Oracle® Retail Store Inventory Management: Operations Guide Release 13.1

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Oracle® Retail Store Inventory Management

Operations Guide
Release 13.1

June 2009
Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Operations Guide, Release 13.1

Copyright © 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Primary Author: Graham Fredrickson

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Value-Added Reseller (VAR) Language

Oracle Retail VAR Applications

The following restrictions and provisions only apply to the programs referred to in this section and licensed
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(i) the software component known as ACUMATE developed and licensed by Lucent Technologies Inc. of
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Enterprise Engine, Oracle Retail Category Management, Oracle Retail Item Planning, Oracle Retail
Merchandise Financial Planning, Oracle Retail Advanced Inventory Planning, Oracle Retail Demand
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(ii) the MicroStrategy Components developed and licensed by MicroStrategy Services Corporation
(MicroStrategy) of McLean, Virginia to Oracle and imbedded in the MicroStrategy for Oracle Retail Data
Warehouse and MicroStrategy for Oracle Retail Planning & Optimization applications.

(iii) the SeeBeyond component developed and licensed by Sun MicroSystems, Inc. (Sun) of Santa Clara,
California, to Oracle and imbedded in the Oracle Retail Integration Bus application.

(iv) the Wavelink component developed and licensed by Wavelink Corporation (Wavelink) of Kirkland,
Washington, to Oracle and imbedded in Oracle Retail Mobile Store Inventory Management.
(v) the software component known as Crystal Enterprise Professional and/or Crystal Reports Professional
licensed by SAP and imbedded in Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management.

(vi) the software component known as Access Via™ licensed by Access Via of Seattle, Washington, and
imbedded in Oracle Retail Signs and Oracle Retail Labels and Tags.

(vii) the software component known as Adobe Flex™ licensed by Adobe Systems Incorporated of San Jose,
California, and imbedded in Oracle Retail Promotion Planning & Optimization application.

(viii) the software component known as Style Report™ developed and licensed by InetSoft Technology
Corp. of Piscataway, New Jersey, to Oracle and imbedded in the Oracle Retail Value Chain Collaboration
(ix) the software component known as DataBeacon™ developed and licensed by Cognos Incorporated of
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, to Oracle and imbedded in the Oracle Retail Value Chain Collaboration

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List of Figures

Preface ................................................................................................................................................................. xi
Audience....................................................................................................................................................... xi
Related Documents ..................................................................................................................................... xi
Customer Support ...................................................................................................................................... xii
Review Patch Documentation .................................................................................................................. xii
Oracle Retail Documentation on the Oracle Technology Network .................................................... xii
Conventions ............................................................................................................................................... xiii

1 Introduction
Overview.................................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Technical Architecture Overview .......................................................................................................... 1-1

2 Backend System Configuration

Configuring SIM Across Time Zones................................................................................................... 2-1
Supported Oracle Retail Products/Environments.............................................................................. 2-2
Configuration Files .................................................................................................................................. 2-2
batch_db.cfg ........................................................................................................................................ 2-2
dao.cfg.................................................................................................................................................. 2-2
date.cfg................................................................................................................................................. 2-2
integration.cfg..................................................................................................................................... 2-3
jndi.cfg ................................................................................................................................................. 2-3
ldap.cfg ................................................................................................................................................ 2-3
log4j.xml .............................................................................................................................................. 2-4
reporting.cfg........................................................................................................................................ 2-4
services.cfg .......................................................................................................................................... 2-4
sim.cfg .................................................................................................................................................. 2-4
Parameters For User Information For Connecting To Oracle Retail Price Management
(RPM) 2-4
Parameters Related To Server-Side Cache Refresh Rates ..................................................... 2-5
Parameters Related To Batch Processing Operation.............................................................. 2-5
wireless_client_master.cfg ................................................................................................................ 2-5
wireless_services.cfg.......................................................................................................................... 2-5
retek/jndi_providers.xml ................................................................................................................. 2-5
retek/jndi_providers_ribclient.xml................................................................................................. 2-6

retek/rules_sim.xml .......................................................................................................................... 2-6
retek/rib/injectors.xml ..................................................................................................................... 2-6
Port Configuration ................................................................................................................................... 2-6
Configuring the Transaction Timeout for SIM................................................................................... 2-7
Logging Information................................................................................................................................ 2-7
Default Location of Log Files............................................................................................................ 2-7
Server Log Files ........................................................................................................................... 2-7
Client Log Files............................................................................................................................ 2-8
Changing Logging Levels ................................................................................................................. 2-8
Editing log4j.xml ......................................................................................................................... 2-8
Using Oracle Enterprise Manager Application Server Control ........................................... 2-8

3 Technical Architecture
SIM Technology Stack............................................................................................................................. 3-1
Advantages of the Architecture ............................................................................................................. 3-1
SIM Technical Architecture Diagrams and Description................................................................... 3-2
Client Tier............................................................................................................................................ 3-3
Middle (Server) Tier........................................................................................................................... 3-3
Data Access Objects (DAO) ...................................................................................................... 3-4
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) ........................................................................................ 3-4
Database Tier ...................................................................................................................................... 3-4
Distributed Topology .............................................................................................................................. 3-4
A Word About Activity Locking ........................................................................................................... 3-6

4 Batch Processes
Batch Processing Overview .................................................................................................................... 4-1
Running a Batch Process......................................................................................................................... 4-1
Summary of Executable Shell Scripts, Batch Files, Java Packages ................................................. 4-1
Scheduler and the Command Line ....................................................................................................... 4-2
Return Value Batch Standards ............................................................................................................... 4-3
Batch Logging............................................................................................................................................ 4-3
Functional Descriptions and Dependencies ....................................................................................... 4-3
Batch Process Scheduling ....................................................................................................................... 4-5
Batch Details ............................................................................................................................................. 4-5
Activate PriceChanges Batch............................................................................................................ 4-5
Usage............................................................................................................................................. 4-5
CleanupPickList ................................................................................................................................. 4-6
Usage............................................................................................................................................. 4-6
CloseProdGroupSchedule Batch...................................................................................................... 4-6
Usage............................................................................................................................................. 4-6
DexnexFileParser Batch..................................................................................................................... 4-6
Usage............................................................................................................................................. 4-6
ExtractStockCount Batch................................................................................................................... 4-7
Usage............................................................................................................................................. 4-7
ItemRequest ........................................................................................................................................ 4-7
Usage............................................................................................................................................. 4-7
LateSalesInventoryAdjustmentPublishJob..................................................................................... 4-7

Usage............................................................................................................................................. 4-8
ProblemLineStockCount Batch ........................................................................................................ 4-8
Usage............................................................................................................................................. 4-8
ResaFileParser Batch.......................................................................................................................... 4-8
Batch Design Overview.............................................................................................................. 4-8
Usage............................................................................................................................................. 4-9
Restart and Recover ................................................................................................................. 4-10
Multi-Threading....................................................................................................................... 4-11
Error Handling, Logging and File Archiving ...................................................................... 4-11
ReturnNotAfterDateAlert Batch .................................................................................................. 4-12
Usage.......................................................................................................................................... 4-12
ThirdPartyStockCountParser Batch ............................................................................................. 4-12
ThirdPartyStockCount Integration Assumptions ............................................................... 4-13
Usage.......................................................................................................................................... 4-13
WastageInventoryAdjustments Batch.......................................................................................... 4-14
Usage.......................................................................................................................................... 4-14
WastageInventoryAdjustmentPublishJob ................................................................................... 4-14
Usage.......................................................................................................................................... 4-14
SIM Purge Batch Process ..................................................................................................................... 4-15
PurgeAll Batch................................................................................................................................. 4-15
Usage.......................................................................................................................................... 4-15
PurgeAdHocStockCount Batch..................................................................................................... 4-16
Usage.......................................................................................................................................... 4-16
PurgeAudits ..................................................................................................................................... 4-16
Usage.......................................................................................................................................... 4-16
PurgeDSDreceivings Batch ............................................................................................................ 4-16
Usage.......................................................................................................................................... 4-16
PurgeInventoryAdjustments Batch .............................................................................................. 4-17
Usage.......................................................................................................................................... 4-17
PurgeItemRequests Batch .............................................................................................................. 4-17
Usage.......................................................................................................................................... 4-17
PurgeItemTickets Batch.................................................................................................................. 4-17
Usage.......................................................................................................................................... 4-17
PurgeLocking Batch ........................................................................................................................ 4-18
Usage.......................................................................................................................................... 4-18
PurgePickList Batch ........................................................................................................................ 4-18
Usage.......................................................................................................................................... 4-18
PurgePriceChanges Batch .............................................................................................................. 4-18
Usage.......................................................................................................................................... 4-18
PurgePriceHistories Batch ............................................................................................................. 4-18
Usage.......................................................................................................................................... 4-18
PurgeReceivedTransfers Batch...................................................................................................... 4-19
Usage.......................................................................................................................................... 4-19
PurgeStockCounts Batch ................................................................................................................ 4-19
Usage.......................................................................................................................................... 4-19
PurgeStockReturns Batch............................................................................................................... 4-19
Usage.......................................................................................................................................... 4-19

PurgeWHDReceivings Batch......................................................................................................... 4-20
Usage.......................................................................................................................................... 4-20
Price Bulk Processing Batch Process.................................................................................................. 4-20
Running A Script............................................................................................................................. 4-20
Restart and Recovery ..................................................................................................................... 4-24
ResaCustomerOrderFileParser Batch........................................................................................... 4-24
Assumptions ............................................................................................................................. 4-25
Usage.......................................................................................................................................... 4-26
A Note About Multi-Threading and Multiple Processes ............................................................. 4-26
Batch Programs that Create Threads............................................................................................ 4-27

A Appendix: Stock Count Results Upload File Layout Specification

Stock Count Results — Flat File Specification .................................................................................. A-1

B Appendix: Batch File Layout Specifications

Flat File Used in the ResaFileParser Batch Process........................................................................... B-1
Flat File Used in the DexnexFileParser Batch Process ..................................................................... B-3
File Structure – 894 Delivery............................................................................................................ B-3
Flat File Used in the ThirdPartyStockCountParser Batch Process................................................. B-6
RGIS File Layout Definition ............................................................................................................ B-6
RGIS Sample File Data...................................................................................................................... B-7
Flat File Used in Price Bulk Processing Batch Process .................................................................... B-7

C Appendix: Creating an Auto-Authorized Third-Party Stock Count


List of Figures
1–1 SIM Technical Architecture ....................................................................................................... 1-2
3–1 SIM Technical Architecture, Tiers ............................................................................................ 3-2
3–2 SIM Deployment ......................................................................................................................... 3-5

List of Tables
4–1 Summary of Executable Shell Scripts, Batch Files, Java Packages...................................... 4-2
4–2 Batch Process Business Functionality and Dependencies.................................................... 4-3
A–1 Stock Count Results Flat File................................................................................................... A-1
B–1 DexnexFileParser Batch File Structure................................................................................... B-4
B–2 DexnexFileParser Batch File Details....................................................................................... B-4
B–3 RGIS File Layout Definition .................................................................................................... B-6
B–5 RegularPriceChange Output File Layout .............................................................................. B-8
B–6 PromotionPriceChange Output File Layout ....................................................................... B-10
B–7 ReSA Customer Order Flat File Format............................................................................... B-12


Oracle Retail Operations Guides are designed so that you can view and understand
the application’s behind-the-scenes processing, including such information as the
■ Key system administration configuration settings
■ Technical architecture
■ Functional integration dataflow across the enterprise

Anyone who has an interest in better understanding the inner workings of the Oracle
Retail Store Inventory Management (SIM) system can find valuable information in this
guide. There are three audiences in general for whom this guide is written:
■ System analysts and system operation personnel:
■ who are looking for information about SIM’s processes internally or in relation
to the systems across the enterprise.
■ who operate SIM on a regular basis.
■ Integrators and implementation staff who have the overall responsibility for
implementing SIM into their enterprise.
■ Business analysts who are looking for information about processes and interfaces
to validate the support for business scenarios within SIM and other systems across
the enterprise.

Related Documents
For more information, see the following documents in the Oracle Retail Store
Inventory Management Release 13.1 documentation set:
■ Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Release Notes
■ Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Installation Guide
■ Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management User Guide
■ Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Online Help
■ Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Data Model
■ Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Implementation Guide – Volume 1

■ Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Implementation Guide – Volume 2 –
Integration Information
■ Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Implementation Guide – Volume 3 – Mobile
Store Inventory Management
■ Oracle Retail Store Inventory Licensing Information
■ Oracle Retail Service Layer documentation
■ Oracle Retail Integration Bus documentation
■ Oracle Retail Price Management documentation

Customer Support
To contact Oracle Customer Support, access My Oracle Support at the following URL:
When contacting Customer Support, please provide the following:
■ Product version and program/module name
■ Functional and technical description of the problem (include business impact)
■ Detailed step-by-step instructions to recreate
■ Exact error message received
■ Screen shots of each step you take

Review Patch Documentation

If you are installing the application for the first time, you install either a base release
(for example, 13.0) or a later patch release (for example, 13.0.2). If you are installing a
software version other than the base release, be sure to read the documentation for
each patch release (since the base release) before you begin installation. Patch
documentation can contain critical information related to the base release and code
changes that have been made since the base release.

Oracle Retail Documentation on the Oracle Technology Network

In addition to being packaged with each product release (on the base or patch level),
all Oracle Retail documentation is available on the following Web site (with the
exception of the Data Model which is only available with the release packaged code):
Documentation should be available on this Web site within a month after a product
release. Note that documentation is always available with the packaged code on the
release date.

The following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated
with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for
which you supply particular values.
monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code
in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.


This operations guide serves as an Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management (SIM)
reference to explain backend processes. SIM is designed as a standalone application
that can be customized to work with any merchandising system.

SIM empowers store personnel to sell, service, and personalize customer interactions
by providing users the ability to perform typical back office functionality on the store
sales floor. The results are greatly enhanced customer conversion rates, improved
customer service, lower inventory carrying costs, and fewer markdowns. SIM delivers
the information and flexible capabilities that store employees need to maintain optimal
inventory levels and to convert shoppers into buyers.
The SIM solution does the following:
■ Improves perpetual inventory levels by enabling floor-based inventory
management through handheld devices and store PCs.
■ Minimizes the time to process receipt and check-in of incoming merchandise.
■ Receives, tracks, and transfers merchandise accurately, efficiently, and easily.
■ Reduces technology costs by centralizing hardware requirements.
■ Guides users through required transactions.
■ Allows customizations to the product through an extensible technology platform.
The retailer’s modifications are isolated during product upgrades, lowering the
total cost of ownership.

