Pecson V. Coronel
Pecson V. Coronel
Pecson V. Coronel
HELD: Yes. The Court annulled the institution of SC: Yes. This kind of preterition howver, in the
heirs and declared a total intestacy on the ground absence of proof of fraud and bad faith, does not
that testator left all his property by universal title justify a collateral attack on TCT NO.372646. The
to the children by his second marriage, without relief is that partition shall not be rescinded but
expressly disinheriting the children by his first
marriage but upon the erroneous belief that he
the preterited heir shall be paid the value of the
had given them already more shares in his share pertaining to her.
property than those given to the children by his
second marriage. Disinheritance made without a PEREZ V. GARCHITORENA
statement of the cause, if contested, shall annul
the institution of heirs in so far as it is prejudicial
to the disinherited person. This is but a case of
preterition which annuls the institution of heirs. RABADILLA vs. CA
Pursuant to the same Codicil, Lot
SIXTH No. 1392 was transferred to the
deceased, Dr. Jorge Rabadilla, and
I command, in this my Transfer Certificate of Title No.
addition (Codicil) that the Lot 44498 thereto issued in his name.
No. 1392, in the event that
the one to whom I have left Dr. Jorge Rabadilla died in 1983
and bequeathed, and his heir and was survived by his wife Rufina
shall later sell, lease, and children Johnny (petitioner),
mortgage this said Lot, the Aurora, Ofelia and Zenaida, all
buyer, lessee, mortgagee, surnamed Rabadilla.
shall have also the obligation
to respect and deliver yearly On August 21, 1989, Maria Marlena
ONE HUNDRED (100) piculs Coscolluela y Belleza Villacarlos
of sugar to Maria Marlina brought a complaint, docketed as
Coscolluela y Belleza, on Civil Case No. 5588, before Branch
each month of December, 52 of the Regional Trial Court in
SEVENTY FIVE (75) piculs of Bacolod City, against the above-
Export and TWENTY FIVE mentioned heirs of Dr. Jorge
(25) piculs of Domestic, until Rabadilla, to enforce the provisions
Maria Marlina shall die, lastly of subject Codicil. The Complaint
should the buyer, lessee or alleged that the defendant-heirs
the mortgagee of this lot, not
violated the conditions of the names of the surviving heirs of the
Codicil, in that: late Aleja Belleza.
Upon the death of Dr. Jorge property to one person with the
Rabadilla, his compulsory heirs express charge that it be
succeeded to his rights and title transmitted subsequently to another
over the said property, and they or others, as in a fideicommissary
also assumed his (decedent's) substitution. The Codicil sued
latter. However, the testatrix did not construction as will sustain and
make Dr. Jorge Rabadilla's uphold the Will in all its parts must
inheritance and the effectivity of his be adopted. [24]
ELENA MORENTE, Petitioner-Appellant, v.
Similarly unsustainable is GUMERSINDO DE LA SANTA, Respondent-Appellee.
petitioner's submission that by
Agoncillo and Ilustre, for Appellant.
virtue of the amicable settlement,
the said obligation imposed by the Agustin Alvares, for Appellee.
Codicil has been assumed by the SYLLABUS
lessee, and whatever obligation
— A testator may insert conditional provisions in his will,
obligation of the lessee; that as prescribed by article 790 of the Civil Code. Under
petitioner is deemed to have made article 793, a prohibition against another marriage may
also be imposed, in certain cases, upon the widow or
a substantial and constructive widower. But, in order to make a testamentary provision
compliance of his obligation through conditional, such condition must fairly appear from the
language used in the will. It will not be presumed.
the consummated settlement
between the lessee and the private
respondent, and having
consummated a settlement with the
petitioner, the recourse of the
private respondent is the fulfillment
The will of Consuelo Morente contains the following
of the obligation under the amicable
expresses the manner in which a "3. After my death I direct my husband to dwell in the
camarin in which the bakery is located, which is one of the
person intends how his properties properties belonging to me." cralaw virtua1aw library
clauses contained therein, and with reference to such No. 98037 at the then Court of First Instance,
surrounding circumstances as duly appear in the case,
and after such consideration we can not say that it was Branch 4, Manila praying for her appointment
the intention of the testatrix that if her husband married as administratrix of the intestate estate of
again he should forfeit the legacy above mentioned. In Florencio Biascan and Timotea Zulueta. In an
other words, there being no express condition attached to
that legacy in reference to the second marriage, we can Order dated August 13, 1975, private
not say that any condition can be implied from the context respondent was appointed as regular
of the will. In the case of Chiong Joc-Soy v. Jaime Vano (8 administratrix of the estates.
