Design and Simulation of A Scada System Using Sysml and Simulink
Design and Simulation of A Scada System Using Sysml and Simulink
Design and Simulation of A Scada System Using Sysml and Simulink
Dogan GEZER1,2, Hakki Ozgur UNVER1, Yigit TASCIOGLU1, Kutay CELEBIOGLU1, Selin ARADAG1
1 2
TOBB University of Economics and Technology TUBITAK Marmara Research Center
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Energy Institute
Ankara, Turkey Ankara, Turkey
[email protected], [email protected] [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
Abstract—This paper describes a methodology and a case study purpose graphical modeling language for specifying, analyzing,
through which system architecture and dynamic models of designing and verifying complex projects including hardware,
related system components are gathered in order to design and software, information, communication and interface
simulate the SCADA system of a new hydro turbine test components [4].
laboratory. System architecture model is prepared in System
Modeling Language, a system modeling language based on Dynamic modeling of a system is a very critical link
Unified Modeling Language, while the dynamic model of the between system design and implementation where
laboratory is formed in Matlab/Simulink. Some simulations are computational approaches and mathematical representations
performed in order to verify the preliminary system design are used. Dynamic system models include internal dynamics
studies and system requirements. and memory of past states as distinct from static system models
which focus on time-invariant system features.
Keywords-System Modeling Language (SysML); SCADA
system; A new technology center, named TOBB ETU Hydroturbine
Design and Test Center, is built in Ankara, Turkey to develop
hydropower technology on national level, as the most plentiful
and used renewable energy resource in Turkey. This laboratory
System engineering is an engineering approach that focuses is planned to have a 2 MW testing capacity for hydro turbines
on design and management of interdisciplinary and generally which is 25 % greater than the known highest testing capacity
complex projects. System engineering is a top-down process in the world. Design studies for the SCADA system of the
considering the success of the system by concentrating the laboratory continues in coordination with the design of the
whole [1]. As the project gets larger, it becomes more difficult electromechanical components of the test set-up. The SCADA
to deal with coordination and traceability of the project. system is responsible of real-time control, data acquisition and
Therefore, a need of a flexible and standard tool for system the other requirements mentioned in following sections.
engineering has emerged. In 2001, Model Driven System
Design workgroup of International Council on Systems In order to validate the complex system behavior of the
Engineering (INCOSE) decided to adapt Unified Modeling SCADA system which is defined in the SysML model, it is
Language (UML), a modeling language for software necessary to test, verify and simulate the SysML model with
engineering which involves graphical notational techniques to the help of the dynamic model generated in Matlab/Simulink.
model object-oriented software application visually, for the Simulations performed in dynamic model give an idea on
field of system engineering [2]. System engineers who used whether the system preliminary design satisfies the
UML for general-purpose visual modeling had to model requirements or not.
additional concepts in other modeling tools which made The similarities and the differences between SysML and
integration and traceability of these models difficult. In 2003, UML are explored expressing that SysML only provides a set
Object Management Group (OMG) requested proposals for of useful systems engineering extensions to the UML and
customization of UML in order to support modeling of various SysML is simply not a new language [5]. Considering the
systems including hardware, software, data, personnel, system design in SysML, in [6], the design of a packaging
procedures and facilities. Only one proposal based on UML 2.0 machine on a SysML-based methodology is mentioned. An
was submitted to that request. Main aim of this submission was extension to SysML that enables continuous-time behavior
to use UML 2.0 as much as possible and not to make any description and thus enables co-simulation with
changes unless absolutely necessary [3]. Those efforts resulted Matlab/Simulink is proposed in [7]. In [8], control system of a
in System Modeling Language (SysML) which is a general transmission system is designed with SysML and Simulink.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In Section II operators give setpoints and sequence start and stop commands
the development of the system architecture model using through operator screens. The local control level is composed
SysML is explained. The details of the dynamic model in of the controllers, input/output (I/O) modules, communication
Simulink are presented in Section III. Simulation scenarios and and function modules and the energy analyzers. Data exchange
the results are provided in Section IV. Section V concludes the between site equipment and I/O modules is achieved through
paper. hardwired signals. AC Motors and pumps are controlled in
order to provide desired water pressure and flow conditions.
II. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE MODELING USING AC Motors are fed through AC bus which is connected to the
SYSML electric grid. The SCADA system controls the amount of water
passing through the turbine under adjusted water pressure
The main aim of SysML is to provide simple however conditions. The turbine being tested and the DC machine are
effective constructs for modeling a wide range of system coupled and the speed of the DC machine is determined by the
engineering problems. In particular, SysML is very powerful turbine. DC power generated by the DC machine is converted
for specifying requirements, structure, behavior, allocations into AC power by an inverter.
and parameters while supporting multiple processes and
methods [9]. A. Requirement Diagram
SysML defines nine types of diagrams included in groups A requirement defines a capability or a condition to be
as Behavior, Requirement and Structure diagram. Diagram satisfied. In a SysML model, it is possible to express text-based
taxonomy of SysML is shown in Figure 1. As noticed, some of requirements on graphics, tables or with the help of a tree
the diagrams are inherited from UML, some are extensions of structure. In a requirement diagram, requirements and their
UML and two of them are new diagram types. relationships with other system elements are defined.
The SCADA system of the laboratory is divided into two Requirements satisfied by the SCADA system and its sub-
levels as station level and local control level. Project servers, components are shown for each requirement block in Figure 2.
data loggers and workstations are at the station level and
Figure 5. Use Case Diagram for Operation and Maintenance Figure 6. State Diagram of the Laboratory
I. Sequence Diagram
Setpoints are given at the station level. PID controller in
Sequence diagram is a good way of showing interactions
local control level sends position set point to servo drive and
through flow of control between actors and components.
thus controls wicket gates in order to adjust water flow into
Messages or data exchanged through the focused scenario
the turbine. At the same time, the local controller keeps the
are displayed in a chronological order. The sequence
oil pressure in the system at a predefined level by controlling
diagram for unit start-up is shown in Figure 7.
the motor and the pumps of high pressure oil system.
III. DYNAMIC SYSTEM MODELING USING SIMULINK AC motors and the pumps are fed from the AC grid and
controlled by the SCADA system in order to provide
The dynamic system model of the laboratory is generated constant hydraulic pressure to test the turbine [10].
in Matlab/Simulink. Dynamic model is composed of models
of laboratory equipment and interactions between them as DC machine and external excitation of the DC machine is
shown in Figure 8 generically. used for generating DC power and regulating voltage output
of the machine terminals. Through the inverter, DC voltage
is changed into AC voltage which has magnitude and
frequency of the grid.
The startup of the turbine by controlling the high pressure
oil system and wicket gates in the dynamic model generated
in Simulink is shown in Figure 9.
Startup of Turbine
Turbine Speed (pu)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (seconds)
Valve Opening (pu)
Speed (pu)
0 0.95
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time (seconds) Time (seconds)
Change in Pump Pressure Change in Mechanical Power
1.005 0.8
0.99 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time (seconds) Time (seconds)
Figure 10. Changes in motor-pump system: a) Change in Valve Opening, b) Change in Pump Pressure, c) Change in Motor Speed, d) Change in Mech. Power