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Estimating the Soil–Water Characteristic Curve

Using Grain Size Analysis and Plasticity Index


Gustavo Torres Hernandez

A Thesis Presented in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree
Master of Science

Approved April 2011 by the

Graduate Supervisory Committee:

Claudia Zapata, Chair

Sandra Houston
Matthew Witczak


May 2011

The infrastructure is built in Unsaturated Soils. However, the geotechnical

practitioners insist in designing the structures based on Saturated Soil Mechanics.

The design of structures based on unsaturated soil mechanics is desirable because

it reduces cost and it is by far a more sustainable approach.

The research community has identified the Soil–Water Characteristic

Curve as the most important soil property when dealing with unsaturated

conditions. This soil property is unpopular among practitioners because the

laboratory testing takes an appreciable amount of time. Several authors have

attempted predicting the Soil–Water Characteristic Curve; however, most of the

published predictions are based on a very limited soil database.

The National Resources Conservation Service has a vast database of

engineering soil properties with more than 36,000 soils, which includes water

content measurements at different levels of suctions. This database was used in

this study to validate two existing models that based the Soil–Water Characteristic

Curve prediction on statistical analysis. It was found that although the predictions

are acceptable for some ranges of suctions; they did not performed that well for

others. It was found that the first model validated was accurate for fine-grained

soils, while the second model was best for granular soils.

For these reasons, two models to estimate the Soil–Water Characteristic

Curve are proposed. The first model estimates the fitting parameters of the

Fredlund and Xing (1994) function separately and then, the predicted parameters

are fitted to the Fredlund and Xing function for an overall estimate of the degree

of saturation. Results show an overall improvement on the predicted values when

compared to existing models. The second model is based on the relationship

between the Soil–Water Characteristic Curve and the Pore-Size Distribution of

the soils. The process allows for the prediction of the entire Soil–Water

Characteristic Curve function and proved to be a better approximation than that

used in the first attempt. Both models constitute important tools in the

implementation of unsaturated soil mechanics into engineering practice due to the

link of the prediction with simple and well known engineering soil properties.


To my mother and my family


I would like to especially thank Dr. Claudia E. Zapata for the opportunity

to work on the 9-23A project, “A National Catalog of Subgrade Soil–Water

Characteristic Curve Default Inputs and Selected Soil Properties for Use with the

ME-PDG”, which was the beginning inspiration for this study. Thank you, Dr.

Claudia, for your teaching, patience and assistance during my time at ASU.

I would like to thank Dr. Matthew Witczak for the opportunity to work on

the 9-44A project, “Validating an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements”, which

was an important means of support for me and my family during my last year at

ASU. I am immensely grateful to Dr. Witczak for his guidance with my studies,

for his help and support and for his invaluable advices about engineering.

I would like to thank Dr. Sandra Houston for being part of my committee.

It was a great honor for me. Finally, I have to express a special gratitude to my

parents, wife and daughters, for their permanent encouragement and for never

losing their faith in me.

This work was like building a bridge, where after thousands of difficulties

many cars can pass safely on it. Now, I am a little more prepared to teach my

daughters about life and to my students about engineering.

Thank you for doing something great: ‘To teach’.



LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................. xi

LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................. xiv


1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................1

1.1 Overview ....................................................................................1

1.2 Historical Background ...............................................................3

1.3 Research Objectives ...................................................................5

1.4 Methodology ..............................................................................6

1.5 Organization of the Thesis .........................................................7

2 LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................9

2.1 Introduction ................................................................................9

2.2 Stress State Variables ...............................................................10

2.3 Moisture Flow in Unsaturated Soils ........................................13

2.4 Matric Suction and the Soil–Water Characteristic Curve ........16

2.5 Approaches to Obtain Unsaturated Soil Properties .................17


2.5.1 Level 1 ......................................................................18

2.5.2 Level 2 ......................................................................21

2.5.3 Level 3 ......................................................................22

2.5.4 Level 4 ......................................................................22

2.6 Approaches to Predict the Soil–Water Characteristic Curve ...23

2.7 Final Remarks ..........................................................................26

3 DATABASE COLLECTION ....................................................................27

3.1 Source of the Database.............................................................27

3.2 Characteristics of the Database ................................................28

3.3 Data Collection ........................................................................30

3.3.1 Master File Properties and Characteristics ...............33

3.3.2 Preliminary Reduction of Soil Unit Data ..................34

3.3.3 Selecting the Proper Component to Represent the

Map Unit ...................................................................34

3.3.4 Properties Included in the SWCC Predicting



3.4 Working with the Database ......................................................46

3.4.1 Calculating Soil–Water Characteristic Soils

Parameters .................................................................46

3.4.2 Calculating Grain–Size Distribution Parameters ......53

3.4.3 Calculating Particle Size Values ...............................59

3.4.4 Other Calculations ....................................................62

3.5 Summary ..................................................................................66

4 VALIDATION OF AVAILABLE SWCC MODELS ...............................70

4.1 Introduction ..............................................................................70

4.2 Validating Zapata’s Model ......................................................71

4.2.1 Model for Plastic Soil ...............................................71

4.2.2 Model for Non–Plastic Soil ......................................77

4.2.3 Zapata’s Model Validation Analysis ........................78

4.3 Validating MEPDG Model (Witczak et al, 2006) ...................87

4.3.1 Predictive Equations for Fredlund and Xing SWCC

Parameters for Non-Plastic Soils ..............................89


4.3.2 Predictive Equations for Fredlund and Xing SWCC

Parameters for Plastic Soils ......................................92

4.3.3 MEPDG Model Validation Analysis ........................93

4.4 Summary ................................................................................100


5.1 Overview ................................................................................107

5.2 Database and Descriptive Statistics .......................................113

5.3 Correlations ............................................................................119

5.3.1 Correlations for Fine Grained Soils ........................119

5.3.2 Correlations for Granular Soils ...............................122

5.4 Physical Significance of SWCC Parameters..........................125

5.5 SWCC Prediction Models for Fine–Grained Soils ................130

5.5.1 Modeling SWCC Parameter a f ...............................132

5.5.2 Modeling SWCC Parameter b f ...............................137

5.5.3 Modeling SWCC Parameter c f ...............................141

5.5.4 Modeling SWCC Parameter h r ...............................146


5.6 New Prediction for Granular Soil ..........................................153

5.6.1 Modeling SWCC Parameter a f ...............................155

5.6.2 Modeling SWCC Parameter b f ...............................161

5.6.3 Modeling SWCC Parameter c f ...............................164

5.6.4 Modeling SWCC Parameter h r ...............................167

5.7 Measured versus Predicted Degree of Saturation ..................168

5.8 Procedure to Estimate the SWCC from the Proposed


5.9 Summary ................................................................................176


6.1 Introduction ............................................................................183

6.2 Calculating Suctions from the Soil–Water Characteristic

Curve ......................................................................................188

6.3 Calculating Particle Size from the Grain–Size Distribution ..192

6.4 Ranges of wPI and Statistical Information ............................199

6.5 Calculating the Models for Each Range ................................200


6.6 Plotting the Models ................................................................204

6.7 Assessment of the Model for Fine–Grained Materials ..........210

6.8 Implementing the SWCC model based on GSD ....................214

6.9 Summary ................................................................................215

7 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY.........................................................218

7.1 Conclusions ............................................................................218

7.1.1 Conclusions Chapter 3 – Database Collection ........219

7.1.2 Conclusions Chapter 4 – Validating Models ..........220

7.1.3 Conclusions Chapter 5 – Approach 1 to Predict

the SWCC ...............................................................222

7.1.4 Conclusions Chapter 6 – Approach 2 to Predict

the SWCC ...............................................................227

7.2 Application.............................................................................229

7.3 Recommendations for Further Research ................................229



Table Page

3-1 Initial Soil Properties Selected for the Master Database ...........................38

3-2 Description of the Soil Properties Initially Selected from the Main

Database .....................................................................................................40

3-3 Summary of Final Database Statistics .......................................................45

3-4 Process Developed in Preparing the Database ...........................................69

4-1 Comparative Analysis of Errors for SWCCs .............................................81

4-2 Error Analysis for Non–Plastic Soils .........................................................94

4-3 Error Analysis for Plastic Soils ..................................................................94

5-1 Database Available per Type of Soil .......................................................114

5-2 Descriptive Statistic Analysis on the Entire Database .............................116

5-3 Descriptive Statistic Analysis on the Entire Database .............................117

5-4 Summary of Descriptive Statistic Analysis on Fine–Grained Soils ........118

5-5 Summary of Descriptive Statistic Analysis on Granular Soils ................118

5-6 Correlation Matrix for Fine–Grained Soils ..............................................120

5-7 Correlation Matrix for Granular Soils......................................................123

Table Page

5-8 Proposed Models for the SWCC Parameters for Fine–Grained Soils


5-9 Summary of Trials Finding the Best Model (Parameter a f ) ....................135

5-10 Summary of Trials Finding the Best Model (Parameter b f ) ....................138

5-11 Summary of Trials Finding the Best Model (Parameter c f ) ....................142

5-12 Summary of Trials Finding the Best Model (Parameter h r ) ....................146

5-13 Proposed Models for the SWCC Parameters for Granular Soils .............155

5-14 Summary of Trials Use in Finding the Best Model for Parameter a f for

Granular Soils ..........................................................................................157

5-15 Summary of Trials Used in Finding the Best Model for Parameter b f ....161

5-16 Summary of Trials Used in Finding the Best Model for Parameter c f ....165

5-17 Soil Index Properties for Three Soils Taken from the Database .............180

6-1 Soil Properties for the Meegernot Soil.....................................................188

6-2 Calculating Suctions from the Degree of Saturation ...............................192

6-3 Calculated Particle Diameter from the Percent Passing Values ..............195

6-4 Relationship between Suction Values versus Particle Size .....................197

Table Page

6-5 Database Divided by wPI Ranges and Statistics Associated with Each

Range of Values .......................................................................................200

6-6 Summary of Fitting Parameters Found for the Correlation .....................203

7-1 Soil Index Properties for Three Soils Taken from the Database .............225


Figure Page

2-1 Soil–Water Characteristic Curve in Terms of Degree of Saturation .........17

3-1 Available Soil Survey Data ........................................................................36

3-2 Schematic Representation of Map Unit, Component and Soil Unit ..........37

3-3 Spreadsheet with the SWCC Parameter Calculations ................................48

3-4 Spreadsheet with the GSD Parameter Calculations ...................................55

3-5 Finding Particle Size Values ......................................................................60

4-1 Family of SWCC’s for Plastic Soils ..........................................................75

4-2 Relationship between Saturated Volumetric Water Content and wPI for

Plastic Soils ................................................................................................77

4-3 Family of SWCC’s for Non–Plastic Soils .................................................79

4-4 Combined Family of SWCC for Both Plastic and Non–Plastic Soils .......80

4-5 Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on Zapata’s

Model - Plastic Soils (Suction 1 kPa) ........................................................82

4-6 Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on Zapata’s

Model - Plastic Soils (Suction 10 kPa) ......................................................82

Figure Page

4-7 Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on Zapata’s

Model - Plastic Soils (Suction 100 kPa) ....................................................83

4-8 Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on Zapata’s

Model - Plastic Soils (Suction 1,000 kPa) .................................................83

4-9 Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on Zapata’s

Model - Plastic Soils (Suction 10,000 kPa) ...............................................84

4-10 Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on Zapata’s

Model for Non–Plastic Soils (Suction 1 kPa) ............................................85

4-11 Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on Zapata’s

Model for Non–Plastic Soils (Suction 10 kPa) ..........................................85

4-12 Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on Zapata’s

Model for Non–Plastic Soils (Suction 100 kPa) ........................................86

4-13 Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on Zapata’s

Model for Non–Plastic Soils (Suction 1,000 kPa) .....................................86

4-14 Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on Zapata’s

Model for Non–Plastic Soils (Suction 10,000 kPa) ...................................87

Figure Page

4-15 Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on the MEPDG

Model for Plastic Soils (Suction 1 kPa) .....................................................95

4-16 Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on the MEPDG

Model for Plastic Soils (Suction 10 kPa) ...................................................95

4-17 Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on the MEPDG

Model for Plastic Soils (Suction 100 kPa) .................................................96

4-18 Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on the MEPDG

Model for Plastic Soils (Suction 1,000 kPa) ..............................................96

4-19 Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on the MEPDG

Model for Plastic Soils (Suction 10,000 kPa) ............................................97

4-20 Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on the MEPDG

Model for Non–Plastic Soils (Suction 1 kPa) ............................................98

4-21 Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on the MEPDG

Model for Non–Plastic Soils (Suction 10 kPa) ..........................................98

4-22 Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on the MEPDG

Model for Non–Plastic Soils (Suction 100 kPa) ........................................99

Figure Page

4-23 Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on the MEPDG

Model for Non–Plastic Soils (Suction 1,000 kPa) .....................................99

4-24 Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on the MEPDG

Model for Non–Plastic Soils (Suction 10,000 kPa) .................................100

4-25 Measured versus Predicted Volumetric Water Content Using

Zapata Model for Plastic Soils .................................................................103

4-26 Measured versus Volumetric Water Content Using

Zapata Model for Non-Plastic Soils.........................................................104

4-27 Measured versus Predicted Volumetric Water Content Using the MEPDG

Model for Plastic Soils .............................................................................105

4-28 Measured versus Predicted Volumetric Water Content Using the MEPDG

Model for Non-Plastic..............................................................................106

5-1 Graphical Representation of the Database Available for Each Type of

Soil ..........................................................................................................114

5-2 Changes in the SWCC Shape Due to Changes in the a f Parameter .........126

5-3 Changes in the SWCC Shape Due to Changes in the b f Parameter.........127

Figure Page

5-4 Changes in the SWCC Shape Due to Changes in the c f Parameter .........128

5-5 Changes in the SWCC Shape Due to Changes in the h r Parameter.........129

5-6 Model Predicting Parameter a f for Fine-Grained Soils ...........................136

5-7 Spreadsheet Used in Calculating Errors and R2 Values for the a f Model

for Fine–Grained Soils .............................................................................136

5-8 Measured Versus Predicted Analysis for SWCC Parameter a f ...............137

5-9 Model Predicting Parameter b f for Fine–Grained Soils ..........................140

5-10 Spreadsheet Used in Calculating Errors and R2 Values for the b f Model

for Fine–Grained Soils .............................................................................140

5-11 Measured Versus Predicted Analysis for SWCC Parameter b f ...............141

5-12 Model Predicting Parameter c f for Fine–Grained Soils ...........................144

5-13 Spreadsheet Used in Calculating Errors and R2 Values for the c f Model

for Fine–Grained Soils .............................................................................144

5-14 Measured Versus Predicted Analysis for SWCC Parameter c f ...............145

5-15 Model Predicting h r Parameter for Fine-Grained Soils ...........................148

Figure Page

5-16 Spreadsheet Used in Calculating Errors and R2 Values for the h r Model

for Fine–Grained Soils .............................................................................149

5-17 Measured versus Predicted Analysis for SWCC Parameter h r ................150

5-18 Curve Gravimetric Water Content vs Void Ratio ....................................151

5-19 Histogram Showing Differences between Plastic Limit and Saturated

Volumetric Water Content .......................................................................153

5-20 Model Predicting Parameter a f for Granular Soils ..................................159

5-21 Spreadsheet Used in Calculating Errors and R2 Values for the a f Model

for Granular Soils .....................................................................................160

5-22 Measured versus Predicted Analysis for SWCC Parameter a f ................160

5-23 Model Predicting Parameter b f for Granular Soils ..................................162

5-24 Spreadsheet Used in Calculating Errors and R2 Values for the b f Model

for Granular Soils .....................................................................................163

5-25 Measured versus Predicted Analysis for SWCC Parameter b f ................164

5-26 Model Predicting Parameter c f for Granular Soils ..................................166

Figure Page

5-27 Spreadsheet Used in Calculating Errors and R2 Values for the c f Model

for Granular Soils .....................................................................................166

5-28 Measured Versus Predicted Analysis for SWCC Parameter c f ...............167

5-29 Histogram of Parameter h r .......................................................................168

5-30 Measured vs Predicted Degree of Saturation for Fine–Grained Soils .....169

5-31 Spreadsheet Used in Calculating the Error Analysis for Measured versus

Predicted Degree of Saturation for Fine-Grained Soils ...........................170

5-32 Measured versus Predicted Degree of Saturation for Fine–Grained


5-34 Calculating D 10 from the GSD curve.......................................................173

5-35 Approach to Estimate the SWCC Based on Statistical Correlation of

Fredlund & Xing Parameters with Soil Index Properties ........................175

5-36 Examples of SWCCs Using the Model Proposed ....................................181

5-37 Effect of a Low Initial a f Parameter Value in the SWCC........................182

6-1 Soil–Water Characteristic Curve .............................................................190

6-2 Spreadsheet for Calculating the SWCC Parameters ................................191

Figure Page

6-3 Spreadsheet Used to Find the GSD Fitting Parameters ...........................194

6-4 Log Suction versus Log Particle Size for One Soil .................................198

6-5 Spreadsheet from Statistica® Used in Estimating the Best Models between

Particle Size and Suction Values .............................................................202

6-6 Plot of Log Suction versus Log Particle Size ..........................................205

6-7 Relationship between the Constant Values and the wPI..........................206

6-8 Suction as a Function of Particle Diameter and wPI ...............................208

6-9 Error Analysis ..........................................................................................209

6-10 Comparison of Measured versus Predicted Suction ................................209

6-11 Family of Curves for Granular Materials.................................................210

6-12 Family of Curves for Fine–Grained Materials .........................................211

6-13 Example Relationship Log Suction vs Log Particle Size ........................212

6-14 Grain–Size Distribution Example ............................................................213

6-15 Soil–Water Characteristic Curve Example ..............................................213

6-16 Approach to Estimate the SWCC Based on the GSD ..............................215

7-1 Examples of SWCC Using the Model Proposed .....................................226



1.1 Overview

The Soil-Water Characteristic Curve (SWCC) is the relationship between

matric suction and water content. This property is vital when solving engineering

problems or designing in unsaturated soils. For example, this function allows for

the determination of the hydraulic conductivity at different degrees of water

content or saturation, which is very important when estimating fluid flow

underneath covered areas such as foundations and pavement systems.

Most of the infrastructure is founded in unsaturated soils. Even though

constitutive relationships that utilize the concepts of unsaturated soils have been

proposed for the classic areas of interest to geotechnical engineers, the application

or implementation into engineering practice has been rather slow. One of the

reasons for the delay in the application of unsaturated soil mechanics in practice is

with no doubt the time required for the determination of the SWCC in the

laboratory, and also the specialized equipment and training needed.

In 2008, AASHTO approved the Mechanistic Empirical Pavement Design

Guide (MEPDG). This new pavement design guide incorporates the effects of

environmental conditions such as precipitation and temperature in the

determination of changes of unbound material properties during the life of the

pavement structure. This model makes use of unsaturated soil principles which in

turn requires the input of the SWCC. To aid in the implementation of the

MEPDG, an alternative way to determine the SWCC via laboratory testing, is a

method that estimates or derives the SWCC based on well-known soil index


Several attempts have been made to estimate the SWCC based on grain-

size distribution (GSD) and well-known index properties such as Plasticity Index.

Also, several approaches have been used to solve the problem including three

major approaches (Zapata, 1999):

1) Statistical estimation of water contents/degree of saturation at

selected matric suction values.

2) Correlation of soil properties with the fitting parameters of the

SWCC function by means of nonlinear regression analysis.

3) Estimation of the SWCC using a physics-based conceptual model.

A comprehensive comparison of the different approaches and models can

be found in Zapata, 1999; where yet another model was proposed based on the

second approach. This approach was also taken by Perera, 2003 and further

refined by Witczak et al., 2006.

In this study, the models published by Zapata, 1999 and Witczak et al.,

2006 (MEPDG model) were validated with a large database of matric suction and

other index soil properties collected as part of the National Cooperative Highway

Research Program (NCHRP) 9-23A project (Zapata, 2010). Furthermore, two

different procedures to estimate the SWCC are proposed. The first procedure is

based on the correlation of soil properties with the fitting parameters of the

SWCC analytical function proposed by Fredlund and Xing, 1994. The second

procedure is based on the estimation of the SWCC based on a physics-based

conceptual model which relates the grain-size distribution of the soil and index

properties with the pore-size distribution. The first procedure will greatly aid in

the implementation of the new MEPDG pavement design guide, while the second

procedure presents an alternative approach that is both conceptually sound and

easy to implement by engineering practitioners. Both procedures are based on the

database collected during the NCHRP 9-23A project, which consisted of soil

properties, including matric suction measurements, for more than 36,000 soils.

1.2 Historical Background

The NCHRP 9-23A project entitled "A National Catalog of Subgrade Soil-

Water Characteristic Curve (SWCC) Default Inputs and Selected Soil Properties

for Use with the ME-PDG" was carried out at Arizona State University in 2010

(Zapata, 2010). The objective of this project was the creation of a national

database of pedologic soil families that reflected the input soil properties for

subgrade materials needed in the implementation of the approved AASHTO ME-

PDG (Darter et al., 2006). The database focuses upon the Soil-Water

Characteristic Curve (SWCC) parameters, which are key parameters in the

implementation of Level 1 environmental analysis as well as measured soil index

properties needed in all hierarchical levels of the climatic/environmental engine of

the guide, the “Enhanced Integrated Climatic Model (EICM)”. These parameters

are primarily used to estimate the equilibrium moisture content in unbound

materials which directly affect the pavement performance due to changes in the

resilient modulus of the soil.

The NCHRP 9-23A project allowed for the creation of a database of more

than 31,000 soils throughout the continental US, Puerto Rico, Hawaii and Alaska,

which included soil index properties and moisture retention measurements for at

least two or three levels of suction. This extensive database, perhaps the largest

available, allowed for the determination of the fitting parameters to define the

SWCC Function. Other properties available included the grain-size distribution,

hydrometer analysis, liquid limit, plastic limit, and saturated hydraulic


As part of this work, the database collected allowed for the validation of

two models available for the determination of the fitting parameters for the

SWCC function. The first model, developed by Zapata in 1999 consisted in a

useful family of curves of SWCCs for both granular soils and fine-grained soils

based on GSD parameters such as the percent passing No. 200 sieve (P200), the

diameter corresponding to 60% passing (D60) and the PI. The equations

developed in this study were initially adopted in the NCHRP 1-37A project

entitled Design Guide for New and Rehabilitated Pavement Design and later

replaced by a set of equations initially developed by Perera, 2003 and then refined

as part of the NCHRP 1-40D project entitled Models Incorporated into the

Current Enhanced Integrated Climatic Model in 2006 (Witczak et al., 2006). The

refined equations gave rise to the second model that was validated as part of this


This research work proposes two different procedures to estimate the

SWCC. The first procedure makes use of a statistical analysis to estimate the

SWCC fitting parameters needed in the Fredlund and Xing equation (Fredlund

and Xing, 1994), which could be easily incorporated into the EICM. The second

procedure makes use of a physics-based conceptual model and uses the entire

GSD to estimate the SWCC function, by relating the suction values with the

particle diameter.

1.3 Research Objectives

The main objectives of this research are to:

• Validate the SWCC prediction models previously proposed by

Zapata, 1999 (Zapata Model) and by Witczak et al., 2006

(MEPDG Model) by using the database collected as part of the

NCHRP 9-23A project from the National Resources Conservation


• Propose a new set of Soil–Water Characteristic Curve parameters

for the Fredlund and Xing equation based on correlations with soil

index properties.

• Propose a new approach to estimate the Soil–Water Characteristic

Curve based on a physics-based conceptual model whereas the

entire grain–size distribution and soil index properties are related

to the pore-size distribution of the soil.

1.4 Methodology

The methodology used to achieve the objectives of this research has been

divided into the following three main stages:

1. Creation of the database. This involves the acquisition of the data, the

conversion of the database into formats that makes it easier to manipulate, the

selection of variables of interest to this research work, the recognition and

elimination of inconsistent data, the statistical analysis of variables, and the

analysis of variability of the data. Under this task, the suction measurements

obtained will be used in the generation of the SWCC fitting parameters needed for

the possible correlations with several soil properties such as gradation and

consistency limits.

2. Validation of two existing models using the collected database. This task

allows for the evaluation of the models previously developed by Zapata,1999; and

the models developed by Perera, 2003, and enhanced as part of the project

NCHRP 1-40D in 2006 (MEPDG model). The validation study will serve as

benchmark to the effort pursue as part of this thesis work.

3. Generation of new models to predict the SWCC. As explained above,

two different approaches were followed. The first procedure consists in finding

relationships between the SWCC fitting parameters for the Fredlund and Xing

function and well-known index properties. This procedure is of interest because

the fitting parameters are needed as input values in the new pavement design

guide (MEPDG). The second procedure makes use of the entire grain-size

distribution curve and relates the particle diameter to their corresponding suction

value. Once again, some index properties such as passing #200 and Plasticity

index are used to calibrate the model found.

1.5 Organization of the Thesis

This research work is organized according to the outlined methodology as


Chapter 1 presents the Introduction of the thesis. This introduction

includes an overview of the importance of the work to be pursued, a brief

historical background, the objectives of the thesis and an outline of the

methodology followed in the development of the project.

Chapter 2 contains the Literature Review where the main geotechnical

concepts about unsaturated soil mechanics and the soil–water characteristic curve

are defined. Previous work on the prediction of the SWCC is summarized.

Chapter 3, Database Collection, presents the acquisition of the database.

This chapter includes the process followed to acquire the data, the conversion of

the database into formats easier to manipulate, the selection of appropriate

variables needed for this research work, the removal of data that presented

inconsistencies, the statistical analysis of variables, and the analysis of variability

of the data to determine the restrictions into the final results.

Chapter 4 presents the effort done as part of the Validation of two existing

SWCC predicting models by using the database collected and presented in

Chapter 3.

A new set of models to estimate the Soil-Water Characteristic Curve

fitting parameters of the model proposed by Fredlund and Xing (1994) is

presented in Chapter 5. These new set of equations are based on the soils index

properties and SWCC parameters obtained directly from testing results.

Chapter 6 proposes a different approach to estimate the SWCC, which is

based on the similarity between the SWCC and the GSD curves.

Finally, Chapter 7 includes the conclusions per chapter and

recommendations for future studies.



2.1 Introduction

Considering the main objective of this work the prediction of the Soil–

Water Characteristic curve, it is convenient to review fundamental principles

related to the Unsaturated Soil Mechanics.

Four main concepts are reviewed in detail: the stress state variables and

the moisture flow in unsaturated soils; the matric suction and the soil–water

characteristic curve. Finally, the approaches that have been attempted to predict

the soil–water characteristic curve are presented.

In unsaturated soils, four phases in equilibrium are defining the system:

the soil particle, the contractile skin, and the phases of air and water. In each

phase, the measurable stresses (σ, u a and u w ) at equilibrium are formulated in

equilibrium under the context of continuum mechanics. Fredlund & Morgenstern,

1977, defined the stress state in an unsaturated soil by using two independent

stress tensors. The formulations are presented.

The second topic considered is the flow generated on the air and water

phases under the applied pressure gradients. That gives rise to the matric suction,

which has been considered the driving potential responsible of fluid flow,

Fredlund & Rahardjo, 1993. This concept is briefly analyzed due to the

importance in unsaturated soil mechanics. The clear knowledge about the causes

of the driving potential on the air and water phases is fundamental in

understanding the concepts of air and water flow in an unsaturated soil.

The concept of Matric Suction is explained under section 2-4. This

concept is fundamental to understand the Soil–Water Characteristic Curve

(SWCC) and its importance in unsaturated soil mechanics. The last reviewed

topic relates to the different approaches to obtain the SWCC Function. The

different approaches presented are based on the concepts outlined by Zapata, 1999

and Fredlund et al., 2003.

