2 Port Network
2 Port Network
2 Port Network
A two-port network basically consists in isolating either a complete circuit or part of it and
finding its characteristic parameters. Once this is done, the isolated part of the circuit becomes a
"black box" with a set of distinctive properties, enabling us to abstract away its specific physical
buildup, thus simplifying analysis. Any circuit can be transformed into a two-port network
provided that it does not contain an independent source.
Note: All voltages and currents below are complex variables and represented by phasors
containing both magnitude and phase angle. However, for convenience the phasor notation
and are replaced by V and I respectively.
The parameters used in order to describe a two-port network are the following: Z, Y, A , h, g.
They are usually expressed in matrix notation and they establish relations between the following
Input voltage V1
Output voltage V2
Input current I1
Output current I2
Z-model : In the Z-model or impedance model, the two currents I1 and I2 are assumed to be
known, and the voltages V1and V2can be found by:
Here all four parameters Z11,Z12 ,Z21 , and Z22 represent impedance. In particular, Z21 and Z12
are transfer impedances, defined as the ratio of a voltage V1(or V2) in one part of a network to a
current I2(or I1 ) in another part . Z12 = V1 / I2 . Z is a 2 by 2 matrix containing all four
Y-model : In the Y-model or admittance model, the two voltages V1 and V2 are assumed to be
known, and the currents I1 and I2 can be found by:
Here all four parameters Y11,Y12 ,Y21 , and Y22 represent admittance. In particular, Y21 and Y12
are transfer admittances. Y is the corresponding parameter matrix.
ABCD -model : In the A-model or transmission model, we assume V1 and I1 are known, and
find V2 and I2 by:
Here A and D are dimensionless coefficients, B is impedance and C is admittance. A negative
sign is added to the output current I2 in the model, so that the direction of the current is out-
ward, for easy analysis of a cascade of multiple network models.
H-model : In the H-model or hybrid model, we assume V2 and I1 are known, and find V1 and I2
Here h12 and h21 are dimensionless coefficients, h11 is impedance and h22 is admittance.
g model :In g model or inverse hybrid model, we assume V1 and I2 are known, and find V2 and
I1 by :
Here g12 and g21 are dimensionless coefficients, g22 is impedance and g11 is admittance.