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Sendafa Senior Secondary School Geography Work Sheet For Grade 12 in 2020 Part I Choose The Best Answer From The Provided Option

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1.A system that use sophisticated computer hardware and software to collect ,store, manipulate and process
spatial data is A/ Map making B. Cartographic system C. GIS D. Satellite imagery

2. One of the following method is NOT commonly used to collect qualitative data

A. Personal observation B. Survey questionnaires C. Focus group discussion D. Group interview

3. Which of the following steps should come last during a geographical research project?

A. Preparation of report B. formulating hypothesis C. identifying causes D. writing bibliography

4. One of the following is wrong about non probability sampling

A. The basis of such sampling is personal decision by the researcher B. Involves a degree of sampling bias

C. Involves use of lottery system D. More appropriate for qualitative research

5. Which of the following is Not an expected outcome of modern geographic research?

A. Enhancing knowledge B. Finding solution to certain problems

C . Predicting about the future D. Challenging the laws of nature

6. Which of the following is Not correct about scientific research?

A. Research is discovery of news facts through planned and organized efforts

B. Research is an accidental discovery of new facts through trial and error

C. Research means to seek again with a view to becoming certain

D. Research is a scientific methods of investigation answers for identical probability

7. The type of data collection is original in features

A. Quantitative data B. Secondary data C. Primary data D. Sample design

8. One of the following type of research approach is Not related issues

A . Analyzing numerical information → Quantitative approach

B. Testing hypothesis → Quantitative approach

C. Applying statistical and mathematical tools → Quantitative approach

D. Analyzing non numerical information → Qualitative approach E. None of the above

9. Which statement is not true about topographic maps?

A. They are general purpose maps B. Show the entire country on a single area

C. Often large scale maps D. Portary both physical and cultural features at the same time
10. Which of the following statement is correct about thematic maps?
A. Emphasize a single geographical element
B. Shows different features on the same time
C. Drawn at small scale D. A and B


11. In Geographic research, it is not always easy to take the entire population as a study unit . What technique
do you use to decide you’re your
A. Sampling techniques B. Use of qualitative method
C. Changing the research topic D. dividing the study unit among many research
12. Which of the following approach is not applicable by quantitative research?
A. Inferential B. Simulation C. Experiment D. none of the above
13. Which of the following statement best represents the characteristics of conic projection?
A. All parallel are equal in the length to the equator
B. Parallel make arcs of concentric circle
C. Distortions increase forward from the equators
D. Meridians are straight line radiating from the pole
14. Which of the following statement is about the feature of action research?
A. There is rapid feedback B. It encourages reflection
C. It is based on assumption D. It is not productive new knowledge
15. One can claim that a geographical research project is complete when:
A. Working hypothesis in made B. Sampling design in finished
C. Collected data is analyzed D. Report is presented
16. Which of the following is a common technique of for gathering data for qualitative approach?
A. Group interview B. Inferential approach C. Questionnaires D. Personal approach D. All of the above
17. A device representing a Sphere shape earth on that and plane surface is known as

A. Globe B. Map projection C. Map D. All of the above

18. A type of map projection which maintains accuracy of direction is

A. Linear projection B. Azimutal projection C. Orthomorphic projection D. Homolographic projection

19. Which of the following statement is correct about reference maps?

A. Draw at small scale B. Emphasize a single geographical element

C. Show different features as the same time D. A and B are correct

20. Maps could be classified based on all of the following criteria Except

A. Their scales B. Types of information they convey C. Their purpose D. All of the above

21. One of the following is a zenithal perspective map projection?

A. Equal area projection B. Gonomonic projection C. Orthomorphic projection D. General purpose maps

22. Which one of the following is frequently used map in our everyday life?

A. Field sketch map B. Outer space map C. Location sketch maps D. Route sketch maps

23. A device representing a sphere shape earth on a flat and plane surface in known as:
A. Globe B. Map projection C. Map reading D. all of the above
24. Modern geographic research was largely concerned with the study of the following Except:
A. Sustainable environment B. Special analysis C. Locations and people D. Environmental hazards
25. Which type of map projection is best to show the mid latitude area?

