Unit-5 Food Constituents PDF
Unit-5 Food Constituents PDF
Unit-5 Food Constituents PDF
1. Carbohydrates:
Carbohydrates used in cooking include simple sugars such as glucose (from
table sugar) and fructose (from fruit) and starches from sources such as cereal
flour, rice, arrowroot and potato.
2. Fats:
Fats and oils come from both animal and plant sources. In cooking, fats
provide tastes and textures. When used as the principal cooking medium
(rather than water), they also allow the cook access to a wide range of cooking
3. Proteins:
Edible animal material, including muscle, offal, milk and egg white, contains
substantial amounts of protein. Almost all vegetable matter (in particular
legumes and seeds) also includes proteins, although generally in smaller
amounts. These may also be a source of essential amino acids.
4. Minerals:
Minerals are the chemical elements required by living organisms, other than
the four elements carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen which are present in
common organic molecules. Sometimes these "minerals" come from natural
sources such as ground oyster shells. Sometimes minerals are added to the
diet separately from food, such as mineral supplements, the most famous being
iodine in "iodized salt."
Other minerals are calcium, chloride, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium,
sodium and sulphur. These minerals are obtained from milk, other dairy
products, cereals, legumes, bone meal, meat, fish, all fruits, vegetables, table &
sea salt etc.
The effect of cooking upon the food constituents are discussed below:-
Rice is washed before cooking. Excessive washing removes the water-soluble
vitamins and mineral. The proactive of cooking rice in large quantities of water
and draining away the excess of water at the end of cooking leads to further
loss of B-group vitamins and minerals. Rice, therefore, must be cooked with
just enough water so that all the water is absorbed at the end of cooking-this is
usually 2 or 2 ½ times the volume of rice. All cereals (eg. water flour) absorb
water and during cooking the starch granules swell up and burst. This renders
the digestion of starch rapid and complete.
Pulses are rich in protein (20 to 25 per cent). They also contain small
quantities of starch. It is very important to boil pulses very thoroughly. This
destroys the antitypic substance present in them.
Other Vegetables:
Vegetables like potatoes should be cooked with their outer skin intact; this
retains all the vitamins and minerals contained in them. As a rule, vegetables
should be cooked in a small amount of water to prevent loss of vitamins and
minerals. They can also be cooked by steaming.
Cooking of Fruits:
Most fruits are eaten fresh and raw. This makes the vitamins present in fruits
easily available. Fruits can also be cooked by stewing; this will result in loss of
some vitamins, particularly, vitamin C.
Cooking of Meat:
Meat is cooked in a number of ways. While cooking, meat coagulation of
protein is at 60°C.
Cooking of Fish:
Fish contains so little connective tissue, that the cooking time is very short.
The proteins coagulate at 60°C.
Cooking of Milk:
When milk is heated, a scum consisting of fat, forms on the surface. This
makes it difficult for steam to escape; hence milk boils over easily. Some of the
lactalbumin sticks to the sides and bottom. Prolonged boiling alters the taste of
milk. The cooked flavour is due to burning or caramelization of milk sugar.
There is destruction of thiamine and vitamin C during boiling. Milk, which is
already a poor source of vitamin C becomes poorer at the end of boiling. Boiling
destroys enzymes and the useful lactic acid bacteria present in milk.
Cooking of Eggs:
The albumin of the egg begins to coagulate at 60°C; and solidifies at 64°C –
65°C. At boiling point (100°C), the albumin becomes tough. However there is
little change in the nutrients present in the egg.