Schoenberg Arnold - Theory of Harmony PDF
Schoenberg Arnold - Theory of Harmony PDF
Schoenberg Arnold - Theory of Harmony PDF
The figures 3-11 merely indicated the schematic order of the chord compo-
nents in their closestposition, but one or more octavescould be addedto 3, ;,
'3' meant there 'y'
or 7. The figure was a third above, in some octave or otherl
'7' '9' '6'
meant there was a fifth above, a seventh, a ninth, a sixth, etc., in some
octave or other. Whether in performance t-he tones had the order j-j-7,
j-j-'7, or 7-?-Jr or yet another,was left to the judgment of the harpsichordist,
whose decision was based on necessitiesof voice leading. The chords were
formed from tones of the scalecorresponding to the key signature, unless there
was a specialsign (f, b, o. h) besidea figure. A triad in root position, whose
symbol would have been !, was left unfigured.* It however, a figure 8, ;, or 3
appearedwith a bass note, it meant that the highest voice (in our case the
soprano) should take the 8, ;, or 3. The chord is then said to be in octave
position, fifth position, or third position.
takes that clnnot be explained and described until later. The first of these
directions requires that in the voice leading, at first, only that 6e done whiclr is
absolutelynecessary for connectingthe chords.This means each voice will move
only when it must; each voice will take the smallestpossiblestep or leap, and
then, moreover, just that smalleststep which will allow the other voicesalso to
take small steps.Thus, the voiceswill follow (as I once heardBruckner say) the
of the shortest way'. Consequently, whenever two chords that are to be
connectedhave a common tone, this tone will be taken by the samevoice in the
secondchord as in the first - it will be 'sustained'.Now, to simplify the task
still more, we shall choosefor our first exercisesonly such chords as have one or
more tones in common (two triads cannot have more than two common tones)
and shall sustain one or more of them as a harmonic link fcommon tonef.r The
following tablesshow thosechords that are availablefor theseexercises,that is,
those chords that have common rones:
[r'HarmonischesBand'.Schoenberg also usedelsewhere the expression
samerTon' (common tone); but he apparentlypreferred'harmonischesBand' (har-
moniclink, or tie,or bond),perhapsbecause of its emphasis
on theideaof connection.
tone', the usual expressionin English, seemedpreferablehere. Cf, infra,
As the table indicates, the Ist degree can be connected, assuming a common
tone is required, with III,IV, V, and VI.
fn theseJtrst exercisesthefundamental tone should always be tlze lowest tone of
the chord, that is, it goesin the bass.The bassvoice should always be the lowest,
the tenor next above the bass, then the alto, and, as the highest voice, the
soprano.The pupil should completely avoid crossingof voices, that is, writing
a lower one higher than a higher one (e.g. the tenor higher than the alto or
soprano).First of all, the pupil should vrrite under [the staff that will carry] the
bassline Roman numeralsindicating the degreesof the chords he is to connectj
then he should write the bassnote of the first chord and go on to complete the
first chord by adding the other three voices. Whether it is to be in close or open
position with the third, fifth, or octaveon top - this he will decidefor himself,
but beforehe goeson to work out the exercise.Thus, he setsup the exercisehimself,
a procedure we will follow throughout this course of study. In spacing each
chord the pupil will most easilyavoid mistakesif he first answersthe following )
questions in the order given: p.
First question:Which tonegoesin the bassl(The root of the degree,the fundamental.)
Secondquestion:Which tonein the sopranol(Accordingly ashe haschosento put the
octave,6fth, or third on top, his choiceshouldbe indicatedby placingthe 8, y, or 3 I
next to the Roman numeralindicating the degree.) I
Third question:What is missingl (The tone or tonesthat are still missingwill be so I
spacedthat closeor open position results,whicheverthe pupil haschosen.) IT
Proceeding now to connect the chords, the pupil will do well* to ask himself *
the following questions:
r. Which tone is the rootl (Remember:it goesin the bass!)
* From yearsof experiencein teachingI recommendto the pupil most emphatically
that he work out the exercisesby actuallyaskingandansweringthesequestions.It will
favor greaterinsight and skill if he goesaboutit this way than if he merelyfollows the
dictaresof his ear or of a particular pattern of nores that he remembers.He will
easilyget accustomedto thinking through thesequestionsquickly, so quickly in fact
that he will not neglectthem evenwhen he works out the exercises at the piano (ashe
should also do, without fail). The advantageof this procedureis that the pupil works
thoughtfully at everytum, thinking quickly, fully awareof what he is doing, thus does
not dep€ndon his memory and someready-madedeviceshe hasstoredthere.
Cotuecion of the Triads 4r
a) b) il
Example 8a shows the connection I-III in which rwo tones (e and B) are
common tonesl in 86 and 8c respectively (-IV and I-V) only one tone is
common, in I-VI [s/] wo tones again. The pupil should indicate with ties
the sustainingof common tones.
Following this model the pupil is now to practice connecting each of the
other degreeswith the chords available, as indicated by the table: thus, II with
IV, then with V and with YI (the VIIth degreeis not to bc usedat all for the
present,as it demandsspecialtreatmen);the IIIrd degree is to be connectedwith