Unit 1 / Meeting and Greeting: Teacher's Name: Farah AL-Amouri Grade

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Unit 1 / Meeting and Greeting

Teacher’s Name: Farah AL-Amouri

Grade (6)

Student’s Name: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

First Academy Schools

English Department

Vocabulary worksheet
Word Part of Meaning Example
1. Formal Adjective following social I don’t like to wear formal
customs and accepted clothes.
ways of behaving

2. Cheek Noun the side of your face

A tear rolled down his
3. hug Verb to put your arms They hugged each other
around someone when they met at the station.
4. Colleagues Noun people work with you My colleagues at work are
very helpful.
5. Gesture Nouns a movement of hand, The prisoner raised his fist in
arms or head to a gesture of defiance as he
express something was led out of the
6. Tip Noun the narrow or pointed The tip of your thumbs
end of something should touch your chin.
7. wave Verb to move your hand I was waving my hand like
when saying ‘hello’ mad but he never once
or ‘goodbye’ looked in my direction.
8. Nod your Collocation Nodding heads is a kind of
head greeting in some culture.
9. Shake Collocation Men always greet each
hands others by shaking hands.
10 Put your Collocation Put your hands together for
. hands greeting.
11 Bow your Collocation In some cultures, people
head bow their heads to great.

12 Give Collocation When Arabs greet, they give
. someone a kiss on the cheek.
kiss on the

Word Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
Formal Formality ****** Formal Formally
Water Water Water ******** ********

A. Fill the gap with the correct word:

gestures, formal, cheek, shake hands, hug

1) Since they spoke only Swahili, we used signs and ------------------------- to

make ourselves understood.
2) It seems that we have a deal, so let's ------------------------------------------- on
3) He gently felt the softness of the baby's--------------------------------------------.
4) Most modern kings and queens rule their countries only in a
-------------------way, without real power.
B. Choose the correct form :
1) Lama --------------------- her plants every day.
a) Water
b) Waters
2) There are formal procedures for applying to become a US citizen. The
underlined word is:
a) Adjective
b) Noun

Reading Comprehension:
Read the magazine article about four people (A–D) who write a diary.
Then answer the following questions:


Four young people share their thoughts on diaries

A. Ji-hu Yoon

I started keeping a diary when I was eight years old, and have done it more or
less continuously for almost ten years now. The first few entries were all about
my first ever trip abroad – I went to New York with my family and remember
that there was so much to take in, so many new experiences while we were
there. I decided to write it all down each evening so that I wouldn’t forget any
of it – and I’m really glad I did! These days I try to spend around half an hour
on my diary each evening, writing about the day, but also looking back over
what I’ve written previously. Sometimes that can be quite amusing. But after I
caught my brother trying to read my diary a few years ago, I wrote all sorts of
horrible things about him. I can’t quite believe I did that! After that, I kept my
diary in a safe place for a while, though I don’t bother now as I’m sure my
brother wouldn’t be interested in reading it any more.

B. Hanan Bayraktar

I’ve always got a diary with me – a notebook and pen in my bag, or sometimes
just my phone. It means that when there’s something I want to note down, I
don’t have to worry about remembering it until later. That suits me much better
than having a fixed time for diary writing each day – though I know some
people say that’s the best way to keep it up. I’ve always loved reading other
people’s diaries – famous actors or politicians, even. And there are two or three
blogs that I look at quite regularly, though I’ve never been tempted to write one
myself. I think that as soon as you know you’ve got an audience, it’s very hard
to avoid adding extra details, or changing bits here and there to make something
sound more interesting or more shocking. It’s funny because I’m quite happy to
read all about someone else’s private life, but if it was the other way round, I’d
be really embarrassed about it.

