Solubility Expressions
Solubility Expressions
Solubility Expressions
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Solubility is a property referring to the ability for a given substance, the solute, to
dissolve in a solvent. It is measured in terms of the maximum amount of solute dissolved
in a solvent at equilibrium. The resulting solution is called a saturated solution.
Dissolution is the process where a solute in gaseous, liquid, or solid phase dissolves in
a solvent to form a solution.
Solubility is the maximum concentration (Quantitative term) of a solute that
can dissolve in a solvent at a given temperature.
Note: Solute may have poor solubility in a solvent, yet its dissolution rate may be rapid.
• Solution- a mixture of two or more components that forms a single phase which is
homogenous down to the molecular level.
• Mixing is spontaneous, mixtures are thermodynamically stable, inhomogeneties on
molecular levels, properties of solution are independent on the way they are prepared.
• Solvent(s)- Dissolves the solute. Determines the phase of solution. Usually constitute
the largest proportion of the system.
• Solute(s)- Dissolved in the solvent(s)- dispersed as molecules throughout the solvent.
• Dissolution- the transfer of molecules from a solid state (bulk of solute) into a solution.
• Solubility- of a substance is the amount of the solute that passes into solution when
the equilibrium is established. The solution that is obtained under these conditions is
• Unsaturated- less than max. amount of solute dissolved in solvent.
• Supersaturated- solutions that are formed by dissolving the solute to a level in excess
of its solubility in a particular solvent with the aid of heat.
• Solutions- mixtures with particle sizes at the molecule/ion level. Dimensions- 0.1-2nm
(1Å-20Å). Typically transparent
Expressions of Concentration
• Quantity per quantity- the weight/volume of solute that is contained in a given
weight/volume of the solution. E.G. 1g/L, 0.1g per 100mL.
• Percentage- used with one of the four different meanings according to
circumstances: % w/w, % w/v, % v/v and % v/w.
• Parts- number of ‘parts’ of solute dissolved in a stated no. ‘parts’ of solution,
e/g/ ppm and ppb.
• Molarity- no. moles of solute in 1L of solution. Unit= mol/L.
• Molality- no. moles of solute divided by the mass of the solvent. Unit= mol/kg.
• Equivalent- mass (in g) of a substance that reacts with 6x1023 (Avogadro’s
Number). It is equal to the amount of substance in moles divided by the
valence of the substance. For monovalent ions, 1 equivalent (Eq) = 1 mole. For
divalent ions, 1Eq = 0.5 mol -> 2Eq = 1 mole.
• Normal solutions- no. equivalents (in g) in 1L of solution.
E.G. 1Eq/L (1N).
• Ratio- no. g or mL of solute in g of mL of solution -:- w/w, -:- w/v, -:- v/v, -:- v/w.
E.G. 1:1000 w/v (1gsolute in 100mL preparation).
Expression Symbol Definition
Percent by weight % w/w Grams of solute in 100
g of solution
Percent weight in % w/v Grams of solute in 100
volume ml of solution
Molarity M Moles of solute in 1
litre of solution
Molality M Moles of solute in 1000
g of solvent