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Monash University Sunway campus is jointly owned by Monash University and the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation

School of Engineering

MEC 4444
Industrial Noise and Control

Semester 2, 2019
MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control
The Measurement of Noise – an Introduction

• We have seen previously that the ear responds to sound in a

logarithmic way
• We will consider this in more detail, and begin to see how we
can measure noise in a meaningful way, since the ears
response to noise varies with frequency
• Can we measure the effect of noise on humans?
• Do we all respond in the same way?
• What happens when the noise varies with time?

Monash University Sunway campus is jointly owned by Monash University and the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation
MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control

Learning Objective

Why do this?
▪ Engineering always involve measurements (load, strain, noise?)
▪ Understand how “noise” is assessed
▪ How can we relate noise measurement to what our ears hear?
▪ Sound level meters and their functionalities

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MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control


Subjective effect of changes in sound pressure level for a single fixed

frequency or a narrow band of noise
Change in sound level (dB) Change in apparent loudness
3 Just perceptible
5 Clearly noticeable
10 Half or twice as loud

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MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control

The Ear’s sensitivity with Frequency.

L 110
e 100 A contour of “equal loudness”
v 90
e 80
l 70
20 31 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Frequency (Hz)
Suppose that we start at 1000 Hz, with a pure tone, of 70 dB.
We will now change the frequencies and adjust the sound pressure levels (dB) so that
each of the new tones seems to be as “loud” as the original pure tone was at 1000 Hz.

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MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control

Phon : Equal “Loudness”

• Any pure tone on this contour will sound as “loud” as any of

the other pure tones even though the sound pressure levels
will usually differ
• We need to invent a new unit to describe sound in terms of
its loudness.
• The unit is the “phon”; its numerical value is the value of
the sound pressure level at 1000 Hz for each of the various
• Thus we have drawn the 70 Phon curve.

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MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control
The Ear’s sensitivity with Frequency, and with Level.

L 110
e 100
v 90
e 80
l 70
20 31 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Frequency (Hz)

Thus, for example, a pure tone of 80 dB at 63 Hz, will sound as loud as a

pure tone of 70 dB at 1000 Hz. Each will have a value of 70 phons.

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MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control

based on ISO
226 1987 and

Monash University Sunway campus is jointly owned by Monash University and the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation
MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control

▪ Phon provides no information about the relative loudness; that is, how
much louder is one sound than another
▪ Relative loudness of two sounds
– An increase in sound pressure level of 10 decibels will result in a
subjectively judged increase in loudness of a factor of 2
– The 40-phon contour has arbitrarily been labelled as 1 sone
– Then the 50-phone contour, which would be judged twice as loud,
has been labelled two sones
– The relation between the same, 𝑆, and the phone, 𝑃, is
𝑃−40 Τ10

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MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control

40 Phons 1 Sone
50 Phons 2 Sones
60 Phons 4 Sones
70 Phons 8 Sones
80 Phons 16 Sones

40 Phons 1 Sone
30 Phons 0.5 Sones
20 Phons 0.25 Sones

Phons−40 Τ10
Sones = 2
Phons = 40 + 33 log Sones
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MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control



Frequency (Hz)
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MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control

Monash University Sunway campus is jointly owned by Monash University and the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation
MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control
Weighting Networks
▪ The apparent loudness of a sound (the subjective response of ear) varies with
frequency as well as with sound pressure
– Variation of loudness with frequency also depends to some extent on the
sound pressure
▪ Sound-measuring instruments are designed to make allowance for this behaviour
of the ear by the use of electronic “weighting” networks
▪ A-weighted filter – commonly used for assessing potential hearing damage
cause by loud noise
▪ B-weighted filter – no longer in use
▪ C-weighted filter – calculate Noise Rating Reduction and assess low frequency
▪ D-weighted filter – used for high level aircraft noise (large peak reflects human
ears response to random noise differently from pure tones)
▪ Z-weighted filter – “Zero” weighting same as “flat” or “linear” filter
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MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control

