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Green Roof Basics

Table of Contents


The Roofs of the Future are Green 3

Why Have a Green Roof? 4
Roof Technology 5
Vegetation Technology 9

Extensive Green Roofs

System Build-up “Sedum Carpet” 12

System Build-up “Irrigated Extensive Green Roof” 13
System Build-up 0°-Roof 14
System Build-up “Inverted Green Roof” 15
Biodiversity 16
System Build-up “Stormwater Management” 17
System Build-up “Urban Climate Roof” 18
System Build-up “Pitched Green Roof” 19
System Build-up “Steep Pitched Green Roof” 20

Semi-Intensive Green Roofs

System Build-up “Heather with Lavender” 21

Intensive Green Roofs

System Build-up “Roof Garden” 22

Irrigation and Substrate Depth 23
System Build-up “Roof Garden”
with Aquatec® AT 45 24
System Build-up “Urban Rooftop Farming” 25

Hybrid Solutions

Green Roofs and Solar Systems 26

Safety Systems on Green Roofs 27
Guardrails on Rooftops 28
System Build-up “Walkways” 29
“Low weight” Walkways on Roofs and Terraces 30
System Build-up “Driveways” 31

ZinCo Green Roofing Systems now

with European Technical Assessment.
The Roofs of the Future are Green

Roofs are more than just “functional Beyond that, roofs are more and more Green Roofs are extending the formal
components” for the protection of the considered as open resource areas. They language of contemporary architecture
building structure. Roofs give character attract urban planners looking for socially and confer a new significance and value
to individual buildings and entire city responsible concepts that counteract the on the concept of “Roof Landscape”:
districts. loss of natural living space and provide Nature – increasingly ousted by buildings
solutions for problems such as stormwater and paved surfaces – returns as an
management and urban heat island effect attractive green element in residential,
in densely populated cities. recreational and working environments.

Important soil functions such as water Ongoing soil sealing has the additional A green roof can help here by retaining
transport are being lost due to ground effect, at the same time, of further heating water, providing moisture for the air and
sealing in towns and cities. Stormwater is up inner cities in the summer. The reason creating a new habitat for plants, animals
less able to seep into the surface, there- is that evaporation, which contributes to and people.
fore increasing the flood risk in the event air cooling cannot take place from sealed
of heavy rainfall. surfaces.

www.zinco-greenroof.com 3
Why Have a Green Roof?

Beyond their attractive visual nature, Green Roofs offer many undisputable benefits, both ecological and economical, provided they
are built with the right system.

Improve the Bind Dust and Increase Improve

Microclimate Toxic Particles Rainwater Retention Noise Protection

daylight H2O

CO2 O2

Green Roofs cool and humidify Green Roof vegetation A Green Roof can reduce Planted areas are natural
the surrounding air. Thus helps to filter out dust and water run-off by 50–90%; any sound insulators and absorb
they contribute to improving smog particles. Nitrates and water flows from the roof with more sound than hard surfaces.
the microclimate in urban other harmful materials are a delay. Green Roofs reduce reflective
centres. This cooling effect absorbed by the plants out Outlets, pipes and drains sound by up to 3 dB and
significantly increases the of the air and rainfall and can be reduced in capacity, improve sound insulation
performance of air-conditioning bound within the substrate. thereby saving construction by up to 8 dB. This is very
systems, reducing carbon costs. Sewer costs can be effective for buildings near
emissions. reduced in some areas. airports, noisy nightclubs
and factories.

Reduce of Protect the Offer a Natural Habitat Provide Additional

Energy Costs Waterproofing Space



A Green Roof has the ability A Green Roof protects the Landscaped roofs compensate Green Roofs offer additional
to buffer temperature extremes waterproofing from climate for green spaces, which are space for numerous uses.
and improve the buildings extremes, UV exposure and lost to building development. Whether you want a relaxing
energy performance. mechanical damage. They provide natural habitats garden, a playground or a
This greatly increases for wildlife and bring nature golf course, it all can be
the life expectancy of the back into the cities. achieved as part of the
waterproofing and results in existing footprint.
reduced maintenance and
replacement costs.

4 www.zinco-greenroof.com
Roof Technology

Roof Shape and Pitch

The foundation for a green roof is gene-

rally a sealed roof with sufficient load-
bearing capacity. Whether it is a typical
flat roof with a 2 % minimum pitch slope,
a pitched or vaulted roof or a zero pitch “Typical flat roof” “Gable roof” “Butterfly roof”
roof is of minor importance initially.
However, when choosing the green roof
build-up factors such as ponding water
on the waterproofing membrane or the
shear forces and potential erosion which
may occur with pitched roofs must be
taken into consideration.
“Mono pitch roof” “Saw-tooth roof” “Barrel roof”

Roof Structures

Provided they are planned and installed

correctly, a green roof can be installed on
almost every kind of roof structure.

Roofs without thermal insulation, that

is roofs over unheated rooms such as
garage roofs, and “warm roofs”
(single-skin, non ventilated roofs) can
be fitted with any type of green roof
and vegetation.

“Cold Roofs” (double-skin, ventilated

roofs) have a second skin above the
thermal insulation, often with a low
load-bearing capacity, on which the
waterproofing membrane is installed.
From an engineering point of view,
there is no reason for not installing a
green roof on this type of roof if the
load-bearing capacity of the second
skin allows for it and it is possible to
ensure that the green roof does not
prevent ventilation.

With an “inverted roof”, the thermal

insulation is installed on top of the roof
waterproofing membrane, i. e. in the
damp area. When installing a green
roof it is important to ensure that water
vapour is not prevented from diffusing
from the thermal insulation and that
ponding water does not occur.

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Roof Technology

Roof Waterproofing Membrane Root Barrier

The waterproofing membrane can be Plant roots are a strain on a roof both
made of bituminous, plastic or rubber from a chemical and a physical point of
sheeting or even of a liquid seal. The view. Not every waterproofing membrane
important thing is that the waterproofing is capable of permanently withstanding
membrane is root-resistant or that it is such strain. If in doubt and particularly if
sufficiently secured by installing a separate the roof membrane has not been tested
root protection system. As regards to for root-resistance, an additional root
sheet thickness, you should not adhere barrier should be installed.
to the minimum thickness required but
choose a quality grade that will allow
the planned load.

