Section C

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PPPO Technical Support Services Section C

DRAFT Solicitation No. DE-SOL-0010125





C.1 PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................................................... 3
C.1.1 Goals and Objectives .................................................................................................................................................. 3
C.1.2 Performance Expectations and Management Approach ............................................................................................. 3
C.1.3 Structure of Key Personnel .......................................................................................................................................... 5
C.2 CONTRACT TRANSITION ...................................................................................................................................... 6
C.2.1 Transition Plan ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
C.2.2 Weekly Status Reports of Transition Activities .......................................................................................................... 7
C.2.3 Contractor Performance Assurance Surveillance Plan (PASP) .................................................................................. 7
OVERSIGHT .............................................................................................................................................................. 8
C.3.1 General Oversight Work Activities ............................................................................................................................ 8
C.3.2 Technical Oversight Work Activities ......................................................................................................................... 9
C.3.3 Health, Safety, and Regulatory Compliance Oversight ............................................................................................ 11
C.3.4 Paducah Federal Facility Agreement (FFA) Oversight............................................................................................. 12
C.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE OVERSIGHT................................................................................................................. 14
C.6 NUCLEAR MATERIAL MANAGEMENT OVERSIGHT ..................................................................................... 16
C.7 NUCLEAR SAFETY BASIS OVERSIGHT ............................................................................................................ 17
C.8 ENVIRONMENTAL RISK ASSESSMENTS ......................................................................................................... 21
C.9 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) AND CYBER SECURITY ....................................................................... 22
C.9.1 IT Support Services .................................................................................................................................................. 22
C.9.2 Cyber Security .......................................................................................................................................................... 27
C.9.3 Technology Software and Hardware Procurements .................................................................................................. 30
C.10 SAFEGUARDS AND SECURITY (S&S) ............................................................................................................... 30
C.10.1 Service Delivery Overview and Objectives .............................................................................................................. 30
C.10.2 Project Management and Security Coordination ...................................................................................................... 31
C.10.3 Requirements ............................................................................................................................................................ 32


PPPO Technical Support Services Section C
DRAFT Solicitation No. DE-SOL-0010125

C.10.4 Lexington Security Support ...................................................................................................................................... 32

C.10.5 Portsmouth and Paducah Security Support ............................................................................................................... 41
C.11.1 Fleet Administration ................................................................................................................................................. 46
C.11.2 Paralegal Assistance ................................................................................................................................................. 46
C.11.3 Records Management Operations and Oversight ...................................................................................................... 47
C.12.1 Project Management and Planning ........................................................................................................................... 49
C.12.2 Project Integration .................................................................................................................................................... 50
C.12.3 Project Controls and Baseline Support ..................................................................................................................... 50
C.12.4 Budget Support and Oversight .................................................................................................................................. 53
C.12.5 Fiscal Planning, Analysis, Accounting, Auditing and Reporting ............................................................................. 54
C.12.6 Accountant/Auditor Oversight .................................................................................................................................. 55
C.12.7 Contract Management Support and Oversight .......................................................................................................... 56
C.12.8 Contract Closeout and Support ................................................................................................................................. 59
C.12.9 Reviews, Audits, Assessments and Documentation.................................................................................................. 60
C.12.10 Special Projects ............................................................................................................................................. 61
C.12.11 Change Control and Performance Management Oversight........................................................................... 61
C.12.12 Financial Assistance (FA) Management Oversight ...................................................................................... 61
C.13 ASSET RECOVERY/PERSONAL PROPERTY TRANSFER OVERSIGHT ........................................................ 62
C.14 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER OVERSIGHT ...................................................................................................... 62
C.15 PUBLIC AFFAIRS/COMMUNITY RELATIONS OVERSIGHT .......................................................................... 63
C.17 CLOSEOUT WORK ACTIVITIES.......................................................................................................................... 66
C.18 SUBJECT MATTER EXPERTS .............................................................................................................................. 67
C.19 CONTRACTOR IDENTIFICATION WHILE ON A DOE INSTALLATION ....................................................... 67
C.20 CONTRACTOR EMPLOYEE TRAINING ............................................................................................................. 67
C.21 GOVERNMENT FURNISHED PROPERTY .......................................................................................................... 68
C.22 DELIVERABLES AND REPORTS ......................................................................................................................... 68


PPPO Technical Support Services Section C
DRAFT Solicitation No. DE-SOL-0010125




The Mission of the Portsmouth/Paducah Project Office (PPPO) is to conduct the safe, secure, compliant,
and cost effective environmental legacy cleanup of the Portsmouth and Paducah Uranium Enrichment
Sites on behalf of the local communities and the American taxpayer. The PPPO requires a Technical
Support Services (TSS) Contractor to provide technical and administrative support to assist the
Department of Energy (DOE) with the oversight and management of: the clean-up activities at the
Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant (GDP)/site in Pike County, Ohio and the Paducah GDP/site in
Paducah, Kentucky; operation of the Depleted Uranium Hexafluoride Conversion Project (DUF6) in
Pike County, Ohio and Paducah, Kentucky; and to provide various technical engineering functions,
information technology infrastructure support, S&S oversight, and general administrative support for all
of the PPPO sites. Resources shall be provided at all sites based on site needs and workload.

C.1.1 Goals and Objectives

In the performance of this contract, the TSS contractor (hereafter Contractor) shall support and
implement actions in furtherance of the “Office of Environmental Management FY15/FY16 Performance
Agreement” (See Section J, Attachment J-9), and achievement of the following goals:

Goal 1: Improve Organizational Culture.

Goal 2: Increase Efficiency/Improve Performance.
Goal 3: Achieve Program/Project Results.
Goal 4: Organizational Excellence.

C.1.2 Performance Expectations and Management Approach

The Contractor shall:

1. Provide 100% of all services and deliverables identified in this PWS in a timely, complete,
effective and efficient manner.
2. Demonstrate commitment to quality in preparation of all deliverables and services required by
the contract.
3. Adhere to and follow all applicable procedures, policies, statues, regulations, and DOE Orders
which pertain to the activities outlined in the PWS.
4. Ensure that personnel assigned to the Contract have the skills, training, and appropriate
qualifications required to perform the PWS requirements.
5. Conduct themselves with professionalism expected in a Government office environment, and in
accordance with applicable DOE and federal regulations.


PPPO Technical Support Services Section C
DRAFT Solicitation No. DE-SOL-0010125

The Contractor shall ensure that its technical approach and execution of work comply with all current,
applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, and other regulatory agreements between DOE and
regulatory agencies. Regulatory documents include applicable laws, regulations, licenses, agreements,
and DOE directives (List A and B) (See Section J, Attachment J-1). The Contractor’s performance of
“oversight” consists of gathering information and providing accurate technical advice and
recommendations for use by Federal Government officials.

The Contractor’s performance will be measured for completeness, quality of work, timeliness and
accuracy. Unacceptable work as determined by DOE will be documented in accordance with DOE
performance evaluation policy and procedures on an interim, annual or final basis in Contractor
Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS) evaluations. The evaluation ratings include but
are not limited to: quality, cost control, timeliness of meeting performance schedules, business relations,
management (including performance of key personnel), further utilization of small businesses for
subcontracting, regulatory compliance and overall customer satisfaction. Unsatisfactory performance
may result in DOE taking action under the terms of the contract, including but not limited to not
exercising options under this contract.

The Contractor is expected to conduct all work in a manner that promotes and improves productivity and
minimizes wasteful spending, while complying with contract terms and conditions, safety standards and
security standards. On a quarterly basis, the Contractor shall provide recommendations/lessons learned
for all areas of the PWS, and annually submit a formal roll-up of lessons learned to provide a basis to
improve the efficiency and cost effectiveness of the DOE managed activities.
Recommendations/lessons learned shall be relevant, useful and implementable.

The Contractor shall work with DOE and onsite contractors to establish partnering agreements based
upon open communication, collaboration, and commitment to joint success. Partnering establishes a
collaborative approach among all parties to achieve desirable results. These partnering agreements will
not be part of this contract nor does it alter the contractual relationship of the various parties.

The Contractor shall review the Shared Site Services and Interface Requirements Matrices currently in
place with the other site Contractors, shall perform oversight as delineated to the incumbent technical
support service contractors (termed DOE Technical Support or ETS within the matrices) in the matrices,
and shall coordinate with the DOE and other site contractors to make updates to these matrices, as
required (see Section J, Attachment J-11, Shared Site Services and Interface Requirements Matrices).

The Contractor shall develop work and staffing plans for this PWS and for all projects under this
contract and provide monthly status reports on all work activities to the Contracting Officer
Representative(s) COR(s) or other DOE representatives as required. These plans shall leverage the use
of technical expertise across all three (3) sites where possible, so as to not compromise safety and
security, but to minimize the need for duplicative personnel, where possible, at each site. The
Contractor shall provide a Roles and Responsibilities Matrix that identifies specific roles,
responsibilities, interfaces, and points of contact within the Contractor organization to streamline
communications in all areas of the PWS. Individual staff shall not be assigned solely or exclusively to
support one site or project unless identified in the approved Performance Assurance Surveillance Plan


PPPO Technical Support Services Section C
DRAFT Solicitation No. DE-SOL-0010125

(PASP) (see section C.2.3). The Contractor shall maximize the efficiency of its resources, which may
result in a single resource being located at one (1) PPPO site providing support to all three (3) sites;
however, site project support/oversight needs must not be compromised due to the location of
individuals. The Contractor shall ensure that each of its employees has an executed non-disclosure
agreement from date of hire to separation, and shall provide a copy to the Contracting Officer (See
Section J, Attachment J-13).

The Contractor shall develop an Annual Work Plan (AWP) with details of the specific activities to be
performed for each PWS element demonstrating how the Contractor plans to achieve the anticipated
contract outcomes, the time frames involved for each activity, and those responsible for performing the
activities. In addition to the overall direct labor requirements, the Contractor shall provide cost and
schedule details for travel, ODC’s and overtime to perform the work required in the PWS. The AWP
shall include any required corrective actions plans, risk assessments and/or planned corrective actions
for deficiencies. The AWP shall include a table presenting the anticipated spending schedule by month
for budget planning. The AWP shall be submitted in accordance with the Deliverables (See Section J,
Attachment J-2).

C.1.3 Structure of Key Personnel

The Contractor shall appoint a Program Director (PD) as one (1) of its Key Personnel to serve as the
primary interface to the PPPO Manager, Deputy Manager, CO and COR. The PD shall maintain
supervisory control over all personnel assigned to perform work under this contract. The PD may be
required to provide senior level risk management support to DOE through environmental, engineering
and technical analysis and reviews of documents and issues related to this PWS. This position may
require travel to all PPPO sites, or other DOE sites as requested, as part of normal work responsibilities.

The Contractor shall appoint additional Key Personnel to serve as Project Managers (PMs) for
Portsmouth, Paducah, DUF6 and as an IT Manager. The PMs and IT Manager will perform as
functional managers to lead the cadre of core staff in the performance of assigned projects. The PMs
and IT Manager will report directly to the PD. Staff, or other personnel, shall report through the PMs
and IT Manager to the PD.

The IT Manager will be responsible for providing Information Technology Planning and Project
Management for the PPPO Federal IT systems. This includes business systems support, mobile field
technology, ensuring that the IT infrastructure is operational, all cyber security activities and ensuring
that new technologies are being utilized where beneficial to the PPPO mission.

The Contractor shall determine the reporting structure of staff not directly assigned to the PMs and IT
Manager and clearly communicate it to DOE within the Roles and Responsibilities Matrix, as required
in Section J, Attachment J-2. The primary duty locations for the Key Personnel are identified below.
Duty station and relocation benefits shall be consistent with the Section H clauses. Business travel
between sites necessary to implement the PWS will be an allowable cost.

Key Personnel Primary Location


PPPO Technical Support Services Section C
DRAFT Solicitation No. DE-SOL-0010125

Program Director Lexington, KY

Paducah Project Manager Paducah, KY
Portsmouth Project Manager Portsmouth, OH
DUF6 Project Manager Lexington, KY
IT Manager Lexington, KY


The objectives of the transition period are to become familiar with performance requirements in order to
minimize the impacts on continuity of operations and prepare for full performance of the contract within 60
days from the date of the issuance of the Notice To Proceed (NTP). During the transition period, the
Contractor shall perform those activities that are necessary to transition work from the previous contractors in
a manner that: (1) assures that all work for which the Contractor is responsible under the contract is continued
without disruption; (2) provides for an orderly transfer of resources, responsibilities, and accountability from
the previous Contractors; and (3) provides for the ability of the Contractor to perform the work in an efficient,
effective, and safe manner. Workforce transition shall be managed in accordance with the requirements of
any and all applicable Section H clauses.

The contract transition period is specified in the Section F clause entitled, Period of Performance. The first
day of the Transition Period will be the date of the NTP. The contract effective date is the date the Contractor
shall assume full responsibility for this PWS. The transition period is not included in the 60 month maximum
overall period of performance.

To minimize any decreases in productivity and to prevent possible negative impacts on services, the
Contractor shall have all necessary personnel available during the transition period. All Key Personnel
designated in Section H clause entitled “Key Personnel” shall report to the 3 sites at the NTP date of the
contract to support all contract transition work activities.

The Contractor is responsible for providing logistical support (office space, computers, telephone, etc.) during
the transition period, unless specifically directed otherwise by the CO.

C.2.1 Transition Plan

The Contractor shall submit for DOE approval a transition plan 5 days after the NTP. The transition
plan shall include a schedule of major work activities and at a minimum shall address the following:
a) Communication process with DOE and the 3 incumbent contractors;
b) Identification of major transition work activities and associated milestones;
c) Identification of the transition team and contact information (inclusive of consultants and
teaming partners, if any);
d) Technical approach for ensuring minimal impacts to the continuity of operations at all PPPO
e) Assumptions made associated with the transition of the support services;
f) Personnel staffing plan and overall Human Resource (HR) management;


PPPO Technical Support Services Section C
DRAFT Solicitation No. DE-SOL-0010125

g) Identification of security transition activities and consultations with the sites Officially
Designated Security Authorities (ODSAs) (e.g., security access authorizations associated with
positions/job offers, Security Special Survey) prior to end of transition and concurrence on any
relevant site security documents; and
h) The Contractor shall put into place any agreements between it and other contractors/
subcontractors and support organizations for provision of all services, as required (see Section J,
Attachment J-11).

To ensure continuity of operations, the Contractor shall adopt the incumbent contractor’s programs,
plans and procedures at NTP, unless specified otherwise within this PWS or Section J attachments,
provided the contractor has formally reviewed the programs, plans and procedures to ensure compliance
with contract requirements, current regulatory requirements, DOE Orders and Directives. Where the
programs, plans and procedures used by the three (3) incumbent contractors overlap or are duplicative,
the Contractor shall consolidate the programs, plans and procedures, standardizing these documents,
resulting in a single set of multi-site programs, plans and procedures. The Contractor may revise those
programs, plans and procedures it deems necessary, provided the programs, plans and procedures remain
in compliance with DOE requirements, and shall maintain its programs, plans and procedures, etc., in
accordance with this PWS. The Contractor shall ensure that the consolidation of programs, plans and
procedures is completed within 120 days of transition.

After completion of the transition activities contained in the approved transition plan and such
other transition activities as may be authorized or directed by the CO, the C ontractor shall notify the
CO in writing that it is ready to assume full responsibility for all work under this contract. Upon the
effective date of the contract (after the transition period), the Contractor shall assume full responsibility
for the work.

C.2.2 Weekly Status Reports of Transition Activities

The Contractor shall provide written weekly status reports of transition activities to DOE. The Contractor
shall establish routine status meetings with DOE and other affected contractors to review transition activities
and issues. The frequency of the meetings may increase as the end of the contract transition period
approaches. The Contractor shall coordinate directly with DOE and/or other organizations and contractors to
finalize any transition agreements required to assume full responsibility.

C.2.3 Contractor Performance Assurance Surveillance Plan (PASP)

The Contractor shall develop a PASP, incorporating measurable standards for self-evaluation of its
performance against the contract requirements. The plan shall be submitted within 90 days of NTP, and shall
be revised as needed to ensure compliance is maintained throughout the contract performance period. CO
review and approval is required for all revisions. The Contractor’s PASP shall be applicable to all members
of the contractor’s team and its subcontractors (if any). Within the PASP, the Contractor shall delineate how
they will monitor services performed to effectively ensure compliance under the contract. The PASP shall
align with the PWS and the Contractor’s proposed approach to accomplish contract requirements.


PPPO Technical Support Services Section C
DRAFT Solicitation No. DE-SOL-0010125



C.3.1 General Oversight Work Activities

The Contractor shall provide DOE with project and contract management oversight by monitoring and
evaluating the onsite contractors (Portsmouth Deactivation and Decommissioning (D&D) and
Portsmouth Infrastructure, Paducah Decommissioning and Remediation (D&R) and Paducah
Infrastructure, and DUF6 Operations at both sites) requirements compliance and performance.

Contractor personnel shall be expected to perform the activities described in this PWS with minimum
oversight and guidance by PPPO personnel, while in compliance with all applicable PPPO procedures.
The Contractor shall ensure that duties are performed in a competent, professional manner that meets
established milestones and adheres to schedules as established by PPPO. Work products are expected to
be thorough, timely, accurate, appropriately documented, and comply with established criteria. Some
work products will include highly sensitive information and recommendations. The Contractor shall
maintain the confidentially of information as dictated by the requesting federal party and overall DOE
standards of ethics and professional behavior. The Contractor shall provide technical assistance
necessary to support PPPO program areas stated in the PWS.

The Contractor shall perform oversight and provide information to support the evaluation of contractor
performance through all phases of a project/facility’s life time and its associated activities which may
include: construction, active operations, surveillance & maintenance (S&M), deactivation or cold &
dark, post-deactivation S&M; remediation, and demolition.

Deactivation and demolition activities include but are not limited to vent and purge work activities, cell
housing panel removal, cutting, segmenting, dismantling, cleaning, capping, and removal of targeted
process and auxiliary equipment.

The Contractor shall support DOE management with oversight of overall D&D and D&R approach and
its effect on infrastructure and ongoing nuclear operations. The Contractor shall provide oversight and
management support to DUF6 operations, cylinder yard and DUF6 conversion operations, suggestions
for DUF6 production improvements and efficiencies, DUF6 infrastructure and utility needs, waste
management, safety envelope, and disposal options.

Oversight of program requirements includes, but is not limited to: utility optimization, environmental
management, field investigation and sampling, characterization, nuclear regulatory compliance,
Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Requirements (ARARs) interpretation, waste management,
waste packaging, health and safety, security, radiation protection, training, Conduct of Operations,
Quality Assurance, nuclear materials control & accountability, safety envelope, nuclear material storage,
property management, waste disposition, transportation, verification of corrective actions, incident
investigations, field services support, on-site Work for Others activities, subcontracts, and other areas as


PPPO Technical Support Services Section C
DRAFT Solicitation No. DE-SOL-0010125

The Contractor shall perform oversight in accordance with PPPO procedures and processes. Compliance
is to be assessed at all levels of documentation and implementation and the requirements may include
verification of compliance with Regulations, Permits, Policies, Procedures, briefings, plan of the day
instructions, and work level performance. Review includes contract submittals and Deliverables,
schedules at all levels of work authorization, planning, and execution, and documentation for the
identification, control, mitigation, prevention, and response to hazards to personnel, equipment, and the

Oversight shall be conducted through a combination of direct field observation and documentation
verification, interviews of workers and management, attendance at various briefings and pre-job
meetings or critiques, participation in drill and exercises, monitoring of training and participation in
meetings. Oversight shall be conducted as scheduled and unscheduled surveillances, assessments,
Management Assessments, Readiness Assessments, Operational Readiness Reviews, Critiques, and
participation in Investigations, Drills and Exercises.

