Morrow Dam Second Violation
Morrow Dam Second Violation
Morrow Dam Second Violation
VN No. SVN-00974
The purpose of this letter is to notify Eagle Creek Renewable Energy (ECRE) of
continued violations of Part 31, Water Resources Protection, of the Natural Resources
and Environmental Protection Act, (NREPA), Part 301, Inland Lakes and Streams, of
the NRPEA and Part 303, Wetlands Protection, of the NREPA ; to inform ECRE of its
obligations under Part 201, Environmental Remediation; and to identify actions
necessary to address ongoing violations and immediately reduce downstream turbidity
resulting from the extended drawdown at the Morrow Dam.
To date, the turbidity curtains installed at the end of July and beginning of August, 2020
have not been effective in reducing transport of sediment from the impoundment based
on readings from ECRE’s turbidity meters, as well as continued Michigan Department of
Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) sampling, showing significantly elevated
turbidity downstream of the impoundment and immediately upstream of the
impoundment, as compared to areas above Morrow Lake. Significant areas of sediment
deposition have been observed and documented downstream. This information
suggests that the lowered impoundment is and will continue to be a substantial source
of sediment being mobilized to downstream areas until appropriate and effective
corrective measures are implemented.
Section 3109(1) of Part 31. Discharge of fill material within the 100-year floodplain
without a permit is a violation of Section 3108(1) of Part 31. Unauthorized filling of river
bottomlands is a violation of Section 30102(1) of Part 301. Additionally, the lowering of
Morrow Lake resulted in the diminishment of an inland lake in violation of Section
30102(d) of Part 301 and the draining of surface waters from wetlands in violation of
Section 30304(d) of Part 303. As previously stated, the drawdown was conducted in
violation of Part 301, Part 31, and Part 303. These violations have not been resolved
and are ongoing.
ECRE has an affirmative obligation to comply with Section 20114 of Part 201, which
lists the steps required of a liable party to address environmental contamination. These
steps include, as applicable:
Place additional curtains on the Kalamazoo River channel banks to prevent
further liberation of sediment
Immediately taking measures to contain or remove the contamination source;
Immediately identifying and eliminating any threat of fire or explosion or direct
contact hazards;
Notifying EGLE and affected neighbors if contamination has migrated off the
Immediately initiating removal of a hazardous substance that is in a liquid phase;
Mr. David H. Fox
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September 16, 2020
Please be advised that this letter serves as formal notice that EGLE has referred
this issue to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to conduct emergency
Mr. David H. Fox
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September 16, 2020
response efforts and EPA is prepared to conduct the necessary response activities
at the Facility should ECRE not fulfill its responsibilities as outlined above.
If ECRE does not voluntarily perform the response activities required by Part 201,
please also be advised that Section 20137(1)(f) of the NREPA provides for the
assessment of a civil fine of up to $10,000 for each day of violation of Part 201 and
its administrative rules. Furthermore, a person who violates the due care provisions
of Section 20107a(1) is liable for response activity costs and natural resource
damages attributable to any exacerbation of existing contamination and for any civil
fines that may be imposed under Part 201. Please note, Part 31, Part 301, and Part
303 also provide for the assessment of civil fines for violations of each of those
As requested in VN-010802, ECRE should submit a plan, for EGLE review and
approval, to assess the impacts to aquatic resources and stream functions of the
Kalamazoo River including, but not limited to, water quality, biology, and
geomorphology. Evaluation of the magnitude and spatial extent of the sediment
released and deposited downstream as a result of the drawdown, including
collection of bathymetry data for areas downstream of the dam where sediment may
have accumulated, should be completed.
Please respond to this notice no later than September 23, 2020 indicating whether
you intend to undertake the response activities identified above. Please include a
response plan, for EGLE review, documenting what activities will be undertaken and
methods to be utilized. Commencement of response activities shall take place no
later than October 7, 2020.
Upon ceasing the ongoing violations of the NREPA by conducting the response
activities described above, EGLE will contact you to discuss resolution of all
unauthorized impacts and violations.
To discuss any of the items in this letter further, or if you have any questions, please
contact us at EGLE, 7953 Adobe Road, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49009. Thank you for
your attention to this matter.