LSU-Occupational and Environmental Safety-Of
LSU-Occupational and Environmental Safety-Of
LSU-Occupational and Environmental Safety-Of
Purpose: The Internal emergency response plan is designed to facilitate the safe evacuation of all
occupants from the LBTC-A in the event of fire or other internal emergency.
System Components: Includes alarm pull stations, alarms, alarm doors and fire extinguishers as
described below:
1. Alarm Pull stations: (directly connected to the alarm control panel which sounds the
building’s alarms and also activates the alarm panel at the LSU police department)
a. Activate by pulling down handle
b. First Floor Locations
i. Near exit 3 across from room 110
ii. Near exit 2 by room 100
iii. Near exit 1 across from room 136
2. Alarms:
a. First Floor Locations
i. Near rooms 110/102
ii. Near room 101
iii. Near room 146
iv. Near room 146-J
3. Fire Extinguishers:
a. Activate by pulling the pin, aiming the nozzle, squeezing the handle to discharge the
extinguishing agent. Aim at the base of the fire and sweep from side to side.
b. First Floor Locations Description
1. Outside of rooms 102/110 Dry Chemical
2. Outside of room 146-C Dry Chemical
3. Outside of room 116 Dry Chemical
4. Outside of rooms 140-146 Dry Chemical
4. Exits: Below are the exit doorways from the building to the outside. These exit doorways
must be kept clear at all times and unobstructed.
Never use an elevator if the alarm sounds.
a. First Floor
i. Across from room 136
ii. Beside rooms 100 and 124 (men’s bathroom)
iii. Across from room 110
8. Internal Emergency Drills: Evacuation drills are conducted under the supervision of the
Building Coordinator, or his or her designee. Drills are necessary to train and prepare
building occupants for safe evacuation should an internal emergency occur. All fire alarms
should be treated as “real” and proper evacuation conducted.
Evacuation Procedures:
3. All Personnel:
a. All building occupants will exit the building upon announcement by the Area
Stewards or sounding of the fire alarm.
c. Close doors, corridor smoke barrier doors, and windows in the vicinity. Shut off
potentially dangerous equipment, reactions or experiments in the work area.
d. Assist all injured or disabled persons from the building.
e. Report to the appropriate assembly area. If designated assembly area is involved
with smoke, report to one of the other designated assembly areas. Remain with and
listen to instructions from the Area Steward.
f. Assembly areas are determined by the exit location of the building:
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