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Module 1 and 2 - Police Intelligence

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At the end of the lesson you will be able to:   

● Identify  the  different  historical  figures  and  state  the  circumstances  on  how  they  utilized 
intelligence to their favor. 


Sun-Tzu  authored  the  book  entitled  "PING  FA  (The  art  of  war)"  written  about  400  B.C.  which  the  following 
statements could be found.  


"What is called foreknowledge cannot be elicited from spirits, or from gods, or from analogy to the past events nor 
from calculations. He wrote "It must be obtained from men who know the enemy situation."  




One  of  the  first  recorded  formalized  intelligence  efforts  with  format  can  be  found  in  the  Holy  Bible 
(Numbers  13:17).  The  Scriptures  also  named  the  12  intelligence  agents  whom  the  Lord  directed Moses to 
send  into  the  land  of  Canaan  and  also  recorded that all those men were heads or the children in Israel. And 
Moses sent them to spy out the land of Canaan (Num 13:17-20).  

Moses  sent  the  12  agents  and  said  unto  the  way  southward,  and  go up into the mountain; and see the and 
the  people  the  dwelt  therein,  whether  they  be  strong  or  wea  many,  and;  what  the  land  dwell  in,  whether  in 
tenths  or  strona  what  the  land  is,  whether  it  be  fat  or  lean,  whether  there  be  wood  there  or  not.  And  be  ye 
good courage and bring the fruit of the land."  


The harlot of Jericho (Joshua 2:1-21) who sheltered and concealed the agents of Israel, She made covenant 
to  the  agents  and  duped  their  pursuers.  She  was  not  only an impromptu confederate of immense value for 
the  Jewish  leader  of  that far distant day, but also established a plot pattern which is still of periodic relief to 
motion picture producers. 


She  was  an  impromptu  intelligence  agent  of  the  Philistines.  She  allowed  Philistine  spies  to  hide  in  her 
house  (Judges  16:9).  Apart  from  her  tonsorial  specialty,  she  seduced Samson of Israel to reveal the secret 
of  his  strength  and  used  herself  to  gain  intelligence  from  powerful  enemies.  She  achieved  the  largest 
effective  force  of  her  employer's  adversaries  and  contrived  the  stroke  which  put  that  force  out  of  action 
(Paquitol, B.S.) 


Salamanca B. H., Estoque S. B., Aclis D. O. (2017). Police Intelligence and Secret Service. Wiseman’s Books Trading, Inc.
1. Alexander the Great  

He  devised  the  "first  letter  sorting  and  opening"  to  obtain  information.  While  marching  into  Asia,  it  is 
recorded there came to his hints, and rumors of disaffection growing among his allies and mercenaries.  

The  young  conqueror  thereupon  sought  the  truth  and  got  it  by  the  simplest  expedient.  He  announced  that 
he  was  writing  home  and  recommended  to  his  officers  that  they do likewise. Then, when the couriers were 
ladened  and  had  set  out  for  Greece,  he  ordered  the  quietly  recalled  and  proceeded  to  investigate  all  the 
letters that they carried. Malcontents were detected, legitimate causes of grievance exposed.  

2. Akbar   

The  "Great  Mogul  and  sagacious  master”  of  Hindustan  who  employed  more than four thousand agents for 
the sole purpose of bringing him the truth that his throne might rest upon him.  

3. Genghis Khan  

He  used  intelligence  to  conquer  China  and  invade  Cathay.  He  instructed  his  Generals  to  send  spies  and 
used  prisoners  as  sources  of  information.  Genghis  Khan  was  regarded  as  leader  of  the  so  called  "Mongol 
Conquerors"  and  used  effective  propaganda  by  spreading  rumors  of  Mongol  terror.  They  collected 
information on weaknesses and rivalries of Europe and usually disguised themselves as merchants.  

4. Hannibal  

The  Carthaginian  General  was  considered  as  one  of  the  brilliant  military  strategists.  He  developed  an 
effective  intelligence  system  for  15  years  in  Rome. He roamed around the city often disguising as a beggar 
to  gather  first  hand  information.  Hannibal's  invasion  of  Italy,  his  brilliant  and  victorious  raid  in  history, 
gained him many successes and nearly bled Rome to death.  

5. Frederick the Great  

Frederick  the  Great  was  known  as  the  father  of  military  espionage.  He  established  rules  for  obtaining  and 
using every grade of intelligence agents and divided his agents into four classes as follows:  

a. Common spies  

✓  Recruited  among  poor  folk,  glad  to  earn  a  small  amount  of  money  or  to  be  accommodated  as  a 
military officer.  

b. Double spies  

✓  The  low  informers  and  unreliable  renegades  who  are  significant  in spreading false information to the 

c. Spies of consequences  

✓  Couriers  and  noblemen,  staff  officers,  and  kindred  conspirators,  invariably  requiring  substantial  bribe 
or bait.  