Oversight may include performing photographic documentation of ongoing work activities onsite,
preparation of surveillance reports, entry of issues into the corrective actions database, and analysis of
trends. Oversight shall occur on back shift, holidays, and weekends as directed by the CO in addition to
normal work-week schedules.
The Contractor shall provide support to DOE for Special Projects which may result as program
decisions are made throughout the D&D, D&R, S&M and DUF6 Operations process. Work activities
may include review and analysis of design and construction plans and related data. Future actions may
include support for transfer of site facilities currently under lease to site tenants back to DOE. The
Contractor shall identify, track, monitor and report special work activities as required.

The Contractor shall provide support to DOE for other DOE contracts including, but not limited to:
a) Power;
b) Natural gas;
c) Cost recovery tracking; and
d) Cost recovery for services to others.

C.3.2 Technical Oversight Work Activities

Work activities include, but are not limited to:

a) Provide technical oversight (surveillance, walk-throughs, audits, and any other form of
operational review) of all phases of on-site contractor operations and work activities (including
DUF6 and Balance of Plant) in both normal and off-normal conditions, and provide a
compliance status, recommendations for resolution, and/or reports to DOE on a daily, weekly, or
other specified frequency. The Contractor shall be knowledgeable of DUF6 plant test and startup
b) Evaluate on-site contractor’s compliance with applicable requirements or Regulations and
against all applicable programs and procedures including but not limited to the Quality
Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP); Safety Basis; and Work Plans;


PPPO Technical Support Services Section C
DRAFT Solicitation No. DE-SOL-0010125

c) Maintain files, photographs, checklists, and other information collected as part of PPPO firm
fixed price work scope QASP reviews and maintain a database or other system sufficient to
produce the monthly QASP reports. Develop, review and submit to DOE the monthly QASP
reports for the PPPO site contractors by the 10th of each month.
d) Provide technical review of documents, plans, programs, procedures, deliverables, and other
items (e.g. critical decision milestones, Design Work Packages, Optimization Plans, utility
isolation plans (to ensure security, emergency plans, accident alarms, etc., concur with site safety
requirements)) as directed, providing document sufficiency information to DOE;
e) Review the on-site contractor’s work status, progress, and schedule; develop and review cost
estimates; review subcontracts and other contractual agreements; verify fixed-price work
accomplishment against schedule; and review and comment on invoices.
f) Assist DOE in the management of the on-site contractor’s subcontracts, and provide technical
review and comment on contract changes including major system upgrades, modifications, and
g) Assist DOE with drafting of contract documents, letters, reports, briefings, presentations;
develop checklists; and other correspondence as requested related to the on-site contractors.
Support DOE with determining the adequacy of comment resolutions and providing timely
responses and document revisions. Provide recommendations to DOE with adequately written
justification, and support DOE’s timely resolution of all issues identified by the Contractor, by
DOE, or by other outside stakeholders;
h) Provide technically qualified and experienced technical personnel in areas to include, but is not
limited to: Nuclear Criticality Safety (NCS); Nuclear Regulatory Requirements; Quality
Assurance; Waste Management; all aspects of Radiation Protection including approval and
tracking (e.g., characterization; sampling, surveys, personnel controls, development of
authorized limits); Industrial Hygiene; Deferred Maintenance activities; Fire Protection and
Impairment; Emergency Preparedness; Mechanical and Plant Systems Engineering; and freeze
i) Provide inspection and technical evaluation of all aspects of the on-site contractor’s waste
management activities including, but not limited to: packaging, staging, storage, transportation,
and permits for all waste types (e.g., LLW, MLLW, TSCA, municipal, recycled, and non-
characterized) including treatment and storage permit requirements and modifications.
j) Assist in the evaluation of site waste profiles and treatment plans, site waste management plans
and procedures, forecasts and reporting (e.g., Radioactive Waste Disposition, Shipping Forecast
and Accomplishment Analysis Report), quarterly and annual reports;
k) Provide compliance assessment support for the North American Electric Reliability Corporation
(NERC) activities;
l) Provide tracking and validation of the site contractors’ Performance Based Incentives (PBIs)
and other value-added technical contributions; and
m) Provide technical support of the de-leasing of facilities including, but not limited to, walk downs,
review of data, and checklist development.

The Contractor shall provide DOE with technical and management support of the On-Site Disposal Cell
(OSDC) pre-design geotechnical documents, siting and design criteria documents at the 30%, 60% 90%
and 100% design. The Contractor shall provide review and oversight of OSDC Design Engineering


PPPO Technical Support Services Section C
DRAFT Solicitation No. DE-SOL-0010125

packages associated with the D&D OSDC Design and Construction under the D&D Waste Management

Work activities include, but are not limited to:

a) Participate in technical and status summary meetings conducted with the Ohio Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA).
b) Facilitate and coordinate review of OSDC Design and Construction technical documents by
appropriate DOE staff.
c) Provide technical review of pre-design geotechnical, siting and design criteria, 30%, 60%, 90%
and 100% OSDC design engineering documents.
d) Ensure that review comments receive adequate responses, so that DOE can close out the review
and approval process.

C.3.3 Health, Safety, and Regulatory Compliance Oversight

The Contractor shall provide oversight of Health, Safety requirements implementation and assess the
regulatory compliance of all PPPO on-site contractor activities and of activities in contractor leased
and/or operated facilities (e.g. DUF6) including those facilities being prepared for the D&D, D&R, or

The Contractor shall provide qualified and experienced personnel for oversight of health, safety, and
regulatory compliance. Contractor personnel shall be qualified by a documented process that is approved
and periodically accessed by PPPO that is equivalent to PPPO-M-226.1-2. Oversight Program Plan
(latest revision).

Work activities under this task include, but are not limited to, the following subtasks:
a) Perform routine and on-going inspections, audits, building walk-downs, safety assessments
and/or walk-throughs, both scheduled, unscheduled, and as directed, of the on-site contractor for
environment, safety and health (ES&H) performance;
b) Perform compliance determinations in areas including, but not limited to: worker safety and
health requirements; Radiation Protection; Industrial Hygiene; Fire Hazard Analysis; hazard
identification and communication; Occupational Safety and Health Administration requirements;
Electrical Safety. Compliance determinations shall include documentation of issues and
concerns, and recommendations for resolution. The Contractor is to provide tracking of issues
and verification of issue closure;
c) Document reviews shall include applicable safety permits (e.g. Lock Out Tag Out (LOTO),
confined space, energized electrical work permits, etc.);
d) Verify flow-down requirements to sub-tier contractors and off-site vendors;
e) Provide support for Contractor Days Away, Restrictions and Transfers (DART) and Total
Recordable Cases (TRC) tracking;
f) Assist DOE with environmental compliance determinations and the development of reports and
correspondence and/or make recommendations that analyze the degree of compliance with
requirements such as RCRA, CERCLA, TSCA, NEPA, NERC, FERC and National Historic
Preservation Act (NHPA) (e.g., Annual NEPA planning summary), Kentucky Pollutant


PPPO Technical Support Services Section C
DRAFT Solicitation No. DE-SOL-0010125

Discharge Elimination System (KPDES) permits and inspections; and RCRA Part A&B
Permitted Facilities, and Operations; Agreement milestones and decision document reports;
g) Assist DOE in its reviews to ensure compliant document submittals to meet regulatory
milestones and requirements, including work authorizations, regulatory agreements, permit
submittals, work plan requirements, and Director’s Final Findings and Orders/Administrative
Orders (DFF&Os/AOs);
h) Provide geology and hydrology technical oversight support to DOE including, but not limited to:
trichloroethylene degradation, monitored natural attenuation, technical impracticability waivers,
and groundwater modeling;
i) Assist in the development of reports and correspondence associated with DOE Headquarters
(HQ) requests including, but not limited to, Agreements Milestones and Decision Documents
(AMDD) reports and annual Environmental Management System (EMS) reports.

C.3.4 Paducah Federal Facility Agreement (FFA) Oversight

The Contractor shall provide oversight support in accordance with PPPO procedures and processes of
the overall administration of DOE’s responsibilities under the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion FFA, to
include verifying field activities are in compliance with regulatory documents such as Operation and
Maintenance Plans and Work Plans.

Work activities under this task include, but are not limited to, the following subtasks:
a) Participation in project meetings, review and comment on regulatory documents, and consolidate
comments for transmittal to the D&R contractor;
b) Assistance to the PPPO PMs with tracking the status of documents, meeting action items, field
activities, and other actions associated with the CERCLA projects at the site;
c) Maintenance of a current understanding of all deliverables required under FFA. Track and report
on compliance with administrative and enforceable milestone requirements;
d) Preparation of stakeholder correspondence (regulator and other) and transmittal documentation
to track all DOE communications under the FFA;
e) Maintenance of a FFA deliverable schedule;
f) Supporting and coordinating potential schedule changes based on negotiated dates for lower tier
deliverables throughout the process;
g) Supporting the ongoing development of a Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA) implementation strategy to pursue PPPO
D&D objectives;
h) As requested, provide facilitation support to PPPO including, but not limited to, regulator, PPPO,
and stakeholder meetings, workshops, seminars (e.g., FFA Managers’ Meeting).



The Contractor shall support the evaluation and oversight of onsite contractors’ safety programs in
accordance with PPPO procedures and processes, and the onsite contractors’ adherence to their own


PPPO Technical Support Services Section C
DRAFT Solicitation No. DE-SOL-0010125

policies and procedures and applicable regulatory requirements. The ES&H and field services support
will require document reviews, evaluation and reporting.

The Contractor shall provide NQA-1 qualified auditors in the fields of Nuclear Safety (NS), Nuclear
Criticality Safety (NCS), Non-destructive Assay (NDA), Radiation Safety, Industrial Hygiene, Chemical
Safety, Fire Protection, Emergency Management, Engineering, Industrial Safety and associated areas of
the Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS) program for this work.

Work activities include, but are not limited to the following subtasks:
a) Provide day-to-day oversight support of onsite contractors implementation of safety programs,
including but not limited to: 10 CFR 851, Worker Safety and Health Program; ISMS; 10 CFR
835, Occupational Radiation Protection; DOE O 458.1, Radiation Protection of the Public and
the Environment; Nuclear Safety Management (10 CFR 830); and the DOE Occurrence
Reporting and Processing System. Other applicable safety areas include but are not limited to:
NDA, Industrial Hygiene, Chemical Safety, Fire Protection, Emergency Management,
Engineering, OSHA and Industrial Safety;
b) Perform team assessments based on PPPO policies, procedures and targeted milestones (e.g.,
Integrated Assessment and Surveillance Schedule); develop Lines of Inquiry (LOI) or Criteria
Review Approach Documents (CRAD) for each assessment and surveillance; assist with
operational readiness activities, including participating in onsite contractor Management
Assessments and Readiness Reviews; support Accident and Incident Investigations;
c) Support the development, planning, and approval of DOE Readiness Plan of Actions,
Implementation Plans and required level Readiness Assessments and Operational Readiness
Reviews; and Support the quarterly review, approval and tracking of contractor Start-up
Notification Reports (SNR);
d) Provide support to the DOE Facility Representatives by performing daily, direct field
observation and surveillance activities, monitoring of contractor activities, and achievements and
progress in meeting DOE performance objectives; participate in weekly Facility Representative
meetings and provide reports, as required;
e) Develop and distribute a DOE Summary Status Report by project, as required, prepare ES&H
related reports and DOE Oversight Assessment Report, as required, and a DOE Monthly Safety
Statistics report; conduct trend analyses of ES&H findings and observations; document results in
monthly reports and provide reporting on ES&H issues during weekly staff meetings; review and
analyze ES&H Corrective Action Plans; provide recommendations and follow up to ensure
f) Evaluate implementation and compliance with DOE Orders, state and other federal
codes/standards (e.g., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of
Transportation); site-wide permits, licenses, environmental standards, and milestones; and all
other applicable safety and health requirements; and review and comment on the ‘impact
analyses’ prepared by the onsite contractors from new and/or revised Federal, State, Local or
DOE publications, on their programs/projects;
g) Perform field observations, evaluate work control documents, participate in development of
onsite contractor worker safety and health programs, provide daily project summary reports, and
respond to issues in assigned areas including, but not limited to the following subtasks:


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1. Work Packages;
2. Job Hazard Analysis;
3. Procedure Adherence;
4. Training Requirements;
5. Activity Hazard Analysis;
6. Engineering Evaluations;
7. Radiological Work Permits;
8. Technical Safety Requirements;
9. Accurate Supervisor /Station Logs;
10. Nuclear Safety Criticality Compliance;
11. Employee Participation and Feedback; and
12. Radiological and Hazardous Material Controls.

In support of Executive Order 13693, Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade; DOE
Order 436.1 Departmental Sustainability and other applicable statutes, regulations and Executive Orders,
and in recognition that harm to the environment, including from greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution and
electronic equipment manufacturing and disposal, has quantifiable costs and negative impacts on the
economy and federal agency operations, it is the Government’s intent to encourage contractors to adopt
corporate sustainable practices. The Contractor shall submit its Sustainability Plan to the Contracting
Officer for approval.

The Contractor shall support the development and maintenance of the PPPO Worker Safety and Health
Program (WSHP), and follow any Worker and Safety and Health requirements provided by PPPO as set
forth in 10 CFR 851. Any subcontracts in support of this contract shall require subcontractors to comply
with PPPO’s WSHP.

Work activities include, but are not limited to the following subtasks:
a) Ensure the integration of safety management requirements into work planning packages and
work execution;
b) Attend weekly planning meetings, DOE functional area planning and review meetings,
participate in weekly and monthly safety forums, area safety meetings, and present DOE safety
statistics on a weekly basis;
c) Compile data and produce Monthly Safety Charts to be posted at all 3 PPPO locations that
compile contractor data on Days Away Restricted or Transferred (DART) and Total Recordable
Cases (TRC) rates. These charts will be based upon a 12 month rolling average and fiscal year
d) Provide overall programmatic ES&H support to DOE for the development and implementation
of the Federal Employee Occupational Safety and Health (FEOSH) program.


The PPPO QA Program Plan (QAPP) is based on EM-QA-001, Office of Environmental Management
(EM) Quality Assurance Program (QAP), which meets the requirements of 10 Code of Federal


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Regulations (CFR) 830 Subpart A, Quality Assurance requirements (i.e., QA Rule), DOE Order 414.1D,
Quality Assurance, and DOE Order 226.1B, Implementation Of Department Of Energy Oversight
Policy. The EM QAP also adopts American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) NQA-1-2008
with addenda through 2009 for nuclear facilities applications, ASME NQA-2-1990, Part 2.7, and ASME

The Contractor shall implement and maintain the PPPO QAPP (including polices, plans and
procedures), and shall ensure that all work products produced comply with the PPPO QAPP.

The Contractor shall provide NQA-1 certified lead auditors to lead DOE audits and surveillances as
specified in the current PPPO Assessment Plan.

Work activities include, but are not limited to:

a) Perform QA Independent Assessments and surveillance of PPPO Project activities in accordance
with the current PPPO Assessment Plan, or as needed;
b) Perform QA audits and surveillances; provide oversight support during management
assessments; provide QA support for accident investigation reporting, and Readiness Reviews,
and support DOE with external assessments;
c) Oversee compliance and implementation of control of Suspect/Counterfeit Items (S/CIs), safety
issue corrective actions, and safety software quality assurance.
d) Provide QA and review support for declassifying documents and/or buildings in relation to
D&D, D&R, or S&M work.
e) Manage and maintain the DOE Federal System Software QA plans and programs.
f) Assist with drafting and updating DOE QA documents such as PPPO policies, plans and
procedures, and coordinate QA program updates.
g) Develop audit and surveillance plans including Criteria Review Approach Documents for audits
and surveillances.
h) Develop final audit and surveillance reports and coordinate factual accuracy of audit and
surveillance reports.
i) Track QA deliverables submitted under this contract, as well as those submitted by the onsite
j) Review DOE directives as they relate to the PPPO functions, responsibilities and authorities;
provide implementation recommendations and possible impacts to existing programs and
k) Provide recurring events analysis as required by DOE O 232.2.
l) Provide support to DOE in reviews of onsite contractors’ design and construction packages for
technical content and overall project performance efficacy.
m) Develop and maintain a database to record onsite contractor performance in the areas of non-
conformances, issues or deficiencies, corrective actions and corrective action closure and
n) Maintain the Management Tracking System.
o) Prepare and distribute “Lessons Learned” reports to encourage improvements of onsite
contractor performance.


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p) Ensure quality records are identified, stored and maintained (regardless of media) in accordance
with the PPPO Quality Assurance Program Plan, the NQA-1 and the National Archives and
Records Administration (NARA) by incorporating the NQA-1 requirements into the federal
records lifecycle.
q) Provide document reviews.


The Contractor shall provide oversight of nuclear material management at PPPO Sites including, but not
limited to, technical analyses, expert advice, and short turnaround assignments for special projects as
requested. The Contractor shall provide experienced and knowledgeable personnel to support DOE, in
areas of S&S (assisting Senior NMC&A Specialist), nuclear safety, excess uranium inventory history,
uranium inventory management, characterization, processing, storage, packaging and transportation,
value estimation and trending, marketing, and disposition. The Contractor shall provide direct support
to PPPO operations, as needed, to meet programmatic goals and objectives.

Work activities include, but are not limited to the following subtasks:
a) Support independent assessments of the Nuclear Material Control &Accountability (NMC&A)
Program and application of NMC&A practices in accordance with DOE requirements.
b) Provide independent assessment of Physical Security and Safeguards and Security
programs for the protection of nuclear materials to assess compliance with DOE requirements.
c) Provide special project coordination and support for activities such as International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA) initiatives, securing Helium-3 (He3) tubes and portable Criticality
Accident Alarm System (CAAS) units from other sites, transfer of autoclaves to support other
program offices, and support for the work-for-others historical activities.
d) Provide support for PPPO excess uranium inventory management, including, but not limited
to, the following subtasks:

1. Provide technical support to PPPO management in planning for the disposition of uranium
inventories, including, but not limited to, activities such as updating the PPPO inventory data
included in the DOE Excess Uranium Inventory Management Plan and maintaining oversight
of ongoing activities and plans to ensure consistency with DOE plans and policies.
2. Establish and maintain current and accurate data relative to DOE uranium inventories at
PPPO sites. This data shall include location, quantities, count of containers/cylinders,
characteristics, disposition path, marketability, potential shipping and transfer issues, and
estimated market value. Data shall be developed proactively and maintained in the form of
tables, graphs, and schedules. Data shall be provided, as appropriate, in briefings and
meetings with PPPO management, and maintained for ready reference in responding to
PPPO management needs for up-to-date information. The Contractor shall provide a Nuclear
Material Management/Disposition Activity Oversight, Assessment and Tracking Report, as
required. This will require coordination with all PPPO sites to provide total inventory
management for reporting on material handled across the PPPO.
3. Document and maintain a uranium processing history for the United States uranium industry
from which the PPPO excess uranium inventories are a legacy. This historical


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documentation will provide information essential for the identification and understanding of
the characteristics of the uranium now in the PPPO inventory.
4. Maintain a history of uranium, uranium conversion, and separated work unit market prices
and optimum tails for enrichment.
5. Maintain uranium database information to meet DOE requirements.
6. Provide alternative data representation as appropriate to meet PPPO needs.
7. Provide technical expertise and support to assist DOE with planning and evaluation
associated with disposition alternatives for the higher-value DUF6 inventories at the PPPO.


The Contractor shall provide technical support in the area of nuclear safety basis for all Federal and
contractor programs and oversight of safety basis implementation activities. The Contractor shall
review and comment on safety basis revisions for the PPPO sites. There may also be safety basis
changes that occur as a result of Un-reviewed Safety Questions (USQ), as well as annual updates to
current requirements. This task will include updates based on USQ results or Potential Inadequate
Safety Analyses, as well as continued annual updates for existing nuclear facilities. The Contractor shall
provide oversight of the annual assessments of the USQ process. This work activity is required in
accordance with 10 CFR 830, Subpart B.

