Probes Heidenhain
Probes Heidenhain
Probes Heidenhain
September 2015
Touch probes for machine tools
Workpiece measurement
HEIDENHAIN offers TS triggering touch
probes for workpiece measurement right
on the machine. The probe is inserted in
the tool holder either manually or by the
tool changer. They enable you to use the
probing functions offered by your NC
control to automatically or manually
perform the following functions:
• Workpiece alignment
• Datum setting
• Workpiece measurement
• Digitizing or inspecting 3-D surfaces
Tool measurement
Successful series production hinges on the
prevention of scrap or rework and the
attainment of consistently good workman-
ship. The tool is a decisive factor here.
Wear or tool breakage that go undetected
for extended periods, especially during
unattended operation, result in defective
parts and unnecessarily increase costs.
Therefore, exact measurement of tool
dimensions and periodic control of wear are
absolutely essential. For tool measurement
on the machine, HEIDENHAIN offers the
TT touch probes and the TL laser systems.
Selection guide 30
TT touch probes Principle of function 33
Mounting 34
Probing 35
Specifications 36
TL laser systems Components 39
Mounting 40
Probing 42
Specifications 44
Electrical connection
Voltage supply 50
Interfaces TS, TT touch probes 52
TL laser systems, DA 301 TL 54
Connection to CNC controls 56
Cables and connecting elements, pin layout 58
Experience and profile
Collision protection and thermal
Application examples
decoupling (option for TS 460)
Collision protection is a major topic at
HEIDENHAIN. The touch probes feature a
large deflection path and offer additional
safety with rated breaking points in the
stylus or the connecting pin to the probe
contact. For expanded collision protection
to include the touch probe housing of the
TS 460, HEIDENHAIN offers an optional
mechanical adapter between the touch
probe and taper shank. In the event of a
light collision against a fixture or workpiece,
the touch probe can absorb the shock. At
the same time, the integrated switch
deactivates the ready signal and the
control stops the machine.
Worldwide presence
Along with the technical advantages,
HEIDENHAIN and its subsidiaries also
offer reliable service in over 50 countries:
Regardless of the country in which the
machine with the touch probe finally lands,
HEIDENHAIN supports you on site.
Application examples
Aligning the workpiece and setting the datum
Workpiece alignment
Exact workpiece alignment parallel to the
axes is particularly important for partially
machined workpieces to ensure that
existing reference surfaces are in an
accurately defined position. With the TS
touch probes from HEIDENHAIN you can
avoid this time-consuming procedure and
do without the clamping devices otherwise
• The workpiece is clamped in any
position. Compensating for misalignment through a basic Compensating for misalignment by rotating the
• The touch probe ascertains the rotation of the coordinate system table
workpiece misalignment by probing a
surface, two holes, or two studs.
• The CNC compensates for the
misalignment by rotating the coordinate
system. It is also possible to
compensate for it mechanically by
rotating the table.
Setting a datum
Programs for workpiece machining are
based on datums. Finding this point quickly
and reliably with a workpiece touch probe
reduces nonproductive time and increases
machining accuracy. If probing functions
are available on the CNC, the TS touch
probes from HEIDENHAIN make it
possible to set datums automatically.
The TS touch probes from HEIDENHAIN With the aid of external software—e.g.
are suited for program-controlled workpiece FormControl (software package from Blum-
measurement between two machining Novotest) or digitizing software—you can
steps. The resulting position values can be digitize models or measure free-form
used for tool wear compensation. surfaces right in the machine tool. In this
When the workpiece is done, the measured way you can detect machining errors
values can document dimensional accuracy immediately and correct them without
or serve to record machining trends. The reclamping. Thanks to their mechanical
CNC can output the results of measure- design and wear-free optical switch, TS
ment through the data interface. touch probes from HEIDENHAIN are ideal
for this purpose.