A. Conical projection B. Cylinderical projection C. Planner D. Azimuthal projection E. None of the above


26. One of the following is Not true about sketch map

A. Sketch maps have strong point and draw backs B. Sketch maps are used to show location and
land scapes C. Sketch maps is reality to scale D. Sketch maps is a simple free hand drawing
that attempts to simulate real features

27. All of the following statement is correct about about Chorochromatic map Except

A. They are use shading, dots and colour tint B. They are qualitative distribution maps

C. They are show the quantitative variation of the distribution of features by using shadings using with
specific numerical value D. They show soil distribution maps of Ethiopia

28. The Hintalo lime stone of Ethiopia was deposited during the periods of

A. Quaternary B. Triassic C. Jurassic D. Teritary

29. One of the following may Not explain best the characteristics of globe?
A. They are too small B. Globe are expensive to make
C. They do not show all the surface of the earth at a time D. Easy to carry
30. Which type of map projection is best to show the mid latitude area?
A. Plane B. Conic C. Cylindrical D. Azimuthal
31. All of the following is the major events of Precambrian era Except

A. Intrusive volcanism B. Orogonic folding C. Metamorphisim D. Transgression and regression of water

32. The most elevated parts of the Ethiopian Rift valley is found in the

A. Lakes region B. Lower Awash valley C. Lower omo valley D. Afar Depression

33. An Ethiopian river which is relatively less suitable for the generation of hydroelectric power is

A. Tekezze B. Ghibe C. Baro D. Fincha

34. The temperature zone that is traditionally referred to as Wurch in Ethiopia is the area that lies above the
elevation of

A. 3000m B. 2300m C. 3300m D. 1800m

35. Whch of the following towns of Ethiopia has the longest rainy season and the lowest rainfall variability

A. Gore B. Dire Dawa C. Gondar D. Assela

36. Which of the following terms refers to deposit made by wind

A. Lacustrine deposit B. Marine deposit C. Fluvial deposit D. Aeolian deposit

37. If a locality Ethiopia has a mean annual temperature of 13c0, to which of the following traditional
temperature zones does not most probably belong

A. Dega B. Bereha C. kur D. Woina Dega

38. Which of the following area of Ethiopia is currently well known for tangible signs of active volcanisms

A. The south eastern lowland B. The Afar triangle C. The Lowland of Gambella D. The upper Ghibe river valley

39. From the following lowlands of the Horn of Africa one known as highly extensive lowlands.

A. Western lowlands B. Northwestern lowlands C. Southeastern lowlands D. Eastern lowlands


4O. which of the following is an example of Inland drainage system

A. The Rift valley Lakes region B. The Abbay basin C. The Ghenalle basin D. The Baro river valley

41. from the following one depict the direction the river flow and destination of the river

A. Drainage system B. Drainage Pattern C. Drainage Basin D. Drainage flow

42. Homo Saphian was formed in which period of geological time scale

A. Triassic B. Quaternary C. Teritary D. Jurassic

43. Which of the following is not correct about the plateau of North central massif

A. They are made up of numerous high mountain B. Are connected by the Yajju-Wadla Dilanta plateau

C. Mostly rugged and dissected plateau D. Are dome shaped plateau

44. In the development of geography as a field of study the scope of geography is?

A. Specialized and restricted B. Wide and limited C. Specific and unchanged D. Wide and dynamic

45. Place” S” is elevation is between 1500 and 2300 meters above sea level . The mean annual temperature is
15-20c0 . In which of the following temperature zone of Ethiopia place “S” is found?

A. Bereha B. Woina Dega C. Qolla D. Dega

46.Which one of the following is wrong rocks profile geological era in Ethiopia and the Horn
A. Cenozoic era → Igneous rock B. Precambrian era → Basement Complex rock
C. Mesozoic era → Sedimentary rock D. Recent era → Volcanic rock E. None of the above
47. Which of the following types of map in appropriate for showing settlement, Drainage, Roads and land use
distribution on the single map?
A. Thematic map B. Topographic map C. Navigating map D. Cadastral map
48. The term used to refer to the lack of sufficient income in each for basic needs such as closing , food and
shelter is-----------------------

A. Unemployment B. Absolute poverty C. Homelessness D. Relative poverty

49. The continental winds that prevail in winter over the greater part of the Red sea and central Ethiopia

A. North easterlies B. South westerlies C. North westerlies D. South westerlies

50. Which of the following pools for the summer rains of Ethiopia

A. Atlantic ocean B. Pacific ocean C. Indian ocean D. All of the above

51. ------------------ Zone formed by the convergence of North easterlies and equatorial easterlies

