Course Guide-Financial Market-2020 PDF
Course Guide-Financial Market-2020 PDF
Course Guide-Financial Market-2020 PDF
I. Course Code – Title : C-AE18 Financial Markets
II. Prerequisite(s) : Intermediate Accounting 1
III. No. of Credit Units : 3
IV. Required No. of Hrs. : 54
V. Course Description : As providers of vital relevant information to various key
players in the finance industry, accountants should gain professional competence in and be
able to effectively communicate key concepts pertaining to financial markets.
This course provides an overview about the structure and role of financial markets in the
financial system, risk and return theories, interest rates determination and structure,
money markets, debt markets, equity markets, derivatives markets, and foreign exchange
Through research, mini-cases and communication exercises, students will be able to apply
these concepts in analyzing issues about financial markets.
B. Affective:
1. Develop the values of honesty, objectivity and diligence.
2. Discuss the importance of social responsibility in providing information about financial
C. Psychomotor:
1. Compile recent newspaper articles on issues pertaining to financial markets
2. Develop computing skills in determining relevant information pertaining to financial
VII. Requirements for Online Learning: smartphone or laptop with internet connection
IX. References
Brigham, E., & Houston, J. F. (2015). Fundamentals of FInancial Management 13ed. Taguig
City, Philippines: Cengage Learning Asia Pte. Ltd.
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. (n.d.). Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures. Retrieved
April 1, 2020, from
Cabrera, E.B. (2020). Financial Markets and Institutions. Manila, Philippines: GIC
Enterprises & Co., Inc.
Levinson. M. Guide to Financial Markets. Sixth Edition. Pine street London : Profile books Ltd
C-AE18 (Financial Markets)
First Semester | AY 2020-2021
Fabozzi, F. J. (2015). Capital Markets Institutions and Instruments. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Khraisha, T., Arthur, K. Can we have a general theory of financial innovation processes? A
conceptual review. Financ Innov 4, 4 (2018).
Philippine Stock Exchange. (2019). The Philippine Stock Exchange, Inc. Annual Report 2018.
Retrieved April 1, 2020, from
X. Classroom Policies (please check the following proposed policies. You may
change/add/remove some items to make the policies more suitable to the nature and
needs of your class)
Students who are enrolled in this course shall comply with the University’s policies
indicated in the Student’s Manual, and the following classroom policies:
1. Attend class regularly and punctually. In case a student is unable to attend the class,
he/she shall inform the teacher, preferably before the class begins, and state his reason
for being unable to attend the class. An excuse letter addressed to the teacher, signed by
both the student and his/her parent or guardian must be presented. Supporting
documents like medical certificates or approved student activity forms must be attached
to the excuse letter. The student, although marked in the records as absent, will be
“excused” if the reason for such absence is meritorious.
3. All class requirements/outputs shall be submitted on time and follow the rubrics or
standards for these requirements/outputs.
6. Students are encouraged to log-in at least ten minutes before each class. This is to give
ample time for troubleshooting, if necessary, and to ensure that the students are ready
and comfortable once the class begins.
7. Students shall attend only the classes that they are enrolled in. They are not allowed to
transfer to other classes without proper authorization.
8. Students shall select a quiet, well-ventilated, clean and safe learning space whenever
they attend online classes. All learning materials shall be organized by the students in
such a way that these are readily accessible to them when the need arises.
9. Students shall regularly check the Google Classroom for announcements and classwork.
There will be email alerts for posts by the teachers in the Google Classroom. Please
promptly communicate any query or concern regarding classwork or announcements to
the teacher.
10. Students shall read the assigned modules and textbook chapters before the online
session in Google Meet in order to facilitate learning and retention of lessons.
11. Microphones are set to “mute” during live discussion in order to avoid unnecessary
noise. This will be “unmuted” during the Q&A portion or graded recitation. Cameras
may remain on so that the teacher can monitor the students.
12. Once the teacher is presenting, students shall listen attentively and take note of possible
questions to be raised in the Q&A. The “chat” and “present” functions shall be used by
students according to the instruction of the teacher.
13. During class, students may not answer personal calls or texts unless it is an emergency
that involves the health or safety of an individual or property.
14. Students shall wear decent clothing (with sleeves, not tattered or skimpy, with modest
neckline and no offensive prints), avoid gaudy or extravagant accessories, and observe
proper grooming and good hygiene. Students must strive to look professional and
dignified as part of their training for their future careers.
15. During quizzes or exams, students are expected to practice academic integrity.
16. Students shall not take a photo of any exam, activity sheet or any course learning
material or recording and upload or distribute it to other people through any means or
format whether printed or digital, especially through social media.
2. Scores in quizzes, exams and other outputs are to be transmuted using the
Transmutation Table appended to this guide.
Please check the Google Classroom and the official FB page of the University of the
Assumption and the College of Accountancy for updates in the Collegiate Calendar and other
important dates.
Inclusive Dates/Term
1stSemester August 10, 2020 – December 17, 2020
Christmas Break December 18, 2020 – January 11, 2021
2nd Semester January 12, 2021 – May 27, 2021
Break before 3rd term May 28, 2021 – June 13, 2021
3rd Semester June 14, 2021 – July 21, 2021
Major Examinations
Exam 1st Semester 2nd Semester 3rd Semester
Prelim Exams Sept. 17,18, 2020 Feb. 22, 23, 2021
Midterm Exams Oct. 28,29, 2020 April 12,13, 2021 July 1, 2021
Final Exams Dec. 14,15,16,17, 2020 May 24,25,26,27, 2021 July 21, 2021
XIII. Teacher’s Contact Information –Be mindful of data privacy, Please do not give this
information to others without the teacher’s consent.