Roof Pitch Where ponding water cannot be avoided,

ZinCo offers suitable solutions involving
With flat roofs, it is important to avoid high-level drainage elements, so that
ponding water. This is done by choosing green roofs can even be installed on
a suitable system build-up with a zero pitched roofs.
sufficiently high level of capillary-
breaking drainage. With pitched roofs, increased attention
must be paid on the one hand to shear
In the case of zero pitched roofs, protection and on the other to ensuring
greater demands are placed on the roof that sufficient water is retained in the
waterproofing membrane. System Build-up.

Connection Heights

The same connection or termination

height should be adhered to for green
roofs and otherwise utilised or even
non-utilised roofs. The upper finish of
the connections must be waterproof
and must be prevented from slipping.

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Roof Technology

Protection against
Wind Suction

Particular attention must be paid to in-

creased wind loads on roofs, particularly
on top of high and exposed buildings.
Roof waterproofing membranes and
other accompanying layers can be
prevented from being lifted by wind
loads by means of gluing, mechanical
fixing or by the use of ballast. If a green
roof is to function as ballast, it must be
installed without delay and must be
sufficiently heavy.

The wind loads and therefore the

required ballast will depend upon the:

-- location (wind zone)

-- height and type of building
-- roof shape and pitch
-- roof zone (corner, edge, centre) and
-- type of roof structure (open or closed)

Vegetation and wind loads

It is also important for the vegetation to A balanced nutrient supply and irrigation The plants should also be properly
be suited to the conditions on the roof. will ensure that the woody plants develop secured when they are first planted and
In particular, both vegetation that will a large root plate. Too lavish a supply during the growth phase, until such time
grow high and that has insufficient root of nutrients that will result in a shallow as the wood has properly put down roots.
space should be deemed to be fragile. and insufficient root system should be


Green roofs retain a large quantity

of stormwater but, depending on the
season, there will be more or less excess
water that must be able to run off without
a problem.

Drainage elements in green roofs can

consist of:

-- roof gutters
-- internal drainage channels
-- outer-lying roof gutters
-- water spouts
-- emergency or safety overflow systems

Roof outlets must always be separate outlets within vegetation areas and The tree anchorage system Robafix®
from the green roof and the gravel layer terrace grilles are to be placed within is developed specially for root ball
and accessible. Therefore, inspection paved areas. anchoring on intensive Green Roofs
chambers are to be placed over roof and underground car parks.

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Roof Technology

Fire Safety

ZinCo green roofs are classified in 1. the substrate layer (system substrate,
accordance with German Industrial Zincolit®, etc.) is at least 30 mm thick,
Standard DIN EN 13501-5 (“Fire
classification of construction products 2. a maximum of 20 % of the substrate
and building elements“) as BROOF(t1), weight is organic material (all ZinCo
provided the requirements and advice system substrates are below this figure),
included below are adhered to.
3. in the case of large-scale green roofs,
Roofs with an intensive green roof that a fire zone is created every 40 m (e. g.
have to be irrigated and maintained using a strip of gravel, Zincolit® or
(e. g. roof gardens, underground park concrete pavers or upstands),
decks) and that generally have a deeper
substrate level, are to be automatically 4. a strip of rough gravel, Zincolit®,
classified as resistant to sparks and concrete pavers or similar is installed
radiant heat. before the openings in the roof area
(sky domes, light bands) and before
Roofs with an extensive green roof that are any walls with openings.
not generally irrigated and only have to be
maintained once a year, are deemed to be In addition, a number of build-ups have
resistant to sparks and radiant heat if: been successfully tested in line with
BROOF(t2) and BROOF(t3).

Load-bearing Reserves

The additional weight of a green roof,

specifically in a waterlogged state, must
be factored in when calculating the load
capacity of the roof. Snow loads typical
for the location should be factored in too.

In our experience, areas can be found

on a roof where it is possible to use
deeper substrate layers or mounds, e. g.
above walls, columns or beams. Taller
perennials or small woody plants can be
planted here, for example, allowing an
increase in the design variety. However,
any resulting additional weight must be
taken into consideration and verified by
a structural engineer.

8 www.zinco-greenroof.com
Vegetation Technology

Types of Green Roofs

Extensive Green Roofs

Minimal maintenance required

-- inspection 1–2 x / year
-- supply of water and nutrients mostly
by natural processes

Adapted plant communities

-- undemanding, drought-tolerant
-- self-regenerating

Little weight and shallow build-up

-- mainly mineral substrate with depth
up to 120 mm
-- weight approx. 50–150 kg/m2

Surface protection with ecological


Extensive landscaped roofs are an Sedum species, herbs and some grasses.
ecological alternative to conventional They cope with the conditions on the
surface protection or ballast layers roof (sun, wind, drought, etc.) by nature.
such as gravel and pavers. They are After establishment of the vegetation, the
lightweight and have a shallow build-up maintenance is limited to one or two
height. Suitable plants include various inspections a year.

Intensive Green Roofs

Regular maintenance required

-- garden maintenance such as mowing,
fertilizing, watering, weeding etc.

Weight and build-up height

depending on plant selection
-- e. g. ornamental lawn, summer
flowers, demanding shrubs, bushes
and trees
-- substrate with higher amount of
organic material, with depth
> 150 mm
-- weight >150 kg/m²

Well kept Roof Garden

Intensive Green Roofs can most easily the landscape design and the chosen
be compared to building a garden on a plant material. Depending on the
roof. They are usually multifunctional substrate depth, anything is possible from
and accessible. They require more weight lawns, perennials, shrubs, trees including
and a deeper system build-up. The other landscape options such as ponds,
maintenance is regular and depends on pergolas and patios.

www.zinco-greenroof.com 9
Vegetation Technology

Replicating Nature on Roofs

When designing and installing a Green

Roof it is important to provide a growing
environment as close as possible to the
plants` natural environment. The most
important issue is to compensate for the
lack of subsoil. Organic matter
and topsoil Vegetation layer and
In areas with temperate climates ZinCo System Substrate
Filter layer
systems are able to retain the necessary Subsoil
Drainage layer
quantities of water to support the plants,
while draining off the excess. The required
amount of water is determined by the
plant type, the geographical region
and the roof itself. Besides building the Bedrock Protection layer
correct Green Roof system to support the Roof construction
plants, it is very important to protect the Waterproofing
waterproofing from both mechanical
damage and attack from plant roots.

