Medical-Surgical Nursing Exam 20: NLE Style (100 Items) : Answers & Rationale
Medical-Surgical Nursing Exam 20: NLE Style (100 Items) : Answers & Rationale
Medical-Surgical Nursing Exam 20: NLE Style (100 Items) : Answers & Rationale
Situation 1 A client is brought into the emergency department with brain stem contusion
1. Two days after the admission, the client has a large amount of urine and a serum
sodium level of 155 mEq/dl. Which, of the following conditions may be developing?
a. Myxedema coma
b. Diabetic insipidus
c. Type 1 diabetes mellitus
d. Syndrome of inappropriate ant-diuretic Hormone secretion
2. After a thorough assessment and laboratory works shall shows serum ketones and
serum glucose level above 300mg/dl, what condition would be diagnosed to patient?
a. Diabetes insipidus
b. Diabetes ketoacidosis
c. Hypoglycemia
d. Somogyi phenomena
4. Which of the following method of insulin administration would be used in the initial
treatment of hyperglycemia in a client with diabetic ketoacidosis.
a. Subcutaneous
b. Intramuscular
c. I.V bolus only
d. I.V. bolus followed by continuous infusion
a. Hyperglycemia
b. Serum osmolarity
c. Absence of ketosis
d. Hypokalemia
Situation 2: Mr. Reynaldo Layag executive officer, was brought to the hospital because of
chest pain-Diagnosis of angina was established.
6. Mr. Layag state that his anginal pain increases after activity. The nurse should
realize that the angina pectoris is a sign of:
a. Mitral insufficiency
b. Myocardial infraction
c. Myocardial ischemia
d. Coronary thrombosis
7. Nitroglycerine S.L. is prescribed for Mr. Layag’a anginal pain. When teaching how to
use nitroglycerine, the nurse tells him to place 1 tablet under the tongue when pain
occurs and to repeat the dose in 5 minutes if pain persist. The nurse should tell Mr.
Layag to:
a. Place two tablets under the tongue when the intense pain occurs
b. Swallow 1 tablet and place 1 tablet under the tongue when pain is intense
c. Place 1 tablet under the tongue 3 minutes before activity and repeat the dose in 5 minutes
if pain occurs
d. Place 1 tablet under the tongue when pain occurs and use an additional tablet after the
attack to prevent reoccurrence
8. The nurse realizes that the pain associated with coronary occlusion is caused
primarily by:
a. Arterial Spasm
b. Ischemia of the heart muscle
c. Blocking of the coronary veins
d. Irritation of the nerve endings in the cardiac plexus
9. When cardiovascular disease is concern, reduction of the saturated fat in the diet
may be desired and substance made of polyunsaturated fat When teaching about this
diet the nurse should instruct Mr. Layag to avoid :
a. Fish
b. Corn Oil
c. Whole milk
d. soft margarine
10. When teaching Mr. Layag, who has been placed on a high-unsaturated fatty acid
diet, the nurse should stress the importance of increasing the intake of:
Situation 3: A group of nursing students were discussing the normal growth and development
concepts when assigned to observe the school children.
11. During the oedipal stage of growth and development, the child:
12. The stage of growth and development basically concerned with the role
identification is the:
a. Oral Stage
b. Genital-Stage
c. Oedipal Stage
d. Latency stage
13. Play for the preschool-age child is necessary for the emotional development of:
a. Projection
b. Introjection
c. Competition
d. Independence
14. Resolution of the oedipal complex takes place when the child overcomes the
castration complex and:
a. Oral Stage.
b. Anal Stage
c. Oedipal Stage
d. Latency Stage
16. Which of these statements explain the reason for continuous bladder irrigation?
a. Residual urine
b. Urethral structure
c. Erectile dysfunction
d. The drainage has stopped
18. When should the nurse increase, the flow rate of cystoclysis of Mr.Recto?
19. After the removal of the three way catheter, the nurse should inform Mr. Recto that
he can normally experience:
a. Dribbling incontinence
b. Polyuria
c. Dysuria
d. The drainage has stopped
20. Which of the following measures should you encourage Mr. Recto to do, in order to
regain urinary control?