2.2 Stress State Variables

Terzaghi, 1943, introduced terms to understand the unsaturated soil

behavior. His works was focused on saturated soil for which he defined the

concept of “effective stress variable” as the most important variable or “effective”

variable to define the state of stress in such soil. The effective stress is defined as:

Effective Stress: σ ' = σ − u w .................................................................(2-1)


σ’ = Effective stress

σ = Total stress

u a = Pore water pressure

After Terzaghi, several researchers attempted to express the stress state of

unsaturated soils. In the 1950’s, Bishop, introduced the pore air pressure as an

independent and measurable variable in order to define the effective stress in

unsaturated soils (Bishop, 1959). Bishop proposed the following expression to

estimate the effective stress:

σ’ = (σ – u a ) + χ( u a – u w ) ....................................................................(2-2)


u a = Pore air pressure

χ = Parameter related to the degree of saturation

In the 1960’s, most of the research was focused in trying to define the

stresses driving the behavior of unsaturated soils or trying to vary Bishop’s

equation. In this decade, many experiments ere performed and theoretical

equations were presented by Donald, Blight, Aitchinson, Bishop, Coleman,

Jennings, Burland, Richards, Matyas and others (Fredlund, 1979). Most of the

models were based on measurable parameters such as total stress, pore–water

pressure and pore–air pressure.

In the 1970’s, Fredlund and Morgenstern, 1977, presented a new

theoretical stress analysis for unsaturated soils based on two independent stress

state variables: (σ – u a ) and ( u a – u w ), and considering the soil as a multiphase

element. Assuming soil particles incompressible and chemically inert, the analysis

inferred that any two of three possible normal stress variables could describe the

stress state in an unsaturated soil:

(σ – u a ) and (u a – u w ).............................................................................(2-3)

(σ – u w ) and (u a – u w ) ............................................................................(2-4)

(σ – u a ) and (σ – u w ) ..............................................................................(2-5)

Based on the stress equilibrium condition for an unsaturated soil, Fredlund

presented an equation of forces in equilibrium considering the phases: air, water,

and contractile skin. With these phases in equilibrium, he was able to establish

three stress state variables: u a (which can be eliminated assuming soil particles

and water are incompressible), (σ – u a ), and ( u a – u w ).

The stress state for an unsaturated soil can be expressed with the following

stress tensors:

(σ x − ua ) τ yw τ zx 

 τ xy (σ y − ua ) τ zy

 .........................................................(2-5)
 τ xz τ yz (σ z − ua )


(ua − u w ) 0 0 
 0 (ua − uw ) 0  .........................................................(2-5)
 
 0 0 (ua − uw )


τ ij = Shear stress in the i–plane and the j–direction

σ x – u a = Net normal stress in x–direction

σ y – u a = Net normal stress in y–direction

σ y – u a = Net normal stress in z–direction

2.3 Moisture Flow in Unsaturated Soils

The moisture flow can be analyzed in terms of energy or “head” when

water–air flows from a point of high energy to a point of low energy. This energy

gradient is known as “hydraulic head gradient”. The behavior of the moisture

flow is described under the principles of Bernoulli and Darcy. These principles

apply equally for both saturated and unsaturated soil.

Bernoulli’s law consider the total energy or head as the sum of three

heads: velocity head, pressure head and the position head. In geotechnical

practice, the velocity head is very low when comparing with pressure head and

position head (Fredlund & Rahardjo, 1993). The pressure head (p/γ w ) or total

suction is made of two components: matric suction and osmotic suction.

Therefore, the pressure head and position head, combined, define the hydraulic

head gradient in an unsaturated or saturated soil. Equation 2-8, expresses the

hydraulic head gradient, h, at any point in the soil mass.

h = (p/γ w ) + H………………………………………..………………. (2-8)


p = Total suction (matric suction + osmotic suction)

H = Position head (elevation)

On the other hand, Darcy’s law considers the flow of water–air

proportional to the hydraulic gradient. This law can be written as:

v = -k (dh/dx) …………………………...………………..…………. (2.9)


v = Velocity of water flow through an unsaturated soil

k = Coefficient of permeability or hydraulic conductivity

This hydraulic conductivity as a function of several factors: fluid

viscosity, pore–size distribution, grain–size distribution, voids ratio, roughness of

mineral particles and the degree of soil saturation. In unsaturated soil, the

hydraulic conductivity varies depending on the stress state of the soil (Fredlund,

2006) and particularly, on the matric suction which greatly affects the amount of

water into and out of the soil. It is important to recognize that the permeability of

the soil can be represented by two functions depending whether the process is

drying or wetting. Therefore, hysteresis in the soil–water characteristic curve

drives hysteresis in the permeability function and hence, a close connection

between the Soil–Water Characteristic Curve and the hydraulic conductivity

function (expressed as hydraulic conductivity versus soil suction) should be


One important concept related to the water in unsaturated soil was

developed by Lorenzo A. Richards in 1931 (Richards, 1931). The equation

described by Richards can be written as follows:

……………………………………………. (2.10)


K(θ) = Hydraulic conductivity as a function of volumetric water content

ψ = Pressure head

z = Elevation above a vertical datum

θ = Volumetric water content

t = Time

Richard’s concept, which describes the flow of water in unsaturated soils,

is based on the laws of hydrodynamics where the movement of water is due to

gravity and the pressure gradient acting on a soil element.

2.4 Matric Suction and the Soil–Water Characteristic Curve

Considering one of the three possible combinations of stress state

variables given by equations (2-3), (2-4), and (2-5), Fredlund (2006) defined the

net normal stress (σ – u a ) and the matric suction (u a – u w ) as the most applicable

combination in engineering practice. Net normal stress is the stress state caused

by external loads removed/applied to the soil, and matric suction is the stress state

caused by environmental conditions due to eliminate variations at the ground

surface or by the groundwater table fluctuations.

Matric suction is defined in the standard ASTM D 5298 – 03

Measurement of Soil Potential–Suction Using Filter Paper as:

“The negative pressure relative to ambient atmospheric

pressure on the soil water, to which a solution identical in

composition with the soil water must be subjected in order to

be in equilibrium through a porous permeable wall with the


In other words, matric suction is the measure of negative pore–water

pressure due to changes in the relative humidity (water vapor pressure caused by

the difference in air and water pressures across the water surface).

Values of matric suction in the field (vadose zone) can range from high

pressures (1,000,000 kPa, Fredlund 2006) under dry conditions (zero water degree

of saturation on the ground surface, in some cases) to zero at the ground water
table. Soils close to the surface are frequently affected by environmental

conditions causing a negative effect on the soil. These soils are called expansive

or swelling, collapsible, and residual soils.

A plot between the matric suction and the volumetric water content or

degree of saturation is called Soil–Water Characteristic Curve (SWCC) (see

Figure 2-1). In engineering purposes, the degree of saturation (percentage of voids

filled with water) is commonly used.

90 Soil-Water Characteristic Curve
Degree of Saturation (%)

50 af = 9.6230
40 bf = 1.1678
Points: cf = 1.6400
S = 20%, ψ = 33.3 kPa ψr = 500
20 S = 4%, ψ = 1,500 kPa
0.0001 0.01 1 100 10000 1000000
Matric Suction y, (kPa)

Figure 2-1. Soil–Water Characteristic Curve in Terms of Degree of


2.5 Approaches to Obtain Unsaturated Soil Properties

In order to obtain the SWCC, several levels of sophistication have been

identified. For example, Fredlund et al., 2003, defined four hierarchical levels.

The following sub–sections will brief explain each level of analysis.

2.5.1 Level 1.

Level 1 implies direct measurement of suction values and then the use of

one of the universal models to fit the data to the whole range of suction. This level

properly applies for large projects with high risk and high consequences due to

failures. This level is usually followed by researchers that use equipment and

techniques with advance level of investigation in unsaturated soil mechanics.

Universal models are basically a series of empirical equations developed

by several researchers in order to best–fit the suction/water content values with a

soil–water characteristic model. The best fit parameters of these models can be

obtained by using a regression analysis that minimizes the least squared errors.

These models can be categorized as two–fitting–parameter and three–fitting–

parameter models. These parameters are related to the soil–water characteristic

curve in this manner: the first parameter depends on the air entry value of the soil;

the second parameter depends on the rate of water extraction of the soil after

exceeding the air entry value, and the third parameter, when it is used, is basically

a function of the residual water content at high values of suction.

Models with two parameters include those proposed by Garner (1958),

Brooks & Corey (1964), Brutsaert (1967), Laliberte (1969), Farrel & Larson

(1972), Campbell (1974), and McKee & Bumb (1987) (in Fredlund, 2006).

Some of the most commonly used models with three parameters were

proposed by Van Genuchten, 1980, Fredlund and Xing, 1994, Leong and

Rahardjo, 1997, and Sillers, 1997.

Van Genuchten, 1980, proposed the next equation with three fitting


……………………..……………………… (2.11)


θ w = Volumetric water content

θ r = Residual volumetric water content

a = Soil parameter which is a function of the air entry value of the


b = Soil parameter which is a function of the rate of water

extraction of the soil after exceeding the air entry value

c = Soil parameter which is a function of the residual water content

of the soil

Fredlund & Xing, 1994, proposed the following equation with three fitting


………………………………… (2.12)

…………………………………… (2.13)


θ w = Volumetric water content

a = Soil parameter which is a function of the air entry value of the

soil (kPa)

n = Soil parameter which is a function of the rate of water

extraction of the soil after exceeding the air entry value

m = Soil parameter which is a function of the residual water

content of the soil

h r = Soil parameter which is basically function of the suction at which

residual water content occurs (kPa)

In summary, the implementation of unsaturated soil mechanics under level

1 requires testing to find directly the unsaturated soil property functions. Being

these tests highly expensive, this level should be considered mainly for projects of

great importance.

2.5.2 Level 2.

To find the SWCC under Level 2, there is no need for direct

measurements. In this case, conceptual model to infer the SWCC (unsaturated soil

property) from direct measurements of grain size distribution can be used. This

approach was postulated by Fredlund et al., 1997, where a model was presented to

estimate the SWCC from directly measured soil properties such as gradation, dry

density, void ratio, and specific gravity. In this case, Fredlund et al. used a

computational program (SoilVision®) to obtain the SWCC based on the least–

square errors curve fitting algorithm. Their model requires a conceptual model as

well as statistical computations of the SWCC parameters.

This approach has limitations. First, it requires a specific shape curve

(sigmoid). It also requires a minimum number of particle sizes, which have a

strong influence in the equation, and also requires three soil properties: Specific

gravity, void ratio, and dry density. The prediction of the SWCC following this

approach seems to be reasonable for non–plastic soils (Zapata, 1999).

In summary, at Level 2 analysis, unsaturated soil property functions can

be inferred from other function measured in the laboratory, such as the grain–size

distribution. This method has shown to be reliable for non–plastic soils. However,

it makes use of a physics–based conceptual model which makes it a good

candidate for reliable predictions provided a large database is used in the analysis.

2.5.3 Level 3.

At Level 3 analysis, a basic soil index property is correlated to estimate

the SWCC. This level is frequently used for the preliminary studies of most

projects. Statistical analyses are used at this level based on databases of previous

test results.

There are two ways to estimate the soil–water characteristic curve at this

level of analysis. First, the SWCC can be estimated from a database, by relating

the SWCC with the gradation, with the classification, or with other index soil

properties. Secondly, the SWCC can be estimated by relating a particular soil with

a similar soil for which a SWCC exists or has been measured. This level implies a

good criterion of estimation, and therefore the estimation at this level is less

accurate. It is appropriate for small projects or projects with low risk of failure.

2.5.4 Level 4.

At this level, correlations are used to estimate the SWCC. This level has

the lowest level of complexity, and could be applied to projects with low risk.

This level implies the use of the soil classification to estimate the SWCC, and

then to use this function to empirically estimate other unsaturated soil property


It is obvious that Level 1 has the highest level of accuracy while Level 4

involves correlations and hence, it has a great level of variability.

In the progress of unsaturated soil mechanics techniques, the soil–water

characteristic curve is a specialized test which involves laboratory equipment

which it is quite complex to operate. This situation has created the need to

estimate procedures, approaches, or use correlations to characterize unsaturated

soils. This methodology is fundamental in the implementation of unsaturated soil

mechanics into geotechnical engineering practice.

Zapata, 1999, presented a comprehensive review of approaches to predict

the soil–water characteristic curve. In her work, the predictions were organized in

three categories. The first category is based upon statistical estimation of water

contents at selected matric suction values. The second category encompasses

those models that, by regression analysis, correlate soil properties with the fitting

parameters of analytical equations that represent the SWCC. The models in the

third category estimate the SWCC using a physical conceptual model approach.

One particular approach followed under the last category converts the Grain–Size

Distribution into the Pore–Size Distribution which in turn can be developed into

the SWCC by means of a packing parameter to relate or calibrate the relationship

between the GSD and the SWCC.

2.6 Approaches to Predict the Soil–Water Characteristic Curve

Zapata, 1999, recognizes different approaches for the prediction of the

SWCC at Level 3 analysis:

Approach 1A

In this approach, the water content at a particular suction values is

estimated by using statistical correlation with grain–size distribution parameters

and volume mass soil properties.

Researchers such as Van Genuchten, 1980, Mckee & Bumb, 1987, Van

Genuchten & Mualem, 1980, Gardner, 1958, Williams et al., cited by Zapata,

2010, have predicted volumetric water content from equations calculated by

regressions which have fitting parameters that are function of soil properties such

as percentage of clay content, organic matter content, dry density, etc. These

models were found with a very limited database.

Approach 1B

Besides the grain–size distribution and volume mass soil properties,

several researchers have used one or more suction values to statistically estimate

the water content in the SWCC. They have found that by adding one or two

measurements of suction greatly improve the precision of the models. However,

this concept requires determining one point in the SWCC from one specific value

of matric suction, being this a limitation of this approach. As with the approach

1A, limited databases were used to develop these models.

Approach 1C

Similarly to the approaches mentioned above, this approach is base on

statistical estimation considering the grain size distribution and volume mass soil

properties. Particularly, this approach use models based on a small database from

a particular location. This approach has to be carefully considered understanding

clearly the assumptions, soil tested, the precision, and the soil properties

employed in this thesis.

Approach 2

In this approach, correlations are based on regressions analysis. The water

content can be computed by statistical correlations of soil properties with the

fitting parameters of the SWCC.

The uncertainty associated with predicting models depends on the

database used in the computations and the tests applied to validate the model. The

models proposed and based on Level 2 analysis have proofed reliable for granular

soils which operate in a low matric suction range of values. On the other hand,

predictions of the SWCC for fine–grained soils can be considered unreliable.

Some of features affecting the prediction of the SWCC on fine–grained soils

include the shape of soil particle, organics coating, the entrapped air, and some

adsorptive forces acting on the surface of soil particles. Nevertheless, this method

is desirable if a large database is available for proper calibration.

2.7 Final Remarks

The literature review shown in this chapter allows us visualize that the

estimation of the Soil–Water Characteristic Curve at any level of difficulty has

been approached by several researches and most of them use very limited

database and therefore, it is concluded that there is room for improvement of the




3.1 Source of the Database

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has an organization

dedicated to conserving all natural resources particularly on private land. The

private land is more than 70% of the land in this country, and for this reason, it is

an objective of the Federal Government to ensure that the natural resources on

these lands are protected and conserved. This federal organization is called the

Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and has the objective of

collecting, storing, maintaining, and distributing the soil survey information for

private land owner in the United States (Soil Survey Staff, 1993).

Using the latest in science and technology, NRCS has been working with a

multidisciplinary group of professionals on projects and research to get productive

land in a healthy environment. These projects and research are developed in the

field directly, and are complemented with analysis from tests developed in the

laboratory (Manual, Soil Survey Division Staff, 1993).

One of the fundamental goals of the NRCS is soil conservation.

Understanding that soil is a foundation for agricultural and sustainable

development, it must be conserved between the highest standards of quality. In

this regard, the USDA is working consistently to have soils well characterized in

all private and public areas of the United States and its Trust Territories. The
characterization involves investigation, inventory, classification, mapping, and

interpretation of the quality of soils. This soil survey information is one of the

most important tools for the planning and management of the majority of urban

and rural projects where soil is involved. While the database was obviously

intended for agricultural purposes; the USDA entered into a joint agreement with

the then Bureau of Public Roads (BPR) to also measure key soil properties useful

into the field of highway/pavement engineering. The engineering properties from

this database will be used as the primary source of information in order to pursue

the main objectives of this research work (Soil Survey Staff, 1975 & 1994).

3.2 Characteristics of the Database

The information obtained from the NRCS is divided into three main

databases, which depend primarily on the scale used for mapping the different soil


1. The Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) database, at the farm to

rural area scale ranging from 1:12,000 to 1:63,360

2. The State Soil Geographic (STATSGO) database, at the regional

scale of 1:250,000, and

3. The National Soil Geographic (NATSGO) database, at the national

scale of 1:5,000,000

The components of map units in each database are different and

correspond to different levels of detail. SSURGO database, for example, provides

the most detailed level of information. Its information is focused on local levels,

where the data is used for specific planning and management of farms, ranches,

and rural areas. STATSGO was designed for regional levels, river basins, states,

or regional governments with the purpose of planning, management and

monitoring natural resources, lands and aquifers. Its information cannot be used

for interpretation or planning at the county level. NATSGO has a lower level of

detail and is basically used for national and regional resource appraisal, planning,

and monitoring. Its information (maps and databases) was processed from states’

general soil maps, and its attributes were generated from generalization of

detailed maps.

It is important to note that each database contains the same amount if

detail in tabular form. However, the maps (spatial data) are a function of the area

scale. For example, a map unit at the SSURGO level represents a single soil

component; while at the NATSGO level, a map unit can contain up to 21

components. Each component represents a soil profile with information of up to

ten layers.

The source of information used in this study is based on the State Soil

Geographic (STATSGO) database. Due to the level of detail and scale, the

STATSGO database is specifically used by the NRCS in agricultural matters to

evaluate regional soils and water quality, soil erodibility, soil wind erosion, crop
growth, soil productivity, hydrology and ecology; and in general, to generate

environmental quality models. Although STATSGO was primarily oriented for

agricultural purposes, its information, has been used cautiously in studies of other

fields of science such as biology, chemical engineering, geology, geotechnical

engineering, environmental science, etc.

3.3 Data Collection

The US general soil map and data needed for this analysis was

downloaded from the website: (reference). It

contains two types of data: Spatial and Tabular files. The spatial files have

information necessary to process the graphical expressions of the different soil

units. They provide shapefiles, which allow the user to analyze spatial

information, edit data and create maps in a GIS® (Geographic Information

System) based format. The tabular files provide engineering and agricultural soil

properties in Microsoft® Access format. This format allows the user to handle an

immense volume of data. The tables are organized by group of attributes

according to the technological field; and therefore, it is possible to classify and

query the database. For the purpose of this study only the tabular information was

downloaded and processed. However, there are sufficient capabilities for mapping

the soil information, should further research requires visual representation of the

soil properties obtained.

The US general soil map downloaded from the USDA website was

obtained from a generalized analysis of detailed soil survey maps. In areas where

soil survey maps were not available, information about geology, topography,

vegetation, and climate, together with images was obtained from the Land

Remote Sensing Satellite (LANDSAT) that allowed for the definition of the most

probable attributes and areas for the STATSGO dataset (general soil map). Most

of the soil areas are defined cartographically by using the satellite images together

with the soil survey map. With regards to the characteristics, properties or

attributes of a particular soil unit area; these were obtained as estimates of

properties from sampling areas based on statistical extrapolation from areas where

its properties were well-known.

The database developed by the USDA-NRCS is being constantly updated

by organizing the layers according to new studies, validating soil properties from

new information received and including new soil properties according to

correlations provided by new research and studies. An example of the correlations

used by NRCS is mentioned in Feng et al., 2009 for the Saturated Hydraulic

Conductivity, Ksat. Ksat is expressed in mm/h and it is estimated by the equation


Ksat = 1930(SAT − θ 33 )
(3 − λ )


SAT = Saturated Moisture at 0 kPa (%v)

θ 33 = Moisture at 33 kPa (%v)

λ= .....................................................................................................(3-2)

[ln(1500) − ln(33)] ...........................................................................(3-3)
[ln(θ33 ) − ln(θ1500 )]

This equation and other correlations used in the database are also

presented by Saxton and Rawls, 2006.

The accuracy or errors encountered in the database are extremely

important for the objectives pursued in this research work. For example, a study

performed for the Western states (Feng et al., 2009) indicated a Root Mean

Squared Error (RMSE) for sand and clay content between 4% and 7%. This

validation was accomplished through comparisons with tests and studies which

were carried out directly in the field by the USDA-NRCS Soil Survey Laboratory.

In GIS format, general soil map units are linked to attributes in order to

indicate the location of each soil map unit and its soil properties. Although most

of the continental US areas are defined, some areas do not have available

information. The area where digital soil data is available is shown in Figure 3-1.

The tabular data contained in the database represent a mean range of properties

for the soil comprised in each soil map unit. The representative value is used in

this study to define the soil property for each type of soil. The tabular data contain

soil information that serves as an attribute of the soil map unit in GIS format.

The database main downloaded from the NCRS website contained

information for 1,227,117 soils throughout the continental US, Alaska, Hawaii

and Puerto Rico, with more than 150 geotechnical, chemical, and physical

properties for all the layers and soil unit maps considered at the SSURGO level.

The information is grouped in "map units". The “map units” are areas that

represent a group of soil profiles with generally the same or similar

characteristics. These map units contain information organized according to the

schematic diagram shown in Figure 3-2. Each map unit is identified with a code

called Mukey. Each Mukey or map unit is made of several "components", which

are soil profiles with slightly different soil properties. The percentage of area,

within the map unit, covered by each component is available. For the purpose of

this project, it was assumed that the component with the largest percentage of

coverage was representative of the entire map unit. Each profile is typically

comprised of 3 to 5 layers or "soil units", with some profiles containing

information of up to 11 layers. The depth covered by the typical profile averages

about 60 inches, with some profiles approaching 100 inches.

3.3.1 Master File Properties and Characteristics.

Soil properties that are known to impact the moisture retention properties of the

soil were extracted from the NRCS main database. From the main database, 52

soil properties were extracted in order to pursue the objectives of this research

work. These geotechnical properties that constitute the Master database are

summarized in Tables 3-1 and 3-2.

3.3.2 Preliminary Reduction of Soil Unit Data.

Each soil type found in the database had information from several boring logs. In

most of the cases, the information was similar or very similar and therefore, it

allowed for the initial reduction of the Master database. This process was

carefully performed by choosing the boring log with the most complete

information. In some cases, the information collected from two boring logs was

complimentary and therefore, the information was combined to produce a

complete description of the soil.

3.3.3 Selecting the Proper Component to Represent the Map Unit.

As previously noted, the Master database consisted of information for different

components within each map unit. It was necessary to further reduce the database

to reflect only one set of soil properties per map unit. For the purpose of this

project, it was assumed that the component with the largest percentage of

coverage was representative of the entire map unit. After this criterion was

applied, the number of soils was reduced to 36,462 items.

3.3.4 Properties Included in the SWCC Predicting Analysis.

Table 3-3 presents the final selection of soil properties included in the SWCC

predicting analysis and summarizes the percentage of data available, for each soil

engineering variable considered in the final database. The soil properties needed

to estimate the SWCC parameters include the volumetric water content at 10, 33,

and 1,500 kPa; and the saturated volumetric water content (i.e., satiated water
content or porosity). In addition, parameters such as grain-size distribution

values, consistency limits, saturated hydraulic conductivity, groundwater table

depth and bedrock information were included.

Figure 3-1. Available Soil Survey Data

(, June 2009)

Figure 3-2. Schematic Representation of Map Unit, Component and Soil Unit

Table 3-1. Initial Soil Properties Selected for the Master Database

Column Label Column Name

Component Name compname
AASHTO Classification aashtocl
AASHTO Group Index aashind_r
Unified Classification unifiedcl
Top Depth - Representative Value hzdept_r
Bottom Depth - Representative Value hzdepb_r
Thickness - Representative Value hzthk_r
#4 - Representative Value sieveno4_r
#10 - Representative Value sieveno10_r
#40 - Representative Value sieveno40_r
#200 - Representative Value sieveno200_r
Total Clay - Representative Value claytotal_r
LL - Representative Value ll_r
PI - Representative Value pi_r
Db 0.1 bar H2O - Representative Value dbtenthbar_r
Db 0.33 bar H2O - Representative Value dbthirdbar_r
Db 15 bar H2O - Representative Value dbfifteenbar_r
Ksat - Representative Value ksat_r
0.1 bar H2O - Representative Value wtenthbar_r
0.33 bar H2O - Representative Value wthirdbar_r

Table 3-1. Initial Soil Properties Selected for the Master Database (Cont'd)

Column Label Column Name

15 bar H2O - Representative Value wfifteenbar_r
Satiated H2O - Representative Value wsatiated_r
LEP - Representative Value lep_r
CaCO3 - Representative Value caco3_r
Gypsum - Representative Value gypsum_r
CEC-7 - Representative Value cec7_r
Water Table Depth - Annual - Minimum wtdepannmin
Water Table Depth - April - June - Minimum wtdepaprjunmin
Bedrock Depth - Minimum brockdepmin
Corrosion Concrete corcon
Corrosion Steel corsteel
EC - Representative Value ec_r
Available Water Storage 0-150 cm aws0150wta
SAR - Representative Value sar_r
pH H2O - Representative Value ph1to1h2o_r
Kw kwfact
Kf kffact
AWC - Representative Value awc_r
Db oven dry - Representative Value dbovendry_r
Comp % - Representative Value comppct_r
Hydrologic Group hydgrp
MAAT - Representative Value airtempa_r
Elevation - Representative Value elev_r
ENG - Local Roads and Streets englrsdcd
Mapunit Key mukey
Component Key cokey
Chorizon Key chkey
Chorizon AASHTO Key chaashtokey
Chorizon Unified Key chunifiedkey

Table 3-2. Description of the Soil Properties Initially Selected from the Main

Column Label Description

Mapunit Symbol The symbol used to uniquely identify the soil
mapunit in the soil survey.
Map Unit Name Correlated name of the mapunit (recommended name
or field name for surveys in progress).
Component Name Name assigned to a component based on its range of
AASHTO A rating based on a system that classifies soils
Classification according to those properties that affect roadway
construction and maintenance. Soils are classified
into seven basic groups plus eight subgroups, for a
total of fifteen for mineral soils. Another class for
organic soils is used. The groups are based on
determinations of particle-size distribution, liquid
limit, and plasticity index. The group classification,
including group index, is useful in determining the
relative quality of the soil material for use in
earthwork structures, particularly embankments,
subgrades, subbases, and bases. (AASHTO)
AASHTO Group Index The empirical group index formula devised for
- Representative Value approximately within-group evaluation of the "clayey
granular materials" and the "silty-clay materials".
Unified Unified Soil Classification System - A system for
classifying mineral and organo-mineral soils for
engineering purposes based on particle size
characteristics, liquid limit, and plasticity index.
Top Depth - The distance from the top of the soil to the upper
Representative Value boundary of the soil horizon.
Bottom Depth - The distance from the top of the soil to the base of
Representative Value the soil horizon.
Thickness - A measurement from the top to bottom of a soil
Representative Value horizon throughout its areal extent.
#4 - Representative Soil fraction passing a number 4 sieve (4.70mm
Value square opening) as a weight percentage of the less
than 3 inch (76.4mm) fraction.
#10 - Representative Soil fraction passing a number 10 sieve (2.00mm
Value square opening) as a weight percentage of the less
than 3 inch (76.4mm) fraction.

