BICC Teoriasec99-9

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9. Technical Information
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BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

9. Technical Information
Reference Standards........................................................................9.08-9.16
Cable Handling and Storage ...........................................................9.17-9.20
Cable Pre-Installation..............................................................................9.21
Cable Installation............................................................................9.22-9.28
Cable Testing ..................................................................................9.29-9.32
Common Color Sequence........................................................................9.33
Metric Conversion ..................................................................................9.34
Copper Short Circuit Currents ................................................................9.35
Conductors For General Wiring......................................................9.36-9.37
Click the
Jacket and Insulation Materials ......................................................9.38-9.39 item that you
wish to view,
Checklist for Specification.......................................................................9.40 and then to
return to this
Conductors For General Wiring – Ampacities.................................9.41-9.59 Table of Contents
click the
High Temp Lead Wire Ampacities ..................................................9.60-9.61 BICC logo

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Section Index


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

Abrasion Resistance. Ability of a wire, cable or material to Band Marking. A continuous circumferential band applied
resist surface wear. to a conductor at regular intervals for identification.
Accelerated Aging. A test in which voltage, temperature, Bandwidth. (1) The difference between the upper and
etc. are increased above normal operating values to obtain lower limits of a given band of frequencies. Expressed in
observable deterioration in a relatively short period of Hertz. (2) A measure of the maximum frequency range
time. The plotted results give expected service life under over which light intensity exiting a waveguide one kilo-
normal conditions. meter in length can be varied before the attenuation varies
ACM. Aluminum conductor material. 3dB from the mean. The greater the bandwidth, the greater
the information carrying capacity. Bandwidth is expressed
Accelerator. A chemical additive that hastens a chemical in Megahertz (MHZ)–Kilometer (km).
reaction under specific conditions.
Bending Radius. Radius of curvature that a cable can be
Admittance. The measure of the ease with which an alternat- safely bent without any adverse effects.
ing current flows in a circuit. The reciprocal of impedance.
Binder. A spirally served tape used for holding assembled
AEIC. Association of Edison Illuminating Companies cable components in place awaiting subsequent manufac-
Aerial Cable. A cable suspended in the air on poles or turing operations.
another overhead structure. Bonding Conductor. An insulated or uninsulated conductor
Aging. The change in properties of a material with time forming part of the cable assembly which is used for the
under specific conditions. purpose of connecting non-current carrying parts of electri-
cal equipment to a system grounding conductor.
AIA. Aluminum Interlocked Armor.
Braid. A fibrous or metallic group of filaments interwoven
Alloy. A metal formed by combining two or more different
in cylindrical shape to form a covering over one or more
metals to obtain desirable properties.
Alternating Current. Electric current that continually
Braid Angle. The smaller of the two angles formed by the
reverses its direction. It is expressed in cycles per second
shielding strand and the axis of the cable being shielded.
(hertz or Hz).
Braid Carrier. A spool or bobbin on a braider that holds one
Ambient Temperature. The temperature of the medium
group of strands or filaments consisting of a specific number
surrounding an object. Generally a lower temperature than
the temperature at which the cable is operating. of ends. The carrier revolves during braiding operations.

American Wire Gauge (AWG). A standard North American Braid Ends. The number of strands used to make up one
system for designating wire diameter. carrier. The strands are wound side-by-side on the carrier
bobbin and lie parallel in the finished braid.
Ampacity. See Current Carrying Capacity.
Breakdown Voltage. The voltage at which the insulation
Ampere. The unit of current. One ampere is the current between two conductors breaks down.
flowing through one ohm of resistance at one volt potential.
B & S Gauge. The same as American Wire Gauge (AWG).
Analog. A data format using continuous physical variables
such as voltage amplitude or frequency variations. Buffer. A protective coating over an optical fiber.

Anneal (Soften). Relief of mechanical stress through heat Building Wire. A general term used for light and power
and gradual cooling. Annealing copper renders it less brittle. wiring products, 1000 volts or less.

Armor. A protective metal covering commonly in the form Bunch Stranding. A group of wires of the same diameter
of flexible interlocking aluminum or steel tape, steel wires, twisted together without a predetermined pattern. Used in
or aluminum sheath. flexible cords and cables.
ASTM. American Society for Testing and Materials. Buried Cable. A cable installed directly in the earth without
use of underground conduit. Also called “direct burial cable”.
Attenuation. The general term used to denote the decrease of
power from one point to another. In fiber optics, the Butyl Rubber. A synthetic rubber with good insulating
optical power loss per unit length is expressed logarithmical- properties (i.e. low voltage cords).
ly in decibels per kilometer (dB/km) at a specific wavelength. Cable. An insulated conductor, or group of individually
Audio Frequency. The range of frequencies audible to the insulated conductors in one assembly.
human ear. Usually 20-20,000 Hz. Cabling. The twisting together of two or more insulated
AWM. Designation for appliance wiring material. conductors to form a cable.
Balanced Circuit. One utilizing cables having two or more Capacitance. The ratio of the electrostatic charge on a con-
identical conductors with the same electromagnetic charac- ductor to the potential difference between the conductors
teristics in relation to each other and to ground. required to maintain that charge. Units expressed in Farads.

BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

Capacitive Coupling. Electrical interaction between two Conductivity. The capacity of a material to carry electrical
conductors caused by the capacitance between them. current—usually expressed as a percentage of copper con-
ductivity (copper being 100%).
Capacitive Reactance (Xc). The opposition to alternating
current due to the capacitance of the cable or circuit. Conductor. An uninsulated wire suitable for carrying
Measured in ohms. electrical current.
CE Code, CEC. Canadian Electrical Code Conductor Shield. An extrusion of black semi-conducting
thermoses material over the conductor to provide a smooth
Certified Test Report (CTR). A report providing actual test
interface with the insulation for even distribution of electri-
data on a cable. Tests are normally conducted by the
cal stress.
Quality Control Department to confirm that the product
being shipped conforms to specifications. Conduit (Electrical Raceway). A tube or pipe in which
insulated wires and cables are run.
Characteristic Impedance. The impedance that, when con-
nected to the output terminals of a transmission line of any Connector. A device used to physically and electrically
length, makes the line appear infinitely long. The ratio of connect two or more conductors. Also used to physically
voltage to current at every point along a transmission line connect cable to equipment.
on which there are no standing waves.
Continuity Check. A test to determine whether electrical
Circular Mil (cmil). The area of a circle one mil (.001”) in current flows continuously throughout the length of a single
diameter (7.854 x 10-7 sq in). Used in expressing wire wire or individual wires in a cable.
cross sectional area.
Continuous Vulcanization. Simultaneous extrusion and
Circuit Sizes. A popular term for building wire sizes 14 vulcanization of rubber-like (thermoset) coating materials.
through 10 AWG. Often referred to as CV.
Cladding. (1) A method of applying a layer of metal over Control Cable. A multi-conductor cable made for opera-
another metal whereby the junction of the two metals is tion in control of signal circuits.
continuously welded. (2) A low refractive index material
Copolymer. A compound resulting from the polymerization
that surrounds the core of an optical fiber causing the
of two different monomers.
transmitted light to travel down the core and protects
against surface contaminant scattering. Copperweld. The trade name of Flexo Wire Division
(Copperweld Steel Corp.) for its copper-clad steel conductors.
Coaxial Cable. A cable consisting of two cylindrical con-
ductors with a common axis, separated by a dielectric. Cord. A small, flexible, insulated wire or cable.
Cold Flow. Permanent deformation of the insulation or Core. In cables, a component or assembly of components over
jacket due to mechanical force or pressure, (not due to heat which additional components (shield, sheath, etc.) are applied.
Corona. A discharge due to ionization of air around a
Color Code. A system for circuit identification through use conductor due to a potential gradient exceeding a certain
of solid colors and contrasting tracers. critical value.
Composite Cable. One containing more than one type or Coverage. The percent of completeness with which a metal
gauge size of conductors (e.g. power and control conduc- serving covers the underlying surface.
tors in one assembly).
CPE. Chlorinated polyethylene.
Compound. An insulating or jacketing material made by
Creep. The dimensional change with time of a material
mixing two or more polymeric ingredients.
under a mechanical load.
Concentric Stranded Conductors. Manufactured to ASTM,
Cross-linked. Inter-molecular bonds between long chain
ICEA, and CSA standards. The most common fixed instal-
thermoplastic polymers by chemical or electron bombard-
lation type conductors are: 1) Round—no diameter reduc-
ment means. The properties of the resulting thermosetting
tion: 2) Compressed—approximately 3% diameter reduc-
material are usually improved (e.g. XLPE).
tion; 3) Compact—approximately 10% diameter reduction.
Crosstalk. Signal interference between nearby conductors
Concentric Stranding. A central wire surrounded by one or
caused by pickup of stray energy.
more layers of helically wound strands in a fixed round
geometric arrangement. CSA. Canadian Standards Association
Concentricity. The measurement of the location of the Current Carrying Capacity (Ampacity). The maximum
center of the conductor with respect to the geometric center current an insulated conductor can safely carry without
of the surrounding insulation. exceeding its insulation and jacket temperature limitations.

BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

Cut-Through Resistance. The ability of a material to Eccentricity. Like concentricity, a measure of the center of a
withstand cutting from a sharp edge or small radius under conductor’s location with respect to the circular cross section
pressure. of the insulation. Expressed as a percentage of displacement
of one circle within the other.
Decibel (dB). A unit to express differences of power level.
Used to express power gain in amplifiers or power loss in EEMAC. Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers
passive circuits or cables. The units in which the ratio of Association of Canada (U.S. counterpart is NEMA).
two power levels, P1 and P2, are expressed. The ratio in Elastomer. A rubber-like substance. Any material that will
dB is given as - 10 log10 (P1/P2). return to its original dimensions after being stretched or
P2 ➝ □ ➝ P1 distorted.
Delay Line. A cable made to provide very low velocity of Electrostatic Shield. A copper or laminated aluminum/
propagation with long electrical delay for transmitted signals. m ylar tape wrap around a signal or instrumentation circuit
(pair, triad, etc.) to protect from the electric field radiated
Derating Factor. A factor used to reduce the current carry- by a voltage source. The grounded shield intercepts static
ing capacity of a wire when used in environments other interference and carries it off to ground.
than that for which the value was established.
Elongation. The fractional increase in length of material
Dielectric. Any insulating material between two conductors stressed in tension.
that permits electrostatic attraction and repulsion to take
place across it. EMI. Abbreviation for electromagnetic interference.

Dielectric Constant (K). The ratio of the capacitance of a EMRC. Energy Mines and Resources Canada
condensor with dielectric between the electrodes to the EPDM. Ethylene-propylene-diene monomer rubber. A
capacitance when air is between the electrodes. Also called material with good electrical insulating properties.
Permittivity and Specific Inductive Capacity (SIC).
EPR. Ethylene-propylene copolymer rubber. A material
Dielectric Strength. The voltage which an insulation can with good electrical insulating properties.
withstand before breakdown occurs. Usually expressed as a
Equal Load Sharing. An even distribution of current
voltage gradient (such as volts per mil).
between the parallel cables in a power circuit.
Dielectric Test. A test in which a voltage higher than the
Equilay. See Unilay. More than one layer of helically laid
rated voltage is applied for a specified time to determine
wires with the length of the lay the same for each layer.
the adequacy of the insulation under normal conditions.
Sometimes called a “Hi-Pot” test (high potential). Farad. A unit of electrical capacity.
Digital. A data format that uses discrete or separate physical Fatigue Resistance. Resistance to metal crystallization
levels to contain information. which leads to conductors or wires breaking from flexing.
Direct Burial Cable. A cable installed directly in the earth. Ferrous. Composed of and/or containing iron. A ferrous
metal exhibits magnetic characteristics (e.g. steel armor).
Direct Current. An electric current that flows in only one
direction. FEP. Fluorinated ethylene propylene insulated wire (see
Direction of Lay. The lateral direction in which the strands
of a conductor run over the top of the cable conductor as Fiber. A single, separate optical transmission element
they recede from an observer looking along the axis of the characterized by core and cladding.
conductor or cable. Also applies to twisted cable. Fiber Optics. Light transmission through optical fibers
Dissipation Factor. The tangent of the loss angle of the for communication and signaling.
insulating material. (Also referred to as loss tangent, tan , Filled Cable. Cable construction in which the cable core is
and approximate power factor.) filled with a material that will prevent moisture or gasses
Drain Wire. The uninsulated wire in contact with an elec- from entering or passing through the cable.
trostatic shield throughout its length, in an instrumentation Filler. 1) A material used in multi-conductor cables to
or control cable, used to discharge unwanted signals. Also occupy large interstices formed by the assembled conduc-
provides a means of terminating laminated shields. tors; 2) An inert substance added to a compound to
Sometimes used to describe the metallic shielding wires of a improve properties.
power cable insulation shield.
Flat Cable. A cable with two essentially flat surfaces
Drawing. In wire manufacturing, pulling the metal through (e.g. NMD90).
a die or series of dies to reduce diameter to a specified size.
Flat Conductor. A wire having a rectangular cross section
Earth. British terminology for zero-reference “ground”. as opposed to round or square conductors.

BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

Flame Resistance. The ability of a material not to propa- ICEA (formerly IPCEA). Insulated Cable Engineers
gate flame once the heat source is removed (see FT1). Association.
Flammability. The measure of the material’s ability to IEEE. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
support combustion.
Impact Strength. A test for determining the mechanical
Flex Life. The measurement of the ability of a conductor or punishment a cable can withstand without physical or elec-
cable to withstand repeated bending before breaking. trical breakdown by impacting with a given weight,
dropped a given distance, in a controlled environment.
Flexibility. The ease with which a cable may be bent with-
out sustaining damage. Impedance. The total opposition that a circuit offers to the
flow of alternating current or any other varying current at
FT1. One of several CSA flame test designations for wires
a particular frequency. It is a combination of resistance R
and cables which pass the C22.2 No. 0.3 test requirements. and reactance X, measured in ohms.
(Other designations include FT2, FT4, etc.).
Inductance. The property of a circuit or circuit element that
Fusion Splice. A splice accomplished by the application of opposes a change in current flow, thus causing current changes
localized heat sufficient to fuse or melt the ends of two to lag behind voltage changes. It is measured in henrys.
lengths of optical fiber, forming a continuous single fiber.
Insulation. A material having good dielectric properties
Gauge. A term used to denote the physical size of a wire. permitting close assembly of conductors in cable and
GND. Abbreviation for ground. equipment.
Graded-Index. A type of optical fiber in which the refrac- Insulation Level. A designation used to identify the insula-
tive index of the core is in the form of a parabolic curve, tion thickness required to protect a high voltage cable
decreasing toward the cladding. This type of fiber provides under ground fault conditions. Expressed as a percentage
high bandwidth capabilities. (e.g. 100% level, 133% level).
Ground (GND). 1) A conducting connection between an Insulation Shield (HV Cable). A two part shield consisting
electrical circuit and the earth, or other large conducting of a non-metallic component and a metallic component.
body, to serve as an earth thus making a complete electrical The first component is an extrusion of black semi-conduct-
circuit; 2) Term used for non-current carrying conductor in ing thermoset material over the insulation which provides
a cable (see Bonding Conductor). uniform radial stress distribution across the insulation. The
second component is a metallic shield which is typically
Halogen. A term used to identify any of the four elements copper tape or wire that functions as a bonding (ground-
chlorine, fluorine, bromine and iodine, grouped together ing) conductor and/or a neutral conductor. The metallic
because their chemical properties are similar. shield also serves to conduct ground fault current in the
Hard Drawn Copper Wire. Copper wire that has not been event of insulation failure. See also drain wire.
annealed after drawing. Insulation Stress. High voltage stress which causes molecu-
Heat Shock. A test to determine stability of a material by lar separation in the insulation at sharp projections in the
sudden exposure to a high temperature for a short period conductor. Controlled by conductor and insulation shield-
of time. ing, called a stress relief shield. Measured in volts per mil.

Henry. The unit of inductance. Interaxial Spacing. Center to center conductor spacing.

Hertz (Hz). A term replacing cycles-per-second as an indi- Interstices. Voids or valleys between individual strands in a
cation of frequency. conductor or between insulated conductors in a multi-con-
ductor cable, (intersticial spaces).
Hi-Pot (High Potential). A test designated to determine the
highest voltage that can be applied to a conductor without Irradiation. In insulations, the exposure of the material to
breaking down the insulation (see Dielectric Test). high energy emissions for the purpose of favorably altering
the molecular structure by crosslinking.
High Voltage (HV). Generally, a wire or cable with an
operating voltage of over 600 volts. Jacket. An outer covering, usually non-metallic, mainly
used for protection against the environment.
Hook-Up Wire. A wire used for low current, low voltage
(under 1000 volts) applications within enclosed electronic kcmil. One thousand circular mils (MCM).
equipment. KILO. A prefix denoting 1000 (103).
Hygroscopic. A material capable of absorbing moisture kV. Kilovolt (1000 volts).
from the air.
Laminated Tape. A tape consisting of two or more layers
Hypalon®. Dupont’s trade name for their chlorosulfonated of different materials bonded together (e.g. aluminum/
polyethylene, an ozone resistant synthetic rubber. Mylar®).

BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

Lay. The length measured along the axis of a wire or cable Multi-Conductor Cable. A cable consisting of two or more
required for a single strand (in stranded wire) or conductor conductors, either cabled or laid in a flat parallel construc-
(in cable) to make one complete turn about the axis of the tion, with or without a common overall covering.
conductor or cable. Mutual Capacitance. Capacitance between two conductors
Lay Direction. The twist in the cable as indicated by the top when all other conductors including ground are connected
strands while looking along the axis of the cable away from together.
the observer. Described as “right hand” or “left hand”. Mylar®. DuPont trade name for a polyester material.
Leakage Current. The undesirable flow of current through Nano. A numerical prefix denoting one-billionth (10 -9).
or over the surface of an insulation.
National Electrical Code (NEC). A U.S. consensus standard
Line Drop (Voltage Drop). A voltage loss occurring published by the National Fire Protection Association
between any two points in a power circuit. Such loss, or (NFPA) and incorporated in OSHA regulations. (Canadian
drop, is due to the resistance, reactance, or leakage of the Counterpart is the CE Code).
circuit, type of cable and configuration.
NEMA. National Electrical Manufacturers Association.
Line Voltage. The value of the potential existing on a supply (Canadian counterpart is EEMAC).
or power line. Rated voltage of cables.
Neoprene. A synthetic rubber with good resistance to oil,
LOCA. Abbreviation for loss of coolant accident, a system chemicals, and flame. Also called polychloroprene.
malfunction associated with nuclear generating stations.
Nomex®. Dupont trademark for a temperature resistant,
Longitudinal Shield. A tape shield, flat or corrugated, applied flame-retardant nylon.
longitudinally with the axis of the core being shielded.
Non Hygroscopic. A material incapable of taking up or
Loss Factor. The product of the dissipation and dielectric absorbing moisture from the air.
constant of an insulating material.
Nylon®. An abrasion-resistant thermoplastic with good
µA. Microampere. One-millionth of an ampere (10 ), -6
chemical resistance. A DuPont registered trademark.
mA. Milliampere. One-thousandth of an ampere (10-3). OHM. The electrical unit of resistance.
Magnetic Noise. Caused by current frequency. An AC OSHA. Abbreviation for the U.S. Occupational Safety and
powerline creates a magnetic field around that cable, this Health Act.
magnetic field causes the magnetic noise in neighboring Overlap. The amount the trailing edge laps over the leading
control or instrumentation circuits. edge of a spiral tape wrap.
MCM. One thousand circular mils (kcmil). Oxygen Index. Percentage of oxygen necessary to support
Meg or Mega. A prefix denoting 1,000,000 (106). combustion in a gas mixture. Flame retardant materials
have a higher oxygen index.
Megarad. A unit for measuring radiation dosage.
Pair. Two insulated wires of a single circuit twisted togeth-
Messenger. The linear supporting member, usually a high er or laid parallel.
strength steel wire, used as the supporting element of a
suspended aerial cable. The messenger may be an integral Parallel Cable. Two or more cables used to share the cur-
part of the cable, or exterior to it. rent in heavily loaded power circuits which permits the use
of smaller conductors.
Mho. The unit of conductivity. The reciprocal of an ohm.
Percentage Conductivity. Conductivity of a material
Micro. A prefix denoting one-millionth (106). expressed as a percentage of that of copper. Also used to
Micron. (µ) Millionth of a meter = 10-6 meter. indicate ratio of conductance between the phase conductor
and the neutral in power cables.
Mil. A unit of length equal to one-thousandth of an inch
(.001”). Common unit for insulation thickness. Pick. Distance between two adjacent crossover points of
braid filaments. The measurement in picks per inch indicates
Milli. A prefix denoting one-thousandth (10-3). the degree of coverage.
Modulus of Elasticity. The ratio of stress to strain in an PICO. A prefix denoting one-millionth of one-millionth
elastic material. (10-12).
Moisture Absorption. The amount of moisture, in percent- Pitch. In flat cable, the nominal distance between the index
age, that a material will absorb under specified conditions. edges of two adjacent conductors.
Moisture Resistance. The ability of a material to resist Pitch Diameter. Diameter of a circle passing through the center
absorbing moisture from the air or when immersed in water. of the conductors in any layer of a multi-conductor cable.

BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

Plastic Deformation. Change in dimensions under load that Rope Lay Conductor. A conductor composed of a central
is not recovered when the load is removed. core surrounded by one or more layers of helically laid
groups of wires used in portable cables.
Plasticizer. A chemical agent added to plastics to make
them softer and more pliable. Rubber. A general term used to describe wire insulation
and jackets made of thermosetting elastomers, such as
Plenum Cable. Cable approved for installation in plenums,
natural or synthetic rubbers, EPR, neoprene, Hypalon,
(e.g. suspended ceiling) without the need for conduit.
butyl rubber, and others.
Polyester. Polyethylene terephthalate which is used exten-
SBR. A copolymer of styrene and butadiene. Also GR-S or
sively in the production of a high strength moisture resis-
Buna-S. Most commonly used type of synthetic rubber.
tant film used as a cable core wrap (see Mylar).
Self Extinguishing. The characteristic of a material whose
Polyethylene (PE). A thermoplastic material having excel-
lent electrical and physical properties. flame is extinguished after the igniting flame is removed.

Polymer. A material of high molecular weight formed by Semi-Conductor. In wire industry terminology, a material
the chemical union of monomers. possessing electrical conductivity that falls somewhere
between that of conductors and insulators. Usually made by
Polyolefin. A family of thermoplastics based upon the adding carbon particles to an insulator (e.g. conductor shield
unsaturated hydrocarbons know as olefins. When combined and insulation shield). Not the same as semi-conductor
with butylene or styrene polymers they form compounds materials such as silicon, germanium, etc. used for making
such as polyethylene and polypropylene. transistors and diodes.
Polypropylene (PPE). A thermoplastic similar to polyethylene Separator. Pertaining to wire and cable, a layer of insulating
but stiffer and having a higher softening point (temperature). material such as textile paper, Mylar, etc. which is placed
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC). A general purpose thermoplastic between a conductor and its dielectric, between a cable jacket
used for low voltage wire and cable insulation, and for jackets. and the components it covers, or between various compo-
nents of a multi-conductor cable. It can be utilized to improve
Power Factor. The ratio of resistance to impedance. The stripping qualities, flexibility, or can offer additional mechani-
ratio of the actual power of an alternating current to cal or electrical protection to the components it separates.
apparent power. Mathematically, the cosine of the angle
between the voltage applied and the current resulting. Served Wire Armor (SWA). Spiral wrap of galvanized steel
wires applied around a cable to afford mechanical protec-
Primary Insulation. The first layer of non-conductive mate- tion and increase the cable pulling tension characteristics,
rial applied over a conductor, whose prime function is to (mineshaft, submarine cable, etc.). Also used to denote steel
act as electrical insulation. wire armor.
Pulling Eye. A device fastened to a cable to which a hook Sheath. The outer covering or jacket of a multi-conductor
may be attached in order to pull the cable. cable. Usually non-metallic.
Quad. Four insulated wires of a single circuit. Shield (Electrostatic). In cables, a metallic layer placed
REA. Rural Electrification Administration. A branch of the around a conductor or group of conductors to prevent
U.S. Department of Agriculture. electrostatic interference between the enclosed wires and
external fields. Also see Insulation Shield.
Reactance. The opposition offered to the flow of alternat-
ing current by inductance or capacitance of a component Shrink Tubing. Tubing which has been extruded,
or circuit. crosslinked, and mechanically expanded which when
reheated will return to its original diameter.
Reel Drum Diameter. Diameter of the drum (or hub) of
the reel. SIA. Steel Interlocked Armor.
Reel Flange Diameter (Reel Height). Diameter of the reel Side Wall Bearing Pressure (SWBP). A term used in refer-
flanges ence to the pressure on a cable which is being pulled around
a curved surface under tension. If excessive, SWBP can
Reel Traverse. Width of space between reel flanges.
damage cable components and reduce the life of the cable.
Reel Width. Overall width of reel.
Signal Cable. A cable designed to carry current of usually
Ridge Marker. One or more ridges running laterally along less than one ampere per conductor to operate signal cir-
the outer surface of a insulated wire or cable for purposes cuit devices.
of identification.
Silicone. A material made from silicone and oxygen.Can be
Root Mean Square (RMS). The effective value of an alter- in thermosetting elastomer or liquid form. The thermoset-
nating current or voltage. ting elastomer form is noted for high heat resistance.

BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

Skin Effect. The tendency of alternating current to concen- Triplexed Cable. Three individual cables twisted together.
trate and to travel only on the surface of a conductor.
UL. Underwriters Laboratories. A non-profit independent
Tendency increases with increase in frequency.
organization, which operates a listing service for electrical
Sleeving. An extruded tube. and electronic materials and equipment. (Canadian counter-
Spark Test. A test designed to locate imperfections (usually part is CSA).
pin-holes) in the insulation of a wire or cable by application UHF. Abbreviation for ultra high frequency, 300 to
of voltage for a very short period of time while the wire is 3,000 MHZ.
being drawn through the electrode field.
Unilay. A conductor with more than one layer of helically
Specific Gravity. The ratio of the density (mass per unit laid wires with the direction of lay and length of lay the
volume) of a material to that of water. same for all layers.
Specific Inductive Capacity (SIC). Same as dielectric con- Velocity of Propagation. The speed of an electrical signal
stant (See Dielectric Constant). down a length of cable compared to speed in free space
Tank Test. A voltage insulation test in which the insulated expressed as a percent. It is the reciprocal of the square
wire or cable is submerged in water and voltage is applied root of the dielectric constant of the cable insulation.
between the conductor and water serving as ground. VHF. Abbreviation for very high frequency, 30 to 300 MHZ.
Shielded cables are generally not tank tested due to the pos-
sibility of introducing contaminants on the outer surface of Voltage. The term most often used in place of electromotive
the insulation. force, potential, potential difference or voltage drop to des-
ignate the electric pressure that exists between two points
Teflon®. DuPont Company trademark for fluorocarbon
and is capable of producing a current when a closed circuit
resins. (See FEP and TFE).
is connected between two points.
Temperature Rating. The maximum temperature at which
Voltage Rating. 1) The highest voltage that can be continu-
an insulating material may be used in continuous operation
ously applied to a wire in conformance with the standard
without loss of its basic properties (i.e. operating, overload,
or specification; 2) The “system” voltage printed on the
short circuit). The minimum temperature for safe handling.
wire or cable.
Tensile Strength. The pull stress required to break a given
specimen. Measured in pounds per square inch. Also Volume Resistivity. The electrical resistance between
referred to as “Ultimate Tensile Strength”. opposite faces of a one cm. cube of insulating material,
commonly expressed in ohms-centimeter.
TFE. Tetrafluoroethylene. A thermoplastic material with
good electrical insulating properties and chemical and heat Vulcanization. An irreversible process during which a com-
resistance. pound, through a change in its chemical structure (e.g. cross-
linking), becomes less plastic and more resistant to swelling
Thermoplastic. A material that can be softened repeatedly by organic liquids and elastic properties are conferred,
by heating and hardened by cooling through a temperature improved or extended over a greater range of temperatures.
range characteristic of the plastic, and that in the softened
state can be shaped by molding or extrusion. VW-1. A flammability rating established by Underwriters
Laboratories for wires and cables that pass a specially
Thermoset. A material that has been vulcanized by heat or designed vertical flame test, formerly designated FR-1.
other means and is substantially infusible and insoluble. Similar to CSA designation FT1.
Three Conductor Cable. Three insulated conductors assem- Watt. A unit of electric power.
bled with other necessary cable components (shield, filler,
etc.) to form a core, protected by an overall jacket. Wicking. The longitudinal flow of a liquid in a wire or
cable due to capillary action.
Tinned Copper. Tin coating added to copper to aid in sol-
dering and inhibit corrosion. Wire. A conductor; bare or insulated.
Tray. A cable tray system is a unit or assembly of units or Yield Strength. The minimum stress at which a material will
sections, and associated fittings, made of non-combustible start to physically deform without further increase in load.
materials forming a rigid structural system used to support
cables. Cable tray systems (previously termed continuous
rigid cable supports) include ladders, troughs, channels,
solid bottom trays, and similar structures.
Tray Cable. A factory assembled multi-conductor or multi-
pair control, signal or power cable specifically approved
under the Canadian Electrical Code for installation in trays.
Triad. Three insulated wires of a single circuit forming a unit.
(Two or more units are cabled to form a multi-triad cable.)

BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

AAR S-501: Specification for Wire & Cables ASTM B 189: Standard Specification for Lead-Coated and
Lead-Alloy-Coated Soft Copper Wire for Electrical Purposes
AAR 581.3: Specification for Single Conductor, Clean
Stripping Rubber Insulated, 0–600 Volts, Neoprene Jacketed ASTM B 193: Standard Test Method for Resistivity of
Cable for Locomotive and Car Equipment Electrical Conductor Materials
AAR 589: Specification for Single Conductor Chloro- ASTM B 226: Standard Specification for Cored, Annular,
sulfonated Polyethylene Integral Insulated-Jacketed, 0-300V, Concentric-Lay-Stranded Copper Conductors
0-600V Cable for Locomotive and Car Equipment
ASTM B 227: Standard Specification for Hard-Drawn
AEIC CS 1: Specifications for Solid-Type Impregnated-Paper- Copper-Clad Steel Wire
Insulated Metallic Sheathed Cable
ASTM B 228: Standard Specification for Concentric-Lay-
AEIC CS2: Specifications for Impregnated-Paper and Stranded Copper-Clad Steel Conductors
Laminated Paper-Polypropylene Insulated Cable, High-
Pressure Pipe-Type ASTM B 229: Standard Specification for Concentric-Lay-
Stranded Copper and Copper-Clad Steel Composite
AEIC CS3: Specifications for Impregnated-Paper-Insulated, Conductors
Metallic Sheathed Cable, Low Pressure Gas-Filled Type
ASTM B 230: Standard Specification for Aluminum
AEIC CS4: Specifications for Impregnated-Paper-Insulated 1350-H19 Wire for Electrical Purposes
Low and Medium Pressure Self Contained Liquid Filled Cable
ASTM B 230M: Standard Specification for Aluminum
AEIC CS5: Specifications for Thermoplastic and Crosslinked 1350-H19 Wire for Electrical Purposes [Metric]
Polyethylene Insulated Shielded Power Cables Rated 5
Through 69 kV ASTM B 231: Standard Specification for Concentric-Lay-
Stranded Aluminum 1350 Conductors
AEIC CS6: Specifications for Ethylene Propylene Rubber
Insulated Shielded Power Cables Rated 5 Through 69 kV ASTM B 231 M: Standard Specification for Concentric-
Lay-Stranded Aluminum 1350 Conductors [Metric]
AEIC CS7: Specifications for Crosslinked Polyethylene
Insulated Shielded Power Cables Rated 46 Through 138 kV ASTM B 232: Standard Specification for Concentric-Lay-
Stranded Aluminum Conductors, Coated Steel-Reinforced
ANSI C2: National Electrical Safety Code
ANSI MC96.1: Thermocouple Extension Wire Calibration
ASTM B 232M: Standard Specification for Concentric-Lay-
ANSI N45.2: Packaging, Shipping, Receiving, Storage and Stranded Aluminum Conductors, Coated Steel-Reinforced
Handling of Items for Nuclear Power Plants (ACSR) [Metric]
ASTM B 1: Standard Specification for Hard-Drawn ASTM B 233: Standard Specification for Aluminum 1350
Copper Wire Drawing Stock for Electrical Purposes
ASTM B 2: Standard Specification for Medium-Hard-Drawn ASTM B 246: Standard Specification for Tinned Hard-
Copper Wire Drawn and Medium-Hard-Drawn Copper Wire for
ASTM B 3: Standard Specification for Soft or Annealed Electrical Purposes
Copper Wire ASTM B 258: Standard Specification for Standard Nominal
ASTM B 8: Standard Specification for Concentric-Lay Diameters and Cross-Sectional Areas of AWG Sizes of Solid
Stranded Copper Conductors, Hard, Medium-Hard, or Soft Round Wires Used as Electrical Conductors

ASTM B 33: Standard Specification for Tinned Soft or ASTM B 263: Standard Test Method for Determination of
Annealed Copper Wire for Electrical Purposes Cross-Sectional Area of Stranded Conductors

ASTM B 105: Standard Specification for Hard-Drawn ASTM B 286: Standard Specification for Copper Conductors
Copper Alloy Wires for Electrical Conductors for Use in Hookup Wire for Electronic Equipment

ASTM B 170: Standard Specification for Oxygen-Free ASTM B 298: Standard Specification for Silver-Coated Soft
Electrolytic Copper or Annealed Copper Wire

ASTM B 172: Standard Specification for Rope-Lay-Stranded ASTM B 324: Standard Specification for Nickel-Coated Soft
Copper Conductors Having Bunch-Stranded Members, for or Annealed Copper Wire
Electrical Conductors
ASTM B 341: Standard Specification for Aluminum-Coated
ASTM B 173: Standard Specification for Rope-Lay-Stranded (Aluminized) Steel Core Wire for Aluminum Conductors,
Copper Conductors Having Concentric-Stranded Members, Steel-Reinforced (ACSR/AZ)
for Electrical Conductors
ASTM B 341M: Standard Specification for Aluminum-
ASTM B 174: Standard Specification for Bunch-Stranded Coated (Aluminized) Steel Core Wire for Aluminum
Copper Conductors for Electrical Conductors Conductors, Steel-Reinforced (ACSR/AZ) [Metric]


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

ASTM B 355: Standard Specification for Nickel-Coated ASTM B 549: Standard Specification for Concentric-Lay-
Soft or Annealed Copper Wire Stranded Aluminum Conductors, Aluminum-Clad Steel
Reinforced (ACSR/AW)
ASTM B 397: Standard Specification for Concentric-Lay-
Stranded Aluminum-Alloy 5005-H19 Conductors ASTM B 559: Standard Specification for Nickel-Coated,
Copper-Clad Steel Wire for Electronic Application
ASTM B 398: Standard Specification for Aluminum-Alloy
6201-T81 Wire for Electrical Purposes ASTM B 606: Standard Specification for High-Strength
ASTM B 398M: Standard Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Steel Core Wire for Aluminum
6201-T81 Wire for Electrical Purposes [Metric] and Aluminum Alloy Conductors, Steel Reinforced

ASTM B 399: Standard Specification for Concentric-Lay- ASTM B 609: Standard Specification for Aluminum 1350
Stranded Aluminum-Alloy 6201-T81 Conductors Round Wire, Annealed and Intermediate Tempers, for
Electrical Purposes
ASTM B 399M: Standard Specification for Concentric-Lay-
Stranded Aluminum-Alloy 6201-T81 Conductors [Metric] ASTM B 609M: Standard Specification for Aluminum 1350
Round Wire, Annealed and Intermediate Tempers, for
ASTM B 400: Standard Specification for Compact Round Electrical Purposes [Metric]
Concentric-Lay-Stranded Aluminum 1350 Conductors
ASTM B 624: Standard Specification for High-Strength,
ASTM B 401: Standard Specification for Compact Round High-Conductivity Copper-Alloy Wire for Electronic
Concentric-Lay-Stranded Aluminum Conductors, Steel-
Reinforced (ACSR/COMP)
ASTM B 682: Standard Specification for Standard Metric
ASTM B 416: Standard Specification for Concentric-Lay-
Sizes of Electrical Conductors
Stranded Aluminum-Clad Steel Conductors
ASTM B 701: Standard Specification for Concentric-Lay-
ASTM B 452: Standard Specification for Copper-Clad Steel
Stranded Self-Damping Aluminum Conductors, Steel-
Wire for Electronic Application
Reinforced (ACSR/SD)
ASTM B 470: Standard Specification for Bonded Copper
Conductors for Use in Hookup Wires for Electronic ASTM B 711: Standard Specification for Concentric-Lay-
Equipment Stranded Aluminum-Alloy Conductors, Steel Reinforced
(AACSR) (6201)
ASTM B 496: Standard Specification for Compact Round
Concentric-Lay-Stranded Copper Conductors ASTM B 738: Standard Specification for Fine-Wire Bunch-
Stranded and Rope-Lay Bunch Stranded Copper Conductors
ASTM B 498: Standard Specification for Zinc-Coated for Use as Electrical Conductors
(Galvanized) Steel Core Wire for Aluminum Conductors,
Steel-Reinforced (ACSR) ASTM B 778: Standard Specification for Shaped Wire
Compact Concentric-Lay-Stranded Aluminum Conductors
ASTM B 498M: Standard Specification for Zinc-Coated (AAC/TW)
(Galvanized) Steel Core Wire for Aluminum Conductors,
Steel-Reinforced (ACSR) [Metric] ASTM B 779: Standard Specification for Shaped Wire
Compact Concentric-Lay-Stranded Aluminum Conductors,
ASTM B 500: Standard Specification for Zinc-Coated
Steel Reinforced (ACSR/TW)
(Galvanized), Zinc-5% Aluminum Mischmetal Alloy-
Coated, and Aluminum-Coated (Aluminized) Stranded Steel ASTM B 784: Standard Specification for Modified
Core for Aluminum Conductors, Steel-Reinforced (ACSR) Concentric-Lay-Stranded Copper Conductors for Use in
Insulated Electrical Cables
ASTM B 501: Standard Specification for Silver-Coated,
Copper-Clad Steel Wire for Electronic Application ASTM B 785: Standard Specification for Compact Round
ASTM B 502: Standard Specification for Aluminum-Clad Modified Concentric-Lay-Stranded Copper Conductors for
Steel Core Wire for Aluminum Conductors, Aluminum-Clad Use in Insulated Electrical Cables
Steel Reinforced ASTM B 786: Standard Specification for 19 Wire
ASTM B 520: Standard Specification for Tin-Coated, Combination Unilay-Stranded Aluminum 1350 Conductors
Copper-Clad Steel Wire for Electronic Application for Subsequent Insulation

