Kathmandu Valley Waste Water Management Project

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Submitted by:

Pratikchya Basnet (19303)

MBA Spring 2019

Submitted to:

Mr. Krishna Ram Khadka

Professor, Project Procurement

March 11, 2020


Project Number: 43524-014

Implementing Agency: Kathmandu Upatyaka Khanepani Limited (KUKL)

Project Financing Amount: US$ 136,700,000

ADB Financing: US$ 80,000,000
Co financing (ADB Administered): US$ 16,000,000
Non-ADB Financing: US$ 40,700,000


Procurement of Goods and Works

International Competitive Bidding for
US$ 2,000,000 and Above
National Competitive Bidding for Goods Between US$ 100,000 and US$ 1,999,999
Shopping for Goods Up to US$ 99,999
International Competitive Bidding for
US$ 5,000,000 and Above
National Competitive Bidding for Works Between US$ 100,000 and US$ 4,999,999
Shopping for Works Up to US$ 99,999

Goods and Works Contracts Estimated to Cost $1 Million or More

General description Amount Type

DEWATS (Hanumanghat and Gokarna) 12,000,000.00 NCB
Sewerage Network Cleaning and Rehabilitation in
4,500,000.00 ICB
Core Area of LMC (Re-bid 01)

Goods and Works Contracts Estimated to Cost Less than $1 Million and Consulting
Services Contracts Less than $100,000 (Smaller Value Contracts)

General description Amount Type

Equipment for O&M 600,000.00 NCB

Invitation for bids, sealed bids from eligible bidders for:

 Supplying, laying, fitting and fixing of Double Wall Corrugated Plastic Pipes and
Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC) Pipes;
 Construction of Sewer System of about 2.8 kilometers length (1.7 km Double Wall
Corrugated Plastic Pipes and 1.1 km RCC Pipes);
 Manholes;
 RCC and masonry work; and
 Reinstatement of existing utilities (electricity, water supply and telecommunication).


1. Procurement Method: NCB and ICB

2. Bidding process: Pre qualification

The Project Implementation Directorate, Kathmandu Upatyaka Khanepani Limited (“the

Employer”) invites sealed bids from eligible Bidders.

Only experienced and eligible bidders with the following key qualifications should participate in
this bidding:

 Minimum average annual construction turnover of US$ 6.5 million or equivalent

calculated as total certified payments received for contracts in progress or completed
within the last five (5) years;
 Participation as a construction contractor in at least one (1) contract within the last seven
(7) years that has been successfully or substantially completed and that is similar to the
proposed works, where the value of the Bidder’s participation is not less than US$ 3.6
million or equivalent; and Date: 28 August 2019 Loan No. and Title: 3000-NEP:
Kathmandu Valley Wastewater Management Project Contract No. and Title:
KUKL/WW/SN-03: Sewer Rehabilitation in Core City Area of Lalitpur Metropolitan
City Deadline for Submission of Bids: 13 October 2019, 12:00 hours, Nepal Standard
Time (NST)
 Participation as a contractor, Joint Venture Partner or Subcontractor, in supplying, laying
and fixing of RCC Pipe with Socket and Spigot joint or High-Density Polythene Pipe for
Sewers greater than 1000 mm diameter for minimum 2 kilometer length (cumulative)
within the last seven (7) years.

3. Bidding Steps:
 International Competitive Bidding will be conducted in accordance with ADB’s
Single-Stage: Two-Envelope bidding procedure.
 National Competitive Bidding National competitive bidding (NCB) shall be in
accordance with that described as "by inviting bids and a national level" as set forth in
"The Public Procurement Act, 2007" (PPA) and "The Public Procurement
Regulations, 2007" (PPR)

The first NCB document for both goods and works procurement shall be reviewed and approved
by Asian Development Bank (ADB) prior to issue. These will be used for all NCB procurement
under the project. The document shall include qualification and evaluation criteria and ADB's
right to audit and inspect in accordance with para 1.14 of ADB's Procurement Guidelines (March
2013, as amended from time to time). No other criteria other than that described in the bidding
document may be used to determine the lowest evaluated responsive bidder and no form of
domestic preference may be employed. A positive assessment of a bidder's qualifications to
perform a contract will be a pre-requisite to an award.