Measuring individual positions in an axis
Length measurement
Measuring a rectangular pocket Measuring a circular pocket/hole Measuring a bolt hole circle
Consistently high machining accuracy length and diameter, including the Using a cuboid probe contact, you can also
requires an exact measurement of tool dimensions of individual teeth. The measure turning tools and check them for
data and cyclical inspection of tool wear. CNC automatically saves the results of breakage. For effective tool-tip radius
The TT tool touch probes measure almost measurement in the tool memory for use compensation you only need to add the
any type of tool right on the machine. For with the part program. cutter radius to your entries in the CNC.
milling cutters, it can be used to measure
Tool length and radius measurement Measuring individual teeth, e.g. for inspecting Turning tool measurement
with stationary or rotating spindle indexable inserts (not for hard, brittle teeth)
Tool measurement with TL laser systems
Tool measurement with the TL laser And modern cutting materials of hard,
systems offers special benefits. The brittle materials are no problem for the
contact-free measuring method by laser TL laser systems.
beam enables you to check even the
smallest tools rapidly, reliably and without Because the tool is measured at rated
collision. speed, errors on the tool, spindle and
holder are detected and corrected directly.
Selection guide
Probe repeatability 2 1 µm
Cable outlet –
HEIDENHAIN touch probes are available
in various versions for workpiece measure- 1)
Only for infrared transmission
ment on machining centers, milling, drilling,
boring machines and CNC lathes:
TS 740 TS 248
TS 260 Principle of function Sensor 12
Milling, drilling and boring
machines with manual tool
Accuracy 13
change, lathes and grinding
Signal transmission 14
Workpiece measurement
Mounting TS workpiece touch probe 18
2 0.25 µm 2 1 µm
Transmitter/receiver unit 20
15 V to 30 V DC
Probing General information 21
Collision protection and 22
HTL and floating switching thermal decoupling
Styli 23
Axial or radial
Specifications TS 248, TS 260 and TS 460 24
TS 444, TS 642 and TS 740 26
SE 660, SE 642 and SE 540 28
Principle of function
Contact plate
Lens system
Pressure sensors
measuring machines. The reference
temperature is 22 °C. The stylus used
is the T404 (40 mm length, 4 mm ball
Signal transmission
Battery warning
Infrared transmission
Infrared transmission is ideal for compact
machines with closed working spaces.
Thanks to reflection, the signal is received
even in hidden areas. Infrared transmission
has a range of up to 7 meters. The carrier
frequency method applied by the TS 460
offers very strong noise immunity with
extremely short transmission times of
approx. 0.2 ms for the trigger signal. This
permits exact measurement results,
regardless of the probing velocity.
Range of transmission
Infrared transmission
The transmission areas between the SE
transmitter/receiver unit and the touch Transmission range of TS 444
probes have a lobe form. In order to ensure Transmission range of TS 460/TS 642/TS 740
an optimum signal transmission in both
directions, the transceiver should be
mounted so that the touch probe is within
this range during all operating positions.
If the infrared transmission is disturbed S 74
or the signal becomes too weak, the SE 42
notifies the CNC through the ready signal. TS6
The size of the transmission area depends S 44
on both the touch probe used and the nly T
transceiver that is used with it.
Angle of transmission
The wireless TS 444, TS 642 and TS 740
touch probes are available for adaptation to
the machine design with a horizontal
transmission angle of 0° or +30°.
The TS 460 permits communication
with the SE 540 in the normal version.
Radio transmission
The TS 460 touch probe’s radio
transmission depends on direction. The
transmission range is usually 15 m, and in Transmission range of TS 444
practice much larger ranges are possible Transmission range of TS 460/TS 642/TS 740
under ideal circumstances.
Optical status indicator
TS touch probes
Multiple LEDs are arranged on the
circumference of the TS touch probes so
that they are visible from any angle. They
indicate stylus deflection. For the wireless
versions they also show readiness.
TS touch probe
Channel utilization
TS workpiece touch probes
Taper shanks
The TS workpiece touch probes are
inserted directly into the machine spindle.