ASTM B 524: Standard Specification for Concentric-Lay- ASTM B 787: Standard Specification for 19 Wire
Stranded Aluminum Conductors, Aluminum-Alloy Combination Unilay-Stranded Copper Conductors for
Reinforced (ACAR, 1350/6201) Subsequent Insulation
ASTM B 524M: Standard Specification for Concentric-Lay- ASTM B 801: Standard Specification for Concentric-Lay-
Stranded Aluminum Conductors, Aluminum-Alloy Stranded Conductors of 8000 Series Aluminum Alloy for
Reinforced (ACAR, 1350/6201) [Metric] Subsequent Covering or Insulation


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

ASTM B 802: Standard Specification for Zinc-5% ASTM D 3485: Specification for Smooth-Wall Coilable
Aluminum-Mischmetal Alloy-Coated Steel Core Wire for Polyethylene (PE) Conduit (Duct) for Preassembled Wire
Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforced (ACSR) and Cable
ASTM B 803: Standard Specification for High-Strength ASTM D 3554: Specification for Track-Resistant Black
Zinc-5 % Aluminum-Mischmetal Alloy Coated Steel Core Thermoplastic High Density Polyethylene Insulation for
Wire for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Conductors, Steel Wire and Cable
ASTM D 3555: Specification for Track-Resistant Black
ASTM D 149: Standard Test Method for Dielectric Break- Crosslinked Thermosetting Polyethylene Insulation for Wire
down Voltage and Dielectric Strength of Solid Electrical and Cable
Insulating Materials at Commercial Power Frequencies
ASTM D 4244: Specification for General-Purpose, Heavy-
ASTM D 470: Method of Testing Crosslinked Insulations Duty and Extra-Heavy Duty Acrylonitrile-Butadiene/
and Jackets for Wire and Cable Polyvinyl Chloride (NBR/PVC) Jackets for Wire and Cable
ASTM D 866: Specification for Styrene-Butadiene (SBR) ASTM D 4245: Specification for Ozone-Resistant
Synthetic Rubber Jacket for Wire and Cable Thermoplastic Elastomer Insulation for Wire and Cable,
90°C Dry - 75°C Wet Operation
ASTM D 1047: Specification for Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
Jacket for Wire and Cable ASTM D 4246: Specification for Ozone-Resistant
Thermoplastic Elastomer Insulation for Wire and Cable,
ASTM D 1351: Specification for Polyethylene Insulation for 90°C Operation
Wire and Cable
ASTM D 4247: Specification for General-Purpose Black
ASTM D 1352: Specification for Ozone-Resisting Butyl Heavy-Duty and Black Extra-Heavy Duty Polychloroprene
Rubber Insulation for Wire Jackets for Wire and Cable
and Cable
ASTM D 4313: Specification for General Purpose Heavy-
ASTM D 1523: Method for Synthetic Rubber Insulation for Duty and Extra-Heavy-Duty Crosslinked Chlorinated Poly-
Wire and Cable, 90° Operation ethylene Jackets for Wire and Cable
ASTM D 1679: Specification for Synthetic Rubber Heat ASTM D 4314: Specification for General Purpose Heavy-
and Moisture-Resisting Insulation for Wire and Cable, Duty and Extra-Heavy-Duty Crosslinked Chlorosulfonated
75°C Operation Polyethylene Jackets for Wire and Cable
ASTM D 2219: Specification for Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) ASTM D 4363: Specification for Thermoplastic Chlorinated
Insulation for Wire and Cable, 60° Operation Polyethylene Jacket for Wire and Cable
ASTM D 2220: Specification for Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) ASTM D 4496: Test Method of DC Resistance
Insulation for Wire and Cable, 75° Operation or Conductance of Moderately Conductive Materials
ASTM D 2308: Specification for Polyethylene Jacket for ASTM D 4568: Test Methods for Evaluating Compatibility
Electrical Insulated Wire and Cable Between Cable Filling and Flooding Compounds and
ASTM D 2526: Specification for Ozone-Resisting Silicone Polyolefin Cable Materials
Rubber Insulation for Wire and Cable ASTM D 4967: Guide for Selecting Materials to
Be Used for Insulation, Jacketing, and Strength Components
ASTM D 2655: Specification for Crosslinked Polyethylene
in Fiber Optic Cables
Insulation for Wire and Cable Rated 0 to 2000V
CAN3-Z299.0: Guide for Selecting and Implementing the
ASTM D 2656: Specification for Crosslinked Polyethylene
CAN3-Z299 Quality Assurance Program Standards
Insulation for Wire and Cable Rated 2001 to 35000V
CAN3-Z299.1: Standard for Quality Assurance Program -
ASTM D 2768: Specification for General-Purpose Ethylene-
Category 1
Propylene Rubber Jacket for Wire and Cable
CAN3-Z299.2: Standard for Quality Assurance Program -
ASTM D 2770: Specification for Ozone-Resisting Ethylene-
Category 2
Propylene Rubber Integral Insulation and Jacket for Wire
and Cable CAN3-Z299.3: Standard for Quality Assurance Program -
Category 3
ASTM D 2802: Specification for Ozone-Resistant Ethylene-
Propylene Rubber Insulation for Wire and Cable CAN3-Z299.4: Standard for Quality Assurance Program -
Category 4
ASTM D 3004: Specification for Extruded Thermosetting
and Thermoplastic Semi-Conducting Conductor and CSA C22.1: Canadian Electrical Code, Part 1, Safety
Insulation Shields Standard for Electrical Installations


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

CSA C22.2 No. 0.3: Standard for Test Methods for CSA C22.2 No. 222: Standard for Type FCC Under-Carpet
Electrical Wires and Cables Wiring System
CSA C22.2 No. 16: Standard for Insulated Conductors for CSA C22.2 No. 230: Standard for Tray Cable
Power-Operated Electronic Devices
CSA C22.2 No. 232: Standard for Optical Fiber Cables
CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 211: Standard for Cord Sets and
Power-Supply Cords CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 233: Standard for Cords and Cord
CSA C22.2 No. 35: Standard for Extra-Low-Voltage Sets for Communication Systems
Control Circuit Cables, Low-Energy Control Cable, and CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 239: Standard for Control and
Extra-Low-Voltage Control Cable Instrumentation Cables
CSA C22.2 No. 38: Standard for Thermoset Insulated Wires
CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 241: IEEE Standard for Cable Joints
and Cables
for Use with Extruded Dielectric Cable Rated 5,000V
CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 48: Standard for Nonmetallic Through 46,000V, and Cable Joints for Use with Laminated
Sheathed Cable Dielectric Cable Rated 2,500V Through 500,000V (Adopted
CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 49: Standard for Flexible Cords IEEE 404-1986)
and Cables
CAN/CSA C22.3 No. 1: Standard for Overhead Systems
CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 51: Standard for Armoured Cable
CSA/CAN3 C22.3 No. 7: Standard for Underground Systems
CSA C22.2 No. 52: Standard for Service-Entrance Cables
CAN/CSA C22.3 No. 8: Standard for Railway Electrification
CSA C22.2 No. 75: Standard for Thermoplastic-Insulated Guidelines
Wires and Cables
CAN/CSA C49.1: Standard for Round Wire, Concentric
CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 96: Standard for Portable Power Cables Lay, Overhead Electrical Conductors
CSA C22.2 No. 116: Standard for Coil-Lead Wires
CSA C49.2: Standard for Compact Aluminum Conductors
CSA C22.2 No. 123: Standard for Aluminum Sheathed Cables Steel Reinforced (ACSR)
CSA C22.2 No. 124: Standard for Mineral-Insulated Cable CSA C49.3: Standard for Aluminum Alloy 1350 Round
CSA C22.2 No. 127: Standard for Equipment Wires Wire, All Tempers, for Electrical Purposes

CSA C22.2 No. 129: Standard for Neutral Supported Cable CSA C49.4: Standard for Concentric-Lay Aluminum
Stranded Conductors (ASC)
CSA C22.2 No. 130: Standard for Heating Cables and
Heating Cable Sets CSA C49.5: Standard for Compact Round Concentric-Lay
CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 130.1: Standard for Heat-Tracing Aluminum Stranded Conductors (Compact ASC)
Cable Systems for Use in Industrial Locations CSA CAN3-C49.6: Standard for Zinc-Coated Steel
CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 131: Standard for Type TECK 90 Cable Wires for Use in Overhead Electrical Conductors

CSA C22.2 No. 138: Standard for Heat Tracing Cable CSA CAN3-C49.7: Standard for Aluminum Round Wires
and Cable Sets for Use in Hazardous Locations for Use in Overhead Electrical Conductors
CSA C22.2 No. 174: Standard for Cables and Cable Glands CSA C68.1: Standard Specifications for Impregnated Paper-
for Use in Hazardous Locations Insulated, Metallic-Sheathed Cable, Solid-Type
CSA C22.2 No. 179: Standard for Airport Series Lighting CAN/CSA C68.3: Standard for Shielded and Concentric
Neutral Power Cables Rated 5-46 kV
CSA C22.2 No.188: Standard for Splicing Wire and
Cable Connectors CSA C170.2: Standard for Polyethylene Protective Covering
on Paper-Insulated Metallic Sheathed Power Cable
CSA C22.2 No. 198.2: Standard for Underground Cable
Splicing Kits CSA C170.3: Standard for Polyvinyl-Chloride (PVC)
Protective Covering on Paper-Insulated Metallic-Sheathed
CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 203: Standard for Modular Wiring Power Cable
Systems for Office Furniture
CSA M421: Standard for Use of Electricity in Mines
CSA C22.2 No. 208: Standard for Fire Alarm and Signal Cable
CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 210.2: Standard for Appliance Wiring CAN/CSA T529: Standard Design Guide for Telecommuni-
Material Products cations Wiring Systems in Commercial Buildings

CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 214: Standard for Communications EIA/TIA-568: Commercial Building Telecommunications
Cables Wiring Standard


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

EIA/TIA-569: Commercial Building Standard for Telecom- ICEA P-81-570: ICEA Standards Publication for Direct
munications Pathways and Spaces Burial 600 Volt Cable with Ruggedized Extruded Insulation
EIA/TIA-606: Administration Standard for the Telecommu- ICEA S-19-81: ICEA/NEMA Standards Publication for
nications Infrastructure of Commercial Buildings Rubber-Insulated Wire and Cable for the Transmission and
Distribution of Electrical Energy (NEMA WC 3)
EIA/TIA TSB-36: Additional Cable Specifications for Un-
shielded Twisted Pair Cables (Technical Systems Bulletin 36) ICEA S-56-434: ICEA/ANSI Standards Publication for Poly-
olefin Insulated Communications Cables for Outdoor Use
EIA/TIA TSB-40: Additional Transmission Specifications for
Unshielded Twisted Pair Connecting Hardware (Technical ICEA S-61-402: ICEA/NEMA Standards Publication for
Systems Bulletin 40) Thermoplastic-Insulated Wire and Cable for the Trans-
mission and Distribution of Electrical Energy (NEMA WC 5)
FP-4: TM-4 CSA CBC and UL CMR (Riser) Cable
ICEA S-66-524: ICEA/NEMA Standards Publication for
FP-16: TD-16 Plastic Insulated, Two Parallel Conductor,
Cross-Linked-Thermosetting Polyethylene-Insulated Wire
Telephone Drop Wire
and Cable for the Transmission and Distribution of
FP-28: Air Core, Solid PIC, ALPETH-DCAS Cable & Electrical Energy (NEMA WC 7)
ICEA S-67-401: ICEA/NEMA Standards Publication for
FP-67: PHD Plastic Insulated and Jacketed, Four Conductor, Steel Armor and Associated Coverings for Impregnated-
Telephone Drop Wire Paper-Insulated Cables (NEMA WC 2)
FP-68: TM-68 CSA PCC FT4, Shielded Inside Wiring Cable ICEA S-68-516: ICEA/NEMA Standards Publication for
Ethylene-Propylene-Rubber-Insulated Wire and Cable for
FP-71: TM-28 CSA PCC FT4, Inside Wiring Cable
the Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy
FP-75: PHILPLAST CSA PCC FT4, PVC Insulated and (NEMA WC 8)
Jacketed, Switchboard Cable
ICEA S-70-547: ICEA/ANSI Standards Publication for
FP-81: TM-81 CSA ZSW FT1, Telephone Station Wire Weather-Resistant Polyolefin-Covered Wire and Cable
FP-90: CONCEL Cellular Polyethylene Insulated, Air Core, ICEA S-73-532: ICEA/NEMA/ANSI Standards
ALPETH-DCAS Sheathed, Telephone Cable Publication for Control Cables (NEMA WC 57)
FP-93: TM-91, TM-92, TM-93 & TM-97, Filled, Buried Wire ICEA S-75-381: ICEA/NEMA/ANSI Standards Publication
for Portable and Power Feeder Cables for Use in Mines and
FP-95: Quasi-Solid Polyethylene Insulated, Filled, Regular & Similar Applications (NEMA WC 58)
Twin Core, ALPETH-DCAS Sheathed Cable
ICEA S-76-474: ICEA/ANSI Standards Publication for
FP-98: CELSEAL Cellular Polyethylene Insulated, Filled, Neutral-Supported Power Cable Assemblies with Weather-
ALPETH-DCAS Sheathed Cable Resistant Extruded Insulation, 600 Volts
FP-99: DUCTCEL Cellular Polyethylene Insulated, Air Core,
ICEA S-77-528: ICEA/ANSI Standards Publication for
ALPETH-DCAS Sheathed Telephone Cable
Outside Plant Communications Cables, Specifying Metric
FP-8859: PHILSYM UL 444 CMR & CSA PCC FT4 Wire Sizes
Switchboard Cable
ICEA S-80-576: ICEA/ANSI Standards Publication for
HP: See NEMA listing Communications Wire and Cable for Wiring of Premises
ICEA P-32-382: ICEA Standards Publication for Short ICEA S-82-552: ICEA/NEMA Standards Publication for
Circuit Characteristics of Insulated Cable Instrumentation Cables and Thermocouple Wire (NEMA
WC 55)
ICEA P-45-482: ICEA Standards Publication for Short-
Circuit Performance of Metallic Shields and Sheaths of ICEA S-83-596: ICEA/ANSI Standards Publication for Fiber
Insulated Cable Optic Premises Distribution Cable
ICEA P-53-426: ICEA/NEMA Standards Publication for ICEA S-84-608: ICEA/ANSI Standards Publication for
Ampacities, Including Effect of Shield Losses for Single- Telecommunications Cable, Filled Polyolefin Insulated,
Conductor Solid-Dielectric Power Cable 15 kV through Copper Conductor
69 kV (NEMA WC 50)
ICEA S-85-625: ICEA/ANSI Standards Publication for
ICEA P-54-440: ICEA/NEMA Standards Publication for Aircore, Polyolefin Insulated, Copper Conductor
Ampacities of Cables in Open-Top Cable Trays (NEMA Telecommunications Cable
WC 51)
ICEA S-86-634: ICEA/ANSI Standards Publication for
ICEA P-79-561: ICEA Guide for Selecting Aerial Cable Buried Distribution & Service Wire, Filled Polyolefin
Messengers & Lashing Wires Insulated, Copper Conductor


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

ICEA S-87-640: ICEA/ANSI Standards Publication for IEEE 404: IEEE Standard for Cable Joints for Use with
Fiber Optic Outside Plant Communication Cable Extruded Dielectric Cable Rated 5,000V Through 46,000V,
and Cable Joints for Use with Laminated Dielectric Cable
ICEA T-22-294: ICEA Standard Test Procedures
Rated 2,500V Through 500,000V (Adopted as a National
for Extended Time-Testing of Wire and Cable Insulations for
Service in Wet Locations Standard of Canada, CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 241)

ICEA T-25-425: ICEA Guide for Establishing Stability of IEEE 446: IEEE Recommended Practice for Emergency and
Volume Resistivity for Conducting Polymeric Components Standby Power Systems for Industrial and Commercial
of Power Cables Applications (“IEEE Orange Book”)

ICEA T-26-465: ICEA/NEMA Guide for Frequency of IEEE 493: IEEE Recommended Practice for the Design
Sampling Extruded Dielectric Power, Control, Instru- of Reliable Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
mentation, and Portable Cables for Test (NEMA WC 54) (“IEEE Gold Book”)
ICEA T-27-581: ICEA/NEMA Standard Test Methods for IEEE 515: IEEE Recommended Practice for the Testing,
Extruded Dielectric Power, Control, Instrumentation, and Design, Installation, and Maintenance of Electrical
Portable Cables (NEMA WC 53) Resistance Heat Tracing for Industrial Applications
ICEA T-28-562: ICEA Standard Test Method for IEEE 524: IEEE Guide to the Installation of Overhead
Measurement of Hot Creep of Polymeric Insulations Transmission Line Conductors
ICEA T-29-520: ICEA Standard for Vertical Tray Flame IEEE 525: IEEE Guide for the Design and Installation of
Tests at 210,000 Btu Cable Systems in Substations
ICEA T-30-520: ICEA Standard for Vertical Tray Flame IEEE 575: IEEE Guide for the Application of Sheath-Bonding
Tests at 70,000 Btu Methods for Single-Conductor Cables and the Calculation of
ICEA T-31-610: ICEA Standard for Water Penetration Induced Voltages and Currents in Cable Sheaths
Resistance Test, Sealed Conductor IEEE 576: IEEE Recommended Practice for Installation,
ICEA T-32-645: ICEA Standards Publication for Termination, and Testing of Insulated Power Cable as Used
Compatibility of Sealed Conductor Filer Compounds in the Petroleum and Chemical Industry
IEC 92-3: International Electrotechnical Commission IEEE 590: IEEE Cable Plowing Guide
Electrical Installation in Ships - Part 3 Cables
(Constructions, Testing, and Installations) IEEE 602: IEEE Recommended Practice for Electric Systems
in Health Care Facilities (“IEEE White Book”)
IEEE 45: IEEE Recommended Practice for Electric
Installations on Shipboard IEEE 635: IEEE Guide for Selection and Design of
Aluminum Sheaths for Power Cables
IEEE 48: IEEE Standard Test Procedures and Requirements
for High-Voltage Alternating Current Cable Terminations IEEE 644: IEEE Standard Procedures for Measurement of
Power Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields from AC
IEEE 100: IEEE Standard Dictionary of Electrical and Power Lines
Electronics Terms
IEEE 738: IEEE Standard for Calculation of Bare Overhead
IEEE 141: IEEE Recommended Practice for Electric Power Conductor Temperature and Ampacity Under Steady-State
Distribution for Industrial Plants (“IEEE Red Book”)
IEEE 142: IEEE Recommended Practice for Grounding
IEEE 789: IEEE Standard Performance Requirements for
of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems (“IEEE
Communications and Control Cables for Application in
Green Book”)
High Voltage Environments
IEEE 241: IEEE Recommended Practice for Electric Power
Systems in Commercial Buildings (“IEEE Gray Book”) IEEE 802.3: IEEE Standard for Information Processing
Systems - Local and Metropolitan Area Networks - Part 3:
IEEE 242: IEEE Recommended Practice for Protection and Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection
Coordination of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems (CSMA/CD) Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications
(“IEEE Buff Book”) (ISO/IEC) (ANSI/IEEE Std 802.3)
IEEE 323: IEEE Standard for Qualifying Class 1E IEEE 802.5: IEEE Standard for Information Technology -
Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations Local and Metropolitan Area Networks - Part 5: Token
IEEE 383: IEEE Standard for Type Test of Class 1E Electric Ring Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications
Cables, Field Splices and Connections for Nuclear Power (ISO/IEC) (ANSI/IEEE Std 802.5)
Generating Stations
IEEE 816: IEEE Guide for Determining the Smoke
IEEE 400: IEEE Guide for Making High-Direct-Voltage Tests Generation of Solid Materials Used for Insulations and
on Power Cable Systems in the Field Coverings of Electric Wire and Cable