Technical Architecture Overview

SIM’s robust distributed computing platform enables enhanced performance and
allows for scalability.
SIM has a client tier, a server tier, and a data tier. The n-tier architecture of SIM allows
for the encapsulation of business logic, shielding the client from the complexity of the
backend system. The separation of presentation, business logic, and data makes the
software cleaner, more maintainable, and easier to modify. Any given tier need not be
concerned with the internal functional tasks of any other tier.

Introduction 1-1
Technical Architecture Overview

One of SIM’s most significant advantages is its flexible distributed topology. SIM offers
complete location transparency because the location of data and/or services is based
upon the retailer’s business requirements, not upon technical limitations. The server is
not deployed within the store. The application’s clients talk to the server across the
wire in almost real time.
The following diagram offers a high-level conceptual view of the main components
and integration points of the SIM architecture. For a detailed description of this
diagram, see Chapter 3, "Technical Architecture".

Figure 1–1 SIM Technical Architecture

1-2 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Operations Guide

Backend System Configuration

This chapter of the operations guide is intended for administrators who provide
support and monitor the running system.
The content in this chapter is not procedural, but is meant to provide descriptive
overviews of key system parameters, logging settings, and exception handling.

Configuring SIM Across Time Zones

For many SIM retailers, a corporate server is located in a different time zone than the
stores connected to that corporate server. When a transaction is processed at these
respective locations, there is timestamp information associated with these transactions.
SIM has the ability to reconcile these time zone differences.
System administration options enable you to specify the time zone to use when
timestamps are published to or received from the Oracle Retail Integration Bus (RIB).
The system options are called Enable GMT for…, with options for Inventory
Adjustments, Price Changes, Store Orders, Store Transfers, Warehouse Transfers,
Receiving, Direct Deliveries, Vendor ASN, RTV, Item Requests, Sales Data, Foundation
Data, Dex/Nex, Stock Counts, and Third Party Stock Counts.

Note: When integrating with Oracle Retail Price Management for

pricing information, the Enable GMT for Price Changes option must
always be set to no because Oracle Retail Price Management is not a
24/7 system.

■ If Enable GMT is set to yes, timestamps are published to the RIB in GMT, and
incoming timestamps in RIB messages will be read as GMT.
■ If Enable GMT is set to no, timestamps are published to the RIB in the store time
zone, and incoming timestamps in RIB messages will be read as the store time
The PA_RTL_STR table contains the field RK_TIMEZONE, which holds the time zones
for each store. An administrator (or DBA) should determine the correct time zone, and
enter this information into the table. As stated above, once retailers have specified the
local (store) time, they can specify which time zone, GMT or store, to use for
timestamp publication to the RIB.

Note: A complete list of time zones has been compiled and is

packaged with the release of this version of SIM, and can also be
found in the SIM database view TIME_ZONE_NAMES_V.

Backend System Configuration 2-1

Supported Oracle Retail Products/Environments

Supported Oracle Retail Products/Environments

SIM is compatible with Oracle Retail Merchandising System (RMS) and Oracle Retail
Price Management (RPM). This functionality is described in greater detail in the
integration chapters.
For information about requirements for SIM’s client, servers, and database, see the
Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Installation Guide.

Configuration Files
Key client-defined configurations for SIM are described in this section. The system
parameters contained in these files are also detailed. Many parameters have been
omitted from this section because retailers should not have to change them.

Note: Within these files (and thus in some of the examples from
those files below), a # sign that precedes a value in the file signifies
that what follows is a comment and is not being utilized as a setting.

Some settings in the files are configurable. Thus, when retailers install SIM into an
environment, they must update these values to their specific settings.

Database connection info for batch programs.
This file is no longer used.

Data access object implementations.
This file defines the implementation classes for all data access objects in SIM. Each
value is the fully qualified class name of the implementation class for that key. If a
retailer customizes SIM, they may need to change some of the class names in this file.

Date format configuration.
This file contains java format pattern strings for several different types of dates
defined in the system. These pattern strings follow the rules defined in java for
SimpleDateFormat. The key for the date is defined as language and country followed
by the pattern key. For example, enAU.entryDate is the entry format for dates in
English for Australia.
The pattern keys are entryDate (used for date entry in calendar editor), shortDate
(format for short length date - this is the most commonly used), mediumDate (format
for medium length date), longDate (nearly complete date format), fullDate (fully
written out date format), monthPattern (formats only month and day), wirelessInput
(defines entry for wireless device), wirelessOutput (defines the format of dates on the
wireless device) and wirelessDisplay (defines the exact text string to display to the
user at the entry location).
The prefix before the pattern key is the ISO standard two-character code for language
and then two-character code for country. Both language and country must be present.

2-2 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Operations Guide

Configuration Files

Additional language/country combinations may be added as desired (for example,

frUS is French in United States).

Integration (RIB and RSL) settings.
This file contains settings related to SIM integration via Oracle Retail Integration Bus
(RIB) and Oracle Retail Service Layer (RSL). This file contains the following keys:
■ ribMessagePublishEnabled – if set to true, SIM will actually publish messages to
the RIB during processing. If set to false, SIM will not publish messages to the RIB,
but will instead log the messages to the SIM server log file. This is intended to be
used only for troubleshooting purposes. For an integrated production
environment, the value should be true.
■ rslCallsEnabled – if set to true, SIM will actually make RSL calls during
processing. If set to false, SIM will not allow the user to access areas of the
application that call RSL. This is intended to be used only for troubleshooting
purposes. For an integrated production environment, the value should be true.
■ *_PUB – the various keys that end in _PUB are the class names of classes that
implement interfaces to publish messages to the RIB. If a retailer customizes SIM,
they may need to change some of the class names in this file.
■ RMS_VERSION – this key is no longer used.

JNDI settings.
This file contains JNDI configuration settings. In the SIM server, the only key used is:
■ DB_JNDI_NAME – the name of the datasource SIM will use to get database
However, java processes that are clients to the SIM server (the wireless server and
the java batch programs), the other keys are used to determine the JNDI
information for looking up the SIM server’s EJBs:
■ INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY – the name of the factory used to get an initial
JNDI context. This should not be changed.
■ OBJECT_FACTORY_PACKAGES – the java packages containing object factories.
This should not be changed.
■ NAMING_SERVER_URL – the JNDI URL for the naming server. This should be
configured to point at the SIM server’s JNDI URL. The SIM installer should have
set this.
■ SECURITY_PRINCIPAL – the user name to connect to the Oracle Application
Server’s JNDI context. The SIM installer should have set this.
■ SECURITY_CREDENTIALS – the password to connect to the Oracle Application
Server’s JNDI context. The SIM installer should have set this.

Configuration for connecting to an LDAP server.
This file contains various configuration parameters for connecting to an LDAP server.
The SIM installer should have set all values.

Backend System Configuration 2-3

Configuration Files

This contains configuration about what information gets logged and where it gets
logged. See Logging Information for more information.

Configuration for printing reports.
See the Reporting chapter in the Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management
Implementation Guide – Volume 1 for more information about this file.

Service implementation classes.
This file contains entries for every service in SIM that define the client-side, downtime,
and server-side implementations of a given service interface. If a retailer customizes
SIM, they may need to modify this file.

SIM server configuration.
This file contains various parameters used by the SIM server. This file contains the
following keys:
■ DB_LOCK_WAIT_TIME – the number of seconds that SIM should wait when
trying to acquire a database lock.
■ DB_BATCH_MAX_PARAM – the maximum number of parameters allowed in a
batch JDBC statement. When the server arranges a large number of JDBC
statements into groups to execute them as a JDBC batch, this will be the maximum
group size.
■ BO_FACTORY_IMPL – the fully qualified class name of the class implementing
the BOFactory interface. This implementation is responsible for instantiating new
Business Objects in the SIM code. A retailer might need to change this value if
customizing SIM.
■ SERVER_INITIALIZE_CLASSNAMES – a comma-delimited list of classes that
implement oracle.retail.sim.closed.common.Initializer. These classes are run when
the SIM server is started.
■ CURRENCY_DEFAULT_TYPE – the currency code for the default currency. If
none is given, the base currency defaults to USD. This currency code will only be
used when currency information is not available for something in SIM, which is a
rare situation.
■ STOCK_COUNT_MAX_AUTH_LINES – when breaking a stock count into groups
of line items to authorize, the groups will be a maximum of this size

Parameters For User Information For Connecting To Oracle Retail Price

Management (RPM)
This information does not need to correspond to actual RPM users; it is used only for
■ RPM_USER_NAME – the user name with which to connect to RPM.
■ RPM_USER_FIRST_NAME – the first name of the user connecting to RPM.

2-4 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Operations Guide

Configuration Files

■ RPM_USER_LAST_NAME – the last name of the user connecting to RPM.

Parameters Related To Server-Side Cache Refresh Rates

All settings are given in milliseconds. When a client needs to read information that can
be cached, it will first look in the cache. If the cache is empty or expired, the client will
call the server to find the current data. Otherwise the cached settings are used.
■ REFRESH_RATE_CONFIG – timeout for cache of system configuration
■ REFRESH_RATE_STORE – timeout for store-specific configuration parameters
■ REFRESH_RATE_TRANSLATION – timeout for holding translations on the
server. Translations displayed on the wireless client are held in this cache.
Translations displayed on the PC client are not held in this cache.
■ REFRESH_RATE_WIRELESS_ITEM – timeout for storing differentiators for items
on stock counts displayed in the wireless client.
■ REFRESH_RATE_MERCH_HIERARCHY – timeout for holding merchandise
hierarchy information

Parameters Related To Batch Processing Operation

See Chapter 4, "Batch Processes" for more details about these parameters.

Wireless Server Configuration.
This file contains configuration used by the Wireless Server. The only key used is:
■ INITIALIZE – a comma-delimited list of classes that implement
oracle.retail.sim.closed.common.Initializer. These classes are run when the
Wireless server is started.

This file is no longer used.

JNDI Configuration File:
SIM uses this file as part of its RSL-based integration with the Oracle Retail Price
Management (RPM) and Oracle Retail Merchandising System (RMS) applications, and
for connecting to the Retail Integration Bus (RIB). For more information about this
integration, see the integration chapters of this document. The jndi providers file
contains JNDI naming URL information for the other Oracle Retail applications to
which SIM makes remote calls.

Backend System Configuration 2-5

Port Configuration

JNDI Configuration File for RIB Communication:
SIM uses this XML file to provide the location of the JNDI directory used to
communicate with the RIB. The following properties must be defined:
■ java.naming.factory.initial – the JNDI factory class. Should not need to be changed.
■ java.naming.provider.url – the JNDI URL of the RIB J2EE application. Set by the
■ – the JNDI username to connect to the RIB. Set by
the installer.
■ – the JNDI password to connect to the RIB. Set by
the installer.

Business Rules configuration.
This file defines business rules that are run in SIM. If a retailer customizes SIM, this file
may need to be modified.

RIB subscriber configuration.
This file defines the classes that are used in SIM to handle messages coming in over the
RIB. A class is defined for each family type/message type combination that is
supported by SIM. If a retailer customizes SIM, this file may need to be modified. For
more information, see the Integration chapters of this document, and the RIB

Port Configuration
The SIM PC and handheld clients require a number of ports to be open on the SIM
server in order to communicate. That means these ports will have to be opened on any
firewalls between the SIM clients and the SIM server.
The following types of ports are required to be open by SIM:
■ OAS HTTP port (to download the SIM client)
■ OAS RMI ports (to make RMI calls from the SIM client to the SIM server)
■ Wavelink server port (for the handheld devices to communicate with the Wavelink
The Wavelink port is defined in and wireless_services.cfg. See the
"Wireless Server Port in and wireless_services.cfg" section of the
"SIM Configuration Files" appendix of the Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management
Installation Guide for more information.

2-6 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Operations Guide

Logging Information

The Oracle Application Server controls the HTTP and RMI ports. The HTTP port is a
single port, but the RMI ports are defined as a range of ports. These port numbers can
be changed if necessary. Refer to the following documentation for descriptions and
instructions on how to change the ports:
■ Oracle® Application Server Administrator's Guide
– Section D.2 Port Numbers (Sorted by Port Number) - Shows the port ranges
assigned by default.

– Section 4.3.1 Changing OC4J Ports - Instructions for how to change port

Configuring the Transaction Timeout for SIM

The default transaction timeout in an OC4J instance is 30 seconds. This is not sufficient
for some of SIM's processes, especially batch processes. The recommended transaction
timeout for SIM is 7200 seconds. Refer to the following documentation for instructions
on how to set the transaction timeout:
■ Oracle® Containers for J2EE Services Guide
– Section 5.3 "Configuring the OC4J Transaction Manager"

Logging Information
One of the first places to look for information concerning a problem in SIM is in the log
files. Stack traces and debugging information can be found within the log files.
The log files are configured to roll over once they reach a certain size (currently 10
MB). Once a log file reaches the configured size, it will be renamed (for example,
sim.log will be renamed to sim.log.1) and new log messages will be written to a new
file (for example, sim.log). If there are already rolled-over logs, they will be also be
renamed for example, sim.log.1 becomes sim.log.2, sim.log.2 becomes sim.log.3, and
so forth). Only ten files are kept – if ten files already exist and the current file rolls
over, the oldest log file is deleted.
For information about logging related to the DexnexFileParser batch process, see
Chapter 4, "Batch Processes".

Default Location of Log Files

Server Log Files

The log file for the server is located at:
It can be changed by changing the value of the File param in the sim.appender
appender in sim-home/files/prod/config/log4j.xml.

Backend System Configuration 2-7

Logging Information

The log file for the java batch programs is located at:
It can be changed by changing the value of the File param in the sim.appender
appender in sim-home/batch-config/log4j.xml.