An assortment of taper shanks is delivered DIN 69871
with the TS for use with various clamping Taper D
systems. A complete selection is listed SK-A 40 M16
here. All other commercially available taper SK-A 45 M20
shanks are available on request. SK-A 50 M24
SK-AD/B 30 M12
SK-AD/B 40 M16
SK-AD/B 45 M20
SK-AD/B 50 M24
SK-AD/B 60 M30
DIN 69893
Taper ASME B5.50
HSK-E 25 Taper D
HSK-E 32 SK 40 UNC 1x000-8
HSK-A 40 SK 50 UNC 1x000-8
HSK-E 40
HSK-A 50
HSK-E 50
HSK-A 63
HSK-B 63
HSK-F 63
HSK-A 80
HSK-A 100
Tool holders
If you use other shanks, the touch probes
can be held by standardized straight shanks
in commercially available collet chucks.
Straight shanks are available for the
following tool holders:
• Weldon or shrink-fit chuck as per
DIN 6535-HB16
• Whistle notch according to
DIN 6535-HE16 DIN 6535-HB16 DIN 6535-HE16
Cylindrical shank for Cylindrical shank for
Weldon tool holder whistle-notch tool holder
Mounting wrench
For mounting a taper shank on the Threaded ring
TS 460: ID 1034244-01
TS 740/TS 642: ID 519833-01
Mounting wrench
Transmitter/receiver unit
Holder for SE 660
ID 744677-01
Collision protection and thermal decoupling
(optional with the TNC 460)
Thermal decoupling
Furthermore, the collision protection
adapter functions as a thermal decoupler.
This protects the touch probe from being
heated by the spindle.
... and serves as thermal decoupler (at left with collision protection adapter)
Styli for TS
HEIDENHAIN offers probe styli with various
ball-tip diameters and stylus lengths. All
styli are attached to the TS touch probes
with an M3 thread. Starting from a ball-tip
diameter of 4 mm, a rated breaking point
protects the touch probe from mechanical
damage caused by operator error. The
following styli are included in delivery with
the TS touch probes:
• For TS 260/TS 248
2 x T404
• For TS 460
T404 and T409
• For TS 444, TS 642 and TS 740
T404 and T424
Ball-tip styli
Model ID Length l Ball dia. D
T421 295770-21 21 mm 1 mm
T422 295770-22 21 mm 2 mm
T423 295770-23 21 mm 3 mm
T424 352776-24 21 mm 4 mm
T404 352776-04 40 mm 4 mm
T405 352776-05 40 mm 5 mm
T406 352776-06 40 mm 6 mm
T408 352776-08 40 mm 8 mm
T409 352776-09 60 mm 4 mm
Stylus extension
Model ID Length l Material
T490 296566-90 50 mm Steel
TS 248, TS 260 and TS 460
Workpiece touch probes
TS 248, TS 260
TS 460
Cable Radio and infrared
Operating temperature 10 °C to 40 °C
Fastening* • With taper shank1) (only with radial flange socket) • With taper shank1)
• By M28 x 0.75 external thread • By M12 x 0.5 external thread
• By coupling joint with M22 x 1 external thread
Cable length 25 m –
Probe accuracy ±5 µm when using a standard T404 stylus ±1 µm when using a standard
T404 stylus
Operating temperature 10 °C to 40 °C
Without taper shank (connecting Without taper shank (connecting thread M30 x 0.5)
thread M12 x 0.5)
TS switch-on/off Infrared signal from SE Via switch in the taper shank or Infrared signal from SE
infrared signal from SE
Energy buffer Integrated high-power capacitors, Two rechargeable or nonrechargeable batteries, 1 V to 4 V each,
charging time typically 3 s at size C or size A
5.5 · 10 Pa
105 Pa
SE 660, SE 642 and SE 540
Transmitter/receiver units
SE 660
SE 642
SE 540
Radio and infrared Infrared
Use TS 460, TT 460 TS 460, TS 444, TS 642, TS 740 TS 460, TS 444, TS 642 or TS 740
Communicates both with TS 460 and TT 460, communicates both
and TT 460 with TS and TT
Area of application In working space of machine In working space of machine In location hole in the spindle
Input/output signals Square-wave signals at HTL level Square-wave signals at HTL level Square-wave signals at HTL level
• Start signals R(-TS) and R(-TT) • Start signals R(-TS) and R(-TT) • Start signal R
• Ready signals B(-TS) and B(-TT) • Ready signals B(-TS) and B(-TT) • Ready signal B
• Trigger signals S and S • Trigger signals S and S • Trigger signal S