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

IEEE 844: IEEE Recommended Practice for Electrical NEMA HP 100: High Temperature Instrumentation and
Impedance, Induction, and Skin Effect Heating of Pipelines Control Cables
and Vessels
NEMA HP 100.1: High Temperature Instrumentation and
IEEE 1017: IEEE Recommended Practice for Field Testing Control Cables Insulated and Jacketed with FEP Fluorocarbons
Electric Submersible Pump Cable NEMA HP 100.2: High Temperature Instrumentation
IEEE 1018: IEEE Recommended Practice for Specifying and Control Cables Insulated and Jacketed with ETFE
Electric Submersible Pump Cable – Ethylene-Propylene Fluoropolymers
Rubber Insulation NEMA HP 100.3: High Temperature Instrumentation and
Control Cables Insulated and Jacketed with Cross-Linked
IEEE 1019: IEEE Recommended Practice for Specifying
(Thermoset) Polyolefin (XLPO)
Electric Submersible Pump Cable – Polypropylene Insulation
NEMA HP 100.4: High Temperature Instrumentation and
IEEE 1120: IEEE Guide to the Factors to Be Considered in
Control Cables Insulated and Jacketed with ECTFE
the Planning, Design, and Installation of Submarine Power Fluoropolymers
and Communications Cables
NEMA WC 2: Steel Armor and Associated Coverings for
IEEE 1202: IEEE Standard for Flame Testing of Cables for Impregnated-Paper-Insulated Cables (ICEA S-67-401)
Use in Cable Tray in Industrial and Commercial Occupancies
NEMA WC 3: Rubber-Insulated Wire and Cable for
IEEE/ICEA S-135: Power Cable Ampacities the Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy
(ICEA S-19-81)
Mil-C-17: General Specifications for Flexible and Semirigid
Radio Frequency Cables NEMA WC 5: Thermoplastic-Insulated Wire and Cable
for the Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy
Mil-C-915F: General Specification for Electrical Cable and
(ICEA S-61-402)
Conductors for Shipboard Use
NEMA WC 7: Cross-Linked-Thermosetting-Polyethylene-
Mil-C-13777: General Specification for Special Purpose Insulated Wire and Cable for the Transmission and
Electrical Cable Distribution of Electrical Energy (ICEA S-66-524)
Mil-C-24640: General Specification for Lightweight NEMA WC 8: Ethylene-Propylene-Rubber-Insulated Wire
Electrical Cable for Shipboard Use and Cable for the Transmission and Distribution of
Electrical Energy (ICEA S-68-516)
Mil-C-24643: General Specification for Low Smoke
Electrical Cable and Conductors for Shipboard Use NEMA WC 26: Wire and Cable Packaging
Mil-C-27500: General Specification for Shielded and NEMA WC 50: Ampacities, Including Effect of Shield Losses
Unshielded Electrical Power Cable and Special Purpose Cable for Single-Conductor Solid Dielectric Power Cable 15 kV
through 69 kV (ICEA P-53-426)
Mil-C-85045: General Specification for Fiber Optic
Cables [Metric] NEMA WC 51: Ampacities of Cables in Open-Top Cable
Trays (ICEA P-54-440)
Mil-W-16878: General Specification for Insulated
Electrical Wire NEMA WC 52: High Temperature and Electronic Insulated
Wire-Impulse Dielectric Testing
Mil-W-22759: General Specification for Copper or Copper
Alloy Fluoropolymer-Insulated Electrical Wire NEMA WC 53: Standard Test Methods for Extruded
Dielectric Power, Control, Instrumentation, and Portable
Mil-W-81044: General Specification for Copper or Copper Cables (ICEA T-27-581)
Alloy, Crosslinked Polyalkene, Crosslinked Alkane-Imide
NEMA WC 54: Guide for Frequency of Sampling Extruded
Polymer or Polyalkene Insulated Electrical Wire
Dielectric Power, Control, Instrumentation, and Portable
Mil-W-81381: General Specification for Replacement Wire Cables for Test (ICEA T26-465)

Mil-W-85485: General Specification for Radio Frequency NEMA WC 55: Instrumentation Cables and Thermocouple
Absorptive Filter Line Electrical Cable Wire (ICEA S-82-552)

NAVSEA 6710782: Fiber Optic & Multimode Cable NEMA WC 56: 3.0 kHz Insulation Continuity Proof Testing
of Hook-Up Wire
NEMA HP 3: Electrical and Electronic PTFE (Polytetra-
fluoro-ethylene) Insulated High Temperature Hook-Up Wire; NEMA WC 57: Standard for Control Cables (ICEA S-73-532)
Types (600 Volt), EE (1000 Volt), and ET (250 Volt) NEMA WC 58: Standard for Portable and Power Feeder
Cables for Use in Mines and Similar Applications
NEMA HP 4: Electrical and Electronic FEP Insulated High
Temperature Hook-Up Wire; Types K, KK, and KT NEMA WC 61: Transfer Impedance Testing


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

NEMA WC 62: Repeated Spark/Impulse Dielectric Testing UL 814: Standard for Gas-Tube-Sign and Ignition Cable
NFPA 70: National Electrical Code UL 817: Standard for Cord Sets and Power-Supply Cords
NFPA 70HB: National Electrical Code Handbook UL 854: Standard for Service-Entrance Cables

NFPA 262: Test for Fire and Smoke Characteristics of Wires UL 910: Standard for Test for Flame-Propagation and
and Cables Smoke-Density Values for Electrical and Optical-Fiber
Cables Used in Spaces Transporting Environmental Air
ONT M-302-84: Cable, Secondary, for Direct Burial
UL 1023: Standard for Household Burglar-Alarm
ONT M-355-82: Cable, Primary Submarine System Units
ONT M-538-84: Cable, For Use in Generating Stations UL 1063: Standard for Machine-Tool Wires and Cables
(5 kV and Above)
UL 1072: Standard for Medium-Voltage Power Cables
ONT M-570-84: Cable, For Use in Generating Stations
(600V) UL 1084: Standard for Hoistway Cables

ONT M-695-88: Cable, Primary and Subtransmission UL 1263: Standard for Irrigation Cables
Submarine, Concentric Neutral UL 1277: Standard for Electrical Power and Control Tray
SAE 1560: Low Tension Thin Wall Primary Cable Cables With Optional Optical Fiber Members

SAE J1127: Battery Cable UL 1309: Standard for Marine Shipboard Cable

SAE J1128: Low Tension Primary Cable UL 1424: Standard for Cables for Power-Limited Fire-
Protective-Signaling Circuits
UL 1426: Standard for Cables for Boats
UL 4: Standard for Armored Cable
UL 1446: Standard for Systems of Insulating Materials -
UL 13: Standard for Power-Limited Circuit Cables General
UL 44: Standard for Rubber-Insulated Wires and Cables UL 1462: Standard for Mobile Home Pipe Heating Cable
UL 62: Standard for Flexible Cord and Fixture Wire UL 1569: Standard for Metal-Clad Cables
UL 83: Standard for Thermoplastic-Insulated Wires and Cables UL 1581: Reference Standard for Electrical Wires, Cables,
and Flexible Cords
UL 183: Standard for Manufactured Wiring Systems
UL 1588: Standard for Roof and Gutter De-Icing Cable Units
UL 444: Standard for Communications Cables
UL 1666: Standard Test for Flame Propagation Height
UL 486A: Standard for Wire Connectors and Soldering Lugs of Electrical and Optical-Fiber Cables Installed Vertically
for Use With Copper Conductors in Shafts
UL 486B: Standard for Wire Connectors UL 1673: Standard for Electric Space Heating Cables
and Soldering Lugs for Use With Aluminum Conductors
UL 1685: Standard for Vertical-Tray Fire-Propagation and
UL 486C: Standard for Splicing Wire Connectors Smoke-Release Test for Electrical and Optical-Fiber Cables
UL 486D: Standard for Insulated Wire Connectors for Use UL 1690: Standard for Data Processing (DP) Cables
With Underground Conductors
UL 1712: Standard Tests for Ampacity of Insulated
UL 486E: Standard for Equipment Wiring Terminals for Use Electrical Conductors Installed in the Fire Protective System
With Aluminum and/or Copper Conductors
UL 1807: Standard for Fire Resistant Cable Coating Materials
UL 493: Standard for Thermoplastic-Insulated Underground
Feeder and Branch-Circuit Cables UL 2023: Standard Test Method for Flame and Smoke
Characteristics of Nonmetallic Wiring Systems (Raceway
UL 498: Standard for Attachment Plugs and Receptacles and Conductors) for Environmental Air-Handling Spaces
UL 514B: Standard for Fittings for Conduit and UL 2029: Standard for Gas/Vapor-Blocked Cable Classified
Outlet Boxes for Use in Class 1 Hazardous (Classified) Locations
UL 719: Standard for Nonmetallic-Sheathed Cables UL 2049: Standard for Residential Pipe Heating Cable
UL 758: Standard for Appliance Wiring Material - Component WC: See NEMA listing


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30


American Association of Railroads (AAR) Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
50 F Street, NW Customer Service Center
Washington, DC, USA 20001 445 Hoes Lane
(202) 639-2100 Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, USA
(800) 678-IEEE
Association of Edison Illuminating Companies (AEIC) (in the U.S. and Canada)
Publication Department (908) 981-1392
600 North 18th Street (outside U.S. and Canada)
Birmingham, AL 35203, USA Fax: (908) 562-9667

American National Standards Institute (ANSI) National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)
Sales Department Publication Sales
11 West 42nd Street - 13th Floor 2101 L Street, NW - Suite 300
New York, NY 10036, USA Washington, DC 20037-1526, USA
(212) 642-4900 (202) 457-8474
Fax: (212) 302-1286 Fax: (202) 457-8473

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
Customer Services 11 Tracey Drive
1916 Race Street Avon, MA 02322
Philadelphia, PA 19103, USA (800) 344-3555
(215) 299-5454 (617) 770-3000
Fax: (800) 593-6372
Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
Standards Sales Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
178 Rexdale Boulevard Washington, DC 20555
Rexdale, ON M9W lR3, Canada
(416) 747-4044 Ontario Hydro
Fax: (416) 747-2475 700 University Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M56 lX6, Canada
Electronic Industries Association (EIA)
Engineering Publications Office Rural Electrification Administration (REA)
2001 Pennsylvania Ave., NW U.S . Department of Agriculture
Washington, DC, USA Washington, DC 20250
(202) 457-4963 (202) 447-3827


Insulated Cable Engineers Association (ICEA) Engineering Society for Advanced Mobility, Land,
PO Box P Sea, Air & Space
South Yarmouth, MA 02664, USA 3001 West Big Beaver - Suite 320
Troy, MI 48084, USA
(313) 649-0420

Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL)

Publications Stock Department
333 Pfingsten Road
Northbrook, IL 60062-2096, USA
(847) 272-8800
Fax: (847) 272-8129


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30


Wire and Cable Reel Handling and Storage

If cable reels must be pancaked or stored in vertical racks, do not lift the reel by the top flange. Spacers placed under
the bottom flange and between reels (two 2x4's placed wide side up) create a space to insert the forks and lift the reel
without damaging the cable. If nails are used to secure the spacers, make sure the nails do not go through the flange
and into the cable.


For extended storage of bare or insulated This helps keep the flanges from decaying
cables (spare cable, etc.) reels should be and prevents the reels from rolling. At
stored cradled between railroad ties, temporary storage sites where soil may
power poles or crossarms. Size and spac- be soft, preservative treated plywood
ing of the supports should raise the sheets may be used to keep reel flanges
flange above the ground. from sinking into the ground.

When possible, the reel wrap or lagging supplied on the reels should be replaced to help protect the cable from
inadvertent damage. Under extreme environmental conditions, other measures may be necessary. To prevent
entrance of water, insulated cable ends should be sealed with plastic end caps. Electrical tape does not offer a
sufficient seal. When lengths are cut, cable ends should be immediately resealed and secured.


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30


Wire and Cable Reel Handling and Storage

When off loading reels from a truck, lower reels carefully using a
hydraulic gate, hoist or fork lift truck. Never drop reels. If reels must
be rolled, roll in opposite direction of the cable wraps to keep cable
from loosening on the reel.

When using a hoist, install a mandrel through the reel arbor holes and
attach a sling. Use a spreader bar approximately 6 inches longer than the
overall reel width placed between the sling ends just above the reel flanges.
This will prevent bending the reel flanges and mashing the cable


If a fork lift is used, approach the reel from the flange side. Position
the forks such that the reel is lifted by both reel flanges. Do not allow
the lift forks to contact the cable. Care must be taken by the fork lift
operator not to make sudden turns or stops.

Cable shipped on pallets should be stored indoors if possible. Cable shipped on wooden or metal reels may be stored
outdoors. When selecting a storage site, consideration should be given to:
• Traffic patterns during off-loading
• Grade and condition of the soil or pavement
• Protection from vehicle damage during the time in storage
• Environmental conditions such as exposure to heat, corrosive chemicals, etc.

Cable reels should be stored on hard surfaces resting on the flanges edge (flanges
vertical). Align reels flange to flange and, if possible, arrange so that first in is first
out. Multiple reels stacked on top of each other (“Pancake” storage), or storing
reels flat (flanges horizontal) is not recommended for bare conductor or medium
voltage cable. The weight of the stack can total thousands of pounds creating an
enormous load on the bottom reel. Also, damage to the reel and/or cable will likely
occur when the reel is flipped for transit. A concentration of stress on the reel
flange may cause it to break and subsequently damage the cable.


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30
Multiconductor cables having equal conductors; without subassemblies.
Soft drawn copper.
The following maximum tensions are for direct attachment to the conductor.
However, the pulling force must not exceed the smallest value of 1) conductor tension;
or 2) pulling device tension; or 3) sidewall load.


#CDR 20 18 16 14 12 11 10 9
2 16 26 41 66 100 130 160 200
3 24 39 62 99 150 190 240 310
4 33 52 83 130 200 260 330 410
5 41 65 100 160 260 320 410 520
6 49 78 120 190 310 390 490 620
7 49 78 120 190 310 390 490 620
8 52 83 130 210 330 420 530 670
9 59 93 140 230 370 470 590 750
10 65 100 160 260 410 520 660 830
11 72 110 180 280 460 570 730 920
12 78 120 190 310 500 630 790 1000
13 85 130 210 340 540 680 860 1000
14 91 140 230 360 580 730 930 1000
15 98 150 240 390 620 790 990 1000
16 100 160 260 420 660 840 1000 1000
17 110 170 280 440 710 890 1000 1000
18 110 180 290 470 750 940 1000 1000
19 120 190 310 500 790 1000 1000 1000
20 130 200 330 520 830 1000 1000 1000
22 140 220 360 570 910 1000 1000 1000
24 150 240 390 630 1000 1000 1000 1000
26 170 270 420 680 1000 1000 1000 1000
28 180 290 460 730 1000 1000 1000 1000
30 190 310 490 780 1000 1000 1000 1000
32 200 330 520 840 1000 1000 1000 1000
34 220 350 560 890 1000 1000 1000 1000
36 230 370 590 940 1000 1000 1000 1000
38 240 390 620 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
40 260 410 660 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
42 270 430 690 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
44 280 450 720 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
46 300 470 760 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
48 310 490 790 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
50 320 510 820 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
T = 0.008 x CM x N, if N ≤ 6.
T = 0.008 x CM x N x 0.8, if N > 6.
T = 0.008 x CM x N x 0.6, if twisted subassemblies.


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

In general, the requirements for cable storage are quite prior to installation in direct sunlight when ambient
straight forward. Maintain the cable dry, at a temperature temperatures are in excess of 122°F. Some jackets will
that will not cause degradation, and protect the cable soften and this may lead to physical damage during
from damage. installation.
4. When cable is stored at temperatures colder than -20°C
In order to maintain cable dryness, it is mandatory that the (-4°F), it is necessary to move the reel(s) into a heated
following steps be taken: area before installation, maintained at a minimum tem-
1. Maintain cable and end cap moisture seal integrity. perature of 32°F. The cable must reside in this heated
2. Do not store in locations where standing water is likely. area for at least 8 hours before it is installed.
3. Maintain cable ends fixed to reel flanges without
puncturing jackets of end caps. In order to protect the cable from damage, it is necessary to:
1. Store cable, especially long term storage, in relatively
In order to keep the cable from degrading and ready for inactive areas.
use, it is necessary to: 2. Maintain a covering on the cable reels so that any cable
1. Maintain, as far as practicable, a covering over the cable damaging instrument will damage the covering also.
on the reel. 3. In areas of extreme rodent infestation, cables should
2. Maintain storage temperatures between -20°C (-4°F) be protected with full lagging, steel plates over flange
and 50°C (122°F). Excursions beyond these tempera- penetrations or other suitable means.
tures are permissible for certain materials. Consult 4. Store cable reels standing on flange rims. DO NOT,
cable manufacturer. except in special circumstances, store cable reels on their
3. It is recommended to avoid storing cables immediately sides; i.e., laying on one or the other flange.


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30


Overview Cable Inspection Cabling Handling

To ensure safety during cable installa- Inspect every cable reel for damage Remove all nails and staples from
tion and reliability once the cable is before accepting the shipment. Be the reel flanges before moving a reel,
installed, you should confirm the fol- particularly alert for cable damage if: and avoid all objects that could crush,
lowing prior to installation. • A reel is laying flat on its side gouge or impact the cable when
• Several reels are stacked moving. NEVER use the cable as a
• The cable selected is proper for
• Other freight is stacked on a reel means to move a reel.
your application. When unreeling, observe recom-
• Nails have been driven into reel
• The cable has not been damaged in mended bending radii, use swivels to
flanges to secure shipping blocks
transit or storage. • A reel flange is damaged prevent twisting and avoid overruns.
• A cable covering is removed,
Review all applicable state and national stained or damaged
codes to verify that the cable chosen is • A cable end seal is removed or
appropriate for the job. Also, consult damaged
your local building authority. • A reel has been dropped (hidden
Next, you must identify any exist- damage likely)
ing cable damage and prevent any fur-
ther damage from occurring. This is
done through proper cable inspection,
handling and storage.