Client Log Files

Client-side log files are put in a directory called log, which is put wherever user.dir
is defined in your system. For example, if you launched the web start client with
Firefox, user.dir is the directory where Firefox is installed. This means (depending
on where you have Firefox installed) your logs could be in: C:\Program
Files\Mozilla Firefox\log\sim.log.
To find the location of user.dir, double-click on the status bar at the bottom of the
SIM PC client to bring up the Client Information dialog. Click on the Version tab; one
of the entries in the table is for the System Property user.dir. The value in the
Version column shows the location of user.dir on the current client’s system.

Changing Logging Levels

Sometimes it is useful to change the amount of information that the SIM server logs.
There are two ways to change logging levels – editing the log4j.xml file, or using the
Oracle Enterprise Manager Application Server Control user interface.

Editing log4j.xml
log4j.xml is in the SIM OC4J instance, in sim-home/files/prod/config/log.xml. It is
possible to change the level of any logger in the file. It is also possible to add new
loggers if you want a certain SIM class to log more information. For more detail about
loggers and logging levels, see Log4J documentation at

Note: After changing a log level in log4j.xml the SIM server must be
bounced before the change will take effect.

Using Oracle Enterprise Manager Application Server Control

Sometimes it is useful to change a logging level without bouncing the SIM server. This
can be done by using the Oracle Enterprise Manager UI. There is an MBean defined in
the SIM application that lists all currently defined loggers and allows you to type in a
new value for those loggers. This MBean also allows you to create new loggers.
Do the following to find this Mbean:
1. Launch the Oracle Enterprise Manager Application Server Control and log in. The
list of OC4J instances on this server should be displayed.
2. Click on the OC4J instance for SIM.
3. Click on the Applications tab. This should show you the SIM and SIM-CLIENT
4. Click on the Application Defined MBeans icon for the SIM application. This will
display the Application MBeans defined by SIM.
5. Click on the LogLevelMBean in the left frame.

2-8 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Operations Guide

Logging Information

Note: After changing a log level with Enterprise Manager

Application Server Control, the change will be lost if the server is
bounced. Whenever the server is started, it takes on the log levels
defined in log4j.xml.

Backend System Configuration 2-9

Logging Information

2-10 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Operations Guide

Technical Architecture

This chapter describes the overall software architecture for SIM, offering a high-level
discussion of the general structure of the system, including the various layers of Java
code. This information is valuable when the retailer wishes to take advantage of SIM’s
extensible capabilities and write its own code to fit into the SIM system.

SIM Technology Stack

SIM has an n-tier architecture consisting of a client tier, a server tier, and a data tier.
The client tier contains a PC client (a Java desktop application) and handheld devices.
The server tier contains the SIM server (deployed as a J2EE application inside the
Oracle Application Server) and the Wavelink server (a standalone server for the
handheld devices). The data tier consists of an Oracle 10g database and an LDAP

Advantages of the Architecture

SIM’s robust distributed computing platform enables enhanced performance and
allows for scalability.
The n-tier architecture of SIM allows for the encapsulation of business logic, shielding
the client from the complexity of the backend system. Any given tier need not be
concerned with the internal functional tasks of any other tier.
The following list is a summary of the advantages that accompany SIM’s use of an
n-tier architectural design:
■ Scalability: Hardware and software can be added to meet retailer requirements for
each of the tiers.
■ Maintainability: The separation of presentation, business logic, and data makes the
software cleaner, more maintainable, and easier to modify.
■ Platform independence: The code is written once but can run anywhere that Java
can run.
■ Cost effectiveness: Open source market-proven technology is utilized, while
object-oriented design increases reusability for faster development and
■ Ease of integration: The reuse of business objects and function allows for faster
integration to enterprise subsystems. N-tier architecture has become an industry
■ High availability: Middleware is designed to run in a clustered environment or on
a low-cost blade server.

Technical Architecture 3-1

SIM Technical Architecture Diagrams and Description

■ Endurance: Multi-tiered physically distributed architecture extends the life of the

■ Flexibility: The system allocates resources dynamically based on the workload.

SIM Technical Architecture Diagrams and Description

This section provides a high-level overview of SIM’s technical architecture. The
following diagram illustrates the major pieces of the typical three-tiered SIM
implementation. Descriptions follow the diagram.

Figure 3–1 SIM Technical Architecture, Tiers

3-2 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Operations Guide

SIM Technical Architecture Diagrams and Description

Client Tier
SIM can be deployed on a wide variety of clients, including a desktop computer, a
hand-held wireless device, and so on. The graphical user interface (GUI) is responsible
for presenting data to the user and for receiving data directly from the user through
the front end. The presentation tier only interacts with the middle tier (as opposed to
the database tier). To optimize performance, the SIM PC front end facilitates robust
client-side processing.
The PC side of SIM is built upon a fat client architecture, which was developed using
Swing, a toolkit for creating rich GUIs in Java applications.
The handheld communication infrastructure piece, known as the Oracle Retail
Wireless Foundation Server, enables the handheld devices to communicate with the
SIM server. The handheld devices talk to the Oracle Retail Wireless Foundation Server,
which in turn makes calls as a client to the SIM server.

Middle (Server) Tier

By providing the link between the SIM client and the database, the middle tier handles
virtually all of the business logic processing that occurs within SIM’s multi-tiered
architecture. The middle tier is comprised of services, most of which are related to
business functionality. For example, an item service gets items, and so on. Within SIM,
business objects are beans (that is, Java classes that have one or more attributes and
corresponding set / get methods) that represent a functional entity. Most business
objects have very few operations; in other words, business objects can be thought of as
data containers, which have almost no business functionality.
Although the PC client and the handheld client use the middle tier’s functionality
differently, the middle tier is the same for both clients. For example, the handheld
device, used on the fly, performs frequent commits to the database, while the PC
performs more infrequent commits. The application is flexible in that it accommodates
the different styles of client-driven processing.
The middle tier is designed to operate in a stateless manner, meaning it receives
whatever instruction it needs to access the database from the client and does not retain
any information between client calls. Further, SIM has failover abilities; if a specific
middle tier server fails, processing can roll over to another SIM server for continued
If the workload warrants, SIM can be vertically scaled by adding additional
application servers. Because SIM servers are running on multiple application servers
in a stateless system, work can be seamlessly distributed among the servers. The result
of this feature is that SIM clients do not need to know that additional application
servers have been added to help with the workload. SIM application servers can
contain multiple containers, each of which is related to a unique Java Virtual Machine
(JVM). Each container corresponds to a specific SIM instance. Introducing multiple
instances of a container allows SIM retailers to more effectively distribute the
processing among several containers and thereby horizontally scale the platform. As
the request load for a service increases, additional instances of the service are
automatically created to handle the increased workload.

Technical Architecture 3-3

Distributed Topology

The middle tier consists of the following core components, which allow it to make
efficient and reliable calls to the SIM database:
■ Server services contain the pertinent business logic.
■ DAO objects handle database interaction.
■ Databeans contain the SQL necessary to retrieve data from and save data to the

Note: There is at least one databean for every table and view in the
database, but there may be more, used for different specific purposes.

Data Access Objects (DAO)

DAOs are classes that contain the logic necessary to find and persist data. They are
used by services when database interaction is required.

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)

DAOs communicate with the database via the industry standard Java database
connectivity (JDBC) protocol. In order for the SIM client to retrieve the desired data
from the database, a JDBC connection must exist between the middle tier and the
database. JDBC facilitates the communication between a Java application and a
relational database. In essence, JDBC is a set of application programming interfaces
(API)s that offer a database-independent means of extracting and/or inserting data to
or from a database. To perform those insertions and extractions, SQL code also resides
in this tier facilitating create, read, update, and delete actions.

Database Tier

Note: The SIM data model includes some tables and columns that
are SIM-specific and some that derive their names from the
Association for Retail Technology Standards (ARTS) data model. Note,
though, that SIM uses but does not fully conform to the ARTS

The database tier is the application’s storage platform, containing the physical data
used throughout the application. The database houses data in tables and views; the
data is used by the SIM server and then passed to the client. The database also houses
stored procedures to do data manipulation in the database itself.

Distributed Topology
One of SIM’s most significant advantages is its flexible distributed topology. SIM offers
complete location transparency because the location of data and/or services is based
upon the retailer’s business requirements, not upon technical limitations. SIM’s client
server communication is an EJB call (which uses RMI). Because the server does not
have to be in the same store as the in-store clients, the clients log onto the server over
the wire.
SIM’s client code makes use of helper and framework classes that contain the logic to
look up remote references to EJBs on the server and make calls to them. These helper
and framework contain no business logic but contain only enough code to
communicate with the server.

3-4 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Operations Guide

Distributed Topology

For example, if a helper class is called by the client to perform the method update
shipment, the helper class appears to have that capability, though in reality it only
behaves as a passage to the EJB remote reference, which is looked up from the server.
The EJB remote reference communicates across the network with the server to
complete the business-logic driven processing. The server performs the actual update
shipment business logic and returns any return values or errors to the client.
Connectivity between the SIM client and the middle tier is achieved via the Java
Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI), which the SIM client accesses with the
necessary IP address and port. JNDI contains the means for the client to look up
services available on the application server.
The following diagram illustrates SIM’s deployment.

Figure 3–2 SIM Deployment

Technical Architecture 3-5

A Word About Activity Locking

A Word About Activity Locking

Activity locking has been designed to be controlled from within SIM. The following
example illustrates the logic of activity locking.
A user becomes involved with a warehouse delivery that includes containers with
multiple items in containers; that is, a significant amount of back and forth processing
between screen and server is occurring. From the GUI, a call is made to the activity
lock that instructs the system that the user is working with the warehouse delivery. If
some other user has the lock, the system asks the user whether he or she wishes to
break it and take over. A yes response to the prompt implies that former owner of the
lock left the lock dangling without a good reason (left to get lunch and so on). A no
response to the prompt implies that the former owner of the lock continues to
legitimately need it in place in order to finish processing.

3-6 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Operations Guide

Batch Processes

This chapter provides the following:

■ An overview of SIM’s batch processing
■ A description of how to run batch processes, along with key parameters
■ A functional summary of each batch process, along with its dependencies
■ A description of some of the features of the batch processes (batch return values,
restart and recovery)

Batch Processing Overview

SIM batches are executed as java batch processes. Most of the java batch processes
engage in some primary processing of their own. However, the majority of work is
done by services running on the SIM server; the java batch processes make remote
calls to the server to access these services.
Note the following characteristics of SIM’s Java batch processes:
■ They are not accessible through a graphical user interface (GUI).
■ They are scheduled by the retailer.
■ They are designed to process large volumes of data, depending upon the
circumstances and process.

Running a Batch Process

SIM batch programs are installed under $ORACLE_
HOME/j2ee/<sim-oc4j-instance>/sim-home/bin, SIM batch processes are run from
this location through executable shell scripts (.sh) files.
Oracle Retail provides the shell scripts (.sh files). They perform the following
■ Set up the Java runtime environment before the Java process is run.
■ Start the Java batch process.
For more information about batch usage, see the batch design and usage sections in
this chapter.

Summary of Executable Shell Scripts, Batch Files, Java Packages

The following table describes the executable shell scripts, batch files, and Java

Batch Processes 4-1

Scheduler and the Command Line

Table 4–1 Summary of Executable Shell Scripts, Batch Files, Java Packages
Executable shell script Batch program executed oracle.retail.sim.closed.batchjob.ActivatePriceChangeJob oracle.retail.sim.closed.batchjob.CleanupPickListJob oracle.retail.sim.closed.batchjob.BulkPriceClearanceJob oracle.retail.sim.closed.batchjob.ProductGroupScheduleCleanupJob oracle.retail.sim.closed.batchjob.DexnexFileParserJob oracle.retail.sim.closed.batchjob.GenerateUnitCountJoboracle.retail.
sim.closed.batchjob.GenerateUnitAmountCountJob oracle.retail.sim.closed.batchjob.GenerateItemRequestJob oracle.retail.sim.closed.batchjob.InventoryAdjustmentPublishJob oracle.retail.sim.closed.batchjob.GenerateproblemLineCountJob oracle.retail.sim.closed.batchjob.BulkPricePromotionJob oracle.retail.sim.closed.batchjob.PurgeAdhocStockCountJob oracle.retail.sim.closed.batchjob.PurgeAllJob oracle.retail.sim.closed.batchjob.PurgeAuditsJob oracle.retail.sim.closed.batchjob.PurgeDSDReceivingsJob oracle.retail.sim.closed.batchjob.PurgeInventoryAdjustmentsJob oracle.retail.sim.closed.batchjob.PurgeItemRequestsJob oracle.retail.sim.closed.batchjob.PurgeItemTicketsJob oracle.retail.sim.closed.batchjob.PurgeLockingsJob oracle.retail.sim.closed.batchjob.PurgePickListsJob oracle.retail.sim.closed.batchjob.PurgePriceChangesJob oracle.retail.sim.closed.batchjob.PurgePriceHistoriesJob oracle.retail.sim.closed.batchjob.PurgeReceivedTransfersJob oracle.retail.sim.closed.batchjob.PurgeStockCountsJob oracle.retail.sim.closed.batchjob.PurgeStockReturnsJob oracle.retail.sim.closed.batchjob.PurgeWHDReceivingsJob oracle.retail.sim.closed.batchjob.BulkPriceRegularJob oracle.retail.sim.closed.batchjob.ResaFileParserJob oracle.retail.sim.closed.batchjob.ReturnNotAfterDateAlertJob oracle.retail.sim.closed.batchjob.ThirdPartyStockCountParserJob oracle.retail.sim.closed.batchjob.GenerateInventoryWastageJob oracle.retail.sim.closed.batchjob.InventoryAdjustmentPublishJob

Scheduler and the Command Line

If the retailer uses a scheduler, arguments are placed into the scheduler.
If the retailer does not use a scheduler, arguments must be passed in at the command

4-2 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Operations Guide

Functional Descriptions and Dependencies

Return Value Batch Standards

The following guidelines describe the function return values and the program return
values that SIM’s batch processes utilize:
■ 0 - The function completed without error, and processing should continue
■ 1 - A non-fatal error occurred (such as validation of an input record failed), and
the calling function should either pass this error up another level or handle the

Batch Logging
Relevant progress messages are logged with regard to batch program runtime
information. The location of sim batch log and logging levels can be configured in
log4j.xml file which is located in sim-home/batch-config.
The user running the batch process must have write permission on the directory into
which the sim batch log is written, or the batch process will not run. If it is not
acceptable to give the batch user permission for the default log directory, log4j.xml
must be configured to use a different directory.
For more information, see Logging Information.