Situation 5 – Nurses are generalist, in order to cope up with the works demand you must have
broad knowledge on anything. Nurse Joan was assigned in the medical ward. During the
endorsement she found out that she was assigned to several patients of different case
21. When developing a teaching session on glaucoma for the community, which of the
following statements would the nurse stress
a. Dysphagia
b. Fatigue improving at the end of the day
c. Ptosis
d. Respiratory Distress
23. Which of the following statements best describes the Parkinson’s Disease?
25. When teaching the client, with Meniere’s disease, which of the following
instructions would a nurse give about vertigo.
Situatitm 6 – Mr. Punsalan is 36 years old, was admitted to the hospital with complaints of a
burning sensation in the epigastric area after eating and inability to sleep at night. He was
placed on bed rest and schedule for diagnostic studies. A diagnosis of Peptic Ulcer was
26. Mr. Punsalan with gastric pain is advised to take any one of the following antacids,
a. Aluminum hydroxide
b. Calcium bicarbonate
c. Magnesium carbonate
d. Sodium bicarbonate
27. An occult blood examination was ordered. The specific specimen needed from Mr.
Punsalan is;
a. Stool
b. Blood
c. Sputum
d. Gastric juice
29. X -ray examination for Mr. Punsalan to detect tumors or ulcerations of the stomach
and duodenum is:
a. Gastroscopy
b. GIT series
c. Cold G.I. series
d. Ba enema
30. Diet that prevents gastric irritation in case of Mr. Punsalan is:
a. Bland Diet
b. Liquid Diet
c. Full Diet
d. High Protein low fat diet
31. When caring for Mr. Reyes, the nurse should assess for
32. Mr. Reyes is extremely confused. The nurse provide new information slowly and in
small amounts because;
33. Mr. Reyea complains of hearing ringing noises. The nurse recognizes that this
assessment suggests injury of the
a. Frontal lobe
b. Occipital lobe
c. Six cranial nerve (abducent)
d. Eight Cranial Nerve (Vestibulocochlear)
34. Mr. Reyes has a possible skull fracture. The nurse should:
35. Mr. Reyea has expressive aphasia. As a part of a long range planning. The nurse
should ;
38. Mrs. Zeno asks the nurse why the disease has occurred. The nurse bases the reply
on the knowledge that there is:
39. To provide safe care for Mrs. Zeno, it is important for the nurse to check the
bedside for the presence of:
a. A tracheostomy set
b. An intravenous set-up
c. A hypothermia blanket
d. A syringe and edrophonium HCl(Tensilon)
40. Mrs. Zeno continues to become a weaker despite .treatment with neostigmine.
Edrophonium HCL is ordered:
Situation 9 – Hariet, a 38 year-old school teacher with rheumatoid arthritis, is admitted to the
hospital with severe and swelling of the joints of both hands.
41. A regimen of rest, exercises and physical therapy is ordered for Hariet This
regimen will;
42. Hariet ask the nurse why the physician is going to inject hydrocortisone into her
affected joint. The nurse explains that the most important reason for doing this is to:
a. Relieve pain
b. Reduce inflammation
c. Provide Psychotherapy
d. Prevent ankylosis of the joint
43. When planning nursing care for Hariet, the nurse should take into consideration the
fact that:
44. The diet the nurse would expect the physician to order for Hariet would be:
45. The medication the nurse would expect to prescribed to relieve Hariet’s pain;
Situation 10 – Lizbeth 20 year-old college student is brought to the hospital by her mother
who states that for the past week her behavior has become very strange. She has become
more and more withdrawn – Diagnosis: Schizophrenia Catatosis. ‘ •
46. During the physical assessment Lizbeth’s arms remains outstretched after her
pulse and blood pressure were taken and the nurse has to reposition it for her. Lizbeth
is showing;
a. Distractability
b. Muscle rigidity
c. Waxy flexibility
d. Echopraxia
47. Lizbeth keeps her eyes closed and does not answer the questions asked by the
nurse or physician. The nurse know that;
a. The patient can cannot hear nor understand what is being asked
b. The patient is aware of what is happening around her even though she does not respond
c. The patient is in regressed state and should be treated like a frightened child
d. The patient is aware of what is going on around her and could respond if she wants to.