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30


Overview Ambient Temperature Equipment

A survey of customer complaints Low temperatures are a cause for The proper use of appropriate equip-
revealed that 92% of the cables in concern when installing cable. The ment is crucial to a successful cable
question failed due to mechanical following are temperatures below installation. The equipment needed
damage. When does mechanical dam- which cable should not be installed. for most installations is detailed in the
• CP/EP - 1/C.............................-31°F following checklist:
age usually occur? During installation.
• CPE Jacket..............................-31°F ▫ Portable electric generator
In fact, most cables are subjected to
• CPE/EP - 1/C ..........................-31°F
more mechanical stress during instal- ▫ Extension cords & GFCI
• FREP, PE, XLPE - 1/C.............-58°F
lation than they ever experience in • PVC .......................................+14°F ▫ Pump, diaphragm
actual operation. Needless to say, han- ▫ Make-up air blower & hose
dling and pulling your cable according CP = Chlorosulfonated ▫ Manhole cover hooks
to manufacturer’s recommendations is Polyethylene (Hypalon®) ▫ Warning flags, signs
extremely important. CPE = Chlorinated Polyethylene ▫ Electrostatic kV tester
There are five main considerations EP = Ethylene Propylene
FREP = Flame Retardant EP ▫ Electric safety blankets and clamps
in any cable installation:
• Ambient temperature PVC = Polyvinyl Chloride ▫ Radios or telephones
• Equipment ▫ Gloves
• Conduit fill During cold weather installation, ▫ Flood lamps
• Mechanical fit in raceway cable should be pulled more slowly ▫ Fishtape or string blower/vacuum
and trained in place the same day it is
• Physical limitations ▫ Hand line
removed from storage. Do not impact,
These considerations were devel- drop, kink or bend cable sharply in ▫ Duct cleaning mandrels
oped and refined by installers of low temperatures. ▫ Duct testing mandrels
paper-lead cables. Two excellent refer- ▫ Capstan type puller
ences are the “Underground Systems ▫ Snatch blocks
Reference Book” and “Pipeline Design
▫ Short ropes for temp tie-offs
for Pipe Type Feeders.” The former
▫ Guide-in flexible tubing
was published by Edison Electric
(elephant trunks)
Institute in 1931 and was last revised
▫ Several wire rope slings of
in 1957. The latter was an AIEE
various lengths
paper (#53-389) by R.C. Rifenburg,
▫ Shackles/clevis
published in Power Apparatus &
Systems in December, 1953. ▫ Gang rollers; with at least 4 ft.
effective radius
▫ Hand winches (come-a-long)
▫ Manhole edge sheave
▫ Pulling rope
▫ Swivels
▫ Basket grip pullers
▫ 0-1/5/10 kip dynamometer
▫ Reel arbor
▫ Reel jacks
▫ Reel brakes
▫ Cable cutter
▫ Lint free rags
▫ Cable pulling lubricant
▫ Prelubing devices
▫ Plywood sheets
▫ Diameter tape
▫ 50 ft. measuring tape
▫ Silicone caulking (to seal cable ends)


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30


The following diagrams illustrate various cable feed-in setups.

Apply lube here

Guide-in tube

Reels on truck

Setup for duct close to floor.

Setup for overhead, into tray.

The feed-in setup should

unreel the cable with a
natural curvature (Figure PROPER IMPROPER
1) as opposed to a reverse
“S” curvature (Figure 2).

Figure 1 Figure 2


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

C A B L E F E E D - I N S E T U P S ( C O N T. )

Single Sheave
Single Sheaves may be
used only for GUIDING
cables. Arrange multiple
blocks to hold bending
radii whenever cable is

Sheave Assembly

For pulling around

bends, use conveyor
sheave assemblies
of the appropriate
radius series.

The pulleys must be positioned to

ensure that the effective curvature
is smooth and deflected evenly at
each pulley. Never allow a poly-
gon curvature to occur (Figure 3).
The fit of a pulley around the NEVER ALLOW
cable is also important when
pulling heavy weights (i.e. pulleys Figure 3
at th top of a vertical drop).

Remember to use the radius

of the surface over which
the cable is bent, not the
outside flange diameter of
the pulley. A “10 inch”
cable sheave typically has
an inside (bending) radius
of 3 inches! Radius


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30



The following maximum tensions are for direct attachment to the conductor. However, the pulling
force must not exceed the smallest value of 1) conductor tension; or 2) pulling device tension; or 3)
sidewall load.
AWG/kcmil 1 2 3 4 5 6
20 8 16 24 26 33 39
18 13 26 39 41 52 62
16 21 41 62 66 83 99
14 33 66 99 100 130 150
12 52 100 150 160 200 250
11 66 130 190 210 260 310
10 83 160 240 260 330 390
9 100 200 310 330 410 500
8 130 260 390 420 520 630
6 210 420 630 670 840 1000
4 330 660 1000 1060 1330 1600
3 420 840 1260 1340 1680 2020
2 530 1060 1590 1690 2120 2540
1 670 1330 2000 2140 2670 3210
1/0 840 1690 2530 2700 3370 4050
2/0 1060 2130 3190 3400 4250 5110
3/0 1340 2680 4020 4290 5370 6440
4/0 1690 3380 5070 5410 6500 6500
250 2000 4000 6000 6400 6500 6500
300 2400 4800 6500 6500 6500 6500
350 2800 5600 6500 6500 6500 6500
400 3200 6400 6500 6500 6500 6500
450 3600 6500 6500 6500 6500 6500
500 4000 6500 6500 6500 6500 6500
600 4800 6500 6500 6500 6500 6500
700 5000 6500 6500 6500 6500 6500
750 5000 6500 6500 6500 6500 6500
800 5000 6500 6500 6500 6500 6500
900 5000 6500 6500 6500 6500 6500
1000 5000 6500 6500 6500 6500 6500
T = 0.008 x CM x N, if N ≤ 3.
T = 0.008 x CM x N x 0.8, if N > 3.


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30


The following maximum tensions are for direct attachment to the conductor. However, the pulling
force must not exceed the smallest value of 1) conductor tension; or 2) pulling device tension; or 3)
sidewall load.
#CDR 20 18 16 14 12 11 10 9
2 16 26 41 66 100 130 160 200
3 24 39 62 99 150 190 240 310
4 33 52 83 130 200 260 330 410
5 41 65 100 160 260 320 410 520
6 49 78 120 190 310 390 490 620
7 49 78 120 190 310 390 490 620
8 52 83 130 210 330 420 530 670
9 59 93 140 230 370 470 590 750
10 65 100 160 260 410 520 660 830
11 72 110 180 280 460 570 730 920
12 78 120 190 310 500 630 790 1000
13 85 130 210 340 540 680 860 1000
14 91 140 230 360 580 730 930 1000
15 98 150 240 390 620 790 990 1000
16 100 160 260 420 660 840 1000 1000
17 110 170 280 440 710 890 1000 1000
18 110 180 290 470 750 940 1000 1000
19 120 190 310 500 790 1000 1000 1000
20 130 200 330 520 830 1000 1000 1000
22 140 220 360 570 910 1000 1000 1000
24 150 240 390 630 1000 1000 1000 1000
26 170 270 420 680 1000 1000 1000 1000
28 180 290 460 730 1000 1000 1000 1000
30 190 310 490 780 1000 1000 1000 1000
32 200 330 520 840 1000 1000 1000 1000
34 220 350 560 890 1000 1000 1000 1000
36 230 370 590 940 1000 1000 1000 1000
38 240 390 620 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
40 260 410 660 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
42 270 430 690 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
44 280 450 720 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
46 300 470 760 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
48 310 490 790 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
50 320 510 820 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
The maximum limit is 1000 lbs.

T = 0.008 x CM x N, if N ≤ 6.
T = 0.008 x CM x N x 0.8, if N > 6.
T = 0.008 x CM x N x 0.6, if twisted subassemblies.


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30


Overview Applications in Accordance with the National Electrical Code.

Training is the positioning of cable
which is not under tension. Bending TABLE 1
is the positioning of cable which is
Shielded or Lead-Covered Cable (Non-Armored)
under tension. When installing cable,
the object is to limit these forces so Single and Multiple Conductor – All Voltages Over 600 Volt Nominal
that the cable’s physical and electrical 12 x Overall Diameter
characteristics are maintained for
the expected service life. The recom-
mended limits are:
• Tables per National Electric Code
(see tables at right) Non-Shielded and Non-Armored
• Tables per ICEA/NEMA Single and Multiple Conductor – All Voltages Over 600 Volt Nominal
• A nonshielded cable can tolerate a
sharper bend than a shielded cable 8 x Overall Diameter
can. This is especially true for
cables having helical metal tapes
which, when bent too sharply, can TABLE 3
separate, buckle and cut into the
insulation. Armored Cable - Type MC
The problem is compounded by the fact Interlocked or Corrugated Sheath
that most tapes are under jackets which Multiple Conductors – Non Shielded
conceal such damage. The shielding
bedding tapes or extruded polymers 7 x External Diameter of Armor
have sufficient conductivity and cover- Multiple Conductors – Shielded
age initially to pass acceptance testing, 12 x Diameter of One Shielded Conductor
then fail prematurely due to corona at
the shield/insulation interface.
Remember that offsets are bends. 7 x External Diameter of Armor
Whichever is greater

In all cases the minimum bending radius specified refers to the inner surface of the
cable and not to axis of the cable.


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30


Sidewall Loading (Sidewall Bearing Pressure)

Sidewall load is the radial force exerted The maximum tension that can be 600 lbs tension applied to it as the
on a cable being pulled around a con- safely applied to the cable during cable exits the bend.
duit bend or sheave. Excessive sidewall installation can be derived using the Laboratory tests conducted on
loading can crush a cable and is, there- maximum sidewall loading limit of standard cables after they had been
fore, one of the most restrictive factors the cable and the radius of the bend it subjected to conduit pull tests through
in installations having bends or high is traversing. For example, a cable 90° elbows of appropriate radii,
tensions. Sidewall loading is reduced having a maximum SWL of 300 lb/ft indicate no significant change in the
by increasing the radius of the bends. that is being pulled around a bend cable’s electrical parameters at the
having a radius of 2 feet should have following sidewall loads:
no greater than 300 lbs/ft x 2 ft or

Cable type SWL lbs/ft

Tension 600V nonshielded control 300

600V and 1 kV nonshielded EP power 500

5 and 35 kV UniShield® & Uniblend®, 5 kV Durasheath® EP 500

Interlocked armored cable (All Voltage Classes) 300

Sidewall Load



Name of Lubricant Manufacturer

Polywater® A, G, and J........................................................... American Polywater Corporation, Stillwater, MN
Polywater® Plus Silicone, Types NN, WNN, FS ..................... American Polywater Corporation, Stillwater, MN
Wire Lube® and Aqua-Gel® .................................................... Ideal Industries, Sycamore, IL
Dyna-Blue® Cable Lubricant .................................................. American Polywater Corporation, Stillwater, MN
Wirepull................................................................................. Mac Products, Kearney, NJ

Other lubricants may be suitable for use with BICC Cable designs.
Contact the lubricant manufacturer about the compatibility of their products with specific cables.
Cable lubricants should be currently UL listed.
Contact lubricant manufacturers for proof of approval.


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30



Overview Before performing any dc over- Hi-Pot Testing Procedures

potential tests:
This procedure is intended to provide Normally this requires only a few
• All equipment must be disconnected
general guidelines for high potential seconds unless cable circuits of high
from the cable circuit, i.e. discon-
dc testing of power cables. capacitance are involved.
nect transformers, switch taps,
All tests made after cable installation Record leakage current at each step.
motors, circuit breakers, surge
Maintain the test voltage at the pre-
and during the guarantee period shall arrestors, etc. This will preclude
scribed value for the time designated in
be made in accordance with applica- damage to such equipment and will
applicable specifications. The following
ble specifications. prevent test interruptions due to
times are usually considered adequate:
All safety precautions must be flashovers and/or trip-outs resulting
at the end of the test period, set the test
observed during testing at high voltage. from excessive leakage current.
set voltage control to zero; allow the
• Establish adequate clearance
Read and understand and follow the residual voltage on the circuit to decay
between the circuit test ends and
Operator’s Manual for the particular then ground the conductor just tested.
any grounded object, and to other
test set being used! equipment not under test (about
2.5 feet).
It should be recognized that dc
Test Equipment • Ground all circuit conductors not
charges on cable can build up to
Direct current test equipment is avail- under test with all cable shields
potentially dangerous levels if grounds
able commercially with a wide range including nearby equipment.
are removed too quickly. Maintain
of voltages. Accessory equipment • Consult termination manufacturers
solid grounds after the test on the
is necessary to safely conduct high for maximum test voltage recom-
cable for at least 4 times the duration
voltage tests such as safety barriers, mendations and time limitations.
of the test. On exceptionally long cable
rubber gloves and nonconducting The direct current test voltage may
lengths it may be necessary to increase
hard hats must be used; consult be applied either continuously or in
the grounding time. It is advantageous
appropriate safety officer. predetermined steps to the maximum
to maintain these grounds longer and
value in accordance with applicable
while reconnecting circuit components.
Test Procedures specifications.
• Acceptance Testing – After installa-
• Continuous Method – Apply test
See IEEE Standard 400. Acceptable tion and before the cable is placed
voltage at an approximate rise rate
procedures, although varying slightly in regular service the specified
of 1 kV per second or 75% of the
in technique, have more or less been test voltage shall be applied for
rated current output of the equip-
standardized as either a “withstand 15 consecutive minutes.
ment, whichever is less. Some
test” or a “time-leaking current test.” • Proof Testing – At any time during
equipment will take longer to reach
the period of guarantee the cable
the maximum test voltage because
circuit may be removed from service
of the amount of charging current.
and tested at a reduced voltage
• Step Method – Apply test voltage
(normally 65 percent of the original
slowly in 5 to 7 increments of equal
acceptance value) for 5 consecutive
value, to the maximum specified.
Allow sufficient time at each stop
• Record the leakage current, at one
for the leakage current to stabilize.
minute intervals for the duration of
the test time involved.


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30



Comments desirable to reduce or eliminate corona Testing Problems

current at the bare metal extremities
DC overpotential testing of medium Extra Leakage Current:
of cable or terminations. This may be
voltage power cables is usually • Failure to guard against corona
accomplished by covering these areas
performed with negative polarity • Failure to clean insulation surface
with plastic envelopes, plastic or glass
connected to the conductor. • Failure to keep cable ends dry
containers, plastic wrap (e.g. “Saran”
DC overpotential testing is a tool • Failure to provide adequate
or “Handiwrap®”) or suitable electri-
only for determining insulation clearance to ground
cal putty.
resistance at higher voltages. Effective • Improper shield termination
Routine periodic dc maintenance
insulation resistance of the cable
testing of cable for the evaluation of Erratic Readings:
system may be calculated by means of
the insulation strength is not a com- • Fluctuating voltage to test set
Ohms Law: R = V/I. The relation is:
mon practice. Some power cable users • Improper test leads
Megohms = Kilovolts x 1000 have adopted a program of testing
Environmental influences:
Microamperes circuits during planned outages,
• High relative humidity
preferring possible breakdowns during
• Dampness, dew, fog
Insulation resistance may also be testing rather than experiencing a
• Wind, snow
measured with standard instruments service outage. It is nearly impossible
which give a direct reading at 500 to recommend test voltage values for Results vs. Cable Life
volts (or higher, depending on the those maintenance tests with the history
model). IR in general has little or no of the cable circuit. An arbitrary test To date there is no bases for correla-
direct relationship to dielectric or voltage level could break down a cable tion between dc test results and cable
breakdown strength. circuit that would otherwise render life expectancy.
The significance of conducting dc long trouble-free service at normal
High Voltage tests on nonshielded, operating ac voltage. Partial Listing of Equipment Suppliers
nonmetallic-sheathed cable is depen- The main usefulness of dc high J.G. Biddle Company
dent upon the environment in which it voltage testing is to detect conducting Blue Bell, PA 19422
is installed because the characteristics particles left on the creepage surface
of the return circuits are unknown. during splicing or termination. Hipotronics
The environment must be carefully Test equipment should be supplied Brewster, NY 10519
considered or test results may not be from a stable, constant voltage source.
significant. In fact, these tests can Do not use the same source that is Associated Research Inc.
result in damage to the cable insulation. supplying arc welders or other equip- Chicago, IL 60648
Humidity, condensation and actual ment causing line voltage fluctuations.
precipitation on the surface of a cable The output voltage of the test set must Von Corporation
termination can increase the leakage be filtered and regulated. Consider Birmingham, AL 35211
current by several orders of magnitude. using a portable motor driven alter-
Humidity also increases the corona nator to energize test set.
current, which indication is included in The gradual decrease or nonincrease
the total leakage current. Wind prevents of leakage current with respect to time
the accumulation of space charges at all at maximum test voltage is the accep-
bare energized terminals. This results tance criteria for dc hipot testing.
in an increase of corona. It is most


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30


National Electrical Manufacturers’ Association & IEEE Standard 400

EPR = NEMA WC-8, ICEA S-68-516
XLP = NEMA WC-7, ICEA S-66-524
PE = NEMA WC-5, ICEA S-61-402

Rated ACCEPTANCE BICC Cables does

Circuit Voltage 100% 133% not make any recom-
Phase to Phase Conductor Size (For Grounded) (For Ungrounded) mendations for
Volts AWG-kcmil
kV kV maintenance testing.
2001-5000 8-1000 25 25
5001-8000 6-1000 35 35
8001-15000 2-1000 (1) 55 –
1-1000 (1) – 65 (2)
15001-25000 1-1000 80 100 (2)
25001-28000 1-1000 85 _
28001-35000 1/0-1000 100 _

(1) Combined in S-61-402, S-68-516 (2) Not in IEEE-400

Test to be made immediately after installation.


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

(Excerpt from AEIC CS6)

During Installation In Service

DC test voltages are applied to dis-
At any time during installation, a dc After the cable has been completely
cover gross problems such as improp-
proof test may be made at a voltage installed and placed in service, a dc
erly installed accessories or mechanical
not exceeding the dc test voltage proof test may be made at any time
damage. DC testing is not expected
specified in the table below, under the within the first 5 years of service at
to reveal deterioration due to aging
“During Installation” column, applied a voltage not exceeding the dc test
during the first five years of service.
for 5 consecutive minutes. voltage specified in the table below
under the “First 5 Years” column,
applied for 5 consecutive minutes.*

Maximum DC Field Test Voltages

Rated Voltage Conductor Size Insulation Thickness kV
Phase to Phase AWG or kcmil (mm2) Mils (mm) During Installation First 5 Years
100% 133% 100% 133% 100% 133%
5 8-1000 (8.4-507) 90 (2.92) 115 (2.92) 28 36 22 29
Above 1000 (507) 140 (3.56) 140 (3.56) 28 36 22 29
8 6-1000 (13.3-507) 115 (2.92) 140 (3.56) 36 44 29 35
Above 1000 (507) 175 (2.92) 140 (3.56) 36 44 29 35
15 2-1000 (33.6-507) 175 (4.45) 220 (5.59) 56 64 45 51
Above 1000 (507) 220 (5.59) 220 (5.59) 56 64 45 51
25 1-2000 (42.4-1013) 260 (6.60) 320 (8.13) 80 96 64 77
28 1-2000 (42.4-1013) 280 (7.11) 345 (8.76) 84 100 67 80
35 1/0-2000 (53.5-1013) 345 (8.76) 420 (10.7) 100 124 80 99
46 4/0-2000 (107.2-1013) 445 (11.3) 580 (14.7) 132 172 106 138
69 500-2000 (153.4-1013) 650 (16.5) – 192 – 154 –

* These test voltages are for all EPR circuits. Other values may be dictated
by mixed cable circuits with other insulations or thinner insulation walls.