Note: Some batch programs evoke Oracle stored procedure which

runs on the Oracle database server, the log generated by the Oracle
process may exist in different location which can be accessed by the
Oracle database process. The log location is specified in batch detail
section if it is different from the default batch log location.

Functional Descriptions and Dependencies

The following table summarizes SIM’s batch processes and includes both a description
of each batch process’s business functionality and its batch dependencies.

Table 4–2 Batch Process Business Functionality and Dependencies

Batch process Description Batch dependencies
ActivatePriceChanges This batch process activates price changes which No dependencies
are effective today or on the user specified date.
CleanupPickList The end of day batch process runs at the end of No dependencies
each day to reset the delivery bay and close any
open pending pick lists.
ClearancePriceChange This batch process imports the clearance price No dependencies
changes setup in RPM. SIM uses this data to
update the price information of the items.
CloseProdGroupSchedule This batch process closes the product group No dependencies
DexnexFileParser This batch imports the direct delivery shipment No dependencies
records (PO, shipment and receipt) from Dex/Nex
ExtractStockCount The Extract Stock Count Batch program generates No dependencies
Unit stock counts or Unit and Amount stock

Batch Processes 4-3

Functional Descriptions and Dependencies

Table 4–2 (Cont.) Batch Process Business Functionality and Dependencies

Batch process Description Batch dependencies
ItemRequest The batch process generates item requests in No dependencies
pending or worksheet status for item request
product group schedule which was scheduled for
current date.
LateSalesInventoryAdjustmentP LateSalesInventoryAdjustmentPublishJob process No dependencies
ublishJob publishes the late sale inventory adjustments
records to Retail Merchandise System (RMS)
through the Retail Integration Bus (RIB).
ProblemLineStockCount The problem line batch process goes through the No dependencies
list of items in the problem line group,
determining which fall within the user specified
parameters (negative SOH, negative available,
and so forth). The system automatically creates a
stock count from those items that do fall within
the parameters.
PromotionPriceChange This batch process imports the promotional price No dependencies
changes setup in RPM. SIM uses this data to
update the price information of the items.
PurgeAdHocStockCount This batch process deletes ad hoc stock counts No dependencies
with a status of in progress.
PurgeAll This process deletes records from the SIM No dependencies
application that meet certain business criteria.
PurgeAudits This batch process deletes audits. No dependencies
PurgeDSDReceivings This batch process deletes the Direct Store No dependencies
Delivery receiving.
PurgeInventoryAdjustments This batch process deletes inventory adjustments. No dependencies
PurgeItemRequests This batch process deletes item requests. No dependencies
PurgeItemTickets This batch process deletes item tickets. No dependencies
PurgeLockings This batch process deletes lockings. No dependencies
PurgePickList This batch process deletes pick lists. No dependencies
PurgePriceChanges This batch process deletes price changes. No dependencies
PurgePriceHistories This batch process deletes price histories. No dependencies
PurgeReceivedTransfers This batch process deletes received transfers. No dependencies
PurgeStockCounts This batch process deletes stock counts. No dependencies
PurgeStockReturns This batch process deletes stock returns. No dependencies
PurgeWHDReceivings This batch process deletes the Warehouse delivery No dependencies
RegularPriceChange This batch process imports the No dependencies
permanent/regular price changes setup in RPM.
SIM uses this data to update price information of
the items.
ResaFileParser This batch process imports sales and returns data No dependencies
that originates in a point of sale (POS) system.
SIM uses the data to update the SOH for the
store/items combinations in each file.

4-4 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Operations Guide

Batch Details

Table 4–2 (Cont.) Batch Process Business Functionality and Dependencies

Batch process Description Batch dependencies
ReturnNotAfterDateAlert This batch process warns users x number of days No dependencies
in advance that the RTV/RTW is about to reach
the Not After Date and must be dispatched. Note
that the x value is configurable via the system’s
administration GUI screens.
ThirdPartyStockCountParser This batch process imports stock count file from a No dependencies
third-party counting system (such as RGIS), the
stock on hand quantities are updated for the
existing unit and amount stock count records in
WastageInventoryAdjustments This batch process looks for wastage product No dependencies
groups that are scheduled for today and creates
an inventory adjustment for each item in the
product group.
WastageInventoryAdjustment The batch process picks up all items that were No dependencies
flagged for publishing to the merchandising
system. After an item is published, the flag is

Batch Process Scheduling

There are no batch dependencies in this release.
For more details on the batch, see Batch Details in this chapter.

Batch Details
The following section summarizes SIM’s batch processes and includes both an
overview of each batch process business functionality, assumptions, and scheduling
notes for each batch.

Activate PriceChanges Batch

This batch process scans the price changes with pending or ticket list status. If the
price change effective date matches the user specified batch date, the process activates
the price changes (the price change status is changed to active) or marks the price
change as completed.

The following command runs the ActivatePriceChanges batch job: <activate_date>

Where the activate_date is optional, date format must be in dd/mm/yyyy if the date is
If the user does not specify the date, the current server date in GMT time will be used
to find the matching price changes.
If the user passes a date string, then the batch process uses that date as the store local
time to find the matching price changes for each store.

Batch Processes 4-5

Batch Details

Note: The price effective date in SIM database is stored as GMT date.
When integrating with Oracle Retail Price Management for pricing
information, the Enable GMT for Price Changes system option must
always be set to no since the pricing date from Oracle Retail Price
Management is not a GMT date.

The end of day batch process runs at the end of each day to reset the delivery bay and
close any open pending pick lists. The system takes the entire inventory from the
delivery bay and moves it to the back room. Any pending or in progress pick lists are
changed to a cancelled state. Users who are actioning a pick list are kicked out of the
system. That is, the system takes over their database lock, so they cannot make a save.
After the batch process is run, all pick lists are either completed or cancelled, and the
delivery bay has zero inventory.

The following command runs the CleanupPickList batch job:

CloseProdGroupSchedule Batch
This batch program searches for all open product group schedules that have ended
date before today (or user specified date), and change the product group schedule
status to closed.

The following command runs the CloseProdGroupSchedule batch: <close_date>
Where the <close_date> is optional and a date is not entered, then the server date is

DexnexFileParser Batch
This batch imports the direct delivery shipment records (PO, shipment and receipt)
from Dex/Nex files in the DEX/NEX directory into SIM.
With the uploaded data, SIM processing creates a DEX/NEX direct delivery, allowing
the store user to view, edit, and confirm the information contained in the DEX/NEX
file before approving it so that it can become an in progress direct delivery.

The following command runs the DexnexFileParser batch: file_name

Where file_name is the DEX/NEXT file name that resides at the location specified in
sim.cfg file under DEXNEX_INPUT_DIR, errors are written to the location specified by
DEXNEX_ERRORS_DIR in the same sim.cfg file.

4-6 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Operations Guide

Batch Details

ExtractStockCount Batch
The Extract Stock Count Batch program generates Unit stock counts or Unit and
Amount stock counts.
On a daily basis, the batch process creates the stock counts that are scheduled for the
current day or future date which matches the next scheduled date. The system looks at
all the scheduled stock count records and determines whether any are scheduled for
today or the user specified future date. The process creates the stock counts for each
individual store. If a scheduled count includes a list of 5 stores, 5 separate stock count
records are created.
For Unit stock counts, if the system is configured to use unguided stock counts, the
batch process does not generate multiple counts even if the item is located at multiple
locations within the store.
For unit and amount stock counts, if an all location stock count is being run, the batch
processing generates individual counts for every macro sequence location.
The date parameter is optional when running the Extract Stock Counts batch. If no
date is provided, today’s date is used. The date format is dd/mm/yyyy.

The following command runs the ExtractStockCount batch: <extract_date>
Where the extract_date is optional, if specified, it must be in format of dd/mm/yyyy.

Note: If date is not passed in when the batch is run, today’s date on
the server is used.

The batch process looks for those product groups that are set up as item request type
that are scheduled for the current date. It generates the item request (with items and
quantities) in a pending or worksheet status. The user (for example, a manager) can
then add items, delete items, change quantities, and so on before submitting the data
to the merchandising system. The merchandising system can generate POs or
warehouse to store transfers as applicable.

The following command runs the ItemRequest batch:

LateSalesInventoryAdjustmentPublishJob process publishes the late sale inventory
adjustments records to Retail Merchandise System (RMS) through the Retail
Integration Bus (RIB). Late sale inventory adjustment could be the result of processing
late sale records in ReSA sale data file by ResaFileParser batch.
This batch can be run anytime. For example, it can be run after ResaFileParser batch
for each store or run after ResaFileParser batch completes for all stores.

Batch Processes 4-7

Batch Details

The following command runs the

ProblemLineStockCount Batch
Before the batch process runs, the retailer establishes a group of items and item
hierarchies (by associating them to the problem line group type) and selects applicable
parameters (negative SOH, negative available, and so on). The problem line batch
process goes through the list of items in the group, determining which fall within the
parameters. The system automatically creates a stock count from those items that do
fall within the parameters.
If an item is a problem line item (negative inventory for example) on a stock count,
and the user does not get the chance to perform the stock count on it that day, the next
day the item may no longer be a problem line (positive inventory). However, the
system continues to create a stock count for that item because a problem existed at one

The following command runs ProblemLineStockCount batch:

ResaFileParser Batch
This batch program imports sales transaction data (POSU file) that originated in a
point-of-sale system. The external audit system will provide in its sales upload file a
percentage or quantity that indicates how much the inventory needs to be reduced by,
in addition to the sold quantity.
For example, meat will become lighter as fluids evaporate. Other items, for example
cheese or ham, will only be reduced when of the outside layers are cut off to sell the
SIM takes the sales transaction data to update the store item’s inventory buckets. From
the batch program, SIM learns about inventory movement (that is, what is sold and
what is returned). Once SIM attains the data, SIM assumes that sales should be taken
from the store’s shelf-related inventory buckets. This assumption is important to SIM’s
shelf replenishment processing. Similarly, SIM assumes that returns should go to the
backroom bucket; the system’s logic is that returns must be inspected.

Batch Design Overview

ResaFileParser takes the sales transaction data and updates the store item’s inventory
buckets (store item’s total quantity, shop floor quantity, and so forth) if applicable.
For item type ITM (the item type in POSU file is marked as ITM):
■ If an item in the file has an item level below the transaction level (for example,
item level =3, transaction level = 2) and not ranged (exist) in the store, then it is an
invalid record, it will be written to the rerun file.
■ If an item in the ReSA file has an item level equal to the transaction level and is not
ranged (exist) in the store, then a new ranged item record will be created for the
item/store, and store item’s inventory buckets will be updated.
For item type REF (the item type in POSU file is marked as REF):

4-8 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Operations Guide

Batch Details

■ If an item in file has an item level below the transaction level (for example, item
level=3, transaction level = 2), then batch process will compare the parent item’s
item level and transaction level as following:
– If ref item’s parent item level equals the transaction level, and parent item
exists in the store, then the stock on hand of the parent item will be updated.
– If ref item’s parent item is a transaction level item, but is not ranged (exists) for
the store, then a new ranged item is created for that store, and the stock on
hand for the parent item will be updated.
For late sale items:
■ A late sale is a sales transaction occurring before a stock count is completed, and
the sale data file is processed after the count has started.
■ SIM system parameter stock_count_sales_processing with value of Timestamp
Processing or Daily Sales Processing indicates if the POSU sales transaction data
contains the transaction date timestamp.
■ Timestamp Processing indicates that sale data in the Sales Audit upload file has
the timestamp for the transaction date. The sales data transaction timestamp is
compared against the timestamps taken during the stock count to decide if the
sales transaction is a late sale.
■ Daily Sales Processing indicates sale data in the POSU upload file does not have
the timestamp for the transaction date.
For daily sales processing, the Before Store Open or After Store Close stock count
time frame parameters are also used to determine whether the stock count
occurred before or after business hours so that SIM knows how to handle late
■ When SIM encounters a ReSA late-sale item, it must correct the inventory for stock
counts that have been processed after the time of the sale. The stock count creates
inventory adjustments for discrepancies during the count that are out of sync. The
ResaFileParser will attempt to correct the inventory buckets by creating an
inventory adjustment with the reversal in the amount indicated in the ReSA flat
sale file.
For open stock count items:
■ An open stock count item is the in-progress stock count item while ResaFileParser
is running.
■ For open stock count items, in addition to updating the store item’s inventory
buckets, the batch refreshes the stock count snapshot, if applicable.

The following pre-setup items are required when running ResaFileParser batch:
■ The ReSA File Parser batch processes ReSA data files through the Oracle database
stored procedure. The stored procedure locates the file location through database
directory objects.
■ RESA_DIR, RESA_ORIGINAL_DIR and RESA_LOG_DIR database directory
objects are created when SIM is installed.
■ The read and write privileges on these database directory objects must be granted
to the SIM database user.
■ The corresponding operating system directories for the file storage must be

Batch Processes 4-9

Batch Details

■ The ReSA data file needs to reside on the database server or at locations that can
be accessed by Oracle database process. The Oracle process should have full access
to the directory locations specified by RESA_DIR, RESA_ORIGINAL_DIR and
■ The actual file location on the database server can be found by executing the
following queries:
■ Select directory_name, directory_path from dba_directories where directory_name
■ The system or database administrator must ensure that the operation system
directory has the correct read and write permissions for the Oracle database
■ The minimum required permissions for the input file should be given:

Note: Minimal permissions of RW to the group users are required to

allow Oracle Process to move the file to archive directory. SIM schema
user must belong to the group user for RESA operation system

Use the following command to run the batch: <filename1> [<filename2> <filename3>]

■ filename (required): The name of the input POSU file containing the sales
transaction data from one store.
ResaFileParser batch has the ability of processing multiple files. File names are
separated by a space.