​d. Intimidated Spies  

✓ Persons who were forced to undertake espionage arising their will.  

6. Sertorius, Quintos  

Salamanca B. H., Estoque S. B., Aclis D. O. (2017). Police Intelligence and Secret Service. Wiseman’s Books Trading, Inc.
He  was  a  Roman  General  and  possessor  of  white  fawn  that  tried  to follow Polyneus everywhere. The fawn 
was  used  as  an  intelligence  agent.  His  intelligence  agents  credited  their  information  to  the  supernatural 
power of animals.  

7. Gaius Julius Caesar  

During  his  time,  his  staff  legion  includes  ten  "speculators”  who  served  as  information-collecting  agencies. 
Speculators were the first intelligence personnel to appear in military organization. 

8. Napoleon Bonaparte 

  He  was  a  great  leader  who  believes  in  the  principle  that  "One  spy  in  the  right  place  is worth 20,000 men in 
the field."   

He also organized two bureaus of interest:  

  a. Bureau of Intelligence  

✓  Consolidated  all  incoming  information  regarding  the  enemy  for  presentation  to  the  emperor 
and to obtain information as desired.  

    b. Topographic Bureau  

✓  Maintained  a  large map which covers the latest information regarding both enemy and friendly 

9. Karl Schulmeister  

He  was  Napoleon's  military  secret  service  and  Napoleon's  eyes.  He  began  his  career  in  offensive 
espionage.  Under  a  cover  role,  he  was  able  to  infiltrate  the  Austrian  General  Staff  and  studied  the 
characters of the Generals. His Royal foes selected to defeat him.  

10. George Washington  

Conspirators  under  oath  abound  in  the  history  of  every  nation  He,  as  grandmaster,  mobilized  the  free 
masons of the colonies in an outbreak of American war independence.  

America's first military intelligence director.  

11. Francis Walshingham 

Under  Queen  Elizabeth,  he  organized  the  first  National  Intelligence  Service. He employed spies on the staff 
of  the  Admiral  in  Command  of  the  Spanish  Army  and  was  able  to  obtain  information  regarding  Spanish 
Army  as  to  their  ships,  equipment,  forces  and  stores.  He  protected  Queen  Elizabeth  I  from  countless 

12. Richelieu  

He  introduced  the  "network  of  covert  collectors"  who  transmitted  prompt  and  accurate information to Paris 
regarding the activities of the rebels and dissidents of the kingdom.  

13. Louis XIV (Sun King)  

​He systematized political policy, continuous surveillance, postal censorship and military organization.  

14. Wilhelm Stieber   

Salamanca B. H., Estoque S. B., Aclis D. O. (2017). Police Intelligence and Secret Service. Wiseman’s Books Trading, Inc.
He  incorporated  intelligence  in  the  General  Staff  Support  System.  He  contributed  to  the science of Military 
Censorship  and  Organized  Military  Propaganda.  He  worked  as  a  census  taker  and  developed  an  informal 
format in the gathering of data.  

15. Alfred Redl  

One  of  the  most  brilliant  intelligence  agent,  even  though  he  was  a  homosexual.  Chief  of  the 
Austro-Hungarian  secret  service  and  at  the  same  time,  agent  of  Russia  (convicted  of  treason  in  1913-  but 
he  committed  suicide).  His  treason  led  to  the  death  of  500,000 agents and the soldiers combined in his 13 
years espionage episode.  

16. Brahma Kautilya  

In  ancient  India,  he  overthrew  the  Nanda  Dynasty  and  established  the  first  Mayuryan  King  in  the  Indian 
throne.  He  recommended  to  his  king  that  for  the  ruler  to  succeed,  the  ruler  should strike at enemies' weak 
points by means of spies.   

17. Joseph Fouche  

He  was  known  as  the  Father  of  Military  Espionage  in  France.  He  was  born  on  May  21,  1759,  near  Nantes. 
Trained  for  priesthood  but  never  took  orders,  instead  he  becomes  a  teacher.  He  rose  to  become  the most 
feared  and  respected  intelligence  director  in  French  and  Created  a  network  of  agents  with  his  assistance 
and founded the modern system of spying on spies, which was later known as cou espionage.  