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30


Conductor Background or Tracer Conductor Background or Tracer
Number Base Color Color Number Base Color Color
1 Black — 12 Black White
2 White — 13 Red White
3 Red — 14 Green White
4 Green — 15 Blue White
5 Orange — 16 Black Red
6 Blue — 17 White Red
7 White Black 18 Orange Red
8 Red Black 19 Blue Red
9 Green Black 20 Red Green
10 Orange Black 21 Orange Green
11 Blue Black
1 Black — 19 Orange Blue
2 Red — 20 Yellow Blue
3 Blue — 21 Brown Blue
4 Orange — 22 Black Orange
5 Yellow — 23 Red Orange
6 Brown — 24 Blue Orange
7 Red Black 25 Yellow Orange
8 Blue Black 26 Brown Orange
9 Orange Black 27 Black Yellow
10 Yellow Black 28 Red Yellow
11 Brown Black 29 Blue Yellow
12 Black Red 30 Orange Yellow
13 Blue Red 31 Brown Yellow
14 Orange Red 32 Black Brown
15 Yellow Red 33 Red Brown
16 Brown Red 34 Blue Brown
17 Black Blue 35 Orange Brown
18 Red Blue 36 Yellow Brown


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30


To Convert From To Multiply By

Inches Millimeters 25.4

Millimeters Inches 0.03937

Inches Centimeters 2.54

Centimeters Inches 0.3937
Feet Meters 0.3048
Meters Feet 3.2808

Kilofeet (1000 ft) Kilometers 0.3048

Kilometers Kilofeet (1000 ft) 3.2808

Square Inches Square Millimeters 645.16

Square Millimeters Square Inches 0.00155

Square Inches Square Centimeters 6.4516

Square Centimeters Square Inches 0.155

Area Square Inches Circular Mils 1,273,240

Circular Mils Square Inches 7.854 x 10-7

Circular Mils Square Millimeters 5.066 x 104

Square Millimeters Circular Mils 1973.51

Square Feet Square Meters 0.0929

Square Meters Square Feet 10.764

Pounds Kilograms 0.4536

Weight Kilograms Pounds 2.2046

Pound/Kilofeet Kilograms/Kilometer 1.4882

Kilograms/Kilometer Pounds/Kilofeet 0.6720

Ohms/Kilofeet Ohms/Kilometer 3.2808

Ohms/Kilometer Ohms/Kilofeet 0.3048

Microfarads/Kilofeet Microfarads/Kilometer 3.2808

Electrical Microfarads/Kilometer Microfarads/Kilofeet 0.3048

Insulation Resistance:
Megohms—Kilofeet Megohms—Kilometer 0.3048
Megohms—Kilometer Megohms—Kilofeet 3.2808

Pounds/Square Inch Kilo Pascal* 6.895

Mechanical Kilo Pascal* Pounds/Square Inch 0.1432
Pounds (force) Newtons 4.448
Newtons Pounds (force) 0.2248

* 1 Pascal = 1 newton/m2


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30












33 SE










67 SE CO


















Short Circuit Current – kilo Amperes

10 0 C YCL ES





S –1








Copper Conductors
XLPE or EPR insulation
I = 0.07195 A


10 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 500 1000
AWG kcmil

Conductor Size


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

Size Diameter (Inches) Weight (lb/ft) Area
Class B 4
AWG kcmil Solid 1 Class H Copper Aluminum
Conc 2
Combination 3Anapact™ in2
22 640 0.0253 0.00194 0.000589 0.000503
20 1020 0.0320 0.036 0.003154 0.000942 0.00103
18 1620 0.0403 0.046 0.005015 0.00149 0.00163
16 2580 0.0508 0.058 0.007974 0.00238 0.00261
14 4110 0.0641 0.073 0.01268 0.00378 0.00414
12 6530 0.0808 0.092 0.02016 0.00601 0.00658
10 10380 0.1019 0.116 0.03206 0.009556 0.0106
9 13090 0.1144 0.130 0.04042 0.01204 0.0133
8 16510 0.1285 0.146 0.137 0.167 0.05097 0.0152 0.0167
6 26240 0.1620 0.184 0.172 0.210 0.08105 0.0246 0.0266
4 41740 0.2043 0.232 0.217 0.266 0.1289 0.0392 0.0423
3 52620 0.2294 0.260 0.240 0.299 0.1625 0.04843 0.0531
2 66360 0.2576 0.292 0.271 0.335 0.2049 0.0623 0.0670
1 83690 0.2893 0.332 0.328 0.303 0.378 0.2584 0.0785 0.0865
1/0 105600 0.3249 0.373 0.369 0.342 0.424 0.3258 0.0991 0.109
2/0 133100 0.3648 0.419 0.413 0.384 0.477 0.4109 0.1249 0.138
3/0 167800 0.4096 0.470 0.464 0.429 0.536 0.5181 0.1575 0.173
4/0 211600 0.4600 0.528 0.521 0.480 0.601 0.6533 0.1986 0.219
250 0.575 0.570 0.525 0.653 0.7719 0.2347 0.260
300 0.630 0.574 0.716 0.9263 0.2816 0.312
350 0.681 0.674 0.619 0.772 1.081 0.3286 0.364
400 0.728 0.826 1.235 0.3755 0.416
500 0.813 0.807 0.740 0.923 1.544 0.4694 0.519
550 0.855 0.980 1.698 0.5163 0.574
600 0.893 1.022 1.853 0.5632 0.626
700 0.964 1.106 2.161 0.6571 0.730
750 0.998 0.989 0.911 1.145 2.316 0.7040 0.782
900 1.094 1.253 2.779 0.8449 0.940
1000 1.152 1.142 1.064 1.320 3.088 0.9387 1.04

ASTM B 8 (Conc. = Concentric)
Combination Stranding, having smoother configuration than Class B.
Anapact is BICC Cables version of compact stranding.
Circumscribed Area = (π/4) (OD)2, using Class B OD’s, or OD of solid when Class B OD not given.

Use Circumscribed Area for computing conduit fill. Use in2 (π/4)(CM)(106) for finding conductor area. Values at 20°C (68°F)


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

Size Diameter (Inches) Weight (lb/ft) Area
Class B 4
AWG/kcmil mm2 Solid 1 Class H Copper Aluminum
Conc 2
Combination 3Anapact™ in2
22 0.32 0.64 2.89 0.877
20 0.52 0.81 0.92 4.69 1.40 See Column 2
18 0.82 1.02 1.16 7.46 2.22 for sizes
16 1.31 1.29 1.46 11.9 3.54 under 250
14 2.08 1.63 1.84 18.9 5.63 kcmil.
12 3.31 2.05 2.32 30.0 8.94
10 5.26 2.59 2.95 47.7 14.2
9 6.63 2.91 3.30 60.2 17.9
8 8.37 3.26 3.71 3.48 4.24 75.8 22.6
6 13.2 4.12 4.67 4.37 5.33 120 36.6
4 21.2 5.19 5.89 5.51 6.76 192 58.3
3 26.7 5.83 6.60 6.10 7.59 242 72.1
2 33.6 6.54 7.42 6.88 8.51 305 92.7
1 42.4 7.35 8.43 8.33 7.63 9.8 384 117
1/0 53.5 8.25 9.47 9.37 8.69 10.8 485 147
2/0 67.4 9.27 10.6 10.5 9.75 12.1 611 186
3/0 85 10.4 11.9 11.6 10.9 13.6 771 234
4/0 107 11.7 13.4 13.2 12.2 15.3 972 296
250 126 14.6 14.5 13.3 16.6 1150 349 168
300 152 16.0 14.6 18.2 1380 419 201
350 177 17.3 17.1 15.7 19.6 1610 489 235
400 202 18.5 21.0 1840 559 269
500 253 20.6 20.5 18.8 23.4 2300 698 335
550 278 21.7 24.9 2530 768 371
600 304 22.7 26.0 2760 838 404
700 354 24.5 28.1 3220 978 471
750 380 25.3 25.1 23.1 29.1 3450 1050 505
900 456 27.8 31.6 4140 1280 607
1000 506 29.3 29 27 33.5 4600 1400 672

(ASTM B 8) x (25.4) (Conc. = Concentric)
Combination Stranding, having smoother configuration than Class B.
Anapact is BICC Cables version of compact stranding.
Circumscribed Area = (π/4) (25.4)2, using Class B OD’s, or OD of solid when Class B OD not given.

Use Circumscribed Area for computing conduit fill. Values at 20°C (68°F)


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

Insulation PVC High
Low Density Cellular Poly- Poly-
or Jacket CPE Polyvinyl Density Nylon Teflon TPE
Polyethylene Polyethylene Urethane Propylene
Material Chloride Polyethylene
E E E E E E E E 0 E
G-E G-E G G-E E E G E 0 G
E E G-E G-E G-E E E E 0 P
Low Temp.
G P-G G-E E E E G G 0 E
E G-E E E E E F-G E 0
Sun Resistance
E F-G F-G G E F-G 0 E G-E F
Electrical F F-G E E E E P-F F E G
F E P P P P P P 0 F
Radiation G-E P-F G G G F G F-G P-F F
Kerosene, Etc.
(Alaphatic F G-E P-F P-F P-F P-F F G E P
Toluol Etc.
(Aromatic F P-F P P P P-F P G E P
(Halogenated P P-F P P P P P G E P

P = Poor
F = Fair
G = Good
E = Excellent
O = Outstanding

Any given property can usually be improved by the use of selective compounding.


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

(Styrene Natural Synthetic Poly (Chloro- (Nitrile or NBR/ (Ethylene Silicone
or Jacket Neoprene XLPE CPE
Butadiene Rubber Rubber Butadiene Sulphonated Rubber PVC Propylene Rubber
Rubber Polyethylene Butadiene Rubber
Low Temp.
F-G G E E F-G F F F G-E 0 F 0
Weather, Sun
F F F F G E F-G G E G E 0
P P P P G E P G E E G-E 0
E E E E F G P F E E F-G 0
Radiation F-G F-G F-G P F-G G F-G P G E G E
Kerosene, Etc.
(Alaphatic P P P P G F E G-E P F F P-F
Toluol Etc.
(Aromatic P P P P P-F F G G F F F P
(Halogenated P P P P P P-F P G P F P P-G

P = Poor
F = Fair
G = Good
E = Excellent
O = Outstanding

Any given property can usually be improved by the use of selective compounding.


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

Power Cable ▫ Neutral Conductors General Checklist

▫ Size, AWG or kcmil ___ Quantity ▫ Standards
▫ Conductor Type (metal) ___ Insulated ___ UL
▫ Stranding ___ Size ___ ICEA
___ Class B, concentric ___ Bare/Coated ___ Fillers ___ AEIC
___ Class B, compact ___ Paper ___ IEEE
___ Class C ___ Flame retardant ___ Other
___ Other ___ Fiber ▫ Testing Procedures
▫ Bare/Coated ___ ___ Other ___ UL
▫ Conductor Shielding ▫ Covering ___ ICEA
___ Extruded ___ Nonmetallic ___ AEIC
___ Tape ___ Interlocked armor ___ IEEE
▫ Insulation ___ Corrugated continuous ___ Other
___ EPR welded armor ▫ Special Requirements
___ XLP ___ Lead ___ Flame retardant
___ PVC ___ Other ___ Sunlight resistant
___ FR-EP ▫ Color ___ Oil resistant
___ Paper ▫ Voltage rating ___ Direct burial
___ Other ▫ Temperature rating ___ Cold bend
▫ Insulation Level ▫ Approvals ___ Other
___ 100% ▫ Documentation
___ 133% Control Cable ___ Certificates of Compliance
___ 173% ▫ Conductor tape ___ Certified Test Reports
▫ Insulation Shielding ▫ AWG ___ Drawings
___ Extruded ▫ Solid ___ Warranties
___ Tape ___ Class B, concentric ___ Other
▫ Metallic Shielding ___ Flexible ▫ System Characteristics
___ Helical copper tapes ▫ Bare/Coated ___ ▫ Shipping Details
___ Helical wires ▫ Insulation ___ Cut lengths
___ Longitudinal drain wires ▫ Jacket ___ Returnable reels
___ Bare/Coated ___ ▫ Temperature rating ___ Lagging
___ Other ▫ Voltage rating ___ Installation recommendation
▫ Jacket ▫ Individual Conductor Listings ___ Other
___ Neoprene ▫ Number of Conductors ▫ Identification
___ CSPE ▫ Identification Method ___ Cable
___ PVC ___ Color code ___ Reel
___ CPE ___ Numbering ___ Circuit
___ Other ___ Tags
▫ Cable Assembly ▫ Grounding
___ Cabled ___ Bare/Coated ___
___ Multiconductor ___ Size
___ Other ___ Insulated
▫ Grounding Conductors
___ Quantity NOTE: This checklist must be
___ Insulated accompanied by exact system details
___ Size about the environment and electrical
___ Bare/Coated ___ characteristics.


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30


Two Three Four Five Six
Single Conductor Three Conductor Round
Power Conductor Conductor Conductor Conductor Conductor
Conductor 2001- 8001- 15001- Round Round 0- 8001- 15001-
Size 0-2000 8000 15000 25000 and Flat and Flat 8000 15000 25000
AWG or Volts Volts* Volts* Volts* 0-2000 0-5000 Volts Volts Volts Volts 0-2000 0-2000 0-2000
kcmil Unshielded Shielded Shielded Shielded Volts Unshielded Shielded Shielded Shielded Volts Volts Volts
8 63 — — — 72 59 — — — 54 50 48
6 109 112 — — 95 79 93 — — 72 68 64
4 145 148 — — 127 104 122 — — 93 88 83
3 167 171 — — 145 120 140 — — 106 100 95
2 192 195 195 — 167 138 159 164 178 122 166 110
1 223 225 225 222 191 161 184 187 191 143 136 129
1/0 258 260 259 255 217 186 211 215 218 165 — —
2/0 298 299 296 293 250 215 243 246 249 192 — —
3/0 345 345 343 337 286 249 279 283 286 221 — —
4/0 400 400 397 389 328 287 321 325 327 255 — —
250 445 444 440 430 363 320 355 359 360 280 — —
300 500 496 491 480 400 357 396 — — 310 — —
350 552 549 543 529 436 394 435 — — 335 — —
400 600 596 590 572 470 430 470 — — 356 — —
450 650 640 633 615 497 460 503 — — 377 — —
500 695 688 678 659 524 487 536 — — 395 — —
550 737 732 — — — — — — — — — —
600 780 779 — — — — — — — — — —
650 820 817 — — — — — — — — — —
700 855 845 — — — — — — — — — —
750 898 889 — — — — — — — — — —
800 925 925 — — — — — — — — — —
900 1010 996 — — — — — — — — — —
1000 1076 1061 — — — — — — — — — —
* These ampacities are based on single isolated cable in air operated with open-circuit shield.

NOTE: These ampacities are based on a conductor temperature of 90°C and an ambient air temperature of 40°C.
Copyright 1964 by the Insulated Cable Engineers Association (CEA). Permission has been granted by CEA to reproduce this material.


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30
y ,,






Figure 310-1. Cable Installation Dimensions for Use with Tables 310-77 through 310-84.





zz ,
7.5" 7.5" 7.5"

Detail 1 Detail 2 Detail 3 Detail 4

11.5" x 11.5" 19" x 19" 19" x 27" 27" x 27"
Electrical duct bank Electrical duct bank Electrical duct bank Electrical duct bank

One electrical duct Three electrical ducts Six electrical ducts Nine electrical ducts

7.5" 7.5"

7.5" 7.5"
27" x 11.5" 27" x 19"
Electrical duct bank Electrical duct bank
Three electrical ducts Six electrical ducts

24" 24"

Detail 5 Detail 6 Detail 7 Detail 8

Buried Buried Buried Buried
3 conductor 3 conductor triplexed cables triplexed cables
cable cables (1 circuit) (2 circuits)

7.5" 7.5" 7.5" 7.5" 24" 7.5" 7.5"

Detail 9 Detail 10
Buried single conductor Buried single conductor
cables (1 circuit) cables (2 circuits)

Notes for all details: LEGEND
1. Minimum burial depths to top electrical ducts or cables shall be in accordance with
Section 300-5. Maximum depth to the top of electrical duct banks shall be 30 inches Backfill
and maximum depth to top of direct buried cables shall be 36 inches. (earth or concrete)
2. Burial depths shall be permitted to be increased in part(s) of the duct run to avoid
underground obstructions without decreasing the rated ampacity of the conductors. Electrical duct
The total length of parts of the duct run increased in depth to avoid obstructions must
be less than 25 percent of the total run length, or else the ampacity reduction factor of Cable or cables
Note 4 of Tables 310-69 through 310-84 shall be applied.
3. For SI units: one inch = 25.4 millimeters; one foot = 305 millimeters.

Reprinted with permission from NFPA 70-1996, the National Electrical Code ®, Copyright© 1995, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02269. This reprinted material
is not the complete and official position of the National Fire Protection Agency, on the referenced subject which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

TABLE 310-16
Allowable Ampacities of Insulated Conductors Rated 0 through 2000 Volts, 60° to 90°C (140° to 194°F)
Not More Than Three Current-Carrying Conductors in Raceway or Cable or Earth (Directly Buried)
Based on Ambient Temperature of 30°C (86°F)

Size Temperature Rating of Conductor Size

60°C 75°C 90°C 60°C 75°C 90°C
(140°F) (167°F) (194°F) (140°F) (167°F) (194°F)
Types Types Types Types Types Types
kcmil XHHW†, USE†, RHW-2, THHN†, XHHW†, USE† RHH†, RHW-2, kcmil
XHHW-2, ZW-2
Copper Aluminum or Copper-Clad Aluminum
18 — — 14 — — — —
16 — — 18 — — — —
14 20† 20† 25† — — — —
12 25† 25† 30† 20† 20† 25† 12
10 30 35† 40† 25 30† 35† 10
8 40 50 55 30 40 45 8
6 55 65 75 40 50 60 6
4 70 85 95 55 65 75 4
3 85 100 110 65 75 85 3
2 95 115 130 75 90 100 2
1 110 130 150 85 100 115 1
1/0 125 150 170 100 120 135 1/0
2/0 145 175 195 115 135 150 2/0
3/0 165 200 225 130 155 175 3/0
4/0 195 230 260 150 180 205 4/0
250 215 255 290 170 205 230 250
300 240 285 320 190 230 255 300
350 260 310 350 210 250 280 350
400 280 335 380 225 270 305 400
500 320 380 430 260 310 350 500
600 355 420 475 285 340 385 600
700 385 460 520 310 375 420 700
750 400 475 535 320 385 435 750
800 410 490 555 330 395 450 800
900 435 520 585 355 425 480 900
1000 455 545 615 375 445 500 1000
1250 495 590 665 405 485 545 1250
1500 520 625 705 435 520 585 1500
1750 545 650 735 455 545 615 1750
2000 560 665 750 470 560 630 2000

Reprinted with permission from NFPA 70-1996, the National Electrical Code ®, Copyright© 1995, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02269. This reprinted material
is not the complete and official position of the National Fire Protection Agency, on the referenced subject which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

T A B L E 3 1 0 - 1 6 ( C O N T. )
Correction Factors
Ambient For ambient temperatures other than 30°C (86°F), multiply the allowable ampacities Ambient
Temp. °C shown above by the appropriate factor shown below. Temp. °F
21-25 1.08 1.05 1.04 1.08 1.05 1.04 70-77
26-30 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 78-86
31-35 0.91 0.94 0.96 0.91 0.94 0.96 87-95
36-40 0.82 0.88 0.91 0.82 0.88 0.91 96-104
41-45 0.71 0.82 0.87 0.71 0.82 0.87 105-113
46-50 0.58 0.75 0.82 0.58 0.75 0.82 114-122
51-55 0.41 0.67 0.76 0.41 0.67 0.76 123-131
56-60 — 0.58 0.71 — 0.58 0.71 132-140
61-70 — 0.33 0.58 — 0.33 0.58 141-158
71-80 — — 0.41 — — 0.41 159-176
† Unless otherwise specifically permitted elsewhere in this Code, the overcurrent protection for conductor types marked with an obelisk (†) shall not exceed
15 amperes for No. 14, 20 amperes for No. 12, and 30 amperes for No. 10 copper; or 15 amperes for No. 12 and 25 amperes for No. 10 aluminum and
copper-clad aluminum after any correction factors for ambient temperatures and number of conductors have been applied.