Restart and Recover

Once an error in the processing is resolved, batch may be
restarted/recovered from the point of failure.
The following tables are used in batch restart process:
ResaFileParser batch commits transactions based on the commit maximum counter. It
can be configured through COMMIT_MAX_CTR in the RK_RESTART_CONTROL
For each file, ResaFileParser batch spawns a separate thread that processes the file.
Each thread records the starting of the process in RK_RESTART_PROGRAM_STATUS
table with the file name as the RESTART_NAME. Once the process completes
successfully, the record is deleted from the program status table; a history record is
then inserted into the RK_RESTART_PROGRAM_HIST table for each completed

4-10 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Operations Guide

Batch Details


whether the particular thread or file is completed with non-fatal error (for example,
batch processes encountered an invalid record, rerun file is created with the invalid
While a thread processes a file, if the thread fails on a fatal error, then the thread marks
the process as ABORTED in the RK_RESTART_PROGRAM_STATUS table, with the
file name as the RESTART_NAME.
The thread stores the last commit point in the RK_RESTART_BOOKMARK table, with
the file name as the RESTART_NAME.
The system administrator can view the error and make corrections if applicable. Once
the file is ready to run again, the administrator sets the RESTART_FLAG to Y in the
RK_RESTART_PROGRAM_STATUS table. In the event of a restart, the process begins
from the last commit point.
Once the error is corrected, and the RESTART_FLAG in RK_RESTART_PROGRAM_
STATUS table is set to Y by the user, the user can start running ResaFileParser batch for
that particular file.
The system administrator needs to purge RK_RESTART_PROGRAM_HIST records
periodically based on their requirements.

When multiple files are sent to ResaFileParser batch for processing, the batch spawns
multi-threads based on the number of threads configured in the restart control table.
Each file can only be processed by one thread; the same data file will never be acted
upon by multiple processes.
The number of parallel threads to execute the batch processes can be configured. To
configure the thread numbers for the batch, update the NUM_THREADS column in
the RK_RESTART_CONTROL table for program_name RESA_FILE_PARSER.

Error Handling, Logging and File Archiving

ResaFileParser batch writes the logging information and invalid records into log file;
the batch also creates rerun files for invalid records, and the uncommitted records in
the event of a failure. System administrator needs to purge the archive files and log
files periodically based on their requirements.
Archive file: When the batch completes processing a file successfully, the batch moves
the ReSA input data file to an archive location which is specified by the RESA_
ORIGINAL_DIR database directory object.
Rerun file: If the ReSA batch program encounters invalid records or a failure occurs
during the process, the batch creates a re-run file. This file contains all invalid or
uncommitted records from the original process. The re-run file is located in the same
directory as the file being processing (specified by the RESA_INPUT_DIR database
configuration value).
Once the error is corrected and all the invalid records are corrected (the invalid records
are also logged in the log file), the rerun file can be sent to ResaFileParser batch for
processing. The rerun file has the following naming convention:

Batch Processes 4-11

Batch Details

Log file: ResaFileParser batch writes the log file to the location specified by RESA_
LOG_DIR database directory object. The log file has the following naming convention:

ReturnNotAfterDateAlert Batch
This batch process warns users a number of days in advance that the RTV/RTW is
about to reach the Not After date and must be dispatched. The value for the number
of days of advance warning is configurable using the system’s administration screens.

The following command runs the ReturnNotAfterDateAlert batch:

ThirdPartyStockCountParser Batch
This batch process imports stock count file from a third-party counting system (such as
RGIS), the stock on hand quantities are updated for the existing unit and amount stock
count records in SIM.
Non-Auto-Authorized Count -- if the Auto-Authorize flag is not checked during
product group setup, the following occurs:
■ The import file contains item and quantity counted information. SIM populates
the count quantity on the stock count records and sets the authorize quantity equal
to the count quantity. Once the file has been imported from the RGIS system, the
stock count records type is set to authorize and the status is set to in progress. The
user needs to manually authorize the stock after the import process completes.
■ If any items are sent from RGIS that were not already ranged to the store, SIM
adds the item to the appropriate stock count record (based on department), and
sets the snapshot SOH amount to 0.
■ During the import process from RGIS to SIM, any unknown item data is written to
the Not On File table.
■ Any not-on-file or not-at-store items can be assigned a valid SIM item ID using the
Rejected Items screen on the PC.
Auto-Authorized Count -- if the Auto-Authorize flag is checked during product group
setup, the following occurs:
■ The import file contains item and quantity counted information. SIM populates
the count quantity on the stock count records, and sets the authorize quantity
equal to the count quantity. Once the file has been imported from the RGIS system,
the stock count records type is set to authorize and the status is set to completed.
■ If any items are sent from RGIS that were not already ranged to the store, SIM
adds the item to the appropriate stock count record (based on department), and
sets the snapshot SOH amount to 0.
■ During the import process from RGIS to SIM, any unknown item data is written to
the Not On File table.

4-12 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Operations Guide

Batch Details

■ The authorization process occurs as part of the import of the third party file. Note
that in this case, any items that are considered Not On File or Not at Store items
cannot be assigned to a valid SIM item ID. The auto-authorization process
assumes the retailer has resolved all discrepancies and data conflicts prior to
exporting the count data from the third-party system. An assumption is also made
that no data will be reviewed or changed using SIM. This process merely updates
SIM with the stock count data and generates an export file to RMS with the same
stock count data.
■ The user does not need to manually authorize the stock after the import process
■ Once the import process is complete, SIM automatically authorizes the unit and
amount stock counts and exports the stock count data to RMS. The location of this
export upload file to RMS is specified by the database directory object STOCK_
COUNT_UPLOAD_DIR. Under normal operating circumstances, this manual
process is triggered by a SIM user through the SIM PC Stock Count Screen.

ThirdPartyStockCount Integration Assumptions

■ RMS provides an item export file to RGIS prior to the count in order for RGIS to
validate the items that are scanned.
■ The items coming from RGIS are identified based on an RMS item number (for
example, an RIN, UPC, or other number set up in RMS).
■ All quantities passed back from RGIS are assumed to be in the item’s standard
unit of measure (UOM) as established by RMS (for example, units, KG, and so on).
■ The RGIS file sends back the total quantity counted for each item, regardless of
whether the item was counted in several areas of the store (rolled up total by
■ For items that exist in the SIM stock count records but do not have a counted
quantity sent back from the RGIS system, SIM assumes a count quantity of 0, and
enters this value on the stock count record.
■ For items that have a SOH quantity in SIM but have a RGIS count of 0, the
discrepancy check uses the variance units (not the variance percentage) value to
determine whether the item is discrepant and should be displayed through the
front end.

The ThirdPartyStockCountParser batch processes stock count import files through the
Oracle database stored procedure. The stored procedure locates the file location
through database directory objects: STOCK_COUNT_DIR and STOCK_COUNT_
UPLOAD_DIR, the read and write privileges on these directory objects should be
granted to the schema owner. The stock count import data file needs to reside on the
database server or locations that can be accessed by Oracle database process. The
Oracle process should have full access to the directories specified by STOCK_COUNT_
DIR and STOCK_COUNT_UPLOAD_DIR, and the stock count import data file
permissions need to be changed to allow the oracle process to read and write (remove)
the file.

Batch Processes 4-13

Batch Details

The corresponding operating system directories for the file storage must be created.
The system or database administrator must ensure that the operation system directory
add the correct read and write permissions for the Oracle database processes.

Note: The Oracle database directory objects STOCK_COUNT_DIR

and STOCK_COUNT_UPLOAD_DIR are created when the SIM
application is installed.

The following command runs ThirdPartyStockCountParser batch: <file_name> <snapshot>

■ file_name is the import file data from one store; the stock count import data file
needs to be put at the location specified by the STOCK_COUNT_DIR Oracle
directory. This upload file is an export file to RMS. The Oracle database process
must have full access to the stock count data file. Use chmod 777 to change the
stock count import data file before start the batch.
■ snapshot is an optional argument that indicates if batch will automatically take the
snapshot for the stock count if snapshot has not been taken. Snapshot is required
prior to authorizing the stock count.

WastageInventoryAdjustments Batch
This batch process looks for wastage product groups that are scheduled for today and
creates an inventory adjustment for each item in the product group. The batch process
uses amounts based on percentage/units. Note that if both a percentage and unit exist,
the batch process applies the least amount of the two. For example, consider an item
with a stock on hand value of 100. If the two values are 10% and 5 units, the batch
process would create an inventory adjustment of 5 units for the item.
The batch process creates a completed inventory adjustment record using the
adjustment reason of Shrinkage (code = 1) for each item that is published to the
merchandising system.

Following command runs the WastageInventoryAdjustments batch:
After the batch process complete, the retailer needs to run another batch to publish the inventory adjustment
generated by the above batch to the merchandising system.

The batch process picks up all items that were flagged for publishing to the
merchandising system. After an item is published, the flag is reset.

Following command runs the WastageInventoryAdjustmentPublishJob batch:

4-14 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Operations Guide

SIM Purge Batch Process

SIM Purge Batch Process

Transactional and historical records in SIM can be purged as below:
■ PurgeAll batch: trigger all pre-defined purge batch processes and delete records
which match the purging criteria.
■ Run each individual batch to purge particular data.
For details on how to run the purge batch, see the batch program overview and usage
section listed below.

PurgeAll Batch
This process deletes records from the SIM application that meet certain business
criteria (for example, records that are marked for deletion by the application user,
records that linger in the system beyond certain number of days, and so on).
Following is the list of transactions whose records get purged by the
■ Received transfers
■ Stock Counts
■ Inventory Adjustments
■ Warehouse Receivings
■ DSD/DSDASN Receivings
■ Stock Returns
■ Price Changes
■ Price Histories
■ Pick Lists
■ Item Requests
■ Item Tickets
■ Audits
■ Lockings
■ Adhoc Stock Counts

Usage <purge_date>

Where purge_date is optional, date format must be in dd/mm/yyyy if purge_date is


Batch Processes 4-15

SIM Purge Batch Process

PurgeAdHocStockCount Batch
This batch program deletes ad hoc stock counts with a status of in progress. Any ad
hoc stock count with a creation date/time stamp older than the Days to Hold In
Progress Ad Hoc Counts parameter value will be deleted. For example, the default
value is 1. If the batch program is run with the default value, the batch program would
delete all in progress counts more than 24 hours old.


This batch process deletes audit records. Any audit record with a create
date/timestamp older than the Days To Hold Audit Records parameter value is
deleted. For example, if the default value is 30 and the batch program is run with the
default value, the batch program would delete all the audit records that are more than
30 days old.

Usage <purge_date>

Where purge_date is optional and the date format must be in dd/mm/yyyy if purge_date
is specified.

PurgeDSDreceivings Batch
This batch process deletes the Direct Store Delivery receivings.
Any DSD record which is in Closed/Cancelled status and which has a complete date
older than Days to Hold Received Shipments is an eligible record for purge.
However, before a DSD record is purged, checks are made to ensure that the purchase
order associated with a particular DSD is also completed and is older than Days to
Hold Purchase Orders.
Another check is made to identify the DSDASNs associated with a DSD record. If the
DSDASN is cancelled/completed and is older than Days to Hold Received Shipments,
only then it can get purged.
In effect a DSD record can be purged only if its associated PO and DSDASN records
can be purged.

Usage <purge_date>

Where purge_date is optional and the date format must be in dd/mm/yyyy if purge_date
is specified.

4-16 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Operations Guide

SIM Purge Batch Process

PurgeInventoryAdjustments Batch
This batch process deletes inventory adjustments. Any inventory adjustment record
with a create date/timestamp older than Days To Hold Completed Inventory
Adjustments parameter value will be deleted. For example, the default value is 30. If
the batch program is run with the default value, the batch program would delete all
the inventory adjustment records, which are more than 30 days old.

Usage <purge_date>

Where purge_date is optional and the date format must be in dd/mm/yyyy if purge_date
is specified.

PurgeItemRequests Batch
This batch process deletes item requests which are in Cancelled/ Completed status.
Any item request record with a process date/timestamp older than Days To Hold Item
Requests parameter value will be deleted. For example, the default value is 30. If the
batch program is run with the default value, the batch program would delete all the
item request records, which are more than 30 days old.

Usage <purge_date>

Where purge_date is optional and the date format must be in dd/mm/yyyy if purge_date
is specified.

PurgeItemTickets Batch
This batch process deletes item tickets which are in Printed/ Completed status. Any
item tickets record with a status date/timestamp older than Days To Hold Item Tickets
parameter value will be deleted. For example, the default value is 30. If the batch
program is run with the default value, the batch program would delete all the item
ticket records, which are more than 30 days old.

Usage <purge_date>

Where purge_date is optional and the date format must be in dd/mm/yyyy if purge_date
is specified.

Batch Processes 4-17

SIM Purge Batch Process

PurgeLocking Batch
This batch process deletes lockings records from RK_LOCK_RECORD table. Any lock
record with a lock date/timestamp older than Days To Hold Locking Records
parameter value will be deleted. For example, the default value is 30. If the batch
program is run with the default value, the batch program would delete all the lock
records, which are more than 30 days old.

Usage <purge_date>

Where purge_date is optional and the date format must be in dd/mm/yyyy if purge_date
is specified.

PurgePickList Batch
This batch process deletes pick lists which are in Completed/ Cancelled state. Any
pick list record with a post date/timestamp older than Days To Hold Pick Lists
parameter value will be deleted. For example, the default value is 30. If the batch
program is run with the default value, the batch program would delete all the pick list
records, which are more than 30 days old.

Usage <purge_date>

Where purge_date is optional and the date format must be in dd/mm/yyyy if purge_date
is specified.

PurgePriceChanges Batch
This batch process deletes price changes which are in Approved/ Rejected/
Completed status. Any price change record with an effective date/timestamp older
than Days To Hold Price Changes parameter value will be deleted. For example, the
default value is 30. If the batch program is run with the default value, the batch
program would delete all the price change records, which are more than 30 days old

Usage <purge_date>

Where purge_date is optional and the date format must be in dd/mm/yyyy if purge_date
is specified.

PurgePriceHistories Batch
This batch process deletes price histories. At least a minimum of 4 historical prices are
maintained for an item/store. Days To Hold Price History will determine the number
of days that price histories can be kept in the database.

Usage <purge_date>

Where purge_date is optional and the date format must be in dd/mm/yyyy if purge_date
is specified.