A. Low pressure zone B. High pressure zone C. Equatorial zone D. Middle latitude zone

52. The era of an alternate sinking and rising of the Horn of African landmass is

A. Paleozoic era B. Mesozoic era C. Precambrian era D. Recent era

53. The landforms of Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa are the results of the geological events is

A. Cenozoic era B. Paleozoic era C. Precambrian era D. Mesozoic era


54. All of the following is the major characteristics of Ethiopian rivers Except

A. They show seasonal fluctuation B. They have rapids and falls

C. They flow over steep slope courses D. Most of them are navigable

55. Notable business towns like Metema, Humera, Omedla and Kurmuk are found in

A. The Western lowlands B. The Southeastern highland

C. The Northwestern highland D. The Southeastern lowland

56. The location of Ethiopia between 33℃ East 48℃ East has marked influences mainly on
A. Level of economic development B. Ethinic diversity
C. Climatic variation D. Time zone the country finds herself in
57. The Arsi Bale Massifs are separated from the rest of the counry’s Highlands by
A. The abbay rivers B. The W-Shabelle rivers C. Ghenalle rivers D. Great rift valley E. All
58. The existing landforms of Ethiopia and the Horn are the processes of
A. Endogenic and Internal forces B. Exogenic and Erosion forces
C. External and Internal forces D. Internal and Breaking forces
59. If the altitude of the given mountain is 4620meters above sea level and the temperature at sea level is
30c0. What will be expected temperature at the top of mountain? (use Atmospheric lapse rate temperature
sea 6c per 1000m) A. 0.63c0 B. 0.43c0 C. 0.72c0 D. 0.92c0

60. Which of the following is Not control of weather and climate

A. Temperature B. Altitude C. Distance from the sea D. Latitude

61. In the rainy summer season, the air temperature over the high lands of Ethiopia gets low because of the

A. Low forest cover B. Thick cloud cover C. Clear sky at night D. None of the above

62. Which one of the following lakes is Not an examples of Highland lakes

A. Haik B. Abaya C, Hashenge D. Tana

63. The shallowest and deepest lakes of Ethiopia are , respectively

A. Abbaya and ziway B. Tana and Abaya C. Ziway and shalla D. Langano and haik

64. The climate of Ethiopia is mainly influenced by

A. Ocean current B. Altitude C. Latitude D. Distance from the sea

65. One of the following does Not belong to the group of key forces that explain the geologic history of
Ethiopia A. Cracking B. Folding C. Erosion D. Volcanisim

66. Which of the following rivers of Ethiopia belongs to the Mediterranean drainage system

A. Baro-Akobo B. Genalle C. Tekezze D. Abbay

67. Which 0f the following alternatives show correct match between Endemic wild animals and their
location in Ethiopia?

A. Wild Ass → -southeast and Afar B. Swayne’s Hartebeest → Nechsar park

C. Semein Fox → Bale highlands D. Gelada baboon → Shoa highlands


68. All of the following are the major causes of Deforestation Except

A. Overgrazing B. Slash and burn practices C. Institutional development D. Spread of built up areas

69. Which of the following is Not correct statement about soil of Ethiopia

A. Acriosols are extermely leached B. Yermosols are salty and acidic C. Lithosols are found in areas of low
precipitation D. Nithosols are the most widely cultivated soil E. None of the above

70. One of the following is Not the major factors anthropogenic soil erosion

A. Deforestation B. Unscientific tilling C. Topography D. Overcropping

71. The community practice to conserve the destruction of forest is

A. Bad farming practice B. Practicing agro-forestry C. Overgrazing D. Expansion of grazing land

72. The moisture bearing winds are the Equatorial Westerlies and Easterlies refers to as

A. Winter rainfall B. Summer rainfall C. Spring rainfall D. Autumn rainfall

73. Which of the following areas were the home of concentrated human settlement

A. Wurch B. Bereha C. Dega D. Alpine

74. All of the following are factors that influence the process of soil formation EXCEPT

A. Vegetation cover B. Climate situation C. Fallowing D. Parent material

75. In which of the following Northeastern African country is known as” Water Tower”

A. Kenya B. Ethiopia C. Sudan D. Djibouti

76. Which of the following rivers of Ethiopia is only used for transportation

A. Awash river B. Baro river C. Ghibe river D. Fincha river

77. Who say no population problem under a socialist mode of production and of ownership of resource , but
food scarcity are the result of unequal distribution of resource by capitalism