Work activities include, but are not limited to:

a) Provide general DOE Nuclear Safety and Nuclear Criticality Safety Support such as, but not
limited to, technical evaluations, performance of assessments, surveillances, development of
technical position papers, field observations of contractor performance, tracking and trending of
contractor performance and related issues.
b) Development of Safety Basis documents such as Nuclear Criticality Safety Evaluation (NCSE)
and Nuclear Criticality Safety Reports (NCSR).
c) Develop an implementation plan, as required, for DOE approval for NDA measurement
requirements and oversight.
d) Develop an implementation plan for DOE oversight of contractor system engineer programs, as
e) Technical review of any safety basis changes that occur (e.g., as emerging from Readiness
Reviews). Anticipated work activities include participation in interface meetings between DOE
and the Contractor, review of draft and final changes, and preparation of Safety Evaluation
Report (SER) revision(s).
f) Contractor shall facilitate safety basis implementation work activities, including providing
technical support to DOE including FAC Representatives, safety systems, oversight engineers
and other technical staff.
g) Contractor shall develop and provide training and orientation of the Facility Documented Safety
Analysis (DSA), safety basis and Technical Safety Requirements (TSR).
h) As part of the oversight of any safety basis changes anticipated work activities shall include
participation in meetings between DOE and the onsite contractor(s), review of USQ results,
review of change submissions and review of Safety Evaluation Report (SER) revision


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i) Provide assistance with safety basis related assessment activities, such as annual USQ
j) Provide safety basis review and/or independent review of SERs as needed for all PPPO nuclear
k) Provide assistance to PPPO in addressing any emerging nuclear safety issues, initiatives, or
external assessments.
l) Provide oversight of nuclear safety, NCS and NDA measurements including general nuclear
safety oversight activities such as document reviews and assessments and walk downs.
m) Assist in development and implementation of the PPPO NDA measurement oversight procedures
including finalizing plan, implementing oversight plan and administering the performance
demonstration plan.

The following requirements are anticipated to support DOE nuclear safety work activities:
a) Reviews of Safety Basis submittals and changes to PPPO nuclear facilities. Facility Tours and
Walk downs within 10 days after site contractor submittal of draft safety basis and a trip
summary as requested by DOE with recommendations and conclusions.
b) Complete technical review and provide written comments to the contractors’ on draft DSA and
TSR changes 30 days after submittal to DOE. Provide written comments and input to PPPO
project correspondence.
c) Prepare a SER on safety basis changes formally submitted to DOE 30 days after submittal to
DOE. Provide input to PPPO project correspondence.
d) Provide Independent Review of PPPO SERs (e.g., General PPPO Nuclear Safety Support).
Complete technical review and provide written comments to PPPO staff 10 Days after submittal
to DOE. Provide written comments, including recommendations and proposed fixes, as well as
input to PPPO project correspondence.
e) Assist PPPO in addressing emerging nuclear safety issues, initiatives, or external assessments
(e.g., General PPPO Nuclear Safety Support).
f) Provide direct input and recommendations on proposed or final DOE HQ nuclear safety policies
and assessment activities promptly, typically within five (5) days after identification.
g) Provide documentation and/or white papers outlining issues and recommendations.
h) Assist PPPO in nuclear safety training and procedures development (e.g., General PPPO Nuclear
Safety Support).
i) Develop draft training materials and/or PPPO procedures, typically within three (3) weeks after
identification. Provide written training materials and procedures as requested.

Work activities under nuclear safety, NCS, Radiation Protection, NDA measurements include, but are
not limited to the following subtasks:
a) Provide general technical support to DOE Radiation Protection personnel.
b) Evaluation of radiological release documentation of onsite contractors in accordance with the
Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Assessment of Materials and Equipment (MARSAME)
requirements for statistically adequate sampling strategy.
c) Evaluate/assess practices of onsite contractors pursuant to DOE O 420.1, DOE O 450.2, 10 CFR
830, DOE O 458.1 (or 5400.5 if applicable), and associated contractor policies and procedures
including performing one (1) observation of a free release survey at a minimum per year. This


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includes performing an assessment of technical basis documents and ensuring that their policies
and procedures are comprehensive, protective, and cost effective.
d) Review onsite contractors’ Radiation Protection Program procedures, instrumentation, survey
technique, survey documentation, training, and records management. This includes performing
an assessment of processes and procedures to ensure that the contractors’ program is
comprehensive, protective, and cost effective.
e) Review onsite contractors’ radiological submissions including, but not limited to, National
emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants, External Gamma, Annual Exposure Reports,
and Radiation Survey Plans including recalculation of raw data to data is properly calculated and
f) Perform statistical analysis and assessment of health physics data in support of radiation
protection and environmental remediation efforts onsite. This subtask includes the development
and implementation of the DOE radiation protection oversight program.
g) Perform verification analysis of radiological program outputs, including, Residual
Radioactivity (RESRAD), RESRAD-OFFSITE, CAP88, Radon Emanations (U-WISE), and
other programs that produce technical data used in support of nuclear safety and radiation safety.
h) Participate with DOE at the FFA Manager Radiation Support Group meetings.
i) Assess DOE and onsite contractors’ program with the evaluation of technical standards and DOE
Orders relating to radiation protection.
j) Develop, publish and disseminate lessons learned reports and technical position papers that
promote the PPPO mission. Communicate and share PPPO program status and achievements
across the complex through DOE site visits, attendance at national conferences associated with
DOE activities, such as the American Nuclear Society and the Energy Facilities Contractor
Group (EFCOG).
k) Develop and implement procedures, training materials and qualification programs that support
l) Develop briefing reports for informing PPPO management and develop responses for DOE HQ
m) Provide technical support (including field oversight, technical reviews, performance of
investigations, and development of technical reports) for the safety systems oversight program.
n) Provide technical expertise and support in the following areas on an ongoing and on an as needed
1. explosion analysis;
2. cost (e.g. estimating associated with engineering related activities);
3. process chemistry;
4. corrosion;
5. metallurgy;
6. physics;
7. demolition;
8. software engineering and quality assurance;
9. electrical engineering;
10. mechanical engineering;
11. seismic analysis;
12. civil engineering;


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13. gaseous diffusion process engineering;

14. instruments;
15. process testing;
16. failure analysis;
17. investigation expertise;
18. lessons learned;
19. human factors;
20. NDA;
21. training and qualification expertise;
22. hoisting and rigging specialists;
23. robotics specialists; and
24. fire protection engineering.

o) Provide oversight support for the emergency management programs. This includes the
observation and evaluation of drills and exercises, monitoring and reporting of site contractors’
performance of all aspects of the emergency management programs. Interface and communicate
with the DOE HQ and other DOE sites on the appropriate subjects related to emergency
management programs.
p) Provide oversight of PPPO NDA programs. This includes the development and implementation
of PPPO policies, standards, directives, procedures, and associated technical basis documents.
The oversight also includes the development and implementation of a Performance
Demonstration Program (PDP). Provide the technical expertise and support required to identify
and develop recommendations for improving the NDA program for inclusion into PPPO
contracts that implement the goals and objectives associated with the PPPO mission.
q) Provide oversight of PPPO Nuclear Criticality Safety (NCS) programs. This includes the
development and implementation of PPPO policies, standards, directives, procedures, and
associated technical basis documents. Provide the technical expertise and support required to
identify and develop recommendations for improving the NCS program for inclusion into PPPO
contracts that implement the goals and objectives associated with the PPPO mission.
r) Provide oversight support for the fire protection programs. This includes the observation and
evaluation of drills and exercises, monitoring and reporting of site contractors’ performance of
all aspects of the fire protection programs. The oversight includes the review and evaluation of
Transitional Fire Hazards Analysis (TFHAs) that require DOE approval, the development of
recommendations for the implementation of DOE O 420.1 requirements, the development of
recommendations for implementing the Baseline Needs Assessments (BNA) and maintain and
improve the infrastructure associated with the fire protection systems. Interface and
communicate with the DOE HQ and other DOE sites on the appropriate subjects related to fire
protection programs.
s) Provide oversight of the maintenance programs including deferred maintenance and safety
related systems, structures and components. This includes tracking and trending of contractor
performance, development, review and maintenance of databases (both PPPO and its
contractors), the development and tracking of metrics, policies, procedures, and technical


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t) Provide oversight in the area of data management including generation, quality assurance,
quality control, validation, archiving, and third-party review.
u) Provide oversight and management of historical information that is important and beneficial to
the PPPO mission. This includes the identification, review, analysis, evaluation and archiving of
historical information in a variety of existing forms.
v) Provide oversight of Industrial Hygiene and industrial safety programs.
w) Provide support for the PPPO Facility Representative program.


The Contractor shall provide senior-level experienced and qualified personnel to provide risk assessment
analysis/review of risk documents for the project. This task requires coordination and attendance at
technical meetings and periodic travel to Nashville, Tennessee; Lexington, Kentucky; Piketon Ohio and
Paducah, Kentucky.

The Contractor shall review and comment on a variety of documents, figures, tables, and modeling
results and provide QA/QC on risk-based information (including, but not limited to: detection limits,
background data, action- and no-action levels, preliminary remediation goals, remediation goals,
remedial action objectives, screening levels, and human health and ecological risk & hazard
calculations, calculation packages); then reviewing the revisions versus the comment response summary
packages. The primary basis of these reviews shall be the most recent revision of the Paducah or
Portsmouth methods for conducting risk assessments and risk evaluations (Human Health and
Ecological Risk), as appropriate. Additional documentation used to complete reviews is the most recent
Paducah programmatic and project-specific Quality Assurance Program Plans, or the Portsmouth
Sample Analysis Data Quality Assurance Project Plan, as appropriate. Regulatory guidance documents
and DOE manuals and execution plans shall also be used to complete reviews, as necessary.

Work activities under this task include, but are not limited to the following subtasks:
a) Development of the yearly revision of Methods for Conduction Risk Assessments and Risk
Evaluations at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Paducah, Kentucky, Volume 1. Human
b) Development, as required, of the revised Methods for Conduction Risk Assessments and Risk
Evaluations at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Paducah, Kentucky, Volume 2. Ecological.
c) Development, as required, of the revised Portsmouth Methods for Conducting Human Health
Risk Assessments and Risk Evaluations at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant.
d) Development, as required, of the revised Portsmouth Methods for Conducting Ecological Risk
Assessments and Risk Evaluations at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant.
e) Development of the yearly revision of Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant Programmatic Quality
Assurance Project Plan.
f) Coordinating reviews between DOE and DOE contractors of environmental work plans,
sampling plans, remedial investigations, and decision document containing environmental risk
evaluations or assessments, or planning for environmental risk evaluations or assessments,


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The Contractor shall assist DOE with the preparation and participation in technical meetings including
Paducah and Portsmouth Risk Assessment Working Group meetings, Paducah Modeling Working
Group meetings, Paducah Programmatic Quality Assurance Plan Working Group meetings and meetings
related to remedial and removal decisions. The latter will include Waste Acceptance Criteria (WAC)
development meetings and comment resolution (decision making) meetings with the federal and state
environmental regulators.


The Contractor shall provide IT and Cyber Security services as required to support the PPPO mission
including but not limited to the following sections:

C.9.1 IT Support Services

C.9.1.1 IT Management and Oversight

The Contractor shall provide IT contractor management and oversight for all related activities to support
the PPPO Federal IT infrastructure. The Contractor shall maintain reliability and functionality of the
PPPO systems along with coordinating with the Federal IT specialists to ensure the PPPO Strategic plan
is aligned with DOE EM and the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) goals and activities.
The Contractor shall provide the IT Strategic Plan annually to the CIO for approval. The IT manager
shall provide monthly briefings to PPPO IT specialists and management on all IT activities. The IT
Manager through the Contractor IT Technical Writers shall be responsible for all IT related

These work activities include, but are not limited to, the following subtasks:
a) Daily management functions;
b) Helpdesk activities;
c) Application development status;
d) Procurement status;
e) Documentation creation and annual reviews of internal work plans, procedures, diagrams, etc.;
f) Training status;
g) Outages and uptime statistics;
h) Technology recommendations; and
i) Budget status.

C.9.1.2 Project Management and IT Coordination

The Contractor shall carry out all projects and tasks related to IT in line with the PPPO IT strategic plan.
The Contractor shall maintain the IT project plan and coordinate all IT tasks in accordance with the
strategic plan and technology needs of the PPPO IT infrastructure and IT support services. The
Contractor shall provide a monthly project report on the status of all projects including delays, change of
priority and project completion. The IT project plan shall be maintained in Microsoft Project hosted
within the PPPO SharePoint instance for real time tracking of projects. All projects shall be assigned


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priorities that are approved by PPPO management and may require additional status meetings based on
these priorities.

C.9.1.3 IT and Cyber Security Documentation

The Contractor shall create and maintain IT and Cyber Security Documentation based on input from
technical personnel including the IT Manager. This documentation will include all plans, policies,
procedures, diagrams and all other general documentation related to operations and project functions in
IT and Cyber Security. This effort shall be supported by a technical writer.

C.9.1.4 Helpdesk Services

The Contractor shall ensure the availability of Helpdesk services for the PPPO user base centralized in
Lexington, KY. Helpdesk services shall be available from 7:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. EST Monday–Friday,
except holidays and other days on which PPPO Federal facilities are closed. Email and voicemail shall
be available to the user base to request assistance and/or report a problem. Support Specialists are
technical specialists whose primary function is to ensure that workstation and network problems
encountered by federal and contractor personnel at PPPO are resolved as promptly and completely as
possible. A Helpdesk service level agreement (SLA) shall be created, maintained, and submitted for
approval, to meet helpdesk goals in which high priority tickets shall be responded to within one (1) hour,
moderate priority tickets within three (3) hours, and low priority tickets within five (5) hours.

Work activities under this task include, but are not limited to, the following subtasks:
a) Desktop and local printing setup;
b) Office-specific help desk and site support;
c) Application support;
d) Entrust Support;
e) Video Teleconference (VTC) support for all sites;
f) Remote Access troubleshooting (not to include support of personal equipment);
g) Site-specific troubleshooting for hardware and software; and
h) Additional hardware requirements for new equipment.

C.9.1.5 End User Site Support

The Contractor shall establish, engineer, implement and maintain the desktop infrastructure and provide
desktop service for problem resolution for PPPO federal and contractor support personnel at all three (3)
sites. In order to ensure that PPPO personnel experience minimal computer down time, the Contractor
shall maintain End User Support Specialists at the Lexington site during regular business hours
(7:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time) Monday-Friday, excluding Federal holidays. Evening and
weekend coverage, on-site or on-call, shall be made available. Support Specialists shall be provided at
all sites based on site needs and workload.

Work activities under this task include, but are not limited to, the following subtasks:


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a) Provide desk-side assistance to resolve hardware and software problems referred to End User
Support by Help Desk Analysts;
b) install new hardware and software at user’s desktop;
c) maintain Government hardware in good working order;
d) document inventory changes, and
e) maintain the upkeep of storage areas.

The Contractor shall maintain a minimum of four (4) spare computers at all three (3) PPPO sites, one (1)
network-capable printer, and one standalone printer at all times.

C.9.1.6 Network Operations and Systems Support

The Contractor shall establish, implement and operate the PPPO network, including:
a) Acquisition, installation, configuration and testing of all necessary hardware and software;
b) Maintaining file servers, Exchange/Outlook electronic mail post offices and any message
transport agent, remote access capabilities, security on servers, network and server resource
monitoring, proactive maintenance and data backups;
c) Establishing and maintaining email configuration and connectivity, and troubleshooting email-
related problems;
d) Supporting Records Management by ensuring compliance with Electronic Information System
(EIS) requirements in 36 CFR 1236.
e) Deploying and maintaining a wireless network infrastructure at all three (3) PPPO sites including
internal, employee personal and guest network connectivity;
f) Deploying and maintaining Point to Point (PtP) wireless connectivity between the Lexington
g) Deploying and maintaining a VoIP phone system infrastructure for Lexington and future
expansion to the sites;
h) Optimizing the performance, reliability and availability of the PPPO network infrastructure and
shared resources, including:
a. Server tuning;
b. Maintaining backup equipment, schedules, validation and offsite storage;
c. Patch Management to include software, OS and firmware;
d. Risk analysis and disaster recovery planning; and
e. Evaluation and implementation or coordination of cable and network equipment
i) Maintaining user accounts on the network including:
a. Creation of new user login ID’s and file directories;
b. Disabling user accounts as users leave or are reassigned;
c. Deleting user accounts as requested or as users leave or are reassigned;
d. Mapping users to appropriate shared directories and files and ensuring rights are
administered at the correct level;
e. Ensuring appropriate user access to network-based applications, network printers, and
print queues;


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f. Administration of shared resources, i.e., Microsoft Exchange, VMware, Lync, shared

directories, virus protection, security implementation, website support, etc.;
g. Network security planning and implementation (remote users, access audits, firewalls,
physical access controls); and
h. Providing prompt and timely notification of network or server outages of any type.

C.9.1.7 Shared Services Environment

The Contractor shall implement, maintain and support a shared services environment that will support
the external facing web applications and PPPO Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). The shared services
environment will be utilized by PPPO staff and contractor organizations as a centralized location for
document sharing, collaboration and general use services.

Work activities under this task include, but are not limited to the following subtasks:
a) Shared services domain and infrastructure;
b) Database systems;
c) SharePoint;
d) Mail relay;
e) Web presence;
f) CRL hosts;
g) Risk Tracking System;
h) External applications;
i) Backups and disaster recovery planning; and
j) Other support systems.

C.9.1.8 Software/Application Development and Support

The Contractor shall test, implement and support any Commercial off the Shelf (COTS), Government or
contractor developed software/application on the PPPO network. Additionally, the Contractor shall
develop new applications as requested by program areas within the PPPO to enhance efficiency and
effectiveness of these areas. Along with developing new applications and systems the Contractor shall
also provide the day to day operational support for existing custom applications and new systems as
developed. The Contractor shall manage all new application development in house unless the task
requires additional effort beyond basic report or web interface development and shall manage all
subcontract efforts for this level of effort as required by the PPPO mission. The Contractor shall also
support all applications and supporting systems within in the environment, including, but not limited to:
a) Acquisition, installation, configuration and testing of all necessary Database platforms;
Optimizing the performance, reliability and availability of the PPPO Infrastructure Databases,
b) server tuning;
c) maintaining backups in Team Foundation Server;
d) updates;
e) training;
f) user support;


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g) Administration of software and applications, including user setup, account creation, account
maintenance and license tracking;
h) Administration and deployment of Microsoft SharePoint and supporting modules, including user
setup, account creation, account maintenance; and
i) Administration and maintenance of LiveLink record and action tracking application for all three
(3) sites.

C.9.1.9 Database Administration

Contractor shall plan, test, implement and support any Database on the PPPO network, including:
a) Acquisition, installation, configuration and testing of all necessary Database platforms; and
b) Optimizing the performance, reliability and availability of the PPPO Infrastructure Databases,
c) server tuning;
d) maintaining backups;
e) updates;
f) training; and
g) user support.

C.9.1.10 Hardware and Software Compatibility Testing

The Contractor shall ensure compatibility testing of all software (including COTS and government or
contractor-developed), computers, and peripherals planned for deployment on the PPPO IT
infrastructure. There shall be two (2) types of testing: platform and application. This testing shall be
conducted in a test environment apart from, and configured to mimic, the live or production
environment. The test environment shall be deployed and maintained alongside the production PPPO IT
systems. The testing shall include startup, login, network connectivity, printing, and close down. No
software shall be deployed until testing is completed. Contractor shall provide all network compatibility
testing information to the PPPO, including the Network Compatibility Testing Checklist and the
Notification of Test Results forms. If the software fails the testing, the Contractor shall identify the
source of the application (e.g., internal group, external group, or commercial vendor), and the Contractor
shall devise a mitigation strategy.

C.9.1.11 Asset Management

The Contractor shall track the location and movement of all hardware and software owned by DOE
using the internal PPPO inventory system. This task shall be provided by the end user support group in
accordance with DOE Order 580.1, Department of Energy Personal Property Management Program.

