utterance (Yule, 1996). For inventive cave boy) to reach the mountain before the world is
example, “Your house is clean”, this utterance can be a end. The writer chooses The Croods movie as the object of this
Kumala /Academic J Edu. Sci. 2018, 1(1): 1-7 2
research because this movie is interesting to watch. It has a How to Do Things with Words and developed by John R.
good animate picture, funny, and not recommended for the Searle. Austin defined speech act as what actions we perform
children but also the parents. In this research, the writer when we produce utterance.
conducted a research under the title: “An Analysisn of According to (Yule ,1996), “Speech act is a study of
Speech Acts in the Croods Movie.” how the speakers and hearers use language. Speech act is
actions that performed via utterances”. In addition (Searle et
1.1. Review of Related Literature
A theory is necessary in conducting a research as it is al.,1980) said that “The theory of speech acts starts with
used to make the research clearer. In this chapter, the writer assumption that the minimal unit of human communication is
explains the theories related to the research. Those theories not a sentence or other expression, but rather the performance
are: of certain kinds of acts, such as making statements, asking
questions, giving orders, describing, explaining, apologizing,
1.1.1. Pragmagtics
thanking, congratulating, etc”.
Studying about language would be closely with two
From the definition above, we can conclude that speech
branches of language science, semantics and pragmatics. Both
act is a statement that contains action as a functional unity in
of that sciences concern at language but in different side.
communications considering situation aspect say. According to
Semantics refers to the construction of meaning language,
(Austin, 1955), speech act can be divided into three types:
while pragmatics refers to meaning construction in specific
a) Locutionary Act
interactional context.
The locutionary act is the utterance of a sentence with
Pragmatics is the study of relationships between determinates sense and preference. For example: “It hot here”.
linguistic forms and the users of those forms. According to This sentence is meant to inform addressee that the condition
(Yule, 1996), “Pragmatics is the study of speaker meaning, the or the weather of a room is hot without any attention to
study of contextual meaning, the study of how more gets perform an act or to influence the addressee. The point of the
communicated than is said, and the study of expression of example above is “I” as subject, “hot” as predicate, and “here”
relative distance”. This type of study necessarily involves the as object. This speech act only expresses language,
interpretation of what people mean in a particular context and understanding the intention of the speaker is not needed.
how the context and how the context influences what are said. b) Illocutionary Act
This approach also necessarily explores how listeners can This act is the making of statement, offer, and promise,
make inferences about what is said in order to arrive at an in uttering a sentence by virtue of the conventional force
interpretation of the speaker’s intended meaning how great associated with it (or with its explicit performative
deal of what unsaid is recognized as part of what is paraphrase). This act is also called the act of doing something
communicated. (Leech, 1983) said that “Pragmatics is the in saying something. For example: “It close to seven o’clock”.
study of meaning in relation to speech act situations”. Crystal This sentence is utters by a husband to his wife in the morning,
defined that “Pragmatics studies the factors that govern our his doesn’t only say the words but also remembering his wife
choice of language in social interaction and the effects of our he have to go to his office right now. The Illocutionary Act is
choice on others”. Stalnaker (in Searle et al., 1980) defined one of Speech Act which helps people do something not only
“Pragmatics is the study of linguistic acts and contexts in saying it.
which they are performed. There are two major types of c) Perlocutionary Act
problems to be solved within pragmatics: first to define The perlocutionary act is the effect caused by some
interesting types of speech act and speech products; second, to utterances that are uttered by the speaker to the hearer. It can
characterize the features of speech context which help be said that this act is the act of affecting someone. For
determine which preposition is expressed by a given example: “There is a snake next to you!”, if we say this
sentence.” utterance to someone, there will be some effects caused by that
Based on the definition above, we can conclude that utterance. After the hearer heard that utterance he/she may run.
pragmatics is the study of the speaker meaning, study of
1.1.3. Classification of Speech Act
contextual meaning, study of how more gets communicated
One general classification system lists five types of
than said, and study of the expression of relative distance. In
general functions performed by speech acts; declarations,
other word, pragmatics is the study of how language is used
representatives, expressives, directives, and commisives.
and how language is integrated in context of communication
1. Declarations. Declarations is a type of speech act that
performing about correspondence between the
1.1.2. Speech Act prepositional content and reality; e.g. resigning, demising,
The concept of speech act is one of the most important christening, naming, excommunicating, appointing,
notions in pragmatics. The term denotes the sense in which sentencing, etc (Leech: 106). In this, these actions are
utterances are not mere meaning-bearers, but rather in a very performed normally speaking by someone who is
real sense do things, that is, perform actions. Speech act was especially authorized to do so within some instructional
originally by (Philosopher J. L. Austin, 1955) on his book framework.
