Deepen Module 2
Deepen Module 2
Deepen Module 2
Whether curriculum is taken in its narrow view as a listing of subjects to be
taught in schools or broadly as all learning experiences that individuals undergo while
in school, we cannot deny the fact that curriculum should be understood by teachers
and other stakeholders for curriculum affects all teachers, students, parents,
politicians, businessmen, professionals, government officials or even •the common
3. The contents of a subject, concepts and tasks to be acquired, planned activities, the
desired learning outcomes and experiences, product of culture and an agenda to
reform society make up a curriculum. (Schubert, 1987)
5.It is a programme of activities (by teachers and pupils) designed so that pupils will
attain so far as possible certain educational and other schooling ends or objectives.
(Grundy, 1987)
6.It is a plan that consists of learning opportunities for a specific time frame and
place, a tool that aims to bring about behavior changes in students as a result of
planned activities and includes all learning experiences received by students with the
guidance of the school. (Goodland and Su, 1992)
7.It provides answers to three questions: 1. What knowledge, skills and values are
most worthwhile? 2. Why are they most worthwhile? 3. How should the young acquire
them? (Cronbeth, 1992)
Since the concept and meaning of curriculum are shaped •by a person's point
of view, this has added to fragmentation, and some confusion. However when put
together, the different definitions from diverse points of view, would describe
curriculum as dynamic and
Arthur Bestor as an essentialist believes that the mission of the school should be
intellectual training, hence curriculum should focus on the fundamental intellectual
disciplines of grammar, literature and writing. It should include mathematics, science,
history and foreign language.
Joseph Schwab thinks that the sole source of curriculum is a discipline, thus the
subject areas such as Science, Mathematics, Social Studies, English and many more.
In college, academic disciplines are labelled as humanities, sciences, languages,
mathematics among others. He coined the word discipline as a ruling doctrine for
curriculum development.
Phillip Phenix asserts that curriculum should consist entirely of knowledge which
comes from various disciplines.
Collectively from the traditional view of theorists like Hutchins, Schwab, Bestor
and Phenix, curriculum can be defined as a field of study. Curriculum is highly
academic and is concerned with broad historical, philosophical, psychological and
social issues. From a traditional view, curriculum is mostly written documents such
syllabus, course of study, books and references where knowledge is found but is used
as a means to accomplish intended goals.
Holin Caswell and Kenn Campbell viewed curriculum as all experiences children
have under the guidance of teachers.
Othaniel Smith, William Stanley and Harlan Shore likewise defined curriculum as a
sequence of potential experiences, set up in schools for the purpose of disciplining
children and youth in group ways of thinking and acting.
Colin Marsh and George Willis also viewed curriculum as all the experiences in the
classroom which' are planned and enacted by the teacher and also •learned by the