After being qualified to bid,

To purchase the Bidding Document, eligible Bidders should on or before 13 October 2019;
12:00 hours (NST) visit the office of Project Implementation Directorate at the address indicated
above with submission of a written application and payment of a non-refundable fee of NPR
20,000.00 or US$ 200.00. The fee may be deposited in the bank Account mentioned below.

Alternatively, the Bidding Documents can be obtained by courier after submission of written
application along with a copy of company/firm registration certificate, PAN/VAT Registration
Certificate (For national Bidders only) addressed to The Project Director at the address indicated
above. The application must be supported by bank voucher of NPR 40,000.00 (non-refundable)
for delivery within the country or US$ 400.00 for delivery outside the country deposited in the
bank Account mentioned below:
 Name of Bank: NIC-Asia New Road, Kathmandu, Nepal
 Account Name: Kathmandu UpatyakaKhanepani Limited
 Account No.: 3041091950524005
 Swift Code: NICENPKA
Since ICB is also to be done, payments must be routed through any one of the following Correspondent
JP Morgan Bank CITI Bank New American Express
Name of Bank
New York, USA York, USA New York, USA

Account No
1 36143644 00740944

Swift Code CHASUS33 AEIBUS33
An electronic copy of the Bidding Documents will be provided on CD to all purchasers of the
Bidding Documents. In the event of any discrepancy between hard copy Bidding Documents
and soft copy Bidding Documents, the hard copy shall govern. Bidders shall use the purchased
hard copy of the Bidding Documents furnished to them, for purposes of bid submission.

A pre-bid meeting shall be held at 14:00 hours (NST) after the site visit which starts at 11:00
hours (NST) on 22 September 2019 at PID Office at Anamnagar, Kathmandu.


1. Publication in newspaper: Invitations to bid shall be advertised in at least one widely

circulated national daily newspaper or freely accessible, nationally-known website
allowing a minimum of twenty-eight (28) days for the preparation and submission of
bids. Invitations for bids for contracts estimated at $500,000 or more for goods and
$1,000,000 or more for civil works shall be advertised on ADB's website. No restriction
will be placed on the sale of bidding documents.
2. Bidding documents shall include:
 Letter of Bid
 Completed Bill of Quantities (BOQ),
 Bid Security,
 written confirmation authorizing the signatory of the Bid to commit the Bidder
 documentary evidence of establishing the Bidder’s eligibility
 Any other required documents
3. Deliver your bid: On or before the deadline: 13 October 2019; 12:00 hours (NST). Late
Bids will not be accepted. Together with a Bid Security in the amount as specified in the
Bidding Document (Section 2: Bid Data Sheet Clause ITB 19.1).


1. Technical Bids will be opened immediately after the bid submission deadline in the
presence of Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend, whereas the Financial Bids
shall remain sealed and unopened and shall be placed locked. The Financial Bids of only
Technically Responsive and Qualified Bidders shall be opened after Technical Bid
Evaluation, whereas, the Financial Bids of those Bidders whose Technical Bids are not
responsive and qualified shall be returned unopened after the contract is awarded.
2. Multiple locations for submission and opening are not acceptable.
3. Bids shall be opened at a single location immediately after the deadline for submission.

When comparing bids, ADB’s Domestic Preference Scheme will be applied in accordance with
the provisions stipulated in the Bidding Document.
Evaluation Committee: Technical specialist, Financial specialist, representative from ADB,
representative from KUKL, others, if necessary
Executing Agency: Ministry of Urban Development, Ministry of Water Supply (formerly
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation)
Implementing Agency: Kathmandu Upatyaka Khanepani Limited (KUKL)

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