Staphylococci 222.ppsx
Staphylococci 222.ppsx
Staphylococci 222.ppsx
Dr. Adawia Alzubiadi
Medicine college
Diyala University
Genera: Micrococcus, Staphylococcus, & Rothia
are catalase positive. Genera: Streptococcus &
enterococcus are catalase negative. Staphylococci Family
are the most commonly isolated micrococcaceae
from human & veterinary clinical specimens. Micrococcaceae
G+ bacteria. It usually arranged in grape-like
clusters. Single or pairs may also found. Colonies
are white to gray, and sometimes golden yellow,
entire and smooth surface. They grow readily on
many types of media. Some are normal flora of the
skin and mucous membrane of human. Other
causes suppuration, abscesses formation and a
variety of pyogenic infections and even fatal . The
main 3 species of staphylococci are:
Staphylococcus aureus
Staphylococcus epidermidis (albus)
Staphylococcus saprophyticus
S. aureus is coagulase positive which differentiate
them from other species. It is the major pathogen for
human. The coagulase negative staphylococci are
normal flora and occasionally causing infection in
human (Opportunistic pathogen).
Morphology: Staphylococci are spherical in shape usually arranged in
Culture: Staphylococcus aureus
-They readily grow on different media under aerobic or
microaerophilic conditions.
-Colonies on solid media are round smooth and glistening.
-S. aureus only produce gray to deep golden yellow colonies.
-S. epidermidis produce gray to white colonies.
- Staphylococci are catalase positive which differentiate them from
Pathogenesis :
The nasal carriage among normal healthy population occurs in 40%-
50% of humans. Nasal carriage in children is higher than in adults.
While the rate of skin carriage was about 20%.
10% of normal non-pregnant women carries S. aureus in their vagina.
S. aureus can enter to the body through a number of routes (mouth,
nose, vagina, wounds, burns …etc). It can establish a variety of
pyogenic infections as well as food intoxication. The pathogenic
capacity of S. aureus is aided by toxins and enzymes they produced
together with the invasive properties of the bacteria and their ability
to resist a wide range of antibiotics.
Antimicrobial resistance is chromosomal & plasmid mediated.
Pathogenicity factors of S. aureus :
S. aureus has three features that make it distinct among most other clinically important bacteria. It can
express a variety of virulence factors, it has the ability to develop and expand resistance to a broad
spectrum of antimicrobial drug classes, and its wide distribution in human, animal and environment.
Toxins and Enzymes of S. aureus:
Staphylococci can produce many extracellular enzymes and toxins. These substances enable the
bacteria for multiplying and spread widely in the tissues.
Catalase: which convert hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen.
Coagulase: May deposit fibrin on the surface of staphylococci and thus protect them from phagocytosis.
Enterotoxin: It is a heat-stable toxin responsible for food intoxication of S. aureus.
Exotoxins: which includes leukocidin, exfoliative toxin and toxic shock syndrome.