Adjustment Factors
More than Three Current-Carrying
Conductors in a Raceway or Cable.
Where the number of current-
carrying conductors in a raceway or
cable exceeds three, the allowable
ampacities shall be reduced as shown
in the table below:

Percent of Values in
Number of Tables asAdjusted for
Current-Carrying Ambient Temperature
Conductors If Necessary
4 through 6 80
7 through 9 70
10 through 20 50
21 through 31 45
31 through 40 40
41 and above 35

Reprinted with permission from NFPA 70-1996, the National Electrical Code ®, Copyright© 1995, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02269. This reprinted material
is not the complete and official position of the National Fire Protection Agency, on the referenced subject which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

TABLE 310-17
Allowable Ampacities of Single Insulated Conductors, Rated 0 through 2000 Volts in Free Air
Based on Ambient Air Temperature of 30°C (86°F)

Size Temperature Rating of Conductor Size

60°C 75°C 90°C 60°C 75°C 90°C
(140°F) (167°F) (194°F) (140°F) (167°F) (194°F)
Types Types Types Types Types Types
kcmil XHHW†, RHW-2, THHN†, XHHW† RHH†, RHW-2, kcmil
ZW† THHW†, THW-2†, USE-2, XHH,
THWN-2†, USE-2, XHHW†,
XHHW-2, ZW-2
Copper Aluminum or Copper-Clad Aluminum
18 — — 18 — — — —
16 — — 24 — — — —
14 25† 30† 35† — — — —
12 30† 35† 40† 25† 30† 35† 12
10 40† 50† 55† 35 40† 40† 10
8 60 70 80 45 55 60 8
6 80 95 105 60 75 80 6
4 105 125 140 80 100 110 4
3 120 145 165 95 115 130 3
2 140 170 190 110 135 150 2
1 165 195 220 130 155 175 1
1/0 195 230 260 150 180 205 1/0
2/0 225 265 300 175 210 235 2/0
3/0 260 310 350 200 240 275 3/0
4/0 300 360 405 235 280 315 4/0
250 340 405 455 265 315 355 250
300 375 445 505 290 350 395 300
350 420 505 570 330 395 445 350
400 455 545 615 355 425 480 400
500 515 620 700 405 485 545 500
600 575 690 780 455 540 615 600
700 630 755 855 500 595 675 700
750 655 785 885 515 620 700 750
800 680 815 920 535 645 725 800
900 730 870 985 580 700 785 900
1000 780 935 1055 625 750 845 1000
1250 890 1065 1200 710 855 960 1250
1500 980 1175 1325 795 950 1075 1500
1750 1070 1280 1445 875 1050 1185 1750
2000 1155 1385 1560 960 1150 1335 2000
Correction Factors
Ambient For ambient temperatures other than 30°C (86°F), multiply the allowable ampacities Ambient
Temp. °C shown above by the appropriate factor shown below. Temp. °F
21-25 1.08 1.05 1.04 1.08 1.05 1.04 70-77
26-30 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 78-86
31-35 0.91 0.94 0.96 0.91 0.94 0.96 87-95
36-40 0.82 0.88 0.91 0.82 0.88 0.91 96-104
41-45 0.71 0.82 0.87 0.71 0.82 0.87 105-113
46-50 0.58 0.75 0.82 0.58 0.75 0.82 114-122
51-55 0.41 0.67 0.76 0.41 0.67 0.76 123-131
56-60 — 0.58 0.71 — 0.58 0.71 132-140
61-70 — 0.33 0.58 — 0.33 0.58 141-158
71-80 — — 0.41 — — 0.41 159-176
† Unless otherwise specifically permitted elsewhere in this Code, the overcurrent protection for conductor types marked with an obelisk (†) shall not exceed
15 amperes for No. 14, 20 amperes for No. 12, and 30 amperes for No. 10 copper; or 15 amperes for No. 12 and 25 amperes for No. 10 aluminum and
copper-clad aluminum.

Reprinted with permission from NFPA 70-1996, the National Electrical Code ®, Copyright© 1995, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02269. This reprinted material
is not the complete and official position of the National Fire Protection Agency, on the referenced subject which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

TABLE 310-67
Ampacities of Insulated Single Copper Conductor Cables Triplexed in Air
Based on Conductor Temperature of 90°C (194°F) and 105°C (221°F) and Ambient Air Temperature of 40°C (104°F)

Temperature Rating of Conductor

2001-5000 Volts 5001-35,000 Volts
Ampacity Ampacity
Conductor Size 90°C 105°C 90°C 105°C
AWG-kcmil (194°F) (221°F) (194°F) (221°F)
Type Type Type Type
MV-90 MV-105 MV-90 MV-105
8 65 74 — —
6 90 99 100 110
4 120 130 130 140
2 160 175 170 195
1 185 205 195 225
1/0 215 240 225 255
2/0 250 275 260 295
3/0 290 320 300 340
4/0 335 375 345 390
250 375 415 380 430
350 465 515 470 525
500 580 645 580 650
750 750 835 730 820
1000 880 980 850 950

TABLE 310-69
Ampacities of Insulated Single Copper Conductor Isolated in Air
Based on Conductor Temperature of 90°C (194°F) and 105°C (221°F) and Ambient Air Temperature of 40°C (104°F)

Temperature Rating of Conductor

2001-5000 Volts 5001-15,000 Volts 15,001-35,000 Volts
Ampacity Ampacity Ampacity
Conductor Size 90°C 105°C 90°C 105°C 90°C 105°C
AWG-kcmil (194°F) (221°F) (194°F) (221°F) (194°F) (221°F)
Type Type Type Type Type Type
MV-90 MV-105 MV-90 MV-105 MV-90 MV-105
8 83 93 — — — —
6 110 120 110 125 — —
4 145 160 150 165 — —
2 190 215 195 215 — —
1 225 250 225 250 225 250
1/0 260 290 260 290 260 290
2/0 300 330 300 335 300 330
3/0 345 385 345 385 345 380
4/0 400 445 400 445 395 445
250 445 495 445 495 440 490
350 550 615 550 610 545 605
500 695 775 685 765 680 755
750 900 1000 885 990 870 970
1000 1075 1200 1060 1185 1040 1160
1250 1230 1370 1210 1350 1185 1320
1500 1365 1525 1345 1500 1315 1465
1750 1495 1665 1470 1640 1430 1595
2000 1605 1790 1575 1755 1535 1710

Reprinted with permission from NFPA 70-1996, the National Electrical Code ®, Copyright© 1995, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02269. This reprinted material
is not the complete and official position of the National Fire Protection Agency, on the referenced subject which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

TABLE 310-71
Ampacities of an Insulated Three-Conductor Copper Cable Isolated in Air
Based on Conductor Temperature of 90°C (194°F) and 105°C (221°F) and Ambient Air Temperature of 40°C (104°F)

Temperature Rating of Conductor

2001-5000 Volts 5001-35,000 Volts
Ampacity Ampacity
Conductor Size 90°C 105°C 90°C 105°C
AWG-kcmil (194°F) (221°F) (194°F) (221°F)
Type Type Type Type
MV-90 MV-105 MV-90 MV-105
8 59 66 — —
6 79 88 93 105
4 105 115 120 135
2 140 154 165 185
1 160 180 185 210
1/0 185 205 215 240
2/0 215 240 245 275
3/0 250 280 285 315
4/0 285 320 325 360
250 320 355 360 400
350 395 440 435 490
500 485 545 535 600
750 615 685 670 745
1000 705 790 770 860

TABLE 310-73
Ampacities of an Insulated Triplexed or Three Single Conductor Copper Cables in Isolated Conduit in Air
Based on Conductor Temperature of 90°C (194°F) and 105°C (221°F) and Ambient Air Temperature of 40°C (104°F)

Temperature Rating of Conductor

2001-5000 Volts 5001-35,000 Volts
Ampacity Ampacity
Conductor Size 90°C 105°C 90°C 105°C
AWG-kcmil (194°F) (221°F) (194°F) (221°F)
Type Type Type Type
MV-90 MV-105 MV-90 MV-105
8 55 61 — —
6 75 84 83 93
4 97 110 110 120
2 130 145 150 165
1 155 175 170 190
1/0 180 200 195 215
2/0 205 225 225 255
3/0 240 270 260 290
4/0 280 305 295 330
250 315 355 330 365
350 385 430 395 440
500 475 530 480 535
750 600 665 585 655
1000 690 770 675 755

Reprinted with permission from NFPA 70-1996, the National Electrical Code ®, Copyright© 1995, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02269. This reprinted material
is not the complete and official position of the National Fire Protection Agency, on the referenced subject which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

TABLE 310-75
Ampacities of an Insulated Three-Conductor Copper Cable in Isolated Conduit in Air
Based on Conductor Temperature of 90°C (194°F) and 105°C (221°F) and Ambient Air Temperature of 40°C (104°F)

Temperature Rating of Conductor

2001-5000 Volts 5001-35,000 Volts
Ampacity Ampacity
Conductor Size 90°C 105°C 90°C 105°C
AWG-kcmil (194°F) (221°F) (194°F) (221°F)
Type Type Type Type
MV-90 MV-105 MV-90 MV-105
8 52 58 — —
6 69 77 83 92
4 91 100 105 120
2 125 135 145 165
1 140 155 165 185
1/0 165 185 195 215
2/0 190 210 220 245
3/0 220 245 250 280
4/0 255 285 290 320
250 280 315 315 350
350 350 390 385 430
500 425 475 470 525
750 525 585 570 635
1000 590 660 650 725

Reprinted with permission from NFPA 70-1996, the National Electrical Code ®, Copyright© 1995, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02269. This reprinted material
is not the complete and official position of the National Fire Protection Agency, on the referenced subject which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

TABLE 310-77
Ampacities of Three Single Insulated Copper Conductors in Underground Electrical Ducts (Three Conductors per
Electrical Duct) Based on Ambient Earth Temperature of 20°C (68°F), Electrical Duct Arrangement per Figure 310-1,
100 Percent Load Factor Thermal Resistance (RHO) of 90, Conductor Temperature of 90°C (194°F) and 105°C (221°F)

Temperature Rating of Conductor

2001-5000 Volts 5001-35,000 Volts
Ampacity Ampacity
Conductor Size 90°C 105°C 90°C 105°C
AWG-kcmil (194°F) (221°F) (194°F) (221°F)
Type Type Type Type
MV-90 MV-105 MV-90 MV-105
One Circuit
(See Figure 310-1, Detail 1)
8 64 69 — —
6 85 92 90 97
4 110 120 115 125
2 145 155 155 165
1 170 180 175 185
1/0 195 210 200 215
2/0 220 235 230 245
3/0 250 270 260 275
4/0 290 310 295 315
250 320 345 325 345
350 385 415 390 415
500 470 505 465 500
750 585 630 565 610
1000 670 720 640 690
Three Circuit
(See Figure 310-1, Detail 2)
8 56 60 — —
6 73 79 77 83
4 95 100 99 105
2 125 130 130 135
1 140 150 145 155
1/0 160 175 165 175
2/0 185 195 185 200
3/0 210 225 210 225
4/0 235 255 240 255
250 260 280 260 280
350 315 335 310 330
500 375 405 370 395
750 460 495 440 475
1000 525 565 495 535
Six Circuit
(See Figure 310-1, Detail 3)
8 48 52 — —
6 62 67 64 68
4 80 86 82 88
2 105 110 105 115
1 115 125 120 125
1/0 135 145 135 145
2/0 150 160 150 165
3/0 170 185 170 185
4/0 195 210 190 205
250 210 225 210 225
350 250 270 245 265
500 300 325 290 310
750 365 395 350 375
1000 410 445 390 415
For SI units: 1 in. = 25.4 mm.

Reprinted with permission from NFPA 70-1996, the National Electrical Code ®, Copyright© 1995, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02269. This reprinted material
is not the complete and official position of the National Fire Protection Agency, on the referenced subject which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

TABLE 310-79
Ampacities of Three Single Insulated Copper Conductors Cabled within an Overall Covering (three-Conductor Cable)
in Underground Electrical Ducts (One Cable per Electrical Duct) Based on Ambient Earth Temperature of 20°C (68°F)
Electrical Duct Arrangement per Figure 310-1, 100 Percent Load Factor, Thermal Resistance (RHO) of 90
Conductor Temperature of 90°C (194°F) and 105°C (221°F)

Temperature Rating of Conductor

2001-5000 Volts 5001-35,000 Volts
Ampacity Ampacity
Conductor Size 90°C 105°C 90°C 105°C
AWG-kcmil (194°F) (221°F) (194°F) (221°F)
Type Type Type Type
MV-90 MV-105 MV-90 MV-105
One Circuit
(See Figure 310-1, Detail 1)
8 59 64 — —
6 78 84 88 95
4 100 110 115 125
2 135 145 150 160
1 155 165 170 185
1/0 175 190 195 210
2/0 200 220 220 235
3/0 230 250 250 270
4/0 265 285 285 305
250 290 315 310 335
350 355 380 375 400
500 430 460 450 485
750 530 570 545 585
1000 600 645 615 660
Three Circuit
(See Figure 310-1, Detail 2)
8 53 57 — —
6 69 74 75 81
4 89 96 97 105
2 115 125 125 135
1 135 145 140 155
1/0 150 165 160 175
2/0 170 185 185 195
3/0 195 210 205 220
4/0 225 240 230 250
250 245 265 255 270
350 295 315 305 325
500 355 380 360 385
750 430 465 430 465
1000 485 520 485 515
Six Circuit
(See Figure 310-1, Detail 3)
8 46 50 — —
6 60 65 63 68
4 77 83 81 87
2 98 105 105 110
1 110 120 115 125
1/0 125 135 130 145
2/0 145 155 150 160
3/0 165 175 170 180
4/0 185 200 190 200
250 200 220 205 220
350 240 270 245 275
500 290 310 290 305
750 350 375 340 365
1000 390 420 380 405
For SI units: 1 in. = 25.4 mm.

Reprinted with permission from NFPA 70-1996, the National Electrical Code ®, Copyright© 1995, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02269. This reprinted material
is not the complete and official position of the National Fire Protection Agency, on the referenced subject which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

TABLE 310-81
Ampacities of Single Insulated Copper Conductors Directly Buried in Earth
Based on Ambient Earth Temperature of 20°C (68°F), Arrangement per Figure 310-1, 100 Percent Load Factor
Thermal Resistance (RHO) of 90, Conductor Temperature of 90°C (194°F) and 105°C (221°F)

Temperature Rating of Conductor

2001-5000 Volts 5001-35,000 Volts
Ampacity Ampacity
Conductor Size 90°C 105°C 90°C 105°C
AWG-kcmil (194°F) (221°F) (194°F) (221°F)
Type Type Type Type
MV-90 MV-105 MV-90 MV-105
One Circuit — 3 Conductors
(See Figure 310-1, Detail 9)
8 110 115 — —
6 140 150 130 140
4 180 195 170 180
2 230 250 210 225
1 260 280 240 260
1/0 295 320 275 295
2/0 335 365 310 335
3/0 385 415 355 380
4/0 435 465 405 435
250 470 510 440 475
350 570 615 535 575
500 690 745 650 700
750 845 910 805 865
1000 980 1055 930 1005
Two Circuits — 6 Conductors
(See Figure 310-1, Detail 10)
8 100 110 — —
6 130 140 120 130
4 165 180 160 170
2 215 230 195 210
1 240 260 225 240
1/0 275 295 255 275
2/0 310 335 290 315
3/0 355 380 330 355
4/0 400 430 375 405
250 435 470 410 440
350 520 560 495 530
500 630 680 600 645
750 775 835 740 795
1000 890 960 855 920
For SI units: 1 in. = 25.4 mm.

Reprinted with permission from NFPA 70-1996, the National Electrical Code ®, Copyright© 1995, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02269. This reprinted material
is not the complete and official position of the National Fire Protection Agency, on the referenced subject which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

TABLE 310-83
Ampacities of Three Insulated Copper Conductors Cabled within an Overall Covering (Three-Conductor Cable)
Directly Buried in Earth, Based on Ambient Earth Temperature of 20°C (68°F), Electrical Duct Arrangement per Figure 310-1
100 Percent Load Factor, Thermal Resistance (RHO) of 90, Conductor Temperature of 90°C (194°F) and 105°C (221°F)

Temperature Rating of Conductor

2001-5000 Volts 5001-35,000 Volts
Ampacity Ampacity
Conductor Size 90°C 105°C 90°C 105°C
AWG-kcmil (194°F) (221°F) (194°F) (221°F)
Type Type Type Type
MV-90 MV-105 MV-90 MV-105
One Circuit—
(See Figure 310-1, Detail 5)
8 85 89 — —
6 105 115 115 120
4 135 150 145 155
2 180 190 185 200
1 200 215 210 225
1/0 230 245 240 255
2/0 260 280 270 290
3/0 295 320 305 330
4/0 335 360 350 375
250 365 395 380 410
350 440 475 460 495
500 530 570 550 590
750 650 700 665 720
1000 730 785 750 810
Two Circuits—
(See Figure 310-1, Detail 10)
8 80 84 — —
6 100 105 105 115
4 130 140 135 145
2 165 180 170 185
1 185 200 195 210
1/0 215 230 220 235
2/0 240 260 250 270
3/0 275 295 280 305
4/0 310 335 320 345
250 340 365 350 375
350 410 440 420 450
500 490 525 500 535
750 595 640 605 650
1000 665 715 675 730
For SI units: 1 in. = 25.4 mm.

Reprinted with permission from NFPA 70-1996, the National Electrical Code ®, Copyright© 1995, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02269. This reprinted material
is not the complete and official position of the National Fire Protection Agency, on the referenced subject which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

TABLE 310-85
Ampacities of Three Triplexed Single Insulated Copper Conductors
Directly Buried in Earth, Based on Ambient Earth Temperature of 20°C
Detail 7 Detail 8
(68°F), Arrangement per Figure 310-1, 100 Percent Load Factor, Thermal
Buried Buried
Resistance (RHO) of 90, Conductor Temperature of 90°C (194°F) triplexed cables triplexed cables
(1 circuit) (2 circuits)

Conductor Size 2001-5000 Volts 5001-35,000 Volts

AWG-kcmil Ampacity Ampacity
One Circuit — Three Conductors
(See Figure 310-1, Detail 7)
8 90 —
6 120 115
4 150 150
2 195 190
1 225 215
1/0 255 245
2/0 290 275
3/0 330 315
4/0 375 360
250 410 390
350 490 470
500 590 565
750 725 685
1000 825 770
Two Circuits — Six Conductors
(See Figure 310-1, Detail 8)
8 85 —
6 110 105
4 140 140
2 180 175
1 205 200
1/0 235 225
2/0 265 255
3/0 300 290
4/0 340 325
250 370 355
350 445 426
500 535 510
750 650 615
1000 740 690
For SI units: 1 in. = 25.4 mm.