Work activities under this task include, but are not limited to the following subtasks:
a) Logging hardware and software into inventory as it is delivered;
b) Ensuring that the hardware is stored properly;
c) Distributing hardware as directed and approved by the Property Administrator;
d) Tracking the hardware as it is moved from one (1) location to another;


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e) Ensuring that obsolete hardware is removed from the inventory as directed;

f) Regularly verifying that inventory records are complete and accurate;
g) Accessing inventory at the direction of the Subtask Monitor or Federal designate;
h) Conducting an annual physical inventory of equipment and provide the Annual Inventory Report
to the Property Administrator for approval;
i) Assisting the Property Administrator in analyzing and researching asset discrepancies, reviewing
or researching items on the Gains & Loss report, and preparing reports as needed; and
j) Preparing inventory exit packages within two (2) days from receipt of direction from the
Property Administrator.

C.9.2 Cyber Security

C.9.2.1 Federal Office Cyber Security Operations

The Contractor shall provide cyber security program design, implementation, and management at the
PPPO Federal office. This includes executing programmatic and technical aspects of the cyber security
program in close coordination with Information Technology, Safeguards and Security, Legal, Human
Resources, and management personnel.

Work activities under this task include, but are not limited to the following subtasks:
a) Ensuring the PPPO federal office and information systems under its direct operational control are
compliant with applicable regulatory requirements including but not limited to National Institute
of Standards and Technology (NIST) (i.e., Federal Information Processing Standards, Special
Publications) and Committee on National Security System (e.g., Policies, Directives,
Instructions) requirements, DOE Orders, and the EM Risk Management Approach
Implementation Plan;
b) Ensuring information systems supporting the federal office maintain an effective security posture
and that cyber security-related risk incurred by the organization is below the organizational risk
tolerance, as determined by the Authorizing Official;
c) Conducting weekly meetings detailing topical areas such as outstanding cyber security-related
projects and tasks, newly identified risks, future personnel and technology needs and operational
status and health of capabilities mitigating high-impact risks such as vulnerability management
and alternate processing site preparedness;
d) Providing monthly Federal Office Roll-Up Status Reports for operations (including trending) to
PPPO management on cyber security-related compliance, effectiveness of capabilities, and other
operational activities to the AODR for information;
e) Providing annual System Security Plan(s) for all organizational information systems to the
AODR for approval;
f) Supporting the design, implementation, and management of unclassified information systems
and national security systems in close coordination with information technology personnel and
ensuring appropriate security controls are employed at all phases of the system development
g) Assuming the primary programmatic and technical cyber lead for federal office operations;
h) Ensuring information systems obtain and maintain an effective Authority to Operate;


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i) Developing and maintaining cyber security policies, plans, procedures, and work instructions;
j) Conducting cyber security-related information system monitoring activities;
k) Conducting internal security assessment activities and documenting their results;
l) Performing contingency planning and incident response activities;
m) Supporting cyber security-related law enforcement investigations;
n) Supporting continuity of operations activities; and
o) Conducting other cyber security operations activities as needed.

C.9.2.2 Cyber Security Role Designations

Personnel assigned to the roles below shall be appointed in writing at NTP via a letter to the Authorizing
Official (AO) and Authorizing Official Designated Representative (AODR) for all unclassified
information systems (e.g., general support systems, national security systems, industrial control
 Information System Security Manager
 Information System Security Officer(s)
 Configuration Management Manager
 Contingency Plan Director
 Contingency Plan Coordinator(s)

Personnel assigned to the roles below for all national security systems shall be appointed in writing at
NTP via a letter to the AO and AODR. This letter should be marked Official Use Only and handled
 Information System Security Manager
 Information System Security Officer(s)
 Configuration Management Manager
 Contingency Plan Director
 Contingency Plan Coordinator
 System Administrator(s)
 Network Administrator(s)
 Account Manager(s)
 Removable Media Custodian(s)

Changes to personnel role designations shall be submitted via a letter to the AO and AODR within 10
days. These are roles for the unclassified and national security systems and are not labor categories and
will be assigned to the proper personnel by the IT Manager.

C.9.2.3 Cyber Security Oversight Support

The Contractor shall provide cyber security oversight support at the PPPO federal office. The Contractor
shall design, implement, and manage a cyber security assessment capability for the PPPO, assessing
contractor and subcontractor cyber security programs and government-owned/contractor-operated


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information systems (e.g., general support systems, national security systems, industrial control systems,
major applications) across its sites.

Work activities under this task include, but are not limited to the following subtasks:
a) Performing validation of organizational, programmatic, and technical security controls;
b) Conducting vulnerability assessments, penetration testing, and red teaming activities;
c) Conducting hunt team operations across a wide array of interconnected information systems;
d) Conducting cyber security-related documentation reviews and documenting results;
e) Conducting risk assessment activities and documenting results;
f) Supporting Safeguards and Security-lead vulnerability and risk assessments;
g) Designing and leading the execution of incident response and contingency planning exercises;
h) Delivering technical and non-technical cyber security-related training to site personnel;
i) Producing annual Security Assessment Plans and Rules of Engagement documentation for
AODR approval;
j) Producing Security Assessment Reports within 30 days of security assessment out-brief for
AODR approval, and presenting results to site management;
k) Supporting cyber security-related law enforcement investigations;
l) Executing, processing, and consolidating data calls;
m) Developing security control overlays for organizational information systems;
n) Providing guidance to site personnel on improving security posture and reducing cyber security-
related risk incurred by the PPPO from the operation of general support systems, national
security systems, industrial controls systems, and major applications;
o) Designing, implementing, and managing the infrastructure required to support technical testing
activities, such as external infrastructure used for phishing exercises, infrastructure required to
support collaboration among team members during testing activities, and mobile information
system components (e.g., laptops, tablets) used for direct testing;
p) Producing whitepapers and providing recommendations to the PPPO management on pertinent
technical and non-technical cyber security-related topics, such as the release of new NIST
Special Publications, new regulations and their impact, and the cyber security implications of
emerging technology;
q) Providing an annual written report aggregating recommendations from programmatic and
technical assessment activities and other oversight activities (including lessons learned) for
AODR information (Roll-Up Recommendations Report);
r) Providing monthly oversight reports (including trending) to PPPO management on cyber
security-related compliance, effectiveness of capabilities, and other security assessment
s) Conducting weekly meetings detailing topical areas such as current assessment status, upcoming
assessment planning, status and health of infrastructure used for technical assessments, new
threats to organizational information systems, future personnel and technology needs;
t) Providing quarterly Technical Threat Assessments for AODR information; and
u) Conducting other cyber security oversight support as needed.

C.9.2.4 Role-Based Cyber Security Training (Reimbursable)


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Personnel filling the following roles shall have role-based cyber security-specific training on an annual
basis reimbursed by the PPPO based on the requirements in NIST 800-53 and the Environmental
Management Risk management Approach Implementation Plan:
 Senior Cyber Security Specialist
 Cyber Security Specialist
 Senior Cyber Security Analyst
 Senior Penetration Tester
 Database Administrator
 Application Developer
 Senior Network Administrator
 Senior System Administrator
 System Administrator
 End User Support Specialist

C.9.3 Technology Software and Hardware Procurements

The Contractor shall procure IT related equipment, software, tools and miscellaneous items as needed
for PPPO. The Contractor shall utilize the EMCBC purchasing team for these procurements as the
preferred approach unless it can be demonstrated that the EMCBC cannot meet PPPOs requirements (i.e.
schedule, etc.). This procurement support is limited to items defined in the IT and Cyber Security spend
plans to be submitted 90 days after NTP and annually thereafter as defined in Section J, Attachment J-2
Deliverables; these spend plans require COR concurrence and CO approval. Other purchases may be
authorized outside this limit by the CO, if warranted. The Contractor shall maintain a log of all
Technology Software and Hardware Procurements (regardless of who will ultimately procure the item)
and shall provide timely coordination, communication, and identification of such procurements
throughout the entire procurement process. As identified in Section J, Attachment J-10, License
Renewals and Service Agreements, the Contractor shall manage all existing software licenses and
Hardware maintenance agreements (including renewals) to ensure continuity (Table 1). The Contractor
shall also ensure no interruption in services for annual and monthly service agreements by directly
procuring the services identified in Table 2. All purchases shall follow applicable contract requirements
and federal regulations.


C.10.1 Service Delivery Overview and Objectives

The Contractor shall support DOE in oversight, technical and project security efforts to assure
successful and compliant security programs at the PPPO which includes Lexington and Paducah
Kentucky (KY) and the Portsmouth Ohio facilities. Security support staff members shall hold a “Q”
access authorization and be available at each of the PPPO facilities to support DOE PPPO federal
security and management personnel. The Contractor security team lead shall be a direct report to the PD
and coordinate all S&S activities through the Federal Security Team lead, and shall be located in
Lexington, KY, or other location as approved by the Contracting Officer.


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The Contractor shall provide an array of site-wide technical security support functions that support
security management/ Officially Designated Federal Security Authority (ODFSA) responsibilities in a
secure environment protecting critical national security assets, chemicals, personnel (to include the
public) and government property. PPPO’s management of its Safeguards & Security (S&S) Programs is
critical to national interests. This requires Senior Security Specialists, who are trained and experienced
with DOE to implement and maintain security programs at the Lexington Facilities. The Contractor shall
also provide Senior Security Specialists to provide oversight assistance to the site Federal staff for the
other site contractors with security scope at Paducah and Portsmouth. A Senior Security Survey Team
Lead shall ensure the ODFSA Survey program and related tasks are completed in a timely manner and
consistent with PPPO procedures and expectations. The Senior NMC&A Specialist provides NMC&A
support for all three (3) locations, to include termination of safeguards requests, survey support,
assessment and oversight support of PPPO prime contractors having NMC&A scope. Additional
Security Specialists who are subject matter experts for special projects and survey support may be
required on an as-needed basis.

Security support services must be both effective and efficient. An effective system is robust, resilient,
adaptive, and consistent with the changing mission needs. An effective system also must support
multiple S&S programs with security management responsibilities for the protection of multiple
facilities and sites with operations supporting protection of classified matter and Category III & IV (and
any combination of possible roll up scenarios due to site activities) Special Nuclear Material (SNM).
An efficient system operates at reasonable cost and imposes minimal burdens on the organizations
carrying out primary missions at the facilities. Therefore, the objectives of this contract are to improve
performance, oversight, assessment, increase effectiveness and efficiency in the execution of S&S
technical security support services at DOE PPPO.

C.10.2 Project Management and Security Coordination

The Contractor shall carry out all projects and tasks related to security consistent with PPPO’s security
mission and with this contract scope. This includes providing both management and the administration
of requirements/guidance for the S&S Programs within the PPPO Lexington Facilities and assisting with
the DOE oversight in the implementation of security measures and programs for the prime site
contractors at both Portsmouth and Paducah.

The Contractor shall provide knowledgeable personnel to support PPPO security programs and oversight
support. Support requires knowledge in NMC&A, Uranium Inventory Management, DUF6 Conversion
Project, Uranium Fuel Cycle Operations, gaseous diffusion operations, Safeguards and Security Program
Management, the Insider Threat Program, the Technical Security Program, Protective Force Operations,
Classification and Unclassified Information Program, Homeland Security Presidential Directive-12
(HSPD-12), Real ID Act, Information Security, Personnel Security, Protection Program Operations,
conducting, maintaining & performing DOE Survey and Assessment programs, Safeguards and Security
Information Management System (SSIMS) and both Classified/Unclassified Cyber Security


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The Contractor shall fully integrate and perform the requirements contained in this PWS at multiple sites
in a manner that ensures maintenance of a seamless operational structure. This requires full integration
of functions, roles, and responsibilities where more than one (1) contractor is involved in fulfilling the
requirements of the overall security program. The Contractor is responsible for coordination,
collaboration, and teamwork with the other site contractors, tenant organizations, other government
agencies, HQ, DOE and site users.

C.10.3 Requirements

The Contractor shall provide fully qualified personnel to perform technical security support services at
PPPO facilities. All work performed must satisfy the requirements of applicable DOE directives with
oversight provided by DOE. Additionally, the Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal, state,
and local laws, regulations, guidance, and policies. The Contractor shall ensure systems and processes
are designed and implemented to streamline how business is performed and increase productivity to
maximize mission accomplishment.

The staffing under the PWS will be dependent upon operational requirements. The Government
therefore reserves the right to modify the technical work requirements as needed due to changing
security requirements or methods of accomplishing security functions.

C.10.4 Lexington Security Support

The Contractor shall ensure the availability of support for the PPPO Lexington facilities security
programs. The Contractor shall assist the PPPO Facility Security Officer (FSO) and the ODFSA as the
Contractor point of contact for all related Security activities. Security support services include, but are
not limited to, the following activities:

C.10.4.1 Program Management

a) In support of the PPPO Lexington S&S program, the Contractor shall prepare and maintain a
Security Management in Contracting Plan in accordance with applicable DOE requirements.
b) Prepare Security Activity Close-Out Certification for the FSO to review and the respective
CO to approve for the termination of contracts for PPPO prime contractors.

C.10.4.2 Program Support

In support of the PPPO Lexington S&S program, the Contractor shall prepare and maintain the
following support requirements in accordance with applicable DOE requirements.

a) Provide support through the development, implementation and maintenance of the PPPO security
computer based training (CBT) systems. Training will be user interactive CBT type training,
trackable/sortable and should be available for Security/IT/Cyber Survey/audit purposes.
b) Provide support to all S&S data call requests from DOE and other outside agencies/personnel.


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c) Provide overarching security guidance to the PPPO Lexington Federal staff (e.g. Manager,
Deputy Manager and DUF6 FPD):
d) Support to the PPPO Human Resource officer to facilitate federal access authorizations and
badging with the PPPO delegated Cognizant Personnel Security Office;
e) Support to the PPPO legal staff on security matters;
f) Support to the Public Affairs/Community Relations staff by the timely review of DOE
approved information to be publicly released or posted, to ensure no sensitive information is
inadvertently released.
g) Coordinate and implement security programs, in conjunction with the PPPO IT, Cyber and
Security leads on overlapping programs (e.g., classified cyber, controlled articles, lock and key
program, Incidents of Security concern, HSPD-12 implementation and management).
h) Coordinate the evaluation of draft and newly issued DOE directives/orders on S&S for site
specific impacts to the PPPO missions. The quarterly review and its results shall be provided
in writing to the PPPO Security Team Lead and CO for recommendation of inclusion into the
relevant PPPO contracts.
i) Plan and participate in the PPPO site Security Integrated Project Team (IPTs).
j) Submit the REAL ID monthly report to the EM HQ Point of contact (POC) monthly.
k) Provide classification and unclassified controlled information support to PPPO.
l) Develop a consolidated security strategy in support of the D&D or Deactivation/Remediation
mission for PPPO.
m) Procure, maintain and manage the Lexington facilities automated access control system
(AACS), which must be HSPD-12 compliant.
n) Procure and manage the alarm system/upgrades required for the building & AACS, as needed.
The Contractor shall also provide timely facility responses during alarm notifications (e.g., UL
rated alarm provider, network alarms or power outages).

C.10.4.3 Site Security Plan (SSP)

In support of the PPPO Lexington S&S program, the Contractor shall prepare and maintain the annual
site SSP in accordance with applicable DOE requirements. The duties and responsibilities include:
a) Annually review and update SSP as required for ODFSA approval.
b) The SSP shall be supported by a risk assessment or similar analysis of considerations specific
to this site detailing how the assets, personnel and other interests are to be protected. The Risk
Assessment for the Lexington Facilities is required to be conducted and submitted for ODFSA
approval, and reviewed annually or as needed.
c) Periodically update the SSP during the year to incorporate major changes associated with the
DOE Design Basis Threat (DBT) policy and/or changes to the site’s facility, procedures,
requirements or S&S operations.
d) Coordinate the programmatic review, comment resolution, and editing of the SSP, and provide
updates as necessary to ensure site operations relevancy.
e) The SSP shall be of excellent technical writing free of grammatical errors and contain a logical
reference-based analysis to ensure credibility.


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C.10.4.4 Security Conditions (SECON) Plan

In support of the PPPO Lexington S&S program, the Contractor shall prepare, submit for ODFSA
approval, and maintain the Site SECON plan in accordance with applicable DOE requirements. The
duties and responsibilities include:
a) Shall prepare, maintain and annually review the Site SECON plan which must identify and
describe the specific measures that will most efficiently and effectively implement the required
increases in readiness at each SECON level.
b) Coordinate the programmatic review and editing of the SECON plan by Security personnel
from PPPO to ensure effective implementation when there is a change in the Department’s or
Site’s SECON status.
c) The SECON plan will be of excellent technical writing free of grammatical errors and contain
a logical reference-based analysis to ensure credibility.

C.10.4.5 Performance Assurance Program (PAP)

In support of the PPPO Lexington S&S program, the Contractor shall prepare, submit for ODFSA
approval, and maintain the site PAP plan in accordance with applicable DOE requirements. The
duties and responsibilities include:
a) Shall prepare, maintain and annually review the Site PAP plan which must identify and
describe the elements of the Sites protection program ensuring they are workable and function
as designed and is in accordance with the overall protection goals established by the DOE
b) Ensure the PAP encompasses all S&S topical areas relevant to the facilities and are captured to
include the identification of any potential essential elements relevant to assets.
c) Ensure both testing and a testing schedule is developed and maintained in accordance with
DOE Orders.
d) Coordinate between PPPO and the site Security contractor support elements to ensure best
practices, lessons learned and systemic issues are identified and incorporated into the Site
e) Coordinate the programmatic review and editing of the PAP plan by ensuring personnel from
PPPO and other support contractors review their relevant sections, if any, in the document and
provide updates as necessary to ensure site operations relevancy.
f) The PAP plan shall be of excellent technical writing, free of grammatical errors and shall
contain a logical reference-based analysis to ensure credibility.

C.10.4.6 Safeguards and Security Training Program

In support of the PPPO Lexington S&S program, the Contractor shall assist in the development and
maintenance of the Safeguards and Security Training Plan in accordance with applicable DOE
requirements. The duties and responsibilities include:
a) Develop and maintain a S&S training program ensuring employees are trained to a level of
proficiency to perform assigned security tasks.
b) Derive the appropriate training plans based on a valid needs analysis.


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c) Support PPPO in the development and maintenance of the PPPO Safeguards and Security
Training Plan; this plan must be submitted for ODFSA approval, and reviewed and updated
d) The annual S&S training plan will be of excellent technical writing free of grammatical errors
and contain a logical reference-based analysis to ensure credibility.

C.10.4.7 Survey, Review and Self-Assessment Programs

The Contractor shall support the DOE ODFSA in the conduct of surveys at all PPPO facilities and sites
(Lexington and Paducah KY and Portsmouth, Ohio). The Contractor shall establish an approved self-
assessment program at the Lexington facilities (Lexington only). Through the surveys, reviews and self-
assessments, the Contractor shall ensure that S&S systems and processes are operating in compliance
with Departmental and national-level policies, requirements, and standards for the protection of security
assets and interests. These programs provide the means for timely identification and correction of
deficiencies and noncompliant conditions to prevent adverse events, and validate the effectiveness of
corrective actions implemented to address identified deficiencies.

Conduct, at intervals consistent with risk management principles, an internal integrated evaluation of all
applicable S&S topical areas to determine the overall status of the S&S program at PPPO sites and
verify that S&S objectives are met. The DOE ODFSA may direct a specific assessment, special survey
or review interval and may direct reports be provided to DOE. Assessments, surveys and other reviews
must have sufficient scope, depth, and frequency to ensure that at any point the facility is in compliance
with all security requirements appropriate to the activities, information, and conditions at each site.

The Contractor shall provide trained, qualified and appropriately cleared personnel, both managers and
Security Specialists, to ensure that the survey program meets all survey and self-assessment activities as
outlined in the DOE Orders and best enterprise wide business practices. The Contractor shall be
expected to work professionally with other contractors. Travel may be required for site inspections,
surveillances, assessments, surveys and other activities.

