Ecological Indicators: G. Libralato, E. Prato, L. Migliore, A.M. Cicero, L. Manfra
Ecological Indicators: G. Libralato, E. Prato, L. Migliore, A.M. Cicero, L. Manfra
Ecological Indicators: G. Libralato, E. Prato, L. Migliore, A.M. Cicero, L. Manfra
Ecological Indicators
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Article history: Artemia spp. is an historically popular biological model still requiring an official internationally based
Received 6 March 2016 standardization. Several endpoints are currently available. Short-term acute endpoints include biomarker
Received in revised form 3 April 2016 (acetylcholinesterase; heat stress proteins; lipid peroxidation; thiobarbituric acid reactive substances;
Accepted 5 April 2016
thioredoxin reductase; glutathione-peroxidase; glutathione S-transferase; glutathione reductase; alde-
Available online 18 April 2016
hyde dehydrogenase; and adenylpyrophosphatase and Fluotox), hatching (dry biomass, morphological
disorders and size), behavioral (swimming speed and path length), teratogenicity (growth), and immo-
bilization (meaning mortality after 5–30 s observation). Long-term chronic tests focus on growth,
Toxicity test methods
reproduction and survival or mortality after 7–28 d exposure from larval to adulthood stage. We analyzed
Hatching each test looking at its endpoint, toxicant and experimental design including replicates, exposure time,
Biomarker number of exposed cysts or organisms and their relative life stage, exposure conditions during hatch-
Behavioral endpoints ing and testing (salinity, pH, light intensity, aeration dilution media, and food supply), type of testing
Immobilization/mortality and survival chambers, and quality assurance and quality control criteria. Similarities and differences between the
identified approaches were highlighted. Results evidenced that hatching 24 h short-term and 14 d long-
term mortality are the most promising Artemia spp. protocols that should go forward with international
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1470-160X/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
36 G. Libralato et al. / Ecological Indicators 69 (2016) 35–49
et al., 1997), although certified cysts are usually utilized in tox- The second key point is to start the toxicity tests with nau-
icity testing. Their origin can have consequences on the growth, plii belonging to the same class of age because some stages are
survival and reproduction of Artemia spp. specimens consider- more sensitive than others (i.e. Instar I stage is less sensitive
ing especially salinity and temperature (Vanhaecke and Sorgeloos, than Instar II–III stage) (Sorgeloos et al., 1978). Cyst hatching
1989; Triantaphyllidis et al., 1995). occurred 24 h before starting the toxicity test (Instar I stage) in
Artemia spp. nauplii were used to test the toxicity of a wide 10 papers (Vanhaecke et al., 1981; Barahona et al., 1994; Brix
range of chemicals such as arsenic (As) (Brix et al., 2003), cad- et al., 2003, 2004; Caldwell et al., 2003; Venkateswara Rao et al.,
mium (Cd) (Kissa et al., 1984; Hadjispyrou et al., 2001; Sarabia 2007; Garaventa et al., 2010; Bustos-Obregon and Vargas, 2010)
et al., 1998a, 2002, 2006; Brix et al., 2006; Leis et al., 2014), and 30 h in 3 papers (Persoone et al., 1993; Guerra, 2001; Koutsaftis
chromium (Cr) (Hadjispyrou et al., 2001; Leis et al., 2014), cobalt and Aoyama, 2007). Most authors used 48 h old larvae hatched
(Kissa et al., 1984), copper (Cu) (Browne, 1980; Jorgensen and at 25 ± 2 ◦ C involving during the exposure larvae at Instar II–III
Jensen, 1977; Brix et al., 2006), mercury (Hg) (Sarabia et al., 1998b; (Guzzella, 1997; Hadjispyrou et al., 2001; APAT and IRSA-CNR,
Leis et al., 2014), nickel (Kissa et al., 1984), tin (Sn) (Hadjispyrou 2003; Favilla et al., 2006; Libralato et al., 2007; Savorelli et al., 2007;
et al., 2001), zinc (Zn) (Brix et al., 2006; Garaventa et al., 2010), Pimentel et al., 2009; Manfra et al., 2011, 2010; Kokkali et al., 2011;
potassium permanganate, potassium dichromate, and silver nitrate Prato et al., 2011; Manfra et al., 2012; Tornambè et al., 2012; Leis
(Boone and Baas-Becking, 1931; Vanhaecke et al., 1980), antibiotic et al., 2014; Veni and Pushpanathan, 2014; Manfra et al., 2015a,b,
drugs (Migliore et al., 1993a,b, 1997), engineered nanomaterials 2016; Rotini et al., 2015).
(Libralato, 2014; Minetto et al., 2014; Corsi et al., 2014; Callegaro Either artificial or natural seawaters are used as hatching media.
et al., 2015), nano-sized polystyrene (Bergami et al., 2016), asbestos Artificial media are more frequently used because salt blends to
(Stewart and Schurr, 1980), phenolic compounds (Guerra, 2001), create the ideal saltwater are commercially available (i.e. Crystal
ethanolamines (Libralato et al., 2010a) and trace elements (Petrucci Sea® Marinemix, Forty Fathoms® , Coral Reef Red Sea Salt® , Instant
et al., 1995), triazine herbicides, insecticides, pesticides (Kuwabara Ocean® ) or are provided along with toxkits (Artoxkit, 2014). The
et al., 1980; Varó et al., 1997, 2002), acrylonitrile (Tong et al., 1996), required seawater can be obtained dissolving these salts in distilled
carbammates (Barahona and Sánchez-Fortún, 1999), phthalates, and deionized water.
antifouling agents (Grosch, 1980; Persoone and Castritsi-Catharios, Cysts are usually incubated at between 18–28 ◦ C and largely
1989a,b; Okamura et al., 2000; Castritsi-Catharios et al., 2007, 2013, 35‰ salinity. The values of pH vary between 7.5–9.0 and pH should
2014; Koutsaftis and Aoyama, 2007), pharmaceuticals (Xu et al., not be lower than 7 to obtain good hatching (Vanhaecke et al.,
2015), anticorrosive agents (Tornambè et al., 2012; Manfra et al., 1980). During the hatching process, seawater is sometimes aerated
2015a, 2016), oil (Trieff, 1980) and oil dispersants (Zillioux et al., by an air pump being the medium adequate aeration a prerequi-
1973; Savorelli et al., 2007), various plant extracts (Cáceres et al., site to obtain a successful hatching (Vanhaecke et al., 1980). Manfra
1998), toxins (Granade et al., 1976; Medlyn, 1980; Vezie et al., 1996; et al. (2016) proposed an oxygen saturation level >60%. The hatch-
Beattie et al., 2003) and environmental matrices such as wood ing phase occurred in presence of light (1000–4000 lux) (Varó et al.,
leachates (Libralato et al., 2007), wastewater (Krishnakurmar et al., 2002; Artoxkit, 2014) or partly in darkness like just 1 h of light dur-
2007; Libralato et al., 2010b), seawaters (Manfra et al., 2011) and ing 48 h exposure (Guzzella, 1997; Unichim, 2012) or 12–16 h of
marine discharges (Manfra et al., 2010). light during 24 h exposure (Garaventa et al., 2010; Gambardella
Currently, various toxicity tests with Artemia spp. are available et al., 2014).