• Battery warning W • Battery warning W • Battery warning W
Optical status indicator For infrared transmission, radio For infrared transmission, errors For touch probe
transmission, radio channel and whether workpiece or tool
quality, channel, operating mode touch probe
and whether workpiece or tool
touch probe
Electrical connection M12 flange socket, 12-pin Cable, 0.5/2 m, M9 flange socket, 8-pin
with M12 connector, 12-pin
Voltage supply 15 V to 30 V DC
Current consumption
without load
Normal operation 3.4 Weff ( 200 mAeff1)) 1)
5.1 Weff ( 250 mAeff ) 3.7 Weff ( 150 mAeff1))
Transmission (max. 3.0 s) 10.7 WPK ( 680 mA 1)) 8.3 WPK ( 550 mA 1)) 4.3 WPK ( 210 mA 1))
Radio 2.1 Weff ( 120 mAeff1)) – –
Operating temperature 10 °C to 40 °C 10 °C to 40 °C UP = 15 V: 10 °C to 60 °C
UP = 24 V: 10 °C to 40 °C
Selection guide
Sensitivity to unclean Very small High (tool must be cleaned with blown air before
tools measurement)
Possible measuring cycles Length, radius, breakage, individual teeth Length, radius, breakage, individual teeth, tooth geometry (also
for combined contours)
Installation effort Simple connection to NC control PLC adaptation in the NC control necessary (6 outputs,
3 inputs), compressed air connection
Tool measurement
Specifications TL Nano 44
TL Micro 46
DA 301 TL 48
TT touch probes for tool measurement
Principle of function
Sensor Repeatability
Touch probes from HEIDENHAIN operate For workpiece measurement, the
with an optical switch as sensor. A lens repeatability of the probing process
system collimates the light generated from is of major importance. The probe
an LED and focuses it onto a differential repeatability specifies the error resulting
photocell. When the probe contact is from repeatedly probing a tool from one
deflected, the differential photocell direction at 20 °C ambient temperature.
produces a trigger signal. The probe
contact of the TT is rigidly connected to a The probe accuracy of a touch probe is
plate integrated in the probe housing on a measured at HEIDENHAIN on precision
three-point bearing. The three-point bearing measuring machines.
ensures the physically ideal rest position.
Probe contact
Mounting base for TT
For fastening with a central screw
TT 160, ID: 332400-01
TT 460, ID: 651586-01
Mounting base
Trigger signal
Probe contacts
To probe milling cutters, the tool touch
probes are equipped with a disk-shaped
probe contact with 40 mm diameter
(example). A disk-shaped probe contact
with a 25 mm diameter is available as an
accessory. Because of its small weight, it
is particularly recommended for horizontal
mounting of the TT.
TT 160 and TT 460
Tool touch probes
TT 160
TT 460
Cable Radio and infrared
Operating temperature 10 °C to 40 °C
Cable length 25 m –
TL laser systems for tool measurement
Tool monitoring with a TL laser system is The continual process inspection with
a very flexible solution. The contact-free monitoring of the tool data detects wear,
optical measurement enables you to check tooth breakage and tool breakage before
even the smallest tools rapidly, reliably and damage occurs. This ensures consistent
without collision. Even the most sensitive production quality, avoids subsequent
tools are completely secure from damage. damage, and reduces the cost of scrapped
or reworked parts. The measuring cycles
The precise determination of the length operate automatically, ensuring optimum
and radius at the rated shaft speed ensures monitoring even during unattended
your high quality of production. At the operation.
same time this integrated tool setting with
automatic updating of tool data eliminates The TL laser systems guarantee reliable
the need for separate tool setting, reducing tool monitoring, high measuring accuracy,
costs and non-productive times. and precise inspection for wear and tear.
