Grammar Vocabulary: O O O O

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I'd Love to Live Like a poor man, but with Lots of money.

Pablo Picasso, Spanish painter

1 GRAMMAR verb + infinitive 2 VOCABULARY verbs that take the infinitive

a Co mplete rhe se ntences with ta and a verb in Match rhe sentences 1- 8 w ith the sente nces a- h .
rhe box. 1 ['m taking some lesso ns. rn
become cook download go ride spend
2 Our washing maehine is broken. OG
stop visit 3 I have a lotof dresses. HO
l'd like to [jo on a safar i.
4 I'm playing tennis [Omorrow. O
2 My brorher's learn in g _to_ _ _ _ __
5 That girl is Brazilian so 1ean'r speak to her. O

a mo[Orcycle.
6 We are looking ar hore!s in Miami, Florida. OE

3 Do you need _to _spend

_ _ _ _ _ Iess time on
7 I don't have time to do my homework now. BO

your com puter? 8 Ilove Carrie Underwood and her music. O


4 She wants _to _stop

_ _ _ _ _ bir in g her nails.
5 Wou ld you Iike _ _ to _
visit_ _ _ _ New York a J'd like to learn Porruguese.
Ciry? b 1promise [O do it later.
6 We know all their songs, so we don'r need e 1hope [O win rhe match.
_ to_donwload
_ _ _ _ _ the Iyrics. d 1 wanr [O get rickers [O her concerr.
7 J'm leavi ng home next momh so 1 need [O learn e \Ve're planning ro go rhere on vacar ion.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ a mea!.
to cook f 1'1I,lea'llillgt~d,ive.
8 Do you want _to_become
_ _ _ _ _ a singer? g \Ve need [O buy a new one.
b Write sentences or quesrions wirh \Vould like. h 1decided [O wear the red one.
Use contracrions.
he I have very long hair El 3 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress
He \Vollldu't like to llave very lQng hair a Und erline rhe st ressed word s.
2 you I c1imb a mountain rn 1 A Would you like to drive a sports car?
would you like to climb a mountain
B Ves, I'd lave too
----------~--------------? A Why?
3 we I ger up earlied±l
B Beeause llave cars, and r lave driving.
we'd like to get up earlier
2 A Would you like to ride a horse?
B No, r wouldn't.
4 l / Iearn to fly aplane I±l A Why not?
I'd like to learn to fly a plane
B Beeause r don't like horses.
3 A Do you want to learn to cook?
5 she I make a short movie El B Ves, I need too
She wouldn't like to make a short movie A Why?
B Beeause r want to live on my own.
6 they / get married rn
b 4[íM4;m Listen a nd check. The n li sten and repear
would they like to get married
rhe dia logues.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - _?
a Listen ro a TV hose inrerviewing rhree a Read rhe texto Answer rhe quesrions \Virh J (Julio),
peopl e abour rhings rhey \Vant ro do wirh eheir ¡ives. K (Kimberley), Y (Yusuke), or G (Greg).
What are eh eir ambirions?

Things I want to do
] Dave
buy a motorcycle Julio, 25, Brazil
I'd love to be in Times Square in New York City at
midnight on New Year's Evel And I'd like it to be
snowing, too - that's more romantic. People say that
the atmosphere there is amazing. I think it would be
a great experience.

Kimberly, 31, Canada

2 Carolina
Go to Australia I want to visit the Amazon rainforest. It's such
a unique and fascinating place, and I'm really
interested in the w ildlife that li ves there. I'd like to
do a trek and go campi ng there for three weeks or
so. I've seen a lot of movies about explorers, and
now I'd like to do something really exciting myself.

Yusuke, 26, Japan

3 Eddie
What I want to do is go on a road trip across Europe
Go to a concert
with my two best friends. I've been to the US and
Canada, but I've never be en to Europe. I want to see
all the famous tourist sites like the Eiffel Tower,
Big Sen, and the Leaning Tower of Pisa. I read about
them in books whe n I was a chi ld - it wou ld be a
b Li sten again and wrire T (true) or F (false). dream come true for me to see them in reallife.

1 Dave had a bicyclewhen he \Vas younge r. F

Greg, 34, the US
2 Dave isn'r a fach er. F
It's not ve ry original , but I'd like to drive a really
3 Carolina is planning ro visir Canada \Virh her sister. F
expensive sports car up the coast of California with
4 Carolina enj oys flying. T my wife next to me in the passenger seat. However,
5 Eddie has ti cket s to see hi s favorite band in concer r. F right now I own a Toyota Coro lla, so I may ha ve to
6 Kings ofL eon isn'r rouring (his year. T wait a few years befo re I can achieve my dream!

USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Whi ch person became interested in hi s or her

Learn these words and phrases. dream when he or she \Vas very youn g? O
2 \Vho wants ro be part of a rraditional celebration? DJ
ambitions /rern'b¡Jnzl
3 Who need s to buy something befo re he or she can
recipes I' n;sdpiz/
achieve hi s or her dream ? DG
preferably /' pn:f~udbli l
4 \Vhich person wou ld like some advenrure? K D
seriou s j'sIriJsl
translare f' trrensleltl b G uess the meaning of the highlighted words. C heck
the m ea ning and pronunciation in your dictionary.
be yourse lf Ibi Y;;lr'sdfl
bite your nail s /halt y:Jf 'nerlzl
(see a band) ¡ive /Ialvl
stayawa ke /stel J'welk/

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