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describes the general effects of

the use and abuse of caffeine, Week 3 to Week 4 H5SU-IIIde-10
tobacco and alcohol
analyzes how the use and abuse
of caffeine, tobacco and alcohol
can negatively impact the health Week 5 to Week 6 H5SU-IIIfg-11
of the individual, the family and
the community
demonstrates life skills in
keeping healthy through the Week 7 H5SU-IIIh-12
non-use of gateway drugs
follows school policies and
national laws related to the sale Week 8 to Week 9 H5SU-IIIij-13
and use of tobacco and alcohol
4th Quarter demonstrates understanding practices appropriate
of basic first aid principles and first aid principles and explains the nature and
Week 1
procedures for common procedures for objectives of first aid H5IS-IVa-34
injuries common injuries
discusses basic first aid
Week 2 H5IS-IVb-35
demonstrates appropriate first
aid for common injuries or Week 3 to Week 8 H5IS-IV-c-j-36
* These learning competencies were rephrased and deemed essential in the achievement of content and performance standards.

Grade Level: Grade 6

Subject: Health

Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Duration K to 12 CG

Standards Competencies Code
1st Quarter Demonstrates understanding practices self-
of personal health issues and management skills to describes personal health issues
Week 1 to Week 3
concerns and the importance prevent and control and concerns H6PH-Iab-18
of health appraisal procedures

and community resources in personal health issues demonstrates self-management H6PH-Iab-19

preventing or managing them and concerns skills
explains the importance of H6PH-Id-f-21
undergoing health appraisal
procedures Week 4 to Week 5
regularly undergoes health H6PH-Id-f-22
appraisal procedures
identifies community health
resources and facilities that may
be utilized to address a variety of Week 6 to Week 8
personal health issues and
2nd Quarter understands the importance demonstrates practices describes healthy school and
Week 1 H6CMH-IIa-1
of keeping the school and for building and community environments
community environments maintaining healthy
explains the effect of living in a
healthy. school and community Week 2 to Week 3 H6CMH-IIb-2
healthful school and community
demonstrates ways to build and
keep school and community Week 4 to Week 5
environments healthy
practices proper waste
management at home, in school, Week 6
and in the community
advocates environmental
protection through proper waste Week 7 to Week 8
3rd Quarter demonstrates understanding consistently practices explains how poor environmental
of the health implications of ways to maintain a sanitation can negatively impact Week 1 H6EH-IIIb-2
poor environmental sanitation healthy environment the health of an individual
discusses ways to keep water and
Week 2 H6EH-IIIc-3
air clean and safe
explains the effect of a noisy
Week 3
environment H6EH-IIId-4

suggests ways to control/manage

Week 4 to Week 5 H6EH-IIIe-5
noise pollution
practices ways to control/manage
Week 6 H6EH-IIIfg-6
noise pollution

explains the effect of pests and

rodents to one’s health

Week 7 to Week 8
practice ways to prevent and
control pests and rodents

4th Quarter understands the concepts and consistently

principles of selecting and demonstrates critical explains the importance of
Week 1
using consumer health thinking skills in the consumer health H6CH-IVa-13
products. selection of health
products. H6CH-IVbc-
*explains the different
Week 2
components of consumer health H6CH-IVcd-

differentiates over- the- counter H6CH-IVcd-

from prescription medicines 16
Week 3 to week 4
gives example of over the counter
and prescription medicines

explains the uses of some over the

counter and prescription Week 5 H6CH-IVf-18
identifies the common propaganda
Week 6
techniques used in advertising H6CH-IVg-19
analyzes packaging and labels of
Week 7 H6CH-IVh-21
health products
practices good decision making
skills in the selection of health Week 8 H6CH-IVh-22
discusses ways to protect oneself
Week 9 to Week 10 H6CH-IVij-23
from fraudulent health products
* These learning competencies were rephrased and deemed essential in the achievement of content and performance standards.

Grade Level: Grade 7

Subject: Health

Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Duration

K to 12 CG Code
Standards Competencies
1st Quarter The learner… The learner… explains the dimensions of holistic
health (physical, mental/ intellectual, H7GD-Ib-13
demonstrates appropriately emotional, social, and moral-spiritual)
Week 1
understanding of holistic manages concerns analyzes the interplay among the
health and its and challenges health dimensions in developing H7GD-Ib-14
management of health during adolescence holistic health
concerns, the growth and to achieve holistic practices health habits to achieve
Week 2 H7GD-Ic-15
development of health. holistic health
adolescents and how to H7GD-Id-e-16
manage its challenges.
*Recognize changes in different H7GD-Id-e-17
aspects of growth that normally Week 3 to Week 4
happen during adolescence years. H7GD-Id-e-18

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