ZinCo systems provide a number of

solutions to these problems. They have
been designed to function naturally. The
plants receive a stable environment
without adversely affecting the

Drainage Elements

ZinCo systems store water on the one ZinCo drainage elements are light in
hand and allow excess water to run off, weight, low-lying and nonetheless solid
on the other hand. The amount of water so that they gain in height and weight in
actually needed depends on the type of terms of the overlying substrate layer.
vegetation planted, on the location and
on the roof itself. The element cells retain some of the
stormwater even on a pitched roof and
While extensive green roofs with drought- excess water can run off in the underlying
resistant perennials require less moisture, channel system. Floradrain® FD 60 neo:
and would suffer with “wet feet”, simple Powerful drainage and
water storage element made
intensive green roofs have a greater water from reinforced plastic for
requirement. In a moderate climate zone use in intensive green roofs
such as central and northern europe, and otherwise utilised roofs.

natural precipitation is generally sufficient

for the required water supply. But in the
case of more sophisticated roof gardens,
Floradrain® FD 25-E: Pressure-resistant, low
additional irrigation should be planned drainage and water storage element made of
for. recycled polyethylene for use in extensive green

10 www.zinco-greenroof.com
Vegetation Technology

Substrates Substrate Depth

In contrast to the situation with natural In addition to choosing the correct The result is a finer granulation from
ground, there is only a limited amount substrate for the relevant vegetation, extensive to intensive substrates, in
of root space available on roof areas. the substrate depth is significant for conjunction with increased organic
Nonetheless, optimum growth conditions the success of the green roof. matter content. This ensures that the
must be created for the vegetation in plants are supplied with the required level
conjunction with the overall system Where the focus is more on drainage of water, without reducing the volume of
build-up. Water/air balance, which in performance with a simple extensive air in the substrate that is required by the
nature is carried out by powerful soil green roof with sedum, it is mainly water plant roots.
horizons, is dealt with in a roof situation storage and nutrient supply that are
by substrate layers that are sometimes paramount in the case of an intensive
very shallow. This is addressed by ensuring green roof with sophisticated perennials
the appropriate mixture of organic and and shrubs.
mineral components.

There are two additional specific

requirements regarding roof substrates:
firstly, they should supply water for
the vegetation for as long as possible
and secondly, the level of maintenance
(of extensive green roofs) should be
minimal. Excess water capacity can result System ®
in water logging, can cause the build Substrate
up of moss and the increased weed
growth. Knowing the specific weight
of a substrate is important. Possible EXTENSIVE INTENSIVE
wind loads on one hand and restricted Granulometric
structural requirements on the other Grit
distribution coarse fine
hand generally need to be taken into Organic matter low high
Water storage low high

Air volume high low

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Extensive Green Roofs

System Build-up “Sedum Carpet”

The “Sedum Carpet” is a standard Proven Sedum species, in combination Sedum cuttings are produced by cutting
build-up for extensive Green Roofs. It is with the adapted substrate and system off the shoot tips of selected types of
a shallow and lightweight Green Roof build-up, guarantee a durable Green Sedum. This is only possible during the
type with an attractive “back-to-nature” Roof. The main blooming time is early non-flowering period (spring or autumn),
appearance, that requires little main‑ summer with yellow, red and white flowers as flowering shoots do not easily grow
tenance. dominating. During the year, “Sedum roots. With Sedum cuttings, good ground
Carpet” is represented in various shades cover is achieved within 2–3 years. A
Floradrain® FD 25-E is the appropriate of green. Red shades show particularly faster ground coverage is achieved with
drainage and waterstorage element in autumn and are a nice change in the plug planting.
for this system. It has the necessary Green Roof´s appearance.
compressive strength, a low profile
height, little weight and is walkable.

- Proven simple green roof build-up Suitable Vegetation layer
requiring only little maintenance,
especially for roofs with low design Suitable System Substrate
- Can be used on roofs with no
severe ponding up to a slope of Filter Sheet SF
about 8°. Floradrain® FD 25-E
Protection Mat SSM 45
- Environmental protection layer Root Barrier WSF 40,
instead of a gravel cover. if waterproofing is not root-resistant.

Build-up height: from ca. 90 mm

Weight, saturated: from ca. 95 kg/m²
Water retention capacity: from ca. 25 l/m²

System Build-ups with European Technical Assessment.

Details at https://zinco-greenroof.com/european-technical-assessment

12 www.zinco-greenroof.com
Extensive Green Roofs

System Build-up “Irrigated Extensive Green Roof”

Crédits photos@Drone-view
Due to the ongoing climate change, many This green roof build-up will help to strike As a result, the water is available where a
regions are increasingly having to deal a balance between a cost-effective solution plant needs it - in the root zone. However,
with long periods of drought. This will lead and the permanent proper functioning of unlike the Urban Climate Roof system
to species-poor green roofs with plant green roofs in dry climates. build-up, the system supplies only the
growth being more or less up and down. amount of water that the plants need for
Very often only succulents will survive with As is the case with the “Urban Climate healthy growth. Thanks to the shallower
perhaps bare patches that are only Roof” build-up, irrigation takes place substrate depth, the green roof build-up
temporarily green. Therefore, irrigation in beneath the substrate. is not only lighter but also other plant
many regions is the only way to achieve communities are used.
biodiversity on green roofs.

- Biodiversity and long-term
greening success are achieved
through targeted underground
irrigation. Suitable Vegetation layer

- Relatively low water consumption Suitable System Substrate

due to the fact that water is being
distributed throughout the Dripperline 500-L2
Aquafleece AF 300
Aquafleece AF 300 and is fed to Floradrain® FD 40-E*
the plants from below. Protection Mat SSM 45
Root Barrier WSF 40,
- Applicable on 0°-roofs as well as on
if waterproofing is not root-resistant.
roofs with an inclination of up to 5°.