48. While Lizbeth remains in an unreasonable state, does not eat or drink, the nurse
first priority id to assess her:
49. One evening, Lizbeth suddenly begins running up and down the hall. She strips her
clothing and strikes out widely at anyone she sees. All of the following interventions
would be appropriate except:
50. When Lizbeth become agitated, the therapeutic approach of the nurse is one that
Situation 11- Michelle, 36 weeks gestation visits the hospital because the suspects that her
bag of water was ruptured. -
51. While the nurse is assessing Michelle, she states that her bag of water ruptured few
minutes ago. Which of the following should the nurse do first?
52. To confirm Michelle’s statement, the nurse uses nitrazine paper; if the membrane
has ruptured the paper which of the following color?
a. Yellow
b. Green
c. Blue
d. Blue
53. After being confirmed that membranes has been ruptured and there was no
evidence of labor, which of me following would the nurse expect the physician to
54. Few hours after, the nurse noted that her cervix is 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced.
Which of the following would the priority assessment for this client?
a. Red blood cell count
b. Degree of Discomfort
c. Urinary Output
d. Temperature
55. Michelle is to be discharged home on bed rest with follow -tip by the community
health nurse. After instruction about care while at home, which of the following client’s
statements indicates effective teaching?
Situation 12 – Jerome, a 37 years old man, was admitted to the hospital with periodic episode
of manic behavior alternating with me depression. Diagnosis: Bipolar I disorder.
56. Which of the following statements is true and manic reaction? It is;
57. Nursing care plan for a hyperactive patient like Jerome, should give priority to:
58. During a nurse patient interaction, Jerome jumps rapidly from one topic to another.
This is known as:
a. Flight of Ideas
b. Idea of Reference
c. Clang association
d. Neologism
60. Initially one of the following activities would be appropriate for Jerome;
a. Playing basketball
b. Playing chess
c. Gardening
d. Writing
Situation 13 – .Mr,. Baldo , 36 years old patient complaints of fatigue, weight loss, and low-
grade fever. He also has pa in his fingers, elbows, and ankles.
a. Anemia
b. Leukemia
c. Rheumatic arthritis
d. Systematic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
62. Systematic lupus erymematosus (SLE) primarily attacks which of the following
a. Connective
b. B. Heart
c. Lung
d. Nerve
63. Which of the following elements shows that the client does not understand the
cause of exacerbation of system lupus erythematosus (SLE)?
a. Vomiting
b. Weight loss
c. Difficulty urinating
d. Superficial lesions over the cheek and nose
65. Mr Balao asks the nurse as to the source of this disease. The nurse is aware that
this is a disease of:
a. Joints
b. Bones
c. connective tissue
d. purine metabolism
Situation 14 – Mr Gil age 86 years, has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.
66. Which characteristics could the nurse expect when observing Mr. Gil?
67. Mr. Gil frequently switches from being pleasant and happy to being hostile and sad
without apparent external cause. How can the nurse best care for Mr. Gil?
68. What type of environment should be provided by the health care team for Mr. Gil?
a. Familiar
b. Variable
c. Challenging
d. Non-stimulating
69. Mr. Gil will need assistance in maintaining contact with society for as long as
possible. Which therapy might help him achieve this goal?
a. Psychodrama
b. Recreation therapy
c. Occupational therapy
d. Remotivation therapy
70. What is the nurse’s primary objective for Mr. Gil when he is experiencing dementia
and delirium?
Situation I5: Baby Philip, a full term male child, is delivered by his mother who is RH negative.