They offer the following benefits:
Tool monitoring occurs at the rated shaft • Reduced non-productive times
speed in the real clamping system, and as • Unattended operation
such under real operating conditions. Errors • Less scrap
on the tool, spindle and holder can be • Increased productivity
immediately detected and corrected. Every • Consistently high quality of production
single tooth is measured at the highest
speed. Even the geometry of special tools
can automatically be checked on the
machine for deviations.
TL laser systems
The laser systems are available in different
versions for various maximum tool
• TL Nano
• TL Micro 150
• TL Micro 200
• TL Micro 300
Measuring cycles
The NC control uses measuring cycles to
process the output signal of the laser
systems and make the necessary
calculations. Measuring cycles for the
TNC 320/620/640 and iTNC 530 controls
from HEIDENHAIN are included with the TL Nano
TL laser systems. The measuring cycles
contain functions for
• Tool setting with automatic transmission
of the data to the tool table
• Inspection of wear and tear with or
without correction of the tool data
• Identification with or without correction
of the tool data
The accessories simplify the mounting and
maintenance of the TL laser systems.
Mounting attitude
The TL laser systems fulfill the require-
ments for IP68 and can therefore be fixed
directly in the machine’s working space.
For smooth operation, even with coolant
and chips, the transmitter and receiver
feature a pneumatically activated sealing
system. The additional introduction of
sealing air provides a very high degree
of protection against contamination.
Aligning the TL
In order to achieve the best possible
repeatability, the laser system must be
mounted exactly parallel to two NC axes.
For upright mounting on the machine table,
the horizontal alignment is ensured by the
mounting surface. The mounting tolerances
are included in the dimension drawings.
Mounting plate for TL Micro
ID 560028-01
Protection from contamination
Mechanical protection
The lenses of the laser systems are
perfectly sealed against coolant and
chips by contamination shutters with an
integrated mechanical seal system. The
seal enables the optical system only for the
duration of the measurement. The shutter
is actuated pneumatically by the DA 301 TL
compressed air unit.
Sealing air
The transmitter and receiver of the laser Pneumatic systems in the TL with connections for sealing air (S) and seal control (V)
light barrier are protected by very clean
sealing air from the DA 301 TL compressed
air unit. It prevents contamination of the
optical system by coolant spray.
Maintenance kit for protective shutter
ID 560034-01
A maintenance kit consisting of the
following items is offered for cleaning the
contamination shutters of the laser optics.
• Gasket set
• Sintered sleeves
• Filler plugs
• O-rings
• M3x8 hexagon socket screws
• Special lubricant
• Operating Instructions
Replacement filters
ID 560036-01 Activated carbon filter
Complete filter set for the DA 301 TL
consisting of prefilter, fine filter, and
activated carbon filter.
Protective springs
ID 560037-01
Set of spiral springs for protecting the
compressed air tubing in the machine
Set: 2 x 6 mm, 1 x 4 mm;
Length each: 1 m Fine filter
Before measurement with the TL laser
system can be started, the system must
be calibrated, meaning that the exact
position of the trigger points relative to the
machine coordinate system must be
determined. A reference tool, available as
an accessory, is used for this purpose. It
has a characteristic shape for calibration,
with a cylindrical dowel pin and a stepped
inspection diameter for measurement in
the positive and negative Z axis directions
(for determining the exact position of the
center of the laser beam in Z). The
reference tool is clamped into the tool
holder, and its length, diameter and height
are measured very exactly. A cylindrical
dowel pin suffices for simple applications.