Build-up height: from ca. 110 mm* * If a different type of drainage element
Weight, saturated: from ca. 125 kg/m² is used, the build-up height is reduced or
increased correspondingly.
Water retention capacity: from ca. 41 l/m²

www.zinco-greenroof.com 13
Extensive Green Roofs


On 0°-roofs where deeper puddles might

remain, the standard extensive system
build-up is to be modified.

By installing higher Floraset® elements

(50 or 75 mm) the necessary distance
to the water level is ensured. The Green
Roof build-up will be somewhat higher
but not heavier as these elements are
made of extruded polystyrene hard foam
and therefore have a negligible weight.
The Protection Mat TSM 32 with its lower
retention capacity is sufficient, as water
from the puddles is made available to
the plants.

Features: Plant level

Suitable Vegetation layer
- For 0°-Roofs with standing water;
Vegetation layer Suitable System Substrate
- Can also be used for roofs with a
slight slope up to 10°.
Filter Sheet SF

- Requires minimum maintenance. Drainage Floraset® FS 50 or FS 75

- Great variety of Sedum species Protection Mat TSM 32

Protection layer
and drought resistant grasses. Root Barrier WSF 40,
if waterproofing is not root-resistant.

Build-up height: ca. 120 resp.150 mm

Weight, saturated: ca. 105 kg/m2
Water retention capacity: ca. 33 l/m2

14 www.zinco-greenroof.com
Extensive Green Roofs

Inverted Green Roof

The characteristic of an inverted roof is

that the insulation is above the water-
proofing. The extruded polystyrene in-
sulation (XPS) which is used for this kind
of roof is impervious to water, but not to
water vapour. Forming a vapour barrier
directly above it when installing a Green
Roof must therefore be avoided. Layers
that prevent moisture from diffusing out
mustn't be installed over the thermal
insulating XPS boards and the layer
above should be vapour permeable.

The protection mat has to be replaced

by the permeable separation membrane
TGV 21. If a root barrier is required, it
has to be placed below the insulation
directly onto the waterproofing. A deeper
substrate layer compensates for the water
retention capacity of the missing pro‑
tection mat and prevents wind uplift of
the insulation boards.

- Build-up for inverted roofs Suitable Vegetation layer
allowing diffusion and vaporisation.
Suitable System Substrate
- Large variety of species as an
ecological protection layer instead
of gravel covering. Filter Sheet SF
- For roofs without standing water Floradrain® FD 25-E
and with a slight slope up to 8°. Separation Membrane TGV 21
Roof construction with XPS thermal insulation
- Requires minimum maintenance.

Root Barrier WSF 40, if waterproofing

is not root-resistant (beneath the thermal
insulation layer).

Build-up height: from ca. 110 mm

Weight, saturated: from ca. 120 kg/m²
Water retention capacity: from ca. 36 l/m²

www.zinco-greenroof.com 15
Extensive Green Roofs


In areas where nature has been destroyed

by construction works and the ground
is sealed, green roofs can partially
compensate for lost green areas and
can provide replacement habitats for
flora and fauna. Above all, natural, low-
maintenance extensive green roofs are
important refuges for flora and fauna.
Wild bees, butterflies and ground beetles
find food and shelter there. However, the
development of biodiversity depends to
a great extent on how the habitats that
are provided for the flora and fauna on
a roof are structured. Pure sedum green
roofs that are frequently installed in
conjunction with very shallow substrate
depths are not suitable for exploiting this
potential. Indeed, the biotope function
of greened roof areas can be specifically
fostered with very little work using
various design features and applying
basic biodiversity principles during the
planning and implementation stages.

Biodiversity module

Modulating the Introducing Temporary Sand pockets and Plant selection, e.g. Nesting aids
substrate surface deadwood water bodies coarse gravel beds forage plants
Varying the Dead branches and Using borders and Plant-free areas Creating deeper The use of nesting
substrate depth tree trunks are a sheeting, areas are an important substrate zones aids specifically
creates different particularly valuable can be created to enrichment of the (mounds) makes fosters insect
habitats that will structural element. retain stormwater biotope and are used it possible to plant colonisation.
extend the range of Deadwood is used on the roof for an by insects and other a wider range of
species available in as a habitat by moss, extended period of roof inhabitants as a native species or
the planting areas. lichens, fungi, beetles, time. It improves hideaway, breeding forage plants for
flies, midges, ants the amount of water ground and a sun pollinators and
and wild bees, available, e.g. for trap. birds.
among others. insects and birds.

Extensive System Build-up with the

drainage element Floradrain® FD 25-E
as a possible basis for a biodiversity
green roof.

16 www.zinco-greenroof.com
Hybrid Solutions

System Build-up “Stormwater Management Roof”

The word “retention” in water management drainage system becoming overloaded. the drainage system. All elements that
refers to the balancing effect of storage First of all, a large proportion of the are important for the correct functioning
space on the run off of stormwater into precipitation is retained on the roof of the green roof are preserved (water
watercourses. The need for retention is area with a stormwater management storage for the plants, air-water balance
becoming more frequent as changing roof, in the full sense of expanded flood in the root area, etc.).
weather conditions (e.g. severe local rain control, and is then released over a
events) can lead to an entire stormwater pre-defined period (e.g. 24 hours) into

- System Build-up combining benefits
of a species-rich extensive green
roof and efficient stormwater
Suitable Vegetation layer
- A roof surface without inclination
and controlled-flow roof drains are Suitable System Substrate
preconditions for a Stormwater Filter Sheet SF
Floradrain® FD 25-E
Management Roof.
Filter Sheet PV
- Even with a simple Build-up Retention Spacer RS 60
Filter Sheet PV
80 l/m² can be retained.
Retention Root Barrier WSF 40, if waterproofing
Runoff Limiter is not root-resistant (beneath the thermal
insulation layer).

