AGEPCI: Civic and Patriotic Generations Assemblee
AGEPCI: Civic and Patriotic Generations Assemblee
AGEPCI: Civic and Patriotic Generations Assemblee
Ousmane TOURE
Year Founded:
Organization type:
nonprofit/ngo/citizen sector
Project Stage:
$100,000 - $250,000
Information & communication technology
Social enterprise
Child Abuse
Behavioral issues
Boys' development
Child care
Child protection
Education reform
Girls' development
Youth development
Community development
Sustainable development
Environmental justice
Minority rights
Racial equality
Vulnerable populations
Women's issues
Citizen sector
Democracy & voting
News & knowledge
Public policy
Social work
Project Summary
Elevator Pitch
Concise Summary: Help us pitch this solution! Provide an explanation within 3-4 short sentences.
Underdevelopment arises when society gives too much and receives too little or nothing at all from its inhabitants. Civic accountability should
be cultivated and promoted society-wide to allow society gain much more to provide to current as well as coming generations.
WHAT IF - Inspiration: Write one sentence that describes a way that your project dares to ask, "WHAT IF?"
What if every single citizen contributes to the limits of their knowledge and skills to the development of their country?
About Project
As a movement seeking to promote citizenship, patriotism, leadership and social entrepreneurship, AGEPCI is trying to address the following
problem: - Civic dereliction: The non-participation of citizens in local and national development strategies and policies.
Develop programs that help make citizens feel concerned about local and national development policies, appropriate them and act as required
to help achieve these policies goals. In a word, stimulate a civic engagement underpinned by real patriotic feelings throughout a curricular
(training) and community service activities.
Example: Walk us through a specific example(s) of how this solution makes a difference; include its primary activities.
AGEPCI will start off by launching a program called PEFOD (Educational and Training Program for Development). This program will help inspire,
motivate, train, mentor and promote young people. These young people will be engaged in a part-time academic program with modules on
Leadership and Social Entrepreneurship but also in community service activities on the base of volunteerism. After this 3 months program, they
will end up acquiring solid/hard knowledge and skills about Leadership and Social entrepreneurship as well as soft skills that help them grow,
redefine their individual characters and become better citizens at the service of their communities.
Impact: What is the impact of the work to date? Also describe the projected future impact for the coming years.
We will notice a great deal of changes in some areas of communities: changes which are run by the beneficiaries of AGEPCI's Program (PEFOD).
After the transmission of hard and soft skills during the program, we will keep on equipping these young people, throughout an effective mentoring
program, with necessary tools and accompany them in launching different social ventures to address different social problems. At least 50 young
people will be inspired, motivated, trained, mentored and promoted during this program.
Spread Strategies: Moving forward, what are the main strategies for scaling impact?
To achieve this idea, we will establish partnership with the local and national government branches in charge of people's education and training
nationwide but also international education-oriented organizations. We will surround ourselves with good people and utilize any means necessary to
make a plea (throughout communication) for the need " to get citizens to know their country, to be trained according the needs of their country so
that they can be able to efficiently serve their country ".
Financial Sustainability Plan: What is this solution’s plan to ensure financial sustainability?
To ensure financial sustainability for this program (PEFOD), we have envision that it would be wise to have the beneficiaries pay some fees to
register in order for us to make sure we have the primary funds to maintain. So each of the 50 participant will contribute 5.000 Fcfa every month
(for three months). This won't be enough to make the project fruition but it will help cover some fundamental expenses.
Marketplace: Who else is addressing the problem outlined here? How does the proposed project differ from these
There are a bunch of public and private entities which are active in the educational and training sector. But it will be for the first time that such an
approach gets promoted. I mean the fact to launch an essentially civic-based initiative seeking to give back to the communities without any
expectation of payment is happening for the first time with our proposed project. Most importantly, we would even make it free of charge for the
participants if we were fully funded. But anyway, that's the vision and we will reach it alive or dead trying.
Founding Story
During my stay at the U.S, i have witnessed an extraordinary reality which is how much people were willing and ready to give back to their
communities. Otherwise, i have seen great building essentially built for the sake of improving other people's lives. And figure what? they were just
patriots and engaged citizens who somehow felt that they could make the difference in people's lives. When i then came back home, and notice
the ongoing national atmosphere, i asked myself this : where were we when people were raising consciousness about these noble and vital
practices in society? And hopefully, i wasn't the only one person thinking about it. I talked to some friends and got them involved.
We are very limited in numbers for the time being. It is deliberate. Because we want to move fast. So we have a board of 13 people. It is
composed by: A President A Vice President A general secretary A responsible of the Finance A responsible of external relationship and
partnership A responsible of the social, economical and environmental committee A responsible of the scientific and pedagogical committee A
responsible of the Communications A responsible of the projects follow-up and evaluation
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