including short-term and long-term methods. Short-term toxi- The hatching efficiency needs to be considered, but only
city tests are more frequently used, some long-term protocols Guzzella (1997) proposed a threshold evaluating cysts hatching
have been developed in the last 10 years, but none of them is efficiency that should be >90% in ≤32 h.
an internationally standardised method like International Stan- Two main cyst-hatching procedures were identified on the basis
dard Organization (ISO), American Society for Testing and Materials of Artoxkit (2014) or Unichim (2012). Artoxkit (2014) suggests
(ASTM) or Organization for Economic Co-operation and Develop- hatching cysts 30 h before toxicity testing. Cysts are transferred into
ment (OECD). Methods for testing immobilization/mortality were a Petri dish with 9 mL of seawater prepared with the toxkit salts and
standardised only in Italy by the Italian Agency for Environmental gently swirled to distribute them evenly. The Petri dish is exposed
Protection and Italian Institute for Water Research (APAT IRSA- to a light source (1000–4000 lux) for 30 h. According to Unichim
CNR) and Italian Agency for Standardization in the Chemical sector (2012), cyst hatching starts 48 h before the toxicity test. Seawater
(Unichim). Despite the frequent and widespread use of Artemia is used as hatching medium. Artemia cysts (100 mg) are transferred
spp. in toxicity testing, the harmonization of protocols followed by into a Petri dish with 12 mL of seawater exposed at 1000–4000 lux
international standardization activities is still lacking, and intercal- for 1 h and for 23 h in darkness at 25 ± 1 ◦ C. After 24 h, hatched nau-
ibration exercises are urgently necessary (Libralato, 2014). plii are pipetted to a new Petri dish for moulting containing new
The aim of this review paper is to collect, organize, select and fresh seawater that is incubated for 24 h at 25 ± 1 ◦ C in the dark
discuss the existing knowledge about Artemia spp. methods for allowing larvae to reach II or III Instar stage.
toxicity testing including both short- and long-term bioassays and Sometimes, Artemia embryos were sterilized and dechorionated
organism hatching and maintenance conditions providing tips for before use, as in the protocols for aquaculture purposes (Sorgeloos
protocols definition, implementation and standardization. et al., 1977). Dechorionated cysts are Artemia embryos enveloped
only by the embryonic cuticle and the outer cuticular membrane
(Léger et al., 1986). The technique was set up by Nakanishi et al.
2. Hatching of cysts (1962), which used a chilled diluted antiformin solution to dissolve
the chorion. Morris and Afzelius (1967) improved this technique,
Artemia spp. cyst hatching conditions can vary greatly as which allows removing the outer part of the shell without affecting
reported in Table S1 (n = 42). This can result in a different evalu- embryo viability. The temperature of the medium must be kept
ation of cysts/nauplii sensitivity, although the first factor that can below 40 ◦ C to maintain the maximal hatching efficiency (Sorgeloos
affect organism sensitivity is the geographical origin of cysts. Other et al., 1977). The use of antibiotics (i.e. penicillin (50 units/mL),
species are commercially available, but their sensitivity must be streptomycin (50 g/mL) and sodium tetraborate (0.2% w/v)) was
evaluated on Vanhaecke et al. (1980) a case-by-case basis if no highlighted by Bagshaw et al. (1986) and Brix et al. (2006). Embryos
certification or traceability is available (Guzzella, 1997).
G. Libralato et al. / Ecological Indicators 69 (2016) 35–49 37
Davenport and S salinity 8.5–250 24 n.a. SW speed 23 8.5- n.a. n.a. air- NSW No food n.a. n.a. Flat-faced 50 n.a. n.a. n.a.
Healy (2006) 250 saturated transparent
culture flasks
Gambardella S SnO2 , CeO2 and 10-100-1000 48 500 SW and M 20 37 n.a. 16 h n.a. ASW n.a. 10-15 9 25 1 n.a. n.a. Nano-SnO2 M < 20%;
et al. (2014) Fe3 O4 NPs light compartment nano-CeO2 : LC20 = n.c.; % SW
square Petri alteration < 50%; nano-CeO2
dish EC20 = 80 mg/L (70–90)
Garaventa et al. S 1. zinc 1. 0,1-1-10-100; 2. 24–48 500 SW and M 20 37 n.a. 16 h n.a. ASW n.a. 10-15 9 Petri dish 1 n.a. n.a. 1. LC50 (48 h) = 35.74
(2010) pyrithione; 2. 1.5-3-6-9-12; 3. light (26.24-48.68);
Macrotrol® 0.1-1-10-100 EC50 (48 h) = 11.l9 (6.56-19.09);
MT-200; 3. LC50 (24 h) > 100;
Eserine EC50 (24 h) = 19.57
(11.31-33.87); 2.
Huang et al. S 1. K2 Cr2 O7 ; 2. 1. 0–100; 2. 0–1000 24 n.a. speed movement 25 n.a. n.a. n.a. yes NSW n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. LC50 (K2 Cr2 O7 ) = 32 mg/L
(2015) Cd(NO3 )2 LC50 (Cd(NO3 )2 ) = 626 mg/L
(speed movement)
Larsen et al. S Temperature, T = 10–15–20 ◦ C, n.a. n.a. SW velocity n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. NWS Rhodomonas
n.a. n.a. glass flasks n.a. n.a. n.a. Inhibition of SW velocity for a
(2008) viscosity viscosity sp. 10 ◦ C temperature reduction
(×10–6 m2 s−1 )
Manfra et al. S 1. CuSO4 ; 2. 1. 2-4-8-16-32; 2. 48 20 SW and M 25 ± 1 35 ± 1 n.a. D n.a. ASW n.a. 10 3 MP(24) 1 control 1. 1. LC50 (24 h) = 14.21 ± 10.63;
(2015b) SDS; 3. DEG 3-6-12-24-48; 3. mortal- CuSO4 LC50 (48 h) = 2.51 ± 0.22; 1.
10000-20000- ity ≤ 10% 2. SDS EC50 (24 h) = 5.03 ± 0.58
40000-80000- EC50 (48 h) = 2.51 ± 0.37; 2.
160000 LC50 (24 h) = 19.41 ± 1.00;
LC50 (48 h) = 15.60 ± 0.27; 2.
EC50 (24 h) = 16.15 ± 0.32;
EC50 (48 h) = 7.48 ± 1.33; 3.
LC50 (24 h) > 160000;
LC50 (48 h) >160000; 3.
EC50 (24 h) = 80370 ± 3950;
EC50 (48 h) = 64560 ± 3420
Venkateswara S 1. CPP; 2. PF; 3. 1. 0.385 ± 0.08; 2. 24 1000 SW speed (cm/s) n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. ASW n.a. 25/each n.a. MP(96) n.a. n.a. n.a. SW speed inhibition (%):
Rao et al. MCP; 4. ACEP 7.71 ± 1.48; 3. nauplii and distance expo- 1. 89.00 ± 3.32CPP 2.