Table 3-2. Description of the Soil Properties Initially Selected from the main
Database (Cont’d)

Column Label Description

#40 - Representative Soil fraction passing a number 40 sieve (0.42mm
Value square opening) as a weight percentage of the less
than 3 inch (76.4mm) fraction.
#200 - Representative Soil fraction passing a number 200 sieve (0.074mm
Value square opening) as a weight percentage of the less
than 3 inch (76.4mm) fraction.
Total Clay - Mineral particles less than 0.002mm in equivalent
Representative Value diameter as a weight percentage of the less than
2.0mm fraction.
LL - Representative The water content of the soil at the change between
Value the liquid and plastic states.
PI - Representative The numerical difference between the liquid limit and
Value plastic limit.
Db 0.1 bar H2O - The oven dried weight of the less than 2 mm soil
Representative Value material per unit volume of soil at a water tension of
1/10 bar.
Db 0.33 bar H2O - The oven dry weight of the less than 2 mm soil
Representative Value material per unit volume of soil at a water tension of
1/3 bar.
Db 15 bar H2O - The oven dry weight of the less than 2 mm soil
Representative Value material per unit volume of soil at a water tension of
15 bars.
Dp Mass per unit of volume (not including pore space) of
the solid soil particle either mineral or organic. Also
known as specific gravity.
Ksat - Representative The amount of water that would move vertically
Value through a unit area of saturated soil in unit time under
unit hydraulic gradient.
0.1 bar H2O - The volumetric content of soil water retained at a
Representative Value tension of 1/10 bar (10 kPa), expressed as a
percentage of the whole soil.
0.33 bar H2O - The volumetric content of soil water retained at a
Representative Value tension of 1/3 bar (33 kPa), expressed as a percentage
of the whole soil.
15 bar H2O - The volumetric content of soil water retained at a
Representative Value tension of 15 bars (1500 kPa), expressed as a
percentage of the whole soil.

Table 3-2. Description of the Soil Properties Initially Selected from the main
Database (Cont’d)

Column Label Description

Satiated H2O - The estimated volumetric soil water content at or
Representative Value near zero bar tension, expressed as a percentage of
the whole soil.
LEP - Representative The linear expression of the volume difference of
Value natural soil fabric at 1/3 or 1/10 bar water content and
oven dryness. The volume change is reported as
percent change for the whole soil.
CaCO3 - The quantity of Carbonate (CO3) in the soil
Representative Value expressed as CaCO3 and as a weight percentage of
the less than 2 mm size fraction.
Gypsum - The percent by weight of hydrated calcium sulfate in
Representative Value the less than 20 mm fraction of soil.
CEC-7 - Representative The amount of readily exchangeable cations that can
Value be electrically adsorbed to negative charges in the
soil, soil constituent, or other material, at pH 7.0, as
estimated by the ammonium acetate method.
Water Table Depth - The shallowest depth to a wet soil layer (water table)
Annual - Minimum at any time during the year expressed as centimeters
from the soil surface, for components whose
composition in the map unit is equal to or exceeds
Water Table Depth - The shallowest depth to a wet soil layer (water table)
April - June - during the months of April through June expressed in
Minimum centimeters from the soil surface for components
whose composition in the map unit is equal to or
exceeds 15%.
Bedrock Depth - The distance from the soil surface to the top of a
Minimum bedrock layer, expressed as a shallowest depth of
components whose composition in the map unit is
equal to or exceeds 15%.
Corrosion Concrete Susceptibility of concrete to corrosion when in
contact with the soil.
Corrosion Steel Susceptibility of uncoated steel to corrosion when in
contact with the soil.
EC - Representative The electrical conductivity of an extract from
Value saturated soil paste.

Table 3-2. Description of the Soil Properties Initially Selected from the main
Database (Cont’d)

Column Label Description

Available Water Available water storage (AWS). The volume of water
Storage 0-150 cm that the soil, to a depth of 150 centimeters, can store
that is available to plants. It is reported as the
weighted average of all components in the map unit,
and is expressed as centimeters of water. AWS is
calculated from AWC (available water capacity)
which is commonly estimated as the difference
between the water contents at 1/10 or 1/3 bar (field
capacity) and 15 bars (permanent wilting point)
tension, and adjusted for salinity and fragments.
pH H2O - The negative logarithm to the base 10, of the
Representative Value hydrogen ion activity in the soil using the 1:1 soil-
water ratio method. A numerical expression of the
relative acidity or alkalinity of a soil sample. (SSM)
Kw An erodibility factor which quantifies the
susceptibility of soil particles to detachment and
movement by water. This factor is adjusted for the
effect of rock fragments.
Kf An erodibility factor which quantifies the
susceptibility of soil particles to detachment by
AWC - Representative The amount of water that an increment of soil depth,
Value inclusive of fragments, can store that is available to
plants. AWC is expressed as a volume fraction, and is
commonly estimated as the difference between the
water contents at 1/10 or 1/3 bar (field capacity) and
15 bars (permanent wilting point) tension and
adjusted for salinity, and fragments.
Db oven dry - The oven dry weight of the less than 2 mm soil
Representative Value material per unit volume of soil exclusive of the
desiccation cracks, measured on a coated clod.
Comp % - The percentage of the component of the mapunit.
Representative Value
Hydrologic Group A group of soils having similar runoff potential under
similar storm and cover conditions.

Table 3-2. Description of the Soil Properties Initially Selected from the main
Database (Cont’d)

Column Label Description

MAAT - The arithmetic average of the daily maximum and
Representative Value minimum temperatures for a calendar year taken over
the standard "normal" period, 1961 to 1990.
Elevation - The vertical distance from mean sea level to a point
Representative Value on the earth's surface.
ENG - Local Roads The rating of the map unit as a site for local roads
and Streets and streets, expressed as the dominant rating class for
the map unit, based on composition percentage of
each map unit component.
Chorizon Key A non-connotative string of characters used to
uniquely identify a record in the Horizon table.

Soil-Property Unit n % Data Max Min Average Median Mode StDev
Top Depth of Layer cm 36,462 100 241 0 28 8 0 39
Bottom Depth of Layer cm 36,462 100 254 2 67 41 152 58
Thickness of the Layer cm 36,462 100 218 2 39 28 20 32
Passing Sieve # 4 % 36,462 100 100 19 85 93 100 18
Passing Sieve # 10 % 36,462 100 100 13 80 88 100 21
Passing Sieve # 40 % 36,458 100 100 6 69 73 95 22
Passing Sieve # 200 % 36,455 100 100 0 51 50 43 25
Passing Sieve 0.002 mm % 36,461 100 90 0 21 20 15 13
Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity µm/s 36,460 100 423 0 21 9 9 30

Volumetric Water Content at Suction 10 kPa % 4,357 12 37 0 15 15 14 5
Volumetric Water Content at Suction 33 kPa % 36,462 100 55 0 21 21 14 9
Volumetric Water Content at Suction 1500 kPa % 36,462 100 42 0 12 10 7 7
Saturated Volumetric Water Content % 36,462 100 70 10 37 38 41 10
Liquid Limit % 32,494 89 125 0 32 30 25 12
Plasticity Index % 36,400 100 66 0 10 8 3 10
Elevation m 31,708 87 3,963 -5 973 823 305 753
Bedrock Depth - Minimum cm 10,218 28 202 0 54 41 77 36
Table 3-3. Summary of Final Database Statistics

Water Table Depth - Annual - Minimum cm 10,065 28 168 0 51 46 0 42

Water Table Depth - April - June - Minimum cm 9,363 26 168 0 51 46 0 42
3.4 Working with the Database

In addition to the initial set of properties extracted from the database, further

reduction of data was necessary in order to find the SWCC fitting parameters and

the GSD fitting parameters. The computed parameters were also incorporated

into the Final database generated from this study:

3.4.1 Calculating Soil-Water Characteristic Soil Parameters.

The Soil-Water Characteristic Curve (SWCC) is defined as the

relationship between soil water content or degree of saturation and soil matric

suction (Fredlund, 2006). Several researchers have proposed universal models to

define the SWCC, as previously discussed in Chapter 2. However, the model

implemented in the MEPDG is the model given by Fredlund & Xing, 1994 and

shown in the equations 2-12 and 2-13 in Chapter 2; and therefore, it was desirable

to find the fitting parameters of this model due to the practical application in

pavement design and analysis.

This model represents a sigmoid with four fitting parameters, named a f ,

b f , c f and h rf in the MEPDG. The best set of these fitting parameters can be found

by fitting the measured volumetric water content retained at tensions of 1/10 bars

(10 kPa), 1/3 bars (33 kPa) and 15 bars (1,500 kPa) which are obtained from the

primary database (explained in section 3-2 of this chapter).

The first step in order to find the best four SWCC fitting parameter was to

define the available points. Two points were obtained from the complete database:
the volumetric water content at 1/3 bar (33 kPa) and the volumetric water content

at 15 bars (1,500 kPa) of suction. With these data and the saturated volumetric

water content it was possible to calculate the Degree of Saturations at the same

suctions. Degree of Saturation is the ratio between the volumetric water content

and the saturated volumetric water content for a specific suction. The third point

is at zero suction when soil has 100% of saturation (Drying process was used for

these tests). The fourth point is assumed at 1,000,000 kPa when the lowest values

of saturation are reached, this assumption was defined by Dr. Fredlund (Fredlund

& Xing, 1994, and Sillers & Fredlund, 2001).

The second step was to calculate the best fitting parameters by a non-

linear least squared regression. This regression was developed by using the Tool

Solver of Excel® from Microsoft (Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA). Figure 3-3

shows the spreadsheet used for this calculation.

Dry Sat vol
Suction Suction Density Vol. w/c w/c Sat
(Bar) (kPa) (gm/cc) Note (%) (%) )
0.1 10 N/A 39.0
0.33 33.33 N/A 25.8 66.2
15 1500 N/A 14.2 36.4

SWCC Parameters
Parameter final l
af 1.1972 10 Function
bf 1.4156 1 09
cf 0.4969 2
hr 500.0 500

Vol. Water Constraint

xe Content: ye yp s
(psi) % Sat
0.0001 39.0 100.0 100.0 0.000
4.8309 25.8 66.2 66.2 0.000
217.3913 14.2 36.4 36.4 0.000

Figure 3-3. Spreadsheet with the SWCC Parameter Calculations

For this calculation, it is important to consider initial values for the Solver. These

initial values should be assumed to be very similar to the final parameters in order

to reach the lowest value of the objective function; which in this case is the

difference between the squared of degree of saturations measured and predicted.

In this project it was assumed:

For plastic soils: For non-plastic soils:

a f = 10 a f = 10
bf = 1 bf = 1
cf = 2 cf = 2
h rf = 500 h rf = 100

In order to simplify, especially because a database of more than 31,000

items was employed, these initial parameters were used. Developing more

detailed work would be ideal by using different initial parameters according to the

wPI value; however, that work would require too much time. Finishing this

calculation was necessary to re-process the Solver in many cases, especially with

the non-plastic soil where the calculations showed many errors or ‘not found’


Once the calculation for the SWCC was defined, the third step was to

develop a VBA project which is usually called ‘Macro’ in Excel®. This program

allows the execution of one process several times. The code for this macro for

calculating the SWCC Parameters is as following:

Sub Macro1()

' Macro1 Macro

' Macro recorded 9/24/2010 by user

On Error GoTo Desc


Application.Goto Reference:="R1C1"


Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select

Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select

Set RawData = Selection


For j = 2 To RawData.Rows.Count

If RawData(j, 27) <> "" Then

If RawData(j, 24) <> "" Or RawData(j, 25) <> "" Or RawData(j,

26) <> "" Then

Range("E3").FormulaR1C1 = RawData(j, 24)

Range("E4").FormulaR1C1 = RawData(j, 25)

Range("E5").FormulaR1C1 = RawData(j, 26)

Range("G3").FormulaR1C1 = RawData(j, 27)

Range("B8").FormulaR1C1 = 10

Range("B9").FormulaR1C1 = 1

Range("B10").FormulaR1C1 = 2

Range("B11").FormulaR1C1 = 100

Range("D15").FormulaR1C1 = Range("C15").Text

Range("D16").FormulaR1C1 = Range("C16").Text

Range("D17").FormulaR1C1 = Range("C17").Text


SolverOk SetCell:="$D$9", MaxMinVal:=2, ValueOf:="0",

ByChange:= _


SolverAdd CellRef:="$E$15:$E$17", Relation:=2,


SolverAdd CellRef:="$B$8:$B$11", Relation:=3,


SolverOptions MaxTime:=100, Iterations:=10000,

Precision:=0.000001, AssumeLinear _

:=False, StepThru:=False, Estimates:=1, Derivatives:=1,

SearchOption:=1, _

IntTolerance:=5, Scaling:=False, Convergence:=0.0001,


SolverSolve True, 1


Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select

Set Solution_ = Selection

RawData(j, "AO") = Solution_(1)

RawData(j, "AP") = Solution_(2)

RawData(j, "AQ") = Solution_(3)

RawData(j, "AR") = Solution_(4)


End If

End If


Exit Sub


MsgBox "Error"

End Sub

Finishing this step was necessary to re-process the data with errors in the

results. This part of the work showed errors for several reasons. Non-plastic soils

usually present problems because the rate of decrease of the degree of saturation

is high with small changes of suction; these cases cause problems when finding

the optimum in Solver. The Soils with high plasticity present problems as well,

because the sigmoidal shape is lost and the approximation to the objective

function takes a long time. As such, many times are shown as errors. It is

important to emphasize the fact that a regression with only two points is large and

not very precise. Many times the regression in the Solver cannot stop at an

appropriate point. In these cases, having good initial parameters is the best way to

reach the optimum. The complete database includes these parameters.

3.4.2 Calculating Grain-Size Distribution Parameters.

The Grain- Size Distribution Curve was represented by Wagner, 1994 as a

sigmoidal shape with a lognormal distribution, presenting a high similarity to the

soil-water characteristic curve given by Fredlund & Xing, 1994. The model

equation for the grain-size distribution given by Wagner, 1994 is:

   
 D 
  ln1 + r   
   D  
Pp (D ) =
gm 1 −    
 g   D

ln exp(1) +  a     ln1 + r
 
 D      Dm   
  


P p (D) = percent of Passing a particular grain-size, d

ga = fitting parameter associated to the initial break in the GSD,

gn = fitting parameter associated to the maximum slope of GSD,

gm = fitting parameter associated to the curvature of the GSD,

D= particle diameter in mm.

Dr = residual particle diameter in mm.

D m = minimum particle diameter in mm.

Similarly as the SWCC parameter were calculated, the GSD fitting

parameters were calculated finding the best set of GSD parameters. In this case

the points are given in the database and correspond to the Gradation of the soil,

Passing #4, #10, #40, and #200 US sieves. With these points, the regression was

developed using Solver of Excel®. A spread sheet similar to the spread sheet used

to calculate the SWCC parameters is showed in Figure 3-4.

Particle Size % Pass Grain-Size Distribution Parameters

# (mm) (%) Final Initial
4 4.750 95.0 ga 0.0001 1
10 2.000 91.5 gn 0.5837 0.5
40 0.425 82.5 gm 71.8474 0.5
200 0.075 57.5
Objective Function Particle Size (mm) Passing (%)
0.0001 0.00
De % Passing % Passing Constraints 0.001 0.18
Diameter (mm) Measured Predicted 0.01 17.31
1,000 100.0 99.8 0.000 0.075 57.68
4.750 95.0 95.2 0.000 0.1 62.76
2.000 91.5 92.2 0.000 0.425 81.80
0.425 82.5 81.8 0.000 1 88.51
0.075 57.5 57.7 0.000 2 92.17
4.75 95.20
10 96.86
100 99.17
1000 99.78

Grain - Size Distribution Curve


Percent Passing (%)




0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Particle Size, D (mm)

Figure 3-4. Spreadsheet with the GSD Parameter Calculations

For this calculation, is important to consider the initial values to use in the Solver

as well. For this point, each soil or item of the database was run three times in the

Solver. In this way, it was possible to define the best set of GSD parameters. The

idea was to change the a g parameter because this parameter defines the break

point of the curve. These three options allow for the choosing of the minimum

value for the objective function based on the least squared error:

Objective Function = (square measured value – squared estimated value)

Once the calculation was correctly defined, the next step was developed using

Macro in Visual Basic of Excel® in order to execute this process n times, n being

the number of items of the database. The code for this macro is:

Sub Macro2()

' Macro2 Macro

' Macro recorded 9/24/2010 by user

'On Error GoTo Desc


Application.Goto Reference:="R1C1"


Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select

Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
Set RawData = Selection


For j = 2 To RawData.Rows.Count

If RawData(j, 27) <> "" Then

If RawData(j, 24) <> "" Or RawData(j, 25) <> "" Or RawData(j, 26) <> ""


Range("E3").FormulaR1C1 = RawData(j, 24)

Range("E4").FormulaR1C1 = RawData(j, 25)

Range("E5").FormulaR1C1 = RawData(j, 26)

Range("E6").FormulaR1C1 = RawData(j, 27)

Range("B9").FormulaR1C1 = 100

Range("B10").FormulaR1C1 = 0.5

Range("B11").FormulaR1C1 = 0.5

Range("D16").FormulaR1C1 = Range("C16").Text

Range("D17").FormulaR1C1 = Range("C17").Text

Range("D18").FormulaR1C1 = Range("C18").Text

Range("D19").FormulaR1C1 = Range("C19").Text

Range("D20").FormulaR1C1 = Range("C20").Text


SolverOk SetCell:="$D$10", MaxMinVal:=2, ValueOf:="0",

ByChange:= _


SolverAdd CellRef:="$E$16:$E$20", Relation:=2, FormulaText:="0"

SolverAdd CellRef:="$B$9:$B$11", Relation:=3,


SolverOptions MaxTime:=100, Iterations:=30000, Precision:=0.000001,

AssumeLinear _

:=False, StepThru:=False, Estimates:=2, Derivatives:=2,

SearchOption:=1, _

IntTolerance:=5, Scaling:=False, Convergence:=0.00001,


SolverSolve True, 1


Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select

Set Solution_ = Selection

RawData(j, "AO") = Solution_(1)

RawData(j, "AP") = Solution_(2)

RawData(j, "AQ") = Solution_(3)

RawData(j, "AR") = Range("D10").Text

End If

End If


Exit Sub


MsgBox "Error"

End Sub

The data obtained after this process was added to the complete database.

These parameters are indispensable calculating the Particle-Size values.

3.4.3 Calculating Particle Size Values.

Particle Size (called Effective Size as well) is the grain size or grain

diameter of the soil through which a defined percentage of the total material is

passing. For example, D 60 is the diameter in the grain-size distribution curve

corresponding to the 60% finer. Figure 3-5 graphically shows the concept of

Particle Size. This particle size is a good geotechnical property to estimate the

hydraulic conductivity; many researches have shown similarities in the models

between Grain-Size Distribution, Soil-Water Characteristic Curve and the

Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity. The database developed for this work is an

excellent platform for finding more correlations between them.

Grain - Size Distribution Curve

Percent Passing (%)

10 D60
D10 D30 D90
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Particle Size, D (mm)

Figure 3-5. Finding Particle Size Values

Having the model equation for the grain-size distribution (see equation 3-

4), which was implemented by Fredlund (Fredlund at al., 1997) into SoilVision®

as a model to predict the SWCC, the next step was to calculate through this

equation the Particle Size for 10, 20, 30, 60, and 90% of Passing. This step

required calculating into the equation, the Dvalues from a defined percentage of


This work was developed using the Tool Goal Seek in Microsoft Excel®,

and using a Macro in Microsoft VBA® to repeat the process n times (n is the

number of items considered in the database). After this, which required a long

time to process, the database was considered complete.

Particle Size values are really important in the prediction of the SWCC

parameters for non-plastic soils. Many researches have studied the geotechnical

behavior for granular soils, and the effective size is an excellent measure for this

type of soil. Ayra & Paris, 1981, Gupta & Larson, 1979, Wagner & Ding, 1994,

Fredlund at al., 2000, are some researchers who have worked by using this


Two factors added using the particle size values are the Coefficient of

Uniformity, C u and the Coefficient of Curvature, C c . These expressions are

defined as:

Cu = ................................................................................................(3-5)

Cc =
( D30 )
(D10 )(D60 )


D 10 = grain diameter in mm corresponding to 10% passing, by weight

D 30 = grain diameter in mm corresponding to 30% passing, by weight

D 60 = grain diameter in mm corresponding to 60% passing, by weight

Coefficient of uniformity, C u is an expression to define the shape of the

grain-size distribution. When a granular soil is well graded, C u is higher than 15.

The sand of a beach poorly graded has a C u between 2 and 3. A granular soil with

a C u = 1, is a soil with particles of the same size. Coefficient of Curvature, C c is

an expression related to the shape of the particle size distribution, values of C c

between 1 and 3 are considered well graded soils. These geotechnical expressions,

which refer to the grain-size distribution are related to the SWCC, and are also

related to the saturated hydraulic conductivity.

3.4.4 Other Calculations.

The group index is an engineering concept developed by AASHTO that

categorizes the probable “service performance” of the soil, particularly when it is

used as a highway pavement subgrade. The group index can be calculated by the

empirical equation given in the standard AASHTO M 145-91 (Standard

Specification for Classification of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures for

Highway Construction Purposes):

GI=(P 200 -35)[0.2+0.005(LL-40)]+0.01(P 200 -15)(PI-10) .....................(3-7)


P 200 = Passing the No. 200 sieve

LL = Liquid Limit

PI = Plasticity Index

Note that the first term is related to the liquid limit and the latter to the

plasticity index. The final GI value is based on the following qualifications:

• If the GI calculated is negative, it is taken to be zero

• The GI calculated is rounded to the nearest whole number

• There is no upper limit

• The GI for the following soils must be taken as zero: A-1-a, A-1-b,

A-2-4, A-2-5, and A-3

• For soils A-2-6 and A-2-7, the GI must be calculated by the


GI=0.01(P 200 -15)(PI-10) ...........................................................(3-8)

Salient grain size distribution parameters such as the D 60 , Passing 200 and

Plasticity Index are required to estimate the weighted plasticity index (wPI). This

property is estimated as follows:

P200 × PI
wPI = ...................................................................................(3-10)

The wPI will depend on the type of soil being considered. For coarse soils

the wPI = 0, and for soils with more than 12% of fines, the wPI > 0.

The relationship between the Group Index (equation 3-7) and the wPI

(equation 3-10) is shown in Figure 3-6. For this analysis were used the entire

database with wPI greater than zero.

p p

wPI = 0.8486 GI + 2.2237





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Group Index

Figure 3-6 Relationship between the Group Index and the Weighted

Plasticity Index

In order to have a complete database for this project (or for future

projects) these two properties were calculated: the California Bearing Ratio

(CBR) and the Resilient Modulus (MR).

The CBR is an empirical soil property that characterizes the strength of

materials in subgrades and unbound material. This characteristic allows for the

estimation of the resilient modulus by using the expression:

M R ( psi ) = 2,555 × CBR 0.64 .....................................................................(3-9)

This expression is used in the ME-PDG Methodology (Witczak et al,

2001). CBR values can also be estimated based on index soil properties like Grain

Size Distribution and Atterberg’s Limits. USCS and AASHTO classifications are

correlated to estimate typical CBR and MR values. However, one practical way is

to use the grain size distribution.For coarse soils (with wPI = 0), the CBR value is

referred to by the grain diameter at which 60% passes the grain size distribution

(D 60 ), in millimeters. The formula in this case is:

CBR = 28.09(D60 )

This expression has two limitations: for soils with D 60 less than 0.01 mm,

a CBR = 5 is used and for soils with D 60 greater than 30 mm, a CBR = 95 value is

used. For fine soils (with wPI>0), the expression that is used is:

CBR = .........................................................................(3-12)
1 + 0.728(wPI )

It should be realized that all of these conditions are approximations to the

real measured laboratory value for either CBR or Mr. Their use should be

confined to only level three applications of the design guide.

3.5 Summary

The database collection was a very important task for the development of

the work presented in this thesis. The vast amount of data points collected

contained a total of 36,394 different soils, with 4,518 items corresponding to non–

plastic materials and 31,876 plastic soils. The database was collected by the

National Conservation Resources Service for agricultural purposes and contains

chemical, physical and engineering soil properties which can be used in a number

of disciplines. The soils properties were obtained from studies developed during

many years through the continental US, Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. The

database allowed for the estimation of parameters such as the wPI factor, Group

Index, the Soil–Water Characteristic Curve fitting parameters and the Grain–Size

Distribution fitting parameters.

Most of the properties were obtained directly from the laboratory or from

field testing while other properties were estimated from correlations or

estimations. Both sets of data or properties had some degree of uncertainty related

to them. The uncertainty of the data can be attributed to several factors: First, the

database was developed by collecting tests during a range of years (USDA–NRCS

was established in 1935); second, uncertainty associated with environmental

conditions and soil nature (samples were located all over the US territory); third,

the tests were performed by following protocols and standards which are being

constantly updated; and last, technological changes and advances in the field

allowed for new data interpretations during more than 70 years the data has been


In order to eliminate the variability encountered in the data, a moving

average technique was employed, whereas the data was organized or sorted

according to the geotechnical factor (predictor) that most affected the predicting

variable. This process is commonly used when the database presents high

variability in order to find the general trend of behavior (Graham, 1993).

It is important to emphasize that the vast database collected and presented

as part of this thesis work was drawn directly from laboratory testing. It is

perhaps the largest database of soil moisture retention curves available in the

world. These facts allowed for optimal models to estimate the Soil–Water

Characteristic Curve, as those presented in this work.

The process followed in this chapter had the objective of preparing a

geotechnical database with the biggest quantity of data available for modeling.

This database was used in correlations to create a new set of equations for the

Soil-Water Characteristic Curve Parameter Two approaches were utilized to

formulate these equations.

Table 3-4. Summarizes the process followed to prepare a complete

database for this work and for future work. The Primary database was

downloaded from the USDA–NRCS website which contains all the data used to

interface with maps that are allowed for working in all the US areas for

agricultural purposes. The Master database was condensed from the Primary

database and contains exclusively engineering properties; this database was

reduced to basically one with the largest amount of different soils. The Initial

database was extracted from the Primary database and contains only the soil

properties required for this work. This database presents the soil-properties and

the original data from the Primary database. The complete database contains the

initial database, as well as the soil–properties calculated such as the SWCC

parameter, GSD parameters and particle size or D-values, computed at level 1 by

using equations and correlations previously established in other research.

Table 3-4. Process Developed in Preparing the Database

Database # Items Obtained Contain Soil-properties


Main 1,227,117 USDA-NRCS Entire database Contains more

from US at than 150
SSURGO level chemical,
physical and

Master 36,462 Main Database with 52 soil properties

all the to be used for
Engineering this and future
data projects

Final 36,462 Master Soil-properties 18 soil properties

required for selected from
this work NRCS plus 19
estimated, for a
total of 37 soil



4.1 Introduction

This chapter intends to confirm the validity of two available SWCC

models that are based on index properties by using principles of statistics. In this

manner, it is possible to evaluate the bias of the published models towards a rather

limited database used in their development. A statistical analysis of errors will

enable the study to reach this objective. This chapter intends to check two

important projects previously developed at Arizona State University.

The first SWCC model to validate was proposed by Zapata in 1999. In her

dissertation titled: “Uncertainty in Soil-Water Characteristic Curve and Impacts

on Unsaturated Shear Strength Predictions.” She presented two sets of SWCC

fitting parameters (i.e. one set for plastic material and another set for non-plastic

soils) derived from a regression analysis from a set of 190 laboratory tests. The

SWCC model followed in this work corresponded to Fredlund & Xing, 1994.

The second SWCC model was developed in 2006 by an ASU research

team as part of the NCHRP 1-40D project, titled “Models Incorporated into the

Current Enhanced Integrated Climatic Model NCHRP 9-23 Project” which was

developed for the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (Witczak at

al, 2006). The model was a modification of the proposed equations by Perera,

2003 and had the main objective of validating the Enhanced Integrated Climatic

Model (EICM) to incorporate unsaturated soil properties and environmental

effects in the overall pavement design procedure. EICM is the module that ASU

research team included in the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide

(MEPDG) version 0.7. As part of this project, a new set of models was presented

for the af, bf, cf and hr SWCC fitting parameters under the primary SWCC model

published by Fredlund & Xing, 1994.