3 Kumala /Academic J Edu. Sci. 2018, 1(1): 1-7
4. Made the conclusion and suggestion based on the data Perlocutionary act: The perlocutionary or the effect of the
analysis. speaker utterance is the hearer (Grug) will give the signal.
Dialogue 4:
3. Findings and Discussion
Grug : Call her in the air.
This section covers the data analysis and the result of
Eep : Heads.
the study. The data analysis was taken from analyzing of the
Grug : Tails. Thunk’s in.
overall data concerning speech acts in “THE CROODS”
Locutionary act: The locutionary act is the speaker (Grug)
movie; this chapter discussed was some points of the
orders the hearers to call their lottery selection.
classification of speech acts that are used in The Croods movie
Illocutionary act: The illocutionary act is the speaker
and the meaning of utterance that used in The Croods movie.
(Grug) ordering by uttering, “Call her in the air”.
Dialogue 1: Perlocutionary act: The perlocutionary or the effect of the
Grug : You’re supposed to wait for my signal speaker utterance is the hearers will mention their lottery
Eep. Eep? selection.
Eep : We’ve been in that cave forever. Dialogue 5:
Grug : Three days is not forever. Thunk : Oh hey dad, can we eat now?
Eep : It is with this family. Grug : Just wait till we get home. Eep put on the
Locutionary act: The locutionary act is the speaker (Grug) brakes.
asks to the hearer (Eep) to keep stay in the cave and Locutionary act: The locutionary act is the speaker
waiting for the signal. (Thunk) asking to the hearer (Grug) to eat the prey now.
Illocutionary act: The illocutionary act is the speaker Illocutionary act: The illocutionary act is the speaker
(Grug) asking by uttering, “You’re supposed to wait for (Thunk) asks by uttering, “Oh hey dad, can we eat now?”
my signal Eep. Eep?” Perlocutionary act: The perlocutionary act or the effect of
Perlocutionary act: The perlocutionary act or the effect of the speaker utterance is the hearer (Grug) will give the
the speaker utterance is the hearer (Eep) will keep stay in answer of the speaker’s (Thunk) question by uttering,
the cave and will come out after get the signal. “Yes”. But, the real is the hearer (Grug) answer’s is “Just
Dialogue 2: wait till we get home”.
Dialogue 6:
Grug : No, no, no Sandy, come back here.
Remember the signal. Good girls wait forthe Grug : Who’s hungry?
signal. Thunk : Alright! Good one, dad!
Grug : Ugga. Grug : Here you go, Thunk. Drink up.
Ugga : As soon as I get Sandy, I’ll go back in, and Locutionary act: The locutionary act is the speaker (Grug)
you can give the signal. asking to the hearers who is hungry.
Grug : No, I mean, you’re already out now. Illocutionary act: The illocutionary act is the speaker
Locutionary act: The locutionary act is the speaker (Grug) (Grug) asks by uttering, “Who’s hungry?”
calls the hearer (Ugga) to come out and get Sandy. Perlocutionary act: The perlocutionary act or the effect of
Illocutionary act: The illocutonary act is the speaker the speaker utterance is the hearers will answer the
(Grug) calling by uttering, “Ugga”. question by put their hands up or take the food from the
Perlocutionary act: The perlocutionary act or the effect of speaker (Grug).
the speaker utterance is the hearer (Ugga) will come out Dialogue 7:
and get Sandy. Thunk : Sorry, dad.
Dialogue 3: Ugga : Looks like fast food tonight!
Thunk : I am waiting for the signal, dad. Grug : That’s alright. I ate last week.
Grug : Never mind, Thunk. Just, come out. Locutionary act: The locutionary act is the speaker
Thunk : Uhh, but if you don’t give the signal, How (Thunk) say sorry to the hearer (Grug).
do I know you’re my dad? Illocutionary act: The illocutionary act is the speaker
Grug : The signal isn’t so you know it’s me, It’s so (Thunk) saying apologize by uttering, “Sorry, dad”.
you know I wasn’t eaten by an animal. Perlocutionary act: The perlocutionary act or the effect of
Locutionary act: The locutionary act is the speaker the speaker utterance is the hearer (Grug) will forgive the
(Thunk) tells to the hearer (Grug) if he is waiting for the speaker (Thunk).
signal. Dialogue 8:
Illocutionary act: The illocutionary act is the speaker (Thunk) Ugga : The moon is full, bath night.
asking by uttering, “I am waiting for the signal, dad”. Gran : (tries to run away)
Kumala /Academic J Edu. Sci. 2018, 1(1): 1-7 6
Ugga : You too, mom. Dialogue 13:
Gran : Run for your life. Grug : What were you doing up there, Eep?