(2007) 262.68 ± 17.30; 4. travelled (m/min) sure 74.68 ± 2.13 PF 3. 62.48 ± 1.87
2350.07 ± 131 MCP 4. 49.83 ± 1.53 ACEP
Williams S No toxicant n.a. n.a. n.a. 1. newly hatched 21 35–40 n.a. n.a. yes Brine Yeast n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Initial development of new
(1994a, larvae (nauplii); 2. solu- and limbs in Artemia larvae is
1994b) larvae with visible tion green unimportant for propulsion.
limb buds; 3. a series algae
of larval stages
identified by the
number of actively
beating trunk
appendages present
ACEP = acephate; ASW = artificial seawater; CPP = chlorpyriphos; D = darkeness; DEG = diethylene glycol; EC50 = effect concentration for 50% population; LC50 = lethal concentration for 50% population; LOEC = lowest observed
effect concentration; M = mortality; MCP = monocrotophos; MP = multi-well plate; n.a. = not available; NOEC = no observed effect concentrations; NSW = natural seawater; n.c. = not calculable; NP = nanoparticles; PF = profenofos;
QC = quality negative control; S = static; SDS = sodium dodecylsulphate; SW = swimming.
Table 2
Artemia spp. short-term toxicity tests.
References Test Toxicant Concentration Exposure Cysts Endpoint T ( ◦ C) Salinity pH Test light Aeration Dilution Food Organisms Replicates Test Test mL QC Reference NOEC/LOEC/LC50 /EC50
(mg/L) (h) (mg) (‰) (lx) medium (cell/mL) per vessel toxicant
chamber (mL)
APAT and IRSA-CNR S, A SDS, SDS: 24 n.a. M 25 ± 2 n.a. 6.5-8.5 D n.a. ASPM, IO n.a. 10 3 MP 24 1 CM ≤ 20% SDS, Probit analysis,
(2003) K2 Cr2 O7 , 5-9-16-28-50; wells K2 Cr2 O7 , Chi2 test:
CuSO4 K2 Cr2 O7 : CuSO4 EC50 (SDS)
5-9-16-28-50; = 23.2 ± 6.5 mg/L
CuSO4 : 1.5- with ASPM and
2.7-4.8-8.4-15 25.6 ± 5.5 mg/L
with IO.
EC50 (K2 Cr2 O7 )
= 16 ± 8.4 mg/L with
ASPM and
15.1 ± 9.6 mg/L
with IO.
EC50 (CuSO4 )
= 4.5 ± 2.0 mg/L
ASPM and
4.5 ± 2.0 mg/L with
CM ≤ 10%
Brix et al. (2004) S, A SeO4 2− 42-56-75- 95 n.a. M 25 ± 1 80-102 7.9–8.4 n.a. n.a. NSW daily n.a. 4 Beakers 400 n.a. n.a. LC50 = 78 (71–86)
100,-133 2 mL of mg/L
5 × 105
Guzzella (1997) S, A SDS, SDS: 5-9-16- 24 n.a. M 25 ± 2 n.a. 6.5–8.5 D n.a. ASPM, IO n.a. 10 3 MP 24 1 CM ≤ 20% SDS, Probit analysis,
K2 Cr2 O7 , 28–50 K2 Cr2 O7 : wells K2 Cr2 O7 , Chi2 test:
CuSO4 5-9-16-28-50 CuSO4 EC50 (SDS)
CuSO4 : 1.5- = 23.2 ± 6.5 mg/L
2.7-4.8-8.4-15 with ASPM and
25.6 ± 5.5 mg/L
with IO.
EC50 (K2 Cr2 O7 )
= 16 ± 8.4 mg/L with
ASPM and
15.1 ± 9.6 mg/L
with IO.
EC50 (CuSO4 )
= 4.5 ± 2.0 mg/L
ASPM and
4.5 ± 2.0 mg/L with
Kissa et al. (1984) S, A 1. CdCl2 1,2,3 0-200 24, 48 n.a. M 24 ± 0.5 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. NSW n.a. 20 (3 n.a. Glass 50 n.a. n.a. LC50 (48 h):
2. 4. 0-250 days old) cuppels 160 mg/L for Cd;
Na2 CrO4 163 mg/L for Ni;
3. 172 mg/L for Co;
Ni(NO3 )2 8 mg/L for Cr
Co(NO3 )3
Libralato et al. S, A Wood 12-25-50- 24 n.a. M 25 35 7.0–8.3 D n.a. IO n.a. 10-15 3 MP 24 2 CM ≤ 10% CuSO4 Trimmed
(2007) leachates 100% wells Spearman–Karber
v/v expressed as LC50
and transformed
into Toxicity Units
(TU50 ): 47.57
(41.65–54.75) for
Quercus spp. and
78.21 (75.58–84.09)
for Picea abies
Table 2 (Continued)
References Test Toxicant Concentration Exposure Cysts Endpoint T ( ◦ C) Salinity pH Test light Aeration Dilution Food Organisms Replicates Test Test mL QC Reference NOEC/LOEC/LC50 /EC50
(mg/L) (h) (mg) (‰) (lx) medium (cell/mL) per vessel toxicant
chamber (mL)
Manfra et al. S, A CuSO4 n.a. 24 n.a. M 25 ± 1 35 ± 1 n.a. n.a. n.a. ASW n.a. 10 3 MP 24 1 CM ≤ 10% CuSO4 Trimmed
(2015a,b) wells Spearman–Karber:
mean EC50
between 5.63 and
23.31 mg/L
(CV < 40%)
Persoone et al. S, A CuSO4 n.a. 24 n.a. M n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. ASW n.a. 10 n.a. MP 24 n.a. n.a. CuSO4 Mean LC50
(1993) wells (Cu2+ mg/L): from
3.3 to 3.8; CV%:
from 32.8 to 50.7
Peteros and Uy S, A crude 10-100-1000 24 n.a. M n.a. n.a. n.a. L n.a. NSW n.a. 10 3 Vials 5 n.a. DMSO Probit analisys,
(2010) extracts LC50 (24 h) in
Solis et al. (1993) S, A 21 active n.a. 24 n.a. M 22–29 n.a. n.a. D n.a. NSW n.a. n.a. 3 MP 96 0.1 n.a. DMSO Probit analysis
agents wells mean LC50 value:
from between
plants 3.8 × 10−4 ± 1.4 × 10−4
and >1000 mg/L
Toğulga (1998) S, A SDS, n.a. 24 n.a. M 25 ± 1 n.a. 7.5 ± 0.5 D yes NSW no n.a. n.a. Petri dish 10 n.a. Litchfield and
K2 Cr2 O7 Wilcoxon’ method,
LC50 : 14.5 SDS
mg/L; 34 PDK mg/L.