In short, the process developed in this chapter initially consisted in

preparing a complete database with the information required: the database

comprised geotechnical properties, such as wPI, % Grain Size Distribution

parameters (passing a particular sieve), Particles Size diameters (called Dvalues),

and the SWCC parameter predicted by the two models to be validated (Zapata’s

model and NCHRP 1-40D model). The database used in the validation process

was explained in detail in Chapter 3 (Database Collection) and consisted of

36,462 soils (36,462 soils are plastic and 4520 soils are nonplastic). The next step

was to calculate the volumetric water content for different suction values (1, 10,

100, 1,000 and 10,000 kPa) by using the two models. Finally, a statistical analysis

of the errors was conducted and the results presented in tables and plots.

4.2 Validating Zapata’s Model

4.2.1 Model for Plastic Soil.

The 190 data points used by Zapata, 1999, in developing her model were

classified into two types according to Plasticity Index; 70 soils with plasticity

index values greater than zero (plastic soils) and 120 soils with plasticity index

values equal to zero (non-plastic soils). Soil properties obtained in the laboratory

work allowed for an estimation of the best fitting SWCC parameters by using

SoilVision® (software created by SoilVision System Ltd). This software

estimated these parameters by fitting the primary SWCC model developed by

Fredlund & Xing, 1994.

For plastic soils (soils with PI > 0), Zapata used the percent of Passing #

200 sieve and the Atterberg Limits, and specifically the Plasticity Index to find

the models for the SWCC fitting parameters. Basically, the weighted plasticity

index or wPI factor was the main geotechnical concept used in her model for this

type of soil. wPI combines both properties the percent of Passing # 200 and the

Plasticity Index, and it is defined as follows:

P 200 × PI
wPI = ... ...............................................................................(4-1)


P200 = Passing # 200 US Standard Sieve, expressed in percentage

PI = Plasticity Index, expressed in percentage

The equations proposed by Zapata are:

0.00364( wPI ) 3.35 + 4( wPI ) + 11

af = ...................................................(4-2)

= −2.313( wPI ) 0.14 + 5 ......................................................................(4-3)

c f = 0.0514( wPI ) 0.465 + 0.5 ...................................................................(4-4)

= 32.44e 0.0186 ( wPI ) ..............................................................................(4-5)

The family of curves for plastic soils obtained by Zapata is shown in

Figure 4-1.

Furthermore, a correlation to estimate the saturated volumetric water

content, s, as a function of wPI was proposed:

θ s = 0.0143(wPI )0.75 + 0.36 ...................................................................(4-6)

The validity of this equation was analyzed with the database available for

this project. In order to accomplish this, the equation was statistically evaluated

by calculating the mean algebraic and the mean absolute errors. Additionally, the

adjusted coefficient of determination, R2, and the Se/Sy parameter were computed

in order to assess the accuracy of the equation (Hines & Montgomery, 1990)

The following statistical expressions were used:

⎡ (θ m − θ p )100 ⎤
∑⎢ θm

Mean algebraic error: ea lg = ⎣ ⎦ ..................................(4-7)

⎡ (θ m − θ p )100 ⎤
∑⎢ θm

Mean absolute error: eabs = ⎣ ⎦ ....................................(4-8)

∑ (θ −θ p )
Sum of the squared error: S e = ...................................(4-9)
n− p

∑ (θ )
m −θ p
Mean of the squared error: S e = ..............................(4-10)
n− p

Adjusted Coefficient of Determination: R2 = 1 – (Se/Sy)2 ...................(4-11)


m = Measured volumetric water content

p = Predicted volumetric water content

m = Average measured volumetric water content

n = Number of data points

p = Number of parameters associated with the model

The statistical parameters found for the s equation when using the

database employed in this project are:

Database with n = 36,394

ealg = 98.87


1.0 wPI = % Passing #200* PI


wPI = 50
0.6 40

wPI=0.1 3 5

Degree of Saturation
0.4 15

D60 =1 mm D60 =0.1 mm


Figure 4-1. Family of SWCC’s for Plastic Soils

1E-1 1E+0 1E+1 1E+2 1E+3 1E+4 1E+5 1E+6
Matric Suction (kPa)
eabs = 98.87

Se/Sy = 0.99

R2 = 0.0224

These results suggest a very weak, if at all, correlation. In order to find out

if there is any correlation between wPI and s, the database was regressed. 36,394

points were used in the regression.

The following correlation was found:

θ s = 7.92(wPI )0.27 + 25 ........................................................................(4-12)

The plot obtained for this correlation is showed in Figure 4-2.

In order to eliminate some scatter, a moving average technique was

employed in the analysis. This technique required the wPI values sorted from the

smaller to the largest. Then every 300 points were averaged.

The relationship obtained confirmed the fact that there exists a correlation

between volumetric water content and wPI. It also confirms the Zapata’s

correlation is only valid for the database used in her analysis, which is very



Saturated Volumetric Water Content 45


Represent average of 300 soils


θs = 7.92 (wPI)0.27 + 25
30 n = 36,394
R2 = 0.9978
Se/Sy = 0.05

0 10 20 30 40 50
wPI parameter

Figure 4-2. Relationship between Saturated Volumetric Water Content and wPI

for Plastic Soils

4.2.2 Model for Non–Plastic Soil.

For non-plastic soils, Zapata used the Diameter D60 as the main soil

property or predictor to correlate with the SWCC parameters. The equations

presented in her dissertation are:

0.8627( D60 ) −0.751

af = .......................................................................(4-13)

b f = 7.5 ............................................................................................... (4-14)

c f = 0.1772 ln( D60 ) + 0.7734 ...............................................................(4-15)

hr 1
= ................................................................................(4-16)
a f D60 + 9.7e − 4

The family of curves for non-plastic soils obtained by using Zapata

correlations is shown in Figure 4-3. The Combined families of curves for plastic

and non-plastic soils were shown in Figure 4-4.

4.2.3 Zapata’s Model Validation Analysis

In order to validate the model, the Fredlund & Xing, 1994, model was

fitted to the matric suction data for each soil in the database. A comparative

analysis was developed between the SWCCs fitted to the measured data and the

SWCCs obtained with the models developed by Zapata, 1999. In order to estimate

the errors, the measured volumetric water content, m, was compared with the

estimated volumetric water content, p, by using Zapata’s model. The analysis

was performed by comparing these values at different suction values. In this

manner, it was possible to assess the behavior of the model in a wide range of


The results of the error were assessed for both plastic and non-plastic

soils. The results are shown in Table 4-1.

Predicted SWCC based on D60




Degree of Saturation
D60=0.1 mm

0.2 D60=1 mm

Figure 4-3. Family of SWCC’s for Non-Plastic Soils

0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000
Matric Suction (kPa)
wPI =
0.6 wPI=

0.5 0 .1


0.3 D 60 = D 60 =

Degree of Saturation, S
1 mm 0 .1 mm
0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000
Matric Suction (kPa)

Figure 4-4. Combined Family of SWCC for both Plastic and Non-plastic Soils
Table 4-1. Comparative Analysis of Errors for SWCCs

Analysis for Non Plastic Soils

Parameter ψ = 1 kpa ψ = 10 kpa ψ = 100 kpa ψ = 1,000 kpa ψ = 10,000 kpa

n 4,518 4,518 4,518 4,518 4,518

ealg 26.88 67.84 62.18 61.00 59.05

eabs 38.22 73.80 68.62 68.70 69.23

Se/Sy 0.93 1.35 0.57 0.46 0.42

R 0.1271 -0.8119 0.6800 0.7872 0.8225

Analysis for Plastic Soils

Parameter ψ = 1 kpa ψ = 10 kpa ψ = 100 kpa ψ = 1,000 kpa ψ = 10,000 kpa

n 30,672 30,672 30,672 30,672 30,672

ealg -8.05 -30.89 -38.59 -24.71 -20.67

eabs 8.08 31.76 40.24 35.04 40.57

Se/Sy 0.42 1.16 1.01 0.63 0.62

R 0.8262 -0.3503 -0.0248 0.6002 0.6110

Figures 4-5 through 4-9 show the plots measured versus predicted

volumetric water content for plastic soils. These plots correspond to comparisons

made at suctions of 1 kPa, 10 kPa, 100 kPa, 1,000 kPa, and 10,000 kPa,


Figure 4-5. Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on Zapata’s

Model - Plastic Soils (Suction 1 kPa)

Figure 4-6. Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on Zapata’s

Model - Plastic Soils (Suction 10 kPa)

Figure 4-7. Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on Zapata’s

Model - Plastic Soils (Suction 10 kPa)

Figure 4-8. Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on Zapata’s

Model - Plastic Soils (Suction 10 kPa)

Figure 4-9. Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on Zapata’s

Model - Plastic Soils (Suction 10 kPa)

Figures 4-10 through 4-14 show the plots of measured versus predicted

water content for non-plastic soils. These plots were developed for suctions of 1

kPa, 10 kPa, 100 kPa, 1,000 kPa, and 10,000 kPa.

Figure 4-10. Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on Zapata’s

Model for Non–Plastic Soils (Suction 1 kPa)

Figure 4-11. Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on Zapata’s

Model for Non–Plastic Soils (Suction 10 kPa)

Figure 4-12. Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on Zapata’s

Model for Non–Plastic Soils (Suction 100 kPa)

Figure 4-13. Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on Zapata’s

Model for Non–Plastic Soils (Suction 1,000 kPa)

Figure 4-14. Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on Zapata’s

Model for Non–Plastic Soils (Suction 10,000 kPa)

4.3 Validating the MEPDG Model (Witczak et al, 2006)

The model developed under the NCHRP 1-40D project made used of a

database of 217 data points; 154 data points corresponded to non-plastic soils and

63 corresponded to plastic soils. These data were obtained by combining the soil

used by Zapata in 1999 and a database obtained under the NCHRP 9-23 project

titled Environmental Effects in Pavement Mix and Structural Design Systems,

Houston, Mirza, & Zapata (2006).

The development of the SWCC prediction equations presented in the

NCHRP 1-40D project was performed in a similar manner as those developed by

Zapata (1999). However, a greater number of soils were included in an attempt to

find correlations.

From the total database, 52 plastic soils were corrected by volume change.

This correction was necessary because the change in volume due to the suction

applied create errors in the SWCC, especially in the residual condition of the

SWCC (high suction levels) where the function is very sensitive to changes in the

density undergone by plastic soils. The pressure plate used to obtain the SWCC

for these soils allows volume change measurements in the determination of the

SWCC. The density is calculated at each point of the test and, therefore, the

volume change correction is possible.

The procedure used to achieve the volume change correction is not

included in this work, but it was clearly explained in both projects: Zapata, 1999

and NCHRP 9-23 project (Witczak et al., 2006). To estimate the corrected

volumetric water content due to changes in density was given by the following


Gs w
θ w-corr = ....................................................................................(4-17)


w-corr = Corrected volumetric water content

Gs = Specific gravity of solids

w = Gravimetric water content

e = Void ratio

In addition, the NCHRP 1-40D predictive equations did not consider the

effect of hysteresis. This project assumes that the difference between the wetting

curve and the drying curve would be very insignificant. Furthermore, solute

suction is not considered in this project and therefore, only matric suction was


The analysis to predict the set of SWCC parameters was made separately

for plastic soils and non-plastic soils, and the final equations presented in that

project are given in the following section.

4.3.1 Predictive Equations for Fredlund and Xing SWCC

Parameters for Non-Plastic Soils.

For non-plastic soils, the following equations were proposed by Witczak

et al., 2006 (MEPDG model), to find the af parameter:

a f = 1.14a - 0.5 ...................................................................................(4-18)

a = −2.79 − 14.1log( D20 ) − 1.9 ×10−6 P200

+ 7 log( D30 ) + 0.055D100 .....(4-19)


⎡ 40 ⎤
⎢ + log( D60 ) ⎥
⎢⎣ m1 ⎥⎦
D100 = 10 .............................................................................(4-20)

m1 = ..................................................................(4-21)
[log( D90 ) − log( D60 )]

af = SWCC fitting parameter

D20 = Grain diameter corresponding to 20% of passing by weight, in mm

D30 = Grain diameter corresponding to 30% of passing by weight, in mm

D60 = Grain diameter corresponding to 60% of passing by weight, in mm

D90 = Grain diameter corresponding to 90% of passing by weight, in mm

P200 = Percent passing U.S. standard sieve #200

To find the bf parameter:

b f = 0.936b - 3.8 .................................................................................(4-22)


bf = SWCC fitting parameter

D10 = Grain diameter corresponding to 10% of passing by weight, in mm

⎪⎧ ⎡ ⎛ D ⎞⎤ ⎫
1.19 ⎪ 0.1
b = ⎨5.39 − 0.29 ln ⎢ P200 ⎜ 90 ⎟ ⎥ + 3D00.57 + 0.021P200 ⎬ m1 .................(4-23)
⎩⎪ ⎣ ⎝ D10 ⎠ ⎦ ⎭⎪

⎡ −30 ⎤
⎢ + log( D30 ) ⎥
D0 = 10 ⎣ 2 ⎦

m2 = ..................................................................(4-25)
[log( D30 ) − log( D10 )]

To find the cf parameter:

c f = 0.26e0.758c + 1.4 D10 .......................................................................(4-26)


cf = SWCC fitting parameter

⎛ 1 ⎞
c = log ( m1.15
2 ) - ⎜⎜1 − ⎟⎟ ......................................................................(4-27)
⎝ bf ⎠

The SWCC fitting parameter hrf was defined as a constant:

hrf = 100 ..............................................................................................(4-28)

These equations have the following constraints:

If af < 1, then af = 2.25 P2000.5 + 5

0.3 < bf < 4

4.3.2 Predictive Equations for Fredlund and Xing SWCC

Parameters for Plastic Soils.

For plastic soils, the following equations were proposed by Witczak et al.,

2006 (MEPDG model):

a f = 32.835 {ln( wPI )} + 32.438 ..........................................................(4-29)

b f = 1.421( wPI )

c f = −0.2154 {ln( wPI )} + 0.7145 ........................................................(4-31)

hrf = 500 .............................................................................................(4-32)


wPI = weighted Plasticity Index as defined before

The constraints required for these equations are:

If af < 5, then af = 5

If cf < 0.01, then cf = 0.03

For the special case where wPI is less than 2 for plastic soils, a weighted

average is used for the af parameter. For af parameter the following model was


af avg = a fn +
( )
a fp − a fn ...........................................................(4-33)


af avg = af average

afn = af value using the model for non-plastic soils

afp = af value using the model for plastic soils

For the parameter bf, cf, and hrf equations 4-30 to 4-32 apply.

4.3.3 MEPDG Model Validation Analysis.

Similar to the analysis used in the validation of Zapata’s model, the

validation of the MEPDG models was performed by a comparative analysis

between the measured volumetric water content and the predicted. The measured

volumetric water content were found by fitting the Fredlund & Xing, 1994, model

to measured data. Several suction values that cover a wide range of suctions were

chosen for the comparison with the predicted volumetric water content. The

statistical equations 4-12 through 4-16, presented previously, were used for the

error analysis.

The results of the error analysis were independently evaluated for non-

plastic and plastic soils. The results are shown in Tables 4-2 and 4-3, respectively.

Table 4-2. Error Analysis for Non-Plastic Soils

Parameter ψ = 1 kpa ψ = 10 kpa ψ = 100 kpa ψ = 1,000 kpa ψ = 10,000 kpa

n 4,487 4,487 4,487 4,487 4,487

ealg 4.38 4.86 -30.54 -22.07 -11.02

eabs 15.92 30.87 62.08 66.17 70.56

Se/Sy 0.63 1.21 1.38 1.24 1.21

R 0.5971 -0.4666 -0.9105 -0.5284 -0.4528

Table 4-3. Error Analysis for Plastic Soils

Parameter ψ = 1 kpa ψ = 10 kpa ψ = 100 kpa ψ = 1,000 kpa ψ = 10,000 kpa

n 30,561 30,561 30,561 30,561 30,561

ealg -5.08 -23.57 -45.27 -47.27 -46.83

eabs 7.62 28.19 58.80 74.54 81.67

Se/Sy 0.41 1.10 1.60 1.56 1.43

R 0.8329 -0.2008 -1.5690 -1.4296 -1.0584

Figures 4-15 through 4-19 show the plots of measured versus predicted

volumetric water content for plastic soils. These plots represent comparisons at

suctions of 1 kPa, 10 kPa, 100 kPa, 1,000 kPa, and 10,000 kPa.

Figure 4-15. Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on MEPDG

Model for Plastic Soils (Suction 1 kPa)

Figure 4-16. Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on MEPDG

Model for Plastic Soils (Suction 10 kPa)

Figure 4-17. Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on MEPDG

Model for Plastic Soils (Suction 100 kPa)

Figure 4-18. Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on MEPDG

Model for Plastic Soils (Suction 1,000 kPa)

Figure 4-19. Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on MEPDG

Model for Plastic Soils (Suction 10,000 kPa)

Figures 4-20 through 4-24 show the plots Measured versus Predicted for

non-plastic soils. These plots were developed for suctions of 1, 10, 100, 1,000,

and 10,000 kPa. In this way, it is possible to evaluate the range of suctions.

Figure 4-20. Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on MEPDG

Model for Non–Plastic Soils (Suction 1 kPa)

Figure 4-21. Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on MEPDG

Model for Non–Plastic Soils (Suction 10 kPa)

Figure 4-22. Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on MEPDG

Model for Non–Plastic Soils (Suction 100 kPa)

Figure 4-23. Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on MEPDG

Model for Non–Plastic Soils (Suction 1,000 kPa)

Figure 4-24. Measured vs. Predicted Volumetric Water Content based on MEPDG

Model for Non–Plastic Soils (Suction 10,000 kPa)

4.4 Summary

Table 4-1 shows the errors found for the validation of Zapata’s models for

plastic and non-plastic soils. The validation was performed at different suction

levels: 1, 10,100, 1,000 and 10,000 kPa. For non-plastic soils, the R2 values

ranged between 68% and 82%. Relatively good predicted water contents were

found for suction values higher than 100 kPa. For plastic soils, the highest R2

(82%) was found at suction values lower than 1 kPa and relatively acceptable R2

(60%) was found for suction values higher than 1,000 kPa.

The figures 4-5 through 4-14 show the graphs Measured versus Predicted

of volumetric water content values for granular and fine-grained soils separately.

These figures include all the predicted volumetric water contents obtained at 1,

10, 100, 1,000 and 10,000 kPa of suction. The error analyses for these figures are

summarized in Table 4-1.

Figure 4-25 and 4-26 show the measured versus predicted volumetric

water content values obtained by using the model proposed by Zapata, 1999, for

plastic and non-plastic soils, respectively. These figures include all the predicted

water contents estimated at suctions of 1, 10, 100, 1,000 and 10,000 kPa. For

plastic soils, the model developed by Zapata, 1999, although it presented an

overall R2 of 0.70, it was found to be biased towards overprediction for most of

the data points. For non-plastic soils, the Zapata’s model presents a different

behavior, in which most of the data points were underpredicted and yielded a low

overall R2 value of 0.40.

In general, the models proposed by Zapata, 1999, present acceptable errors

considering that it was developed 10 years ago with few data points, when

compared to the vast database used in this project.

Tables 4-2 and 4-3 show the error analysis performed for the MEPDG

models for non-plastic and plastic soils, respectively. For non-plastic soils, an R2

value of 60%, which was considered to be acceptable, was found only for suctions

values lower than 1 kPa. Similarly, for plastic soils, the highest R2 value (83%)

was found for suction values lower than 1 kPa.

The figures 4-15 through 4-24 show the graphs Measured versus Predicted

of volumetric water content values for granular and fine-grained soils separately.

These figures include all the predicted volumetric water contents obtained at 1,

10, 100, 1,000 and 10,000 kPa of suction. The error analyses for these figures are

summarized in Table 4-1.

Figures 4-27 and 4-28 show the measured versus predicted volumetric

water content values obtained by using the MEPDG model for plastic and non-

plastic soils, respectively. These figures include all the predicted water contents

obtained at 1, 10, 100, 1,000 and 10,000 kPa of suction. It was observed that for

plastic soils, the volumetric water content was consistently overestimated and

yielded an R2 of 0.49. However, for non-plastic soils, the MEPDG model

presented an acceptable prediction of volumetric water content with an R2 value

equal to 0.91.

In general the MEPDG models presented acceptable estimations

considering the amount of data analyzed. The MEPDG model can be considered

to be a better model for non-plastic soils, while the model proposed by Zapata,

1999 can be considered to perform better for fine-grained materials.

Measured vs Predicted θw for Plastic Soils - Zapata, 1999's Model





20 n = 30,672
Se/Sy = 0.55

Zapata Model for Plastic Soils

R2 = 0.70

Predicted Volumetric Water Content


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Measured Volumetric Water Content

Figure 4-25 Measured versus Predicted Volumetric Water Content Using

Measured vs Predicted θw for Non-Plastic Soils - Zapata, 1999's Model

n = 4,518
35 Se/Sy = 0.78
R2 = 0.40





Predicted Volumetric Water Content

Zapata Model for Non-Plastic Soils


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Measured Volumetric Water Content

Figure 4-26 Measured versus Volumetric Water Content Using

Measured vs Predicted θw for Plastic Soils - Witczak, 2006's Model




n = 30,561

MEPDG Model for Plastic Soils

Se / Sy = 0.71
R2 = 0.49

Predicted Volumetric Water Content

0 10 20 30 40 50
Measured Volumetric Water Content

Figure 4-27 Measured versus Predicted Volumetric Water Content Using

Measured vs Predicted θw for Non-Plastic Soils - Witczak, 2006's Model



n = 4,487
Se / Sy = 0.30
10 R2 = 0.91

MEPDG Model for Non-Plastic Soils

Predicted Volumetric Water Content
0 10 20 30 40 50
Measured Volumetric Water Content

Figure 4-28 Measured versus Predicted Volumetric Water Content Using



5.1 Overview

The purpose of Chapter 5 is to propose an improved set of models for the

SWCC parameters based on the equation given by Fredlund and Xing in 1994.

This equation was shown in terms of volumetric water content in Chapter 2

(equation 2-12 and 2-13), but for other engineering purposes it can also be

expressed in terms of degree of saturation as follows:

 
 
  ψ   
 ln1 +  
θw   hr  1 
S (%) = = 1−   ............................(5-1)
θs  
 1,000,000     bf
 

 ln1 +    ψ 
  hr   ln e +  a 

 
   f   
   


S(%) = Degree of Saturation, in Percentage

ψ = Matric Suction in kPa

a f , b f , c f , h r = SWCC Fitting Parameters

θ w = Volumetric Water Content

θ s = Saturated Volumetric Water Content

The parameters a f , b f , c f and ψ r were estimated, based on non-linear

regression analysis, from laboratory measured values of suction and volumetric

water content as indicated in Chapter 3 - Database Collection. The effect of the

hysteresis is not considered in this analysis. Hysteresis is important in cases when

the soil has air trapped or when the structure of the soil (pores and connectivity

between pores) permits a different behavior of the soil under drying or wetting

conditions. The data collected in this study was obtained from pressure plates,

which is usually tested under drying conditions. The database used consisted of

36,394 soils obtained from the National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)

to work on a new model. 31,876 corresponding to plastic soils, 4,518 of non–

plastic soils and 68 soils did not have enough information to be classified or


The analysis was developed separately for plastic soils (fine grained soils)

with wPI greater than zero and non–plastic soils (granular soils) with wPI equal to

zero. The concept of wPI (previously explained) is a geotechnical expression

where the Plasticity Index and the Gradation are directly involved in the analysis.

The Weighted Plasticity Index usually called wPI is expressed as follows:

P200 × PI
wPI = ....................................................................................(5-2)


P 200 = Material Passing # 200 US Standard Sieve, in Percentage

PI = Plasticity Index, in Percentage

Once the database was divided according to wPI, the next step was to select soil

properties most related to the moisture retention characteristic for each group of

soils. This analysis was based on published work compile from several authors.

The properties assessed by Zapata, 1999, Witczak et al. 2006, and some other

studies by Fredlund, served as basis for the preliminary election of the properties.

For plastic soils, the properties considered into the analysis were: Group

Index, the gradation available (percent passing #4, #10, #40, and #200), the total

percent of clay (% of soil finer than 0.002 mm), Liquid limit, Plasticity Index and

wPI. For non–plastic soils, the properties collected were the Group Index, the

gradation (percent passing #4, #10, #40, and #200), the particle sizes (D 10 , D 20 ,

D 30 , D 60 , D 90 ), and the shape parameters C u and C c . For both sets, volumetric

water content values at 0.1, 0.33 and 15 bars of suction were available.

Group Index, GI, is an engineering parameter associated with AASHTO

classification and used extensively for the analysis of pavement subgrades. The

Group Index expression combines two important soil properties: gradation and

consistency. The Group Index is expressed as:

GI = (P200 − 35)[0.2 + 0.005(LL − 40 )] + 0.01(P200 − 15)(PI − 10 ) ...........(5-3)


P 200 = Percent Material Passing # 200 US Standard Sieve

LL = Liquid Limit

PI = Plasticity Index = LL – PL

On the other hand, the Weighted Plasticity Index or wPI, is a geotechnical

property defined by Zapata, 1999 and shown in the Equation 5-2, which presents

a narrow similarity with the Group Index. Both factors, wPI and GI, are functions

of gradation (P 200 ) and consistency limits (LL and PL). Despite of this similarity

and the close correlation between them, both indexes were considered in the

statistical analysis of fine–grained soils. It is important to recognize that the

Group Index is a factor that is easily recognized by the pavement design

community and therefore, it is a good candidate for the application into the

SWCC equation included into the MEPDG. The assessment of the predicted

values versus the measured values was performed based on an “Error Analysis”,

(Zapata & Houston, 2008). The new models were analyzed through the following

statistical concepts:

Absolute Mean Error, e abs . This concept indicates how the predicted

values are dispersed about the best fitting curve.

100 ∑
(y m − yp )
eabs = ...............................................................(5-4)


y m = Measured value

y p = Predicted value

n = Number of data points

Algebraic Mean Error, e alg , indicates how well the curve fit is centered on

the data. A low value of e alg indicates a prediction well centered and with a very

little bias. The sign of this factor describes the direction of the bias.

100 ∑
(y m − yp )
ea lg = ...............................................................(5-5)


y m = measured value

y p = predicted value

n = number of data points

Standard Error Divided by the Standard Deviation, S e /S y . This ratio is an

expression describing how spread out the data is,

∑( y m − y p )

Se = ....................................................................(5-6)
n− p

∑( y m − y m )
Sy = ...................................................................(5-7)
n −1

p = number of parameters associated with the proposed functions

y m = average of measured values

The Adjusted Coefficient of Determination, R2 (adjusted). This coefficient

defines how well the regressed predicted function approaches the measured data


S 
R ( Adjusted ) = 1 −  e  ......................................................................(5-8)
S 
 y

As an overview, the procedure followed to find the new SWCC model is:

1. The database was classified according to the wPI property. Those soils

with wPI>o were considered plastic soils, while the soils with wPI=0 were

considered non–plastic.

2. For each type of soil, the measured SWCC parameters were treated as

dependent variables and correlated with all the soil properties affecting the SWCC

(independent variables). Arithmetic functions were considered as well as

transformed functions, including squared values, log arithmetic values, natural

log, arithmetic values and powered functions.

3. Each SWCC parameter was subjected to a statistical non–linear

regression analysis against all possible combination of parameters. The adjusted

R–square value, the algebraic mean error, the absolute mean error, the standard

errors and the standard deviation were computed for each analysis.

4. Based on statistical, geotechnical and applicability considerations, the

best model was chosen for each SWCC parameter.

5. Each Measured fitting parameter was compared to the Predicted value.

6. The predicted degree of saturation was obtained by fitting the predicted

SWCC parameter to the Fredlund & Xing function.

7. Final model for plastic and non-plastic soil were proposed.

5.2 Database and Descriptive Statistics

From a total of 36,462 data, 36,394 soils or items were available for this

project. Table 5-1 and Figure 5-1show the number of data points available for

each type of soil. Most of the soils were found to be fine grained soils (classified

from A-4 to A-7-6). In total, the database available consisted of 31,876 plastic

soils (wPI > 0) and 4,518 non–plastic soils (wPI = 0).

