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SI3000 CCS - Leaflet EN

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Iskratel Enterprise InfoCommunications

Iskratel SI3000 cCS

InfoCommunication Platform
Key features: There is no doubt that effective communications It has been designed specifically to address customer
within enterprise environments is important in and market needs with a scalable architecture. No
• Centralised or ensuring strong customer relations, while boosting matter the size of the implementation, it provides
distributed network employee productivity. Having an outdated a rich and varied set of features and applications.
architecture infrastructure or network can be a barrier, which With flexibility as a core design attribute it allows
holds back progress towards the implementation customers to meet their individual subscriber needs.
of new features, functionalities and applications
• Single
to improve business processes. The transition from The platform is the culmination of years of research,
old systems to IP can also be costly and disruptive, development and engineering resulting in highly
platform for all services
resulting in decreased efficiency and loss of advanced and reliable applications, fine-tuned
potential. based on customer feedback.
• Personnel notification
system Iskratel’s multiservice platform is designed for a The SI3000 cCS has the potential to make great
painless transition to move your organisation’s savings in other ways too as it allows for the
• Public Information and processes forward and introduce new technologies continued use of existing terminal equipment
notification system while merging subsystems without the headache. while deploying new capabilities like voicemail,
voice recording, conferencing, HD voice and video
• TDM and IP networking capabilities and more.

ISKRATEL’S APPROACH At the core, the platform has dedicated hardware

The SI3000 cCS (compact Call Server) is a pure on a central blade with the option of a redundancy.
IP multiservice InfoCommunication platform It can be combined with different blades for ISDN
which can be used for business and operational or analogue subscribers, or alternatively a universal
InfoCommunications. It is used by organisations peripheral blade for special signalling in the
of all sizes from SMEs to large enterprises and railway and energy industries. Iskratel also has its
as a specialised communications platform for own session border controller (SBC) to provide all
the Railway, Energy and Government sectors. important security for VoIP solutions.
By combining operational and business
InfoCommunications functionalities and enabling The SI3000 cCS is built to be agile and can play
operation on a single platform, it reduces costs and many different roles within the InfoCommunication
optimizes business processes. network.

Why Iskratel
SI3000 cCS?

• Interconnecting with
any networks and
terminal equipment
to protect existing

• Decreasing the costs

of transition to an IP

• Future proof platform,

which grows as
technology grows

• Special features
for operative

• High reliability and SI3000 CCS ROLES • Centralised licensing

availability • Enhanced IVR
• IP and TDM PBX → Hybrid PBX • Charging system
• Operational and Technological
• Next generation of
communications THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS
• Public address system
• Mission critical platform Legacy networks are still widely used for special
and dedicated networks and for assuring
quality service for faxing, alarms, signalling,
SI3000 CCS FEATURES and interconnecting to existing equipment. A
• Pure IP platform with legacy support combination of the IP and analogue is an optimal
• High availability and reliability solution to save money, time and a lot of resources,
• Single User identity which is exactly what the SI3000 cCS achieves by
• Central management and provisioning merging with legacy systems.
of terminals
That said, the SI3000 cCS is also perfect for safe
• Ensuring VoIP security
and painless migration to full IP. It is an “all in
• Rich voice services
one” platform for many applications including
• HD voice
business telephony, operational communications,
• SORM/Legal interception support information and notification systems and video
• Large choice of signalisation surveillance. It can also be used as a fully enabled
• Conferencing IP PBX with a unified communications solution
• Video capabilities powered by Microsoft Lync – providing access to
• Video surveillance users everywhere at any time.

Providing a smooth transition to an IP network without the need to change your analogue or
ISDN equipment is important. With lots of new features the SI3000 cCS helps you enhance your
work process and reduce your CAPEX and OPEX.

Iskracom, Naurizbay batyra 17, pisarna 213, 050004 Almati, Kazahstan, telefon: +7 727 244 82 22, telefaks: +7 727 244 82 19, e-pošta: info@iskracom.kz, www.iskracom.kz
Iskratel, Ljubljanska cesta 24a, SI 4000 Kranj, Slovenija, telefon: +386 4 207 20 00, telefaks: +386 4 202 26 06, e-pošta: info@iskratel.si, www.iskratel.com
Iskratel Baku, Ulica Fazail Bajramov 2, kvartira 2, AZ1025 Baku, Azerbajdžan, telefon: +994 12 496 73 71, e-pošta: info@iskratel.az, www.iskratel.az
Iskratel Bosna in Hercegovina, Kuloviča 3/IV, 71000 Sarajevo, BIH, telefon/telefaks: +387 33 225 602, e-pošta: emir.cengic@iskratel.si, www.iskratel.com
Iskratel Moldavija, Teatralniy pereulok 15, Kishinev, Moldavija, telefon: +373 22 20 03 03, telefaks: +373 22 21 00 02, e-pošta: iskratel@mtc.md, www.iskratel.com
Iskratel Poljska, Ulica Legnicka 55/4, 54-203 Wroclaw, Poljska, telefon: +48 71 349 29 00, telefaks: +48 71 349 29 02, e-pošta: m.trzcinski@iskratel.pl, www.iskratel.com
© Iskratel, May 2014

Iskratel Taškent, pr. Amira Temura, 99 A, 100084 Taškent, Uzbekistan, telefon/telefaks: +998 71 234 38 89, e-pošta: sharifov@iskratel.si, www.iskratel.com
Iskratel Ukrajina, Ulica Artema 72a, 04050 Kijev, Ukrajina, telefon: +380 44 394 50 00, telefaks: +380 44 394 50 12, e-pošta: itu@iskratel.si, www.iskratel.com
Iskrauraltel, Ulica Komvuzovskaja 9a, 620137 Jekaterinburg, Ruska federacija, telefon: +7 343 210 69 51, telefaks: +7 343 341 52 40, e-pošta: iut@iskrauraltel.ru, www.iskrauraltel.ru
ITS Iskratel Skopje, Kej 13 Noemvri, Kula 4/2, 1000 Skopje, Makedonija, telefon: +389 2 323 53 00, telefaks: +389 2 312 05 58, e-pošta: info@its-sk.com.mk, www.its-sk.com.mk

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