Bliss’ method LC50
= 13.84 ± 0.005 SDS
mg/L; LC50
= 32.84 ± 0.007 PDK
Vanhaecke et al. S, A SDS n.a. 24 100 M 25 ± 1 35 7.5 D n.a. Kinne no 10 8 Petri dish 10 n.a. SDS Litchfield and
(1980) (1971) Wilcoxon: Instar I
mean LC50
= 33.9 ± 5.2 mg/L
(CV = 7.7%); Instar
II–III: mean LC50
= 17.8 ± 0.9 mg/L
(CV = 5.1%)
Vanhaecke et al. S, A SDS n.a. 24 100 M 25 ± 1 35 ± 1 8.0 ± 0.5 D Continuous IO n.a. 10 3 Glass 10 CM ≤ 10% SDS Litchfield and
(1981) Petri dish Wilcoxon
13.3 < LC50 (24 h-
SDS) < 19.9 mg/L
A = acute; ASW = artificial seawater; CM = negative control mortality; D = darkness; DMSO = dimethyl sulfoxide; EC50 = effect concentration for 50% population; LC50 = lethal concentration for 50% population; LOEC = lowest observed
effect concentration; IO = Instant Ocean® ASW; L = light; M = mortality; MP = multi-well plate; n.a. = not available; NOEC = no observed effect concentration; NSW = natural seawater; QC = quality control; S = static; SDS = sodium
G. Libralato et al. / Ecological Indicators 69 (2016) 35–49 41
Methanol and ethanol toxicity was evaluated (Vismara, 1998) by of Artemia spp, endpoint assay offering an alternative approach
exposing hydrated cysts for 48 h. The hatching test was also suc- considering the quantitative developmental profile under specified
cessfully used to evaluate the toxicity of two biocides utilized in conditions (22 ◦ C, 16:8 or 0:24 light:dark cycle, 20–30‰ artificial
antifouling paints (Diuron and Irgarol) (Alyürüc and Çavas, 2013) seawater), even if it can be a quite time consuming activity.
by exposing hydrated cysts for 24 h. The hatching test was also able Some authors compared the sensitivity of hatching and
to evaluate, in a concentration-dependent way, the toxicity of water acute/chronic mortality toxicity test. Jorgensen and Jensen (1977)
soluble algal extracts and crude cellular extracts of Skeletonema observed that when Artemia salina is exposed to Cu ions the
costatum and Nitzschia commutata, and the diatom-derived short hatching rate is much more susceptible than mortality, obtaining
chain aldehydes decadienal by exposing 20–30 cysts per replicate EC50 values at least 100 times below the analogous LC50 . Migliore
to fresh seawater (1 mL) at 15 ◦ C in multiplate wells (Caldwell et al., et al. (1997) showed that in A. franciscana both cysts hatching
2003). and mortality responded to antibiotics exposure evidencing hatch-
A quite different protocol using commercial brine shrimp ing rate and larvae morphological alterations, and nauplii death,
hatcher was applied to evaluate the toxicity of three antibiotics respectively. Carballo et al. (2002) evidenced a similar sensitiv-
(Bacitracin, Flumequine and Sulfadimethoxine) (Migliore et al., ity between cysts’ hatchability and nauplii mortality exposed to
1993a, 1997), two organic compounds (diethylene glycol (DEG) various organic extracts, suggesting a simultaneous application of
and sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS)) (Rotini et al., 2015), and the both assays to test natural marine products’ pharmacological activ-
bioactivity of extracts of marine invertebrates and macroalgae ity. Sarabia et al. (2003) conducted experiments by exposing cysts
(isopropanolic extracts from Hyatella spp. (sponge), Dysidea spp. and larvae to Cd. They did not observe toxic effects on cysts (per-
(sponge), Pacifigorgia adamsii (coral) and Muricea sp. (coral) already centage and timing of cyst hatching) and larvae (life span and
found active against two human cell lines) (Carballo et al., 2002). reproductive parameters). Caldwell et al. (2003) compared hatch-
This method is aimed to evaluate the dry biomass of hatched nau- ing success and larval mortality of A. salina exposed to diatom
plii from 1 g (∼200,000 individuals) of Artemia spp. cysts incubated extracts and aldehydes, showing that hatchability is a less sensitive
at 25 ◦ C and 35 PSU under constant illumination (3000 lx) and aer- endpoint. The most recent paper by Rotini et al. (2015) compared
ation (air bubbling, not compulsory) for 2–4 days. Cysts were intact the results of hatching, acute mortality and chronic mortality tests
and not dechorionated. The free nauplii, after the successful emer- on DEG and SDS ranking the endpoints as follows: acute mor-
gence from the cyst and hatching, aggregate over a sieve in the tality < hatchability < chronic mortality. The protocol described in
center of the hatcher due to their positive phototactic activity eas- Rotini et al. (2015) was intercalibrated at Italian level between
ing their collection. This kind of approach seems to be more viable 2006–2009 involving eleven laboratories to ring toxicity tests with
for the evaluation of the reduced emergence and/or hatching than A. franciscana using CuSO4 as reference toxicant (Manfra et al.,
enumerating one-by-one the cysts able to complete their embry- 2015b).
onic development when exposed to a toxicant (Kuwabara et al.,
1980; Rotini et al., 2015). Phototaxis is a cost-effective and easy
way of nauplii grouping for counting or biomass production deter- 3.1.2. Biomarkers
mination. Anyhow, this method does not allow discriminating the Biomarkers are any measurable characteristics of an organ-
sub-lethal etiology of the treatment exposure. Further investigation ism reflecting a specific or general physiological and health state.
would be interesting about Artemia spp. light reception, nervous Biomarkers are often compounds isolated from serum, hemo-
system processing, motor function as well as developmental mon- cyanin, or other fluids that can be used as an indicator of the
itoring. presence or severity of a particular disease state. The brine shrimp
Another group of ‘cyst based tests’ evaluated the morpholog- A. salina was used in few screenings considering biochemical mech-
ical disorders and size of hatched nauplii (Rafiee et al., 1986; anisms (Nunes et al., 2006b). Espiritu et al. (1995) developed
Vismara, 1998; Neumeyer et al., 2014). Bagshaw et al. (1986) found a 1 h enzymatic inhibition assay (Fluotox) with Artemia nauplii
reversible arrest of development of pre-nauplii larvae emerged using a fluorigenic enzyme substrate comparing the output with
in Cd spiked waters (10 M CdCl2 ) and morphological alteration 24 and 48 h mortality test. Addition of 4-methylumbelliferyl--d-
at higher concentrations, considering the phenotypic alterations galactoside (MUF) to the test medium did not influence the toxicity
an endpoint within the hatching test. Also in the case of Hg, Go of CuSO4 , CdCl2 , K2 Cr2 O7 , sodium pentachlorophenate, SDS, and
et al. (1990) described the presence of morphological abnormali- phenol. Uptake of MUF and its subsequent hydrolysis form the
ties and delayed development in exposed cysts during emergence 4-methylumbelliferone that is strongly fluorescent in alkaline solu-
and hatching phase. tion using a UV light. The exposure to toxicants may reduce or
Rafiee et al. (1986) incubated hydrated cysts up to 100 h in pres- inhibit this enzymatic pathway that can be used as an early mani-
ence of Cd and Zn spiked seawater. Scanning electron micrograph festation of toxicity.
and light microscopy evidenced morphological abnormalities and Varó et al. (2002) observed the inhibitory potential of chlorpyri-
delayed development. Migliore et al. (1997) according to Rafiee fos and dichlorvos on acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity using
et al. (1986) highlighted severe phenotypic alteration due to Baci- A. salina and A. parthenogenetica provoking the accumulation of
tracin and changes in pigmentation due to Flumequine. Neumeyer acetylcholine (ChE) at neuromuscular junction disrupting the func-
et al. (2014) investigated the use of fully hydrated and dechori- tion nerve (Peakall, 1992). Results highlighted the tolerance of A.
onated embryos (15–28 per replicate) incubated at 21–23 ◦ C and salina to high levels of ChE inhibition (approximately 80%) without
room light condition observing and describing by light microscopy lethal effects.