Table 5-1. Database Available for Each Type of Soil

Type of Soil Data Available

A-1-a 445
A-1-b 1335
A-2-4 4256
A-2-5 28
A-2-6 878
A-2-7 283
A-4 12611
A-5 174
A-6 6237
A-7-5 799
A-7-6 4830


















Figure 5-1. Graphical Representation of the Database Available for Each Type of


A descriptive statistical analysis was performed on the available database for this

project. The descriptive statistical analysis allowed for the preliminary assessment

of the central tendency and variability of the database. This analysis was

developed initially for the entire database, and included each soil property

collected. Table 5-2 summarizes the data found for each parameter and includes

the average, maximum, minimum value, as well as the median, mode, and

standard deviation. The same analysis for selected parameters was developed

separately for plastic and non–plastic soils and the results are shown on Tables 5-

4 and 5-5. Only 12% of the items have available data for the volumetric water

content at 10 kPa of suction, this created a problem because only two measure

points were available to estimate the soil–water characteristic curve. However, in

addition to these two points, the extremes of the SWCC function could be

defined. For 100% of saturation or at very low suction the saturated volumetric

water content was available. Also, a suction of 1,000,000 kPa can be assumed at

zero degree of saturation (Fredlund & Xing, 1994). In this way, the regression

analysis considered four points and in some instances, five points. A descriptive

statistical analysis is presented in table 5.3 for selected properties. It can be seen

that the property values cover a wide range of values.

Statistical Group Passing Passing Passing Passing Passing Liquid Plasticity wPI
Parameter Index #4 #10 #40 #200 0.002 mm Limit Index
Mean 5.7 84.6 80.0 69.4 51.4 21.4 32.0 10.3 6.8
Median 1.0 92.5 87.5 72.5 50.0 19.5 30.0 7.5 3.7
Mode 0.0 100.0 100.0 95.0 42.5 15.0 25.0 2.5 0.0
Standard Deviation 9.4 18.3 20.8 22.2 24.7 13.2 12.2 9.7 8.3
Sample Variance 88.3 335.5 433.7 493.5 611.0 175.4 149.9 95.0 68.6

Kurtosis 5.6 0.5 -0.1 -0.7 -1.0 0.7 1.7 2.0 4.2
Skewness 2.3 -1.2 -1.0 -0.6 0.0 1.0 1.1 1.4 2.0
Range 68.0 81.0 87.5 94.0 100.0 89.7 125.0 66.0 58.6
Minimum 0.0 19.0 12.5 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Maximum 68.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 89.7 125.0 66.0 58.6
Count 36,394 36,462 36,462 36,458 36,455 36,461 32,494 36,400 36,394
% data available 99.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 89.1 99.8 99.8
Table 5-2. Descriptive Statistical Analysis on the Entire Database
Soil Property Unit n % Data Max Min Average Median Mode StDev
Top Depth of Layer cm 36,462 100 241 0 28 8 0 39
Bottom Depth of Layer cm 36,462 100 254 2 67 41 152 58
Thickness of the Layer cm 36,462 100 218 2 39 28 20 32
Passing Sieve # 4 % 36,462 100 100 19 85 93 100 18
Passing Sieve # 10 % 36,462 100 100 13 80 88 100 21
Passing Sieve # 40 % 36,458 100 100 6 69 73 95 22
Passing Sieve # 200 % 36,455 100 100 0 51 50 43 25
Passing Sieve 0.002 mm % 36,461 100 90 0 21 20 15 13
Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity µm/s 36,460 100 423 0 21 9 9 30

Volumetric Water Content at Suction 10 kPa % 4,357 12 37 0 15 15 14 5
Volumetric Water Content at Suction 33 kPa % 36,462 100 55 0 21 21 14 9
Soil Properties

Volumetric Water Content at Suction 1500 kPa % 36,462 100 42 0 12 10 7 7

Saturated Volumetric Water Content % 36,462 100 70 10 37 38 41 10
Liquid Limit % 32,494 89 125 0 32 30 25 12
Plasticity Index % 36,400 100 66 0 10 8 3 10
Elevation m 31,708 87 3,963 -5 973 823 305 753
Bedrock Depth - Minimum cm 10,218 28 202 0 54 41 77 36
Water Table Depth - Annual - Minimum cm 10,065 28 168 0 51 46 0 42
Water Table Depth - April - June - Minimum cm 9,363 26 168 0 51 46 0 42
Table 5-3. Descriptive Statistical Analysis on the Entire Database for Selected
Table 5-4. Summary of Descriptive Statistical Analysis on Fine–Grained Soils

Statistical Group Passing Passing Passing Passing Passing Liquid Plasticity wPI
Parameter Index #4 #10 #40 #200 0.002 mm Limit Index
Mean 6.5 85.0 80.6 71.5 55.9 23.6 32.5 11.8 7.7
Median 2.0 92.5 87.5 75.0 55.0 21.5 30.0 9.0 4.5
Mode 0.0 100.0 100.0 95.0 42.5 15.0 25.0 2.5 3.0
Standard Deviation 9.8 17.8 20.3 21.3 22.6 12.6 11.9 9.6 8.4
Sample Variance 95.9 318.6 410.8 453.7 511.2 159.7 141.2 91.2 70.8
Kurtosis 4.6 0.6 0.0 -0.6 -1.0 0.9 1.8 2.0 3.7
Skewness 2.1 -1.3 -1.1 -0.6 0.0 1.0 1.3 1.4 1.9
Range 68.0 81.0 87.5 94.0 100.0 89.7 125.0 66.0 58.6
Minimum 0.0 19.0 12.5 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Maximum 68.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 89.7 125.0 66.0 58.6
Count 31,876 31,944 31,944 31,940 31,937 31,943 31,854 31,882 31,876
% data available 99.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.7 99.8 99.8

Table 5-5. Summary of Descriptive Statistical Analysis on Granular Soils

Statistical Group Passing Passing Passing Passing Passing Liquid Plasticity wPI
Parameter Index #4 #10 #40 #200 0.002 mm Limit Index
Mean 0.3 81.9 76.0 54.5 19.7 5.8 9.2 0.0 0.0
Median 0.0 92.5 87.5 55.0 17.5 5.5 7.0 0.0 0.0
Mode 0.0 100.0 100.0 60.0 20.0 2.5 7.0 0.0 0.0
Standard Deviation 0.5 21.1 24.0 22.9 12.9 3.2 7.2 0.0 0.0
Sample Variance 0.2 446.2 578.0 522.3 166.4 10.0 51.4 0.0 0.0
Kurtosis 29.2 -0.2 -0.8 -1.0 3.9 2.9 1.9 4,518.0 -
Skewness 2.6 -1.0 -0.8 0.0 1.6 1.2 0.9 67.2 -
Range 9.0 80.0 87.5 92.5 95.0 32.0 55.0 1.0 0.0
Minimum 0.0 20.0 12.5 7.5 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
Maximum 9.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 95.0 32.5 55.0 1.0 0.0
Count 4,518 4,518 4,518 4,518 4,518 4,518 640 4,518 4,518
% data available 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 14.2 100.0 100.0

5.3 Correlations

5.3.1 Correlations for Fine Grained Soils.

There are several computer programs to statistically analyze the database.

In this work, Microsoft® Excel, Statistica®5.5 and Minitab®15 were employed.

There are advantages and disadvantages associated with each program, but all of

them were used to complement, calculate, find better model predictors and check

the results. These programs were employed to calculate the descriptive statistical

parameters such as the average (arithmetic mean), the median, the mode, the

standard deviation, the variance, the kurtosis, and the skewness. These programs

were also used to define the possible statistical correlations between the SWCC

parameters and the variables or soil properties considered in the analysis, to find

the best predictors and finally to define the best models.

Table 5-6. Correlation Matrix for Fine–Grained Soils

Variables af bf cf hr
Group Index 0.061 0.045 -0.031 0.208
Ln(GI+1) 0.098 0.013 -0.041 0.164
LnGI+1^2 0.081 0.032 -0.035 0.196
Ln(GI+e) 0.093 0.020 -0.039 0.178
LnGI+e^2 0.082 0.031 -0.036 0.195
sieveno4 0.024 0.004 -0.016 0.059
LnP4 0.023 0.003 -0.016 0.054
sieve10 0.028 0.005 -0.016 0.065
LnP10 0.028 0.003 -0.016 0.059
sieve40 0.057 0.012 -0.015 0.087
LnP40 0.053 0.008 -0.015 0.076
sieve200 0.088 0.024 -0.010 0.111
LnP200 0.086 0.017 -0.010 0.094
LnP200^2 0.088 0.020 -0.010 0.100
clay.002 0.063 0.023 -0.051 0.201
Lnclay 0.071 -0.006 -0.058 0.158
Lnclay^2 0.071 0.003 -0.058 0.175
ll_r 0.056 0.032 -0.039 0.197
pi_r 0.074 0.030 -0.042 0.202
clayPI 0.047 0.053 -0.034 0.222
wPI 0.072 0.041 -0.034 0.207
wPI^-2 -0.020 0.003 0.003 -0.019
wPI^-1 -0.068 0.008 0.023 -0.065
wPI^-0.5 -0.093 0.005 0.035 -0.105

Table 5-6. Correlation Matrix for Fine–Grained Soils (Cont’d)

Variables af bf cf hr
wPI^0.5 0.092 0.024 -0.040 0.187
wPI^2 0.032 0.059 -0.023 0.203
LogwPI 0.101 0.007 -0.041 0.150
LogwPI^2 0.090 0.027 -0.039 0.193
P200LogwPI 0.094 0.022 -0.034 0.168
LnwPI 0.101 0.007 -0.041 0.150
LnwPI^2 0.090 0.027 -0.039 0.193
P200/PI -0.043 0.028 0.058 -0.084
PI/P200 0.033 0.005 -0.038 0.116
P200^2PI 0.063 0.046 -0.029 0.203
P200PI^2 0.039 0.057 -0.025 0.209
ksat_r -0.082 -0.006 0.008 -0.065
D10 -0.019 -0.003 -0.005 -0.007
D20 -0.018 -0.002 -0.001 -0.013
D30 -0.018 0.000 0.004 -0.018
D60 -0.006 -0.002 0.008 -0.028
D90 -0.023 -0.003 0.012 -0.044
D100 -0.003 0.002 -0.003 0.001
Cu 0.009 -0.005 0.003 -0.021
Cc -0.007 -0.002 0.002 -0.010
af 1.000 0.094 0.011 -0.046
bf 0.094 1.000 0.934 -0.009
cf 0.011 0.934 1.000 -0.006
hr -0.046 -0.009 -0.006 1.000

The values for the correlations obtained in Table 5-6 are considered low.

Low correlation is caused usually by the high variability of the data. Some of the

reasons of this variability were presented in Chapter 3.

Based on the results presented in Table 5-6, the parameter a f (related to

the air entry value) presented the highest correlation (although poor) with the wPI

and Group Index. The parameter b f presented the best correlation when related

with the parameter a f , while the parameter c f presented a very good correlation

with b f . Finally, the parameter h r showed some correlation with several variables,

but in all cases yielded poor results.

This type of situation is analyzed by several researchers in different ways.

For this particular work, the SWCC parameters for plastic soils were organized

according to the wPI. The data points were grouped by taking 300 consecutive

data points. A moving average and the median were calculated for each sub–

group. These two statistical properties defined proper values to represent every

sub–group of data. This procedure was used for each variable, except for the

Group Index, in which case the sub–groups were formed by the group index


5.3.2 Correlations for Granular Soils.

In order to find the correlation matrix for granular or non-plastic material,

the same considerations applied to the analysis done for fine–grained soil were

use; however, the variables considered in the analysis were different. For these

soils, the grain-size distribution parameter such as particle sizes, percent passing,

the coefficient of uniformity, Cu, and the coefficient of curvature, Cc, were

considered. Table 5-7 shows the correlation matrix for non-plastic material.

The parameter a f shows the best correlation when related with the percent

passing #200 (P 200 ). Parameter b f shows a significant correlation with parameters

a f and c f . Parameter c f presents some correlation with P 200 , Particle Size D 10 and

D 90 , and showed to be inversely proportional to b f parameter.

In summary, the results from the correlation matrix for granular material

showed that the SWCC fitting parameters are not independent for each other.

Table 5-7. Correlation Matrix for Granular Soils

Variables af bf cf hr
Group Index 0.135 0.081 0.032 -0.021
Ln(GI+1) 0.170 0.097 0.041 -0.027
LnGI+1^2 0.124 0.075 0.029 -0.019
Ln(GI+e) 0.163 0.094 0.039 -0.026
LnGI+e^2 0.148 0.087 0.035 -0.023
sieveno4 -0.230 -0.056 -0.170 0.021
Log P4 -0.224 -0.068 -0.153 0.016
LnP4 -0.224 -0.068 -0.153 0.016
sieve10 -0.227 -0.057 -0.181 0.021
Log P10 -0.223 -0.074 -0.162 0.016
LnP10 -0.223 -0.074 -0.162 0.016
sieve40 -0.219 -0.086 -0.166 0.022
Log P40 -0.231 -0.103 -0.152 0.018
LnP40 -0.231 -0.103 -0.152 0.018

Table 5-7. Matrix of Correlation for Granular Soils (Cont’d)

Variables af bf cf hr
sieve200 -0.199 -0.249 0.047 -0.014
P200^ 0.5 0.318 0.281 0.035 -0.010
P200^2 -0.087 -0.188 0.088 -0.025
P200^3 -0.019 -0.141 0.102 -0.030
P200^4 0.016 -0.110 0.104 -0.032
Log P200 -0.307 -0.288 -0.016 0.003
Log P200^2 -0.277 -0.279 0.005 -0.004
LnP200 -0.297 -0.285 -0.008 0.000
LnP200^2 -0.271 -0.277 0.009 -0.005
ll_r -0.144 -0.059 -0.092 0.005
pi_r 0.039 0.038 -0.006 -0.004
ksat_r 0.177 0.209 -0.040 -0.018
D10 0.207 0.221 0.023 -0.011
Log D10 0.232 0.229 -0.002 -0.034
Ln D10 0.232 0.229 -0.002 -0.034
D20 0.202 0.177 0.048 -0.011
Log D20 0.192 0.229 -0.059 -0.014
Ln D20 0.192 0.229 -0.059 -0.014
D30 0.192 0.132 0.054 -0.008
Log D30 0.166 0.179 -0.025 -0.003
Ln D30 0.166 0.179 -0.025 -0.003
D60 0.181 0.060 0.103 -0.005
Log D60 0.186 0.093 0.108 0.004
Ln D60 0.186 0.093 0.108 0.004
D90 0.210 0.066 0.129 -0.011
D90/D10 -0.025 -0.137 0.182 -0.011
P200 * D90 -0.016 -0.139 0.197 -0.019
Log D90 0.220 0.048 0.175 -0.028
Ln D90 0.220 0.048 0.175 -0.028
D100 -0.043 -0.028 -0.016 0.014
Cu -0.043 -0.104 0.102 0.002
Log Cu -0.123 -0.170 0.061 0.035
Ln Cu -0.123 -0.170 0.061 0.035
Cc -0.142 -0.094 -0.051 0.036
Log Cc -0.097 -0.017 -0.102 0.029
af 1.000 0.704 -0.028 -0.121
bf 0.704 1.000 -0.464 -0.108
cf -0.028 -0.464 1.000 0.067
hr -0.121 -0.108 0.067 1.000

5.4 Physical Significance of SWCC Parameters

It is important to understand the effect of each parameter into the shape of

the SWCC given by Fredlund and Xing, 1994 (see equation 5-1). A sensibility

analysis of each fitting parameter on the shape of the SWCC function I depicted

in Figures 5-2 through 5-5.

Figure 5-2 shows four SWCCs, where the parameters b f , c f and h r are

fixed while the parameter a f is varying. This parameter a f is associated with the

initial break of the SWCC, commonly known as the air–entry value. At this point,

the air starts entering the soil filling up the larger pores. As the a f parameter

increases, the matric suction increase. Fine grained soils have higher air–entry

values than granular material, and therefore, fine grained soils require more

pressure than granular soils to remove the same amount of water. It should also be

notice that the suction at the inflection point correspond to the parameter a f . This

is an important observation because historically a f has been related to the air entry

value and not with the inflection point of the SWCC.

In Figure 5-3 the parameter b f varies while the other parameters remain

fixed. This graph clearly shows that b f parameter is intimately related with the

slope of the SWCC. The higher the bf value, the steeper the SWCC becomes.

In Figure 5-4 the parameters a f , b f and h r are fixed while the parameter c f

changes. It can be observed that the parameter c f is related to the parameter b f ;

because the slope of the SWCC is steeper as C f increases. Furthermore, the


af = 500 Parameters
af varies
bf = 1
70 cf = 2
af = 100 hr = 500

af = 10 af = 1.0
af = 10
af = 1.0 af = 100
af = 500

0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000
Matric Suction, kPa

Degree of Saturation, %

Figure 5-2. Changes in the SWCC Shape Due to Changes in the a f Parameter

80 af =10
bf varies
70 cf = 2
hr = 500

50 bf = 0.5

bf = 0.5 bf = 1.0
40 bf = 2
bf = 5
bf = 1

10 bf = 2
bf = 5
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000
Matric Suction, kPa

Degree of Saturation, %

Figure 5-3. Changes in the SWCC Shape Due to Changes in the b f Parameter
90 Parameters
80 af =10
bf =1
cf varies
70 hr = 500

50 cf = 0.5

cf = 0.5
40 cf = 1
cf = 1
30 cf = 2
20 cf = 2
cf = 500
10 cf = 500

0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000
Matric Suction, kPa

Degree of Saturation, %

Figure 5-4. Changes in the SWCC Shape Due to Changes in the c f Parameter

hr = 500 Parameters
80 af =10
hr = 10 bf =1
70 cf = 2
hr varies
hr = 1
50 hr = 0.1

hr = 0.1
hr = 1.0
hr = 10
hr = 500

0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000
Matric Suction, kPa

Degree of Saturation, %

Figure 5-5. Changes in the SWCC Shape Due to Changes in the h r Parameter
residual degree of saturation decreases as c f parameter increases. Finally, Figure

5-5 shows the variation of the SWCC Shape when hr parameter varies while a f ,

b f , and c f remains constant. It can be seen that the sensibility of the SWCC due to

changes in the hr parameter is relatively low when compared to the changes

observed due to the variation of the other parameters.

5.5 SWCC Prediction Models for Fine–Grained Soils

Table 5-8 presents a summary of the models proposed for the SWCC

parameters for fine–grained soils. A detailed process of how the models were

obtained is presented in the next four sections.Briefly, the process used to find

models is as follows. This process was used, in general to find the models for the

four SWCC parameters, a f , b f , c f and h r :

Step 1. Choosing the Best Predictors: Based on the results obtained with

the correlation matrix, the best predictions were chosen to be correlated with the

SWCC fitting parameter. The database was sorted by the best predictor from the

lowest value to the highest value. The data points were grouped by taking 300

consecutive data points. Either the average or median was chosen to represent the

values of the predictor as well as the value of the fitting parameter.

Step 2. Regression Analysis: The best predictors of each parameter were

then use to regress several models. The statistical package MiniTab® 15 was used

for the analysis. In some instances, the analysis was complemented with features

from Statistica® 5.5 and Microsoft Excel®.

Table 5-8. Proposed Models for the SWCC Parameters for Fine–Grained Soils

 
 
 
S (%) = C(ψ ) × 
cf 
Modified    ψ   
 
 ln e +     
Soil-Water Characteristic  
   a   
 
Curve Equation
(Fredlund and Xing, 1994)  ψ 
ln 
1 + h  
C (ψ ) = 1 −  r 

  1,000 ,000 
ln 1 + 
 
  hr 

 2.7 
 0.69− 
SWCC Parameter af, kPa 1+ e 4 − 0.14 GI 
a f = 10 

 0.78 
 6.75 −0.19 GI 
SWCC Parameter bf
b f = 10  1+ e 

SWCC Parameter cf c f = 0.03 + 0.62 × e

(− 0.82 (log a f − 0.57 )2 )

SWCC Parameter hr, kPa hr = 494 +
1 + e (4 − 0.19 GI )

S = Degree of Saturation, %
ψ = Matric Suction, kPa
GI = Group Index

Non–linear regression analyses were performed for each combination of

variables by using the least squared error criterion, in which the sum of the

differences between the squares of measured values and estimated values are

minimized. The regression results yielded the best model. A plot of measured

versus predicted values is presented.

Step 3. Error Analysis: The error analysis was performed by using

equations 5-4 through 5-8 to assess the accuracy of the model proposed. The data

was analyzed and summary tables showing the errors found in each case, were


Step 4. Final Assessment of the SWCC parameters Models: A final

assessment of the validity of the four models proposed (one for each parameter)

was performed. In order to accomplish that, the predicted parameters were applied

to the Fredlund and Xing equation and the predicted degree of saturation was

obtained. This value was compared with the measured degree of saturation.

The following sections detail the steps follow to obtain the models.

5.5.1 Modeling SWCC parameter a f .

Based on the correlation matrix shown in Table 5-6, the Group Index (GI)

and the wPI parameters were chosen as the best predictor of the a f parameter,

despite the low correlation observed. Following the moving average procedure

described above, the data was grouped and the median and mean values were used

in the regression analysis.

Several trial models were analyzed. The models were carefully chosen

based on previous published corrections and the trends observed in the correction

matrix. The mean and the median values were used; but in general, the best

correlations were found to be related to the mean values.

Table 5-9 summarizes the best correlations found out of many trials. In

general, the Group Index showed better performance as predictor than the wPI

value. Also, the logarithmic of a f parameter was found to correlate better than the

arithmetic value.

Based on the results shown in Table 5-9, the model proposed for this

parameter is Model 3.

log(a f ) = 0.69 −
1 + e (4−0.14GI )


GI = Group Index, expressed in Chapter 3, equation 3-7 as follows:

GI=(P 200 -35)[0.2+0.005(LL-40)]+0.01(P 200 -15)(PI-10)


P 200 = Material Passing # 200 US Standard Sieve

LL = Liquid Limit

PI = Plasticity Index

Although this equation has not the best correlation, this model was

selected for two simple reasons. First, the third order polynomial equations given

by models 1 and 2 present maximum and minimum that implies the correlation

will yield the same a f parameter value for different group indexes; and second, the

expressions are rather complicated for the little gained of accuracy.

The plot of the model selected is shown in Figure 5-6. The statistical

analysis yielded the following results:

Number of Data Points, n = 31,835

Absolute Mean Error, e abs = 30.01

Algebraic Mean Error, e alg = -12.19

Standard Error divided by the Standard Deviation, S e /S y = 0.21

Adjusted Coefficient of Determination, R2 (adjusted) = 0.9552

The spreadsheet used to calculate the statistical errors is shown in Figure

5-7. This spreadsheet was used on a check for the R–squared calculation, by using

a similar expression.

To evaluate de goodness of the model proposed (in other words the model

accuracy), the Figure 5-8 present graphically the relationship between the

measured values versus the predicted values.

Table 5-9. Summary of Trials Finding the Best Model (Parameter a f )

# Model Equation R2 Type of Data

3 2
1 log af = 0.00004GI - 0.004GI + 0.041GI + 0.469 0.9633 Average
3 2
2 log af = -0.1964Ln (GI+1) + 0.7766Ln (GI+1) - 0.7248Ln(GI+1) + 0.5549 0.9579 Average

3 log(af) = 0.69-2.7 / (1+EXP(4-0.14GI) 0.9552 Average

4 log(af) = 0.6338-2.6978 / (1+EXP(3.9958-0.1362GI) 0.9549 Average

5 log af = -0.0003GI - 0.0433GI + 0.8487 0.9392 Average
6 log af = -0.5067Ln (GI+1) + 1.5514Ln(GI+1) - 0.2216 0.9094 Average
3 2
7 log af = 0.00004GI - 0.0035GI + 0.0298GI + 0.5147 0.802 Average
8 log af = 0.0003GI - 0.0708GI + 1.0549 0.7628 Average

9 log af = -0.0729Ln3 (GI+1) + 0.0823Ln2 (GI+1) + 0.2902Ln(GI+1) + 0.3281 0.7375 Average

10 log af = -0.4317Ln2 (GI+1) + 1.2851Ln(GI+1) - 0.0623 0.7311 Average

11 log af = 0.00009wPI3 - 0.0074wPI2 + 0.1008wPI + 0.2317 0.6129 Average

12 af = 0.00007GI3 - 0.0045GI2 - 0.0457GI + 4.7922 0.5982 Median

13 log af = 0.00008GI3 - 0.0082GI2 + 0.1591GI + 0.0602 0.5964 Median

14 af = 0.0002GI3 - 0.022GI2 + 0.5614GI + 5.5527 0.5815 Average

15 af = 0.00008wPI3 - 0.0054wPI2 - 0.0081wPI + 4.3602 0.5793 Median

16 af = -9.5517log3 (wPI) + 13.898log2 (wPI) + 3.9952log(wPI) + 1.6786 0.5747 Median

17 af = -0.5543Ln3 (GI+1) + 2.0125Ln2 (GI+1) + 0.6174Ln(GI+1) + 4.1266 0.5684 Average

18 af = 0.0004wPI3 - 0.039wPI2 + 0.9793wPI + 3.1511 0.5615 Average

19 af = 0.0016wPI2 - 0.1746wPI + 5.1796 0.5528 Median

20 af = 0.0016log2 (wPI) - 0.1746log(wPI) + 5.1796 0.5528 Median

Group Index vs Log (af) for Fine-Grained Soils

0.5 log(af) = 0.69 - 2.7 / (1 + EXP(4 - 0.14GI))

R2 = 0.9552
n = 31,835
Se/Sy = 0.21
Log (af) Measured






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Group Index (Measured)

Figure 5-6. Model Predicting Parameter a f for Fine-Grained Soils

2 2
ealg eabs (Sm - Sp) (Sm(avg) - Sp)
Model: ealg = -12.19
log(af) = 0.69 - 2.7 / (1 + exp (4 - 0.14GI)) eabs = 30.01
S= 1.91 42.65
ngroup = 51 51
Checking Calculation p= 1 1
R2 adj = 1-((SSE/(n-p))/(SST/(n-1))) Se = 0.20
Sm(Avrg) -0.4885
SSE = S (Sm - Sp) 1.91 Sy = 0.92

SST = S (Sm(avg) - Sm) 42.65 Se/Sy = 0.21

R2 adj = 0.9552 R2 = 0.9552

Figure 5-7. Spreadsheet Used in Calculating Errors and R2 Values for the a f

Model for Fine–Grained Soils

SWCC Parameter af (Measured vs Predicted)
log(af) = 0.69 - 2.7 / (1 + exp (4 - 0.14GI))
0.5 R2 = 0.9552
n = 31,835
log (af), Predicted

0 Se/Sy = 0.21





-2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
log (af), Measured

Figure 5-8. Measured versus Predicted Analysis for SWCC Parameter a f

5.5.2 Modeling the SWCC parameter b f .

Using the same procedure used for the analysis of parameter a f , the model

obtained for the SWCC parameter b f was based on correlations of this parameter

with the soil properties that were consider the best predictors. Despite the low

correlation observed (see Table 5-5) when the data treated independently,

parameters such as wPI and GI were chosen as the best predictors of the bf

parameter. Table 5-10 summarizes the results of non–linear regressions performed

for several trials. The average values used corresponded to the mean of the values

per Group Index number, in cases where the variable independent was different of

GI the average correspond to the mean of 300 consecutive values, arranged in

increasing order of wPI.