Monash University Sunway campus is jointly owned by Monash University and the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation
MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control
Response of the A, B, C, and D filters as a function of frequency
Frequency A B C D
(Hz) dB dB dB dB
Frequency A B C D 400 -4.8 -0.3 0 -0.5
(Hz) dB dB dB dB 500 -3.2 -0.3 0 0
20 -50 -24.2 -6.2 -20.5 630 -1.9 -0.1 0 0
25 -44.7 -20.4 -4.4 -18.3 800 -0.8 0 0 0
31.5 -39.4 -17.1 -3 -16.5 1000 0 0 0 0
40 -34.6 -14.2 -2 -14.6 1250 0.6 0 0 2
50 -30.2 -11.6 -1.3 -12.5 1600 1 0 -0.1 5.5
63 -26.2 -9.3 -0.8 -11 2000 1.2 -0.1 -0.2 8
80 -22.5 -7.4 -0.5 -9 2500 1.3 -0.2 -0.3 10
100 -19.1 -5.6 -0.3 -7.5 3150 1.2 -0.4 -0.5 11
125 -16.1 -4.2 -0.2 -6 4000 1 -0.2 -0.8 11
160 -13.4 -3 -0.1 -4.5 5000 0.5 -1.2 -1.3 10
200 -10.9 -2 0 -3 6300 -0.1 -1.9 -2 8.5
250 -8.6 -1.3 0 -2 8000 -1.1 -2.9 -3 6
315 -6.6 -0.5 0 -1 10000 -2.5 -4.3 -4.4 3
12500 -4.3 -6.1 -6.2 0
16000 -6.6 -8.4 -8.5 -4
Monash University Sunway campus is jointly owned by Monash University and the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation 20000 -9.3 -11.1 -11.2 -7.5
MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control

• Thus if we were using the “A” Filter, we would increasingly attenuate

the amplitude of frequencies below 1000Hz (to as much as 50 dB at
20 Hz), and also the high frequencies – above about 10 kHz

• We would then measure the resulting signal, find the rms value, and
calculate its decibel value.

• The dB(A) value is used very extensively – as we shall see later – in

defining acceptable noise levels, and is thus most relevant for noise
control considerations

Monash University Sunway campus is jointly owned by Monash University and the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation
MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control
Common Sound dB(A) Effect
Some Normal breathing 10 Just audible
typical Rustling leaves 20
values Whisper 30 Quiet
of noise Bedroom 30 - 40
in dB(A) Quiet office 50
Normal conversation 50 - 65 Moderate
Vacuum cleaner 70
City Traffic Noise 80
Lawn mower 90
Garbage truck 100 Loud
Jackhammer 110
Thunder (not too near) 120
Rock concert
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130 Very loud
Monash University Sunway campus is jointly owned by Monash University and the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation
MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control

Frequency Analysis
▪ Noise has a broadband spectrum; it contains a mixture of all frequencies
▪ To investigate the frequency content of the noise in more detail
– Split the frequency range into bands and measure the sound
pressure level in each band
▪ There are two ways of splitting the frequency range into bands
– A constant bandwidth
– A constant percentage bandwidth
Constant bandwidth
▪ Each band has the same width
▪ The centre frequency of each band would be half way between its upper
and lower cut-off points
▪ Usually only for “narrow band frequency analysis”
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MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control

Constant percentage bandwidth

▪ Covering the entire audio range (20 to 20000 Hz) using constant bandwidth
filters requires too many bands
▪ Constant percentage bandwidth analysis is most frequently used for
routine assessment of broad band noise
▪ The most commonly used methods use octave and one-third octave bands
▪ They are called “octave bands” because for each filter the upper cut-off
frequency, is twice the value of the lower cut-off frequency
▪ The internationally defined system of octave bands for sound
measurement has a series of contiguous bands named by their nominal
centre frequencies at 16Hz, 31.5Hz, 63Hz, 125Hz, 250Hz, 500Hz, 1000Hz,
2000Hz, 4000Hz, 8000Hz, 16000Hz
▪ In the one third octave system each octave is split into three bands

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MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control
The “Pass Band” of an Octave Band Filter.

Input contains all

frequencies of the noise.

Input Output
Octave Band

Output contains only those

frequencies that are
“passed” by the filter - i.e.
frequencies in the range:
flower to fupper

Monash University Sunway campus is jointly owned by Monash University and the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation
MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control

• By using a series of these Octave Band Filters (covering the

audible frequency range), we can pass the signal through each
filter in turn and measure in dBs the various Octave Band levels.