* Values apply where the full 60 mm

Build-up height: from ca. 150 mm are accumulated.
Weight, saturated: from ca. 155 kg/m²
Water retention capacity: from ca. 80 l/m²

www.zinco-greenroof.com 17
Hybrid Solutions

System Build-up “Urban Climate Roof”

The sealing of former planted areas and the resulting urban heat islands are In contrast, thanks to irrigation, an
continues unabated. This has a having a negative effect on well-being. urban climate roof with its specially
considerable impact on the heating up In addition, an increased level of developed plant community will
of towns and cities. As a result, global sensible heat, or perceived heat, will ensure a high level of evaporation
radiation is used in a totally different ensure that time spent here will be also or particularly during hot, dry
way. On sealed surfaces, it can no associated with discomfort. There are periods.
longer be used as an engine for plant various types of green roof that can help
growth and can therefore hardly be used to counter this. The decisive thing in each The maximum evaporation capacity
for cooling evaporation. This means that case is that there is sufficient water for can already be achieved during
the considerable rise in thermal evaporation. the first, or at the latest, the second
radiation is heating up urban centres vegetation period.

- Green Roof build-up designed
for a maximum evaporation,
which can actively contribute to
an improvement of city climate
Plant Community “Urban Climate Roof”
in particular during hot and dry
periods. Suitable System Substrate
500 mm Dripperline 500-L2
- Applicable on 0°-roofs as well as Aquafleece AF 300
on roofs with an inclination of up Floradrain® FD 40-E*
to 5°, including inverted roofs. Protection Mat SSM 45
Root Barrier WSF 40, if waterproofing is not
root-resistant (beneath the thermal insulation
Build-up height: from 140 mm*
Weight, saturated: from 155 kg/m² * The Build-up height can be reduced or
increased as required using a different
Water retention capacity: from 51 l/m² drainage element.
Evaporation capacity: to 7 – 10 mm/d

18 www.zinco-greenroof.com
Pitched Green Roofs

System Build-up “Pitched Green Roof”

In general, flat roofs should have a slope Plant selection and planting methods are Floraset® FS 75, a multi-functional
of at least 2 %. Pitched roofs, as described to be adjusted to the relevant slope and drainage element of expanded
in this brochure, start with a slope of 10° exposure. polystyrene is the perfect element for
(18 %). From 10° on, the Green Roof Pitched Green Roofs.
system build-up differs significantly from A professionally waterproofed roof
system build-ups below 10°. Shear forces surface, e. g. with bituminous or high‑ It is very important to take the Green
increase with the roof slope and have to polymer membranes, is a precondition Roof upkeep and maintenance aspects
be transfered into stable beams. The for a durable long-lasting Green Roof. into account from the early planning
substrate layer has to be protected against The waterproofing should be root- stage of the project. Skylights can be
erosion. resistant and a protection mat with installed as access for the maintenance
high water storage is needed. personnel.

Plug plants as per plant list

Features: “Pitched/Steep Pitched Green Roof”
- Proven system, low maintenance, Jute Anti-Erosion Net JEG, if required
requires root-proof waterproofing on System Substrate “Rockery Type Plants”
roofs with slopes between 10°–25°.
- Floraset® elements retain the substrate
Floraset® FS 75
and prevent it from sliding off. Protection Mat BSM 64
- The elements transfer shear forces A root-resistant waterproofing membrane
into the roof construction; eaves and is required.
shear barriers have to be in compliance
with the structural design.

Build-up height: ca. 130–150 mm

Weight, saturated: ca. 115–145 kg/m²
Water retention capacity: ca. 38–44 l/m²

www.zinco-greenroof.com 19
Pitched Green Roofs

Steep Pitched Green Roof

The system build-up “Steep Pitched

Green Roof”, based on the Georaster®
elements, enables the installation of
Green Roofs with slopes exceeding
20° and up to 35°. Above 35° special
solutions can be designed by the ZinCo
The plant selection has to be well adapted to erosion. A transfer of existing shear
The Georaster® elements are made to the extreme conditions of Steep Pitched forces into stable eaves and into additio-
of recycled polyethylene (HD-PE) and Green Roofs, where the solar radiation is nal shear barriers is necessary.
interlock without requiring tools, creating the highest on the south facing roof side
a stable structure. This structure is safely and the water run off is much faster than Georaster® elements can also be
accessible and can be infilled with system of a flat roof. The irrigation should be installed under reinforced lawns,
substrate. The Georaster® elements allow planned for, even if it is only needed in footway constructions, in slope
for plenty of space for the plant root times of drought. It can avoid gaps in the protection, etc.
systems to establish and develop. vegetation coverage, which would lead

Vegetation Mat “Sedum Carpet”

Features: System Substrate “Heather with
Lavender-Light“ (ca. 10 mm above
- Georaster® elements transfer the
Georaster® elements)
shear forces into the eaves or into
Georaster® elements
additional shear barriers.
Protection Mat WSM 150
- Pitched Green Roofs require periodic Roof construction with a
maintenance. Depending on the root resistant waterproofing
location, slope and exposure,
additional irrigation may be necessary.
- Vegetation may develop differently
on the north and the south side.

Build-up height: ca. 120 mm

Weight, saturated: ca. 155 kg/m2
Water retention capacity: ca. 64 l/m2

20 www.zinco-greenroof.com
Semi-Intensive Green Roofs

System Build-up “Heather with Lavender”

The semi-intensive system build-up Lavender“ has been specifically designed a stable and secure manner. Kerbs can be
“Heather with Lavender“ allows for for this plant community. in combination set directly in concrete or mortar onto the
sophisticated planting design. Neverthe- with the water retention and drainage Floradrain® without impeding the water
less, compared to intensive green roof element type Floradrain® FD 40-E creates run off.
build-ups, it manages with relatively low the necessary habitat conditions so that Floradrain® also safely drains the excess
maintenance and relatively low build-up the “Heather with Lavender“ – once water out of the channels or grills, which
heights. rooted – requires little maintenance. are often installed to safeguard door sills.
The plant community can be chosen Floradrain® FD 40-E is ideal as a
amongst a wide variety of draught resis‑ substructure for green roofs, but it can be
tant perennials, grasses and low shrubs, applied just as well under concrete slabs
for example thyme, origanum or lavender. or paved surfaces. Moreover, borders
The system substrate “Heather with between different areas can be founded in
System Build-ups with European Technical
Features: Details at https://zinco-greenroof. com/
- Visually appealing green roof european-technical-assessment
build-up including perennials,
grasses, fragrant herbs such as
Lavender, Thyme or Marjoram.
- Applicable on roofs with no Plants according to plant list
inclination up to an inclination “semi intensive – Heather with Lavender”
of approx. 8°.
- A modulation of the substrate surface
results in a diversified appearance System Substrate “Heather with Lavender“
at reasonable costs and medium
requirements regarding maintenance
Filter Sheet SF
- Additional irrigation is necessary
Floradrain® FD 40-E
during dry periods.
Protection Mat SSM 45
Root Barrier WSF 40,
if waterproofing is not root-resistant.