4-18 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Operations Guide

SIM Purge Batch Process

PurgeReceivedTransfers Batch
This batch process deletes received transfers. The transfer in and transfer out
transactions will be purged from the database. The transfer out transactions which are
in Received/ Auto Received/ Complete Approved/ Complete Reject/ Cancelled /
Cancelled Request will be purged if the records are older than Days To Hold Received
Transfer Records parameter. Also, the Purge Received Transfers parameter must be set
to Yes in the admin screen to enable purging of the received transfers.

Usage <purge_date>

Where purge_date is optional and the date format must be in dd/mm/yyyy if purge_date
is specified.

PurgeStockCounts Batch
This batch process deletes stock counts which are in Completed/ Cancelled status.
Any stock count with a schedule date/timestamp older than Days To Hold Completed
Stock Counts parameter value will get deleted. For example, the default value is 30.If
the batch program is run with the default value, the batch program would delete all
the stock return records, which are more than 30 days old

Usage <purge_date>

Where purge_date is optional and the date format must be in dd/mm/yyyy if purge_date
is specified.

PurgeStockReturns Batch
This batch process deletes stock returns which are in Dispatched/ Cancelled status.
Any stock return record with a completed date/timestamp older than Days To Hold
Returns parameter value will be deleted. For example, the default value is 30.If the
batch program is run with the default value, the batch program would delete all the
stock return records, which are more than 30 days old

Usage <purge_date>

Where purge_date is optional and the date format must be in dd/mm/yyyy if purge_date
is specified.

Batch Processes 4-19

Price Bulk Processing Batch Process

PurgeWHDReceivings Batch
This batch process deletes the Warehouse delivery receivings which are in Completed
/ Cancelled status. The warehouse receivings records which are older than the Days
To Hold Received Shipments will get purged, based on the value set for this

Usage <purge_date>

Where purge_date is optional and the date format must be in dd/mm/yyyy if purge_date
is specified.

Price Bulk Processing Batch Process

This appendix provides the details for executing Price Bulk Processing (PBP) batch
programs in SIM. Price Bulk Processing imports the price changes from RPM related to
Regular, Promotion and Clearance in bulk. Price Bulk Processing performs the
■ Imports the price change information from the flat files to the staging tables in SIM
■ Identifies bad records and discarded records, and logs them in a separate file.
■ Processes each of the price change records and updates price change information
in SIM.
■ Logs processing information required as part of processing.
■ Cleans up the staging tables after the completion of processing.
■ Archives the price change input files.

Running A Script
Retailers are required to be aware of the following before running the script:
■ The input price change file has to be placed in BPP_INPUT_DIR before starting the
batch process.
■ The minimum required permissions for the input file should be given. Minimal
required permissions for the any price change input file are:

Note: Minimal permissions of RW to the group users are required to

move the file to archive directory.

■ The number of threads for multi-threading of the batch process should be set
based on the machine configuration.
■ After the completion of batch processes, check for the .bad file and .dsc file to see if
there are any bad or discarded records.

4-20 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Operations Guide

Price Bulk Processing Batch Process

The following defines the main price change files and their descriptions:
This is the shell script for importing the promotion price changes to SIM.
Do the following to run the script:
1. Place the promotion price change input files from RPM in BPP_INPUT_DIR
2. Run the at the command prompt with price change
input files as arguments separated by space. For example: <<filename1>> <<filename2>>

filename1 and filename2 are separated by a space. The order for processing the files
for price changes is from left to right.

Note: If no filename is passed when the batch is run, the batch

processes any unprocessed records from the previous execution.

■ The shell script sets the appropriate java environment by calling the
shell script.
■ The shell script sets the classpath with all the jars and classpath
variables required to call the bulkPricePromotionJob java class in SIM server.
■ BulkPricePromotionJob calls the promotion_file_parser stored procedure and
loads the data from the price change input file into the staging tables in SIM.
BulkPricePromotionJob moves the input file to the archive directory, BPP_
■ BulkPricePromotionJob sets the thread IDs to a logical unit of promotion
information based on the number of threads configured for this promotion
batch processing.

Note: The PBP batch process supports multi-threading execution of

the price change imports for faster processing. The number of parallel
threads to execute the batch process can be configured. To configure,

■ BulkPricePromotionJob calls the process_promotion procedure to process the

price change information and update into SIM. After the completion of
processing, BulkPricePromotionJob deletes the promotion price change
information from the staging tables.

Batch Processes 4-21

Price Bulk Processing Batch Process
This is the shell script for importing the clearance price changes to SIM.
Do the following to run the script:
1. Place the clearance price change input files from RPM in BPP_INPUT_DIR
2. Run at the command prompt with price change input
files as arguments separated by space. For example: <<filename1>> <<filename2>>

filename1 and filename2 are separated by a space. The order for processing the files
for price changes is from left to right.

Note: If no filename is passed when the batch is run, the batch

processes any unprocessed records from the previous execution.

■ The shell script sets the appropriate java environment by calling the
shell script.
■ The shell script sets the classpath with all the jars and classpath
variables required to call the BulkPriceClearanceJob java class in SIM server.
■ BulkPriceClearanceJob calls clearance_file_parser stored procedure and loads
the data from the price change input file into the staging tables in SIM.
BulkPriceClearanceJob moves the input file to the archive directory, BPP_
■ BulkPriceClearanceJob sets the thread IDs to a logical unit of clearance
information based on the number of threads configured for this clearance
batch processing.

Note: The PBP batch process supports multi-threading execution of

the price change imports for faster processing. The number of parallel
threads to execute the batch process can be configured. To configure,

■ BulkPriceClearanceJob calls the process_clearance procedure to process the

price change information and update into SIM. After the completion of
processing, BulkPriceClearanceJob deletes the clearance price change
information from the staging tables.

4-22 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Operations Guide

Price Bulk Processing Batch Process
This is the shell script for importing the regular or permanent price changes to SIM.
Do the following to run the script:
1. Place the regular price change input files from RPM in BPP_INPUT_DIR directory
2. Run at the command prompt with price change input files
as arguments separated by space. For example: <<filename1>> <<filename2>>

filename1 and filename2 are separated by a space. The order of processing the files
for price changes is from left to right.

Note: If no filename is passed when the batch is run, the batch

processes any unprocessed records from the previous execution.

■ The shell script sets the appropriate java environment by calling the
shell script.
■ The shell script sets the classpath with all the jars and classpath
variables required to call the BulkPriceRegularJob java class in SIM server.
■ BulkPriceRegularJob calls regular_price_file_parser stored procedure and
loads the data from the price change input file into the staging tables in SIM.
BulkPriceRegularJob moves the input file to the archive directory, BPP_
■ BulkPriceRegularJob sets the thread IDs to a logical unit of regular price
information based on the number of threads configured for this regular batch

Note: The PBP batch process supports multi-threading execution of

the price change imports for faster processing. The number of parallel
threads to execute the batch process can be configured. To configure,

■ BulkPriceRegularJob calls the process_regular_price_change procedure to

process the price change information and update into SIM. After the
completion of processing, BulkPriceRegularJob deletes the regular price
change information from the staging tables.

<<PRMPC>> TimeStamp.log (Promotion price change Log)

<<CLRPC>> TimeStamp.log (Clearance price change Log)
<<REGPC>> TimeStamp.log (Regular price change Log)
■ Log files for each execution of batch process is generated and placed in BPP_LOG_
■ Each log file is prefixed with the code of the batch process, PRMPC, CLRPC,
REGPC and appended with the timestamp of execution to make it unique per

Batch Processes 4-23

Price Bulk Processing Batch Process

Restart and Recovery

Each of the three batch processes in Price Bulk Processing are multi-threaded.
These processes have the ability to recover from the point of failure of each thread.
While processing records, if a particular thread fails, then the batch writes a record for
this thread in the table RK_RESTART_PROGRAM_STATUS with the following values
in the column:
■ ERR_MESG: the error message due to which the thread failed.
■ program_status: ABORTED

The last commit point for this thread is saved in the table RK_RESTART_
BOOKMARK. The system administrator can view the error and make any correction if
needed. Once the records are ready to run again, the administrator sets the RESTART_
FLAG to Y in RK_RESTART_PROGRAM_STATUS table. In the event of a restart, the
process begins from the last commit point.

ResaCustomerOrderFileParser Batch
This batch imports the Inventory Reservation information related to a Customer Order
from ReSA. The Customer Order transactions originate from the point-of-sale system
as Customer Pickup, Layaway, Customer Order and Pending Purchase transactions.
In a point-of-sale system, the customer reserves the inventory of an item for later
pickup. These items have to be reserved in SIM and inventory of these items should
me moved to the Unavailable bucket. In SIM, the reserved inventory is accounted in
Customer Order Quantity bucket and this bucket is considered as unavailable
inventory. The available Stock On Hand is updated accordingly.
When the items are delivered as part of pickup in a point-of-sale system, the Customer
Order Quantity bucket has to be updated to un-reserve the inventory.
The ResaCustomerOrderFileParser performs the following:
■ Import the inventory reservation information from the flat file into the staging
■ Identifies bad records and discarded records, and logs them in a separate file. The
bad and discarded records are identified by running the business rules on the
input details. The business rules include:
– Items and Store combination exists in SIM.
– Checks for the valid UOM of the item.
– The items must be transaction level or lower in order for the system to process.
– Consignment and non-sellable items are not considered for Inventory
– Quantity should be greater than zero.
– The final quantity of the Customer Order Quantity after reserving and
unreserving should not be negative.

4-24 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Operations Guide

Price Bulk Processing Batch Process

– Validate the action for each item. The valid actions are:
* New
* CancelReservation
* Fulfill
* CancelFulfill
– Identify duplicate entries of Customer Order.
■ Read the Customer Order header and detail information from the staging table.
The header information includes the Store ID, Customer Order number, and
Timestamp. The detail information includes Item Number, Quantity and Action.
■ Based on action for each item, determine if the final quantity for the item is not
negative. For example, in a Customer Order, if the reservation quantity of an item
is 10, the fulfilled quantity cannot be more than 10. If the reservation quantity is
more than 10, it violates the business rule that the user had picked up more
quantity than the reserved quantity.
■ Update the Customer Order tables for each item and quantity
■ If the item is other than Consignment and Concession Item and non-sellable item,
create Inventory Adjustment using the reason codes as
– Customer Order Reservations – In
– Customer Order Reservations - Out
■ In a customer order, when the reservation quantity of an item is equal to the
fulfilled quantity, then the customer order is completed.

If the UOM is not passed as input, the UOM of the item is assumed to be Standard
Retailers are required to be aware of the following before running the script:
■ The input Customer Order file has to be placed in RESA_CO_DIR before starting
the batch process.
■ The minimum required permissions for the input file should be given. Minimal
required permissions for the any price change input file are:

Note: Minimal permissions of RW to the group users are required to

move the file to archive directory.

■ The number of threads for multi-threading the batch process should be set based
on the machine configuration.
■ After the completion of batch processes, check for the .bad file and .dsc file to see if
there are any bad or discarded records.

Batch Processes 4-25

A Note About Multi-Threading and Multiple Processes

Do the following to run the script:

1. Place the Customer Order input files from ReSA in RESA_CO_DIR directory.
2. Run the at the command prompt with Customer
Order input files as arguments separated by a space.

Usage <filename1> <filename2>

Where filename1 and filename2 are separated by a space. The order for processing the
files is from left to right.
If multiple input files are considered for processing, each file will be processed by a
separate thread. The batch supports up to a max number of threads configured for this
The shell script sets the appropriate java environment by calling the shell
The shell script sets the classpath with all the jars and classpath variables
required to call the ResaCustomerOrderFileParserJob java class in SIM server.
ResaCustomerOrderFileParserJob calls the ResaCustOrderFileParserProcedure java.
The ResaCustOrderFileParserProcedure invokes start_cust_order_resa_parser stored
procedure in RESA_CUST_ORDER_FILE_PARSER package. This stored procedure
loads the data from the customer order input file into the staging tables in SIM and
processes it. After the successful processing, it moves the input file to the RESA_CO_
ARCHIVE_DIR archive directory.
The log file for each execution is generated and placed in the RESA_CO_LOG_DIR
This batch also supports Restart and Recovery process.

A Note About Multi-Threading and Multiple Processes

SIM’s batch processes are generally not set up to be multi-threaded or to undergo
multi-processing. However, for data file batch processing, if performance is a concern,
then the file can be broken into smaller parts; each process can then consume one file
and run parallel with as many other files as there are resources to support this
processing. The recommended ratio is approximately 1-1.5 processes per available
Some batch programs do create multiple threads to call the server in order to do work
more efficiently. Those batch programs are listed below. They generally work in the
following pattern:
1. Query the server to find a set of data that needs to be processed.
2. Break the set of data into units of work that can be worked on independently in
separate threads.
3. Create threads to work concurrently on the units of work.
4. Wait for all threads to finish.
5. Report any errors and return.

4-26 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Operations Guide

A Note About Multi-Threading and Multiple Processes

The number of threads that will be created to work on the units of work is determined
by the configuration parameter NUM_THREADS_IN_POOL in sim.cfg (located at
sim-home/files/prod/retek/sim.cfg). If no value is specified, a default value of 4 is

Batch Programs that Create Threads

■ WastageInventoryAdjustments
■ ItemRequest
■ ProblemLineStockCount
■ ExtractStockCount
■ Price Bulk Processing Batches
■ ThirdParty
■ ResaFileParser

Batch Processes 4-27

A Note About Multi-Threading and Multiple Processes

4-28 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Operations Guide

Appendix: Stock Count Results Upload File
Layout Specification

Stock Count Results — Flat File Specification

Once a stock count is authorized and completed, the stock count results upload file
will be generated when the user authorizes a stock count from SIM PC or an
auto-authorized ThirdPartyStockCountFileParser batch process.
The location of the generated output file is specified by STOCK_COUNT_UPLOAD_
DIR database directory object. This database directory object and the actual directory
is created when SIM is installed through SIM installer.
The actual directory needs to be on SIM database server. Once the database directory
object is created, the actual file location can be found by running the following query:
select * from dba_directories where directory_name = 'STOCK_COUNT_UPLOAD_DIR';
RMS stock upload module can upload this file to update their inventory with the
actual physical stock count data.