all Artemia development phases and relative alterations consider- Few data exist on the antioxidant defense mechanisms in
ing a range of salinity (20, 25, 30 and 35‰) and density (from 1–3 Artemia spp. Nunes et al. (2006b) investigated the antioxidant
embryo/mL to approximately 350 embryo/mL). They found that skills of A. parthenogenetica to pharmaceuticals and personal
(i) aberrant morphologies result from a mismatch between devel- care products. Benzodiazepine significantly inhibited ChE and
opment and emergence; (ii) a small salinity increase or embryo glutathione-peroxidase (GPx) activities. Clofibrate and clofibric
abundance decrease can impair the emergence success having only acid showed significant decreases in Se-dependent GPx. In par-
moderate effects on the development; (iii) aberrant developmental ticular, clofibrate caused a slight increase of lipid peroxidation
paths produce swimming nauplii and unhatched cysts appearing (LP) (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, TBARS) (Nunes et al.,
normal in counts. Neumeyer et al. (2014) improved the design 2006b). Sodium dodecylsulphate (SDS) widely used in detergents
42 G. Libralato et al. / Ecological Indicators 69 (2016) 35–49
decreased the activity of both ChE and glutathione reductase (GRed) ing measurements between the well-pigmented eye and the poorly
in A. parthenogenetica (Nunes et al., 2006b). defined end of the tail by centering an animal in the stereomicro-
Nauplii of A. franciscana were selected as model organisms scope’s field. With the exception of zinc, chemicals in the g/L range
to assess the induction of acute oxidative stress of Aloe vera were not teratogenic, whereas chemicals between 0.25 and 25 mg/L
juice (Sirdaarta and Cock, 2008, 2010) showing 34%, 79% and were teratogenic (Cd, Hg, Pb, Zn, bromoform, n-butylphthalate,
90% inhibition of thioredoxin reductase (TRed), GRed and GPx, 1,2-dichloroethane, nitrobenzene, tetrachloroethylene, toluene,
respectively. Thus, an oxidative stress was induced after acute 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene and 1,1,3-thrichloroethane). Nevertheless
exposure (Sirdaarta and Cock, 2008, 2010) observing that vitamin the limited data, Kerster and Schaeffer (1983) stated that the system
E could help to partially reduce the effects of A. vera juice exposure is not very sensitive.
(Sirdaarta and Cock, 2010).
Glutathione S-transferase (GST) activity was investigated during 3.1.4. Acute larvae behavioural test
the early developmental stages of Artemia spp. hatching in artificial Data about Artemia spp. short-term acute behavioral test are
seawater prepared with municipal wastewater effluent. Alterations summarized in Table 1. Swimming speed is the most frequently
of the isoenzyme profile were evidenced with a maximum effect used behavioral endpoint of physiological status for aquatic organ-
after 48 h from hatching. The isoenzyme profile depended upon the isms (Faimali et al., 2006). Locomotion, like swimming, is used
organism age and can be affected by environmental factors such as as stress indicator in several ecotoxicological studies representing
water quality (Grammou et al., 2011). a sensitive measure of toxic stress for a wide range of environ-
Katranitsas et al. (2003) measured adenylpyrophosphatase mental contaminants (Little and Finger, 1990). In the last ten
(ATPase) and aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) in brine shrimps years, the swimming behavior was studied as a response to inver-
exposed to Cu-based antifouling paints evidencing an alteration of tebrates’ organic or inorganic exposure to pollutants including
Artemia osmoregulation up to death. Also Castritsi-Catharios et al. Artemia. There is still a general lack of appropriate biocompatible
(2012) suggested that ALDH activity in Artemia nauplii could be a automation, optoelectronic sensors and algorithms for behavioral
valuable biomarker for the evaluation of antifouling paint. data analysis that could represent a way to solve the major short-
The heat stress proteins (HSPs) in Artemia were observed in early comings not yet addressed in ecotoxicology (e.g. toxicity tests to
developmental stages, in encysted gastrula embryos and nauplii. be performed manually and with low-throughput) (Huang et al.,
HSP26 is undetectable in unstressed cells, appearing in presence 2015). Williams (1994a,b) applied a physical model regarding the
of heat or salt shock, cell cycle arrest, nitrogen or carbon starva- appendages of Artemia to empirically determine force coefficients
tion, oxidative stress and low pH. The protein p26 is a small heat acting regimes relevant to developing larvae. This first analysis
shock/␣-crystalline protein exhibiting an in vitro molecular chap- imported equations exploring changes in the mechanics of swim-
erone activity conferring a thermo-tolerance (Thomas, 2003). Its ming in animals too small for direct measurement. Larvae are
synthesis plays a critical role in embryo encystment, diapause and interesting because, compared to adults, they can undergo fluc-
quiescence (Delinger, 2002; Miah et al., 2010). tuations in size and shape. Artemia develops from a small nauplius
Proteomic approaches were considered to compare non- that ratchets along with one pair of oars to a multi-limbed adult
stressed (negative control) and stressed organisms (Migliore et al., gliding continuously through the water. As the animals approach
2007) improving the understanding of physiological mechanisms the adult morphology growing and adding limbs along the trunk,
underlying stress response and/or tolerance and highlighting puta- their average swimming speed increases and the jerky swimming
tive biomarkers in the differentially expressed proteins (Rotini of hatchlings changes into the smooth gliding of adults. The grad-
et al., 2013). For example, the microtubule proteome encompasses ual change in swimming does not correspond only to the trunk
tubulin and a group of proteins associated with tubulin upon limbs increase, but also to energy budget supporting the move-
microtubule formation determining microtubule organization and ment (Williams, 1994b). Davenport and Healy (2006) assessed the
functioning. In post-diapause development (0 and 12 h) cell free relationship between physical parameters (medium salinity, body
extracts of A. franciscana, tubulin assembly was investigated in density, and buoyancy) and swimming in A. franciscana larvae, find-
presence and absence of taxol (Paclitaxel, 10 M) (O’Connell et al., ing that the horizontal swimming speed was unaffected by salinity
2006) evidencing poorly formed microtubules and abundant low and viscosity (i.e. between 8.5–100‰), but the observed differ-
molecular mass proteins (Day et al., 2003). No proteins were ences in vertical swimming rates are solely due to the relatively
present in the absence of taxol. With taxol, ten of the fifty-five constant body density. Venkateswara Rao et al. (2007) studied
proteins identified in A. franciscana proteome appeared at both the covered distance and swimming speed of Artemia nauplii sur-
exposure times (0 and 12 h): all decreased except for one. Fructose vivors after 24 h exposure to 4 pesticides (acephate, chlorpyrifos,
1,6-bisphosphate aldolase, enolase, HSPs and ATP-binding protein monocrotophos and profenofos). A computerized video tracking
are represented in the undeveloped cysts as isoforms differing system (Ethovision, Noldus Information Technology, Wagenin-
in both isoelectric point and molecular mass. In post-diapause gen, The Netherlands) was used for the automation of behavioral
A. franciscana, these proteins were present in reduced amount. experiments. Twenty-five nauplii were placed individually into a
Because only the 40S ribosomal protein S12 increased within the 96 well culture plate and their behavior was recorded. Authors
microtubule proteome during development (12 h) further in vitro observed that the AChE enzyme activity might be inhibited by
analyses are required for physiological verification. pesticides thus acetylcholine accumulated at neuromuscular level
altering the locomotion behavior of organism interrupting the
3.1.3. Teratogenicity test coordination between the nervous and muscular junctions. Larsen
Artemia spp. larval stages growth inhibition can be also consid- et al. (2008) analyzed the effect of temperature-dependent vis-
ered as a teratogen test system based on disturbance of elongation cosity of ambient seawater (20‰) on the swimming velocity of
development (relative to controls raised at the same time and con- brine shrimps using video-microscope recordings at various tem-
ditions) from 24 to 48 h in animals cultured in medium containing a peratures (between 10 ◦ C and 20 ◦ C) and viscosities (between
presumptive teratogen (Olson, 1979; Kerster and Schaeffer, 1983). 1 × 10−6 m2 /s and 1.6 × 10−6 m2 /s) (but keeping a constant tem-
Even though the protocol is not suited to particulates, substances perature of 20 ◦ C). They suggested that modifications in swimming
volatilized from water solution at 25 ◦ C or waters may have very velocity of Artemia were due to changes in kinematic viscosity.
