Carlos, Nimfa L. Beed-3A

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Carlos, Nimfa L.


Number and 1.Visualizing and 0-100 using 0-1000 using 1001-10000

Number Sense representing variety of variety of
numbers, materials materials
Comparing -Compares
numbers/arranging -Visualizes and -Visualizes and using relation
numbers represents represents symbols and
numbers from 0 to numbers from 0- orders in
100 using a 1000 with increasing or
variety of emphasis on decreasing
materials. numbers 101 – 1 order 4 to 5
000 using a digit numbers
-Identifies the variety of up to 10000
number that is one material
more or one less -Identify odd
from a given -Visualizes and and even
number counts numbers numbers
by 10s, 50s, and
-Counts groups of 100s
equal quantity
using concrete -Compares
objects up to 50 numbers up
and writes an using relation
equivalent symbols and
expression. e.g. 2 order numbers
groups of 5 up to 1 000 in
increasing or
-Visualizes, decreasing
represents, and order.
separates objects
into groups of
equal quantity
using concrete
objects up to 50.
e.g. 10 grouped by

2.Place Value -Visualizes and -Gives the place +Place value

gives the place value and finds and value of a
value and value of the value of a digit in 4 to 5
a digit in one- and digit in three- digit numbers
two-digit digit numbers.
Carlos, Nimfa L.

3. Reading and -Ones,Tens and -Hundreds to -Thousands to

Writing numbers in Hundred Thousands Ten thousands
-Compares two
sets using the
expressions “less
than,” “more
than,” and “as
many as” and
orders sets from
least to greatest
and vice versa.
-Reads and writes
numbers up to 100
in symbols and in

4. Rounding of Up to 100 Up to 1000 Up to 10000

numbers Nearest
10,hundred and

5. Ordinal numbers 1st to 10 1st to 20 21st to 100

-Identifies, reads
-Compares and write ordinal
numbers up to number from 1st
100 using relation through the 20th
symbol and object in a given
orders them in set from a given
increasing or point of
decreasing order. reference

-Identifies, reads
and writes ordinal
numbers: 1st,
2nd, and 3rd, up
to 10th object in a
Carlos, Nimfa L.

given set from a

given point of

6. Bills and Coins -Recognizes and -Reads and -Recognizes,

compares coins writes money in reads and
and bills up to symbols and in writes money
PhP100 and their words through in symbols and
notations. PhP100. in words
-Counts the through 1000
value of a set of pesos and
bills or set of centavos
coins through -Compares
PhP100 (peso- values of the
coins only; different
centavo-coins denominations
only; peso-bills of coins and
only and bills through
combined peso- 1000 pesos
coins and peso- using relation
bills). symbols
values of
of coins and
paper bills
through Php100
using relation
7. Adding numbers -Illustrates -Illustrates the -Adds 3-4 digit
addition as properties of numbers up to
“putting together addition three addends
or combining or (commutative, with sums up
joining sets” associative, to 10000
-Visualizes and identity) and without and
adds the following applies each in with
numbers using appropriate and regrouping
appropriate relevant -Estimates the
techniques: a. two situations. sum of 3 to 4
one-digit numbers digits addends
Carlos, Nimfa L.

with sums up to with reasonable

18 b. three one- -Visualizes, results
digit numbers c. represents, and -Adds mentally
numbers with adds the the following
sums through 99 following numbers using
without and with numbers with appropriate
regrouping sums to 1000 strategies: a. 2
-Visualizes and without and with digit and 1
solves one-step regrouping: digit numbers
routine and non- without or
routine problems a. 2-digit by 3- with
involving addition digit numbers regrouping b. 2
of whole numbers to 3 digit
b. 3-digit by 3-
including money numbers with
digit numbers
with sums up to multiples of
99 using hundreds
appropriate adds mentally solves routine
problem solving the following and non routine
strategies numbers using problems
appropriate involving
strategies: addition of
whole numbers
a. 1- to 2-digit with sums up
numbers with to 10000
sums to 50 including
money using
b. 3-digit appropriate
numbers and 1- problem
digit numbers solving
strategies and
c. three-digit tools
numbers and
tens (multiples
of 10 up to 90)

d. 3-digit
numbers and
(multiples of
100 up to 900)

-Solves routine
and non-routine
Carlos, Nimfa L.