Work activities under this task include, but are not limited to, the following subtasks:
a) The Contractor shall deliver timely, high quality, cost-effective services in support of the PPPO
survey program in both execution and remedy. Conduct surveys, reviews, assessments and
surveillances to ensure annual PPPO assessment schedule is completed as scheduled; develop
and maintain updated relevant security lines of inquiry; develop, submit for ODFSA approval,
and maintain a Survey Program Plan and associated Survey, Assessment & Surveillance forms in
support of oversight activities for PPPO.
b) Assist PPPO by performing field surveillances for impacted/assigned topical areas and projects
as appropriate. A minimum of one (1) surveillance is required every quarter for each Paducah
and Portsmouth contractor having contractual programmatic responsibilities for S&S topical
areas. This provides for a minimum of 24 total surveillance activities and reports that can be
conducted by a security specialist. These surveillances may be performed concurrently while at
a site (i.e. surveilling all contractors during the same site visit but drafting separate reports).
Surveillances shall not be performed during the same quarter as any planned Security Survey or


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other security review. Develop, propose and maintain a sustainable annual S&S survey spend
plan for CO approval, and coordinate and submit to the FSO, the plans for each survey to include
travel budget, modes of transportation and associated expense reports.
c) Coordinate and collaborate all survey activities conducted by the DOE ODFSA or assist any
other federal authorities performing security reviews.
d) All surveillance reports shall be free of grammatical errors and contain a logical reference-based
analysis to ensure credibility. Each report must be reviewed by the appropriate site PPPO
Federal security representative prior to submittal to the ODFSA. All open S&S findings from
previous assessments shall be reviewed during surveys and self-assessments to validate the status
of the corrective action and to evaluate the impact on the current operation of the facilities S&S
program. Final Survey Reports are to be completed within 45 days of the survey out brief.
e) Trending analysis of deficiencies must be conducted to determine if systemic causal factors
underlie multiple survey and self-assessment findings and if so, the associated Corrective Action
Plan (CAP) must address these causal factors.
f) Provide recommendations for revisions of local implementing procedures and lessons learned
across the PPPO security program.
g) Conduct possessing facility surveys for all PPPO prime contractors which include initial,
periodic, special and termination. If sufficient personnel are not available on staff, provide the
schedule and cost estimates (within the S&S survey spend plan) to the DOE FSO to obtain the
expertise on an as-needed basis for the conduct of the possessing facility surveys.
h) Prepare a Lexington Facilities Annual Comprehensive Self-Assessment Report for each
Lexington facility self-assessment including the findings and any recommended resolutions,
and submit to the DOE ODFSA. This report should be finalized by September 30th, end of
fiscal year. As required, the CAP for each self-assessment shall be submitted within 30 days
of the final report. Implement corrective actions for issues identified in self-assessments and
surveys at the Lexington Facilities in a timely and effective manner, and validate the
effectiveness of corrective actions to prevent recurrence of the issues.
i) Develop a Self-Assessment Schedule for the Fiscal Year for the FSO’s approval.
j) Develop quarterly status reports on all PPPO facilities and sites findings as a result of any
periodic survey, providing tracking and trending, by the 15th of January, April, July and

C.10.4.8 Safeguards and Security Information Management System Support (SSIMS)

The Contractor shall provide Q cleared administrative and technical support in the operation and
maintenance of the classified database SSIMS in accordance with applicable DOE requirements. Work
activities under this task include, but are not limited to the following subtasks:
a) Perform data entry of facility data and approval record and contract security classification
specifications forms.
b) Perform data entry of security survey/inspection and self-assessment reports.
c) Track S&S findings, corrective actions and validations.
d) Enter monthly reporting of incidents of security concerns, incident inquiry reports, and incident
e) Provide general support for surveys, assessments, surveillance or data, as required.


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f) Generate ad hoc reports as requested by the DOE Security Team Lead or ODFSA.

C.10.4.9 Incident Reporting and Management

In support of the PPPO S&S program at Lexington, Portsmouth and Paducah the Contractor shall
prepare and maintain plans and procedures for the PPPO’s Incident of Security Concern (IOSC)
program in accordance with DOE requirements. Work activities under this task include, but are not
limited to the following subtasks:

a) Contractor Senior Security Specialists shall be DOE trained and shall also be approved Inquiry
b) Provide monthly security tracking and trending analysis on IOSCs for all PPPO sites to the
Security Team Lead.
c) Prepare and maintain an IOSC Program plan/procedure.
d) Conduct and/or assist Inquiries for IOSCs as assigned.
e) Brief Federal management on IOSCs for all PPPO sites.

C.10.4.10 Protection Program Operations

C. Physical Security

In support of the PPPO Lexington S&S program, the Contractor shall prepare, maintain and oversee
procedures for the Lexington facilities security areas and its associated transmittal equipment in
accordance with DOE requirements. Work activities under this task include, but are not limited to the
following subtasks:
a) Develop and maintain an access control procedure including the Automated Access Control
System (AACS) detailing employee requirements for each of the designated security areas at
the Lexington facilities.
b) Develop and maintain a Lock and Key program and protection requirements for Levels I-III
and administrative keys as appropriate. Portsmouth and Paducah ODSAs provide lock and
key support consistent with their contract.
c) Develop and maintain procedure(s) for operating and monitoring the Limited Area.
d) Develop and maintain plans and/or procedures listed in paragraphs a through c above shall be
of excellent technical writing free of grammatical errors and contain a logical reference-based
analysis to ensure credibility.

C. Security Badges and Credentials

In support of the PPPO S&S program, the Contractor shall prepare and maintain procedures for the
issuance of DOE Badges and Security Police Officer (SPO) credentials in accordance with DOE
requirements. Work activities under this task include, but are not limited to the following subtasks:
a) Development, maintenance and/or issuance, at the Lexington Facilities, of DOE badges which
may include the HSPD-12, Local Site Specific Only (LSSO), visitor, temporary, Foreign


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DRAFT Solicitation No. DE-SOL-0010125

b) Develop procedures for use, recovery, destruction and accountability.

c) Development, maintenance and issuance of Portsmouth and Paducah’s SPO Arming
Credentials also referred to as the Weapons Arming Credential (WAC).
d) Develop and maintain a SPO WAC procedure for the WAC card request, review, approval,
preparation and distribution.

C. Active Shooter Response Plan

In support of the PPPO Lexington Facilities, the Contractor shall prepare and maintain a program and
plan for an Active Shooter event in accordance with DOE requirements and implement
industry/complex wide business practices. Work activities under this task include, but are not limited
to the following subtasks:
a) Develop and maintain a plan/procedures outlining response requirements for an Active
Shooter threat.
b) Ensure or conduct continuous training efforts with federal and contractor employees regarding
employee actions in an active shooter scenario.
c) Develop and maintain liaison activities with local, supporting law enforcement and emergency
response agencies.
d) This plan must be submitted for ODFSA approval and updated as needed and/or annually at a

C.10.4.11 Information Security

C. Classified Matter Protection & Control (CMPC)

In support of the PPPO Lexington Facilities, the Contractor shall prepare and maintain the CMPC
Program Plan including administration in accordance with applicable DOE requirements. Work
activities under this task include, but are not limited to the following subtasks:
a) Address and recommend resolutions for CMPC issues and questions from federal and contractor
b) Develop, revise and present CMPC training/briefings for all federal and contractor employees.
c) Provide support in the coordination of CMPC activities and events.
d) Develop local (Lexington facility) CMPC plans and procedures.
e) Provide recommended courses of action to resolve issues or deficiencies.
f) Provide derivative classification S&S support, and provide classification support related to
gaseous diffusion and centrifuge technologies.
g) Maintain the classified mailing address for the PPPO Lexington Facilities. The sites’
(Portsmouth and Paducah) ODSA maintains the sites’ classified mailing addresses. This scope
includes the development and maintenance of procedures and processes for classified mail
delivery, pickup, preparation, notifications, storage and hand carrying to sites, if operationally

The Contractor shall develop and deliver the Annual Security Refresher Briefing (ASRB) for all PPPO
sites, which is required by August 30th of each year. Each briefing is to be developed via Computer


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Based Training (CBT)/Interactive delivery to all federal and contractor employees (internally) both
cleared and uncleared. This ASRB will also be made available to the PPPO sites ODSA for their roll out
to the Portsmouth and Paducah site contractors (externally) both cleared and uncleared. The ASRB shall
be developed and provided via a CBT/Interactive delivery. The ASRB shall have the ability to track all
employee completion by December 1st of each year and the list of employees provided to the cognizant
personnel security office by January 15th. The training should be able to break out a listing by
cleared/uncleared, company, contractor or name.

The Contractor shall also develop and provide additional briefings, as identified below. These briefings
are only intended to support the PPPO federal employees and the TSS personnel.
a) Initial Security briefing;
b) Comprehensive Security briefing;
c) Termination Security briefing;
d) CMPC briefing (custodians only); and
e) Unclassified Controlled Information briefing.

C. Operations Security (OPSEC)

In support of the PPPO Lexington Facilities, the Contractor shall develop and maintain an OPSEC
program in accordance with DOE requirements. Work activities under this task include, but are not
limited to the following subtasks:
a) Develop an annual OPSEC assessment schedule and perform OPSEC assessments in accordance
with the approved schedule.
b) Conduct OPSEC reviews and other assigned OPSEC functions under the purview of PPPO. This
may include other PPPO facilities if requested by the Security Team Lead or ODFSA.
c) Prepare and distribute reports based on activities described in (b) above.
d) Develop, and update when necessary, site-specific threat statements.
e) Organize, prepare, write, review and update the Lexington facilities OPSEC plan, critical
information list, OPSEC assessment guide and other non-recurring awareness publications. The
Contractor shall coordinate the review, comment resolution and editing of documents in
preparation for formal submission to the PPPO FSO, for approval by the ODFSA.
f) Participate with the PPPO sites OPSEC programs and provide review, input and flow down the
PPPO CIs as applicable.

C. Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM)

In support of the PPPO S&S program, the Contractor shall develop and maintain a TSCM
plan/addendum that meets both DOE requirements and is consistent with both the TSCM delegated
cognizant office and PPPO Officially Designated Federal Security Authority.

C. Communications Security (COMSEC)


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In support of the PPPO S&S program, the Contractor shall develop and maintain a COMSEC
plan/addendum that meets both DOE requirements and is consistent with both the COMSEC delegated
cognizant office and PPPO ODFSA.

a) The Contractor shall assume full program responsibility of all COMSEC requirements, activities
and responsibilities delegated to the PPPO ODFSA.
b) The Contractor shall perform COMSEC equipment distribution, installation, programing,
inventory and COMSEC program support for the Lexington, Paducah and Portsmouth sites.
c) The Contractor shall perform oversight assessments of the ODSA COMSEC program

C.10.4.12 Personnel Security

In support of the PPPO Lexington Facilities, the Contractor shall coordinate with the appropriate site
contractor ODSAs, consistent with their contract scope, and the delegated cognizant personnel security
office officials in accordance with DOE orders and regulations. The sites ODSAs, consistent with their
scope, provide GFSI Personnel Security Services to all PPPO prime contractors and their subs.

Work activities under this task are intended to support Federal Employees through PPPO HR and
include, but are not limited to the following subtasks:
a) Provide accurate, timely and compliant notification of DOE clearance requests, withdrawals,
waivers, terminations, suspensions, denials, upgrades, downgrades, recertification’s,
reinvestigations and investigations.
b) Develop and maintain a procedure on how coordination of all facets of access authorizations
occur between the Contractor and the appropriate personnel security representatives.
c) Provide timely notifications, consistent with DOE orders, of employee actions that result in a
change of employee status and/or access authorization need.
d) Support requests from the PPPO HR personnel for any personnel security activity.
e) Obtain and maintain access to the Central Personnel Clearance Index (CPCI) database.

C. Security Education Briefings and Awareness

The Contractor shall develop and maintain a security awareness program in accordance with DOE
requirements including development of a Safeguards & Security Awareness Program Plan. Work
activities under this task include, but are not limited to the following subtasks:
a) Develop and provide security awareness briefings to federal employees at the request of PPPO
HR, including initial, annual, comprehensive, termination and special briefings. This does not
include scope performed by the sites ODSAs. This should also be consistent with training
requirements in section C.6.4.11 (Information Security) of this contract.
b) Develop and prepare monthly security awareness bulletins to use by federal and contractor
employees at all PPPO sites.
c) Execute and distribute briefing acknowledgement forms to each applicable organization.
d) Update security awareness and training records for all federal personnel.


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C. Control of Classified Visits and Assignments

In support of the PPPO Lexington Facilities, the Contractor shall coordinate with the delegated
cognizant security office for classified visits and assignments. Work activities under this task include,
but are not limited to the following subtasks:
a) Develop procedures that establish the requirements of the delegated cognizant security office
for this program which also includes the Oak Ridge Field Office (ORFO) Counterintelligence
b) Ensure all Foreign Visits and Assignments are covered by the approved SSP and applicable
security plans.

C. Insider Threat Working Group

In support of the PPPO Lexington Facilities, the Contractor shall coordinate and participate with the
delegated cognizant security office for the Insider Threat Working Group. Work activities under this
task include, but are not limited to the following subtasks:
a) The Contractor shall adopt or develop procedures and/or plans that establish the requirements
of the delegated cognizant security office for this program which currently is the
Counterintelligence (CI) Oak Ridge Field Office (ORFO).
b) Participate and host at the Lexington Facilities the Insider Threat working group quarterly
meetings with the CI ORFO.

C.10.5 Portsmouth and Paducah Security Support

The Contractor shall provide Senior Security Specialists in support of the PPPO S&S programs. These
Senior Specialists shall assist the Federal PPPO Security Personnel as the TSS point of contact for all
Security and NMC&A related activities at the Portsmouth and Paducah sites. The Contractor shall assist
DOE in providing programmatic and technical oversight of onsite contractors’ work activities and
deliverables, in accordance with PPPO procedures and processes, including D&D, D&R, DUF6 and the
infrastructure contractors. The Contractor shall perform these activities at Portsmouth and Paducah.

Work activities under this task include, but are not limited to the following subtasks:
a) Review, comment and consolidate comments to include drafting responses as required within
15 days of receipt to PPPO on prime contractors’ contract deliverables, site security plans,
project security plans, training plans, letters, corrective action plans, NMC&A management
plans/activities and Protective Force Operations;
b) Assist site and Lexington operations with weapon authorization card qualifications as required;
c) Interface with the PPPO delegated cognizant security offices for functions not self-performed
by the PPPO ODFSA, DOE HQ, other government agencies and the PPPO Officially
Designated Federal Security Authority (ODFSA) regarding evaluation and resolution of
Portsmouth and Paducah S&S issues;
d) Facilitate/participate in Safeguards and Security, to include Protective Force surveys,
activities and program reviews;


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e) Perform limited scope reviews of the site S&S programs, to include limited surveys with
federal personnel;
f) Develop Safeguards and Security briefing materials in support of PPPO and EM HQ
g) Provide security guidance to the PPPO Site Director, Site Lead, Deputy DUF6 Conversion
FPD and other DOE Federal Staff;
h) Assist Lexington operations personnel in the evaluation of draft and newly issued DOE
directives on Safeguards and Security for site specific impacts on the PPPO mission and
recommend contract incorporation into relevant PPPO contracts;
i) Develop and prepare site specific security guidance documents, as needed;
j) Assist in the development of formal responses to EM HQ, Health Safety and Security (HSS),
Office of Inspector General (OIG) and ORO/CSA queries regarding PPPO Paducah S&S
k) Coordinate and implement in conjunction with the Federal AODR and Chief Information
Officer (CIO), to include prime Portsmouth and Paducah site contractors on overlapping
programs like classified cyber, controlled articles, incidents of security concern, and HSPD-
12 implementation maintenance;
l) Support the security trending analysis on Incidents of Security Concerns (IOSCs);
m) Plan, facilitate and participate in PPPO Security IPTs, and other PPPO project IPTs, as required;
n) Provide procurement support, as authorized by the CO.

C.10.5.1 NMC&A Scope at Portsmouth and Paducah

a) The Contractor shall provide a Senior NMC&A Security Specialist with expert and working
knowledge of NMC&A programs in support of the PPPO S&S programs at Portsmouth and
Paducah, to include support of data calls and plans for the PPPO. Support requires knowledge in
DOE directives regarding nuclear NMC&A and uranium management including, but not limited
to, inventory accounting and control on a graded safeguards basis.
b) The Contractor shall provide NMC&A cognizance guidance to the PPPO Federal security staff
including the PPPO Manager, Deputy Manager, ODFSA, and Security Team Lead. Guidance
shall include observations and recommendations regarding the status of contractor NMC&A
programs and compliance with applicable DOE directives and DOE-approved NMC&A and
S&S Plans.
c) The Contractor shall provide oversight of the contractor management of nuclear materials at both
Paducah and Portsmouth and provide formal reports and/or briefings for the PPPO S&S
specialists and managers including briefings for the PPPO ODFSA.
d) The Contractor shall interface with the Paducah and Portsmouth Site ODSAs on physical
security and access controls for nuclear materials on site.
e) The Contractor shall provide review and evaluation including formal written comments of
contractor NMC&A Plans, Site Security Plans, project security plans, training plans and self-
assessments and shall provide recommendation to the PPPO ODFSA regarding acceptability for
DOE approval of the documents.


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f) The Contractor shall conduct assessments and surveys including written reports of the NMC&A
programs at Paducah and Portsmouth. The Contractor shall review and evaluate contractor
corrective action plans and compensatory measures for findings and deficiencies and assess the
status of the closure of findings.
g) The Contractor shall assist in the development of formal responses to EM HQ, DOE Office of
Enterprise Assessments, Office of Inspector General, and Congress.
h) The Contractor shall provide communications with the Nuclear Materials Management &
Safeguards System (NMMSS) regarding PPPO inventories, reporting identification symbols, and
DOE project numbers.
i) The Contractor shall maintain cognizance of the nuclear material inventories at Portsmouth and
Paducah and provide recommendations to PPPO regarding NM operations, storage and
j) The Contractor shall develop responses to the Office of Nuclear Material Integration (ONMI)
regarding reporting requirements of DOE Orders.
k) The Contractor shall review and evaluate contractor requests for equivalencies, exemptions and
termination of safeguards and provide guidance to PPPO regarding the requests.
l) The NMC&A Specialist shall participate in the PPPO S&S IPTs.
m) The Contractor shall evaluate and provide formal responses to draft and newly issued DOE
directives applicable to NMC&A and nuclear material management.
n) The Contractor shall develop briefing materials for PPPO and EM HQ managers.
a) The Contractor shall develop responses to Additional Protocol (AP) data calls providing updates
to the U.S. Declaration to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
o) The Contractor shall provide guidance to the PPPO OPSEC Working Groups regarding control
and accountability of nuclear materials on site.
p) The Contractor shall conduct an assessment of the contractor response to the annual Nuclear
Material Inventory Assessment (NMIA) in preparation for the PPPO submission to the Office of
Nuclear Material Integration in accordance with DOE Orders.
q) The Contractor shall prepare responses to the annual data calls from ONMI for the Nuclear
Material Forecast and Allotment Request and the annual Nuclear Material Management Plan in
preparation for the PPPO submission to ONMI in accordance with DOE Orders.
r) The Contractor may require travel and attendance of the NMC&A Specialist to annual NMMSS
Meetings to support the PPPO mission.



The Contractor shall provide administrative support including clerical and program analyst
responsibilities to all projects at all PPPO sites. Administrative support shall be provided by temporary
staff or other personnel when regularly assigned contractor personnel are unavailable. The Contractor
shall cover duties when the DOE administrative staff is unavailable.

The Contractor shall provide comprehensive document production support, graphics development,
reproduction and printing services, website creation and maintenance, and technical writing and editing
as required to support DOE. These work activities include, but are not limited to, the production and


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distribution of technical papers, pamphlets, brochures, reports, presentation materials, and other written
and graphic documents.