A. John Locke B. Easther Boserup C. Thomas Robert Malthus D. Karl Marx

78. One of the following refer the average number of population per square kilometer in a given area

A. Population data B. Population distribution C. Population density D. Population settlement

79. In terms of population the largest and smallest regional states of Ethiopia are

A. Amhara and Gambela B. Oromia and Harari C. Oromia and Amhara D. Tigray and Gambela

80. A population pyramid with abroad base and a narrow peak indicates

A. Low death rate and high life expectance B. The predominance of an adult population

C. High death rate and low life expectancy D. low fertility rate and low dependency ratio

81. one of the following is Not among the most densely populated area in Ethiopia

A. Kamashi B. Borena C. Sidama D. Ertale

82. Which region of Ethiopia is characterized by the largest number of urban settlement in Ethioia

A. Amhara B. SNNPR C. Oromia D. Tigray


83. A certain towns has decided to build an elementary school. Which demographic data do you think is most
relevant to decide the size of the school.

A. Total population data B. Population data C. Doubling time D. Population data with age structure

84. One of the following is not the most significant factors affecting the distribution of population in Ethiopia

A. Soil fertility B. Topography C. Climate D. Pollution

85. In Ethiopia high percentage of population live in which altitude?

A. 1000masl B. 500masl C Above 2600masl D. Below 500m

86. The population of Ethiopia can be rightly categorized as

A. Post marriage B. Anti natalist C. Pronatalist D. None of the above

87. Which of the following factors is the least impacts on the socio-economic development ofEthiopia

A. Rapid population growth B. Dependency on unreliable rainfall

C. Scarcity of natural resource D. Prevailing dependency on foreign aid

88. Which of the following region in Africa is the least populous?

A. Northern Africa B. Eastern Africa C. Southern Africa D. Western Africa

89. One of the following does Not characterized the Ethiopian industrial sectors

A. Absence of capital B. Dominance of light industries

C. Ranked first in its contribution of Ethiopia’s GDP D. Scarcity of qualified human labor

90. The developmental strategic document that covered the period between 2005-2010


91. Which one of the following is does not the challenges of economic growth and development in Ethiopia

A. Low infrastructural coverage B. Low income C. High levels of investment D. Rapid population growth

92. Closed contours with more or less circular shape , with values decreasing forwards the center is

A. Depression B. Valley C. Hill D. Plateau

93. From the following methods of showing altitudes on maps on represents precise height along railways or

A. Bench mark B. Calculating altitude C Spot height D. Trigonometrical points

94. In which drainage pattern rivers flow from surrounding high ground towards a central basin

A. Rectangular drainage pattern B. Dendritc drainage pattern

C. Radial drainage pattern D. Centripital drainage pattern

95. Which of the following development in geographical thought emerged and flourished during the second
half of the 20thcentury

A. The quantitative revolution B. Applied geography

C. Environmental determinism D. Environmental possibilism


96. The key focus of research and teaching in contemporary geography is

A. Explaining weather and climate change B. Describing the earth

C. Explaining factors that shape the world economic order D. Explain the variation of human activity

97. A methods of showing a relief features on a map by using different colors of different intensities of the
same colors

A. Relief shading B. Formline C. Hachure D. Layer tintig

98. ------------------ are lines on maps that show the distribution of equal transportation cost

A. Isobar B. Isotransport C. Isohytes D. Isodapanes

99. Which of the following often separates adjacent drainage basin?

A. A ridge B. Their tributaries C. Deltas D. Confluences

100. Which of the following branches of geography studies the Anthroposphere?

A. Population geography B. Cultural geography C. Hydro-geography D. Climatology

Part II Give Short answer briefly

1. Identify the most appropriate map projection for each of the following parts of the world

* Polar areas

* Temperate areas

* Equatorial areas

2. Whats the major characteristics of tertiary quaternary periods

3. Discuss the major geological events of four era

4. Explain the basic features of highlands and lowlands

5. State the most elevated lowest parts of the Ethiopian rift valley

6. Express the rivers of Ethiopia that have been used for HEP generation

7. Compare and contrast nithosols with vertisols

8. Explain the major stages of boundary formation

9. Describe the major water bodies found around the horn of Africa

10..Express the indicators of economic growth and economic development

Geography worksheet for grade 12 Dec 2020 By:- Sena Wek


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