Q " I E Elx: Asking For An Estimate

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A s k in gf o r a n |D

estimate o
E q *"i E elX
Hereis an exampleof f
rnd _l 10 x
a n e m a i la s k i n g f o r an G

EsrtMATEto refit a !,
Fib Edil Yiew Lnsert Fgrmat Actions 3
store.There arethree o.
attachments.Notice 3
I PeterLane that the email is q u ite !,

short.lt is acceptable,
as here,to omit the
salutationand the
Refitof HaltonRoad store complimentaryclose
w h e n t h e s e n d e ra n d
touch with eachother
previously. xg,
Planof oremises list Architect'sdrawinos 3
r,Vithreferenceto our phoneconversation this morning,I wouldlikeone of your 3
representatives to visitour storeat 443 HaltonRoad,London,SE4 3TN,to givean estimate
for a completerefit.Pleasecouldyou contactme to arrangean appointment?

As I mentionedon the phone,it is essentialthatwork is completedbeforethe end of

February20-, and this would be statedin the contract.

I attachthe plansand specifications.

Assistantto K. Bellon,ManagingDirector
Tel.:020 8327 1651
Fax: 020 8327 1935
[email protected]

L tulakf,ng
E arrangementsfor
T' an estimate
x Jea nLa nd mancop , yi ng
the messageto the
o surveyor,John Pelham.
o Noticethat this message
fulf ls the requirements
for correspondence
dealin gwith an e nq uir y ,
i.e.the replyis sentas Refitof HaltonRoad store
soonas possibleand
coversthe points
me ntio ne din th e Dear Ms Landman
.E enquiry.Thestyleis
E quite info rmalb ut still John Pelham,is availableto inspectthe premisesand discussyourexact
Our surveyor,
politea nd b usine sslik e. Couldyou pleasecontactJohnon [email protected],
requirements. or on his mobile
E The lettersRE:appear (7129289541),to arrangea convenienttime for him to visitthe store?
G beforethe subjecttitle
in th e h ea de r Fromyourattachedspecifications, I estimatethe work couldbe completedwithinthe time
information.This you give,and we wouldbe willingto sign a contractto this effect.
indicatesthat PeterLane
Peter Lane
opt io n.Theo rigin al
messageappearsbelow Director,WembleyShopfittersLtd
his reply. WycombeRoad,Wembley,MiddlesexHAg 6DA
Teleohone: 020 8903 2323
Fax:020 8903 2349
Email:[email protected]

- Originalmessage-
From: Jean Landman

To: PeterLane
Subject: Refitof HaltonRoad store

Dr :a l L 4 t N-ir
; re

V\i ih r e le r e n ce [u c) L np l rorre conve;tserti otrtfns rr]i )r rri !t, l w rrrri r.l l i he one oi t,o,rr
r r ir r csd r - ltd lve s[DVr sr to uIsturc;rt 214-i l -l al i l rr ]-i i i :i i i t..,rrrj otr i ,.L-4i i i l !,Lc,gi v*arI
i:sIir ila ilu tr ,r ra i cOiltp le te rel i t P teerse cti Lrl t.iyl rLr i .r,rrtl l tcli Ttc i o al r[i ]i l 1{Jrl
(i r-r.r1;p0i i l l ri tcrtt'?

,/!r .;I r ir L iiL i.;le d o r r iir e 6.rl ronc.i i r:; esserrl i ;tl l l r.rt w oi i l r j s i r()l ri l l c.ted bei ore i i re erLl trl
l r,t:.atl rlldrt ti l ,.j (l {.}li l /trr-'L
I r i.ll L t.lt,, ,,4 - . a t r cl L iliSl;,V Oftl Cl tt.:

I e r lta cfr llr e r p llr r r s :r n r .ispeci fi caLronl ;

Je .a n L a il( ii' ir :1ii ( l\/ s)

A..i.r.rrri l..r l{ llollrrn i\ri'-rr.,lrr.r lrrr:nlnr 1

Askingfor o
informatIon o

A c o m p a n yh a se m a i l e d f
t h e i r l o c a l c H A M B ER oF
c o M M ER c Et o a s kf o r -6
someinformationabout cl
their prospective 3
D rs r R rB U T o R s , S ato In c. ll

In this reply,theanswers
g i v e nb y t h e c h a m b e r o f
RE: Sato lnc insertedat the relevant
p o i n t si n t h e o r i g i n a l
message.They are
DearMr Rubain precededby the'>'
symbol. xq,
> Pleasefind answersto your queriesbelow.
How longhasthe companybeenin business? llll:lii
> The companyhas tradedfor 24yearsunderits currentname. o
How manyshowroomsdoes it have?
> lt has a chainof 30 showroomsthroughoutthe country.

What is its turnovereveryyear?

> lts registeredturnoverthisyearwas $410million.

Will its productscompetewith mine?

> lt specializes
in foreigncars- yourswillbe uniqueto yourcountry.

How is it regardedin Japan?

> lt has an excellentreputation.

I hooethisinformation
is useful.

Assistantto TradelnformationOfficer
Tel:(+61;3 45076851
Fax:(+31;3 45078890
Email:[email protected]


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