Work activities under this task include, but are not limited to the following subtasks:
a) General administrative support including providing clerical/secretarial support to a large Federal
organization with a formalized structure spread over three (3) sites in two (2) different states;
b) Using a variety of word processing, presentation and/or spreadsheet software, prepare and
develop error free quality correspondence, reports, memorandums, presentations, and other
forms of communication for distribution across various organizations on site and to offices off
site (both Federal and non-Federal including proofreading, editing, and copying;) as directed;
c) Meeting and logistics management support for various types of meetings (including public and
regulator meetings) regarding program and projects under oversight of the PPPO including
making arrangements and taking meeting minutes, as requested by DOE;
d) Review correspondence for concurrences and signatures from DOE staff; review for proper
format; review conformance with procedural instructions, grammar, typographical errors,
accuracy, and necessary attachments before performing final distribution;
e) Properly track, scan, develop work flows and monitor correspondence as required in Livelink /
Microsoft SharePoint or other approved database to ensure that all assigned suspense
requirements are met;
f) Distribute correspondence to all individuals in accordance with approved guidelines and
processes. This includes managing the receipt and distribution of all mail from the infrastructure
contractor and/or all misdirected physical or electronic mail from other sources to appropriate
g) Visitor control: Facilitate visitor access at the 3 sites; greet and direct visitors to appropriate
DOE personnel; and ensure visitors fill out visitors log information, obtain a visitor’s pass, and
provide security escort assistance;
h) Records and document management include organizing, managing, and maintaining files
(including master filing systems), mail distribution, performing record searches by physical or
electronic means and assisting DOE in responding to discovery requests, Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) requests, and similar requests including compilation and reproduction of
i) Facilitate site tours, visits and/or demonstrations which are conducted for Federal, State, or local
dignitaries, managers, students, etc.;
j) Plan, coordinate, and organize events such as site tours, visits and/or demonstrations (on site or
even off site) for the Federal staff. Audience of these events can include senior Federal staff
from within DOE and/or other Government agencies, state, or local dignitaries, managers,
students, various contractors or the general public. This may include, but is not limited to:
(1) Secure facilities no later than 15 days prior to event by coordinating with the
DOE Conference Room coordinator or applicable office/agency;
(2) Submit all presentations in either paper format, electronic format, or both as
required by supported staff within the prescribed time frame;
(3) Secure necessary equipment (projector, computer, etc.) to conduct briefing;
(4) Operate equipment (projector, computer, etc.) as required;
(5) Take attendance at meetings as necessary; and


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(6) Distribute and copy meeting documents as necessary to participants.

k) Monitor a broad range of communication in order to make scheduling determinations and
recommendations to assigned Federal staff;
l) Preparation and distribution of daily attendance report to the PPPO Federal employees;
m) Support the development and dissemination of the daily turnover report;
n) Have a thorough understanding of the mission, objectives, and organizational structure (on and
off-site; Federal and contractor) of the office to which assigned, in order to better interface and
facilitate communications with others;
o) Communicate and interface with Government and contractor executives (to include their
assigned staff) to facilitate activities as assigned;
p) Schedule conference rooms and maintain DOE calendars;
q) Maintain schedules for conference rooms and spare offices;
r) Filing (manual and/or electronic): Maintain assigned files and record systems in accordance with
the DOE approved guidelines;
s) Schedule and maintain a calendar of assigned meeting space within the organization;
t) Perform all actions required to schedule, coordinate, and setup/connect for VTCs (i.e., local
resources, local and distant end participants, etc.) as required;
u) Assist DOE Purchase Card holders with the ordering and maintenance of adequate office
supplies including mail and packaging supplies utilizing approved process and procedures;
v) Prepare and track DOE travel orders (travel authorizations) and vouchers in the Government’s
electronic travel system (currently Concur), make travel reservations and prepare expense
w) Answer DOE telephones (name with contractor identification), redirect callers to the appropriate
staff, make public address announcements, and record and deliver messages;
x) Complete routine duplication of documents utilizing provided duplication equipment;
y) Coordinate with DOE reproduction services to complete copy/print job order as required or when
finished copies requires binding;
z) Prepare and obtain DOE authorization to relocate assigned staff using approved processes,
procedures and forms;
aa) Prepare, obtain, and coordinate DOE authorization to install, relocate, or remove voice /fax
telephone lines using approved forms and processes;
bb) Prepare correspondence and memoranda in an electronic document management system,
(currently Livelink) or other system being used by DOE and close out when appropriate. This
includes scanning supporting documents into the system, providing reconciliation, record
retention, storage and/or disposition of DOE documents in such system;
cc) Assist Federal staff in obtaining, tracking, accessing and maintaining documents in Livelink and
or other assigned databases;
dd) Complete and/or assist Federal and Contractor staff in obtaining any and all necessary training
required to gain access to the site, or related matters including the coordination of on-site training
such as General Employee Training (GET), Consolidated Annual Training (CAT), Radiological
Worker (RADCON) training, etc.;
ee) Process outgoing documents (including overnight mail and Federal Express packages) and in
accordance with procedures;


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ff) Search and retrieve documents from databases and files as requested and provide research to
assigned staff as necessary. Prepare and coordinate documents for review by the Federal staff
and distribute as necessary;
gg) Perform all aspects of the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act
(EEOICPA) administration ensuring they are answered by the due dates;
hh) Facility management administration at the Lexington site;
ii) Track and update the PPPO/contractor telephone listing;
jj) Maintain the D&D Libraries and other such libraries (e.g., National Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA) and National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA));
kk) Conduct training and orientation for new administrative hires and/or other administrative
personnel as necessary;
ll) Update the onsite contractors’ organizational charts on a quarterly basis, including the
responsibility assignment matrix, and project oversight assignments;
mm) Provide IPT support to include coordination of meetings, agendas, minutes, and action
nn) Coordinate and prepare the Plan of the Week and agenda for Portsmouth and Paducah;
oo) Provide support of the Shared Site processes including coordination, agendas, and meeting
pp) Prepare and disseminate field services summary reports;
qq) Support resolution of the file backlog and shipment of files to the Environmental Management
Consolidated Business Center (EMCBC);
rr) Provide support for the Management Tracking System, including entering information, status
updates and/or providing daily reports;
ss) Identify and update roles and responsibilities, interfaces, and points of contact within their
tt) Maintain the PPPO Conference Approval process in accordance with EM rules and regulations;
uu) Maintain training requests from all site contractors required for DOE approval.

All records generated or received by the Contractor in the performance of this contract, are the property
of the Government and must be managed in accordance with Federal laws, DOE regulations and PPPO
polices, plans and procedures.

C.11.1 Fleet Administration

The Contractor shall provide tracking, arranging schedules, routine maintenance preventative
maintenance as notified by the EMCBC fleet manager) and upkeep (no more than monthly) of the GSA-
Leased vehicles utilized by DOE and the TSS contractor in Lexington, Paducah and Portsmouth. In
addition, the Contractor shall be responsible for the administrative activities for these Government-
owned vehicles such as odometer readings, tracking of the following: vehicle usage and inspections,
fueling, cleaning, maintenance and other vehicle management work activities. All charges for repairs,
maintenance, cleaning and fuel are to be charged to the fleet card assigned to each vehicle.

C.11.2 Paralegal Assistance


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The Contractor shall provide a Paralegal Specialist to assist PPPO Counsel with a variety of tasks to
support ongoing legal concerns. This task includes but is not limited to the following subtasks:
a) Using Westlaw and/or Lexis legal research databases to assist with legal research into the
legislative history, precedential cases, decisions, and opinions that may be applicable to
particular legal matters.
b) Compiling, organizing and/or indexing legal documents.
c) Assists with sources and orders, legal references and law books.
d) Assists in the drafting of trial documents.
e) Performs analysis of the evidence, identifying pertinent facts, procedural defects, laws, discovery
and pre- and post-trial issues involved in the case, and determines whether or not further
supporting documentation is necessary.
f) Provides legal assistance to staff attorneys in discovery and trial preparation.
g) Assists with the development of policies and procedures for processing FOIA, PA and EEOICPA
requests in accordance with requirements of the statutes, and implements DOE and EMCBC
directives, DOL guidance, etc.
h) Serves as the primary administrative support and assistant to staff attorneys.
i) Maintains legal staff calendars and schedules appointments, commitments, and conferences.
j) Receives and reviews correspondence, reports, office memoranda, etc.
k) Develops and implements administrative, procedural, or management instructions.
l) Performs as the Office Records Custodian for staff attorneys.
m) Tracks and sends out updates/reminders of Litigation Holds.
n) Arranges meetings, including space, time, and participants.
o) Tracks legal assignments and coordinates legal review of documents with PPPO staff.

C.11.3 Records Management Operations and Oversight

The Contractor shall support the DOE with development and implementation of a Records Management
Program for the Portsmouth Paducah Project Office (Lexington, Portsmouth and Paducah) to ensure all
records (regardless of media) are in accordance with Title 44 USC, Chapters 21, 29, 31, 33, and 35; 36
CFR, Chapter 12, Subchapter B, “Records Management”; DOE O 243.1B “Records Management
Program” and any other DOE requirements as directed by the CO. The Contractor shall support the
DOE with development and implementation of a Records Management Plan that will include all aspects
of the records program and shall be submitted to the PPPO Records Management Field Officer (RMFO)
90 days from NTP for approval and updated annually.

Records Management activities include, but are not limited to: tasks associated with creation/receipt,
maintenance, storage/preservation, protecting, scheduling, indexing and dispositioning active and
inactive records (including e-mails); managing classified records (as applicable); providing all
employees and subcontractors with records management and essential/vital records training; supporting
records management data calls form the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA); and
supporting ongoing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Privacy Act, Energy Employees Occupational
Illness Compensation Program (EEOICPA), the former worker medical screening program, the Chronic
Beryllium Disease Prevention Program, congressional inquiries, legal discoveries and other record


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The Contractor shall process FOIA, Privacy Act, and EEOICPA requests by forwarding to the
appropriate PPPO contractor(s) in a timely manner to ensure responses are provided within the allotted
timeframe. The Contractor shall ensure records that are OUO are properly marked and protected within
the records system.

The Contractor shall support the DOE with developing and implementing recordkeeping requirements
(i.e., policies, plans and procedures) to ensure all records generated and/or received are identified and
captured, maintained and dispositioned in accordance with federal laws, and DOE Regulations. The
Contractor shall develop a Records Disposition Plan for RMFO approval to identify the process for the
disposition and transfer of records 90 days from the NTP with annual updates. Transfers to the FRC,
NARA and/or commercial storage require PPPO RMFO approval. Record destructions must be
submitted to the PPPO RMFO for review/approval, prior to destruction.

The Contractor shall work with the PPPO Records Lead and RMFO to develop and implement records
management controls to ensure that the identification, maintenance, and disposition of all records
(regardless of media), including electronic and email, are managed utilizing an Electronic Records
Management System (ERMS) in accordance with Federal and DOE requirements and guidelines for all
records, including historical records. Additionally, the Contractor shall provide support for the ERMS
with a Records Management Technician that is responsible for all aspects of system maintenance,
updates, workflows and other development needs. The Contractor shall also support the development
and migration to a new PPPO records management system based on Microsoft SharePoint that meets all
DOD 5015.02 requirements.

The Contractor shall support the DOE with developing and implementing a process to ensure all records
(except short-term) are scanned or converted to meet NARA requirements. All records (regardless of
media) must be scheduled, arranged, and cutoff by collections (e.g., case file, project, chronologically,
numerically, alphabetically, etc.) for proper disposition in accordance with the NARA-approved DOE
records disposition schedules.

The Contractor shall ensure the PPPO Records Management Program incorporates the requirements for
the creation, maintenance, and storage of audiovisual records to ensure compliance with 36 CFR 1237
and 36 CFR 1235.42 and any updated NARA requirements/guidance.

The Contractor shall support the DOE with developing and implementing a PPPO Essential/Vital
Records Program Plan, including a vital records inventory within 120 days from the NTP in accordance
with 36 CFR 1223, Managing Vital Records, and DOE O 243.1B, Records Management Program. The
Contractor shall provide updates to the Plan, including the inventory annually.

The Contractor shall work with PPPO IT to ensure records contained in electronic information systems
(EIS) are addressed by incorporating recordkeeping controls into the system or exporting the records
into the ERMS in accordance with 36 CFR 1236, Electronic Records Management. The Contractor
shall design and implement migration strategies, as required to counteract hardware and software
dependencies of electronic records whenever the records must be maintained and used beyond the life of


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the information system in which the records are originally created and captured. The Contractor shall
maintain and deliver an EIS Inventory and records status to the RMFO annually.

The Contractor shall develop and maintain a Records Inventory and File Plan that includes up-to-date
inventories, current file plan and systems that provide for the identification, location, arrangement,
assignment of disposition authority, and retrieval of all categories (record series) of records created and
received. This records inventory and file plan shall be submitted to the RFMO for approval within 120
days from the NTP and updated annually.

The Contractor shall ensure records identified as Quality records under the American National Standards
Institute (ANSI)/American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Nuclear Quality Assurance
(NQA)-1 are categorized (lifetime/non-permanent) on the file plan; managed in accordance with NQA-1
and 36 CFR Chapter, XII, Subchapter B; and are maintained for traceability to the applicable items,
activity or facility.

The Contractor shall respond to records management data calls by NARA and DOE as requested and
process record requests for congressional inquiries, legal discoveries and other record requests.



C.12.1 Project Management and Planning

The Contractor shall support DOE in project management and planning of all PPPO site contracts to
include baseline development, integration and oversight, fiscal planning, budget, and technical and cost
analysis of projects. The PPPO contracts currently include the Portsmouth D&D and infrastructure,
Paducah D&R and infrastructure, DUF6 Operations at both sites and other contracts and Financial
Assistance (FA) agreements. To support project planning, the types of systems that will be managed
include: Livelink, Integrated Planning, Accountability, and Budgeting System (IPABS), Project
Assessment and Reporting System (PARS II), Cobra, etc.

The Contractor shall coordinate with the various PPPO project technical staff, (DOE and contractors), as
necessary, in order to consolidate planning data for all project activities and contracts in accordance with
DOE requirements and evaluate and reconcile the data to ensure quality and accuracy of deliverables.
At the direction of DOE, the Contractor shall participate in meetings, conference calls, conferences, and
other similar forums relating to project planning responsibilities and shall be available to respond to
formal and informal DOE requests for information, i.e., data calls related to project management and
planning. The Contractor shall provide consolidated data to DOE in the form of reports, spreadsheets,
briefing materials, planning and budgeting submittals, data calls from different sources, and ad hoc

The Contractor shall support DOE in performing project management and planning such as
maintaining project oversight control systems, performing risk analysis, preparing and/or reviewing
technical documents, plans, and project reports (e.g., Earned Value Management System (EVMS),


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Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB), performance measure reports, DOE Baseline Change
Proposals (BCPs), cost performance measure change requests in accordance with DOE Orders,
Directives, Policies and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circulars). The Contractor shall
assist DOE with the consolidation, integration, and analysis of data and information from the various
projects and contracts.

The Contractor shall perform impact analyses of current projects/programs regarding the issuance of
new and revised Federal, State, Local or DOE publications (e.g., orders, directives, policies, guides,
notices, and manuals, etc.). The Contractor shall assist in the preparation and review of responses to
internal and external audits and/or assessments, and review documents/performance related to
regulatory compliance with DOE Orders, any other guides, and/or manuals, and/or decrees, regulations
and/or statutes.

The Contractor shall perform other duties as assigned with a high level of expertise and independent
judgment in this area to facilitate appropriate and efficient project management. The Contractor shall
also support steering committees, task forces, or special teams as required.

C.12.2 Project Integration

The Contractor shall provide support to the PPPO to integrate, process, track, analyze, and report data
for all PPPO projects in the following areas: project management, project control, life cycle planning,
performance measurement, budget planning and execution, and financial management.

The Contractor shall develop and maintain established site-wide database systems in support of the DOE
oversight activities. The Contractor shall support all systems having the capability (e.g., systems and
tools) to fully integrate and consolidate information using electronic data transfer of all site contractor
financial accounting systems in order to attain overall cost reporting for the site in accordance with DOE
requirements. The system shall also have the capabilities to present and analyze performance
measurement data as related to the integrated lifecycle baseline. The Contractor shall perform
continuous monitoring of all PPPO contractor project control systems to ensure compatibility and
function and provide a monthly system status report. To support project integration, the types of systems
that will be managed include: Livelink, IPABS, Project Assessment and Reporting System (PARS II),
Cobra, Deltek, Primavera, Acumen Fuse, etc.

The Contractor shall participate in meetings, conference calls, conferences, and other similar forums
relating to project integration responsibilities and shall be available to respond to formal and informal
DOE requests for information, i.e., data calls related to integrated project management. The Contractor
shall provide consolidated data to DOE in the form of reports, spreadsheets, briefing materials, planning
and budgeting submittals, data calls from different sources, and ad hoc requests.

C.12.3 Project Controls and Baseline Support

The Contractor shall support DOE with the development, oversight and maintenance of a PPPO
Integrated Site-Wide Life Cycle Baseline (ISWLCB) composed of the Portsmouth, Paducah and DUF6


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site-wide contractor integrated lifecycle baselines and DOE Direct Cost contract baselines. This work
consists of overseeing the management, configuration control, reporting, and advanced planning
required to maintain the PPPO ISWLCB, as amended by new submittals. The Contractor shall obtain
baseline information from the onsite contractors to evaluate the integrated lifecycle baseline consistent
with DOE Order 413.3B or latest version, entitled Program and Project Management for the Acquisition
of Capital Assets, and Standing Operating Policies and Procedures (SOPP) #74, EM HQ Lifecycle
Change Control Process. The Contractor shall support this Federal ISWLCB including, but not limited
to, analysis of scope, cost estimating, schedule, risk management, support baseline change control
process, and preparation and/or review of DOE supporting procedures and documents. In addition, the
Contractor shall align the functional responsibilities specified within this PWS and develop the PPPO
(Corporate) Integrated Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) by resource.

In support of DOE management of the ISWLCB and contractor lifecycle baselines, the Contractor shall
utilize analytical tools and techniques to perform simulations and optimization to support lifecycle
oversight, and assist DOE with lifecycle evaluation to respond to changes.

To support project controls and baselines, the types of systems that will be managed include: Livelink,
IPABS, Project Assessment and Reporting System (PARS II), Cobra, Deltek, Primavera, Acumen Fuse,
and other project controls software implementations, etc.

The task of management and oversight of the ISWLCB and contractor lifecycle baselines includes, but is
not limited to, the following subtasks:
a) The Contractor shall support DOE's effort to adequately define program requirements and
develop scopes of work or to align such work scope given various budget impacts/drills. DOE
may request support for the development of Independent Government Cost Estimates (IGCEs),
technical evaluations and all other actions required for new, revised or deleted contract
requirements including contract management support;
b) Support the oversight of an integrated lifecycle baseline review and analysis that includes
logic-linked network schedules compatible for use by DOE in conducting DOE project risk
management assessments and analyses for integrated lifecycle project baselines;
c) Perform cost and schedule risk analysis on PPPO Baseline segments utilizing Pertmaster/Crystal
Ball risk software, including maintaining DOE Risk Management Plans and Risk Registers,
monitoring and reviewing contractor Risk Management Plans and Risk Registers, validating
contractor risk analysis and developing Capital Item DOE contingency;
d) Perform reviews and develop recommendations related to Interim Project Measurement Baseline
(ISWLC and/or contractor baseline) submittal;
e) Provide support to the DOE Independent Cost Estimating (ICE);process
f) Maintain the ISWLCBs on DOE Primavera and COBRA software system;
g) Load and provide ongoing alignment of the ISWLCBs with DOE EM HQ IPABS;
h) Provide user training for Deltek, COBRA and Primavera, and other systems, as deemed
necessary. Provide technical support for COBRA, P6, Acumen Fuse and other project controls
software implementations;
i) Develop monthly performance reporting.


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The contractor shall provide project controls to support the technical project teams with performing the
integration and ongoing maintenance of contractors’ baselines as part of the ISWLCB and contractor
baselines. The support for baseline management includes, but is not limited to, performance
measurement, variances, and earned value.

