Wifi and 5G Ericsson
Wifi and 5G Ericsson
Wifi and 5G Ericsson
Charting a path
toward superior
indoor connectivity
2 Ericsson | 5G and Wi-Fi: Charting a path toward superior indoor connectivity
Wi-Fi 6 is suited to indoor or local area While both 5G NR and Wi-Fi 6 serve a
deployments and use cases requiring high specific purpose well, they share over-
speed, and best-effort traffic. But since lapping territory in which they are viable
Wi-Fi operates on unlicensed spectrum, alternatives. That is, namely: in indoor use
its reliability and availability cannot be cases where reliable and predictable
guaranteed. In critical use cases requiring connectivity is not required.
highly reliable, low-latency connectivity
and/or wide-area deployment, 5G is the
best fit.
Ericsson | 5G and Wi-Fi: Charting a path toward superior indoor connectivity 3
With the arrival of every new generation support up to 12 simultaneous user the wide-area and indoor connectivity
of technology, the comparison of streams from a single Wi-Fi access point, needs of consumers, enterprises and the
3GPP and IEEE-based solutions 8x8 multiuser MIMO for both uplink and public sector alike.
have traditionally been a hot topic for downlink, and offers greater flexibility 5G NR has given dramatic capability
discussion. And the advent of 5G NR and to deploy channel sizes from 20MHz to boost to cellular communication
Wi-Fi 6 is no different. Both standards 160MHz, accommodating specific use- leveraging wide range of frequencies
are technologically superior to their case requirements. The addition of OFDMA (sub-1 GHz to 100 GHz) with very large
predecessors, and each has a role to play improves Wi-Fi performance, driving bandwidths, seamless carrier aggregation
in today’s and tomorrow’s networks. Each greater efficiency, and lower latencies across multiple bands, massive number of
technology has its strengths and selling in arenas, auditoriums, and other high- steerable antenna elements, flexible and
points, so there is a solid case for using density environments. Wi-Fi is certain to scalable physical layer for handling diverse
both as viable solutions. Rather than remain popular, providing last-hop access scenarios, ultra-lean design for energy
being regarded as competitors, we argue to wireless devices in people’s homes. efficiency,advanced critical MTC features
that the technologies should be viewed It will also continue to serve enterprises’ for ultra-reliability, ultra-low latency,
as co-existing solutions, each with plenty non-critical use cases effectively in mainly interruption-free mobility, and Time-
of benefits to offer, depending on the indoor deployments. Sensitive Networking (TSN), and fully
deployment situation. 5G, on the other hand, is a complete flexible end-to-end network slicing and
The boost given to Wi-Fi 6 in terms solution for enhanced mobile broadband QoS framework. With these capabilities,
of capacity, efficiency, and flexibility (eMBB), fixed wireless access (FWA), 5G NR is much more attractive technology
has aligned it with emerging 5G massive machine-type communication for addressing demanding indoor
priorities. Unlike its predecessor, Wi-Fi (M-MTC), and critical machine-type connectivity requirements than the earlier
5 (IEEE802.11ac), the standard can communication (C-MTC). It supports both generations of cellular systems.
Wi-Fi 6 uses the 2.4 and 5GHz unlicensed frequency bands, while Wi-Fi 6E
will add the new 6GHz band.
The use of 6GHz spectrum is currently under study in different parts of the world.
This spectrum is currently used by fixed links and other services. In the USA, the
Federal Communications Commission published a Report and Order in April 2020
opening the 5925 – 7125 MHz band for unlicensed use. Doing so adds 1,200MHz
of additional bandwidth for unlicensed technologies including Wi-Fi 6 and 5G
NR-U. In Europe, technical analysis is ongoing for 5925 – 6425 MHz, regarding
potential indoor use considering protection of incumbents and potential
application of geo-location databases.
One additional big advantage of (4G and) 5G technology is its ability to use
dedicated locally licensed spectrum for critical industrial digitalization and
applications. Many countries are considering dedicating spectrum for private
applications. Germany, for example, allocated local licensed spectrum in the
3700–3800 MHz range to industries for their applications in 2019, while Japan
announced the allocation of the 28 GHz band. Other countries, including France
and Italy, are looking at allocating spectrum to CSPs, who then ensure
availability for industries.
4 Ericsson | 5G and Wi-Fi: Charting a path toward superior indoor connectivity
The benefits
of 5G NR and Wi-Fi 6
The benefits of 5G
When operating on licensed spectrum, 5G offers superior reliability and better
predictability to meet critical communication needs.
• A 5G system can also use unlicensed spectrum • Unlike Wi-Fi 6, 5G provides end-to-end security
to offload non-critical traffic. (Known as New Radio and global identity management.
Unlicensed or NR-U, this version of NR is part of
3GPP Release 16.)
• Wi-Fi 6 modems are less expensive than their Enterprise IT integrators and procurement
5G counterparts. departments prefer Wi-Fi because:
• Some operating systems such as Apple iOS 13 • Users with data-limited packages are
prefer Wi-Fi over cellular, connecting the device accustomed to offloading to Wi-Fi.
to a nearby Wi-Fi network automatically.
Total cost
of ownership (TCO)
An example of connectivity
cost for a connected warehouse
Besides assessing the monetary value of both wide area and local connectivity and With the reduced predictability of Wi-Fi 6,
every new technology, it is also essential to supports more use cases than Wi-Fi. Sev- service interruptions are to be expected,
compare the relative added value that each eral segments should, therefore, gain more and these, in turn, will lead to disturbances
delivers. For example, 5G on licensed spec- value from 5G than Wi-Fi 6 from a in production. Clearly, this should also be
trum offers superior reliability, can cover technology perspective. taken into account.
6 Ericsson | 5G and Wi-Fi: Charting a path toward superior indoor connectivity
Users’ demand for trustworthiness has Based on well-proven algorithms and authenticates the mobile network.
increased over time, causing security tightly coupled with a global identity There have also been secure solutions
requirements to evolve, and leading to the management infrastructure, authentication for storage and distribution of keys,
introduction of enhanced privacy protection is another of the mobile network’s major fulfilling regulatory requirements,
features in 5G. 5G also employs strong strengths. Since the age of 3G, the mobile and allowing international roaming.
security algorithms, traffic encryption, network has been able to authenticate
and protection of signaling and interfaces. the device, and the device, in turn,
Wi-Fi 6 uses Wi-Fi protected access 3 (WPA3) 5G can also interact securely with other
for security, which is an improvement on earlier network technologies such as Wi-Fi, being
WPA2. However, it has certain design flaws and a more generic solution for authentication.
vulnerabilities, allowing for different kinds of This allows users to connect over cellular
attacks. Security flaws have also been identified access and Wi-Fi within one framework
for Wi-Fi protected setup (WPS). in a secure way.
Ericsson | 5G and Wi-Fi: Charting a path toward superior indoor connectivity 7
This paper concludes that while Wi-Fi and cellular access technologies will continue to co-exist and
work together to deliver indoor connectivity across the globe, the decision between one or the other will
inevitably arise. In this case, we endeavor you to weigh the options and opinions in this paper and make
a sound judgment based on your unique set of circumstances.
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