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Class: 10 Physics

Topic: Electricity


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Bhavans Middle East
Electric current (I)

❑ Convectional current flows from positive to negative(opposite to the direction of

electron flow.)
❑ Rate of flow of electric charges(Q).
❑ I=Q/T
❑ SI unit of charge is coulomb(C)
❑ SI unit of current is ampere(A)
❑ One ampere is the current flowing through a conductor if I coulomb of charge flows
through it in1 second. (1 A= 1C/1 S)
❑ Current is measured by an ammeter.(connected in series with circuit )

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Electric potential andpotential
❑ Work done to bring a charge from one end to another end of a
❑ V=W/Q , W= work done.
❑ SI unit is volt(V).
❑ One volt is the potential difference when 1jouleof work done to
move a charge of 1 coulomb from one end to the other in a
conductor. 1V=1J/1C
❑ It is measured by a voltmeter. (connected in parallel across the
two point between which the p.d is to be measured)
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Ohm’s law

❑ The current flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to the potential

difference between its ends provided its temperature remains constant.

V = IR
❑ Where R is the resistance for a metallic wire at a given temperature.

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❑ It is the property of a conductor to resist the flow of current through it.

❑ According to Ohm’s law R=V/I
❑ SI unit of R is ohm(Ω)
❑ If the pd across the two ends of a wire is 1 V and the current flowing through
it is 1A then the resistance R of the conductor is 1 ohm.
❑ R↑ I ↓
❑ R↓ I ↑

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Factors affecting Resistance

❑ Nature of material
❑ Temperature
❑ Length (l)
❑ Area of cross section(A)
Where constant (ρ) is resistivity
❑ SI unit is ohm meter (Ωm)
❑ Factors affecting ρ is temperature and nature of material .

For a particular material resistivity is constant

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Combination of resistors
❑ Series combination

❑ I is same in all 3 resistors.

❑ V=V1+V2+V3
❑ equivalent resistance (effective resistance/ resultant resistance)R=R1+R2+R3

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Resistor in parallel

 Parallel combination

 Voltage (Pd) in all resistors is the same.

 I=I1+I2+I3 V=
+ +
1 1 1
 =
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𝑅2 𝑅3
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Heating effect of electric current

 If a current I flows through a resistor of resistance R and t be the time for

which Q charge flows through it, then the work done to move the charge
through pd V.
 W=QV
 I=Q/t , Q=It
𝑽𝟐 𝒕
 W = VI t = I2Rt =

 W=Heat energy supplied

 H=I2Rt
 S.I unit of heat is joule(J)
 Commerical unit is kilowatt hour (kWh).
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Application of heating effect of

❑ Filament- tungsten (high resistance and high melting point)

❑ Electric element-(toasters, heater etc)
❑ Electric fuse (high resistance and low melting point)

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Electric power(P)

 The rate of doing work(w)

 The rate of consumption of electric energy
 P= W/t =I2R
 P=V2/R=VI
 SI unit of power is watt(W).
 One watt is the power when 1A of current flows across a
potential difference of 1V.
 1000W=1kW=1000watt x 3600 seconds = 3.6x 106 joules

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S.No Physical Quantity Symbol Unit
1. Electric current I ampere(A)
2. Electric charge Q(q) coulomb(C)
3. Time t second(s)
4. Voltage(potential difference) V volt(V)
5. Resistance R ohm(Ω)
6. Resistivity ρ Ohm-meter(Ωm)
7. Work done (Heat/energy) W(H/E) joule(J)*
8. Electric power P watt(W)

*Commerical unit of energy is kilowatt hour (kWh).

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S. No Physical Quantity Equations
1. Electric current I=Q/t I=V/R
2. Electric charge Q=It Q=ne*
3. Voltage(potential difference) V=W/Q V=IR
4. Resistance R=V/I R=ρ L/A
5. Resistivity ρ= RA/L

6. Series combination R=R1+R2+R3

7. Parallel combination 1/R=1/R1+1/R2
8. Work done (Heat/energy) W=QV W=Pt W= ItV
H=I2Rt H=V2t/R
9. Electric power P= W/t P=I2R P=V2/R
n=no. of electrons and e=charge of 1electron=1.6x10-19 C
If N number of resistors of resistance(r) connected in series, then equivalent R=N r
If N number of resistors of resistance (r)connected in parallel, then equivalent R=r/N
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Case based question
We know that current flows in a conductor when a potential difference is maintained across its ends. In 1826 , a German
Simon Ohm by his experiments , found a relationship between the potential difference and current in a conductor.
This relationship is stated in form of a law known as Ohm’s law. According to Ohm’s law, the current flowing in a conductor
is directly proportional to the potential difference across its ends provided the physical conditions and the temperature of
the conductor remains constant. The direct proportionality between current and potential difference across the ends of a
conductor is doubled, the current flowing in it also get doubled. If a current I flows in a conductor when the potential
difference across its ends is V, then according to Ohm’s law
Thus the resistance R of a conductor is numerically equal to the potential difference across its when unit current flows
through it.
(a) Two bulbs have ratings 100 W, 220 V and 60 W, 220 V respectively. Which one has a greater resistance?
(b) How much voltage is required to cause 1.6 amperes in a device that has 30 Ω of resistance?
(c) A wire of resistivity is doubled to its length . Find its new resistance?
(d) Define the SI unit of resistance.
Assertion Reason based questions
The following questions consists of two statements –Assertion(A) and Reason(R). Answer these questions
selecting the appropriate option given below:

(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false and R is true.