18. Gen. William Donovan  

He  was  regarded  as  the  Father of today's CIA. He was the first chief of the OSS (Office of Strategic Service- 

Forerunner of CIA) when former president Roosevelt established it in June 14 1942.  

9. Edward I  

In  1725,  he  organized  a  systematic  police  system  known  as  "Watch  and  Ward"  and by Royal proclamation; 
the  Profession "State Informer" was created in 1734 enjoining all informers to expose criminal activities and 
be compensated.  

20. Joseph Petrosino  

He  was  the  former  head  of  Italian  Squad.  Through  an  extensive  intelligence  network,  he  was  credited  to 
smash the Black Society.  

Salamanca B. H., Estoque S. B., Aclis D. O. (2017). Police Intelligence and Secret Service. Wiseman’s Books Trading, Inc.

​ INSTRUCTION: ​ Identify what is being asked and write your answers on the space provided.  

1. The  book  that  was  authored  by Sun Tzu has excerpts which are very applicable in the modern intelligence system 
entitled ________________. 
2. According to the excerpt of Sun Tzu, foreknowledge cannot be elicited from spirits, or from gods or   
from analogy from past events nor fro calculation, he stated that it must be obtained from   
3. His  effort  in  sending  12  intelligence  agents  to  spy  on  the  land  of  Canaan  was  the  first  recorded  formalized 
intelligence effort which can be found in the holy bible. ___________________ 
5. Letter  sorting  and  opening  is  commonly  exercised  in  jail  in  order  to  discover  whether there are  malcontents of 
letters  being  received  or  sent  by  inmates,  this  technique  or  method  of  gathering  information  was  devised  by 
6. She was the harlot of Jericho who sheltered and concealed agents of Israel. _________________ 
7. The  citation  "Behind  every  man's  success  is  a  woman  but  behind  every  man's  failure  is  also  a  woman"  can  be 
shown  to  be  true  by  the  case  of  Philistines  wherein  they  used  a  woman  to  gather  information from a powerful 
enemy. This woman is also known as the impromptu intelligence agent of   
Philistines. ___________________ 
8. He  was  regarded  as  the  leader  of  the  "Mongol  conquerors"  and  he  also  introduced  a  very  good  strategy  of 
disguising as a beggar to gather information about his enemy forces. _________________ 
9. One  of  the  techniques  that  is  being  utilized  by  the  law  enforcement  nowadays  in  order  to  gather  first  hand 
information  by  disguising  as  a  beggar.  This  technique  was  introduced  by  a  Carthaginian  general  named 
___________. ________________ 
10. He  introduced  the  network  of  covert  collectors  who  transmitted  prompt  and  accurate  information  to  Paris 
regarding the activities of the rebels and dissidents of the kingdom. ____________________ 
11. Through an extensive intelligence network, he was credited in crashing the back society.  

Salamanca B. H., Estoque S. B., Aclis D. O. (2017). Police Intelligence and Secret Service. Wiseman’s Books Trading, Inc.
At the end of the lesson you will be able to: 

● Distinguish  how  the  different  countries  involved  in  the  World Wars utilized their intelligence 

capabilities; and 
● Enumerate  the  countries  and their Intelligence branches considered as The Super Powers in 
the post war era. 


A. World War I 

  1. 1900 Europe powers developed modern staff systems and place intelligence on the same level with  
personnel,  operations  and  logistics.  Intelligence  then  functioned  in  time  of  peace  and  war.  Intelligence 
during  this  period,  concentrated  on  information  about  the  armed  forces  of  the  enemy  and  their 

2. Aircraft were introduced as a tool of conducting aerial reconnaissance.  

3. Wireless Telegraph was used wherein codes and ciphers were applied.  

4. Army Intelligence rapidly expanded during this period.  

  5.  "Agent  Provocateur"-  was  employed  by  the  Russians  for  the  purpose  of  internal  security  and  political 
repression. Spying was always the specialty of the Russians.  

6.German  Intelligence-  gained  a  high  reputation  for  offensive  effectiveness  throughout  Europe  but 
declined at the outset of war.  

7.  British  Intelligence-  succeeded  greatly  by  means  of  censorship  and  its  Code  Room  combined  with 
skillful use of Covert agents.  

8.  The  United  States  expanded  their  Naval  Intelligence  wherein  Domestic  Counterintelligence  became  a 
principal activity.  


1. Positive Branch  

● Its  function  is  to  collect,  evaluate  and  disseminate  intelligence  Information.  Prepare  situations, 
estimate and translate documents.  