71. At the time of delivery, baby Philip’s blood is typed to determine the ABO group
and the presence of the RH factor. The nurse is aware that:
72. Baby Philip is RH positive and his mother is RH negative. Baby Philip is to receive
an exchange transfusion. The nurse know that he will receive RH-negative blood
a. The mother’s blood does not contain the RH factor, so she produces anti-RH antibodies
that cross the placental barrier and cause hemolysis of red blood cells in infants
b. The mother’s blood contains the RH factor and the infant’s does not, and antibodies are
formed in the fetus that destroy red blood cells.
c. The mother has the history of previous yellow jaundice caused by a blood transfusion,
which was passed the fetus through the placenta.
d. The infant develops a congenital defect shortly after birth that causes the destruction of red
blood cells.
74. If RhoGAm is given to Baby Philip’s mother after delivering Baby Philip, the
condition that must be present rbr the globulin to be effective is that:
75. When the nurse brings Philip to his mother, she comments about the milia on the
baby’s face. The nurse should:
a. Tell her that all babies have them and they clear up in 2 to 3 days
b. Explain that these are birthmarks that will disappear within a few months
c. Instruct her about proper handwashing since the milia can be infectious
d. Instruct her to avoid squeezing them or attempting to wash them off
Situation 16: Ronald 23 years old was voluntarily admitted to the in-patient unit with a
diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia.
76. As the nurse approaches Ronald he says, “If come any closer. I’ll die.” This is an
example of:
a. Hallucination
b. Delusion
c. Illusion
d. Idea of reference
77. The best response for the nurse to make to this behavior is:
78. When communicating with the paranoid client, the main principle is to:
79. Ronald is pacing the hall and is agitated. The nurse hears him saying, “Those
doctors are faying to commit me to the state hospital. The nurse’s continued
assessment should include:
80. An appropriate activity for the nurse is to recommend for a client who is extremely
agitated is:
a. Competitive sports
b. Bingo
c. Trivial Pursuit
d. Daily walks
Situation 17: Mrs. Lim has had confirmation of her pregnancy. She presents the emergency
room with abdominal pain not yet. diagnosed.
81. The nurse would suspect an ectopic pregnancy if Mrs Lim complained of:
82. The most common type of ectopic pregnancy is tubal. Within a few weeks after
conception the tube may rupture suddenly, causing:
83. Mrs. Lim has been complaining of vaginal bleeding and one sided lower quadrant
pain. The nurse suspects mat she has:
a. Abruptio placenta
b. An incomplete abortion
c. An ectopic pregnancy
d. A rupture of graafian follicle
84. A few hours after being admitted with a diagnosis of inevitable abortion, a client
begins to experience bearing down sensations and suddenly expels the products of
conception in bed. To give safe nursing care, the nurse should first
85. After a spontaneous abortion the nurse should observe the client for:
Situation 18: Arnold, age 67, has had successfully treated depressive disease for more than
10 years. Lately he has been developing a plan of action. Arnold is admitted to hospital for
86. Which assessment would best aid the nurse in evaluating Arnold’s potential for
87. Which factor is most important in evaluating Arnold’s risk for suicide?
88. Arnold confides to the nurse that he has been thinking of suicide. Which of the
following motivations should the nurse recognize in Arnold?
89. Arnold is placed on suicide precautions. Which would be the most therapeutic way
to provide his safety measures?
90. The psychiatrist prescribes Electro convulsive therapy for Arnold. The nurse when
discussing ECT with Arnold, should tell him which of the following information?
Situation 19: Josh is a 2-year old child who was bom with a unilateral cleft lip and palate. He
is being readmitted for a palate repair.
92. Which of the following would be the most important factor in preparing Josh for his
93. Prior to a repair of a unilateral cleft lip and palate, feeding will probably be:
a. Limited to IV fluids
b. Wish a soft, large altered nipple
c. Accomplished per gastrostomy tube
d. Facilitated by the use of spoon or medicine dropper
94. Which of the following nursing actions would have been included for Josh
following his cleft lip repair?
Situation 20: Vincent, age 26, who is caught in me raging conflict between his mother and his
wife, complains of pains in his right leg that has progressed to the point of paralysis. After
orthopedic consultation has shown no pathology, he is referred for a psychiatric consultation
and is found to have a conversion disorder.
96. The nurse understands which of the following concepts about Vincent’s conversion
100. Which intervention would be most therapeutic for the nurse to make?