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Assignment (HRM)

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Name: Sitte Alma B Sultan

Sub: Human Resource Management (BAc5)

Activity #2

1. Define HRM?

Human Resource Management focuses on principles, methods, and technologies that are used to
improve the productivity of an organization. HR specialists achieve this through strategies and policies
that increase the effectiveness of employees. The employees or staff are also referred to as the human
capital, the lifeblood and the most important resource of most organizations. There are several different
focus areas in Human Resources: Recruiting and staffing, Compensation and benefits, Training and
learning, Labor and employee relations, Organization development. HRM can be defined as the effective
management of people in an organization. HR management helps bridge the gap between employees’
performance and the organization’s strategic objectives. Moreover, an efficient HR management team
can give firms an edge over their competition. The human resource management process ensures that
the organization leads by example and the firm’s actions fall in line with its vision.

2. Explain the significance of HRM

Human resources is considered one of institution’s most important assets, A lot of money spent on
developing it for it’s great importance in achieving the institution’s goals. Nowadays in the era of
technical development, HR represents a huge part of the assets, where it reaches more than 80% in IT
companies, for that, senior management gives HR great attention and spends massive budgets annually
on its development, to help eventually in growing and achieving the institution’s goals. The importance
of having human resources management. Institution wouldn’t be able to build a team of professionals
without having a competent HRM department. HRM can contribute both effectiveness and efficiency by
leveraging human assets through selection, allocation, deployment, development, management, and
retention. Employee motivation, morale, retention, productivity, and performance all have a great
influence on an org's efficiency and effectiveness.

3. Explain the concept of HRM

Human resource management means management people at work, HRM is the process which binds
people with organization and helps both people and organization achieve each other’s goal. Various
policies, processes and practices are designed to help both employees and organizations to achieve their
goals. Human resources management is a branch of management that deals with people at work, it is
concerned with the human dimension of management of the organization. As organization consist
people therefore acquiring them developing skills providing them motivation in order to attain higher
goal and ensuring that the level of commitment is maintenance are the important activities. Creates
value by engaging in activities that produce the employee behaviors that the organization needs to
achieve its strategic goals. The active resource of an organization is the human resource. Other
resources remain inactive unless there are competent people to utilize the available resources for the
production of goods and services. A human brain has a limitless energy to think and act in a productive
way. Hence, competent and qualified human resource is a key factor of organizational success. In this
regard, the emergence of human resource development (HRD) plays a vital role in enhancing the
entrepreneurial skill of people.
4. Explain the development of HRM?

Development of human resource management is essential for any organization that would like to be
dynamic and growth-oriented. Unlike other resources, human resources have rather unlimited potential
capabilities. The potential can be used only by creating a climate that can continuously identify, bring to
surface, nurture and use the capabilities of people. Human Resource Development (HRD) system aims at
creating such a climate. A number of HRD techniques have been developed in recent years to perform
the above task based on certain principles. HRM, being a part of management discipline, has followed
the pattern of development of management because of the interrelationship of the problems of both
the fields. Human Resource Management (HRM) is relatively a very recent term considered for
managing human resources in an organization. HRM is still evolving to become an amalgam of
organizational behavior, personnel management, industrial relations and labor legislation.

5. What is meant by the systems approach of HRM?

By a systems approach to management is meant the study of a firm in its totality so that the men and
material resources of the firm can be organized to realize the firm's overall objectives as efficiently as
possible. This approach is now becoming essential because of the growth of complexity of firms and the
increasing potential of automatic computers. The systems approach to management implies that every
manager should be much more precise about decision-making and information flow. For this to be
effective, a company should have an overall system of corporate objectives. First a detailed systems
study will be necessary to decide on the best objectives and then subsidiary systems must be set up to
realize these objectives as efficiently as possible.

6. What is the contingency approach?

The contingency approach to management is based on the idea that there is no single best way to
manage. Contingency refers to the immediate contingent circumstances. Effective organizations must
tailor their planning, organizing, leading, and controlling to their particular circumstances. In other
words, managers should identify the conditions of a task, the requirements of the management job, and
people involved as parts of a complete management situation. The leaders must then work to integrate
all these facets into a solution that is most appropriate for a specific circumstance. The contingency
approach to management assumes that there is no universal answer to many questions because
organizations, people, and situations vary and change over time

7. What is the HRM environment?

Human Resource Environment is a part of social environment which includes the concept, viewpoints,
work culture, attitudes, efficiency, skills, productivity, nature and behavior of HR, employees’ demand
and supply, motivational aspects, compensation methods and industrial relation concerning of HR
practices. With the growing and integrated role and perception of social and human resource
environmental factors, there is a transformation process was emerged for the last two decades. The
shift from manual process to machinery process, from unskilled employees to the skilled employees,
from manufacturing economy to a service economy, from machine age to the autocratic age have been
accompanied by many transformations.
8. What is people’s management?

People’s management is all about planning, organizing, compensating, integrating and maintaining
people for the purpose of contribution to the organizational, individual and society goals. It can also be
defined as all the management and actions that directly affect or influence people as member of
organization rather than job-holders. People Management is the practice of managing a group or team
of people. This involves managing both their professional as well as personal goals in a way that enables
them to perform their best. Managing people means managing their individual feelings and values, and
treating them as individual human beings. People management is about managing people" (and project
management is about managing projects. People management is a subset of human resource
management, which deals with strategic, financial and policy issues, as well as people management.
People management is a good way of saying “how to control your employees” and how they react to
your leadership and individual traits.