low concentrations of teratogens such as municipal wastewaters or Recently, Garaventa et al. (2010) recorded the swimming speed
receiving waters. Growth length inhibition is calculated consider- alteration of Artemia together with mortality, using a video camera
G. Libralato et al. / Ecological Indicators 69 (2016) 35–49 43
with a macro-objective for recording the larval swimming paths. An international intercalibration exercise focused on Vanhaecke
Larvae were dark-adapted for 2 min before the video start (i.e. and Persoone (1981) protocol assessed its reliability, accuracy and
the experimental time required to reach steady speed and uni- precision considering K2 Cr2 O7 and SDS as reference toxicants for
form spatial distribution) and the images were analyzed using an intra- and inter-laboratory exercises. The study involved 67 labo-
advanced image processing software to reconstruct the individ- ratories (59 laboratories in Europe and 8 in US) (Vanhaecke and
ual paths/tracks. This system provided a suitable tool to detect Persoone, 1984). For SDS, the interlaboratory coefficient of varia-
linear swimming speed of Artemia, since authors obtained a veloc- tion (CV) was 24.82% and 25.25% for European and US laboratories,
ity (3.05 mm/s) in accordance with other studies using the same in this order. Considering K2 Cr2 O7 as reference toxicant, the CV was
organism. Alterations in swimming speed were detected for vari- 34.89 and 18.49% for European and US, respectively (Vanhaecke
ous compounds (Zn pyrithione, Macrotrol® MT-200, and eserine) et al., 1981; Vanhaecke and Persoone, 1984). Results evidenced
<0.1–5% of their LC50 values. Gambardella et al. (2014) used the that the toxicity test was carried out with little difficulties showing
same system investigating the toxicity of metal oxide nanoparti- satisfactory and reliable results. Persoone and Castritsi-Catharios
cles (MO-NPs) to A. salina, using swimming speed, and enzymatic (1989a,b) used the approach of the Artemia Reference Center (ARC)
activity alterations, and mortality as endpoints thus including (University of Gent, Belgium) test to set a standard protocol for
continuous or periodic observation of single animals in a non- routine toxicity testing of antifouling and other potentially haz-
endpoint perspective. Although no mortality was found, MO-NPs ardous paints. The effectiveness of this technique was assessed by
decreased larvae swimming speed and biochemical responses, evi- further studies (Castritsi-Catharios et al., 2007, 2013, 2014). This
dencing the sensitivity of non-lethal endpoints. Alyuruk et al. protocol was engineered in a toxkit called Artoxkit (MicroBioTests
(2013) proposed another video-tracking method assessing whether Inc., Mariakerke (Gent), Belgium) (Artoxkit, 2014) including a batch
monitored Artemia are dead or alive observing colors/textures of of dormant eggs (cysts) of A. franciscana to generate “on demand”
nauplii. Authors exposed A. salina nauplii at various concentrations larvae eliminating the need for continuous culturing. In 1989,
between 7 and 100 mg/L of K2 Cr2 O7 and p-coumaric acid. Consid- international intercalibration exercises involving 129 laboratories
ering results by microscopy observation, the proposed algorithm between Europe, USA and Canada investigated the reliability of
tracks and counts were robust relative to the number of motile Artoxkit on CuSO4 as reference toxicant. Results were encourag-
nauplii. This kind of automated analysis was also able to provide ing with only few participants reporting problems. The precision
additional quantitative data such as curvature of paths, number of was not striking with a CV equal to 50% in Europe and USA, and
stops and immobile time. Manfra et al. (2016) compared the swim- 33% in Canada. Criticisms raised about the inexperience of some
ming speed alteration to hatching and mortality exposing Artemia participants and the instability of CuSO4 in seawater determining
to CuSO4 , SDS and DEG. The system for measuring the swimming a decrease in toxicity over the course of few days and creating
speed proposed by Garaventa et al. (2010) showed that swimming some misunderstanding about moribund and really dead nauplii
speed was more sensitive than mortality, with sensitivity similar (Persoone et al., 1993). Many authors used the Artoxkit since its
and sometimes higher than cysts’ hatchability. commercialization (>180 results in Google Scholar searching for
Recently, Huang et al. (2015) proposed a proof-of-concept “Artoxkit” 18th Jan 2016) like Koutsaftis and Aoyama (2007).
lab-on-chip platform capable of performing fully programmable Solis et al. (1993) suggested a modification of the acute toxi-
time-lapse and video-microscopy of multiple samples for rapid A. city test developing a new A. salina microplate cytotoxicity assay
franciscana ecotoxicity analysis. This method dynamically detected requiring a small amount of testing sample (0.6 mg) up to 1 mg/mL
sub-lethal behavioral endpoints, such as changes in speed of move- in artificial sea water. The use of 96-well microplates in 100 L sea
ment or distance travelled by each animal, observing how they water enabled testing a large number of samples.
changed compared to the negative control exposure after 24 h A detailed procedure to perform acute test with Artemia
contact time. Nevertheless these endpoints present promising per- spp. was reported by Guzzella (1997) and APAT and IRSA-
spectives compared to Artoxkit (2014), further research activity is CNR (2003) using nauplii at II–III Instar stage. They reported
strongly required to identify clear contaminant-response relation- the outcome of an interlaboratory study (acute 24 h mortal-
ships. ity) between five Italian laboratories investigating SDS, K2 Cr2 O7
and CuSO4 as reference toxicants. Toxicity tests were car-
3.1.5. Acute mortality test ried out using as dilution water both ASPM artificial seawater
Data about Artemia spp. short-term acute immobiliza- (NaCl = 26.4 g, KCl = 0.84 g, CaCl2 ·H2 O = 1.67 g, MgCl·H2 O = 4.6 g,
tion/mortality test are summarized in Table 2. The Artemia MgSO4 ·7H2 O = 5.58 g, NaHCO3 = 0.17 g and H3 BO3 = 0.03 g in 1 L of
suitability for acute toxicity studies is well documented in the sci- ultrapure water) and Instant Ocean. The CV was between 28% and
entific literature over the past 80 years (Boone and Baas-Becking, 52% using ASPM and between 21% and 64% using Instant Ocean,
1931). The first general method for conducting toxicity tests suggesting that ASPM is more suitable than Instant Ocean.
with Artemia spp. can be attributed to Michael et al. (1956). This Between 2006–2009, the 24 h mortality test with A. franciscana
paper stimulated further research about the test development was intercalibrated together hatching assay (Manfra et al., 2015b).