The best possible runout is to be ensured
for the calibration measurement.
Reference tool
ID 560032-01
Probing strategies
The selection of the probing strategy
also influences the reliability of the
measurement. The measured value
can be captured either when the tool is
moved into the laser beam (“pushing
measurement”) or when it is removed
(“pulling measurement”). The pulling
measurement ensures a high degree of
protection against the influence of coolant
and swarf, while the pushing measurement Measured value transfer with:
is the better method for engraving bits and • Pushing measurement
tools with very small shaft diameters.
• Pulling measurement
Operating modes
The operating mode of the laser system
Mode of
is defined over the inputs ENABLE 1
and ENABLE 2. The measuring cycles
automatically put the receiver in the Function
appropriate operating mode.
0 0 0 Inspection of individual teeth
During inspection of individual teeth, Base speed 3750 rpm
TL Nano
Laser system for tool measurement
Specifications TL Nano
Tool diameter
Central measurement 0.03 mm to 37 mm
Tangential measurement 0.03 mm to 44 mm
Repeatability ±0.2 µm
Spindle speed* For individual tooth measurement, optimized to standard spindles or HSC spindles (> 30 000 rpm)
Operating temperature 10 °C to 40 °C
Storage temperature 0 °C to 50 °C
TL Micro
Laser system for tool
L1 L2 Model
19 150 TL Micro 150
44 200 TL Micro 200
94 300 TL Micro 300
Specifications TL Micro 150 TL Micro 200 TL Micro 300
Tool diameter
Central measurement 0.03 mm to 30 mm 0.1 mm to 80 mm 0.1 mm to 180 mm
Tangential measurement 0.03 mm to 30 mm 0.1 mm to 98 mm 0.1 mm to 324 mm
from above
Tangential measurement 0.03 mm to 30 mm 0.1 mm to 122 mm 0.1 mm to 428 mm
from the side
Repeatability ±0.2 µm ±1 µm
Spindle speed* For individual tooth measurement, optimized to standard spindles or HSC spindles (> 30 000 rpm)
Electrical connection* M23 flange socket (male), 12-pin, either on the side or bottom
Operating temperature 10 °C to 40 °C
Storage temperature 0 °C to 50 °C
DA 301 TL
Compressed air unit for TL laser system
Specifications DA 301 TL
Air quality
Voltage supply
TS 444 – energy generation through air turbine generator
The air turbine generator consists of an
air turbine, the actual generator and high-
power capacitors for energy storage. Turbine wheel
Compressed air that is supplied through
the spindle is required for operating the
turbine. The compressed air can also be
used for cleaning the workpiece. Charging
the capacitors and cleaning the workpiece
are thus combined in one work step. This
eliminates such additional idle time.
Air outlet
After inserting the TS 444 touch probe, the
high-power capacitors are charged through
the air turbine generator. This can be done
when the touch probe moves from the tool
changer to the measuring position, and
also when the workpiece is cleaned with
compressed air.
Charging times
The charging times of the capacitors vary
depending on the available air pressure:
the higher the pressure, the shorter the
charging time (see diagram).
Illustration of turbine and air inlet/outlet (principle)
Operating time
When the capacitors are fully charged,
the TS 444 is ready for 120 seconds of
Time (s)
TS, TT touch probes
The TS 444 touch probe is switched on
automatically as soon as the air turbine Typically 3 s
generator charges the high-power
capacitors when compressed air is
applied. The SE reports readiness of the
TS 444 with the ready signal B. Almost
simultaneously, the battery warning W is
switched off. If the charge capacity L drops
below the warning threshold after approx.
1 min. operating time, the battery warning
signals to the NC that recharging is
required. After about another minute, the
ready signal is reset, as well.