C. Ryan Earl

I’ve just started writing a diary again after a gap of a couple of years – I
stopped when my schoolwork was taking up more and more of my time, and
only recently realised I missed it. I think that putting everything down on paper
gives you a chance to reflect on what’s been going on, and to make sense of
how you’re feeling. If I look back at a page I can tell instantly how I was feeling
that day – from the size and shape of my writing or from how neat and tidy it
looks. And sometimes I’m quite surprised by the detail of things I’ve written –
who I met, who I talked to, what I ate even. Sometimes I write it all down, with
clear headings, points one below the other. This helps me to remember all of the
details – it’s great for keeping a record of events for the future, even if none of it
is all that.

D. Patience Orakpo

I’ve always loved writing, and would love to write a novel in the future – I have
all sorts of stories in my head. Some of them are based on real-life events, and
when I describe them in my diary, I often add a note about an idea I’ve got, or a
possible character. Then I’ve got a list on another piece of paper where I record
these, so I don’t forget them. I always write by hand – I think using a computer
makes the process seem so much more business-like, and less personal. But I do
try to keep my diary writing to a maximum of an hour a day – one of my
teachers told me that if you’re not careful, you start living for your diary, rather
than the other way round. There’s some truth in that – my diary is one of my
most precious possessions, and so it’s always in a safe place in my bedroom.
It’s not that I’m all that bothered about someone else reading it, but I’d be lost
without it!

The questions below are about the people (A–D) who write a diary. For
each question write the correct letter A, B, C or D on the line. Which
person …
(a) Sees diary writing as a way of keeping a list? ----------------------------
(b) Mentions an event that caused them to begin diary writing? -----------------------------
(c) Feels uncomfortable if they think other people might read their diary? -------------------
(d) Thinks that diary writing helps them to understand life? ----------------------------------
(e) Explains the importance of having a time limit on diary writing? -------------------------
(f) Is careful about where they keep their diary? --------------------------------------

(g) Thinks that not everything you read in online diaries is true? -----------------------------
(h) Admits to being shocked by a past diary entry? -----------------------------------
(i) Enjoys reading their diary entries from the past? ---------------------------------
(j) Suggests that their handwriting can give away as much as the actual words in the
diary? ------------------------------------------------------

Grammar: Modals

Fill the blank with the correct modal (Can, should, may)
 She asked if she --------------------------- have a drink.
 Can I play now, mum?
No. You -------------------------------- finish your work.
 You ----------------------------------------------- do more exercise.
 He ------------------------------------ be able to help you.
 Where is Anna? – I don't know. She-------------------------- be at the swimming
pool or in the park.

Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences. Use Can, Could,
Can’t and Couldn’t
1. I ___________ go to the party last night because I was sick.

2. A: ___________ Noel cook Italian food? B: Yes, he ___________.

3. My sister ___________ swim last year, but now she ___________.

4. They ___________ go shopping yesterday because the store was closed.

5. A: ___________ you read when you were four years old? B: Yes, I __________.

6. Ellie ___________ ride a bicycle. She rides it to school every day.

7. I’m very tired, so I ___________ go out to the park to play.

8. A: ___________ you see the moon last night? B: No, I ___________.

9. When ___________ I talk to you about the company report?

10. Most dinosaurs walked on land, but some ___________ fly or even swim.

11. Excuse me, I ___________ hear you right now. The music is too loud.

12. I ___________ drive a truck when I was only sixteen years old.

13. Douglas hit the tree because he ___________ stop his car.

14. How many hot dogs ___________ you eat at one time?

15. I ___________ read without my reading glasses. Where are they?

A. Editing

Edit the following sentence; Check the spelling, grammar, and punctuation
Anna and Pat are married; he has been together for 20 years. I can't hardly beleve how
they stay together because they has many problems,


B. Guided Writing

Write two meaningful sentences using the following sentences from the
Use two or more of the linking words such as:
(by, or, also, but, and, for example etc.)

Characteristics of traditional education

- Students attend classes in person.
- Students have more opportunities to join clubs.
- Students need more guidance and more direct contact with


C. Write a letter for your friend to invite him/ her to travel with you to
Turkey. Use an appropriate layout. Your writing should include three
paragraphs: introduction, body and conclusion. (write between 100-150
words) .


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