The task of management and oversight of the contractor baselines includes, but is not limited to, the
following subtasks:
a) Assist with the review of DOE Contractors' documents, (including, but not limited to,
baseline submittals, BCPs, schedules, cost performance, earned value, risk documents,
programmatic documents/deliverables, WBS Dictionary sheets, time-phased resource-loaded
schedule, etc.), plans, reports, invoices and correspondence for technical/regulatory accuracy,
and make recommendations to DOE on the above;
b) Provide change control of BCPs in accordance with the requirements of the PPPO Baseline
Change Control Board. The project control oversight will integrate all BCPs into a consolidated
PPPO BCP package to ensure the alignment of the ISWLCB and contractor baselines with
IPABS at the control level of the WBS or the Project Baseline Summary level. Serve as
Secretariat of the Baseline Change Control Board;
c) Create potential advanced what-if scenarios in response to emergent situations or other
management requests in conjunction with the DOE project teams;
d) Provide assistance in Developing Project Controls System User’s Manual and Procedures;
provide planning and scheduling support to DOE FPDs and CORs; provide monthly Project
Status Report, Project Controls Activity Status Report, weekly Independent Project Performance
Report, monitoring critical path and progress validation of contractor schedules; provide review,
analysis and assessment of Contractor Annual Work Plans (AWP) and milestone
submissions; support technical evaluation of Contractor proposals, requests for Equitable
Adjustment (REA) and contractor claims; and provide Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and large
format plotting services;
e) Support identification and development of capital assets, documentation (critical decision
process) in accordance with DOE Order 413.3B or latest version, as required;
f) Assist in Operations/Capital Program/Policy ensuring compliance with EM Operational and
Capital programs and orders, review contractor project management documentation and
procedures, IPT Support and coordination of External Project Reviews (Independent Project
Review/External Independent Review/Program Review, etc.);
g) Assist with the drafting of Performance Evaluation Management Plans (PEMPs) for the onsite
contracts and assist with the tracking and documentation of contractor Performance Based
Incentives (PBIs);
h) Determine assessment and information requirements; review scope, budget, and schedule; and
perform audits and evaluations;
i) Support DOE evaluation of risks and risk management for the various projects;
j) Support DOE internal evaluations on EVMS Certification readiness and provide


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The Contractor shall monitor the systems to integrate, track, analyze and report data concerning the
ISWLCB, contractor baselines, project management, project control, life cycle planning, budget
formulation, budget execution and financial management.

The task of oversight and reporting of the ISWLCB and contractor baselines includes, but is not limited
to, the following subtasks:
a) Provide assistance in support of DOE's oversight of budgeting, scheduling, and tracking
project status related to the EM Program elements;
b) Consolidate project management information from all contractors to support DOE on a monthly
basis in reviewing project progression status, budget, cost and schedule;
c) Support DOE in performance evaluation and reporting oversight of the ISWCLB and all onsite
d) Provide consolidated data to DOE in the form of schedules, reports, briefing materials, life
cycle planning submittals, data calls, and other requests as assigned. The Contractor shall
coordinate with onsite contractors and consolidate data to ensure the integrated lifecycle baseline
incorporates "cross-cutting" risks and risk management on a continuous basis;
e) Monitor and track EVMS;
f) Support DOE in meeting the data requirements of IPABS and PARS II.

C.12.4 Budget Support and Oversight

The Contractor shall perform a wide variety of administrative and technical functions to assist the PPPO
with the formulation and execution of appropriated multi-year budgets. The functions require extensive
knowledge of the Federal budget process and specialized expertise in budgeting of Federal construction
and non-construction projects and Federal contracts. The Contractor shall assist DOE with the Federal
budget process and provide technical advice and financial analysis for all phases of assigned
large/complex engineering projects and programs, ensuring the successful conclusion of all phases
within an appropriate time and at an appropriate cost.

The Contractor shall prepare budget execution charts, graphs, and presentation materials for the Budget
Director’s use in briefings to the Field CFO, Site Manager, and DOE HQ.

For budget formulation, this task includes but is not limited to the following subtasks:
a) Review, investigate and develop appropriate recommendations regarding assigned project budget
b) Contribute to site strategic planning and budgeting efforts for designated engineering areas;
c) Participate in formulating budgetary priorities;
d) Develop and evaluate capital funding requests.

For budget execution, this task includes but is not limited to the following subtasks:
a) Create and track budget data to include obligations, cost variances analysis, and supporting
narratives in the annual spend plans for projects as assigned;


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b) Create and track budget data of annual spend plans and monthly funds control sheets by
populating Excel spreadsheets in a workbook summary of spend plans and monthly funds control
c) Compile, track, analyze, and report spend plan forecasts and actual costs monthly status cost
variances and un-liquidated obligations, running cost and obligation reports, making cost
projections, tracking estimated at completion and uncosted carryover, and making
recommendations to the PPPO;
d) Obtain historical reports and other specialized financial reports from Information Data
Warehouse (IDW) and initiate the budget execution of DOE-PPPO projects as assigned with its
accompanying annual spend plans and monthly funds control sheets and perform the
appropriated level of analyses and recommendations for the PPPO;
e) Support Internal Controls and monitoring the Funds Control Process;
f) Support the compilation and analysis of data and writing cost variance analysis narratives with
the Quarterly Budget Execution Reviews and the Quarterly Performance Report briefings to HQ;
g) Track and provide the monthly status of the Undelivered Orders as assigned;
h) Communicate via telephone or VTC) the status of budget execution to stakeholders;
i) Use PPPO reports from Oracle Business Intelligence (BI) to better analyze data from multiple
sources, perform what-if and predictive analysis, deliver personalized content to financial users,
generate and distribute highly formatted reports, and analyze the site’s performance;
j) Employ computer data bases to sort, filter, and compile financial data to generate financial
k) Manage oversight of projects and provide support on large/complex site planning/construction,
expansion or modifications, and execution of financial management systems;
l) Provide guidance and support the site management team on applicable processes,
practices, and existing/proposed local, state and federal regulations;

C.12.5 Fiscal Planning, Analysis, Accounting, Auditing and Reporting

In support of the DOE Federal budgetary process, the Contractor shall assist DOE with budget and
funding assessments in all areas of planning, formulating information, analyzing, reviewing trends for
impacts, providing projections and by performing funding and budgeting reconciliation. Subtasks
include reviewing and analyzing existing and updated DOE guidance and policies and providing reviews
and recommendations for compliance. Additional subtasks include researching and coordinating
requests for information and reports from various organizations with senior PPPO management. HQ
reporting includes, but is not limited to, Monthly, Quarterly, and Annual Performance Reviews: EVMS
performance, performance metric status, milestone reporting and development of various supplemental
packages including site wide safety, headcount/staffing, contract status, milestones and lessons learned.

In support of DOE oversight of onsite contractors’ financial management systems, the Contractor shall
provide assistance in the evaluation of financial management data and documents.

Financial management support work activities include, but are not limited to the following:
a) Annual DOE HQ Budget Requests and Briefings;
b) Fiscal Reports to Support Budget Formation;


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c) Large volume of ad hoc requests from EM HQ and PPPO management;

d) Trend and Strategic Analysis (i.e., identify actual costs and potential funding deficiencies);
e) Funding Scenario and Cash Flow Projection Reports;
f) Perform Environmental Liability Audits and Reporting;
g) Pension and Post-Retirement Benefit Cost Analysis;
h) Analyze proposals and Requests for Equitable Adjustments;
i) Submit supporting monthly accrual information by the third business day of every month;
j) Monitor, validate and reconcile site contractors’ (in support of DOE) monthly accrual
k) Monitor DOE direct costs, including electric power and gas to include providing
recommendations for site allocation;
l) Provide tracking of integrated contractor/labor categories;
m) Perform detailed financial and labor audits of contractor invoices to identify deficiencies;
n) Consolidate invoice review comments/questions and coordinate contractor responses;
o) Develop and coordinate invoice review forms and review packages for DOE approval;
p) Provide Cost Accounting Standards (CAS) and Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) research
as necessary;
q) Develop annual Work Authorizations and related estimates to allocate DOE direct costs to site
tenants; and
r) Perform financial data calls and reporting to support DOE requests.

C.12.6 Accountant/Auditor Oversight

The Contractor shall assist with accounting and audits to assist Budget and Contracting with a variety of
tasks to include support of both budget and contractual management matters. These tasks include, but
are not limited to, the following subtasks:
a) Provide financial information to management by researching and analyzing accounting data;
b) Prepare metrics and financial analyses for reports and decision-making;
c) Assist with establishing and maintaining systems and internal controls, which ensure the
integrity of all systems, processes and data;
d) Recommend financial actions by analyzing accounting options;
e) Summarize current financial status by collecting information;
f) Substantiates financial transactions by auditing documents;
g) Reconcile financial discrepancies by collecting and analyzing account information;
h) Review invoices for payments by verifying documentation, and requesting data as necessary;
i) Answer accounting procedure questions by researching and interpreting Federal procurement and
accounting policy and regulations;
j) Analyze federal, state, and local financial legal requirements and understand existing and new
k) Prepare special financial reports by collecting, analyzing, and summarizing account information
and trends;
l) Prepare reports, letters, spreadsheets, etc.;
m) Inform the DOE of issues/concerns, as it relates to finance and accounting matters.


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C.12.7 Contract Management Support and Oversight

The Contractor shall provide contract management and oversight support to assist with integrating
contract and project management functions in support of DOE onsite operations. The Contractor shall
provide expertise in the areas of advising and assisting program personnel in procurement matters and
provide contract management support services.

The Contractor shall provide contract administration support for DOE’s complex, multi-million dollar
contracting portfolio including cost reimbursement, Firm Fixed Price and/or hybrid contracts, as
required, and prepare and submit reports per the requirements of the FAR, DOE, and EM guidance and
direction. The Contractor must have an advanced understanding of the Federal acquisition process, data
collection, reporting of acquisition-related input (i.e., FPDS, STRIPES, and other systems required), and
is required to work seamlessly without supervision within a team environment in support of site

The Contractor shall provide contract and procurement support as requested by the CO such as:
generation of reports (e.g., Action Item Tracking Report, or Technical Evaluation Reports (TERs)
required to monitor contract compliance, develop and evaluate Award Fee Plans (PEMPs) and assist
with the development and evaluation of PBIs), provide support for onsite contractor invoice and
deliverable reviews, provide support for data calls from DOE HQ and other agencies, assist with
drafting of contract documents including letters and other correspondence, assist with the review of
technical and cost proposals of existing and future contracts and FA agreements, provide support for the
Change Control Board process including the review, analysis and coordination of proposed contract
modifications, development, editing, and management of contact deliverables, review and analysis of
Lists A and B and other contract attachments, assist with the preparation, organization and maintenance
of contract records and files (manual and electronic, i.e., input of contract records into STRIPES or
invoice reviews), assist with documenting onsite contractor performance (both cost and schedule) and
business systems as well as technical compliance with contract terms and conditions, provide technical
oversight including performing and preparing TERs and review of onsite contractor plans and
submissions such as subcontract consent packages (including tracking), Request for Proposals (RFPs),
change orders, REAs or closeout proposals, conduct contract assessments and audits and provide
recommendations for overall contract administration and project management of performance
measurement baselines. The Contractor shall ensure continual and seamless conforming of all contracts.

The Contractor shall provide contract and project management assistance to DOE with internal
schedules. These schedules include but are not limited to: onsite contractor milestones, Integrated
Milestone Schedule, Comprehensive Nickel Project Schedule, Easements and Property Transfer
Schedule, contractor Fiscal Year Award Fee Plan Schedule, PPPO Budget and Integrated Priority
Listing (IPL), contractor definitization and PMB Review, NERC, Weekly Status Updates, DOE
Assessment Plans, Regulatory Milestone Schedule, Site Specific Advisory Board and Citizen Advisory
Board (CAB) and other specific procurement schedules as required.

The Contractor shall support DOE efforts to adequately define contract requirements including the
development of SOWs, PWSs, Statement of Objectives (SOOs), WBS for current and future DOE


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requirements. The Contractor shall assist DOE with the development of IGCEs for current and future
technical requirements either for DOE directly or by providing assistance through the PPPO to the

The Contractor must provide the personnel and resources as appropriate to deliver efficient and cost
effective support services for the requirements described below.

Performance of these services requires the contractor to produce specific work products as identified

1. Assists with the preparation of contract modifications, new contracts and/or Financial Assistance
Instruments and/or Inter-Agency Agreements. This includes:

a) Identification of clauses to be included and submitting to the CS/CO for inclusion;

b) Identification of Governmentwide point of entry required (Fedbizopps, synopsis text, and any
other requirements) and entry of this data into the cited systems; and
c) Identification, preparation and processing of requirements to interact with the U.S. Small
Business Administration, as appropriate.

2. Assists in developing contracts, grants, cooperative agreements, Inter-Agency Agreements, or

any other type of contractual arrangement to include description/scope of work, budget, cost
provisions, general terms and conditions, special provisions, reporting requirements, etc. The
Contractor must be able to perform the following:

a) Administration of contract modifications and/or new contracts/financial assistance

b) File, conform and understand the maintenance of contracts once amended/awarded; and
c) Provide timely input into automated systems (e.g., STRIPES and FPDS).

3. Assists in processing all requests for contract and instrument modifications or amendments.
Prepares all records of negotiation and supplemental agreements associated with the
modifications for the CS/CO in addition to:

a) Collecting and organizing information related to Federal funds;

b) Preparing and submitting accurate reports on subcontracts reviews accurately and timely, as
c) Review and process invoices for CO approval; and
d) Consults with CS/CO and provides advice on complex contract administration issues such as
contractor claims, appeals, requests for equitable adjustments, fee determinations, etc.

4. Prepares termination notices; supports negotiations of termination settlements; and collects and
organizes termination information.

5. Contract management includes but is not limited to the following subtasks:


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a) Assist with the definition of DOE procurement requirements including acquisition approach
and strategy;
b) Assist with the preparation of contract templates;
c) Assist with identifying, analyzing and the mitigation of contract risks;
d) Gather and review specifications, performance work statements, etc.;
e) Assist with the review and approval of contractor proposal documents, including the
evaluation of assumptions, exceptions, and red-line documents as necessary;
f) Assist with analyzing the impact of cost, risk, and the impact of potential and executed
contract changes and REAs;
g) Assist with technical evaluations of REAs/Proposals;
h) Assist with identifying negotiation approach including negotiable and non-negotiable factors,
tactics and the gathering of information, etc.;
i) Assist with contract execution and administration;
j) Assist with maintaining appropriate contract records including filing and creation of the
contract official file (G Drive, Livelink and in STRIPES);
k) Assist with the management and documentation of onsite contractors’ progress and
l) Assist with the tracking of incoming and outgoing correspondence, deliverables including
documenting receipt, providing comments through to acceptance or rejection;
m) Assist with the negotiation of changes, REAs, claims and disputes;
n) Assist with the drafting of modifications, supporting documentation, letters, etc.;
o) Assist with the management of confidential information received;
p) Assist with termination determinations;
q) Assist with preparing for meetings, including the development of agendas and taking meeting
r) Assist with the preparation of fedbizopps notices;
s) Assist with the management of assessments, testing or other performance work activities;
t) Assist with providing information or reporting on compliance;
u) Assist as a POC for contractual matters between DOE and the onsite contractors and ensure
timely review and approval of deliverables or other incoming correspondence;
v) Assist with the evaluation and preparation of status reports and other data calls from various
w) Assist with the review and comments in contracting practices, policies and procedures;
x) Assist with ensuring compliance of the onsite contractors practices, policies and procedures;
y) Assist with broader finance and risk requirements including ‘financial engineering’ and
understanding and evaluating economic impact of contract terms and conditions;
z) Assist with the management of Government Property;
aa) Review for accuracy and punctuality of contractor invoice submittals to PPPO;
bb) Assist with invoice review and approval and the authorizing of payment;
cc) Assist with identifying, evaluating and execution of contract remedies where the onsite
contractors performance is deficient;
dd) Assist with resolving disputes in a timely manner;


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ee) Assist with documenting and administering desired outcomes, identification of problem areas
or non-compliances and the development of solutions to contractual issues, drafting of
acceptable performance levels, significant events related to safety or other contract terms.

C.12.8 Contract Closeout and Support

The Contractor shall assist with the verification of onsite contractor performance including making any
recommendations of appropriate contract adjustments (positive or negative) where warranted. The
Contractor shall perform these reviews to ensure that invoices have been submitted and are compliant
with the FAR and the other contract terms and conditions and that all deliverables have been received
and determined technically acceptable.

The Contractor shall assist DOE with completing all contract closeout tasks of technically complete
PPPO contractual agreements including contracts, Financial Assistance, Inter-Agency Agreements or
other agreements.

The Contractor shall assist contracting personnel with the following contract closeout responsibilities:
Final inspection and acceptance; final past performance evaluation; disposition of classified material;
patent report closeout; royalty report closeout; final reporting of contract deliverables; value engineering
closeout; plant clearance closeout; government property closeout; settlement of all interim or disallowed
costs; settlement of final price revisions; settlement of subcontract agreements; final determination of
final indirect rates; negotiation and issuance of final contractor closeout statement; subcontracting plan
closeout; legal matters settlement including any termination matters; closeout of all audits; final voucher
submission and settlement; removal of all excess funds; and retirement of official contract files.
This task includes but is not limited to the following subtasks:

a) Responsible for initiating, verifying, abstracting, tracking, and completion of all expired Federal
Contracts, Financial Assistance Instruments, and Interagency Agreements listed on the Close-out
Report and in STRIPES, in support of the DOE mission;
b) Provide technical and administrative contract support services operating under a formalized
substructure (i.e., Office of Acquisition Management including Contracts Management Division,
Acquisition Operations Division, and Capital Projects Division);
c) Responsible for knowledge and understanding of the various types of Government contracts,
Financial Assistance instruments, Interagency Agreements, and various Federal procurement
laws and regulations. This knowledge includes a working understanding of the Federal
Acquisition Regulations (FAR) and DOE Acquisition Regulations, and having the ability to
review and audit all types of contracts for consistency and/or disparities;
d) Provide independent, efficient, and effective interface with support customers such as
program and finance personnel, Federal, state, and local government agencies,
universities, and private industry either face-to-face or via telephone or email;
e) Provide data entry in support of the task for contract close-out for DOE. Responsible for
knowledge of and ability to maneuver in several systems including, but not limited to, the
following: (STRIPES, Procurement Assistance Data System (PADS), Federal Procurement Data
System Next Generation (FPDS-NG), and the Information Data Warehouse (IDW);


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f) Execute reports in support of the close-out task; (FPDS contract reports, UDO reports, etc.) in
support of the Procurement personnel; (Uncosted Reports – Credit Card Awards, Simplified
Acquisitions Report, etc.) in support of Acquisition Operations Division; (In-Active Contract
Report in PADS, New Award Detail Report) and in support of the Office of Acquisition
Management (OAM) (Contract Data Reports (CDR) for COs, Annual Contracting Activity
g) Prepare, sort, compile, type, and distribute close-out correspondence for the CS/CO as specified
in DOE policies and procedures (Close-out letter sent to contractors; Draft modifications to be
signed by COs; completion Memo and Letter to be forwarded to Finance/Budget; letters for
Patent Review to be sent to DOE Counsel; property certificate to be forwarded to the EMCBC
Property Team; and maintain Close-out portion of Quarterly Report);
h) Provide a broad range of assistance in compiling reports and composing correspondence for
DOE HQ and the PPPO, organizing support documentation, and reviewing and finalizing
documents for PM’s and/or CS/CO signature(s) to be transmitted to various contractors and
educational institutions;
i) Research DOE Contract and Finance Records for supporting documentation to balance Chief
Finance Officer (CFO) totals with contract files and data on FPDS reports in preparation of
j) Justify and balance CDR with each Federal Contract, Financial Assistance Instrument, and
Interagency Agreement in preparation of close-out;
k) Review, balance, and justify submitted invoices to DOE on active, as well as, completed
contracts as directed by the CS/CO or COR utilizing various methods including Close-out Report
l) Participate in meetings, as required;
m) Serve as close-out liaison between the PPPO and HQ by reconciling funds and ensuring accuracy
of reports. Perform Records Management coordination for contract close-out. Responsible for
preparing all file documents for scanning and archiving which includes: removing all fasteners,
copying ununiformed documents, removing duplicate copies, organizing documents, and boxing.
Also, responsible for filling out Records Transmittal Index Sheet, labeling boxes, and contacting
Records Management. Track contract close-outs and funds recouped quarterly and yearly;
n) Provide auditing services for active or inactive contracts, Financial Assistance Instruments,
and/or Interagency Agreements;
o) Analysis and reconciliation of invoices submitted on contracts to ensure contractor has correctly
coded and billed the Government. Verify submitted information to ensure sufficient funds have
been obligated to cover current costs as billed by the contractor;
p) Research any discrepancies found in review of invoices and recommend appropriate course of
action (rejection, disallowance of cost, etc.). Provide recommendations on the resolution of any
unusual differences, recurring questionable transactions, or unallowable charges. Maintain an
up-to-date ledger for contracting cost and costs incurred to date on current contracts against

C.12.9 Reviews, Audits, Assessments and Documentation


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DRAFT Solicitation No. DE-SOL-0010125

The Contractor shall perform reviews, audits, and assessments as requested by DOE. Subtasks include
technical and cost analysis of proposals, claims, or REAs. The analysis and documentation related to
these reviews may include outside audits from the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) or other
auditors and include various cost recommendations. The Contractor shall assist with researching,
developing, monitoring and filing of official documentation required to complete the proposal, claim or
modification action.