Table 5-10. Summary of Trials Performing in Finding the Best Model for

the Parameter b f for Fine–Grained Soils

# Equation R2 Type of Data

log(bf) = -0.00002wPI + 0.0019wPI2 - 0.0337wPI + 0.1353

1 0.8652 Avg 300 data points

2 log (bf) = 1/(1+EXP(5-(0.125*GI))) 0.8612 Average

3 log (bf) = 0.78/(1+EXP(6.75-(0.19*GI))) 0.8509 Average

4 log(bf) = -0.00003wPI3 + 0.0025wPI2 - 0.0465wPI + 0.1842 0.7890 Average

bf = -0.00002GI + 0.0021GI2 - 0.0392GI + 0.1366

5 0.7677 Average

6 bf = -0.0007wPI3 + 0.0669wPI2 - 1.2122wPI + 7.463 0.6981 Average

7 bf = -0.0006wPI3 + 0.0556wPI2 - 0.8916wPI + 5.9533 0.6358 Avg 300 data points

8 log(bf) = -0.00004wPI3 + 0.0035wPI2 - 0.0663wPI + 0.2656 0.4701 Average

9 bf = -0.001wPI3 + 0.0851wPI2 - 1.471wPI + 8.2345 0.4008 Average

10 log(bf) = -0.00003E-05wPI3 + 0.0033wPI2 - 0.0712wPI + 0.2753 0.3319 Median

11 bf = -0.0007wPI3 + 0.0636wPI2 - 1.3822wPI + 6.5846 0.2285 Median

12 bf = 0.00001af3 - 0.0031af2 + 0.235af + 3.0982 0.0273 Total

The model proposed for this parameter is the Model 3 on Table 5-10:

log(b f ) =
(6.75−0.19 GI ) .........................................................................(5-6)
1+ e

Although this model did not yield the best correlation, it was selected for

two reasons: The third–order polynomial equation, given by trial #1, presents

maximum and minimum values which will yield the same bf parameter for

different wPI values. On the other hand, the second expression (Trial #2) yields

very high values for intermediate values of GI.

The plot of the model selected is shown in Figure 5-9. The statistical

analysis of errors yielded the following values:

Number of Data Points, n = 31,833

Absolute Mean Error, e abs = 21.31

Algebraic Mean Error, e alg = 87.04

Standard Error divided by the Standard Deviation, S e /S y = 0.39

Adjusted Coefficient of Determination, R2 (adjusted) = 0.8509

The spreadsheet used to calculate the statistical errors is shown in Figure

5-10. This spreadsheet allows for the check of the R–squared calculation by using

a similar expression than that used by Statistica®.

Figure 5-11 presents the relationship between the measured b f parameters

and the predicted values. This figure allows evaluating the goodness of the fit or

accuracy of the model proposed for the b f parameter.

Group Index vs Log (bf) for Fine-Grained Soils

1 log (bf) = 0.78/(1+EXP(6.75-(0.19*GI)))

R2 = 0.8509
n = 31,833
Log (bf) (Measured)

0.75 Se/Sy = 0.39



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Group Index (Measured)

Figure 5-9. Model Predicting Parameter b f for Fine–Grained Soils

ealg eabs (Sm - Sp)2 (Sm(avg) - Sp)2

Model: ealg = 21.31
log (bf) = 0.78/(1+EXP(6.75-(0.19*GI))) eabs = 87.04
S= 1.09 7.32
ngroup = 58 58
Checking Calculation p= 1 1
R2 adj = 1-((SSE/(n-p))/(SST/(n-1))) Se = 0.14
Sm(Avrg) 0.3060
SSE = S (Sm - Sp) 1.09 Sy = 0.36

SST = S (Sm(avg) - Sm) 7.32 Se/Sy = 0.39

R2 adj = 0.8509 R2 = 0.8509

Figure 5-10. Spreadsheet Used in Calculating Errors and R2 Values for the b f

Model for Fine–Grained Soils

SWCC Parameter bf (Measured vs Predicted)
log (bf) = 0.78/(1+EXP(6.75-(0.19*F3)))
1.2 R2 = 0.8509
n = 31,833
1 Se/Sy = 0.39
log (bf), Predicted





-0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
log (bf), Measured

Figure 5-11. Measured versus Predicted Analysis for SWCC Parameter b f

5.5.3 Modeling SWCC parameter c f .

The trials shown in Table 5-11 reflect some of the attempt to find a good

correlation. As shown by the correlation matrix (Table 5-6), the c f parameter

seem to be highly correlate with parameter b f . However, when the data was

analyzed by the average of 300 consecutive data points, a strong correlation

between the a f and the c f parameter were found; as well as an important

correlation with the GI parameter.

Table 5-11. Summary of Trials Performed in Finding the Best Model for

the Parameter c f for Fine-Grained Soils.

# Equation R2 Type of Data

1 cf=0.08+(0.59*0.94 ) 0.9825 Average per GI

2 cf=0.03+0.62*(exp(1)^(-0.82*((logaf-0.57)^2))) 0.9215 Avg of 300 data

3 cf=0.65*(exp(1)^(-0.65*((logaf-0.58)^2)))) 0.9038 Average

3 2
4 cf = -0.0302log (af) - 0.0992log (af) + 0.1907log(af) + 0.5281 0.8266 Avg of 300 data
3 2
5 cf = 0.0007af - 0.0208af + 0.1651af + 0.2745 0.6777 Avg of 300 data

Based on the results from different trials, the model proposed for the

parameter c f is the Model 2 presented in the Table 5-11:

c f = 0.03 + 0.62 × e
(−0.82 (log a f −0.57 )2 )

Equation 5-7 was selected due to the convenience of being able to

mathematically link the c f parameter with the a f parameter. On the other hand,

equation 5-7 yields an acceptable adjusted R2 value of 0.9215. The plot of the

model selected is shown in Figure 5-12. The statistical analysis of errors yielded

the following:

Number of Data Points, n = 31,520

Absolute Mean Error, e abs = 10.25

Algebraic Mean Error, e alg = -1.41

Standard Error divided by the Standard Deviation, S e /S y = 0.28

Adjusted Coefficient of Determination, R2 (adjusted) = 0.9215

The spreadsheet used to calculate the statistical errors is shown on Figure

5-13. This spreadsheet allows for checking the R–squared calculation using a

similar statistical expression as that used by Statistica®.

To evaluate de goodness of the fit or accuracy of the model proposed, the

measured values were plotted against the predicted values as shown in Figure 5-

14. The fine line shows a linear regression between the measured and predicted

points, which indicates a relative unbiased prediction.

Log (af Parameter) vs Parameter cf for Fine-Grained Soils


0.6 cf=0.03+0.62*(EXP(-0.82*((logaf-0.57)^2)))
Parameter cf, Measured

R2 = 0.9215
0.5 n = 31,520
Se/Sy = 0.28




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
log af - Measured

Figure 5-12. Model Predicting c f Parameter for Fine–Grained Soils

ealg eabs (Sm - Sp)2 (Sm(avg) - Sp)2

Model: ealg = -1.41
cf=0.03+0.62*(EXP(-0.82*((logaf-0.57)^2)) eabs = 10.25
S= 0.23 2.99
ngroup = 107 107
Checking Calculation p= 1 1
R adj = 1-((SSE/(n-p))/(SST/(n-1))) Se = 0.05
Sm(Avrg) 0.5323
SSE = S (Sm - Sp) 0.23 Sy = 0.17

SST = S (Sm(avg) - Sm) 2.99 Se/Sy = 0.28

R2 adj = 0.9215 R2 = 0.9215

Figure 5-13. Spreadsheet Used in Calculating Errors and R2 Values for the c f

Model for Fine–Grained Soils

SWCC Parameter cf (Measured vs Predicted)

0.6 R2 = 0.9215
n = 31,520
Se/Sy = 0.28




,f Predicted Parameter c
0 0.15 0.3 0.45 0.6 0.75
Parameter cf, Measured

Figure 5-14. Measured versus Predicted Analysis for SWCC Parameter c f

5.5.4 Modeling SWCC parameter h r .

Table 5-12 summarizes the regression trials attempted to correlate the hr

parameter with the GI value. Several trials were attempted using the wPI with no

success. The average and media values as well as grouping 300 consecutive data

points were attempted.

Table 5-12. Summary of Trials finding the best model (Parameter h r )

# Equation R2 Type of Data

1 hr = 494 + 660 / (1 + exp(1)^(4 - 0.19GI)) 0.9041 Avg of 300 data

2 hr = -0.0082GI3 + 0.5996GI2 + 4.342GI + 496.67 0.8775 Avg of 300 data

3 hr = -0.0012GI3 + 0.0082GI2 - 0.2679GI + 499.65 0.8392 Avg of 300 data

4 hr = 9.0009GI + 570.31 0.4563 Average

5 hr = 0.0169GI3 - 2.0349GI2 + 65.747GI + 238.02 0.4314 Average

6 hr = 0.1449GI2 - 6.5654GI + 546.35 0.4188 Median

The model proposed for the hr parameter is Model 1 shown in Table 5-12:

hr = 494 + ..........................................................................(5-8)
1 + e (4−0.19GI )

This equation was selected because it has the best coefficient of

determination and behaves asymptotically on the extremes. The plot of the model

selected is shown in Figure 5-15. The statistical analysis of errors yields the

following results:

Number of Data Points, n = 31,839

Absolute Mean Error, e abs = 4.25

Algebraic Mean Error, e alg = -1.39

Standard Error divided by the Standard Deviation, S e /S y = 0.31

Adjusted Coefficient of Determination, R2 (adjusted) = 0.9041

The spreadsheet used to calculate the statistical errors is shown on Figure

5-16. This spreadsheet allows for checking the R–squared calculation using a

similar expression as that used by Statistica®.

To evaluate de goodness of the fit or accuracy of the model proposed for

the hr parameter for fine–grained soils the measured versus the predicted values

were plotted as shown in Figure 5-17. It can be seen that the model is unbiased,

which is reflected in the low e alg found.

Group Index vs SWCC Parameter hr for Fine-Grained Soils






700 hr = 494 + 660 / (1 + EXP(4 - 0.19GI)

R2 = 0.9041
600 n = 31,839
Se/Sy = 0.31

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Group Index - Measured

Figure 5-15. Model Predicting h r Parameter for Fine-Grained Soils

Parameter hr, kPa, M
2 2
ealg eabs (Sm - Sp) (Sm(avg) - Sp)
Model: ealg = -1.39
hr = 494 + 660 / (1 + EXP(4 - 0.19GI) eabs = 4.25
S= 272,094.83 2,837,347.14
ngroup = 107 107
Checking Calculation p= 1 1
R adj = 1-((SSE/(n-p))/(SST/(n-1))) Se = 50.66
Sm(Avrg) 578.2088
SSE = S (Sm - Sp) 272,094.83 Sy = 163.61

2 2
SST = S (Sm(avg) - Sm) 2,837,347.14 Se/Sy = 1 - (Se/Sy) 0.31

2 2
R adj = 0.9041 R = 0.9041

Figure 5-16. Spreadsheet Used in Calculating Errors and R2 Values for the h r

Model for Fine–Grained Soils

SWCC Parameter hr (Measured vs Predicted)



hr = 494 + 660 / (1 + EXP(4 - 0.19GI)
600 R2 = 0.9041
n = 31,839
Se/Sy = 0.31
400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Parameter hr, Measured

Parameter hr, k

Figure 5-17. Measured versus Predicted Analysis for SWCC Parameter h r

A final checking was performed on the database to validate the data information

associated with the plastic limit and saturated volumetric water content.

Figure 5-18 shows the Shrinkage Curve. In this curve are indicated the

limits of consistency when the soil is drying process. The point when immediately

the soil begins the desaturation (or when the curve starts) is considered the plastic

limit. This point is associated with the Air Entry Value (AEV) (Fredlund, et al.,


Figure 5-18 Curve Gravimetric Water Content vs Void Ratio

A statistical analysis of the differences between the plastic limit and the

saturated volumetric water content can be observed in the histogram shown in

Figure 5-19. For plastic soils the values for the saturated volumetric water content

and the plastic limit should be really close.

The statistical analysis was performed on a range of data-points with the

95% of confidence considering a normal distribution like can be observed in

Figure 5-19. The data points out of this range can be considered suspicious and

should not be included in any regression analysis.

A difference between the plastic limit and the saturated volumetric water

content greater than 10 is affecting the validity of the model and makes the fit and

data suspicious. At this point, further attempt to find a better model for plastic

material should be consider the following:

Eliminate soil data that look suspicious. The comparison of plastic soil and

saturated volumetric water content is a starting step that can help in the

elimination process.

The initial SWCC fitting parameters for the Fredlund and Xing model

should be analyzed carefully. a f parameter for plastic materials should be higher

than 10, because a regression analysis with low values of a f create in SWCC a

bimodal shape. A low value of a f force the curve to have an initial decreasing and

the same time to approach to the given points of water content at 33 and 1500

kPa. This effect can be observed in the soil 1 in Figures 5-36 and 5-37

Difference = 100(θsat-PL)/θsat
Mean = 13.8 %
500 n = 30,290 data points
At 95% of Confidence the range

400 is between -88% and 100%




-88 -78 -67 -57 -46 -35 -25 -14 -4 7 17 28 39 49 60 70 81 92
Difference in Percentage

Figure 5-19 Histogram Showing Differences between Plastic Limit and

Saturated Volumetric Water Content

5.6 SWCC Prediction models for Granular Soil

Table 5-13 presents a summary of the SWCC parameters models proposed

for granular or non-plastic soils. The complete analysis is presented in the

following four sections. These parameters apply to the Soil–Water Characteristic

Curve (equation 5-1) defined by Fredlund & Xing, 1994.

The equation for a f is a function of Particle Size D 10 . The effective

particle size D 10 has been related to the coefficient of permeability in the past

(Hazen, 1911) and therefore, it seems logical that it correlates well with moisture

retention characteristic. It can be seen from the correlation matrix (Table 5-7) that

the correlations among the parameters yielded the highest correlation values. The

SWCC parameter b f was found to correlate with a f and parameter c f is inferred

from b f parameter. The dependency between b f and c f with a f is found to be

convenient because it eliminates the possibility of not getting a continuous SWCC

function once the fitting parameters are put together in the Fredlund & Xing

equation. Finally, the parameter h r yielded a constant value of 100.

The process followed to estimate the fitting parameter for granular soils

was the same used for fine–grained soils. Refer to section 5.5 for details.

Table 5-13. Proposed Models for the SWCC Parameters for Granular Soils

 
 
 
S (%) = C(ψ ) × CF(ψ ) × 
cf 
Modified     ψ  b f   
Soil-Water Characteristic  ln e +     
       
Curve Equation
(Fredlund and Xing, 1994)  ψ 
1 + h 
ln  
 r 
C (ψ ) = 1 −
  1,000 ,000 
ln 1 + 
 
  hr 

a f = −967 .21 D10 + 218 .37 D10 − 2.7

SWCC Parameter af, kPa
Constraint: if D10 < 0.020, then af = 1.28

SWCC Parameter bf b f = 10
(−0.0075a f
+ 0.1133a f 2 −0.3577a f + 0.3061

c f = 0.0058a f − 0.0933a f + 0.4069a f + 0.3481

3 3
SWCC Parameter cf

SWCC Parameter hr, kPa hr = 100

S = Degree of Saturation, %
ψ = Matric Suction, kPa
D 10 = Grain Diameter at 10% Passing by Weight

5.6.1 Modeling the SWCC Parameter a f for Granular Soils.

The model obtained for the SWCC parameter a f is given as a function of granular

soils properties found to be the best predictors according to results presented in

Table 5-7 and explained in section 5.3.2. Table 5-14 summarizes some of the

trials used to estimate the best model. The variables used in the regressions were

the effective particle size D 10 , percentage passing sieve #200 and the grain–size

distribution shape parameters Cu (Coefficient of uniformity) and Cc (Coefficient

of curvature). These geotechnical properties were considered in previous studies

such as the dissertation written by Zapata, 1999, and Perera, 2003.

The database used for the non–linear regression analysis consisted of 4,485 data

points. After the database was sorted from minimum to maximum value of the

SWCC parameter, the average of 50 consecutive points was obtained. Groups of

50 data points were desired due to the fact that the database corresponding to

granular materials was smaller than the database obtained for fine–grained soils.

From the results presented in Table 5-14, it can be seen that the expression

makes use of all the soils properties found to be good predictors of parameters af.

Expression given by trial 2 does not consider the Cu and Cc properties and has a

light low R2. Equation 3 uses only the particle size D 10 as independent variable,

and yet keeps a R2 value of 0.72. The expression shown for trials 4 through 8 are

rather complex and do not improve the correlations.

# Equation R2 Type of Data
1 af=1.574+0.1296P200+0.0442D90+0.3962D60+1.2088D30- 0.7420 Avg of 50 data
2 af = 1.1319 + 0.1032P200 + 0.0357D90 + 0.4277D60 + 0.035D30 - 20.5359D20 + 136.7032D10 + 1.8858*logD90 0.7377 Avg of 50 data
+ 2.1319logD10
3 af = -967.21D102 + 218.37D10 - 2.7006 0.7167 Avg of 50 data

4 af = 1.13 + 0.103 P200 + 0.0357 D90 + 1.89 log(D90) + 0.43 D60 + 0.0 D30 - 20.5 D20 + 137 D10 + 2.13 log(D10) 0.7120 Avg of 50 data

5 af = 0.28 + 0.149 P200 + 0.0028 D90 + 2.05 log(D90) + 1.67 D60 - 9.2 D30 - 10.1 D20 + 142 D10 + 2.29 log(D10) 0.7070 Avg of 50 data
- 0.000020 Cu + 0.00133 Cc
6 af = - 1.51 + 0.060 P200 + 0.0485 D90 + 1.30 log(D90) - 1.29 D60 + 10.5 D30 - 29.8 D20 + 130 D10 + 1.59 0.7050 Avg of 50 data
log(D10) + 10.4 log(D60) - 11.9 log(D30) + 5.7 log(D20)
Parameter a f for Granular Soils

7 af = - 3.42 + 0.123 P200 + 0.0074 D90 + 1.51 log(D90) - 0.26 D60 + 5.5 D30 - 26.5 D20 + 137 D10 + 1.82 0.7010 Avg of 50 data
log(D10) - 0.000028 Cu + 0.00249 Cc + 14.5 log(D60) - 20.6 log(D30) + 10.9 log(D20)
8 af = 11.6 - 0.010 P200 + 1.03 log(D90) + 3.57 log(D10) + 13.6 log(D60) - 29.9 log(D30) + 21.3 log(D20) 0.6530 Avg of 50 data
Table 5-14. Summary of Trials Use in Finding the Best Model for
The model proposed for the parameter a f is the Model 3 presented in

Table 5-14:

a f = −967.21D10 + 218.37 D10 − 2.7 ......................................................(5-9)


Constraint: if D 10 < 0.020, then a f = 1.28

Figure 5-20 shows the plot of the selected model. The error analysis

yielded the following results:

Number of Data Points, n = 4,485

Absolute Mean Error, e abs = 170.62

Algebraic Mean Error, e alg = -139.48

Standard Error divided by the Standard Deviation, S e /S y = 0.53

Adjusted Coefficient of Determination, R2 (adjusted) = 0.7167

The spreadsheet used to calculate the statistical errors is shown in Figure


The goodness of the model proposed 5-9 is evaluated and illustrated in

Figure 5-22 where the measured values of a f are plotted versus the predicted


D10, mm versus SWCC Parameter af for Granular Soils


4 af = -967.21D102 + 218.37D10 - 2.7
R² = 0.7167
n = 4,485
2 Se/Sy = 0.53

,f kPa (Measured)
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12

Parameter a
D10, mm (Measured)

Figure 5-20. Model Predicting Parameter af for Granular Soils

ealg eabs (Sm - Sp)2 (Sm(avg) - Sm)2
af = -967.21D10 + 218.37D10 - 2.7006 ealg = -139.48
eabs = 170.62
Σ= 310.50 1,096.16
ngroup = 90 90
p= 1 1
R2 adj = 1-((SSE/(n-p-1))/(SST/(n-1))) Se = 1.87
Sm(Avrg) 4.7697
SSE = S (Sm - Sp) 310.50 Sy = 3.51

SST = S (Sm(avg) - Sm) 1,096.16 Se/Sy = 0.53

R2 adj = 0.7167 R2 = 0.7167

Figure 5-21. Spreadsheet Used in Calculating Errors and R2 Values for the a f

Model for Granular Soils

SWCC Parameter af for Granular Soils - (Measured vs Predicted)

af = -967.21D102 + 218.37D10 - 2.7
R2 = 0.7167
Parameter af, kPa, Predicted Values

8 n = 4,498
Se/Sy = 0.53

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Parameter af, kPa, Measured Values

Figure 5-22. Measured versus Predicted Analysis for SWCC Parameter a f

5.6.2 Modeling the SWCC parameter b f .

The first step taken in order to analyze the b f parameter for granular

materials was to choose the best soil properties predictors from the matrix of

correlation shown in Table 5-7 and explained in detail under section 5.3.2. Table

5-15 shows some of the trials used in calculating the R–squared. During this

process the database was worked in two ways; initially, all the data was used, then

the average/median values of grouped parameters were analyzed.

Table 5-15. Summary of Trials Used in Finding the Best Model for Parameter b f

# Equation R2 Type of Data

1 log(bf) = -0.0075af3 + 0.1133af2 - 0.3577af + 0.3061 0.9668 Avg of 50 data points

3 log(bf) = 0.1384log3(af) + 0.548log2(af) + 0.1755log(af) - 0.0216 0.7067 Avg of 50 data points

4 bf = -0.075af3 + 1.0141af2 - 2.653af + 2.619 0.6418 Avg of 50 data points

5 bf = 0.7458log3(af) + 3.4994log2(af) + 2.1039log(af) + 0.7301 0.4655 All data points

The best model corresponded to that obtained by trial # 1, which presented

the highest R2. The model proposed for the b f parameter is:

log b f = −0.0075a f + 0.1133a f − 0.3577a f + 0.3061 ...................................(5-10)

3 2

The graph corresponding to this model is given in Figure 5-23.Even

though third order polynomials present inflection points that might not reflect the

measure data, in this case it is a good representation of the data obtained.

SWCC parameter af (kPa) vs log(bf) for Granular Soils




- )f

0 log(bf) = -0.0075af3 + 0.1133af2 - 0.3577af + 0.3061
R² = 0.9668

log (b
-0.25 n = 4,485
Se/Sy = 0.18
0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Figure 5-23. Model Predicting Parameter b f for Granular Soils

Parameter af - Measured
Equations 5-4 through 5-8 were used in the error analysis, which gave the

following results:

Number of Data Points, n = 4,497

Absolute Mean Error, e abs = 89.80

Algebraic Mean Error, e alg = 25.73

Standard Error divided by the Standard Deviation, S e /S y = 0.18

Adjusted Coefficient of Determination, R2 (adjusted) = 0.9668

The spreadsheet used to calculate the statistical errors is shown in Figure


ealg eabs (Sm - Sp)2 (Sm(avg) - Sm)2

3 2
log(bf) = -0.0075af + 0.1133af - 0.3577af + 0.3 ealg = 25.73
eabs = 89.80
S= 0.41 12.26
ngroup = 90 90
Checking Calculation p= 1 1
R2 adj = 1-((SSE/(n-p-1))/(SST/(n-1))) Se = 0.07
Sm(Avrg) 0.3779
SSE = S (Sm - Sp) 0.41 Sy = 0.37

SST = S (Sm(avg) - Sm) 12.26 Se/Sy = 0.18

R2 adj = 0.9668 R2 = 0.9668

Figure 5-24. Spreadsheet Used in Calculating Errors and R2 Values for b f Model

in Granular Soils

Figure 5-25 presents the relationship between the measured values versus

the predicted values in order to evaluate de goodness of the model proposed.

SWCC Parameter bf for Granular Soils (Measured vs Predicted)


Parameter bf, Predicted



log(bf) = -0.0075af3 + 0.1133af2 - 0.3577af + 0.3061

0 R² = 0.9668
n = 4,497
Se/Sy = 0.18
-0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
Parameter bf, Measured

Figure 5-25. Measured versus Predicted Analysis for SWCC b f Parameter

5.6.3 Modeling the SWCC parameter c f .

The correlation matrix yielded a f parameter as the best predictor for granular or

non-plastic soils for c f parameter. The results of several correlation trials are

shown in Table 5-16.

The model proposed for this parameter is the Model 1 from Table 5-16:

c f = 0.0058a f − 0.0933a f − 0.4069a f + 0.3481 ...............................(5-11)

3 2

Table 5-16. Summary of Trials Used in Finding the Best Model for Parameter c f

# Equation R Type of Data

1 cf= 0.0058af3 -0.0933af3 + 0.4069af + 0.3481 0.8735 Avg of 50 data points

2 cf = 2.8649 e -1.227 bf (bf < 3) 0.7978 Avg of 50 data points

2 cf = 1.9 bf -0.58 (bf >= 3) 0.6395 Avg of 50 data points

3 cf = -0.00008bf3 + 0.0031bf2 - 0.0675bf + 0.9272 0.5054 Avg of 50 data points

4 cf = 0.0003bf3 - 0.0086bf2 + 0.0348bf + 0.7391 0.2224 All data points

The model selected is shown in Figure 5-26. The statistical analysis of

errors yielded the following results:

Number of Data Points, n = 4,450

Absolute Mean Error, e abs = 4.74

Algebraic Mean Error, e alg = 1.55

Standard Error divided by the Standard Deviation, S e /S y = 0.36

Adjusted Coefficient of Determination, R2 (adjusted) = 0.8735

The spreadsheet used to calculate the statistical errors is shown on Figure

5-27. The goodness of fit or accuracy of the model can be visualized in figure 5-

28, where the measured c f parameter is presented against the predicted value. The

results yielded an unbiased model.


SWCC Parameter cf (Measured)



cf= 0.0058af3 -0.0933af3 + 0.4069af + 0.3481
R² = 0.8735
n = 4,450
Se/Sy = 0.36
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
SWCC Parameter af (Measured)

Figure 5-26. Model Predicting Parameter c f for Granular Soils

ealg eabs (Sm - Sp)2 (Sm(avg) - Sm)2

Model: ealg = 1.55
3 2
cf = 0.0058af - 0.0933af + 0.4069af + 0 eabs = 4.74
S= 0.17 1.38
ngroup = 89 89
p= 1 1
R2 adj = 1-((SSE/(n-p))/(SST/(n-1))) Se = 0.04
Sm(Avrg) 0.6994
SSE = S (Sm - Sp) 0.17 Sy = 0.13

SST = S (Sm(avg) - Sm) 1.38 Se/Sy = 0.36

R2 adj = 0.8735 R2 = 0.8735

Figure 5-27. Spreadsheet Used in Calculating Errors and R2 Value for c f model

for Granular Soils

SWCC Parameter cf for Granular Soils (Measured vs Predicted)
cf= 0.0058af3 -0.0933af3 + 0.4069af + 0.3481
R² = 0.8720
n = 4,450
Parameter cf - Predicted

Se/Sy = 0.36





0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Parameter cf - Measured

Figure 5-28. Measured Versus Predicted for SWCC Parameter c f

5.6.4 Defining the SWCC parameter h r .

The statistics for the measured hr parameter are as follows:

Average = 100.17

Mode = 100.10

Median = 100.4

Standard Deviation = 1.68

Given these results, it is appropriate to use a value equal to 100 to represent this

parameter. It is important to notice that in order to fit the SWCC equation to the

measured data points, the optimization process requires to assign initial values to

af, bf, cf and hr parameters. For the hr parameter for granular or non-plastic

materials, an initial value of 100 was assigned. This implies that the shape of the

SWCC is basically independent of this parameter. Therefore a constant is


h r = 100 ................................................................................................(5-12)

The histogram of measured h r parameters illustrates the reasonableness of

this selection.

Mean = 100.17 Histogram
Std Error = 0.03 Parameter hr
Median = 100.4 for Granular
Mode = 100.1 Soils

1500 Std Dev = 1.68

n = 4,478



90 95 100 105 110
SWCC Parameter hr, kPa

Figure 5-29. Histogram of Parameter h r

5.7 Measured versus Predicted Degree of Saturation

To assess the validity of the model proposed independently for each

parameter, a comparison between measured versus predicted degree of saturation

is presented. The measure values used in the analysis correspond to the saturation

at 33 kPa and 1,500 kPa. These values were calculated based on the volumetric

water content directly obtained from testing. On the other hand, the predicted

degree of saturation at 33 kPa and 1,500 kPa of suctions were estimated from the

Fredlund & Xing equation (eq. 5-1) by fitting the predicted equations proposed.