addition of
whole numbers
including money
with sums up to
1000 using
problem solving
strategies and
8.Subtracting Illustrates visualizes, -Estimates the
numbers subtraction as represents, and difference of
“taking away” or subtracts 2- to 3- two numbers
“comparing” digit numbers with three to
elements of sets with minuends four digits with
-Illustrates that up to 1000 using reasonable
addition and appropriate results.
subtraction are solving -Subtract
inverse operations. strategies and mentally by
-Visualizes, tools using 1 to 2
represents, and digits without
subtracts the and with
following regrouping and
numbers: a. one- 2 to 3 digit
digit numbers with numbers with
minuends through multiples of
18 (basic facts) b. hundred
one- to two-digit without and
numbers with with
minuends up to 99 regrouping
without strategy
regrouping c. one- -Solves routine
to two-digit and non-
numbers with routine
minuends up to 99 problems
with regrouping involving
-Subtracts subtraction
mentally one-digit without or with
numbers from addition of
two-digit whole numbers
minuends without including
regrouping using money using
appropriate appropriate
strategies problem
-Visualizes, solving
represents, and strategies and
solves routine and tools
Carlos, Nimfa L.

subtraction of
whole numbers
including money
with minuends up
to 99 with and
regrouping using
problem solving
strategies and
9. Division -Visualizes and -Visualizes
represents division of
division, and numbers up to
writes a related 100 by 6,7,8
equation for and 9
each type of -Visualizes and
situation: equal states basic
sharing, repeated division facts
subtraction, of numbers up
equal jumps on to 10
the number line, -Divides
and formation of numbers
equal groups of without or with
objects. remainder:
-Visualizes a.2 to 3 digit
division of numbers by 1
numbers up to to 2 digit
100 by 2,3,4,5, numbers
and 10 b.2-3 digit
(multiplication numbers by 10
table of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 100
and 10) -Estimates the
-Divides quotient of 2 to
mentally 3 digit numbers
numbers by by 1 to 2 digit
2,3,4,5 and 10 numbers
using -Divides
appropriate mentally 2
strategies digit numbers
(multiplication by 1 digit
table of 2, 3, 4, 5 numbers
and 10). without
Carlos, Nimfa L.

-Illustrates that remainder

multiplication using
and division are appropriate
inverse strategies
-Solves routine -Solves routine
and non-routine and non-
problems routine
involving problems
division of involving
numbers by division of 2 to
2,3,4,5 and 10 4 digit numbers
and with any of by 1 to 2 digit
the other numbers
operations of without or with
whole numbers any of the other
including money operations of
using whole numbers
appropriate including
problem solving money using
strategies and appropriate
tools. problem
strategies and
10. Multiplication -Illustrates and +Visualizes
writes a related multiplication
equation for of numbers 1 to
each type of 10 by 6,7,8 and
multiplication: 9
addition, array, Visualizes and
counting by states the
multiples, and multiples of 1-
equal jumps on 2 digit numbers
the number line. -Visualizes and
-Illustrates the states basic
following multiplication
properties of facts for
multiplication numbers up to
and apply each 10
in relevant -Illustrates the
situation: (a) properties of
identity, (b) multiplication
zero, and, (c) in relevant
commutative situations
Carlos, Nimfa L.

-Multiplies -Multiplies
mentally 2,3,4,5 numbers: a. 2
and 10 using to 3 digit
appropriate numbers by 1
strategies digit numbers
-Solves routine without or with
and non-routine regrouping
problems using b. 2 digit
appropriate numbers by 2
problem solving digit numbers
strategies and without
tools: a. regrouping
multiplication of c.2 digit
whole numbers number by 2
including money digit numbers
b. multiplication with
and addition or regrouping
subtraction of d. 2 to 3 digit
whole numbers numbers by
including money multiples of 10
and 100
e. 1 to 2 digit
numbers by

Estimates the
product of 2 to
3 digit numbers
and 1 to 2 digit
numbers with
mentally 2
digit by 1 digit
with products
of up to 100
-Solves routine
and non-
Carlos, Nimfa L.

without or with
addition and
subtraction of
whole numbers
money using
strategies and
11.Fraction -Visualizes, -Visualizes, -Visualizes and
represents, divides represents and represents
a whole into identifies unit fractions that
halves and fourths fractions with are equal to
and identifies ½ denominators of one and greater
and ¼ of a whole 10 and below. than one using
object. -Reads and regions, sets
-Visualizes, writes unit and number
represents and fractions line
divides the -Compares using -Reads and
elements of sets relation symbol writes fractions
into two groups of and arranges in that are equal
equal quantities to increasing or to one and
show halves and decreasing order greater than
four groups of the unit one in symbols
equal quantities to fractions. and in words
show fourths. -Identifies other -Represents,
-Visualizes and fractions less Compares and
draws the whole than one with arranges
region or set given denominators 10 dissimilar
its ½ and/or ¼ and below. fractions in
increasing and
-visualizes decreasing
(using group of order
objects and -Visualizes and
number line), generates
reads and writes equivalent
similar fractions fractions

similar fractions
using relation

Carlos, Nimfa L.