1. Assertion (A): A cell is a device which converts chemical energy into electrical energy.
Reason( R) : Cell maintains a constant potential difference between its terminal for a long

2. Assertion (A) : Resistance and resistivity of a given conductor of a given conductor increases
with temperature.
Reason( R) : Resistivity is the reciprocal of conductivity.
Q1. Four resistances of 2Ω each are joined end to form a square ABCD. Calculate the equivalent
resistance of the combination between any two adjacent corner.
2V 2V
Q2. With reference of the diagram calculate :
(i) the equivalent resistance between P and Q,
(ii) the reading of the ammeter,
(iii) the electrical power between P and Q.
P 6W Q
Q3. An electric kettle is rated 2.5kW, 250V. Find the cost of running the kettle for 2 hours at 60 paise per unit.
Q4. In the figure given, A,B and C are three ammeters. The ammeter B reads 0.5A. 2Ω
(All the ammeters have negligible resistance.) Calculate:
(i) the reading in the ammeters A and C, B

(ii) the total resistance of the circuit. A

Q5. An electric appliance is rated 1500W, 250V. This appliance is connected to 250V mains. Calculate :
(a) the current drawn
(b) the electric energy consumed in 60 hours
(c) the cost of electrical energy consumed at Rs. 2.50 per kWh.
Q6. Find the cost of operating an electric toaster for 2 hours if it draws 8A current on a 110 volt circuit.
The cost of electrical energy is Rs. 2.50 per kWh.
Q7. A wire of uniform thickness with a resistance of 27 Ω is cut into three equal pieces and they are joined in parallel.
Find the resistance of the parallel combination.
Q8. In the adjacent figure, the ammeter A reads 0.3A, calculate:
(i) the total resistance of the circuit.
(ii) the value of R.
(iii) the current flowing through R.
Q9. A cell of emf 1.5V and internal resistance 1.0 Ω is connected to two resistors of 4.0 Ω & 20.0 Ω in series as shown in
the figure. Calculate the :
(i)current in the circuit,
(ii)potential difference across the 4.0 Ω resistor,
(iii)voltage drop when the current is flowing,
(iV)potential difference across the cell.
Q10. Calculate the value of the resistance which must be connected to a 15 Ω to provide a total
resistance of 6 Ω.
Q11. Three resistors of 6.0 Ω, 2.0 Ω and 4.0 Ω respectively are joined together as shown in the figure. The resistors are
connected to an ammeter and to a cell of emf 6.0V. Calculate :
(i) The effective resistance of the circuit. A

(ii) The current drawn from the cell.

R1 = 6.0W
R3 = 4.0W
6.0V R2 = 2.0W
Q12. The equivalent resistance of the following
circuit diagram is 4 W. Calculate the value of x.
Q13. Calculate the equivalent resistance between point A and B for following combination.
Q14. An electric heater is rated 4 kW,220V. Find the cost of using this heater for 12 hours if one kWh of electrical
energy costs Rs.3.25.
Q15. Six resistors are connected together as shown in the figure. Calculate the equivalent resistance
between the points A and B.
Q16. Five resistors of different resistances are connected
together as shown in the figure. A 12V battery is connected to the
arrangement .
(i) The total resistance in the circuit.
(ii) The total current flowing in the circuit.
Q17. A battery of emf 12 V and internal resistance 2 Ω is connected with two resistors A and B of resistance
4 Ω and 6 Ω respectively joined in series.
(i) Current in the circuit
(ii) The terminal voltage of the cell.
(iii)The potential difference across 6W Resistor.
(iv)Electrical energy spent per minute in 4W resistor.
Q18. Three resistors are connected to a 12 V battery as shown in the figure :

(i) What is the current through the 8 Ω resistor ?

(ii) What is the potential difference across the parallel
combination of 6 Ω and 12 Ω resistor ? A
(iii) What is the current through the 6 Ω resistor ?
8W 6W
Q19. Three resistors are connected to a 12 V battery as shown in the
figure :
Calculate the equivalent resistance between A and B from the
following diagram:

3W 2W

6W 4W
Q20. Three resistors are connected to a 12 V battery as shown in the figure :
Calculate the equivalent resistance between P and Q from the following diagram:

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