Discrete Optimization in Flexible Manufacturing Systems

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Discrete Optimization

Flexible Manufacturing Systems

Prof. Tadeusz Sawik

AGH University of Science & Technology
Department of Operations Research & Information Technology

Kraków, June 2008

Flexible Manufacturing/Assembly Systems
Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) - a fully integrated production
system consisting of computer numerically controlled machines, con-
nected by an automated material handling system, all under the control
of a central computer.

Basic features of FMS

• computer control,
• high degree of automation and integration of all components,
• diversity of part types to be simultaneously processed in small- to
medium-sized batches (e.g. unit batches) and at high rates.

FMS - a complex system consisting of many interconnected compo-

nents of hardware and software and many additional limited resources
such as pallets, fixtures, tools, buffers, automated guided vehicles, etc.

Sources of FMS complexity:

• machine versatility, each machine capable of performing different
types of operations,
• simultaneous processing in the system different part types,
• alternate processing routes for each part type,
• small ”system slacks” due to real-time control and strong interrela-
tions between FMS components.
FMS basic components

1. Manufacturing machines
• CNC machine tool
• CNC measuring machines
2. Material handling system
• automated guided vehicles (AGV)
• industrial robots
• conveyors, one-way carousels
• cranes, stacker cranes
3. Automated storage systems
• central AS/RS
• local storage
• decentralized in-process buffers at machine tools
4. A network of supervisory computers, microprocessors to:
• control part flow through the system,
• track the status of all parts in progress,
• pass the instructions for the processing of operations to ma-
• provide monitoring of the current performance of operations and
to signal problems requiring attention.
Types of Flexible Assembly Systems
The various types of flexible assembly system (FAS) can be classi-
fied based on the system layout, material flow configuration, types of
assembly machines used and its operational environment relating to high
volume/low variety and low volume/high variety production.

1. Flexible assembly cell - a typical FAS configuration made up of

one or more assembly stations connected by an automated material
handling system, with an intelligent control system capable of mak-
ing decisions and managing the flow of materials and information.
A robotized cell may include assembly stations with a single robot
or two cooperating robots.

Part feeders Assembly fixture Part feeders

XX b 
S Xz b
S b b
w b bb b n   
S S 
bbbb b  
b b  P
b  S


GrippersSS S h
S Sh


2. Flexible assembly line - a unidirectional flow type system or-

ganized as a series of dedicated, special-purpose assembly stations
linked with an automated material handling system. Each station
consists of a single machine or of identical parallel machines, usually
assembly robots
3. General type flexible assembly system - comprise a number
of flexible assembly cells, assembly lines or single assembly stations
connected by an automated material handling system, all under the
control of a central computer.
Types of Flexibility in FMS

• Machine flexibility.
• Part type flexibility.
• Production volume flexibility.
• Process plan flexibility.
• Precedence constraints flexibility.
• Routing flexibility.
• Workforce size flexibility.
• System development flexibility.
Example: Routing Flexibility

Admissible operations assignments: fixed routing

Part Type Operation 1 Operation 2 Operation 3 Operation 4

P1 M1 (11) M2 (20) x x
P2 x M3 (15) M4 (10) M5 (12)
P3 M1 (11) M3 (15) M4 (10) M5 (12)

Admissible operations assignments: alternate routing

Part Type Operation 1 Operation 2 Operation 3 Operation 4

P1 M1 (11) M2 (20) x x
M2 (8) M3 (15) x x
P2 x M2 (20) M3 (6) M5 (12)
x M3 (15) M4 (10) x
P3 M1 (11) M2 (20) M3 (6) M5 (12)
M2 (8) M3 (15) M4 (10) x

Admissible routes for part type P1 :

A : M1 , M2
B : M1 , M3
C : M2 , M2
D : M2 , M3
Admissible routes for part type P2 :
E : M2, M3 , M5
F : M2, M4 , M5
G : M3, M3 , M5
H : M3, M4 , M5
Admissible routes for part type P3 :
I : M1 , M2 , M3 , M5
J : M1 , M2 , M4 , M5
K : M1 , M3 , M3 , M5
L : M1 , M3 , M4 , M5
M : M2 , M2 , M3 , M5
N : M2 , M2 , M4 , M5
O : M2 , M3 , M3 , M5
P : M2 , M3 , M4 , M5
Integer program for optimal routing
i = machine, i ∈ I
j = operation, j ∈ J
k = part type, k ∈ K
r = processing route, r ∈ R = k∈K Rk ,
Rk = subset of processing routes for product type k ∈ K:
where Rk1 Rk2 = ∅ ∀ k1 6= k2
bk = size of production lot for part type k
pijk = processing time on machine i of of operation j for part type k
pir = processing time on machine i of each product processed via
route r: pir = j∈J pijk , r ∈ Rk
Decision variables
xr = number of parts processed via route r
Cmax = maximum completion time