2. Negative Branch  

● Counterintelligence  functions:  investigate  disloyalty  sedition;  investigate  graft  and  fraud  in 

3. Geographic Branch  

Salamanca B. H., Estoque S. B., Aclis D. O. (2017). Police Intelligence and Secret Service. Wiseman’s Books Trading, Inc.
● Produces  maps,  photographs and terrain studies. Sections: administration, collection by attaches 
troops, codes and ciphers.  



​1. German Intelligence  

German  intelligence  started  the  war  with  the  world's  best organized intelligence service through advance 

preparation of intelligence accompanied by troop movements.  

  2. Japanese Intelligence 

Japanese  intelligence  failed  because  it  was  not  provided  with  sufficient  number  of  trained  to  assemble 
and  evaluate  the  mass  of  materials  which  were collected although Japanese Intelligence was involved in 
short war and defensive in nature. 

3. British Intelligence 

Its  achievement  was  the  delay  in  the  use  of  German V bomb. The operetion was conducted with the OSS 
and  through  the  penetration  and  technical  intelligence;  they  discovered  Peenemnunde,  the  V2  guided 
missile research project of Nazi Germany. 

4. United States Intelligence 

In 1941, the US Office of Strategic Service (OSS) forerunner for today’s Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
was  established  to  analyze  military,  political  and  economic  information  as  it  affected  the  security  of  the 
country.  US  JOINT  CHIEF  OF  STAFFS  -  was  organized  to  act  in  support  of  the  army  and  the  navy  in  the 
collection  and  analysis  of  strategic  information  and  to  be  responsible  for  the  planning  and  operation  of 
special services. 

5. Chinese Intelligence 

In  1932,  TAI  LI  was  organized,  the  Chinese’s  secret  police  to  conduct  espionage  and  counter  espionage 
against Japanese spies and Chinese communist.  

6. Soviet Intelligence 

AMTORG was organized for the purpose of purchasing all kinds of materials for Soviet Union. 

Smersh or “Death to Spies” 

Smersh  was  organized  during  the  waros  counterintelligence  concerned  with  disaffection  among  Soviet 
Troops  and  anti-communism  in  any  form.  There  were  five  divisions:  Administration,  operation, 
investigation, prosecution and personnel. 


1. In 1942, a female special agent was able to transmit vital information concerning the activities and installations of 
the main research station at Peenemunde. British failed in the defeat of Gen. Montgomery’s forces at Annenheim. 

Salamanca B. H., Estoque S. B., Aclis D. O. (2017). Police Intelligence and Secret Service. Wiseman’s Books Trading, Inc.
2. United  States  Intelligence  -  In  1942,  the  US  Strategic  Service  was  established  to  research  and  analyze  military, 
political and economic information as it affected the security of the country. 
3. Battle  of  Midway  -  In  1942,the  turning  point  in  the  US-Naval  force  in  the  pacific.  The  victory  gained  by  the 
Americans was due to the disrupted messages from the Imperial Japanese Navy. 
4. Admiral  Isoroku  Yamamoto  -  In  April  of  1943,  the  crypto-analyst  of  the  US  Navy  Communications  Intelligence 
intercepted  a  top-secret  signal  relaying  the  travel  of  the  admiral.  En  route,  he was intercepted and crashed in the 
Jungles of bougainville. 
5. US  Joint  Chief  of  Staffs  -  Was  organized  to  act  in  support  of the army and the navy in the collection and analysis 
of strategic information and to be responsible for the planning and operation of special services. 
6. Amphibious  Warfare  -  US  greatest  contribution  was  its  development  where  coordination  of  many  types  of 
intelligence  activities  was  required  to  provide  adequate  knowledge  upon  which  is  the  basis  of  a  successful 
operation  of  a  complex  military  transp[orted  over  water  with  the objective of establishing itself on an enemy-held 
shore against opposition. 
7. US  Success  in  WWII  was  that  their  personnel  were  drawn  from  civilian populace, business and professional men 
and women. 

​D. POST WAR PERIOD: The Super Powers 

​1. Soviet Intelligence  

a. Soviet Intelligence System  

Described  as  the "omnipotent and omnipresent" for its vast intricate organization involving millions of 


b. Soviet Counterintelligence  

Described  as  the  "Iron  Curtain"  because  no  one  can  cross  the  borders  of  USSR  without  being 
detected-  all  communications  are  rigidly  controlled.  Its  contribution  to  modern  intelligence  was  the 
dissemination  of  false  information  designed  to  mislead  and  confuse  opponents  and  prospective 

c. Military Intelligence and Ministry of State Security (formerly NKGB)  

It  is  concerned  with  the  political  events  and  economic  conditions  and  also  collects  information  for 
intelligence  purposes  all  over  the  world.  It  directs  foreign  sabotage  and  maintains  a  network  of 
agents in military and special agents.  