and definition of more detailed testing procedures. In 1975, this Three inter-comparison results constituted the dataset for calcu-
extensive research led to the creation of the Artemia Reference lating the 24 h LC50 mean and the repeatability/reproducibility
Center (ARC-test) at Ghent University (Belgium) and the release coefficients on CuSO4 . The CV value and the r and R values indicated
of the first short-term toxicity protocol (i.e. mortality) with brine acceptable inter-laboratory test-reliability similar to ISO (1996).
shrimp larvae (Vanhaecke et al., 1981; Vanhaecke and Persoone, Guzzella (1997) and APAT and IRSA-CNR (2003) methods were used
1981; Vanhaecke and Persoone, 1984). The bioassay is carried out for cysts hatching. Larvae transfer from cyst hatching Petri dish to
in static conditions for 24 h at 25 ± 1 ◦ C in darkness in covered test chambers was operated minimizing as much as possible the
glass Petri dishes (60 × 12 mm). A homogeneous population of dilution of test medium. Mortality was defined operationally as
Instar II–III nauplii hatched from cysts (100 mg) was exposed to total absence of movement (i.e. swimming activity or movement
SDS as reference toxicant. If the test meets the quality criteria it is of appendices) after mechanical stimulation (i.e. touching the lar-
considered as valid: negative controls ≤10%, and 13.3 mg/L < LC50 vae with the tip of a glass Pasteur pipette) for approximately 10 s
(SDS) < 19.9 mg/L, dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration after of observation.
24 h > 2 mg/L in the lowest concentration with 100% mortality of
larvae (Vanhaecke and Persoone, 1981).
Table 3
Artemia spp. long-term toxicity tests.
References Test Toxicant Concentrations
Exposure Cysts Endpoint T (◦ C) Salinity pH Test light Aeration Dilution Food Organisms Replicates Test Test QC Reference NOEC/LOEC/LC50 /EC50
(mg/L) (h) (mg) (‰) (lx) medium (cell/mL) per vessel mL Toxicant
chamber (mL)
Browne and n.a. Salinity n.a. 21 n.a. n.a. 15-24-30 60-120- n.a. Fluorescent no ASW Yeast, and 5/jar 10 jars 100 n.a. n.a. NOEC = 8
Wanigasekera 180 light (renewal Dunaliella (M); (parental SU)
(2000) every 3 d sp. 250 NOEC = 56
(M) d 7 d (R) (parental G)
(R) NOEC = 56
(parental R)
NOEC = 56 (F1
SU) NOEC = 56
(F1 G)
Cunningham n.a. Dimilin 0-0.001- 21-28 n.a. R 25 ± 2 25 8.2 n.a. n.a. ASW Daily 15 5 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
(1976) 0.002- renewal
Nováková n.a. CdCl2 , Cd: 5-10- 10 n.a. M 20 ± 1 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. NSW Glucose 10 n.a. polystyrene 10 n.a. n.a. Synergistic or
et al. ZnSO4 15-25-50- Petri antagonistic
Gebhardt n.a. Cd, Cu, Hg Cd: 0-1.0- 25 n.a. G 27 ± 2 150-320 n.a. 16 h fluo- n.a. NSW D. viridis 5 n.a. 300 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
(1976) 3.3-33.0; (length), rescent (renewal (40–50
Cu: 0-0.3- R (time light every 3 d) cells/mm3 )
0.03- (d) until every 3 d
0.003; nauplii
Hg: produc-
0-0.001- tion)
Manfra et al. semi-S SDS 1.56- 14 n.a. M 25 ± 2 35 ± 2 n.a. 900 ± 100 n.a. ASW* D. 10 3 100 50 CM ≤ 20% SDS LC50 = 8.0 ± 5
(2012) 3.12- and 14 h tertiolecta
6.25- light (1 × 105
12.5-25 cells/mL)*
Manfra et al. semi-S DEG 12500- 14 n.a. M 25 ± 2 35 ± 2 n.a. 900 ± 100 n.a. ASW* D. 10 3 100 50 CM ≤15% n.a. NOEC(14
(2015a) 25000- with 14 h tertiolecta d) = 25000
50000- light (1 × 105
100000- cells/mL)*
Manfra et al. semi-S SDS 1.6-3.1- 14 n.a. M 25 ± 2 35 ± 2 n.a. 900 ± 100 n.a. ASW* D. 10 3 100 50 CM ≤15% K2 Cr2 O7 EC50 (14
(2015a,b) 6.2-12.5- with 14 h tertiolecta d) = 8.03 ± 1.11
25.0 light (1 × 105 (n = 5); EC50 (14
cells/mL)* d) = 8.50 ± 3.34
(n = 24)
Savorelli semi-S Dispersant 3.12- 7-14 n.a. M, G 25 ± 1 35 ± 1 n.a. 900 ± 100 n.a. ASW* D. 10 3 100 50 CM ≤ 20% SDS NOEC(7
et al. 6.25- (carapace with 14 h tertiolecta d) = 6.25 (M,
(2007) 12.5-25 length) light (1 × 105 G); NOEC(14
cells/mL)* d) = 6.25 (M
and G, A.
ica); NOEC(14
d) = 3.12 (M, A.
NOEC(7 d)
dispersant = 5
(M, A.
ASW = artificial seawater; CM = negative control mortality; DEG = diethylene glycol; EC50 = effect concentration for 50% population; G = growth; LC50 = lethal concentration for 50% population; LOEC = lowest observed effect
concentrations; M = Mortality; n.a. = not available; NOEC = no observed effect concentrations; NSW = natural seawater; R = reproduction; S = static; SU = survival; SDS = sodium dodecyl sulphate; * = renewal after 2-5-7-9-12 d.
G. Libralato et al. / Ecological Indicators 69 (2016) 35–49 45
3.2. Long-term toxicity testing d, brine shrimp sexually matured and began pairing for mating.
At this time, a random subsample from each test concentration
Data about Artemia spp. long-term immobilization/mortality was collected and weighed (dry weight). Six adult pairs for each
test are summarized in Table 3. Most efforts in developing toxi- test concentration were then monitored for reproduction up to
city tests with Artemia spp. have been focused on acute endpoints day 28 when surviving shrimps were measured for dry weight.
during the last 40 years (Sorgeloos et al., 1978; Vanhaecke et al., Adult survival was the most sensitive endpoint, with growth and
1980, 1981; Persoone and Castritsi-Catharios, 1989a,b) and thus reproduction slightly less sensitive than survival. The no observed
few (and still not internationally standardized) chronic protocols effect concentration (NOEC) for survival was 8 mg/L, and the lowest
exist. observed effect concentration (LOEC) was 15 mg/L of dissolved As.
