5G Coverage, Prediction, and Trial Measurements
5G Coverage, Prediction, and Trial Measurements
5G Coverage, Prediction, and Trial Measurements
Fig. 1: NR Coverage Prediction using the Atoll Network Planning tool and CrossWave Propagation Model
have the NR NSA architecture, utilising LTE on E-UTRA A. gNodeB Physical Configuration
band 1 (2.1GHz FDD) for the anchor layer. This anchor
layer provides signalling to allow the UE to set up an NR TABLE I: 5G NR Link Budget
bearer when in dual connectivity mode and thus connect to
the gNodeB. This arhcitecture can be seen in Fig. 2.
B. Coverage Prediction
Based off our link budget minimum receive level at the UE
we have generated a coverage prediction in Forsk Atoll using
the CrossWave propagation model. CrossWave is a pseudo-
raytracing model which emulates raytracing when used in
conjunction with high enough resolution raster or vector clutter
data. We used 2m resolution raster clutter data with outdoor to
indoor propagation enabled. The coverage prediction for the
site can be seen in Fig. 1.
We note that we expect to achieve 200Mbps DL throughput
in the orange area (-100dBm < NRSRP < -90dBm) based on
the link budget.
that NRSRQ and SINR have varying values for each of the 8
beams. Beam index 6 was directed at the measurement location Fig. 7: Speedtest and Latency Results at -91dBm ± 1dB NRSRP
and had the highest NRSRQ and SINR values, and beam index
2 had a dominant reflected path which gave a high NRSRQ and
SINR value at the measured location. Adjacent beams were not V. C ONCLUSION AND F UTURE W ORK
pointing directly at the measurement location and therefore Based on our analysis and application of LTE cell planning
less SSB power was received at the scanner. This corresponds techniques, we conclude they can be applied in initial 5G NR
to a reduction in signal strength, and therefore NRSRQ and network rollout in the n78 band. This trial demonstrated that
SINR. The theoretical relationship between NRSRQ and SINR 200Mbps was possible at -91dBm ± 1dB NRSRP using a link
is: budget analysis and trial measurements. The coverage predic-
SIN R = 1 tion and measured values after using Lee’s method aligned
n×N RSRQ − x
well and give confidence in the prediction for further network
Where: n = number of subcarriers, and x = per antenna planning in similar environments. In future we suggest to apply
subcarrier activity factor. the same analysis to more locations and environments, and
From this relationship it can be seen that NRSRQ does not perform speedtests at more NRSRP levels and locations with
fluctuate as highly as SINR for this range of values as they an FTP speedtest methodology that doesn’t have the variability
lie in the non-linear region in the SINR to NRSRQ graph. associated with over-the-top speedtest services. With the focus
on fixed wireless access (FWA) in the United States and
Australian markets, we suggest research into benchmarking
the penetration of the n78 band through different clutter
types and materials found in the Australian environment to
generate more accurate link budgets. We recommend testing
the performance of horizontal network handover in a mobility
cluster of sites, as this will also influence the density of sites
when planning a 5G network.
Fig. 6: NRSRQ and SINR values per beam.
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