Table A–1 Stock Count Results Flat File

Record Name Field Name Field Type Description
File Header file type record Char(5) hardcode FHEAD
file line identifier Number(10) ID of current line being processed., hardcode
file type Char(4) hardcode STKU
file create date Date(14)YYYYM date written by convert program
stocktake_date Date(14)YYYYM take_head.stocktake_date
cycle count Number(8) stake_head.cycle_count
loc_type Char(1) hardcode W or S
location Number(10) stake_location.wh or
Transaction file type record Char(5) hardcode FDETL
record descriptor
file line identifier Number(10) ID of current line being processed, internally
item type Char(3) hardcode ITM
item value Char(25) item id

Appendix: Stock Count Results Upload File Layout Specification A-1

Stock Count Results — Flat File Specification

Table A–1 (Cont.) Stock Count Results Flat File

Record Name Field Name Field Type Description
inventory quantity Number(12,4) total units or total weight
location Char(30) Where in the location the item exists. Ex: Back
description Stockroom or Front Window Display
File trailer file type record Char(5) hardcode FTAIL
file line identifier Number(10) ID of current line being processed, internally
file record count Number(10) Number of detail records.

A-2 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Operations Guide

Appendix: Batch File Layout Specifications

Flat File Used in the ResaFileParser Batch Process

This batch program imports sales that originate in a point of sale (POS) system. SIM
uses the sales data to update the stock on hand for the store/items combinations in the
POS file. For more information on the POS file format, see the POS Upload [posupld]
section of the Oracle Retail Merchandising System Operations Guide – Volume 1.

Record Name Field Name Field Type Default Value Description

FHEAD Record Char(5) FHEAD Identifies the file record
descriptor type.
File Line ID Char(10) 0000000001 Sequential file line
File type Char(4) POSU Identifies the file type.
File create date Char(14) File Create Date in
Store Number(10) Store location.
Vat include Char(1) Determines whether or
indicator not the store stores
values including vat.
Not required but
populated by Oracle
Retail Sales Audit.
Vat region Number(4) Vat region the given
location is in. Not
required but populated
by Oracle Retail Sales
Currency code Char(3) Currency of the given
location. Not required
but populated by Oracle
Retail Sales Audit.
Currency retail Number(1) Number of decimals
decimals supported by given
currency for retails. Not
required but populated
by Oracle Retail Sales
THEAD Record Char(5) THEAD Identifies the file record
descriptor type.

Appendix: Batch File Layout Specifications B-1

Flat File Used in the ResaFileParser Batch Process

Record Name Field Name Field Type Default Value Description

File Line ID Char(10) Sequential file line
Transaction Char(14) Transaction date in
format. Corresponds to
the date that the
sale/return transaction
was processed at the
Item Type Char(3) REF or ITM Can be REF or ITM.
Item Char(25) ID number of the ITM
or REF.
Dept Number(4) Department of item sold
or returned.
Class Number(4) Class of item sold or
Sub Class Number(4) Subclass of item sold or
Pack Ind Char(1) Pack indicator of item
sold or returned.
Item Level Number(1) Item level of item sold
or returned.
Tran level Number(1) Transaction level of item
sold or returned.
Wastage Type Char(6) Wastage type of item
sold or returned.
Wastage pct Number(12) Waste pct (4 implied
decimal places).
Tran type Char(1) Transaction type code to
specify whether
transaction is a sale or a
Drop Shipment Char(1) Indicates whether the
indicator transaction is a drop
shipment or not.
Total sales qty Number(12) Total sales quantity (4
implied decimal places).
Selling UOM Char(4) Selling Unit of Measure
for the item.
Sales sign Char(1) Determines if the Total
Sales Quantity and Total
Sales Value are positive
or negative.
Total Sales Number(20) Total sales value of
Value goods sold/returned (4
implied decimal places).
Last Date time Char(14) Date and time of last
modified modification in
format. For VBO future
Catchweight Char(1) Indicates if item is a
indicator catchweight item.

B-2 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Operations Guide

Flat File Used in the DexnexFileParser Batch Process

Record Name Field Name Field Type Default Value Description

Total weight Number(12) The actual weight of the
item, only populated if
catchweight_ind = Y.
Sub Tran type Char(1) Tran type for ReSA.
Valid values are A, D,
and NULL.
TDETL Record Char(5) TDETL Identifies the file record
descriptor type.
File Line ID Char(10) Sequential file line
Promo Tran Char(6) Code for the
Type promotional type from
code_detail where
code_type = PRMT.
Promotion Number(10) Promotion number from
Number RMS.
Sales quantity Number(12) Sales quantity sold for
this promotion type (4
implied decimal places).
Sales value Number(20) Sales value for this
promotion type (4
implied decimal places).
Discount value Number(20) Discount value for this
promotion type (4
implied decimal places).
Promotion Number(10) Links the promotion to
component additional pricing
TTAIL Record Char(5) TTAIL Identifies the file record
descriptor type.
File Line ID Char(10) Sequential file line
Tran Record Number(6) Number of TDETL
Counter records in this
transaction set.
FTAIL Record Char(5) FTAIL Identifies the file record
descriptor type.
File Line ID Number(10) Sequential file line
File Record Number(10) Number of
counter records/transactions
processed in current file
(only records between
head & tail).

Flat File Used in the DexnexFileParser Batch Process

File Structure – 894 Delivery

DEX/NEX uses the EDI Standard 894 Transaction Set to communicate with the direct
delivery receiving system. The basic format for the file is as follows:

Appendix: Batch File Layout Specifications B-3

Flat File Used in the DexnexFileParser Batch Process

Table B–1 DexnexFileParser Batch File Structure

ST = Transaction Set Header
G82 = Delivery/Return Base Record
N9 = Reference Identification
Detail (repeating…)
LS = Loop Header
G83 = Line Item Detail DSD
G72 = Allowance or Charge at Detail Level
LE = Loop Trailer
G84 = Delivery/Return Record Totals
G86 = Signature
G85 = Record Integrity Check
SE = Transaction Set Trailer

■ ST – Contains the transaction set number (for example, 894) and a control number.
■ G82 – Contains the type of delivery (Delivery or Return), supplier information,
and delivery date.
■ N9 – Contains additional supplier information (Canada only).
■ LS – Contains an ID for the details loops to follow.
■ G83 – Contains the item #, quantity, UOM, unit cost, and item description.
■ G72 – Contains allowance (e.g. 10% off) or charge (e.g. environmental levy)
■ LE – Contains the loop trailer.
■ G84 – Contains the total quantity and cost of the delivery.
■ G86 – Contains the suppliers UCC signature.
■ G85 – Contains an authentication identifier.
■ SE – Contains the number of transactions in the transmission.
The following table provides details of the DexnexFileParser batch file:

Table B–2 DexnexFileParser Batch File Details

Segment Sub-Segment Name Required? SIM value
ST Transaction Set Header Yes
ST ST01 Transaction Set ID Code Yes 894 - identifies the EDI file type,
use to validate.
ST ST02 Transaction Set Control # Yes Ignore
G82 Delivery/Return Base Record Yes
G82 G8201 Credit/Debit Flag Code Yes D=Delivery, C=Return.
G82 G8202 Supplier’s Delivery/Return Yes Use as supplier's purchase order
Number number.
G82 G8203 DUNS Number Yes Ignore

B-4 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Operations Guide

Flat File Used in the DexnexFileParser Batch Process

Table B–2 (Cont.) DexnexFileParser Batch File Details

Segment Sub-Segment Name Required? SIM value
G82 G8204 Receiver’s Location Number Yes Contains the Store #
G82 G8205 DUNS Number Yes Supplier's DUNS Number - use
to determine supplier
G82 G8206 Supplier’s Location Number Yes Supplier's DUNS Location - use
with DUNS Number to
determine supplier
G82 G8207 Delivery/Return Date Yes Delivery Date
N9 Reference Identification No
N9 N901 Reference Identifier Qualifier Yes Ignore
N9 N902 Reference Number Yes Use as SIM invoice number
N9 N903 Free-Form Description No Ignore
LS LS01 Loop Header Yes Provides an ID for the loop to
follow in the file
G83 Line Item Detail Yes
G83 G8301 DSD Number Yes Ignore
G83 G8302 Quantity Yes Unit Quantity
G83 G8303 Unit of Measure Code Yes CA = Case, EA = Each
G83 G8304 UPC Item Number
G83 G8305 Product ID Qualifier
G83 G8306 Product ID Number
G83 G8307 UPC Case Code No Pack Number
G83 G8308 Item List Cost No Unit Cost
G83 G8309 Pack No
G83 G8310 Cash Register Description No Ignore
G72 Allowance or Charge at Detail No Ignore
G72 G7201 Allowance or Charge Code Ignore
G72 G7202 Allowance/Charge Handling Ignore
G72 G7203 Allowance or Charge Number Ignore
G72 G7205 Allowance/Charge Rate Ignore
G72 G7206 Allowance/Charge Quantity Ignore
G72 G7207 Unit of Measure Code Ignore
G72 G7208 Allowance/Charge Total Ignore
G72 G7209 Allowance/Charge Percent Ignore
G72 G7210 Dollar Basis for Allow/Charge Ignore
LE LE01 Loop Identifier Loop Trailer, will contain same
ID as loop header
G84 Delivery/Return Record Totals Yes
G84 G8401 Quantity Yes Sum of all G8302 values

Appendix: Batch File Layout Specifications B-5

Flat File Used in the ThirdPartyStockCountParser Batch Process

Table B–2 (Cont.) DexnexFileParser Batch File Details

Segment Sub-Segment Name Required? SIM value
G84 G8402 Total Invoice Amount Yes Total Cost, inclusive of charges
and net of allowances.
G86 G8601 Signature Yes Ignore
G85 G8501 Integrity Check Value Yes Ignore
SE SE01 Number of Included Segments Yes Total # of segments between ST
and SE, used for validation
SE SE02 Transaction Set Control # Yes Same as ST02, used for
GE GE01 Number of transaction sets Yes # of sets in functional group,
included used for validation
GE GE02 Group Control Number Yes Same as GS06, used for

Flat File Used in the ThirdPartyStockCountParser Batch Process

RGIS File Layout Definition

■ Number of Fields: 12
■ Record Length: 129

Table B–3 RGIS File Layout Definition

Data name Field Description Dec Length Position from Position to Field type
DLSSTR STORE NUMBER 10 1 10 Character
DLSDAT DATE 12 11 22 Character

DLSRAN RGIS AREA NUMBER 10 23 32 Character

DSLF12 12 CHARACTER FILLER 12 33 44 Character
DSLF13 13 CHARACTER FILLER 13 45 57 Character
DLSUPC UPC CODE 25 58 70 Character
DLSF12 12 ZERO FILLER 12 71 82 Character
DLSF01 CONSTANT OF A + 1 90 90 Character
DLSUIN UIN FOR THE ITEM 25 91 116 Character
DLSUINTY UIN TYPE 1 117 117 Character
DLSSTK STOCK COUNT ID 12 118 129 Character

B-6 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Operations Guide

Flat File Used in Price Bulk Processing Batch Process

RGIS Sample File Data

12110309095959121122334455 100310831 0000000000000000222+ 000000001606
00000012110309095959121122334455 100311017 0000000000000000222+ 000000001606
00000012110309095959121122334455 100313848 0000000000000000222+ 000000001606

Note: If ThirdPartyStockCountParser batch is running in

Auto-authorize mode, a stock count results upload file will be
See Appendix A, "Appendix: Stock Count Results Upload File Layout
Specification" for more information.

Flat File Used in Price Bulk Processing Batch Process

This includes PromotionPriceChange, ClearancePriceChange and RegularPriceChange
batches. These batches import the price changes from Oracle Retail Price Management
related to PromotionPriceChange, ClearancePriceChange and RegularPriceChange in
For more information on the file format, see the PromotionPriceChangePublishBatch
batch design, ClearancePriceChangePublishBatch batch design and
RegularPriceChangePublishBatch batch design subsections in "Java and RETL Batch
Processes" of the Oracle Retail Price Management Operations Guide.