9. What is Hawthorne’s Theory and explain.

Hawthorne’s Theory is ae popular motivational theory. The study of this theory or experiment was done
at the Hawthorne Western Electric Company in Chicago where it was been conducted by several stages
between 1924 and 1932. The first stage of the study of this theory began by investigating the effects of
lighting levels and incentives on employee productivity in the Relay Test Assembly Room. For years, the
“Hawthorne Effect” has been incorrectly defined as increasing productivity by paying more attention to
workers. But, it’s simply not about more attention from management. The Hawthorne effect cannot be
understood without giving equal importance to the social units which become intensely cohesive
groups. After finishing with the theory, Mayo and his colleagues found the differences in performance
were due to group dynamics. Individual workers who worked at a faster pace were socially ostracized
from the group or “binged” until they slowed their work pace. This study or theory was beneficial mostly
to the managers who had better understanding regarding the effects of group social interactions,
employee satisfaction and attitudes had on individual and group performance.

10. Diagram the Organizational Structure of CCSA College and explain the different functions.

The organizational structure of CCSA College that can be seen below demonstrates a vertical
organizational structure where it observes clear lines of authority where the staff or people are
designated properly according to their task. This eventually shows clear communications.
 The board of trustees is the governing body of colleges and universities; their role in governance
encompasses many duties and responsibilities and the board is responsible for strategic
planning and oversight of the CEO or president, who is responsible for carrying out the plans of
the board of trustees.
 The role of the School President is to make representations on behalf of undergraduate and
postgraduate students within their School (or Department), and to improve communications
and cooperation among students and staff, for the mutual benefit of both. The vice-president is
responsible for taking over the duties of the president if they are unable to or has to resign due
to a move or a change of school. This also means that the vice-president may oversee meetings
or functions if the president is out of town or sick from school.
 The vice-president is responsible for taking over the duties of the president if they are unable to
or has to resign due to a move or a change of school. This also means that the vice-president
may oversee meetings or functions if the president is out of town or sick from school.
 The Dean of College is responsible in coordinating the development of and implementing the
college's Vision and Goals Statement; leading college efforts toward achieving University goals;
Developing a college budget and managing the fiscal affairs of the college.
 Research coordinators help researchers design, monitor, and collect accurate data.
 Assistant Dean of College assists and informs the Dean in all matters of administrative and
academic concern, and to be responsible for special projects or programs as assigned.
 Community Extension Coordinator assists in the conduct of applied researches, clientele in
preparing plan and budget and assist in the implementation of the projects/activities and
identifies and assists in the development of extension programs of the different colleges and
potential stakeholders.
 Chaplains answer faith-based questions and provide spiritual guidance to patients and staff
members across various religious belief systems. Chaplains perform religious ceremonies
including weddings, funerals, and baptismal events. They also perform prayer and meditation
services in group and one-on-one settings.
 The academic affairs division is responsible for supporting student learning and experiences,
program initiatives, and faculty support. This department provides professional development
resources for faculty and develops, revises and implements policies and procedures when
 Business Office In-Charge establishes and carry out departmental or organizational goals,
policies and procedures. Direct and oversee an organization's financial and budgetary activities.
Manage general activities related to making products and providing services.
 General Services Office In-Charge is responsible for the general upkeep, cleanliness, and repairs
of buildings, grounds, facilities, and school offices in order to maintain the functional integrity of
the physical plant and to provide a safe and secure environment conducive to learning and
 Property custodians are responsible for managing equipment, supplies, parts and even evidence
in police investigations. They are found at colleges, government agencies, warehouses, police
evidence rooms and any other business or organization with inventory.
 Human Resource Officer supports the development and implementation of HR initiatives and
systems. Providing counseling on policies and procedures. Being actively involved in recruitment
by preparing job descriptions, posting ads and managing the hiring process.
 Program Head develops programs for enabling school students and families to meet academic
 Sunday High School Coordinator is responsible for ensuring each Sunday school class has a
qualified teacher and for training new teachers.
 A school registrar is an administrative professional who works for an educational institution to
assist students with enrollment and withdrawal of classes. She maintains student records, test
scores, works with school counselors and handles other various administrative and clerical tasks
as needed.
 A Librarian is in charge of collecting, organizing, and issuing library resources such as books,
films, and audio files. They work in a range of settings including public libraries, schools, and
museums. Their duties include issuing resources, cataloging books, and conducting regular
 Guidance Counselor assist students at all levels, from elementary school to college. They act as
advocates for students' well-being, and as valuable resources for their educational
 The school nurse supports student success by providing health care through assessment,
intervention, and follow-up for all children within the school setting. The school nurse addresses
the physical, mental, emotional, and social health needs of students and supports their
achievement in the learning process.
 O.S.A In-charge supports the academic and personal development of individuals attending
college or university. Other common names for this sector include student services, student
success or student personnel.
 Prefect of Discipline act as the role model for all the students in the School. Their main duty is
to maintain an atmosphere of friendly cooperation, peace, discipline and unity in the School.
 O.C.A Coordinator comes together and work across teams to get the work of curriculum
delivery done.
















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