Gebhardt (1976) evaluated the chronic effects of Cd, Cu, and Growth and reproduction LOEC values were >56 mg/L that is the
Hg on A. salina growth and reproduction using a static renewal highest concentration tested. After the parental generation expo-
test with medium and food replacement every 3 days. Natural sure to As, the F1 generation acclimated to As thus presenting a
seawater from the Great Salt Lake (Utah, USA) was used as test- significant lower sensitivity than the parental generation.
ing medium, and brine shrimp were fed with Dunaliella viridis. Brix et al. (2004) investigated the use of Artemia for the deriva-
Adults were investigated for immobilization, newly hatched nau- tion of a chronic site-specific water quality standard for Se in the
plii for growth and reproduction inhibition and eggs for hatching Great Salt Lake (Utah, USA). The method previously described in
experiments. Cu and Hg did not affect growth and reproduction Brix et al. (2003) was applied to A. franciscana exposed to differ-
at concentrations below acute mortality. Mating occurred both in ent Se nominal concentrations (0, 3.8, 7.5, 15, 30, 60 mg/L). Growth
negative controls, and Cu and Hg spiked media when brine shrimps of the parental generation on day 11 and reproduction on day 21
were approximately 15 days old. The maximum length reached were the two most sensitive endpoints for Artemia with respect to
was of about 8 mm. Only Cd between 1.0 and 33 mg/L significantly the other species evaluated (i.e. brine fly and hypersaline algae).
inhibited growth and reproduction rate. Cd delayed mating of about Brine shrimp was the Great Salt Lake’s most sensitive species res-
two days compared to the controls. No mating occurred at 33 mg/L ident, and the direct effects of Se on resident biota were not the
of Cd, and no nauplii were produced during the experiment at this critical exposure pathways in deriving a site-specific water quality
concentration. discharge limit for the Great Salt Lake.
Cunningham (1976) investigated the effects of Dimilin (TH Savorelli et al. (2007) evaluated the conditions for 7–14 d bioas-
6040) on various brine shrimp life stages considering a static say with the brine shrimp Artemia, using A. franciscana and A.
renewal test. Artemia cultures consumed algae present in the jars parthenogenetica. Exposures to SDS and oil dispersant were car-
and were supplemented with a few drops of yeast suspension ried investigating somatic growth (i.e. carapace length from the
daily. Brine shrimp reproduction was evaluated exposing pairs of top front of the head up to the caudal furca) and mortality. Algal
organisms and monitoring the subsequent number of produced food and toxicant were renewed three times a week. Test chambers
nauplii. After 21 days, adult survivorship in the negative control were incubated at 25 ± 1 ◦ C, 900 ± 100 lux with a 14:10 h light/dark
was approximately 90% and declined to 70% after 28 days. After 40 photoperiod. Savorelli et al. (2007) proposed the use of II–III instar
days, survival dropped below 50% and all shrimps were dead after stage nauplii, Instant Ocean® salt mixture, and D. tertiolecta as food
80 days. source for the 14 d toxicity test (sensitivity increases between 7 d
Browne and Wanigasekera (2000) measured reproductive and 14 d) including a negative control success ≥80%. Mortality was
performance and survival at nine temperature–salinity (T–S) com- selected as endpoint for the proposed method being more sensitive
binations (T = 15, 24 and 30 ◦ C, and S = 60, 120 and 180‰) for four than growth for both A. franciscana and A. parthenogenetica.
sexual (A. franciscana, A. salina, Artemia sinica and Artemia persimilis) Manfra et al. (2012) proposed a video presenting on a step-by-
and one parthenogenetic (A. parthenogenetica) species. During sur- step basis the 14 d toxicity test protocol of Savorelli et al. (2007)
vival tests, Artemia was fed with yeast and Dunaliella tertiolecta once including testing materials (cysts, dilution media, algal culture and
a day alternately. The number of dead individuals was counted after toxicant), cyst activation, preparation of testing toxicant (SDS) con-
day 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 14 and 21. At sexual maturity, surviving individu- centrations, preparation of testing media and food renewal. The
als were transferred to jars containing brine and algal culture and video showed how to transfer nauplii (n = 10) from Petri dishes
monitored throughout their life cycle recording eleven life-history to test chambers in order to reduce dilution of testing solutions.
traits for each species (i.e. number of reproductive females, female After 14 d, the number of surviving larvae was counted and LC50
pre-reproductive and reproductive periods, life-span for reproduc- calculated considering a threshold average mortality ≤20% and
tive females, offspring per brood, broods per female, offspring per LC50 (SDS) = 8.0 ± 5 mg/L. Manfra et al. (2015a) considered a 14 d
female, offspring per day per female, inter-brood interval, percent- protocol with A. franciscana to investigate the toxicity of DEG as an
age of offspring encysted, and male life-span). All species showed anticorrosive agent frequently used in offshore oil drilling activities.
the highest reproduction rate at 24 ◦ C and at 120‰ salinity for A. Manfra et al. (2016) published the results of the intercalibration
parthenogenetica, A. sinica and A. franciscana, and at 180‰ for A. exercise with SDS considering the 14 d toxicity test. As for the acute
salina and A. persimilis. Only at 24 ◦ C and 120‰ salinity all species mortality test, eleven participating laboratories carried out three
completed their whole life cycle. Results indicated that A. francis- intercomparison assays calculating LC50 values and repeatabil-
cana is both euryhaline and eurythermal reproducing at four T–S ity/reproducibility coefficients. Results complied with ISO (1996).
combinations. A. salina appeared cold-adapted and intolerant to
low salinity (60‰) at any temperature. Reproductive performance
and survival were optimal at 24 ◦ C and 180‰ salinity.
Brix et al. (2003) determined the chronic (28 d) toxicity of 4. Discussion
As (Na3 AsO4 ) to A. franciscana measuring in triplicate the effects
on growth, reproduction, and survival under intermittent flow- After more than five decades of use in ecotoxicology, Artemia
through conditions considering a full life-cycle approach (Stephan spp. demonstrated its ability mainly as pre-screening of toxic
et al., 1985). The study started considering 24 h old nauplii, and agents (Dvorak et al., 2012), thus Artemia spp. endpoints seem to
continued looking at the reproduction of the parental generation. respond to the market need of toxicity testing tools, even though
Cysts were hatched in Great Salt Lake (Utah, USA) seawater (27 ◦ C no internationally standardised toxicity testing protocols currently
and 28 g/L of salts) that was used also as dilution water. After 11 exist according to OECD and ISO.
46 G. Libralato et al. / Ecological Indicators 69 (2016) 35–49
Day, R.M., Gupta, J.S., MacRae, T.H., 2003. A small heat shock/␣-crystallin protein Léger, P., Bengston, D.A., Simpson, K.L., Sorgeloos, P., 1986. The use and nutritional
from encysted Artemia embryos suppresses tubulin denaturation. Cell Stress value of Artemia as a food source. In: Barnes, H., Barnes, M. (Eds.),
Chaperones 8, 183–193. Oceanography and Marine Biology. An Annual Review. Aberdeen University
Delinger, L., 2002. Regulation of diapauses. Annu. Rev. Entomol. 47, 93–122. Press, Aberdeen.
Dvorak, P., Benova, K., Vitek, J., 2012. Alternative biotest on Artemia franciscana. Leis, M., Manfra, L., Taddia, L., Chicca, M., Trentini, P., Savorelli, F., 2014. A
Chapter 3 p. 51–74. In: Begum, Ghousia (Ed.), Ecotoxicology. InTech, Rijeka, comparative toxicity study between an autochthonous Artemia and a non
Croatia, p. 146. native invasive species. Ecotoxicology 23 (6), 1143–1145.
Espiritu, E.Q., Janssen, C.R., Persoone, G., 1995. Cyst-based toxicity tests VII: Libralato, G., 2014. The case of Artemia spp. in nanoecotoxicology. Mar. Environ.
evaluation of the 1 h enzymatic inhibition test (Fluotox) with Artemia nauplii. Res. 101, 38–43.
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