Build-up height: from 140 mm

Weight, saturated: from 160 kg/m²
Water retention capacity: from 60 l/m²

www.zinco-greenroof.com 21
Intensive Green Roofs

System Build-up “Roof Garden”

The “Roof Garden” is a multifunctional den, it is useful to store as much rain-

Green Roof build-up with high water water as possible to reduce the need for
storage. It is suitable for lawns, perennial additional watering. The system build-up
plants, and with deeper system substrate, "Roof Garden" optimizes the water reten-
for shrubs and trees. The Roof Garden tion capacity. Floradrain® FD 60 neo can System Build-ups with European Technical
build-up allows a variety of design also be used with a dam up irrigation. Assessment.
concepts, even waterfeatures. It is also Water reaches the plants by capillary Details at https://zinco-greenroof. com/
possible to integrate hard landscapes, action and diffusion. european-technical-assessment
such as walkways, terraces, driveways
or play areas, etc. Within the Roof Gar-

- Multifunctional Green Roof system
build-up with high water retention
capacity and roof dam irrigation.
- Various combinations are possible, Lawn and perennials; with a deeper
for example with walkways, patios, substrate level, bushes and small trees
driveways or playgrounds.
System Substrate
- Floradrain® FD 60 neo can be filled
with concrete as a sub-construction
for driveways without penetrating the
Filter Sheet SF
waterproofing or interrupting the
Floradrain® FD 60 neo with Zincolit® Plus infill
Protection Mat ISM 50
Root Barrier WSB 100-PO,
if waterproofing is not root-resistant.
Build-up height: from 270 mm
Weight, saturated: from 370 kg/m2
Water retention capacity: from 136 l/m2

22 www.zinco-greenroof.com
Intensive Green Roofs

Irrigation and Substrate Depth

Roof Dam Irrigation

In roof gardens it is useful to conserve

as much rainwater as possible to reduce
the need for additional watering. The
spacious channels forming the underside
of the Floradrain® FD 60 neo allow for
water storage of 50 mm in depth. The
water is stored across the roof area and
reaches the plants by capillary action An inspection chamber incorporated into the Roof dam element for long-term irrigation
and evaporation. Water storage is easily system build-up
achieved by installing roof dam elements
above the roof outlets. A roof laid at 0° fall Inspection Chamber e. g. “KS 30“

is required to include this system, along

with a suitable membrane for such use.
Water storage can also be easily
achieved by installing roof dam elements
above the roof outlets. A roof laid at 0°
fall is required to include this system,
along with a suitable waterproofing Roof dam element
membrane for such use.

Inspection chambers make it possible

to examine and maintain the roof dam
elements at any time. With automatic
irrigation machines a minimum water
storage can be maintained even in
periods of drought. Drinking water,
as well as “recycled“ grey water, can
be used for irrigation.

Small trees
approx. 10 m
Substrate Depth Depends
on Type of Plants
Large bushes
Plant growth is especially affected by the to approx. 6 m
type and depth of applied substrate. On a
substrate height of approx. 150 mm, near-
natural wild grasslands are possible. For
sophisticated perennial plantings, as well Bushes
as for bushes and trees, higher substrate to 3 m
levels are required. The potential for
horizontal extension of the roots of trees Perennials, lawn, 350-400 mm
and bushes must be ensured. ZinCo offers small shrubs upper substrate
to 1,5 m
a range of substrates with which every
Green Roof request can be fulfilled. Wild grassland

from 400 mm
from 300 mm
from 250 mm
from 200 mm lower substrate
from 150 mm

from 240 kg/m from 315 kg/m from 465 kg/m from 615 kg/m from 865 kg/m

www.zinco-greenroof.com 23
Intensive Green Roofs

System Build-up “Roof Garden”

with Aquatec® AT 45

Up to now, light-weight solutions were The drainage element Aquatec® AT 45 Water consumption is significantly lower
only possible in the field of extensive and the Wicking Mat DV 40 are the with this type of irrigation than is the case
green roofs. However, with the System heart of this build-up. The basic principle with irrigation from above, as the water
Build-up “Roof Garden“ with Aquatec® involves the distribution and storage of is available directly in the root area and
AT 45 the balancing act between “light- water in the element cells which is then there is considerably less evaporation.
weight“ and “intensive“ can easily be drawn upwards when required, through Due to this sophisticated kind of irrigation
mastered. It allows for visually appealing the wicks in the mat to the substrate substrate depths can be reduced up to
prestigious designs even on roofs with a layer. The water is fed through special 50 % in comparison to other intensive
low load bearing capacity. dripperlines and the amount is controlled build-ups which results in a lower system
by the specially-developed electronic weight.
Irrigation Manager BM 4.

- A particularly lightweight system
buildup solution for intensive green
Lawn, perennial plants, and small shrubs
- Applicable on 0°-roofs as well as on (over substrate mounds)
roofs with an inclination of up to 5°,
including inverted roofs. Zincohum®
- The water storage capacity of the System Substrate “Sedum Carpet”,
Aquatec®-elements ensures a
maximized retention and supply Dripperline 100-L1
even during hot and dry periods. Wicking Mat DV 40
Aquatec® AT 45
Filter Sheet PV
Root Barrier WSB 100-PO,
if waterproofing is not root-resistant.
Build-up height: from 150 mm
Weight, saturated: from 180 kg/m2
Water retention capacity: from 60 l/m2

24 www.zinco-greenroof.com
Intensive Green Roofs

System Build-up ”Urban Rooftop Farming”

It makes absolute sense, therefore,

to use these roof areas for growing
vegetables, fruit and herbs as the
benefits are considerable both in terms
of the environment and economics.
For example, given the vicinity to the
consumer, supply routes and emissions
are minimized. Short supply routes mean
that the produce is fresher and as a
result tastier.