The Contractor shall also prepare, edit, audit, proofread, format, graph, calculate, evaluate or manage
files containing site-wide program/project plans, work plans (e.g., Contractor Oversight and
Administration Program Implementation Plan), milestones, invoices (e.g., Invoice Audit/Review
Report), contractual processes, safety plans and procedures, regulatory verification and compliance
issues, remediation plans or other documents as directed, including time-sensitive deliverables related to
the D&D, S&M or D&R or other scope being performed by onsite contractors.

The Contractor shall support and assist DOE with the review of contractor invoices for accuracy and
contract compliance. This includes coordination of the invoice review with the CO and COR all the way
through to invoice approval. Additionally, contract deliverables shall be evaluated and verified for
contract compliance and recommendations shall be developed and presented to support acceptance or
rejection by DOE. Support shall be provided of other contractual requirements including evaluating the
acceptability of Award Fee Plans or PEMPs, EVMS submissions (e.g., EVMS Variance Report), letters
and directions, certifications, annual work plans, program management baselines and subcontracts.

C.12.10 Special Projects

Special Projects shall include the development and implementation of the site IPT charter, program
specific IPT charters (e.g., D&D & Waste), Cost Account Manager training, EVMS system
certification, partnering, participation in stakeholder meetings or community service activities, etc.

C.12.11 Change Control and Performance Management Oversight

The Contractor shall support the PPPO CCB process in accordance with the requirements of DOE Order
413.3B for changes to capital project baselines and applicable contract requirements for operations
activities. Change Control shall be managed to ensure that changes are identified, evaluated,
coordinated, controlled, reviewed, approved/disapproved, and documented in a manner that meets all
DOE requirements.

C.12.12 Financial Assistance (FA) Management Oversight

The Contractor shall provide oversight at both sites for the implementation and management of FA
instruments (grants and cooperative agreements). This includes: technical evaluations, invoice reviews,
development and review of technical reporting, participation in project meetings and other analysis as
directed. This oversight includes attendance at weekly and/or monthly meetings with onsite
stakeholders, FA principals, the Public and DOE. The Contractor shall provide ad hoc reporting as
requested such as taking meeting minutes, or action item resolution within defined time frames.


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DRAFT Solicitation No. DE-SOL-0010125


The Contractor shall support DOE in developing and/or maintaining the Asset Recovery/Personal
Property Transfer (AR) Program as part of the D&D and D&R Programs. The primary objectives of AR
are to establish excess material reuse and recycle as possible alternatives to traditional land waste
disposal and realize significant cost recovery benefit to the Government and regional economic base by
recovering excess D&D or D&R materials and personal property as assets, and transferring them to the
community for reuse. It is assumed that the local recipient of these assets will be the local community
reuse organization. The Contractor shall provide support in accomplishing these broad objectives by
drafting recommendations, developing cost-benefit analysis of alternatives and participating in meetings
to develop strategies, plans and methods of potential AR opportunities, including the monitoring AR
requirements and implementation. In addition, the Contractor shall provide assistance in facilitating
actions toward the success of the community reuse program. This includes preparing briefing materials,
presentations, graphical displays as well as facilitating the disposition of materials through the reuse
program. The Contractor shall provide impact analyses of current programs/projects including the
issuance of new and/or revised Federal, State, Local or DOE publications.

The Contractor shall verify and validate onsite contractors’ material databases (e.g., Asset Recovery
Activity Oversight, Assessment and Tracking Report), develop and recommend forecasts and AR
targets, monitor regulations and funding requirements, and perform field oversight verification of the


The Contractor shall assist DOE in compliance with the requirements applicable to property transfer,
including, but not limited to, DOE Orders, NHPA, NEPA, CERCLA 120(h), and other federal
requirements as required. This includes general oversight, project management and technical support
to ensure the transfer of real property from DOE to other appropriate entities under the appropriate
authority, and/or the assignment of easements.

Work activities under this task include, but are not limited to the following subtasks:
a) Participate in the revision, as necessary, of the Protocol for the Environmental Regulatory
Processes for the Transfer of Real Property at the U.S. Department of Energy Portsmouth and
Paducah Sites. Volume 1: Uncontaminated Property;
b) Participate in the development, as necessary, of the Protocol for the Environmental Regulatory
Processes for the Transfer of Real Property at the U.S. Department of Energy Portsmouth and
Paducah Sites. Volume 2: Effectiveness Determination and Volume 3: Covenant Deferral;
c) Participate in the revision, as necessary, of the PPPO Procedure, Planning for Due Diligence for
Real Property Transfer;
d) Provide screening of proposed real property actions against existing NEPA documents,
including categorical exclusions and the Environmental Assessment (EA) for reuse (in


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e) Prepare CERCLA 120(h) or equivalent environmental baseline information to support real

property transfer, including environmental due diligence research, such as title and deed
research, spill and release records review, and risk analysis efforts using data provided by
DOE or its contractors to demonstrate suitability to transfer. This also includes coordination
with the EMCBC on transfer documentation content and suitability for submittal to the
appropriate organization;
f) Participate in the PPPO and DOE HQ Property Transfer Working Groups to provide information
on the status of Portsmouth and Paducah activities and to seek guidance on transfer topics of
interest, such as Lessons Learned, applicable to PPPO sites;
g) Provide information to DOE on additional reviews that may be needed, including their scope,
content and/or if the existing documentation is not sufficient to support a proposed property
h) Coordinate with the EMCBC on real property aspects of transfer, including work on metes and
bounds surveys, property appraisals and real property law interpretation as it pertains to real
property transfers and easement assignments;
i) Provide support and assistance in the areas of transfer package development, including assistance
in responses to DOE comments on future plans, economic projections, and other details that may
be needed to further a transfer package;
j) Complete, upon request by the CO, any NEPA EA or Findings of No Significant Impact
(FONSI) associated with property transfers and ensure appropriate stakeholder engagement to
support effective decision making;
k) Provide oversight, project management support and provide recommendations to improve the
successful transfer of real property to requesting organizations. Since future reuse of the two (2)
sites is being considered, the Contractor shall monitor the site-wide environmental assessment,
participate in public meetings and must be prepared to submit appropriate documentation to
support these efforts.


The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating the overall public affairs function for the PPPO,
including supporting DOE in interfacing with HQ, other EM offices, community, other stakeholders,
and shall coordinate with other PPPO contractors. The Contractor shall perform any required
classification or public release review prior to any release of information and no information is to be
released without PPPO Management approval.

The Contractor shall update the public participation plans as necessary, draft relevant articles for
inclusion in newsletters or postings and maintenance of information on the PPPO website, coordinating
the capture of images of PPPO program activities, preparing fact sheets and press releases, etc. The
contractor shall support DOE in preparing for public/stakeholder meetings.

The Contractor shall provide a Public Affairs/Senior Media Specialist to assist PPPO with a variety of
tasks to support daily management of the communications function. The Contractor shall provide a
Communication expert to plan, analyze, organize and implement the public affairs function in a variety


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of message platforms including press releases, fact sheets, newsletters, employee communications and
internet content.

This task includes but is not limited to the following subtasks:

a) Serve as liaison for public affairs and represent the Agency in public affairs forums throughout
the Federal government;
b) Initiate and develop strategies for the dissemination of information to the public about PPPO
programs, issues, and activities;
c) Advise PPPO managers on tailoring communications to specific audiences to support work
activities at both sites;
d) Establish and maintain strong two-way communications between PPPO and its stakeholders
through websites, exhibits, publications, social media, and other written products;
e) Collect program information from other DOE and contractor personnel, enter it into a variety of
electronic information systems, search for related information, retrieve all relevant data and
consolidate the information into presentation format;
f) Evaluate problems in disseminating information about PPPO programs to the public;
g) Analyze communication problems with contacts, and advise and recommend specific
information activities to correct these problems;
h) Plan and direct public relations programs designed to create and maintain a favorable public
image of DOE;
i) Establish and develop effective ongoing interpersonal relationships with media representatives
and public affairs personnel of specialized groups which provide coverage of PPPO programs;
j) Research and write PPPO literature and other forms of communication that reflect agency policy
and philosophy, including material suitable both for use in conjunction with HQs public
pronouncements and for written positions/policy statements intended for general release;
k) Create informational materials, both in print and electronic;
l) Work with stakeholders for timely and useable material for communication to the Public;
m) Copy, edit, proofread, and revise communications as necessary;
n) Design and launch communications using most effective means possible;
o) Recommend, implement and maintain website design and operation;
p) Plan and deliver educational materials to the Public;
q) Work with PPPO managers and staff as necessary with all communications;
r) Promote the PPPO using various public relations initiatives;
s) Create and deliver press releases, media relations content, case studies, white papers, executive
bios, newsletter content, social media content, and speaking proposals;
t) Identify, develop and execute communications strategy for key media contacts and stakeholders;
u) Research media coverage and industry trends;
v) Develop fresh story ideas;
w) Conduct media outreach;
x) Prepare briefing materials;
y) Coordinate scheduling and logistics;
z) Coordinate meetings, conferences, industry days and press interviews;
aa) Manage information;
bb) Provide site tours for dignitaries, officials, and senior managers;


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DRAFT Solicitation No. DE-SOL-0010125

cc) Provide photographs for story boards;

dd) Prepare agendas and conduct research; and
ee) Help to clarify the organization’s point of view to their main constituencies.


The Contractor shall support DOE interactions with Congressional staffers, DOE HQ, Federal, State and
Local Site Regulators, onsite contractors and FA recipients, e.g., Commonwealth of Kentucky, Ohio
Environmental Protection Agency, Kentucky Research Consortium for Energy and the Environment
(KRCEE), Ohio University, and other DOE stakeholders as required. Stakeholder involvement required
with this task is critical to the EM mission and crosses all functional requirements of this contract.

This includes communications with DOE/EM and both sites SSAB and CAB, support the development
of the annual SSAB/CAB Work Plan, community reuse and property transfer, researching and
supporting responses to FOIA requests and Congressional inquiries, performing and maintaining DOE
web site (including development), and other stakeholder support as required.

Stakeholder oversight may include the development, review, and coordination of work plans,
presentations, agendas, action items, meeting minutes, logistical support, responding to site-wide
information requests, FOIA requests, reports (i.e., Stakeholder Involvement Report), both sites websites,
and recommendations.

The Contractor shall facilitate, coordinate and attend meetings and resolve action items. Various
community relations programs shall be developed, as necessary, to include presentations to area
schools, civic groups and local officials. Tours shall be coordinated and conducted. Internal and
external requests for information and required responses will be developed, coordinated and submitted
in a timely manner.

Work activities under this task for SSAB/CAB oversight includes, but are not limited to the following
a) Assisting DOE in the development of the annual SSAB/CAB work plan, which outlines topics
that align with regulatory and other milestones;
b) Coordinating with DOE and other contractors to establish subcommittee meeting agendas and
c) Developing Deputy Designated Federal Official presentations, which are delivered by Site Lead
bi-monthly to the SSAB/CAB full board;
d) Assisting DOE in preparing responses to SSAB/CAB recommendations;
e) Assisting DOE in resolving action items that arise from various SSAB/CAB meetings and
f) Supporting efforts of the SSAB/CAB contractor, as requested by DOE;
g) Coordinating with DOE and SSAB/CAB contractor to ensure legal and regulatory
h) Interacting with SSAB/CAB members to ensure timely completion of SSAB/CAB work plan


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i) Preparing/retrieving documents pertinent to DOE/PPPO support with the SSAB/CAB;

j) Attending SSAB/CAB and subcommittee meetings in support of DOE, as requested;
k) Providing logistical oversight support, as requested by DOE, for SSAB/CAB functions; and
l) Appropriate staff shall coordinate material for SSAB leadership and attend the semi-annual
national chairs meetings.

Work activities under this task for DOE interactions with internal and external stakeholders include,
but are not limited to the following subtasks:
a) Supporting public and stakeholder interface, securing facilities and equipment, and
preparation/control of presentation materials;
b) Dissemination of information regarding public issues relevant to DOE and affected contractor
c) Collection of stakeholder comments and coordination of comment responses;
d) Facilitate execution of various community relations programs, including, but not limited to,
presentations to civic groups and elected officials;
e) Coordinate tours designed to educate elected officials and various stakeholders on operations and
progress on DOE site programs as requested by DOE;
f) Ensuring appropriate/required records retention; and
g) Responding to internal and external requests for site-wide information.

Work activities under this task for complying with the requirements applicable to stakeholder oversight
include, but are not limited to the following subtasks:
a) Contractor shall assist DOE with complying with DOE Orders, NHPA, other federal
requirements, and CERCLA 120(h) as it pertains to the community reuse organizations;
b) Provide timely support to DOE to respond to FOIA requests; and
c) Provide for the review of the requirements for the Site websites and providing information
and documents in support of the web site.


The Contractor shall submit a Closeout Plan to document the necessary steps the Contractor shall take to
adequately closeout the contract. The Closeout Plan shall include a schedule of major activities, and
shall address at a minimum:

1. Identification of all contract deliverables submitted and accepted. The Contractor shall include
date submitted, DOE acceptance date (if applicable) and status of any remaining open
2. Status of all requirements (complete and incomplete) under this contract;
3. Identification of all subcontracts along with status of each subcontract’s settlement and final
payment. The Contractor shall identify for each subcontract under this contract whether final
invoices have been paid, date of final payment, current status of settlement, and any other
outstanding issues related to final settlement and payment of subcontracts;
4. Status of activities performed in accordance with the Contractor’s Records Management Close-


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5. Status of the final invoice and any incurred cost audit; and
6. Status of the final Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS) report.

The Closeout Plan shall be submitted in accordance with this PWS at least 60 days prior to the end of
the contract period. Final payment may be withheld by DOE until all of the necessary activities are
completed by the Contractor.

Upon completion of the contract, a final modification will be executed to officially close out the
contract. A final release statement will be included in the closeout modification where the Contractor
discharges the Government, its officers, agents and employees from all liabilities, obligations and claims
under the contract.


Under the Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) CLIN, the Contractor shall provide additional
programmatic, administrative and/or technical expertise on an ad hoc basis for special projects in any of
the work activities in the PWS as directed by the CO. The Contractor shall provide qualified Subject
Matter Experts (SMEs) as defined in Section J, Attachment J-3, Minimum Position Qualifications, to
perform these tasks as directed.


Contractor personnel working in Government facilities at all sites on a continuous basis, part-time or
full-time, must be recognizable as contractors while in Government facilities. This shall be
accomplished by ensuring that all personnel wear the appropriate identification badges (to be issued by
DOE) as applicable by site. Contractor personnel whose duties include answering telephones at
Government facilities shall identify themselves as contractor employees. Additionally, all contractor
personnel shall identify themselves by name, title and contractor in any digital communications.


Without exception or otherwise approved by the CO, the Contractor shall provide fully qualified
(education and experience as defined in the qualifications requirements in Section J, Attachment J-3)
personnel appropriately trained to support DOE requirements. The Contractor is responsible for
ensuring that personnel remain cognizant and knowledgeable (e.g., professional licensing, continuing
education, certifications, ongoing technical training, new product versions) within their area of expertise
including emerging and proven technologies applicable to the work being performed under this

The Contractor shall ensure that all employees complete the necessary site specific training necessary to
access the site, facilities, or project work areas (e.g., General Employee Training, Consolidated Annual
Training, Rad Worker Training, Respirator Training, Annual Security Refresher Briefing and Hazwoper
Training). The required training is stipulated by the site-contractor responsible for execution of the field


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The Contractor shall ensure that all employees attend DOE mandatory training within the time frames
requested (see Table C.20 below). This includes security and safety training, as directed by the COR
(usually within 30 days of the first date of performance under this contract and at least once annually
thereafter). The Contractor shall ensure that all personnel and subcontractors are adequately instructed
about safety onsite and competently perform their work safely and efficiently at all times

Table C.20
Training Frequency Requirement
Active Shooter Annually DOE Policy 444.1
Continuity of Operations (COOP) Annually DOE Order 150.1
Annual Security Refresher Briefing Annually DOE Order 470.4B
Cyber Security Awareness Annually DOE O 205.1B
Cyber Security Rules of Behavior Annually DOE O 205.1B
Records Management 101 Annually DOE O 243.1B
Privacy Awareness Training Annually DOE O 206.1

The Contractor shall ensure that its staff performing Safety, Health and Regulatory oversight are
qualified and shall maintain their qualifications according to a documented process that is approved and
periodically assessed by PPPO that is equivalent to PPPO-M-226.1-2. Oversight Program Plan (latest
revision). Contractor staff performing Safety, Health and Regulatory oversight shall complete the
training within 1 year of completing contract transition. The Contractor shall ensure appropriate training
is provided for staff performing Safety, Health and Regulatory oversight to acquire or maintain their

For any specific training or conferences the Contractor deems program specific and required by the
PPPO outside of the mandatory training in Table C.20, the Contractor shall submit an annual training
plan 90 days after NTP and annually thereafter as defined in Section J, Attachment J-2 Deliverables.
This training plan must be approved by the CO and shall not include the training required to maintain a
qualified workforce as required by position descriptions.


The Government will provide supplies, computer equipment, furniture (e.g., desks, chairs, file
cabinets; however, excludes “comfort” related items such as; varidesk’s, monitor arms, keyboard
arms, keyboard trays, document holder, chair lumbar support, wrist support gloves, computer monitor
glare filter, etc.), and office space required to work under this PWS. This space will be provided to
the contractor unless directed by the CO to utilize non-DOE space. The Government shall provide the
Contractor’s personnel with access to the DOE network and project controls application software
such Primavera, Cobra, MS Project, etc.



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DRAFT Solicitation No. DE-SOL-0010125

The Contractor shall provide the plans, reports, and records specified in Section C – PWS in accordance
with the schedule requirements specified in Section J, Attachment J-2, “Deliverables” of this contract.

Section J, Attachment J-2, “Deliverables” summarizes the specific products the Contractor shall submit
to DOE, the approval required, and the date/timeframe within which the Contractor shall deliver the
specified product. Deliverables shall be provided to DOE in sufficient time (normally 3 days before the
due date) for PPPO review if the document is to be delivered to any outside organization. All
deliverables shall be delivered electronically to the POCs as defined in the deliverable schedule.

Section J, Attachment J-2 does not include all deliverables identified in the Contract, DOE directives,
federal regulations, or regulatory documents. If any deliverable required by any clause/directive of
the Contract is not listed in Section J, Attachment J-2, this does not relieve the Contractor of the
requirement to provide that deliverable. The Contractor shall be responsible for the compliance with
all applicable standards, orders, and regulations under the contract.



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