Phil. Rep., 119), we held that the legacy contained in the
will therein mentioned was not conditional. It is true that On October 10, 1975, Maria Manuel Vda.
case arose under article 797 of the Civil Code, which
perhaps is not strictly applicable to this case, but we think De Biascan, the legal wife of Florencio Biascan
that it may be argued from what is said in article 797 entered her appearance as Oppositor-Movant
that, in order to make a testamentary provision in SP. Proc. No. 98037. Simultaneous with her
Florencio who are entitled to participate in the was filed by petitioner from the Orders dated
settlement proceedings; (4) the motion to set April 2, 1981 and April 30, 1985 of the trial
aside the order appointing private respondent court. While the said notice of appeal was
as administratrix is denied; and (5) the motion dated April 22, 1996, the stamp of the trial
to approve inventory and appraisal of private court on the first page of the notice clearly
respondent be deferred. Maria, through her indicated that the same was received by the
counsel, received a copy of this April 2, 1981 trial court on September 20, 1996. A Record of
Order on April 9, 1981. [7]
Appeal dated September 20, 1996 was
settlement proceedings. Atty. Marcial F. Lopez Appeals questioning the October 12, 1996 and
was appointed as interim special administrator February 12, 1997 Orders of the Regional Trial
and engaged the services of the Siguion Reyna Court.
Montecillo and Ongsiako Law Offices on Behalf
In a Decision dated February 16, 1999,
of the estate.
the First Division of the Court of Appeals
On August 21, 1996, the law firm was denied the petition for certiorari of
allegedly made aware of and given notice of petitioner. Petitioners Motion for
the April 30, 1985 Order when its associate Reconsideration was likewise denied by the
appellate court in a Resolution dated May 18,
[20] (f) Is the final order or judgment rendered in the case,
1999. and affects the substantial rights of the person
appealing, unless it be an order granting or denying a
Hence, this Petition for Review motion for new trial or for reconsideration.
on Certiorari where petitioner sets forth the
following ground for the reversal of the decision An appeal is allowed in these aforesaid
of the appellate court: cases as these orders, decrees or judgments
issued by a court in a special proceeding
THE FIRST DIVISION OF THE COURT OF constitute a final determination of the rights of
APPEALS (REVIEWING COURT) HAS the parties so appealing. In contrast, [22]
DESPITE THE FACT THAT NO OPPOSITION ON In the instant case, the Order dated April 2,
NO RULING AS REGARDS ITS TIMELINESS 1981 of the trial court decreed, among others,
WAS MADE.[21] that Maria Manuel Vda. De Biascan, the lawful
wife of the deceased Florencio Biascan, private
There is no merit in the petition. respondent Rosalina Biascan and her brother,
German Biascan, are entitled to participate in
Section 1, Rule 109 of the Rules of Court the settlement proceedings. Moreover, the said
enumerates the orders and judgments in Order likewise denied Marias motion to set
special proceedings which may be the subject aside the order appointing private respondent
of an appeal. Thus: as regular administratrix of the estate. These
rulings of the trial court were precisely
Section 1. Orders or judgments from which appeals may
be taken. An interested person may appeal in a special
questioned by Maria in her Motion for
proceeding from an order or judgment rendered by a Reconsideration dated June 6, 1981.
Regional Trial Court or a Juvenile and domestic
Relations Court, where such order or judgment:
The ruling of the trial court that Maria,
private respondent Rosalina Biascan and
(a) Allows or disallows a will; German Biascan were entitled to participate in
the settlement proceedings falls squarely under
(b) Determines who are the lawful heirs of a deceased paragraph (b), Section 1, Rule 109 of the Rules
person, or the distributive shares of the estate to which of Court as a proper subject of appeal. By so
such person is entitled; ruling, the trial court has effectively determined
that the three persons are the lawful heirs of
(c) Allows, or disallows, in whole or in part, any claim
the deceased. As such, the same may be the
against the estate of a deceased person, or any claim
presented on behalf of the estate in offset to a claim proper subject of an appeal.
against it;
Similarly, the ruling of the trial court
(d) Settles the account of an executor, administrator,
denying petitioners motion to set aside the
trustee or guardian; order appointing private respondent as the
regular administratrix of the estate of Florencio
(e) Constitutes, in proceedings relating to the settlement Bisacan is likewise a proper subject of an
of the estate of a deceased person, or the administration appeal. We have previously held that an order
of a trustee or guardian, a final determination in the of the trial court appointing a regular
lower court of the rights of the party appealing, except
administrator of a deceased persons estate is a
that no appeal shall be allowed from the appointment of
a special administrator; and final determination of the rights of the parties
thereunder, and is thus, appealable. This is in
until May 9 within which to file a notice of subsequent filing of the motion for
appeal with record on appeal. She may also file reconsideration cannot disturb the finality of the
a motion for reconsideration, in which case the judgment or order. [30]