Table B–4 ClearancePriceChange Output File Layout

Record Name Field Name Field Type Default Value Description
FHEAD Record Descriptor Char(5) FHEAD File head marker
Line ID Number(10) 1 Unique line ID
File Type Char(5) CLRPC Clearance Price Changes
Export timestamp Timestamp System clock timestamp
Format Version Char(5) 1.0 File Format Version
FDETL Record Descriptor Char(5) FDETL File Detail Marker (one per
clearance create or modify)
Line ID Number(10) Unique line ID
Event Type Char(3) CRE = Create
MOD = Modify
ID Number(15) Clearance identifier
Item Char(25) Item identifier
Location Number(10) Location identifier
Location Type Char(1) S = Store
W = Warehouse
Effective Date Date Clearance Effective Date
Selling Retail Number(20,4) Selling retail with price change
Selling Retail UOM Char(4) Selling retail unit of measure
Selling Retail Char(3) Selling retail currency

Appendix: Batch File Layout Specifications B-7

Flat File Used in Price Bulk Processing Batch Process

Table B–4 (Cont.) ClearancePriceChange Output File Layout

Record Name Field Name Field Type Default Value Description
Reset Clearance ID Number(15) ID of clearance reset
FDELE Record Descriptor Char(5) FDELE File Detail Delete Marker (one
per clearance delete)
Line ID Number(10) Unique line ID
ID Number(15) Clearance identifier
Item Char(25) Item identifier
Location Number(10) Location identifier
Location Type Char(1) S = Store
W = Warehouse
FTAIL Record Descriptor Char(5) FTAIL File tail marker
Line ID Number(10) Unique line ID
Number of lines Number(10) Number of lines in file not
counting FHEAD and FTAIL

Table B–5 RegularPriceChange Output File Layout

Record Name Field Name Field Type Default Value Description
FHEAD Record Descriptor Char(5) FHEAD File head marker
Line ID Number(10) 1 Unique line ID
File Type Char(5) REGPC Regular Price Changes
Export timestamp Timestamp System clock timestamp
Format Version Char(5) 1.0 File Format Version
FDETL Record Descriptor Char(5) FDETL File Detail Marker (one per price
change create or modify)
Line ID Number(10) Unique line ID

Event Type Char(3) CRE = Create

MOD = Modify
ID Number(15) Price Change identifier

Item Char(25) Item identifier

Location Number(10) Location identifier

Location Type Char(1) S = Store

W = Warehouse

Effective Date Date Effective Date of price change


B-8 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Operations Guide

Flat File Used in Price Bulk Processing Batch Process

Table B–5 (Cont.) RegularPriceChange Output File Layout

Record Name Field Name Field Type Default Value Description
Selling Unit Change Number(1) Did selling unit retail change
Ind with this price event (0 = no
change, 1 = changed)
Selling Retail Number(20,4) Selling retail with price change

Selling Retail UOM Char(4) Selling retail unit of measure

Selling Retail Char(3) Selling retail currency


Multi-Unit Change Number(1) Did multi unit retail change

Ind with this price event (0 = no
change, 1 = changed)
Multi-Units Number(12,4) Number Multi Units

Multi-Unit Retail Number(20,4) Multi Unit Retail

Multi-Unit UOM Char(4) Multi Unit Retail Unit Of


Multi-Unit Currency Char(3) Multi Unit Retail Currency

FDELE Record Descriptor Char(5) FDELE File Detail Delete Marker (one
per price change delete)

Line ID Number(10) Unique line ID

ID Number(15) Price Change identifier

Item Char(25) Item identifier

Location Number(10) Location identifier

Location Type Char(1) S = Store

W= Warehouse
FTAIL Record Descriptor Char(5) FTAIL File tail marker
Line ID Number(10) Unique line ID
Number of lines Number(10) Number of lines in file not
counting FHEAD and FTAIL

Appendix: Batch File Layout Specifications B-9

Flat File Used in Price Bulk Processing Batch Process

Table B–6 PromotionPriceChange Output File Layout

Record Name Field Name Field Type Default Value Description
FHEAD Record Descriptor Char(5) FHEAD File head marker
Line ID Number(10) 1 Unique line ID
File Type Char(5) PROMO Promotions
Export timestamp Timestamp System clock timestamp
Format Version Char(5) 1.0 File Format Version
TMBPE Record Descriptor Char(5) TMBPE Promotion (transaction head)
Line ID Number(10) Unique line ID
Event Type Char(3) CRE = Create
MOD= Modify
TPDTL Record Descriptor Char(5) TPDTL Promotion Detail Component
Line ID Number(10) Unique line ID
Promo ID Number(10) Promotion ID
Promo Comp ID Number(10) Promotion Component ID
Promo Name Char(160) Promotion Header Name
Promo Desc Char(640) Promotion Header Description
Promo Comp Desc Char(160) Promotion Component Name
Promo Type Number(2) Promotion Component Type
Promo Comp Detail Number(10) Promotion Component Detail
Start Date Date Start Date of Promotion
Component Detail
End Date Date End Date of Promotion
Component Detail
Apply Order Number(1) Application Order of the
Threshold ID Number(6) Threshold ID
Customer Type ID Number(10) Customer Type ID
TLLST Record Descriptor Char(5) TLLST Promotion Detail Component
Line ID Number(10) Unique line ID
Location ID Number(10) Org Node [Store or Warehouse]
Location Type Char(1) Org Node Type [Store or
TPGRP Record Descriptor Char(5) TPGRP Promotion Detail Group
Line ID Number(10) Unique line ID
Group ID Number(10) Group Number
TGLIST Record Descriptor Char(5) TGLIST Promotion Group List
Line ID Number(10) Unique line ID
List ID Number(10) List ID

B-10 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Operations Guide

Flat File Used in Price Bulk Processing Batch Process

Table B–6 (Cont.) PromotionPriceChange Output File Layout

Record Name Field Name Field Type Default Value Description
Description Char(120) Description
TLITM Record Descriptor Char(5) TLITM Promotion Group List
Line ID Number(10) Unique line ID
Item ID Char(25) Transaction Item Identifier
TPDSC Record Descriptor Char(5) TPDSC Discount Detail for List
Line ID Number(10) Unique line ID
Change Type Number(2) Change Type
Change Amount Number(20,4) Change Amount
Change Currency Char(3) Change Currency
Change Percent Number(20,4) Change Percent
Change Selling Char(4) Change Selling UOM
Qual Type Number(2) Qualification Type
Qual Value Number(2) Qualification Value
Change Duration Number(20,4) Change Duration
TPILSR Record Descriptor Char(5) TPILSR Items in Promotion
Line ID Number(10) Unique line ID
Item ID Char(25) Transaction Item Identifier
Selling Retail Number(20,4) Selling retail of the item
Selling UOM Char(4) Selling UOM of the item
Location ID Number(10) Org Node [Store or Warehouse]
TPCDT Record Descriptor Char(5) TPCDT Credit Detail
Credit Detail ID Number(10) Credit Detail ID
Line ID Number(10) Unique line ID
Credit Type Char(40) Credit Type
binNumberFrom Number(10) BinNumber From
binNumberTo Number(10) Bin Number To
Commission Rate Number(10) Commission Rate
Comments Char(160) Comments
TTAIL Record Descriptor Char(5) TTAIL Transaction Tail
Line ID Number(10) Unique line ID
FPDEL Record Descriptor Char(5) FPDEL Delete Promotion
Line ID Number(10) Unique line ID
Promo Comp ID Number(10) Promotion Component ID
Promo Comp Detail Number(10) Promotion Component Detail
Group ID Number(10) Group Number
List ID Number(10) List ID
Item ID Char(25) Transaction Item Identifier for

Appendix: Batch File Layout Specifications B-11

Flat File Used in Price Bulk Processing Batch Process

Table B–6 (Cont.) PromotionPriceChange Output File Layout

Record Name Field Name Field Type Default Value Description
Location ID Number(10) Org Node [Store or Warehouse]
FTAIL Record Descriptor Char(5) FTAIL File tail marker
Line ID Number(10) Unique line ID
Number of lines Number(10) Number of lines in file not
counting FHEAD and FTAIL

Table B–7 ReSA Customer Order Flat File Format

Record Name Field Name Field Type Default Value Description
FHEAD Record descriptor Char(5) FHEAD Identifies the file record type
File Line ID Char(10) 0000000001 Sequential file line number
File type Definition Char(4) ORIN Identifies the file type
File Create Date Char(14) File Create Date in
Location Number(10) Store location number
THEAD Record descriptor Char(5) THEAD Identifies the file record type
File Line ID Char(10) Sequential file line number
Transaction Date & Char(14) Transaction Date Date and time of the order
Time processed.
Transaction Type Char(6) SALE Transaction type code specifies
whether the transaction is sale
or Return.
Customer Order Char(30) Customer Order number
TDETL Record descriptor Char(5) TDETL Identifies the file record type
File Line ID Char(10) Sequential file line number
Item Type Char(3) REF or ITM Can be REF or ITM
Item Char(25) ID number of the ITM or REF

B-12 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Operations Guide

Flat File Used in Price Bulk Processing Batch Process

Table B–7 (Cont.) ReSA Customer Order Flat File Format

Record Name Field Name Field Type Default Value Description
Item Status Char(6) LIN - Layaway Type of transaction.
LCA – Layaway
LCO – Layaway
PVLCO – Post void of
Layaway complete
ORI – Pickup/delivery
PVORD – Post void of
S – Sale
R – Return
Dept Number(4) Department of item sold or
Class Number(4) Class of item sold or returned.
Sub class Number(4) Subclass of item sold or
Pack Ind Char(1) Pack indicator of item sold or
Quantity Sign Char(1) P or N Sign of the quantity.
Quantity Number(12) quantity * 10000 (4 implied
decimal places), number of units
for the given order (item) status.
Selling UOM Char(4) UOM at which this item was
Catchweight Ind Char(1) Indicates if the item is a
catchweight item. Valid values
are Y or NULL.
TTAIL File Type Record TTAILChar(5) Identifies file record type
File Line Identifier Number(10) Specified by ReSA ID of current line being
processed by input file.
Transaction count Number(6) Specified by ReSA Number of TDETL records in
this transaction set.

Appendix: Batch File Layout Specifications B-13

Flat File Used in Price Bulk Processing Batch Process

Table B–7 (Cont.) ReSA Customer Order Flat File Format

Record Name Field Name Field Type Default Value Description
FTAIL File Type Record Char(5) FTAIL Identifies file record type
File Line Identifier Number(10) Specified by external ID of current line being
System processed by input file.
File Record Counter Number(10) Number of records/transactions
processed in current file (only
records between FHEAD &

Note: ReSA sends in flat file to reserve and un-reserve inventory in

SIM. The Customer Orders flat file will not have regular sales and
return transactions.

B-14 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Operations Guide

Appendix: Creating an Auto-Authorized
Third-Party Stock Count

Do the following to perform an auto-authorize unit and amount stock count:

1. Set up a product group with counting method as Third Party and with
auto-authorize flag checked.
2. Create a new product group schedule on the Product Group screen.
3. Run the batch program to generate the stock counts.

Note: After the batch has completed, from the Main Menu go to Inv
Mgmt>Stock Counts>Stock Count List screen. Notice that a separate
stock count record has been created for each department. The batch
creates stock count groups for all items for all departments for the
store, including items with SOH values of zero (0) grouped by
department. For each department record, the Stock Count Type and
Status from the stock count list screen will be Type = Stock Count and
Status = New.

4. Take a snapshot of the SOH on Stock Count List screen.

The snapshot must be taken before uploading the third-party flat file.

Note: Selecting Take Snapshot takes a snapshot of the current SIM

SOH figure, and assigns this to every item in the stock count records.
The snapshot button is displayed only if there is an extracted Third
Party Stock Count or Unit and Amount stock count on the Stock
Count List screen. You must first select at least one record from the
Third Party Stock Count in order for the snapshot to be taken. Status
of the stock count will change to In Progress. This will indicate that
the snapshot has occurred. The user will not be able to access the stock
count records until the file has been uploaded. If the user
double-clicks one of the department stock counts on the list screen,
SIM will prompt with the message The stock count will not be
accessible until the import process has completed. The user will not
be able to drill into the detail screen if the third-party file has not yet
been imported into SIM. Select OK to close the message, and the
application remains on the Stock Count List screen.

Appendix: Creating an Auto-Authorized Third-Party Stock Count C-1

5. Upload third-party count file to SIM:
a. Once counting is complete, the third-party input file must be placed in the
location specified by oracle database directory object STOCK_COUNT_DIR.
b. Run the batch file, passing in the name of the
input file.
See ThirdPartyStockCountParser Batch for details.

Note: The batch process imports the stock count quantity from the
flat file into the SIM stock count. If the count contains items in SIM
that were not ranged for the store, SIM will temporarily range the
item. If the count contains items that do not exist in SIM, they will go
to the Not on File table. These unknown items can be assigned a valid
SIM ID through the Not on File screen for non-auto authorized stock
count. Inventory adjustment is written internally for SIM only.
Inventory Adjustment is not sent to RMS for Unit and Amount stock
count since the export file will send the stock count result to RMS. The
same batch process will also generate an export file to import into
RMS with all the valid counted quantities. The output file will be
generated in the location specified by Oracle database directory object

C-2 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management Operations Guide


A purgepicklist, 4-18
purgepricechanges, 4-18
activity locking, 3-6
purgepricehistories, 4-18
purgereceivedtransfers, 4-19
B purgestockcounts, 4-19
purgestockreturns, 4-19
backend system configuration, 2-1
purgeWHDreceivings, 4-20
batch file layout specifications, B-1
batch scheduler, 4-2
dexnexfileparser flat file, B-3
price bulk processing flat file, B-7
resafileparser flat file, B-1 C
thirdpartystockcountparser flat file, B-6 configuration, 2-1
batch files, 4-1 files, 2-2
batch processes, 4-1 batch_db.cfg, 2-2
batch details, 4-5 dao.cfg, 2-2
activate price changes batch, 4-5 date.cfg, 2-2
cleanuppicklist, 4-6 integration.cfg, 2-3
closeprodgroupschedule, 4-6 jndi.cfg, 2-3
dexnexfileparser, 4-6 ldap.cfg, 2-3
extractstockcount, 4-7 log4j.xml, 2-4
itemrequest, 4-7
reporting.cfg, 2-4
latesalesinventoryadjustmentpublishjob, 4-7, retek/jndi_providers.xml, 2-5
4-8 retek/retek/jndi_providers_ribclient.xml, 2-6
resafileparser, 4-8 retek/rib/injectors.xml, 2-6
returnnotafterdatealert, 4-12 retek/rules_sim.xml, 2-6
thirdpartystockcountparser, 4-12 services.cfg, 2-4
wastageinventoryadjustmentpublishjob, 4-14 sim.cfg, 2-4
wastageinventoryadjustments, 4-14 wireless_client_master.cfg, 2-5
batch logging, 4-3 wireless_services.cfg, 2-5
functional descriptions and dependencies, 4-3 port, 2-6
multi-threading, 4-26 time zones, 2-1
overview, 4-1 transaction timeout, 2-7
price bulk processing batch process, 4-20 creating an auto-authorized third-party stock
resacustomerorderfileparser, 4-24 count, C-1
restart and recovery, 4-24
running a script, 4-20
running, 4-1 D
scheduling, 4-5 distributed topology, 3-4
SIM purge batch process, 4-15
purgeadhocstockcount, 4-16
purgeall, 4-15 E
purgeaudits, 4-16 executable shell scripts, 4-1
purgeDSDreceivings, 4-16
purgeinventoryadjustments, 4-17
purgeitemrequests, 4-17, 4-18
purgeitemtickets, 4-17 introduction, 1-1

technical architecture overview, 1-1

java packages, 4-1

logging, 2-7
changing logging levels, 2-8
default location, files, 2-7
client log files, 2-8
server log files, 2-7
logging information, 2-7

port configuration, 2-6

return value batch standards, 4-3

SIM technical architecture
client tier, 3-3
database tier, 3-4
diagrams and description, 3-2
middle (server) tier, 3-3
stock count results upload file layout
specification, A-1
stock count results -- flat file specification, A-1
supported environments, 2-2
supported products, 2-2

technical architecture, 3-1
advantages, 3-1
SIM technology stack, 3-1


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