• This will give us an indication of which frequencies are present in

the noise signal, and their respective amplitudes.
• This information will be needed when we begin to consider
the effect of the noise on humans, and how we might most
efficiently reduce that effect.

Monash University Sunway campus is jointly owned by Monash University and the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation
MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control

Centre Frequency (Hz)

32 64 125 250 500 1,000 2,000 4,000 8,000 16,000

• We can work out the various “pass bands” of the octave filters by finding
the geometric mean of its centre frequency with that of the adjacent
centre frequencies
𝑓c = 𝑓L × 𝑓U
• For example, the “pass band” of the 1000 Hz filter is:
f lower= 500 × 1000 = 707 Hz ; f upper= 1000 × 2000 = 1414 Hz

• This filter “passes” frequencies in the octave from 707 Hz to 1414 Hz

• Notice that the “bandwidth” increases with frequency. Filters of this
type are called “constant percentage” filters.

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MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control
The series of Octave Band Filters


Frequency (Log scale)

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MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control

An Octave Band Spectrum


Octave Band level (dB)




31.5 63 125 250 500 1K 2K 4K 8K 16K

Frequency (Hz) (log scale)

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MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control

If we were given this Octave Band Spectrum, how would

we calculate:

• The Overall Sound pressure Level – dB, and

• The A Weighted Sound Pressure Level - dB(A)

Can we also identify which octave bands in the

spectrum are most relevant if we are required to reduce
the noise level efficiently?

Monash University Sunway campus is jointly owned by Monash University and the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation
MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control
We can calculate the Overall Level, or dB(Lin)
Frequency (Hz) Octave Band
Level (dB)
10( SPL /10 ) = 108.7 + 107.9 + 107.5
31.5 87
63 79 + 108.0 + 108.3 + 107.7 + 108.1
125 75
250 80 + 107.9 + 107.5 + 107.2
500 83
10( SPL /10) = 1.2 109
1000 77
2000 81 = log(1.2 109 )
4000 79
8000 75 SPL = 90.8dB( Lin)
16000 72
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MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control
To calculate the “A” weighted value we first need to apply
the “A” weightings to the octave band values.
Frequency Octave Band “A” Weightings “A” Octave Level
(Hz) Level (dB)
31.5 87 -39.5 47.5
63 79 -26.2 52.8
125 75 -16.1 58.9
250 80 -8.6 71.4
500 83 -3.2 79.8
1000 77 0.0 77.0
2000 81 1.2 82.2
4000 79 1.0 80.0
8000 75 -1.1 73.9
16000 72
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-6.6 65.4 28
MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control
To calculate the “A” weighted value we first need to apply
the “A” weightings to the octave band values.
Frequency Octave Band “A” Weightings “A” Octave Level
(Hz) Level (dB)
31.5 87 -39.5 47.5
63 79 -26.2 52.8
125 75 -16.1 58.9
250 80 -8.6 71.4
500 83 -3.2 79.8
1000 77 0.0 77.0
2000 81 1.2 82.2
4000 79 1.0 80.0
8000 75 -1.1 73.9
16000 72
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-6.6 65.4 29
MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control
To calculate the “A” weighted value we first need to apply the “A”
weightings to the octave band values.
Frequency Octave Band “A” “A” Octave Using the
(Hz) Level (dB) Weightings Level technique of
31.5 87 -39.5 47.5 adding
63 79 -26.2 52.8 decibels, we
can use the
125 75 -16.1 58.9
figures in the
250 80 -8.6 71.4 last column to
500 83 -3.2 79.8 get the “A”
1000 77 0.0 77.0 Weighted SPL.
2000 81 1.2 82.2
“A” weighted
4000 79 1.0 80.0 level is
8000 75 -1.1 73.9 86.6 dB(A)
16000 72 -6.6 65.4 30
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The original Octave Band Spectrum “Lin”
The “A” weighted Octave Band Spectrum
Octave Band level (dB)




31.5 63 125 250 500 1K 2K 4K 8K 16K

Frequency (Hz) (log scale)

Why are these important from a noise control point of view?
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The original Octave Band Spectrum
The “A” weighted Octave Band Spectrum

Octave Band level (dB)




