Children's Services Schools Risk Assessment: School: Risk Assessment For: Replacing Lamps in Electric Light Fittings
Children's Services Schools Risk Assessment: School: Risk Assessment For: Replacing Lamps in Electric Light Fittings
Children's Services Schools Risk Assessment: School: Risk Assessment For: Replacing Lamps in Electric Light Fittings
Significant hazards People at risk List control measures ** Additional control ** Action completed
(i.e. how people (i.e. pupils, (i.e. what steps are commonly taken HML measures HML (Date and
might foreseeable staff or ) to reduce the risk of the hazard) (i.e. add any further signature)
be harmed) control measures)
Falls whilst Caretakers and Alternative means of access and
replacing lamps in all persons working platform has been
electric light fittings replacing considered but is inappropriate in
electric light this instance. A ladder is
Manual handling fittings considered the only viable means of
access or work platform because
the work is low risk and of short
Date of original Date of this Review date: Reference No: Name of assessor:
assessment: assessment:
Overall risk rating (H M L): Managers signature:
The Risk Assessment should only be approved once all significant hazards have been identified, the control measures that will be
implemented are agreed, AND the overall risk ratings are considered acceptable.
In most circumstances, if the Overall Residual Risk is considered “Med” or “High”, the activity/event should be cancelled, or further control
measures put in place to reduce the risk to “Low”.
Adapt this form to your own circumstances by removing or identifying hazards and any additional necessary control measures relevant
and appropriate to your own location, event, activity or young people.