The first analysis was developed for fine–grained soils. Figure 5-30 shows

the graph for Measured versus Predicted degree of saturation, while Figure 5-31

presents the spreadsheet used for the error analysis. As it can be seen the

combined equations yielded an R2 of 0.56.

Measured vs Predicted - Fine Grained Soils


Degree of Saturation, Predicted

y = 0.5218x + 0.3481

0.6 n = 31,869
R2 = 0.5615
Se/Sy = 0.66
0.4 log(af) = 0.69 - 2.7 / (1 + EXP(4 - 0.14GI))

log (bf) = 0.78/(1+EXP(6.75-(0.19*GI)))


0 hr = 494 + 660 / (1 + EXP(4 - 0.19GI)

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Degree of Saturation, Measured

Figure 5-30. Measured vs Predicted Degree of Saturation for Fine–Grained Soils

SS err SS tot ealg eabs (Se) (Sy)
2 2
(Sm - Sp) (Sm - Sm(avg)) 100*(Sm - Sp)/Sm - (Sm - Sp) (Sm(avg) - Sm)2

Σ = 6.13 13.98 ealg = -25.48

eabs = 25.52
Sm(avg) = 0.5176 Σ= 6.13 13.98
ngroup = 102 ngroup = 102 102
p= 1 p= 1 1
Se = 0.25 Se = 0.25
Sm(avg) = 0.5176
Sy = 0.37 Sy = 0.37

Se/Sy = 0.66 Se/Sy = 0.66

R2 (adj) = 0.5615 Predicted R2 (adj) = 0.5615

Figure 5-31. Spreadsheet Used in Calculating the Error Analysis for Measured

versus Predicted Degree of Saturation for Fine-Grained Soils

The analysis for granular soils followed the same for fined–grained soils.

The predicted values of degree of saturation were calculated at suctions of 33 and

1,500 kPa using the Fredlund & Xing equation and the predicted equation found

for the fitting parameters for granular or non-plastic materials. These predicted

values were compared to the measured values of degree of saturation available in

the database. Figure 5-32 shows the plot of Measured versus Predicted degree of

saturation values for granular soils, for suctions of 33 kPa and 1,500 kPa together.

Figure 5-33 shows the spreadsheet used for the calculations of errors.

Measured vs Predicted - Granular Soils y = 0.9128x + 0.017
af = -967.21D102 + 218.37D10 - 2.7
log(bf) = -0.0075af3 + 0.1133af2 - 0.3577af + 0.3061
cf= 0.0058af3 -0.0933af2 + 0.4069af + 0.3481
Degree of Saturation, Predicted

hr = 100
0.30 n = 4,498
ealg = -3.54
0.25 eabs = 16.43
R2 = 0.8930
0.20 Se/Sy = 0.33




0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50
Degree of Saturation, Measured

Figure 5-32. Measured versus Predicted Degree of Saturation for Granular Soils

SS err SS tot ealg eabs (Se) (Sy)

2 2
(Sm - Sp) (Sm - Sm(avg)) 100*(Sm - Sp)/Sm - (Sm - Sp) (Sm(avg) - Sm)2

Σ = 0.28 2.58 ealg = -3.54

eabs = 16.43
Sm(avg) = 0.2137 S= 0.28 2.58
u = 180 ngroup = 180 180
e= 1 p= 1 1
Se = 0.04 Se = 0.04
Sm(avg) = 0.2137
Sy = 0.12 Sy = 0.12

Se/Sy = 0.33 Se/Sy = 0.33

R2 (adj) = 0.8930 Predicted: R2 (adj) = 0.8930

Figure 5-33. Error Analysis for Degree of Saturation for Granular Soils

5.8 Procedure to Estimate the SWCC from the Proposed Models

The following is the procedure to obtain the SWCC for Fine-Grained

(plastic) and Granular (non-plastic) soils, based on the work presented in this


Step 1. Obtain the Grain–Size Distribution and the Atterberg’s limits

(liquid limit, LL and plasticity limit, PL)

Step 2. Calculate the Plasticity Index PI = LL – PL

Step 3. Calculate the Group Index, GI, by using equation 5-3

Step 4. Calculate Weighted Plasticity Index, wPI by using equation 5-2

Step 5. Plot the Grain–Size Distribution Curves

Step 6. Obtain the Particle Size, D 10 , (see Figure 5-34)

Step 7. Define the model to be used. For soil with wPI > 0, the soil is

categorized as plastic. If the wPI = 0, the soil is categorized as

non–plastic or granular. If the soil is plastic, continue with step 8.

If the soil is granular or non–plastic soils, continue with step 17

Step 8. Calculate the SWCC parameter a f according to equation 5-5. The

parameter a f is a function of the Group Index GI

Grain - Size Distribution Curve

Sieve #200

Sieve #4
Percent Passing (%)

0.001 0.01 0.1 D10 1 10 100 1000 10000
Particle Size, D (mm)

Figure 5-34. Calculating D 10 from the GSD curve

Step 9. Calculate the SWCC parameter b f according to equation 5-6. The

parameter b f is a function of the Group Index, GI

Step 10. Calculate the SWCC parameter c f according to equation 5-7. The

parameter c f is a function of the SWCC parameter a f , calculated in step 8

Step 11. Calculate the SWCC parameter h r according to equation 5-8. The

parameter h r is a function of Group Index, GI

Step 12. Calculate the degree of saturation, S(%), according to equation 5-

1, which correspond to the SWCC function defined by Fredlund & Xing, 1994

Step 13. Plot the soil–water characteristic curve

Step 14. If the particle size D 10 , calculated in step 6, is less than 0.020, use

a f = 1.28. Otherwise, go to step 15

Step 15. Calculate the SWCC parameter a f according to equation 5-9. In

this equation the parameter a f is a function of particle size D 10

Step 16. Calculate the SWCC parameter b f according to equation 5-10.

The parameter b f is a function of SWCC parameter a f calculated in steps 17/18

Step 17. Calculate the SWCC parameter c f according to equation 5-11.

The parameter c f is a function of SWCC parameter a f obtained in steps 17/18

Step 18. Use h r = 100

Step 19. Calculate the degree of saturation, S%, using the Fredlund &

Xing equation 5-11 and the fitting parameters estimated in steps 15 to 18

Step 20. Plot the soil–water characteristic curve

The procedure outlined before is summarized in Figure 5-35.

Atterberg Limits and
Gradation (Step 1)

Steps 2 to 4: Calculate
Plasticity Index, Group Index,
and Weighted Plasticity Index

Steps 5 to 6: Plot Grain-Size

Distribution Curve, and find D10

wPI > 0 wPI = 0


Steps 8 to 11:
Calculate af (eq. 5-5), D10 < 0.020 Step 14: D10 ≥ 0.020
bf (eq.5-6), cf (eq. 5-7), D10
hr (eq.5-8)

Steps 15 to 18:
Step 12:
Calculate af (eq. 5-9),
Calculate Degree of Saturation, eq. 5-1 af = 1.28
bf (eq. 5-10), cf (eq. 5-11).
(Fredlund & Xing, 1994)
Use hr=100

Step 13:
Plot SWCC Step 19:
Calculate Degree of
Saturation, (eq. 5-1)
(Fredlund & Xing, 1994)

Step 20:

Figure 5-35. Approach to Estimate the SWCC Based on Statistical Correlation of

Fredlund & Xing Parameters with Soil Index Properties

5.9 Summary

Tables 5-8 and 5-13 present the proposed models for the SWCC

parameters for the Fredlund and Xing equation, for plastic and non-plastic soils,

respectively. The models proposed for plastic soils were estimated in function of

the Group Index, which is in turn a function of passing sieve #200, liquid limit

and plasticity index. On the other hand, the models proposed for non-plastic soils

were estimated as function of the particle diameter D 10 .

The procedure followed to develop this Chapter 5 had the following order:

• The database was classified according to the wPI property.

• The measured SWCC parameters were correlated with all the soil

properties affecting the SWCC.

• Each SWCC parameter was subjected to a statistical non–linear

regression analysis against all possible combination of parameters,

followed of a statistical error analysis.

• Based on statistical, geotechnical and applicability considerations,

the best model was chosen for each SWCC parameter.

• Each Measured fitting parameter was compared to the Predicted


• The predicted degree of saturation was obtained by fitting the

predicted SWCC parameter to the Fredlund & Xing function.

• Final model for plastic and non-plastic soil were proposed.

The models proposed in Chapter 5 to estimate the SWCC parameters,

present the following advantages:

• The models proposed can be implemented in the Enhanced

Integrated Climatic Model (EICM), which is incorporated in the

Mechanistic–Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG). The

format required allows including the SWCC fitting parameters.

• The database is vast. With more than 31,000 data points for plastic

soils and 4,500 data points for non-plastic soils, it contains the

most important Soil Index Properties obtained directly from

laboratory testing or in the field. This database can be considered

the largest in the world containing unsaturated soil properties.

• The models proposed are very simple to be implemented. For

plastic soils, the Atterberg’s Limits and the Passing US sieve #200

are needed as input parameters; while for non-plastic materials,

only the particle diameter D 10 is needed. These are parameters

commonly used by practicing engineers and therefore, this model

becomes an excellent candidate for practical applications.

The approach and the models proposed in this chapter have the following


• The models proposed for the SWCC fitting parameters were

estimated independently of each other. That makes it difficult to

control the shape of the Soil–Water Characteristic Curve.

• Due to the tremendous amount of data points in the database, a

moving average estimate of the parameters during the statistical

analysis was necessary. The fine-grained material database was

sorted according to the wPI and the data were averaged in groups

of 300 consecutive data points. Groups of 50 consecutive data

points were used for non-plastic soils, based on the D 10 parameter.

While working with the moving average allows finding a clear

tendency of the data and hence, better correlations; the variability

gets somehow masked within each range. A deeper study of

variability should be performed.

When comparing the model for plastic soils found by Zapata, 1999

(Figures 4-25 and 4-26) with the model proposed in this work (Figures 5-30 and

5-32), it can be seen that the R2 improved from 0.70 to 0.81; while the R2

improved from 0.40 to 0.89 for non-plastic materials. Even though the R2

improved marginally for plastic soils, it can be observed that the Zapata's model is

biased towards overprediction for most of the dataset. For non–plastic soils the

results obtained with the Zapata’s model are underpredicting most of the data


On the other hand, when comparing the model proposed in this work

(Figure 5-30) with the plastic model used in the MEPDG model, it can be seen

that the R2 improved greatly from 0.49 to 0.81. For non-plastic or granular soils,

the R2 for both models are somewhat similar. Even though the non–plastic model

from the MEPDG model is almost similar than the model proposed in this work,

the later model is much simpler and easier to implement because it only depends

on one gradation parameter, the particle size at 10% Passing or D 10 .

It can be concluded that the new models proposed in this Chapter 5 will

enhanced the prediction of the SWCC and therefore, it is recommended to

consider applying them in practical applications.

As an example of the predicted SWCC based on the models proposed in

Chapter 5, the soil index properties shown in Table 5-17 were used to calculate

the SWCC fitting parameters. The three soil–water characteristic curves obtained

are shown in Figure 5-36.

Table 5-17. Soil Index Properties for Three Soils Taken from the Database

Classification Group Predicted SWCC Parameters

Soil USCS AASHTO P200 LL PI D10 wPI Index af bf cf hr

1 CH A-7-6 85 65 40 - 34.00 37 0.0709 2.1570 0.0849 1,102.1

2 CL A-6 65 40 25.5 - 16.58 14 1.8436 1.0489 0.6047 691.5

3 SP-SM A-1-a 5 0 0 0.07 0.00 1 8.0760 7.1855 0.6041 100.0

In Figure 5-36, it can be observed that the SWCC for fine-grained material
loses its sigmoidal shape. This this result might represent a “dual porosity” for
soils that are highly plastic (Zhang & Chen, 2005). The first air–entry value
(i.e.0.05 kPa) might be associated with a macro–porosity while the second air–
entry value (i.e. about 1,000 kPa) might be associated with a micro–porosity of
the soil. This is reasonable given the fact that the measurements of suctions were
obtained from natural clods and not from slurries.

Another important aspect that should be considered is the initial fitting

parameters when making analysis regressions. In this work was used 10 kPa as
the initial a f parameter for plastic and non–plastic materials. This initial value for
the parameter a f is low and creates a change in the sigmoidal shape for the SWCC
when the curve is forced also to approximate the water content at 33kPa and 1500
kPa. Figure 5-37 illustrate the effect on the shape of the SWCC when the fitting is
changed by a low value of the a f parameter.






50 Soil 1
Soil 2

Soil 3




0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000
Matric Suction, kPa

Figure 5-36. Examples of SWCCs Using the Model Proposed

Degree of Saturation, %
Soil-Water Characteristic Curve
90 Measured SWCC - Soil 1
Degree of Saturation (%)
70 Predicted SWCC - Soil 1
0.0001 0.01 1 100 10000 1000000
Matric Suction (kPa)

Figure 5-37 Effect of a Low Initial a f Parameter Value in the SWCC



6.1 Introduction

In Chapter 5, it was proven that the Soil–Water Characteristic Curve

(SWCC) can be predicted by independently predicting of fitting parameters of the

SWCC function. Even though the prediction using this procedure yielded

acceptable results, there is a concern about discontinuities in the function due

primarily to the fact that most of the fitting parameters are independent from each

other, particularly the ones defined for fine-grained materials. In order to avoid

the uncertainty associated with the statistical process, a new model for the Soil–

Water Characteristic Curve based on the entire Grain–Size Distribution (GSD)

function is presented in this chapter. This new model is founded on two equations,

the SWCC function given by Fredlund & Xing (1994) and the GSD function that

can be also represented by a model as that given by Fredlund et al (2002). The

Soil–Water Characteristic Curve is primary associated with two concepts: The

Pore–Size Distribution and the Capillary Pressure. The soil is considered as a

group of spherical pores interconnected and therefore, the pore–size distribution is

directly related to the grain–size distribution. The Capillary Pressure is the tension

into the soil–water that allows the water to flow upward from the static

groundwater table. This pressure is commonly called Matric Suction (u a – u w ),

where u a is the pore–air pressure and u w is the pore–water pressure. In this work,

the retention characteristic of the soil is assumed to be primarily related to matric

suction, and therefore, the osmotic suction is considered to have a negligible


The objective of this chapter is to present a method to correlate the Soil–

Water Characteristic Curve with the Grain–Size Distribution. In this process,

some assumptions are considered:

• The solids of the soil have spherical shape (soil–texture is not


• Stress history is not considered (test were performed at zero

overburden pressure).

• The hysteresis effect is not considered.

• It is assumed that each suction value is associated with one pore–

size or grain–size.

The last assumption is perhaps the most important. The Soil–Water

Characteristic Curve equation proposed by Fredlund & Xing, 1994, is

directly linked to the pore–size distribution; the function is a sigmoid,

which is the same shape followed by the Grain–Size Distribution. The

GSD model proposed by Fredlund et al., 1997 is based on models

developed by Wagner & Ding, 1994, which are based in a modified

lognormal distribution. When the distribution is plotted, in cumulative

way, it presents also a sigmoidal shape. This principle allows relating both


The soil–suction and its corresponding water content should be fit

properly to the SWCC equation. In order to fit the suction–moisture pair of values

to obtain the SWCC, the least squared error were minimized. The objective

function to minimize, in terms of degree of saturation is as follows:

ObjectiveFunction = Σ[S meas − S pred ] ....................................................(6-1)



S meas = Measured Degree of Saturation

S pred = Predicted Degree of Saturation

For the case of the GSD equation, the best function is obtained in the same

way. That is the least squared error minimized by comparing the percent passing

measured versus the predicted values:

ObjectiveFunction = Σ[% Passmeas − % Pass pred ] ..................................(6-2)



%Pass meas = Measured percent of passing

%Pass pred = Predicted percent of passing

Since both functions have a range between 0% and 100%, that allows a

one–to–one comparison by normalization

The following is an overview of the procedure follow to estimate the

SWCC function based on the grain–size distribution:

1. The fitting parameters for the SWCC function were obtained by

minimizing the squared errors between measures versus predicted degree of

saturation values. The Fredlund & Xing, 1994 equation was used in this process.

2. The fitting parameters for the grain–size distribution function were

obtained by minimizing the squared errors between measured versus predicted %

Passing values.

3. For values of % Passing that corresponded to the same value of degree

of saturation, the corresponding particle size and suction values were obtained and


4. Correlations between the particle size and suctions values were

developed based on other simple index properties such as the wPI factor.

The Weighted Plasticity Index usually abbreviated wPI is:

P200 × PI
wPI = ....................................................................................(6-3)


P 200 = Material Passing # 200 US Standard Sieve, expressed in %

PI = Plasticity Index, expressed in %

This process was followed for all the 33,210 soils available in database.

The soil properties collected in database are presented in Table 6-1 for Meegernot


Table 6-1 Soil Properties for the Meegernot Soil

Soil Property Unit Item

Component Name - Meegernot
AASHTO Classification - A-1-a
AASHTO Group Index - 0
Unified Soil Classification System - GP
Top Depth of Layer cm 147
Bottom Depth of Layer cm 168
Thickness of the Layer cm 21
Passing # 4 % 20
Passing # 10 % 15
Passing # 40 % 12.5
Passing # 200 % 5
Passing Sieve 0.002 mm % 7.5
Liquid Limit % 22.5
Plasticity Index % 2.5
Weighted Plasticity Index % 0.125
Specific Gravity g/cm3 n/a
Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity (Ksat) mm/s 91.7432
Volumetric Content of Soil Water Retained at
a Tension of 1/10 bar % 5.1
Volumetric Content of Soil Water Retained at
a Tension of 1/3 bar % 3.7
Volumetric Content of Soil Water Retained at
a Tension of 15 bars % 1.3
Elevation m 2469

6.2 Calculating Suctions from the Soil–Water Characteristic Curve

This step consisted in finding, for every soil in the database, the suctions

values corresponding to several degrees of saturation (5%, 10%, 15%, and so on

100%). In order to achieve this, the measured data was fitted to the Fredlund and

Xing equation, and the SWCC parameters a f , b f , c f , and hr were obtained. That

allowed for the development of the entire SWCC function

The process to calculate the suction values required using either the Solver

or Goal Seek utilities available in Excel®. These utilities were necessary because

the suction is the independent variable into the Fredlund & Xing’s equation (6-4),

and in order to mathematically solve for matric suction as a function of the degree

of saturation is really quite complicated:

 
 
  ψ   
 ln1 +  
θw   hr  1 
S (%) = = 1−   ............................(6-4)
θs   1,000,000     bf
 

 ln1 +    ψ 
  hr   ln e +  a 

 
   f   
   


S(%) = Degree of Saturation, in percentage

ψ = Matric Suction, in kPa

a f , b f , c f , h r = SWCC Fitting Parameters, a f and h r in kPa

θ w = Volumetric Water Content

θ s = Saturated Volumetric Water Content

Equation (6-4) represents a sigmoidal model as shown in Figure 6-1:


SWCC Parameters:
80 af = 9.6230
bf = 1.1678
Degree of Saturation (%)
70 cf = 1.6400
ψr = 500


40 Points:
S = 20%, ψ = 33.3 kPa
S = 4%, ψ = 1,500 kPa


0.0001 0.01 1 100 10000 1000000
Matric Suction ψ, (kPa)

Figure 6-1. Soil–Water Characteristic Curve

The procedure followed to find the SWCC parameters was explained in

detail in Chapter 3 under section 3.3.1. The spreadsheet shown in Figure 6-2 was

used to estimate first the SWCC parameters and then to calculate the data shown

in Table 6-2 by using Solver or Goal Seek Functions in Excel®.

Suction Vol. w/c Sat vol w/c Degree Saturation Graph
(Bar) (kPa) (%) (%) (%) Suction, kPa Saturation, %
0.1 10 13
0.33 33.3 3.7 28.5 0.0001 100.00
15 1500.0 1.3 10.0 0.001 100.00
0.01 100.00
SWCC Parameters initial SWCC 0.016 100.00 Graph
af 9.0869 10 Objective Function 0.027 100.00 Suction, kPa Saturation, %
bf 5.6921 1 2.67671E-11 0.045 100.00
cf 0.6236 2 0.074 100.00 0.00 100.00
hr 500.0 500 0.122 100.00 7.04 95.00
0.201 99.99 8.14 90.00
ψ θ Smeasured Spredicted Constraints 0.331 99.99 8.96 85.00
Suction (kPa) Vol. Water Content 0.546 99.99 9.68 80.00
0.0001 13.0 100.0 100.0 0.000 0.900 99.98 10.38 75.00
33.3333 3.7 28.5 28.5 0.000 1.484 99.96 11.09 70.00
1,500.0000 1.3 10.0 10.0 0.000 2.447 99.92 11.86 65.00
4.034 99.67 12.74 60.00
6.651 96.24 13.77 55.00
Soil-Water Characteristic Curve 10.966 70.88 15.07 50.00
18.080 42.13 16.79 45.00
100 29.810 30.12 19.26 40.00

49.148 24.09 23.14 35.00
81.031 20.34 30.04 30.00
80 133.5973 17.68 44.70 25.00
220.2647 15.62 85.66 20.00
363.155 13.91 261.55 15.00
60 598.7414 12.41 1,500.08 10.00
987.1577 11.05 18,158.64 5.00
1627.548 9.80
40 2683.373 8.65
4424.134 7.58
7294.164 6.60
12026.04 5.69
19827.59 4.86
0 32690.17 4.08
0.0001 0.01 1 100 10000 1000000 53896.98 3.36

Figure 6-2 Spreadsheet for Calculating the SWCC Parameters

88861.1 2.69
Matric Suction (kPa) 146507.2 2.07
241549.5 1.48

Degree of Saturation (%
398247.8 0.93
656599.7 0.41
1000000 0.00
Table 6-2 Calculating Suction Values from the Degree of Saturation

Degree of Saturation, % Suction, kPa

100 0.00
95 7.05
90 8.15
85 8.97
80 9.69
75 10.39
70 11.10
65 11.87
60 12.74
55 13.77
50 15.07
45 16.79
40 19.26
35 23.14
30 30.04
25 44.70
20 85.66
15 261.55
10 1,500.08
5 18,158.64

6.3 Calculating Particle Diameter from the Grain–Size Distribution

In order to calculate the particle diameter at each percent passing from the

grain–size distribution, a model presented by Fredlund et al., 2002. In their article:

“Use of the Grain–Size Distribution for Estimation of the Soil–Water

Characteristic Curve”. This model is shown in equation 6-5:

   

  ln1 + D 
 
   D  
Pp (d ) =
gm 1 −    
  ga   D

ln exp(1) +      ln1 + r
 
 D      Dm   
  


P p (D) = percent passing a particular grain–size D

g a = fitting parameter related to the initial break point in the grain–size


g n = fitting parameter related to the steepest slope of grain–size curve

g m = fitting parameter related to the curvature (fine section) of grain–

size curve

D = particle diameter (mm)

D r = residual particle diameter (mm), related to the fines

D m = minimum allowable particle diameter (mm)

The last part of the equation corresponds to a correction factor which

adjusts the extremes of the model properly.

In order to define the GSD function for each soil of the database, it was

necessary to estimate the fitting parameters. This process was explained in detail

in Chapter 3 section 3.3.2.

Particle Size Passing
# (mm) (%)
4 4.750 20.0
10 2.000 15.0
40 0.425 12.5
200 0.075 5.0

GSD parameters initial Graph Table

ga 62.8595 1 Objective Function Particle Size (mm) Passing (%) Particle Size (mm) Passing (%)
gn 1.7000 0.5 11.46316221
gm 1.0716 0.5 0.0001 3.49 36,923.075 100.00
0.001 4.32 202.717 95.00
Dmeasured Pmeas Ppred Constraints 0.01 5.54 128.664 90.00
Diameter (mm) Sieve # % Passing % Passing 0.075 7.34 96.358 85.00
1,000 100.0 99.6 0.000 0.1 7.69 77.011 80.00
4.750 4 20.0 20.3 0.000 0.425 10.10 63.597 75.00
2.000 10 15.0 15.0 0.000 1 12.35 53.473 70.00
0.425 40 12.5 10.1 0.000 2 15.01 45.377 65.00
0.075 200 5.0 7.3 0.000 4.75 20.32 38.626 60.00

10 28.39 32.815 55.00
100 85.73 27.682 50.00
Grain - Size Distribution Curve 1000 99.64 23.051 45.00
100 18.799 40.00
14.844 35.00
80 11.139 30.00
7.685 25.00
4.562 20.00
60 1.995 15.00
0.405 10.00
40 0.004 5.00


Figure 6-3 Spreadsheet Used to Find the GSD Fitting Parameters

0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000
Particle Size, D (mm)

Percent Passing (%)

The spreadsheet shown in Figure 6-3 was used to estimate the GSD

parameters g a , g n ,g m and consequently to calculate the values shown in Table 6-3

by using the Goal Seek function in Microsoft Excel®. Two parameters needed to

be assumed in the process: the residual particle diameter (Dr) and the minimum

allowable particle diameter (Dm). The values assumed were 0.001 mm and

0.00001 mm, respectively.

Table 6-3 Calculated Particle Diameter from the Percent Passing Values

Passing (%) Particle Size, D (mm)

100 36,923.136
95 202.718
90 128.664
85 96.358
80 77.011
75 63.597
70 53.473
65 45.376
60 38.626
55 32.816
50 27.682
45 23.051
40 18.799
35 14.843
30 11.139
25 7.685
20 4.562
15 1.995
10 0.405
5 0.004

Once the suction (kPa) was obtained from the degree of saturation (%)

based on the SWCC, and the particle size (mm) obtained from the percentage

passing (%) base on the GSD; the following step consisted in relating the suction

values with the particle diameter values. Figure 6-4 shows the relationship

between these values for one specific soil. The values are summarized in Table 6-


It is important to note that the relationship between particle diameter and

suction values was possible because the SWCC was obtained in terms of degree

of saturation. In this case, the degree of saturation, which ranges between 0% and

100% can be normalized or scale to the same range of variation of the % passing

in the grain–size distribution curve. The same process used to obtain the

relationship shown in Figure 6-4 for one soil was used to obtain the same

relationship for every soil available in the database. This analysis was possible

due to the creation of a program Macro in Excel®. Note that there is a clear

connection between the particle diameter and the suction value due to the

relationship between the grain–size distribution and the pore–size distribution

(PSD) of the soil.

Table 6-4 Relationship between Suction Values versus Particle Size

Particle Size, D (mm) Suction, ψ (kPa)

36,923.14 0.00
202.72 7.05
128.66 8.15
96.36 8.97
77.01 9.69
63.60 10.39
53.47 11.10
45.38 11.87
38.63 12.74
32.82 13.77
27.68 15.07
23.05 16.79
18.80 19.26
14.84 23.14
11.14 30.04
7.68 44.70
4.56 85.66
1.99 261.55
0.41 1,500.08
0.00 18,158.64






y = 0.0917x3 - 0.0216x2 - 1.2206x + 2.7158
R² = 0.9986

Log Suction (

Figure 6-4 Log Suction versus Log Particle Size for One Soil
-2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Log Particle Diameter (D)
6.4 Ranges of wPI and Statistical Information

The database used in developing this model consisted of more than 660,000 soils

as shown in Table 6-5. Given the large amount of data available it was deemed

necessary to subdivide it and grouped the soils based on a soil property

representative of the moisture retention characteristic of the soil. The weighted

plasticity index (wPI) was proven to be significantly related to the SWCC

(Zapata, 1999) and therefore it was selected as the basis for the grouping process.