Locutionary act: The locutionary act is the speaker (Ugga) Eep : I don’t know.
tells to the hearer (Gran) to take a bath too. Grug : What were you looking for?
Illocutionary act: The illocutionary act is the speaker Eep : Nothing.
(Ugga) telling by uttering, “You too, mom”. Locutionary act: The locutionary act is the speaker (Grug)
Perlocutionary act: The perlocutionary act or the effect of asking the hearer (Eep) what is she doing on the cliff.
the speaker utterance is the hearer (Gran) will take a bath. Illocutionary act: The illocutonary act is the speaker
Dialogue 9: (Grug) asks by uttering, “What were you doing up there,
Gran : I don’t want to lose my protective layer. Eep?”
Ugga : Mom, you’ve got ants. Perlocutionary act: The perlocutionary act or the effect of
Locutionary act: The locutionary act is the speaker (Gran) the speaker utterance is the hearer (Eep) will answer the
tells to the hearer (Ugga) she does not want to lose her question and promise will not do the same.
protective layer if she bathed Dialogue 14:
Illocutionary act: The illocutionary act is the speaker Eep : What’s the point of all this?
(Gran) telling by uttering, “I don’t want to lose my Grug : Hmmm? What was that?
protective layer”. Eep : I mean, why are we here? What are we
Perlocutionary act: The perlocutionary act or the effect of doing this for?
the speaker utterance is the hearer (Ugga) will not bathe Locutionary act: The locutionary act is the speaker (Grug)
the speaker (Gran) but the real is the hearer (Ugga) keep asking the hearer (Eep) what is the point of live in the
bathing the speaker (Gran). cave.
Dialogue 10: Illocutionary act: The illocutonary act is the speaker (Eep)
Grug : Is she still out there? complaining by uttering, “What’s the point of all this?”
Ugga : You know she hates the cave, Grug. Perlocutionary act: The perlocutionary act or the effect of
Locutionary act: The locutionary act is the speaker (Grug) the speaker utterance is the hearer (Grug) will answer the
asking to the hearer (Ugga) is Eep still outside question and give the freedom to the hearer (Eep) by do
Illocutionarry act: The illocutionary act is the speaker not force her to stay in the cave.
(Grug) asks by uttering, “Is she still out there?” Dialogue 15:
Perlocutionary act: The perlocutionary act or the effect of Ugga : How about a story? Eep loves those.
the speaker utterance is the hearer (Ugga) will answer the Grug : That’s a good idea.
question and calls Eep to enter to the cave immediately. Locutionary act: The locutionary act is the speaker (Ugga)
Dialogue 11: gives the hearer (Grug) an idea.
Grug : How can she not like the cave? It’s so Illocutionary act: The illocutonary act is the speaker
cozy. (Ugga) give an opinion by uttering, “How about a story?
Ugga : It is a little, dark, Grug. Eep loves those”.
Grug : It’s not that dark. Perlocutionary act: The perlocutionary act or the effect of
Locutionary act: The locutionary act is the speaker (Grug) the speaker utterance is the hearer (Grug) will agree with
asking to the hearer (Ugga) how Eep not like the cave. the idea.
Illocutionary act: The illocutionary act is the speaker 4. Conclusion and Suggetions
(Grug) asks by uttering, “How can she not like the cave?”
4.1. Conclusion
Perlocutionary act: The perlocutionary act or the effect of
After completing the analysis, the writer found out
the speaker utterance is the hearer (Ugga) will answer the
that all types of speech act occur in the The Croods Movie. In
question by giving explanation howEep not like the cave.
this study, the illocutionary act that mostly used in The Croods
Dialogue 12: Movieare asking and commanding based on the findings in the
Grug : Eep! previous chapter. The perlocutionary act is often used non-
Eep : Okay, okay! literally perlocutionary act. And for the classification of speech
Grug : Come on. act, directive and representative are often used in the utterance
Locutionary act: The locutionary act is the speaker (Grug) in The Croods Movie. Generally, the writer found out the
calls the hearer (Eep) to get off the cliff. illocutionary are in The Croods movie are : asking question,
Illocutionary act: The illocutonary act is the speaker calling, giving command, giving motivation, giving warning,
(Grug) calling by uttering, “Eep!” thanking, apologizing, hootting, ordering, giving punishment,
Perlocutionary act: The perlocutionary act or the effect of informing, forbidding, giving threat, expressing admirer,
the speaker utterance is the hearer (Ugga) will get off the naming, and asserting.. And for the perlocutionary act, the
cliff. utterances may have effectand may have no effect. So,
7 Kumala /Academic J Edu. Sci. 2018, 1(1): 1-7
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