31.5 63 125 250 500 1K 2K 4K 8K 16K

Frequency (Hz) (log scale)

Why are these not important from a noise control point of view?
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MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control
Octave Band SPL

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MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control
Third Octave Bands
• The 1/3 Octave Band Filter divides each Octave band into
equal 3 sub-bands, on a logarithmic frequency basis
• The result is a more detailed spectrum

R This could be of value

e perhaps??
p An Octave Band Filter
n The 1/3 Octave Band
s Filters

Frequency (Log scale) 34

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MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control Octave band One-third octave band
centre frequency centre frequency
Octave band One-third octave band 400
centre frequency centre frequency 500 500
31.5 31.5
1000 1000
63 63
2000 2000
125 125
4000 4000
250 250
8000 8000
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A 1/3 rd Octave Band Spectrum


1/3 Octave Band level




31.5 63 125 250 500 1K 2K 4K 8K 16K

Frequency (Hz) (log scale)

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MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control
One-Third Octave Band

Monash University Sunway campus is jointly owned by Monash University and the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation
MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control

What do we do about noise that varies with time?

There are many different approaches, but today we

consider just two of them – more in later lectures.

• Statistical methods – L10, L50 , and L90, and

• The Equivalent Continuous Noise Level , Leq .

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MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control
Time varying Noise – e.g. road traffic noise.

L50 L10

The value , L10, is the noise level that is exceeded for
10 % of the time.
The value , L50, is the noise level that is exceeded for
50 % of the time.
The value , L90, is the noise level that is exceeded for
90 % of the time.
Monash University Sunway campus is jointly owned by Monash University and the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation
MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control
Time varying Noise – e.g. road traffic noise.



The value , L10, is the noise level that is exceeded for

10 % of the time.

This quantity gives a measure of the “peaks” in the

noise and is sometimes taken as a measure of how
“annoying” the noise is.
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MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control
Time varying Noise – e.g. road traffic noise.



The value , L50, is the noise level that is exceeded for 50 % of the

This quantity gives a measure of the “average” or mean noise level.

Note that with each of these parameters we are simply taking the
linear average of the instantaneous noise levels. 41
Monash University Sunway campus is jointly owned by Monash University and the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation
MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control
Time varying Noise – e.g. road traffic noise.



The value , L90, is the noise level that is exceeded for

90 % of the time.

This quantity gives a measure of the what is often called

the “background” noise level. 42
Monash University Sunway campus is jointly owned by Monash University and the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation
MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control
Time varying Noise – e.g. road traffic noise.


These statistical quantities are usually measured directly with a sound level
meter which has the various statistical functions built in.
They are mostly used for environmental noise, and often are the basis for
defining acceptable levels for road traffic noise.
We shall use the “Traffic Noise Index” in a few weeks time.

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MEC 4444 Industrial Noise and Control

Equivalent Continuous Noise Level – Leq


This quantity is the level of a steady noise which would contain the
same acoustic energy as the time varying signal.

This parameter is usually more relevant when we are considering

hearing damage as a result of exposure to noise that varies with time.

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Equivalent Continuous Noise Level – Leq .

dB(A) Leq

The general equation is as follows:
t1 10 10
+ t 2 10 10
+ t3 10 10
+ . . . .t n 10 10
Leq = 10 log( )
t1 is the time at a level SPL1 , t 2 is the time at a level SPL 2

t3 is the time at a level SPL 3 , t n is the time at a level SPL n

and T = t 1 + t 2 + t3 + . . . . + t n

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Monash University Sunway campus is jointly owned by Monash University and the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation
Equivalent Continuous Noise Level – Leq .



As an example: A person is exposed to noise at work

for an 8 hour period as follows:
dB(A) Hours What is the
95 1.0 value of the
90 3.0 Equivalent
85 2.5 Continuous
80 1.5 Noise Level?
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Equivalent Continuous Noise Level – Leq .
89.5 dB(A)


From the general equation we get:

95 90 85 80
110 + 3 10 + 2.5 10 + 1.5 10 10 10 10 10
Leq = 10 log( )
(1 + 3 + 2.5 + 1.5)
Leq = 89.5 dB( A) Will this cause hearing damage??
If we had taken the (time weighted) arithmetic average of
these values our answer would have been: 87.2 dB(A)
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