subject to

pir xr ≤ Cmax ; i ∈ I
x r = bk ; k ∈ K

xr ≥ 0, integer; r ∈ R
Optimal routing

Routes A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P
Batch size Routing flexibility RF = (4 + 4 + 8)/3 − 1 = 4.3 - alternate routing
20 parts P1 20 - - - x x x x x x x x x x x x
20 parts P2 x x x x - 6 - 14 x x x x x x x x
20 parts P3 x x x x x x x x - - - 20 - - - -
Batch size Routing flexibility RF = 0 - fixed routing
20 parts P1 20 - - - x x x x x x x x x x x x
20 parts P2 x x x x - - - 20 x x x x x x x x
20 parts P3 x x x x x x x x - - - 20 - - - -
γ% = (600 − 514)/600 = 14%
Batch size Routing flexibility RF = (4 + 4 + 8)/3 − 1 = 4.3 - alternate routing
40 parts P1 34 6 - - x x x x x x x x x x x x
20 parts P2 x x x x - - - 20 x x x x x x x x
20 parts P3 x x x x x x x x - - - 20 - - - -
Batch size Routing flexibility RF = 0 - fixed routing
40 parts P1 40 - - - x x x x x x x x x x x x
20 parts P2 x x x x - - - 20 x x x x x x x x
20 parts P3 x x x x x x x x - - - 20 - - - -
γ% = (800 − 686)/800 = 14.3%
Batch size Routing flexibility RF = (4 + 4 + 8)/3 − 1 = 4.3 - alternate routing
20 parts P1 20 - - - x x x x x x x x x x x x
40 parts P2 x x x x - 14 - 26 x x x x x x x x
20 parts P3 x x x x x x x x - - - 18 - - - 2
Batch size Routing flexibility RF = 0 - fixed routing
20 parts P1 20 - - - x x x x x x x x x x x x
40 parts P2 x x x x - - - 40 x x x x x x x x
20 parts P3 x x x x x x x x - - - 20 - - - -
γ% = (900 − 693)/900 = 23%
Cmax (RF =0)−Cmax (RF >0)
γ= Cmax (RF =0)
Cmax (RF = 0) - completion time for fixed routing (RF = 0),
Cmax (RF > 0) - completion time for alternate routing (RF > 0).
Legend: x - route nonadmissible
Functions integrated in FMS:

1. Design of products.
2. Design of tools and fixtures.
3. Process planning.
4. Programming NC machine tools, robots, material handling.
5. Production planning.
6. Production scheduling.
7. Manufacturing.
8. Assembly.
9. Material handling, storage and retrieval.
10. Quality control.
11. System diagnostic.

CAD (Computer Aided Design): (1),(2);

CAPP (Computer Aided Process Planing): (3);
CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing): (4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(11);
CAQC (Computer Aided Quality Control): (10);
AS/RS (Automated Storage/Retrieval System): (9).
FMS Planning, Scheduling and Control

Design Problems
– FMS configuration
Long-Term FMS –Product design
Perspective - Design - –Process planning

Planning Problems
–Machine loading
Medium-Term FMS –Part routing
Forecasts - Planning - –Process plan selection

Scheduling Problems
–Part input sequencing
Current - Scheduling - –Machine and vehicle scheduling
System Status & Control –Disturbance correction
Feedback FMS
• FMS design (long-term).
The selection and layout of machines and material handling system,
design of products for automated manufacturing and assembly.
• FMS planning (medium-term).
Resource allocation in the medium-term: machine loading, part
routing and process plan selection.
• FMS scheduling and control (short-term).
Execution of production orders in the short-term: part input se-
quencing, machine and vehicle scheduling, monitoring system per-
formance and corrective actions.
Production requirements

Machine Loading
Part Routing

Task assignments Processing routes

? ?
- Machine and Vehicle 

Machine schedule Vehicle schedule

 ? ? 
Vehicle location

Multi-level machine and vehicle scheduling in a FMS

Production requirements

- Machine and Vehicle 

Machine Vehicle
schedule schedule
 ? ? 
Vehicle location

Single-level machine and vehicle scheduling in a FMS

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