Furthermore, several authors have attempted to relate the SWCC with the GSD

(Arya and Paris, 1981; Fredlund et al., 1997) without success for all ranges of soil

encountered in the field. This might be due to the variability associated with the

porous materials, and therefore, a process that group soils with relatively the same

characteristics would eliminate some of this variability.

Table 6-5 presents the data divided by wPI ranges along with the number

of soil in each range and statistic. Note that at higher values of wPI, the variability

inferred from higher values of standard deviation and variance, is high.

Table 6-5 Database Divided by wPI Ranges and Statistics Associated with Each

Range of Values

items in file Range Count Average Median Mode St dev Var

86,100 wPI = 0 4305 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000
79,260 0 < wPI ≤ 1 3,963 0.67 0.69 0.750 0.221 0.049
85,680 1 < wPI ≤ 2 4,284 1.48 1.49 1.063 0.297 0.088
111,160 2 < wPI ≤ 4 5,558 2.95 3.00 3.000 0.575 0.331
126,480 4 < wPI ≤ 8 6,324 5.73 5.63 4.500 1.146 1.313
64,640 8 < wPI ≤ 12 3,232 9.88 9.75 10.500 1.170 1.370
38,520 12 < wPI ≤ 16 1,926 13.98 13.95 13.500 1.132 1.282
27,000 16 < wPI ≤ 20 1,350 17.97 18.00 18.000 1.131 1.279
34,320 20 < wPI ≤ 30 1,716 24.18 24.00 2.744 7.530 22.500
9,160 30 < wPI ≤ 40 458 33.97 33.75 2.631 6.921 34.000
1,880 40 < wPI ≤ 60 94 45.54 43.73 4.933 24.336 42.750

664,200 33,210

6.5 Calculating the Models for Each Range

Several plots like the one shown in Figure 6-4 were processed to get an

idea of the best models to fit the particle diameter versus suction data. These plots

showed that a third order polynomial model had the highest correlation as implied

from the high R2 values obtained (0.96 and higher). This process was performed

by using Excel® and Minitab® 15 software packages. Having defined the type of

model to use for the non–linear regression analysis and the ranges based on wPI

values, the following step was to find the constants that yielded the highest R2

values. Statistica® 5.5 was used for the determination of the best model. Figure 6-

5 is an example of a spreadsheet used in the estimation for only one range of wPI

values. The same process was repeated for all the selected ranges.

The general form of the model used to relate particle diameter and suction

values is as follows:

logψ = k1 + k 2 log D + k 3 log D 2 + k 4 log D 3 ........................................... 6-6


ψ = Suction in kPa

D = Particle Diameter in mm

k 1 , k 2 , k 3 , k 4 = Regression Constants

Figure 6-5 Spreadsheet from Statistica® Used in Estimating the Best Models

between Particle Size and Suction Values

A summary of the regression constants found is presented in Table 6-6 for

each range of wPI values selected.

Table 6-6 Summary of Fitting Parameters Found for the Correlation

between Log of Particle Size Versus log of Suction for each Range of wPI Values

wPI Ranges
From To n k1 avg k2 avg k3 avg k4 avg R

0 0 4305 1.05310 -0.79466 0.00209 0.00725 0.5752

0 1 3963 1.29284 -0.84537 -0.01175 0.00658 0.6904

1 2 4284 1.08684 -0.72871 -0.01610 0.00461 0.6206

2 4 5558 1.28120 -0.64835 -0.01631 0.00112 0.6429

4 8 6324 1.09260 -0.77777 -0.01294 0.00620 0.6131

8 12 3232 1.20260 -0.84218 -0.02023 0.00813 0.5882

12 16 1926 1.18353 -0.86519 -0.01715 0.00848 0.6064

16 20 1350 0.97223 -0.96512 -0.01304 0.01141 0.5934

20 30 1716 0.60121 -1.06883 -0.01141 0.01260 0.5637

30 40 458 0.52383 -1.16329 -0.03659 0.01030 0.5532

40 60 94 0.88131 -1.37328 -0.08086 0.01249 0.5029

6.6 Plotting the Models

The relationship between suction and particle diameter was plotted for

each range of wPI values as shown in Figure 6-6. At higher ranges of suction

(small particle sizes) the curves essentially merged. However, as the suction

decreases (large particle sizes) a dependency of the relationship on wPI can be

noted. This is particularly true for particle size greater than 1 mm. In order to

assess the dependency of this relationship on wPI, the k i avg constants obtained at a

wPI corresponding to the mid-point of each range were plotted against wPI

values. These relationships can be seen in Figure 6-7. It can be seen that

particularly constants k 1 and k 2 present high correlation with wPI. Constants k 3

and k 4 are also correlated to lower degree.

Model: log (ψ) = k1avg+ k2avg(log D) + k3avg(log D)2 + k4avg(log D)3 Ranges
Suction, ψ (kPa)
Particle Size, D (mm) wPI = 0
wPI 0-1

wPI 1-2

2 wPI 2-4

wPI 4-8

wPI 8-12
wPI 12-16

wPI=0 wPI 16-20

-2 wPI 20-30
16<wPI<20 wPI 30-40

20<wPI<30 wPI 40-60



Figure 6-6 Plot of Log Suction versus Log Particle Size

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
LOG Particle Size, D
y = 5E-05x3 - 0.003x2 + 0.03x + 1.1355
R2 = 0.8735

y = 0.0002x + 0.0056
Constant, K

R2 = 0.5905 k4
y = -0.0011x - 0.0044 k3
R = 0.7177

y = -0.0126x - 0.7285
R2 = 0.9238 k2
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Figure 6-7 Relationship between the Constant Values and the wPI

Based on these observations, the following equations are proposed for

constants k 1 , k 2 , k 3 and k 4 :

k1 = 0.00005 (wPI)3 - 0.003 (wPI)2 + 0.03 (wPI) + 1.1355 .................... 6-7

k2 = - 0.0126 (wPI) - 0.7285 ................................................................... 6-8

k3 = -0.0011(wPI) - 0.0044 ..................................................................... 6-9

k4 = 0.0002(wPI) + 0.0056 .................................................................... 6-10

Equation 6-7 yielded an R2 of 0.87 while equation 6-8 yielded an R2 of

0.92. Furthermore, equation 6-9 and equation 6-10 yielded R2 values of 0.72 and

0.59, respectively.

Substituting equation 6-7 to 6-10 in to the equation 6-6, we obtain:

log ψ = 0.00005 (wPI)3 - 0.003 (wPI)2 + 0.03 wPI + 1.1355 - (0.0126 wPI

+ 0.7285) log D - (0.0011wPI + 0.0044) log D2 + (0.0002wPI +

0.0056) log D3 ........................................................................... 6-11

This equation is valid for plastic and granular materials.

For non-plastic granular materials, the equation gets reduced to:

log ψ = 0.0056 log D3 + 0.0002wPI log D3- 0.0044 log D2

- 0.0011wPI log D2- 0.7285 log D - 0.0126 wPI log D

+ 0.00005 (wPI)3 - 0.003 (wPI)2 + 0.03 wPI + 1.1355 ............ 6-12

Figure 6-8 presents a family of curves representatively the relationship

given by equation 6-11

wPI = 60
wPI = 50

2 wPI=5
1 wPI=15

wPI = 0 wPI=30

wPI = 5 wPI=40
wPI = 10 wPI=50
wPI = 15 wPI=60
wPI = 40
wPI = 30
wPI = 25
wPI = 20

Figure 6-8 Suction as a Function of Particle Diameter and wPI

-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8
log Particle Size (mm)
SS err SS tot SS reg ealg eabs (Se) (Sy)
2 2 2
(Sm - Sp) (Sm - Sm(avg)) (Sp - Sm(avg)) 100*(Sm - Sp)/Sm - (Sm - Sp) (Sm(avg) - Sm)2

Σ = 3,358.71 18,047.62 9,095.74 ealg = -27.10

eabs = 143.04
Sm(avg) = 2.3567 S= 3,358.71 18,047.62
υ = 6,642 ngroup = 6,642 6,642
e= 1 p= 1 1
Se = 0.71 Se = 0.71
Sm(avg) = 2.3567
Sy = 1.17 Sy = 1.65

Se/Sy = 0.61 Se/Sy = 0.43

R2 = 0.8139 R2 = 0.8139

Figure 6-9 Error Analysis

Log Predicted Suction

1 n = 664,200
Se/Sy = 0.39
0 R2 = 0.846

-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Log Measured Suction

Figure 6-10 Comparison of Measured versus Predicted Suction

6.7 Assessment of the Model for Fine–Grained Materials

The families of curves for granular and fine–grained soils by using the

approach indicated in this Chapter 6 are shown in Figure 6-11 and 6-12.

80 Soil 1
Degree of Saturation, S(%)

Soil 2
50 Soil 3
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 1000001000000
Matric Suction, ψ (kPa)

Figure 6-11 Family of Curves for Granular Materials

It is clear that the model doesn’t perform well for suction values greater

than about 10,000 kPa when the material is fine–grained, mostly. The reason for

this is the fact that the particle diameter on the lower part is not accurately

determined. Equation 6-5 that defines the grain–size distribution makes use of two

parameters: D r and D m which correspond to the residual particle diameter and the

minimum allowable particle diameter respectively.

90 wPI = 24.0
Degree of Saturation, S(%) 80 wPI = 8.4 wPI = 10.5
wPI = 5.0
wPI = 1.0
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 1000001000000
Matric Suction, ψ (kPa)

Figure 6-12 Family of Curves for Fine–Grained Materials

The assumed values for these two parameters were 0.001 mm and 0.00001

mm, respectively. These parameters appear to be underestimated for the fine–

grained materials and they should be probably not constant values but rather a

function of the soil plasticity.

In order to check if indeed these parameters were affecting the prediction

of the SWCC, an example that included 5 different soils is presented below. First,

the GSD curve was fitted to the measured values and a value of 10-14 mm for D m

was used this time. A new relationship between particle diameters and suctions

was obtained as shown in Figure 6-13. The equation that best represents this

relationship is:

 6.774 
logψ = 5.797 −  −0.634 log D 
....................................................... 6-13
 0.83 + e 

New Model:
Log Particle Size

-14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2
Log Suction

Figure 6-13 Example Relationship Log Suction vs Log Particle Size

Just as an example, Equation 6-13 used in the example before. These soils

were used to estimate the SWCC for the five soils with wPI values ranging from 1

to 24. The grain–size distribution is presented in Figure 6-14. Based on the GSD,

the SWCC presented in Figure 6-14 were obtained. Note how the prediction

improves dramatically.

It is then recommended to perform the analysis for all the soils in the

database to obtain a more reliable model.



wPI = 24.0
Percent of Passing

60 wPI = 10.5

50 wPI = 8.4


30 wPI = 5.0

20 wPI = 1.0

0 #200 #40 #4
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Particle Size, D (mm)

Figure 6-14. Grain–Size Distribution Example

wPI = 24.0
wPI = 10.5
Degree of Saturation, S(%)

wPI = 1.0
wPI = 5.0
50 wPI = 8.4

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 1000001000000
Matric Suction, ψ (kPa)

Figure 6-15. Soil–Water Characteristic Curve Example

6.8 Implementing the SWCC model based on GSD

The Procedure to estimate the SWCC based on the entire GSD is

summarized as follows:

Step 1: Obtain the grain–size distribution of the soil and Atterberg limits.

Step 2: Calculate the Weighted Plasticity Index, wPI.

Step 3: Estimate the particle diameter, D values for different values of %

passing: 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%… 95%, 100%. These values can be

obtained by fitting the gradation data to the sigmoid function presented by

Fredlund et al., 2002 (equation 6-5) and then using the Goal Seek function to

solve for D. alternatively, the particle diameter values can be found by simply

reading them off the GSC graph.

Step 4: Estimate the suction values by using equation 6-11 for the same

degree of saturation equivalent to the % passing for which the particle diameter D

was calculated in step 3.

Step 5: Plot the suction values versus degree of saturation pair of values

found in step 4 and fit the SWCC Fredlund & Xing Function by using a non-

linear regression package such as Solver in Excel®.

Figure 6-16 illustrates the procedure described to estimate the SWCC from

the Grain–Size Distribution

Step 1, Input data:
Atterberg Limits and Gradation

Step 2: Estimate wPI

Step 3: Estimate the Particle Diameter at different

percent of Passing (10%, 20%, 30%, etc.)

Step 4: Using the model proposed (eq. 6-11),

estimate Suctions for different % of Degrees of
Saturation equivalent to the same % passing
used in step 3

Step 5: Plot Suction versus Degree of

Saturation par of values and fit to the
SWCC Function

Figure 6-16. Approach to Estimate the SWCC based on the Grain–Size


6.9 Summary

An approach to estimate the SWCC function based on the grain–size

distribution of the soil has been proposed in Chapter 6. This approach relied on

33,210 soil–water characteristic curves that corresponded to 664,200 data suction

points measured by the Natural Resources Conservation Service. The procedure

described in Figure 6-1 explains the process to estimate the SWCC from the

Atterberg limits and the plasticity index. The model proposed in Equation 6-11 is

used to estimate the suction values for the same degree of saturation equivalent to

the % passing for which the particle diameter D is defined. This model expresses

the suction as a function of the wPI and the particle diameter, D.

The advantages of the proposed model include:

• The model makes use of the complete grain–size distribution data.

• The model produce a continuous SWCC function as opposed to the

method proposed in Chapter 5.

• The model is based on the physical concept that relates the grain–

size distribution to the pore-size distribution of the soil.

• The model is based on simple and routinely measured soil index

properties such as gradation and Atterberg limits.

• Its implementation is straight forward.

A disadvantage of the model lies on the fact that the database provided

only 2 to 3 measured data points and therefore, in order to fit a complete SWCC

function, the author had to rely on the extremes of the function. That is, two extra

data points were included in the fitting process: 100% saturation was assigned to a

very low suction value and 0% saturation was assumed to occur at 1,000,000 kPa.

When comparing the model for plastic soils found by Zapata, 1999

(Figures 4-25 and 4-26) with the model proposed in this work (Figure 6-10), it

can be seen that the R2 improved from 0.70 to 0.81; while the R2 for non-plastic

soils improve from 0.40 to 0.81. On the other hand, when comparing the model

proposed in this Chapter 6 (Figure 6-10) with the MEPDG model (Figure 4-27

and 4-28), it can be seen that the R2 improved greatly from 0.49 to 0.81 for plastic

soils. For non–plastic soils, the R2 values were somewhat similar.

The new models proposed in this Chapter 6 based on the entire GSD did

not perform well for soils with high plasticity. New equations for k 1 , k 2 , k 3 and

k 4 parameters should be found. The procedure used in Chapter 6 looks promising

and can be used to repeat the analysis once all the problems have been




7.1 Conclusions

This thesis work proposes a new set of models for the prediction of the

SWCC fitting parameters based on the equation given by Fredlund and Xing in

1994. These models were estimated by following two different approaches. The

first approach, explained in detail in Chapter 5 was based on a statistical

regression analysis from values of matric suction and water content data points

found in a large database maintained by the National Resources Conservation

Service (NRCS). The second approach, presented in Chapter 6, proposes a model

based on the Grain–Size Distribution, which is based on the relationship between

the GSD and the Pore–Size Distribution (PSD) of the soil. Both methods have

practical application. The first method can be directly implemented in the

Enhanced Integrated Climatic Model (EICM), which is the model that

incorporates environmental effects in the estimation of the resilient modulus of

unbound materials. The EICM is an important component of the new

Mechanistic–Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG).

A summary of the conclusions from each chapter is presented below.

7.1.1 Conclusions Chapter 3 – Database Collection.

The database collection was a very important task for the development of

the work presented in this thesis. The vast amount of data points collected

contained a total of 36,394 different soils, with 4,518 items corresponding to non–

plastic materials and 31,876 plastic soils. The database was collected by the

National Conservation Resources Service for agricultural purposes and contains

chemical, physical and engineering soil properties which can be used in a number

of disciplines. The soils properties were obtained from studies developed during

many years through the continental US, Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. The

database allowed for the estimation of parameters such as the wPI factor, Group

Index, the Soil–Water Characteristic Curve fitting parameters and the Grain–Size

Distribution fitting parameters.

Most of the properties were obtained directly from the laboratory or from

field testing while other properties were estimated from correlations or

estimations. Both sets of data or properties had some degree of uncertainty related

to them. The uncertainty of the data can be attributed to several factors: First, the

database was developed by collecting tests during a range of years (USDA–NRCS

was established in 1935); second, uncertainty associated with environmental

conditions and soil nature (samples were located all over the US territory); third,

the tests were performed by following protocols and standards which are being

constantly updated; and last, technological changes and advances in the field

allowed for new data interpretations during more than 70 years the data has been


In order to eliminate the variability encountered in the data, a moving

average technique was employed, whereas the data was organized or sorted

according to the geotechnical factor (predictor) that most affected the predicting

variable. This process is commonly used when the database presents high

variability in order to find the general trend of behavior (Graham, 1993).

It is important to emphasize that the vast database collected and presented

as part of this thesis work was drawn directly from laboratory testing. It is

perhaps the largest database of soil moisture retention curves available in the

world. These facts allowed for optimal models to estimate the Soil–Water

Characteristic Curve, as those presented in this work.

7.1.2 Conclusions Chapter 4 – Validating Existing Models.

Based on the database collected and described in detail in Chapter 3, the

validation of two existing models to estimate the SWCC was possible. The

analysis is presented in Chapter 4. The models corresponded to those proposed

by Zapata, 1999, and the MEPDG model (Witczak et al., 2006). These validations

were statistically calculated separately for fine–grained plastic soils and for

granular non–plastic materials.

Table 4-1 shows the errors found for the validation of Zapata’s models for

plastic and non-plastic soils. The validation was performed at different suction
levels: 1, 10,100, 1,000 and 10,000 kPa. For non-plastic soils, the R2 values

ranged between 68% and 82%. Relatively good predicted water contents were

found for suction values higher than 100 kPa. For plastic soils, the highest R2

(82%) was found at suction values lower than 1 kPa and relatively acceptable R2

(60%) was found for suction values higher than 1,000 kPa.

Figure 4-25 and 4-26 show the measured versus predicted volumetric

water content values obtained by using the model proposed by Zapata, 1999, for

plastic and non-plastic soils, respectively. These figures include all the predicted

water contents estimated at suctions of 1, 10, 100, 1,000 and 10,000 kPa. For

plastic soils, the model developed by Zapata, 1999, although it presented an

overall R2 of 0.70, it was found to be biased towards overprediction for most of

the data points. For non-plastic soils, the Zapata’s model presents a different

behavior, in which most of the data points were underpredicted and yielded a low

overall R2 value of 0.40.

In general, the models proposed by Zapata, 1999, present acceptable errors

considering that it was developed 10 years ago with few data points, when

compared to the vast database used in this project.

Tables 4-2 and 4-3 show the error analysis performed for the MEPDG

models for non-plastic and plastic soils, respectively. For non-plastic soils, an R2

value of 60%, which was considered to be acceptable, was found only for suctions

values lower than 1 kPa. Similarly, for plastic soils, the highest R2 value (83%)

was found for suction values lower than 1 kPa.

Figures 4-27 and 4-28 show the measured versus predicted volumetric

water content values obtained by using the MEPDG model for plastic and non-

plastic soils, respectively. These figures include all the predicted water contents

obtained at 1, 10, 100, 1,000 and 10,000 kPa of suction. It was observed that for

plastic soils, the volumetric water content was consistently overestimated and

yielded an R2 of 0.49. However, for non-plastic soils, the MEPDG model

presented an acceptable prediction of volumetric water content with an R2 value

equal to 0.91.

In general, the MEPDG models presented acceptable estimations

considering the amount of data analyzed. The MEPDG model can be considered

to be a better model for non-plastic soils, while the model proposed by Zapata,

1999 can be considered to perform better for fine-grained materials.

7.1.3 Conclusions Chapter 5 – Approach 1 to Predict the SWCC.

Tables 5-8 and 5-13 present the proposed models for the SWCC

parameters for the Fredlund and Xing equation, for plastic and non-plastic soils,

respectively. The models proposed for plastic soils were estimated in function of

the Group Index, which is in turn a function of passing sieve #200, liquid limit

and plasticity index. On the other hand, the models proposed for non-plastic soils

were estimated as function of the particle diameter D 10 .

The models proposed in Chapter 5 to estimate the SWCC parameters,

present the following advantages:

• The models proposed can be implemented in the Enhanced

Integrated Climatic Model (EICM), which is incorporated in the

Mechanistic–Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG). The

format required allows including the SWCC fitting parameters.

• The database is vast. With more than 31,000 data points for plastic

soils and 4,500 data points for non-plastic soils, it contains the

most important Soil Index Properties obtained directly from

laboratory testing or in the field. This database can be considered

the largest in the world containing unsaturated soil properties.

• The models proposed are very simple to be implemented. For

plastic soils, the Atterberg’s Limits and the Passing US sieve #200

are needed as input parameters; while for non-plastic materials,

only the particle diameter D 10 is needed. These are parameters

commonly used by practicing engineers and therefore, this model

becomes an excellent candidate for practical applications.

The approach and the models proposed in this chapter have the following


• The models proposed for the SWCC fitting parameters were

estimated independently of each other. That makes it difficult to

control the shape of the Soil–Water Characteristic Curve.

• Due to the tremendous amount of data points in the database, a

moving average estimate of the parameters during the statistical

analysis was necessary. The fine-grained material database was

sorted according to the wPI and the data were averaged in groups

of 300 consecutive data points. Groups of 50 consecutive data

points were used for non-plastic soils, based on the D 10 parameter.

While working with the moving average allows finding a clear

tendency of the data and hence, better correlations; the variability

gets somehow masked within each range. A deeper study of

variability should be performed.

When comparing the model for plastic soils found by Zapata, 1999

(Figures 4-25 and 4-26) with the model proposed in this work (Figures 5-30 and

5-32), it can be seen that the R2 improved from 0.70 to 0.81; while the R2

improved from 0.40 to 0.89 for non-plastic materials. Even though the R2

improved marginally for plastic soils, it can be observed that the Zapata's model is

biased towards overprediction for most of the dataset. For non–plastic soils the

results obtained with the Zapata’s model are underpredicting most of the data


On the other hand, when comparing the model proposed in this work

(Figure 5-30) with the plastic model used in the MEPDG model (Figure 4-27), it

can be seen that the R2 improved greatly from 0.49 to 0.81. For non-plastic or

granular soils, the R2 for both models are somewhat similar. Even though the

non–plastic model from MEPDG models is almost similar than the model

proposed in this work, the later model is much simpler and easier to implement

because it only depends on one gradation parameter, the particle size at 10%

Passing or D 10 .

It can be concluded that the new models proposed in this Chapter 5 will

enhanced the prediction of the SWCC and therefore, it is recommended to

consider applying them in practical applications.

As an example of the predicted SWCC based on the models proposed in

Chapter 5, the soil index properties shown in Table 7-1 were used to calculate the

SWCC fitting parameters. The three soil–water characteristic curves obtained are

shown in Figure 7-1.

Table 7-1. Soil Index Properties for Three Soils Taken from the Database

Classification Group Predicted SWCC Parameters

Soil USCS AASHTO P200 LL PI D10 wPI Index af bf cf hr

1 CH A-7-6 85 65 40 - 34.00 37 0.0709 2.1570 0.0849 1,102.1

2 CL A-6 65 40 25.5 - 16.58 14 1.8436 1.0489 0.6047 691.5

3 SP-SM A-1-a 5 0 0 0.07 0.00 1 8.0760 7.1855 0.6041 100.0






50 Soil 1
Soil 2

Soil 3




0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000
Matric Suction, kPa

Figure 7-1. Examples of SWCCs Using the Model Proposed

Degree of Saturation, %
In Figure 7-1, it can be observed that the SWCC for fine-grained material
loses its sigmoidal shape. This result might represent a “dual porosity” for soils
that are highly plastic (Zhang & Chen, 2005). The first air–entry value (i.e.0.05
kPa) might be associated with a macro–porosity while the second air–entry value
(i.e. about 1,000 kPa) might be associated with a micro–porosity of the soil. This
is reasonable given the fact that the measurements of suctions were obtained from
natural clods and not from slurries.

7.1.4 Conclusions Chapter 6 – Approach 2 to Predict the SWCC.

An approach to estimate the SWCC function based on the grain–size

distribution of the soil has been proposed in Chapter 6. This approach relied on

33,210 soil–water characteristic curves that corresponded to 664,200 data suction

points measured by the Natural Resources Conservation Service. The procedure

described in Figure 6-1 explains the process to estimate the SWCC from the

Atterberg limits and the plasticity index. The model proposed in Equation 6-11 is

used to estimate the suction values for the same degree of saturation equivalent to

the % passing for which the particle diameter D is defined. This model expresses

the suction as a function of the wPI and the particle diameter, D.

The advantages of the proposed model include:

• The model makes use of the complete grain–size distribution data.

• The model produce a continuous SWCC function as opposed to the

method proposed in Chapter 5.

• The model is based on the physical concept that relates the grain–

size distribution to the pore-size distribution of the soil.

• The model is based on simple and routinely measured soil index

properties such as gradation and Atterberg limits.

• Its implementation is straight forward.

A disadvantage of the model lies on the fact that the database provided

only 2 to 3 measured data points and therefore, in order to fit a complete SWCC

function, the author had to rely on the extremes of the function. That is, two extra

data points were included in the fitting process: 100% saturation was assigned to a

very low suction value and 0% saturation was assumed to occur at 1,000,000 kPa.

When comparing the model for plastic soils found by Zapata, 1999

(Figures 4-25 and 4-26) with the model proposed in this work (Figure 6-10), it

can be seen that the R2 improved from 0.70 to 0.81; while the R2 for non-plastic

soils improve from 0.40 to 0.81. On the other hand, when comparing the model

proposed in this Chapter 6 (Figure 6-10) with the MEPDG model (Figure 4-27

and 4-28), it can be seen that the R2 improved greatly from 0.49 to 0.81 for plastic

soils. For non-plastic soils, the R2 values were somewhat similar.

The new models proposed in this Chapter 6 based on the entire GSD did

not perform well for soils with high plasticity. New equations for k 1 , k 2 , k 3 and

k 4 parameters should be found. The procedure used in Chapter 6 looks promising

and can be used to repeat the analysis once all the problems have been


Similarly to Chapter 5, it can be concluded that the new models proposed

in this Chapter 6 will enhanced the prediction of the SWCC and therefore, it is

also recommended to consider applying them in practical applications.

7.2 Application

One of the most important applications for the models proposed in this

thesis work is in pavement design; where the unsaturated soil mechanics plays an

important role in the performance of the pavement structure, mainly on the

resistance and deformation of the soil. These characteristics of the soil are mainly

due to variations in matric suction, which could take place due to changes on

external conditions especially due to presence of water, changes in temperature,

depth of the ground water table, external loads, etc. This relationship between the

matric suction and the amount of water into the soil has been considered in the

Enhanced Integrated Climatic Model (EICM) as part of the Mechanistic–

Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG).

7.3 Recommendations for Further Research

This work was focused on soil properties which are affecting the SWCC

such as the volumetric water content for suctions of 10, 33 and 1,500 kPa, the

percentage of passing sieve # 200, and the Atterberg’s limits. The database

initially considered in this thesis has more physical and engineering properties

which could be used to establish more estimations or correlations.

Many studies relate the soil–water characteristic curve with other soil–

properties to obtain unsaturated soil property functions. The SWCC is related with

the grain–size distribution as applied in Chapter 6. Furthermore, the SWCC is

related with shear strength parameters to predict shear strength functions; and it is

also related to other hydraulic properties to obtain the water seepage constitutive

function. The database contains enough information to attempt correlations that

include the SWCC, the saturated hydraulic conductivity and other properties in

order to estimate the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity function.

In summary, unsaturated soil mechanics allows relating constitutive

relationships (water seepage, air flow, heat flow, shear strength and volume–mass

change), and compaction properties with the soil–water characteristic curve and

this database could be used to obtain other estimations.


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