HAJ2-0033-IAA: Mechanical Performance
HAJ2-0033-IAA: Mechanical Performance
HAJ2-0033-IAA: Mechanical Performance
RLA: 5.2 UL File No.: Max Operating Current(Amps):
LRA-Low: UL File Date: MCC (Amps): 7.3
LRA-High: 31.0 CSA File No.: RPM:
LRA-Half Winding:
Alternate Applications
Refrigerant Frequency(Hz) Phase Voltage Application
Performance Mechanical
Evap(°F)/Cond(°F) -25/105 -40/105 Number of Cylinders: 2 CIR (in^3/Rev): 1.386
RG(°F)/Liq(°F) 65/105 65/105 Bore Size (in): 1.18 CFH (ft^3/hr): 84.19108
Stroke (in): 0.62
Capacity (Btu/hr): 1230 614
Power (Watts): 425 312 Overall Length (in): 12.75 Mounting Length (in): 8.19
Current (Amps): 5.6 4.8 Overall Width (in): 8.94 Mounting Width (in): 6.38
EER (Btu/Wh): 2.9 2.0 Overall Height (in): 10.47 Mounting Height (in): 11.25
Mass Flow(lbs/hr): 22 11
Suction Size(in): 1/2 Flare
Sound Power (dBA): 0 Ave 0 Max Discharge Size (in): 3/8 Flare
Vibration(mils(peak-peak)): 0.0 Ave 0.0 Max Initial Oil Charge (oz): 22
Oil Recharge (oz): 16
RLA: 4.7 UL File No.: SA-2337 Max Operating Current(Amps):
LRA-Low: UL File Date: 23-Jul-1984 MCC (Amps): 6.6
LRA-High: 31.0 CSA File No.: LR3104C RPM:
LRA-Half Winding:
Alternate Applications
Refrigerant Frequency(Hz) Phase Voltage Application
R-507 HFC 60 1 115 Extra-Low Temperature
Condensing Temperature °F
(Sat Dew Pt Pressure, psig) Evaporating Temperature °F (Sat Dew Pt Pressure, psig)
140 -5 (6.7) 0 (9.1) 5 (12) 10 (15) 15 (18) 20 (21) 25 (25)
(207) C 861 1060 1260 1450 1660 1880 2140
P 324 353 381 408 434 459 481
A 5 5.1 5.3 5.4 5.6 5.7 5.9
M 19 23 28 32 37 42 48
E 2.7 3 3.3 3.6 3.8 4.1 4.4
% 36.7 39.4 40.7 41.4 41.8 42.4 43.2
130 C 920 1140 1350 1560 1790 2040 2320
(181) P 318 344 369 393 416 438 458
A 4.9 5 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.6 5.7
M 19 24 28 33 38 43 49
E 2.9 3.3 3.7 4 4.3 4.7 5.1
% 35.7 38.7 40.2 41.1 41.7 42.3 43.2
120 C 1040 1270 1500 1740 1990 2260 2570
(158) P 316 338 360 381 402 421 439
A 4.8 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.6
M 20 25 30 34 39 45 52
E 3.3 3.8 4.2 4.5 4.9 5.4 5.9
% 36.1 38.9 40.5 41.4 42 42.6 43.5
110 C 1200 1440 1690 1940 2210 2520 2850
(136) P 316 334 353 371 389 405 420
A 4.8 4.9 5 5.2 5.2 5.3 5.4
M 22 27 32 37 42 48 54
E 3.8 4.3 4.8 5.2 5.7 6.2 6.8
% 36.7 39.4 40.8 41.6 42.2 42.7 43.4
100 C 1360 1610 1870 2150 2440 2770 3130
(117) P 315 330 346 360 375 388 400
A 4.8 4.9 5 5.1 5.2 5.2 5.3
M 24 29 34 39 44 50 57
E 4.3 4.9 5.4 6 6.5 7.1 7.8
% 36.8 39.3 40.6 41.3 41.8 42.3 42.8
90 C 1480 1750 2030 2320 2630 2980 3380
(100) P 312 324 336 347 358 369 378
A 4.7 4.9 4.9 5 5.1 5.1 5.2
M 25 30 35 40 46 52 59
E 4.7 5.4 6 6.7 7.4 8.1 8.9
% 35.8 38.2 39.5 40.2 40.6 40.9 41.3
80 C 1540 1830 2120 2420 2760 3140 3560
(84) P 305 313 321 329 337 344 350
A 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.9 5 5 5
M 25 30 35 40 46 52 60
E 5.1 5.8 6.6 7.4 8.2 9.1 10.1
% 33.4 35.8 37.1 37.9 38.3 38.5 38.7
70 C 1510 1800 2110 2440 2790 3190 3640
(70) P 292 296 300 305 309 313 316
A 4.6 4.7 4.7 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8
M 24 29 34 39 45 51 59
E 5.2 6.1 7 8 9 10.2 11.5
% 29.4 31.9 33.4 34.3 34.8 35 35
Nominal Performance Values (±5%) based on 72 hours run-in. Subject to change without notice.