Circular techniques that integrate urban

vegetable production are also profitable,
given that urban farming on roof areas
uses local resources: rainwater and filtered
waste water, solar energy and the heat
from the building. On the other hand, a
vegetable garden will serve the building
well as the plants provide cooling in the
summer and thermal protection in
the winter. This is good for the building
The number of densely-populated urban climate and just as beneficial for the roof
centres is steadily rising. As more than waterproofing membrane because it is
half of the global population now no longer exposed to extreme fluctuations
lives in towns or cities, the demand in temperature. In addition, plants help
for residential zones and infrastructure to improve the urban climate.
in urban areas is naturally also on the
increase. Undeveloped land and green The specific requirements of a rooftop
areas are becoming increasingly rare, location (e. g. wind, structural require-
resulting in the loss of agricultural land. ments, water run-off and above all the
In order to counter this development issue of safety) must be addressed at
from an urban development and climatic the planning stage.
point of view, Green Roofs have become
popular in densely-populated areas.

- With 200 mm ZinCo System
Substrate, suitable for fruit and
vegetables such as lettuce, onions,
zucchini, eggplant, squash, cabbage,
melons, strawberries, herbs and such
like. Fruits and vegetables
- For vegetables and fruits e. g.
tomatoes, green beans, raspberries,
blackberries, currants and such like Suitable System Substrate
a substrate depth of 280 to 400 mm
is recommended.
- The amount of fertilizer and
irrigation depends on the requirements Filter Sheet TG
of the cultivated fruit and vegetable Floradrain® FD 40-E
species and on local climate Protection Mat ISM 50
Root Barrier WSB 100-PO,
if waterproofing is not root-resistant.

www.zinco-greenroof.com 25
Hybrid Solutions

Green Roofs and Solar Systems

Green Roofs include a range of benefits. Roof Systems without penetration of the with various building regulations,
They can add thermal insulation, protect roof membrane, the Green Roof build-up environmental standards and assessments.
the waterproofing, improve biodiversity, providing the necessary load to keep the Furthermore, this system makes use
retain storm water and improve the micro- structure in place. The Solar Base can be of synergy effect, as the efficiency of
climate. ZinCo extends the advantages used for photovoltaic as well as for solar solar panels is significantly improved if
of Green Roof technology with the thermal applications. combined with a Green Roof.
development of support bases for solar The inclusion of solar power can be seen
panels. With the innovative Solar Base, as another valuable ecological benefit
solar energy can be integrated into Green and will contribute towards compliance

Solar Base SB 200

Complete assembly of sub-structure, for e.g. the Solar Base Frame SGR, made of
recycled hard plastic with aluminium profile underneath the plastic element.

- Assembly without roof
penetrations, green roof build-up
used as superimposed load Solar Panel
- Even load distribution
Solar Base Frame SGR
- Lightweight components easy to
- Project specific planing is offered by Suitable vegetation layer
ZinCo technical department Suitable System Substrate
- Completely pre-assembled base ZinCo Solar Base SB 200
plate for quick and easy installation Fixodrain® XD20
of support frame Root Barrier WSF 40 and Filter Sheet PV,
if waterproofing is not root-resistant

26 www.zinco-greenroof.com
Hybrid Solutions

Safety Systems on Green Roofs

Working on a roof always involves risks,

no matter whether it‘s inspecting technical
equipment, upkeeping gravel roofs or
maintaining Green Roofs.

Accident prevention saves lives! Therefore,

regulations prescribe safety measures for
work that is being carried out on roofs.

ZinCo offers a maximum of safety to

people and buildings through their
innovative Fallnet® solutions specifically
designed for the use on Green Roofs.

There are various types of Fallnet® Fixing

Devices, all of them non-penetrating and
based on the idea of using the actual
Green Roof build-up as necessary ballast.

For instance, the Fallnet® SR Fixing Device

consists of interlocking grid elements and
a centralised fixing point made of stainless
steel. It offers new dimensions in terms of
flexibility and can be adapted to nearly The Fallnet® SB 200 Rail option perfectly
any construction requirement and combines this rail system with photovoltaic
geometry. Light domes, drainage outlets systems.
and roof penetrations can be smartly All Fallnet® systems offer attractive solutions
embedded within the Fallnet® SR. The for providing anchorage points for safety
Fallnet® SR Rail option is even more harnesses, without penetrating the
comfortable and ideal for large roof areas. waterproofing membrane. Whatever the
Provided that this rail system is planned sub-structure, their installation is possible
individually and considering the project on most flat roofs with slopes up to 5°.
specific requirements, it covers the complete They can be supplemented by personal
danger zone with a horizontally mobile protective equipments (ZinCo PPE-Set),
fixing point, the so called runner. as well as ZinCo Guardrail Systems.

- No roof penetration.
- Quick and easy installation,
no specific tools required.
- Suitable for all roofs with minimum
load-bearing capacity. Runner

- Independant of the substructure. Rail support with base plate

- Neutral with regards to building
physics (thermal bridges).
- No visual nuisance.
Suitable System Substrate
- Certified according to European
Standard EN 795:2012, Type E. Fallnet® grid elements
Filter Sheet SF
- Project specific planing is offered by Floradrain® FD 25-E
ZinCo technical department Protection layer

www.zinco-greenroof.com 27
Hybrid Solutions

Guardrails on Rooftops

Roofs that are intended for access require

a surrounding guardrail for safety
The ZinCo Guardrail Base GB provides
the perfect solution without penetrating
the roof membrane. It is suitable for
both a ZinCo Guardrail and a proprietary
handrail adapted to suit the architecture
of the building. The guardrail can be
fitted without special tools.
The Guardrail Base GB is placed either
beneath the Green Roof, a gravel strip
or suitable paving slabs providing the
required load.