Probing possible
Signal times
Response time tR1
• With infrared transmission: 0.2 ms
• With radio transmission: 10 ms
Repeat interval tW > 25 ms
UH (UP – 2.2 V) at –IH 20 mA
UL 1.8 V at IL 20 mA
TL, DA 301 TL laser systems
TL inputs
The CNC activates the laser system
through three enabling lines:
Switch-on Measure Switch-off
The enable transmitter 0 (ENABLE 0)
signal activates or deactivates the Contamination
transmitter and switches the laser beam shutter Open Clsd
on or off. To reduce the power loss (heat
generation) to a minimum and increase
service life, the laser diode is activated only
during the measuring cycle. Sealing air Off On
TL outputs
The TL laser systems provide the following
output signals:
After the transmitter and receiver are
enabled, the laser system provides the
information “Laser OK” if the luminance
at the receiver is at least 75 % of the
maximum. Alignment (LED)
Signal levels:
UH = 24 V at 71 mA
Output signals during length and radius measurement for pushing and pulling measurement
Duration depending on v
Fast axis feed rates or rotating tools can cause spike pulses in the STA signal
x = 4; n = 3750
Output signals during tooth inspection in the measuring and individual tooth inspection modes
Connection to CNC controls
Mazatrol Fusion
Mazatrol Matrix
Mazatrol Smart
UTI 240 required if TS 460 and TT 460 are operated together
Interface electronics for integration
UTI 491
Die UTI 491 interface unit is a simple
optocoupler relay. It serves to galvanically
isolate the touch probes at the High Speed
Skip input from Fanuc controls.
ID 802467-01
UTI 192
The UTI 192 interface unit is used when
additional adaptation is required, such
as logical gating of signals or automatic
starting of a touch probe, etc., that cannot
be realized in the CNC control. The UTI 192
is usually used for retrofitting touch probes
(see the product overview Touch Probes
for Retrofitting on Machine Tools).
ID 579092-01
UTI 240
The UTI 240 interface unit is required when
the TS and TT are to be retrofitted with a
common SE on the TNC 320 or other old
HEIDENHAIN controls. It distributes the TS
and the TT signals to the corresponding
inputs of the TNC and sets up a connection
to the PLC for starting the TT and
transmitting the warning signal.
ID 658883-01
Connecting elements and cables
General information
Connector (insulated): Connecting Coupling (insulated): Connecting element with external thread;
element with coupling ring; available available with male or female contacts (see symbols).
with male or female contacts (see
symbols). Symbols M12
The pins on connectors are numbered Accessory for flange sockets and M23
D-sub connector for HEIDENHAIN
in the direction opposite to those on mounted couplings
controls, counters and IK absolute value
couplings or flange sockets, regardless of
whether the connecting elements have Threaded metal dust cap
ID 219926-01
male contacts or
Accessory for M12 connecting element
female contacts. Insulation spacer
ID 596495-01
TS, TT, and SE pin layouts
SE 660, SE 642
12-pin flange socket or coupling M12
1 12 11 5 2 10 3 4 6 9 7 8
Brown/ White/ Blue White Green Brown Gray Pink Violet Yellow Red Black
Green Green
2 3
2 1 7 3 5 4 6
2 5 8 1 4 3 10 7
3 10 9 / 6 3 2 4
UP 0V Internal shield R B S W
2 7 3 4 1 5 6 8
SE 660, SE 642, SE 540 connecting cables
TS 248, TS 260, TT 160 connecting cables
7-pin/M23 9-pin
667674-01 15-pin
(up to PLB variant -02, not for UEC)
8-pin/M12 9-pin
Pin layouts and adapter cables
TL, DA 301 TL
3 inputs
3 outputs
TNC 320
TNC 426/430
TNC 640
X113 TNC 620
ID 560039-01
ID 826269-01
TL laser system
12-pin connector M23
2 1 4 12 6 3 5 7
Channel inputs
White Brown
3-pin connector
Dr.-Johannes-Heidenhain-Straße 5
83301 Traunreut, Germany
{ +49 8669 31-0
| +49 8669 32-5061
E-mail: [email protected]
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