Children's Services Schools Risk Assessment: School: Risk Assessment For: Replacing Lamps in Electric Light Fittings

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Children’s Services Schools Risk Assessment


School: Risk assessment for: Replacing lamps in electric light fittings

Significant hazards People at risk List control measures ** Additional control ** Action completed
(i.e. how people (i.e. pupils, (i.e. what steps are commonly taken HML measures HML (Date and
might foreseeable staff or ) to reduce the risk of the hazard) (i.e. add any further signature)
be harmed) control measures)
Falls whilst Caretakers and Alternative means of access and
replacing lamps in all persons working platform has been
electric light fittings replacing considered but is inappropriate in
electric light this instance. A ladder is
Manual handling fittings considered the only viable means of
access or work platform because
the work is low risk and of short

Where persons have pre-existing

medical conditions or other factors
which may effect their ability to
undertake these tasks a separate
risk assessment has been

Identify safe systems of work for

completing this task and
communicate to all staff,

Where possible all work is

contracted out to a specialist
service provider that has been
subject to the appropriate checks

All access equipment is suitable for

Replacing lamps in electric light fittings risk assessment v1 January 2011

Significant hazards People at risk List control measures ** Additional control ** Action completed
(i.e. how people (i.e. pupils, (i.e. what steps are commonly taken HML measures HML (Date and
might foreseeable staff or ) to reduce the risk of the hazard) (i.e. add any further signature)
be harmed) control measures)
purpose, checked before use and
readily available

Order new access equipment where


Frequent documented checks of

access equipment take place to
confirm a safe working condition.

Appropriate training is given to staff

Procedures are in place for

damaged access equipment to be
removed immediately and further
use prohibited

Caretakers aware of fragile roof

areas and safe systems of work in
place to access loft areas

Access equipment is restricted to

those who have been trained in it’s
safe use.

Staff instructed not to climb on

furniture to access loft area

Staff are trained in the use of

personal protective equipment
which is readily available and

Replacing lamps in electric light fittings risk assessment v1 January 2011

Significant hazards People at risk List control measures ** Additional control ** Action completed
(i.e. how people (i.e. pupils, (i.e. what steps are commonly taken HML measures HML (Date and
might foreseeable staff or ) to reduce the risk of the hazard) (i.e. add any further signature)
be harmed) control measures)
appropriate to the task.

Appropriate footwear to be worn so

that a safe grip is maintained.

Waste disposed of appropriately

? Add more information about

your schools safety procedures ?
Caretakers and Building has a valid 5 year fixed
all persons electrical instillation test
electric light Identify safe systems of work for
fittings completing this task and
communicate to all staff
Task is restricted to those who have
been trained to a minimum of class
one electrical competency

Electrical supply is and remains

isolated during the works

Lights have been turned off for an

adequate period of time to reduce
surface temperature

Replacing lamps in electric light fittings risk assessment v1 January 2011

Significant hazards People at risk List control measures ** Additional control ** Action completed
(i.e. how people (i.e. pupils, (i.e. what steps are commonly taken HML measures HML (Date and
might foreseeable staff or ) to reduce the risk of the hazard) (i.e. add any further signature)
be harmed) control measures)
Falling objects Staff, pupils, No heavy, bulky or unwieldy objects
contractors or are carried when accessing the
visitors to the work area.
Items are lifted using the
appropriate equipment and the
associated safe system of work.

Accompanying tools and equipment

carried on person are stored in tool
belts or secured appropriately

Ground level area where access

route is located is cordoned off to
prevent contact with any persons
who may be on the premises

Adequate and appropriate signs are

in place to warn of the hazards

Works scheduled to take place

when pupils not in school / area

? Add more information about

your schools safety procedures ?

Falls on stairs / steps Good safety behaviour such as

(inside and outside) holding handrail and thinking about
how items are carried up and
Manual handling downstairs is encouraged.

Replacing lamps in electric light fittings risk assessment v1 January 2011

Significant hazards People at risk List control measures ** Additional control ** Action completed
(i.e. how people (i.e. pupils, (i.e. what steps are commonly taken HML measures HML (Date and
might foreseeable staff or ) to reduce the risk of the hazard) (i.e. add any further signature)
be harmed) control measures)
Floor surfaces are suitable and well

Handrails are in a good state of


Carrying of heavy/awkward loads

on stairs is avoided.

Goods lifts are used where

available to transport items upstairs.

Procedures for defect reporting are

in place.

Storage on stairs/slopes is not


Procedures are in place for

minimising and clearing up
spillages/ obstructions/gritting
external steps in winter etc

Regular documented premises

inspections take place with remedial
actions where necessary

Lighting and visibility for areas

containing stairs has been reviewed
and remedial actions taken.

? Add more information about

your schools safety procedures ?

Replacing lamps in electric light fittings risk assessment v1 January 2011

Significant hazards People at risk List control measures ** Additional control ** Action completed
(i.e. how people (i.e. pupils, (i.e. what steps are commonly taken HML measures HML (Date and
might foreseeable staff or ) to reduce the risk of the hazard) (i.e. add any further signature)
be harmed) control measures)
? Insert other ? Add more information about
details of activities your schools safety procedures ?
here ?

Date of original Date of this Review date: Reference No: Name of assessor:
assessment: assessment:
Overall risk rating (H M L): Managers signature:

Replacing lamps in electric light fittings risk assessment v1 January 2011

** Risk rating
Severity Likelyhood Risk rating (SxL)
1 = no injury or illness 1 = very remote High 14+
2 = first aid injury/illness 2 = improbable Medium 5 – 13
3= minor injury/illness – up to 3 days away 3 = possible Low 1- 4
4= 3(+) days injury/illness 4 = probable
5 = major injury / illness 5 = likely
6 = fatal or disabling injury/illness 6 = certainty

The Risk Assessment should only be approved once all significant hazards have been identified, the control measures that will be
implemented are agreed, AND the overall risk ratings are considered acceptable.
In most circumstances, if the Overall Residual Risk is considered “Med” or “High”, the activity/event should be cancelled, or further control
measures put in place to reduce the risk to “Low”.

Adapt this form to your own circumstances by removing or identifying hazards and any additional necessary control measures relevant
and appropriate to your own location, event, activity or young people.

Replacing lamps in electric light fittings risk assessment v1 January 2011

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