Amm Pk-Glu
Amm Pk-Glu
Amm Pk-Glu
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B. Referenced Information
Ref. 24-41-00-861-002 Energize the Aircraft Electrical Circuits from the Ext
-A ernal Power
Ref. 24-41-00-861-002- Energize the Aircraft Electrical Circuits from the AP
A01 U
Ref. 24-41-00-861-002- Energize the Aircraft Electrical Circuits from Engine
A02 1(2)
Ref. 24-42-00-862-001 De-energize the Ground Service Network Supplied
-A from the External Power
3. Job Set-up
SUBTASK 25-11-65-860-051-A
A. Aircraft Maintenance Configuration
(1) Energize the aircraft electrical circuits Ref. AMM TASK 24-41-00-861-00
4. Procedure
SUBTASK 25-11-65-710-050-A
A. Operational Test of the Captain (First Officer) Inboard Seat Armrest-Assy 01/07/2020
CTV - A318 / A319 / A320 / A321 - AMM - FSN: 158 - 01-May-2020 - 25-11-65-71... Page 2 of 2
1.On the inboard armrest:
- Push the button and lift the ar - The armrest moves correctly.
mrest to a position less than 90
- Release the button. - The armrest stays in position.
- Push the button, lift the armres - The armrest is in its stowage pos
t to the vertical position and tu ition.
rn it behind the backrest.
- Release the button. - The armrest stays in its stowage
5. Close-up
SUBTASK 25-11-65-860-052-A
A. De-energize the aircraft electrical circuits
Ref. AMM TASK 24-42-00-862-001. 01/07/2020