Fallnet® ASG – the penetration-free maintenance guardrail

- Quick assembly
- No high point loads 6
- No roof penetration
- Visually unobtrusive at a ZinCo Fallnet ASG components: 2
67.5° inclination 1 post module (including)
- Meets the requirements of foot and counterweight plate
EN 13374 Class A 2 handrail
4 3
- Suitable for roofs with a pitch 3 mid rail
of up to 5° 4 toe board
- Green roof build-up used as ballast 5 ballast
- Easy and quick installation, 6 corner joint 5
regardless of the sub-structure 1

28 www.zinco-greenroof.com
Hybrid Solutions

System Build-up “Walkways”

Rooftops are being used holistically at an If walkways are combined with Green Depending on the installation, it allows for
ever increasing rate. Nearly everything Roofs, not only drainage and compressive drainage of water (diffusion holes facing
that can be realised on the ground is now strength are important, but also the water downwards) or for drainage combined
possible on roofs too, provided the right retention capacity. Stabilodrain® SD 30, with water retention (diffusion holes facing
technology is used. the core piece of this build-up, meets upwards).
all requirements and ensures durable
For instance, long lasting and functioning functionality. Stabilodrain® SD 30 can also be installed
walkways and driveways on rooftops on inverted roofs, where it is essential to
require well-engineered systems. These Stabilodrain® SD 30 is an extremely stable, avoid creating a vapour barrier above the
assure the continuance of the roof function high pressure resistant drainage element XPS insulation material.
(e. g. continuous waterproofing and that is quick and easy to install with its la-
drainage capacity). teral, specially shaped connecting profiles.

- Heavy duty Hybrid Solution
with high pressure resistance.
- Suitable for walkways, driveways,
lawn and shrubs, bushes, small
trees etc..
Concrete or natural stone pavers
- Trafficable with wheel loaders,
also without infill. Bedding layer
Gravel base layer (only for driveways)
- Suitable on flat roofs with standing
water and on inverted roofs.

Filter Sheet PV
Stabilodrain® SD 30 with infill
Protection Mat ISM 50
Root Barrier WSB 100-PO,
if waterproofing is not root-resistant.

www.zinco-greenroof.com 29
Hybrid Solutions

“Low weight” Walkways on Roofs and Terraces

Some roofs do not have the load bearing Surface water can be drained quickly and
capacity to carry the load of the base easily through the open joints and into the
layer, bedding material and surface layer. lower cavity; in addition, this open sub-
In this instance the ZinCo Elefeet® are space provides good aeration. If higher
able to bear the load, and as a result of Elefeet® are used, water pipes, cables, or
its minimal weight, only the weight of the water hoses can be accomodated and
surfcace has to be taken into conside- used, for example, to irrigate adjacent
ration. intensive green areas.

Slabs of concrete, natural stone,
- Precise levelling with vertical
d ≥ 40 mm or wooden surfaces
adjustment ring.
- Very low weight – only the surface
layer needs to be considered.
ZinCo Elefeet® (in various heights)
- Open joints, free from pollution
and weeds.
- Proper drainage of paved surfaces
and roofs. Elastosave ES 30
if necessary, seperation layer
- Useable on roofs without any slope
e. g. Slip Sheet TGF 20
due to large drainage cavity.
- Load bearing capacity Roof construction with suitable waterproofing
up to 500 kg/pc. Dead load: ≥ 100 kg/m²

30 www.zinco-greenroof.com
Hybrid Solutions

System Build-up “Driveways”

Driveways on roofs require both a load- This system is designed for heavy loads. A Occasionally, roofs and their
bearing system build-up and an adequate precondition is that the slope of the future surfaces have to bear exceptionally heavy
strength in roof construction. Moreover, driveway surface is taken into account in loads, e. g. in case of delivery or fire
vehicular traffic on a roof deck induces the planning. A slope is not a problem, brigade access.
very significant horizontal forces and if the waterproofing and surface have the
torsional movements through steering, same slope. If the slope on the surface The thickness of the pavers or concrete
breaking and accelerating, that must be has to be different from the slope of the slabs must enable a horizontal absorbtion
absorbed. waterproofing, a gravel base layer is of forces. For wheel loads exceeding 1 ton,
necessary. The slope cannot be created a load distributing base layer has to
The System Build-up for cars with the bedding layer, as it will result in be designed. Extreme stresses require
uses the extremely stable Elastodrain® uneven settlement. For applications with extremely good protection layers in order
EL 202 specifically designed for low gravel base layer the drainage element to protect the waterproofing. Here again
applications, without base layer. Protectodrain® PD 250 is the perfect the Elastodrain® EL 202 with its high
The Elastodrain® EL 202 has a very high solution. Moreover, the pavement compressive and tensile strength is the
compressive strength and distributes thickness must be suitable for this perfect drainage element.
the load evenly into the substructure. application.

Features: 1. Concrete or natural stone pavers

- A solid base for creative surface Bedding layer
designs. Mainly for use under Filter Sheet TG
Elastodrain® EL 202
driveways, fire brigade access or
Slip Sheet TGF 20 (2 layers )
parking areas.
- Elastodrain®/Protectodrain® protect 2. Concrete or natural stone pavers
the waterproofing during construction Bedding layer
Gravel base layer
works from mechanical damages.
Filter Sheet PV
- After installation, Elastodrain®/ Protectodrain® PD 250
Protectodrain® form a durable base Slip Sheet TGF 20 (2 layers )
for all types of roof landscapes.
3. Concrete or natural stone pavers
- Elastodrain®/Protectodrain® ensure Bedding layer
long lasting drainage, hence it Gravel base layer
prevents frost damages. Filter Sheet PV
Elastodrain® EL 202
1. 2. 3. Slip Sheet TGF 20 (2 layers )

www.zinco-greenroof.com 31
What ZinCo can do for you
ZinCo provide a comprehensive package of environmentally sound
Green Roof Systems and customized project support, based on:

35+ years of experience in Green Roofs

Tested & proven Green Roof Systems
Exceeding quality standards & permanent
innovation through research and development
Compliance with relevant international standards
Experts in structural engineering, landscape architecture,
horticulture, material and soil science, …
Support from planning to completion (design, specifications,
CAD, consultancy, on-site)
An international network of partners
Comprehensive warranties

To date, ZinCo Green Roof solutions have inspired planners and

contractors throughout the world, providing them with the necessary
flexibility to accommodate a wide range of designs and building

Tell us about your project!

We’ve got the expertise to bring it to life.

System Build-ups with

European Technical Assessment
More Information can be found at

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ZinCo GmbH . Lise-Meitner-Strasse 2 . 72622 Nuertingen . Germany

Phone: +49 7022 6003-0 . Fax: +49 7022 6003-100
[email protected] . www.zinco-greenroof.com

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