Reprinted with permission from NFPA 70-1996, the National Electrical Code ®, Copyright© 1995, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02269. This reprinted material
is not the complete and official position of the National Fire Protection Agency, on the referenced subject which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

TABLE B-310-1
Ampacities of Two or Three Insulated Conductors, Rated 0 through 2000 Volts within an Overall Covering
(Multiconductor Cable), in Raceway, in Free Air, Based on Ambient Air Temperature of 30°C (86°F)

Temperature Rating of Conductor

Size 60°C 75°C 90°C 60°C 75°C 90°C Size
(140°F) (167°F) (194°F) (140°F) (167°F) (194°F)
Types Types Types Types Types Types
THW-2, THWN-2,
kcmil XHHW, USE-2, XHHW XHHW USE-2, XHHW, kcmil
Copper Aluminum or Copper-Clad Aluminum
14 16† 18† 21† — — — —
12 20† 24† 27† 16† 18† 21† 12
10 27† 33† 36† 21† 25† 28† 10
8 36 43 48 28 33 37 8
6 48 58 65 38 45 51 6
4 66 79 89 51 61 69 4
3 76 90 102 59 70 79 3
2 88 105 119 69 83 93 2
1 102 121 137 80 95 106 1
1/0 121 145 163 94 113 127 1/0
2/0 138 166 186 108 129 146 2/0
3/0 158 189 214 124 147 167 3/0
4/0 187 223 253 147 176 197 4/0
250 205 245 276 160 192 217 250
300 234 281 317 185 221 250 300
350 255 305 345 202 242 273 350
400 274 328 371 218 261 295 400
500 315 378 427 254 303 342 500
600 343 413 468 279 335 378 600
700 376 452 514 310 371 420 700
750 387 466 529 321 384 435 750
800 397 479 543 331 397 450 800
900 415 500 570 350 421 477 900
1000 448 542 617 382 460 521 1000
Correction Factors
Ambient For ambient temperatures other than 30°C (86°F), multiply the allowable ampacities Ambient
Temp. °C shown above by the appropriate factor shown below. Temp. °F
21-25 1.08 1.05 1.04 1.08 1.05 1.04 70-77
26-30 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 79-86
31-35 0.91 0.94 0.96 0.91 0.94 0.96 88-95
36-40 0.82 0.88 0.91 0.82 0.88 0.91 97-104
41-45 0.71 0.82 0.87 0.71 0.82 0.87 106-113
46-50 0.58 0.75 0.82 0.58 0.75 0.82 115-122
51-55 0.41 0.67 0.76 0.41 0.67 0.76 124-131
56-60 — 0.58 0.71 — 0.58 0.71 133-140
61-70 — 0.33 0.58 — 0.33 0.58 142-158
71-80 — — 0.41 — — 0.41 160-176
† Unless otherwise specifically permitted elsewhere in this Code, the overcurrent protection for conductor types marked with an obelisk (†) shall not exceed
15 amperes for No. 14, 20 amperes for No. 12, and 30 amperes for No. 10 copper; or 15 amperes for No. 12 and 25 amperes for No. 10 aluminum and
copper-clad aluminum.

Reprinted with permission from NFPA 70-1996, the National Electrical Code ®, Copyright© 1995, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02269. This reprinted material
is not the complete and official position of the National Fire Protection Agency, on the referenced subject which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

TABLE B-310-2
Ampacities of Two or Three Single Insulated Conductors, Rated 0 through 2000 Volts
Supported on a Messenger, Based on Ambient Air Temperature of 40°C (104°F)

Size Temperature Rating of Conductor Size

75°C (167°F) 90°C (194°F) 75°C (167°F) 90°C (194°F)
kcmil THWN, RHH, RWH-2, THHW, RHW-2, kcmil
XHHW-2, ZW-2 THW-2, THWN-2,
USE-2, ZW-2
8 57 66 44 51 8
6 76 89 59 69 6
4 101 117 78 91 4
3 118 138 92 107 3
2 135 158 106 123 2
1 158 185 123 144 1
1/0 183 214 143 167 1/0
2/0 212 247 165 193 2/0
3/0 245 287 192 224 3/0
4/0 287 335 224 262 4/0
250 320 374 251 292 250
300 359 419 282 328 300
350 397 464 312 364 350
400 430 503 339 395 400
500 496 580 392 458 500
600 553 647 440 514 600
700 610 714 488 570 700
750 638 747 512 598 750
800 660 773 532 622 800
900 704 826 572 669 900
1000 748 879 612 716 1000
Ambient For ambient temperatures other than 40°C (104°F), multiply the Ambient
Temp. °C ampacities show above by the appropriate factor shown below. Temp °F
21-25 1.20 1.14 1.20 1.14 70-77
26-30 1.13 1.10 1.13 1.10 79-86
31-35 1.07 1.05 1.07 1.05 88-95
36-40 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 97-104
41-45 0.93 0.95 0.93 0.95 106-113
46-50 0.85 0.89 0.85 0.89 115-122
51-55 0.76 0.84 0.76 0.84 124-131
56-60 0.65 0.77 0.65 0.77 133-140
61-70 0.38 0.63 0.38 0.63 142-158
71-80 — 0.45 — 0.45 160-176

Reprinted with permission from NFPA 70-1996, the National Electrical Code ®, Copyright© 1995, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02269. This reprinted material
is not the complete and official position of the National Fire Protection Agency, on the referenced subject which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

TABLE B-310-3
Ampacities of Multiconductor Cables with Not More than Three Insulated Conductors, Rated 0 through 2000 Volts in Free Air
Based on Ambient Air Temperature of 40°C (104°F) (For TC, MC, MI, UF, and USE Cables)

Size Temperature Rating of Conductor Size

60°C 75°C 85°C 90°C 60°C 75°C 85°C 90°C
(140°F) (167°F) (185°F) (194°F) (140°F) (167°F) (185°F) (194°F)
kcmil kcmil
Copper Aluminum or Copper-Clad Aluminum
18 11† 18
16 16† 16
14 18† 21† 24† 25† 14
12 21† 28† 30† 32† 18† 21† 24† 25† 12
10 28† 36† 41† 43† 21† 28† 30† 32† 10
8 39 50 56 59 30 39 44 46 8
6 52 68 75 79 41 53 59 61 6
4 69 89 100 104 54 70 78 81 4
3 81 104 116 121 63 81 91 95 3
2 92 118 132 138 72 92 103 108 2
1 107 138 154 161 84 108 120 126 1
1/0 124 160 178 186 97 125 139 145 1/0
2/0 143 184 206 215 111 144 160 168 2/0
3/0 165 213 238 249 129 166 185 194 3/0
4/0 190 245 274 287 149 192 214 224 4/0
250 212 274 305 320 166 214 239 250 250
300 237 306 341 357 186 240 268 280 300
350 261 337 377 394 205 265 296 309 350
400 281 363 406 425 222 287 317 334 400
500 321 416 465 487 255 330 368 385 500
600 354 459 513 538 284 368 410 429 600
700 387 502 562 589 306 405 462 473 700
750 404 523 586 615 328 424 473 495 750
800 415 539 604 633 339 439 490 513 800
900 438 570 639 670 362 469 514 548 900
1000 461 601 674 707 385 499 558 584 1000
Ambient For ambient temperatures other than 30°C (86°F), multiply the Ambient
Temp. °C ampacities shown above by the appropriate factor shown below. Temp °F
21-25 1.32 1.20 1.15 1.14 1.32 1.20 1.15 1.14 70-77
26-30 1.22 1.13 1.11 1.10 1.22 1.13 1.11 1.10 79-86
31-35 1.12 1.07 1.05 1.05 1.12 1.07 1.05 1.05 88-95
36-40 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 97-104
41-45 0.87 0.93 0.94 0.95 0.87 0.93 0.94 0.95 106-113
46-50 0.71 0.85 0.88 0.89 0.71 0.85 0.88 0.89 115-122
51-55 0.50 0.76 0.82 0.84 0.50 0.76 0.82 0.84 124-131
56-60 — 0.65 0.75 0.77 — 0.65 0.75 0.77 133-140
61-70 — 0.38 0.58 0.63 — 0.38 0.58 0.63 142-158
71-80 — — 0.33 0.44 — — 0.33 0.44 160-176
† Unless otherwise specifically permitted elsewhere in this Code, the overcurrent protection for conductor types marked with an obelisk (†) shall not exceed
15 amperes for No. 14, 20 amperes for No. 12, and 30 amperes for No. 10 copper; or 15 amperes for No. 12 and 25 amperes for No. 10 aluminum and
copper-clad aluminum.

Reprinted with permission from NFPA 70-1996, the National Electrical Code ®, Copyright© 1995, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02269. This reprinted material
is not the complete and official position of the National Fire Protection Agency, on the referenced subject which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

TABLE B-310-8
Ampacities of Two or Three Insulated Conductors, Rated 0 through 2000 Volts, Cabled within an Overall
(Two- or Three-Conductor) Covering, Directly Buried in Earth, Based on Ambient Air Temperature of 20°C (68°F)
Arrangement per Figure B-310-2, 100 Percent Load Factor, Thermal Resistance (Rho) of 90.

Size Temperature Rating of Conductor Size

1 Cable 2 Cables 1 Cable 2 Cables
(Fig. B310-2, (Fig. B310-2, (Fig. B310-2, (Fig. B310-2,
Detail 5) Detail 6) Detail 5) Detail 6)
60°C 75°C 60°C 75°C 60°C 75°C 60°C 75°C
(140°F) (167°F) (140°F) (167°F) (140°F) (167°F) (140°F) (167°F)
AWG Types Types AWG
kcmil RHW, RHW RHW, RHW, kcmil
Copper Aluminum or Copper-Clad Aluminum
8 64 75 60 70 51 59 47 55 8
6 85 100 81 95 68 75 60 70 6
4 107 125 100 117 83 97 78 91 4
2 137 161 128 150 107 126 110 117 2
1 155 182 145 170 121 142 113 132 1
1/0 177 208 165 193 138 162 129 151 1/0
2/0 201 236 188 220 157 184 146 171 2/0
3/0 229 269 213 250 179 210 166 195 3/0
4/0 259 304 241 282 203 238 188 220 4/0
250 333 308 261 241 250
350 401 370 315 290 350
500 481 442 381 350 500
750 585 535 473 433 750
1000 657 600 545 497 1000
Ambient For ambient temperatures other than 20°C (68°F), multiply the Ambient
Temp. °C ampacities shown above by the appropriate factor shown below. Temp °F
6-10 1.12 1.09 1.12 1.09 1.12 1.09 1.12 1.09 43-50
11-15 1.06 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.06 1.04 1.06 1.04 52-59
16-20 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 61-68
21-25 0.94 0.95 0.94 0.95 0.94 0.95 0.94 0.95 70-77
26-30 0.87 0.90 0.87 0.90 0.87 0.90 0.87 0.90 79-86
For ampacities of UF cable in underground electrical ducts, multiply the ampacities shown in the table by 0.74.

Reprinted with permission from NFPA 70-1996, the National Electrical Code ®, Copyright© 1995, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02269. This reprinted material
is not the complete and official position of the National Fire Protection Agency, on the referenced subject which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

TABLE B-310-9
Ampacities of Three Triplexed Single Insulated Conductors, Rated 0 through 2000 Volts, Directly Buried in Earth
Based on Ambient Earth Temperature of 20°C (68°F), Arrangement per Figure B-310-2, 100 Percent Load Factor,
Thermal Resistance (Rho) of 90.

Size Temperature Rating of Conductor Size

See See See See
(Fig. B310-2, (Fig. B310-2, (Fig. B310-2, (Fig. B310-2,
Detail 7) Detail 8) Detail 7) Detail 8)
AWG 60°C 75°C 60°C 75°C 60°C 75°C 60°C 75°C AWG
kcmil (140°F) (167°F) (140°F) (167°F) (140°F) (167°F) (140°F) (167°F) kcmil
Types Types
Copper Aluminum or Copper-Clad Aluminum
8 72 84 66 77 55 65 51 60 8
6 91 107 84 99 72 84 66 77 6
4 119 139 109 128 92 108 85 100 4
2 153 179 140 164 119 139 109 128 2
1 173 203 159 186 135 158 124 145 1
1/0 197 231 181 212 154 180 141 165 1/0
2/0 223 262 205 240 175 205 159 187 2/0
3/0 254 298 232 272 199 233 181 212 3/0
4/0 289 339 263 308 226 265 206 241 4/0
250 370 336 289 263 250
350 445 403 349 316 350
500 536 483 424 382 500
750 654 587 525 471 750
1000 744 665 608 544 1000
Ambient For ambient temperatures other than 20°C (68°F), multiply the Ambient
Temp. °C ampacities shown above by the appropriate factor shown below. Temp °F
6-10 1.12 1.09 1.12 1.09 1.12 1.09 1.12 1.09 43-50
11-15 1.06 1.04 1.06 1.04 1.06 1.04 1.06 1.04 52-59
16-20 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 61-68
21-25 0.94 0.95 0.94 0.95 0.94 0.95 0.94 0.95 70-77
26-30 0.87 0.90 0.87 0.90 0.87 0.90 0.87 0.90 79-86

Reprinted with permission from NFPA 70-1996, the National Electrical Code ®, Copyright© 1995, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02269. This reprinted material
is not the complete and official position of the National Fire Protection Agency, on the referenced subject which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

TABLE B-310-10
Ampacities of Three Single Insulated Conductors, Rated 0 through 2000 Volts, Directly Buried in Earth
Based on Ambient Earth Temperature of 20°C (68°F) Arrangement per Figure B-310-2, 100 Percent Load Factor
Thermal Resistance (Rho) of 90.

Size Temperature Rating of Conductor Size

Detail 9 Detail 10 Detail 9 Detail 10

AWG 60°C 75°C 60°C 75°C 60°C 75°C 60°C 75°C AWG
kcmil (140°F) (167°F) (140°F) (167°F) (140°F) (167°F) (140°F) (167°F) kcmil
Types Types
Copper Aluminum or Copper-Clad Aluminum
8 84 98 78 92 66 77 61 72 8
6 107 126 101 118 84 98 78 92 6
4 139 163 130 152 108 127 101 118 4
2 178 209 165 194 139 163 129 151 2
1 201 236 187 219 157 184 146 171 1
1/0 230 270 212 249 179 210 165 194 1/0
2/0 261 306 241 283 204 239 188 220 2/0
3/0 297 348 274 321 232 272 213 250 3/0
4/0 336 394 309 362 262 307 241 283 4/0
250 429 394 335 308 250
350 516 474 403 370 350
500 626 572 490 448 500
750 767 700 605 552 750
1000 887 808 706 642 1000
1250 979 891 787 716 1250
1500 1063 965 862 783 1500
1750 1133 1027 930 843 1750
2000 1195 1082 990 897 2000
Ambient For ambient temperatures other than 20°C (68°F), multiply the Ambient
Temp. °C ampacities shown above by the appropriate factor shown below. Temp °F
6-10 1.12 1.09 1.12 1.09 1.12 1.09 1.12 1.09 43-50
11-15 1.06 1.04 1.06 1.04 1.06 1.04 1.06 1.04 52-59
16-20 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 61-68
21-25 .94 .95 .94 .95 .94 .95 .94 .95 70-77
26-30 .87 .90 .87 .90 .87 .90 .87 .90 79-86

Reprinted with permission from NFPA 70-1996, the National Electrical Code ®, Copyright© 1995, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02269. This reprinted material
is not the complete and official position of the National Fire Protection Agency, on the referenced subject which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30


Wire Size,
The following Ampacity data is based on Number of Conductors
AWG or
IPCEA P-46-426 criteria for appropriately 1 2 to 3 4 to 6 7 to 24
designed cables for use at elevated tem-
16 40 29 23 20
peratures. These values were extrapolated
14 53 39 31 27
from the appropriate 90°C maximum
12 70 49 39 34
conductor temperature tables to cover the
10 93 66 53 46
designated, higher conductor temperature
8 121 86 69 60
that appears below.
6 160 114 92 80
4 210 153 122 107
Conditions: 2 279 200 160 140
1. Conductor – 27% NCC 1 326 234 188 164
(Nickel Clad Copper) 1/0 375 270 215 189
2. Single or multi-conductor 2/0 434 313 250 219
cable in free air 3/0 503 362 290 254
3. Maximum conductor temperature 4/0 583 420 335 294
of 250°C 250 648 467 374 327
4. Ambient temperature of 30°C 350 805 574 458 402
500 1012 708 566 495
750 1310 894 715 625
1000 1563 1030 825 721

Other Conditions:
1) For single and multi-conductor cables in single conduit, in air:
New Ampacity = 0.89 X any Ampacity in Table

2) For duplexed or triplexed single conductor cables in air:

New Ampacity = 0.82 X single conductor Ampacity from Table

3) For duplexed or triplexed single conductor cables in single conduit, in air:

New Ampacity = 0.68 X single conductor from Table

4) For randomly spaced cables in trays, use the Ampacity from above
Table corresponding to the number of loaded conductors in the tray

For more than 24 conductors in a tray:

• 24 to 42 conductors
New Ampacity = 0.60 X 2 or 3 conductor Ampacity from Table

• 43 and up
New Ampacity = 0.50 X 2 or 3 conductor Ampacity from Table

5) Correction factors from ambients other than 30°C, when the maximum conductor temperature is 250°C

60°C .93 Times Ampacity in Table

80°C .88
100°C .82
125°C .75
150°C .67
200°C .48
255°C .33


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

The ampacity table below applies to Number of Conductors
appropriately designed 450°C rated Type Wire Size,
MG Appliance Wires, and Integraflame AWG 1 2 to 3 4 to 6
Control Cables. 18 26 20 15
16 34 25 20
Conditions: 14 45 30 25
1. 27 percent nickel plated copper 12 65 45 40
conductors per ASTM B355 10 85 60 45
2. Single conductor in free air, sufficiently 8 110 75 55
removed from any heat source 6 135 90 79
3. Maximum conductor temperature 4 185 120 95
of 450°C 2 245 160 125
4. Ambient temperature of 30°C 1 285 190 150
1/0 330 220 180
Correction factors for ambient 2/0 385 255 200
temperatures over 30°C: 3/0 440 290 230
80°C 0.94 4/0 525 345 275
125°C 0.88
150°C 0.84
200°C 0.77
250°C 0.69
300°C 0.60
350°C 0.49


Wire Size, Number of Conductors
The ampacity table below applies to AWG or
appropriately designed 200°C rated Types kcmil 1 2 to 3 4 to 6 7 to 24
SRG, SRK, and Type SR Appliance & 18 32 20 16 13
Motor lead wires. 16 35 22 18 15
14 45 30 24 21
Conditions: 12 55 40 32 28
1. Tinned, annealed copper conductor per 10 75 55 45 40
ASTM B33, B8 or B173 8 100 70 55 50
2. Cables installed in free air, sufficiently 6 135 95 75 65
removed from any heat source 4 180 120 95 85
3. Maximum conductor temperature 2 240 165 130 115
of 200°C 1 280 190 150 130
4. Ambient temperature of 30°C 1/0 325 225 180 155
2/0 370 250 200 175
Correction factors for ambient 3/0 430 285 230 200
temperatures over 30°C: 4/0 510 340 270 240
250 kcmil 560 375 300 260
40°C 0.91
350 kcmil 700 460 370 320
50°C 0.90
500 kcmil 850 550 440 385
60°C 0.88
750 kcmil 1250 800 635 560
70°C 0.87
90°C 0.80
100°C 0.76
120°C 0.69
140°C 0.59
150°C 0.54

Additional derating factor if installed in a

conduit - 0.89


BICC Cables has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this catalog, however, we cannot be responsible for errors, omissions, or changes due
to obsolescence. All data herein is subject to change without notice. Data and suggestions made in this catalog are not to be construed as recommendations to use any product
in violation of any government law or regulations relating to any material or its use. EFFECTIVE 1998-09-30

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