similar fractions
in increasing or

Geometry 1.Basic shapes -4 basic shapes -Constructs -Recognizes

-Identifies, names, squares, and draws a
and describes the rectangles, point, line, line
four basic shapes triangles, circles, segment and
(square, rectangle, half-circles, and ray
triangle and circle) quarter circles -Recognizes
in 2-dimensional using cut-outs and draws
(flat/plane) and 3- and square grids. parallel,
dimensional Intersecting
(solid) objects. and
-Draws the four perpendicular
basic shapes. lines
identifies and
congruent line
-Identifies and
symmetry in
and in design
-Identifies and
draws the line
of symmetry in
a given

-Completes a
figure with
respect to a
given line of

2.Construct -Constructs three -Identifies

Dimensional objects dimensional straight lines and
Carlos, Nimfa L.

using manipulative objects (solid) curves, flat and

materials using curved surfaces
manipulative in a 3-
materials dimensional

Statistics and 1. Continuous -Determines the -Determines the -Determines

Probability patterns missing term/s missing term/s the missing
(letters/number/eve using one attribute in a given terms in a
nts in a given in a given continuous given
repeating patterns continuous pattern pattern using combination of
(letter, (letters/ two attributes continuous and
number/color/figure numbers/events) (any two of the repeating
s/sizes.etc.) and in a given following: pattern
repeating pattern figures, -Finds the
(letters, numbers, numbers, colors, missing value
colors, figures, sizes, and in a number
sizes, etc.). orientations, sentence
-Constructs etc.) e.g. 1, A, involving
equivalent number 2,B,3,C,__,__ multiplication
expression using -Estimates the or division of
addition and area of a given whole numbers
subtraction. e.g. 6 figure using any -Collects data
+ 5 = 12 - 1 shape. on one variable
-Identifies and -Infers and using existing
creates patterns to interprets data records
compose and presented in a -Sorts,
decompose using pictograph Classifies and
addition. e.g. 7 = 0 without and with organizes data
+ 7, 1 + 6, 2 + 5, 3 scales. in tabular form
+ 4, 4 + 3, 5 + 2, 6 -Solves routine and represents
+ 1, 7 + 0 and non-routine this into a
-visualizes and problems using vertical or
finds the missing data presented in horizontal bar
number in an a pictograph graph
addition or without and with -Infers and
subtraction scales. interprets data
sentence using a presented in
variety of ways different kinds
e.g. n + 2 = 5 5 – n of bar graphs
=3 -Solves routine
-Tells the days in and non routine
a week; months in problems using
a year in the right data presented
order. in a single bar
-Solves routine graph
Carlos, Nimfa L.

and non-routine -Tells whether

problems using an event is
data presented in sure, likely,
pictograph equally likely,
without scales. unlikely and
impossible to
events in real-
life situations
using the
phrases “sure
to happen”
likely to
“equally likely
to happen”,
“unlikely to
happen”, and
“impossible to

1. How were the lessons in number and number sense arranged?

For my observation, the lesson starts with just simple lessons going to complex.
Teachers deliver lessons to learners step by step. In number sense, they starts at lower number
until moving up to larger number as they move to their next topic. Like in solving, they starts at
addition before subtraction, division, multiplication and fraction. This is for them not to
experience much difficulty in their task and to understand task easily.

2. How were the lessons in geometry arranged?

In Geometry, the lessons starts by teaching firts concepts like the shapes. It starts by
letting the pupils be familiarized first with shapes by means of discussions, readings,etc. After
being taught with the concept, they are now to create their own output regarding their lessons
in the fact that they already understood concepts or ideas. After creating, they have now
mastery regarding the lesson or have deep understanding. Like in Number sense, geometry
also starts from basic.

3. How were the lessons in statistics and probability arranged?

Carlos, Nimfa L.

Lessons are arranged by being familiarized first with the topic like the pattern. It
starts by letting learners to discover patterns and concepts about patterns. After being
familiarized, they are now to create on their own and be able to analyze it. They will also tackle
graphs and datas. After this,they are now to apply it in real life situations. Arrangements of the
lesson also starts in basic wherein they will understand and solve patterns then they are to
graph it. Some lesson were repeated but it adds some task on the next level or it goes more

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