It is concerned on political espionage activities of foreign communist countries.  

  d. KGB (Komitet Komisija Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti)  

It  is  the  official  secret  police  agency  of  the  Soviet  Union  in charge of the state security (Commission 
of the State Security).  

2. British Intelligence System  

It is composed of several intelligence agencies as follows;  

Salamanca B. H., Estoque S. B., Aclis D. O. (2017). Police Intelligence and Secret Service. Wiseman’s Books Trading, Inc.
a. British Military Intelligence Division (MID)  

● It is divided into 20 different departments.  

b. M15   

● Devoted to counter espionage and security.  

c. Special Branch of Scotland Yard  

● It  is  charged  with  guarding  the  Royal  family  and  Important  British  Officials  and  visiting  foreign 

3. Israel Intelligence System  

a. Mossad  

● In charge of National Intelligence. The number one Intelligence Agency in the whole world.  

b. Aman  

● Concerned with military Intelligence.  

c. Shinbet  

● Concerned with Internal Security.  


● Israel Intelligence agency- Report to the prime minister.  

4. French Intelligence   

a. Sdece De Documentation ExtérieurE De Contre Espionnage  

● Foreign Intelligence and Counterintelligence Service.  

This is under the Prime Minister  

b. General, Charles De Gaulle  

● He  set-up  the  Bureau  Central  Renseignements  et  d'  Action.  (BCRA  Central  Office  for  Intelligence 
Action)  in  London  in  1940.  It  is  an  expansion  of  the  service  Renseignements  (sr-  Intelligence 
Service) which is part of the old Renzieme Bureau (second Bureau) of French General staff.  

c. SDECE  

● Concerned in Strategic and Counter Intelligence.  

d. Surete Nationale  

● Part of French Intelligence Service.  

5. German Intelligence  

Red Gestapo  

Salamanca B. H., Estoque S. B., Aclis D. O. (2017). Police Intelligence and Secret Service. Wiseman’s Books Trading, Inc.
The  security  service  organized  by  East  Germany  to combat the covert activities of the West Germany 
group when it was still divided by the Berlin Walls.  


1. Judith Coplon  

She  was  a  political  analyst  of  the  Department  of  Justice  who  was  accused  of  taking unlawful possession of 
government documents and spying for a foreign power. She was a well known communist activist.  

2. Dr. Emil Julius Klaus Fuchs  

He  was  accused  of  releasing  American  Atomic  Secrets  to  the  Soviet  in 1945 and British in 1947. He detailed 
knowledge of the construction of the atomic bomb.  

3. Ernst Hilding Anderson  

In  1951,  a  Royal  Navy  provided  military  secrets  to  a foreign power and was found guilty and sentenced to life 


Salamanca B. H., Estoque S. B., Aclis D. O. (2017). Police Intelligence and Secret Service. Wiseman’s Books Trading, Inc.


Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter of the correct answers in the space provided.  

  1. Father of Military Espionage  A. Sertorius, Quintos 

  2. Letter sorting and opening   B. George Washington 

   3. Disguise as a beggar to gather first hand information   C. Joseph Petronisio 

  4. Disguise as a merchant to gather first hand   D. Gen. William Donovan  

  5. He believe that one spy in the right place is worth 20,000 men in the field   E. Joseph Fouche 

  6. He introduced network of covert collectors   F. Alfred Redl 

  7. A homosexual who became one of the most brillant intelligence agent  G. Alexander the Great 

  8. America's first military intelligence director  H. Napoleon Bonapart 

  9. He smashed the black society through extensive intelligence network  I. Frederick the Great  

  10. He organized systematic police system and introduced state informer as a    J. Brahma Kautilya 

  11. Striking the weak points of the enemy through spies is the principle he   K. Genghis Khan 

  12. He was the most feared and respected intelligence director in french history   L. Hannibal 

  13. His effort is considered as the first recorded formalized intelligence effort  M. Moses 

  14. The impromptu intelligence agent of Philistines  N. Edward I 

  15. He gathered information through supernatural powers of animals   O. Delilah 

    P. Richelieu 

    Q.Gaius Julius Caesar 


Salamanca B. H., Estoque S. B., Aclis D. O. (2017). Police Intelligence and Secret Service. Wiseman’s Books Trading, Inc.

Salamanca B. H., Estoque S. B., Aclis D. O. (2017). Police Intelligence and Secret Service. Wiseman’s Books Trading, Inc.

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