C:Capacity(Btu/hr), P:Power(Watts), A:Current(Amps), M:Mass Flow(lbs/hr), E:EER(Btu/Watt-hr), %:Isentropic Efficiency(%)
© 2005 Copeland Corporation 1.1BMT60-P77-67A-IAA
Autogenerated Compressor Performance Printed 08 / 29 / 2005
65 °F Return Gas COPELAMETIC® HFC-404A
95 °F Ambient Air Over HFCs Require Use of Polyol Ester IAA 115-1-60
Lubricant Approved by Copeland
60 Hz Operation Corp. Bulletin AE-1248
Note: CPR Valve Required
Condensing Temperature °F
(Sat Dew Pt Pressure, psig) Evaporating Temperature °F (Sat Dew Pt Pressure, psig)
130 -40 (4.5) -35 (7.1) -30 (9.9) -25 (13) -20 (16)
(354) C 166 362 530 696 889
P 260 307 350 395 449
A 4.4 4.7 5 5.3 5.8
M 4 8 12 15 20
E 0.6 1.2 1.5 1.8 2
% 14.8 25 29.8 32.7 35.3
120 C 358 557 734 915 1130
(310) P 284 329 369 411 462
A 4.6 4.9 5.2 5.5 5.9
M 7 11 15 18 23
E 1.3 1.7 2 2.2 2.4
% 24.1 30.8 33.7 35.5 37.4
110 C 531 737 926 1130 1360
(271) P 304 346 383 422 469
A 4.8 5 5.3 5.6 5.9
M 10 14 17 21 25
E 1.7 2.1 2.4 2.7 2.9
% 29.4 34 35.9 37.2 38.7
105 C 614 824 1020 1230 1480
(252) P 312 353 389 425 470
A 4.8 5.1 5.3 5.6 5.9
M 11 15 18 22 27
E 2 2.3 2.6 2.9 3.1
% 31.1 35 36.6 37.8 39.2
100 C 696 912 1120 1340 1600
(235) P 320 359 393 428 470
A 4.9 5.1 5.3 5.6 5.9
M 12 16 19 23 28
E 2.2 2.5 2.8 3.1 3.4
% 32.3 35.7 37.2 38.2 39.6
90 C 863 1090 1320 1560 1850
(203) P 333 369 398 429 466
A 4.9 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8
M 14 18 21 25 30
E 2.6 3 3.3 3.6 4
% 34 36.8 38 39.1 40.5
80 C 1040 1290 1540 1810 2130
(174) P 344 375 400 426 458
A 5 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8
M 16 20 23 27 33
E 3 3.4 3.8 4.3 4.7
% 35.2 37.5 38.7 39.9 41.4
70 C 1250 1510 1790 2090 2450
(148) P 353 379 399 419 445
A 5.1 5.3 5.5 5.7 5.9
M 18 22 26 30 36
E 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5
% 36.2 38.3 39.6 41 42.6
Nominal Performance Values (±5%) based on 72 hours run-in. Subject to change without notice.
C:Capacity(Btu/hr), P:Power(Watts), A:Current(Amps), M:Mass Flow(lbs/hr), E:EER(Btu/Watt-hr), %:Isentropic Efficiency(%)
© 2005 Copeland Corporation 1.14XL-05-IAA
Autogenerated Compressor Performance Printed 08 / 29 / 2005
HFC, R-404A, Mid Point, 60 Hz, 1 - Phase, 115 V
Extra-Low Temperature
Production Status: Available for sale to all U.S. customers. Please check with your local Emerson Climate Technologies representative for
international availability.
Service Parts
PartNumber Description
085-0160-00 3 Phase Voltage Monitor. For use with all Copeland 3 Phase Compressors. Consult model family nomenclature for
electrical definition in the model number.
918-0118-03 Crankcase Heater, 460v, 50w, bolt on. For usage on Copeland H & K Compressors.
918-0118-05 Crankcase Heater, 120v, 50w, bolt on. For usage on Copeland H & K Compressors.
918-0118-06 Crankcase Heater, 240v, 50w, bolt on. For usage on Copeland H & K Compressos.
998-0683-00 Shipping Plate, Gasket, and Bolt (Discharge all 2D) (Discharge) (Suction & Discharge) 2 kits required
998-AB52-01 Akylbenzene Oil. Approved for use with specific Copeland Semi Hermetic After Market Compressors. Consult model
family nomenclatures for oil identifier in the model number.
998-E022-01 Polyol Ester Oil. Approved for use with specific Copeland Hermetic & Semi Hermetic models. Consult specific model
family nomenclatures for oil identifier in the model number.
Electrical Components
Resistance: +-7% Start Wdg: 3.1 Run Wdg: 1.23
External Protector
Part No. 071-0092-04
Usage Description:
Vendor Name
Part No. 014-0008-58 Low MFD: 324.0
Type: Start High MFD: 389.0
Usage Description: Volts: 115
Potential Relays
Part No. 040-0001-48 Usage Description: